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Nurse what good in this profession. Psychological portrait of a nurse. Benefits of the Nursing Profession

A nurse should have an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, be able to provide urgent first aid, and perform the necessary medical manipulations.

Nurse(nurse) - a specialist in the field of nursing, professional assistant the attending physician. The male version of the profession - nurse. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A doctor or paramedic examines the patient and prescribes treatment, someone must fulfill these appointments: give injections, put droppers, bandage a wound, give medicine, check the temperature, etc. All this is done by a nurse (or nurse) - a specialist from among the nursing staff. Often a nurse communicates with patients even more than a doctor. And the success of the treatment depends on her skill.

The specific set of duties of a nurse depends on the place of work. For example, in a polyclinic, a nurse can help the doctor see patients. This district nurse. She monitors the delivery of outpatient patient cards from the registry (they keep case histories); receives test results and conclusions in the laboratory and X-ray room; makes sure that the doctor always has sterile instruments and the necessary preparations at hand.

In anti-tuberculosis, dermatovenerological, neuropsychiatric dispensaries, as well as in women's and children's consultations, patronage nurses. Patronage (from French patronage - patronage, guardianship) means that medical procedures are carried out at home. Patronage nurses go to patients at home and give them injections, dressings, measure pressure, etc.

Nursein the physiotherapy room performs medical procedures special devices: UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis devices, etc.

procedural nurse makes injections (including intravenous), takes blood from a vein, puts droppers. All these are very difficult procedures - they require high qualifications and impeccable skills. Especially if the procedural nurse works in a hospital where severe patients can also lie.

Charge nurse- distributes medicines, puts compresses, banks, enemas, makes injections. It also measures temperature, pressure and reports to the attending physician about the well-being of each patient. And if necessary, the nurse provides emergency care (for example, in case of fainting or bleeding).

The health of each patient depends on the work of the ward nurse. Especially if it's a seriously ill patient. In good hospitals, ward nurses (with the help of junior nurses and nurses) take care of weak patients: they feed, wash, change clothes, make sure that there are no bedsores.

A ward nurse has no right to be careless or forgetful. Unfortunately, the work of a ward nurse involves night shifts. This is bad for health.

operating room nurse assists the surgeon and is responsible for the constant readiness of the operating room for work. This is perhaps the most responsible nursing position. And the most favorite among those who at least had a little time to work on operations. The sister prepares for the future operation all the necessary instruments, dressings and suture materials, ensures their sterility, checks the serviceability of the equipment. And during the operation, he assists the doctor, supplies tools and materials. The success of the operation depends on the coherence of the actions of the doctor and the nurse. This work requires not only good knowledge and skills, but also reaction speed and strong nervous system. As well as good health: like a surgeon, a nurse has to stand on her feet throughout the operation. If the patient needs dressings after the operation, they are also done by the operating room nurse.

For sterilization, instruments are referred to sterilization department. The nurse working there is managed with special equipment: steam, ultraviolet chambers, autoclaves, etc.

Head nurse supervises the work of all nurses in a hospital or polyclinic department. She draws up duty schedules, monitors sanitary condition premises, is responsible for the economic and medical supply, for the maintenance and safety medical instruments and devices. In addition to their own medical duties, nurses have to keep records, the head nurse also monitors this. She also supervises the work of junior medical personnel (orderlies, nurses, nurses, etc.). To do this qualitatively, the head nurse must know the specifics of the department's work to the smallest detail.

junior nurse takes care of the sick: changes clothes, feeds, helps to move bedridden patients inside the hospital. Her duties are similar to those of a nurse, and her medical education is limited to short courses.

This is far from complete list nursing options. Each has its own specifics. What unites them is that, although a nurse is considered a physician's assistant, the main objective The job of a nurse is to help sick people. Such work brings moral satisfaction, especially if it is work in a hospital. But it is also very hard work, even if you love it very much. There is no time for smoke breaks and thoughtfulness in the middle of the working day. The most difficult are the departments in which operations are performed and where emergency patients arrive. These are surgery, traumatology, otolaryngology.


Nursing has several career options. You can, while remaining in the same position, improve your skills and receive an appropriate salary increase. Another option is administrative: you can become the head nurse of a department or even a hospital. The third option is to continue your education and become a doctor.

But why "sister"?

The fact is that the first nurses appeared under the auspices of the church. And the word "sister" meant kinship not by blood, but by spirituality.

In the 11th century, communities of women and girls appeared in the Netherlands, Germany and other countries to care for the sick. In the XIII century, Countess Elisabeth of Thuringia, later canonized, built a hospital at her own expense, and also organized a shelter for foundlings and orphans, and she herself worked in it. In her honor, the Catholic community of Elizabethans was founded. In peacetime, sister nuns cared only for sick women, and in wartime, they also looked after wounded soldiers. They also cared for those with leprosy.

In 1617 in France, the priest Vincent Paul organized the first community of sisters of mercy. He first proposed this name - "sister of mercy", "elder sister". The community consisted of widows and maidens who were not nuns and did not take any permanent vows. The community was headed by Louise de Marillac, who organized a special school for the training of sisters of mercy and nurses.

Similar communities began to be created in France, the Netherlands, Poland and other countries. By the middle of the 19th century in Western Europe there were already about 16 thousand sisters of mercy.

In Russia, a profession nurse appeared in 1863. Then the order of the Minister of War was issued on the introduction, by agreement with the Exaltation of the Cross community, of a permanent nursing care for the sick in military hospitals.


Nurses and nurses work in hospitals, polyclinics, maternity hospitals, private clinics, children's institutions, military units and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes.

Important qualities

The former name of this profession is "sister of mercy". Mercy and sympathy for someone else's pain is one of the most important qualities of a nurse. This must be accompanied by care, accuracy and responsibility. Good coordination of movements is also important (this is especially important for operating rooms, procedural, ward nurses), good memory, and the desire for professional growth. Good health and endurance. Allergies to certain drugs can be an obstacle to work. For example, an operating room nurse cannot assist in an operation if couples disinfectants make her cough. But in the profession of a nurse, there is such a vast field of activity that you can simply move to another job.

Knowledge and skills

The nurse must have an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, be able to provide urgent first aid, perform the necessary medical manipulations, ensure infectious safety, and keep records.

The nurse must be knowledgeable. She needs to be familiar with all the provisions of the laws relating to the health system and have a clear understanding of them. The nurse must also know what rights she has in carrying out her work.

Its activities are guided by:

  • doctor's orders to which she obeys;
  • the charter of the medical institution in which she works;
  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • work schedule;
  • job description (the current one is taken as the basis).

The history of the profession

Medicine has existed since ancient times. But such a profession as a nurse did not stand out for a long time. Her functions were performed by the students of doctors. Subsequently, they themselves began medical practice.

The emergence of the nursing profession dates back to the 11th century. Its representatives belonged to the communities that existed in the states of Western Europe. The workers were called sisters of mercy.

Initially, nurses cared only for the fairer sex. But in connection with the needs that the wars brought, their activities extended to the wounded.

In 1228, the first hospital was opened, which provided shelter and care for the poor. Its founder was the Hungarian Countess Elisabeth of Thuringia. She founded it with her own funds. The workers of this hospital were called "Elizabeth".

This period is marked by a high level of construction of such establishments in all European countries. In the end, nurses received a new name - "hospital".

At the beginning of the 17th century, a new milestone begins in the history of nurses. The first community appears where girls and women are trained to care for the sick. Since then, the profession has developed rapidly. The activity of nurses extends not only to orphans, lepers and the sick, but also to soldiers. Over time, they are connected as assistants to operations. The profession is gaining popularity. The ranks of nurses are replenished by ladies of high society.

What are the responsibilities of a nurse

The modern nurse has a wide range of responsibilities. She happens to be indispensable assistant any doctor.

The duties of a nurse include the following:

  • nursing;
  • rendering medical care before the arrival of the doctor;
  • disinfection of instruments;
  • preparation of material for dressings and other means of treatment;
  • control over storage and use medicines.

The functional duties of a nurse involve recording indications about the patient's condition and ensuring that they undergo proper medical procedures.

She puts infusions and injections in the hospital, takes blood for analysis, prepares instruments for surgery, measures blood pressure, bandages wounds, etc.

The functional duties of a nurse at a children's clinic include monitoring a sick child and giving advice to his parents about caring for a baby at home. Nurses fill out cards and checklists, certificates.

In the operating room, an employee of this profile is obliged to monitor the availability of a set of all necessary tools. She helps the surgeon by promptly bringing the required instrument at his request.

In school and kindergarten institutions, the nurse is responsible for the passage of seasonal and routine vaccinations by children.

What are the duties of a procedural nurse

The employee of the treatment room is subordinate to the head nurse of the department. The functional duties of the procedural nurse include the implementation of all manipulations in strict accordance with the prescription of the doctor. At the same time, strict accounting is maintained. All data is logged. Possible complications after the procedure are also indicated.

In the event of a complication after the manipulation performed with the patient, the nurse is obliged to inform the attending physician about this and provide assistance to the patient in accordance with the existing instructions.

The procedural nurse has the right (in accordance with the doctor's prescription):

  • take blood from the patient and transport it to the laboratory;
  • determine whether blood belongs to a particular group;
  • perform various injections.

During the procedure, the nurse must observe hygiene standards, as well as adhere to the rules for the prevention of infectious diseases, complications after injection, anaphylactic reactions of the body to the medicine used.

The treatment room should be equipped with appropriate medical instruments, dressing material, preparations.

The nurse strictly monitors the expiration date of all medicines. It provides timely delivery of blood for analysis to the laboratory, provides convenience for the patient during manipulations.

The office nurse can act as a doctor's assistant:

  • when determining the blood group and Rhesus;
  • during the transfusion of blood and its analogues;
  • at a puncture of a spinal cord;
  • when taking samples for allergies;
  • during the administration of drugs to patients with severe disease (the effect of drugs may not be fully understood).

What are the functions of a polyclinic nurse

These nurses are in the professional category. They must have an incomplete higher education (specialist) or a certificate of basic higher education(bachelor) with a degree in nursing, general medicine or obstetrics.

Functional duties of a nurse in a polyclinic include:

  • following a doctor's prescription;
  • carrying out procedural manipulations, according to the profile of work;
  • assistance with operations at the outpatient level;
  • taking blood for analysis and ensuring its delivery to the laboratory;
  • providing care for patients in the outpatient setting, as well as at home;
  • resuscitation of the patient;
  • assisting with trauma, blood loss, intoxication, shock, drowning, burns, frostbite, allergies.

Clinical nurses should be knowledgeable in the following areas:

  • laws;
  • regulatory documentation;
  • regulations of the medical institution in which they work;
  • rights and functions;
  • principles of work of outpatient institutions;
  • rules for caring for sick people;
  • bases of medical examination of citizens;
  • pharmacological effects of essential medicines;
  • methods of instrument sterilization;
  • organization of hygiene;
  • preparation of a therapeutic diet;
  • safety rules for handling medical instruments.

A nurse of this level is involved in informing the public about preventive measures taken against diseases, and their possible complications.

A nurse in a polyclinic must constantly improve her professionalism.

What are the responsibilities of a nursing assistant

The functional duties of the nurse of the department are as follows:

  • observation of general condition sick;
  • implementation of patient care activities;
  • fulfillment of prescriptions given by the doctor;
  • communication on professional level with medical personnel, sick people and their relatives;
  • preparation of patients for examinations;
  • observance of hygiene standards in the department;
  • maintaining documents in the prescribed form.

A nurse working in the department should be able to make all types of injections, use a sterile table and tray. She is obliged to change the patient's linen, both underwear and sleeping. Her duties include measuring temperature, pulse and blood pressure patient. The obtained data are clearly recorded in the graphic sheet of the patient. The nurse of the department knows how to draw up all the necessary documentation.

In addition, her responsibilities include:

  • preparation of biks for sterilization;
  • removal of an ECG;
  • setting compresses, cans, enemas and heating pads;
  • tying the limbs with an elastic bandage;
  • implementation of preventive measures that prevent the appearance of bedsores;
  • gastric lavage;
  • acceptance and surrender of duty.

District nurse

The district nurse conducts diagnostic and treatment procedures in accordance with the doctor's prescription.

The functional responsibilities of the district nurse are quite wide. She must prepare the office for receiving patients. Under the supervision of a doctor, certificates are issued, prescriptions are issued, referrals for examination and other medical documentation are issued.

The nurse tells the patients about the stages of preparation for a particular procedure, issues coupons for a second visit to the doctor, transfers the patient's record sheets to the doctor to the registry. Responsible for the timely receipt of test responses and posting them on the cards.

The nurse should be able to measure pressure, temperature and perform other medical manipulations, according to the instructions of the doctor. She takes the material for bacteriological culture. The district nurse visits patients at home and oversees their treatment. Under the guidance of a doctor, she carries out preventive vaccinations.

The district nurse must constantly work on their professional development.

Responsibilities of the Head Nurse

The main vocation of the head nurse is to use the professionalism of the department's employees with maximum efficiency in order to provide medical care at a high level.

The head sister of the department is appointed in accordance with the recommendation of the head. This position is usually held by a nurse high level professionalism. She must have management skills. Her work experience in a medical institution is at least 5 years. As a financially responsible person, she monitors the equipment and apparatus in the department. The head nurse takes part in all meetings held in the hospital department.

A specialist of this level acts as an organizer of the work of middle and junior medical personnel, is responsible for discipline in the team and maintaining order at work.

The functional duties of the head nurse include drawing up acts for the supply necessary equipment, medicines and tools.

The head nurse is responsible for occupational health and safety. She personally draws up a work schedule for her subordinates and distributes their vacation time. She keeps the payroll and draws up sick leave temporarily disabled employees.

A nurse of this profile keeps a record of medicines containing poisonous, narcotic and potent substances controls their use. Its functions include monitoring the cleanliness of the dressing material and the sterilization of medical instruments.

The level of medicine in our country today cannot be called high. Government agencies not doing their job 100%. This is due to the lack of qualified personnel. Most of the specialists who graduate from medical schools tend to go abroad in order to receive higher pay for their work. Good conditions offered only by private clinics. However, before being hired, the staff is interviewed. The nurse's job description must be carefully studied and signed by the junior employee.

Basic concepts

A nurse is usually called a specialist with an average medical education who has a diploma in nursing. This is the average staff that provides assistance to doctors in clinics, medical institutions and hospitals. Nurses are also assigned to educational institutions. Here they keep records of vaccinations, control student attendance, and submit data to the regional clinic.

The duties of an employee depend on the type and profile of the medical institution. All basic information is contained in the job description of a nurse. This document must be signed before new employee takes up his work duties. Jr medical staff may be approved for office or relieved of his duties only by order of the head of the institution.

cabinet nurse

In state polyclinics, a nurse works with each specialist. Her responsibilities include clarifying the patient's data, accounting for all procedures performed during the day. Job description The nurse's office describes a list of other duties. For example, if a patient visiting a clinic needs to be given urgent help This work is done by a nurse. A junior employee can put a dropper in the office or perform an injection. Vaccination can also be carried out in a clinic setting.

The nurse assists the doctor during the reception of patients. In addition, the junior specialist is responsible for methodical literature institutions. Keeps records of all books and journals of the Cabinet, and also periodically updates them.

Department Nurse

In a hospital setting, most junior specialists work daily. The nurse enters the shift at 8.00 and receives all information about the patients of the department from the specialist who has finished work. The main duties of the employee depend on the purpose of the medical institution. All information is described by the job description of the department nurse. A junior employee must be able to inject intravenously or intramuscularly, put a dropper, and provide first aid. This is especially important for those nurses who work the night shift.

The responsibilities of the department nurse also include keeping a register of the consumption of medicines, which are funded by the state. If the medicine you need is not in the first-aid kit, you should inform the patient in advance.

Many employees also undergo psychological preparation. The nurse's job description describes how to deal with a difficult patient. Patient support is of the utmost importance. A friendly attitude helps to cope with even the most terrible ailment.

Kindergarten Nurse

At every educational institution available medical office. Children are vaccinated here, and first aid is provided. Nurse job description kindergarten describes what a specialist working with preschoolers should be able to do. Every day, the nurse makes rounds and examines all the babies. To avoid infecting other babies, a child with suspicious symptoms is taken to an isolation room until the parents arrive.

Each kindergarten nurse keeps records in children's cards. All data is transferred to the clinic to the local pediatrician. Vaccination of babies is also carried out within the walls of a preschool institution. Before administering the vaccination, the nurse must obtain written permission from the parents.

senior medical staff

In every medical institution there is a senior nurse who monitors the quality of the performance of duties by junior nurses. If an employee made a mistake (for example, the patient was injected with the wrong drug), not only the junior, but also the senior employee will be responsible. The job description of the head nurse describes other duties. The specialist conducts trainings and education in case of retraining of the department.

The head nurse is an intermediary between the head physician and ordinary employees. She assists the manager in administrative and economic matters. The specialist has to monitor the cleanliness in the department, draw up a work schedule for junior employees. The job description of a nurse also includes the need to provide first aid to patients in case of force majeure.

What should every nurse know?

Regardless of the place of work, each nurse should have almost the same knowledge. First of all, these are the basic concepts of the first first aid. Each junior specialist must be able to do an indirect heart massage, stop bleeding, apply tourniquets and bandages. The junior nurse should know how to put droppers and injections correctly.

The job description of a polyclinic nurse describes the secondary duties of a junior employee. Good specialist should be able to properly store drugs in ampoules, know where the vaccine is located. It is necessary to properly manage the expenditure of medical funds. Failure to comply with these rules may result in disciplinary action. And when it comes to drugs, things are even more serious.

The rights of a nurse

Every junior employee is entitled to paid leave. Different time frames are set for individual categories. Most of all, the nurses of the tuberculosis department can have a rest. They can count on vacation, the duration of which is 60 calendar days. In addition, employees of such departments retire much faster. Each working year counts as two. Nurses have the right to be served in hospitals and clinics without waiting in line.

If you enjoy helping people, and biology, anatomy, and chemistry were your favorite subjects, then it is likely that you will like the profession of a nurse.

Medium wage: 25000 rubles per month




entry barrier


The profession of a nurse (in the male version - a nurse) is a highly demanded specialty, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. It will be very difficult for a doctor to fulfill his duties if suddenly he does not have such an assistant. Let's analyze in more detail what kind of specialty it is, what it consists of, how many years and where you need to study in order to get it.


For a long time, all auxiliary manipulations in the treatment of patients were performed by young doctors, who later became doctors. The first community of sisters of mercy appeared in the 11th century. Their duties included helping women, but later they began to help men as well - first those wounded on the battlefield, and then ordinary, civilian patients.

The first hospital, where only nursing was carried out, was opened by the Hungarian Countess Elisabeth of Thuringia. Later, similar institutions began to be organized throughout Europe. In the 17th century, there was an urgent need for the profession of a nurse, since numerous wars were fought in those days, respectively, there were many wounded who needed first aid on the battlefield, and then care in military hospitals after operations and amputations. Later, the girls began to assist in surgical interventions.

Description and characteristics of the profession

In any medical institution, nurses are right hand doctor and his most important assistants. The skills acquired during the training give them the right to provide first aid, perform simple manipulations (do injections, measure temperature and pressure), perform simple procedures (enemas, gastric lavage, etc.), and make a description of the examination under the dictation of a doctor. In the polyclinic, the nursing staff is busy writing out certificates, referrals for tests, examinations.

In the hospital, these points are supplemented by the issuance of medicines. In surgical departments, this position provides assistance during the operation: the nurse must prepare the instruments, submit them to the doctor on time, and then remove and sterilize.

A nurse cannot fully assume the duties of a doctor and make a diagnosis, establish a sequence of treatment, cancel or prescribe recommended drugs, since it is the doctor who is responsible for the final result of therapy or the outcome of the operation.

Specialties, universities and USE subjects

To become a nurse, you must be trained in a medical college. In this direction, the choice is wide - in total there are more than 245 establishments in all regions of the country, for example:

  1. Saint Petersburg Medical College them. V. M. Bekhtereva.
  2. College of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.
  3. College of Rostov State Medical University.
  4. Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  5. Medical and Pharmaceutical College of the Kazan State Medical Institute.

The specialty of a nurse (nurse) can be obtained after graduating from 9th or 11th grade. For admission to college, the results of the OGE or the USE are not required. Enrollment takes place according to the competition of certificates (if the competition for budget places is strong, and, as a rule, this is the case, then the results of the GIA are also taken into account). Colleges have the right to conduct entrance examinations in the form of testing or interviews to test the psychological qualities of applicants. Their results are evaluated on a pass/fail scale.

The duration of training depends on the level of basic education. After nine classes, study at the medical college will last three years and 10 months, after eleven - two years and 10 months.

Nurses may have different specializations, such as:

  1. ward. Her duties include caring for and monitoring patients in certain wards of a hospital or hospital.
  2. procedural. Takes blood for analysis in the laboratory and gives injections.
  3. Precinct. Helps supervise patients in the assigned territory, performs procedures at home.
  4. dietary. He is engaged in nutrition for a particular disease, monitors the preparation of the menu and the quality of food.


The profession of a nurse or nurse involves the performance of a certain range of duties, which includes:

  • providing emergency care;
  • fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions (injections, droppers, etc.);
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • preparation of the patient for procedures;
  • patient care;
  • taking blood for analysis;
  • issuance of certificates, documentation.

The specific list of duties of a nurse depends on her specialization, but, as in ancient times, her main occupation is observation and care of the patient.

Who suits the profession

Nursing is not for everyone. To be successful in your profession, you need:

  • ability to find mutual language with the patient and his relatives;
  • quick response to doctor's orders - often you have to instantly navigate in the event of an emergency for timely assistance;
  • politeness, tact;
  • strong nervous system;
  • responsibility and dedication.

A good nurse is also a psychologist: it is important for her to find words to support a sick person, to help him not only with deeds (with her knowledge and skills), but also to inspire him, because the success of treatment by 50% depends on the mood of the patient.

The advantages of the profession can be called:

  • high demand for this specialty (and not only in Russia, but throughout the world);
  • the possibility of employment in any city of the country;
  • the ability to competently help yourself and your loved ones in case of a change in health status.

The profession of a nurse also has disadvantages:

  • very low salary
  • irregular schedule;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • risk of infection from infectious patients;
  • threat from asocial elements;
  • very high responsibility.

In addition, it is necessary to be prepared in advance for the arrogant attitude of senior medical staff. Unfortunately, in our hospitals, doctors do not always show proper tact towards the middle staff. Therefore ambitious and ambitious people It will not be easy to work in such a position.


By 2018, the salary of a nurse on average in the country corresponds to the subsistence level. IN major cities it is higher and varies from 17 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. In private clinics, they receive more - about 30,000 rubles.

In Moscow, the average medical worker earns 31,000–40,000 rubles. The amount depends on the status and specialization of the medical institution. The maximum rate in the country is 90,000 rubles. (but for those who decide to make nursing their profession, it is better to focus on more modest statistics).

Depending on the type of activity of a nurse, the average salaries in rubles are as follows:

  • the eldest - 38,000;
  • operating room - 34,000;
  • cosmetic - 32,000;
  • procedural - 30,000;
  • dental - 25,000.

How to build a career

Many people have a question about whether it is possible for a nurse to make a career. At present, at higher educational institutions There are refresher courses. With received additional education you can take an administrative position as a head nurse (department or even hospital), and also get the opportunity to teach "Nursing" in college. But on by and large The profession of a nurse does not involve dizzying career growth.

There is also the opportunity to continue education and learn to be a doctor, and then build a career from a higher starting position. Experience in this case will help to quickly master special subjects. Those who are not satisfied with the salary are advised to gain experience, improve their skills, receive new category or get a job in a private clinic.

Prospects for the profession

Nurses, like doctors, will always be needed - in the coming centuries, at least for sure. So from the point of view of being in demand in the foreseeable future, the profession has no problems. Another thing is salary prospects. Unfortunately, they are not so rosy, but if you are a pessimist, then it is better not to go into medicine to work in any specialty.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of "Nurse" is your calling - do not rush. After all, then all your life you can regret the lost years for training and work in a specialty that simply does not suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career guidance test or order consultation "Career vector" .

If we talk directly about the professional care of women for the sick, then such a ministry of mercy arose in the 11th century, when special communities began to appear in Western Europe, in which women and girls cared for the sick.

And in the 13th century, the first hospital appeared, where women cared for foundlings and orphans. It was founded by Elizabeth of Thuringia, so everyone who worked in this hospital began to be called the community of " elizabethan".

At first, they looked after only sick women, and when military conflicts arose, they also looked after wounded men.

Then came the "Joanites" and "Hospitallers" who looked after the wounded and sick in hospitals.

Especially great attention they gave to those with leprosy.

And the first community of sisters of mercy appeared in France. It happened at the beginning of the 17th century. And only in 1641 the first school for the education of sisters of mercy arose. The nuns of various monasteries did especially much in this matter.

Profession nurse - description

A nurse is an indispensable assistant to any doctor, his right hand.

The entire organizational component of the work in the hospital falls on her shoulders.

It should be borne in mind that graduates of this specialty are not allowed to independently determine the course of treatment, prescribe medications and make other appointments.

However, the acquired skills will be enough to identify and diagnose various diseases, first aid.

The nurse should be able to measure pressure, give injections and put droppers, and perform other medical procedures (washing, rinsing, and so on).

The nurse of the district polyclinic mainly performs the work of a secretary-assistant to the doctor.

  • writes certificates, prescriptions for pharmacies,
  • referrals for tests and examinations;
  • fills out outpatient cards.

The duties of a nurse in a hospital department include more items.

  • makes injections
  • measures pressure,
  • dispenses medication to the sick,
  • provides first aid until the doctor arrives in case of exacerbations.

She also monitors the sanitary condition of the wards and the regimen of patients, compliance with the schedule prescribed by the doctor in the department.

Nurses working in inpatient hospitals also often perform the work of a surgical assistant during operations:

  • hand instruments to the doctor and dressings,
  • prepare them for work and clean them up after operations,
  • help to work with the patient.

In addition to the places listed above, nurses can also work in nursing homes, shelters, nursing homes. A nurse is indispensable wherever there is a first-aid post: at work, in schools and kindergartens.

Where to get a job as a nurse

One of mandatory requirements to everyone who wants to get an education in this profile, is the ability to sympathize and the desire to help people, otherwise the daily performance of duties within the competence of a nurse will become a burden and will not bring any joy.

The profession of "nurse" can be obtained in specialized schools, technical schools and colleges, sometimes it is acceptable to receive it in one-year or two-year courses.

Students of this profile do not study medicine as deeply as future doctors, but the training lasts much less.

Pros and cons of being a nurse

The disadvantages of this profession include

The pluses include:

  • the opportunity to receive medical education;
  • awareness that the nurse is involved in saving people's lives;
  • thanks to recovered patients.
  • an experienced nurse can quickly find a job and additional income.

We can say with confidence that for a woman this is the most sought-after and prestigious profession.

Also, this article will help prepare an essay, report, essay or presentation about the profession.