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Small orchard. Fairy tale “Fruit tree. How to choose seedlings

To do a great good deed for people, without shouting about it at every step, and so, by the way, is one thing, but to make a big name for yourself under the guise of good deeds is completely different. The path to good deeds is suggested by the heart, and not by the desire to become famous. People will already notice someone who knows how to do good.

« fruit tree»

He decided to plant large orchards, since in the warm climate where he lived, people large quantities ate fruit; and he could thus become a benefactor for people, and his name would become famous among posterity. Perhaps, most of all, he sought this latter, although he himself did not want to admit it even to himself.

But time passed, and the man thirsting for fame, no matter how strange it seemed to him, had no success in his good intentions. Either the worms ate all the leaves and flowers from his trees, or terrible storms broke the branches. So it went on year after year until he got tired of the unfruitful work.

Over the years, his soul became increasingly heavier. It seemed to the man that he had not done anything in the world that could matter to posterity. And in his old age he began to think more about real benefit deeds than about the praise that his actions could bring him.

To unwind, he once decided to visit his native places, where he played, studied, and lived. In his former home there were now strangers whom he did not know.

When he, after a long journey, reached his home, he found this place little changed. The only difference was that in front of the house there was a luxurious tall fruit tree, which, as far as he remembered, had never grown there before. Its branches were strewn with delicious fruits, which the hospitable hosts treated him to when he, tired and hungry, settled down to rest in the cool shade of a fruit tree.

“What a beautiful fruit tree you planted,” he exclaimed, sighing at the thought of his unfulfilled hopes. - Thanks to this, you have become benefactors for your neighbors and descendants.

“We didn’t plant it,” answered the owners of the house, “it was already growing here when we moved here, but we remember every day who planted it.” Passionately wanting to know his name, we went to one of the local old-timers, who had lived in this region since childhood.

At the old man's request, they named the person who planted the tree.

The old man perked up - it was his given name!

“It’s a mistake,” he said, stammering. “It’s definitely my name, but as a child I never planted any tree here.”

“However, you did it,” they answered, delighted that their guest was the same person. “The old-timer told us everything.” One day, when you were a little boy, you were given a large and tasty fruit, the kind that now grows on this tree. You were very happy and, as you were about to eat it, you saw a beggar boy standing in the doorway of the house and casting greedy glances at the fruit you were holding in your hand. Then you took a knife, cut the fruit in half and handed half to the poor boy.

The small seed, having then fallen to the ground, sprouted and took root. When you left the region, the poor boy, out of gratitude to you, looked after the plant until it turned into this luxurious tree that you now see in front of you. This boy was none other than the man who told us the story of the tree.

Then the old man bowed his head, crossed his arms, and tears of joy and gratitude flowed from his eyes. The dreams of his youth came true, albeit differently than he expected.

“My life, then, was not in vain,” he said, “and now I understand why what I planted in pride did not come up.” After all, the seeds that we sow, without knowing it, eventually bear the richest fruits.

Nina Balashova
Tales about vegetables and fruits


The Tale of Carrot

Once upon a time there was a carrot in Baba Varya’s garden. Her granddaughter Irinka saw her and asks:

Come visit more often.

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks turn red,

Eat carrots, drink my juice,

You will only be healthier! - the carrot answered her.

Irinka ran to Baba Varya and everything to her told.

Carrots contain a large number of vitamin A, which strengthens the body and protects it from infections, and also has a positive effect on vision. However, carrots are not only a piggy bank of vitamin A. They contain almost the entire vitamin alphabet - Grandma said.

Would you like us to prepare a delicious vitamin salad? – she asked.

Want Want! – Irinka shouted joyfully.

Then let's get to work!

We peel and peel the carrots,

We three or three carrots.

Sprinkle it with sugar

And pour some sour cream on it.

This is our salad

Rich in vitamins!

Irinka really liked the carrot salad. Since then they became friends.

The Tale of Apple

In the village Skazkino, an Apple grew in Baba Varya’s garden. His granddaughter Irinka saw him and asks:

I am strong, crispy,

The miracle is real.

Yellow and red -

The skin is satin.

The apple is ruddy

All the best for children! - answered the apple.

Irinka ran to Baba Varya and told about a wonderful fruit.

Apples are the most valuable fruit from our domestic fruits. Among fruit is, Can say, our daily bread. Fresh apples We haven’t had any translations for almost a whole year. They give strength, prolong youth and help fight diseases - said Granny Varya.

Apple - wonderful fruit

It grows here and there

Striped, colored

Fresh and bulk

Its juice is good for everyone,

Helps against diseases.

To be healthy and strong,

Gotta love apples

All without exception -

There is no doubt about it! – Irinka exclaimed.

Irinka decided that she would always eat apples and forget about her illnesses forever.

Pear - Fastunishka

In the village Skazkino, a huge pear grew in Baba Varya’s garden. She was so proud of her size that she gradually turned into a fast girl.

They call me a pear.

I'll tell you, and you listen:

Love me, children!

I am the most useful person in the world.

She loved to brag so much.

First everything fruits and the berries in the garden laughed condescendingly at her, but soon they got tired of it, and they decided to teach the fastunish girl a lesson.

All sizes and colors

Berries and fruits

We gathered for council,

To teach the ignorant a lesson.

They thought for a long time and came up with an idea. On weekends, Granddaughter Irinka came from the city to visit Grandma Varya. Her grandmother loved her very much and allowed her to tear any fruits and berries in the garden. Irinka loved pears very much. The conspirators decided to take advantage of this.

On Sunday, my granddaughter arrived and immediately ran to the garden. All fruits and the berries began to blow on the pear, our fastunishka could not resist and fell to the ground, right under Irinka’s feet.

What a huge pear, I’ll take it to Grandma Varya.

We'll bake a big pie

With pear filling,

Squeeze pear juice

In a glass for Irinka. – Grandma said

Like this fruits and the berries taught the fastushka a lesson!

Khrustik – Traveler

Once upon a time there lived a cucumber called Khrustik in the garden. He was a very curious little boy. Khrustik was interested in everything around him. Why does the sun shine only during the day? Where are the clouds going? Khrustik’s mother was often confused when she heard such questions.

One day Khrustik decided to leave the thickets of cucumber tops and go traveling. He so wanted to know what was happening beyond his home.

When the sun began to get hot and mom fell asleep in the shade under a leaf, Khrustik went on a journey.

The first thing he met on the way was a Tomato, big and red.

I'm a fat red tomato

I have loved children for a long time.

I am a chest of vitamins

Come on, take a bite of the barrel!

Let's be better friends with you! My name is Khrustik, I live in that garden bed over there.

Come on, come visit more often! – answered Tomato.

Who are you? - Khrustik asked him.

I am Carrot, red tail.

Come visit more often.

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks turn red,

Eat carrots, drink my juice,

You will only be healthier!

Let's be friends with you! My name is Khrustik, I live in that garden bed over there.

Come on, I have a lot of friends! - Carrot answered.

Then Khrustik noticed that the Sun began to hide behind the horizon. This means that night will come soon, and mom will worry.

Goodbye, I'll definitely come visit you tomorrow. Now it's time for me to go home! - said Khrustik hurried to his garden bed.

The Adventures of Tomatoes

In one small vegetable garden, the Pomodorchik family lived. The tomato grew up very greedy. His favorite words were words: "My!", "My!", "My!".

One day Pomodorochik was walking through the garden. Garlic runs towards him, carrying the harvest. "My!"- Tomato shouted and took away the harvest from Garlic. He was offended and cried.

The offended gathered vegetables and decided to teach the greedy a lesson.

I'll make everyone around me cry,

Although I am not a fighter, but the bow is said the offended bow.

Not a root, but in the ground,

Not bread, but on the table;

And I am a seasoning for food,

And to the greedy government - said the offended Garlic.

They say I'm bitter

They say I'm sweet

I'm growing in a garden bed.

I'm the most useful

I give my word to this,

Eat me with everything

I will cure you of anger

You will be healthy - said the offended Perchik.

They got together and caught the greedy man, and gave him such a hard time that Tomato begged for mercy. They believed him vegetables and given a chance to improve.

Since then, Tomato has changed to the delight of mom and dad.

The Adventures of Cherry.

In the village Skazkino, an old cherry tree grew in Baba Varya’s garden. In the spring it bloomed, and in the summer cherries ripened on it. The cherries grew, filled with juice and turned into rosy-cheeked beauties.

But one day an evil Breeze flew into the garden. He began to swing the branches of the old cherry tree. One Cherry could not resist and fell to the ground. She looked around and got scared. Everything around was unfamiliar and big.

The cherry rolled down the path. She rolls and rolls, and towards her there is a small Hedgehog:

Cherry - Cherry, I'll eat you!

Don't eat me, or you'll choke!

Cherry - Cherry, I'll eat you!

Don't eat me, or you'll choke!

Little Bear didn’t listen, ate the Cherry and choked. Little Bear coughed and began to cry. She came running to the noise Ursa:

What happened, son?

I choked on a cherry.

How many times have I told you that you need to spit out the bone!

And she began to clap the Bear on the back with her paw, sentencing:

Though round and smooth, red and sweet,

And to be happy, you have to spit out the bone!

Do you understand everything, son?

Yes, I understand, I understand! - answered the little bear and trotted after his mother

It is rare that the owner of a private house prefers not to plant fruit trees on his property. Everyone usually wants to have an orchard - trees are a delight in spring beautiful flowering and aroma, and fruits and berries from your own garden always seem much tastier than those bought in a store or market, and besides, you know that these are environmentally friendly products. In the art of Feng Shui, the image of a blooming orchard is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Planning a garden is a responsible matter; their growth and ability to bear fruit will depend on how correctly you plant the trees, so this task must be treated with great attention.

If you also want to grow vegetables in your garden, the layout of the garden and vegetable garden should be considered together. It is better to allocate space for the beds at the southern border, from north to south, this is better for crops growing in the middle zone. Some gardeners recommend placing beds from east to west. Behind the vegetable and strawberry (strawberry) beds are fruit bushes- currants, gooseberries. Trees are planted behind the bushes; light shade from trees will not harm berry bushes, and vegetable beds should be in the sun.

Example of vegetable bed design - they do not have to be square or rectangular shape, the original beds resemble flower beds

Before you start planning your garden, you need to take into account the following important factors:

  • What size is the area Can be allocated for an orchard. For trees with spreading crowns, a distance of 4 sq.m. will be required.
  • Terrain. For an orchard, flat terrain or a gentle slope would be ideal; cold air, excess moisture, these areas are unfavorable for fruit trees.
  • Soil analysis of your site. U fruit crops powerful root system, the soil must be fertile to provide it with good nutrition. Rocky, clayey, sandy soil is not suitable for a garden. The proximity of groundwater has a negative effect on tree growth.
  • Availability of heat and light. For most fruit trees, it is important to have plenty of light and heat; in the shade they grow and bear fruit much worse. It should also be said about areas with constant strong wind– the wind interferes with normal pollination, dries out the soil, often damages crops and breaks tree branches. A high fence or green spaces can partially protect from winds.

Planning begins with a diagram on paper. If there is already a house on the site, you need to start planning from there. A scale diagram of the site, the contours of the house and other buildings, as well as places where trees already grow, are drawn on paper.

This area is protected from the wind by trees planted around it, which have already grown enough to provide protection

If the site has not yet been developed, the location for building a house is marked on the diagram. The layout of the garden on the site assumes the presence of a front garden. The house should face the street, leaving a strip of land in front of it for the front garden. Its size depends on the area of ​​the plot - for some it is only a meter, for others it is 6-8 meters. Flowers, raspberries and berry bushes, in a large one - decorative trees, flowers or several fruit trees at the discretion of the owners.

For large fruit trees - apple trees, pears, allocate a place in the north-eastern side of the site, between them and fruit and berry bushes– space for smaller trees – cherries, plums.

An example of the layout of a garden and vegetable garden - the plot is divided into two parts. In the first half there is a house surrounded by a front garden and vegetable beds, the second half is an orchard with trees planted in rows

In general, it will be convenient to draw a plan of the site, mark on it all the existing buildings, the expected location of the garden and vegetable garden. On the site you need to mark holes for planting trees. Try to plant trees at a distance so that as they grow they do not shade each other. Clumped bushes and trees in the garden do not grow well; in addition, conditions are created for diseases garden crops. Fruit trees have a powerful root system and must develop freely.

Advice. If your site is overgrown with wild bushes, there are stumps on it that need to be uprooted, do necessary work and burn the wood debris. Collect the ash in a dry place; it will be useful when creating fertile beds.

Usually, the layout of an orchard involves planting trees in such a way that they do not shade the neighbors’ plots, but there are often cases when a tree grows right next to the fence, providing fruit to both the owners and neighbors, and no one has any complaints.

Today it is fashionable to give the beds original form, for example, a pizza garden. The highlight is that from round bed in the center the rest radiate like slices of pizza, forming a circle

Raspberries, blackberries or berry bushes are usually planted at the borders of the site, which bear fruit well even in the shade.

Landscape and regular planning

Below are examples of garden layouts for lovers of order and clarity of form and for those who like it when plants are in orchard They are also planted according to the scheme, but create the impression of natural areas.

Landscape planning involves the arrangement of trees and other crops in a free order, close to natural. In such a garden, in addition to fruit crops, decorative crops are also widely used.

Example open plan garden - vegetable beds on the left and top, fruit trees are planted in groups in the center and on the right

With regular planning, trees and shrubs, as well as vegetables in the garden, are planted in strict rows at the same distance. The landing scheme also has a strict geometric shape- a square for areas whose length and width are almost equal, and a rectangle for areas whose length is much greater than the width.

An example of a regular layout of a garden with a vegetable garden - clear geometry, the area is divided into regular squares, rectangles, plants are planted in rows

Where are the best crops to plant?

These are trees and shrubs that grow well and bear fruit in your latitudes. For middle zone these are pear trees, apple trees (it is advisable to plant several trees of different varieties), different varieties plums and cherry plums, cherries. Cherries and apricots will ripen in warm latitudes. Berry bushes - all varieties of currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries. If the area of ​​the plot is small, it is convenient to place shrubs around the perimeter.

If you plant several apple trees, including summer, autumn and winter apple trees, the fruits will delight you in different time of the year

Example interesting layout vegetable garden - paths diverge from a square of slabs in the center, between which there are beds, on each of the beds different crops are planted. Feel free to approach any of them

On vegetable beds crops that grow well in close proximity to each other should be planted nearby:

  • cabbage, cucumbers, peas;
  • white cabbage, dill, potatoes, onions, lettuce, celery;
  • tomatoes, peas, carrots;
  • horseradish, potatoes, beans, onions, cabbage.

When you draw a diagram, decide which plants to plant and in what quantity, you can begin marking the garden on the ground, buy seedlings and prepare the soil.


Retelling of the story "A Rich Harvest" using plot pictures.

1.Reading a story.
A bountiful harvest.
Once upon a time there lived hardworking goslings Vanya and Kostya. Vanya loved to work in the garden, and Kostya loved to work in the vegetable garden. Vanya decided to grow a crop of pears and grapes, and Kostya decided to grow a crop of peas and cucumbers. Vegetables and fruits have grown wonderfully. But then insatiable caterpillars began to eat Kostya’s harvest, and noisy jackdaws got into Vanya’s garden and began pecking at the pears and grapes. The goslings were not at a loss and began to fight the pests. Kostya called the birds to help, and Vanya decided to make a scarecrow. At the end of summer, Kostya and Vanya harvested a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. Now they were not afraid of any winter.

2. Conversation.
- Who is this story about?
- Where did Vanya like to work? What can it be called?
- Where did Kostya like to work? What can it be called?
- What did Vanya grow in the garden?
- What’s in Kostya’s garden?
- Who interfered with Vanya? Who is Kostya?
- What can you call caterpillars and jackdaws?
- Who helped Vanya get rid of the caterpillars?
- What did Kostya do to scare away the jackdaws?
- What were the hardworking goslings happy about at the end of summer?
3.Retelling the story.

Retelling the story "Swans" using plot pictures.

1.Reading a story.
Grandfather stopped digging, tilted his head to the side and listened to something. Tanya asked in a whisper:
- What's there?
And grandfather replied:
- Do you hear the swans trumpeting?
Tanya looked at her grandfather, then at the sky, then again at her grandfather, smiled and asked:
- So, do swans have a trumpet?
Grandfather laughed and replied:
- What kind of pipe is there? They just scream so long, so they say they are blowing trumpets. Well, do you hear?
Tanya listened. Indeed, somewhere high up, drawn-out, distant voices were heard, and then she saw the swans and shouted:
- See see! They fly like a rope. Maybe they will sit somewhere?
“No, they won’t sit down,” said grandfather thoughtfully. - They fly away to warmer climes.
And the swans flew further and further.

2. Conversation.
- Who is this story about?
- What was grandfather listening to?
- Why did Tanya smile at her grandfather’s words?
- What does “swans trumpet” mean?
- Who did Tanya see in the sky?
- What did Tanya really want?
- What did her grandfather answer?
3.Retelling the story.

Compiling the story “How the Sun Found a Shoe” based on a series of plot paintings.

1. Conversation on a series of paintings.
- Where did the boy Kolya walk?
- What was there a lot around the house?
- Why is Kolya standing in one shoe?
- What did Kolya do when he noticed that he didn’t have a shoe?
- Do you think he found it?
- Who did Kolya tell about his loss?
- Who started looking for a shoe after Kolya?
- And after grandma?
- Where could Kolya lose his shoe?
- Why did the sun find the shoe, but everyone else didn’t?
- Is it necessary to do what Kolya did?
2. Compilation of a story based on a series of paintings.
How the sun found a shoe.
One day Kolya went out into the yard for a walk. There were a lot of puddles in the yard. Kolya really enjoyed wandering through the puddles in his new shoes. And then the boy noticed that he didn’t have a shoe on one foot.
Kolya began to look for the shoe. I searched and searched, but never found it. He came home and told everything to his grandmother and mother. Grandma went into the yard. She searched and searched for the shoe, but never found it. My mother followed my grandmother into the yard. But she couldn’t find the shoe either.
After lunch, the bright sun came out from behind the clouds, dried up the puddles and found a shoe.

3.Retelling the story.

Common slide. Retelling based on the picture.

1. Conversation on the picture.
- What time of year is shown in the picture?
- By what signs did you guess that it was winter?
-Where are the children gathered?
- Think about who built the slide?
- Which of the children just came to the slide?
- Pay attention to the boys. What do you think they argued about?
- Look at Natasha. What does she tell the boys?
- How did this story end?
- Give the picture a title.
2. Sample story.
Common slide.
Winter came. White, fluffy, silver snow fell. Natasha, Ira and Yura decided to build a slide out of snow. But Vova did not help them. He was sick. It turned out to be a good slide! High! Not a hill, but a whole mountain! The guys took a sled and had fun riding down the hill. Three days later Vova came. He also wanted to sled down the hill. But Yura shouted:
- Do not dare! This is not your slide! You didn't build it!
And Natasha smiled and said:
- Ride, Vova! This is a shared slide.

3.Retelling the story.

Compiling the story “Family Dinner” based on a series of plot paintings.

1. Conversation on a series of paintings.
- What time of day do you think is shown in the pictures?
- Why do you think so?
- Where did Sasha and Masha come home from?
-Where did dad and mom come from?
- What is the name of evening reception food in the family?
- What did mom do? For what?
- What kind of work does Sasha do?
- What can you cook from potatoes?
- What is Anya doing?
- What will she do?
- Whom did you not see in the kitchen at work?
- What kind of work did dad do?
- When everything was ready, what did the family do?
- How can we finish our story?
- What do you think parents and children will do after dinner?
- What can we call our story?
2. Compilation of a story.
Family dinner.
In the evening the whole family gathered at home. Dad and mom returned from work. Sasha and Natasha came from school. They decided to cook a family dinner together.
Sasha peeled potatoes for mashed potatoes. Natasha washed the cucumbers and tomatoes for the salad. Mom went into the kitchen, put the kettle on the stove and began to brew tea. Dad took the vacuum cleaner and cleaned the carpet.
When dinner was ready, the family sat down at the table. Everyone was happy to see each other at a family dinner.

3.Retelling the story.

Making up a story" New Year on the threshold" based on a series of narrative paintings.

1. Conversation on a series of paintings.
- What holiday is approaching?
- How can you prove this?
- What are the guys doing?
- Name which ones Christmas decorations will they succeed?
- What do children use to make Christmas tree decorations?
- Do they work with pleasure or not?
- What kind of decorations did they get?
-Where did they hang their toys?
- How did the children spend the holiday?
-What were they wearing?
- What surprise awaited them at the end of the holiday?
2. Compilation of a story.
New Year is just around the corner.
Beloved was approaching children's party- New Year. And the tree stood in the corner and was sad. Olya looked at the tree and suggested:
- Let's decorate it not only with balloons, but also make toys ourselves!
The guys agreed. Each of them armed themselves with scissors, paints and colored paper. They worked with pleasure. Soon the bright, colorful decorations were ready. The children proudly hung their work on the tree. The tree sparkled and glowed.
The holiday has arrived. The guys put on fancy dress and went to the Christmas tree. They sang, danced and danced in a circle. Well, and of course, Grandfather Frost came to the children with long-awaited gifts.

3.Retelling the story.

A retelling of the story “How We Communicate”, compiled from individual plot pictures.

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1. Conversation.
- How do we communicate with each other if we are nearby?
- And if a person is not nearby, then what do we do?
- What can be classified as means of communication?
- What can be sent by mail?
How was mail delivered before?
- How did the telegraph work?
- How long does it take now to send a message?
- What do people use for this?
- How does the postal service deliver letters and greeting cards to us?
- Why do people write letters and greeting cards to each other?
2. Compilation of a story.
How do we communicate?
By talking, we communicate with each other. But sometimes close person is far away. Then telephone and mail come to the rescue. Having dialed the desired phone number, we will hear a familiar voice. And if you need to send a letter or a greeting card, you can go to the post office.
Previously, mail was delivered on horseback. Then the Morse telegraph machine appeared, and messages began to be transmitted over wires using electric current. Engineer Bell improved the Morse machine and invented the telephone.
Nowadays, messages with text and pictures can be transmitted very quickly. To do this, people use a cell phone and a computer. But even now people continue to write letters to each other, send greeting cards and telegrams by mail. Mail is delivered by cars, by railway or by air.

3.Retelling the story.

Compiling a story based on the plot painting “In a Living Corner.”

1. Conversation.
-Who do you see in the picture?
- Name the plants that are in the living corner.
- Do children like to work in a living area? Why?
- Who is working in the living area today?
- What are Katya and Olya doing?
- What kind of leaves does ficus have?
- Why does Dasha like to take care of fish? What are they?
- What should you do if a hamster lives in a living area? What is he like?
- What birds live in the living area?
- Where is the cage with the parrots? What parrots?
- How do the guys do their work?
- Why do they like to take care of animals and plants?
2. Compiling a story based on the picture.
In a living corner.
There are many plants and animals in the living area. Children enjoy watching and caring for them. Every morning when the guys come to kindergarten, they go to the living corner.
Today Katya, Olya, Dasha, Vanya and Natalya Valerievna are working in the living corner. Katya and Olya are caring for a ficus: Katya wipes its large shiny leaves with a damp cloth, and Olya waters the plant. Dasha likes fish: they are very bright and happily eat the food that she pours into the aquarium. Vanya decided to take care of the hamster: he cleans its cage and then changes the water. Natalya Valerievna feeds motley parrots. Their cage hangs high and the kids can’t reach it. Everyone is very focused and trying to do their job well.

3.Retelling the story.

Compiling the story “The Hare and the Carrot” based on a series of plot paintings.

1. Conversation on a series of paintings.
- What time of year is shown in the picture?
- What can you say about the weather?
- How much does a snowman cost?
- Who ran past the snowman?
- What did he notice?
- What did the bunny decide to do?
- Why couldn’t he get the carrot?
- What did he plan next?
- Did the ladder help him get to the carrot? Why?
- How has the weather changed compared to the first picture?
- What can you say about the mood of the bunny in the second picture?
- What's going on with the snowman?
- How does the sun shine in the third picture?
-What does a snowman look like?
- What is the bunny's mood? Why?
2. Compilation of a story.
Hare and carrot.
Spring has come. But the sun rarely peeked out from behind the clouds. The snowman that the children made in winter stood there and didn’t even think about melting.
One day a bunny ran past the snowman. He noticed that the snowman had a tasty carrot instead of a nose. He started jumping up and down, but the snowman was tall and the bunny was small, and he couldn’t get the carrot.
The bunny remembered that he had a ladder. He ran into the house and brought a ladder. But even she didn’t help him get the carrots. The bunny became sad and sat down next to the snowman.
Then the warm spring sun peeked out from behind the clouds. The snowman slowly began to melt. Soon the carrot ended up in the snow. The joyful bunny ate it with pleasure.

3.Retelling the story.

A retelling of the fairy tale "Spikelet" using a series of plot paintings.

1.Reading a fairy tale.
2. Conversation.
-Who is this fairy tale about?
- What did the little mice do all day?
- What can you call the mice, what are they like? And the cockerel?
- What did the cockerel find?
- What did the little mice propose to do?
- Who threshed the spikelet?
- What did the little mice propose to do with the grain? Who did it?
- What other work did the cockerel do?
- What were Krut and Vert doing at that time?
- Who was the first to sit down at the table when the pies were ready?
- Why did the little mice’s voices become quieter after each question from the cockerel?
- Why didn’t the cockerel take pity on the mice when they left the table?
3.Retelling a fairy tale.

Compiling the story “Where the bread came from” based on a series of plot paintings.

1. Conversation.
- What time of year is shown in the first picture?
- Where does the tractor work? What is the name of the profession of a person who works on a tractor?
- What work does the tractor do?
- What is the name of the technique that you see in the third picture? What work does a seeder do?
- What work does the plane do? Why do you need to fertilize the field?
- When does wheat ripen?
- What is used to harvest wheat? What is the name of the profession of a person who works on a combine?
-What is bread made from?
- What needs to be done with wheat grains to make flour?
- Where are the buns and loaves baked? Who bakes them?
-Where is the bread taken then?
- How should you treat bread? Why?
2. Compilation of a story.
Where did the bread come from?
Spring has come. The snow has melted. Tractor drivers went out into the field to plow and loosen the soil for future grain. The grain growers poured grain into seeders and began to scatter it across the field. And then a plane took off into the sky to fertilize the wheat field. The fertilizer will fall into the ground, and the wheat will grow and ripen. By the end of summer, the wheat field will be in full bloom. Combine operators will go out into the field. Harvesters will float across a wheat field, as if across a blue sea. The threshed grain is ground into flour. In the bakery they will bake it into warm, fragrant, delicious bread and take you to the store.

3.Retelling the story.

Compiling a story based on the plot of the picture "Home Alone" with inventing the beginning of the story.

1. Conversation.
-Who do you see on the go-kart?
- What toys do you see in the picture?
- Which of the children likes to play with the teddy bear? Who's with the cars?
- What is mom’s mood? What is she unhappy about?
- When could this happen?
- Where do you think mom went?
-Who was left at home alone? What did the children promise their mother?
- What did Katya do? And Vova?
- Whose beads are scattered on the floor?
- Do you think mom allowed me to take beads?
-Who took them?
- Why were the beads torn?
- How did the children feel when their mother returned?
2. Compilation of a story.
Alone at home.
Mom went to the store to do some shopping. And Katya and Vova were left at home alone. They promised mom that everything would be fine. Katya took her favorite bear and began to tell him a story, and Vova played with cars.
But suddenly Katya saw her mother’s beads. She really wanted to try them on. She took the beads and began to try them on. But Vova said that mother did not allow Katya to touch them. Katya did not listen to Vova. Then Vova began to remove the beads from Katya’s neck. But Katya didn’t let them take them off.
Suddenly the thread broke and the beads scattered on the floor. At this time, mom returned from the store. Vova hid under the blanket out of fear, and Katya stood and looked guiltily at her mother. The children were very ashamed that they had not kept their promise.

3.Retelling the story.

Compiling the story “The Border of the Motherland is Locked” based on a series of plot paintings.

1. Conversation.
-Who do you see in the first picture?
-Where are they going?
- What did the border guard notice?
- Who did he show the tracks to?
- Who did the tracks lead to?
- What does the offender have in his hands?
- Look at the second picture. What can you say about Trezor? Why is he so angry?
- What did the intruder do when Trezor attacked him?
- What can you call the border guard and Trezor, what are they like?
- If all defenders are like this, then what will our Motherland be like?
2. Compilation of a story.
The border of the Motherland is locked.
The border of our Motherland is guarded by border guards. One day, soldier Vasily and his faithful friend, the dog Trezor, went out on patrol. Suddenly the border guard noticed fresh tracks. He showed them to Trezor. Trezor immediately followed the trail.
Soon the border guard and Trezor saw the border violator. He was armed, and when he saw the border guard and Trezor, he pointed a pistol at them. Trezor became tense and attacked the criminal. He grabbed the intruder by the hand, and he dropped the gun in fright. Faithful friends arrested the offender.
Let everyone know that the border of our Motherland is locked.

3.Retelling the story.

My garden is seven years old. When I started planning it, I was in the grip of enthusiasm: I wanted to plant everything. After all, there are so many different fruit trees in the world: it’s difficult to give preference to just one! But how to squeeze everything that the imagination draws into the limited space of the site?

Photo: Oksana Panfilova

Density limit

Now, after the passage of time, I have to admit that, due to inexperience, I got carried away with the planting density of fruit trees: I chose a 2x2 m scheme, with a 1 m shift in next row. Now I think it's too dense.

Chance intervened. Several years ago there was a winter invasion of mice; they gnawed heavily at the bases of young trees. Not everyone survived the damage. By a happy coincidence, the trees died not in a row, but one at a time. And we planted currant bushes instead. This arrangement seemed to me more successful: on the one hand, there is more space for the crown of trees, on the other, the plantings are quite dense. In this case, a checkerboard pattern is formed by alternating bushes and trees.

Planting patterns in our amateur gardening- sensitive subject. Small areas do not agree with the understandable desire to have both this and that in the garden. The author’s current arrangement of plants is quite reasonable from the point of view of space for crown development, however, in my opinion, it is still better to plant berry bushes separately from fruit trees. For example, it is often necessary to carry out chemical treatment trees at a time when shrubs do not need spraying, and there are only a few days left before harvesting. And because of the wind, the likelihood of the drug getting on the currants during processing is quite high.

“We can only trim the crown, not the roots. Therefore, the above-ground parts are much smaller than the root system, and it is easier for such a plant to feed itself,” says Oksana. But in fact, the aboveground and underground parts are closely interconnected and always strive to balance each other. By limiting the size of the crown, you automatically slow down the growth of roots. Therefore, fertilizing must correspond to the external dimensions of the plant.

Does the garden have enough food? Since we have poor sandy soils, we are guided by the principle of “fractional ration”, because otherwise everything is simply washed away by rains, without having time to reach the plants.

This approach to fertilizing is very advisable even on heavier soils, where the likelihood of leaching into deeper layers is much lower. It is especially good if fertilizing is timed to coincide with periods of higher plant need for nutrients and rain or watering.

Growth under control

When I was thinking about how to make the garden compact, the decision came with the purchase of pruners: I need to “manually” control the growth of the trees! There was another consideration in favor of “cruel treatment” of plants: at that time my children were small, and I really wanted them to be able to pick an apple, pear, plum and cherry themselves whenever they wanted. I saw many old gardens: in search of light, branches rushed high into the air and harvesting turned into tightrope sketches. No matter how abundant the harvest was on such trees, it was impossible to harvest it normally and completely. And it was important for us that during the summer one thing or another ripened, which could be eaten immediately (the leftovers could be used for juice). Fortunately, almost all modern varieties of fruit trees are grafted onto semi-dwarf or dwarf rootstock. This made the task half easier.

Let me clarify: in our time, many (but not all!) seedlings are grown on dwarf or semi-dwarf rootstocks, regardless of whether it is a modern variety or an ancient one. It is quite possible to find such material in serious nurseries.

It turned out to be easiest to prune pears: they have a fairly compact crown and not too much shoot formation. The main task was to transfer the branches to external buds in order to expand the crown. Apple trees were more labor-intensive because they produced more shoots.

The described situation is valid only for the set of varieties that was at the disposal of the housewife. A pear with restrained growth is atypical: most representatives of this culture are just powerful and dense trees. In addition, you will not find a pear on a weak-growing rootstock for central Russia during the day with fire - such rootstocks have not yet been bred. Apple trees come not only with strong branching: there are many varieties with low shoot-forming ability.

The most trouble was caused by cherries, plums and cherry plums: we competed with them to see who could outrun whom. From time to time they burst forward, and then I had to thin out the crown, cutting out whole mountains of young shoots. It is important that the branches do not intersect or grow inward, and also do not spread too far to the sides, blocking the passages between plants. By pruning, I directed the branches in the desired direction and limited their growth and number.

The shoot-forming ability of stone fruits is indeed much higher than that of pome fruits, and they produce stronger shoots. But they also have varietal differences, especially cherries. And this is where the danger lurks for inexperienced gardeners who are overly focused on thinning the crown. The so-called bush cherry varieties lay flower buds and produce a harvest mainly on the shoots of the previous year. With this type of fruiting, you should not get carried away with strong thinning, so as to, as they say, “not throw out the baby with the bathwater.”

In addition, I shortened the gains quite a lot. The effect was expected: many new shoots appeared at the pruning site. Of these, the most successful one was selected and after 3-4 weeks the rest were removed. So I slowed down the growth of the shoot I needed and did not let me spend nutrients wasted on those shoots that are still in the fall or in early spring would have been deleted. By the dormant period, all the shoots had time to ripen and survived the winter well.

Formation through various manipulations with non-lignified green shoots in home gardening is worthy of attention and wide application.

In a couple of years I plan to cut out a center conductor for each tree. better lighting the middle of the crown, so that the harvest is not only on the periphery. The experiment continues!

As for stone fruits, this approach seems quite reasonable. But I wouldn’t recommend doing this with apple and pear trees: it won’t give any special advantages, but it may increase the labor intensity of subsequent maintenance of the crown in proper order.

Expert advice

The story and photographs show that the formation of the plants was done quite competently. However, I would suggest a slightly different approach: reduce the number of skeletal branches while maintaining the same crown volume through branches of higher orders. I think that this would make the process of forming trees less labor-intensive. And it was hardly worth fighting so zealously with growing shoots; it was quite possible to get by with weaker shortening and, to some extent, wait-and-see tactics. As practice shows, a significant part of the shoots grow actively in the first years, then their growth becomes more restrained.