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Cyclamen, home care or how to make friends with a capricious flower. Cyclamen dormant care Cyclamen dormant care

If cyclamen leaves turn yellow in summer, then it goes to rest. What to do? How to store it? Oddly enough, but at the moment when most plants grow and develop intensively, cyclamen begins a dormant period that lasts 2-3 months. So, cyclamen is going to rest: what to do with a plant at rest, how long does the rest time last? What to do with cyclamen after dormancy?

As practice shows, cyclamen does not have a clear time frame for the dormant period. The plant can delight in flowering all spring and begin to shed its leaves closer to autumn. That is why cyclamen cannot be sent to rest by force, that is, buds and leaves can not be twisted from the tuber. Nature itself will put everything in its place, and the grower is required to take normal care of the flower.

Cyclamen goes to rest. Why? What to do?

The homeland of cyclamen is the Mediterranean and North Africa, where the summer is very hot, and in winter there is relative coolness and the level of soil and air humidity rises. Developing in such conditions, cyclamen developed a survival strategy. When in natural environment relative coolness sets in and rains come (winter), it begins to develop intensively, accumulate in its tuber nutrients. With the advent of hot, summer days, cyclamen retires to survive. It sheds all leaves. Life in the plant is supported by nutrients and moisture, which it has accumulated over the winter in the tuber. That is why, it would seem, favorable conditions in temperate latitudes, like all plants, cyclamen should also please with its green hat, but it falls asleep, remembering its harsh homeland.

It is impossible to forcefully send cyclamen to rest. It is also impossible to twist the still green leaves and buds. This is especially true for purchased flowers, in which the life cycle may go astray.

When does cyclamen retire? This is the period from April to September immediately after the flowering of the plant. However, purchased cyclamens, which are grown in greenhouse conditions and under artificial lighting, can arrange peace for themselves at any time, as their life rhythm is knocked down. True Signs the fact that cyclamen "goes to bed" is sluggish, yellowed leaves. At the same time, the tuber of the flower should remain elastic and not stained. If the cyclamen tuber is soft, spotted, exudes bad smell- this speaks of flower diseases. If the leaves of cyclamen intensively turn yellow and wither, this also indicates flower diseases.

Read more about cyclamen diseases And why do cyclamen leaves turn yellow, wither and curl. This will help you grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

In cyclamen, the dormant state begins when the average daily temperature is +20 degrees and above. The plant no longer pushes out new leaves and stops its flowering. Over time, its leaves begin to wither. They are removed when they are completely dry. Watering at this time is reduced, top dressing, spraying are not needed. Cyclamen is transferred to a dark place.

Cyclamen went to rest, its tuber completely shed its leaves. In some cases, the plant leaves several leaves. In no case should they be removed artificially.

How to store cyclamen when he retires? Experienced flower growers recommend keeping cyclamen in a dark, cool place during the entire dormant period. The plant is not removed from the ground, but put the pot on its side. Temperature environment should not rise above +12 degrees. Watering in this case cannot be completely stopped. Otherwise, the tuber will dry out and cyclamen after a dormant period or even, or with difficulty, will return to life. Watering is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks with a small amount of water. However, you need to monitor the soil moisture in the pot. Wet soil during the dormant period will lead to rotting of the tuber.

The second option for storing cyclamen at rest: the plant is removed from the ground, the tuber is placed in plastic bag, after sprinkling the plant with water, and transfer it to the refrigerator. You need to store cyclamen in the lower part, where vegetables are usually stored. This option suitable if in ordinary, room conditions there is no way to organize the storage temperature for the plant within +15 ... +20 degrees.

The optimal storage conditions for cyclamen when it goes to rest is a temperature of +15 ... +20 degrees, very rare watering, partial shade or a dark place.

If the content of cyclamen is improperly maintained during the dormant period, it often leads to either complete drying of the tuber (high temperature of maintenance and lack of watering), or rotting of the tuber (the soil is too wet and low temperature content).

End of dormant period. In cyclamen, after dormancy, new leaves appear. At this time, the plant is taken out into the light, but not under direct sunlight, watering is increased. Spraying is not necessary. It is also recommended to perform a cyclamen transplant. For this, a pot is taken that is commensurate with the root system of the flower (the roots should freely enter the pot, but at the same time, the distance between the roots of the flower and the walls of the pot should not exceed 1-1.5 cm). Soil for transplanting can be taken universal for flowering indoor plants(pH = 5.0-6.0), or you can make the soil mixture yourself. For this, leaf soil, humus, peat, sand are taken in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1. It is necessary to plant cyclamen to the ground so that 1/3 of its tuber rises above the ground.

If your florist's cyclamen hasn't woken up after a dormant period, you can grow yourself a new plant yourself. To do this, it is enough to plant cyclamen seeds. Read more,.

Several features of cyclamen care during and after rest. A newly purchased plant may lose its vital rhythm. This is explained simply: in flower shops, the plant is fed with chemistry so that it begins to bloom by the time of sale and thus has an attractive appearance. In such a cyclamen, the dormant period can begin at any time. The main thing at this time is to provide him with normal care. Over time, the life rhythm of the flower will return to normal.

It is impossible to artificially send cyclamen to rest by twisting its leaves. The plant will not only lose vitality. Microcracks form on its tuber, which will quickly colonize bacteria and diseases. Cyclamen may die.

Cyclamen after rest, it is desirable to transplant into a new soil. The plant is gradually accustomed to bright light.

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Tatyana Pankratova 08/28/2014 | 5861

Summer is the season for most flowers active growth and development. But for Persian cyclamen, which delighted in winter with bright butterfly flowers, this is a period of rest. The subsequent flowering depends on how well and correctly they rest.

There is an opinion: if the time of rest is approaching, and the flower continues to grow and bloom, you need to forcibly send it to rest. To do this, cut the leaves and twist the buds. As practice shows, nothing good comes of it. Forcibly "put to sleep" cyclamens get sick and may die.

Several years of observation of these plants allowed me to draw the following conclusion: if cyclamen wants to grow and bloom, then it can do it even in summer, in the heat, when, according to all the rules, it should rest, and vice versa. It is not worth forcing him; over time, the flower will enter the desired rhythm on its own.

Cyclamen prepares for rest

Going to rest, cyclamen stops forming buds, but can continue to unfold new leaves. At the same time, the old leaves turn yellow, they are removed after complete death. At this time, the tuber actively stores nutrients for future flowering, so cracks may appear on it, especially if the earthen coma is allowed to dry out and then watered abundantly. Cracks are not dangerous if water does not get on them. It is enough to sprinkle them with crushed coal, and after a few days the wounds will be covered with a dense crust. Cyclamen rarely sheds all the leaves.

Does cyclamen need watering during rest?

One of the most dangerous misconceptions is that during the rest period it does not need to be watered. How many cyclamens have been thrown away thanks to such "recommendations"! After several months spent without water, at best, the tuber is waiting for a long resuscitation, at worst, the plant dies. Watering during the dormant period should be moderate to exclude the possibility of tuber rot. Naturally, fertilizers are not used. To prevent rot, you can add a few drops of Fitosporin to the water.

Place for "sleeping" cyclamen

Cool content for cyclamen in summer is optional, but if possible, the plant can be put on a balcony, loggia, terrace, with shading from direct sunlight. On average, the dormant period of cyclamens lasts two to three months. Its end is characterized by the growth of new leaves and buds. Watering is gradually increased, top dressing is acceptable weak solution fertilizers.

Transplant and top dressing

If necessary, the plant is transplanted into fresh soil, partially cleaning the roots. Full cleaning recommended if available a large number rotten and dead roots. When planting, the tuber is buried in the ground by 2/3 of the height. The soil must be loose, breathable and nutritious (for example, any universal purchased soil with the obligatory addition of baking powder: perlite, vermiculite, coarse sand, cocosoil). It is permissible to add a small amount of humus, biohumus, coniferous soil. At the bottom of the pot, drainage from expanded clay, pieces of foam or bricks must be placed.

After transplantation, the plant is not fertilized for two to three weeks. As a top dressing for cyclamen, fertilizers with a low nitrogen content have proven themselves well: Kemira Lux, Ideal, Pokon. At the same time, you should not get too carried away with top dressing, otherwise cyclamens will build up a lush leaf mass to the detriment of flowering.

The most suitable time for transplanting a plant is the end of August - September. A decrease in day and night temperatures favorably affects growth, and a sufficient amount sunlight contributes to the formation of a neat and compact leaf rosette.

perennial herbaceous plant, whose flowers in beauty resemble a flock of bright butterflies, is cyclamen. Another name for cyclamen is alpine violet. It comes from the Mediterranean, is also distributed in northeast Africa, Spain.

At cyclamen original flowers and a very wide range of colors. There are white, purple cyclamens, the whole range shades of pink, red and burgundy. And what is especially pleasant, flowering lasts up to 3.5 months.

Alpine violet blooms from the second half of October to the end of March. Cyclamen is not a very fastidious plant, but some people get the opposite impression. In fact, if you follow certain recommendations, there will be no difficulties with the flower.

How to choose the right cyclamen in the store

Seeing a scattering of colorful beautiful flowers in a flower shop, it's hard to resist buying. According to the rules, the choice of a flowerpot depends not only on the color of the inflorescences, it is worth paying attention to other parameters of the plant. The selection procedure includes an examination of the condition of the roots, which are visible in the drainage hole of the pot. It is important that the roots are in good condition and free of rot.

The flowerpot should not have yellow leaves and it’s good when there are a lot of unblown buds on it. The larger the tuber, the better. The leaves of the plant should be elastic, there should be no rotten flower stalks or their remains on the flowerpot.

Caring for cyclamen during flowering

Caring for cyclamen at home involves being attentive in choosing a place for a flowerpot, organizing temperature regime, proper watering, timely top dressing and compliance with the necessary air humidity for the plant.

Choice of location and lighting

Cyclamen loves light. It should be placed on the window sills of windows that do not receive direct sunlight, but at the same time a lot daylight. Usually the best place for cyclamen is a window on the north side of the house.

Temperature and humidity

Cyclamen during the flowering period should be cool. He will be comfortable temperature + 12-15 ° C. It is bad if the temperature drops below 10 degrees or rises above 20 degrees.

For better growth and well-being of the flower, the air around it must be moistened. A regular sprayer will help with this. But at the same time, care must be taken that the sprayed moisture does not fall directly on the plant itself.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

In order for the plant to be comfortable during the flowering period, it must be watered regularly. When watering, water should not fall on the germ zone of the corm, on the leaves and flowers of the plant. good ways watering - closer to the edge of the pot, or pour water into the pan. At any time during the life of the plant, it is important not to overmoisten the soil.

Top dressing of cyclamen during the flowering period is done once every 2 weeks. For this, they are used mineral fertilizers. For top dressing, you can prepare a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer: take 1 g of superphosphate and 0.5 g of potassium sulfate for 1 liter of water.

Caring for cyclamen during dormancy

Many plants actively grow and develop in the summer, give flowers and fruits. But as for cyclamen, this plant blooms in the cold season. Caring for cyclamen in the summer is no less important than caring for the flowering period. How the flower will bloom in its active period depends on the correct care during the dormant period.

Important! There is an opinion that if during the calendar dormant period the plant continues to actively bloom, then it must be artificially sent to rest - that is, unscrew the buds and leaves. But such an experience does not lead to anything good, such flowerpots get sick and often die.

In preparation for the dormant period, cyclamen may continue to form new leaves, while the old ones turn yellow and die off. Dead leaves must be removed. At the same time, the tuber stores nutrients that will be consumed during the next flowering.

It is important to follow the rules on how to water cyclamen at home during rest. It is a misconception that cyclamen does not need to be watered during this period. If you allow the soil to dry out, and then water the plant abundantly, cracks may appear on the tuber. These cracks are not dangerous, but only if they do not get water. If they are covered with crushed coal, the cracks will become covered with a dense crust in a few days.

During the dormant period, moderate watering is required to prevent tuber rot. Fertilizers for cyclamen are not applied during this period. To prevent rot, a few drops of phytosporin can be added to the water during irrigation.

In terms of lighting in summer, the plant should be protected from bright direct sunlight. Coolness is not necessary, but if it is possible to place a flower in a cool shade, then he will be comfortable there.

The rest period lasts 2-3 months, after which new leaves and buds begin to appear.

Proper cyclamen transplant

When buying, you need to be prepared for the fact that a cyclamen transplant is required. Dutch plants are usually supplied in a peat substrate, which is designed to carry flowers but is not suitable for long-term plant growth.

Transplantation can be done once a year, until the flowerpot blooms. The most suitable time is the end of August and September, when the lower air temperature has a beneficial effect on growth.

For transplanting, you will need ordinary purchased soil. It can be prepared from the following components: peat, humus, sand and leafy soil. leaf ground there should be more in the mixture than the rest of the ingredients. The plant must be removed from the pot and carefully clean the roots of excess peat remaining on them. If rotten cuttings appear in the process, they must be removed.

Before transplanting, you need to determine which pot is needed for cyclamen. The size of the pot depends on the age of the flower. For cyclamen aged 1-1.5 years, a pot with a diameter of up to 8 cm is selected. For a three-year-old cyclamen, a pot with a diameter of up to 15 cm is suitable.

There should be drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, if they are not there initially, you can do them yourself. After that, drainage is laid on the bottom - expanded clay or pebbles. With the help of drainage, waterlogging of the plant can be avoided.

Before planting cyclamen in new soil, it is recommended to bake it in the oven for one hour. Or you can do it in a pan or treat the soil with potassium permanganate. Such measures are necessary in order to protect the plant from possible infection fungal diseases.

In the process of transplanting itself, the earthen mixture in the pot does not need to be rammed. A few old leaves should be removed from the plant, which helps to strengthen the health of the plant.

Important! You need to remove old leaves by twisting, and not just tearing them off.

The flower itself must be carefully placed in the middle of the new pot, holding it in weight so as not to damage root system. The roots must be straightened and carefully covered with earth. The tuber itself does not need to be completely covered with earth, it should peek out a little on the surface.

After transplanting, the soil is watered and the water is allowed to soak. Then watering is repeated, and earth is added to the pot. But even after this stage, the tuber should partially remain above the ground.

Important! After transplantation, cyclamen should not be fertilized for two to three weeks.

Two ways to reproduce cyclamen

There are two most common ways to propagate cyclamen:

  • seeds;
  • tuber division.
When propagated by seeds, it will take longer to bloom than when propagated by a tuber. The best time for sowing seeds is August.

Before sowing, the seeds are poured with a 5% sugar solution. Only the seeds that have sunk to the bottom are taken, the ones that have surfaced are not suitable. For another day, the seeds are soaked in a solution of zircon.

Seeds are sown in a mixture of earth and peat - they are laid out on the surface and lightly sprinkled on top thin layer earth. The optimum temperature for germination should be 20°C. From above, the sowing area is covered transparent film, which is sometimes removed for watering and airing the soil. Seedlings should germinate in 30-40 days.

After emergence, the shading is removed, young plants are placed in an environment without direct sunlight and at a temperature of 15-17°C. After the appearance of two or three leaves and the formation of a small tuber, the plants dive. This happens around December. After picking, the plants can be fed a diluted dose of flower fertilizer in a week.

In individual pots, cyclamen from seeds are planted in April - May. They bloom 13-15 months after sowing.

In addition to propagation by seeds, cyclamen can be propagated by dividing the tuber. Such reproduction can only be carried out during the dormant period of the plant. The bulb is taken out of the ground, dried a little. After that, it is cut into several parts. Each part must have strong living roots and buds. All parts of the root are processed with crushed coal and dried again. On about the third day, parts of the tuber can be planted in the ground, each in its own pot.

Reproduction by division of the tuber is not always successful, there is a risk of losing the plant irretrievably.

The healing properties of cyclamen

Cyclamen contains substances that have medicinal properties. Among them are cyclamine, saponin, bitter substances.

Did you know? Cyclamine has a specific toxicity. But in a humid environment, it undergoes hydrolysis and turns into cyclamiretin, which has a healing effect.

Cyclamen juice has the following effects:

  • destroys viruses;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • antiseptic action;
  • inhibits pathogenic flora, disease-causing gastrointestinal tract;
  • stops pain with rheumatism, gout, diseases of the joints and bones.

Fresh cyclamen juice cleans the maxillary sinuses. It is prepared from fresh tuber, which is crushed to a mushy state. 10 parts of water are added to the cyclamen gruel and everything survives through cheesecloth. The resulting medicine can be instilled into the nose for 1-2 drops. The same mixture in the form of douching is used for gynecological diseases.

During the dormant period, cyclamen ceases to bloom and sheds leaves, vital processes stop and freeze. Your pet should have a good rest in order to enjoy abundant and beautiful flowering (read about the features of cyclamen flowering, as well as the rules for caring for it before and after it has faded).

There are two broad subgroups into which the entire numerous family of cyclamens can be divided:

  1. European cyclamen: he is larger and his “hibernation” is smoother. It does not bloom, but does not shed its leaves. The European cyclamen has more fans in Russia than the Persian one.
  2. Persian cyclamen: smaller than his fellow and he enters a state of complete rest in the summer months (we talked about the features of caring for Persian cyclamen at home).

When does he "fall asleep"?

After abundant flowering, the plant enters a dormant phase. This usually happens between May and July. Cyclamen completely sheds leaves, they will begin to grow again only at the end of July.

We must not forget that for a good life of the flower, it is necessary to choose the correct temperature of the content. The most optimal is 16-18 degrees.

When the temperature rises, the plant may think that summer has come - stop flowering and fall into a dormant state.

Help prepare for hibernation

Going to rest, the “sleeping flower” stops forming flower buds, but young leaves can still grow for some time. This is due to the fact that the tuber needs to store nutrients for the next period of wakefulness.

Important! It is very important not to allow the earthen coma to dry out completely!

The tuber actively stores "food" for future flowers and therefore cracks may appear on it. If you allow the soil to dry out, especially more than once, their appearance greatly increases.

Such cracks won't bring great harm cyclamen, if you do not immediately fill them with plenty of water. Getting into cracks, water contributes to the decay of the tuber, and the plant will endure the state of rest much worse.

It is possible to fight crack decay. It is enough just to cover them with ashes or crushed coal. After such treatment, the wounds will be covered with a crust in a few days.

Dying, yellowing leaves and drying flowers are carefully removed. This should be done by removing together with the peduncles and petioles of the leaves, to the very surface of the tuber. Cyclamens rarely shed their leaves completely. Gradually reduce watering and transfer the plant to the place.

There is a false opinion that if it is time for a cyclamen to rest due to the time of year, but he does not want to do anything and continues to bloom, you must force him to do this. Cutting leaves and twisting flower buds - you won’t do better for your pet. Forcibly sent to rest, cyclamens get sick and may even die.

In the case when the plant itself is not yet ready to retire, it is impossible to “put it to sleep” by force! Help cyclamen and protect it from direct sunlight. Put in the shade for now, the plant will gradually go to rest on its own.

An interesting fact is that young cyclamens may not "go to sleep" at all. They continue to "wake" and bloom all year round. Over time, their regimen will return to normal.

Advice! If your handsome man is still young and blooms all year round - do not forget about. Otherwise, your friend, who is not yet “sleeping”, will be severely depleted, and you risk losing him.

Preparing a place to relax

If possible, it is better to take your plant to a balcony or terrace. The loggia is good too. In no case should direct sunlight fall on a pot with cyclamens. Cannot stand the "sleeping" flower and tobacco smoke This should also be taken into account when choosing a location.

If you do not have a separate terrace or loggia - do not worry. In summer, cyclamen normally tolerates elevated temperatures.

What care at home does a flower need at this time?

Some novice gardeners think that since cyclamen is at rest, then watering is not necessary. How many chic beauties were ruined thanks to such advice!

Cyclamen spends several months at rest and during this time not only the earthen ball will dry out, but the tuber itself. It will lose not only the nutrients accumulated during preparation for rest - the tuber can completely dry out.

In the best case, the plant expects a long resuscitation, in the worst case, it cannot be saved and the cyclamen dies. During rest, it is better to reduce watering, but not completely stop. Watering should be very moderate so that the tuber does not rot.(you can learn how to properly water cyclamen).

At rest, cyclamens are not fed, but for the prevention of rot, a little Fitosporin will not hurt. Add just a few drops, and the rot of the flower is not terrible.

When and how to "wake up"?

Around September, the period of complete rest in cyclamen gradually stops. The end of "hibernation", when the plant wakes up, can be seen by the growth of new leaves and buds at the tuber.

Many novice lovers of this bright representative primrose families are afraid to acquire it. They think that there is a lot of fuss with such a luxurious flower. But this is far from true.

Follow all the conditions, and the flower will be able to show everything that it is capable of., that is, it will delight you all winter with lush, chic flowering.

There are not many important conditions for the well-being of a “sleeping pet”: a cool room, wet air and the correct sending of the pet to a state of rest!

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Caring for cyclamen during dormancy

During the dormant period, caring for cyclamen is very simple, but you need to know some of the nuances so as not to harm the plant. Cyclamen is in a dormant period in summer. Actually, this flower is unpretentious. At proper care he pleases his decorative leaves And abundant flowering During a long time. And what is especially pleasant, it blooms in winter, reminding us of the hot summer.

Cyclamen is very unpretentious plant, which blooms almost the entire winter.

What is the popularity of the plant?

Cyclamen is native to Iran and the Eastern Mediterranean. There it is ubiquitous in the wild, growing in rock crevices and in gently sloping meadows. This is a low herbaceous plant with large ornamental leaves and bright colors. In other regions, cyclamen is a very popular houseplant. Its other name is also known - dryakva. IN indoor floriculture 2 species have reached the widest popularity: Persian cyclamen and European cyclamen. They can be found in many houses in different countries peace.

Among indoor plants, cyclamen takes its rightful place. Its popularity, in addition to bright external data, determines a number of other properties that have been invariably attributed to this plant for centuries. It is believed that cyclamens are a source of light, energy, inspiration. They absorb negative energy and release positive energy. The ancient Romans considered the flower to be family talismans and amulets. Its energy contributes creative development personality.

Cyclamen is also used in medicine. Science knows that it is poisonous. As, however, and many other house flowers we love. But this property can be put at the service of man. Which is being done with success. Preparations from cyclamen tubers are used in traditional and traditional medicine. Extracts from them are part of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and sedative drugs.

The only caveat: you must strictly observe the dosage and follow the instructions of the doctor. No need to try to prepare the medicine yourself. It is enough that this flower will delight with its elegant appearance and delicate aroma. European cyclamen is especially fragrant. But he is inferior in variety colors Persian. And both species are equally expensive because of the property to please with abundant flowering throughout the winter. With proper care of the cyclamen plant, it will always look spectacular and smell fragrant.

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Caring for your favorite flower

Cyclamen is a bulbous plant. This fact must be taken into account when caring for him. It should be remembered that this flower is very photophilous, but at the same time it reacts painfully to direct sunlight. It should be shaded in bright sun. Optimum temperature, at which the flower feels comfortable in autumn and winter, is no more than 10-12 ° C. With more high temperatures the plant sheds its leaves. And at the same time shortens the flowering period.

Should be respected certain rules and when watering. The flower cannot be watered from above, make sure that water does not fall on the leaves and cuttings, this causes cyclamen to hurt, and its bulb to rot. It is best to water through the pan. A excess water, which is not absorbed after 5 minutes, drain. The plant will tolerate a lack of moisture more easily than its excess.

In the period from January to March, every 2 weeks, you can feed the flower if necessary. But you should follow the measure. An overfed plant will overgrow with foliage, but we may not wait for flowering. And the rest of the care of cyclamen is simple. Faded flowers are removed along with the stems. This accelerates the growth of new shoots and does not spoil appearance plants. From April, we reduce watering so that the flower begins to gradually go into a dormant state.

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The role of rest in the life of cyclamen

If the leaves begin to fade one by one, a dormant period begins. He has importance in the life of a flower. And in no case is not a consequence of any disease. On the contrary, the health of the plant depends on how good the rest will be.

In summer, the tuber is at rest, the plant usually sheds all the leaves.

throw exceptions. If by this time the leaves on the plant have survived, do not worry. Just leave it on same place. This is normal for European cyclamen. It does not have a pronounced dormant period. And do not force him to rest. But the Persian cyclamen in the summer is without fail gaining strength, from May to August he sleeps.

For the summer, only the onion remains in the pot. It is advisable to put it in a shaded cool place and wait about 3 months. Caring for cyclamen at this time has a number of features. Watering is done with a very small dose of water somewhere around 1 time in 2 weeks. But the tuber must not be allowed to dry out. The soil in the pot is slowly moistened without flooding with water, and make sure that the roots do not dry out.

At the end of summer, when the dormant period comes to an end, it is recommended to transplant the plant. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot. It will protect from excessive moisture and help to avoid rotting. During this period, tubers can be divided by cutting them so that each part contains 1-2 growth buds, as well as roots. And then instead of one flower you will have two. Place the tubers in loose soil, deepening only half.

Then we put the pot in a bright place. The rest period is over. Very soon we will notice the first hatched leaves. We begin to water it as it was watered before the dormant period. And once every 2 weeks we apply fertilizer intended for bulbous plants. Again, the growth of the leaf mass will begin, soon the flowering period begins in the cyclamen plant. This is how you can strengthen the vitality of your favorite flower every year. And at the same time increase flower pots on the window.

During the growth of leaves, it is useful to spray the plant. Especially if it is located near the radiator. After the appearance of the buds, you can not spray. Watering should be frequent, but not abundant. The water temperature should be room temperature or 1-2°C lower. After the appearance of flower stalks, water only through the pan. Try to keep pots with loved ones indoor flowers cyclamen away from hot radiators and fireplaces. The plant will thank for the care with abundant and long flowering.