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Psychological training for schoolchildren: “A cultured person in a conflict situation. Training games for self-realization of junior schoolchildren

Goal: Conducting training as a means for participants to obtain new information, develop the ability to understand and predict relationships, feelings and states of a person in certain situations.

Objectives: 1. Develop abilities in establishing and maintaining psychological contact in communication.

2. Develop the ability to understand others.

3. Create conditions for relieving intrapersonal conflicts and tensions.

4. Develop skills for constructive conflict resolution in communication and situation analysis.

5. Carry out diagnostics based on personal experience participants, highlighting a number of characterological features of aggressive children, which indicate internal contradictions, problem areas and internal conflicts.

6.Create conditions for participants to reflect on the processing of test results and the relationship between aggressive children and the types of classification of behavioral disorders.

Aphorisms are written on the board: (5 min)

Discussion of aphorisms.

1.Only then will you become a person when you learn to see a person in another.

Radishchev A.N.

2. Rude and harsh treatment closes all doors and everything in front of us

Smiles Samuel

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

4. Respect for others gives reason to respect yourself.

Rene Descartes

Game "Towards the Sun"

Participants stand up and join hands; they must raise their hands up, clasp them tightly and reach for the sun. Eyes closed, in the silence you need to hear the beating of someone else's heart

Exercise “Listen - return.”

Participants, making eye contact, form pairs (partner and partner B). The partner tells everything that he would like to tell about himself at this moment (2 min.). Partner B listens and, at the end of the allotted time, retells everything he heard, saying: “I heard that you.”. 2 minutes are also allotted for “returning” the information to the partner. Next, the partners change roles (partner B tells partner A, and partner A retells the information he heard to partner B).

First, give children the opportunity to think about the questions:

My classmates - what are they like?

What am I?

How can we live together?

Is it good or bad that we are all so different?

Secondly, accept the basic rules for a comfortable life for yourself and others in the classroom and at school.

I love - I don’t love

Everyone sitting in a circle reports what they like most and what they dislike most.

The discussion comes down to finding out what the majority of participants like. Some people like what others don't like. The presenter asks questions like: “Is it possible to say that if you like ice cream, then it’s good and right, and if you don’t like it, then it’s bad?”

(Fifth graders often repeat the statements of previous participants. In such cases, you need to draw their attention to this and ask them to think more and answer in their own way.)

Twin aliens

To carry out this exercise, children are “dressed up” in white sheets so that neither clothes nor shoes are visible. It is specifically stipulated that all sheets must be exclusively white. A mask made from a sheet of Whatman paper is put on the face. Everyone must have the same masks: with slits for the eyes and nose.

After all the preparations, the children sit in a circle, the presenters straighten the participants’ costumes. The children are asked to imagine that they have become residents of another planet for a while. All its representatives are similar to each other, like twins.

Then, in complete silence, the children take turns getting up from their seats and, from a position where the entire circle of participants can be clearly seen, examine the “inhabitants of the planet” for some time. The presenter asks the children to remember the feeling they experience at this moment.

Then the presenter informs the participants that the inhabitants of the planet of twins not only have the same appearance, they also think and speak the same. It is proposed to say the same phrase to everyone in a circle with the same intonation: “Friendship begins with a smile.”

After this, the guys take off their costumes as inhabitants of another planet, become themselves and express in a circle the associations that they have with the word “friendship.”

During the discussion, students share the feelings they experienced when they looked at the inhabitants of another planet. Children most often feel scared, creepy, bored, cold, and uninteresting. Only one child from all classes participating in the training said that he was very interested, he even wanted to stay on this planet in order to study “how can they live like this?”

Children come to the conclusion that it is unpleasant to be among the same people.

After the discussion, the presenter asks the guys a provocative question: “Does it happen in our lives that we do not accept those who are not like us, who do something differently than we imagine?” Children remember quarrels with friends and girlfriends, situations that arise every now and then school life(teased because unusual name, clothes, answer, etc.).

After this exercise, the training breaks for lunch and rest. In our case, children have the opportunity to play outside.


The training participants are divided into three teams and build various obstacles. Their parents actively help them with this. Jump ropes, hoops, tables, low stools, etc. are used to construct obstacles.

The team is given the task: to go through all the obstacles without violating the instructions (for example, be sure to step on a stool with both feet and not take your hands off the player in front). Team players are asked to confer for one minute. The team begins the exercise with the first chord of the melody.

Some teams don't use this minute. During the discussion, it becomes clear what it could be used for.

After all teams have completed the exercise, the participants, together with the facilitators, analyze the errors and their causes:

Which team completed the obstacle course the best?

Why did this happen?

Which player in the chain had the most difficult time? Why?

Was there a need for a minute to discuss what it could be used for, which team thought of doing it?


For this exercise, players need to split into groups of three. Each trio needs to create the following structure: the player who ends up in the center must clasp his arms around the waists of the players in his trio standing to his left and right. The extreme players of the trio clasp the central player with one hand, and free hand can perform certain actions.

The essence of the task is for each team to collect as many objects as possible, piled in the middle of the room. We usually use old children's toys, plastic containers, used markers, etc. If the players become separated, the trio is eliminated from the game.

Three players are positioned around the perimeter of the room at an equal distance from objects and begin to move to the music.

After finishing the exercise, the teams count the “trophies”, the leader writes down the results.

The discussion is usually heated. Participants are asked the following questions:

Are you satisfied with your result?

Were you satisfied with yourself, your group and other groups while completing the task together?

How did you feel while completing the task?

Could other teams be unhappy with you? Why do you think?

We begin the discussion with those groups that collected the largest number of toys. As expected, they are satisfied with the result, with themselves, and with their group. The guys from the winning groups have problems with questions regarding the well-being of participants from other groups. Most likely, in their excitement, they did not notice that next to them someone else was performing the same task. In some cases, children enthusiastically tell how cleverly they managed to “cheat” others and, as a result, win.

When it comes to the less successful groups, they talk bitterly about their feelings when the toys they collected were stolen by someone (they did not notice who).

Some groups took their “loot” to another room, but they only managed to make one trip, because upon their return all the items had already been taken apart.

Each group chose its own way to complete the task. For example, there were players who lay down on the floor and scooped up toys with their hands, like a snowplow.

But during the discussion, the participants gradually, through accusations, reproaches and even swearing, come to a conclusion about the most effective way to complete this task, develop rules collaboration.

Basic rules for completing this task:

It is necessary to agree in the group how to stand in the top three (it is better for a shorter player to stand in the center);

You need to determine the place where to put the toys (this place should not be too far from the main pile of items).

The presenter highlights the word “agree” as the key one. You need to agree when living together in any group: in a class, in a family, in a camp, etc.

The basic rules of teamwork formulated by children: do not cheat, do not steal, let someone else do his job.

My portrait in the sun

Children are invited to draw a sun on pieces of paper, the rays of which symbolize those qualities and abilities for which they respect and love themselves. Then the personalized piece of paper with the sun is passed around the circle (if there are more than 15 participants, then the class is divided into 3-4 groups), and each participant emphasizes the rays if he agrees that his friend has such qualities, and adds other rays - qualities that he sees in this person.

In the end, the leaves are returned to the authors, and everyone comments on the changes that have occurred to their sun. Some people have significantly more rays. Some were pleasantly surprised that the quality “cheerful” was emphasized by all classmates. Someone did not expect that everyone in the class would treat him well, etc.

This is us!

The last exercise is the culminating one. Children and parents inflate the balloons that the children brought with them. A drawing with a sun is attached to the balls.

The presenter asks the children, one by one, as they sit in a circle, to come up and give him their ball. First, the leader has only one ball in his hand, then several, and finally all the balls.

The presenter asks the children: “What’s in my hand?” A chorus of voices sounds: “Balloons! We!" The question needs to be repeated. And then it sounds: “This is us! This is our class!

The presenter passes all the balls to the class teacher. The wishes of psychologists and teachers for children are heard. The attention of the participants is drawn to the beauty of the created composition from multi-colored balls.

Children are asked to name the topic of the training. The answers may be different: “they were playing,” “they were getting to know each other,” “they wanted to make friends with us,” but, as a rule, there are several answers that are very close to the name of our training: “I’m not like you, and we are all different.”

Training for “at-risk” students “Positive self-image.”

Goal: developing the ability to find positive things in yourself and others, the ability to talk about your positive attitude towards yourself.

Develop skills of mutual respect;

To form a teenager’s idea of ​​a positive image of “I”;

Promote the development of adequate self-esteem;

Build communication skills without judgment.

Exercise "Waiting"

Goal: to update the attention of participants, to obtain information about what they expect from the lesson. The psychologist gives the teenagers stickers in the form of leaves, on which the students write their expectations, voice them and attach them to the tree.

Warm-up game "Emotions and situations"

Goal: activating participants to work in a group, training skills to control emotions.

Material: ball.

Participants stand in a circle. Leading. Now each participant will name one emotion or feeling and remember what he named. I start: “Joy.” When everyone has named one emotion and remembered it, the presenter continues the exercise.

Leading. And now everyone names some situation and throws the ball to the other participant, inviting them to continue the sentence and name their emotion or feeling. For example: “When I work at work, I feel joy.”

The game ends when each participant has the ball.

Exercise "Reporter"

Goal: developing the ability to evaluate one’s positive traits. One of the group members interviews the other group members, inviting each to say a few words about themselves for a holiday telecast in honor of the successful completion of some important task in which the teenagers took part.


Was it difficult to talk about yourself?

Perhaps you would still like to do a good deed? Why?

Exercise “Bombardment with positive qualities”

Goal: developing the ability to find positive things in yourself and others.

The teenager sits on a chair in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Each group member takes turns approaching him and whispering a few words about his positive traits for which he appreciates and loves him. Each group member receives such a “bombardment” of positive emotions.

Exercise “You will be me, and I will be you”

Goal: developing the ability to develop non-judgmental communication skills.

Two participants “exchange personalities”: each imagines that he is the other: for this he copies his language, gestures, behavior, statements. After they have been communicating in this way for some time (15 minutes), each of the two tells how he felt when he saw his image in the other. Does he think it was similar or funny? What new things did he learn when he saw what he looked like from the outside, etc.? Then the whole group discusses what they saw. Teenagers conclude that the ability to put oneself in another’s place is very important element communication skill. In this exercise, you must strictly adhere to the following rules: “Don’t do anything on purpose that could unpleasantly offend the feelings of the person whose role you are playing.”

Exercise “I am a confident person”

Goal: promoting the ability to form desired character traits, supporting the desire for self-improvement. Participants take turns naming the time of year and form four groups accordingly. Each subgroup receives a rule (and must depict it) for the formation of personality on A4 sheet in free form.

Rule 1

In the morning, make every effort to leave the house at at its best. During the day, try to look in the mirror to make sure you look attractive. Praise yourself before going to bed. You are the best.

Rule 2

Don't focus on your shortcomings. Everyone has them. After all, most people either don’t notice or don’t know that you have them. The less you think about them, the better you feel.

Rule 3

Don't be too critical of others. If you often emphasize the vices of other people, and such criticism has become a habit for you, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will think that your clothes and appearance are the best basis for criticism. This does not add confidence.

Rule 4

Remember that people like listeners best. You don't have to say a lot of witty lines to get attention and affection. Listen carefully to others and they will respect you. Speak mainly on a topic that is pleasant for your interlocutor, take an interest in his affairs and show a sincere interest in his hobbies. After completion of preparation, each subgroup presents its rule. Participants exchange opinions on how these rules are typical for them.

Exercise “Finish the phrase”

Goal: increasing the self-esteem of participants. Participants take turns saying the following:

Today I found out that I...

I was pleased when.

Exercise “Flower of Wishes”

Goal: relaxation.

For this exercise, a flowerpot and a violet bush are used, which are handed over to each training participant in turn. Having handed over the flower, they say wishes: “I wish you.” The psychologist thanks the participants for their sincerity and cooperation.

Exercise “I forgive you”

Goal: developing the ability to forgive insults. Participants stand in a circle, take turns remembering images that someone once painted (if they don’t exist, then they invent them). The leader points to one of the group members and gives him the task: approach any three group members and forgive them the images heard in the group. It is impossible for a participant to forgive grievances expressed by the participant he approached. The next player is the one who was approached by the previous player. The facilitator notes that group members must remember the grievances expressed in the group and forgive, without thinking about whether they concern the group members or not.


How did you feel when you did this exercise?

What was the most difficult?

Exercise “Venerable Chair”

Goal: formation of a positive image of “I”; raising self-esteem.

The psychologist invites the participants to sit in a circle. In the middle there is an empty chair, which is conventionally called “important”. Task: sitting on a chair, portray self-respect, dignity and confidently describe yourself with positive side. The presenter gives all participants the opportunity to sit on a “solid chair”.

Exercise "Power of Breathing"

Goal: teaching children to normalize their psychological state using breathing.

Leading. Sit comfortably and focus on your breathing. When you exhale

air, concentrate on what you want to get rid of. And as you inhale, wish yourself strength, energy, inspiration. The exercise is performed for a minute.

Exercise "Proverbs"

Goal: awareness of one’s actions, development of self-analysis skills.

How do you understand such statements?

A tree is strong with roots, and a person is with friends.

You will pass through the world with a lie, but you will not come back.

The bird is red with its feathers, and the man is red with his knowledge.

Work together - it won't be difficult.

He who has a clear conscience goes to bed peacefully.

The presenter suggests discussing proverbs.

Exercise “Situations”

Goal: developing skills in analyzing a friendly attitude.

Need to find positive words in the proposed situations (children work in pairs, situations are printed on separate cards):

Card 1. A friend is sick;

Card 3. A friend received a bad grade;

Card 4. Someone called;

Card 5. A friend suggested playing a game;

Card 7. You were invited to visit;

Card 9. You cannot fulfill a friend's request;

Card 10. A friend pushed you;

Card 11. You enter the classroom;

Card 12. As a substitute, you want to take part in the game;

Card 13. You met after separation;

Card 14. Your neighbor offended you;

Card 15. You are comforting a friend.

Parable Valley and sand.

The girl, walking along the beach with her mother, asked:

Mom, how should I behave to keep my beloved friends?

Mom thought for a minute, then leaned over and took two handfuls of sand. She raised both hands up and clasped one palm tightly. And the sand ran through her fingers: the more she squeezed her fingers, the sooner the sand spilled out. The second palm was open: all the sand remained on it. The girl looked surprised and then said.


What do you think the girl said?

What should you do to avoid losing friends?

Exercise “We are all different”

Goal: awareness of your individuality and uniqueness.

On the board there is an epigraph: “People are like rivers: the water is the same in everyone and the same everywhere, but every river is sometimes narrow, sometimes fast, sometimes wide, sometimes quiet, sometimes warm” (L. Tolstoy). Leading. Indeed, we are all different. But something special sets us apart from others. What?

Name and write your special unique feature on the flower petal, attaching it to the center of the flower. Now look what we have beautiful flower. He is one, but there are many of us.

Exercise “My Tips”

Goal: to understand what needs to be changed in yourself, to see yourself through the eyes of others.

The presenter gives each participant a sheet of A4 paper and asks them to write their name. Then everyone passes their sheets clockwise, on which everyone takes turns writing a recommendation regarding character flaws.


Are you satisfied with what your friends wrote?

Exercise “You’re doing great anyway”

Goal: to raise the teenager’s self-esteem, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

The presenter invites schoolchildren to unite in groups of two, based on “day” and “night”. One person talks about his shortcoming, and the other replies: “So what, you’re great anyway, because.”


How did the exercise make you feel?


Goal: promoting group cohesion, creating Have a good mood. All participants stand in a circle to create a star with their right hand, and try to transfer the warmth of their hands to each other. Everyone thanks and says goodbye.

Development of communication abilities. Non-verbal communication

Lesson 1

Self-esteem .

2) Rules for working in a group.

Psychologist with children establish certain rules group work that is necessary to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and safe. The rules are written out in advance on a piece of Whatman paper, and after acceptance by the group, they are fixed in a visible place. During all subsequent classes, the group rules are located there and are reminded by the presenters at the beginning of the class.

List of rules:

1. Listen carefully to each other.

2. Do not interrupt the speaker

3. Respect each other's opinions

4. I am a statement

5. Non-judgmental judgments

6. Activity

7. Stop rule

8. Privacy

Each point of the rules is explained by a psychologist.

3) Warm up.

Exercise “Swap places”

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle and says the phrase: “Swap places” those who... (knows how to fry eggs).” At the end, some attribute or skill is called. The task of those who have this skill or trait is to change places. The presenter’s task is to have time to sit in any vacant seat. The one who did not have time to sit down becomes the new driver.

Warm-up, creating conditions for getting to know each other better, understanding how much we have in common, and increasing the participants’ interest in each other.

Dialogue and Mini-lecture.

The psychologist invites each participant to think for a minute and answer the question - What is self-esteem? Anyone can speak out. Then the presenter summarizes and talks about the importance of self-esteem, a person’s psychological comfort and what self-esteem depends on, about feelings, such as boasting, that mask low self-worth, about the desire to be an ideal person and what this can lead to. Then he offers to complete the task.

Main part

Exercise “Good and bad deeds”

Participants are divided into two teams randomly. Each team is given a sheet of Whatman paper, felt-tip pens or markers and A4 paper. The task of one team is to write as many actions as possible that allow a person to respect himself more. Accordingly, another task is to write down as many actions as possible, because of which a person’s self-respect is lost. If desired, each team can support the words with pictures of corresponding actions.

Discussion. Each team presents its own topic. Then there is a general discussion, at the end the psychologist summarizes everything that has been said. It is very important to pay attention to the fact that everyone has a choice between certain actions, but every time we choose one or another behavior, we gain or lose self-respect.

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Children's awareness of the connection between actions and self-esteem. Isolating the very concept of self-respect and discovering its connection with mutual respect. And this necessary condition full communication, without which the development of cohesion is impossible.


Exercise “Thank you!”

Psychological meaning of the exercise

Lesson 2

"Beautiful garden"

Warm up.

Exercise “Say hello”

The psychologist invites everyone to shake hands, but in a special way. You need to greet two participants with both hands at the same time, and you can only let go of one hand when you find someone who is also ready to say hello, i.e., your hands should not remain idle for more than a second. The task is to say hello to all group members in this way. There should be no talking during the game.

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Warm up. Establishing contact between participants. A handshake is a symbolic gesture of openness and goodwill. It is important that eye contact occurs - this contributes to intimacy and positive indoor installation. The fact that the action occurs without words increases the concentration of group members and gives the action the charm of novelty.

Main part

Exercise “Beautiful Garden”

Participants sit in a circle. The psychologist suggests sitting quietly, you can close your eyes, and imagine yourself as a flower. What would you be like? What leaves, stem, and maybe thorns? High or low? Bright or not very bright? Now, after everyone has presented this, draw your flower. Everyone is given paper, markers, and crayons. Next, participants are invited to cut out their own flower. Then everyone sits in a circle. The presenter spreads a cloth of any fabric, preferably plain, inside the circle, and distributes a pin to each participant. The fabric is declared to be a garden clearing that needs to be planted with flowers. All participants take turns coming out and attaching their flower.

Discussion. You are invited to admire the " beautiful garden”, capture this picture in your memory so that it shares its positive energy. Notice that although there were many flowers, there was enough space for everyone, everyone took only their own, the one they chose. See what different, different flowers yours is surrounded by. But there is also something in common - some have the color, others the size or shape of the leaves. And all flowers, without exception, need sun and attention.

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Art therapy itself is a very powerful tool that is used for psychological correction and serves to explore feelings, develop interpersonal skills and relationships, strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence. In this case, the exercise allows you to understand and feel yourself, be yourself, express your thoughts and feelings freely, and also understand the uniqueness of everyone, see the place you occupy in the diversity of this world and feel part of it beautiful world.


Exercise “Thank you!”

Participants stand in a circle, and the leader invites everyone to mentally put on left hand everything he came with today, his baggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and right hand- something new I learned in this lesson. Then, everyone clapping their hands hard at the same time and shouting - YES! or THANK YOU!

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Final ritual. Allows you to reflect on the content and result of the last lesson, as well as end it beautifully on a positive emotional note.

Lesson 3

Development of communication abilities.

Non-verbal communication

Warm up.

Exercise “Let’s line up”

The psychologist suggests playing a game where the main condition is that the task is completed silently. You cannot talk or correspond during this time; you can only communicate using facial expressions and gestures. “Let's see if you can understand each other without words?” In the first part of the exercise, participants are given the task to line up by height, in the second part the task becomes more complicated - they need to line up by date of birth. In the second option, at the end of the construction, the participants take turns announcing their birthdays, while checking the correctness of the exercise.

Warm up. Demonstration of the possibility of adequate exchange of information without the use of words, development of expression and non-verbal communication skills. Unusual conditions, in which the participants find themselves, includes interest, forces them to find ways to convey their thoughts more accurately to another person, to contact each other in order to achieve a common goal.


Awareness of nonverbal body language. Children are explained that often facial expressions, posture, gestures, physiological reactions, the manner of sitting, standing, and walking involuntarily express their internal state, and that nonverbal manifestations are the most important components of the communication process. Awareness of one’s own physical “I” helps to better understand oneself - to identify the internal state and feelings, and it is easier to express some emotions in physical action.

The following explains what congruent communication is. Congruence, which implies the coincidence of internal experiences, their awareness and forms of expression (sensations + touch + message), determines the reliability of communication, its clarity and implementation without protective mechanisms and barriers. Congruence is a precondition for positive and productive interactions.

To gain insight into incongruent communication, participants are asked to look for inconsistencies (differences) by acting out scenes: for example, saying the words “I want to help”, “I love you” with a frowning face and clenched fists (inconsistency between verbal expression and “body language”). It is then explained that incongruence can be conscious or not. For example, a person at a party was bored all evening, but at parting, smiling, he says to the hostess: “What a pleasure it was to spend the evening with you...” He deliberately says not what he feels, not wanting to offend the hostess. Another example is when a person, unaware of his own anger and aggressive tendencies, speaks politely, but his posture and tense facial expressions do not correspond to his words. In this case, the incongruity is unconscious.

Main part

Exercise “Drawing on the back”

Participants are randomly divided into three teams and lined up in three columns in parallel. Each participant looks at the back of his comrade. The exercise is performed without words. The presenter draws some simple picture and hides it. Then the same picture is drawn with a finger on the back of each last team member. The task is to feel and convey this drawing as accurately as possible further. At the end, those standing first in the teams draw what they felt on sheets of paper and show it to everyone. The presenter takes out his picture and compares it. Participants are invited to discuss in teams the errors and discoveries that were made during the exercise. Draw conclusions, then, taking these conclusions into account, repeat the exercise. In this case, the first and last team members change places.

Discussion. Discussion in a general circle. What helped you understand and convey sensations? How did the first and last team members feel in the first and second cases? What prevented you from doing the exercise?

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Development of communication skills, responsibility, cohesion within the team. Realize how important it is to tune in to understanding another person, as well as the very desire to understand another. Demonstration of the possibility of adequate exchange of information without the use of words, development of non-verbal communication skills


Exercise “Thank you!”

Lesson 4

Team building

At the beginning of the lesson, a line is held, everyone tells what mood they came in and what they expect from the lesson.

Warm up.

Find and Touch Exercise

The presenter suggests moving around the room and touching different objects and things with your hands. For example, find and touch something cold, rough, something that is about 10 cm long, something that weighs half a kilogram, a briefcase.

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Warm-up exercise. Develops sensitivity to others, but at the same time activates both observant and analytic skills. Participants communicate with each other, paying attention to different aspects of reality.

Main part

Exercise "Puzzles"

The group is randomly divided into teams of 5 people and each team member is given a puzzle. (The presenter cuts a sheet of paper with some bright large picture into pieces in advance and thus creates puzzles for this exercise). The team's task is to collect the picture as quickly as possible.

Discussion. Discussion in a general circle. Each team tells what helped or, conversely, hindered the completion of the task.

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Development of communication skills, cohesion within a team, the ability to coordinate one’s actions with others, and solve assigned tasks

Exercise "Bumps"

Each participant is given a piece of A4 paper. Everyone gathers at one end of the room and the psychologist explains that there is a swamp ahead, the leaves are hummocks, all the participants are frogs, and the leaders are crocodiles. The group's task is to get to the opposite end of the room without losing a single frog. You can only step on bumps. Crocodiles can drown (take away) unattended hummocks. You can only step on bumps. If the frog stumbled, or not all the frogs were able to get to the other side because there were no hummocks left, then the crocodiles won, and the game starts over.

Discussion. Discussion in a general circle. Participants tell what helped or, conversely, hindered the completion of the task. What did those frogs who walked first feel, and what did those who closed the chain feel?

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Development of communication skills and cohesion among group members. Awareness of the importance of these qualities for efficient work groups. Develops the ability to make concessions, cooperate and act together.


Exercise "Balls"

Participants, united in threes, receive a task: first, inflate 3 balloons as quickly as possible, and then make them burst by holding them between their bodies. At the same time, you should not step on them, use any sharp objects, nails, or parts of clothing.

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Unity, breaking down spatial barriers between participants.

Discussion. A short exchange of impressions is enough.

Lesson 5

Collage on the theme “Friendship”

At the beginning of the lesson, sharing is carried out, everyone tells what mood he came to class with, and whether anything has changed in his relationships with classmates and the overall atmosphere in the class after our classes.


Exercise "Tram"

Everyone sits in a circle. One chair is free. The one with the free chair on the right starts. He must move to an empty chair and say: “And I’m going.” The next participant, who has an empty chair on the right, moves and says: “Me too.” The third participant says: “And I’m a hare,” and the fourth says: “And I’m with... (says the name of any participant).” The one whose name was called hurries to sit on an empty chair, and everything is repeated from the beginning by analogy.

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Warm-up exercise. Develops contact between team members, cohesion, and trust.

Main part

Collage "Friendship"

The group is randomly divided into teams of 5 people and each team is given a piece of whatman paper. A pack of magazines, brochures, and postcards suitable for the topic is also given out. The presenter announces the topic of the lesson and explains what is meant by collage.

Discussion. After the teams have completed their collage, each team presents it to everyone else. The presenter praises each team, sums it up and suggests combining all the work to create an overall picture of class friendship and become a kind of class mascot.

Psychological meaning of the exercise. Expressing feelings, expanding the idea of ​​oneself and others as talented, unique individuals, establishing closer emotional contact, developing cohesion, the ability to coordinate one’s actions with other team members, as well as comprehending and consolidating the experience gained during the training process.

R flexion training

Analysis and evaluation of training effectiveness




At the very first lessons, the general disunity in the groups and difficulties in communication and mutual understanding were fully manifested. In each class where classes were held, children were identified who were not accepted by the main group, groups that were in conflict with each other or united against one member of the class. Therefore, of course, this training was timely and relevant and became a great help for teachers. Changes did not occur immediately, sometimes during classes, it seemed to me that I was hitting a wall, that “our” children did not have a drop of sympathy and desire to understand and support their classmate. There were a lot of tears, insults, and mutual accusations. We experienced all this together and learned a lot together. The training itself is also a test and learning experience for trainers. During the training process, you sometimes have to face your own internal conflicts. But, since the situation in the group required instant decision-making, we had to solve our own problems quickly. Many thanks to the training participants who were able to create conditions for my personal growth. To assess the effectiveness of the training, the principle of self-diagnosis was used - this is sharing in the last lesson plus an analysis of the questionnaire offered to participants after completion of the training. Also used Feedback with class teachers. According to their feedback, this training undoubtedly had a positive impact on students, a positive trend appeared in the development of student relationships in cool teams, interest and goodwill appeared in the relationship. If we evaluate the training from the position of the leader, then, of course, the relationships between the children and the general psychological climate in the groups have changed in better side. Children began to have more contact with each other, including girls and boys, which was not noted at the beginning of classes, they learned to empathize and support each other, become more aware and express their feelings, find ways out of conflicts, and also gained positive experience of cooperation to solve problems. tasks. I would like to note that the greatest effect from the classes was noticeable in the group where initially there were somewhat fewer problems in the area of ​​communication and conflicts did not manifest themselves as clearly as compared to the other group. At the same time, in the second group, interest in continuing classes and communicating together was higher. The most important assessment of the training was the assessment of the children when they shared their impressions and positive changes in their relationships with classmates.

Teacher-psychologist____________________ N. Goryainova

“_____” _______________ 2009 – 2010 academic year

Training is a group form of gaining new knowledge and experience.

Depending on the sphere of influence, trainings are divided into behavioral and personal. Behavioral ones, as a rule, consolidate the application of new knowledge, and personal ones develop the experience of thinking and the value sphere (lead to knowledge).

Depending on the style of conducting, trainings are divided into:

  1. skillful (practicing only a behavioral skill, “in such a situation this is the only way to do it”);
  2. training (working out a reasonable skill, “in such a situation you need to do this because...”);
  3. active learning (the participant himself receives the conclusion and new knowledge with the help of the facilitator, “based on the exercise performed, what should be done in such a situation? and why?”);
  4. self-disclosing (the behavior of the participant changes through a change in attitude towards the issue; the leader introduces group norms and only monitors their compliance, answering questions that arise).

In our center

When working with teenagers, we practice management styles

  • actively educational (for example, “Psychological Theater” or “Clouds of Knowledge”), developing, activating thinking. Participants come to techniques, models and knowledge themselves (the facilitator is a moderator of the process and a participant).
  • training (“Freedom of communication”, “Attention is power”, etc.), giving new knowledge, psychological techniques, interaction models (the presenter is a trainer who trains and controls the participants).

Although some courses are the product of a synthesis of these two types - “Logic” and “Time Management”.

Mostly group classes are held for high school students. We conduct individual trainings with parents and adult participants. And free seminars on the “Service+” program are held for parents of teenagers

Based on the number of participants, trainings are:

    individual - developed after consultation with a psychologist, who determines the direction and scope of development of the future participant;

  • group - held on an already developed topic for a group of participants.

Employees of our Center talk about the trainings

Kovyazin Victor - head of the department of educational and development programs,
Elizaveta Selyunina is a psychologist and methodologist in the department of educational and development programs.

Based on the test results and during a conversation with a consultant psychologist, it becomes clear strengths teenager, problem areas that need to be addressed are identified. For some children, work with the Center’s psychologists continues during the training.

Types of trainings conducted as part of career guidance work

The trainings developed in our Center are training and development programs using elements of personal growth.
Classes are held in a playful way, in the form of dialogues, discussions, and observation of the behavior of other group members.
Our Center offers a series of trainings to help teenagers develop their abilities and skills necessary for study and future work.
Let's take a closer look at the three main areas of development and related training programs.

Abilities (test block "Abilities")
Recommended trainings: “Attention is power”, “Freedom of communication”, “Passing the exam”, “Time management”, “Logic”.
Change your abilities adolescence It’s not easy, the main difficulty is related to the loss of motivation to study.
The development of abilities can give results of two types: direct and indirect.
The direct result is expressed in a direct change in ability. This is achieved through constant training over a long period of time, while developing intellectual skills as a whole. For example, reading develops lexical skills and erudition, and solving problems in mathematics develops mental arithmetic skills and logic. School classes in this case are excellent training.
The indirect result is expressed in the acquisition of new knowledge about the ability and its use. This is achieved by studying techniques and methods that help to use a particular ability, while developing a skill permanent use specific techniques and methods. For example, public speaking helps develop vocabulary skills (through the desire to use them), and working without a calculator helps develop mental arithmetic and logic skills.
Specialized thematic trainings often imply an indirect result and serve to study and reinforce behavioral techniques.
An example of such training is the attention skills development program “Attention is Power,” which will help participants:

  • see the strengths and weaknesses of your attention;
  • master methods of concentration;
  • learn to distribute and switch attention in critical situations;
  • see standard school situations in a new way;
  • predict when a person needs distraction;
  • receive funds independent work, developed on the basis of the cultural-historical approach in psychology.

During the training process, the teenager develops attention switching.

Participation in the “Freedom of Communication” training will help schoolchildren:

  • unleash your potential in the field of communication;
  • learn how to quickly adapt to a new company;
  • acquire effective and relaxed communication skills;
  • gain positive experience in overcoming some communication barriers;
  • learn to use your communicative potential.

This is skills training for those who are highly active and interested in communication, who want to work with people.
The duration is 2 lessons of 3.5 hours.
Frequency of classes - 1 time per week. The recommended age of participants is from 13 years.

At the “Passing the Exam” training, teenagers will be able to:

  • practice confident behavior when passing exams, tests, tests, when answering at the board;
  • study the types of examiners and tactics of behavior with them;
  • learn to perform relaxation exercises for instant relaxation (for those who are very worried);
  • master methods of effective behavior.

The duration of the training is 1 lesson, which lasts 8 hours. The recommended age of participants is from 14 years.

The Time Management training provides knowledge and skills for self-organization.
High school students will learn:

  • plan your time more effectively,
  • evaluate your activities and time prospects,
  • will master techniques for setting and achieving goals.

This training is both a skills program and a personal growth program.
This is a training for those who are desperately short of time, who want to become more organized, and who plan to work in the field of business communications.
The training consists of 2 classes, each of which lasts 8 hours. The frequency of classes is once a week. The recommended age of participants is from 14 years.
The Logic program develops abilities such as attention (observation) and abstract logic. Participants acquire useful skills: observation, drawing conclusions, proof, identifying deception, and teamwork. High school students also receive and learn to apply knowledge about basic formal logical laws, inferences, and the construction of definitions.
The duration of the training is 9 lessons of 3 hours.
Frequency of classes - 1 time per week. The recommended age of participants is from 15 years.
Area of ​​interest (test block "Interests").
Recommended trainings: “Clouds of knowledge”, “First step”.
A special type of work aimed at developing and strengthening interests and motivation is activating training. It is designed specifically for schoolchildren with unexpressed interests (“I don’t want anything” or “I want everything”) and is carried out in the form role playing games. The goal of the leader of such a program is to increase motivation to educational activities, and it is achieved by creating conditions for attracting attention and activating the thinking of participants on certain topics.

Training "Clouds of knowledge"
The most common techniques that facilitators use are “choice creation” and “activating questions.” In a lesson or exercise, participants are given a certain task. They must solve it using certain resources and conditions (time, people, paper, etc.). Any situation of choice forces a person to evaluate and compare, fixing his attention on a certain object. Sometimes it is enough to ask a question. Any question contains some uncertainty. The object of this uncertainty becomes the object of the direction of thinking of the participant in the interview or training.
It is important to note that increased thinking does not always lead directly to interest. Often, no matter how much the teacher wants to interest the student in his subject, this does not always work out; here, a lot depends on the personality of both. Therefore, the opportunity to interest adolescents in a particular area is not an end in itself for leading activating training. It is often enough to get the guys to compare some areas, make a choice, and then the experience itself will shape their interest or lack thereof.
the main objective“Clouds of Knowledge” training - motivating participants for self-development. The task of the trainer is to strengthen the aspirations of program participants to acquire knowledge. This is done through the use of various approaches of humanistic psychology.
The program is a personal growth training where psychological work on developing motivation for learning and personal growth; The ability to acquire knowledge and operate with it develops, and the skill of self-learning is strengthened.
Its duration is 6 lessons of 5 hours.
Frequency of classes - 1 time per week. The recommended age of participants is from 14 years.

For high school students interested in psychology, and for those who want to learn to better understand themselves and others, our Center has developed the “First Step” program.
For many schoolchildren, this seminar will be the first step towards studying psychology, revealing their inner world and understanding other people. Fragments from cartoons and feature films are used to illustrate psychological phenomena and portraits of people.

At the "First Step" seminar, students:

  • learn how to properly meet people and how to overcome the fear associated with new acquaintances;
  • will understand how to competently resolve conflict situations;
  • find out what type of people they themselves and those around them belong to;
  • discover for themselves what methods of psychological defense people (and directly each of the participants) use in difficult situations;
  • will understand what values ​​drive our actions.

Its duration is 6 lessons of 3 hours.
Frequency of classes - 1 time per week. The recommended age of participants is from 14 years.

Personality (test block "Personality").
Recommended trainings: “Psychological theater”, “Clouds of knowledge”, “First step”.
In adolescence, the process of formation is especially pronounced. personal qualities human, value self-determination. It is at the age of 12-18 that children experience teenage crises. They begin to ask themselves serious questions about themselves, about the world, about other people and their relationships with them. And they cannot always answer these questions - they lack experience and knowledge. To figure everything out, they need help and support. But who will help? Parents, friends, school psychologist? Unfortunately, children do not always trust their parents. The competence of peer friends is questioned by parents, and for the teenager himself, the older one is more authoritative. The school psychologist, as a rule, is open to contact, but the teenager does not go to his office because he does not want to stand out (“What if they think that there is something wrong with me?”).
Working with a psychologist-trainer in a group of teenagers with similar problems is a good way out of a difficult situation. Together with an experienced senior friend, children learn to know themselves and others, develop, ask and answer questions. Personal growth- this is the form. The content can be any topic that interests teenagers: communication, friendship, masks and roles, inner world, study and life.

At the Psychological Theater training, “masks”, roles and behavior are studied, and the ability to work with feelings, emotions, state, and mood is developed. This program develops self-confidence and loyalty to others, the ability to say “yes” or “no”, form, express and defend your point of view. All this not only harmonizes your relationships with others, but also significantly helps personal growth.
This training is especially useful for introverted teenagers who want to become more self-confident.
Its duration is 6 lessons of 5 hours. Frequency of classes - 1 time per week. The recommended age of participants is from 14 years.

All the trainings described above are intended for children aged 14-15 years. Our Center also conducts trainings for participants aged 11-13 years. These developmental programs are recommended based on the test results as part of the “Career Navigator” service (computer testing and career counseling for students in grades 5-7). On this moment There are three such trainings: “Master of Communication”, “Active Position” and “The Art of Reasoning”.

Participants in the “Master of Communication” training:

  • learn how to start communication and maintain a conversation with any person;
  • learn to communicate equally well with less talkative and very talkative interlocutors;
  • master the art of giving compliments and thanking them for them;
  • learn to listen, understand better and interest the interlocutor;
  • will gain experience public speaking and improvisation.

This skills training, like the “Freedom of Communication” training, is intended for those guys who are highly active and interested in communication, and whose work is likely to be connected with people.

Participation in the "Active Position" program allows children to decide on their life goals and life position, become more self-confident and learn to take steps towards these goals. Also during this training, participants:

  • will become more self-confident and more loyal to others;
  • learn to form, express and defend their point of view;
  • learn techniques for confident refusal;
  • will master effective behavior skills in difficult communication situations;
  • realize their personal resources and capabilities during communication.

Its duration is 3 lessons of 2 hours. Frequency of classes - 1 time per week. The age of the participants is 11-13 years.

The "Art of Reasoning" program develops in students in grades 5-7 such abilities as attention (observation) and abstract logic.
At this training guys:

  • learn to formulate their thoughts briefly and clearly;
  • learn how to correctly define various concepts and terms;
  • master the art of reasoning logically and drawing conclusions;
  • will master the skill of effective argumentation and other ways of proving their point of view.

Its duration is 3 lessons of 2 hours. Frequency of classes - 1 time per week. The age of the participants is 11-13 years.

You can find out more about the goals and content of these and other trainings, as well as the schedule of classes and conditions for participation in them.

Determination of areas of development using the test battery "Career Guidance"

The results of career guidance testing allow us to determine directions for further development. In the test report, in addition to basic information, the teenager receives recommendations about what qualities and abilities he needs to develop. Indicators on the scales of the three test blocks described above ("Interests", "Abilities" and "Personality") show how meaningful participation in a particular training is. In a conversation with a consulting psychologist, these recommendations are clarified, and the teenager decides whether he needs training and, if so, what kind.
This is what a fragment of the report on passing the “Career Guidance” testing complex with recommended trainings looks like:

Fig.1. Fragment of the test report: recommended trainings

The recommended training programs (in the case we are considering are “Attention is Power” and “Web Design”) have values ​​on the graph “above 5.5”. How do we draw conclusions about what kind of training is needed?
The relevance of participation in programs is determined by necessity and potential. Let's look at the teenager's results in three blocks of the "Career Guidance" test:

Fig.2. Report fragment: results for three test blocks

For example, a recommendation for participation in the “Attention is Power” training depends on several conditions:
1) low score on the “Attention” scale (block “Abilities”);
2) high score on the “Sign” scale (block “Interests”);
3) a high score on the “Visual Logic” scale (the “Abilities” block), although in this case the score fell into the area of ​​average values;
4) high score on the “Self-control” scale (block “Personality”).
Points 1 and 2 indicate the need to develop the area of ​​attention, and points 3 and 4 reflect the potential, i.e. how effectively this area can be developed. The methods and techniques for managing attention taught in the training program are based on the ability to “imagine, imagine” and “be organized.” “Visual logic” and “Self-control” are assistants in completing the program. But the most significant helpers are the will and desire to develop. Therefore, any result must be supported by an interview with the test participant in order to clarify the wishes and relevance of completing the training programs.

Psychological training "Hurry to do good"

psychologist, Pudova Kristina Vladimirovna; State-financed organization Omsk Region “Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population of the Bolsheukovsky District” p. Big Uki.

Psychological training “Hurry to do good.”

Target: To expand students' knowledge about kindness and its importance in human life.
Encourage children to do good deeds.
Learn to draw conclusions.
Tasks: Develop coherent speech and the ability to express your thoughts.
Cultivate responsiveness, kindness, and compassion for others.
Equipment: a ball of thread, markers, a microphone, a candle, a record, a dictionary.

Progress of the training

Teacher-psychologist: Hello, guys! Let's stand up and make a circle.
1. Exercise “Greetings”.
Children stand in a circle, hold hands, smile at each other. Passing the ball into the hands in a circle, they say a compliment.
2. Exercise “Waiting”.
Teacher-psychologist: Children, what do you expect from our lesson? (Children take turns expressing their expectations.)
3. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Educational psychologist: Today I have prepared a casket with a magical gift for you. (The psychologist opens the empty box.) No, no! It's not empty. There is something there that you cannot see with your eyes, but can only be felt with your heart, this little sun, whose name you will now recognize.
Guess the riddle:
This word is serious, Main, important. What it means is very necessary for everyone. It contains care and affection, warmth and love. He has the desire to come to the rescue,
Again and again.
This quality is in the heart,
Lives with many.
And about the pain of others,
Doesn't let you forget.
And it's more important
Than facial beauty.
These are our hearts... (kindness)
Right! Today we will talk about kindness, we will find out about it
meaning in a person's life.

4. Work on the topic.
Work in groups on cards.
Teacher-psychologist: The word "good" coexists with many
words. Match the words with the corresponding synonym.
Good home, comfortable.
A kind child is comfortable.
Nice bed caring.
A good owner is good.
A good relationship obedient.
A kind person is kind.
Good food unforgettable.
A good deed is delicious.
good friend reliable.
Good science is interesting.
- What kind of a good person is he? (Children express their thoughts)
5. Exercise “Sun of Kindness”. Work in groups.
In honor of good people who have gathered here, let's light the "Sun
kindness." To do this, write on the rays the features inherent in good
to a person. (Children write in the sunlight)
-Responsiveness; - A pity; - Mercy; - Condolences; -
Empathy. And so on.
6. Work with proverbs in pairs. Game "Collect a proverb."
Teacher-psychologist: Imagine that kindness is a science in which
have their own laws. The words in them are mixed up. Restore the laws of kindness -
assemble a proverb from phrases and say what it is
The beginning of proverbs
For good friend The evil one cries with envy, The world is not remembered without dashing, Without a friend Life is given To a good greeting - It’s hard for him, An old friend is better for a kind person and Who quickly helped a good person and a biscuit - for health, The good ones die, but things will be good - Good morning, and the bad one -
Ending proverbs
for good deeds. and the kind one is out of pity. but the evil one has no use for meat. who remembers evil. kind and reputed. someone else's illness to the heart. good advice. I don’t regret either bread or leisure. there is a blizzard in the heart. good deeds. he helped twice. and the good of the ages will not be forgotten. they don't disappear. half a rib. new two.
Where there is good, evil disappears.
Kindness ends in joy.
A kind word makes the world happy.
There is no price for a kind word.
Kindness has no boundaries.
He who begins well finishes well.
Good children will listen to kind words.
Good word- Golden Key.
7. Exercise “Weave a web.”
Children stand in a circle.
Teacher-psychologist: Now remember who in your class did what kindness to you. You will pass a ball of thread to someone who has done you good, holding the thread in your hands, thereby weaving a web of kindness.
8. Brainstorming “Interview”.
Teacher-psychologist: Now let’s conduct an interview about good person. Let's find out what a good person never does. Let's start with these words:
- A good person never...
9. “Magic candle.”
Psychologist: People say: “Kindness works wonders.” Let's light a candle and imagine that it is magical, and from now on everyone who picks it up will turn into a wizard. Turn on your imagination, imagine
that each of you has become a good wizard. What would you do if you became a wizard? Start like this:
-If I became a wizard, I would do...
Psychologist: Listening to you, I realized how kind you are, and it is not without reason that they say that goodness lives in the soul of every person. And that is why the soul is immortal. Now, on the prints of your feet drawn on pieces of paper, you will write the good deeds that you did to someone. Let's create a path of kindness.
Psychologist: Today you have trodden the path of kindness, I wish you, children, that this path will turn into a wide path that you will walk confidently, giving everyone joy and love.

Game training “Living Flower”

Objectives of game training: formation in children of a complex perception of the world and man; nurturing positive traits such as friendliness and optimism; familiarizing children with material that has educational value.

Taking into account the versatility of the tasks, the form of game training was chosen for the lesson, although some elements of this lesson can be used in an integrated lesson in geography, history and music, in organizing dance evenings and relaxation evenings.

The “Living Flower” game training is designed for children aged 10-12 years, but can be adapted taking into account the above aspects for any age. A group of at least 12 people, both boys and girls, can participate in the training. The training does not require them special training, but is conducted by the presenter, as they say, impromptu. Participants in the training may not even know each other. Everyone must wear sportswear or trousers.

To conduct the training, you need a spacious room (preferably with carpet), and you also need a tape recorder. No props required.

A program is recorded for the training, including specially selected musical fragments. (This development uses fragments of modern pop music.)

When preparing the training, it is advisable to find out the children’s musical tastes, ability to interact, their interests and general level of physical, mental and mental development. This can be done through an impromptu quiz, conversation, or dynamic game.

Progress of the training

I. Organizing time. Leader's word.

The presenter comes out and stands in front of the guys.

Leading. Hello guys! You know that in any film or play everyone has their own role. Now I want to invite you to stage a fairy tale where you will all play the same role. To make it easier for you to guess what kind of fairy tale this is, answer this question. Here I am, a man, and who are you? Also a person. And you? And you are human. Are we all together? That's right, people. And who are these people, those and others? All people living on Earth are called humanity. So today we will play humanity. His story. And where does any story, someone’s life begin? Yes, from birth. (A fragment of M. Jackson’s song “Let’s Heal the World” plays.) So, it is unknown how, unknown where and unknown why, humanity was born on Earth. Imagine that you are the first people of planet Earth. And now you will be born. Stand in a line, facing me, shoulder to shoulder. Hold hands, close your eyes. (A fragment of meditative music “Way of the Dolphin” plays.)

Without opening your eyes and without releasing your hands, try to form a circle, facing not inward, but outside the circle.

The guys close the circle, trying to align it so that they can feel their neighbor’s shoulder.

Leading. In front of you is the sea, blue, cold, like 3 thousand years ago. Over there, on the left, white-white seagulls are flying, and dark thunderclouds are crawling on the right. The waves almost reach your feet. slowly lean forward towards the sea. And now back. Go ahead again. Back. A little bit to the left. Right. Left again. Right. Slowly, slowly open our eyes. (A fragment of African music by Tony Childs “Zimbabwe” is played.)

Look around. You are seeing all this for the first time. Where are you? You are in Africa! Look at each other. You were just born. You should get to know each other, right? How? Do you know who was man's first friend? That's right, dog! Then we play “Bingo”, that’s exactly what, let’s imagine, the name of man’s first dog was Bingo!

II. Holding games.

Bingo game

The guys form outer and inner circles with an equal number of participants. The outer circle begins to move clockwise, and the inner circle begins to move counterclockwise. At the same time, everyone recites poems in chorus: “My shaggy gray dog ​​is sitting by the window, my shaggy gray dog ​​is looking at me.” And then they spell the name of the “dog”, clapping their hands: “be, i, en, ge...”, and on the letter “o” they wave their arms widely, stopping opposite a neighbor from another circle, and joyfully shake hands, hug and pat each other on the back.

Leading. But people did not live in peace and harmony for long. They began to be divided into tribes, peoples, countries that were at enmity with each other. They were divided by skin color, eye shape, and faith in God. So you have not avoided separation.

The guys on the team should quickly divide into those with brown eyes and those with blue, green or gray eyes. Then the division can occur according to the initial letters of the first or last name (vowels - unvowels), according to the color of individual elements of clothing (light - dark), etc. Next, the guys are divided into two teams of equal numbers, the first of which becomes the Tumba tribe, and the second - by the Yumba tribe. Tribes choose their leaders. A boundary is drawn between the tribes.

The song of the group “Doctor Alban” is playing - “Hello, Africa!”

The guys choose the type of battle:

Push the enemy with your shoulder, without using your hands, and enter his territory;

The same thing, but with their backs;

Holding hands, pull the enemy into your territory, etc.

The tribe that wins overall wins.

Leading. In the midst of strife in the lands of Tumba and Yumba, a stranger appears. He realized that it is best to enslave tribes when they are divided.

Leading(for a foreigner). Hello, leader of the Tumba tribe! I will free your tribe from slavery, but if I deceive your tribesmen in the game, they will serve me. Agree?

Same thing with the Yumba tribe.

Cheating games

"Monkey in the Tree"

Everyone stands close to each other in one line. Everyone must take turns repeating the words and actions of the leader. For example: “Petya, do you see that monkey on the tree?”

Petya: “I see. Sveta, do you see that monkey on the tree?” And so on down the chain. Everyone holds their hand outstretched in the direction of the “tree” in front of them. Then the leader sits on his left leg, stretching his right leg forward, and, after waiting for everyone to do this, he pushes his neighbor in the side, and everyone falls.


The presenter, whispering in everyone's ear, names an animal. Everyone stands in a circle. The presenter walks inside the circle and says: “I’m walking through the zoo and I see... a lion (rhinoceros, elephant, etc.).

Conditions of the game: the one “whose” animal the presenter names must sit down sharply, and his neighbors grab him by the elbows so that he does not have time to do this. But since the presenter wishes everyone the same animal, for example a monkey, then when it is mentioned, all participants sit down at the same time.

Thus, both tribes fall into “slavery” to a foreigner.

The presenter tells the children that they can only be saved from slavery if they... The presenter listens to the options for solutions until someone says: “Make peace.” Peace begins with a handshake. How do you say hello in African? They come up with it together: with their palms, internal parties feet and then hips, as in the bump dance. How do hunters, drivers, and tightrope walkers greet each other? All options are immediately tried and repeated by everyone.

Leading. So, you live in peace and harmony again. Are you all ready to go to India together for the Lotus Festival? Did you know that we have to overcome (oriental music sounds) the Sahara Desert, the Red Sea, the Arabian Peninsula, and then from the Persian Gulf along the Indian Ocean to reach the shores of India? Then let's go! Prepare your camels for the caravan.

Everyone sits down on their knees. They clap, repeating after the leader, with their hands on their knees. The Camels went to the starting line. Stop! The tempo of clapping sharply increases. The "caravan" began to move. Faster! They clap their hands on their cheeks (the caravan is walking on water), on the chest (bridge), rub their palms against each other (walking on the sand), raise their hands up and after a moment lower them down (dune). So, alternating all these “obstacles” and speeding up the pace, the “caravan” reaches the “finish line” - the Persian Gulf.

In front of the guys is the Persian Gulf. How can you swim to India if there are no trees around? It was decided to go underwater. (The Beatles song “Yellow Submarine” is playing.) The guys stand behind the leader in a column, holding the waist of the person in front, and in step, to the rhythm of the song, begin to move. Tired, the “locomotive” closes the circle, without stopping to walk synchronously, and the leader takes hold of the waist of the last one in the column. Then everyone stops and sits on each other's laps at the same time. They are resting.

Leading. We are in India! The Lotus Festival has already begun! You can Dance? Have you ever danced while lying on the floor? Then let’s all perform the “Living Flower” dance together!

Everyone falls and sits in a circle with their legs extended towards the center. (The song “Bow” by the group “Jesus Loves You” is playing.) Everyone synchronously repeats the movements behind the leader: holding hands, swaying left and right, lowering their hands to the center and up, making a “wave”, “explosion”, etc. The guys themselves can suggest some movements, and everyone repeats them, moving to the rhythm of the song. (M. Jackson’s song “Let’s Heal the World” plays.) The guys relax in free prose, but without breaking the circle. At this time, the presenter asks the guys what they liked about this game and what they didn’t, what they would change, add, and what conclusion each one drew for themselves. Then the presenter invites everyone to stand in a circle, but this time facing each other and, holding hands, sway to the music from side to side. After this, everyone folds their hands in a general handshake, extending them to the center of the circle, and thanks each other: “Thank you!”

To successfully conduct the first “Living Flower” training, the following conditions must be met:

Musical fragments must support the emotional background of the game, correspond to the mood created at each stage and have a clear rhythmic and melodic pattern that is accessible to children’s perception;

The leader should have several additional games in reserve in case the course of the training takes an unplanned direction (for example, during “battles” or the actions of a stranger);

The presenter himself must intrigue the children from the first minutes, be cheerful and artistic; his artistry, as well as well-chosen music, will help create the necessary emotional mood;

The training should be dynamic, the facilitator's explanations should be clear and terse.

A well-conducted training can give impetus to the creation of similar mini-performances dedicated to different topics, or become a reason for a deeper study of musical (dance) culture different countries. Elements of training such as the game “Caravan”, dance “Living Flower” or “Submarine” can become traditional for subsequent meetings of training participants, as they are an excellent means of psychotherapy. And the circle is perfect shape to create a communicative situation.