home · Measurements · How having a tidy home changes your life. Order in things. Ideal order in the house Cleaning up the house ideas

How having a tidy home changes your life. Order in things. Ideal order in the house Cleaning up the house ideas

Each of us loves order in our home, but not everyone likes to clean it up. Helpful tips and tricks will make this process more effective and interesting. We adopt the experience of more skilled housewives.

Order in the garage means convenient open storage all frequently used tools and compact storage of various small items “in reserve”. Often the garage and home workshop are combined, so all tools and consumables

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A convenient, practical shoe rack can completely transform your hallway, and turn a dark corner cluttered with out-of-season shoes into a beautiful, clean, bright hallway. A shoe rack can be…

When there are a lot of people in the house, not all the shoes fit on a regular shoe shelf, and this is where a shoe closet comes in handy. The shoe cabinet can be combined with a hanger for the top...

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In order to maintain order when storing small items in the drawers of cabinets and chests of drawers, we will make a honeycomb organizer with our own hands. This organizer is suitable for storing underwear and…

Kitchen is business cards housewives. You need order in the kitchen not only to show off to guests, but also for yourself. "For what?" - you ask. To save time and space. Having determined...

The bathroom is one of the smallest and most heavily used rooms in our home. No matter how beautiful the design of your bathroom is, the sight of multi-colored hanging towels immediately brings...

Are you tired of the constant chaos in your room? You have to dig through your clothes to find necessary thing? You're not entirely sure clean is she? Well, this article is for you!


Part 1

Clean the room

    Take a step back and try to objectively assess the state of your room. What three things can you do right now to make your room cleaner and more comfortable? Do you want to clean out your closet? Your gaze fell on a pile of dirty And clean clothes in the corner? Or maybe on video games scattered on the floor? Once you've tidied up these areas, you'll definitely want to tidy up the entire room.

    • Consider how much free time you have. If you only have half an hour, allocate ten minutes to each task. If you have the whole day free, you can do general cleaning. If you are limited in time, then do very little and you will get closer to the desired result.
  1. Put away your clothes. Clean clothes should hang in the closet or dressing room or be folded on shelves; no need to throw clothes on the bed! The following tips will help you organize your clothes correctly:

    • The clothes you wear most often should be easy to access. Thanks to this, you don't have to go through all your clothes to find the thing you need.
    • Organize your clothing items by color or season. Thanks to this, you can easily find the things you need.
    • Use everything free space your closet. Add shelves, insert extra drawers and fill them with clothing items.
  2. Stack your books and arrange small items. There are things that you use every day. Most likely, very often you take the right thing and do not put it in its place, this leads to chaos. Take a moment to organize the things you use regularly into places, such as on your desk or shelf that you have easy access to. Next time you take the thing you need and put it in its place.

    • Think about how you want your books to be displayed. If you love to read, and even if you don't, remember to keep your books in order. You can organize them by category, by personal preference, and finally by alphabetical order.
    • Mentally imagine the layout of your room. If you clearly remember that the books are here, then next time you will not leave the book on the floor, but take it to its place.
  3. Store your personal care products. Hide cosmetics that you only use on special occasions away, thereby separating them from the cosmetics that you use regularly. Store products that you rarely use in the bathroom or in a box in the closet. You need to throw away any cosmetics that are crumbling, broken, or that you don't use at all. They just clutter up the room.

    • You can store cosmetics out of sight. Store them in a container under your bed, or even in your closet.
  4. Remove on computer desk, put the video games back. When you're done playing video games, put the discs back, roll up the cords, and put the console away. Also, clean up your computer desk. Put notebooks, textbooks, writing utensils and all other things in a drawer or you can put them on the corner of the table.

    • Take another look at your desk and think about what things you don't use at all. If the table is not cluttered with numerous things, then it will be easier for you to complete work or homework.
  5. Take away the food! Unless you are conducting a science experiment on how to attract flies to your room, remove dishes and food from your room. Not only does having plates of food create an unsightly appearance in your room, it is also a magnet for insects. In addition, you may simply forget about the pleasant smell in your room.

    • If you have a habit of eating in your room, place a container or bin for trash. This way you won't have food leftovers lying around on the floor for weeks. Instead, you can throw them straight into the trash.
  6. If you are doing a spring cleaning, dust, mop or vacuum the floor. Is your goal to create perfect order in your room? If you have carpet on the floor of your room, vacuum it. Then wash the floor. Also, don't forget to wipe off the dust. To do this, use a damp cloth or dust remover. Now your room is clean and easy to breathe.

    • Not all dust removal products can be used on all surfaces. Before using the product, read the instructions to find out what surfaces it can be used on.

    Part 2

    Keep things organized every day
    1. Make your bed. Now that your room is tidy, try to maintain it. One way to maintain cleanliness is to make your bed daily. It only takes a minute but will completely change the look of your room.

      • Most likely, from time to time you allow yourself to not make your bed. In this case, throw a blanket over the bed and no one will tell you that your bed is not made.
    2. Remove clothes and shoes. Very often we throw clothes on the floor, thereby creating a mess in the room. A mountain of clean and dirty things forms on the floor. To avoid this problem, put your clothes away every day. If you put your clothes away every day, it will only take a few minutes. Agree, this is not much.

      • Chances are you walk past your shoes several times a day. Instead of kicking your pair of shoes and wondering where they ended up, put them back in their place; ideal place There will be a shoe rack or other convenient place.
    3. As soon as you pick up your laundry from the laundry or take it out of the dryer, put it in the closet. Very often we throw clean laundry on the bed, thereby creating a mess. As a result, another pile of laundry forms in the room, only clean and wrinkled. Don't give in to laziness, put things away as soon as you take them out of the dryer. Believe me, later you will thank yourself for doing this.

      • Again, it is worth remembering that things must be put in their place, not just anywhere. Your closet should be tidy, just like your room.
    4. Take five minutes to put away small items. Every day you use many things: books, writing instruments, documents, video games, cosmetics, etc. Make it a habit to put back all the things you used today, even if you need them tomorrow.

      • If you need this thing tomorrow, you can easily find it. Place items you use frequently in a place that you have easy access to. For example, you can put such things on a shelf.

    Part 3

    Simplify the task
    1. Buy beautiful boxes for storing things. It's very difficult to keep your room organized if you don't have the right storage items. Therefore, it is essential to have boxes or shelves in which you can organize things. Colorful boxes, shoe racks, and towel racks can work wonders. If you organize the space in your room correctly, it will seem much larger than it actually is.

    2. Buy multifunctional furniture. For example, you decide to buy a table. Don't buy a regular table; buy a table with built-in shelves. Buy pieces of furniture that perform several functions at the same time; for example, a table with shelves can be used for work and storage.

      • Another example is a bed that rises up against a wall. When you raise the bed up against the wall, you will have a lot of free space that you can use to store other things.
    3. Keep items you rarely use out of reach. The items you use most often should be the easiest to access. Everything you are Not you can use it on the floor or above your head. This will make it easier for you to find what you need.

      • In some cases, it will be necessary to completely remodel the cabinet or bookshelf. When you're done, you'll be glad you did because your cabinet or shelf will look like new.
    4. Attach stickers to boxes with a list of things that are stored in them. Once you've tidied up your room, it's easy to fall back into chaos. To avoid this, put a sticker on each box listing the items it contains. If you need to find something, you can easily do it by looking at the sticker.

      • Choose decals that match the style of your room. You can either print them out on your computer or buy them ready-made. Use a marker to write down what items are in the box and your room will be in perfect order.
    • Donate things you don't use.
    • Make your bed every morning, immediately after you wake up! Perhaps cleaning will even become a habit for you. You can clean your room every Sunday if you don't have time during the week.
    • Think about what your dream room looks like and do your best to make your dream come true.
    • Make sure there is a place for every item in your closet.
    • If you share a room with a brother or sister, ask to divide it into two equal parts, one for you and the other for your brother or sister. Decorate your side the way you want!
    • If you have finished reading, leave only one book and put the rest on the shelves.
    • Place sticky notes wherever you can see them to remind yourself to clean.
    • When you need to get rid of something, look at it from your point of view. good friend, because your personal point of view will want to leave all things.
    • Listen to fun instrumental music while you clean.
    • Don't let a single item lie on the floor, now every item has its own place, wherever it may be - in your bag, in your closet or in the trash can.
    • Start cleaning from the floor, this will make the room look cleaner. It will also be a good motivation to clean the rest of the room.
    • When you put your clothes away in your closet, you probably want to fit as many clothes in as possible. Organize your clothes in a way that saves space and also makes it easy to find what you need. You should also have easy access to your items, so place your items where you can easily reach what you need.
    • Make your bed in the morning. Thanks to this you will have less work Later.
    • Clean your room every week. Make cleaning fun.
    • When you finish cleaning, reward yourself with something. This will make you eager to finish cleaning faster so you can be rewarded for your work.
    • Make or use a calendar so you don't have to worry about forgetting important events.

Order in the house and in the head

One Bulgarian fairy tale tells about an old man who decided to marry his son - but certainly to a neat and hard-working girl. One day, having loaded a cart with the fruits of his garden, he went to a neighboring village and began to shout to everyone, surprisingly: “I’m exchanging fresh fruit for garbage!” Many rushed to take advantage of this quirk and brought bags of various rubbish to the old man for exchange. Only one girl brought a small bundle, complaining that there was no more garbage in the house. It was to her that the old man sent matchmakers and, they say, he was not mistaken: she turned out to be a wonderful housewife, and the young family lived in joy and prosperity.

Today, when you enter a house, you immediately remember an old fairy tale. When you see scattered things, unwashed dishes, and a layer of dust that lasts for many days, it is difficult to suppress a grin: it is clear that this family was created according to different principles of matchmaking. And somewhere there is order bordering on sterility, and you are even afraid to touch something or simply move it. It is difficult to resist complimenting the hostess and not being happy for the well-being in the house. Although, oddly enough, well-being is not necessarily present here. It happens that in a tidy house there is an atmosphere of tension and discontent. But it happens the other way around: in a cluttered apartment, people live in perfect harmony, happy with themselves and each other. Why does this happen?

The American philosopher William James believed that the structure of the human personality, in addition to abilities and interests, beliefs and passions, should include everything that a person considers his own: favorite books on the home shelf, and everyday clothes that copy the shape of our body with their folds, and things dear to the heart, and much more. This is a kind of our physical self, in which our inner world. Home decoration - integral element this physical I, and, having carefully examined the dwelling, a lot can be said about its inhabitants. Of course, the first thing that catches your eye is order or disorder. What can ego mean from a psychological point of view?

The answer seems to suggest itself. Disorder is a sure sign of indiscipline and sloppiness, and therefore, probably, general looseness and lack of responsibility. And vice versa, ideal order is evidence of spiritual harmony and strong principles. However, this explanation is too simple to be absolutely correct. For life at every step suggests other, not so clear-cut conclusions.

Almost all parents of teenagers complain about the carelessness of their children and the fact that it is impossible to force them to keep their room tidy. The fact is that the interests of a growing person are very broad, directed mainly to the outside world and little attached to the small material details of everyday life. Only after experiencing all the inconveniences that disorder brings, the teenager gradually acquires neatness. When the necessary phone numbers are written down on random scraps, when you don’t know where you put the necessary thing; When a place intended for studying or meeting with friends turns out to be ugly cluttered, you inevitably begin to care about order. Of course, even the youngest children are taught to tidy up their toys and put things back in their place. But a person acquires real accuracy much later - only after becoming a mature person. Before this, the need for order was simply unknown to him. After all, stability is alien to growth.

Does this mean that a messy house indicates that the owner (or mistress) never managed to truly grow up? It may be so, and man lived “without a rudder and sailed,” acting in everything like a little child. But the problem may lie deeper. In the end, we all understand: it’s not good to throw things around. If a person turns out to be chronically unable to restore order in the house, then this may indicate a serious internal conflict. Scattered clothes, accumulated garbage, etc. as if they were repeating for the owner of the house: I have no power over myself or over the surrounding world, unable to put things in their place. Sink full of unwashed dishes; overflowing trash can; Weeks of accumulated dirty laundry add: I don’t know how to distribute my forces, set tasks for myself and systematically solve them. It is obvious: if a person does not know how to organize the small details of his life, then he can hardly cope with more serious tasks.

Don't you think that your affairs are not going well, everything is not going as you would like, and in general - everything is serious? life situations out of control? Surely I would like to overcome this unpleasant feeling. Start small. Look around your home - a direct extension of your Self - and notice where you need to put things in order. By putting scattered things on shelves, you actually do much more: you learn to organize all your problems, “put them on shelves.” Bring clarity to your “physical self”, and then more tangible results will not keep you waiting.

Here, however, another extreme is possible. Psychologists have noticed that excessive commitment to cleanliness and order is often a symptom of internal weakness and self-doubt. By meticulously arranging the accessible physical world of his home, a person seems to be trying to protect himself from the chaos of the big outside world, which is too complicated and even scary. But in doing so, it creates a vicious circle of tension: any thing that someone in the household puts in the wrong place irritates and brings grief. Housework begins to take up too much time and energy, leaving no room for more important things. As a result, the inevitable feeling of loneliness in your scraped shell.

Such a trap can be set for us by a life scenario learned in our parents’ family: when order at any cost becomes the most important life goal. One can only feel sorry for a person whose main task is snow-white towels and shiny parquet. Order in the house is not the goal, but necessary condition, a means to solve truly serious life problems. Having understood this simple truth, we will find that golden mean, which distinguishes true harmony - material and mental.

Regular cleaning and putting things in order are integral components of home comfort. But, since creating this comfort sometimes requires spending too much invaluable time, many women are faced with the choice of devoting free time cleaning or relax, but forget about perfect cleanliness? However experienced housewives We are confident that with a skillful approach you can do both. It is only important to know how to maintain order in the house.

Today, “Dream House” suggests learning only 5 rules that will help you maintain cleanliness and order in your apartment or house, without devoting the lion’s share of your free time to cleaning, as many do.

How to keep your home tidy

5 simple rules for putting and maintaining order

Cleanliness and order in the house are rather loose concepts. For some, “clean” is when there is no dust and all things are hidden from prying eyes, while others do a complete wet cleaning every day and arrange things by color. But, be that as it may, we all find it more pleasant to be in a clean and tidy room, where everything is in its place. Perfect cleanliness in the house is an entire art, which only at first glance seems too difficult, but in fact, can even be enjoyable.

Rule 1: Less is more

When thinking about how to clean up your home, the first thing you should do is take the time to identify the most “problem” places in the apartment. As a rule, we all sin in that we love to take care of an innumerable number of things and clothes that live in closets for years and, but most often are not used at all. Gradually, there are so many of these things that there is simply nowhere to store them. In order not to turn your apartment into a warehouse, from time to time you need to make “audits” in order to identify what you can part with without any problems.

Wise housewives recommend not giving in to sentimentality and parting with a cold heart from what you definitely won’t need, because in addition to the fact that unnecessary things clutter up our space, they also have a detrimental effect on the energy of the apartment.

After getting rid of excess junk, it is worth separating things as needed. Send those things that you use very rarely to the most remote corners of the apartment. For example, barbecue grills or a hammer drill may well be located in or on the top shelves of cabinets, and store what you use constantly within easy reach.

Cleanliness and order in the house are important rules

How to keep your apartment tidy

Rule 2. Everything has its place

If you have just started working on the question of how to learn to maintain order, teach yourself one thing: simple rule: Only those things that are needed there should be stored in the room. For example, you are unlikely to need tools in the bedroom, bath accessories in the kitchen, or bathroom accessories in the hallway. When tidying up your premises, remove all unnecessary items from them.

When deciding how to keep your room tidy, get rid of unnecessary things in your desk and chest of drawers. Try to allocate a separate place for each group of things. For example, let writing instruments be stored in one drawer, sewing accessories in another, cosmetics in a third. If you have hanging shelves in your room, do not use them to store anything other than books. Let these shelves be intended only for decorations and accessories, otherwise the room will always look untidy.

How to learn to maintain order

How to keep your room tidy

Rule 3. Save space

As a rule, the most cluttered place in every bedroom is the closet with things. To organize your closet perfectly, the first step is to get rid of the clothes you don't use. Secondly, clothes need to be divided by season and all things that will not be useful to you in the next few months should be put away. Once you've completed this task, consider saving closet space, which will help you avoid clutter in the future. As a rule, the furthest space of the upper shelves of cabinets is often empty, because... It's not very convenient to get things out of there. However, now there are very useful helpers administered household– special drawers (organizers) with compartments for storing socks and underwear. By putting all the “small things” there, firstly, you will save space, and secondly, you will save the time that you had to spend looking for these things. If you use the cabinet shelves for other purposes, drawers with socks and underwear convenient to store in drawers.

Also, allocate a separate place to store ties, belts and scarves. If you don't have any free drawers or shelves in your closet, add Velcro hooks to the back of the door to hang hangers with all these accessories.

When organizing your closet, visually divide its largest compartment, where the hangers are located, into two zones. Hang trousers, jeans, shorts and skirts in one area, and T-shirts, blouses and dresses in the second, this will make it easier for you to choose your outfit every day. To save space on the shelves of the closet, knitted items can be rolled up rather than laid out. This way you will also be able to avoid creases in the fabric.

Perfect order in the closet photo

How to organize your closet

Organize your closet ideas

Rule 4. Always clean kitchen

A separate point for every housewife is the question of how to maintain order in the kitchen. The kitchen is a room that simply must be clean and free, but at the same time, it simply needs to be stored here. a large number of and dishes. To avoid clutter, use the same rule - store large pots, baking dishes and dishes that you use from time to time in the lowest drawers, and leave things that you need daily within easy reach.

To organize order in kitchen cabinets, today it is possible to purchase a lot of auxiliary devices. For example, in corner cupboard you can place a “magic corner” in which it is convenient to store a large amount of dishes, in drawers You can put containers for storing cutlery, and hang hooks for various spatulas, ladles, etc. on the back of the cabinet door.

How to keep your kitchen tidy

Rule 5. Order as a habit

But perhaps the most important rule that will help you avoid time-consuming hassle is the habit of tidying up every day. Teach yourself that every day you must remove dust, vacuum, clean up the bathroom and put things in their places. In addition, the habit of not procrastinating on small matters saves a lot of time. Eg:

  • After washing the dishes, immediately clean the sink and wipe the taps;
  • When watering flowers, wipe the window sill from dust;
  • After changing clothes, put your things in the closet or take them to.

Such simple habits help to always keep your apartment in order and not waste a lot of time on global cleaning. However, do not forget that from time to time even the cleanest, at first glance, rooms need complete wet cleaning. As a rule, if a large amount of dust does not enter your apartment or house from the windows, it is enough to wash the floors once every two to three days. But when wet cleaning, do not ignore the cabinets, hanging shelves, lamps and sconces, because dust collects on them much faster than on other surfaces.

Well, who among us has not encountered this? In a hurry, we throw things everywhere, the house is a constant mess... This worsens the mood so much. But fixing this unpleasant moment is as easy as shelling pears. Meet these the most useful tips, remember them and try to put them into practice. There will always be a wonderful atmosphere at home, order and cleanliness!

How to keep your home tidy

Hang your shoe cover on the door. It is convenient to place everything you need in it.

To easily find the end of the adhesive tape, simply attach a metal clip to the end.

The tension belt will keep the balls together, so you won't have to look everywhere for them.

An empty egg tray is a convenient storage for small items. Nothing will be lost in the box anymore.

A shelf above the door in the bathroom is a very practical invention. You can put everything there that you rarely use. Perfect solution for small bathrooms.

Magnetic spice jars can be attached to your refrigerator door. How much space will be freed up!

If you stack T-shirts in tight, vertical stacks, you'll be able to fit a lot more into your drawer. In addition, it will be immediately clear where each item is located.

You can easily repurpose old metal tea packaging into pencil cups. There's a lot you can put in there!

Like these ones plastic baskets will save you from Armageddon in the freezer:

It's a good idea to label the different cords and charging device. Saves your nerves, you can find everything many times faster.

Paper clips are saviors in different situations. When sitting at the computer, it is very convenient to use clips to keep the cords in order. And then something always gets disconnected or falls.

The more shelves the better. It’s much more pleasant to store your favorite items with them, a real triumph of order.

Hanging boxes with things from the ceiling is exotic for Russian households. But this is smart solution, it is more rational than what happens in our homes. Let's listen to the neat Germans and take things out from under the sofas!

Wall for tools in the garage. Resourceful and looks great.

A ladder attached to the ceiling can serve as a clothes dryer. The idea is unusual, but the plus is obvious - things won’t bother anyone like that.

You can easily place all your cosmetics on a magnetic board.

Baskets hanging on railings are good for different rooms for placing various small items.

Handmade shelf in the bathroom. All you need is glass jars and round bases-holders for them. It works out wonderfully.

Hair dryers and hair curlers can be conveniently stored in tubular holders. I opened the door and everything was hung up in order.

You can use another type of stand for this purpose.

Effective method, how to fold clean bed linen on the shelf. By putting a bedspread into a pillowcase of the same bedding set, you save yourself from unnecessary searches for parts of the set.

A wire basket is a faithful assistant to the housewife.

Knives will always be at hand.

Here's how to successfully place detergents under the sink:

A rotating plate in the refrigerator, similar to a plate in a microwave, is a brilliant idea. The refrigerator will become cleaner, and nothing will get lost in its depths.

How to determine which items urgently need to be removed from your wardrobe? Just hang the clothes you recently wore, turning the nose of the hanger in the same direction. The remaining items of clothing are not popular with you, which means it's time to free up space in your closet.

The ideal waste bin for your car.

Small metal items can be conveniently stored using a magnet.

Pot lids love order too! Here's how you can break them down:

Adjustable curtain rods will keep everything on the shelves intact.

Old shutters are an exquisite decorative element.

You can even put it on shelves washing machine! And use the freed up space for laundry baskets.

Hair ties will no longer be hopelessly lost. Put them on a bottle and they will always know their place.

These recommendations will improve your life. You yourself can make your home more cozy, comfortable and beautiful. Perfect order will reign everywhere! Don't forget to tell your friends about these valuable tips.

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