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Primer for concrete for outdoor use. Features, advantages, use of primer on concrete. Latex primers for concrete for painting

Before starting work related to finishing the surfaces of buildings made of concrete, it is necessary to prime them, for which they use different kinds primers.

Primer for concrete and plaster: purpose

The main purpose of using a primer is to strengthen the base, as well as protect it from various negative atmospheric influences. The cost of this material is low, despite the fact that it performs an important function.

Pros of using primer

As positive aspects primer material, according to user reviews, the following can be distinguished:

  • the property of the treated surface remains unchanged;
  • the service life of the base is extended;
  • during repairs, the base and finishing materials are secured more firmly;
  • primer for concrete acts as an insulator, eliminating the possibility of contact between materials that are not suitable for each other.

Preparing the base

The surface, for which concrete of the appropriate quality was used, is characterized by a finely dispersed structure, due to which it is ideally smooth (for example, floors made of concrete slabs, as well as panel houses). However, it should be noted that on such a base there is simply nothing for glue and putty to cling to; they do not fit well.

  • the wallpaper quickly begins to peel off;
  • the putty is subject to peeling;
  • Cracks appear on the plaster.

If the finishing is carried out by highly qualified specialists, then even before the start of repair work they determine the characteristics of the surfaces.

If the previous finish has a large number of various types of damage, this indicates that the walls were not subjected to necessary processing, no preliminary preparatory work, which include surface cleaning and concrete priming.

Stages of surface cleaning and primer application

1. Before applying the primer to the base, it is recommended to thoroughly clean it with your own hands from the previous coating, where, most likely, unnecessary dust has accumulated.

2. All existing defects (cracks, irregularities) on the surface must be completely eliminated.

4. After completing the above steps, the base should be leveled.

Recommendations: to protect the surface from microorganisms that can cause harm, you should use a primer that contains an antiseptic. It is used in processing external walls buildings, as well as in premises with high level moisture.

Applying primer

When applying this material, you must use a roller or brush.

  • Due to its properties, the surface is not able to absorb more than the specified amount of primer. Excess material will simply dry out without bringing any benefit.
  • If you apply less primer required quantity, then there will also be no benefit from this, since it will not penetrate inside the base, and accordingly, will not be able to strengthen it.

Types of primer

The material is intended for processing internal and external surfaces. Concrete primer for exterior use can equally well be used for interior spaces. However, due to the fact that the composition includes components that pose a danger to respiratory system, after using it, it is necessary to properly ventilate the rooms.

The following varieties exist:

  • Strengthening concrete primer with deep penetration.
  • Textured, which include fillers. They are used for subsequent work with surfaces (for example, on concrete).
  • Insulating. Protect from adverse effects climatic conditions, chemicals, mechanical influences (these include silicone, polyurethane and epoxy primers for concrete).
  • Primers containing antiseptics: protect against mold and mildew.

Depending on the type of surface, primers are divided into:

  • Primers intended for smooth surface(they serve as protection against moisture and are used for painting or plastering).
  • Primers intended for cellular concrete(characterized by good viscosity, they contain silicate fillers designed to fill pores). They are perfectly absorbed, but weakly strengthen concrete.

The instructions on the packaging of the material indicate for which surface the concrete primer is intended - for external use or internal use.

When choosing soil:

1. It is necessary to identify why the composition is needed (for or painting, for waterproofing).

2. You should know what material the base is made of (fresh or old concrete, whether it is dense or cellular). Based on this, you should choose a primer with the appropriate characteristics.

The maximum penetration depth is 70 mm, which creates a protective layer. This material, like a bumper, takes the entire impact, performing the function of protecting the base.

A base treated with a primer will retain its properties much longer and better. But if this material is added to the solution, it will not become stronger without the use of additives specially designed for this purpose.

In order to add special components to a concrete solution that can enhance its strength, you must have a special construction or engineering education.


Priming surfaces made of concrete allows them to be used for subsequent finishing works, and also helps to strengthen them, protects against fungus. Before purchasing the required material it is necessary to find out the structure of the base, which will help prepare it in the best way.

Primer for concrete, the price of which starts from 450 rubles, is high-quality and environmentally friendly safe material without specific smell. Implemented in various containers and has different packaging.

Home craftsmen are well aware that before starting finishing work, any surface must be treated with primer. For each type of base material, the industry produces compositions special purpose. It is recommended to cover the concrete surface. Before you buy necessary remedy, experts recommend familiarizing yourself with the features, characteristics and rules of its application. Useful knowledge will help you choose the optimal type of soil and determine upcoming costs.

Planes various designs containing concrete gradually become unusable during long-term use. Destruction is facilitated by numerous aggressive substances contained in the atmosphere and industrial emissions. Formed as a result chemical reactions water-soluble salts gradually expand, which leads to ruptures in concrete foundations.

For insulating structural surfaces from external environment They were designed special solutions deep penetration. They are intended for outdoor use and interior decoration premises. The purpose of treatment with such compounds is to change technical characteristics various planes (aerated concrete, plasterboard, brick, foam concrete, reinforced concrete, concrete slab):

  • increase in strength;
  • decreased absorbency;
  • strengthening adhesion with plaster, adhesives and levelers;
  • protection from biological destruction;
  • alignment;
  • reducing the cost of finishing materials.

Deep infiltration primer for concrete is a kind of gasket between the building base and outer covering. It ensures proper quality of subsequent painting work and durability of the cladding.

Technical characteristics of acrylic primer

Deep-penetrating agents for concrete are water-soluble compositions based on latex mixtures and acrylic paint. They are characterized by high fluidity, increased penetrating and astringent parameters. These qualities contribute to deep diffusion (up to 100 mm) and maximum strengthening of concrete. Such capabilities are achieved thanks to dispersions with ultra-small latex particles - micelles.

After processing, a thin layer is formed on the plane. protective film, similar to matte varnish. It repels moisture well and can withstand more than five freeze-thaw cycles. The antiseptic properties of the deep penetration primer prevent the appearance of fungus and mold on concrete surfaces. Besides, protective compounds do not close the pores of the base, promoting normal air circulation.

Additional qualities and performance characteristics primers for exterior and interior work conditioned technical specifications brand and manufacturer.

Consumer rating

A wide variety of impregnating compositions for concrete can make it difficult for buyers to choose. Which primer is better: an imported product with a big name and at a high price or inexpensive remedy domestic production? To answer these questions, let's look at several types of popular products.

1. Prospectors - inexpensive concrete primer for exterior use. It makes sense to buy when required deep processing and strengthening fragile surfaces. It also helps level concrete bases and enhance adhesion to finishing materials.

2. Ceresit CT 17 – multi-purpose impregnating primer. Thanks to ultra-fine particles, it penetrates deeply into the narrowest pores without interfering with vapor and gas exchange. Available in summer and winter frost-resistant versions. The content of the coloring pigment makes it easy to distinguish the treated surface.

3. Lakra – polyurethane primer for universal use. The impregnating composition copes better than others with protecting concrete from mold, bacteria and fungi. The presence of antiseptic additives makes the soil suitable for use in rooms with high humidity: bathroom, bathhouse, loggia, winter garden.

4. Knauf Tiefengrund - a universal, quick-drying solution with deep penetration. Designed for pre-treatment surfaces for puttying, laying ceramic tiles, Painting works, wallpapering. Due to its high penetrating ability, the primer is best suited for highly hygroscopic substrates.

5. Knauf Betokontakt – polymer dispersion from quartz sand. Excellent for smooth, dense concrete and various slightly absorbent surfaces. This type of soil should be chosen if interior work is planned. This best option when preparing walls and ceilings for plaster stucco. The only drawback of this brand of materials is the high price.

6. Concrete-Contact – adhesive acrylic dispersion. After its application, a rough film similar to sandpaper is formed. The relief texture of Concrete-Contact binds the base to various plaster solutions And tile adhesives. Thanks to the introduction of additional additives, adhesive primer has an increased cost compared to other impregnations. Also widely known on the market acrylic primer Concrete-Contact Lakra. Ceresit ST 19 has similar adhesive characteristics.

Application technique and consumption

Before impregnation, the base must be prepared. A well-dried concrete surface is cleaned of dust and debris, burrs are removed, and cracks are sealed. The mixture is prepared following the instructions on the package. Most often, a 1:1 ratio of powder to water is recommended. The concrete primer is applied manually in an even, continuous layer using a roller or paint brush. It is convenient to treat a large area with a spray gun.

An important condition high-quality coating concrete is compliance temperature regime environment from +5 to +30 °C. You can start finishing only after it has completely dried.

Theoretical deep flow concrete soil Manufacturers must indicate this on the packaging. The actual amount of product used depends on the condition of the surface. For outdoor work, the average consumption per 1 m2 is from 100 to 200 ml. When processing the floor great importance has its relief and grade of concrete. A plane with a loose structure is rolled with a primer twice. In this case, the flow rate can increase to 500 ml/sq.m.

NameManufacturer countryPrice per 1 kg, rubles
DecoTech EcoRussia30-42
RDS Decor universal40-55
Lakra Beton-Contact77-80
Miners Beton-Contact57-70
Tex Universal62-80
Bergauf TiefgruntGermany-Russia42-60
Ceresit CT 19 Concrete-Contact70-100
Knauf Tiefengrund60-95
Knauf Betokontakt107-170
Litokol Primer CItaly95-155
Marshall Export BaseTürkiye76-93
Tikkurila Euro PrimerFinland120-167
Tikkurila Euro Primer100-110

Concrete and its mixtures have been known to mankind for more than six thousand years. Modern version(with cement as a binder) has been used since 1844. Add filler (gravel or crushed stone) to the mortar and you will get a monolithic mixture that is not only as strong as stone, but even superior to stone! Water, which is part of such a super-stone, is necessary for its production, however, it is the main destructive force inside the concrete. Frost and sun do not have a miraculous effect on the monolith: frozen water expands microcracks, and the heat “melts” this water, like honey from a honeycomb. That is why concrete primer is used; it can protect the surface from various factors.

Add here also external rains with blowing winds, all sorts of moldy fungi, plant roots trying to penetrate into every little concrete slot, and it will become clear to you that products even from such durable material need protection. Protection consists of primary and secondary measures, the purpose of which is to ensure maximum impermeability concrete products(structures).

“Primary” – compaction of the concrete structure with various penetrating agents construction mixtures, which guarantee its frost resistance and compressive strength. “Secondary” - additional coatings on the concrete surface, forming a kind of film-membrane for fencing external parts products from aggressive environments.

What do we choose from the secondary market? Anti-corrosion and waterproofing will be fully ensured by a special hardening impregnation or primer for concrete surfaces.

Is this difference fundamental? - No! Having studied many complex construction terms, we find out that both of these compositions perform the same functions: penetrating inside concrete walls, ceilings and floors, they close the pores, strengthen the top layer, remove dust from the concrete surface, giving it excellent adhesion (sticking of paint or glue) for subsequent work. This property of primer and impregnation allows you to significantly save on finishing materials, because after their use, putty, paint, wallpaper and linoleum glue are applied evenly thin layer, and this is also an important detail.

On video: deep penetration primer.

The only difference is in density - the primer is thicker in consistency, and the hardening impregnation is a little thinner, which allows it to penetrate much deeper into microcracks. Primers for concrete for painting (also known as impregnation) will perfectly protect the surface from the effects of acids and alkalis; in this case, only paint placed on top of the primer can “fail”; the concrete itself will remain undamaged.

Both primer and impregnation are made from the same binders polymer compositions, which includes insulating components of polyurethane, polyester, perchlorovinyl or epoxy materials. In addition, they have the same base - either organic or ordinary water H2O. Clean and environmentally friendly!

Neglect of soil for concrete can lead to irreparable consequences - cracks, fungus, chips and falling pieces will gradually destroy even the strongest wall!

But all that had to be done was to ensure optimal strength of the base - prime it! Starting finishing work or repairs without using primer mixtures is a waste of time and materials. Which primer is best? The one that is intended for mineral surfaces, for example, deep penetration primer.

There are several types of primer for mineral surfaces, each mixture differs in its composition:

  • Polystyrene. This composition includes toxic substances, in particular solvent. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to use it in household work. Its usual application is industrial premises or facade finishing. This composition is sometimes necessary to create a strong adhesive film of adhesion between the concrete surface and some specific types of paint. However, the polystyrene impregnation-primer copes perfectly with its main task - protecting this surface.

  • Polyvinyl acetate. This is a primer for painting a “quickly prepared” room. Its drying time is 30-40 minutes. After this, it is enough to cover the walls with a thin layer of PVA glue, let it dry, and you can paint or glue wallpaper. A high degree of adhesion is already ensured!

  • Epoxy resin based primer. This is an ideal concrete primer for self-leveling floors, because... can significantly increase the wear resistance of the base material. At home, it is used only if there are no flowers or animals in the living quarters. The reason is a special caustic solvent, the secret of its preparation (formula) is different for each manufacturer. It is successfully used for tiles, paint, and metal work.

  • Alkyd. A good option both for indoor treatment and for creating a protective-adhesive membrane outside the building. The only negative is the long drying time (12-15-20 hours).

  • Acrylic based primer. Perhaps this is the most popular of all types of primer for interior work. It is produced on the basis of acrylic components, which eliminates the presence of strong odors, perfectly protects surfaces, is quickly absorbed and dries (from 3 to 5 hours), and can be combined with almost any type of finishing materials. This is a highly environmentally friendly and also highly economical option! What primer is ideal for a children's room? – Based on acrylic! But acrylic primer is not suitable for treating external walls - it dries too quickly. If walls or floors are to be painted with polyurethane dye, then you should not prime with acrylic on water: these materials are mutually exclusive, which means you won’t get a solid, smooth coating and the paint will peel off quickly.

  • This is a whole system consisting of paint itself and a special composition of the primer mixture. Such systems are produced on a single basis (water - water; organic - organic). Thanks to this composition, the paint and primer form a single whole during polymerization, characterized by high adhesive and performance characteristics.

  • Can be used for any brand and density of concrete, but works best on surfaces with increased porosity. The uniqueness of this composition is the ability to penetrate to a depth of 5-9 mm inside the product + increased adhesive capabilities. Therefore, a deep penetration primer is better than a regular one. This ability appears due to the latex particles included in the primer. Penetrating latex crumbs, under the influence of a special solvent, turn into a special glue that firmly grasps the loose structure of concrete. More deep penetration primer- This is an adhesive primer. Such soil is indispensable for protecting and fastening old, loose concrete walls (reconstruction of old buildings) and strengthening the structure of aerated concrete during the construction of new ones. The principle of operation of deep penetration impregnating adhesive primer: more is better than less - at least 300 g per 1 sq.m.

Where to stop?

Whatever primer you choose, it is better for concrete to use one that contains a powerful antiseptic, especially if the room has high humidity. A single spore-cell of a fungus black mold, which penetrated into the corner of the building, with insufficient ventilation of the room and high humidity air is capable of short term to establish a multimillion-dollar toxic colony, which will not only destroy even reinforced concrete, but will also serve as a source of severe allergies, asthma, constant headaches and other health disorders. The antiseptic included in the deep penetration primer will not allow it to do this!

What is Betonkontakt (1 video)

When performing repairs or construction work To strengthen the surface and increase its adhesion to finishing materials, various mixtures are used.

Primer for concrete floors correct selection will increase the strength of the base and provide good adhesion with mortars and finishing materials.

The use of such a solution is a prerequisite for carrying out work and allows you to increase the service life several times.

The primer is a liquid building materials, intended for preparing the base for further work by strengthening its surface and increasing adhesion to components different composition(adhesion).

Dust accumulation on concrete slab is common. In addition, the presence of pores in top layer concrete allows the material to accumulate moisture or other more aggressive substances.

They contribute to the destruction of the concrete structure, the appearance of microcracks on it and a decrease in wear resistance.

Priming technology is used on various sites, from large construction sites to rooms in residential buildings.

Treating concrete surfaces with such compositions will protect them from moisture penetration and the appearance of fungus or mold.

During further finishing work, the treated base will improve the penetration of paint or adhesive for laying floor tiles.

A high-quality primer will prevent premature peeling of protective or decorative materials.

To perform the work efficiently, it is necessary to carry out a set of works that will allow you to prepare the surface for finishing work as much as possible:

Clean the concrete floor from debris and dust.

If cracks are found, they must be repaired.

Check the floor for bitumen or grease stains, and if present, clean or remove them using appropriate solvents.

If possible, you can remove any remaining dust using a vacuum cleaner.

Watch a video on the topic:

The prepared base should be as clean and smooth as possible, which will ensure best penetration primer solution and reduce its consumption.

Types of concrete foundations

There are several types of concrete bases, for which it is recommended to use different priming solutions.

Monolithic concrete base. Characterized by high density the outer layer, which is often covered with a shiny film, such a base does not absorb moisture well and without preparation, applying any solution to it is useless.

To prepare this type of substrate, it is necessary to use a primer for weakly absorbent surfaces or thorough sanding.

Concrete screed. This surface refers to light screeds, in which the inclusion of expanded clay or similar additives is allowed.

For such a floor, the most suitable would be a deep penetration primer, which is capable of maximally strengthening the treated layer, penetrating quite deeply into the pores of the concrete.

Types and types of solutions. Primer for concrete floors is divided into two types according to the method of application:

Universal (used for interior and exterior work).

Specialized (only for external or only for internal work).

Universal primers, having a wide range of applications, are inferior in quality to specialized mixtures.

To work on concrete surfaces, several types of solutions are used, selected depending on the purpose and coating requirements:

  • Strengthening primers;
  • Acrylic mixtures;
  • Polyurethane mixtures;
  • Epoxy mixtures.

Strengthening primers are classified as primers for poorly absorbent surfaces, and the presence of quartz sand provides the roughness necessary for the best application of a self-leveling floor or decorative coating.

The layer created by such a primer forms a waterproof film and provides additional waterproofing.

Acrylic, received the most high application due to its cheapness and lack of odor. Such mixtures dry within 4 hours and are used to strengthen various surfaces.

In most cases, their composition includes fungicidal additives that protect against the appearance of mold or mildew.

Polyurethane is used for preparation and has a high degree of protection against chemicals.

Drying time is about 12 hours, after which you can use polyurethane paint on concrete.

Epoxy is highly resistant to use detergents and is used for further use of epoxy paint.

Such mixtures dry within an hour, forming a durable film.

Application technology

The primer is available for sale in the form of a ready-made solution or a dry mixture; instructions for preparation in this case are on the packaging.

The dry mixture should be prepared strictly following the instructions; excessive dilution with water can damage the properties of the solution.

Also, you should not reduce the proportion of water; in this case, the applied layer may peel off, which will lead to the need to start the whole process again.

Work on priming concrete surfaces should be carried out at positive temperatures and the humidity mixture recommended by the manufacturer.

With a significant increase in humidity, the applied solution may foam, which will lead to its unusability.

The primer should be applied with a roller or spray, and in places where this method is not effective, a brush should be used.

Typically this coating is applied in one or two layers depending on the density of the surface.

Primer for concrete(primer for concrete)– composition for priming the concrete surface during application polymer coatings- polyurethane floors and epoxy floors.

Concrete primer ensures impregnation of the top layer, seals the pores of concrete, and reliably binds polymer floors to the concrete surface. Besides, primer for concrete can serve as an independent protective covering– concrete impregnation – economical and, at the same time, very reliable and durable. Another purpose of concrete primer is to prepare the concrete surface when installing concrete and sand-concrete floor screeds, often called “concrete contact” (see below).

Reference. The dictionary of construction terms defines the concepts: “soil”, “primer”, “primer” as follows: “a composition applied as the first layer to a surface prepared for painting to reduce its porosity and ensure the required adhesion paint coating" In fact, the terms: concrete primer, concrete primer, concrete primer mean the same thing.

We offer the following primers for concrete

Price RUR/kg depending on quantity. Including VAT and packaging.

Deep penetration polyurethane primer effectively
absorbs into the pores of concrete. Provides concrete impregnation to a depth of 4-6mm
and up to 10mm. Used when installing polyurethane floors on concrete
grade M350 and higher or for maximum strengthening of concrete M300 - M100.
Primer for concrete can be applied to a damp (but not wet!) base.
Curing of concrete after laying is at least 14 days.