home · Lighting · Tibetan strawberry raspberry beneficial properties. Ten of the best raspberry varieties. Growing and care

Tibetan strawberry raspberry beneficial properties. Ten of the best raspberry varieties. Growing and care

In the gardens of Russian gardeners, it is quite rare to find Tibetan raspberries - an unusual berry, the taste of which is somewhat reminiscent of strawberries, and the appearance is something between strawberries and raspberries. However, those who still decide to plant it will be pleasantly surprised by its beauty and taste. Most often, this subshrub can be found in summer cottages in Poland and the Baltic states.

History of the name

You can understand what to expect from this plant just by its name. Biologists have dubbed this berry the Seductive Raspberry (Rubus Illecebrosus). In addition, it has many other names:

  • strawberry raspberry;
  • Strawberry Raspberry;
  • Tibetan raspberry;
  • roseleaf raspberry;
  • Chinese raspberry.

Some of these names are associated with the country of origin of this herbaceous shrub. It was first described by scientists back in late XIX centuries, and in this scientific work the plants were recognized as their homeland eastern countries: Northern China, Japan, Himalayas. It was then that the first suggestions appeared that it could be used as a garden crop.

General description of culture

The rhizome of this shrub grows as easily as that of ordinary raspberries. Somewhere in the third year of life, the berry begins to spread abundantly in all directions, and the number of shoots increases significantly.

Features of the variety

Although this plant belongs to the same genus as its common forest relative, the description of the Chinese raspberry may surprise many gardeners. Despite the close relationship with the wild berry , there are many differences between them:

  • Unlike wild raspberries, Tibetan raspberries bear fruit in separate berries, rather than forming clusters of them.
  • The part of the plant located above the ground dies off every year and grows again in the spring. Thus, you can get fruits even from a bush in the first year of growth.
  • The fruits may resemble strawberries in appearance, but are attached to the main plant in the same way as regular raspberries.
  • The fruiting period is much longer. Almost immediately after growth begins, flowers begin to appear, and then fruits, and this process lasts a very long time - the last berries appear just before the first frost.

The fruits of strawberry Tibetan raspberries have an unusual taste - you can compare them with blackberries, to which a light note of pineapple has been added. This flavor combination is very rare.

Planting Tibetan raspberries and caring for them is not that difficult and even a novice gardener can do it. Best time to start planting - late September or early October. Bushes planted during this period are likely to survive and continue to grow.

It is not difficult to choose a suitable place for the shrub: it likes to grow both in the sun and in partial shade. However, he still prefers warm, sunny weather. It does not like excessive overflow, so it is not recommended to plant it in lowlands, where rainwater and snow often accumulate. It is advisable to feed before planting by placing peat and manure humus in the hole.

By digging a hole fifty centimeters deep, you can place a raspberry seedling there and cover it with fertile soil. After this, you need to water it properly.

The plant begins to bear fruit in the first year after planting.

The unusual berry Tibetan raspberry is rarely found on the plots of Russian summer residents. But, for example, in the Baltic countries it is very common.

At the same time, the fruits are used not only for consumption, but also for decorating gardens due to the beauty and decorative properties of the shrub.

Externally, the berry is a cross between raspberries, blackberries and strawberries, and the fruit has strawberry notes in taste.

The scientific name of this crop is seductive raspberry (Rubus Illecebrosus). IN different countries it is known as strawberry, roseleaf or Tibetan raspberry. The ancestral home of this shrub is considered to be the territory of Japan, Northern China and the Himalayas.

The culture is a spherical subshrub from 30 to 70 cm. It has unusual ribbed foliage of a light green hue and large coral-colored berries, reaching 3–5 cm in diameter.

This raspberry variety usually blooms in June with white flowers, and the fruits appear in late autumn.

Interesting fact: The fruits of Tibetan raspberries, unlike ordinary raspberries, are not hidden under the foliage, but are directed upward, so picking them is much easier.

Ripe sweet and sour fruits are easily separated from the receptacle.

IN Western countries“Tibetan” raspberries are called strawberry-raspberries, since in appearance they are a hybrid of two berries, although with scientific point this is impossible.

Like many garden berries, roseleaf raspberries are healthy because they contain many vitamins and nutrients, such as:

  • vitamin C serves as a prevention of colds, maintains immunity at the proper level;
  • vitamin P prevents cardiovascular diseases and is an inhibitor of aging processes;
  • vitamin A has a positive effect on the skin and regulates protein synthesis;
  • iron maintains hemoglobin in the blood at the proper level;
  • copper strengthens hair and maintains optimal hormonal status;
  • potassium responsible for the correct and regular supply of nutrients to cells;
  • high content pectins has a positive effect on the digestive tract and stimulates intestinal motility.

The use of rose leaf raspberries is contraindicated only for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

Of course, like any other plant, Tibetan raspberries have their drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that the fruits are not as tasty as regular raspberries. That is why many summer residents use the decorative properties of this crop, planting it as a frame for the site along fences or combining shrubs with other elements of landscape design.

Another unpleasant point is that the bush is strewn with sharp thorns, which are located so close to the berries that this poses a problem when picking them, so you should take care of gloves. And the jagged leaves cling to clothing like a band-aid. Only as a barrier will such thorns and sheets become an asset.

Interesting fact: since Tibetan raspberries are a rather sour berry, they can be added to salads and other vegetable dishes that contain tomatoes, peppers or onions.

Roseleaf raspberries can be propagated by cuttings, cuttings or seeds. Experts advise propagating the crop in the fall after harvesting.

To make cuttings, the bush is dug up and divided into parts, each with a bud. The seedlings are placed in a spacious hole so that the roots are not crowded in the future.

Mature stems are cut off, leaving a “stump” up to 3 cm high.

Reproduction by shoots can be done using shrubs that are more than 5 years old, because around such specimens, as a rule, there is a lot of young growth.

Using a sharp shovel, the shoots are dug up and then placed in a spacious landing hole. This procedure can be carried out both in late autumn and in early spring.

The main thing is that the bush is not in the active growth phase.

Propagation by seeds is quite difficult process, so summer residents do not use it so often. To obtain seeds, overripe berries are crushed and left for 2–3 days in the form of a paste.

Afterwards it is washed with a sieve, and the extracted seeds are dried. Sand is poured into a food container, and the dry seed is deepened there by 2–3 mm.

The container must be refrigerated for a month and then returned to room temperature.

Provided regular watering and proper care The first shoots should appear after the seedlings in 3–4 weeks.

When choosing seedlings, it is necessary to purchase specimens without damage, yellowed or curled leaves, so that the bush does not die in a few days.

Tibetan raspberry pretty unpretentious plant, so it can be planted both in the sun and in partial shade, although illuminated places are more suitable for it.

Rosacea raspberries do not like only damp and low-lying places where precipitation constantly accumulates throughout the year.

The shrub should be planted at the end of September or at the beginning of October, in this case the viability of the plant will be high, and the seedling will certainly take root. Neutral or alkaline fertile soils are suitable for planting.

Before planting, you need to place a bucket of peat and half a bucket of manure humus in each hole about 50 cm deep. And after planting the bush, fill the hole with soil and water it generously.

The distance between seedlings should be about a meter, since the plant has a developed root system. If planted too often, the bushes will interfere with each other and fertility will decrease.

For the same reason, you should not plant this crop too close to other garden plants.

From the third year of life, the rhizome begins to spread randomly and produces abundant growth. Therefore, you can additionally install a slate fence about a meter deep around the perimeter of the Tibetan raspberry planting so that the roots cannot harm other crops.

As for care, this raspberry variety is quite unpretentious and will require a minimum of temporary and financial investments. You will have to water the bush every day, of course, in the absence of natural precipitation, because this crop does not like to dry out. In this case, each bush will need about a bucket of water (10 liters).

And in especially dry times, the frequency of watering can be increased by additionally rainwatering or spraying the leaves with water so that they do not dry out. Tibetan raspberries are fed twice a year: in spring and autumn. In the first case, after the snow melts, the base of the bush is sprinkled with ammonium sulfate granules.

And before frost, potassium sulphide is used in dry form.

After the feeding procedure, the root zone is covered with mulch from peat, humus or manure so that as many nutrients as possible penetrate the root system of the plant.

And so that the crop can survive long frosts, the bush is cut off in late autumn after the leaves die. It is enough to leave only branches 5 cm long. The bush is covered with spruce branches and covered with soil.

Since the root system of this raspberry variety is located close to the surface and is quite delicate in itself, you should be very careful when loosening and removing weeds.

Should not be used for this gardening Tools, and do everything manually using special gloves.

Experienced gardeners, in their reviews of this shrub, note that it is important not only to grow the plant correctly, but also to preserve it for the winter.

Fresh fruits are stored in the refrigerator for only 2-3 days, but with proper freezing you can extend the shelf life to up to a year. Can be stored even longer picked berries in dried form.

From dry raspberries you can make a healing tea, which is used for colds and vitamin deficiency.

Thrifty housewives have long found use for Tibetan raspberries in the kitchen. The sour fruits, pureed with sugar, are not only tasty, but also have a delicate strawberry-pineapple aroma. That is why fragrant homemade wine can be produced from Tibetan raspberries.

This berry is also added to vegetable and fruit salads and used to make pies, desserts and compotes.

Tibetan raspberries can be combined in preparations with other berries and fruits if you want them to acquire a rich color or a subtle aroma.

Tibetan raspberries can be actively used in decorative purposes: in hedges, decorative compositions, when designing stone slides.

The bush is easy to form, it for a long time preserves fresh greenery, blooms and bears fruit at the same time. Against a lush green background, bright red berries and snow-white flowers look very picturesque.

The ability of shrubs to grow quickly can be used in landscape design.

The plant is planted as a hedge if you need to strengthen the slopes or hide something unsightly on the site with the help of picturesque thickets of rose-leaved raspberries.

A berry bush with thorny stems and leaves can act as a barrier against animals or unauthorized persons entering the area.

Tibetan raspberry is a plant that is unpretentious in care, but if the bush is attacked by insect pests, then DDT preparations, copper sulfate, Karbofos, Detoil's solution or Bordeaux mixture will be effective in combating them. And also effective and safe method There will be a removal of infected parts that need to be burned and in no case used for compost, so that pests do not multiply.

Tibetan raspberry bushes are unpretentious in care, take root successfully, multiply quickly and produce a bountiful harvest of fruits rich in vitamins and other valuable elements.

Plus it's beautiful ornamental shrub, which will decorate any area.

That is why planting even just a few Tibetan raspberry bushes will satisfy any family needs without large financial investments and time costs.

You will learn more about Tibetan or rose-leaved raspberries in the following video.

Source: http://www.eda-land.ru/malina/tibetskaya-ili-rozolistnaya/

Tibetan raspberry: features of planting and care

An unusual berry crop, known as Tibetan raspberry, is rarely found in our gardens. But in the Baltics and Poland they love it and grow it for its taste and decorative properties. Externally, the semi-shrub plant resembles something between raspberries and blackberries, but the berries contain strawberry notes.

The exotic shrub captivates the first thing appearance

Seductive berry

This is not an epithet, but biological name crops – Seductive raspberry (Rubus Illecebrosus), in different countries it is also known as strawberry, rose-leaved, Tibetan, strawberry-raspberry.

The first scientific description of the culture was made at the end of the 19th century, where Japan, Northern China, and the Himalayas were indicated as the ancestral home of the herbaceous subshrub. The place of origin and the inclusion of the plant in the Rosaceae family formed the basis for the most common name, Tibetan roseleaf raspberry.

The berry bush forms spherical bushes up to 70 cm high, consisting of thin, flexible shoots completely covered with thorns. The leaves are light green, corrugated, jagged along the edges, rough and cling to clothing like a band-aid.

Large flowers, similar to strawberries, bloom at the top of the shoots; sometimes the plant expels flower stalks from the axillary buds. The berry is large (up to ø5 cm), hollow inside, coral-red, and tastes fresh when unripe. Ripe fruits are sweet and sour, easily separated from the receptacle.

The rhizome, like that of raspberries, is creeping; from the third year of life it begins to actively and randomly spread in different directions and produce abundant growth.

Despite belonging to the same genus, Tibetan raspberries are somewhat different from their usual forest relatives.

  • Every year the above-ground part dies off completely, and in the spring it expels young shoots, therefore bearing fruit on the shoots of the first year of vegetation.
  • It does not form clusters, but blooms and bears fruit with single flowers (berries).
  • The fruit in appearance and size is more like a strawberry, but the shape and attachment to the receptacle are like those of a raspberry.
  • Has a longer fruiting period. The branches begin to bloom and bear fruit as they grow, almost throughout the entire growing season; the last berries are removed after freezing.

Simultaneous flowering and fruiting - biological feature culture

Decorative properties

If you have never seen a Tibetan raspberry in your life, look at the photo and see how decorative it is. This property attracted the attention of landscape designers to the shrub, who began to actively use the plant in hedges, decorative compositions, and when designing rocky gardens and alpine hills.

The bush is easy to shape, retains fresh greenery throughout the entire season, blooms and bears fruit at the same time. Bright red berries and large white flowers on a green background look very impressive.

The ability to grow quickly and take over everything free space can be used purposefully. The plant is planted if it is necessary to strengthen the slopes, or to hide the unsightly appearance of something with the help of picturesque thickets. A berry plant planted in a remote part of the garden will become a reliable barrier against unauthorized persons or animals entering the area.

Use in cooking

Tibetan raspberry or strawberry raspberry is one of the few crops that fully reveals the palette of taste not in fresh form, but after processing. Many housewives note that an ordinary sweet and sour berry, after being ground with sugar, begins to exude an extraordinary strawberry-pineapple aroma.

The berries make a very tasty, fragrant wine. In fresh or frozen form, it is good for making pies, desserts, and decorating fruit salads. If the fruits are added to compotes of sweet, lightly colored fruits (apples, pears, apricots, peaches), they will give them a richer taste, color and aroma.

The sour taste allows the berries to be used in vegetable dishes. In China, they are added to tomato and onion salad and sweet pepper lecho.

To preserve the healing composition, it is better to dry the fruits for the winter. Tea brewed from dried Tibetan raspberries is not only very tasty, but also has beneficial properties. It fights colds, vitamin deficiency, and normalizes metabolism.

A universal component of fruit and vegetable salad, compote, fruit drink, berry pie

Growing in the garden

The main requirement that must be observed when cultivating this variety of raspberries is to control reproduction, otherwise it will displace not only annual crops, but also perennials in its path.

Which indicates the extraordinary energy of growth and unpretentiousness of the shrub. It will do well in both sun and partial shade.

The soil it prefers is moisture-absorbing loam with neutral or alkaline reaction soil solution.

Landing Features

Tibetan raspberries should be placed in a “rigid framework” immediately upon planting, which will greatly facilitate all subsequent care.

To do this, the area allocated for the future berry garden is edged to a depth of at least 50 cm with any restrictive material - iron sheets, old slate, rubberized tape. Plants are planted at a distance of 80–100 cm.

In the first year, small compact bushes will grow, but after a couple of years the entire allocated area will turn into a dense massif capable of providing a good harvest.


In order not only to control the propagation of the plant, but also to receive annual good harvest, you need to know a few simple rules of care.

  1. Regularly thin out shrubs. Cut in autumn aboveground part In mid-summer, completely remove branches that have not set fruit.
  2. A mandatory element is spring fertilizing with a nutrient solution of mullein (1:10) with the addition of complete fertilizers for fruit and berry crops.
  3. In dry summers, watering is needed, otherwise the berries will lose their juiciness, dry out and fall off. It is best to water in the evening, at the root, along the lower tier of leaves.
  4. The root system of Tibetan raspberries lies close to the surface, so it is better to pull out the weeds by hand, and also better landing mulch.

The above-ground part dries out in the fall, so it is pruned before winter or early spring.

Note! The shoots of the plant are strewn with thin thorns that painfully scratch the skin and break off like a bee's sting. You can only work with it wearing thick rubberized gloves.


The simplest and most effective methods of propagating Tibetan roseleaf raspberries are by dividing the bush (in autumn) and by root suckers (in spring).

The bush intended for division is dug up, the rhizome is cut using a sector, leaving 2-3 stems and a good root system in each division. They are planted like ordinary raspberries - in deep trenches with food for a long period. Old shoots are cut off, leaving small stumps (2-3 cm), covered on top with humus, peat, last year's leaves - whatever you have.

In the spring, young shoots are dug up and transplanted to a new place using the same technology as when dividing a bush. In order for young plantings to immediately bear fruit abundantly, you need to choose offspring with a well-developed 4–5-year-old rhizome.

Source: https://MirOgorodov.ru/tibetskaya-malina.html

Description of the Tibetan rose-leaved variety of strawberry raspberry

Raspberries are one of the most popular crops for growing among many summer residents. Exist various varieties this tasty and healthy berry.

One of the most unusual is Tibetan raspberry.

Tibetan raspberries are wild varieties of this crop.. The first mentions of her as garden plant was made in Japan in the 19th century; Northern China and the Himalayas are also considered the ancestral home.

The second name of this variety strawberry raspberry. It is due to the fact that this berry is a hybrid of two crops, both in appearance and taste.

The fruiting period lasts from mid-July until the onset of the first frost, from which we can conclude that such a plant brings a large amount of harvest.

Such a bush is characterized by frost resistance and unpretentiousness to weather conditions. It can be grown in almost any climate, the main thing is to maintain favorable conditions, such as avoiding harsh winds and preventing soil drought.

Tibetan raspberries are unpretentious to weather conditions

IN wild conditions such raspberries can reach 3 meters in length, but garden, domesticated plants have more modest sizes, reaching a height of no more than 1.5 meters. The crown creates a rounded shape.

Leaves- the biological name of such a shrub is rose-leaved raspberry, which clearly indicates the similarity of this indicator in the two crops.

The leaves are colored dark green color with yellowish veins, collected in 5-7 pieces on one petiole, with small notches along the edges.

Flowers– raspberries of this variety produce white, single flowers, which are large in size; they can be up to 5 centimeters in diameter. Consist of 5 petals.

The flowering period continues until mid-autumn and new inflorescences seem to replace already ripe berries.

Berries– juicy, have a sweet and sour taste and a delicate, strawberry aroma. The size of the berries can reach up to walnut, color coral red.

From a distance, the fruits of Tibetan raspberries resemble strawberries, thereby causing bewilderment and envious glances from neighbors.

Spikes– large and sharp, are not the most pleasant distinctive feature of this variety.

When working with Tibetan raspberries, do not forget about the presence of thorns, always use rubber gloves and be extremely careful.

Tibetan raspberries resemble strawberries in appearance

The fruits have an unusual taste, reminiscent of blackberry with slight notes of pineapple. This combination is rarely found in nature.

Appearance, long fruiting and flowering, which lasts from mid-summer until the end of September, make Tibetan raspberries an ideal addition to various landscape designs.

With its help you can build alpine slide or make a hedge.

Easy to care for. This variety does not require special attention and constant surveillance. It is only necessary to water the bush on time so that it continues to delight with its appearance and tasty fruits.

Grows in almost any weather conditions. It has good frost resistance.

Poorly transportable, therefore Tibetan raspberries are extremely rare on store shelves.

Creeping of the root system is more of a disadvantage than an advantage, because if the disorderly growth is not stopped in time, you will have to dig up the area, making room for other crops.

Sharp thorns can easily injure a person, so working with this variety can be dangerous and unpleasant.

Tibetan raspberries taste like blackberries with slight notes of pineapple.

When choosing seedlings, you must pay attention to their external condition. Any damage in the form of curled leaves or yellowing may indicate damage to the plant.

Such a bush is unlikely to be able to take root on the site and will soon die.

Depending on the climate, Tibetan raspberries can be planted both in sunny areas and in partial shade. It is worth noting that she loves warm and sunny weather. You should not choose low-lying places where melted snow and puddles accumulate after rain.

It is best to plant shrubs late September - early October. It was during this period that there was highest probability maintaining the viability of the plant.

Prefers fertile lands with a neutral or alkaline reaction. For the best arrangement of raspberries in a new place, it is recommended to add one bucket of peat and half a bucket of manure humus to each planting hole.

Arrange bushes better in rows, while the distance between plants is 80-100 centimeters, the depth of the hole should be 50 centimeters.

After placing the seedling in the hole, it must be covered with fertile soil and watered abundantly.

This variety has a very developed root system. And so that raspberries do not crowd out other crops it is necessary to provide clear growth boundaries.

To do this, a slate fence with a depth of 1 meter is dug along the perimeter of the planting.

It is best to plant Tibetan raspberries in late September - early October

Tibetan raspberries are not much different from other varieties of this plant. She is unpretentious and requires minimal attention.


The best thing realize this procedure daily to prevent drying out. On average, one bush requires 10 liters of water.

In rainy weather, you don’t need to water raspberries at all, but in drought, the amount of moisture needs to be increased.

Tibetan raspberry does not tolerate dry and hot weather. Therefore, during such periods, in addition to root watering, rain watering is also carried out.

Top dressing

The plant needs to be fed twice a year.:

  1. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, ammonium sulfate granules should be scattered along the root zone.
  2. In autumn, potassium sulphide is used. It does not need to be diluted; it is used directly in dry form.

In order for the fertilizer to be as effective as possible, after the procedure it is necessary to cover the root zone with mulch from peat, manure or humus.


Tibetan raspberries have a very delicate and fragile root system, which is also located very close to the surface of the earth, so you need to loosen the soil very carefully.

The same goes for removing weeds. These actions are best done manually, without the use of special tools.

You need to loosen Tibetan raspberries very carefully

Preparing for winter

This variety does not require any special preparation or the creation of special shelters. In autumn, after the green part of the plant dies, it needs to be completely cut off, leaving branches 4-5 centimeters high.

After which they need cover with spruce branches and cover with soil. This preparation will help the shrub survive even the lowest temperatures.

Tibetan raspberries can be propagated using various techniques and technologies.


Autumn is considered the best time It is best to carry out the procedure after harvesting. It is necessary to dig up the bush and divide it into several parts, and each part must have a bud.

Then the resulting seedlings are placed in a hole whose size exceeds the dimensions of the roots. And at the end, all adult stems are cut off, leaving a small stump up to 3 centimeters high.

Rhizome shoots

Usually, around adult plants whose age exceeds five years, a lot of young growth accumulates.

It must be uprooted with a sharp shovel and the bush placed in a spacious planting hole.

This type of propagation is suitable for both autumn and spring.. The main thing is to make sure that the raspberries have either already died off or have not yet entered the active growth phase.


This method is the most complex of all presented., requires a lot of effort and patience:

  1. You need to carefully select seeds from overripe berries. To do this, the fruits need to be slightly crushed and left in this form for 2-3 days.
  2. After which the resulting slurry is washed using a sieve. The resulting seeds must be dried.
  3. Then they need to be placed in containers with sand to a depth of 2-3 mm.
  4. This design is placed in the refrigerator for a month, and then moved to room temperature.
  5. Then you need to monitor favorable soil moisture, and after 3-4 weeks the first shoots will appear.

Tibetan raspberries are propagated by cuttings, seeds and rhizomatous shoots

Diseases and pests

IN this aspect Tibetan raspberries are not much different from other representatives of this culture.

  • DDT, Karbofos and Detoil solution will be effective for pest control;
  • the solution will help get rid of diseases copper sulfate or Brodsky liquid;
  • the most practical method is to remove the infected parts of the plant. They must be burned, because using diseased branches and leaves to make composts or mulch can lead to a worsening situation.

The most common ailments that affect raspberries:

  1. Raspberry-strawberry weevil- it feeds on the leaves and flowers of the plant and can cause significant crop loss.
  2. Raspberry beetle- loves to eat fruits and leaves.
  3. Anthracnose- appears in the form of light brown oblong spots that gradually increase in size.
  4. Yellow mosaic.
  5. Root cancer- is bacterial disease, it affects the root system of young and weak plants.
  6. Chlorosis- yellowing and gradual death of the plant foliage begins.

Roseleaf raspberry (Tibetan or Chinese), description of properties:

Tibetan raspberry is a beautiful and unusual plant, which combines the characteristics of two cultures. She doesn't demand special care, but at the same time brings a good harvest.

Many gardeners consider themselves fans of this shrub for its incredible taste qualities and great appearance.

Source: http://profermu.com/sad/kustarniki/malina/sorta/tibetskaya.html

Tibetan raspberry: cultivation, benefits, application

This berry crop is rarely found in our dachas. Tibetan raspberries are just beginning to conquer the space of Russian gardens, but their fame has already spread widely, and many summer residents want to have this berry. It has not only high taste, but also decorative properties. Growing and caring for Tibetan raspberries has its own characteristics.

What is Tibetan raspberry?

A semi-shrub plant that occupies an intermediate position between raspberries and blackberries in terms of characteristics and is close to strawberries in the taste of the berries.

Biological name: seductive raspberry. There are also other names - strawberry raspberry, rose-leaved raspberry, rozaline, Tibetan raspberry, strawberry-raspberry.

Origin: Japan. At least, it was from there that the plant arrived through the Baltic states to our continent. Belongs to the genus Rubus and grows wild in India, Australia and Asia.

There, rose-leaved raspberry is even considered a weed. In the Baltics, where this plant came to us, it is grown mainly as an ornamental.

Although roseleaf raspberries are not only edible, but also healthy.

This shrub is really quite decorative. Low, only about one and a half meters, with soft green leaves, jagged along the edge. The flowers are large and beautiful. The berries, like a small walnut, are bright red.

The taste of the berries is subtle, with a subtle aftertaste of strawberries. It doesn’t even “smell” of raspberries and strawberries here. The strawberry smell is more pronounced in the jam, which has a neutral taste.

The berries are reputed to be rich in vitamins, medicinal, restorative and non-allergenic.

The above-ground part of the plant dies off completely in the fall. With the onset of spring, new shoots appear, growing into dense trees by summer. flowering bush, on which berries begin to ripen in mid-summer.

Caring for rosalin is simple - it consists of freeing the soil from weeds, watering and trimming the crown if there is a desire to form it.

This plant is thorny, so pruning must be done with thick gloves. Tibetan raspberries can be propagated by cuttings or layering. It is better to do this in the fall; in the spring the survival rate is lower. The first harvest from cuttings or layering can be obtained within three years after rooting.

The shrub grows no more than one and a half meters high. The trunk is strewn with thorns, and the leaves are slightly similar to mountain ash, only they are rough to the touch. Singles large flowers 3 cm in diameter. The berries have a dense raspberry-blackberry structure, the taste of wild strawberries and are practically not sweet. The color can be amber-yellow and all yellow-orange-red shades to dark cherry.

Fruiting begins in summer and continues almost until frost.

The berries are very juicy, tender and easily crushed, so it is better to collect them directly into containers or baskets. It is better not to pick Tibetan raspberries at the stage of technical ripeness. Allow it to reach consumer ripeness so that the berries acquire their full taste and aroma.

Use in garden design

Tibetan raspberries are used not only as a supplier of berries. Modern landscape designers Shrubs are widely used to decorate gardens and parks.

TO positive qualities Tibetan raspberries include:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • cold resistance;
  • good survival rate;
  • no pruning in the second year.

The bush has negative traits, for example, aggressive reproduction. If the bush is not limited in time, it will very quickly enter the ground and begin to actively reproduce with shoots.

This shrub can be used to secure slopes, since the roots are very strong and grow widely. If you grow a “green wall” from Tibetan raspberries, it will be dense, thick, and even with thorns - you can’t imagine a better fence. Even small rodents do not risk overcoming such an obstacle to get onto the site.

In addition to its protective features, it is an excellent decorative hedge, which landscape designers use in combination with coniferous plants. Such a hedge can be used to zone a site.

Benefits and uses of berries

Because this berry bush, it is grown mainly for the sake of obtaining a harvest of berries. Raspberries and strawberries are large, bright, visible from afar. There is no need to look for it among the leaves; it can be easily collected and processed. A shrub from the Rosaceae family, therefore the fruit has a complex-shaped drupe.

The peculiarity of the fruit is that even when they turn red, but are not yet fully ripe, they have almost no taste. The sweet and sour taste appears only in absolutely ripe Tibetan raspberries.

In cooking, Tibetan raspberries are used to make jams and fruit drinks, pies and preserves. They will add exquisite aroma to any assorted fruit and berries. You can mix them with yogurt, ice cream, and make milkshakes.

High beneficial features berries

  1. They have a positive effect on the hematopoietic system, the digestive tract, maintain efficiency and make the walls of blood vessels elastic.
  2. If you consume Tibetan raspberries in large quantities, you can prevent anemia and increase hemoglobin.
  3. For ARVI and influenza, berries serve as a source of vitamins and increase the body's resistance.
  4. Fresh berries, thanks to the pectins they contain, improve digestion.
  5. With the help of berries you can relieve depression and normalize work nervous system and lose weight.

The sour taste of ripe berries makes it possible to use them for adding to vegetable dishes. Fresh Tibetan raspberries would be appropriate in lecho, salads, tomato and sweet pepper dishes.

Planting and care

Agricultural technology does not cause any particular difficulties. Basic care is required, but in general the plant is unpretentious.

Main rules successful care the following.

  1. In autumn, before the onset of frost, the above-ground part is removed almost completely. You need to cut off all the branches, leaving only 2-3 cm from the ground.
  2. Shoots that did not bear fruit are cut off in the summer, in the middle of the growing season.
  3. It is necessary to constantly monitor the density of the branches and put the bush in order so that it does not form impenetrable thickets.
  4. You need to loosen regularly tree trunk circle ground near the bush. Loosening is carried out carefully - despite the strong roots, they are located shallow and can be damaged.
  5. In the evenings, especially in dry summers, the plant needs to be watered a couple of times a week.
  6. To prevent the soil under the bush from drying out, it is advisable to mulch.

Tibetan raspberry does not tolerate too much wet soils and stagnation of water at the roots. It should not be planted in lowlands where water accumulation is possible.

Reproduction of the shrub occurs independently and is very successful. If it is not stopped in time, Tibetan raspberry will grow throughout the entire area and take over the neighboring ones. To cultivate reproduction and keep it under control, all wild shoots are removed, and for new planned plantings, seedlings are obtained by dividing the bush, shoots and cuttings.

  1. When dividing a bush with pruning shears in the fall, part of the rhizome is cut off. Transplant the bush to a new location. For the winter they are covered with spruce branches, spunbond or other covering.
  2. For propagation by shoots, in the spring, young shoots produced by the bush are dug up. They are transplanted to the planned location, watered and mulched.
  3. When propagating from cuttings, you need to prepare cuttings about 10 cm long. In the spring, they are planted at an angle in grooves and sprinkled with soil. When propagating from cuttings, it is important to water them regularly while they take root to prevent the soil from drying out.

Tibetan raspberries are usually not propagated by seeds, although this is possible. Other propagation methods work faster and are more effective.

Protection from pests and diseases

The plant has personal pests that infect it specifically. One of them - weevil. He loves to eat young foliage and lay eggs in the buds of future flowers. As a result, the flower is damaged, dries out and falls off, and no fruit is formed.

The pest of Tibetan raspberries is the weevil!

Second pest - raspberry beetle. It also settles in buds in the spring and lays eggs. Larvae hatch and eat the tunnels in the set berries.

Raspberry beetle

Raspberry aphid. It is also called shoot because it damages new shoots and young leaves, sucking the juices out of them.

Shoot aphids destroy raspberries

  • curliness;
  • apical and root cancer;
  • anthracnose;
  • rust;
  • gray rot;
  • chlorosis.

Raspberry aphids need to be fought during flight. This happens in early spring, during the cherry blossom season, before it lays eggs. As a radical method, you can spray Tibetan raspberries with karbofos.

But, since there is a possibility that with the onset of spring, not only harmful, but also beneficial insects needed by the garden, it is better to use biological products such as Fitoverm and Agravertin.

Read more in our other article: Treatment of raspberries from diseases and pests

The raspberry beetle, like the weevil, lays larvae in a flower bud sometime in May. Therefore, treatment against raspberry aphids will also affect it. If not all beetles are destroyed by the biological product, the treatment can be repeated in early June.

If you do not want to treat the garden with any protective equipment, you can simply shake the beetles, along with the larvae, onto the litter in the morning from flower buds, and then destroy.

To prevent diseases of Tibetan raspberries, spraying with “Fitosporin” or 3% Bordeaux mixture helps well.

It is difficult to call the Tibetan raspberry a sensational discovery in gardening, but the plant is certainly of interest and is worth it, if there is free space on the plot, to start growing it.

The main thing is not to let it occupy the entire garden. The most reasonable thing is to limit the area with the Tibetan raspberry plantation with any fencing material about 50 cm high.

In three years, you will receive a dense array of raspberry trees, which will provide you with a generous harvest of exotic berries.

» Raspberry varieties

Raspberries are one of the most popular crops for growing among many summer residents. There are different varieties of this tasty and healthy berry.

One of the most unusual is Tibetan raspberry.

Tibetan raspberries are wild varieties of this crop.. The first mention of it as a garden plant was made in Japan in the 19th century; Northern China and the Himalayas are also considered its ancestral home.

The second name of this variety strawberry raspberry. It is due to the fact that this berry is a hybrid of two crops, both in appearance and taste.

The fruiting period lasts from mid-July until the onset of the first frost, from which we can conclude that such a plant brings a large amount of harvest.

Such a bush is characterized by frost resistance and unpretentiousness to weather conditions. It can be grown in almost any climate, the main thing is to maintain favorable conditions, such as the absence of harsh winds and preventing soil drought.

Characteristics of Tibetan roseleaf (strawberry) raspberry

In the wild, such raspberries can reach 3 meters in length, but garden, domesticated plants are more modest in size, reaching a height of no more than 1.5 meters. The crown creates a rounded shape.

Leaves- the biological name of such a shrub is rose-leaved raspberry, which clearly indicates the similarity of this indicator in the two crops.

The leaves are dark green with yellowish veins, collected in 5-7 pieces on one petiole, with small serrations along the edges.

Flowers– raspberries of this variety produce white, single flowers, which are large in size; they can be up to 5 centimeters in diameter. Consist of 5 petals.

The flowering period continues until mid-autumn and new inflorescences seem to replace already ripe berries.

Berries– juicy, have a sweet and sour taste and a delicate, strawberry aroma. The size of the berries can reach the size of a walnut, the color is coral-red.

From a distance, the fruits of Tibetan raspberries resemble strawberries, thereby causing bewilderment and envious glances from neighbors.

Spikes– large and sharp, are not the most pleasant distinctive feature of this variety.

When working with Tibetan raspberries, do not forget about the presence of thorns, always use rubber gloves and be extremely careful.

Advantages and disadvantages, useful properties

The fruits have an unusual taste, reminiscent of blackberry with slight notes of pineapple. This combination is rarely found in nature.

Appearance, long fruiting and flowering, which lasts from mid-summer until the end of September, make Tibetan raspberries an ideal addition to various landscape designs.

With its help you can build an alpine slide or make a hedge.

Easy to care for. This variety does not require special attention and constant monitoring. It is only necessary to water the bush on time so that it continues to delight with its appearance and tasty fruits.

Grows in almost any weather conditions. It has good frost resistance.

Poorly transportable, therefore Tibetan raspberries are extremely rare on store shelves.

Creeping of the root system is more of a disadvantage than an advantage, because if the disorderly growth is not stopped in time, you will have to dig up the area, making room for other crops.

Sharp thorns can easily injure a person, so working with this variety can be dangerous and unpleasant.

Features of planting a Chinese hybrid

When choosing seedlings, you must pay attention to their external condition. Any damage in the form of curled leaves or yellowing may indicate damage to the plant.

Such a bush is unlikely to be able to take root on the site and will soon die.

Depending on the climate, Tibetan raspberries can be planted both in sunny areas and in partial shade. It is worth noting that she loves warm and sunny weather. You should not choose low-lying places where melted snow and puddles accumulate after rain.

It is best to plant shrubs late September - early October. It is during this period that there is the greatest likelihood of maintaining the viability of the plant.

Prefers fertile lands with a neutral or alkaline reaction. For the best arrangement of raspberries in a new place, it is recommended to add one bucket of peat and half a bucket of manure humus to each planting hole.

It is better to arrange the bushes in rows, with the distance between plants being 80-100 centimeters, the depth of the hole should be 50 centimeters.

After placing the seedling in the hole, it must be covered with fertile soil and watered abundantly.

This variety has a very developed root system. And so that raspberries do not crowd out other crops it is necessary to provide clear growth boundaries.

To do this, a slate fence with a depth of 1 meter is dug along the perimeter of the planting.


Tibetan raspberries are not much different from other varieties of this plant. She is unpretentious and requires minimal attention.


The best thing carry out this procedure daily to prevent drying out. On average, one bush requires 10 liters of water.

In rainy weather, you don’t need to water raspberries at all, but in drought, the amount of moisture needs to be increased.

Tibetan raspberry does not tolerate dry and hot weather. Therefore, during such periods, in addition to root watering, rain watering is also carried out.

Top dressing

The plant needs to be fed twice a year.:

  1. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, ammonium sulfate granules should be scattered along the root zone.
  2. In autumn, potassium sulphide is used. It does not need to be diluted; it is used directly in dry form.

In order for the fertilizer to be as effective as possible, after the procedure it is necessary to cover the root zone with mulch from peat, manure or humus.


Tibetan raspberries have a very delicate and fragile root system, which is also located very close to the surface of the earth, so you need to loosen the soil very carefully.

The same goes for removing weeds. These actions are best done manually, without the use of special tools.

Preparing for winter

This variety does not require any special preparation or the creation of special shelters. In autumn, after the green part of the plant dies, it needs to be completely cut off, leaving branches 4-5 centimeters high.

After which they need cover with spruce branches and cover with soil. This preparation will help the shrub survive even the lowest temperatures.

Reproduction methods

Tibetan raspberries can be propagated using various techniques and technologies.


Autumn is considered the best time It is best to carry out the procedure after harvesting. It is necessary to dig up the bush and divide it into several parts, and each part must have a bud.

Then the resulting seedlings are placed in a hole whose size exceeds the dimensions of the roots. And at the end, all adult stems are cut off, leaving a small stump up to 3 centimeters high.

Rhizome shoots

Usually, around adult plants whose age exceeds five years, a lot of young growth accumulates.

It must be uprooted with a sharp shovel and the bush placed in a spacious planting hole.

This type of propagation is suitable for both autumn and spring.. The main thing is to make sure that the raspberries have either already died off or have not yet entered the active growth phase.


This method is the most complex of all presented., requires a lot of effort and patience:

  1. You need to carefully select seeds from overripe berries. To do this, the fruits need to be slightly crushed and left in this form for 2-3 days.
  2. After which the resulting slurry is washed using a sieve. The resulting seeds must be dried.
  3. Then they need to be placed in containers with sand to a depth of 2-3 mm.
  4. This design is placed in the refrigerator for a month, and then moved to room temperature.
  5. Then you need to monitor favorable soil moisture, and after 3-4 weeks the first shoots will appear.

Diseases and pests

In this aspect, Tibetan raspberries are not much different from other representatives of this culture.

  • DDT, Karbofos and Detoil solution will be effective for pest control;
  • A solution of copper sulfate or Brodsky liquid will help get rid of diseases;
  • the most practical method is to remove the infected parts of the plant. They must be burned, because using diseased branches and leaves to make composts or mulch can lead to a worsening situation.

The most common ailments that affect raspberries:

  1. Raspberry-strawberry weevil- it feeds on the leaves and flowers of the plant and can cause significant crop loss.
  2. Raspberry beetle- loves to eat fruits and leaves.
  3. Anthracnose- appears in the form of light brown oblong spots that gradually increase in size.
  4. Yellow mosaic.
  5. Root cancer- is a bacterial disease that affects the root system of young and weak plants.
  6. Chlorosis- yellowing and gradual death of the plant foliage begins.

Roseleaf raspberry (Tibetan or Chinese), description of properties:

Tibetan raspberry is a beautiful and unusual plant that combines the characteristics of two cultures. It does not require special care, but at the same time brings a good harvest.

Many gardeners consider themselves fans of this shrub for its incredible taste and beautiful appearance.

A rare and unusual plant for us, which has the name “Tibetan raspberry” (“strawberry Tibetan raspberry”), began to gain popularity relatively recently, so the question of the benefits and harms of the plant on the human body remains relevant. Before you start growing such raspberries or purchasing their berries, you need to understand the benefits of this plant.


What are the fruits of Tibetan raspberries? The berries resemble ordinary raspberries, only rounder, with many pimples on their surface. The taste is reminiscent of raspberries, strawberries and slightly wild strawberries combined, although many people argue that the berries do not have a distinct taste at all.

What are the benefits of eating Tibetan raspberries? The berries contain a large amount necessary components, including iron, folic acid, copper, iron, etc. The mentioned components serve to maintain the circulatory system in working order, preventing the development of diseases of the blood and the entire hematopoietic system, including large and small blood vessels.

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial effects of eating Tibetan raspberries on the body:

  • support the functioning of the circulatory system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and increasing their elasticity,
  • maintain the blood composition necessary for the body,
  • raise hemoglobin, preventing diseases such as anemia,
  • because of high content pectins from Tibetan raspberries help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restore gastric motility, normalize food digestion,
  • help fight diarrhea, increased gas formation,
  • an excellent remedy for the treatment of flu and colds, helps to avoid complications,
  • recommended as an antidepressant,
  • improves metabolism,
  • has a beneficial effect on boosting immunity,
  • Due to its low calorie content, Tibetan raspberries can be consumed by those who are prone to excess weight.


Composition (vitamins and minerals)

Tibetan raspberries contain a lot useful substances for the body, including iron, vitamin E, copper, folic acid. Tibetan raspberries contain a large amount of pectins, which are necessary for regulating the functioning of the intestinal tract.

vitamin and minerals quantitative content

per 100 grams of berries

what does it affect?
1 vitamin C

(ascorbic acid)

0.97 g supports the immune system, participates in the fight against infectious and colds
2 vitamin P


0.13 g an excellent antioxidant that can restore cellular structure and prevent the development of free radicals, which slows down the aging process
3 vitamin A


0.25 g regulates protein synthesis, participates in redox processes, supports epithelial tissues, participates in the synthesis of visual pigment
4 Iron 0.013 g supports the functioning of the circulatory system
5 Copper 0.027 g prevents early graying of hair, strengthening its structure, supports respiratory processes and the function of the endocrine glands
6 Potassium 0.11 g responsible for the functioning of cell membranes, helps ensure the optimal ratio of sodium and magnesium in the body

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Tibetan raspberries have no contraindications for consumption by pregnant and lactating women. On the contrary, their use will have a positive effect on the unborn child and the health of the mother.

How to use

Tibetan raspberries bear fruit from July until frost. Numerous large fresh fruits do not have a distinct taste, but when Tibetan raspberries are cooked into jelly and jam, an unusual pleasant aroma appears.

Some people use Tibetan strawberry raspberry and fresh: it is ground with sugar, seasoned with sweet yogurt, and mashed with cottage cheese.

What does it go with?

In Europe, Tibetan raspberry is known as an ingredient for vegetable salads, which are refueling olive oil, pepper, salt. Despite the unusual combination, dishes with this berry are distinguished by an unusually fresh and piquant taste. For example, a salad of tomatoes, onions and raspberries: take a half-liter jar of raspberries, wash and put in a salad bowl, add two finely chopped tomatoes and one onion. Season the mixture with pepper, salt and olive oil.

Curd salad with Tibetan raspberries is very healthy. This salad is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other auxiliary components, which is extremely beneficial for the body.

Tibetan raspberries are a sweet and sour berry, so they go well with the same sweet and sour fruits and berries:

  • apples,
  • strawberries,
  • plums,
  • apricots,
  • tangerines.
  • grapes, etc.

Nutritionists advise mixing these fruits and berries with each other, seasoning them with yogurt - the result is a tasty and healthy fruit salad. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

Also, Tibetan raspberries feel great in a pair:

  • With fermented milk products(for example, with kefir, yogurt, sour cream),
  • with protein foods that contain a lot of fat (cheese, fatty cottage cheese, nuts).

It is not recommended to consume Tibetan raspberries with protein foods such as fish, eggs, legumes and mushrooms, as they different speed digestion, which will adversely affect the digestive system.

How to store

Fresh Tibetan raspberries are stored in the refrigerator for about 2-3 days, but for harvesting winter period You can freeze the berries, in which case the shelf life is quite long - 9-10 months.

Tibetan raspberry - very healthy berry, goes very well with vegetables, fruits and cereals. It is very difficult to purchase berries through a retail network, because they are not grown on a production scale. There is only one way out - to grow Tibetan raspberry bushes in personal plots. By the way, they take root very well, multiply quickly and bear fruit abundantly, so to meet the need for Tibetan raspberries small area enough.

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Remontant raspberries have become one of the most popular and beloved crops in our gardens. Its fruiting period is extended, until late autumn, which greatly pleases adults and children. You can enjoy berries remontant raspberries almost the entire season. Varieties summer raspberries will delight you with an elegant taste and a large amount of harvest.

Seedlings are sold with ZKS and OKS.Such seedlings can easily withstand being sent by mail throughout Russia, including over long distances.

Raspberries "Indian Summer" remontant 250 rub.

The berries are large, weighing 4-5g, round in shape, bright raspberry color, good, truly raspberry taste, very aromatic. The bush is medium-sized. Fruits from early spring until autumn frosts. Productivity is high.

Raspberry "Abundant" 200 rub.

Aronia raspberries "Ugolek" 200 rub.

Raspberry "Orange Miracle" remontant 350 rub.

Roseleaf raspberry \ Miao Miao (Miao Miao) 200 rub. (mini-wholesale 150r)

Rubus rosefolius

Roseleaf raspberry (Rubus rosefolius) - subshrub, usually about 30 cm high, with good care can reach 1m. The shoots are hard, prickly, die off in the fall, and grow back in the spring.The leaves are odd-pinnate (like rowan), light green, turning pink-purple in autumn."Miao Miao" blooms with large (up to 5 cm) white flowers, from which large (about 4 cm in diameter), red, round berries are formed in 1.5 months. The taste is neutral, with a slight strawberry aroma. Reveal your taste injam, retain their shape and color, and look just great. Excellent for decorating various confectionery products.

Standard raspberries "Tarusa" 300 rub.

(raspberry tree)

Tarusa is one of the first mid-late standard raspberry varieties. Standard varieties of raspberries - do without support and without garter when growing.The shoots are straight-growing, thick, strong, without thorns. The leaves are large, dark green, with a corrugated surface.The height of standard raspberries is 1.5-2 m. The berries are large, weighing up to 12-15g, dense, and withstand transportation well. The taste of the berries is sweet with a pleasant “raspberry” aroma and juicy melting pulp. Suitable for fresh consumption and for all types of home processing (jams, preserves, marshmallows)