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Compatibility of Aquarius and Taurus: blockade or development? Taurus and Aquarius - is a harmonious union of representatives of two different elements possible?

Taurus and Aquarius will not pass each other by. Although these signs are radically different, they are in a symbolic square. This means that if their interests diverge in some way, a scandal cannot be avoided. We can say that here the changes in the face of Aquarius are fighting with the stability that Taurus stands for. The first one doesn’t need much to be happy, just give him like-minded people with whom he will share his crazy ideas. But the second one has a specific list of all kinds of needs, mainly material ones. Will Taurus and Aquarius be able to not only find but also build long-term relationships? Astrology gives answers to all questions.

What is remarkable about the beginning of a relationship?

In such a union, problems begin from the very beginning. It is known for what insurmountable stubbornness Taurus is famous for. And Aquarius is not the nicest zodiac sign when it comes to his interests. Between such partners the principle of intransigence often works, and after a quarrel they for a long time take offense at each other, while constantly waiting for the first step of reconciliation from the other. If the feelings between them are strong, then their passion will help to reach agreement. They will indulge in lovemaking after every fight. Taurus and Aquarius do not hesitate to sort out their relationship in public, the intensity of passions between them is so strong. But there are also periods when these madmen finally calm down in each other's arms.

Then they can talk about common topics and discuss common interests.

What problems lie in wait?

The reasons for the disagreements will be suggested by the general horoscope. Taurus and Aquarius differ from each other in character. Calm, balanced and constant Taurus does not understand the eternal torment of the changeable, eccentric and restless Aquarius. In addition, it seems to the first that the second is too stupid and unprincipled. And to Aquarius, on the contrary, Taurus may seem boring and inhibited, fixated on money, and therefore absolutely uninteresting and materialistic. Due to quarrels, their relationship may be broken. Taurus and Aquarius are also very stubborn, they treasure their opinions like the apple of their eyes, and often cannot not only accept someone else’s point of view, but also treat each other with understanding.

How will this relationship end and will it end at all?

Unfortunately, such relationships often fall apart before they even begin. These principled people are ready to close their eyes to their feelings and desires, just so as not to change themselves. In fact, self-betrayal occurs when a person denies love, drowning in pride, vanity, self-centeredness and other vices. Many couples whose zodiac signs are Taurus and Aquarius live happily together. In fact, the second of them is not so changeable. In love, many Aquarians are quite constant towards their significant other. Only their feelings are frivolous, or rather, their love is often hidden behind visible indifference. If representatives of these zodiac signs really want to be with each other, then nothing can separate them. After all, the stubbornness inherent in both of them can be directed in another direction - building relationships. Good luck!

Compatibility Horoscope Taurus-Aquarius Taurus was born under the auspices of the beautiful and magical Venus, and Aquarius is patronized by sparkling Uranus. Astrologers believe that these planets endow their pets with too different character traits, so the compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius is far from perfect. But the stars, as always, are ready to argue - spring Taurus and winter Aquarius may well become friends and create a full-fledged union, you just need to try.

The earth of Taurus personifies strength and power, the air of Aquarius is motionless, but under special circumstances it can break free and then the world will gasp with delight.

Taurus is consistent, persistent and hardworking, Aquarius is impartial, reasonable and self-confident. But Taurus and Aquarius have one quality that brings the zodiac signs together - this is the desire to help and the ability to provide support to everyone who needs it. Taurus is unusually patient and persistent, it is almost impossible to unsettle him, but when Taurus is angry, it is better not to be around. Aquarius is the sign of a genius, his ideas are always original and unusual; few people succeed in seeing Aquarius irritable, because the air sign always finds a diplomatic way out.

The active Aquarius may be bored next to the thorough and slow Taurus, but the tenacity of the earth sign is admirable, so the air sign will definitely be interested in the stubborn pet of Venus. In general, Taurus and Aquarius have a chance to prove to the world that their union can be productive, the main thing is to find each other.

Taurus woman and Aquarius man

Lady Taurus is gentle and seductive, sensitive and independent. The pet of Venus always achieves victory, many people think that she is simply lucky. This is not so, the lady of the earth made a clear plan in childhood and never deviates from her plan. In her youth, the earth girl has many affairs, but as she gets older, the Taurus lady begins to implement her long-standing plan and look for an ideal husband. The Taurus spouse will be lucky; he will get an excellent housewife and a passionate lover as his wife. But there is a point about which the stars are obliged to warn the future husband of the lady of the earth - Taurus is an extraordinary owner, and if she does not create scandals, this does not mean that she has gotten rid of jealousy. The Taurus husband can forget about the desire to take a steam bath in a male company - there are cameras installed everywhere, and the cute old bathhouse attendant is a relative of Venus’s ward.

The Aquarius guy is honest and reliable, loyal and constant. Since childhood, he has been distinguished from his peers by his independent mind and brilliant ideas. If you saw a boy who right hand writes and draws with the left, and at the same time, then this one hundred percent will turn out to be Aquarius. Aquarius is a dreamy romantic, but he rarely has his head in the clouds, because he understands this world much better than others. Women are drawn to the air boy, but he is picky and chooses the lady of his heart long and thoughtfully. The wife of Aquarius will be extremely lucky, because in the role of husband, the pet of Uranus will show his best qualities. The Aquarius husband is economical, practical and hardworking, his house is full of guests, because you won’t get bored with Uranus’s ward, and famous comedians can envy his wit.

Dating a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man

Aquarius has a wide range of interests, so the air guy can find himself anywhere in the world, including where the Taurus lady will be at that time. The stars will try and make sure that the pets of Venus and Uranus visit one exhibition of paintings or photographs; the signs of earth and air can meet at a concert of some pianist.

Aquarius will certainly be interested in the original bracelet, which he will see on the delicate hand of the Taurus lady. Of course, Aquarius knows a lot about jewelry, and even about gizmos self made he knows better than any jeweler. And the Taurus lady is a jack of all trades and will not wear consumer goods, and she can pore over her jewelry for weeks. The conversation will be easy and relaxed, because the boy of air will talk to any silent person, and the Taurus lady adores smart and educated men. Aquarius will smite the girl of earth with his knowledge of art, promise to show the photographs he took during his trip to Altai, and then all that’s left is to exchange phone numbers.

On the day they meet, there will be no great love, after all, the signs of earth and air are too different, but the spark has already flown, so Aquarius will not let the Taurus lady go so easily and will certainly find out where she lives and what she does.

Dating between Taurus woman and Aquarius man

The Aquarius boy is a dreamer and a romantic, and it won’t be difficult for him to surprise the lady he likes. The Taurus girl will certainly appreciate the original surprise of Aquarius - the air guy will definitely come up with something like that, he can, for example, send a courier to work for Taurus with a chic bouquet and a touching note in which he will beg the earth lady to come on a date. And when the Taurus lady finds a cute plush donkey in the bouquet, she will simply melt, run away from the service and begin to prepare for the meeting with all her thoroughness.
The air guy is a great connoisseur of female beauty, and when he sees the Taurus lady who appears in all her splendor, Aquarius will be speechless. Even the most demanding fashion critic will appreciate Taurus’s taste, and there’s no need to talk about the quality of her outfit - Taurus’s things are practical and expensive, and it’s difficult to find a similar dress, even if you go around the whole world. It’s not bad if the date takes place in the territory of Aquarius, because the airy seducer promised to show the lady of the earth his amazing photographs. In addition, in addition to photos, Aquarius has a lot of interesting things at home, so the Taurus lady will not be bored.

It is undesirable to move from words to action on the first date - the pets of Venus and Uranus are better off enjoying communication without kisses and confessions, because Love still timidly stands at the door and waits for the omnipresent Cupid to appear.


Cupid, of course, will balk, saying that the matter is too complicated and tricky, but he will still do his job. Aquarius boy could be a hero love story, or melodrama - both Shakespeare's Romeo and Bulgakov's Master can envy his romanticism. The Taurus lady will not resist the advances of the cute Aquarius guy - passion can engulf lovers instantly, and even if astrologers at this moment are scratching their heads and thinking about the vicissitudes of fate, the air-terrestrial couple doesn’t care anymore.

The stars must warn the charming girl of the earth - while Aquarius is in love, he will shower his passion with gifts and sing endless serenades under the balcony, but as soon as he gets bored, he may forget about his vows in an eternal feeling. Therefore, it is advisable for the Taurus girl not to relax and use her imagination - the Aquarius man does not need to be surprised with culinary delights, in this matter he himself is a jack of all trades, but the lady of earth will have to change her hairstyle, makeup and outfits every day.

The stars are also in a hurry to “delight” the charming Aquarius: soon he will have to face the jealousy of a Taurus woman, and then he can forget about flirting and routine compliments addressed to local beauties.


Communication between an Aquarius guy and a Taurus lady will be anything but boring. The girl of the earth listened to the advice of the stars and tries in every possible way to entertain her lover. True, her imagination often goes off scale, and her mistrust of Aquarius drives her crazy. The honest guy in the air is already tired of explaining to his jealous girlfriend that while he is with her, there can be no talk of any other women.

Aquarius will often begin to linger with friends, who will tell him that it is time to part with the jealous woman, but the air sign is an unusually sensitive comrade, and he will not be able to hurt his unusual chosen one.

Gentle Aquarius does not tolerate encroachments on his freedom, so he will have to fight with the Taurus lady. Cupid has already written a letter of resignation, but even he is interested in how it will all end, so he periodically flies in to see the earth-air couple and explains to the lovers that if they want the story to continue, they need to change something.

In moments of passion, Aquarius and Taurus forget about all differences, because the intimacy of air-earth guys is ideal, and the differences in the elements are completely unnoticeable. And one fine day, the pets of Venus and Uranus will finally decide to forget about all the advice of the stars and friends and submit an application to the registry office - suddenly something will work out, in as a last resort, getting a divorce is not a problem.


All the astrologers in the world will come to the wedding of the air-earth children to make sure that all this is true and not the fiction of the yellow press. The Taurus bride is stubborn, and the Aquarius groom is used to seeing things through to the end, and even though everyone around him is against such a union, our lovers are adamant - the celebration will be magnificent.

A joint household and everyday life will help the relationship between air-terrestrial spouses - both the Taurus wife and the Aquarius husband are unusually thrifty and homely, and common affairs, as we know, strengthen even less unusual unions.

By setting up their nest, the newlyweds will feel almost happy; disagreements may begin after two or three years of living together. But caring Venus and Uranus have already persuaded the stork, and it flies to the family of Aquarius and Taurus with a surprise.
Aquarius as a dad is ideal, as in everything else - he will make his children the happiest, and Taurus mother will be quite pleased. After all, the air father will feed and play with the children, while the earthly mother comes up with a scenario for the next family holiday. Children will take the best genes from their unusual earthly-airy parents - you can be proud of little geniuses. The marriage of a Taurus wife and an Aquarius husband can be long and happy, it all depends on the wishes of the spouses and on their readiness to compromise.


Despite the differences in the elements, the Aquarius boy and the Taurus girl can become friends with early age. Parents of air-terrestrial friends will only be happy - after all, they always know that the Taurus girl will help the Aquarius boy avoid bad company, and Aquarius himself will always tell his earthly friend what to do in a difficult situation. Girly Taurus will sometimes blush for her eccentric friend - Aquarius loves to shock people with spectacular antics, but you won’t get bored with him, and the calm girl of the earth deep down dreams of becoming like Aquarius.

It is, in principle, impossible for the signs of air and earth to quarrel - the balanced Aquarius and the patient Taurus girl know that the role of enemies will not suit them, because they have entrusted each other with all their deepest secrets, and it will be better if the secrets remain between them. Even after starting families, the pets of Venus and Uranus will be inseparable. The dreamer Aquarius will often spoil his earthly girlfriend with original surprises - this, however, may not please the wife of Aquarius and the husband of Taurus. But nothing, air-terrestrial friends will quickly explain to their other halves that their friendship is indestructible, and they will not part, even if they have to sacrifice family peace.


Aquarius is an energetic and active comrade, an inventor and a dreamer. He constantly comes up with brilliant ideas that, with a skillful approach, can lead to unprecedented success. The Taurus lady is good in the role of an administrator; she will resolve all issues with ease, so the earthly lady feels quite comfortable in the role of a leader. Having created an alliance, air-terrestrial businessmen can get along, if only the Taurus lady does not limit the imagination of her Aquarius partner and gives him complete freedom.

The Taurus lady and the Aquarius man treat money quite calmly; even in the event of bankruptcy, the earth-air partners will not panic, but will quickly find a way out. The Aquarius businessman is unenvious and unscrupulous; he won’t even mind if his Taurus boss starts taking away most revenue, although the lady of the earth will not allow herself such impudence - everything is always honest and reliable with her, like in a bank.
Sometimes the girl of the earth will slow down the development of the business - after all, she is conservative and afraid of any innovations, but the boy of the air will dispel any doubts and persuade his companion to take on risky ventures.

The stars are sure: the tenacity of the Taurus lady and the genius of the Aquarius man will make the air-terrestrial union promising, and the guys will achieve victory in any area.

Taurus man and Aquarius woman

The Taurus boy is sentimental and sensitive, but at the same time calm and practical. The peace-loving guy of the earth always strives for harmony; he understood his destiny in the womb. Taurus trusts his instincts, and his inner voice almost never deceives the earth guy. The pet of Venus is charming, so there are always enough fans around Taurus, for every taste. And Taurus has a delicate taste, so he chooses only the most charming woman. With age, Taurus changes in better side- his stubbornness helps to achieve great success, and happiness to the lady who manages to bring Taurus to the registry office. A pet of Venus will make an excellent husband - a thrifty, homely and handy guy will do everything to make his wife and children happy.

The Aquarius girl is charming and charming, smart and versatile. Since childhood, the airy girl has been distinguished by an original approach to everything she does. The freedom-loving and independent pet of Uranus has her own point of view on everything; next to the Aquarius lady, no one is bored, so she is always surrounded by fans and suitors. Lady Aquarius, despite her temperament, is careful when choosing a partner - she will never start a relationship with a person who is inferior to her in intelligence or status. But, however, having fallen in love, the lady of the air may forget about her rules - here she faces the danger of giving her heart to an unworthy person. The life partner of Aquarius will be lucky - the airy wife will become an excellent hostess, however, the husband of Aquarius will have to take into account the character of his wife and constantly improve himself.

Dating a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman

Uranus and Venus agreed that the acquaintance of their charges would take place in a romantic atmosphere, so all that remained for Aquarius and Taurus was to meet. The party that the stars will throw for the earthly-airy children to meet will be excellent - the singer, beloved by both Aquarius and Taurus, will definitely come, and the pets of Venus and Uranus will be at the neighboring tables.

The circle of acquaintances of the Taurus guy and the Aquarius lady is large, so among the friends of the earthly-airy guys there will definitely be a mutual friend who will introduce the pets of Uranus and Venus.

An impressionable guy on earth will immediately discern a future chosen one in a charming beauty - after all, Taurus’s intuition is at its best. The Aquarius lady may be embarrassed by the persistent advances of the earth guy, but after Taurus persuades the famous singer to perform a song for a new acquaintance, all the doubts of the airy lady will evaporate.

It is unlikely that the signs of earth and air will be able to talk - too loud music will distract from the conversation, but stubborn Taurus will not be confused, and will certainly come up with something to lure Aquarius to take a breath of air.

It is advisable for Taurus to wait with active actions - the Aquarius lady does not like impudent guys, so it is better to limit herself to intellectual attacks; the girl of air will appreciate this and will dictate her phone number to Taurus.

Taurus man and Aquarius woman dating

The Aquarius lady is unlikely to agree to an ordinary walk along the embankment or to a meeting in a cafe, so the Taurus guy will have to use his imagination and come up with the most original and magical place for a date. The boy of the earth is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but he will try his best and arrange a gorgeous evening for the airy lady.

There is no doubt that the path to his dacha will be covered with flowers; Taurus will even hang lanterns on the trees and invite violinists to play Chopin at the moment when the Aquarius girl appears. But even the musicians will stop playing as soon as they see the magnificent and mysterious beauty from the air element. Taurus will instantly come up with poems for the airy sorceress, and will not hesitate to read the lines, kneeling down.

The Aquarius lady is imperturbable, but even she cannot resist the romance of the Taurus man - on this date everything that the stars are silent about can happen. Moreover, the crafty mischief-maker Cupid has taken the place of the conductor, and passion will immediately seize the earthly-airy children. The stars will not give the pets of Venus and Uranus advice on what to talk about during the first date - the Taurus guy and the Aquarius woman will have no time for small talk.


The love of earthly-airy guys will be almost ideal, astrologers respectfully take off their hats and retire to a meeting to understand what kind of failure occurred in the universal program, that representatives of dissimilar elements fell in love with each other. And everything is simple, say the stars, because Love exists on its own, and it does not care about the opinions of astrologers and astronomers.

The Aquarius girl and the Taurus guy are not aware of the discussions going on about their relationship - the pets of Venus and Uranus are simply enjoying the feeling that has gripped them. The love idyll of an earth-air couple can last quite a long time, it all depends on where the lovers will hold their meetings. The stars advise to refrain from living together - life at this stage of the relationship is completely unnecessary, it is better to just meet and enjoy communication, because soon difficulties await the lovers.

The Taurus boy will be nervous, because he new passion from the air element she is unusually freedom-loving, and the jealousy of the boy of the earth, previously dormant, will burst out. The Aquarius girl will not tolerate encroachments on her freedom, so she will take all attempts by Taurus to imprison her in a beautiful cage with hostility. And when the owner of the land deletes all contacts from the air lover’s phone, the Aquarius lady will get really angry and Taurus will be in trouble, because a balanced air girl can show character in anger.
Astrologers rub their hands gloatingly, hoping that now everything will be according to the rules, but that’s not the case - the lovers will understand how to behave and maintain the relationship.


Earth-air guys may forget about calm, but routine does not threaten their relationship. The dissimilarity of characters can also add advantages to communication - after all, every day the Aquarius lady and the Taurus guy will discover something interesting in each other. The patient Taurus boy does not like arguments, so at first he will have a hard time - after all, the eloquent lady of the air loves to talk smart themes Moreover, her knowledge is extremely great. But if an Aquarius girl wants to maintain a relationship, she should remember that eloquence and wit will come in handy when communicating with friends, and with a loyal and sensitive Taurus it is not at all necessary to have intellectual duels.
A calm guy on earth will sometimes irritate his restless girlfriend and seem boring to her, but the stars know that this is not so, Taurus just needs to immediately initiate Aquarius into his plans and explain why he acts this way and not otherwise.

Mutual friends will test the strength of the earth-air couple, but pretty soon they will regret it - the lovers will tell their friends what they think about this, and all their acquaintances will finally give up their fruitless attempts to separate Taurus and Aquarius.
Idyll in intimate life has helped many couples stay together for a long time, and the pets of Venus and Uranus will not be an exception - the Aquarius girl and the Taurus guy have already decided to go to the end.


Venus and Uranus, and Cupid as well, will personally appear at the air-terrestrial wedding and make sure that everything goes to the highest standard. The Aquarius girl will be, perhaps, the most original bride in the world, and it is unlikely that her imagination will be limited to a banal white dress. She will even persuade her fiance Taurus to look different from the handsome guys from wedding magazines - in general, the paparazzi and famous journalists will be delighted, and the guests will discuss the marriage of Taurus and Aquarius for several more months.

The Taurus husband and Aquarius wife should write down the rule of marriage on a large poster and often look at the inscription: Silence is golden! When air-terrestrial spouses want to sort things out once again, it is advisable for them to lead each other to this poster and silently go their separate ways. different rooms. All quarrels between spouses will be mainly due to the desire to dominate, so it is pointless to give advice - stubborn Taurus and capricious Aquarius will remain unconvinced. But there is a way out, as for many couples - the birth of children will save the marriage from unnecessary disputes and stupid quarrels.

You can't look for a father like Taurus - he even goes on hikes with his children, and he will treat any hobby of the children with understanding. And what kind of room he will arrange for the kids - you will be amazed, even the neighbors will come for a tour. Mom Aquarius is also good, affectionate and understanding, kind and hospitable - the children are well-fed and clean, and the neighbor's tomboys are running around with their pockets full of gifts. If the earth-air spouses manage to get to the copper wedding and celebrate the seventh anniversary, then things will be easier.


You probably won’t find a better friend than the Taurus boy, because he is an honest, loyal and most reliable comrade. The Aquarius girl is also not far behind positive qualities- sensitive and kind, she will always rush to the aid even of those she does not know. Together, the signs of earth and air can be quite happy - the friendship will turn out to be strong, to the envy of many.

And here the relationship between Taurus and Aquarius will not be affected by different elements and dissimilar characters of friends - you can write patriotic children's stories about their friendship, or publish articles in useful magazines.

The Aquarius lady at any age is distinguished by her restlessness and original approach, and will always make the life of her calm friend fun and varied. If an old woman with green hair and a modest old man in an old-fashioned frock coat and top hat suddenly appear on the street, there is no doubt that Grandma Aquarius has egged Grandfather Taurus on to another adventure, and they are hobbling off to some carnival. This couple of restless old men will be adored by all the children around them, and as soon as the kids see Taurus and Aquarius nearby, they will instantly drop their affairs and surround their friends with a dense and cheerful crowd, because now something incredibly interesting will happen!


The Taurus businessman is a fortress that no competitor will dare to take; the Aquarius lady is an excellent speaker, capable of captivating any skeptics. A union of earth-air guys can lead to excellent results; the main thing for the pets of Uranus and Venus is to correctly distribute responsibilities.

Lady Aquarius, although she often has her head in the clouds, sees all the changes in the business world, so it is impossible to take her by surprise, she best player on the exchanges, but, however, sometimes it can get too much. And she will certainly be helped by the practical Taurus, who never turns off his head and always knows how to act.

Money for earth-air businessmen is not an end in itself, but the pets of Venus and Uranus are not at all against getting rich. The drive of Taurus and the genius of Aquarius will help partners achieve success in any area in which they wish.

Many will envy the alliance of air-ground partners - of course, the guys can do everything without special effort. But this, of course, is not so, it’s just that the stubborn Taurus at the beginning of the enterprise drew up a clear plan for conquering the peaks, and his original companion makes changes only as needed.

The stars are waiting with delight for the businessmen of air and earth to move Rockefeller and proudly take his place.

The union of this couple is simply unpredictable. The Aquarius girl is so frivolous and uncontrollable that only a man with angelic patience can withstand her. This is exactly what Taurus is. Aquarius creates an atmosphere of mystery around herself and attracts everyone who is within the radius of her gaze. At the same time, Aquarius firmly sets a goal and goes towards it.

She will never go astray. And this integrity of nature and determination so attracts Taurus, who value honesty and directness. True, in many ways her life priorities completely contradict his aspirations. But it's tolerable.

Taurus - Aquarius: compatibility of signs or a sea of ​​misunderstandings?

A man of this zodiac sign knows how to see right through people. Therefore, he is able to discern that behind the flighty nature of Aquarius lies a skillful and responsible leader who also knows how to save money. However, this can also cause quarrels. After all, despite the fact that compatibility is perfect, he will not be able to come to terms with her habit of storing any unnecessary and old junk. This gentleman loves that every thing in the house is good and of high quality. As for the rest, quarrels can happen because she explodes quite often. Taurus most often simply does not expect this, and therefore gets offended and withdraws into himself. But such is the case, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Aquarius and Taurus - love and family

Yes, this union is quite complex, sometimes even explosive. But if they get together, then it will be a wonderful union of two lost souls.

Taurus is able to surround his beloved with tenderness and give her as much warmth and love as he can fit in his heart. Aquarius will feel with him like a tender and fragile girl who has finally taken refuge from all troubles behind the wide back of her chosen one. And in return, she will give him the confidence that he is her dream. True, the Taurus man’s imagination is very limited, and therefore there will be no flirting at the initial stage of their romance. There will be no romance, therefore, if this man is dear to Aquarius, you should take everything into your own hands. This couple's marriage will be quick. and the Aquarius woman is so plump that they will become They are both wonderful hosts, however, the Aquarius woman is very touchy, and therefore you should not tell her that the carpet is poorly cleaned and the soup is not salted. Unless, of course, you want to do it all yourself later.

Sex and cheating

In terms of intimate life, Aquarius is very liberated, which at first can quite frighten the Taurus man. But he is a good student and quickly grasps everything new. And besides, he is not alien to the love of pleasure and sexual pleasures. In this regard, he may try to look for something new on the side. If this is a one-time thing and just a small and meaningless hobby, then Aquarius will forgive him. But once he exchanged her for another and regretted it, he will never cross the threshold of his beloved’s house. The Aquarius woman does not know how to forgive betrayal.


Compatibility between a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman is not always serene. He will not keep an eye on his beloved, but quiet jealousy is always present. And Aquarius, if she is crystal clear and faithful only to him, may soon think about divorce. After all, living under constant suspicion is very difficult.

Let's sum it up

So, as you can see, the compatibility of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman can be simply perfect. If it were not for banal conflicts, which, because of their simplicity, never cease to be difficult. If this couple stops perceiving the bonds of marriage as chains, then they will soon develop into thin threads of spiritual unity.

In this article:

This is a difficult couple, all astrologers will agree. Like ice and fire, because Aquarius personifies the cold water element. Taurus, on the contrary, is a man or a woman, is different hot blood, amazing ability love and express your feelings. Their classic horoscope usually looks disappointing, especially at a young age. If they managed to overcome the milestone of 5-10 years together, then the couple becomes different.

Now they are accomplices who have united against everyone only for themselves. The influence of zodiac signs on each other is undeniable.

In this case, both change after a long period of living together. In friendship, love relationship x and sex they become relaxed in private. Taurus, of course, wants violent displays of feelings in public, but Aquarius stops him. Their whole life is spent at home. This couple has a chance for a good future together, so don't miss it. If things get hard, don’t rush to leave. It is better to consult an astrologer for good advice what to do next.

The stars show the way

Still, if the Stars brought them together, then something significant will happen. Moreover, we are talking not only about love relationships or marriage, but also about work and cooperation. A guy and a girl meet - so different, so surprising to each other. Taurus is always in a hurry. This does not mean that representatives of this zodiac sign do not know how to wait, no, on the contrary. Taurus is very patient, but knows what he wants, and therefore does not put off implementation.

Aquarius is patient externally, but internally also wants to speed up any process. But in love, the rush method is not always suitable. They need to get to know each other, otherwise cooling will soon begin in this relationship.

If you are together, then it is necessary, because these people would hardly have crossed paths without the idea of ​​the Universe. A man and a woman must decide for themselves - what is it? Love or just passion. If we are talking about a fleeting intrigue and they definitely don’t want to continue it, then everything is much simpler. True, Taurus does not know how to conduct short affairs, which means that everything will end badly for him.

If you are confident in your love, take care of it from this very moment. Relationships are easier to start than to maintain. Sometimes it seems that there is an abyss between them, but this is not so. The compatibility of these zodiac signs is, in fact, high. Simply, you need to find common themes. Sometimes, they become infatuation, passion, and sometimes - hatred for someone or something, no matter how paradoxical it is.

In any case, the horoscope advises not to take your relationship lightly. Try yourself in love with such a new partner. There will be harmony in a relationship when you accept each other with open eyes.

It can be hard together

Even though the couple has good compatibility, but together it can be difficult. There is a battle of characters here, because they are very different. A man and a woman generally differ in character, and if they also mix character traits representatives of certain zodiac signs, then relationships turn into daily work.

Labor always bears fruit. They have many differences, but they also have a lot in common - passion for their work. If Taurus and Aquarius find a common cause that will occupy them (at least computer games or cooking), then all their conversations, goals and free time will be dedicated to your favorite topic. Very often interests coincide.

In a difficult relationship, a man and a woman must remember one thing - what united them. Love at first sight is not always possible in this couple, because Aquarius walks with his eyes downcast. Taurus will fall in love faster, and Aquarius will most likely allow himself to be loved - it all depends on the combination of who is who in the relationship.

The Aquarius woman is usually a secretive, introverted person. She experiences a whole Universe of feelings, but inside. So, after a date, she doesn’t look nervous or excited only on the outside, but at home, alone in front of the mirror, she will definitely dance with happiness. Such features of Taurus confuse her. He was used to immediately shouting about his feelings, inviting him to live with him on the weekend, or going on a trip together.

Being together is not easy, but if you understand your partner, everything becomes obvious. To do this, be sure to study your partner’s horoscope; it will give you a better idea of ​​who you share your destiny with.

Taurus man, Aquarius woman

The compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius gives hope for a happy marriage. The Taurus man will definitely do everything for this. You can rely on him, because he is a real man who knows how to appreciate femininity. Taurus man does not forget important dates your family, be it:

  • his wife’s grandmother’s birthday;
  • date of first kiss;
  • first trip together.

Everything that connects a couple is important to him. For this, Aquarius will be grateful to him, but inside. The compatibility horoscope gives a couple many chances; it is simply impossible to miss everything.

The Aquarius woman knows how to adapt. If she has to live with all the noisy relatives of Taurus, then she will bear a silent protest. She will be successful in her career once she starts working. Although, most Aquarius women do not like to work. The horoscope for the beginning of a relationship for this couple may be 50/50, because she does not strive to open her heart. The respect and trust of an Aquarius woman needs to be won, sometimes over years.

In love and marriage

The Aquarius woman knows how to be a good housewife. After the wedding, it is advisable to move away from all parents and relatives into your own home. There she will be able to restore her own order and maintain it. The life together of these zodiac signs is successful if both have their own hobbies and personal space. Living in one room with the whole family is a temporary option, because if this lasts a long time, the Aquarius woman will more often run away from home, just to be alone with her thoughts.

It’s not easy for them together only at first, because understanding another person is the most difficult task of our nature

The astrologer advises not to force an Aquarius woman into marriage. Taurus often sees them perfect compatibility, wants to start living together as soon as possible. Aquarius will simply be afraid of such pressure. It is better to give her time and freedom, then she will come to you. In such a case, family horoscope will be very good.

Aquarius man, Taurus woman

The Aquarius man loves order in everything. His personal horoscope is also very consistent. He sets a task for himself and clearly draws a plan for its implementation. And so it is everywhere - in work, love, family. He already knows when and how many children he wants to have. It can be difficult with him because of this, because he lacks a certain flexibility that gives a person the opportunity to change his plan in accordance with the moment. Despite this, he has good compatibility with spontaneous Taurus. Perhaps this is why they make successful couples.

The Taurus woman is ready to do anything for her lover. Sometimes it seems that she is playing with her feelings, but this is not so. She knows how to completely dissolve in her love. This woman knows the value of real feelings, so she will not tolerate a deceiver next to her who only takes advantage of her. Such connections can only bring disappointment and resentment.

For the zodiac signs Taurus and Aquarius, it is important that there is no misunderstanding. The Taurus woman is the first to try to remove them from the relationship.

In love and marriage

In marriage, these zodiac signs are good at following general rules. They shape their own lives, so it is better for relatives and friends not to flatter them with their advice. This will only spoil the harmony that the couple managed to create with such difficulty. They manage to come to some kind of compromise that allows them to live long years in harmony.

Their children do not know about their problems, this couple wants to give their offspring all the best, to protect them from life. This can be dangerous, because you need to gain your own experience somewhere.

Although there are problems, the compatibility of these signs is undeniable. Yes, it can be difficult to understand your partner. Yes, coming to a joint decision is even more difficult. But love will fuel a sincere conversation. Don't make decisions without consulting your partner, this will hurt him deeply.

Taurus and Aquarius represent opposite elements. Taurus (earth sign) are practical and plan their lives for years to come. Aquarius (Air Element) – a sociable, cheerful and lively character, prone to incredible actions, loves to shock others with unusual behavior. Such differences lead to complete misunderstanding between representatives of these zodiac signs in many areas of life. Relationships are often unstable; repeated quarrels will periodically accompany such couples. However, life shows that with the mutual desire of Taurus and Aquarius, good compatibility in marriage can be achieved, and such unions are not uncommon.

Compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in love relationships

Both Taurus and Aquarius live in different worlds, which rarely intersect with each other. And yet such couples occur quite often. Their main common feature- stubbornness. But if it is extremely difficult to convince Aquarius and change his point of view, then Taurus, with all his tenacity and perseverance, may give in. Short romantic relationships are quite suitable for both Taurus and Aquarius, but if we are talking about life together, misunderstanding and conflict of interests arise. Aquarius is freedom-loving and sociable, while Taurus is possessive and strives to take possession of its partner. Aquarius does not like this restriction of freedom, and he does not stay long.

An Aquarius man cannot imagine his life without strong, vivid sensations, and he can quickly get bored with the stability of Taurus. If a woman values ​​her chosen one, she will have to turn a blind eye to his frequent absence and spontaneity, and accept her partner as he is. In this case, compatibility in love between Aquarius man and Taurus woman will be built on gratitude and understanding of the chosen one. The patience of your beloved will be appreciated. Aquarius simply needs to return to a quiet refuge after his adventures, and Taurus will be able to provide him with this shelter. However, a woman may not have enough care and attention from her man, and she will not be able to withstand long unauthorized absences.

The Taurus man is impressed by Aquarius's cheerful, easy-going disposition and crazy imagination. He is a reliable boyfriend and knows how to earn money. But over time, the Taurus guy will begin to limit his social circle Aquarius girls, and compatibility in romantic relationships will become more complicated. Without making joint efforts to harmonize communication, once loved ones drift apart.

Sexual compatibility

Taurus - very sexy sign. Sex for him is natural and necessary process to create harmonious relationships. Aquarius can talk about sex for a long time, but does not attach much importance to it. Ready to experiment, but quickly satisfies his passion. That's why sexual compatibility Taurus and Aquarius find it difficult to find physical intimacy. Both signs will not experience any special problems in bed if Taurus understands that Aquarius needs the mood, and he will not be able to have sex at any time. And Aquarius must understand that intimacy for Taurus has great importance, and regularity is the key to strong relationships.

The interaction of Uranus (the patron of Aquarius) and Venus (the patron of Taurus) will contribute to mutual attraction Aquarius men and Taurus women. Their romance can develop rapidly if it begins in an unusual setting: on vacation or on the road. Thanks to his artistry, Aquarius will quickly win the heart of his victim. But as soon as an Aquarius man achieves a Taurus woman, he will lose his interest in her in bed, and compatibility is out of the question. A woman will want to see a serious partner in a man, but Aquarius does not know what love is, quickly loses interest and is looking for a new object for research.

Paired with " Aquarius woman – Taurus man“The second one is more active and original. Aquarius does not take initiative. She enjoys a romantic dinner and conversations. She treats her sexual partner like a friend. Due to different temperaments, the relationship will not last long.

Compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in marriage

Despite all the stubbornness, the wedding of Taurus and Aquarius will take place with mutual desire. They will be especially brought together by common trials. Difficulties can bring representatives of these signs closer together; the tension in the couple’s relationship will go away, and they will be able to relax.

Compatibility Taurus girls and Aquarius men in marriage is possible if there are no significant disagreements between them in everyday life. One has only to discuss how they will solve financial and domestic issues and raise children. With mutual concessions, there are all the prerequisites for building a strong, happy family. Taurus should not limit the freedom of his man and try to subjugate him. They should spend time together more often, and having common interests will only strengthen their union.

U Taurus men and Aquarius women the union can be either too intense or very easy. Taurus is a good provider and stands firmly on the ground. He is a good partner for an Aquarius woman. Taurus will take upon himself the solution to all everyday problems, and Aquarius, who lives in her own reality, will receive reliable support in the person of her chosen one. The woman has a vivid, vivid imagination. She is often visited original ideas, sometimes frivolous and dubious. Taurus has to “ground” his woman. But it is precisely thanks to these qualities of Aquarius that a Man manages to bring more than one idea to life.

Compatibility in friendship

Taurus and Aquarius cannot work as friends either. Having different characters and temperaments, they are not attracted to each other. behave differently in society and have different views for life. They don’t find common topics for conversation. The exception is joint interests in business.

It's hard for a girl to find mutual language with a representative earth element. Taurus will not understand her revelations, and she will not listen to his advice. Often a man does not perceive Aquarius girl as a mature person, he is skeptical about her arguments.

The Aquarius man prefers to communicate with more relaxed and contactable people than Taurus girl. But she questions the reliability of such a man and does not seek to get closer. Compatibility between the zodiac signs Taurus woman - Aquarius man can arise if there is family ties, mutual interest, a girl falling in love or calculation on the part of a guy. In any case, such friendship will not last long.

Compatibility at work

Taurus is very responsible about his work, he is able to accept independent decisions and take full responsibility for them. Taurus brings any goal to completion. The energy of Aquarius is aimed at change and reform. He is dedicated to his work and full of new ideas. With a skillful approach, his ideas can lead to extraordinary success. Both signs are calm about money and when difficulties arise, they do not panic, but look for ways out of the crisis situation.

Often Taurus woman afraid to use innovations, because she is characterized by conservatism. But the Aquarius man is able to dispel her doubts and convince the boss to take a risk. The tenacity of Taurus and the skill of Aquarius can lead to a promising partnership and help achieve success in any business.

Good compatibility can be Aquarius woman and Taurus man in work with proper distribution of responsibilities. The leader in the union will always remain one person. Aquarius always sees well all the changes in the business world; it is the best player in the stock markets. Taurus is a practical employee who always knows how to act. Having a clear plan, the man will persistently pursue the implementation of his plans, and the Aquarius woman will make the necessary changes as needed.

The planets give Taurus and Aquarius completely different character traits; their compatibility is far from perfect. To create a full-fledged union, both signs need to try hard. Active, energetic Aquarius can get bored next to practical and thorough Taurus. But the tenacity and perseverance of the earth sign cannot but delight Aquarius. Despite the fact that marriage between representatives of these signs is not always successful if the partners serious intentions, life may well turn out well. Only by understanding how different their characters are, and having gone through all the difficulties together, are Taurus and Aquarius able to come to mutual understanding and create a strong union.