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Photo of cement-sand tiles for roofing. Features of laying cement-sand tiles. Technology for laying cement-sand tiles

Cement-sand tiles belongs to the category of natural tiles, and today is considered one of the most famous materials for roofing. It gained its popularity back in the nineteenth century, and became a worthy competitor to ceramic tiles. In composition, these two types are very similar, but taking into account new developments, cement-sand tiles are noticeably superior.

The production process of this material is very simple. The prepared mixtures are poured into special prepared molds, where they remain until final hardening. When this stage is passed, the tiles are coated on top with special products that help to significantly increase the strength of the material and compact its surface. The main distinguishing feature of cement-sand and ceramic tiles is that the first does not go through the firing stage, without losing anything, but only gaining in the eyes of buyers.

Disadvantages of cement-sand tiles

Despite a number of undeniable advantages, this material also has certain disadvantages. There are not so many of them, but when choosing tiles for your home, you simply need to know them. A lot of controversy is centered around the large weight of cement-sand tiles. Some consider this a huge plus, because heavy weight is the key to reliability and protection from unpredictability of weather conditions. And what could be more important than a feeling of security and peace in your own home?

However, it is precisely because of the heavy weight that some difficulties arise when installing the roof and installing additional support systems. A significant disadvantage can also be attributed to a certain fragility and porosity of the material, the latter can lead to such a very unpleasant phenomenon as roof blooming. When choosing, you will also notice that the variety of shapes is noticeably less than, for example, its opponent, ceramic tiles.

Ease of use

Today, the most famous and convenient to use are considered to be three types of cement-sand tiles: tiles with wavy, flat and s-shape. For some, a very reasonable question immediately arises. Which one of these three types better and more reliable?

There is no definite answer to this question. Each of them is good in its own way, and the choice of a specific option depends solely on personal preferences, views on architecture and tastes. If you suddenly want to choose some special one for your roof bright color, choosing it will not be difficult. There are dyes of various shades and colors, among which you can definitely quickly find the one that suits you.

Installation of cement-sand tiles

Speaking about installation, it is worth noting that there are no strict standards and rules. Roofing can be done at different angles according to your desire and discretion. But there are some recommendations from professionals, listening to which can significantly extend the performance of your roof, make it easier to install and significantly save money.

First of all, you need to know that the ideal angle of inclination for roofs of this type is twenty-two degrees. If you adhere to the limits of this figure, you will protect yourself from excess moisture getting under the roof. It is also not advisable to tilt more than 65 degrees, since such a design will require additional reinforcing elements. Special method masonry resembling scales helps protect the tiles from deformation. Material consumption is quite economical. It ranges from 8 to 10 units per square meter, with a weight of approximately 40-45 kg per the same square meter.

Natural tiles are one of the highest quality, popular and prestigious building materials for the roof.

The cement-sand version of this building material deserves special attention, since in addition to clay and water, it also contains sand and cement, which significantly increase the strength of the tiles and their resistance to physical and chemical irritants.
Device and distinctive features

In order to obtain high-quality cement-sand tiles, washed sand, cement without any additives, water and natural dyes are used. All ingredients are mixed in prescribed proportions. The mixture is formed under the influence of high pressure, after which it is moved to a special chamber, where it remains at a temperature of about 60 degrees for several hours.


Cement-sand tiles have their pros and cons. As for the advantages, they are as follows:

· Withstands very high and very low temperatures.

· Wear resistance.

· High level of resistance to various mechanical and chemical attacks.

· Good sound insulation.

· Long service life, which under certain conditions can reach hundreds of years.

· It has low thermal conductivity, so it keeps warm in winter and cool in summer.

· High resistance to ultraviolet radiation - the tiles practically do not fade.

· Preservation geometric shapes. Even when exposed to very high temperatures, cement-sand tiles do not change their shape.

As for the negative aspects, they are as follows:

· The cost of this roofing material is relatively high compared to others.

Relatively heavy weight, which requires high strength and reliability load-bearing structures for roof, foundation and walls.

Installation work

Installation of cement-sand tiles should only be carried out experienced specialists, since laying tiles is very labor-intensive and requires certain skills and knowledge.

As for the work itself, it consists of several stages:

· Preparatory. Before installation you need to design installation work and calculate required amount material. The development of fastening structures deserves special attention, since the tiles are quite heavy.

· Installation. The tiles are lifted to the roof where they are laid by specialists. When working, you should take into account the fact that this material is quite fragile, and under strong physical impact it can break or develop cracks, which can subsequently lead to a split in the structure.

If cement-sand tiles will be used on a roof with a lower slope (15-30°), before laying it, it is necessary to arrange a rigid base (a continuous sheathing of boards or OSB boards with roofing felt or waterproofing film).

On very steep slopes (more than 75°), each element of the covering must be secured so that it does not crumble under its own weight or during strong winds.
Complete roof

The shingles themselves are not the entire covering. In order for the roof to be a single whole, additional elements are needed. Some of them are included in the standard offer of companies, others are manufactured to order.

Additional fastening. Elements of cement-sand tiles are held on the sheathing slats thanks to hooks profiled on the back side of the tiles. The next row of cement-sand tiles presses the previous one and protects the attachment points.

However, some elements of the tiles should be additionally secured regardless of the angle of inclination of the slope. These are the elements:
located on the edges of the roof, that is, next to the ridge, canopy, ridges, valleys;
located next to elements passing through the roof (pipes, windows);
performing an additional function, such as ventilation, or supporting (with holders for attaching steps).

Additional fastening of cement-sand tiles also depends on local climatic conditions. For example, coatings installed in areas characterized by strong winds require special attention. Every fifth element of cement-sand tiles is fixed at an angle of inclination of 45-55°, every third - at an angle of 56-75°.

For mechanical fastening ridge tiles You can use rust-resistant screws or special clamps.

On film. This solution is being used more and more often and is already replacing traditional rigid cladding made of boards or waterproof slabs with roofing felt. The film is unrolled along the canopy so that its lower edge is covered by the metal apron of the cornice. It is attached to the rafters with upholstery staples in such a way that a slight sag forms between the rafters (with a deflection of approximately 2 cm).

It is necessary to leave a ventilation slot in the ridge to ventilate the slope, so the film should end 5-10 cm from it.

More about the film: Waterproofing under-roofing film: protecting the roof from precipitation

Correct sheathing. Cement-sand tiles are laid on a frame of counter slats (packed along the rafters) and sheathing slats. The distance between the lathing slats depends on the angle of inclination of the roof, the length of the cement-sand tiles and the length of the roof slope. Each company indicates a distance selected in accordance with its own made cement-sand tiles; its size ranges from 31 to 34.5 cm ( general principle such that the smaller the angle of inclination, the smaller the distance between the battens of the sheathing).

The cross-section of the sheathing slats depends on the distance between the rafters and on the load exerted on the sheathing. Each time, the conditions of the given area should be taken into account, which may cause an increase in external loads and thereby require an increase in the specified cross-section of the slats. Therefore, the final decision regarding the cross-section of the slats must be made by the designer. Most often it is 25x30 mm, 30x50 mm, maximum 40x60 mm. The highest lath of the sheathing should be at a distance of 3-4 cm from the top of the ridge.

The beginning is below. Laying cement-sand tiles begins from the lower right corner of the slope. Most often, a horizontal row is laid first along eaves overhang, and then along the right gable overhang, moving from the cornice towards the ridge.

Popular manufacturers

Concerning domestic producers, then there are few of them and they are not very popular. The main manufacturers are Germany, France, Spain, Poland and other European countries. The most popular brands include CREATON, ERLUS, Meyer-Holsen, KORAMIC, NELSKAMP, BRAAS, etc.

At first glance, CPC tiles cannot be distinguished from ceramic ones. Cement-sand tiles Braas are noise protection, resistance to storms and winds, withstand any strength test, are not afraid of temperature changes, are not afraid of fire and fires, beauty and aesthetics for any discerning taste, easy reconstruction, thirty years of care for the tiles.

Cement-sand tiles are what you need for less money than ceramics (with best quality and beautiful aesthetics) in order to feel warm and safe under your roof! This type of tile was created to eliminate the main disadvantage of ceramic tiles - their weight. This type of tile contains sand, cement and iron oxide. In appearance it is no different from ceramic tiles. It is produced profiled and flat, both with and without glaze. Installation is carried out with roof sheathing, shifting the next tile by half the width of the previous one and securing it with nails.

Advantages: wide color palette, increasing strength, frost resistance and resistance to other weather conditions over the years of use.

Flaws: high price, massiveness (thicker than ceramic tiles), fragility.

Characteristics of Sea Wave tiles:

1.The ideal material for arranging an attic is environmentally friendly, fireproof, noise-insulating, frost-resistant, wind-resistant.

2.High performance and physical-mechanical properties:

Low rates of water absorption and permeability (4%);

Resistance to solar radiation;

Resistance to chemically and biologically aggressive substances in industrial areas and cities;

Fireproof, has high fire resistance and fire resistance;

Frost resistance of at least 1000 cycles.

3. Well-proven installation technology, technical support from highly qualified specialists of the Baltic Tile company.

4. The best price-quality ratio.

BRAAS - DSK 1 is the leader in the natural tile roofing market in Russia*. The company was founded in 1995 as a joint venture of OJSC DSK 1 (Moscow) and the BRAAS group of companies (Germany), since 2008 it has been part of the international corporation BRAAS MONIER BUILDING GROUP. Today, BRAAS-DSK 1 LLC has 2 factories for the production of BRAAS cement-sand tiles in Moscow and Krasnodar, 3 branches: in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar; 10 regional representatives and 397 distributors and dealers throughout Russia.

*According to the report " Marketing research Russian market of roofing materials" April 2014

Why tiles BRAAS:

· Recognizable beauty and texture of the roof

· Worldwide, famous brand

· An ideal investment in terms of: beauty - quality - durability - price

· Status and prestige of your home

· Eco-friendly product

· Written warranty from the manufacturer for 30 years

· Service life 100 years

· Absolutely non-flammable material

· Not subject to corrosion

· Does not accumulate static electricity

· Excellent sound and heat insulation

· Not afraid of hurricane winds

· Does not require maintenance during operation

·Easily reconstructed

· Low waste per complex roofs Oh

· Withstands sudden changes temperature

· Installation at any time of the year

· 19 years on the Russian market

· 2 factories, 3 branches and a wide dealer network

· German production technologies

Strict production quality control

· Variety of colors and models to suit any, even the most demanding taste

I am Mikhail, director of the company, I have been working exclusively with roofs for more than 15 years. Below I will tell you about the intricacies and secrets of roofing materials. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer and help.
Mikhail, STM-Stroy LLC

You have dreamed of an elegant and prestigious ceramic roof, but it is too expensive. You were advised to use cement-sand tiles: almost the same, only much cheaper. Let's figure out why cement-sand tiles are better and why they are worse than other coatings.

Advantages of cement-sand tiles

CPC is a material consisting of quartz sand, cement, natural dyes and water. Shaped to fit high pressure, dried at low temperatures (+60 degrees). Here are the known advantages of the coating:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • service life is over one hundred years. Manufacturers' warranty – 30-35 years;
  • aesthetics. Externally, cement-sand tiles are practically indistinguishable from ceramic ones;
  • indifference to corrosion, rotting;
  • frost resistance (more than a thousand cycles), low water absorption (less than 2 percent), resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • fire resistance;
  • good roof ventilation;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation and chemical impurities in the atmosphere;
  • good thermal insulation and noise protection;
  • reasonable price.

Disadvantages of cement-sand tiles

The main disadvantage is the heavy weight. Although the CPC is almost twice as light ceramic tiles, the load on the rafter system is still high. The weight of one tile with dimensions of 33 by 42 centimeters (one of the standard sizes) is 4-5 kg, depending on the thickness.

There are other disadvantages:

  • not too large color palette. Typically one of five colors is used: red, brown, gray, black or green;
  • not too wide variety of profile shapes;
  • not the highest mechanical strength. Loading and installation require special care;
  • the large mass of loaded pallets complicates transportation.

Now let’s look at the pros and cons of cement-sand tiles in comparison with other roofing coverings.

Which tiles are better - ceramic or cement-sand?

Ceramic tiles are made from special types of clay with the addition of various additives and pigments.

After molding it is fired at high temperatures. Due to this technology, the cost of the material is high.

Accordingly, the selling price too: cement-sand tiles can be bought for 300-600 rubles per square, ceramic ones - from a thousand and more.

The second advantage of cement-sand tiles is less weight. With a weight of one tile of 4-5 kg ​​per meter, there are 40-50 kilograms (10 pieces). Ceramics - from 70 kilograms. The only advantage of a coating with a large mass is wind resistance. But 40 kg/sq.m is enough for her.

The advantages of ceramics include:

  • more diverse the lineup(profile shape, color schemes);
  • ceramics are covered with glaze, for cement-sand ceramics this method finishing No.

Otherwise, the materials are similar, the pros and cons are the same.

Articles on the topic

Comparison: composite tiles or sand-cement tiles

Composite tiles are improved metal shingles. Due to the granular coating of the front layer, the composite coating is devoid of the main disadvantages of metal tiles, namely:

  • does not conduct sounds;
  • electrical conductivity is significantly reduced;
  • higher strength of the outer layer (if damaged polymer coating on metal tiles the material becomes vulnerable to corrosion);
  • the material is more plastic, it can be used to cover not only straight, but also curved slopes.

In terms of sound, heat and electrical insulation, composite tiles are comparable to cement-sand tiles. Other characteristics:

  • the mass per square of the composite one is significantly less - 6-7 kg;
  • the price is slightly lower - 200-300 rubles;
  • composite tiles are not a fragile material;
  • service life is shorter - about 50 years;
  • Only flat slopes can be covered with hard cement-sand tiles.

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Which is better: soft roofing or cement-sand tiles?

It is more difficult to compare cement-sand tiles and soft tiles, they are too different. Flexible tiles- This is fiberglass or other fabric base, impregnated with bitumen and coated on the outside with granular topping. From a distance, the soft roof resembles a ceramic one, but this is the only thing it has in common with a cement-sand roof.

Advantages of bitumen shingles:

  • little weight;
  • flexibility, the ability to cover domed, cone-shaped and other complex roofs;
  • angle – from 11º (sometimes less) to 90 (sometimes even negative surfaces). The range of cement-sand tiles, as well as ceramic ones, is 20-60 degrees;
  • no fragility;
  • a huge range of colors and shapes of shingles.

Disadvantages in comparison with cement-sand:

  • complex device roofing pie, increased attention to ventilation;
  • You can walk on a roof made of cement-sand tiles regardless of the weather without the risk of deforming it. Marks may remain on the flexible material in the heat;
  • The maximum service life of a soft roof is 50 years.

Cement-sand tiles can not only beautifully decorate the roof, but also create a durable and practical roofing covering. However, the characteristics of the material do not allow its use in certain climatic conditions, which should be taken into account when choosing.

Characteristics of cement-sand tiles

This type of tile consists of quartz sand, dyes, cement, binders and water-repellent additives.

Certain elements are formed from the prepared thick mass, which are then pressed and dried under special conditions. The tile manufacturing process takes up to 12 hours: this is how the necessary characteristics of the roofing material are achieved.

The shades of cement-sand tiles are varied due to the use of dyes

In the manufacture of tiles, the dye is used both for external application and as part of the mass itself. This makes the coating practical, since small chips are invisible on the roof surface.

Cement-sand tiles were invented in the 19th century and immediately began to be produced in England on a large scale. It gained its popularity due to its simplified production technology: unlike ceramic tiles, cement-sand tiles do not need to be fired or glazed.

Video: tile composition, manufacturing process and strength testing

Life time

All components in natural tiles are selected for successful interaction with each other, so their service life is more than 50 years. Elements created without violating technology and correctly installed on the roof surface will last up to 100 years. Manufacturers provide a 30-year warranty on their products.

Correct installation ensures long-term and efficient operation of the cement-sand coating

For maximum long-term operation, it is important to adhere to certain conditions for laying tiles:

Compliance with installation rules provides a reliable basis for natural tiles and contributes to its resistance to climatic and mechanical influences.

Resistance to external influences

Cement-sand tiles are resistant to climatic influences. The coating of such elements practically does not fade under ultraviolet rays, tolerates heavy rains and snowfalls well.

Roof tiles of all colors are UV resistant

The material easily withstands such influences as:

  • frequent precipitation in the form of rain and snow;
  • mechanical loads: snow cap layer or renovation work on the roof;
  • exposure to hail, strong wind.

Tiles made from cement-sand mixture have high level strength, so minor repairs can be carried out directly on it without the risk of damage. But you should avoid sharp blows and the impact of sharp objects on the tiles.

The tiles can easily withstand the weight of a person without being deformed.

Frost resistance

The cost of cement-sand tiles is lower than ceramic tiles. Moreover, the characteristics of both practically do not differ either in moisture retention or frost resistance. They easily tolerate sudden temperature changes within 10 degrees and retain their shape down to -45 °C.

Installation of tiles can be carried out at temperatures down to -10°C

This material is optimal for use in regions where in winter the air temperature does not drop below 30–35 °C. This ensures maximum durability of the roof covering and reduces the risk emergency situations, which may occur due to harsh winters.

Sizes and shape of tiles

Cement-sand tiles are produced various forms and sizes: each type has a specific purpose and is mounted in different places oh the roofs. Therefore, all tiles are divided into basic and additional elements: the main ones cover the roof surface, and additional ones cover the joints.

The tiles vary in shape: each type is designed to decorate different areas of the roof

Issued the following types natural tiles:

  • row (ordinary) - for laying on flat surface slopes, where the material is easily distributed in straight rows. It has a wavy shape, and in combination creates a beautiful coating;

    Row tiles are laid faster and have a convenient locking fastening

  • side (pediment) - curved L-shaped, mounted along the edge of the roof gable. Left-sided elements are placed on the left end of the roof, right-sided ones - on the right, and universal ones - along the entire end;

    Curved elements are placed along the edges to ensure the neatness of the front part of the roof.

  • half - for those areas where row elements are cut at an angle, but it is possible to add small details. This allows you not to waste full ordinary tiles, cutting it into pieces. Typically, half-tiles are produced in sizes 420x180 mm;

    Half tiles are convenient for installation in difficult areas

  • walk-through - for installing additional pipes on the roof;

    Passage tiles are installed in a specific place where the pipe installation is planned

  • footrest - for fixing gratings that allow you to move safely to service the roof. Their location is determined in advance;

    For ease of movement, underfloor tile elements are installed on the roof

  • ventilation - for air circulation in the valley area, on the ridge or in the eaves area;

    Installation ventilation tiles avoids the formation of condensation

  • support - for installation sites for snow retention ladders. It is more durable than a row one: it allows you to securely fix the ladders and avoid sudden ice melting;
  • ridge (initial and final), end - to close all joints and complete the overall picture of the roofing.

    Additional elements help to harmoniously design all edges and joints on a roof made of natural tiles

The most common tiles are standard sizes - 420x330 mm. The average consumption of such parts is 10 pieces per 1 m2.

There are also tiles with dimensions of 410x240 mm: 15 pieces per 1 m2 are required. But in-line tiles have these parameters, and additional connecting parts are selected depending on the dimensions of the structure.

Weight of cement-sand tiles

Cement-sand mixture tiles are a material similar to fine-grained concrete, but have more high performance. In this case, the weight of the roofing elements ranges from 45 to 50 kg/1 m2.

When designing, be sure to calculate the weight of the roof and the load it will withstand.

Knowing the average weight of the tiles and the roof area, it is easy to determine the weight of the covering.

To calculate the total weight of the roof, it is worth adding the weight of the rafter system to the tile indicator, waterproofing material, insulation and sheathing. All this has to be supported by the foundation and load-bearing walls.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cement-sand mixture tiles have been used for roofing for only about 160 years. But it has already managed to gain popularity thanks to a number of advantages:

  • looks like ceramic, is made in various colors;
  • environmentally friendly, does not rot or deform, resistant to various natural influences(except large hail);
  • leaves a minimal amount of waste during installation (about 5%);
  • has high sound and thermal insulation, as well as ventilating qualities;
  • easy to operate and repair;
  • reasonable in cost, durable with high-quality installation.

Cement-sand tiles are especially suitable for buildings made of brick or timber

However, this material is not without disadvantages that must be taken into account:

  • heavy weight - suitable only for a reliable, stable building, requires the use of equipment for transportation and lifting to the roof;
  • small variety of shapes of the main elements;
  • weak resistance to mechanical stress - requires care during transportation, installation and operation. Broken elements must be immediately replaced with new ones to protect the building from leaks;
  • small-piece material - takes a lot of time to install;
  • surface roughness delays the melting of snow, so it is important to strengthen the roof rafter system in advance.

Video: features of cement-sand tiles

Rules for installing tile coverings

During installation, it is important to take into account the characteristics of each type of tile and adhere to fastening technology. Cement-sand tiles consist of the following elements:

  • main lock - triple, double or single. Protects the roof from blowing and snow, increases the strength of the coating;
  • side locks - lock the tiles together and prevent leakage. Allows you to move parts relative to each other up to 8 cm;
  • reinforcement ribs - to strengthen the tiles. Provide strength and resistance of each part to various loads;
  • rounded edges - allow for efficient removal of precipitation;
  • lower hooks - fix the tiles to the sheathing, help distribute the weight evenly.

Tile tiles are varied and have a well-thought-out structure

Each tile is equipped with holes for fastening, which makes installation work easier.

How to make a sheathing for tiles

For the sheathing, coniferous wood blocks with a moisture content of no more than 25% are used, which protects the base from deformation and rotting.

On rafters spaced at intervals of no more than 75 cm, bars with a cross-section of 30×50 mm are used to install the sheathing; on rafters spaced at intervals of no more than 90 cm, bars 40×50 mm are used. If the pitch of the rafters reaches 110 cm, the bars are 50×50 or 40×60 mm. These indicators are universal.

The pitch of the sheathing should not be greater than the length of the tiles

The sheathing pitch depends on the roof slope.

If the roof has slopes with a slope of up to 22°, then the distance between the bars is 312–320 m; with a slope of 22–30°, the sheathing pitch is maintained within the range of 325–335 mm. If the slope angle is more than 30°, the sheathing is installed in increments of 340–345 mm.

When constructing multi-pitched roofs, the distance between the sheathing bars is calculated for each inclined surface separately.

Installation Basics

Before starting construction, all wooden parts of the roof must be sprayed with an antiseptic, and metal parts must be sprayed with an anti-corrosion agent. After filling, the sheathing is sealed chimney: a tape with a reinforcing mesh is attached to it. If the roof structure has a valley, then a sealing tape is placed in this area. Then the process of laying the tiles begins:

  1. The first row is placed from the lower right corner. The tiles should hang no more than 7 cm above the edge of the roof. The tiles are attached to the sheathing with galvanized screws.
  2. Next, a row is mounted along the edge of the roof end in a vertical direction. Before laying the next strip, a cord is pulled between the opposite edges of the roof to ensure that the rows are laid horizontally.
  3. Following the markings and starting from the fixed end parts, horizontal rows are formed.
  4. In difficult corners and valleys, a coating of pre-cut elements is laid out.
  5. The last to be attached are the ridge, connecting and other additional parts.

Installation of cement-sand tiles in the valley area requires precision in cutting tiles and correct fastening

Installation can be carried out along the perimeter of the slope or vertically, but the presented method is the simplest and allows you to obtain even rows.

Video instructions: installing sheathing and laying tiles - in detail, with calculations and measurements

Maintenance of tile roofs

You can increase the service life of a cement-sand coating if you follow the operating rules:

  • promptly replace damaged elements with new ones, carefully removing them;
  • clear snow from the roof special tool, not capable of damaging the surface of the tiles;
  • when a leak occurs inside a building, it is important to immediately identify the cause and eliminate it;
  • The valley area is most susceptible to leaks and needs regular inspection.

    If during operation a problem arises in a certain place of the roof, then it is necessary to inspect the entire roof to identify the cause. Only after this can the damaged tiles be replaced or other necessary work carried out.

    Photo gallery: roofs covered with cement-sand tiles

    Roof tiles dark color practical and makes the appearance of the building stylish Red roof - a sought-after classic for private homes Bright tiles always decorate the roof of a house Cement-sand tiles are suitable for roofs of complex shapes A multi-pitched roof covered with cement-sand tiles does not differ in appearance from ceramic coating For two-story buildings, tiles are optimally suited and make the roof practical to use. Ridge elements decorate the roof and make it look complete

I am Mikhail, director of the company, I have been working exclusively with roofs for more than 15 years. Below I will tell you about the intricacies and secrets of roofing materials. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer and help.
Mikhail, STM-Stroy LLC

Durable and inexpensive material, not inferior in aesthetics and performance properties to ceramic roofing - cement-sand tiles. Its disadvantages are fragility and heavy weight. This complicates the installation of sand-cement tiles. Let's consider the basic rules and features of installation.

Rules for installing a roof made of cement-sand tiles

Like other roofs, cement-sand tiles have their own subtleties:

  • The construction of a roof made of cement-sand tiles is possible with a slope slope of 30 degrees, and of the groove-and-groove variety - from 22. When choosing a material, pay attention to the manufacturer’s recommendations: the lower limit of slope is different for different models. There are types designed for roofs with a slope of less than 22 and more than 60 degrees.
  • Installation will require a reinforced rafter system. The cross-section of the rafters and the pitch of the rafter legs are determined depending on the slope of the roof. If the slope is steeper than 22 degrees, the rafters are placed in increments of 0.6 to 0.9 meters, the section of the timber is at least 5 by 15 cm.
  • The structure of the roofing pie is the same as that of other roofs: vapor barrier - insulation - waterproofing.
  • If the slope is less than 16 degrees, a continuous sheathing of tongue-and-groove or edged boards, waterproof plywood, OSB. Waterproofing is carried out using bitumen-polymer or polymer materials.
  • The purchased tiles should be stored in outdoors, in a place protected from rain, or covered with polyethylene.
  • To avoid damage to the sheathing, do not stack stacks of more than 6 tiles on the roof.
  • For cutting, use a 2-kilowatt grinder with a 23 cm diamond blade for heavy concrete.

Features of ventilation in the manufacture of roofs made of cement-sand tiles

The ventilation device depends on the shape and features of the roof:

  • a gable gable with a cold attic is ventilated through end ventilation windows;
  • When installing thermal insulation, a cold triangle half a meter high is left near the ridge. In this case, air exchange occurs through the holes directly between the ridge and the pediment;
  • for roofs on which it is impossible to arrange ventilation in this way (for example, hipped roofs), a special type of tile is used - ventilation. It is installed on cornices adjacent to chimneys, skylights. On gable roofs Valleys are treated with this element. Sometimes they are placed on a ridge, but this is not necessary for a ventilated ridge.

Articles on the topic

Technology for laying cement-sand tiles

Installation procedure for cement-sand tiles:

1. Lay waterproofing. The film is placed horizontally on the rafters with an overlap of adjacent strips of 15-20 cm. Fixed with 25 mm tar paper umbrella nails, staples and/or wooden slats in increments of 20 cm. The recommended sagging of the film is 2-3 cm, the distance to the insulation is at least 5 centimeters.

2. Install a counter-lattice along the rafters to provide a ventilation gap.

3. Step lathing is made from 3 by 5 cm bars. The step depends on the size of the tiles (from 32 to 39 cm).

4. An additional strip of suitable thickness is attached to the bottom batten of the sheathing so that the bottom row of tiles is in the same plane as the rest.

5. Install the eaves overhang apron, drip line and eaves ventilation elements according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

6. Equip the valley unit and lay the valley tape.

7. The tiles are laid in rows along the slope or along the entire perimeter (if the roof is hipped). They usually start from the lower right edge of the slope (on hips - from the middle of the hip cornice). Next row placed in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous one. Bottom edge the tiles are slightly lowered behind the sheathing to protect the under-roof space from rain.

8. Under normal conditions, row tiles are connected with groove locks; no additional fasteners are required. For slopes greater than 45 degrees, as well as in areas with strong winds, additional fastening with self-tapping screws is used.

9. The bottom row is always fastened with self-tapping screws or galvanized nails, two pieces per tile, and additionally with anti-wind clamps. For fasteners, holes should be drilled in advance: nails cannot be driven in, because the material is fragile.

10. Anti-wind clips should also be installed on gables, valleys and junctions. The tiles adjacent to the nodes are also attached additionally, every third (with strong winds– every second).

11. The top (ridge) row is laid, leaving a small gap for ventilation.

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Roof installation units made of cement-sand tiles

The technology for installing cement-sand tiles is somewhat simplified by the fact that all units have their own shaped elements. Even the edge tiles usually do not need to be trimmed, since half tiles exist.

Nodal elements:

  1. The installation of the horizontal row is completed by installing a pediment element with a curved end;
  2. Lay on top of the ridge beam plastic seal, then install a semicircular ridge. Fixation with self-tapping screws and special clamps for ridge tiles.
  3. The junction of the hip ridges with the ridge is treated with a special hip element, curved on all sides. The ridges themselves are covered with ridge elements.
  4. The grooves in the valley are secured with valley brackets from the material kit.
  5. In valleys, at junctions with walls, pipes, and windows, ventilation tiles are installed.

There are other types of tiles different cases life.

The cost of building materials often plays a determining role for future property owners. In this case, it is necessary great attention pays attention to product quality, on which they depend performance characteristics and durability of structures, assemblies or finishes. Such requirements led to the emergence of materials such as. Its advantage is an excellent ratio between price and quality, environmental friendliness and a presentable appearance, not inferior to more expensive ceramic tiles.

Preparatory stage before laying cement-sand tiles

Installation of piece tiles begins with the installation of waterproofing and counter-lattice. The roll of film is rolled out along the rafter legs, secured with a stapler, after which the counter-lattice is stuffed. For it, timber 30x50 mm is used; for complex roofs, a reinforced version is recommended - timber 50x50 mm thick. It should be nailed to the rafter legs with galvanized nails. For ease of installation of the next roll of waterproofing, you can fill the rough sheathing.

An important step before laying tiles is preparing the sheathing. may have a different slope and the pitch between the sheathing bars depends on this. If the slope angle is up to 22 degrees, then there should be 31.2-32 cm between the sheathing; with a slope of up to 30 degrees, the step increases from 31.2 to 33, cm. A roof with a slope slope of more than 30 degrees needs sheathing in increments of up to 30 cm. The pitch size should not change along the entire length of the roof slope.

Features of laying cement-sand tiles

On a rectangular slope, it begins with laying out the bottom and top rows. They are not fixed, since they are initially needed only for marking, for which they use dyeing lace. With its help, pediment columns are beaten from each edge and every 3-5 vertical column. According to the applied markings cement tiles laid starting from the bottom row from right to left. To fasten the first row, galvanized screws and clamps are used. This will ensure resistance to wind loads.

Triangular slopes of tents and hip roofs require marking from the middle of the slope. Laying is done from top to bottom, but each row is laid out from the center found during marking in the direction of both ridges.

With normal roof angles, sand tiles for the most part are not attached to the sheathing with screws or nails. The bottom row, which experiences the maximum wind load, the top row and the side columns must be fixed with clamps. Fasteners are required for cut tiles, regardless of the place of their attachment, as well as for those tiles that are located in places adjacent to pipes, walls, and roof windows.

Eaves and gables are important elements of the roof

The eaves overhang experiences the greatest wind load, so when arranging it, it is necessary to carry out high-quality fasteners. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the choice of installation system for the drainage gutter holder. If snow load in the region is large, then you should opt for the option with a high-mounted gutter. When filing the cornice, it is imperative to ensure air flow into the under-roof space. Gable overhang It is best to design it using special side tiles or lightweight aluminum tiles. With their help, it will be possible not only to efficiently complete the installation of tiles, but also to make the roof more neat and beautiful.

Cement-sand tiles are a reliable roof for your home!

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