home · Installation · Toilets on airplanes: design features, diagram and operating rules. Small Restroom Design for Big Achievements Restroom Lighting

Toilets on airplanes: design features, diagram and operating rules. Small Restroom Design for Big Achievements Restroom Lighting

1. There are no Japanese public toilets paper towels. The Japanese usually carry special hand towels with them and use them after visiting the toilet.

2. When entering the toilet, you must wear special shoes - the Japanese do not wear slippers to the toilet, even at home.

3. In Japan, you can see high-tech toilets with heated seats, built-in music, mini showers and even equipped with talking sensors.


4. Traditional Turkish toilet ( floor standing toilet) is a hole in the floor.

5. You won't find toilet paper in the restrooms in Turkey - after relieving yourself, you need to wash yourself, and this must be done with your left hand. Sometimes in Turkish toilets you can find toilet paper, but it is only intended for wiping dry after washing.


6. It was in London that the first public toilet. Entry was for a fee, and this tradition continues to exist in our time.

7. London's toilets are particularly dirty, difficult to find and prone to vandalism.


8. Singapore is rightfully considered one of the cleanest cities in the world, and its public toilets are no exception. There is even a law in the country according to which you must flush the water after using the toilet. And if suddenly the police, as a result of an inspection, discover that you have not washed away after yourself, then you will face a fine.


9. If you're a man, don't be alarmed if a woman comes into a public restroom to clean it. Most toilet cleaners in Taiwan are women, and they are not at all embarrassed by your presence.

10. In Taiwan, they use exclusively toilet napkins, and not the usual roll of paper.


11. Public toilets in China have almost no doors and most often men and women share the same stall.


12. In Malaysia, men and women share the same toilet, but there are separate women's and men's prayer rooms, so you should be careful not to confuse them with the toilet.

13. When visiting the restroom in this country, you can get splashed - it turns out that many toilets have a hygienic shower. It is a small sink, and sometimes just a small tap, which is located right next to the toilet - after flushing, a stream of water automatically appears from it for ablution.


For anyone who is concerned about upcoming repairs or reconstruction toilet room, we offer a selection of 60 interesting design projects that we have collected for homeowners with different taste and stylistic preferences, in a wide range color solutions and for different levels of financial budget.

When starting to plan a toilet renovation, it is important to remember that in addition to aesthetic appeal, all materials used to decorate the room must be resistant to moisture, easy and quick to clean, and withstand exposure to chemicals for the cleaning.

Currently, the market for finishing materials for bathrooms offers wide choose all kinds of goods that meet all the requirements for presence in a small but important functional segment of the home. From ceramic tiles to moisture-resistant wallpaper, laminated panels, glass and plastic - everything works to create a unique, practical and rational design utilitarian premises.

Let's take a closer look at the design projects of toilet rooms with various types finishing, color range and stylistic directions.

Snow-white finish - cleanliness and freshness for small rooms

The toilet is a room that, like no other utilitarian space in a house or apartment, needs to create a fresh, almost sterile atmosphere. Of course, a light color palette in the decoration of the toilet room will lead to a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. Considering the small size of the room, the white color in the design will also help in visually expanding the space.

In order not to make the toilet environment look like a sterile operating room, add a couple of accents in other shades to the snow-white interior, not necessarily very bright or contrasting, just enough small area walls finished with a material different from the main one.

An alternative to a snow-white shade can be colors from the pastel group; light and delicate shades will look advantageous together with white sanitary ware and the warm color of decorative elements.

Combining white ceramic tiles and light-colored wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern can become excellent option for decorating a small space.

While creating modern interior toilet room, many designers try to hide as many communications and engineering systems behind false panels or use built-in plumbing options. But some professionals, who are drawn to the retro style, prefer to deliberately display all communication systems, presenting them as part of the decor, and not just a functional segment.

The use of light-colored marble tiles adds a touch of luxury to the interior. The use of an artificial analogue will be no less in a successful way finishing in terms of appearance, modern technologies allow you to achieve absolute identity. The differences remain only in such material properties as strength, wear resistance and manufacturability.

When decorating a toilet room, you can completely dispense with the use of stone or ceramic tiles, and this is a little oriental design an example of this. The contrasting combination of dark wood and snow-white walls and ceilings created a room filled with light, cleanliness and spaciousness, which only a utilitarian room is capable of.

Dark color palette for an original toilet design

Against the background of a dark finish, snow-white plumbing looks even cleaner and sparkling. For those homeowners whose toilet size allows the use dark colors for surface decoration, we offer several unusual options interior of a room with a toilet.

The contrast that can be achieved by integrating snow-white plumbing fixtures into the framework of a dark room truly creates interesting design.

Dark, deep shades in wall decoration go well with light flooring. For visual expansion spaces you can use mirror, glass and glossy surfaces.

The dark gray walls of the bathroom became a contrasting addition to the snow-white floor and ceiling; original decorative items and lighting complemented the minimalist atmosphere.

The almost black finish of the room became the background for the toilet unusual shape and a beautiful piece of decor, which is the focal point of this small but interesting, from a design point of view, room.

This toilet room is an example of how you can successfully combine dark shades with a natural warm palette as part of the design of all surfaces of the room. The interior, with a slightly Asian twist, gives the impression of luxury and wealth.

Despite use, quite dark color palette to decorate the room, it does not look gloomy. Combination various materials and their colors made it possible to create an interesting design, filled with chic and brilliance. Not the least role in the creation interesting interior played decorative items and unusual design large chandeliers.

Bright interior of the toilet room - finishing features

For everyone who is not ready to put up with the snow-white surfaces of sterile bathrooms and prefers to refrain from using dark colors in the interior of any rooms - our next block of toilet design projects.

Why not use bright, rich colors of tiles or wallpaper to decorate bathroom surfaces? If the size of the room allows, and your taste preferences are inclined towards the spectrum of bright colors - you need to act based on own preferences, without looking back at trends and modern trends in the field of interior design.

By combining white ceramic metro tiles and wallpaper with a bright active print, it is possible to create a festive, but at the same time practical finishing walls White and black flooring and a similar edge design option facing tiles became a harmonious completion of the toilet image.

Another example of using the combinatorics of white and colored surfaces in the toilet room. Thanks to the unusual decorative elements, managed to create a truly non-trivial design of the room.

By using mosaic tiles, which is produced in small glued blocks for ease of cladding, you can create interesting inserts and panels against the background of the light finish of the toilet walls. Mosaic tiles are also convenient because they allow you to tile uneven surfaces, roundings and arched niches, protrusions.

Thanks to the abundance of mirror surfaces, the lighting system and unusual decorative elements, it was possible to create a truly interesting interior design for the toilet room.

Combining wallpaper with a variegated pattern and mosaic tiles in wall decoration allows you to create an interesting and non-trivial background for plumbing fixtures in white tones.

Bright, accent wall The scarlet color became the center of focus, because quite large decorative items were placed against its background. The slightly decadent atmosphere was complemented by a mirror in a carved frame.

With finishing wood panels and paintings on glass partition, managed to present an interesting, unusual design of the toilet room.

The interior of this toilet room cannot be called bright; rather, it is sparkling and brilliant. Corrugated mirror surface became a way to present an accent wall.

An alternative to lining toilet walls using ceramic or stone tiles can be pasted with textile wallpaper, which tolerates moisture well and is easy to care for. In addition, the surfaces exposed to the greatest amount of water – above the sink – are lined natural stone. A bright piece of art became a successful chord in completing the extraordinary design of the bathroom.

Just three neutral shades used to decorate the toilet made it possible to create an interesting design for a small room.

Unusually shaped toilets as a way to diversify bathroom design

We bring to your attention several images of toilet rooms, in which the center of attention was not the decoration of the room, but the main piece of plumbing for any toilet - the toilet. Square or rectangular, oval and egg-shaped, built-in and hanging, miniature or, on the contrary, large-scale models of plumbing fixtures have become highlights when creating interiors for home utilitarian premises.

Minimalism as an option for arranging a small room

No other interior style is as suitable for modest-sized rooms as minimalism. Modesty and austerity of the decor is preferable for small enclosed spaces, and in city apartments, toilets are just such small rooms. In addition, monitoring the cleanliness of a room in which there is no unnecessary decor, and from all the furnishings there are only plumbing fixtures, is much simpler and more effective.

Wood and stone always go well together in the decoration of rooms, even utilitarian ones. Natural materials with the opposite - cool and warm energy, they bring a peaceful atmosphere to any interior.

Only the variety in the decoration of the room and the contrasting shades attract our attention in this toilet room. No unnecessary decorative items or plumbing accessories, flowers or shelves. Only a combination of smooth snow-white surfaces with wooden slatted wall finishing techniques.

And finally, two images of toilet rooms, created specifically for book lovers, for whom the toilet is like an office. For some homeowners, the closet is the only place where walls or shelves can be used to display collectibles or souvenirs brought from various travels.

100 BIG ideas for a SMALL toilet

If the toilet room is small (hello “Khrushchev” and panel houses), this does not mean that it does not require unusual design finds. Quite the contrary - the interior design of a small toilet should be worked out in detail taking into account the rest of the interior in the house or apartment and, of course, with the main functional purpose this room. The right interior small toilets will visually enlarge the limited space.

Interior ideas for a separate toilet

In our understanding, the bathroom and toilet are one, even if they are separated by a wall. That is why in the tiny area of ​​the toilet the same Decoration Materials, the same colors, the same shapes, textures and techniques for decorating the water supply and sewer risers as in the adjacent bathroom. The interiors of the toilet and bathroom are twins, the separation of which can spoil the overall impression of the entire house.

Separate bath and toilet - photo example of rooms designed in the same style:

To create a harmonious interior of the toilet room you need:

  • replace old communications with new PVC pipes;
  • hide sewer risers under finishing materials and water pipes(for this you should use simple designs made of plasterboard, which can be easily disassembled in case of an emergency);
  • install new plumbing (if the toilet is wall-hung, then it can be installed immediately - before finishing the walls, floor model installed on the new floor);
  • lay the flooring, tiles and then sheathe the walls and ceiling;
  • install small lamps (any large chandelier will instantly reduce an already small room).

Small toilet - how to visually increase the space?

Having decided on the general concept of the toilet (and it should be combined with the style of the house and the bathroom in particular), you can begin the renovation.

How to create an illusion free space, in the immediate vicinity of floors, walls, ceilings and doors, read on.

I would like to talk about deep black color, rich blue, but, in our case, we will talk, of course, about light shades- about warm and cold pastels.

Tender, as if washed away by water, pastel shades are especially good in the interiors of small toilet rooms.

Ultramarine, mint, lilac, turquoise and delicate rose will visually fill the interior of the toilet with coolness and emphasize texture feature every accessory in the room.

You can enliven a pastel interior with the help of color accents, for example, a bright graphic panel or an intricately shaped lamp on one of the walls.

Another well-known technique is soft contrast.

My only wish is that the interior of the toilet is pastel colors don’t give off a cheap “scoop” look, don’t lay square tiles in the toilet, just paint the walls these colors. It will be elegant and fresh, we promise!

If you want to make the interior of a flat and lifeless toilet brighter and more interesting, then under no circumstances use tiles of the same color in the decoration of the toilet.

Remember, the smaller the space, the bolder the color combination should be.

Creating accent areas. Tile almost the entire surface of the toilet room with pastel colored tiles, and finish the wall behind the toilet with a different, brighter color.

or like this...

As for new trends in toilet design, today it is more than relevant to decorate these rooms in a somewhat pretentious style, something like Rocco, Baroque or Renaissance.

For those who are scared by the prospect of sitting on a bathroom with gold trim, we offer a photo of a toilet decorated in eco-style - both original and modern.

Interested in the color of the toilet according to Feng Shui? Then for walls, plumbing and accessories it is better to use soft, blue, white and green shades that go well with the elements of water.

One of the most risky and complex options design for a small bathroom is a black and white toilet interior.

There can be no mistakes here, since the line between despondency and luxury, melancholy and solemnity is too thin.

Of course, quantity white in a small toilet room there should be more than the amount of black. In this case, an option in which the lower parts of the wall are tiled with black tiles, while the ceiling, floor and upper parts of the wall remain light, will look great.

If you decide to paint the walls with a plain washable paint, don’t be lazy and decorate one of them with wall decorations: unusual drawings, photographs, simple paintings or stickers.

Or so...

What materials to use in the design of a tiny toilet?

Concerning classic materials- ceramic tiles, plastic panels and multi-colored mosaics, then so much has already been said and written about them...

Yes, they are easy to clean, withstand chlorine-containing cleaning agents and do not absorb unpleasant odors.

Unlike wallpaper, which is too sensitive to moisture, tiles and panels practically do not become dirty and always look clean.

But really, in our high-tech age, haven’t some interesting new products in toilet and bathroom interior design? Toilets are not decorated with tiles alone!

Not one, not two, but hundreds of new ideas appeared, but ceramic tile(oh, there’s nowhere to hide from her, not even in the toilet!), as they say, “rules.”

What is there to argue about, a competent design of tiles in the toilet is a win-win option, with the help of which you can not only maintain perfect cleanliness in the bathroom, but also practically double its area.

Don't believe me? Then try using a technique in the toilet room that is often used by experienced designers - tiling the toilet with tiles with a non-contrast imitation of a textured material: fabric, sand, natural stone etc. or use 3D panels.

What should be the shape and size of ceramic (tile) tiles in a small toilet?

For tiny toilets, rectangular tiles are preferable small size. A well-balanced, successful option is a combination of walls covered with small square tiles and a mosaic floor.

But you shouldn’t use tiles with a complex polygonal shape - such a design will visually reduce and fragment the already modest area.

How to lay tiles in the interior of a small toilet?

A method that definitely will not take away the volume of the room is joint to joint.

Lighting in the toilet

You can turn a cramped standard toilet into a stylish and comfortable room by properly organizing the lighting. The light in a small toilet should not hit the eyes and be too bright; it is much better if the backlight is diffused and soft. Waterproof spotlights and halogen lamps give an interesting effect.

Which toilet is better to choose for a small toilet room?

According to the installation method, toilets are:

  • floor (traditional option);

  • built-in (they are distinguished by elegance and significantly save space);

  • with a closed eco-system (a sink is installed on top of the toilet, the water from which is purified and goes into the cistern).

Optimize small space in the toilet room, you can place a small cabinet on high legs behind the toilet. This decision will allow you to store intimate things in the toilet that you would like to keep here.

A cistern with a sink is the ideal solution

A small toilet, repaired irresponsibly, usually looks depressing.

Show some imagination! Just don't overdo it, like in the photo below)

Interior of a small toilet - photo of design ideas

“To some extent, the cleanliness and comfort of toilet stalls is a reflection of the level of civilization of any country (Najib Tun Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia)”

Perhaps the oldest toilet (its age is 4.5 thousand years) was discovered on the territory of the Mohenjo-Daro fortress (modern Pakistan). It is a brick structure with a seat connected to an underground sewer system. There were also similar premises in China, Egypt and Ancient Rome.

According to one version, the first flush toilet appeared on the island of Crete long before the beginning of our era. It looked like a stone toilet seat, to which, using complex system pipes supplied water.

Let's see what the toilets look like in different parts peace.

1. This is a regular school in Belgium. Everything is civilized here: for 230 students and 20 teachers there are 22 toilets. (Photo by Tim Dirven):

2. Haiti. "I don't have closed toilet. My toilet is a hole in the ground next to my house.” (Photo by Shiho Fukada):

3. Bangladesh. (Photo by GMB Akash):

4. India, Uttar Pradesh. Here many people do not have a toilet in their home and go to an open field. (Photo by Atul Loke):

5. And this is civilized Australia. But local artists have their own quirks. For example, the toilet and bath are not in the house, but outside it. Although there are no special problems - the house is surrounded by wild bushes and trees. (Photo by Warren Clarke):

6. Ghana. This madam lives in a rented room with her husband and four children. There is no toilet at home, you have to go to a public one. (Photo by Nyani Quarmyne):

7. England also has its quirks. Here, for example, is a composting toilet. (Photo by Steve Forrest):

8. Public toilet in Thailand. (Photo by Patrick Brown):

9. Mozambique. A public toilet where 30 people from different families go. (Photo by James Oatway):

10. Favelas (slums) in Brazil. The water is turned on here on Thursdays and Sundays, get out as you wish. (Photo by Eduardo Martino):

11. Public toilet in a department store in Japan. Here you can charge your phone, watch TV, and even have a foot massage. (Photo by Noriko Hayashi):

12. In contrast: a public toilet in Ethiopia. (Photo by Petterik Wiggers):

13. South Africa. Bad, but yours. (Photo by Eric Miller):

14. Zambia. (Photo by James Oatway):

15. Big house gypsies from Romania. The bathroom is as much as 20 meters away. (Photo by Petrut Calinescu):

16. Madagascar. (Photo by Frederic Courbet):

17. Kenya. (Photo by Frederic Courbet).