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Stylish homemade cage for a hamster. Do-it-yourself hamster house - instructions for creating what to make a hamster cage from

If you decide to get a pet and choose a hamster, then you need to think about a home for the small animal. A DIY hamster cage can be a simple and affordable option. For this design you do not need to purchase expensive materials. Everything you need can be found in available items.

Requirements for a hamster cage

A hamster cage is easy to make with your own hands, but you need to take into account the necessary parameters. The animal should have room in its new home.

First of all, you need to consider the size of the cage. In this case, the breed matters. The best option for a Djungarian hamster, housing measures 50*40 cm. In this case, the height must be at least 20 cm.

Eat different designs that you can make yourself:

  1. A good solution is a container for a hamster. At the same time, you should not be afraid that the animal will gnaw through the walls. There will be no problems with the arrangement of ventilation.
  2. The mink is made by analogy with the pet’s natural home. But this option is poorly ventilated.
  3. Aquariums also have some advantages, for example, sawdust will not fly in all directions and pets will not be able to get out easily, but such a container does not receive air in the required amount.
  4. From a ventilation point of view the best solution are ethmoid cells. The grate can be made of rods.

Tools and materials

Let's see how it's done homemade cage for a hamster from a container. This option is the most popular. You will need a variety of materials to make a home for hamsters. The photo shows interesting solutions.

Before building the structure yourself, prepare the following materials:

  • a standard plastic container, but large in size;
  • scissors;
  • mesh made of plastic or metal;
  • Super glue.

How to make a cage for a pet hamster with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Now take a closer look at how to make a container for a hamster:

  1. Take the container and remove the lid from it. On the wrong side of the lid, draw a rectangle with dimensions of 45*15 cm. You can draw with a marker or felt-tip pen. Then the rectangle is cut out.
  2. Also cut out a piece measuring 50 by 20 cm from the mesh.
  3. Glue the mesh element on the back side. In this case, you can use superglue.

In the completed structure it is necessary to carry out additional work. For example, pour shavings or special filler onto the bottom of the container. In this case, the thickness of the layer must be at least 5 cm. Housing must be built taking into account the needs of the permanent resident.

Installation of the second floor

If you plan to place several animals in a dwelling, you will need a second floor. In this case, one container can be located above another. In this case, it is necessary to add ventilation in the lower box. You can replace one wall with a grille.

If the animal lives alone, then the two floors can be connected by a special tunnel. Hamsters love all kinds of transitions. They can run from one box to another. This will expand the habitat for the animal, as well as install more diverse equipment. Plastic tunnels can be purchased at a pet store or made from bottles. In this case, you will need to cut off the neck and bottom of the plastic bottle.

Both ends must have the same diameter. Wrap the edges with electrical tape along the cut lines. Then one container needs to be inserted into another, and then connect the parts using electrical tape. It is important to ensure that the fastening is secure. Containers must be selected taking into account the size of the animals. For a Djungarian pet you will need a capacity of 1.5 liters, and for larger ones - 2 liters.

For tunnels, you can also choose corrugated plastic pipes, which are used when installing washbasins.

If you follow the instructions, you can create a cozy and practical cage for pets. So that the home lasts long time It is necessary to carefully care for the product and follow safety precautions. The design should not contain parts with sharp corners and dangerous cuts. Only under such conditions will housing be beneficial and will please the hamster.

Many people have such wonderful fluffies like hamsters living in their homes. It is very important to create the maximum possible comfortable environment habitat for his little friend, and this is impossible without the correct choice of his home in the Unizoo pet store. ABOUT the right conditions We will discuss its contents in our article.


Cell characteristics

The main requirements for a hamster cage are space, convenience, and various accessories. So, for example, the floor of his home should preferably be flat, not made of twigs. Due to the fact that the animal's paws are small, it is quite difficult for it to move along the grid. Therefore, to make a hamster cage comfortable, you need to pay attention to various details.

Particular attention is paid to the door, which, by its size and design, should allow the owner to safely remove the pet. In addition to the most necessary things, a hamster cage should contain entertainment accessories - a wheel, a labyrinth.


Owners of hamsters can choose in Unizoo what kind of housing to buy for their pet, depending on its breed. Thus, Syrian hamsters live comfortably both in a cage and in an aquarium measuring 0.5x0.x0.4 m. A smaller housing size is suitable for dwarf hamsters. Both hamster cages and aquariums have their pros and cons.


The first type of housing allows the hamster to systematically train on twigs, sharpen his teeth on them, and climb walls and ceilings like an acrobat. Also, such a hamster cage is well ventilated and easy to clean.

The disadvantages include the fact that the pet can make a lot of noise in it, for example, running at night, or gnawing on it. It is also very easy for other animals to get to him, since he often sleeps near the wall.

Two-story and three-story

Two and three-story cages for hamsters are different large size, and the presence of all necessary accessories for a comfortable stay. More often upper floors they are intended for relaxation, and the lower ones are for games and entertainment. When choosing such housing for your baby in Unizoo, you should take into account the height between floors; you don’t want it to be too large.


An aquarium or terrarium for a hamster is suitable for small and dwarf pets. Aquariums that are open at the top should have a height that does not exceed their width, otherwise the walls of such a house will begin to fog up, creating a suitable environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

The advantages of an aquarium are the inaccessibility of other animals to the hamster and the absence of the need to constantly clean up sawdust scattered around the hamster cage.

But this option has much more disadvantages than the previous one:

  • difficult to clean, wash;
  • easy to break;
  • poor air ventilation;
  • Not enough space inside.

Mink house

Another type of home is a house, which consists of plastic aquariums connected by tunnels. It resembles natural underground as much as possible. Smooth surface The plastic is slippery and inconvenient for active animals to climb. Also, the house is poorly ventilated and inconvenient to clean, which is why bad smell appears even earlier than in the aquarium.

Cell dimensions

One of the most important parameters The thing that is taken into account when choosing a hamster cage is its size. So, the width should be at least 0.25 m, the length - 0.3 m, and the height - depending on the number of floors. Average height one level should be 0.2-0.25 m.

When it comes to a hamster cage, it is important to consider the frequency of the bars and the material from which they are made. It is best if this material is metal or plastic ( wide choose cells in Unizoo). For small breeds, hamster cages with the most frequent bars are chosen, for large breeds - less often.

Place for food

When answering the question of how to properly set up a hamster cage, it is worth knowing what specific accessories should be placed in it. The feeder is placed at a height convenient for the pet. You can buy it at any pet store, or you can make it yourself by choosing a capacious lid with sides 1.5 cm high.

It is not advisable to use a bowl as a drinking bowl, because the hamster will often turn it over, thereby making the bedding wet. Therefore, it is better to choose an accessory such as a nipple drinker for a rodent, for example, at the Unizoo pet store.

It may seem that the hamster does not drink at all, but this is not so. When a pet is fed fruits and vegetables at home, it is not surprising that he drinks very little, unnoticed by the owners. Still, he drinks and needs constantly new, fresh water!


The life of such an active animal should be bright and interesting. Therefore, what should be in a hamster’s cage are all kinds of accessories and attractions: manholes, labyrinths, a wheel. To make manholes, you can use pipes, pots with holes made in them.

A hamster can stretch its legs well and train its cardiovascular system by running in a wheel. When choosing this accessory, you should take into account that its surface is not slippery and its size is large enough. For Dzungarian breeds, the wheel diameter is 13-17 cm, for Syrian breeds - at least 19.

What to put in the cage?

Not suitable as bedding:

  • small sawdust;
  • sawdust from coniferous trees;
  • fillers consisting of clay;
  • cotton wool, rags, newspapers, paper napkins;
  • silica gels.

We make the cage ourselves

Having decided to make a cage for a hamster, you need to take into account that an ordinary jar, aquarium, or cardboard box, are not suitable for this. Minimum height The size of the house should be about 0.5 m, and the width should be 0.45 m. Following simple instructions, you can easily create a hamster cage with your own hands.

After all, it will be necessary to make a home that would reliably protect the little animal and allow it to live in comfort.

Tools and materials

In order to build a homemade home for a hamster, you cannot do without the following materials:

  • sheets lined with chipboard;
  • plexiglass or window glass;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal corners;
  • door handle;
  • furniture legs.

In order to work with them you need to prepare the following tools:

  • electric jigsaw, circular saw;
  • carpenter's square;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver, screwdriver;
  • drill.

Step-by-step instruction

When starting to create a pet's home, you need to know how to make a cage for a hamster, in what sequence.

To do this, we use step-by-step instructions:

  1. We determine the linear dimensions, shape, using a ruler, square, and draw the contours of the parts with a pencil.
  2. We cut the materials with a jigsaw or saw. We clean them with sandpaper.
  3. We protect all open surfaces of parts to which the animal will have free access, metal corners. To attach the protective edging, we drill small-diameter holes and tighten them with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  4. We cut out the front wall of the hamster cage from plexiglass, or ordinary glass. We fasten it with wedges square shape using self-tapping screws.
  5. We make the lid from chipboard, attach a fine mesh to it the right size to provide the desired microclimate in the home, and the ability to easily clean and wash it.

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Video “How to choose a cage for rodents”

The video talks about what details you need to pay attention to when choosing a home for your furbaby.

The article talks about how to make a hamster cage yourself.

A resident of a modern metropolis has absolutely no time for daily stay in nature, so he strives to create a small piece of the living world in his home by breeding indoor plants and having small pets.

These are cats and dogs, turtles and parrots, guinea pigs and hamsters. Each of them requires its own special housing. A hamster cage is no exception; it also has certain requirements.

Hamster cage: buy or make?

Such cages are also available for sale, but often they do not meet two basic requirements: functionality for the hamster and ease of cleaning for its owners. That is why it is better to make a house for a pet yourself. What must be in it? Feeder, drinker, running wheel for active movement, objects to sharpen teeth on, and an easily replaceable bedding layer.

To make a cage, first decide on the size. The optimal volume for an animal in which it will be comfortable is 50 cm in height and 40x50 in area. If this size seems too bulky, you can reduce it to 30x30x30 cm, but no less, otherwise the hamster will be very cramped.

In accordance with the selected cell size, you need to prepare:

  1. 4 rectangular pieces of plywood 6-8 mm thick for the side walls and back of the house, and for making the retractable floor of the cage. The floor must be retractable for ease of cleaning in your animal’s home.
  2. A metal mesh that is stretched instead of the front wall.
  3. A sheet cut out of plexiglass for the “roof” - for access to light and ease of observation of the animal.

A hamster cage does not require much time to make. We start by connecting the back and side walls of the cage. Pre-attach thin slats to the sides at the top and bottom, which will hold the retractable floor and plexiglass roof. They can be attached using thin nails or placed on glue (liquid nails). We also connect the plywood walls.

Before attaching metal mesh on the front of the cage, inside it you need to attach a running wheel and a couple of bits for sharpening the claws and teeth of your pet.

To make a wheel you will need wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm, a metal pin 15 cm long and wooden sticks 12 cm long and 15 mm in diameter. It is necessary to make three pairs of rings with a diameter of 10, 18.5 and 20 cm, from which the two side halves of the wheel are formed by soldering them together using spokes.

Wooden sticks are inserted between two large rings, then the entire structure is put on a metal axle and secured with washers so that it can rotate freely as the hamster moves inside it. It is better to attach the running wheel to the back or side wall of the cage, this will make it easier to pull out the bottom for cleaning.

It is preferable to make the lower part, or floor, in the form of a low box with a side 2.5-3 cm high, attaching a small handle to the front side for easy removal. Then we attach a metal mesh instead of the front wall of the cage. This can be done using metal brackets or corners. AND last action– strengthening the roof of the plexiglass house. It would be better if it was also easy to remove.

Adjust all parts of the cage so that the hamster cannot get out of it on his own, put a drinking bowl, a feeder, make bedding from wood shavings, large sawdust or finely torn pieces of paper - and the hamster cage is ready. Find a place for her so that, on the one hand, she does not disturb you, and on the other hand, she is in a place that is comfortable for the animal: not in a draft, in a quiet sunny corner. Then your pet will have a comfortable life, and you and your children will be happy to watch his games.

How to make a hamster cage, video

If you choose a hamster as a pet, then you need to prepare in advance for its life next to you. At the first stage, the question will arise of how to arrange a hamster cage in such a way that it becomes a real home for your pet. It is recommended to bring an animal into the house only after its home is as suitable for habitation as possible.

Specialists different countries There are several opinions about the size of hamster cages. If the American requirements are only 0.23 sq.m., then in Germany the area can reach 1 sq.m. per adult.

One way or another, the cage should be spacious enough for the hamster to move around in it as comfortably as possible. It is better to give preference to single-story cages, even if you plan to keep several animals.

You can purchase two cages: one large one for permanent residence a hamster and a small one into which you can transfer the animal while cleaning his house.
IMPORTANT. Only dwarf hamsters are so friendly to their fellows that they can live permanently in pairs. Djungariks are kept together when mating. Larger breeds are solitary. Therefore, if you want to become the owner of, for example, hamsters, buy them different cages.

The cage material must be durable. It is better to choose a cage with metal bars good quality so that the animal does not chew them. Pay attention to the distance between the bars - it should be small so that the hamster cannot crawl through the bars or get stuck in them. To avoid a situation where the animal intensively gnaws the bars, you can wipe them olive oil or lemon juice– these products are not dangerous for the rodent, but he does not like them.

Read more about why a hamster chews its cage.

Pay attention to the bottom of the cage. The monolithic bottom, which can be removed, is more convenient for pouring a lot of bedding. Therefore, when making a choice, it is better to give preference to this design.

The cage door should close well and tightly. In some cases an additional latch will be required. Because large species of rodents can push back a weak latch and escape.

Read how to catch a rodent if it managed to escape from its cage.

Glass or plastic aquariums (some of them are burrow-shaped) are not the best choice for a rodent. They are poorly ventilated, more difficult to clean and easy to break.

Used cells

If for some reason you are unable to purchase new cell, then pay attention to the cells that have already been used before. Disinfect and wash it thoroughly. A mixture of water and white wine vinegar will help you get rid of the other resident's smell. Suitable for pre-cleaning: children's detergents, special sprays or wipes for disinfection.

Where should the cage be?

If you have other pets, then first of all the hamster’s home should be located so that other pets cannot harm the new “family member”.
On the one hand, the hamster should live among other inhabitants of the house, on the other, the cage should be located where unnecessary sounds or light will not disturb it, especially during the daytime rest.

IMPORTANT. The animal's house must be isolated from drafts, sun rays, heating and electrical appliances. If these recommendations are not followed, your pet's health may be at risk.

To avoid debris around the cage, it can be placed inside a cardboard stand about 10cm deep.

Additional accessories

Setting up a hamster cage also means equipping it with a full set of accessories for the hamster, such as a running wheel, various tunnels, hammocks, installing a house, and arranging places for feeding and drinking the rodent.

You can support the active lifestyle of the animal with the help. The choice of diameter depends on the size of the animal itself. So, for large breeds it is recommended to install wheels with diameters up to 30 cm, for Djungarian hamsters - 20 cm is enough. You may have to change running wheels during the life of your pet, because for babies the size should be smaller than for adult. Treadmill the wheels must be solid. Using a net can injure your hamster.

A good option are tunnels that not only entertain rodents, but also help them be physically active. Make sure that the tunnel is spacious enough for your view and has good ventilation.

To develop coordination of movements, special hammocks for hamsters can be hung in the cage. It is better to choose hammocks in the form of plastic or metal tubes large diameter. They should be hung so that the animal can easily climb on and off without injury. Textile hammocks are not recommended - your hamster can easily get entangled in them and suffocate.

If the animal is hot, then you can put a ceramic saucer or ground marble tiles in the cage.

Drinking container

Every day the animal needs a clean drinking water. Rodents can drink liquid both from bowls and from special drinking bowls.
When using a bowl, it must be covered to prevent bedding and pieces of food from getting into it.

The best option would be an automatic drinker, which is attached to the outside of the cage and has a ball inside the spout. In this case, the animal can lick the tip of the spout, thereby moving the ball and receiving water.

Food container

Pieces of food can be scattered around the cage. Then the hamster will satisfy the instincts of searching for food. This is also convenient if you keep a couple of dwarfs - when they are busy digging for food, they will not have time for skirmishes.
For large species, it is recommended to use a bowl that is resistant to turning over. When using this container, you will be able to see how much your pet is eating.


Some rodents prefer to build "nests". But even in this case, you can install houses in the cage - plastic or wooden. They must have a removable roof and entrance. Windows are unnecessary - the animal can get stuck in them. In addition, light will enter through the windows, which will prevent the hamster from sleeping during the day.

The house itself should be quite spacious - rodents often store their food supplies there.
Flexible bridges can be used as housing. They will resemble caves if they are well covered with substrate.
You can also prepare the house with your own hands. An empty dried coconut is suitable for these purposes. You need to drill a larger hole in it and sand the edges.


You can use compressed sawdust or wood filler. The sawdust should not be too small - otherwise they may get into the animal’s nose or get tangled in its fur. Wood pellets must be odorless and dense enough - loose pellets will quickly turn into dust, which will harm the animal.

An excellent option is shredded corn cobs with leftover grain. This is safe for the animal, allows it to bury itself easily and not harm itself.

IMPORTANT. The animal may be allergic or have breathing problems to pine or cedar sawdust. Do not use cotton wool, bandages or other materials that disintegrate into individual threads– the hamster can get entangled in them and damage its paws.

Fillers should be avoided cat litter– they often contain clay, which will stick to the animal’s paws when wet. There are also mineral fillers, which are toxic to small pets.

It is worth pouring bedding at least 6 cm deep - the pet will be able to burrow into it and play. If your apartment is cold, then during this period it is worth increasing the volume of the filler so that the hamster can warm up.

As a material for the house, it is permissible to use napkins or unscented white toilet paper, torn to pieces.
You can give the animal pieces of non-wool fabric.
Some pet stores even sell special nesting material.
You should always have a supply of bedding and nesting material on hand. Cleaning can be done spot-on once a day. Major home cleaning is usually done once a week.

Additional entertainment

To prevent the animal from getting bored, you can put it in its cage cardboard boxes or toilet paper rolls - he can play with such things for a long time, gradually chewing them.

There must be a mineral stone for grinding teeth. For the animal this is both entertainment and benefit.

Thus, all of the above accessories will help you set up a hamster cage. Stock up on them in advance, and only after the future house has been completely arranged, add a hamster to it.

Communication with your pet

When the animal gets used to its new place of residence, you can. Regular interaction will keep your hamster healthy and happy.
But do not forget that you need to handle the rodent correctly to avoid stress for the hamster and for you. The rule good manners in this case, it is considered when you clasp the rodent on both sides with your palms - this will help prevent it from jumping out of your hands. Grabbing the paws, picking from the back or touching the head can lead to aggression in the animal.

Examinations of the animal

Examine your pet at least once a week to promptly contact a veterinarian.
It is necessary to check the condition of the teeth and fur, whether there is moisture on the tail and butt, whether there are any wounds, and whether the eyes are clean.

Some experts recommend weighing the animal to monitor whether it is eating properly - whether there is a loss in weight or, conversely, a gain in grams.
If you notice an upset stomach or bleeding in your hamster, contact a specialist immediately.

Many people prefer small pets over various reasons, for example, hamsters. Do you also want to get yourself such an animal? You will definitely need a cage for a hamster - a house made of twigs in which the rodent will eat, sleep, and play. You need to be very careful when choosing this item, because this is where the animal will spend all its time. Find out what parameters matter when purchasing a lattice housing for a small rodent.

How to choose a cage for a hamster

If you are planning to get a rodent, you should definitely take care of a comfortable home for it. You will need a cage for your hamster to make life interesting even in captivity. It can be filled with many accessories and toys. To choose nice house, you must take into account several parameters, which will be discussed in detail below:

  • the size of the bottom and the structure itself;
  • distance between rods;
  • number of storeys;
  • pallet;
  • door design;
  • ventilation;
  • ease of use and cleaning.

Cage size

Hamsters can travel long distances and generally need to move a lot, this is how nature created them. This means that the animal’s home must be spacious. Minimum size should be 30x50 cm. The larger it is, the better, because the animal needs space for psychological comfort. In a cramped cage he will behave unnaturally and may become ill from lack of exercise. When choosing a size, think in advance about how many accessories you plan to place there.

Distance between rods

This parameter needs to be taken into account Special attention. The distance between the bars of the grill should be no more than 1 cm, and if the animal is Djungarian or dwarf, then 0.5 cm maximum. Even a rodent that is bulky in appearance can easily crawl into a thin gap; animals are naturally very flexible and nimble. It is preferable that the rods be horizontal. Then they will become an additional toy for your pet; he will be able to climb them like a ladder. This is good for their fitness.

Number of storeys

This parameter is not important for the animal itself. The more floors, the more interesting it is for the owner to watch his pet. If you choose a design with several levels, keep in mind that the distance between them should be more than 18 cm, but not less than 30 cm. It is better to buy an option in which the height of the partitions can be adjusted independently. Do not give preference to lattice floors, take solid ones. Pieces of food and nesting materials will fall through the gaps, which is very annoying for rodents. In addition, the rodent can get injured on the bars.


This element can be static or retractable. The second option is much more convenient for the owner. To clean such a tray, you just need to pull it out without removing the animal. The floor can be solid plastic or latticework made of metal rods. From a hygiene point of view, the second one is preferable; some of the garbage will spill through it. It is important that the rods are frequent, with small intervals. Then the pet will calmly run on them and will not be injured.

Door design

As a rule, the sash opens upward. It must have a reliable latch, because hamsters are very cunning and strong. They will try to get out and because of the weak door they will be able to do this easily. Doors that open downwards or to the side are not the best option. With this door design, the hamster will be able to open it by pressing with his whole body. Size also matters. The owner’s hand with the animal in it should fit freely through the door.


If the hamster cage is not well ventilated, ammonia will build up in it. This substance is dangerous for rodents and causes them breathing problems. Due to poor ventilation, bacteria can multiply in the home, causing various diseases in animals. In addition, an unpleasant odor will emanate from the house itself. To avoid these troubles, it is better to buy a dwelling made of metal rods, with maximum ventilation from all sides. Glass aquariums and plastic structures are not very well ventilated.

Ease of use and cleaning

You should choose a product that is very easy to clean, because hamsters leave behind a large number of debris that ends up not only in the pallet, but also on the walls and accessories. Plastic house or the aquarium will have to be cleaned more often than a metal one. You need to choose an option that can be easily disassembled into its main components. Plastic structures are more difficult to clean because they have many hard-to-reach corners and can be broken during disassembly. The best option is a product made of metal gratings.

Types of cages for hamsters

There are four main types of houses depending on the material used. Each of them has both positive and negative sides, which affects the final cost. To do right choice, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of the product. Below are their brief characteristics:

  1. Metal cage for a hamster. The most popular option. Hamsters will have a very interesting time in metal cages with horizontal bars. These are perfect for Syrian rodents who will not be able to escape due to their large size. Metal models, as a rule, they are very easy to disassemble, clean, and are durable. The only drawback of a metal cage is noise. If the animal stays awake in such a house at night, the owner is unlikely to be able to sleep.
  2. Plastic cage for a hamster. Such cages are often multi-level, equipped with tunnels and other entertainment. They look beautiful and are perfect for small hamsters, for example, Djungarian hamsters. Plastic models are durable, easy to use, and do not emit unnecessary noise. However, they also have a drawback. Plastic construction easy to break. There are many hard-to-reach areas, which significantly complicates the cleaning process. Sometimes the price plastic products overly inflated.
  3. Aquarium. This product is perfect for keeping some types of hamsters. These aquariums are durable and transparent, made of glass or plexiglass. There must be a well-ventilated lattice lid on top. The minimum volume of an aquarium for a hamster should be 40 liters. The disadvantages of such a home include heavy weight, poor ventilation, difficulty in operation and cleaning. In addition, it is problematic to attach some accessories to them.
  4. Modular system. These are cages to which you can attach any elements at your discretion. This option is very good, but also expensive. Sometimes these houses don't look good. However, this perfect solution for people who plan to increase the number of their pets over time.

Syrian hamster cage

This rodent is the largest of its relatives. The cage for a hamster of this breed should be very spacious, at least 50x30 cm and 25 cm in height. If the home is too cramped, the pet may develop diseases such as obesity and physical inactivity. The number of floors for Syrian hamsters does not matter, as well as additional accessories, it is more important for them free space. Choose cages for them with a wide but tightly closing door and bars with a distance of 0.5-1 cm. If you are the owner Syrian hamster, pay attention to these models:

  • Imac CRICETI 2;
  • I.P.T.S. Alex;
  • Ferplast Criceti 9 Plane.

Housing for the Djungarian hamster

These rodents are one of the cutest and most active animals. Although dwarfs are small in size, the cage for them must be very large and spacious, therefore, when existing in nature, they are able to run vast distances. For them, unlike the Syrians, houses with big amount floors and all kinds of tunnels, labyrinths, ladders for games. Your pet will enjoy a lot of entertainment. What you need to know when planning to buy a cage for a Djungarian hamster:

  1. The maximum distance between the rods is 5 mm. It is better that they are located horizontally. If there are several pets and they will breed, then the distance should be even less.
  2. Place a house in the cage so that the Djungarian hamster has its own cozy shelter. Provide your baby with materials to build a nest.
  3. Buy ceramic food bowls that will be difficult for your pet to tip over, and a drinking bowl with a nipple or nipple. Light dishes will constantly tip over, and this will make your home excessively humid.

Range of models offered modern manufacturers, very wide. The following options are most suitable for Djungarian hamsters:

  • Zoonic;
  • Credo;
  • Ferplast Coney.

How to set up a hamster cage

The contents of a home are no less important than the size and quality of workmanship. A hamster will need various accessories in its house. You definitely need to set up a house for the animal. Can be used in this capacity flower pot with a hole made in the bottom, or other suitable object. It is preferable to buy an inexpensive hamster cage with a ready-made house for your pet at a pet store. It is better to choose one with a plastic one, which is convenient to disassemble for cleaning. The remaining accessories will be discussed in detail below.

Drinker and feeder

To feed the hamster you will need two bowls. You will put dry food in one, and wet food in the second. It is best if they are ceramic. Products made from such material are difficult for animals to turn over because they are heavy. A drinking bowl with a nipple or nipple is a must. Make sure that the product you choose does not leak. It is better not to place an open bowl of water, because the hamster will constantly turn it over and cover it with sawdust.

running wheel

A hamster must have this attribute. Wheels come in metal and plastic. The first option is more durable. A hamster can chew on a plastic wheel, but it makes less noise when moving. When choosing an accessory, pay attention to the distance between the rods. If the gaps are too large, the hamster may fall through them and seriously injure his limbs. The best option is a solid plastic wheel. The diameter of the product for a Djungarian or Chinese dwarf hamster should be 20 cm, and for a Syrian hamster – 30 cm.

Toys and goodies

The rodent will need treats and entertainment. Without them, the animal will be too bored. With a lack of mobility, hamsters can develop various diseases, the most common of which is obesity. . Toys and treats cannot be called mandatory, but they will cheer up your pet and he will always have something to do. What you can buy:

  1. Teeth sharpener. It's better to spend money on this item because a hamster is a rodent. You can put a mineral stone or special chewing tablets, which are sold in pet stores, in his house. Small branches will also work fruit trees. Having a sharpener reduces the risk of your pet chewing on grill bars or plastic accessories.
  2. A container with sand or a closed bath for rodents. While floundering there, your pet cleans its fur. Please note that you cannot bathe an animal in water, so you cannot do without a bathing suit.
  3. Delicacy. This is a stick on which various dried fruits, herbs, grains and other goodies are glued. The product is equipped with a mount, so it can be easily hung from the wall or ceiling of the structure. Such an item is necessary not only to please the hamster, but also to ensure access to his body of the necessary vitamins and microelements that he receives while living in his natural environment.
  4. Entertainment. To prevent your hamster from getting bored, purchase tunnels, ladders, slides, and pipes for him. They should be comfortable and durable. When choosing tunnels, consider the breed of your hamster. The Syrians will need large-diameter products in which they will definitely not get stuck or suffocate. You can make some entertainment yourself.


This role can be performed by sawdust or soft paper. The first option is preferable. Sawdust absorbs moisture better than paper and other fillers and absorbs odors. However, they make some rodents sneeze. When laying sawdust, observe your pet's reaction. If he begins to behave strangely and has allergic reactions, remove them and put down toilet paper. Do not use newspapers as bedding because they contain lead that is harmful to your pet's health.

It is not recommended to buy litter for cat litter boxes. They are made from different materials, but everyone is too tough. ABOUT cat litters The hamster can damage its paws and introduce an infection into the body. A special filler in the form of small wood shavings, which is sold in pet stores, is best suited. It does not generate dust and is inexpensive. Such shavings are soft; if a hamster accidentally falls on it, it will not be injured. It should be poured in a layer of at least 6 cm.

Which cage to buy for rodents

Manufacturers of pet products offer a wide range of housing for rodents, so you won’t have any problems with the choice. The price depends on the size, material of manufacture, number of floors, availability additional accessories. many products are sold at good discounts. You can buy the product or order a hamster cage in the online store with delivery to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities. Please see the table below for approximate prices for houses:

Model name


Approximate price in rubles

Ferplast Criceti 9 Princess

46x29.5x22.5 cm, pink solid tray, covered with colored stickers, lacquered metal mesh on a plastic base, complete with feeder, drinking bowl, nest, large running wheel and decoration.

Top door with safety closing system, beautiful, mesh and bottom are easy to separate, durable.

Low, small diameter wheel.

Ferplast Criceti 11

57.5x31x23 cm, blue and black tray, complete with house, food mix, running wheel, drinking bowl with fastenings.

Comfortable conditions contents, roomy, the bottom is easily separated from the top, the tray is high.

Long distance between the bars.

Ferplast Oriente 10

49.5x31.5x25.7 cm, you can choose a pink or gray tray, a running wheel, a feeder, a drinking bowl, and a house are included.

Original design V oriental style, well ventilated.

Wide grille openings.

33.5x25x28 cm, assorted white, green, pink, blue, red, lilac, complete with feeder, slide, drinking bowl, running wheel with counter.

Beautiful, looks great in photos and in person, lots of entertainment for the animal.

There is a large distance between the rods.

45x30x33 cm, 2 floors, there is a feeder, an automatic drinker, a screw descent, a house, a running wheel, available in white, red, pink, blue, green.

Spacious, durable, made of quality materials.

The door opens from the side.

45x30x45 cm, 3 levels, 2 additional floors, wheel, automatic drinker, descent, feeder.

Plastic pallet easy to clean, the grill bars do not bend, there is a lot of free space.

Not suitable for a small hamster.

45x27x20 cm, blue tray, horizontal bars on a lattice, house, wheel, feeder included.

Durable, easy to disassemble and clean, made of absolutely safe materials.


Cage for Djungarian hamsters “Zoonik”

22.5x16.5x21 cm, complete with wheel and bowl, plastic tray, horizontal grid made of painted metal.

It's cheap.

Very little.

58x38x25 cm, blue tray, made of plastic and metal, has a wheel, drinker, feeder.

Reliable latches, large area, very convenient to feed hamsters.

The drinking bowl may leak, poor ventilation, high cost.

Cage "Zoomark"

36x23x24 cm, complete with hamster cage with tray, wheel, ladder, house

Many colors, cheap.

The set does not include a drinking bowl or feeder.

How to make a hamster cage with your own hands

If you have limited funds or just like to make things, you can provide your pet with a home yourself. In order to assemble a cage with your own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • large transparent plastic container (approximately 50x30x30 cm);
  • bamboo wallpaper;
  • fine mesh;
  • pliers;
  • marker;
  • wire cutters;
  • glue gun;
  • hacksaw;
  • stationery knife;
  • nafil;
  • sharp scissors.

Having all the materials and items from the list above, making a house will be very simple. Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. Using a marker, draw the outline of a rectangular hole on one of the large sides of the container.
  2. Make a sufficient hole with a craft blade. Continue cutting with the hacksaw. Use a file to remove burrs and sharp areas along the resulting frame.
  3. Cut out the side windows in the same way.
  4. Make a rectangular hole in the lid, 4-5 cm from each edge.
  5. Take the net. Using wire cutters, cut out rectangles from it, slightly larger in size than the holes you made in the walls of the container and its lid.
  6. Attach the mesh pieces to the outside of the product using a glue gun.
  7. Scissors from bamboo wallpaper cut out frames for all windows. Glue them on the outside to hide the areas where the mesh is attached. You can also make frames from thin wooden slats.
  8. Place all the accessories and bedding in your cage and you can safely let your hamster in there.
