home · Lighting · Varieties of hydrangeas. Garden hydrangeas: review of the best varieties. Planting hydrangea in spring or autumn

Varieties of hydrangeas. Garden hydrangeas: review of the best varieties. Planting hydrangea in spring or autumn

It is a small tree or shrub from the Hydrangeaceae family. It will captivate the hearts of gardeners with its decorative appearance: lush green foliage is strewn with caps of pyramidal or spherical inflorescences.

And the variety of colors of the petals allows you to create a piece of paradise in your garden for every taste. The flowers come in pink, red, white, blue, purple and even blue.

There are about 80 types of hydrangea. However, not all of them can withstand frosty winters. What types and varieties are most suitable for Russian gardens? What conditions need to be created to enjoy a bright riot of colors?

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata is one of the most suitable decorative species for Russian gardens. It grows on average up to 3 meters, especially good conditions– up to 5 meters. The pubescent leaves of an elliptical shape reach a length of 12 cm. The flowers are collected in a paniculate pyramidal inflorescence.

Flowering begins in June and lasts until October, but the peak occurs in August and September.

Only the blossoming buds have a greenish color; over time they acquire a white or cream tint, and in autumn they become pink or slightly purple.

The inflorescences emit a delicate, pleasant aroma, making them good honey plants.

Paniculata hydrangea prefers to grow in partial shade or shade., because in the sun its inflorescences become smaller. It should be protected from wind and drafts. The species is quite frost-resistant; some varieties can tolerate down to -25 degrees.

In view of this, they can be grown in both central and northern parts of Russia. With sufficient snow cover, the plant does not need shelter in winter; without snow, light shelter is needed.

In areas without severe frosts, the bush can be planted both in spring and autumn, in the northern regions - better in spring. Since paniculata hydrangea grows quickly, it requires annual spring pruning. It will not negatively affect future flowering, since the buds of this species appear on the shoots current year.

Among the wide variety of hydrangea paniculata species, the most popular are:

  • Grandiflora - has dense inflorescences about 30 cm long. The flowers are sterile, initially white, becoming pinkish in color by autumn. Bush about 2 meters high.
  • Kyushu is frost-resistant. The height of the bush is 1.5-2 meters. White inflorescences turn pink in autumn.
  • Brussels Lace - large inflorescences are ivory in color.
  • Pinky Winky is a bush 1.5-2 meters high. It has conical inflorescences that acquire a pink-purple color. Sterile flowers predominate. The flowering period is from August to October.
  • Limelight – bush height up to 2 meters. It has dense inflorescences of sterile greenish flowers that turn pink in autumn.
  • Dart's Little Dot is a low-growing variety up to 1 meter high. Has corymbose pink inflorescences.
  • Phantom is a bush up to 3 meters high. It has very large pyramidal inflorescences of a creamy white color, turning pink in the fall.
  • Vanille Fraise - bush height is about 2 meters. Large conical inflorescences are initially white, then turn pink, and by autumn they become almost red.

Hydrangea largeleaf

Large-leaved hydrangea reaches a height of about 2 meters. It has erect stems and simple green leaves. Large spherical or umbrella-shaped inflorescences can be pink, white, blue or lilac.

Their color depends on the acidity of the soil: on alkaline and neutral soil it will be white or pink, on acidic soil it will be blue or blue. The flowering period is from August to September.

Large-leaved hydrangea is a heat-loving plant
. She also prefers bright places, but without the scorching rays of the sun.

Demanding on soil composition: does not tolerate calcareous soil.

This species is not very frost-resistant. Buds appear on both last and current year's shoots. Often, in harsh winter conditions, young shoots freeze slightly. As a result, there is either no flowering in the summer, or it is very sparse.

Therefore, for the winter, it is important to cover large-leaved hydrangea with non-woven material, straw or spruce branches. In spring, it is important to open the plant in time so that it does not rot. Another option is to take the bush into a greenhouse for the fall, and into the basement for the winter.

IN last years New frost-resistant varieties of large-leaved hydrangea were developed, allowing it to be grown in gardens in central Russia.

Popular varieties:

  • Ever Peppermint is a bush up to 70 cm high. Two-color flowers have a pink or blue center (depending on the acidity of the soil) and light edges.
  • Red Sensation - bush height up to 80 cm. Has burgundy stems and red flowers. Blooms 2 times: on shoots of last and current year.
  • Expression is a bush up to 80 cm high. Pink or blue double flowers are collected in large corymbose inflorescences. Blooms from July until the coldest weather.
  • Endless Summer - blooms on the shoots of the current and last year. Has large blue or white flowers.
  • Romans - has double flowers, collected in large spherical inflorescences with a diameter of about 20 cm. Resistant to frost.

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Tree hydrangea is a bush with a height of 1 to 2.5 meters. The oblong, jagged leaves have long petioles. The leaf blade is green above, light and bluish below.

The inflorescences have a flat or spherical shape and reach 15-20 cm in diameter. The buds appear on the shoots of the current year. The lush and airy inflorescences are dominated by fruit-bearing flowers.

Tree hydrangea is suitable for growing by beginning gardeners, because it is unpretentious, shade-tolerant and frost-resistant. An increase of about 30 cm per year ensures rapid growth. After just 3 years, a small seedling turns into beautiful bush. It blooms for a long time: from early summer until September.

This species is unpretentious to the soil, but loves abundant and regular watering and does not tolerate drought. Prefers shade or partial shade.

It does not require special preparation for winter, since it can overwinter well without shelter. But still, it is better to cover young specimens.

Pruning branches in early spring promotes rapid recovery of the bush after winter.

Tree hydrangea does not have a rich variety of varieties. The most popular varieties for Russian gardens are:

  • Incrediball - bush height up to 1.5 meters. It strikes with large spherical white inflorescences.
  • Annabelle is a powerful bush 1-1.5 meters high. Green leaves reach 10-15 cm in length. White spherical inflorescences can reach 25 cm in diameter. The species has high frost resistance.
  • Invincibelle Spirit is a new breeding variety. Newly blossomed inflorescences have a dark pink color, which becomes a little lighter in autumn.
  • Sterilis is a bush 1.5-2 meters high, crown diameter up to 2.5 meters. Large hemispherical inflorescences first have a greenish tint, but over time they become snow-white. The flowering period is from July to late autumn.
  • Hayes Starburst - bush height up to 1.5 meters. Resistant to pests and diseases. It has spherical white inflorescences with a diameter of up to 25 cm. The flowers are double.

Hydrangea petiolate

Petiolate hydrangea is a vine that can reach a length of 25 meters. The leaves are dark green and heart-shaped. Sterile and fruiting flowers are collected in inflorescences-corymbs with a diameter of 10-20 cm. Their color varies from white-green to lilac.

With the help of aerial roots and suckers, the plant climbs up the support. Can be used to decorate walls, arches, gazebos, tree trunks. However, due to the fact that the species does not tolerate severe frosts, it is recommended to remove the vine from its supports and cover it for the winter.

Also, petiole hydrangea is used as a ground cover plant, forming a thick green carpet. In this case, the plant will not bloom.

The most popular varieties of petiole hydrangea include:

  • Cordifolia is a low-growing frost-resistant variety up to 1.5 meters high. The pyramidal paniculate inflorescence consists of cream-colored fruiting flowers with sterile white margins. Exudes a pleasant honey aroma.
  • Miranda - up to 6 meters high. A special feature of the variety are wide serrated leaves with a cream or yellow border.
  • Petiolaris is the tallest variety, up to 25 meters high. It can spread along the ground or entwine supports.

Hydrangea oakleaf

Oakleaf hydrangea is a two-meter shrub with red shoots. The green leaves are shaped like oak leaves. By autumn, the foliage acquires a crimson color, so even a non-flowering bush has a beautiful decorative appearance. White fragrant flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Blooms from early summer until September.

The planting site should be chosen in shade or partial shade, protected from drafts and wind. This species prefers fertile soil, without lime.

Watering is moderate. Oakleaf hydrangea is not very frost-resistant, so it requires winter shelter. Bush pruning is carried out in spring or autumn.

Suitable for the southern regions of Russia.

Hydrangea radiata

Hydrangea radiata is an erect shrub with pubescent shoots up to 2.5 meters high. The dark green, serrated leaves are semi-heart-shaped.

The corymbose inflorescence has fruitful cream flowers in the middle and white sterile flowers at the edges. The flowering period lasts a month, starting in July. The fruits ripen in September.

This species is photophilous and prefers high humidity and fertile soil

Its frost resistance is low, so for the winter it requires shelter from spruce branches or dry foliage.

But even if the bush freezes, it quickly recovers and blooms in the spring. Suitable for growing in the southern regions of Russia. Used in group plantings on lawns or for border plantings along paths.

Ash hydrangea

Ash hydrangea is an erect shrub with pubescent shoots up to 2 meters high. Leaves are up to 15 cm long, round or heart-shaped. The top of the leaf blade is bright green, the pubescent bottom is gray. Corymbose inflorescences reach 15 cm in diameter. Blooms from mid-summer to September.

The species is warm and moisture-loving. Not too picky about soil composition. It has average frost resistance, but even if it freezes slightly, it quickly recovers in the spring and blooms on young shoots. It is recommended to cover it for the winter.

Suitable for growing in southern Russia. Looks impressive as a hedge and in group plantings. Dried flowers are used for dry bouquets.

Hydrangea serrata

Serrated hydrangea is a tree-like shrub up to 1.5 meters high. The shoots are pubescent or bare. The ovoid, pubescent leaves are green in color.

The spherical inflorescences are white and blue flowers, small in the middle and larger at the edges.

Color varies depending on the acidity of the soil. Flowering lasts from July to September.

This species loves moderate watering. Not too demanding in care, rarely affected by pests and diseases. Has average resistance to frost. For the winter it is better to cover with spruce branches or dry leaves.

Suitable for use as a herbarium. Recommended for growing in central and southern Russia.

Hortensia Sargent

Sargent's hydrangea is distinguished by large pubescent leaves up to 25 cm long. They are round or heart-shaped in shape. The shoots are thick and bristly. The inflorescences of this species are corymbose, consisting of pale purple fruiting flowers and white sterile ones located at the edges.

Sargent's hydrangea needs a well-lit location and moist soil.. In winter all of it aboveground part freezes out, but in spring the shoots grow to a height of 1 meter and bloom in July. For the winter, all shoots are pruned, and the root system is covered with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

What types and varieties are easiest to grow in the garden or country house?

The criteria for the ease of growing a certain type of hydrangea are its frost resistance, care preferences, requirements for soil, watering, and lighting.

The most suitable species for Russia are panicle hydrangea and tree hydrangea. They are quite frost-resistant, rarely freeze and are not too demanding to care for. Even with minimum costs With time and effort it is possible to grow lush and beautifully flowering bushes.

Large-leaved hydrangea is less cold-resistant, more demanding on soil composition and watering
. It is recommended rather for tub and pot growing.

Other types of hydrangeas also require a lot of attention and the creation of certain conditions for their successful growth.

How to arrange hydrangeas with each other

To plant hydrangea, a hole measuring 40x60 cm is dug. Its depth varies from 35 to 70 cm, depending on the size of the seedling. To get a free hedge, you need to dig up a meter strip.

The distance between adult specimens should be 1.5-2.5 meters. To obtain a flower “bouquet” earlier, the holes are marked every 0.7-1 meter, and after a few years the group is thinned out.

Knowing the characteristics of each type and variety, you can choose the most optimal option for your garden. And then the luxurious hydrangea will surprise you with the splendor of its foliage and a bright riot of inflorescences!

In the article you learned which types and varieties of hydrangea are suitable for growing in Russian gardens. You can learn about caring for hydrangeas in the garden.

Luxurious hydrangea is considered the recognized queen of gardens in many countries around the world. Not all hydrangea varieties are suitable for Russian conditions, but most of species are successfully grown in the central and southern regions of the country, in the Urals, Siberia and even in the northwestern territories of Russia. Plant selection began in 1900. 12 species of hydrangea are cultivated in Russian botanical gardens.

The origin of the name hydrangea is associated with the French doctor and naturalist Commerson, who discovered a plant of extraordinary beauty unknown to him in one of the Asian countries and named it in honor of his beloved Hortensia Barreove, who traveled with him, dressed in a man’s outfit, although there are other versions.

According to Buddhist legend, on the day Buddha was born, rain fell from the sky. beautiful flowers and the sweet nectar “Amacha” flowed. To this day, in Buddhist temples, when glorifying Buddha, they use tea from hydrangea leaves and consider it a magical ritual drink.

In the language of flowers, hydrangea symbolizes inflexibility, coldness and indifference.

Description of the plant

The botanical name of the shrub is Hydrangea, which means “vessel of water”; in Japan it is called audjisai - “longing for water.” There are more than 80 species of hydrangeas in the world.

Hydrangea is a perennial deciduous, ornamental shrub, reaching a height of 2-3 meters, with numerous flowers collected in large inflorescences. It can grow as a small tree or vine.

Hydrangea flowers are formed in the form of a ball (brush) or panicle. Natural color shrub flowers - white. Breeders have bred hydrangeas with different colors.

In the East, hydrangea is often called a “fashionista” for its ability to change color. Unfortunately, it does not have a rich aroma. For a long time it was grown only as a home potted plant.

Types and varieties of hydrangeas

Kinds Varieties
Paniculata Kyushu, Unique, Dart's Little Dot, Vanille Fraise, Pinky Winky, Phantom
Tree-like Invincibelle Spirit, Sterilis, Hayes Starburst, Bella Anna, Grandiflora, Incrediball
Large-leaved (garden) Magical Flame, Mini Penny, Expression, Endless Summer, Coco Blanc, Forever&Ever
Chereshkova Hydrangea Petiolaris, Miranda Cordifolia
Oakleaf Snow Queen, Applause, Harmony, Snow Flake
Serrated Blue Bird, Preziosa, Virle, Golden Sunlight,. Spreading Beauty
Rough Hot Chocolate, Taiwan Pink, Kawakamil
Motley haired

or variegated

Variety and species are the same
Himalayan or

Hydrangea Bretschneider

Recognized as independent species, and not as a subspecies of motley

Less common are prickly, ashy, radiant hydrangea; not all gardeners decide to grow them.

Hydrangea care

For all hydrangeas, regardless of the type, there are general growing rules.

  1. Hydrangea loves well-lit places, but without direct exposure sun rays, especially in the middle of the day. In the bright sun, the inflorescences lose their elasticity, and in the shade they become smaller.
  2. The soil is nutritious clay soil, possible close occurrence of groundwater.
  3. The soil must be acidic; hydrangea does not tolerate alkaline soils, otherwise chlorosis will develop.
  4. Water the plant in the morning or evening with warm water at the rate of 30-40 liters per bush.
  5. Weeding and loosening to a depth of at least 5 cm is required.
  6. Fertilizing is carried out 2 times a year before and after flowering.
  7. In spring and autumn, sanitary pruning of damaged and frozen branches is necessary.

Important! Large-leaved hydrangea cannot be pruned, because it blooms on the tops of the shoots.

For the winter, the plant is wrapped in garden covering material.

Russia is a huge territory with different climatic conditions, soil composition, humidity and temperature conditions. When choosing varieties, this must be taken into account.

  • Central region, including the Moscow region
  • Siberia
  • South Region
  • North-West and Leningrad region
  • Far East
Region Kinds
Central region, Moscow region
  • Tree-like - all varieties
  • Paniculata - all varieties
  • Large-leaved: only new frost-resistant varieties: Ever Peppermint, Red Sensation, Expression, Endless Summer, Romans
  • Petiole - requires removal from the trellis for the winter, but as a ground cover, it stops blooming, so it is not recommended
Ural and Siberia - the choice of species and varieties is the same
  • Tree: Annabelle, Strong Annabelle, Pink Annabelle Invincibelle
  • Paniculata: Kyushu, Unique, Dart’s Little Dot, Vanille Fraise, Pinky Winky, Phantom
  • Hydrangea Bretschneider
South of Russia. All varieties of the listed species are grown
  • large-leaved
  • Ashy
  • Serrated
  • Oakleaf
  • Chereshkova
  • Radiant
  • Hortensia Sargent.
  • Tree-like
  • Paniculata
North West and

Leningrad region

  • Paniculata: Kyushu, Vanille Fraise, Unique, Dart’s Little Dot
  • Tree: Annabelle, Strong Annabelle
  • Serrated (with cover) Blue Bird, Spreading Beauty
Far East, Sakhalin
  • Paniculata: Kyushu, Vanille Fraise, Pinky Winky, Phantom, Magical Flame.
  • Tree-like: Annabelle, Strong Annabelle.
  • Largeleaf: Red Sensation, Early Sensation, Japanese, Fireworks Pink, Endless Summer
  • Variegated or variegated

Central region and Moscow region

For this region, three varieties are the most common and bloom well. These are paniculate, tree-like and variegated species. Large-leaved - only frost-resistant varieties.

Hydrangea paniculata

It grows in the form of a bush and can reach 3-5 meters (see photo). It blooms from August until frost, the inflorescences are pyramidal, in the form of panicles. Prefers partial shade, without wind or drafts. Annual spring pruning is required. In the first two years, regular watering is needed. It overwinters without shelter; in the fall it is recommended to tie the branches so that they are not broken by snow.

The best varieties:


The shrub grows very quickly, by the age of 3 it is an already formed bush, 1.5 to 3 meters high, requiring garter. The inflorescences are formed in the form of balls (see photo). It is winter-hardy and has become the basis for developing frost-resistant varieties. Requires severe pruning to prevent thickening.

The best varieties:

Invincibelle Spirit

Ural and Siberia

All varieties are winter-hardy, maintain temperatures down to 25-30 degrees below zero, recover well after freezing, and bloom profusely. Varieties of tree and paniculate hydrangea are recommended. It is better to use seedlings grown in the area. Dwarf varieties may be suitable for these regions. The slightly popular Bretschneider variety is suitable for the conditions of these areas.

In the harsh climate of the Urals and Siberia, shrubs require special shelters in the form of frames.

The best varieties:

Dart's Little Dot

Southern regions of Russia

In the south of the country, all types of hydrangea can grow and bloom beautifully, but due to high temperatures and dry winds, the plant requires planting either in the shade of trees or buildings. In addition, watering is carried out at the first signs of dry soil.

Large leaf hydrangea

This is one of the most beautiful types of plants. Blooms with large spherical inflorescences, different colors depending on the acidity of the soil. It requires care, grows better in partial shade, freezes slightly, requires shelter, winter-hardy varieties have been bred. It is better to grow in containers to bring indoors for the winter.

The best varieties:

oakleaf hydrangea

The leaves look like oak leaves. Blooms with white spike-shaped inflorescences. Valued for the color and shape of the leaves (see photo). Loves sunny areas, good in landscape design. IN middle lane Russia is freezing. Best varieties: Snow-white domes, Show Queen

Ash hydrangea

The second name is gray; it is rarely grown in Russian conditions. Looks good in hedges, suitable for making winter bouquets (see photo). Without pruning it takes on a neglected appearance.

Hydrangea rough

Prefers fertile soil, does not like sun and winds. The variety (Macrophylla) has gained the most popularity.

Hydrangea serrata

The plant is distinguished by its beautiful color range and dependence on the composition of the soil. On alkaline soils acquires pink color, on sour ones - blue (see photo).

Serrated hydrangea Preziosa

Petiole hydrangea

This variety is a vine and grows up to 25 meters. With the help of aerial roots, it clings to supports and entwines the walls of the house, arches and gazebos. Flowers range from white to lilac (see photo). Prefers shade. For the winter it is removed and covered with non-woven material. Listed in the Red Book.

Northwestern region and Leningrad region

One of the most optimal options, according to gardeners, paniculate hydrangea is the best choice for these regions. Such varieties as Lime Light and Grandiflora bloom especially well and luxuriantly. The Polar Bear variety performed well. The varieties are unpretentious and winter-hardy.

The tree-like plant freezes slightly in these areas and stops blooming, so it requires shelter. You can also plant serrated hydrangea with shelter. The large-leaved species requires a lot of effort, even if the seedling is purchased from a nursery. The advantage of this region is the acidic soil, which hydrangea loves.

Best varieties: Grandiflora, Polar bear, Far East

The Far East is the birthplace of hydrangea. The most common species in this region are panicle and tree hydrangea. They do not require much attention and tolerate the Primorye climate well.

In this region, motley hydrangea grows well, which is found wild in the forests of the Far East. Suitable climatic conditions and for petiole hydrangea. Gardeners leave it in a permanent place for the winter, because... she doesn't freeze.

Recently, Russian gardeners have increased interest in growing hydrangeas, especially since many new varieties have appeared

Hydrangea (lat.Hydrángea)- a genus of beautiful perennials flowering plants belonging to the Hydrangeaceae family. The genus consists of 70-80 species: most of them are shrubs or low trees, less often vines reaching a height of 25 meters. Most types of hydrangea are deciduous, but there are also evergreen species that are cultivated only in the tropical climate zone.

Area – Southern and East Asia, America. The greatest species diversity is found in China. Several species grow in Russia's Far East. It is grown everywhere in culture.

In Russia, the following are most often cultivated: panicle hydrangea (H. Paniculata), tree hydrangea (H. arborescens), large-leaved hydrangea (H. macrophylla) and , less often - Bretschneider hydrangea (H.Bretschneideri), serrated hydrangea (H.cerata), ashen hydrangea (H.ceneria).

Hydrangea leaves are opposite, oval, serrated along the edges, pointed at the ends.

The flowers are bisexual, collected in large inflorescences: fertile (fertile) and sterile (sterile). Sterile flowers are larger, up to 2 cm in diameter, often with 4-5 sepals. Typically, fertile flowers are located in the center of the inflorescence, and sterile flowers are located on the outer edge. Such inflorescences are called viburnum-shaped. Many species have only sterile flowers, but there are also species that have completely fertile flowers. Such inflorescences look more lush and elegant. There is also a chaotic arrangement of flowers in the inflorescence. Sterile flowers are simple, but there are hydrangea varieties With double flowers. The flowers of most species are white, cream, milky yellow, greenish. Some take on a pink tint towards the end of flowering.

The color of large-leaved hydrangea depends on the acidity of the soil: on acidic soils the petals turn blue, on neutral soils they take on a pale beige color, on alkaline soils they become pink or pink-lilac. Hydrangeas are among those rare plants, which can accumulate aluminum released from acidic soils, thereby giving flowers blue tints.

Thyroid hydrangea inflorescences 15-25 cm in diameter can be flat, spherical or hemispherical, and pyramidal. According to the flowering period, most species are summer-blooming (June-mid-August), some species are autumn-blooming. Hydrangea blossom continues for more than a month.
The root system of hydrangea is shallow, but highly branched.

Location and care of hydrangea.

In Central Russia, to grow highly decorative specimens of hydrangea, you need to carefully consider the choice of location. planting hydrangeas. It is better to choose a site that is semi-shaded, but hydrangea can also tolerate a sunny location, as long as there is light shade at midday. Also, the plant needs protection from strong cold winds. Close proximity to trees that absorb a large number of moisture is undesirable, because hydrangea has an increased need for soil moisture.


The plant grows well in moist, acidic, humus-rich soils. When planting, the planting hole is filled with humus, leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. The addition of lime is excluded.

Hydrangea is planted in spring; in the southern regions it is possible autumn planting. The distance between plants should be at least 1 meter. The root collar is left at soil level. Planting holes measuring 50*50*50 cm are prepared in the fall. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly with soft rainwater and, to preserve moisture, mulched with humus or peat with a layer of 5-10 cm. In autumn, the bushes are hilled to a height of 15-20 cm.

If you purchased hydrangea in a container, that is, with a closed root system, then it can be planted throughout the growing season. The main condition: provide the seedling with sufficient watering during the period of root growth. If planting is done in hot weather, then it is better to cut off some of the leaves to reduce moisture evaporation and be sure to mulch the soil under the bush with a thick layer of organic matter (bark, pine needles, mown grass, etc.)

Hydrangea feeding and watering.

Hydrangea, or hydrangea, translated from Latin, means “vessel of water.” The name speaks for itself that the plant is moisture-loving. During the dry period, it needs weekly deep watering: 2-3 buckets for an adult plant. In rainy times, 1 watering per month is sufficient. To make the shoots stronger, watering is recommended weak solution potassium permanganate.

Hydrangea is responsive to feeding. In the spring, a mineral mixture with microelements is added: urea 20g, superphosphate 30g, potassium sulfate 40g. Second feeding during the development of buds: superphosphate 60g and potassium sulfate 40g. In summer you can feed it with mullein infusion 2-3 times.


To obtain strong and vigorous annual growth and large inflorescences, a strong pruning hydrangea. For all species it is carried out differently - it all depends on which shoots the inflorescences are formed on. Best time For pruning, early spring, as soon as the snow melts and it becomes possible to inspect the bush, so that there is enough time for the development of growths with flower buds. Sometimes you can do autumn pruning.

In Hydrangea paniculata and Hydrangea tree, inflorescences are formed on the shoots of the current year. When hydrangeas are severely pruned, powerful flower shoots, on which huge lush inflorescences will bloom in August-September. If you do not systematically prune the plants, the bushes will become very thick, and weak shoots will not be able to support heavy inflorescences. In addition, in thickened bushes, flowering is noticeably reduced. After pruning, the bushes need to be fed so that the shoots are more powerful and strong.

In the first year after planting, pruning is done to form strong skeletal branches. If the plant is still small, then 1/3 of the length of the stems is cut off. For large bushes, pruning should be more severe - 2/3 of the length of the shoots.

In the second and subsequent years, the gains from the previous year are cut off. To do this, 1-2 developing buds are left above the older part of the stem. The soil at the base of the bush should be mulched with a thick layer of compost or other mulching material. Mulching stimulates the growth of new shoots. A few years after planting, the skeletal branches may thicken, so in addition to pruning, thinning must be carried out.

If the hydrangea bushes are quite old, then they undergo anti-aging pruning “to the stump” (the shoots are left no more than half a meter long). After such severe pruning, flowering will occur only next year.

And groundcover hydrangeas undergo light pruning for better branching and more abundant flowering. Weak shoots are removed “on a ring”.
Large-leaved hydrangea blooms on last year's shoots. There is no need to shorten the shoots; only weak and thin ones are cut out. Also, sanitary pruning is carried out.
Cut hydrangea stems can be used for cuttings.

Hydrangea propagation.

All hydrangeas reproduce very well. There are many methods of propagation: cuttings, dividing the bush, layering, grafting and seeds. Propagation by seeds and grafting is more labor-intensive and less effective, and therefore is not currently used.

Hydrangea propagation dividing the bush Suitable for all types. This is the simplest method, but not always suitable, since you have to dig up the bush completely. This operation is performed in spring or autumn. The dug out bush is cut into plots so that 2-3 renewal buds remain on each part. Further actions are the same as for landing.

Reproduction by layering. Annual shoots, bent down, are placed in a small ditch dug near the bush and pinned. There should be a shoot with 1-2 buds in the groove. They place a peg nearby and tie the apical part of the shoot to it so that it stands straight. The apical part should be at least 15 cm. Then the groove is well watered and covered with light nutritious soil. When the shoot takes root, it is cut off from the mother bush, carefully dug up and, with a lump of earth, transferred to a permanent place.

The most convenient and most common method used for reproduction is hydrangea cuttings spring or summer cuttings.
Spring cuttings are taken in early June. To do this, you need to tear off a branch 12-15 cm long so that a “heel” remains on it, that is, a small part of the bark from last year’s shoot.

In July, before the shoot becomes woody, summer cuttings are taken. They are cut from the apical part of the current year's growth.

Prepared cuttings should have 2-4 internodes. The leaves are shortened by half to reduce moisture evaporation, and the leaves are completely removed from the lower internodes. For better rooting, the lower part of the cuttings is dusted with a root formation stimulator and planted in nutritious soil, maintaining a distance between hydrangea cuttings of at least 15-20 cm. The soil can be used the same as when planting plants. One or two internodes should be in the ground. River sand is poured on top of the plantings in a layer of 2-3 cm. The leaves are sprayed with a small spray bottle and covered with trimmed plastic bottle with a twisted plug for air ventilation. Rooting of cuttings occurs within 3-4 weeks.

In areas with a harsh climate, in the first year of rooting, it is recommended to transplant the cuttings into pots and bring them into the room or store them in frost-free basements. The earth ball in the pot should be kept moist. In the spring of next year, the cuttings can be planted in open ground in a permanent place. For the first 2-3 years, young plants must be covered for the winter.

For large-leaved hydrangea, winter cuttings are possible. In October, the mother plants are dug up and transplanted into pots. Until January they are kept at temperatures close to zero. Then the temperature in the room is increased to 10° C. After 10-12 days, the hydrangea begins to grow. In February, green cuttings are taken from the mother plants and rooted in boxes with nutrient soil. The cuttings quickly take root and by the time they are planted in the ground they form a well-branched root system.

When growing hydrangea from cuttings, flowering occurs within 2-3 years.

Shelter for the winter.

Most hydrangeas grown in temperate climates do not require special shelter. Only during the first 2-3 years, during the winter, the root system is covered with earth and covered with fallen leaves. The exception is large-leaved hydrangea. She requires more careful shelter, which is not removed until the end of spring frosts.

Hydrangeas are covered in late autumn, when upper layer the soil will already freeze. It is better to do this in dry weather. The easiest way to cover: the stems are carefully bent to the ground and a frame is installed over them. We remember that flower buds are formed at the tops of the shoots, so you need to make sure that they are completely under the frame. You can use a large plastic box with holes for this. We wrap the top of the box tightly with thick covering material in 2-3 layers. In the spring, as early as possible, we shovel the snow away from the shelter and open the ends. Thus, we will provide the plant with good ventilation and airing.

Hydrangea in garden design.

Hydrangeas are garden decoration throughout the season. They are appropriate in gardens of any style: both strict regular ones and rural natural ones. You just need to select certain types for each garden style. Hydrangeas can be planted on the lawn either singly or in groups, in compositions with conifers or deciduous shrubs, or in flower mixborders. Abundantly flowering hydrangea bushes look advantageous, acting as a soloist in autumn compositions. Spectacular hydrangea bushes make a wonderful decoration shady garden, for which it is not so easy to select an assortment of plants. From petiole hydrangea you can create a dense hedge or screen.

Hydrangea inflorescences are excellent cut flowers. To keep them fresh longer, the ends of the shoots should be split sharp knife and burn.

Also, you can use hydrangea inflorescences to make dry bouquets. The shoots are cut off at the end of flowering, when they have a rich color. They are hung in a well-ventilated area or under a canopy with the inflorescences facing down, having previously torn off the leaves. This will preserve the natural color of the flowers. For creating winter compositions To hydrangeas with white inflorescences, you can add dried lunaria branches with transparent pearlescent plates.

Types and varieties of hydrangea.

Tree hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea arborescens).

The most common names for tree hydrangea are “white bush hydrangea”, “snowy hills”, “smooth hydrangea”, “white spherical hydrangea”. These names came from the shape of the inflorescences and the texture of the flowers.

Tree hydrangea is an upright growing bush with a height of 1 to 3 meters. The leaves are oval, serrate along the edge, pubescent, on long petioles. The upper side of the leaf blade is green, the lower side is lighter, bluish. The inflorescences are flat or spherical in diameter, reach 12-20 cm, and are formed on the shoots of the current year. At the beginning of blooming, the flowers have a greenish tint; when fully opened, they are white or cream-colored. The inflorescence is dominated by fertile flowers, so it looks larger, more lush and airy.

Tree hydrangea is an unpretentious plant, shade-tolerant and quite winter-hardy. This species is suitable for beginner gardeners. Thanks to the rapid growth of shoots (annual growth is 20-25 cm), the seedling turns into a luxurious flowering bush within three years. Despite the fact that the shoots do not fully ripen by the time of autumn frosts and may freeze in winter, spring pruning contributes to the rapid restoration of the plant. Tree hydrangea blooms earlier than other species and lasts from July until late autumn.

Based on this species, a large number of garden forms and varieties. The most common in central Russia and the most winter-hardy are:
Annabelle- a powerful dome-shaped bush 1-2 meters high. The crown is wide-spreading, reaching a diameter of 3 meters. The leaves are 10-15 cm long, retain the original green color until the leaves fall. The inflorescences are huge white “caps”. Flowering is abundant and lasts from June to September.

Sterilis– bush height 1.5-2 m with a crown up to 2.5 m in diameter. Snow-white inflorescences, consisting of sterile flowers, are dense, heavy, hemispherical in shape, 20-25 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs in July and lasts until late autumn.

Grandiflora- a shrub with cream inflorescences and a luxurious crown up to 3 m in diameter. Bush height 1.5-2 m. Flowering time: June-September.

Recently, new varieties of tree hydrangea have appeared:

"Bella Anna" with pink flowers;

"Invincible Spirit" with dark pink color of inflorescences at the beginning of flowering and bright pink at the end;

"Hayes Starburst" with double flowers.

Hydrangea paniculata (lat. Hydrangea paniculata).

In the wild, paniculata hydrangea is found in China, Japan and southern Sakhalin in the form of shrubs or small trees. For the garden, it is one of the most decorative, eye-catching and profusely flowering plants. It's unpretentious frost-resistant shrub. The leaves are oblong, opposite, and retain their green color in autumn. Pyramidal inflorescences consist of fertile and sterile flowers. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, which allows for painless spring sanitary pruning.

The first flowers bloom in June, but the main abundant flowering occurs in August-September.

The variety of varieties and high winter hardiness allow paniculate hydrangea to occupy place of honor in many gardens. Varieties differ in bush size, inflorescence diameter, location and color of sterile flowers.

The most widespread is the Grandiflora variety with dense white inflorescences up to 30 cm long, consisting mainly of sterile, honey-smelling flowers. During abundant flowering, it requires garter. The height of an adult bush reaches 2m.

Limelight- a late-flowering variety with the largest inflorescences among other paniculate hydrangea varieties, which when good care reach a length of 40-50 cm. At the beginning of flowering, the sterile flowers have a greenish tint, and by September they become creamy white. A tall bush up to 2m in diameter keeps its shape perfectly.

Vanilla Frize- a variety of hydrangea with beautiful white flowers; in August the inflorescences turn pink, and in September they have an almost red tint, while the top of the inflorescence invariably remains snow-white. The bush is no more than 1.5 m high, but very lush and compact.

Kyushu- an early flowering variety with white inflorescences changing shade to pink, consisting of sterile and fertile flowers. Long flowering: from June to mid-October. This “native from Japan” can tolerate any growing conditions: urban smoky gardens and low wetlands. Tolerates temperature changes well. Winter-hardy. The height of the bush is 1.5-2m.

No less popular Pinky Winky variety. Sterile flowers predominate in pink-red inflorescences. Flowering: August-October.

For growing in small gardens Dwarf forms of paniculata hydrangea are suitable.

Bobo variety– inflorescences are pale pink.

Variety Bomshell- white inflorescences.

Variety Brussels Lace– ivory inflorescences consisting of sterile and fertile flowers.

Variety Dart's Little Dot– dwarf hydrangea with corymbose pink inflorescences. The central flowers are fertile, the marginal ones are sterile. The height of the bush is up to 0.8-1 m.

Large-leaved hydrangea (lat.Hydrángea macrophýlla).

Hydrangea largeleaf, or garden hydrangea, attracts the attention of gardeners with its gorgeous inflorescences and a wide variety of colors. But, unlike other common species, it is less winter-hardy and requires special care.

The homeland of garden hydrangea is China, Japan, Sakhalin. In nature, it is a shrub more than 3 m high. In cultivation, the height of the bush does not exceed 2 m, and “container” varieties are only 0.5-0.8 m.

The foliage of large-leaved hydrangea is bright green, last year's shoots are woody, and this year's shoots are herbaceous. Young shoots cannot withstand our harsh winters and, as a rule, freeze out. The flowers are mostly sterile up to 3.5 cm in diameter. Inflorescences and their color may vary. To breed modern varieties, two varieties of garden hydrangea were used: “Japanese” - with umbrella-shaped viburnum-shaped inflorescences and “changeable” - with hemispherical inflorescences. Hydrangea changeable has an unstable color: on neutral and alkaline soils it is pink or red, and on acidic soils it is blue or blue. To maintain blue tints, the soil under the plants is acidified with a solution of potassium alum or copper sulfate.

Flower buds of large-leaved hydrangea are laid in the fall and are located at the ends of the shoots of the current year. Considering that these shoots go under the snow without becoming lignified, the flower buds, as a rule, are winter period very difficult to save. The bush itself overwinters normally, and even if it freezes, it will produce new shoots in the spring, but there will be no flowering. To protect flower buds, large-leaved hydrangea is grown as a houseplant or provided with good shelter.

In the first case, the plant must be transplanted into a container and brought into a bright, cool room or basement for the winter. Usually, this is done with hydrangeas purchased in a store as a gift “bouquet in a pot.”

At the beginning of the 21st century, new unique varieties garden hydrangeas, which are distinguished not only by good winter hardiness, but also by the possibility of flowering on the shoots of the current year. Thanks to this, large-leaved hydrangea began to appear more and more often in the gardens of gardeners in the middle zone. For abundant flowering in the winter, it is advisable to cover the bushes with earth and cover them with spruce branches. Currently, there are various series of frost-resistant varieties of large-leaved hydrangea on sale.

Forever & Ever series. The peculiarity of the varieties of this series is their continuous flowering: on last year’s shoots - in June-July, on the current year’s shoots - in August-September.

Variety Expression– bush height 70-80 cm, double flowers with a jagged edge of rich pink color.

Ever Peppermint variety– bush height 60-70 cm, two-color flowers with pink or blue (depending on the acidity of the soil) center and light edges.

Red Sensation variety– bush height 70-80 cm, red flowers, blooms twice (on shoots of last and current year).

Hydrangea is a lush and long-flowering deciduous shrub. Corymbose inflorescences consist of fertile (bisexual) and sterile (sterile) flowers. They can be arranged chaotically, but more often they form viburnum-shaped inflorescences with fertile flowers in the center and sterile ones on the edge. There are varieties with only one type of flower. The scutellum can be flat, spherical, hemispherical or pyramidal. Tree-like and paniculate hydrangeas have taken root well in central Russia, largely due to their resilience. In the Moscow region, hydrangeas grow best in full sun; in the southern regions of Russia they are recommended to be planted in partial shade. In care, it is important to ensure regular and abundant watering (it’s not for nothing that the Latin name of hydrangea hydrangea is translated as “vessel of water”). We will tell you in detail about the best varieties of hydrangeas in our review.

In Russia, varieties of 3 types of hydrangea are common: tree-like, paniculate and large-leaved.

Hydrangea paniculata(Hydrangea paniculata). Shrub or standard tree 2 - 5 m high. Wild forms are found in Japan and China. Paniculate hydrangeas are distinguished by dark green leaves and burgundy shoots. Inflorescences form on the shoots of the current year. The buds bloom very slowly, so abundant mass flowering occurs in August. The inflorescence is a pyramidal scutellum, resembling a panicle. At the moment of dissolution there is a greenish tint, then the color becomes pure white or cream, and by autumn pinkish tones with a brick tint appear and again a greenish tint. The flowering bush attracts bees with its aroma and is a good honey plant. The high frost resistance of the species allows it to be grown even in the North-Western region. In the Moscow region, paniculate hydrangeas overwinter without shelter. The shoots quickly become woody and overwinter well.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). A shrub from 1 to 3 m high, native to North America. Unpretentious and winter-hardy. Loves shade. It can tolerate short-term drought: drooping leaves “come to life” immediately after abundant watering. Spherical or flat scutes are formed on the tops of annual shoots. At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences have a greenish tint, and when fully bloomed they become creamy. Fertile flowers predominate in the inflorescences, and there are few sterile ones. But there are varieties with sterile inflorescences. The scutes are large, with a diameter of 10 - 15 to 20 cm. It blooms from June to September. Young growth often does not mature and freezes, but after spring pruning The bush is growing well. Freezing does not affect flowering.

Hydrangea largeleaf(Hydrangea macrophylla). The shrub is 1 - 2 m high. It goes into winter with green herbaceous shoots, which become woody only the next year. This biological feature leads to severe freezing of young growth in harsh climates. In winter, all leaves are removed, the shoots are tied, bent to the ground and covered with lutrasil. Inflorescences are not formed on all annual shoots, so flowering is not as abundant, unlike other types of hydrangea. The inflorescences exceed 20 cm in diameter. Dwarf varieties good for container growing. The shape and color of the inflorescences are varied. Varieties of the “changeable” variety are capable of changing the color of the inflorescences depending on the chemical composition of the soil. Large-leaved hydrangeas grow best in acidic soils.

The hydrangea flower was first discovered in Japan. Literally translated from Greek, the name of this plant means “a glass of water” or, more literally, “a vessel with water”, because hydrangea requires a large amount of liquid, and its flowers resemble small cups in shape.

For some, the bud-like arrangement of hydrangea inflorescences will resemble a pompom in shape, the color of which varies from white to blue and from pink to purple.
The largest number of hydrangea species are thermophilic, prefer the sun and die in cold conditions. It is this reason that does not give them the opportunity to grow in central Russia. However, some species of this flower are frost-resistant.

Let's look at the main types of hydrangea (photos and names with descriptions), as well as new varieties of hydrangea for Russian gardens.

Hydrangea: varieties with photos and names

What hydrangeas ( garden varieties) most popular?

Belongs to a frost-resistant species. This winter-hardy variety is able to grow and bloom in areas where there is a long and cold winter and late spring. In addition, this species can bloom on both this year’s shoots and last year’s shoots. For the winter, it is recommended to cover and use a dry shelter for this, and also carefully ensure that snow does not fall from above in large quantities (for example, ice from the roof). In spring, remove the film.

The second wintering option is to transplant the bush into a container with a volume of 5-20 liters (depending on size) and keep it in a cool room with a temperature no higher than 7 degrees. Water periodically.

One of the most popular varieties of large-leaved hydrangea is hydrangea early blue, which blooms with lush blue inflorescences. This is a small bush that can be planted not only in a flower bed, but also in a pot at home.

In appearance, it is very different from its counterparts - tree hydrangea is a spreading, lush bush with a large number of shoots.

It blooms from June to September. This flower grows quickly and sometimes reaches 5 meters in height. It is undesirable for tree hydrangea to be in the sun; it is better to be in partial shade, otherwise the plant risks dying.

It is also worth remembering that hydrangea is a moisture-loving plant, so it is necessary to provide it with a sufficient amount of water. About 3-4 times a season you need to loosen the soil around the flower. It is frost-resistant, but it is recommended to cover young bushes and loosen the ground by about 15-20 centimeters so that the roots of the plant do not freeze.

One of the most popular tree hydrangeas is Annabelle. Another name for it is smooth hydrangea.

Any type of soil is suitable for it; the main condition for the long life of this variety is a large amount of moisture and the absence of heat, so on days when the sun is especially active, it is worth paying more attention to it. With proper care, Annabelle hydrangea can bloom for many seasons in a row (sometimes there are long-livers that bloom for 50-60 years).

Another variety - Sterilis— not much different from her predecessor Annabelle. This lush bush blooms especially in August. Its flowers change from white-green to pure white. Caring for it is no different from caring for Annabelle, however, the winter hardiness of this plant is average.

Hydrangea serrata. This type of hydrangea is also a shrub, but less lush than the tree hydrangea shrub. Depending on the acidity of the soil, it can change color.

Requires sun, however, a little shade will also suit it. The soil for planting serrated hydrangea must be nutritious. For the winter, the flower must be carefully covered, otherwise it may die.

Got its name due to its appearance: This is a shrub with flowers collected in a pyramidal inflorescence. The bush blooms magnificently. This type Hydrangeas love water, so they will survive even in swampy areas. Frost resistance is high: it will tolerate cold down to -25 degrees.

Belonging to the serrata hydrangea, it is notable for the fact that it changes color: during the summer from a greenish tint to pure white, and in the fall it turns pink.

This variety has been grown in our country for quite a long time, because it easily tolerates frost and is unpretentious in care.

It has honey-bearing flowers, long flowering, and frost resistance. Interesting note: than more acidic soil, the more magnificent the bush. Prefers partial shade rather than full sun.

- a dwarf bush (up to 70 cm in height), which blooms luxuriantly from July to September. Loves lighted places, protected from the wind, as well as slightly acidic and moist soil. It is necessary to water once a week.

Bobo hydrangea is suitable for planting in a pot or container so that they are at home, on terraces or balconies.

It is very popular among summer residents. Of course: the lush bush and fragrant flowers will leave few people indifferent.

It can grow for a long time without replanting, has high frost resistance and is unpretentious to the soil. However, when planting, it is worth remembering that most of all it loves light, but without direct sunlight.

Hydrangea vanilla frieze. This the new kind, which is distinguished by bright flowers: at the beginning of flowering they are white and then turn crimson. She needs fertile and wet soil. Frost-resistant, shelter is necessary only for young shrubs.

Breitschneider's hydrangea. Perhaps the most unpretentious flower to care for. There is no need to cover for the winter; it is highly frost-resistant. Tolerates lack of water, only needs to be watered in severe drought. Does well in the shade. It is a shrub (height up to 4 m), the flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

A liana that can climb a support to a height of up to 25 meters. Used for decorating houses, gazebos, fences.

Winter-hardy; Only young plants need to be covered. The flowers of this hydrangea are small and bloom from June/July. It requires moist, nutritious soil. Grows best in partial shade or full sun.

Ash hydrangea. This is a small heat-loving shrub whose flowering period is from July to September. Frost resistance is average, however, in severe winters the shoots will freeze. However, they recover quite quickly. Requires a large amount of moisture. Ash hydrangea inflorescences are used in winter bouquets and in making floral arrangements of dried flowers.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in caring for hydrangea. Provide it with proper care, and the flower will delight you for many seasons.

And here is a video about the varieties of hydrangea (types and varieties).

And so, we looked at the most popular hydrangeas (varieties, descriptions, photos). Happy growing!

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