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How to make a mushroom from plaster with your own hands? Making garden mushrooms

Gypsum crafts can add originality to a garden, highlight its natural beauty, and even become its main attraction. Children will especially enjoy such miniature works of art. And what's most interesting is that you can make garden sculptures from plaster with your own hands at home, which will be discussed in this article.

General provisions

DIY garden crafts made from plaster allow your imagination to run wild. Thanks to the simplicity of manufacturing technology, you can give them almost any shape and color, which will allow you to populate your dacha with a variety of fairy-tale animals, castles, etc.

Here are some examples of possible directions:

  • Cute little animals. Turtles, hedgehogs, frogs, kittens and other representatives of the animal world are always held in high esteem; their habitat in high places or at the edge of the path will be to the liking of both the little representatives of your family and adults.

  • Fairy-tale heroes . Recreate your favorite fairy tale in the garden, what could be better? Such DIY plaster garden crafts will not only delight children, they will also make their parents smile more than once.

  • Plants . Of this category, mushrooms are the most popular due to their naturalness and ease of production. It is using their example that we will look further at how to make plaster toys for the garden with your own hands.

Of course, the flight of your imagination is not limited to the proposed options, but before moving on to creating more complex figures, you should practice on simple sculptures, which is what we will do with you now.

Making a gypsum mushroom for your garden

Tip: involve children in the process.
Such activities have a beneficial effect on the development of creative thinking and finger motor skills.

The place to start is by preparing everyone. necessary tools and materials:

Required accessories



Name Purpose
Gypsum The main material of the sculpture itself
PVA glue Fixing individual fragments of a composition
Varnish and acrylic paints Adding color
Cellophane cling film Simplifies the removal of plaster blanks from cups
Plastic bottle Is a mold for making a mushroom stem
Cups, 2 pcs. Using the first, the base is poured, using the second, the mushroom cap.
Decorative elements in the form of leaves, flowers, beads and other figures Decorating the appearance of the object of your creativity
Sunflower oil Simplify the separation of the gypsum blank from the plastic walls of the bottle

Tip: You can use cement instead of gypsum.
The hardening process will take longer, but the price of the sculpture will be cheaper and its service life will be longer.

Execution instruction necessary work as follows:

Creating a leg

  1. Take a plastic bottle and cut off its neck.

  1. Mix an emulsion of grated soap, water and sunflower oil in a ratio of 2:7:1.

  1. We coat the inner walls of the bottle with the resulting composition. This will make it easier for the plaster to separate from them.
  2. Stir required amount gypsum mixture and pour it into the prepared mold.

  1. To reduce the consumption of gypsum substance, we insert a smaller bottle inside, and then press it down with some kind of handy press.

  1. After half an hour, cut the plastic from the hardened workpiece.

Making a hat

  1. Take a cup that suits your shape and cover it inner part food grade cellophane. At the same time, try to avoid the formation of folds so that the surface of the future workpiece comes out as smooth as possible.

  1. Mix a new portion of the gypsum mixture and pour it into the prepared mold.
  2. We insert the previously made mushroom stem into the mass that is beginning to harden.

  1. After about forty minutes we take out the resulting composition.

Creating a Foundation

  1. We take a large cup and, similarly to the previous task, cover it with cellophane.
  2. Mix the plaster again and fill the container with it.
  3. We also cover the mushroom stem with film and place it in the solution. This will make the product removable, which will simplify its decoration.

  1. After complete hardening, take out the craft and put it in a warm place for a couple of days.


Do-it-yourself garden sculptures made of plaster are decorated spontaneously or according to a sketch.

  1. Using a pencil, we draw the drawings that we want to see on the surface of the sculpture.

  1. Using a knife or other suitable tool We give the image volume.

  1. We prime the surface with PVA glue to increase its adhesion.
  2. We paint all the fragments in the desired color and glue the decorative elements.


Plaster sculptures do an excellent job of decorating a garden. Their production is quite possible with my own hands. We described the entire process above using the example of creating a decorative mushroom. The video in this article will provide you with Additional information. Good luck with designing your own site!

Integrated art lesson - literature - the world on the topic "A house like a mushroom"

Making a mushroom from plaster for subsequent painting (transformation) with paints.

Today I would like to present to your attention an integrated lesson in Fine Arts with the subjects of literature and the world around us.
The lesson is intended for elementary school children.
Familiarize children with types of mushrooms and their roles in nature.
Teach the child to work with three-dimensional objects, create the need to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities.
The desire to create unique works with your own hands, to develop creative abilities.
Accuracy in work, diligence, diligence in work.


Prepare materials for making a mushroom.
Select material according to the age of the children to make it easier to understand the topic of the lesson.

We will need:

Waste material such as:
Milk bottle 1l
bottle 0.75
water bottle
top cake lid (plastic)
plate (deep)
masking tape
knife or awl
old toothbrush
plastic bowl for diluting gypsum or alabaster
3 halves of a package

U plastic bottle cut off the neck and bottom of the milk (it is more even), we need a shape approximately 20 cm high.

Use scissors to cut the bottle on one side (for easier removal of the shape)

We seal this cut with molar tape. We also seal the bottom with molar tape.

We prepare a 0.75 bottle, cut off its neck

Now you can start mixing the alabaster mixture to cast the mushroom stem. The mixture should resemble sour cream.

We do it quickly because... alabaster sets quickly, pour it into the mold to fill 2/3 of the bottle’s volume.

We take a 0.75 bottle, wrap it in a plastic bag and insert it into the alabaster strictly in the center. Leave for 20-30 minutes for better hardening.

We take out the bottle and bag and leave it until completely dry.

Remove the masking tape from the sides and bottom and take out the mold.

Now, using an awl or knife, we draw a door on the stem of the mushroom to the very bottom.

we draw the boards and imitate the bark of the boards on the door.

Using an old toothbrush, remove the excess plaster chips that have formed.

On either side of the door we draw a round window with an awl

We also remove excess crumbs with a brush.

To make a mushroom cap, we need a plate and a bag. Place a plastic bag on the plate and deepen it a little

Pour in the creamy mixture

shake the plate a little to remove excess bubbles and quickly insert the mushroom stem

Leave until completely dry for 20-30 minutes.
Now we take the lid from the cake and cover it with cellophane, like the plate. Pour the mixture of plaster or alabaster, shake it a little to get rid of bubbles.

We immerse our mushroom there, but not in the center, but moving it to the edge so that later we can draw a path on the lawn. (Pay attention to the location of the door in the stem of the mushroom, it should look at a wide area of ​​the lawn.

After 30 minutes, we take out the fungus. Using an awl or knife, we draw a path from the door of the house. You can draw pebbles on the path. Shake off excess with a brush.

We are all ready for the lesson in this part.

Now material on the world around us.

At the very beginning of the lesson, we raise the topic of the surrounding world about edible and non-edible mushrooms that are found in our forests.

Mature hat porcini mushroom reaches a diameter of up to 30 cm (in some cases there are specimens with a cap of 50 cm). The shape is convex, flat-convex, prostrate, depending on the age of the mushroom. The surface of the cap is slightly wrinkled, smooth, thin-tomentose, and in some representatives it is fibrous-scaly. Mushrooms growing in dry conditions have a matte (shiny) cap that is slightly cracked. In humid forests, the cap of the porcini mushroom is slightly slimy. The color of the cap can vary from white to brown. There were porcini mushrooms with orange, yellow, and purple caps. However, in all cases the cap tends to darken with age.

Mushrooms are low in calories and low in fat and carbohydrates. The average calorie content of one kilogram of mushrooms does not exceed 300-500 calories, while a kilogram of fat is 9100 calories, a kilogram of meat is 4100.
Mushrooms have a lot of proteins, minerals, vitamins and other substances valuable to humans. That is why mushrooms are increasingly attracting the attention of people of our time who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are prone to being overweight and perform intense mental work.

It is no coincidence that the world production of cultivated mushrooms is only last years increased almost threefold and reached one million tons back in 1982.
Mushrooms are also attractive because they contain such necessary for a person vitamins that are absent or contained in minute quantities in vegetables, for example, vitamins B1, B2, B6, D, H, nicotinic and pantothenic acids.
The nutritional value of mushrooms is intermediate between meat and vegetables and is equivalent to nutritional value best vegetables highest grades. Therefore, mushrooms are valuable as a product that enriches protein-poor plant foods, such as potatoes and bread. At the same time, one cannot fail to take into account that excellent taste qualities mushrooms can add pleasant variety to our diet, which in itself is important.
While the children are coloring the mushroom, they are given material to think about.

to relieve children and take a short break in an informative lesson, you can show Suteev’s wonderful animated film “Under the Mushroom”
And let's move on to the literary part of the lesson.
Poem "Mushroom train"
P. Sinyavsky

They are traveling on the train
Volnushki and chanterelles
With girlfriends and friends,
Nigella milk mushrooms.

From Prigorkino station
To Vederkino station,
From Podyolkino station
To Zasolkino station.

Wheels with effort
They rumble along the rails,
Delivery on schedule
The company again.

From Polyankino station
To Smetankino station,
From Penkovkino station
To Dukhovkino station.

The fly agaric has a sly look
A malicious grin -
He got on the train and sits
It's like russula.

But then the controller comes in,
Brings out fly agaric.
And the fly agaric stowaway
Blushes with shame.
And the old boletus,
Intelligent fat guy
Raises his beret
And shows his ticket.

Attached to the ticket
Fourteen receipts.
Fourteen receipts
With station names:

Dorozhkino, Lukoshkino, Opushkino, Zasushkino, Kastryulkino, Bulbulkino, Luchkovo, Selderyushkino, Morkovkino, Perlovkino, Nemnozhkino-Kartoshkino, Lavrushkino-Petrushkino, Tarelkino and Lozhkino.

The lesson is coming to an end and we can arrange an exhibition of our mushrooms.

It’s nice to spend time at the dacha when birds are singing around, and the area itself is in order, there is no excess grass and weeds. To achieve such a result, you need to work, plant flower beds, fruit trees, create additional comfort with interesting design fence, smooth paths. If you have children who like to spend free time at the dacha, you can build garden figurines for them; they will not only decorate the area, but will also delight the children.

What is needed to make a garden figurine - a fungus?

You can involve children in this process; the work will captivate them and contribute to the development of fine motor skills and creative thinking. Over time, they will be able to make such figures on their own with friends.

1. Plaster for sculptures. If you couldn't buy one, you can replace it cement mixture(cement, sand, water), the service life will be longer.
2. Glue (PVA works great).
3. Varnish.
4. Paints (it is better to purchase special acrylic ones for working on glass).
5. Brushes the right size.
6. Compass.
7. Simple pencil.
8. A set for wood carving (an ordinary “gypsy” needle or stationery knife will do).
9. Empty plastic bottle.
10. Cups.
11. Waterproof glue for gluing elements together.
12. Sunflower oil.
13. Laundry soap.
14. Water.

First you need to find an empty plastic bottle suitable shape and volume. A milk bottle works great. Using a utility knife or scissors, cut off the neck, turn it over, this will be our base for the mushroom.

Do not forget that after hardening, the plaster will need to be carefully removed from the mold, without breaking the finished element. To do this, the inner walls of the bottle must be smeared with a solution, which should be prepared from grated soap, water and vegetable oil.

Rub the soap on a fine grater, pour it into a glass, pour water into it, add oil, mix all the ingredients well, wait for complete dissolution. Take a silicone brush and cover the walls of the prepared bottle with the solution.

We dilute the plaster (not all, but the amount required for the mushroom stem), as indicated in the instructions. Pour the resulting mixture into the mold and wait until it dries completely. In order to reduce the consumption of gypsum, the mushroom stem can be made hollow inside. To do this, take a plastic bottle of a smaller diameter and insert it, neck down, into the hardening mixture. To prevent the bottle from rising to the top, it must be pressed down with any heavy object, for example, a stone.

Gypsum is a material that quickly sets and dries. After 40 minutes our plaster mold ready for further work.

Using a knife, carefully cut the bottle and take out the resulting plaster figure. We cut off the excess (protruding) part of the bottle, which was inserted to form a void, using scissors. We try to do everything as carefully as possible so as not to deform or scratch the workpiece.

Let's start forming the mushroom cap. To make it we take required diameter cup, bowl or saucer. Tight inside cling film. You should try to apply the film as tightly as possible so that wrinkles and folds do not form.

Then we dilute the plaster as described in the instructions, and pour the resulting mixture into a cup. Let it sit for 3-4 minutes, and insert the finished leg evenly (be careful that the leg does not tilt, otherwise the mushroom will turn out crooked). After this, leave for 30 minutes until completely dry.

Making a base for a garden figurine from plaster

After the mushroom has completely hardened, you need to make a platform on which it will be placed. To do this, select a bowl or plate of the required diameter, cover with cling film (as we did with the mushroom cap), pour gypsum mixture. You can immerse the mushroom there, but it is better to make it removable, in which case it will be much more convenient to decorate and paint.

In order to make a springform mold, wrap the mushroom stem in cling film and immerse it in the base of the mold.

After 40 minutes, take out the figurine, remove the cellophane and enjoy the finished mushroom.
If you want to decorate a hat, you can make various small gypsum figures in the form of flowers, leaves, butterflies, bees, etc. To do this, you will need special molds that need to be lubricated with emulsion to make it easier to get the finished products.
We dry the finished mushroom for two days in a warm place, preferably so that there are no drafts in the room.

After the plaster has completely dried, you can begin to decorate and design it. First, you need to draw a sketch on a sheet of paper, draw all the details that you wanted to see on the finished product (this could be a window, a door, grass, a butterfly, etc.). After this, using a simple pencil transfer all elements to the mushroom. Then, armed with a large needle, add volume.

Making a garden figurine

Before the painting process, it is better to prime the finished product. This can be done using soil mixtures or a solution of PVA glue with water. Apply the solution to the mushroom and let dry. After this, decorate the finished mushroom. Let the paint dry well and be sure to varnish it in several layers.

DIY plaster garden figurines

Such garden figurine- DIY craft decorate country cottage area, will add zest to it, children will be delighted and will gladly take part in the process of making the product!

Also see interesting master- manufacturing classes garden crafts V

Even the most ordinary garden can be turned into a unique corner of comfort. You can do this yourself if you realize your creative ideas. Other ideas include a mushroom made from plaster.

With these crafts you can decorate the space near a fence, path or flower bed. You can involve children in the creation process. This activity is very interesting, it can develop creative thinking and provide an entertaining pastime.

Preparatory work

In order to make a mushroom from plaster, you must prepare:

  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • compass;
  • set of cutters;
  • stationery knife;
  • two cups;
  • waterproof glue;
  • soap;
  • brushes;
  • pencil;
  • cellophane film;
  • empty plastic bottle;
  • decorative elements;
  • water.

The basis will be sculptural plaster, which will need about 500 g. You can replace it with a cement mixture, in which case the figurine will be more durable. Construction PVA is used as glue. When choosing paints, you should prefer acrylics designed for working with ceramics or glass.

For registration you will need:

  • beads;
  • figurines;
  • flowers;
  • artificial leaves;
  • molds for creating figures.

For secure fixation wooden elements Waterproof glue is required.

Making the legs

If you want to decorate your garden with a gypsum mushroom, then you can make it yourself. The first step is to perform the leg. To do this, cut off the neck of the plastic bottle, which will serve as a shape for the stem. The walls can be coated with a solution of grated soap, water and vegetable oil. To do this, the soap is grated on a fine grater and poured into a jar. Water is poured in there and vegetable oil. The composition is mixed well and applied to the inner walls of the bottle using a brush.

When making a mushroom from gypsum, you must adhere to technology. The next step is to dilute the plaster. You will only need that part of it that will be used to make the legs. The solution is poured into the mold and left until it hardens. To reduce material costs, gypsum can be poured into a hollow mold. To do this, select a smaller bottle and insert it into the hardening material. The diameter of its neck should be less than the diameter of the neck of the mold itself.

To prevent the bottle from floating in the plaster, it can be pressed down with a press. The material will set in just 6 minutes. After 40 minutes you can continue working with the figure.

Making a hat

If you decide to make a mushroom from plaster with your own hands, then at the next stage you can work on the cap. To do this, use a cup of suitable shape, the surface of which is covered with cling film. It should be laid as tightly as possible and leave fewer folds. Now you can start diluting another portion of gypsum. It is poured into a cup. The leg is inserted into the uncured material and left for 40 minutes.

Making the base platform

Before you make a mushroom from gypsum, you must think about its features. Among other elements, the base should be highlighted. To do this, you need to choose a cup that is suitable in size and shape. It is also covered with cling film or lubricated with an emulsion prepared according to the recipe described above. Now you can dilute another portion of plaster and pour it into a cup.

The leg is immersed in the same place, but it is better to make it removable; it will be more convenient to work with the design of the mushroom. The leg is covered with cling film and immersed. After 40 minutes the product is removed. If desired, you can use figures, leaves or flowers for decoration. They are easily made from plaster, poured into molds and left to harden. Before you make a mushroom from gypsum with your own hands, you must think through the nuances of the technology. It involves drying the figurine before painting. It is left in a warm place for 2 days.

Mushroom decoration

The design of the figurine can be spontaneous. Ideas may arise during the process. However, it is recommended to think through the drawing in advance by drawing it on paper. When the sketch is ready, you can start drawing the pattern. Using a simple pencil, you can draw on the mushroom everything that you subsequently want to see on it.

Having looked at the photo of gypsum mushrooms, you can understand that they outer surface can be made embossed. This is usually done using a large needle or woodworking tool. To ensure that the paint adheres better and costs less, the mushroom is pre-primed. This can be done using special mixtures. An alternative solution is construction adhesive diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Using a brush, the primer is applied to the surface. It is left for 2 hours until the mixture dries. Then the mushroom can be painted with paints according to the intended and cut out design. The paint is left until it dries, and then the figure can be varnished. It is applied in several layers, leaving no unpainted areas. The figurine is left for a while, and then the design details can be fixed on in the right places using glue. It is necessary to use a composition that is resistant to moisture.

If you decide to make mushrooms from gypsum for the garden with your own hands, then you can purchase the material for the base at any relevant store. The figurine will be fragile, so when decorating you need to try not to damage it. You can also purchase the form in the store. However, plaster can have such a structure that it can be sculpted by hand.

You can supplement the mushroom with artificial caterpillars, which are made from flattened circles. It is better to make them of different diameters, combining the elements with each other. The head is made round. Eyes in the form of small balls are placed on top of it. If everything is done correctly, the figures will cope well with high humidity and precipitation, as well as temperature changes. However, the figurines must not be dropped.

For diluting gypsum it is better to use plastic dishes. PVA glue is added to the composition. Its volume should be equal to 1% of the total mass of the mixture. Very convenient to use Silicone forms. They are easy to purchase. To make a large sculpture you will need a reinforced frame. To do this, the reinforcement is pre-cut and connected into a single structure. It should repeat the skeleton of the future product.

Filling Features

Near the base, protruding parts are made that will provide fastening. At this stage, you can begin pouring the gypsum solution. The material is poured up to half of the mold. It is shaken vigorously by knocking on the walls. All the air must come out of the solution, otherwise holes will form in place of the bubbles, which will ruin the solution. appearance sculpture and reduce its strength.


Plaster makes excellent figurines for garden decoration. If you want to do them yourself, you must follow the rules. One of them is to level the surface of the poured solution. You need to use a spatula for this.

Can be used for coloring acrylic paint. Gouache will also work well on the mushroom, but it is afraid of moisture, so the product can only be used indoors. PVA glue is excellent as a primer. And you can decorate the craft with colored mosaics, which are made from fragments ceramic tiles or colored glass.

Relatively recently, it has become fashionable to make DIY crafts for the garden using plaster. Today, in almost every family that has a private house or a dacha, there is someone who expresses a desire to decorate the local area in this way. For garden plot you can make various objects not only from gypsum, but also with the addition of polymer clay, seed beads, beads, shells, bottles, etc. By using your imagination, you can create a real work of art for your garden with your own hands using improvised means. Such different figures will enliven your garden and bring new and bright colors to it.

Everyone can get acquainted with several master classes on making interesting items decorations local area or dachas made of plaster. Working with such material is a real pleasure, and it also has a pleasant price. In addition, handmade plaster crafts can be painted in different colors, which allows you to decorate the entire garden with interesting and bright objects.

If you have no experience working with plaster, then it is recommended to start doing simple crafts with your own hands. In this case, we will consider making multi-colored stone leaves, which can later be placed along the path or near shrubs and favorite plants. Such a master class requires the following materials (photo 1):

  • rhubarb or burdock leaf;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • paint as desired.

The sheet must be pre-rinsed to remove unnecessary dirt and dust. After this, you should lay sand on paper or oilcloth and apply it on top front side sheet, compact it well and pour already diluted cement on top (photo 2-3).

Cement must be diluted as follows: the dry component is mixed with water until a thick sour cream consistency is obtained. When pouring it onto the sheet, you need to make sure that the solution completely covers the workpiece. All that remains is to let the sculpture dry.

When the craft for the garden or vegetable garden hardens, it must be freed from sand and leaves. Now you can start decorating the craft (photo 4). It can be decorated with multi-colored stones, drawings on top or highlighting the lines with paint. The craft looks good in in kind. Colors such as bronze, pink and green are often used for the vegetable garden. Finally, it is recommended to cover the top of the sculpture with a water-repellent mixture or primer so that water does not spoil such beauty over time.

Making garden mushrooms

Gypsum mushrooms will look very beautiful and natural in your garden.

After previous experience, many have probably already become convinced that working with a material such as gypsum is not difficult. Therefore, it is recommended not to stop there and start creating a slightly more complex craft.

Such mushrooms are made using the following materials and tools:

  • building gypsum;
  • plastic bottle (several different sizes are possible);
  • plate round shape;
  • cling film;
  • wire;
  • acrylic paints;

Let's look at the master class step by step, and on its basis it will be possible to make different sizes mushrooms to place them throughout the local area or at least in several places so that they are not lost in a single form in the garden. To make mushrooms, you first need to create legs for them. To do this, you should cut the prepared plastic bottle, removing its bottom. To make the craft stable, it is recommended to place wire inside the bottle.

After this, we dilute the plaster until we obtain the desired consistency (thickness of sour cream) and pour it into the bottle. The solution must dry completely, only then can the mushroom stem be released from the bottle. To do this, make a diagonal cut and remove the plastic with your hands. Now the workpiece needs to be sanded.

The next step is to make a mushroom cap. You will need a deep round plate and film. The dishes need to be covered with film so as not to spoil them. We dilute the plaster again, pour it inside the bowl and, without waiting for the workpiece to harden, we place the finished leg in the middle. After hardening, the craft can be freed from the bowl and film.

The final stage is decoration. This is where your imagination comes into play, because mushrooms for the garden do not necessarily have to be of a natural color. You can highlight them or decorate them in accordance with the surrounding landscape. When you're done painting and it's dry, don't forget to varnish the mushrooms.

As you can see, this craft is also done quickly and without special effort and costs. In addition, you can involve children in the very process of creating this sculpture - they will also be interested in making real works of art for the garden with their own hands.

Funny flowerbed cat

The next master class is suitable for craftsmen in the matter of creating plaster crafts for the dacha. And if you have practiced with previous master classes, then you can safely proceed to more complex tasks.

We suggest creating a flower bed in the shape of a funny cat. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • latex gloves;
  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • plastic bottle (large);
  • wire;
  • wooden slats;
  • paint and varnish.

First of all, we cut the bottle, which will serve as a flower bed. Afterwards, the form needs to be well wrapped with wire, which will cling to the cement solution, because otherwise it will simply slide along the plastic. Then you need to knock down a frame from the slats and attach it to a plastic blank (photo 5).

Let's start mixing the solution. This must be done at a rate of 1 part sand to 1 part cement. Gypsum is already added to the finished mixture, since the solution with this component will harden quickly. Don’t forget to wear gloves and mix the solution itself with a separate stick.

Now you can begin the most difficult part of the process - sculpting. the desired shape. You need to take the prepared solution in your hand and add 1 tbsp to it. l. plaster, then knead it in your hand and, rolling it into a sausage, attach it to the frame. So, the solution should be applied step by step, separating the necessary bulges and smoothing the surface of the workpiece.

While the frame dries, you can create a cat's face. This will require experience from childhood, when various figures were sculpted from plasticine. Using the same technology, we create an animal’s face from a small ball. And for better bonding of small elements, it is necessary to first lubricate the body with water, exactly those places where a new layer will be applied.

Finally, with wet hands, polish the surface of the craft. For better drying, the product must be covered with cellophane and set aside for at least 3 days. However, you shouldn’t forget about the cat. On the first day of drying, it must be additionally moistened with water. When the craft is completely dry, it should be sanded using sandpaper (photo 8).

All that remains is to paint the cat. It can be done water-based paint, car paint or enamel. After painting, it is necessary to coat the surface with varnish so that the garden flower bed does not deteriorate under the influence of unfavorable weather conditions.