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How latex is made for mattresses. Artificial latex in mattresses - what is it? Dictionaries and encyclopedias on Academician

Two concepts are widely used in the industry: artificial latex and natural latex. These two materials are different in appearance and properties, due to their composition.

Latex artificial

Artificial latex is the commercial name for highly elastic materials, the main raw materials for the production of which are polyols.

Natural latex

Natural latex is made from the sap of rubber trees (lacty sap). Rubber (natural latex) in pure form it is afraid of contact with fat and ultraviolet radiation, which destroys it, therefore, when producing a latex mixture, in addition to rubber, additional stabilizing ingredients are introduced into the mixture. The maximum rubber content in natural latex is about 85% (such latex is called 100% natural latex), optimal for use in mattress production is from 45% to 65%, it is with this percentage of rubber that the resulting latex foam has the proper elasticity and resilience (thanks to natural rubber) and wear resistance (thanks to additives). This is a very expensive material, so latex is widely used in mattress production, which contains at least 20% rubber (natural latex).

Natural latex - soft material, which is used as a filler in spring mattresses and as a base (monolithic block) in springless mattresses, which also use latex of medium hardness (increased elasticity), in springless mattresses it is also combined with other fillers (for example: a mattress made from a combination of layers of hard coir and latex ). The material itself has high density, thanks to this excellent elasticity and long service life, but at the same time low air permeability, which is why additional through holes for ventilation, due to which the material acquires good breathability.

Photo of a natural latex slab (height 3 cm, containing about 25% natural rubber) used as a filler in a mattress.

Photo of a monolithic block (monoblock) made of natural latex (height 8 cm, containing at least 50% natural rubber) from the Italian mattress manufacturer Lordflex’s, used as a base in a springless mattress.

In addition to making mattress fillings, rubber is the basis for a huge number of industrial products - elastic bandages, bath mats, bathing caps, wetsuits, adhesive on postage stamps, rubber toys, bicycle tires, syringes, chewing gum, Balloons and much more.

The main source of natural rubber (milky sap) is evergreen tree Brazilian Hevea (90% of world production). Hevea's homeland is Brazil; over time, Hevea spread to other continents and countries such as: South America, Southeast Asia(Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc.), Tropical Africa. Hevea also grows in tropical jungles and artificially grown plantations.

Hevea juice has an antiseptic effect, microbes and bacteria die in it, therefore, when extracting the juice, the tree does not get sick from constant cuts (for 2 decades), but, on the contrary, heals itself. Natural latex retains an antiseptic property (depending on the amount of natural rubber content), which does not allow any microorganisms, including mites (saprophytes), to live.

Technological features of obtaining natural latex used in the furniture industry:

  • From a special container where the latex mixture is continuously mixed, it enters a special container and foams.
  • The foam is poured into special molds and vulcanized at a temperature of 100°C.
  • The resulting workpiece is removed from the mold.
  • The finished block is sequentially cleaned of foam residues, dried at a temperature of 120°C, tested for hardness, weighed and packaged.

A good video about the technology of making natural latex for mattresses at the PATEX latex factory in Thailand:

Alternative materials

A modern alternative to natural latex is.

This type of material, such as latex, Lately widely used in textile industry. It is especially in demand as a filler for mattresses, as it has a number of necessary and specific properties. Sleeping surfaces with such filling are considered to be of high quality, reliable and practical, which is why most consumers prefer them. What kind of latex is there, what are the advantages of this material and does it have any disadvantages?

Types of latex

Modern latex used in the production of mattresses is divided into two categories:

  1. Natural
  2. Artificial

Depending on its origin, the material has a different composition, as well as differences in its characteristics, which affect both its quality and cost. Let's figure out what the difference is between these types of rubber and which one is still considered the best.

Natural latex

It is made from the sap of a special tree - the Brazilian Hevea, which is a representative of the evergreen euphorbia family and grows mainly in the tropics. This rubber is of exclusively natural origin and is recognized as environmentally friendly and safe for health. Wherein, natural latex has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In particular, such raw materials are gradually destroyed under the influence of direct sun rays, and also deteriorates upon contact with fatty substances. To increase the wear resistance of the material and make it more practical, they use special additives- additives. The most common among them is the monomer isoprene.

Advantages of natural latex mattresses

The main advantages of the products include:

  • High elasticity. Elasticity is a defining quality that an orthopedic sleeping surface must have in order to ensure proper support of the human body during sleep. Mattresses made from natural latex are not prone to vibration and swaying, so they are very comfortable.
  • Wear resistance. Latex foam is durable, durable material, therefore, even under the influence of significant loads it does not lose its qualities for a long time. Not subject to deformation.
  • Hygiene. 100% latex does not harbor dust mites and other microorganisms that can harm human health.
  • Hypoallergenic. Rubber sleeping surfaces do not cause allergies, therefore they are recognized as absolutely safe even for people suffering from asthma and other respiratory diseases.
  • Ergonomics. Products have the ability to follow the contours of the sleeper’s body, adapt to the shape of the torso and at the same time help to maintain correct position spine, support the neck, head, etc. In order to increase comfort, mattresses made from natural rubber have special comfort zones.
  • Versatility. Monolithic latex sleeping surfaces are suitable for any bed, regardless of the type of base. Also recommended for bases with variable geometry.
  • Silence. Unlike spring mattresses, products made of rubber do not creak under the weight of the body, so they do not disturb sleep by producing sounds that are unpleasant to the ear.
  • Air permeability properties. The filler is made of natural latex foam and has a porous structure, so it is well ventilated and does not accumulate moisture, which promotes the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms harmful to health.
  • Thermoregulation ability. The latex mattress provides pleasant warmth in winter period year and gives coolness in the hot summer time.

The production of latex, which is used as a filler for sleeping surfaces, occurs in several stages; the main method is vulcanization using the Dunlop method. This approach to production is aimed at improving quality and strength.

Natural latex mattresses are the best choice for a healthy and comfortable sleep!

Artificial letax

The second name for this material, which can often be seen in the characteristics of the sleeping surface filler, is polyurethane foam. This synthetic filling is made from styrene and butadiene monomers and has high elasticity. In fact, artificial latex is very close in its characteristics to natural latex, therefore it serves as a budget substitute. It is actively used for filling sleeping surfaces, which have a more reasonable price compared to the cost of products made from 100% rubber foam. The material has found its application in the production of both spring and springless mattresses. Due to its low cost, this material has become an absolute hit among the many options for filling the soft layers of modern sleeping mattresses.

Here are some distinctive features artificial latex:

  • Elasticity. The material is somewhat stiffer and rougher than natural latex, but softer and more pleasant than holofiber.
  • Hypoallergenic. Mattresses made from polyurethane foam do not cause any allergies.
  • Air permeability properties. Worse than natural latex, but still has good results on this point.
  • Wear resistance. Here, artificial latex is significantly inferior to natural latex. The service life of such a mattress can be estimated at 5-10 years versus 10-15 years for a mattress with natural latex.

Characteristic differences between types of latex

In order to purchase a mattress with an optimal price-quality ratio and not be deceived by unscrupulous manufacturers, it is important to be able to determine the type of latex filler, whether it is artificial or natural. The following recommendations will help consumers with this:

  • Sleeping latex surface made of natural material It has a grayish tint and is soft and flexible at the same time. It feels as if it is saturated with fat and repels moisture. Important: natural rubber has a pronounced specific smell, which disappears only a few days after opening the package with the mattress.
  • Synthetic latex, being a type of foam rubber, perfectly absorbs moisture. As the material wears out, it dries out, deteriorates, and loses its original color and integrity. Artificial filler, as a rule, can also have specific smell, which remains for some time after opening the package.
  • Natural latex is much denser and weighs several times more than artificial latex.

Latex mattresses, both with natural filling and with polyurethane foam, are equally successful in demand among consumers. They are safe, flexible and practical. Among the wide range, you can choose a product of suitable thickness and size for use on the floor or on top of a regular non-orthopedic mattress. Sleeping surfaces made of latex base are presented in different price categories, produced for adults and for children of different ages.

Latex foam is one of the most popular mattress fillers today. The material is elastic, elastic, breathable, which makes the product as comfortable as possible for use. The pricing policy on the market for such a product is determined mainly by the origin of the underlying content. A latex mattress can be artificial or natural. Sleeping on such a surface is necessary and even useful for both adults and children.

Sleeping on such a mattress is beneficial for both adults and children.

Characteristics of latex

Latex is a natural filler obtained from the foamed liquid of the Hevea tree. The milky viscous juice of Hevea, an evergreen southern plant, is a solution of organic and minerals. Rubber makes up up to 40%. It has everything best qualities: elasticity, flexibility, due to which it perfectly adapts to the human body. And besides this, such products are hypoallergenic and bacterial, allow air to pass through well and are moisture resistant, which ensures optimal temperature sleeping place. The appearance of dust mites and other harmful microorganisms in them is excluded. Only the sun's rays and settling sebum have a negative and destructive effect on the surface, and then the filling itself.

Latex has all the best qualities: elasticity, flexibility, due to which it perfectly adapts to the human body.

Production Features

Natural latex can be produced in two ways - “Talalay” and “Dunlop”. In the first case, the sap of the rubber tree is foamed using a centrifuge and poured into molds of the appropriate size. Before placing latex into molds, the air is completely pumped out of them to better distribute the material throughout the entire space. After which the mold is carefully sealed and placed in a vacuum chamber. Finally, the composition is cooled and the foam is pumped carbon dioxide and processing chemicals. After heat treatment and vulcanization, the hardened latex is washed and post-vulcanization is performed.

The final form of latex after processing using the first “Talalay” method.

The initial stages of the Dunlop method are similar to Talalay. The tree sap is foamed in a centrifuge and poured into containers, after which they are heated. As the temperature rises, the elements settle to the bottom of the mold, resulting in the bottom layer becoming denser and harder. It hardens during the cooling process, creating an airy, porous structure.

The final appearance of latex after Dunlop processing.

At the same time, “Dunlop” is almost always the base of the mattress, while “Talalay” serves only as the top shell and is rarely found as the main element.

An example of combining latex processed in two different ways.

To transport the initial raw materials, ammonia is added to it. And depending on the amount of this substance, the labeling is HL (high) and AL (low).

And depending on the amount of ammonia, HL (high) and AL (low) are marked.

Types of latex mattresses

The bedding market offers high-quality spring and non-spring models, monolithic blocks, or alternating fillers. It is worth noting that latex is an expensive material and these mattresses do not always actually include only natural ingredients. To create a monolithic block, artificial latex is often used, while natural latex is diluted with other fillers and used in spring models. The thickness of the product can vary from 5 to 15 cm.

Spring mattress model with the addition of a Latex layer

Mattresses with natural latex

Depending on the type of production, products can be organic or inorganic. Cost of a mattress with natural filler will be an order of magnitude higher than others, but the service life of such a product is much longer. Therefore, it will pay for itself during operation. The abbreviation NRL will be indicated on tags and in the description of bedding made from natural latex.

The cost of a mattress with natural filling will be much higher than others, but the service life of such a product is much longer.

Among similar synthetic analogues, the artificial product is closest to the natural one in all its characteristics. In addition, in comparison with polyurethane fillers, it has better restorative abilities and a longer service life. The undeniable advantage of this invention is its low, reasonable price. The packaging of artificial latex products always bears the inscription SBR.

The undeniable advantage of this invention is its reasonable price.

Combination of artificial and natural latex

Often, in order to reduce the cost of products, natural latex is combined with synthetic latex. This combination is not always inferior in characteristics to an exclusively natural product. Moreover, a successful combination allows you to create a mattress with different supporting properties.

Successful combination allows you to create a mattress with different supporting properties.

The composition density of such a mattress ranges from 34 to 95 kg/cubic meter. m. And the higher this value, the longer the product retains its body shape. When the load disappears, the mattress completely restores its original shape. It is worth noting that on such surfaces the body is fixed at the maximum number of points, thereby achieving the greatest comfort and feeling of relaxation.

On such surfaces, the body is fixed at the maximum number of points, thereby achieving the greatest comfort and feeling of relaxation.
The composition density of such a mattress ranges from 34 to 95 kg/cubic meter. m.

Advantages and disadvantages of latex mattresses

As can be seen from the material described above, this product has more than enough advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness of the product and quality;
  • Ideal adaptation to the figure of a sleeping person;
  • Do not change shades and are not subject to deformation;
  • Completely isolates movement. When one person moves, the other does not feel it;
  • Indispensable for allergy sufferers;
  • Have acceptable elasticity;
  • Long service life.

Many positive aspects speak in favor of these mattresses.

Minor disadvantages include high cost, great weight and possibility unpleasant odor, but only the first time. The structure of the product is made in such a way that it cracks at high values negative temperatures. If this happened, in any furniture store You can purchase special glue for cracks in latex mattresses.

The disadvantages include high cost, heavy weight and the possibility of an unpleasant odor, but only at first.

How to choose a latex mattress

Appropriate marking will prevent knowledgeable person Do not confuse the natural component with the synthetic one. The color will also indicate these differences. Natural latex has a gray tint, and the substitute is yellow-gray. In addition, the latter absorbs moisture better and is harder to the touch.

Appropriate labeling will allow an unaware person not to confuse a natural component with a synthetic one.

All latex mattresses have different hardness, which makes it possible to choose best option for each specific user. Before purchasing, it is better to test the product to purchase the most convenient and practical one.

All latex mattresses have different hardness, which makes it possible to choose the best option for each specific user.

There are multi-layer models, the design of which allows you to change the layers in places, adjusting them to your body. Two-layer types have also been released, where the stiffer side is filled coconut filler, and the softer one is latex. Latex is an adaptable material and gently supports the body, while coconut, a hard product, acts as the opposite, directing the action to unload the spine. Typically, such double-sided mattresses have a dividing core of artificial origin. This is an indispensable purchase for people suffering from osteochondrosis or spinal curvature.

An indispensable purchase for people suffering from osteochondrosis or spinal curvature.
Spring mattress Latex and Coconut Coir.

Caring for a latex mattress

Latex mattresses are easy to clean and are not afraid of water. They can be wetted, safely washed in the bathroom or washing machine. Any stains can be wiped off with a small amount detergent applied to a sponge. As mentioned above, products are susceptible to the destructive effects of sunlight, so they need protection - during daylight hours it is better to cover it with a blanket or blanket.

The product is susceptible to the destructive effects of sunlight, so it needs protection - during daylight hours it is better to cover it with a blanket or blanket.


You should carefully study the labels of the products you purchase and pay attention to abbreviations. Remember that the inscription “100% Latex Natural Origin” means natural latex, and the stamp “100% Latex” indicates that the product is made from 100% natural latex using more synthetics. Both products are safe High Quality and are in demand. You need to select a latex mattress individually, but experts recommend taking into account that for those who toss and turn and sleep on their sides, it is better to take a mattress with a predominance of latex, and for those who rest on their back, it is better to choose one with coconut. The choice depends only on the wishes of the buyer and the budget allocated for the purchase.

You need to select a latex mattress individually, but experts recommend taking into account that for those who toss and turn and sleep on their sides, it is better to take a mattress with a predominance of latex, and for those who rest on their back, it is better to choose one with coconut.


Mattresses with latex filling occupy a leading position among the models in the orthopedic series. Highly elastic, dense latex adapts to the shapes and curves of the human body, ensures normal blood circulation, and allows the spine to be in the correct physiological position. All muscles relax as much as possible, healthy, high-quality sleep occurs, and a state of absolute comfort and complete rest is achieved. Latex orthopedic mattresses ideally correspond to medical, hygienic, technological requirements requirements for this type of product. They are selected individually to suit the needs of a particular person.

Characteristics of artificial latex

Latex foam is one of the most popular fillers for orthopedic sleeping mattresses today. Natural latex is an elastic material characterized by high strength. The raw materials for its production are obtained from rubber plants. Artificial latex is produced chemically. He is in no way inferior in his physical properties natural, made from the foamed juice of tropical Hevea.

Artificial latex in a mattress - what is it, what qualities can it give to a sleeping attribute? Synthetic latex is an analogue of natural latex, created for military purposes:

  • has high flexibility, elasticity, elasticity;
  • hygienic, safe, bacteriologically inert;
  • breathable, moisture resistant;
  • inexpensive.

The restorative abilities and wear resistance of this material are significantly superior to polyurethane foam analogues. Compared to natural latex, such artificial latex has the main, undeniable advantage - the price of mattresses with artificial latex is much lower.

Latex filler is used in springless and spring mattresses; it can be monolithic, multi-layer, of varying hardness. A latex-filled mattress can withstand significant weight loads. The service life of mattresses with artificial latex is short. Over time, they can become deformed, lose functionality and visual appeal. Compliance with the operating rules can significantly extend the life of this sleeping accessory.

Design possibilities and application

Often, orthopedic latex mattresses use a combination of natural and artificial fillers, various paddings, layers various densities. This makes it possible to experiment with the ratios of components, obtaining products with completely new consumer properties:

  • models that can be adjusted to a specific situation with layers of filler that can be rearranged;
  • double-sided mattresses with summer/winter padding, hard/soft sides;
  • with reinforced frame perimeter, blocks independent springs for obese people;
  • with a massage, healing effect;
  • with protective removable covers made of durable, rubberized, oilcloth, more aesthetic or spectacular materials, depending on the purpose of the product.

Orthopedic latex mattresses:

  • recommended for people suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, problems with breathing, heart, blood vessels;
  • suitable for children musculoskeletal system which is just beginning to form;
  • used for the prevention of osteochondrosis, various diseases spine.

Pros and cons of artificial latex mattresses

The functional indicators that artificial latex in a mattress gives to the product, the pros and cons of this material explain the widespread and demand for models with such a filler. Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • excellent orthopedic properties;
  • high adaptive and recovery abilities;
  • the ability to transform, bend, and withstand heavy loads without losing consumer qualities;
  • hygiene due to the porous structure ensuring free air circulation;
  • anti-allergenic.

Disadvantages of artificial latex in a mattress:

  • service life is short compared to its natural counterpart;
  • susceptibility to destruction and deformation under temperature influence;
  • significant weight;
  • unpleasant chemical smell.

Caring for the mattress is quite simple:

  • it can be cleaned, washed, covers can be washed;
  • protect from sunlight, do not leave in the cold;
  • periodically, once every 3 months, turn over;
  • do not smoke near it, do not place hot objects on it - irons, curling irons;
  • Do not use chlorine-containing cleaners.

To choose the right artificial latex mattress, you should test it for hardness before purchasing, evaluate it for compliance with the size of the sleeping place, and take into account the specific characteristics of the body, diseases and medical requirements.

Practical tips:

  • it is better to purchase mattresses with a minimalist design, they are more comfortable and easier to care for;
  • springless latex mattresses have the property of isolating the movements of partners, and they do not need to be turned over frequently;
  • an expensive price is not always a guarantee of an impeccable choice; it must be made individually;
  • The higher the latex density, the longer the product retains its body shape.

To the question “Is artificial latex in a mattress harmful or not?” there is a clear answer - no, latex is absolutely safe. A mattress with artificial latex filling provides optimal conditions for sleeping, it is necessary and even useful for adults and children to sleep on. Doctors recommend latex orthopedic mattresses not only as a means of quality rest, but also as a therapeutic tool in solving many problems with the spine. In combination with other measures, such mattresses are capable of:

  • correct posture;
  • straighten back curvatures;
  • relieve or completely eliminate pain syndromes.

You need to purchase orthopedic mattresses from famous manufacturers, reliable, proven companies that have been operating on the market for quite a long time and have big number positive feedback. Our online store offers a wide range of different models of high-quality artificial latex mattresses. With us you will find products that fully correspond to your wishes, personal needs and financial capabilities.

Latex is excellent example ideal material for a mattress. And not at all because lately there has been a fashion in the world for everything natural. The fact is that its qualities can really easily sway you in favor of buying a rubber mattress. But first, it’s worth understanding: what is latex?

Wonderful stuff

There is a wonderful tree in nature - Hevea, which is popularly called rubber. All you have to do is make a small cut in the bark of such a tree, and sap will immediately run out of it. white, otherwise “rubber milk”. This is rubber, or latex. The mission of these trees is very important, because the sap component is used in many industrial sectors. But, naturally, in order for rubber to take the form in which the consumer is accustomed to seeing it, the sap of the rubber tree goes through a certain path.

Natural rubber is collected in liquid form by hand and poured into vats. Next, it goes through a filtration procedure, during which all solid particles are removed. Then it is mixed with water and air, turning it into an emulsion. Influenced high temperatures from liquid state natural latex is transformed into a hard, elastic form.

By the way, the rigidity of this material largely depends on the vulcanization method, of which there are two: the Dunlop method and the Talalay method. The first is gradual heating and cooling. This method makes natural latex rigid. The Talalay method involves flash cooling before the thickening phase, which makes the material soft.

Knowledgeable people use a combination of the properties of the two methods and create an ideal mattress, in which the core is natural rubber, made using the first method, and on top is a mattress, the filling of which is made using the Talalaya method.

Speaking about latex products, the emphasis should be on such an invention as latex mattresses. People are often looking for the perfect bed base that would meet all their requirements, but most importantly, that would guarantee a comfortable sleep. Latex mattresses are exactly the option you should focus on Special attention. So, what are latex mattresses, and what properties do they have?

Latex – unique material from a sleep industry perspective. It is perfectly used in combination with a spring mattress as a filler, and as an independent base for a bed. Is latex popular among people who dream of the perfect bed? Without a doubt! But only those people who are used to treating any purchase for themselves thoughtfully, who value their health and the health of their loved ones. The fact is that natural latex is environmentally friendly pure material, which means it combines antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties. Such material will not cause toxic fumes in the room. By the way, natural latex is a bad environment for dust mites. This is another advantage of it. In addition, you will not be bothered by a chemical smell, as, for example, you would be if you bought a mattress with memory filling. It does not absorb moisture, or rather, it is simply not accessible to it.

Don’t forget about the comfort that natural latex provides. An elastic material of medium hardness bends where it is necessary, and where it is not necessary it retains its shape. Therefore, if you compare a spring and latex mattress, the choice will clearly be in favor of the latter.

Continuing long list One of its advantages is that natural latex does not heat up. This is very important for summer time. In addition, latex mattresses themselves are very durable, which means that you don’t have to worry about losing their shape for many years.

The only drawback that you can find with this material is its high price. Not everyone can afford to purchase a high-quality mattress based on natural latex.

Therefore, manufacturers often offer an equivalent, which in most cases can be called a surrogate. The use of artificial latex is not prohibited, but it is still not a natural material. It gives a completely different feeling than natural component. And yet, if you want to sleep like natural product made of rubber, then it is worth getting to know better the properties of its cheap substitute.

Production of artificial latex

Artificial rubber was invented during the Second World War and exclusively for military purposes. But it just so happened that the creation of artificial latex expanded the boundaries of the rubber industry and helped manufacturers save money.

What is the composition of artificial latex? In fact, it can be called differently elastic polyurethane foam, also known as latex foam rubber. There is no point in saying that a base made of artificial latex is much worse than one made of natural latex. Of course, natural latex mattresses are better, but synthetic material is not without pleasant rubber properties. It is, for example, stiffer than real latex, so it can be called an orthopedic material. An artificial latex mattress is also hypoallergenic. Naturally, sleeping on natural rubber is more comfortable and better, if only because the word “natural” warms the soul. But in the case of the synthetic version, the soul will be warmed by its price, which is incomparably lower than that of its natural counterpart.

Significant disadvantage artificial latex is its service life. If natural rubber in a mattress lasts more than 10 years, then this one will become unusable much earlier.

By the way, if you want to achieve the “two in one” effect, that is, sleep on natural material, but for less money, look for a mattress that contains natural and artificial rubber. There are also such combined products on the market. The main thing is that you do not buy an artificial latex mattress at the price of a natural one, thinking that this is a natural material.

How to distinguish natural rubber from synthetic rubber?

The first thing to do is look at the country of origin. Only 11 countries can supply 100% rubber products to markets. Among them are the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and other countries that are members of a special association of rubber producing countries. The rubber tree grows in them. Since Hevea juice is stored in a liquid state for only 12 hours, it is impossible to transport it anywhere.

Secondly, pay attention to the label. The country of origin must be indicated there. Because if the tag says “natural latex,” this does not mean that the entire product will be 100% made of it. IN given time manufacturers are allowed to indicate such a name, even if natural material there is no more than 15%.

Thirdly, you can distinguish a mattress made from natural latex by the yellowish tint of the filling and the aroma of baking. The synthetic material has a white tint and a pleasant perfume smell.

How to choose the right mattress

In addition to thoroughly studying the label, you can give a couple more tips for choosing the right latex base.

Remember: the simpler the mattress, the better. You should not opt ​​for complex designs, because over time its layers, like the contents, may shift.

When choosing a case, pay attention to such quality as breathability. A wool cover will be just right.

Before purchasing, study the biographies of the supplier companies. After all, such a mattress is not cheap, and it would be sad to face the non-return of low-quality products.

Ideally, you will be provided with a guarantee of at least 10 years. As well as the obligation to replace. It would be great if they provide a trial period during which you can evaluate and understand whether you like the mattress or not.

As for varieties, it all depends on your preferences. You can choose a mattress whose composite core is a latex block. Or you can buy spring mattress with latex layer. In principle, the first option should satisfy all your needs for quality sleep, so it makes no sense to buy a multi-layer mattress.

Since the cost of a latex mattress can easily exceed 40 thousand rubles, you can save on yourself. But for a nursery, especially for a newborn, it is worth purchasing such a crib base. A completely environmentally friendly material that has no foreign odors, is breathable, antibacterial and simply excellent in terms of comfort, will really be relevant for a child’s bedroom.

One caveat

As already mentioned, latex mattresses are hypoallergenic. This is one of their main advantages. Unfortunately, this does not apply to people who are actually allergic to latex. Yes, this also happens. The fact is that the sap of the rubber tree contains special proteins that can become a serious allergen for the body. For such sufferers, it is better to purchase a mattress made of artificial rubber, since it is definitely 100% hypoallergenic.

Nice additions to the mattress

A latex bed base is a great opportunity to finally get enough sleep. But in addition to these products, for complete happiness, you can also purchase a latex pillow. They also have excellent orthopedic properties, and when combined with a mattress they will create a magnificent tandem that will transform all your nights.

If you are still wondering whether it is worth buying a latex mattress, then it is better to postpone this matter and purchase a product made from a simpler material. Only those who know a lot about quality life can appreciate real rubber. A sweet dream is an opportunity to feel comfortable all day long and go to bed with pleasure at night. Therefore, there is no point in saving on night comfort. Prevention is truly better and cheaper than cure.