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The siding color matches the cherry roof. Siding for a green roof. Paint resistance to fading

Thanks to the right combination of colors, you can achieve a beautiful and laconic look of any material. This is achieved using metal or vinyl siding. Any designer fantasy can be implemented using popular siding colors, which you can see in the photo. The siding color palette in the photo is shown in all its glory.

Siding shades

Currently, there are more than 25 panels of different colors, so it is quite difficult to choose the right option in all this variety. There is an unspoken rule or even a principle that they try to adhere to; all panels belong to three types:

  • colored;
  • pastel;
  • white.

Popular shades:

  • chocolate;
  • pomegranate;
  • peach;
  • caramel;
  • lemon.

Color selection

When choosing a color, you may notice that in many salons or online stores the colors are very similar in appearance, but are called differently. This approach is only due to the fact that there are popular colors, but everyone tries to look original, inventing their own names and features. This fact can be understood if you look at the photographs.

Very often people change their minds when they see others more Beautiful colors. To choose the most suitable color that you will not regret, you need to compare. It is the comparison that gives an idea that fits better, and what's worse. If you need to match the color to the facade or house, you can use the popular software, usually these are modulator programs.

With their help, you can feel like a real designer; they will help you do the work of choosing colors yourself. It is worth noting that roofing material is often limited in color, unless made to order, so the task of selecting a facade or roof is much more difficult.

The color palette of Grand Line siding is worth paying attention to. A very large variety of colors that will suit any buyer are available different kinds siding. I also recommend paying attention to Deke siding, this is an excellent company that can offer big choice and color variation. Consumers remain satisfied.

Types of siding

Siding is quite varied; it can be herringbone or so-called fracture. Different materials are used:

  • metal siding, includes aluminum;
  • vinyl;
  • wood;
  • fiber cement.

The leader in popularity is, of course, vinyl, then metal. For each material different technologies, for example, wood siding consists of compressed wood chips and the addition of resin. The paint is applied in 3-4 layers to create a high-quality protective covering. Of course, there are also disadvantages; such siding is highly flammable, has low resistance to moisture, and the materials will last about 25 years.

Metal siding is popular mainly among businesses; it is mainly installed for protection from fire and moisture. Metal panels usually reaching 1 mm in thickness and almost 20 cm in width. Metal siding weighs approximately 1.5 kg per 1 square meter. You can choose a rather interesting color scheme, usually covered with film or paint.

Vinyl siding is made from PVC, and sizes and lengths may vary. The composition contains inhibitors, which provide decent strength to the material. This type of siding can be used in any buildings, be it residential buildings or any enterprise. Quite resistant to impacts and scratches; the top is usually painted.

Fiber cement siding – the main ingredient is cement. With help high temperatures mix cement and cellulose, the material will externally resemble ordinary wood. Outwardly it looks like wood, but exhibits high fire resistance and is resistant to impacts and scratches.

Why use siding?

Many people resort to using siding because of its external beauty and convenience, affordable price And High Quality. If siding is done correctly, then there is no need to constantly maintain the facade of the building.

Not only that, but it is considered environmentally friendly and has a long service life, which in turn depends on the materials used.

Proper siding made according to all standards can last about 40 years. In addition, it shows excellent resistance to weather conditions, sudden changes temperature and normal air humidity.

If you compare siding price with other finishes, then only plaster comes to mind. The financial costs for finishing the facade of a house with plaster or siding will be almost the same, but the second option is much more reliable and beautiful.

How to choose siding

If your attention falls on bright colors, then it is best to pay attention to how they are painted on both sides. If on one side the quality is noticeably higher, then you are holding in your hands a not particularly high-quality product. Such panels are not the best choice; they can quickly become unusable, lie crookedly and ruin the appearance. Experts say that the best solution for the facade of the house there will be pastel colors, manufacturers pay attention to them Special attention, the materials are of high quality.

Also, an undeniable advantage of bed flowers is their high resistance to sunlight; over time, all bright colors fade and lose their appearance. Pastel colors can remain in their original state for decades if you don't take into account dirt and dust.

If you still choose bright siding, do not despair. Home improvement stores have special cans of a substance that saturates your finish with color, allowing you to restore it to its original condition, or at least get closer to it.

There are classic options; if your house is located somewhere near water, then the best solution would be a light blue color or coral. If there are trees, bushes or flowers near the house, then brown or green shades will go well.

Thanks to the variety of materials for facade finishing, it is now possible to make the appearance of your beloved home exceptionally original. Recently, siding has become very popular. It is chosen as a budget, but quite durable material. Right choice the color of the siding for cladding the house will also affect the duration of operation finishing material.

Like many other finishing materials, siding has varieties that differ in the number of shades, panel sizes, performance characteristics and, of course, price.

  • Vinyl siding. Most cheap option of all known. This material is made from acrylic resins and other synthetic substances. Vinyl panels have a huge variety of colors. But before choosing such cladding, you need to take into account that a very bright shade quickly fades in the sun. Vinyl siding is also used indoors. By appearance he reminds a natural stone or even brickwork.

  • Metal is more expensive than the previous option. Manufacturers make a small palette of colors, because in order to apply high-quality dye to metal surface need to use special additives, which significantly increase the cost of the product. Advantage metal siding durability is considered.

  • Wood. Great for those who want to have a home made of natural materials. But you need to remember that colors predominate here natural wood. This siding is made from natural wood, subject to its influence high pressure. In order to extend the service life, the wood is coated with protective varnishes.

There is another kind finishing panels– fiber cement. They are used extremely rarely, since such finishing places a heavy load on the supporting structures.

Paint resistance to fading

Both vinyl and metal siding are coated with special dyes. In order for the layer under the influence external environment did not peel off, crack and remained long time V in its original form add additives or make polymer coating. Such manipulations increase the cost of finishing the facade by 1.5–2 times.

But even the best quality paint will fade over time. Certified panels will begin to change shade 10–12 years after installation, and this will happen so evenly and imperceptibly that the owner can admire his creation for another 10 years.

No matter what siding color you choose, be sure to check the quality certificate before purchasing. There the manufacturer indicates whether the shade is fade-resistant or not. Some even indicate a line of changes over a certain period of time.

Of course, each person has his own taste and imagines facade decoration in his own way. But you need to select color solutions so that the entire composition on the site is in harmony. By composition we mean the decoration of the facade, the shade of the roof, the illumination of the area, the presence of green spaces, the style of other buildings, if any, and the fence.

There are several rules to follow:

  • Light colors and shades will help enhance the visual structure. If the house is in the shade of vegetation, then this suitable option to highlight it. To make the color combination harmonious, it is better to highlight window and door openings and corners with bright colors.
  • Dark shades, on the contrary, visually make the house smaller and make it less noticeable. But at the same time, dark brown, blue or burgundy will emphasize the wealth of the owner of the house and all its inhabitants.
  • Calm pastel shades go well with many other colors. In addition, such siding costs a little less than bright colored options.

The shade of the roof must also be taken into account. Most often, this is what is used as a starting point when choosing the color of vinyl siding. Looks great when finishing the façade in 2 or 3 different shades.

Pastel colors

To simplify their task, owners choose the main pastel color (beige, gray, Ivory), and additional elements (corner, butt, starting and finishing strips) are selected to match the tone of the roof. The same color is used to frame window and door openings and arches. This option is quite acceptable.

Here are some options for selecting finishes for different colors roofs:

  1. Brown roof. The main color can be white, cream, gray or light green. As an additional option, you can choose white or brown - suitable for highlighting additional or decorative elements.
  2. Blue roof color pairs well with light warm and cool base shades or pure white. The additional color can be white or to match the roof.
  3. Green roof. Here it would be appropriate to use the main light green, white or grey colour. Decorative elements in white or green will look great on such a house.
  4. Cherry blossom can be combined with many shades. But you should definitely exclude the use of turquoise, brown, blue and green together with a cherry roof. If the selection of siding color raises many questions and even disputes, then you can use the online services that manufacturers of finishing materials create on their websites. There you can compose various materials and their colors.

For those who find this option too overwhelming, a consultation with a professional designer is suitable. Of course, this service is not free. The price will depend on the complexity of the structure, but the colors will be chosen perfectly and the house will fit perfectly into the overall composition.

Today, siding is one of the most popular materials used for cladding building facades. Its installation technology is quite simple, so anyone can handle this work. The main problem is to choose the right color and texture of the panels. Choosing the color of siding only seems like an easy task, but sometimes situations arise when, if you choose the wrong combination of shades for your home, you have to redo everything. Therefore, further we will consider how to choose the color of siding for cladding a private house.

Varieties of siding colors

You can achieve a beautiful and attractive appearance of your home by using the right combination of colors of siding panels, the color scheme of which is shown in modern market building materials presented quite widely. This allows you to bring almost any design idea to life when finishing the facade.

When choosing a material, the homeowner, except own preferences, there are some other factors to consider:

  • predisposition of finishing material to fading;
  • uniform color distribution over the entire surface;
  • heating of the material under the influence of sunlight;
  • features of the surrounding landscape;
  • peculiarities architectural style building;
  • cost of panels.

Currently, there are about 25 siding colors, and each color has a rich palette of shades. All colors are divided into 3 groups:

  • white;
  • pastel;
  • colored.

The most popular siding shades are the following:

  • smoky;
  • beige;
  • white;
  • salad;
  • citric;
  • cream;
  • grey-green;
  • light gray, etc.

Siding in pastel colors is considered the most popular, because its price, compared to other models of facing material, is slightly lower. Materials with rich tones have a higher price. This is due high cost supplements that are used to reduce addiction to ultraviolet rays. Dark panels heat up more in the sun, so they require better protection from temperature deformations. Cost of saturated vinyl panels dark shades will be 1.5-2 times higher for similar light material.

When choosing a color for your home, you should take into account the uniformity of its color. For example, a premium material will be colored evenly and have the same tone on the outside and inside. U budget options backside is slightly lighter, which is not considered a deviation from established standards. This color indicates that when producing the material, the manufacturer used less dye in order to save a little money.

Light or dark siding color?

When choosing between light and dark tones of facing material, you need to consider some points:

  1. Beige, cream, sunny yellow, lavender siding will help visually enlarge the house. Against the background of green spaces, it will look contrasting and stand out noticeably. If you want to emphasize any elements of your home or highlight it completely, you should lean in favor of one of the light shades, chosen according to your own taste.
  2. In places where dense plantings predominate, near coniferous trees, as well as if there is a “live” hedge on the site, cladding that imitates red brick will look great.
  3. If the surrounding landscape is light and open, then pearl gray or sand is a good color choice.
  4. Dark colors (brown, blue, green, burgundy-red) are suitable for those who want to visually reduce the size of the building and make it less striking against the background of the surrounding landscape. It should be noted that a dark color can make it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house. Dark colors absorb a large number of sunlight, which causes such panels to become very hot in summer. Thermal stress arising in the walls can cause damage to the façade.
  5. If when decorating your home you want to make it harmonious with nature, then brown or green siding is perfect for you.

Selecting the color of the roof and facade

When selecting the color of the finishing material, it is necessary to take into account the color of the roof. Many owners of private houses, when choosing a color scheme, make some mistakes, among which the most common are the following:

  • owners choose one color for both the roof and the facade;
  • trying to make the design original and modern, private owners go overboard with the number of shades or use too bright, flashy colors;
  • developers avoid the traditional combination of contrasting colors, for example, white and black.

There are some rules, following which you can choose the right one color combination roof and facade of a private house:

  1. Selection of siding according to the color of the roof in one tone. At the same time, the facade and roof make a smooth transition, becoming one. The result is monolithic, but for many it may seem overly simple and boring.
  2. The combination of dark roof and light walls. Very often, such a scheme is also supplemented with contrasting elements in the form of framing the base or windows.
  3. Adherents of original solutions should choose a color scheme with a light roof and a dark facade, which will look quite unusual. It is recommended to supplement this scheme with window and doorways in the color of the roof.

Color scheme combination

If you want to highlight any elements of the house, then they can be decorated in a color different from the walls of the facade. However, do not forget that there is a measure for everything. The optimal effect is achieved when complementary colors come from environment building.

It is best to use no more than 1-2 additional colors.

Choice color scheme must be carefully thought out. The brightest colors (green or yellow) go well with brown, copper or white. Less natural shades will look good paired with gray or soft white. If there is a desire to highlight the frames of doors and windows, then they should be finished in a lighter color than the facade.

The color of the facade allows you to visually change the proportions of the house. For example, two-storey house, which one top floor covered with siding more light color than the lower one, will appear higher than it actually is.

The times when all private houses and dachas were identical, like “from a casket”, are long gone. Nowadays, facades are distinguished by noticeable diversity geometric shapes, textures and shades. The wide range of finishing materials offered makes it possible to implement the most non-standard and original solutions when decorating your home, give it a more stylish, bright and aesthetic look.

Maximum scope for imagination in this regard is given by siding - one of the highest quality types of finishing with a large selection of textures and shades.


Nowadays, a variety of raw materials are used for the production of building materials, ranging from stone and metal to waste processing products. In this regard, siding can please you - the panels are made from the most different materials, so everyone can find a modification to suit their taste and budget.

Siding is a modern, high-quality material widely used for cladding private houses, cottages and other buildings. The main function of the panels is to protect facades from the effects of adverse atmospheric factors (humidity, temperature changes, wind, ultraviolet radiation).

There are several main types of siding: metal, wood and vinyl.

Metal siding

The panels are made from cold-rolled galvanized steel; pural or polyester is used as a coating. Thickness starts from 1 mm, and width from 55 cm.

Surfaces can be smooth or figured. Smooth panels are in high demand in last years, this is due to the ease of installation of the slabs in any position - both horizontal and vertical.

Metal siding has exceptionally high consumer characteristics:

  • hygroscopic – resistant to moisture;
  • does not change its physical and technical properties under conditions of temperature changes, its functionality remains unchanged at temperatures from -50 to +80 degrees Celsius;
  • does not ignite, protects walls from fire;
  • wear-resistant, resistant to mechanical shock and damage;

  • rodents cannot spoil this material, mold does not form in it, and fungus does not multiply;
  • the panels are easy to install and operate;
  • made from environmentally friendly raw materials, does not emit harmful and toxic substances, does not contain radiation;
  • has a long service life - more than 50 years.

The product is widely used in the construction of new buildings and restoration of old buildings. It is equally popular in private housing construction and in cladding commercial and public establishments.

Wood siding

This type of siding is also called Canadian. Its undoubted advantages include environmental friendliness - the panels are made from high-quality natural wood, however, the cost of such materials is, accordingly, quite high. The raw material for the production of boards is compressed wood mixed with special polymer components. Additives protect wood from external factors, give it additional resistance to moisture and temperature changes, make the panels durable and emphasize the natural beauty of the texture.

Main characteristics of wood siding:

The disadvantages include:

  • labor-intensive installation of panels;
  • the need for constant processing and cleaning as it gets dirty;
  • the material does not tolerate chlorine, acid-base solutions and other products used to clean surfaces;
  • service life does not exceed 25 years.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl siding is widely used for interior decoration and external cladding residential buildings, industrial buildings and retail and office premises. We can safely say that this material is the undisputed sales leader in its segment.

The reasons for this popularity are due solely to consumer properties siding:

  • low price;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • variety of textures and shades;
  • ease of fastening;

  • high thermal insulation;
  • ease of care and cleaning;
  • environmental Safety;
  • long service life - up to 40 years.

Some manufacturers have started producing siding from other materials, however, they are less popular among consumers. Ceramic and fiber cement siding are available for sale.

Ceramic siding is made from clays with the addition of special binders. The advantages of the material include its fire resistance and harmlessness, as well as a variety of textures that imitate brick and wood. The decrease in demand for models is associated with the appearance of cheaper analogues on the market.

Fiber cement siding is highly durable, wear-resistant and practical. However, the slabs have considerable weight, which not every building can withstand. And the price of fiber cement is much higher than for products made from other materials.

Depending on the placement of the panels, vertical, horizontal and basement sidings are also distinguished.

There are no functional differences between horizontal and vertical slabs - they are made from the same material and are characterized by similar physicochemical properties.

They have differences that have a significant impact on the installation of the structure.

  • Various plate configurations. Installation of vertical models in a horizontal direction is possible, but there is a possibility of water getting between the facade and the siding.
  • Vertical slabs are not equipped with special perforations to ensure condensate drainage, while in horizontal slabs such perforations are present at the bottom of each panel.

That is why the Russian consumer most often gives preference horizontal types siding, although from an installation point of view, vertical is more convenient and simpler.

Basement siding consists of panels made by casting; visually they imitate natural stone.

The base raw materials can be anything, but the composition contains several active components that determine the operational parameters of the siding:

  • titanium dioxide – protects against fading under the influence of UV rays;
  • modifiers - to increase strength;
  • plasticizer – promotes the plasticity of the coating
  • high quality resins.

Plinth panels do not require special treatment before installation - they are easy to maintain and durable.


Choosing a suitable color for facade cladding is a rather difficult task, this is due to the large assortment of panel materials presented on the shelves of construction hypermarkets. There are 25 main colors of siding: white, brown, white, yellow, red, beige, green, golden oak and stained, light blue, black, dark blue and others.

The most popular shades are beige and smoky colors, followed slightly behind by white, light green and lemon tones. It is not uncommon to see facades covered with light green panels.

Pastel colors, as a rule, give preference when decorating dachas and country houses , such panels are much cheaper than their colored counterparts. In luxury housing construction, materials of rich colors are used that do not fade over time - they are much more durable.

The color palette is directly related to the material from which the panels are made

For example, the base material imitates wood and natural stone; most often it has neutral tones of gray and brown. If the panel reproduces the texture of natural sandstone, the siding will be an amber or bronze shade. Ivory color option available.

The palette of tones for metal and vinyl siding is much wider - these products are presented in a wide variety of colors and shades, from soft pastels to bright and saturated ones.

Which shade to choose is a matter of taste and personal wishes of the property owner.

Designers give several general advice, which should not be neglected:

  • siding in light shades visually increases the size of the building, so it is optimal for houses with a small area;
  • if shrubs grow near houses, also give preference light shades white, cream or sand color. These shades look great with foliage and flowering branches;
  • slabs of dark shades make the building less noticeable, give it a strict appearance and visually reduce its dimensions;

  • You should not use dark green or brown colors when there are trees near the house, the building will be lost against their background;
  • shades of gray and blue tones, as well as brick red, give the facade a gloomy look, so designers recommend combining them with light elements - cornices, platbands and corners;
  • dark shades are optimal for accents;
  • Colored panels will add newness and freshness to the cladding; such houses attract attention, but it is not recommended to use more than one in the facades bright shade;

  • in buildings with complex architecture it is worth resorting to panels single color, and decorate all kinds of protrusions and corners in white - this simple technique will help level out the massiveness of the building, making it as airy and elegant as possible;
  • it is better to clad houses with a simple, unpretentious shape with multi-colored panels; they will give the structure a spectacular and stylish look, will emphasize the good taste of their owners;
  • buildings designed in a classical style require pastel shades warm or cold color palette, white would look good too;
  • country houses or country-style buildings will be harmonious if they are faced with panels that imitate the color and texture of wood or natural stone;
  • but for a building in the Art Nouveau or high-tech style, rich shades of light green, purple, red and emerald in combination with white or beige are suitable.

Combining colors

Light colors go well with dark colors, when choosing such a design, it is worth laying out the corners and doors in gray or brown, finishing the windows and all kinds of spotlights, and also decorating the terrace, balcony or garage attached to the building to match.

And vice versa: dark slabs must be combined with light components.

It is important to make the correct selection of the color of the facade to the shade of the roof.

  • If the roof is blue- then light models will be optimal for siding, and the choice can be made of both warm and cold shades. It will be very stylish if all decorative elements are also decorated in blue. Please note that the tone of blue color on different parts of the facade must match;
  • Standard brown the roof will be combined with panels of light chocolate, cream and beige colors. Light green ones will look bold but stylish facing materials, when purchasing components, you should stick to the same brown tones;

  • Green roof– here you need to pay attention to panels of white or light gray color, and this can be completed with green additional elements. However, components in the shades of the facade will also look good;
  • Cherry roof- one of the most “universal” shades. It looks great with a wide variety of colors except blue, green and turquoise. A brown tone should also not be used; the building will look gloomy and sloppy;
  • Light roof- This option is not common, but it occurs in practice. Bright colors of siding will go well with it: shades of lemon, peach or kiwi will add freshness to the house and fill it with a feeling of spring, sun and warmth.

Tip: Colors and shades may not match in reality. with those presented in the manufacturer’s catalogs and brochures, and the combination of tones may be far from expected. To avoid this, it is better to use special programs that will show exactly how cladding of different shades will look on the facade. This will allow you to quickly and easily select the main color of the material, as well as select harmonious additional elements. It is worth paying attention to the fact that these programs will only be useful in cases where traditional cladding is intended. If the building owner plans to use several shades, then the service is not suitable. In this situation, you should seek help from a representative of the manufacturer or familiarize yourself with a standard table of color compatibility parameters.

Vinyl siding comes in mostly pastel colors and shades. However, there are manufacturers whose lines contain rich and bright siding colors, allowing you to create original facades by combining bright and pastel shades.

In order to pick up the right material To decorate the facade of a building, you need to know what types of this material the market offers. There are several types of siding panels, which differ not only in the material of manufacture, but also in the form of manufacture.

Siding selection

Depending on the material of manufacture, there are vinyl, metal and siding made from other materials, for example, wooden lining. IN modern construction The first two varieties of this finishing material are most often used.

Firstly, vinyl and metal siding have much higher performance characteristics than siding made from natural materials.

Secondly, the service life of vinyl and metal siding exceeds the service life of this finishing material made from natural components.

Depending on the form of manufacture, siding panels can be vertical or horizontal. And for facing the foundation they use the so-called basement siding, which, as a rule, imitates natural stone.

Vertical siding

Vertically oriented siding panels allow you to create unique design buildings. Vertical siding makes it possible to emphasize the architecture of a building and hide some design flaws. Vertical panels can be made of acrylic, metal or vinyl.

Vertical metal siding is characterized by high fire safety, resistance to UV radiation, resistance to mechanical stress (except for directed impacts), frost resistance, and low temperature expansion.

Vertical plastic siding is resistant to moderate mechanical and chemical stress, durable, and suitable for use in regions with extreme climates.

The construction market offers both imported and domestic producers. Most famous imported manufacturers are companies such as Mitten, Foundry, Georgia Pacific, Kaycan, Gentek and Vitec. Among domestic manufacturing companies, we can highlight companies such as Deke, Alta Profile, Northside, Orto, Horplast and FineBer.

Depending on the manufacturer, the color scheme of the finishing material varies, as well as its dimensions. As a rule, all manufacturers try to produce vertical siding in the sizes that are most convenient for the consumer, taking into account ease of installation, transportation and storage. For example, vertical siding from the domestic manufacturer Deke has dimensions of 3050 mm x 179.61 mm x 1.1 mm, the panel area is 0.55 m 2, and the total weight does not exceed 1.2 kg.

For vertical siding panels, in addition to standard J and H profiles, corners, starting and finishing strips, a so-called edging profile or molding is used.

You can purchase vertical siding either from official representatives of manufacturing companies or directly on the manufacturer’s website.

Price for vertical vinyl siding varies from 250 to 600 rubles per m2, for metal - from 380 to 890 rubles per m2.

Basement siding

Facade-base panels or base siding is one of the types of siding that imitates natural materials, such as brick, wood and natural stone.
The variety of forms of basement siding allows you to create unique facades. Facade-base panels are used for both exterior and interior decoration buildings and structures.

Manufacture façade and plinth panels from a material such as polypropylene. For manufacturing, the injection molding method is used. It is thanks to this production technology that it is possible to obtain a rigid and high-strength coating.

Among the most famous foreign and domestic manufacturers are companies such as Novik, Nailite, Foundry, Vox, FineBer and Alta-Profile. All these manufacturers produce basement siding various shapes and textures. Concerning color range, then it also varies depending on the manufacturer.

You can purchase façade-plinth panels in specialized stores or directly on the websites of manufacturing companies. average cost 1m2 is equal to 800 rubles.

Horizontal siding

Horizontal panels can be either plastic (vinyl) or. There are three types of horizontal siding panels:

As for herringbone siding panels, special symbols are used to mark them:

  • S – single;
  • D – double;
  • T – triple.

There is no standard size for horizontal panels, so the size chart for each manufacturer is plastic siding can vary in length from 2.4-4 meters, width - 200-300 mm, thickness - 1-1.2 mm, metal siding in length from 2-6 meters, width - 200-300 mm, thickness - 0.45 -0.55 mm.

Standard additional elements for horizontal panels are starting and finishing strips, external and internal corners, J and H-profiles, platbands and window trims.

Well-known manufacturers horizontal siding are companies such as Deke, Orto, Alta-Profile, Foundry, Vox, Mitten and others. Average cost 1 square meter plastic horizontal siding costs 180 rubles, metal – 350 rubles.

Fading of siding panels

When considering the issue of durability of siding coating, special attention is paid to resistance to ultraviolet radiation or burnout. Many manufacturers add titanium dioxide to the paint that covers the outer layer, but these additives increase the cost of the final product. When choosing a manufacturer and color scheme, it is necessary to require a certificate or xenotest protocol from sellers. Even from one manufacturer, not all colors and shades are UV resistant.

Xenotest protocols must necessarily indicate colors and shades that correspond to the variability of the color scheme of the manufacturing company. An acceptable indicator is color fastness for 9-12 years, which corresponds to 25-30 years of operation of the siding coating.

Siding color selection

The color of siding for finishing the facade should be selected based on the following rules:

  • Shades that are derivatives of the same color go well together;
  • Light colors should be used in large areas and dark colors perfect for highlighting accents;
  • To decorate the facade, it is enough to choose 2-3 primary colors;
  • You should not use colors that contrast too strongly with each other for finishing the façade.

Popular vinyl siding colors

Natural tones and pastel colors such as white, gray, beige, yellow and others are most often used as the primary colors for finishing the facade of a building. One of the most daring solutions may be to use red siding as the main material. The blue color of siding panels is often used in decoration, as it harmonizes well with pastel colors.

To highlight details, you can use dark colors such as green, purple, black or blue.

Siding color selection online

In order to select the most accurate siding color for finishing the facade of a particular building, you can use the so-called virtual designers. These are special programs that are installed on the websites of siding manufacturing companies, their official representatives involved in the sale of this material, or organizations that carry out finishing of building facades.

Facade design

Order a service such as design decoration façade can be done in organizations involved in exterior decoration buildings. The cost of the service varies depending on architectural features structures.

Combination of siding colors and shapes

The most popular are the following color combinations when finishing facades:

A good option would be to combine vertical and horizontal siding panels, as well as use basement siding to finish the foundation of the structure.

As for accents, we can highlight bright color building elements such as gutters, balconies, doors and windows.

How to choose siding to match the color of the roof

To select the color of siding for the roof of the house, it is better to use design programs, where you will see the design of the facade live. As for the color palette from which it is worth considering a design option, I will suggest several:

  • Blue roof. Good choice siding colors will be bright hues(warm or cold) or White color. A good option would be if you use blue or white siding components to decorate corners, windows, doors and other parts of the house;
  • Brown roof. Light green, cream, white, gray panel colors are suitable for it, and the components the best option will be white or brown;
  • Green roof. For a green façade, light green, white or light gray colors are suitable; Additional elements will combine better if they are the same color as the roof or white;
  • Cherry roof. The facade looks nice with many colors besides turquoise, blue, brown, green. The components look great in white, brown and cherry colors.

The house will look more interesting when combining panels with basement siding under the stone, where they will be a little darker than usual. Finishing can be done both by making inserts and by decorating part of the walls (bay window, balcony, terrace).

Photos of houses

The variety of colors and shades, as well as shapes of siding panels allows you to implement complex color solutions when finishing the facades of buildings and structures.