home · Installation · Christmas tree made from PET bottles. DIY Christmas tree made from plastic bottles: description of manufacturing technique, photo. We are finishing work on a large spruce tree

Christmas tree made from PET bottles. DIY Christmas tree made from plastic bottles: description of manufacturing technique, photo. We are finishing work on a large spruce tree

New Year's craft: Christmas tree from plastic bottles with your own hands - another extremely unusual and very beautiful craft from empty used plastic containers. In addition, you don’t have to throw away the bottle, making an original masterpiece out of scrap self made. To make such a Christmas tree you need a minimum of time and expense. A master class on making a Christmas tree from plastic bottles will tell you in detail how to make an original New Year's craft from used materials, in this case PET containers.

Craft: DIY Christmas tree made from plastic bottles

To make a decorative New Year's craft: a Christmas tree from plastic bottles, you will need the following:

  1. Plastic bottles - 3 pcs;
  2. Scotch;
  3. Sheet thick paper, ideally whatman paper (A4);
  4. Scissors;

So, cut the bottle as shown in the photo below. That is, it is necessary to cut off the bottom and neck so that a straight pipe from the bottle remains.

Next you need to make blanks for the branches. In order for the tree to have a cone-shaped shape, the blanks must have different sizes. That is, you need to achieve the following:

Cut each plastic bottle lengthwise into 3 equal parts and then adjust their sizes so that each subsequent tier is slightly smaller than the previous one. Then each workpiece must be “dissolved into needles.” The neck of one of the bottles will serve as a stand for our future New Year's craft.

The next step is to roll the Whatman paper into a tube. We insert it into the neck of the bottle and secure it with tape in a circle.

Now all that remains is to fix each tier of the tree with tape in a circle and a little New Year's craft: the Christmas tree with your own hands is ready!

The top of our New Year's tree You can decorate with a homemade Christmas tree decoration or complete the Christmas tree the way we did.

If you want to make a fluffier Christmas tree from PET bottles, like the one in the photo below, when making the Christmas tree, you need to cut the needles as thinly as possible (more often).

Well, if you want to make a craft: A large DIY Christmas tree from plastic bottles, watch the master class on how to make it.

Share your festive mood and new craft ideas, write your reviews, questions and wishes in the comments. We welcome every action on your part. Happy crafts and a wonderful New Year's mood!

Watch other master classes on making using various techniques.

, the section of the site where EVERYTHING is presented homemade Christmas trees and ALL options What can you make a Christmas tree out of?

Step 1: Preparing materials

To find and obtain the nearly 300 bottles needed to make the plastic bottle tree, I spent two mornings rummaging through a landfill trying to collect enough to build a Christmas tree.

Other items I picked up:
- Lots of glue sticks
- Old rusty milk crate
- A couple of paper grocery bags
- Old Christmas lights
- Several food buckets

Step 2: Cleaning

This is the easiest step, I threw the bottles into the bathtub and filled it with water.

Step 3: Start assembly

I started by drilling holes in the bottle caps. Then he pushed the garland bulb inside and secured it with hot glue from a gun. I then taped the bottles together to make a plastic bottle tree. As you might have guessed, I started with one bottle at the top and made the Christmas tree wider and wider as I went down.

Step 4: Start Maintaining the Christmas Tree

At a certain point, about 3 feet down, I inserted a small bucket to use as a base. I then installed it on another bucket and then installed the whole thing on an old milk crate. I then proceeded to glue the glow bottles together to make a plastic bottle tree.

Step 5: Star

While I was digging through the dump looking for bottles, my friend found these interesting plastic pieces. She took them home and used a hot glue gun to turn them into gorgeous stars.

Step 6: Covering with Bark and Turning On

I covered the base of the tree with torn paper from a shopping bag which made it look a bit like bark... Well I guess all that's left is to include the one I made Christmas tree made from plastic bottles.

Oooh, how wonderful this is....

A wonderful winter holiday is approaching - New Year 2019. It's time to decorate your house for his arrival, so that Santa Claus on his magic sleigh does not pass by and leaves good gifts under our tree. It is very interesting to decorate the Christmas tree and rooms with homemade toys for the holiday. The process of making them is fascinating, as is any creativity. Such crafts can be made from the most simple materials, for example, from plastic bottles. From ordinary plastic bottles you can make a lot of interesting and beautiful things that can successfully replace store-bought analogues. Our story today is dedicated to the 7 best and original crafts from plastic bottles for the New Year 2019, which will be held under the sign of the Yellow Earth Pig. Let's look at them in detail in our article.

Christmas tree

Unusual Christmas tree can be made from simple plastic bottles. It is important to collect necessary materials for this craft and follow the master class step by step.

To do this you will need:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scotch;
  • Sandpaper (cardboard);
  • Scissors.


  1. The bottom and neck of the bottle should be removed, and then you will get a straight pipe. Then you should prepare blanks from twigs. They should be different sizes so that the Christmas tree turns out to be cone-shaped.
  2. Then the plastic bottles need to be cut lengthwise into 3 parts so that subsequent tiers are smaller than the previous ones. You need to make needles on each workpiece, and to do this they are cut into thin strips, but not completely. To make the Christmas tree stand stable, it is advisable to use the bottom of one of the bottles as a stand.
  3. A sheet of cardboard needs to be rolled into a tube and placed in the neck of the bottle. You can secure it with tape. Now each tier of branches needs to be secured to the tree. You can install a toy on the top or come up with something else. To make the Christmas tree fluffy, the needles should be cut thinner. Usually blue or transparent bottles are used for this. That's all, our craft is ready!

Christmas balls

You can decorate your Christmas tree with handmade toys. In your work, it is important to follow all the steps step by step, and then you will get wonderful products.

To do this you will need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Glue;
  • Rain;
  • Any shiny jewelry.


  1. The paper needs to be wrapped around the bottle: this will help mark the workpieces on it. It is necessary to cut 4 rings 1 cm wide. Then the rings must be fastened together using the “crosswise” principle and secured with glue. The result should be a ball of plastic strips. You need to choose beautiful threads or rain so that the toy can be used for the Christmas tree.
  2. To decorate the resulting blanks, it is better to use foil, beads, seed beads, etc. You can place inside such a ball small ball. You can use as much imagination as you like with this craft. This will be a very interesting activity for children.

Snowflakes from plastic bottles

To expand the range of crafts made from plastic bottles for the New Year 2019, as Christmas tree decoration You can also make snowflakes from the bottoms of bottles. This process will also be possible for beginners in this creative endeavor.

To work you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Acrylic paints of white, blue, gold, silver - to choose from;
  • Plastic bottles, preferably blue;
  • Paint brush;
  • Wire;
  • Pliers.


  1. We take plastic bottles and, using a utility knife or scissors, cut the bottom as low as possible to the base, leaving only the corrugated part.
  2. After the bottoms are ready, we begin painting our future snowflakes. Depending on the desired design, select the thickness of the brush, and then start painting. As drawings, you can use various ornaments that come to your mind. This also applies to the choice of paint color with which you will decorate your New Year's product.
  3. Once your snowflake has turned into a beautifully painted masterpiece, give it time to dry while you use wire and pliers to make a small eyelet for the thread. Attach it to the snowflake and thread the thread into this ring.

Well, ours is ready New Year's toy for a Christmas tree decoration that you can now be proud of. A DIY snowflake can serve worthy decoration not only your home, but also kindergarten if you have Small child, and also act as an exhibit at an exhibition at the school of New Year's products.

Penguins made from plastic bottles

An original New Year's decoration for your home for the New Year 2019 can be penguins made from plastic bottles, which should be placed in the rooms and under the tree as decoration. This craft will delight all your family and guests, and especially children. Without spending a lot of time, you will create with your own hands a real masterpiece art that will cause a lot of positive emotions and sincere smiles in your household.

To work you will need:

  • Plastic bottles (one toy takes two bottles);
  • Scissors;
  • Acrylic paints - white, black, red and others;
  • Brushes;
  • Small colored scraps for a scarf;
  • Buboes or bows for hats;
  • Glue.


  1. Take the bottle and cut it off top part almost completely or half to get the body of a penguin. The head is made from another bottle and also from the lower part, but the workpiece should be slightly smaller.
  2. We connect both blanks by inserting the upper part, which is smaller, into the lower part, which is larger.
  3. After you have built the penguin's body, start painting it. Take acrylic paints and apply carefully to plastic product, imitating the color of a penguin, as shown in the photo. Use more bright colors, because the brighter your New Year's penguin turns out, the warmer and more cheerful the smiles of your family will be.
  4. When your penguin takes on a realistic look, you can tie a small scarf around its neck and attach a bubo or bow to its cap using glue.

What a cartoonish miracle you have created!

Video tutorial on making penguins from plastic bottles

Golden bells

Golden bells will look original on the New Year tree. This work is done very quickly and is suitable for kindergarten.

To do this you will need:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Acrylic paint, if desired instead acrylic paint you can use fabrics, ribbons and accessories.


  1. For work, you should take 0.5 liter bottles, but more is possible if the tree is very large. The bottom of the bottle should be cut off. To make bell petals, you need to cut the edge of the bottle in a zigzag shape. Because the resulting edges will be sharp, care must be taken.
  2. The petals of our craft need to be made pointed, and you can use a knife to give them shape. To make holes for the rope, you need to heat the knitting needle and make holes. You can do this work with scissors, but be very careful. At the end of the work, the bells should be painted, and they will dry within an hour. To give the products a New Year's look, they need to be decorated with tinsel, garlands or sparkles. The instructions are simple, and you can do the work in your own sequence.

Candlesticks made from plastic bottles

To do this you will need:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Universal glue.


  1. You can make a wonderful candlestick for the holiday with your own hands. You can use bottles different colors. The containers need to be cut in half. The edges of the part that remains with the bottom should be cut into strips, not reaching 4 cm. The strips can be of different widths. The resulting container will be a candle stand.
  2. Strips of plastic should be melted over a candle. Then use a glue gun to attach the candle to the foil. The space around the candle can be decorated with beads or stones. This way the candlestick will have little weight, and our craft is ready.

Video master class on making candlesticks


You can make original cones with your own hands; this craft from a plastic bottle will perfectly decorate your Christmas tree and home for the New Year 2019.

To do this you will need:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scissors;


  1. You need to create squares from a plastic bottle, after which their corners should be rounded. The result will be products like chamomile. After this, you need to treat the edges of the petals with a candle so that they fall down.
  2. All parts must be strung on a thread in descending order. A bead must be inserted between them. Then you need to make a spruce branch and secure it to the pine cone. The product is ready to create a festive atmosphere.

A DIY Christmas tree made from plastic bottles can be a great surprise for the New Year and Christmas holidays. This article will describe various ways making such a craft.

Materials and tools

First, let's look at the materials and tools that will be needed in the process of making such a magnificent decoration as a Christmas tree made from plastic bottles with your own hands. This list includes the following items:

    Plastic bottles. Preferably green: after all natural color Christmas trees - green. But any other is possible. In this case, you will have to purchase additional green paint and with its help properly design the final craft.

    Stationery scissors and a knife for cutting plastic bottles.

    Black marker for marking.

    Glue and tape.


    Steel pipe.

    Electric drill with drill bit.

  • Cardboard or Whatman paper.

    Markers, pencils and paints.


There are several ways to make a Christmas tree with your own hands from plastic bottles. It could be:

Method one: big Christmas tree

This DIY Christmas tree made from plastic bottles is made from a fairly large amount of containers. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to collect an impressive supply of such bottles. There are two ways to create such a craft. The first of them consists of the following sequence:

    We take a metal pipe of the required length and install it in the ground at the place where the Christmas tree is collected using a hammer.

    Then, step by step, around this pipe we make circles of the “lower tier of the tree” from plastic bottles that fit tightly to each other. We fix them with tape.

    Similarly, we create the next tiers of our tree and fix them using tape. We also take into account that with each subsequent tier the diameter of the formed circle decreases. That is, you should get a cone that looks like a New Year's beauty.

    Most upper tier The Christmas tree should consist of only one bottle, mounted on a metal pipe.

    Then you need to decorate the tree properly.

The key disadvantage of this method is that the New Year's beauty turns out to be motionless. Not everyone likes it. Therefore, some craftsmen use the second method, which consists of the following steps:

    As in the previous case, we install the central load-bearing frame from metal pipe using a hammer at the place where the craft is created.

    Using electric drill We drill holes in the pipe at the level of each tier of the tree.

    IN drilled holes We install a straight wire, the length of which is equal to the diameter of the tier. Then we make a circle from the same wire. Again, the diameter of each is more than high level is reduced so that the end result is a cone.

    We make the upper part from a single plastic bottle, which we put on the free end of a metal pipe.

    Then we make a hole in the cap of each bottle into which we install a wire hook, which is then fixed on the ring.

    Filling each of the tiers of the tree, we get final result- New Year's beauty.

    At the next stage we decorate the Christmas tree.

Unlike the first case, here the bottles hang on a ring and can move.

Option two: a small Christmas tree on the table

You don’t always need a large Christmas tree made of plastic bottles, as in the previous case. Then you can make a miniature beauty from a green plastic container with a capacity of 2 liters. The algorithm for making a Christmas tree in this case is as follows:

    We retreat about 3 cm from the bottom of the neck of the bottle and use a stationery knife to cut off its upper part.

    Then we roll up a sheet of whatman paper and place it in the neck. We fix this entire structure with tape. The frame of the Christmas tree is ready.

    At the next stage, cut off the bottom of the container, and cut the rest into rings 3-4 cm wide.

    Then we cut the bottom of each ring into thin strips, but leave the top untouched. After this, we cut the ring itself into 2 equal parts and screw it to whatman paper. Don't forget to use tape to secure it. So, step by step, we turn whatman paper into green branches and get a miniature New Year's beauty. We leave the top of the tree sharp and fix it with the same tape.

Another way

In the form of a three-dimensional applique, you can make a Christmas tree from plastic bottles with your own hands (photos of some crafts, by the way, are presented in the review). In this case, we take a sheet of cardboard or whatman paper as a basis. required sizes. Then we take 3-4 plastic bottles and mark them in the form of a three-dimensional model of a Christmas tree. For example, these could be triangles or trapezoids. Using stationery scissors and a knife, cut according to the markings of the model. Then we glue them to the base with glue. Then we properly design a sheet of cardboard or whatman paper. When finished, you can add a frame to this craft, and it will become an excellent decoration for your home.

Decorating the craft

Any christmas tree made from a plastic bottle, made with your own hands, must be decorated at the final stage. For these purposes, you can also use the usual glass toys, and garlands, and other available materials. In general, we do not limit the flight of imagination and use everything we deem necessary.


This article describes three main ways to make a Christmas tree from plastic bottles with your own hands. Each of them is strictly suitable for one specific situation. The simplest is the last, third, which allows you to create a three-dimensional image of a Christmas tree. The most difficult is the first one. It requires a lot of material and is not that easy to implement.

In anticipation New Year's holidays many craftswomen wonder about unusual crafts. We would like to offer interesting ideas for New Year's crafts. It will be easy to complete them based on step-by-step master classes. All materials can be easily purchased in stores.

Christmas tree made from bottles

This plastic beauty will decorate your home and create Christmas mood to all its residents. A DIY Christmas tree made from plastic bottles is made from any plastic containers. The size of the bottles does not matter, and the color scheme can be different, because you can’t always find a Christmas tree that is only green.


  • Plastic - bottles 2 pcs.
  • Green paper 30 by 40 cm - 1 sheet.
  • Scotch.
  • Scissors.

Having prepared everything necessary materials, you can start making a Christmas tree from plastic bottles with your own hands.

If you want to make the tree taller and larger, then feel free to take more material to work with. There are no limits to imagination and restrictions on creativity.

Another creation option

There are many master classes on how to make a Christmas tree from plastic bottles. Let's talk in detail about another method.


Step-by-step instruction

Let us immediately note that All bottle necks and bottoms will need to be cut off. They will not be needed during the Christmas tree making process.

We assemble the tree and insert it into the base, now you can shape the branches in any direction and, of course, decorate it Christmas balls, garlands. It is worth noting that the balls can also be homemade.

Christmas tree made from cups

A New Year's tree can be made not only from plastic bottles; cups are also perfect for this.

Materials for work:

  • Green plastic cups.
  • Stapler.
  • Glue gun.
  • Pasta bows.
  • Silver thread.
  • Ribbons.
  • Tinsel.

Algorithm for performing the work:

Now all that remains is to decorate the Christmas tree. Inside each glass we glue pasta bows hanging on silver threads. Glue rhinestones or beautiful shiny beads to the middle of the pasta.

The Christmas tree needs to be placed on a leaf thick cardboard, decorate the bottom with tinsel. Insert a star into the top glass. Or you can take a battery-powered garland and thread it inside the tree through the top glass, making a hole in it. We hide the battery pack in a glass and cover it with a star or tip on top. When you turn on the garland, the tree will glow in different colors.

Hanging decoration

When decorating the interior of your home, you can bring a lot to life. interesting ideas for crafts. Pay attention to this master class.


  • 28 plastic glasses green tint.
  • The shiny ribbon is not wide.
  • Stapler.
  • Glue.
  • Plastic balls of small diameter.
  • Scotch.

Step-by-step instruction:

Using not many materials and without spending large quantity time, we created a beautiful and original Christmas tree to decorate the interior. It can easily be placed in any corner of the house.

Garland made from scrap materials

Besides Christmas trees made with your own hands, you can decorate your house with a chic garland of plastic glasses. Meet someone like this unusual decor in a festive interior it is extremely rare, because many people don’t even imagine what can be done from ordinary plastic glasses.


Completing of the work:

That's all. A beautiful and unusual garland for the New Year's interior is ready.

Garland-ball. You can make a garland in the shape of a ball. For production you will need:

  • Transparent plastic glasses - 50 units.
  • Garland with fifty LEDs.
  • Clothespins - 3 pcs.
  • Stapler.

Step-by-step instruction:

This unusual ball is perfect for creating a wonderful atmosphere at home or for dancing at a party.

Attention, TODAY only!