home · On a note · All types of blenders. Why do you need a blender in the kitchen: functions and application features. How to choose a stationary blender

All types of blenders. Why do you need a blender in the kitchen: functions and application features. How to choose a stationary blender

To ensure that everyday housework brings a minimum of hassle and maximum pleasure, there is a whole army of electrical and mechanical assistants. One such device that is designed to perform a number of tasks in the kitchen is a blender. But not all housewives use it. There are several explanations for this fact. Firstly, not everyone has it. Secondly, basic laziness (take it out, collect it, then wash it). And, thirdly, as sad as it may sound, many simply do not know what a blender is for. So that the question does not remain rhetorical, it is worth understanding it a little.

Types of blenders

Globally these kitchen helpers can be divided into 2 categories: stationary and submersible. The first ones are a jug (it can be different sizes and shape), which is placed on a support that serves as a stand, a motor, and a knife at the same time. An immersion blender is a portable device with or several attachments attached to a handle. It is plugged into the electrical network and hides the engine inside.

Regardless of the type, blenders vary in power and number of attachments. True, stationary with a sufficient number additional functions more often called already food processor. A portable blender can serve as a mixer, prepare dough and make mayonnaise. The stationary one basically grinds, beats and mixes (does what a blender was originally for).

Main functions

If we consider the simplest option without additional attachments, then this device has only 3 tasks: chop, beat, mix. Undoubtedly, the question may arise about why you need a blender if you have a meat grinder and a mixer. With their help, you can grind products or beat them into a homogeneous mass. Mixing by hand works well too.

Of course, every housewife must decide for herself whether a blender is needed in the kitchen. But no cocktail made by hand will turn out so smooth and tasty. Especially if the ingredients include solid components (ice, fruits or berries). A meat grinder is a good and necessary thing, but you will never get puree in it. And not a single mixer in the world will make the curd mass for or filling for an open pie so homogeneous.

What is a blender for?

Immersion is usually used to prepare puree soup, grind vegetables or meat for baby food or make mayonnaise. It can also come with attachments for kneading dough and making cake cream. Some manufacturers even equip it with some kind of small stationary jug in which products are easily and conveniently crushed.

If you need to make a batter (for example, for pancakes), it will take literally 2 minutes. Of course, if available All products (milk, flour, salt, sugar, eggs, vegetable oil) simply put it in a jug and turn on the engine for a couple of minutes. That's all. To achieve such homogeneity by hand, you will have to beat it for at least 15 minutes.

You can do the same fruit purees and That's why you really need a blender. Naturally, then you will have to wash both the jug and the knife. But to make this work easier, there are other kitchen helpers that should not be ignored either.

Baby food

Parents of the 70s, 80s and even 90s of the last century remember very well what it cost them to prepare the first complementary foods for their babies. Vegetables, meat, and soups had to be cooked first, carefully choosing only the most best products. And then all this was manually ground through a metal sieve. And all just to treat your child with a teaspoon of puree. They grated apples using a fine grater, damaging their fingers and nails. And in the end most the masses ate them themselves (the good stuff shouldn’t go to waste). Some dared to buy ready-made puree, although who knows what was actually put in there. And all because they didn’t know how to use a blender. More precisely, they were then by and large and there wasn't.

In fact, everything is extremely simple: you need to cook the food, add a little salt, and then grind it in a blender. It will take literally a minute - and the puree is ready, be it meat, vegetable or fruit. By the way, porridge can also be chopped in ready-made form.

How to choose a blender?

First of all, you should look at the power of the electric motor. After all, the performance of the device, and therefore the speed of its operation, depends on this characteristic.

Undoubtedly, the manufacturer is also important. But it’s most likely not worth buying a 300-watt blender from the world leader in kitchen appliances instead of a kilowatt one from the “no-name” category for the same money. they will probably be identical, and they can be made at the same factory.

What type of device should I choose? The answer to this question depends on what you need the blender for. Or more precisely, for what purpose it is purchased. If you plan to use it to prepare baby formula and puree soups, it is better to use a submersible one. And for pancakes, casseroles and cocktails - a stationary one.

As for additional attachments, you can safely sacrifice them. As practice shows, most housewives do not even take them out of the box (with the exception of the mayonnaise whisk). In the worst case, you can always purchase them additionally by ordering them on the manufacturer’s website or through a service center.

Broccoli soup

This very tender creamy dish is not only tasty, but also healthy. And the recipe for its preparation allows you to understand why it is needed immersion blender. For a large head of broccoli you will need a glass of light cream, 2 onions, a clove of garlic, 750 ml of milk or broth. You also need cheese (100 grams), blue mold is ideal, but regular Dutch cheese will do just fine, a little salt and butter, and herbs.

Place a saucepan with a thick bottom on the fire. Melt butter, fry peeled and chopped onion into half rings, as well as chopped garlic. The vegetables should become soft. Broccoli, disassembled into inflorescences, milk or broth, is also sent there, and then boiled for about 20 minutes. At the end, add salt, cream and cheese to the soup, boil for another 10 minutes, remove from heat and, after cooling a little, beat with a blender. Served with pieces fresh bread, decorated with greenery.

Banana cocktail

This simple recipe is for those who are still discussing the topic “what is a blender for?” The cocktail can easily serve as a breakfast or light dinner. To prepare it, you will need a glass of low-fat kefir, half a ripe banana, a spoonful of honey and a couple of cookies.

And take a landline one. Place all the ingredients in it, shake - and the cocktail is ready, you can pour it into glasses.

How to care for a blender?

All household appliances, including kitchen appliances, should be kept clean. This also applies to the blender. Regardless of the type, manufacturer and other parameters, it should be washed after each use. And then it is advisable to put it in a box or a specially designated box.

Before chopping food or making purees, you need to make sure that the components have cooled to at least 80-70 degrees. Boiling water can damage plastic parts. And one more thing: do not grind dry foods without adding liquid. This primarily applies to soups and sauces.

Undoubtedly, you can do without a blender and mixer, microwave and meat grinder, dishwasher and many other devices. But with them it’s more comfortable, and more pleasant, and faster.

A blender is a multifunctional device that greatly facilitates the cooking process. The functions of a blender are very diverse: preparing cocktails, minced meat, chopping vegetables, nuts, crushing ice, preparing pureed soups, baby purees and much more. In fact, this handy little thing could easily replace such appliances as a meat grinder, food processor and even a mixer. However, you need to understand that there are a huge variety of blender models that differ in appearance, functionality, quality, and, of course, cost. This raises the question, how to choose a blender?

Types of blenders

To decide which blender is better to buy, it doesn’t hurt to find out the main differences. different types blenders with each other. It is worth noting right away that choosing a blender to perform only the functions of a mixer or for kneading dough does not make any sense, since a mixer will cope with this task much better. Modern market household appliances offers so many different models that it can be quite difficult to immediately decide which blender to choose. So, the types of blenders are as follows: stationary and submersible.

A stationary blender, or shaker, as it is called in Europe, is intended primarily for crushing ice and mixing cocktails. Unlike an immersion blender, a stationary blender does not need to be held in your hands, so your hands will not get tired after working with it for a long time. Most often, it costs less than an immersion blender and also has a self-cleaning function. To do this, just pour warm water into the bowl and turn on the blender full power, and then the contaminated water just needs to be drained.

What should you consider when choosing a stand blender? In addition to the standard parameters: power, dimensions and appearance, it is worth paying attention to the material and volume of the bowl. There are two types of bowls: glass and plastic. Both types have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, a glass bowl does not absorb odors and does not darken, but it is very difficult to replace if it breaks. Plastic bowls, in turn, do not break, but pouring hot liquids into them is not recommended. The volume of the bowl varies from 500 ml to 2 liters, but since the bowl cannot be filled completely, its actual volume is always 200 ml less. You should choose a smaller or larger bowl based on the needs of your family.

An immersion blender is still more functional than a stationary one. With its help, you can prepare a cocktail, chop vegetables directly in soup, grind meat into minced meat, and much more. In addition, thanks to the small dimensions of the blender itself and attachments, it is much more convenient to store. And in a family with small children, this thing is absolutely irreplaceable! An immersion blender is a mechanism with a long stem and a kind of “skirt” at the end, with inside which the knives are located. Immersion blenders come with a metal or plastic leg. Despite the fact that blenders with a plastic leg are cheaper in price, they cannot be immersed in hot conditions, so you should give preference to a blender with a metal leg. Just like a stationary blender, an immersion blender comes in different capacities. The power determines how quickly the blender will cope with its task. But as practice shows, a blender with a power of 600 watts is quite enough.

What functions does a blender perform?

As a rule, a blender comes complete with several attachments (except for particularly economical models). Nozzles should also be chosen wisely. Why would you pay extra for attachments you are unlikely to ever use? Standard nozzles are:

  • Directly the blender leg with knives. If the blender comes with other attachments, the leg will be removable. This attachment is used to grind ingredients into puree, so it is perfect for preparing baby food, porridges and pureed soups, and also does an excellent job of grinding cottage cheese for cottage cheese casserole.
  • A chopper, or chopper, is a container with a knife inside, which is driven by the main mechanism of the blender. Here you can chop cheese, nuts, onions, carrots, prepare minced meat and much more. The products are crushed to crumbs.
  • Whisk. In principle, this attachment can easily replace a mixer, but, again, a mixer with two whisks will cope with the task much faster.
  • Vacuum pump. This attachment is present in more expensive blender models. It can be used to suck air from containers for better storage products.
  • In addition, the kit most often includes a tall measuring glass for mixing cocktails and other liquids.

A separate group is worth highlighting a blender with a dicing function, since similar models are found among both types of blenders. Such a blender can cut into cubes any food, boiled or raw: carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, bananas, apples, etc. Agree, it is an irreplaceable thing when, before guests arrive, you need to prepare a whole assortment of salads, beautifully cut into cubes. However, even here it is not always possible to guess with the choice. According to customer reviews, problems often arise of the following nature: the cubes are too large, it is very inconvenient to wash, the chopper bowl is cracking, the volume of the bowl is very small, etc.

One way or another, before choosing a blender, decide which blender is the best for your family. Find out from the seller what functions the blender you are going to purchase performs, as well as its parameters, service life and energy consumption. Find out how other users of a particular model respond to it. And only when you are sure that this best blender for you, decide to buy. After all, such a convenient, and by the way, quite expensive thing should not be just a decorative element. Happy shopping!

In this article I want to tell you about what is a blender, what types of blenders are there, what functions does a blender have, and how to choose a blender. But first things first. So...

.Blender ( English Blender- mixer ) - an electrical appliance designed for chopping food, preparing emulsions, purees, whipping drinks, mousses, etc., as well as crushing ice.

Blender- this is a cross between a mixer and a food processor, however, with one caveat. From the mixer, the blender received the ability to mix anything, and from the food processor, knives for chopping.

Compared to a mixer, a definite advantage of a blender is that it can handle harder foods and even crush ice. But only mixers are equipped with hooks for mixing dough, so the blender can only handle a small amount of not too thick dough. A food processor, of course, can handle tasks as quickly as a blender, but it takes up more space and not every kitchen has room for it. Even if the processor is assembled somewhere in a closet, then assembling it for the sake of preparing one puree is a waste of time and effort.

Types of Blenders

There are two blender options: stationary And submersible.

. A stationary blender works independently, since it is equipped with a bowl in which the knife is located, and a stand on which both the bowl and the device itself are mounted.

Using a stationary blender you can whip up cocktails, creams and egg white, prepare a variety of purees, puree soups, sauces, mix liquid and semi-liquid dough, crush ice. But best of all, a stationary blender copes with a sufficient amount of liquid and semi-liquid mixtures, but whether or not to chop greens a large number of other products using it are inconvenient. By the way, the possibility of crushing ice must be mentioned in the instructions for the device.

Compared to an immersion blender, it has its advantages, you do not need to hold it in your hands, you just need to press a button and the blender will do everything itself, it is often much cheaper than immersion blenders, it does not need to be washed, in most models stationary blenders There is a self-cleaning function. This function is quite simple and convenient, and will protect your hands from cuts. sharp knives blender. In order to wash the blender, fill the container with non-hot water and turn on the blender itself for a while.

An immersion blender is a long, “stick-shaped” device that ends hand blender is that, as the name suggests, you will have to hold it in your hands while the device is operating, which is a little inconvenient.

An immersion blender is best used for mixing anything and chopping small amounts of food, including herbs, onions, garlic, and nuts. Since hand blenders are great for small portions of food, they are very useful for making baby food.

Some companies produce high-class professional blenders designed for equipping bars. These models are different special design, the use of stainless steel or oxidized aluminum in production, increased power and bowl volume.

Blender Specifications

When choosing a blender, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

Blender power

The power of stationary mixers ranges from 220 to 700 W, respectively, the higher this parameter, the more functional the device. Blenders with a power of 600 - 700 W, as a rule, easily cope with chopping raw vegetables and crushing ice. A low-power blender can only mix boiled vegetables, soft fruits and shake cocktails.

Number of speeds

Basically, devices have from 2 to 5 speeds, but this is not the limit. On the market kitchen appliances Blenders with 12 and even 14 speeds are presented. The presence of several speeds in the device allows you to choose optimal mode blender to prepare a specific dish and achieve the best result. There are also models with continuously adjustable speed, this feature will allow you to clearly control and regulate the cooking process. Blenders can also be equipped with a turbo mode, which helps increase the operating speed of the device for a short time.

Bowl volume

Basically, the capacity of the bowl is most often 1.5 - 2 liters. Think about the quantity of cocktails you will prepare and, accordingly, what size blender would be more convenient for you to use. It is necessary to take into account that the total and useful volume of the jug are different things; the useful volume will be on average 200-300 ml less.

Material from which the bowl is made

A glass bowl will not be scratched by the sharp edges of grinding a solid product or when crushing ice, but if such a blender is dropped... A plastic bowl may get scratched and become cloudy during use, but it is more practical. Top models of blenders are made of plastic, which does not lose transparency after long use, does not absorb odors and does not stain. I still recommend buying a blender with a glass bowl, if possible, because... If the plastic bowl is possibly scratched, pieces of plastic from the scratches will mix with the food.

Power supply

Since the end of 2010, some companies, for example Braun, began to produce cordless blenders, i.e. battery powered blenders. Advantage - no outlet required, disadvantages - operating time without recharging is about 20 minutes.

Cleaning and care

Stationary blenders can be equipped with a function automatic cleaning. In this case, after finishing the operation of the device, you just need to pour warm water into the bowl and press the clean button. The nozzle will rotate and the water will rinse inner surface bowls and knives. In principle, it is not difficult to wash a blender, but there is a chance that in the process you will cut yourself with the sharp knives of the device.


Many additional attachments, practically turning the blender into a multifunctional food processor. A blender can have a variety of attachments: knives for chopping, a traditional blender attachment paired with a special transparent measuring cup for mixing cocktails, an attachment for crushing ice, and a whisk for whipping.

Popular brands

Both mixers and blenders are produced, as a rule, by the same companies. Leaders - Philips, Bosch, Siemens, Braun. Popular are Tefal, Moulinex, Scarlett, Ufesa. Professional: Bork.


Immersion blenders are more expensive than stationary ones. This is understandable, because functionality much wider, more attachments and containers are included with the device. On average, prices range from 110 UAH. up to 1110 UAH in Ukraine, in Russia – from 350 to 10,000 rubles.

A blender is a small, fast assistant that can reduce the time for preparing an original dish by almost 30%, and in some cases by 50-70%. Manufacturers of various household appliances provide wide choose models of blenders, the types of which are very diverse. What functions does this device perform, what does it help?

Initially, a blender is a mixing device. The name of this clever gadget comes from English word Blender, meaning mixer or mixer. Those who think that a blender is a device that can only be useful for whipping cocktails or grinding something into purees are mistaken. Some types of blenders thanks special devices can:

  • chop raw or boiled vegetables;
  • grind the nuts coarsely or until crumbly, depending on the type of attachment;
  • grind vegetables and fruits into puree, both raw and boiled;
  • beat dough, cocktails, creams;
  • stir sauces;
  • prepare soups, purees;
  • chop the greens.

This is only a small part of the possibilities that a blender will give to its owners.

Let's look at what types of blenders and appliances there are different types differ from each other, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Hand blenders

A hand blender is a device that consists of an elongated handle with a plastic or metal leg with slight expansion at the end for attachments in the form of knives. Using the elongated part, the device is immersed in a container with food, where it grinds, slices or mixes, depending on the type of attachment used. At the same time, it is held by the handle, on which there are buttons for controlling the unit.

Advantages of hand or immersion blenders:

  • small dimensions;
  • does not require installation;
  • easy to disassemble for washing;
  • variety of attachments and, as a result, an expanded list of capabilities.


  • blender manual type you have to hold it suspended during operation, while you need to hold the start button all the time, which is quite inconvenient, especially if the model is completely metal, since such devices are heavier;
  • when used for 1 minute or more, hand fatigue appears;
  • grinds small quantities of products;
  • not suitable for making cocktails.

The functions of this type of blender are quite diverse, with different types of attachments.

What are the accessories for a hand blender:

  • a special knife for chopping meat and vegetables;
  • specialized attachments for dough;
  • various beaters;
  • a grid that grinds products.

This list does not represent the entire variety of auxiliary attachments for a hand mixer. How more quantity The gadget performs functions, especially high cost he has. Therefore, when buying a unit, it is advisable to analyze the needs, as well as the features of the menu of a particular family; perhaps, the device will only be needed to turn food into puree.

Tabletop or stationary blender

This type of mixer differs from the previous one not only appearance, but partly also functionality. Such a device is a platform or base on which a glass-type container with built-in movable knives is installed at the bottom. Some models of this device include several bowls with different knives, the shape of which depends on what functions the container with the knife performs.

The advantages of this type of blender include:

  • when using this device does not need to be held, it stands steadily on the surface;
  • a wide selection of models of all sizes with different volumes of bowls and glasses;
  • Mixes batters and cocktails perfectly.

Among the shortcomings, users note the following qualities:

  • the device is large, so owners of small areas have problems with storage and installation;
  • Doesn't chop vegetables well enough.

We looked at the two main types of blenders that are on the market. Models of these types of devices can have various modifications that allow you to expand the functions of the device. Thus, some representatives of submersible devices are equipped with attachments with the function of a meat grinder or chopping vegetables. And stationary models can be equipped special knife, which will transform an ordinary device into a blender with an ice crushing function.

The most popular types and models of blenders on the market

The classification of blenders is not limited to the two types above. Based on these basic units, manufacturers create various models that are endowed with certain functions. We have collected some types of devices into groups that are most common among users and highlighted the bright models for which we found the most reviews on the Internet. So let's see what happened.

Hand blenders without additional attachments

  1. Scarlett SC series HB 42S08. A device that performs the functions of a regular blender. It has only one operating speed, but this is compensated by the pulse mode. With its light weight and compactness, the device has sufficient power of 500 W. The advantages of the device include its power and quality, as well as its low cost, which is about 1000 rubles. The disadvantages include the components of the device made of plastic, as well as a small number of speeds.
  2. Bosch MSM series. A simple device that looks like expensive device, thanks to the design of the main part of the hand holder and the metal submersible foot. The device is equipped with a sharp four-bladed knife, which differs excellent quality. Just like the previous model, it has one operating speed and turbo mode. Device power 600 W.

Multifunctional hand blenders:

  1. Hilton SMS Most simple model multifunctional blender combines, which includes several forms for various types of slicing and shredding, a vacuum pump, storage bowls and a chopper. The device copes well with basic functions. A disadvantage that was noted by customers is the short service life of plastic components unit.
  2. Philips model HR 1679. The blender model is equipped with additional accessories for chopping products in the form of cubes, plastics, and also a shredder. In addition, the package includes a small whisk and a glass. The device has a power of 800 W. A very convenient and multifunctional unit. Many users note the low strength of the whisk; according to reviews, this attachment very quickly becomes unusable.
  3. Vitek model VT 3404. A convenient, powerful device equipped with a metal disk for shredding and grating. It is also equipped with an attachment for processing products in the form of cubes, another measuring cup, as well as accessories for mixing sauces, dough, and cream. Device power 1000 W. The list of shortcomings of the device includes a short time of use, as it heats up quickly. Unprocessed food is collected under the lid. A reliable and convenient multifunctional device that allows you to prepare a large number of different salads and dishes.

The best representatives of desktop blenders

  1. Polaris model PTB series 0204 G. Mixer with a bowl of almost one and a half liters and a power of 600 W. The knives of the device, made of high-strength steel, provide high-quality chopping and slicing of products. Some users note that this device, without a special knife, is capable of preparing crushed ice.
  2. Philips model HR 2166. This model interesting for buyers as a set additional accessories in the form of a mill with protection against damage to the body, a special knife for chopping vegetables and herbs, as well as a seed filter that can be used for making juice. The only drawback, according to buyers, is the low power of the device, which is 600 W.
  3. KITFORT model KT 1301. Powerful 1000 W unit with 6 operating speeds. Thanks to this, it is able to quickly and easily grind even frozen foods. The advantages include a durable metal body and a glass jug, ease of use, as well as a digital display that displays information about the number of revolutions, mode and speed of operation. The list of disadvantages of this device includes: high level noise during operation and not very high quality assembly.

Lists of interesting and multifunctional devices of various types from different manufacturers replenished almost every year. Already now, in addition to a mini-combiner blender, buyers have the opportunity to purchase a blender with a soup maker function or a blender-steamer. So even the most demanding housewife will be able to choose a device that will meet all her unusual needs.

Manufacturers of household appliances, in pursuit of new customers, continue to improve the already irreplaceable kitchen blender, which is a successful assistant to any housewife in creating unique dishes. Despite the general availability and relatively low cost of such equipment, not all families have yet figured out what a blender is for.

The idea of ​​horizontally placing knives at the bottom of a container was first proposed by Stephen Poplawsky in 1922 for aeration soda water. Later in 1935, a prototype device was invented, adapted for kitchen work, which in 1937 was presented at the exhibition in a modified and expanded form under the name Miracle Blender. And 17 years later, its millionth unit was sold.

It took decades, the calculations of many inventors, so that today thousands of users could begin to operate this electrical device not only on family kitchens, but also in various catering establishments.

Advantages of technology, distinctive features

Blender is an electrical appliance designed for chopping various products, mixing ingredients, preparing mousses, cocktails, purees, and, in some cases, crushing ice. It is similar in functionality to the mixer, with which it has in common the ability to mix anything well, with the exception of dough, since the blender is not equipped with hooks designed for this job. But it has an undeniable advantage in the form of the ability to grind any products.

There is also a two-in-one model, but its functions are significantly limited.

It turns out that none of the above-mentioned devices (neither a mixer nor a food processor) can completely replace it in the kitchen during cooking due to its uniqueness.

Types of Blenders

To understand why a blender is needed, you need to find out what types there are. In total, today there are two options for electrical appliances:

With this model you can:

  • beat egg whites to make sweet pastries;
  • prepare milkshakes and sauces;
  • make a variety of purees, including for young children;
  • mix ingredients;
  • knead batter;
  • crush ice

When compared with an immersion blender, several things can be noted: positive qualities, such as no need to hold the device in your hand during operation (it will do everything itself), it does not need to be washed, most often the device is equipped with a self-cleaning function, which will avoid contact with sharp knives. The principle of the function is to pour warm water into the container of the device and turn it on for a short time.

Submersible high speed type consists of one “leg” and a knife attachment. Most often, it comes with all sorts of additional attachments and bowls that allow you to not only mix liquid products in a few seconds, but also make purees, chop herbs, nuts and vegetables.

By quickly changing one attachment to another, secured with a lock on the motor part, you can beat eggs for further preparation of an omelet. This versatility makes the device functional. The only drawback, or most likely a feature of the device, is the need to hold the blender in your hand while it is working.

Many manufacturers professional equipment offer premium blenders with a special design. Such models are made of stainless steel or shockproof polycarbonate, which makes them more durable compared to household appliances. They are equipped with increased power and a larger bowl.

Characteristics of equipment

When considering the parameters of the equipment, it is important to decide what blender you need in your kitchen, and only then make a choice:

  • number of speeds;
  • volume and material of the bowl;
  • cleaning and care;
  • nozzles;
  • nutrition;
  • price.

Power. With the help of high-power models, you can make any dish without much difficulty in chopping raw vegetables, beat the eggs, prepare a milkshake containing crushed ice. The low-power type will do an excellent job with the above tasks; it is suitable for mixing boiled vegetables, fruits and creating cocktails.

Today number of speeds on the unit varies from 2 to 5, which makes the operation of the device controlled by the owner of the blender. Also kitchen appliance can be equipped with a turbo mode, increasing the operating speed to the maximum possible revolutions for a short time.

Bowl volume on modern devices varies from one and a half to 2 liters. This is enough to make a little more than one liter using the device. milkshake. But just don’t forget that there is also such a thing as a useful volume, which is 200-300 ml less than that declared by the manufacturer.

Bowl material can be either plastic or glass. Obviously, glass containers are more durable, they do not get scratched when grinding hard products, such as cereals, nuts, coffee, do not absorb odors, and do not stain. But at the same time, glass makes the blender more vulnerable; if you drop it, the bowl may break. A plastic container loses its transparency over time.

Care. Many stationary models, as noted above, are equipped with a self-cleaning system, which allows you to wash the unit quickly and efficiently, and the likelihood of cutting yourself on the knives is minimized.

Nozzles Today there are numerous modern models equipped with additional attachments, such as whisks for beating eggs and dough, a measuring cup with knives for chopping, an attachment for crushing ice, with the help of which the functions of the blender are expanded to the functionality of a food processor.

Nutrition. Not long ago, manufacturers created wireless models that can operate on battery power. This know-how makes the device mobile; you can take it with you on the road or on a picnic. But it is worth paying attention to significant drawback– product operating time is limited to 20-30 minutes.

Price. Stationary blenders are inferior in functionality to immersion blenders, so the cost of the latter is slightly higher. This is understandable, since the device comes with more attachments and containers.


Many housewives, wondering what a blender is for, answer themselves when they become hostage to its multifunctional qualities. And, indeed, he becomes an indispensable assistant on modern kitchen. Using this device, you can not only cut onions without shedding tears, but also...

A blender is a device that sits between a mixer and a food processor, from which it derives certain abilities. From the first - the ability to mix, from the second - knives for chopping.

But, in fact, none of these devices can replace the functionality of a blender. Today there are 2 types of devices:

  1. Submersible, capable of cutting, stirring, grinding, making purees, while the presence of a special bowl in the set is not necessary, since you can use any container, ladle, broth pot or plate.
  2. AND stationary, which comes with a special bowl designed for mixing ingredients, is most often used to prepare a variety of cocktails and smoothies.

Which option to choose is up to you.