home · Lighting · How to repair a deep hole in a concrete wall. How to cover cracks in wooden windows. If there are cracks in a new house, how to repair them

How to repair a deep hole in a concrete wall. How to cover cracks in wooden windows. If there are cracks in a new house, how to repair them

Today we will learn how and with what to repair a hole in the wall and ceiling. When making repairs, you will certainly be faced with the task of preparing perfectly smooth walls for wallpapering or painting. The path is not fast and involves many construction operations.

How to repair a hole in a concrete wall

First, let's look at how to repair a hole in a concrete wall. Let's come closer to our wall and take a closer look at it:

Scary, nothing to say. When you completely remove the wallpaper and remove all the excess, this is what it will look like. Everything must be removed down to the concrete. White spots on the wall may remain if these are pieces of stubborn old putty or glue that have already grown together with the concrete and cannot be intensively cleaned.

After some time, you saw that somewhere the foam did not fit well (or a piece of foam fell out); in another place an unfixed chip in the wall about 1-2 cm deep was discovered; Plus, in 2 or 3 places it would be nice to fill up small potholes. Just imagine that to solve such a seemingly simple task, you will again need foam, plaster and putty.

But you threw out the rest of the dry mixes, and the polyurethane foam ran out. At the same time, no one in the store will sell you 0.5 kg of putty, 0.5 kg of plaster and 2 “sprays” of foam. This means you need to buy everything new, in large quantities, spending a lot of money.

Someone will say: oh, why did I throw away the remains of the plaster ahead of time, they would be so useful to me now. But there's nothing you can do, you need to go to the store. And then, the worst thing is, having bought more than you need again, you throw the rest in the trash. And this happens quite often.

Some manage to store materials, as they say, until next repair. However, you need to remember that all materials have an expiration date: usually it is 6 months, a year, two, and then they must be thrown away. What to do in this situation? It turns out there is a way out!

If you look in stores, there is a so-called putty putty. In some cases, it can replace conventional putty, and in others, plaster. I worked with putty on polyurethane foam. She looks like this:

A distinctive feature of this material is that the thickness of the sealed layer can reach up to 10 cm! Yes, yes, not mm, but cm! The putty putty is already on sale in finished form, has good (adhesion), environmentally friendly, does not crack even with a large thickness of the seal.

If you take putty over polyurethane foam, it is also moisture resistant and has protection against fungi and mold. Designed for finishing both interior and exterior spaces. Here is an example of when this putty can be used. As I said earlier, the part of the wall that was not foamed adjacent to the ceiling:

Putty will come in handy here. For work it is better to take a rubber spatula. The material must first be mixed well:

The foamed joint between the glass unit and the wall can also be perfectly sealed with putty:

In general, you leveled the walls and filled up the holes. Don't be lazy, go around and look around again. And if it suddenly turns out that there are places for sealing, then do not rush to buy huge bags of dry mixtures for preparing solutions from them. Just remember about the wonderful putty putty.

How to repair a hole in drywall on a wall

Let's consider two options for solving the problem, when the hole is small and large.

How to seal a small hole

If the hole in the drywall is small - up to 5 mm in diameter, then plaster or putty is not required for this:

You can seal such a hole with acrylic sealant. The sealant should be acrylic, not silicone. After all, acrylic sealant is easy to paint, but silicone sealant is not. So, we take the gun and begin to carefully fill our hole with acrylic:

Spread the excess that has come out with a spatula:

If the acrylic has rubbed inside, take the gun and push it further into the hole until it comes out. And then carefully spread it with a spatula again.

The hole is sealed. The next day, when the sealant has dried, all that remains is to lightly sand it with zero-grit sandpaper:

How to seal a large hole

If the damage is more extensive:

then sealant is not enough. For these purposes you will need putty. But first you need to remove the chamfer:

and trim off any excess paper that may peel off later. To do this you will need a blade or knife, you can even use a stationery knife. So, the chamfer was removed, the protruding paper was trimmed:

After this you need to prime the hole. We take a brush, a primer and carefully prime it so that the primer gets both inside and outside:

When the primer has dried, take the gypsum adhesive mixture and carefully fill the hole with it:

You need to score properly, don’t rush:

After the mixture has dried:

sand it with sandpaper:

Then we take a knife and in this area we draw a rectangle of about 10 cm by 15 cm with the tip of the knife, cutting only through the paper so that the damage is in the middle of the rectangle:

and remove the paper:

Moreover, the paper must be removed carefully, completely, down to the plaster, so that there are no paper scraps left in the rectangle area.

After removing the paper, we prime our surface:

When the primer has dried, glue a piece of serpyanka (plaster mesh) cut to its size into our rectangle:

After that, we apply putty to this area and begin to putty:

Once the putty dries, all that remains is to lightly sand the area to be repaired with sandpaper.

This is where the article ends. Today we discussed in detail how and with what to repair a hole in the wall and ceiling on a concrete and plasterboard base.

Construction or major renovation houses are usually assigned professional builders. Minor defects (for example, holes in the wall) are most often repaired on their own. To do this quickly and efficiently, you should familiarize yourself with different approaches to solving this problem.

To repair a damaged wall, prepare a suitable mortar, with which you can easily repair the damage yourself, ensuring optimal strength and durability. The composition is selected taking into account the area and type of hole or crack, as well as the area where the defect is located. Before giving preference to any option, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their pros and cons.

1. Putty.

With its help they level out various grounds, including a concrete wall. There are several types of putty mixtures, each of which has its own characteristics.

  • Cement putty. As the name suggests, its basic component is cement. This mixture can be used to seal holes in concrete, both internally and externally. outside building. The material is characterized by high strength and resistance to moisture. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to dry. Cement is not plastic, so a patched wall is often covered with a network of cracks. For this reason, there is a need to apply a second layer of finishing.
  • Gypsum putty. It is not prone to cracking and can be applied in a thick layer at once to repair the defect. Its disadvantage is instability to moisture, fear of temperature changes. The scope of application of the material is dry heated rooms.
  • Acrylic putty. She is not afraid of dampness, the wall after repair turns out perfect. At the same time, the polymer mixture refers to finishing. It is applied thin layer and does not allow covering up a heavily damaged base. Another disadvantage of this variety is the fairly high price.

If the cracks in the concrete are small, it is enough to mask them with a thin layer of finishing mixture. For deeper cracks choose cement or gypsum composition. But none of the putties are used for sealing through holes: The connection will be leaky.

2. Polyurethane foam.

This universal material, indispensable when installing window and door blocks, as well as when eliminating gaps and cracks in concrete walls. When purchasing, please note that polyurethane foam comes in two types:

  • one-component – ​​it can be used without prior preparation;
  • two-component - the components are combined using a special mixer or a construction gun.

The foam expands in volume as it exits the container, filling gaps of any size. At the same time, the mass adheres well to concrete and hardens quickly, providing a high density of the embedded area. The only negative is possible shrinkage of the material. Polyurethane foam allows you to seal deep, small holes due to the fact that it is supplied from a pressure cylinder.

3. Repair mixture.

This best material, in order to cover up large holes and reliably repair a house wall or balcony from the outside or inside. The repair mixture has the following advantages:

  • high degree of adhesion;
  • frost resistance;
  • mechanical strength and durability;
  • stability of characteristics regardless of temperature;
  • antiseptic properties.

Having decided to fix a hole in a wall or ceiling, you need to choose the appropriate mixture - for a vertical or horizontal surface.

Step-by-step technology for eliminating defects

To eliminate a small hole in the wall, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • knife, nail or screwdriver;
  • paint brush;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • narrow spatula;
  • sandpaper;
  • deep penetration soil;
  • one of the finishing and repair materials: cement or gypsum putty, alabaster, polyurethane foam, a mixture of cement and sand (1:3).

If the hole depth is more than 50 mm, the list is supplemented with pieces of brick or foam plastic, as well as wide spatula for applying plaster. To get rid of a defect in a concrete wall with your own hands, proceed in the following order:

  • Using a knife, awl or nail, cut a crack or hole. The loose layer of the previous finish is cleaned out so that the fresh “patch” does not fall off after drying.
  • Remains of old putty or plaster are carefully removed with a dry rag, brush or vacuum cleaner.
  • After cleaning the hole, wipe it with a wet sponge or rag and soak it with a primer for better adhesion of the repair material to the concrete.
  • Now you can fill the hole with the prepared mixture (a large hole is filled with brick or polystyrene foam before doing this). After the surface has dried, it is rubbed with sandpaper until smooth. If polyurethane foam was used, you must first trim off the excess before stripping.
  • To finally repair the problem area, it is sealed matching wallpaper or process finishing putty followed by painting.

Choosing Hole Filling Methods

You should take a closer look at how to repair holes in concrete in specific situations. For each of them there is standard scheme, supported by practical experience.

1. Holes in the wall on the balcony.

In this situation great importance has preservation of the thermal protective circuit. To repair a small hole or crack, use a frost-resistant sealant. If the wall is severely damaged, it will be more difficult to repair the balcony: To get rid of a defect in a concrete wall with your own hands, perform the steps in the following order.

  • Cracks or holes are filled with foam plastic (the transverse size of the insert should be 20 mm less than the diameter of the hole).
  • The gaps between the foam and the contour of the hole are foamed with sealant.
  • In order for the balcony wall to acquire a flat surface, it must be covered with a repair mixture. To do this, a polymer is attached to the foam with metallized tape. plaster mesh(cell 10-15 mm). Then a layer of CPS is applied, after which it is puttied and treated with sandpaper.

2. Holes from drilling.

Extra holes in the wall appear if you need to rehang a picture, attach a lamp in another place, or change the location of a wall cabinet. How to repair the resulting hole? For this purpose, first remove the unnecessary dowel. A self-tapping screw is screwed into it to a depth of 15 mm (to prevent expansion) and its head is grabbed with pliers. The chop is swung in different directions, then removed.

To cover up a hole in the wall, follow the standard procedure:

  • use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and concrete chips from the hole;
  • moisturize the cavity abundantly;
  • Seal the hole with putty or repair mixture.

Layer-by-layer application of putty with intermediate treatment with abrasive sandpaper will help to carefully cover the defect. Thanks to this technique, the wall will be smooth, without a depression.

3. Holes after replacing pipes.

During similar works the wall breaks through, resulting in deep cracks around the perimeter of the hole. Close up carefully through hole possible in two ways.

  • Scheme with concrete solution. To close the hole, select a piece of cotton fabric the right size. Cooking concrete mixture made of sand and cement, soak a rag in it, and fill the hole in the wall around the pipe with it. The homemade “seal” is carefully compacted so that its ends do not stick out. When the insert dries, all that remains is to cover the unevenness with liquid concrete and putty the surface.
  • Scheme using polyurethane foam. The hole is filled with sealant, the dried mass is cut off. The height difference is leveled with sand-cement mortar. To make the wall smooth, it is rubbed with sandpaper.

Life is an unpredictable thing, such things happen in it that it is better not to remember them. So for some reason a hole appears in the wall and you need to get rid of it. How to do it? Yes, it's very simple.

This article provides step-by-step instructions from professionals in their field. Don't be afraid to take on repairs. After all, as they say, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do.” Moreover, any person can cope with this, the main thing is to understand the technology.

When choosing a sequence for repairing a hole, you must take into account the wall material and the parameters of the hole. The wall may be brick, concrete or plasterboard, and the hole may be small, large or medium.

So, based on these parameters, let’s figure out what’s what.

Closing a hole in a brick or concrete wall

The procedure for closing a hole in the wall depends entirely on the size of the hole. But before construction work, prepare the hole; to do this, you need to clean the edges of the hole from any covering (plaster, wallpaper, etc.).

Further actions are selected only based on the size of the breach.

Small gap in the wall

Most often, such marks appear after an attempt to hammer a nail into a wall, removal of old nails, and the like. To eliminate this nuisance, you need to prepare in advance: sandpaper, a small spatula, a brush, a vacuum cleaner, foam rubber and plaster material.

Before you begin closing the gap, clear it of debris, dust, and other foreign materials.

The sequence of actions when closing a small gap in the wall:

  • To widen the gap, this is necessary so that nothing interferes with the penetration of the repair mixture inside.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and get rid of the resulting dust and debris.
  • Moisten the brush in water and work the hole. This is necessary to prevent the plaster from absorbing moisture from the cement or putty mixture, because the quality of the finish is significantly reduced.
  • Take a spatula and apply the repair mixture with it, while thoroughly rubbing it inside. In the end you will have a flat surface.
  • Wait a while, and when the repair area is dry, use sandpaper to treat the surface.
  • Fill the hole, paint it, glue it with wallpaper or make an original composition.

Large gap in the wall

This type of hole can occur in a variety of ways. various reasons. For example, if your child decides to see what’s inside. But no need to panic! Panic is the worst enemy of repairs!

Instructions for closing a large hole in the wall:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the hole from foreign objects.
  • Moisten the hole from the inside with a wet brush.
  • If the depth of the hole does not reach five centimeters, then you can cover it with a repair mixture. When it dries, re-cover any cracks that appear. If the depth of the holes reaches five centimeters or more, then it is best to put a brick or its substitute inside and plaster it.
  • It is advisable to use a spatula big size, which is applied to the plaster. The surface must be perfectly flat. Areas near the hole must also be sealed.
  • Wait until completely dry, walk around the area repair work sandpaper. After that, paint or wallpaper this area.

Bringing a plasterboard wall back to life

Drywall is a fragile material that is very easy to damage, often due to mistakes by the owners.

What to do:

1. Take a pencil and ruler and draw a figure rectangular shape at the site of repair work.

2. Using a hacksaw, cut out the previously drawn rectangle; this is necessary in order to remove all damaged material. Strictly respect all boundaries!

3. Take a wooden board; it should be slightly narrower and longer than the gap in the wall. Insert it into the gap, press it against the inside of the drywall and secure it with screws. For convenience, you can make a handle, which must be removed after attachment.

4. Plasterboard sheet it is necessary to cut it in the same way as a hole in the wall and insert it into the gap.

5. Attach a sheet of drywall to a wooden board using self-tapping screws.

6. Putty the edges of the “patch”. Apply a special mesh to the layer of putty, then putty again.

7. Allow time to dry. Then go over the repair area with sandpaper.

8. Apply putty again, this will be the last layer. After drying, go through sandpaper again.

9. Now the gap is sealed, and you can begin to disguise it.

This was advice from professionals. Now you can easily seal any hole in the wall. You just need to believe in yourself, and you will succeed!

Photos of effective methods for filling a hole in the wall

Today we will learn how and with what to repair a hole in the wall and ceiling. When doing renovations, you will certainly be faced with the task of preparing perfectly smooth walls for wallpapering or painting. The path is not fast and involves many construction operations.

How to repair a hole in a concrete wall

First, let's look at how to repair a hole in a concrete wall. Let's come closer to our wall and take a closer look at it:

Scary, nothing to say. When you completely remove the wallpaper and remove all the excess, this is what it will look like. Everything must be removed down to the concrete. White spots on the wall may remain if these are pieces of stubborn old putty or glue that have already grown together with the concrete and cannot be intensively cleaned.

After some time, you saw that somewhere the foam did not fit well (or a piece of foam fell out); in another place an unfixed chip in the wall about 1-2 cm deep was discovered; Plus, in 2 or 3 places it would be nice to fill up small potholes. Just imagine that to solve such a seemingly simple task, you will again need foam, plaster and putty.

But you threw out the rest of the dry mixes, and the polyurethane foam ran out. At the same time, no one in the store will sell you 0.5 kg of putty, 0.5 kg of plaster and 2 “sprays” of foam. This means you need to buy everything new, in large quantities, spending a lot of money.

Someone will say: oh, why did I throw away the remains of the plaster ahead of time, they would be so useful to me now. But there's nothing you can do, you need to go to the store. And then, the worst thing is, having bought more than you need again, you throw the rest in the trash. And this happens quite often.

Some manage to store materials, as they say, until the next repair. However, you need to remember that all materials have an expiration date: usually it is 6 months, a year, two, and then they must be thrown away. What to do in this situation? It turns out there is a way out!

If you look in stores, there is a so-called putty putty. In some cases, it can replace conventional putty, and in others, plaster. I worked with putty on polyurethane foam. She looks like this:

A distinctive feature of this material is that the thickness of the sealed layer can reach up to 10 cm! Yes, yes, not mm, but cm! Putty putty is sold ready-made, has good adhesion, is environmentally friendly, and does not crack even with a large thickness of the seal.

If you take putty over polyurethane foam, it is also moisture resistant and has protection against fungi and mold. Designed for finishing both interior and exterior spaces. Here is an example of when this putty can be used. As I said earlier, the part of the wall that was not foamed adjacent to the ceiling:

Putty will come in handy here. For work it is better to take a rubber spatula. The material must first be mixed well:

The foamed joint between the glass unit and the wall can also be perfectly sealed with putty:

In general, you leveled the walls and filled up the holes. Don't be lazy, go around and look around again. And if it suddenly turns out that there are places for sealing, then do not rush to buy huge bags of dry mixtures for preparing solutions from them. Just remember about the wonderful putty putty.

How to repair a hole in drywall on a wall

Let's consider two options for solving the problem, when the hole is small and large.

How to seal a small hole

If the hole in the drywall is small - up to 5 mm in diameter, then plaster or putty is not required for this:

You can seal such a hole with acrylic sealant. The sealant should be acrylic, not silicone. After all, acrylic sealant is easy to paint, but silicone sealant is not. So, we take the gun and begin to carefully fill our hole with acrylic:

Spread the excess that has come out with a spatula:

If the acrylic has rubbed inside, take the gun and push it further into the hole until it comes out. And then carefully spread it with a spatula again.

The hole is sealed. The next day, when the sealant has dried, all that remains is to lightly sand it with zero-grit sandpaper:

How to seal a large hole

If the damage is more extensive:

then sealant is not enough. For these purposes you will need putty. But first you need to remove the chamfer:

and trim off any excess paper that may peel off later. To do this you will need a blade or knife, you can even use a stationery knife. So, the chamfer was removed, the protruding paper was trimmed:

After this you need to prime the hole. We take a brush, a primer and carefully prime it so that the primer gets both inside and outside:

When the primer has dried, take the gypsum adhesive mixture and carefully fill the hole with it:

You need to score properly, don’t rush:

After the mixture has dried:

sand it with sandpaper:

Then we take a knife and in this area we draw a rectangle of about 10 cm by 15 cm with the tip of the knife, cutting only through the paper so that the damage is in the middle of the rectangle:

and remove the paper:

Moreover, the paper must be removed carefully, completely, down to the plaster, so that there are no paper scraps left in the rectangle area.

After removing the paper, we prime our surface:

When the primer has dried, glue a piece of serpyanka (plaster mesh) cut to its size into our rectangle:

After that, we apply putty to this area and begin to putty:

Once the putty dries, all that remains is to lightly sand the area to be repaired with sandpaper.

This is where the article ends. Today we discussed in detail how and with what to repair a hole in the wall and ceiling on a concrete and plasterboard base.

This issue can be solved relatively simply, and anyone, even those who are not particularly experienced, can do it. home handyman. Approaches to closing holes differ depending on what kind of walls you have to deal with - brick-concrete or plasterboard. Let's consider both cases.

Repairing a brick or concrete wall

It all depends on the size of the pothole or hole:

  • a small hole, a nail mark, a narrow crack is closed with ordinary putty, which is applied with a spatula, allowed to dry completely and sanded with sandpaper. After which you can paint the repaired area the same color as the entire wall, or stick wallpaper;
  • a deep hole - a place where, for example, there used to be a socket before finishing putty - must be filled with something durable and inexpensive. It could be building gypsum(alabaster) or simple cement mortar with an increased amount of cement (cement with sand 1:3). Before sealing, the hole must be cleaned of crumbled plaster and moistened with water. When the solution is completely dry, it is puttied with finishing putty, including the adjacent untouched section of the wall. After complete drying, the repaired area is treated with sandpaper;
  • No matter how you seal the deep cracks between the slabs with cement mortar, they will still crumble. In this case, polyurethane foam can help, which will firmly close the gap. Then the frozen foam can be trimmed with a knife, removing the excess, and then putty as usual

When preparing any hole for repair, it is necessary to remove any loose plaster residues around the edges of the hole. If something is not holding up well, it is better to crumble it during repairs and repair it again than to get another portion of work after some time.

Restoring plasterboard walls

Small potholes, nail marks and other damage on a plasterboard wall are puttied in the same way as on a stone wall. But a plasterboard wall under the influence of an accidental blow can simply be pressed through, forming a deep dent or hole. Here you will have to change a piece of the surface. The procedure is as follows:

  1. mark a square on the wall that completely includes the dent;
  2. cut a marked square with a dent from the wall (best with a jigsaw);
  3. using the cut out square as a template, mark and cut the same square from whole drywall;
  4. trim the edges of the hole and the cut square with a knife, removing any irregularities;
  5. cook two wooden planks slightly longer than the width of the hole and screw them from the inside to the top and bottom edges holes (screws can be screwed in from the outside, slightly recessing their heads into the drywall);
  6. place the cut square into the hole and carefully screw it to the planks with screws;
  7. fill the cracks along the edges of the patch and let dry;
  8. Clean the surface with sandpaper.
  9. The renovation is complete


If you're going outdoors, don't forget to take your grill with you! Is it not available? Of course, you can run to the store and buy it, but why not make the same, if not better, metal barbecue with your own hands? The work will take a maximum of a couple of hours. We will try to explain in detail the manufacturing process of this simple device.

Are you thinking about building a strip foundation for your future home? This short article will allow you to assess the scale of the work and draw appropriate conclusions! We hope that the information we provide will allow you to navigate such a difficult task as constructing a strip foundation with your own hands.

Often during repairs it turns out that a hole has formed in the wall. In order for the finish to look beautiful, the damage must be repaired. The technology of restoration work differs depending on the size of the damage and the material from which the wall is built. Even a person without experience in construction work can properly repair a hole.

Why do holes form in walls?

When old wallpaper or other things are removed during renovation decorative coating, discover that there are holes in the walls. Before answering the question: how to repair a hole in a wall, you need to understand what kind of holes there are and why they arise.

Small holes on the wall arise from dowels, nails, screws driven into them, or as a result of mechanical damage.

Holes after transferring sockets can ruin the finish. How to repair a large hole in a concrete or brick wall will be described below.

Through holes occur in places where communications pass through mechanical stress, when deep cracks are not repaired for a long time.

Cracks form when the house shrinks and when the building is exposed to vibration loads.

Timely repairs extend the life of the building and ensure a beautiful appearance of the decorative finish.

Restoring surfaces with small holes

If there is a dowel left in the wall, you must first pull it out. To do this, screw a screw into the dowel, grab it with pliers and pull it out of the wall with loosening movements.

After this, the hole is cleared of dust, which will be an obstacle to the surface from adhering to the solution. Wet the hole with water. The following can be used as a mixture for sealing holes in walls:

  • cement-sand mortar mixed in a ratio of 1:3;
  • building gypsum;
  • Ceresit tile adhesive.

The prepared solution should have a creamy consistency. If the hole is large, add small pebbles to the mixture.

Push the solution to the very base, compact it well with a thin stick or other object. After the surface has dried, it must be plastered, filling the remaining voids and cracks formed during drying.

When the surface is completely dry, grout with sandpaper.

The interpanel seams have come apart

This section provides information on how to repair a hole in a concrete wall if the seams have come apart.

If in interpanel seams cracks have formed and need to be repaired urgently. To close deep holes in the wall, use foam. It is sold in two types: professional for a construction gun and non-professional with a straw. If the house has a device for a foam bottle, it is better to purchase a professional type, since it has lower consumption and higher quality.

Step-by-step instructions on how to repair a hole in a concrete wall:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and debris. Clean from residues building materials.
  2. Polyurethane foam adheres better to a damp surface, so before applying it, the gap is generously moistened with a spray bottle.
  3. Shake the container well and fill the hole with foam. If the hole is very deep, the foam is applied in layers. Each subsequent one is applied after the previous one has dried.
  4. Within 1-2 days, the foam expands, filling the smallest microcracks on the wall. Until it dries completely, its integrity must not be disturbed.
  5. When the foam hardens, cut off its protruding parts with a knife.
  6. Level the surface with plaster or putty, then sand it with sandpaper.

When working with polyurethane foam need to be careful. The material adheres firmly to skin and clothing. Can be washed off the body with a solvent. If it gets on clothing, it will be damaged.

Crack repair

The surface of the crack is expanded with a grinder and its edges are leveled. For better adhesion to the material used for repair, apply two layers of primer. The next layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

How to fill a hole in the wall:

  • Cement mortar with added lime. Most often, cracks form at the joints of bricks, at the junction of a concrete surface with a brick wall. In this case, construction mesh is used during repairs. The cavity is filled with solution, and a steel mesh is laid on it. After the first layer has dried, fill the remaining space with lime-cement mortar.
  • A waterproof putty is prepared from a mixture of concrete and paint. Cement is poured into the paint and stirred constantly until a mixture of creamy consistency is obtained. Fill cracks with this composition.
  • Wood glue is mixed with chalk powder until a creamy mass is obtained. Apply the composition to the cracked area. Protruding excess is immediately removed.

It is important to detect and repair a crack at an early stage. Otherwise it will gradually increase.

Restoring the integrity of the wall after moving sockets

When moving sockets, excess holes must be sealed with cement or gypsum mortar. When the hole is large, the question arises of how to seal holes in concrete walls so that the material does not crack.

The technology of restoration work depends on the depth of the hole. If it is more than 5 cm, you will need a stone or piece of foam of the appropriate size.

Step-by-step instructions on how to repair holes in a concrete wall:

  1. The cavity is cleaned of dust and debris. Moisten with water.
  2. Drive several self-tapping screws along the edges; they will hold the solution and filler.
  3. Fill the bottom of the hole with solution.
  4. Cover the inside with stone or foam.
  5. Fill the hole with cement or gypsum mortar. If cracks form after it dries, seal them again.
  6. Apply a thin layer of finishing putty to a dry surface.
  7. The putty hole is cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper.

Compliance with the work technology helps to obtain flat surface. It is not recommended to blow out dust; it may get into your eyes; it is better to use a vacuum cleaner.

Through Hole Repair

Holes drilled through for installation of communications in brick wall or in panels, sealed using silicone sealant, polyurethane foam or cement-sand mortar.

How to fill a through hole with cement mortar:

  1. Clean off dust and wet the surface.
  2. Prepare cement mortar. Add small stones to it. If there are none, take a rag and dip it in the solution so that it is well soaked. Stuff the fabric into the hole. It is compacted well. It may take several cuts to fill the entire space. The fabric should not protrude outward.
  3. Cover the remaining space with concrete.
  4. After drying, complete leveling is performed with finishing putty.

Technology when using polyurethane foam:

  1. Remove dust using a vacuum cleaner. Spray the cavity with a spray bottle.
  2. Blow out the space with foam.
  3. After drying, cut off the protruding material with a knife.
  4. Perform final leveling using putty.

This method of restoring through holes is suitable for both dry and wet areas. Cement mortar can be used in the bathroom and kitchen; it is not afraid of exposure to high humidity.

Restoring a plasterboard wall

Drywall is one of the most used materials in construction. They quickly and easily level walls. The disadvantage of this material is its fragility.

As a result of careless actions when moving and rearranging furniture, the material may be damaged. If you do not calculate the load and hang a heavy massive shelf on a plaster wall, it can completely tear out a piece of material.

Technology for repairing holes in drywall:

  1. A rectangle under the ruler is drawn around the damaged area.
  2. Cut with a knife along the marked line.
  3. WITH back side the hole formed, attach two wooden slats parallel to each other, which will hold the patch.
  4. A rectangle is cut out of a piece of drywall of such a size that it fits tightly into the place of the cut out area.
  5. Insert the patch into place and secure it with self-tapping screws.
  6. First they putty the joints, and then the entire surface of the rectangle.

How to cover screw holes:

  1. Prepare a putty solution. It is sold dry and ready-made. If the amount of work is small, it is better to purchase a dry mixture. Ready putty dries quickly after opening the container.
  2. Fill the hole with solution.
  3. After drying, rub with fine sandpaper.

If there are holes from self-tapping screws on the plasterboard wall, you can simply fill them with putty.

You can see how to cover a groove in one go in the video:

During renovation work, it is often necessary to repair holes in the walls. This type of work does not require specific skills. Even a teenager can fix a hole in the wall. If the work is carried out in accordance with the technology, no one will even guess that there was a hole in this place recently.

A concrete wall is truly considered strong and durable, however, even in it, holes form over time. There are different types of damage and this is not a surprising phenomenon. Therefore, many home owners with concrete walls often wonder how to fill a hole, what to use to cover up the crack?

A hole in the wall is not like rebuilding a house, so even a novice craftsman can handle this job. Do not have good skills in construction or working with a concrete wall. In general, filling holes is quite simple; it’s another matter to do it efficiently and soundly, without losing the aesthetic appeal of the wall.

Before deciding on materials and tools, and methods of sealing, you should pay attention to the nature and size of the hole. You may have to cover up a large regular gap, or maybe a large, through hole.

How to repair a small hole in a concrete structure?

Small holes occur frequently and for various reasons. For example, you might not carefully remove the dowel from the concrete. In order to eliminate such damage in concrete, we will need:

  • a screwdriver or alternative pointed object;
  • sandpaper;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • brush;
  • small spatula;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • as well as a choice of putty/gypsum mortar/cement-sand mixture.

So, before covering the hole with the mixture, you need to slightly widen the hole with a pointed tool. Then we insert it into the hole and begin to expand it with rotational and translational movements. After that, take a vacuum cleaner and get rid of excess dust and dirt.

Now treat the hole with the primer we have chosen so that the putty will better adhere to the concrete. We take putty or other material of our choice and cover the hole. At the same time, try not to apply extra layers so that everything is smooth and beautiful. We wait for it to dry and clean the surface with sandpaper. Now the wall can be painted or plastered, in general, subjected to finishing.

How to cover a large hole in concrete?

As you can see, everything is simple with small holes, but what to do with large holes? For example, you dismantled old socket or they repaired a pipe, but the hole remained. Putty is not suitable for this, since it will have to be applied in a thick layer, and it will fall off immediately. In such situations, it is advisable to use either gypsum or cement mortar, and only then finishing plaster. Also stock up on a wide spatula.

The coating technology will be like this:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface from dust and dirt, treat with a deep penetration primer.
  2. Seal the hole directly. For this purpose, use plaster if the hole is less than 50 mm deep. For holes greater than this depth, use a stone, a piece of brick or foam plastic attached to cement, which is covered with the same plaster on top. If cracks appear on the surface after sealing, it is necessary to apply a small layer of putty again.
  3. Now let's level the surface. The defective area needs to be covered finishing plaster. We apply it with a large spatula, wait for it to dry and sand it with sandpaper.

How to repair a through hole in a wall?

It is possible and even necessary to seal the through hole. In this case we will work on both sides of the wall. First, we use the same method as for deep holes: we again take either a brick or a stone of the size we need, fix it on cement-sand mortar. Next, cover the piece of caulking we have chosen on both sides with the same solution. Then, after everything has dried, we apply finishing plaster and sand the surface. As you can see, the technology is very simple.

But what to do if you can’t cover it up on the other side - there is no access to the room? We use a similar technology, only we need supports for the stone. They will be dowel nails driven into the concrete into holes drilled with an electric drill. Fit the stone as closely as possible to the hole in the wall. And then everything is fine again old scheme: strengthen with mortar, dry, cover with plaster and sand with sandpaper.

Repair other holes in the concrete structure

But these are not all types of defects in concrete walls. What other problems exist with walls and how to solve them in more detail:

  1. If a crack appears at the junction of the wall and the ceiling surface, you can repair it just like an ordinary hole in a concrete wall. But there is also a nuance that must be taken into account: initially the hole is widened to a size of about 10 mm along the entire length of the crack.
  2. If the problem occurs in a section of the wall near the pipes, then it is better to use silicone sealant and cover larger holes with polyurethane foam. We cut the foam a little deeper than the level of the wall, and then beautifully putty it with a finishing finish.
  3. Another option, not entirely suitable for the topic, but also very relevant. If there is a hole in the ceiling, not the wall. This may be a result of the plaster peeling off. Clean the concrete surface thoroughly. Do not forget that the cause of such a defect can be mold, so we carefully clean it and treat it with antifungal agents. Although this also applies to walls: it is better to prevent the appearance of fungus than to remove it from concrete surfaces later.


As you may have noticed, fixing a hole in a concrete wall is not so difficult; it does not require any fancy, narrow-profile tools or deep knowledge. The technology depends on the location, nature and size of the damage. Some small holes can only be filled with putty, but for larger ones you will need a substrate, as well as a gypsum or cement-sand solution.

The main thing is to properly prepare the base, clean it, apply the mixture you prepared well, and cover everything. If you follow the stages of repair work to seal holes, you can do everything efficiently and beautifully, and also prevent further growth of the damage. I hope that you found the answer to your question and that this material was useful to you.

Recently, residents of cities and even small villages prefer plastic windows. But it would be wrong to think that the wooden window has completely disappeared from modern life. There are people who, for some reason, left the old windows, and there are also sincere supporters wooden frames. Wooden windows cannot last long without such an essential element as putty. Yes, and for plastic windows it is relevant. Therefore, you should understand in more detail what window putty is.

Purpose of putty for windows

Window putty is a thick paste that is applied to the junction of the glass and the frame. Its necessity is to provide a certain level of tightness, as well as greater strength of the connection between the glass and the frame. It is also required to seal the joints of frame parts. Putty for wooden windows is also required to cover small cracks in the frames.

In plastic windows, glass does not often come off the frame, but putty for plastic windows helps solve another problem. It happens that after installation plastic window, and sometimes a little later, small gaps form between the frame and the wall (window sill). Even if their value is small, this breaks the tightness, therefore, many of the characteristics of a plastic window disappear - heat retention and sound insulation, dampness and ice appear. To eliminate such gaps you will need a special putty.

Important! For wooden frames, the putty needs to be renewed. Failure to promptly replace window putty will result in the window cracking, and excess moisture may cause the wood of the frame to rot.

Which putty to buy

Stores offer us a wide range of sealing pastes. All of them are divided into neutral and acetate. Acetate mixtures are used to increase tightness smooth surface(glass). Neutral sealing compounds are used to seal seams between glass and frame.

The most popular compositions are:

  • acrylic sealant is a new replacement for the old, conventional putty for wooden windows. It interacts well with other building materials, hardens quickly, plasters well, and paint adheres firmly to it. The composition perfectly retains heat and prevents air from entering through window joints. It is harmless, does not require special protection when working with it, and does not ignite easily. However, it has some disadvantages - it is not resistant to water and over time it loses its whiteness and turns yellow;
  • butyl sealant - used for PVC windows. It is used for glass connections (2-3) in double-glazed windows. Does not allow water vapor to penetrate between the glasses;
  • rubber sealant - has the highest strength indicators. However, it is also the most expensive;
  • polyurethane - used to increase strength PVC structures. It lends itself well to coloring, is resistant to temperature changes, and does not respond well to the aggressive effects of various chemical compositions. However, it itself is unsafe for health, since it contains caustic chemicals;
  • Silicone sealant is an easy-to-use material that is used for any work with glass and frames. Due to its consistency, the paste easily flows into the very depths of cracks and joints, hardens and creates reliable protection from air penetration. It is used as a fastening agent between glass in double-glazed windows, and also as an external sealant. Used in working with plastic and wooden windows. Has high insulating properties. However, silicone putty for windows also has disadvantages: when working with it, a sharp vinegar smell is felt. Over time, this sealant begins to fall off, but it lags behind the window in a whole strip, just as it was applied, so an impressive gap immediately appears. It is impossible to paint such sealant.

Something to remember! There is a wide range of window sealants available. Each substance has its own pros and cons, so before purchasing you should be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of each sealant.

How to choose the right sealant

When choosing ready-made putty for windows in a store, you should know that it must have the following qualities:

  • elasticity;
  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • compatibility with other materials;
  • is good at resisting aggressive environments, temperature changes and being resistant to UV rays;
  • holds well not only on the frame, but also on the glass;
  • be harmless to human health.

In addition, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

Important! When purchasing silicone sealant, be careful not to confuse “liquid plastic” and silicone. " Liquid plastic» not used for working with PVC windows.

Making putty at home

In the old days, each owner made their own putty for windows. And now it’s not difficult to do this. A simple process will save money, and you can make the sealant at any convenient time. It is only important that the putty you make for windows yourself is plastic, dries quickly, adheres well to the surface being treated and lasts for at least a year.

In order to make putty for windows at home, you should familiarize yourself with some recipes.

Composition of chalk and linseed oil

This recipe is used for working with wooden windows. The composition includes chalk and flax oil. Sequence of work:

  • Grind the chalk with a grater or hammer to a powder;
  • mix linseed oil with chalk in proportions 1/4 (to one part oil 4 parts chalk);
  • knead the “dough”, if it can be rolled into a ball, then this consistency is suitable for work, if the mixture does not retain its shape, then chalk flour should be added;
  • If you want to White color putty, then leave the mixture without adding dyes (it will have milky shade), if you want to achieve something else color range, dye should be added at the chalk crushing stage.

The mass is ready for use.

Important! If flax oil is not on hand, you can replace it with drying oil. In this case, the putty will have a certain smell.

Sand and flour putty

  • mix flour and very fine sand in equal quantities;
  • dilute the dry mixture with water until the mixture holds its shape;
  • start work.

Important! This putty is used in the most extreme situations; it is very fragile and must be replaced with a better one at the first opportunity.

Putty made from melted lard and rosin

This putty can not be used immediately; it can be made for future use and stored in the refrigerator.

  • Melt lard in a frying pan and take 1 tsp. product;
  • grind the rosin to a powder, add 2 tsp. in lard;
  • 10 tsp is added there. chalk, crushed into powder;
  • A thick mass is mixed and you can start working.

Important! If stored, this putty should be tightly closed.

Tar and ash putty

This homemade putty is very strong and durable.

  • tar is boiled over low heat for 2 hours;
  • after the tar has boiled and cooled to a warm state, sifted ash is added;
  • ash is mixed with tar until the mixture loses its stickiness;
  • after that you can start working.

Important! This mixture is used immediately after preparation. Otherwise, it becomes unusable.

Putty made from vegetable oil and talc

You can make window putty from available materials such as unrefined oil and talc:

  • carefully separate the sediment into unrefined vegetable oil and use it at work;
  • Talc is gradually poured into the sediment to the consistency required for work;
  • Stir until smooth and start working immediately.

Important! Talc can be replaced with decorative or regular cement. In this case, the putty must be prepared very quickly, since the cement sets immediately.

To make a sealed paste, putty, cement, sand and other materials that remain after construction work can also be used.

How to make window putty that is used for interior work, and is also good as an external putty for windows, shown in detail in the video:

How to work with putty correctly

In order to prepare old windows for the new season, it is not enough just to make window putty with your own hands. It is very important to apply it correctly. And to do this you need to get rid of the old putty.

You can remove old putty using a narrow spatula; a knife with a wide blade will also work here. The putty is lifted with a spatula and carefully removed from the surface of the frame. If difficulties arise, you can warm up the putty construction hairdryer, then the frame will be cleaned much faster.

After the unnecessary material has been removed, you should carefully remove the glass and clean the frame from dirt, and then clean the surface of the frame with sandpaper.

Only after this can you begin to apply a new layer.

Using a spatula or knife, you need to carefully apply the mixture to the place where the glass will be inserted. Then you should carefully insert the glass and press it. Excess putty should be removed immediately with a clean cloth so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the window. After the glass is inserted, the composition should be applied to the side from which the glass was pressed.

The paste can be laid using the smearing method, as well as by rolling the mass into a rope, which is stuck into the grooves, and then leveled and the excess is removed.

After the mass is applied, it is leveled, cleaned and given an aesthetic appearance, for example, painted.

IN modern stores building materials, a sufficient selection of any sealants. However, it is much more advisable to putty windows in dachas, greenhouses or other buildings yourself, without spending much effort and money.

Over time, the operation of the stove leads to the formation of cracks. The reason for the appearance of cracks is uneven heating of the stove masonry and the evaporation of excess moisture on its surface.

Cracks in the stove's masonry cause difficulties in its operation and danger for its users. Most often, cracks in the stove form at the seams between in separate parts stove masonry, which is made of refractory bricks. (read and watch here)

When cracks form on the surface of the stove, it is necessary to answer the question of how to cover the stove and how and with what to cover the seams in the stove, in places where cracks have formed on its surface. There is no doubt that the material with which the stove must be coated must be fireproof, easy to apply to the surface of the stove and have good adhesion to the edges of cracks.

Materials for caulking the stove

Cover the stove with clay

So, how to cover the stove with clay. The simplest and most proven material used for filling cracks and crevices on a stove is traditional clay, with which a classic solution for filling cracks in a stove is prepared. This solution consists of a mixture of clay and river sand in a 1:1 ratio. This solution is thoroughly mixed to avoid lumps. Moreover, it is recommended to pass this solution through a metal sieve with large cells.

To check the strength of the resulting solution, you should make a ball out of it and throw it on the floor. If cracks form, a little more clay must be added to the solution.

When covering a stove, the question inevitably arises: how to properly cover a stove with clay.

To do this, it is recommended to run next condition: To avoid the formation of cracks on the stove during its operation, it is recommended to wrap the stove lining with gauze soaked in a liquid clay solution and allow it to dry. After which you can begin plastering the stove with the prepared clay solution. As practice shows, this, in most cases, is enough to prevent the formation of cracks on the surface of the stove when using it.

In order to cover the stove with clay you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • container for preparing the solution;
  • a ladle for applying the solution to the surface of the furnace;
  • rubbing to level the solution;
  • Master OK.

To seal cracks and crevices in the furnace, non-traditional solutions are also used, consisting of the following components:

  • clay;
  • sifted river sand;
  • horse manure or chaff (seeds from sifting grain).
  • The resulting solution must be covered with oilcloth and left overnight., after which you need to mix it again. Before using this solution, the surface of the oven must be moistened with water, and it should be laid in two layers, allowing the first layer to dry before laying the next one.
  • After coating the oven is completed, let it dry., for at least two weeks, and after that, you can start plastering it with a solution of river sand and starch. After the stove has completely dried (approximately within a month), you can apply lime whitewash with color additives to the stove at your discretion.

In addition to adding chaff to the mixture for coating the stove, you can also add horse manure. In this case, the undigested residue of the herb serves to reinforce and strengthen the material and to seal cracks in the oven. Note that horse manure should contain excess grass and be dry.

Mixture-solution for sealing the stove

Despite their cheapness and availability, it is clay-based mixtures that are most often used in the construction of furnaces and their repairs, since when they dry, they will retain plasticity, such as is determined by the composition of the prepared solution. Other materials used to bind the filler, such as cement or lime, are more susceptible to cracking when they dry, especially on a surface that is subject to sudden and large temperature changes, such as on the surface of a furnace. The oven is very ancient invention man, which has passed the long test of time, and, precisely for this reason, such common materials as clay and sand are used in the construction of furnaces and their repair. You can get more information about the composition of the solution for the oven.

Some stove makers add table salt to the solution, which serves to strengthen the solution and improve its thermal conductivity characteristics. The proportions of salt are individual, but, as a rule, do not exceed one glass for the entire amount of solution.

The clay for preparing the solution must be clean, reddish in color with minimal sand impurities. Tested clay can be stored for future use before it is needed to repair the stove. Moreover, the already prepared and unused solution also does not need to be thrown away. It is well preserved and may still be useful for use. In addition, this solution can be used to seal cracks in the chimney from the stove, which will guarantee its long service life.

Well maintained Russian stove

Maintenance of your stove must be carried out promptly., preventing the formation of large cracks and crumbling of the plaster. Firstly, small cracks are easier to repair, and secondly, this will prevent the formation of other cracks and ensure the safety of your stove.

Of course, repairing a stove and sealing cracks in it is a labor-intensive task, but, in the absence of laziness, the process is accessible to everyone, especially since it does not require special tools and skills, and the experience gained while repairing the stove will give you the opportunity to apply your skills in other work around the house. You will need it when caring for other heat sources in your home that use fire, such as a fireplace. Moreover, they have a stove and a fireplace, they have quite a lot in common. When sealing cracks in a furnace, with special attention it is necessary to treat built-in metal elements- doors, bolts, vents and ovens. The material for working with them remains the same - clay mortar. Additionally, what may be needed is more practice and accuracy when performing such work and, possibly, a larger selection of tools for the job.

To perform the work efficiently, it makes sense for you to familiarize yourself with the basic methods and approaches in the construction of furnaces and the materials used in this case.

The most correct approach to this is practice, when everything is done with your own hands under the supervision of an experienced mentor. Of course, you can use the acquired skills both at home and among your family friends, teaching them such an exciting and useful activity as repairing their own stove. And it would be more correct to see it more than once, but to do it yourself once.

They helped a lot, thank you very much. Congratulations, Irina.

Our house is 119 years old, it looks like the stove is the same age, we converted the stove that was previously heated with wood to a gas stove, and now we are tired of covering up the cracks every time. At the very first heating, cracks appear and plaster leaks, perhaps you will say that it could have been replaced with an AGV or another stove long ago, but I will tell you the superiority of this stove, firstly, it is located in ground floor, (we have 2 floors, on the second there is an AGV), and when we open the hood on this stove, both floors heat up, moreover, as soon as the stove gets very hot, we completely turn off the heating and heat in the house, even in very coldy, lasts about a day, and this is a good gas saving, especially since we have not used the AGV on the second floor for 2 years now, since the stove runs in the center of our apartment, the heat of the stove is enough for both floors, but the problem is only in appearance , as I said, you’re tired of covering up the cracks, perhaps you can suggest what kind of flammable material can be used to cover it or to block it off somehow so that the heat flows in and the stove looks beautiful.

I add a pack of salt to a bucket of ready-made mixture... sand and clay in equal parts. Dries as strong as cement. And if cracks appear, during the winter, when we heat it, I prepare the same solution in a small plate, but liquid like sour cream... more salt. I pour it into each crack with a spoon (when the stove is hot, of course)

In Rus' there was always a huge stove in the house. How people in ancient times could do such things is amazing). They have been used for centuries, this is the art of masonry. I remember as a child, with my grandmother in a real Russian village, I slept all the time on a huge stove in a quarter of the hut. And I never saw cracks, chips or damage on it, although it served around the clock. The quality is amazing. The recipe for preparing the mixture, which is described in the article, is plausible and realistic, as it contains everything natural ingredients, which exist in nature and are always available.

But 50 kg of chaff for 4 buckets of clay and 1 bucket of water is not a lot?