home · On a note · The composition of the roof is sand-cement tiles. Cement-sand tiles: characteristics and application. Video: tile composition, manufacturing process and strength testing

The composition of the roof is sand-cement tiles. Cement-sand tiles: characteristics and application. Video: tile composition, manufacturing process and strength testing

Completely incorrect comparison.
CPC is essentially a conventional roofing material and performs mainly decorative functions, while metal tiles are more suitable for the requirements for roofing, but are inferior in decorative properties.
CPC is a pitiful imitation of real ceramic tiles. Equivalently pour cement-sand screed roofing CFC from the sun heats up a little less than metal, and unlike ceramics it is a weak heat accumulator, accordingly, after a hot day, a stuffy evening comes (there is a volley of heat release). Natural adsorption of moisture from the air by cement leads to the rapid development of all kinds of fungi, mold and moss , especially in poorly ventilated joints.
Old ceramics have been lying around for centuries without any ventilation, as they heat up very slowly and give off heat just as slowly - there is nothing to condense.
And the small size of the products already provides sufficient ventilation.
In CPC, unlike ceramics appearance disappears irrevocably after 3-5 years of operation. On the northern side, the CPC is covered with moss during the first 5 years, and on the southern side, moss appears after 7-10 years. This is due to the presence of cement, which reliably holds moisture.
Advantages of the CHR:
- external resemblance to real ceramic tiles (a complete copy, except for the material - accordingly it is a fake).
- noiselessness, although what kind of noise can we talk about under good insulation? And if there is no money for insulation, then why the hell buy expensive tiles?
- heavy weight, not every hurricane will blow away such a roof (with correct installation)
- huge weight, just terribly huge - 45-50 kg per 1 m2, for comparison, metal tiles - up to 5 kg (Imagine a teenager on the roof for every square meter - horror). requires very high physical abilities from roofers.
- a rough surface contributes to greater snow retention; rafter calculations must be increased from the design by 10-20%.
- weak strength, when a branch falls, for example, it shatters into pieces, and God forbid there is a large slope - you get tired of unscrewing each tile individually from the ridge to the place where the tiles are replaced.
- increased costs for the foundation, walls, rafter system.
- quite hemorrhoidal installation and further operation, very unreliable connection to the pipes.
- small pieces imply a high probability of leaks, especially on small slopes, so all hope lies in under the roof waterproofing (when dismantling the tiles, traces of small drops are visible under each tile at the joints).
- PRICE - the biggest drawback - 50 kg of cement sand mixture is equal to -125 -130 rubles, and 45 kg of CPC - at least 300 rubles + the same 300 rubles (and this is the absence of firing, glazing, etc. The markup is 2-3 times)
- the cost of all work and materials (including rafters) is 1.5-2 times higher than that of a metal tile roof, depending on the complexity.
Advantages of metal tiles:
- external resemblance to natural tiles (the similarity is conditional - essentially an imitation, since it is impossible to confuse).
- material weight - up to 5 kg.
- dimensions of 1 sheet up to 8 sq. m., than fewer joints- the higher the reliability of the roof. (Holees from self-tapping screws do not count, since with proper installation of the correct self-tapping screws they will last for 25 years, sure enough).
- the ability to cover the slope from the ridge to the cornice with one sheet.
- comparative ease of installation (for specialists).
- easy to use and maintain; if branches fall, the design does not break through but becomes wrinkled. Unlike the CFC, there is no direct leakage.
- low surface roughness contributes to less snow retention, accordingly we build according to calculations.
- the aesthetic appeal is less than that of natural tiles, or of some colors of CPC.
- shorter service life than natural tiles, conditionally (since only museums stand under 100-year-old moss-covered tiles). It is known that roofs, like political regimes change with a frequency of 27-35 years (every generation)
- condensate (conditionally) - if all the rules for installing a ventilation gap are observed, the appearance of condensation is excluded.
- noise (erroneous) - when poor insulation The noise can be heard under any surface.
How do you like this analysis?
Further more! The (useful) width of the metal tile sheet is 110-111 cm, respectively, per 1 sq. m. accounts for 1 linear meter dense overlap along the slope through the wave. For 1 sq.m. CPCH "Frankfurt" accounts for 3 linear meters. along the slope through the wave, and 3 linear meters. horizontal simple overlap. Possibility of leakage per 1 sq. m. 6 times more!
The arguments regarding noise during rain and strong heating from the sun of metal tiles should be treated with understanding.
Modern attic systems(sufficient insulation for the region, and this includes sound insulation, properly executed and WORKING under-roof ventilation) nullify arguments about noiselessness or heatability.
Therefore, if you are told that metal tiles heat up in the summer but there is no central heating element, you must remember that there is a ventilation gap between the insulation and the roofing, and the air temperature in the ventilation gap in both cases will be identical to the air temperature outside.
And the one who says this, either an amateur, or a specialist who deliberately misleads you, is simply lying.
I love CHR work because the difference is up to 1000 rubles per square. But I always warn the customer that the CHR must be conscious choice, which carries with it additional financial and operational burden.
My opinion is that a central heating system can be chosen only for aesthetic reasons, when you really want to have such a roof, nothing more.

Cement-sand tiles- This is a very reliable material for roofing. Its service life can be hundreds of years. It does not change under the influence of moisture and temperature. Ecologically pure. It also dampens noise very well. The roof covered with cement-sand tiles is low-noise and strong. But cement-sand tiles are heavy, so the house and its rafter system must be designed for such coverage.

Cement-sand tiles are difficult to install. Compared to lungs bitumen coatings the labor intensity of laying these tiles is 2–3 times higher.

For installation of cement- sand tiles it is advisable to invite experienced specialists. Knowing the following recommendations for installing cement-sand tiles will help you monitor their operation.

Limitations and installation features
Flat tiles cannot be used on flat roofs; the minimum slope angle is 30 degrees.
Groove-groove tiles can be used on slopes with an angle of more than 22 degrees.
Some modern views The tiles are good at preventing the wind from blowing water into the under-roof space; they can be used on flat roofs from 14 degrees and steeper.

But the wind, regardless of the angle of inclination, can still push a certain amount of water into the under-roof space. Therefore, a waterproofing film must be used. This film is laid on the sheathing of the rafters (on the rafters) with an overlap between the strips of at least 20 cm. The film is secured with intermediate lathing strips.

After installing the waterproofing, you can begin installing the main sheathing and tiles.

The sheathing on the roof is mounted to match a specific type of tile. The sheathing parameters are calculated based on the step of fastening the tiles. Therefore, before purchasing tiles, you should not rush into lathing and other elements of the under-roof space.

Using tile samples, the required quantity to cover the entire roof is calculated.

The dimensions of the roof section, which is covered with one tile, are determined.
To do this, 12 tiles are selected, which are first laid in a horizontal row, just as they will lie on the roof.

Next, the distance between 10 adjacent tiles is measured - from the beginning of the ridge of the 2nd tile to the beginning of the ridge of the 12th. This measurement is done twice. The first time with minimal gaps between the tiles, and the second time measured with the tiles as far apart as possible. Based on two measurements, the average distance between 10 tiles is calculated (L avg. = L maximum gap + L minimum gap / 2). Then determine the width of the roof covered with one tile (L one = L avg /10). Based on the obtained value, calculate the number of tiles in a horizontal row to cover the entire width of the roof.

The distance covered vertically (in the longitudinal direction) is calculated in the same way.
The tiles are laid in a longitudinal row. Two measurements are taken, the average distance between 10 laid tiles and the distance covered in the longitudinal direction by one tile (H one) are calculated.

The value (H one) will determine the required distance between the sheathing slats.

Then the number of tiles required to cover one slope and the entire roof is determined.

Features of the lathing
Only after determining the specified dimensions for specific type Sand-cement tiles begin to install the sheathing. For the bottom row, the distance between the battens is determined by the position of the bottom and top edges of the tiles (the tiles should hang a short distance below to direct water into the gutter). The height level of the bottom rail can be adjusted by simply turning the rail on its edge (picture).

The distance between the remaining slats is defined as “H one”. To speed up installation and ensure the same distance between the slats, you can use a cut-out measuring tape. The straightness of the slats is adjusted along the cord (if necessary) to ensure an exact match with the rows of tiles.

Laying tiles
The general direction of laying cement-sand tiles is from bottom to top. The bottom row is fixed first. Then one vertical row is mounted along the cord. The markings for it are done very carefully. The rest of the tiles will be laid from these two rows.

The horizontality and straightness of the rows is constantly monitored. To do this, every five rows the laying is checked against the cord; if necessary, the last row is adjusted. The tiles must be securely attached to the sheathing with nails and clamps.

Design of complex areas
The horizontal row on the pediment is completed by laying special tiles with a curved end. The use of gable tiles requires precise definition horizontal distances and the number of pieces of solid tiles in a row.

It is recommended to use special plastic seals to decorate the skates. Such details provide waterproofing of the under-roof space in the ridge area and at the same time air ventilation. The plastic seal is applied to the ridge beam and glued to the top rows of shingles. Ridge tiles are installed on top of the seal and secured to the timber with clamps.

It is also possible to use special type tiles with ventilation ducts, both ridge and last rows. Then plastic seals are not needed.

The usual installation, using additional boards along the ridge beam, covered with a waterproofing film, and leaving ventilation ducts between them, is shown in the figure.

1 – top row of tiles. 2 – special board. 3 – ventilation duct. 4 – ridge beam. 5 – waterproofing. 6 – lathing.

In approximately the same way, cement-sand tiles are installed on the inclined edges of the roof. The tiles in rows along the ribs are cut grinder. A block similar to a ridge beam should be installed along the edge. Plastic seals are installed around this beam. All external coverings are secured with clamps.

Regular tiles are complemented by varieties:

  • Pediment
  • Konkova
  • With ventilation ducts
  • With holes for conductors and others.

It is useful to use these types of tiles to reduce the labor intensity of work and make the roof more reliable.

The roof is one of the most important elements of any house, protecting its interior from external influences. Therefore, it is important to choose the right materials with which it will be covered.

Today there are many similar products on the market, among which are cement-sand tiles. You can select such roofing materials on the manufacturer’s website, where their main technical characteristics are described.

Preparatory work

Before you begin installing cement-sand tiles, you should perform several operations:

  1. Initially, the sheathing is installed. It is made from bars with a cross-section of 5 cm. The distance between adjacent beams is selected depending on the size of the tile, but often experts recommend maintaining a step of 32-39 cm.
  2. At this stage, a counter-lattice is installed along the rafters, which will provide optimal wind intake. After this they lay waterproofing layer. For this purpose, special films are used, which are overlapped over the entire roof area. They are secured using construction brackets and wooden slats.
  3. Are ending preparatory work aligning the bottom row, as well as installing eaves overhang, drip, etc.

Tile installation technology

Cement-sand tiles are significant in weight, so they must be placed on a solid foundation. Laying this material is possible on almost any type of roof. Installation of tiles is carried out according to several basic rules:

  • Laying the plates begins along the slope. All adjacent rows are staggered relative to the first element. Installation of subsequent rows follows a similar principle.
  • The bottom row should fall slightly beyond the edge of the sheathing, forming an overhang and protecting the tree from rain.
  • The plates must be connected using special locks. If the roof angle exceeds 45 degrees, then the tiles must be additionally fixed with self-tapping screws. The same approach is used in areas where strong winds prevail.
  • The bottom row of tiles must be secured to the base with nails or self-tapping screws in the amount of two pieces per element.

Please note that the material is quite fragile and therefore it is not advisable to use nails for fastening. Installation of such structures is carried out only on roofs with a slope of more than 30 degrees. To get a reliable coating, it is better to trust experienced professionals to lay cement-sand tiles.

To cover the roof, you can use a variety of materials made of plastic or metal. Cement-sand tiles are considered one of the most beautiful and expensive roof coverings.


Exist different types tile covering, it is classified depending on the raw materials used. Ceramic is made from fired clay. To do this, the mineral is diluted with water in certain proportions, after which it hardens under high pressure. The result is a dense, homogeneous, but fragile mass. To reduce brittleness, annealing is necessary, which removes excess air from the clay pores and promotes better bonding of particles.

The second type - sand cement tiles - is an analogue of ceramic tiles, but is made from a mixture of stone and cement mortar. Manufacturers use high-quality raw materials for mortar, often cement 200 or higher. It is combined with water and sand, after which various impurities are added to the finished mass. In order for this material to be dense and resistant to external influences, any other impurities are removed from it.

For the manufacture of cement-sand tiles, only river sand is used, in which the presence of stones is allowed, the particle size of which should not exceed 2 mm. The finished solution is poured into molds. The production of tiles is carried out in batches. She may be various forms and flowers. By the way, to achieve a certain shade of the coating, manufacturers use various types natural or artificial dyes. The most expensive ones are painting with stone chips of various types. A similar technology is also used in the manufacture of bitumen or soft roofing.

The manufacturing process of cement-sand tiles

The production of cement-sand tiles is possible at home. This does not require special equipment - just correctly calculate the proportions for the mixture and make molds the required section and size.

Video: Cement-sand tiles - composition, production, advantages and disadvantages

The standard dimensions are 420 mm by 330. If necessary, you can make roofing material with a larger cross-section, but then it will be heavier and more difficult to install.

Main characteristics

The roof covered with cement-sand tiles is different good qualities resistance to aggressive external factors. It is ideal for harsh Russian climatic conditions. Advantages of coverage:

  1. Durability. The minimum service life of the coating is 50 years;
  2. High frost resistance. This is very important for roofing. Metal and plastic shingles can vary from sharp changes temperatures, crack and lose their external qualities. Cement-sand has even higher frost resistance than ceramic, while its price is much lower;
  3. Ease of manufacture. If you don't want to buy ready material, then it can be easily done at home;
  4. Large assortment of colors and shapes;
  5. Resistance to physical impacts. Ceramic tiles known for its high fragility. It breaks when dropped, impacted, or under pressure. The cement coating has good flexibility and resistance to torsional deformation.

But cement-sand tiles also have their disadvantages:

  1. It makes the roof very heavy. If you built a house on a pillar or pile foundation, then it is better to use corrugated board or bitumen. Square meter ceramic and sand tiles can weigh up to 15 kilograms;
  2. Poor resistance to fungi. Due to the fact that cement attracts moisture, the use of cement-sand roofing materials can damage the roof. It is not recommended for use in damp areas, or near water bodies;
  3. The need for reinforced rafter boards. Otherwise, they simply will not withstand the load;
  4. Difficult installation. Due to its high weight, installing such a coating yourself is a rather labor-intensive task.

But even after comparing all the pros and cons of this coating, the material has more advantages and they are more significant.


Laying cement-sand tiles is very similar to installing ceramic ones. Before starting the work process, beams are prepared - they are strengthened with supports. Afterwards, a sheathing under the covering is installed on them. The optimal pitch of the sheathing boards here is 312–345 mm. This is an average parameter, so it is recommended to consult with specialists before using it.

Step-by-step instruction how to install cement-sand tiles:

Price overview

You can buy cement-sand tiles at any branded hardware store (Braas, Sea Wave), its price depends on the impurities and color of the material. Let's look at the cost of red Vortex tiles with a matte surface:

People at all times have strived to have a strong, reliable and durable roof over their heads, which would not only protect the house, but also decorate it. And in this regard, with natural piece goods no newfangled coating can compare. However, exhaustion natural resources entailed an increase in their cost and, as a consequence, a significant decrease in demand. This forced manufacturers to look for an alternative to natural covering materials, which became cement-sand tiles - a golden mean with a rare good price-quality ratio. In this article we will try to understand without embellishment what this roofing material is and whether it is possible to lay it on your own.

Cement-sand tiles: technical characteristics

The characteristics of cement-sand tiles are determined by the characteristics of the materials from which they are made and the production technology.

Composition and production

To make cement-sand tiles, use a mixture of sifted purified sand and quick-setting cement (at least M200) with the addition of vegetable dyes. The properties of concrete tiles depend on the strict dosage of all components in the concrete mass, especially on the ratio of cement and water. The slightest deviation from technology requirements will lead to the appearance of white limescale on the surface of the tiles and a decrease in performance indicators.

From compliance correct proportions tile composition - 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 0.5 parts water without impurities - the quality of the concrete tiles depends

After molding, the products are painted and dried in special chambers. Then they are re-painted and dried again for at least 30 days outside. Double painting and drying make cement-sand tiles immune to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, and therefore capable of maintaining a presentable appearance and excellent properties for many years.

On final stage When produced, tiles must be kept outdoors for 30 days, which significantly improves the performance characteristics of the material.

Concrete tiles made using three-layer technology are particularly durable, where the first layer is high-strength concrete, the second is sprayed with colored cement composition, filling all the pores under pressure and smoothing the surface of the workpieces, and the third (external) - double acrylic coating, giving the tiles wet effect. Such products do not absorb water, as a result of which the frost resistance of the material increases many times and its ability to calmly tolerate any climatic negatives, including acid rain.

Dimensions and weight of the cover

Composition, available inexpensive raw materials and innovative production methods make concrete products similar to ceramic tiles both visually and in quality, but much cheaper and lighter. This is a big advantage of cement-sand tiles.

Despite the variety of roofing materials, developers often choose cement-sand tiles because of their fantastically beautiful appearance, high quality and affordable cost.

Technical parameters of concrete tiles:

  1. The weight of cement shingles is no more than 45 kg/m², while the weight ceramic tiles can reach 75 kg/m².
  2. The thickness of the tiles is about 12 cm.
  3. The size of concrete tiles is larger than ceramic ones - 42x33 cm - that is, 10-11 pieces are enough for 1 m² of flooring. True, some manufacturers produce models of a smaller format (41x24 cm), the installation of which will require about 15 pieces per 1 m². However, in any case, due to the ideal dimensional accuracy, adjustment of fragments on the roof is not required, which makes the installation of concrete tiles quite easy.

But, despite this, many developers do not risk purchasing cement-sand tiles precisely because of their high weight, since there is an opinion that when using them, it is necessary to strengthen the rafter system, which means additional costs for arranging the roof. Such a statement distorts the truth. The load-bearing roof structure must withstand a load of at least 200 kg/m² without the weight of the covering material itself. And if you include the heaviest model in the design calculations, then by reducing the pitch of the rafters you will need to increase the cost of lumber by only 7–10%. The foundation and walls, if they were originally planned for natural coating and built in accordance with standards, have a sufficient margin of safety. Therefore, there is no need to worry about their condition, no matter what material they are made of. Even timber houses They perfectly withstand cement-sand, ceramic, and slate coatings, if all calculations are made correctly. But comfort and coziness in the house with natural covering material will be ensured for many generations.

A roof covering made of cement-sand tiles will suit a house made of any material, the main thing is that the load-bearing capacity of the walls and foundation is calculated correctly

Video: cement-sand tiles for a wooden house

Material structure

Of great interest is the structure of concrete shingles. Its main elements:

Video: concrete tiles, how it works

Advantages and disadvantages

Let us first note key benefits concrete tiles - low thermal conductivity and low water absorption, which ensure dryness, coziness and comfort in the house. These are important indicators, since there are many beautiful coatings, and there are only a few incredibly attractive and at the same time energy-saving coatings, and cement-sand tiles are one of them. In addition, concrete shingles differ:

The weaknesses of concrete tiles can be called relative, since some of them are also its advantages or appear only in certain cases:

  1. The large weight of the tiles, due to which roof covering excellent resistance strong winds. In addition, thick fragments dampen extraneous noise well and ensure rapid shrinkage of the building, which allows you to start much earlier Finishing work and finish construction faster.
  2. The fragility of the material if it is mishandled during delivery, storage and lifting onto the roof.
  3. High cost of installation if you do not do it yourself.

As a result, there are not so significant disadvantages, which include:

Video: builder’s opinion about cement-sand tiles

What to look for when buying concrete tiles

If you decide to cover the roof with cement-sand tiles, then the next step should be choosing a manufacturer. The largest suppliers of cement-sand tiles are:

  • the A-Tiilikate concern (Finland), whose products are designed for use in the harsh Scandinavian climate, which is why they are perfectly suited to our northern latitudes;
  • Sea Wave tiles (Swedish holding Benders and Russian company"Baltic Tile"), whose tiles are famous beautiful shape oblique wave;
  • and of course, Braas (Germany) with its popular models - “Frankfurt” and “Adria”.

Before using cement-sand tiles to cover the roof, you need to choose the best manufacturer and find out all the pros and cons of its products

When purchasing, be sure to ask:

Video: cement-sand tiles - properties, production and selection

Installation of a roof made of cement-sand tiles

The roof must be considered as a whole. It consists of two blocks: the rafter system - support for the enclosing structure and roofing system, which includes:

In turn, the covering flooring is formed from different tiles, divided into:

During installation, all types should be used. Only in this case can you get the maximum effect from arranging a cement-tile covering.

Installation of cement-sand tiles

Undoubtedly, concrete tiles are a good covering material that deserves trust. Nevertheless, the considerable price, considerable weight and relative fragility require extreme care and attention during installation. After all, there are no small things in the roof. Even fasteners - nails, screws and clamps help to mount a strong, reliable and long-lasting coating. Let’s try to figure out how to correctly calculate the material, carry out the installation yourself, and what is needed for this.

Creating something beautiful cement-sand coating requires extreme accuracy of calculations, use quality materials and accuracy during installation

Necessary equipment and tools

In addition to concrete tiles for roofing, you will need:

To avoid breaking the tiles, it is advisable to lift them onto the roof using a vehicle lift.

Material calculation

To understand the calculation scheme, let's look at an example. We have a simple gable roof area 50 m². The length of the ridge is 8 m. We will use tiles of the 420X330 mm format (operating parameters 399X300 mm). We carry out calculations:

  1. We define usable area tiles by multiplying their working dimensions specified by the manufacturer. In our case, 0.399 x 0.3 = 0.1197 m².
  2. We calculate the number of tiles by dividing the roof area by the area of ​​one tile - 50: 0.1197 = 417.71 pieces.
  3. Add 10% for the stock and round up to the whole number 417.71 + 10% = 459.48 = 460 pieces.
  4. We calculate the quantity ridge tiles. To do this, multiply the length of the ridge by the number of products per 1 linear meter, which is indicated in technical specifications. For example, ridge line consumption Braas roof tiles is 3 pcs/linear. m. Therefore 8 x 3 = 24 + 10% = 26.4. Round to the nearest whole number and get 27 pieces. Valleys and ridges are calculated in the same way.
  5. We buy ventilation tiles at the rate of 3–5 pieces per slope (mainly near the attic windows and chimney), and half-tiles - 3 pieces per 1 linear meter. m (in the valleys, near the gables, ridge and ribs).
  6. We purchase fasteners according to the manufacturer’s instructions, since each model has its own characteristics fastenings

Installation work

Work begins with preparing the scaffolding, checking the working condition of the tools, creating fences in accordance with safety regulations (SNiP 111-4-80) and lifting tiles in small batches onto the roof.

Cement-sand tiles have considerable weight, so you should lift them onto the roof carefully and place them in small batches over the entire area

The further work order is as follows:

  1. The geometry of the slopes must be examined, for which they measure diagonally using a two-meter rod. Permitted deviations according to SNiP 3.04.01–87 - from -5 to +5 mm per 2 linear meters. m.
  2. Near dormer or attic windows, as well as in places of junctions and passages, if necessary, reinforce load-bearing elements designs.
  3. Install a drip line along the entire width of the slope with an extension beyond the outer rafters of no more than 300 mm and calculate required amount solid, side and half tiles.

    At the very beginning of installation, install a drip line and calculate the number of tiles along the width of the slope, taking into account whole side and half tiles

  4. A waterproofing film is laid along the upper edge of the rafters, extending its width by 150 mm to form the gables. Waterproofing material may not be used when installing cold structures with a slope of up to 60º. Counter battens made of timber with a cross-section of at least 30X50 mm are placed on top of the waterproofing. For complex structures or with long slopes, the cross-section of the beam is increased to 50X50 mm.

    The waterproofing is laid along the upper edge of the rafters and fixed with a counter-lattice, which provides the necessary ventilation gap

  5. The outer boards of the sheathing are stuffed. The bottom strip of the cornice should be higher than the other boards by the thickness of the covering material. The second row is filled taking into account the offset of the shingles of the first row, which can be 0–80 mm. The sheathing boards are fixed to the counter-lattice with screws offset along the axis.

    The lowest block or board at the eaves is raised above the plane of the entire sheathing by the thickness of the covering material, because here the tiles are bottom edge rest directly on the sheathing, and not on the next row

  6. Calculate the pitch of the sheathing in the interval between the second bottom row and the top one at the ridge. The pitch size for cement-sand products varies depending on the slope of the roof from 32 to 39 mm according to the selected tile model. Fill the sheathing completely, placing the joints of the boards in a checkerboard pattern above the rafter legs.

    Measure the distance between the second bottom and ridge boards of the sheathing, and then calculate the sheathing pitch depending on the length of the selected tiles

  7. Equipping chimney(using reinforced mesh and sealant) and valleys - lay double waterproofing, fill in thick sheathing, install a valley gutter and tiles using half tiles.

    After filling the battens, valleys are formed - double waterproofing is laid and the sheathing is increased along the entire joint line

  8. The location of the pediment columns is marked with a dye cord on the sheathing, and then every third to fifth vertical column is marked along the width of the slope.

    The location of future tile columns is marked with a dye cord on the sheathing to make a correct, even and beautiful laying of the fragments

  9. According to the markings made, ordinary shingles are laid from bottom to top and from right to left. In this case, each subsequent row is laid offset relative to the previous one. Adjustment to the width of the flooring is done using half tiles or by cutting. Concrete tiles are secured to each other with a lock and secured to the sheathing with hooks. Thanks to the overlaps, the upper rows press against the lower ones, reliably protecting the fastening. But still, individual sections of the roof need to be further strengthened. In regions with a normal climate, with a roof slope of up to 60º, in addition to the lock and hooks, tiles are fixed along the perimeter of the slope with clamps or galvanized screws. In windy areas or with a greater slope, a safety fastening is made in those places that bear the greatest wind load - at the junctions, all trimming fragments, as well as along the tiles of the eaves and ridge rows.

    Concrete tiles are secured to the sheathing with hooks, and fastened together with a lock; additionally, only fragments are fixed along the perimeter of the slope, and the fasteners should not be rigid in order to compensate for the thermal expansion of the tiles

  10. On hip or hipped structures, laying tiles begins from the middle of the slope, laying out the entire central column, then the entire bottom row, and then the fragments in the direction from the central column to the ribs of the roof.

When the slope slopes from 10 to 22º, it is necessary to fill the lower roof - a continuous flooring made of particle boards or waterproof plywood with additional laying of waterproofing material or roofing felt over it.

Video: installation of cement-sand tiles

Arrangement of roofing units

After all the slopes are installed, the installation of the ridge, the formation of ridges and drainage begins:

At this point, the installation of the cement-sand tile roof is completed. If everything is done correctly, accurately, in compliance with the standards and manufacturer’s instructions, then the result of all the work will be an amazingly beautiful, durable, reliable and long-lasting coating.

Cement-sand tiles can be laid on almost any roof shape with the exception of flat ones, and for Mediterranean or European-style houses, concrete tiles are an almost mandatory roofing material

Installation errors

Most often, when installing cement-sand tiles, the following mistakes are made:

All these mistakes can be avoided if you carefully study the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer and strictly follow all recommendations. Otherwise, you will have to partially or completely dismantle the coating, which is extremely undesirable for such an elite material, and will also result in large financial costs.

Video: reconstruction of a cement-sand roof, installation errors

Concrete tile roof care

The main rule for roof care is to keep it clean. Cement-sand tiles are sensitive to microorganisms, which most often originate in the joints of tiles when dirt, debris and dust accumulate in them, generously saturated with rain and melt water.

Green-free is considered the best remedy for such a scourge - after treatment with it, microorganisms die immediately, and there is no need to clean the roof of residues. They will be washed away by rainwater. The validity period of Green-Free is up to 6 years, depending on the conditions of the coating. Products such as Primacol and MossKade (Poland), IKOpro (Belgium) also performed well. When fighting organic matter, you can also use a folk remedy - saline solution - but such treatment is very inferior in effectiveness chemical compositions. Installing copper plates in the ridge area also helps - rainwater upon contact with them is ionized and, flowing down the roof, stops the growth of moss, lichen, algae and other things.

As for roof repairs, with regular preventive inspections and timely cleaning of the gutters, it will not be needed for many years. However, there are force majeure circumstances that require replacement of damaged fragments. All repairs boil down to the fact that the coating is dismantled in a certain area and damaged tiles are replaced with new ones. This is where the 10% of the reserve that was taken into account when purchasing comes in handy roofing material and additional elements.

Comparison of concrete tiles with other types

Each type of tile has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends only on personal preferences and financial capabilities. Although it is not entirely correct to compare different types of tile coverings, let’s try to highlight the main points.

Table: comparative analysis of individual types of tiles

Types of tilesCement-sandCeramicMetal tilesPolymerBituminousWoodenSlantsevaya
Thermal conductivitylowlowhighlowlowlowlow
Strengthgoodgooddepending on the type and thickness of the polymer layer - from low to highgoodgoodgoodhigh
UV resistancehighhighdepending on the type polymer coating- from low to highgoodgoodrequires periodic treatment with special compoundshigh
Fire safetyhighhighhighignites but does not sustain combustiongoodrequires treatment with fire retardants and installation of spark arresters on chimneyshigh
Environmental friendlinesshighhighaveragelowgoodhighhigh
Frost resistancehighhighhighgoodfragilehighhigh
Life time100–150 yearsup to 150 years25–50 years with PVDF coating and aboveup to 50 years25–30, quality products - up to 50 yearsfrom 15 to 100 years depending on the type of woodat least 100 years
Cost, rub./m²450–2100 700–2500 260–560 250–800 220–700 500–1700 5800–14000 + installation cost from 2000 and above