home · On a note · Generating electricity from air and earth. How to get electricity from thin air with your own hands. Free energy from atmospheric electricity

Generating electricity from air and earth. How to get electricity from thin air with your own hands. Free energy from atmospheric electricity

Due to the constant rise in energy prices, more and more attention is paid to the so-called electrical energy. This question has long been of concern not only to amateurs who are making efforts to create energy installations. Scientists are also working on this problem, developing real schemes for generating alternative electricity.

Experiences of famous scientists

I was one of the first to become interested in this problem. He planned to transfer electricity production from air to industrial basis. Most of Nikola Tesla's experiments were devoted to free form electricity. He believed solar energy to be the main reason for its appearance out of nowhere.

As a result of studying free energy, Tesla created a device that would allow us to obtain electrical energy directly from the earth and air. The transfer of the received energy over a distance was also provided. This invention was patented under the name of an apparatus using radiant energy.

Already in our time, inventor Stephen Mark created a device that produces electricity in sufficient quantities. It is called a toroidal generator capable of efficiently powering different kinds consumers, including incandescent lamps and even complex household appliances. This generator can operate for a long time and does not require any external recharge. Its main operating principle is resonant frequencies, magnetic vortices and current shocks in the metal.

How to actually get electricity from thin air

The experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla prove that you can get electricity from the air with your own hands completely freely. This has become especially relevant nowadays, when the entire atmosphere is constantly permeated by large quantities various energy fields. They are created by broadcast towers and other devices that produce radiation.

Generating electricity from air does not require any complex circuitry. As a rule, the ground is used as a base, above which it rises. metal plate, playing the role of an antenna. Between them there is static electricity that accumulates over time and has a certain potential. At certain time intervals, discharges of electricity occur that can be used. At its core, this is a lightning effect, which poses a certain danger when working with it.

The search for new energy sources is constantly underway in modern science. Static electricity present in the air could be one of them. This has now become a reality.

There are two known methods: wind generators and atmospheric fields. The energy of the Earth is no less interesting. The “eternal” electricity extracted from it would help save conventional electricity, the cost of which is increasing. Sometimes it is necessary to obtain even tiny amounts of it.

Prey from the air

Atmospheric electricity may well be used. Many are attracted by the opportunity to put natural elements at their service during a thunderstorm.

The atmosphere also contains waves from the planet's field. It turns out that electricity can be extracted from the air on your own, without using highly complex devices.

Some methods are as follows:

  • lightning batteries use the property electric potential accumulate;
  • a wind generator converts wind power into electricity, operating for a long time;
  • ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier) is a popular household appliance;
  • Stephen Mark's TPU (toroidal) electricity generator;
  • Kapanadze generator is a fuel-free energy source.

Let's take a closer look at some of the devices.

Wind generators

A popular and well-known source of energy obtained from wind is a wind generator. Such devices have long been used in many countries.

Installation in singular provides limited power supply needs. Therefore, it is necessary to add generators if it is necessary to provide energy to a large enterprise. In Europe, there are entire fields with wind turbines that do not harm the environment at all.

It is worth noting: A disadvantage may be the inability to calculate in advance the voltage and current values. Consequently, it is impossible to say how much electricity will accumulate, since the action of the wind is not always predictable.

Lightning batteries

A device that accumulates potential using atmospheric discharges is called a lightning battery.

The device circuit includes only a metal antenna and grounding, without complex converting and accumulating components.

Potential appears between the parts of the device, which then accumulates. The impact of natural elements cannot be accurately determined preliminary calculation And given value also unpredictable.

It is important to know: this property is quite dangerous when implementing the circuit with your own hands, since the created circuit attracts lightning with a voltage of up to 2000 Volts.

Toroidal generator S. Mark

The device, invented by S. Mark, is capable of generating electricity some time after it is turned on.

The TPU (toroidal) generator can power household appliances.

The design consists of three coils: internal, external and control. It acts due to emerging resonant frequencies and magnetic vortex, promoting the formation of current. Having drawn up the diagram correctly, you can make such a device yourself.

Generator Kapanadze

Inventor Kapanadze (Georgia) reproduced a free energy generator, the development of which was based on the mysterious N. Tesla transformer, which provides much greater output power than in the circuit current.

The Kapanadze generator is a fuel-free device that is an example of new technologies.

Starting is carried out from the battery, but further work continues autonomously. The body concentrates energy extracted from space and the dynamics of the ether. The technology is patented and not disclosed. It's practically new theory electricity and wave propagation, when energy is transferred from one particle of the medium to another.

Mining from the Earth

Despite the fact that the Earth's energy reserves are very large, it is very difficult to obtain. It is unrealistic to do this with your own hands if we are talking about a sufficient quantity for industrial purposes.

But electricity from the planet, it magnetic field possible to get on our own in small portions, sufficient to light an LED flashlight and not fully charge the phone. One hopes that being able to take these small portions will not harm the globe.

Galvanic method (with two rods)

There is a known method of generating electricity based on the interaction of two rods in a salt solution (electroplating).

A potential difference appears between rods of different metals in the electrolyte.

The same parts (made of aluminum and copper) can be immersed 0.5 meters into the ground by watering the space between them with a salt solution (electrolyte). This is a way to get some free electricity.

From grounding

Another method allows you to collect electricity from grounding when used by various consumers.

For example, in a private house, the power supply is equipped with a grounding loop, onto which some of the electricity flows when the load is turned on. Specifically, alternating current goes along the wires: “phase” and “zero”, the second of which is grounded and most often not dangerous. And an electric shock can be obtained from a phase wire.

Take into account: You should not try to get electricity in a similar way at home if you lack knowledge. If you confuse the “phase” grounding wire with the “zero” one, from which this energy can be obtained, a current shock will occur throughout the building.

The amount of electricity taken from neutral wire, much less than from solar battery. (From the editor: experimenting with this method is extremely dangerous and is strictly not recommended).

other methods

Free electricity is also required for garden plot, in connection with which one of the craftsmen claims: its extraction is possible if half-mystical methods are used. Namely: homemade pyramids can give it for free.

Having read about the unusual properties of these structures, he built a 3 by 3 meter pyramid and began doing real tests. That is, to try to prove: it is impossible to obtain energy from “nothing”, limited space or from outer space.

Perhaps with humor, but, according to a private summer resident, assembled from aluminum foil and a gel battery (energy storage device), the generator powered the lamps on the site. In a word, free (or rather, cheap) money flowed out of the pyramid. Electric Energy, current

Further, the summer resident assures that the construction of such structures from wood or other insulating materials The whole village became interested. Allegedly, there is a real opportunity to take energy from the pyramid for free.

However, serious scientific research is being conducted in the field of obtaining small electricity from waste products of plants passing into the ground.

Such sources that provide eternal electricity, that is, working with energy replenishment, are used in humidity control systems. Judging by the fact that experiments are carried out on potted plants, such devices can be made and tested independently.

Stations are successfully extracting heat from the depths of the Earth geothermal energy in California, Iceland. The subsoil and volcanoes are used to generate hundreds of MW of electricity in the same way as is done through the sun and wind.

In practice, residents of areas with volcanic activity can make their own, for example, a geothermal pump for heating. And it's warm by known methods can be turned into electricity.

Many scientists and inventors are looking for a path to energy independence, be it light, heat, atmospheric phenomena or cold photosynthesis. With rising electricity prices, this is quite appropriate. Some methods have long become a reality and help to obtain energy even on a significant scale.

Inventors and scientists are developing projects based on currents in earth's mantle, a stream of particles in the form of the solar wind. The planet is believed to be a large spherical capacitor. But it has not yet been possible to figure out how its charge is replenished.

In any case, a person has no right to significantly interfere with nature, trying to discharge this energy reserve, without thoroughly studying the process, taking into account the consequences.

Watch the video in which the user explains how to make a wind generator without much expense and get the free electricity you want:

We present to your attention interesting solutions for low-current electrical appliances - flashlights, chargers, lighters. The article provides detailed photos and video instructions on how to assemble original sources of electricity from improvised materials with your own hands.

It's no secret that energy literally surrounds us and its carriers can be not only valuable minerals - oil, gas, coal, but also metals, carbohydrates, objects moving due to natural causes. Let's take a closer look at how electrical energy can be extracted from available means.

In this section, we will clearly demonstrate the ability to extract electricity using chemical and electrolytic reactions.

Carbon batteries made from aluminum cans

You can make ordinary carbon batteries yourself. For this we need:

  1. Two 0.5 liter tins of drinks.
  2. Two graphite rodØ 15-20 mm length along the height of the can + 20-30 mm.
  3. Regular coal or ash.
  4. Paraffin or wax.
  5. Some copper wires, knife.

The method involves recreating miniature batteries for household appliances in an enlarged form.


  1. Cut off the tops of the cans, leaving the sides.
  2. Place 30 mm thick foam on the bottom.
  3. Install the rods inside the cans, sinking them into the foam.
  4. Fill your sinuses with coal. There should be 10-15 mm left to the edge of the jar.
  5. Fill your sinuses with salted water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter).
  6. Pour melted paraffin or wax into the empty space in the jar (to the top).

Each of the cans will be identical in energy intensity to one AA battery 1.5 V. They can be connected in series, recharged and used in household appliances— clock, receiver, LED lamps.

Batteries from tin cans— step-by-step video

Electricity from oxidation

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are sources of energy for the human body. It is extracted due to reactions taking place in the stomach and intestines. Namely, when stomach acid acts on a carbohydrate, the energy contained in it is released. What if you try to replace stomach acid with a more familiar one - acetic acid?

For the experiment we will need:

  1. Refined sugar - 2 pieces.
  2. Anodized screws 15 mm - 2 pcs. (copper-plated and galvanized).
  3. LED light bulb 1.5 V with wires.


  1. Drill (not all the way!) holes in the sugar.
  2. Carefully, so as not to crush the refined sugar, screw in the screws.
  3. We connect the light bulb wiring to the screw heads.
  4. We moisten the refined sugar with vinegar.

Video on how to extract electricity from sugar

Of course, the point here is not sugar, but the chemical process of oxidation of copper and zinc. Refined sugar is only a means to retain acid. At the point of contact between the oxidized surfaces and the acid, an electrochemical reaction occurs, releasing a small amount of energy. Theoretically, refined sugar can be replaced with a dense sponge, but over time the screws will completely oxidize and become unusable.

This effect is described more clearly and accurately in a similar experiment with lemons.

Electricity from lemon - video tutorial

And absolutely folk way using potatoes.

Video - how to extract current from potatoes

Emergency power source

The principle described above can be used to create charger from improvised means. To do this, you will need simple parts that can be found in the remaining material for disposal after repairs.

To create an energy source you will need:

  1. U-shaped galvanized hangers for drywall (thickness does not matter) - 10 pcs.
  2. Thin copper wire— 15 m.
  3. Thin cotton fabric - several scraps, in as a last resort- toilet paper.
  4. Threads.
  5. Water, salt.

Work progress (for one battery):

1. Wrap the plates with cloth (or paper) in 2 layers.

2. Wrap the wire over the fabric (not tightly, the fabric should be visible).

3. Release copper wires from each element.

4. Wrap the element in fabric again and secure with threads.

5. Moisten the cloth with salted water and keep it wet.

One element produces approximately 0.33 V. To light an LED, 5 elements are enough; to recharge a phone, 13-14 pieces are enough.

Electricity will be generated while the oxidation reaction is taking place, i.e. as long as there is an electrolyte (salt water) between different metals. If the element is dry, just moisten it and the reaction will resume until brine will not corrode the zinc coating. Ideally, it is better to use all-zinc plates.

You can take individual parts and salt with you on a hike or keep ready-made items along with a candle in case of a power outage. When darkness falls, all that remains is to connect them together and moisten them.

Pneumatic lighter

The gases included in the composition atmospheric air, There is general property- they can become very hot when the pressure increases. This effect can be used to make an “eternal” lighter. The manufacturing method will require the skills of a mechanic.

To work you will need:

  1. Kernel round section, possibly made of soft metal (copper, aluminum) Ø 30 mm and length 200 mm.
  2. Steel rod Ø 10 mm and length 200 mm.
  3. Rubber rings from a plumbing kit.
  4. Cotton fabric, foil.
  5. Access to lathe.


  1. Drill out the thick rod to the diameter of the thin one + 1 mm (cylinder).
  2. Make grooves on the thin rod (piston) for the compression rings.
  3. Drill a hole at the end of the piston.
  4. Install the rubber rings into the grooves.
  5. Wrap the fabric in foil and burn it over a fire (tinder).

In order to use the lighter, you need to place tinder in the recess of the piston and insert it into the cylinder. Then sharply apply force along the piston axis and remove it from the cylinder. The tinder at the end will smolder and a flame can be fanned from it. It is this effect that is used in diesel engines.

Pneumatic lighter in action on video

The examples described above may not have high practical value, but they clearly demonstrate the possibilities of obtaining alternative energy to solve daily problems. In the following articles we will look at other ways to realize natural and magnetic energy.

The very idea of ​​a device for obtaining free energy from the ether was invariably in great demand. Not only amateurs, but also many eminent scientists have seriously and not without success dealt with this issue. Nowadays, there are no fewer people who want to develop such an installation and make it themselves. Today you can try to obtain energy from the ether for your home using simple and affordable schemes.

Science does not provide an intelligible definition of either field or energy. But she clearly formulates - energy does not come from nowhere and does not disappear anywhere. Trying to extract “energy from nothing,” we can only try to “fit in” to the process of its natural transformation from one type to another.

Energy is determined by useful work, and the field is determined by the spatial characteristics of the influence of its source. And static electric charge, both the dynamic magnetic effect around a current-carrying conductor and the heat of a heated body are considered fields.

Any field can perform useful work, therefore, transfer part of your energy. It is this property that prompts us to look for sources of free energy in various fields. It is believed that there is many times more such energy than in traditional sources mastered by mankind.

For example, we know how to use the gravitational energy of the huge Earth, but we do not know how to extract it from the attraction of a tiny stone. It's too small to make sense, but it's practically inexhaustible. If we come up with some way to extract it from a stone, we will get a new source of energy.

This is roughly what researchers and developers of all kinds and stripes are doing in an attempt to extract “energy from nothing.” The field from which various prospectors strive to learn how to extract an energy resource is what they call ether.

Ether and its properties

Many of his developments are considered lost since his death.. Some of them are known exclusively as principles, others - only in general outline. However, many current designers are trying today to reproduce Tesla's discoveries and devices, taking advantage of modern scientific and technological discoveries.

Most of Tesla's ideas are based on extracting it from the fields formed by the interaction of the Earth with its ionosphere. This system is considered as a large capacitor, in which one plate is the Earth, and the other is its ionosphere, irradiated by cosmic rays. Like any capacitor, such a system constantly accumulates charge.

And those developed according to Tesla’s ideas are different homemade devices designed to extract this energy.

Current and classic developments

Modern discoveries and technological developments provide a wide field of activity in obtaining “cold electricity”. In addition to devices based on Tesla’s ideas, today such developments for obtaining “energy from emptiness” as:

All these methods have their adherents, but most of them are quite resource-intensive and costly. It is also important that they require deep specialized knowledge and ingenuity. All this makes such construction at home difficult. Energy from the ether can be obtained with your own hands using simple and affordable schemes. Their implementation will not require deep knowledge or high costs, but some adjustment, configuration and calculations will still be needed.

Not all such developments can be called extracting “ethereal energy”. From the point of view of the absence of resource consumption for electricity generation, they can rightly be called extracting “energy from nothing.” The energy carriers of these systems are not destroyed during the transfer of energy - after giving it away, they immediately accumulate it again. The system itself can generate electricity, if not forever, then at least for a very, very long time.

Air thrust energy

This idea is a typical example of such a device. It is not, in the strict sense of the word, a way to extract energy from the ether. It is, rather, a way to obtain it simply, cheaply and for a long time.

To implement it you will need tall pipe, 15 meters or more. This pipe is installed vertically. The bottom and top holes must be open. Electric motors with propellers of the appropriate diameter are installed inside it, which should easily spin with the rotor. The upward flow of air rotates the blades and rotors of electric motors, and electricity is generated in the stator.

Uncomplicated home mini-power station

One of the most basic devices can be made independently from a computer cooler (Fig. 1). It uses such modern development as neodymium magnets.

To make it you need:

Such a power station allows a small light bulb connected to it to work. Taking a larger and more motor strong magnets, you can get more electricity.

Application of magnets and flywheel

The capabilities of such a power plant are significantly increased by using the inertia of a heavy flywheel. Simplified model This design is shown in Fig. 2.Today, there are a lot of developments - including patented similar designs with a horizontal and vertical flywheel arrangement. They all have general scheme devices.

The main part is the flywheel drum, around the circumference of which there are quite powerful neodymium magnets. Along the circle of movement of the rotor-flywheel there are several electric coils, acting as an electromagnet and an electricity generator (stator). The kit also includes a battery and a device for switching the direction of voltage supply.

Once started, the flywheel, rotating in a circle, excites an electromagnetic field in the coils with its magnets. This leads to the appearance of an electric current in the conductor, which is supplied to charge the battery. Periodically, part of the generated electricity is used to push the flywheel. The efficiency of such a mechanism declared by the developers is 92%.

In both of these devices, energy is generated due to rotational inertia and relatively recently developed powerful magnets. Understanding the principle of operation of the device, you can try to make it yourself at home. According to the designers, it can be used to generate up to 5 kWh of useful power.

Simple Tesla Generator

Today's airspace is much more ionized than in Tesla's time.

The reason for this is the existence of a huge number of power lines, sources of radio waves and other causes of ionization. Therefore, an attempt to obtain electricity from the ether with your own hands using the simplest designs according to Tesla’s ideas can be very effective.

It is better to start independent experiments with devices available for making at home. One of them - simple transformer Tesla. This device allows you to literally “get energy from thin air.” His circuit diagram shown in Fig. 3.This setup uses two plates. One is buried in the ground, and the other rises to a certain height above its surface.

Potentials accumulate on the plates, as in a capacitor. opposite sign. The device itself consists of a starting power source (12 V battery) connected through a spark gap to primary winding transformer, and a capacitor connected in parallel. The accumulated charge of the plates is removed from secondary winding transformer.

This design is dangerous because it actually simulates the occurrence of an atmospheric lightning discharge, and work with such an installation must be carried out in compliance with all safety measures.

Using this design, you can generate a small amount of electricity. For more serious purposes, it will be necessary to use more complex and expensive schemes to implement. In this case, you also cannot do without sufficient knowledge of physics and electronics.

Device designed by Steven Mark

This installation, created by electrician and inventor Stephen Mark, is designed to produce quite a significant amount of cold electricity (Fig. 4). It can be used to power both incandescent and complex lamps. household devices- power tools, television and radio equipment, electric motors. He called it the Steven Mark Toroidal Generator (TPU). The invention is confirmed by a US patent dated July 27, 2006.

The principle of its operation is based on the creation of a magnetic vortex, resonant frequencies and electric shocks in the metal. Unlike many other similar devices, once started, the generator does not require recharge and can operate for an unlimited amount of time. It has been recreated many times by various testers who confirm its functionality.

There are several designs of this device. Fundamentally, they do not differ from each other; there are some differences in the implementation of the scheme.

Here is the circuit and design of the 2-frequency TPU. The principle of its operation is based on the collision of rotating magnetic fields. The device weighs less than 100 g and is quite simple design. It includes the following components:

Inner ring-shaped base(Fig. 5) acts as a stable platform around which all other coils are located. The material for making the ring is plastic, plywood, soft polyurethane.

Ring sizes:

  • width: 25 mm;
  • outer diameter: 230 mm;
  • internal diameter: 180 mm;
  • thickness: 5 mm.

Internal collector coil can be made from 1–3 turns of 5 parallel stranded Litz wires. To wind turns, you can also use a regular single-core wire with a core diameter of 1 mm. A schematic view after manufacture is shown in Fig. 6.

External collector coil, it is also a bipolar type output collector. To wind it, you can use the same wire as for the control coils. It covers the entire accessible surface.

Each of control coils(Fig.7) - flat type, 90 degrees each to set a rotating magnetic field.

To make coils with the same number of turns, you need to cut 8 wires slightly longer than a meter before winding. Conclusions will help to distinguish different colour wires Each coil has 21 turns of two-wire standard single-core wire with a cross-section of 1 mm and standard insulation.

The terminals with tips (Fig. 7) are two terminals of the internal collector coil.

It is mandatory to install a common return ground and a 10 microfarad polyester capacitor, without which all equipment will be negatively affected by currents and returned radiation.

The connection diagram is divided into 4 sections:

  • entrance;
  • management;
  • coils;
  • exit.

The input section is designed to provide an interface to the square wave generator

and outputting synchronized square waves in a suitable manner. This is achieved using a CMOS multivibrator.

To implement the MOSFET control section The best decision- standard IRF7307 interface offered by the designer.

As can be seen from latest model, a person without special education and skills in working with physical devices and instruments, it will be quite difficult to assemble such a house structure.

There are many diagrams and descriptions of similar devices by other authors. Kapanadze, Melnichenko, Akimov, Romanov, Donald (Don) Smith are well known to everyone who wants to find a way to generate energy from nothing. Many designs are quite simple and inexpensive to make and generate energy from the ether for your home yourself.

It is quite possible that many such amateurs will be able to practically reliably find out how to get electricity at home.

We get free electricity from the ground

A question of efficiency

Obtaining electricity from the earth is shrouded in myths - materials on the topic of obtaining electricity are regularly posted on the Internet. free electricity by using the inexhaustible potential of the planet’s electromagnetic field. However, numerous videos in which homemade installations extracting current from the ground and making multi-watt light bulbs shine or electric motors spin are fraudulent. If generating electricity from the ground were so efficient, nuclear and hydropower would have long since become a thing of the past.

However, it is quite possible to extract free electricity from the earth’s shell and you can do it with your own hands. True, the resulting current is only enough to LED backlight or to slowly recharge mobile device.

Voltage from the Earth's magnetic field - is it possible!?

To obtain current from natural environment on a permanent basis (that is, excluding lightning strikes), we need a conductor and a potential difference. The easiest way to find the potential difference is in the ground, which combines all three media - solid, liquid and gaseous. The structure of the soil is solid particles, between which there are water molecules and air bubbles.

It is important to know that the elementary unit of soil is a clay-humus complex (micelle), which has a certain potential difference. The outer shell of the micelle accumulates a negative charge, while a positive charge is formed inside it. Due to the fact that the electronegative shell of the micelle attracts environment ions with a positive charge, electrochemical and electrical processes. This distinguishes soil favorably from water and air environment and makes it possible to create a device for generating electricity with your own hands.

Method with two electrodes

The simplest way to get electricity at home is to use the principle on which classic salt batteries are constructed, where galvanic couple and electrolyte are used. When rods made of different metals are immersed in a salt solution, a potential difference is formed at their ends.

The power of this galvanic cell depends on a number of factors, including:

  • cross-section and length of electrodes;
  • depth of immersion of electrodes into the electrolyte;
  • concentration of salts in the electrolyte and its temperature, etc.

To generate electricity, you need to take two electrodes for a galvanic pair - one from copper, the second from galvanized iron. The electrodes are immersed in the ground to a depth of approximately half a meter, placing them at a distance of about 25 cm relative to each other. The soil between the electrodes should be thoroughly soaked with salt solution. By measuring the voltage at the ends of the electrodes with a voltmeter after 10-15 minutes, you can find that the system provides a free current of about 3 V.

Producing electricity using 2 rods

If you conduct a series of experiments in different areas, it turns out that the voltmeter readings vary depending on the characteristics of the soil and its moisture content, the size and depth of installation of the electrodes. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to limit the circuit into which the saline solution will be poured using a piece of pipe of suitable diameter.

Attention! A saturated electrolyte must be used, and this concentration of salt makes the soil unsuitable for plant growth.

Neutral wire method

Voltage is supplied to a residential building using two conductors: one of them is phase, the second is zero. If the house is equipped with a high-quality grounding circuit, during periods of intense electricity consumption, part of the current flows through the grounding into the ground. By connecting a 12 V light bulb to the neutral wire and ground, you will make it glow, since the voltage between the zero and ground contacts can reach 15 V. And this current is not recorded by the electric meter.

Producing electricity using a neutral wire

The circuit, assembled according to the principle of zero - energy consumer - earth, is quite working. If desired, a transformer can be used to equalize voltage fluctuations. The disadvantage is the instability of the appearance of electricity between zero and ground - this requires the house to consume a lot of electricity.

Note! This method of generating free electricity is only suitable for private households. There is no reliable grounding in the apartments, and the pipelines of heating or water supply systems cannot be used in this capacity. Moreover, it is forbidden to connect the grounding loop to a phase to generate electricity, since the grounding bus is energized at 220 V, which is deadly.

Despite the fact that such a system uses the earth to operate, it cannot be classified as a source of earthly electricity. How to extract energy using the electromagnetic potential of the planet remains open.

Energy of the planet's magnetic field

The earth is a kind of spherical capacitor, on inner surface which accumulates a negative charge, and outside - a positive one. The atmosphere serves as an insulator; electricity, while the potential difference is maintained. Lost charges are replenished due to the magnetic field, which serves as a natural electric generator.

How to get electricity from the ground in practice? Essentially, you need to connect to the generator pole and establish a reliable grounding.

A device that receives electricity from natural sources must consist of the following elements:

  • conductor;
  • ground loop to which the conductor is connected;
  • emitter (Tesla coil, high voltage generator, allowing electrons to leave the conductor).
Electricity generation scheme

The top point of the structure on which the emitter is located must be located at such a height that, due to the difference in the potentials of the electric field of the planet, electrons rise upward along the conductor. The emitter will release them from the metal and release them into the atmosphere in the form of ions. The process will continue until the potential is upper layers the atmosphere will not be on par with electric field planets.

An energy consumer is connected to the circuit, and the more efficiently the Tesla coil operates, the higher the current strength in the circuit, the more (or more powerful) current consumers can be connected to the system.

Because electric field surrounds grounded conductors, which include trees, buildings, various high-rise structures, then in the city top part the system should be located above all existing objects. It is not possible to create such a structure with your own hands.