home · Measurements · Floor standards. SNiP and SP: floors and requirements for them. Preparation of the foundation according to SNiP

Floor standards. SNiP and SP: floors and requirements for them. Preparation of the foundation according to SNiP

Floor screed is a thin durable layer in multi-layer building structures, designed to absorb and transfer loads (for example, from those on roofs, cargo, equipment) to the underlying layer of heat or sound insulation. Used when the underlying layer is insufficiently rigid to create flat surface, ensuring the laying of overlying layers (roof waterproofing or surface covering). There are monolithic (cement-sand, asphalt concrete, etc.) and prefabricated, in the form of thin (4-5 cm thick) slabs of gypsum cement or expanded clay concrete (industrial). (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)

Floor screed is a layer of building material components different types, is performed as an intermediate structure between the base and finishing coat, they can be porcelain tiles, laminate, parquet, linoleum, polymer coating and others.
Without exaggeration, we can say that the screed is the basis for the above decorative coatings as well as the foundation for a house. The better the screed is made, the better; the screed should be strong, even, without cracks. This is a guarantee that the finishing coating will last longer and will not crumble during use.

Floor screed has many design options and wide choose materials for its implementation, depending on the conditions, location of implementation, intended use, characteristics of the building/floor structure, availability of utilities.

Let's consider options for the most common methods of surface preparation.

Floating screed
Conventional screed (contact, monolithic)
Prefabricated structure

Screed on polyethylene film 100 microns floating screed

Floating screed is not a literal term, floating is separated from the base at the very simple design serves polyethylene film. The technology service we provide is carried out according to this principle. semi-dry screed using German technology. The purpose of creating such a design is to prevent adhesion of the solution to the surface, lack of adhesion; the floating screed is independent, resistant to vibrations of the base and in contact with the walls. The absence of direct contact with the surface, i.e. during movements (buildings, houses, structures), sudden changes in temperature, humidity, preserves the integrity of the structure from cracks. Floating is also used in thermal insulation structures (water-heated floors), sound insulation materials (EPS) polystyrene, polystyrene, mineral slabs, expanded clay, foamed polyethylene, etc. Listed below possible materials It also works to lighten the weight of the “pie” and significantly reduce the load on the floors.

Regular screed (classic liquid). The most common version of the device. It's regular liquid cement-sand mixture, laid on floor slabs, monolith, without underlying layers.
This method can also include “self-leveling floors” made from self-leveling mixtures. This method is best used where there is already a surface with deviations in the plane, differences, or where the task is to raise the floor level by a small thickness of up to 2-2.5 cm. It is better to level the floor with a “self-leveling floor” of more than 1.5 cm using installed beacons and tighten it with a fork along using the conventional liquid method, since self-leveling mixtures do not level themselves into a perfectly flat horizon.

A prefabricated structure is a method of constructing elements and parts using an assembly method, without wet processes. Prefabricated floors are made from sheathing of a supporting rigid frame along joists, bulk floors using Knauf technology with fine expanded clay bedding and gypsum fiber sheets called Knauf-Superpol. Prefabricated floors are raised floors, leveling the floor and raising it to a height is achieved with height-adjustable fasteners and stud supports. In all prefabricated floors, the plane is created by materials such as OSB, DSP boards, boards, chipboards, etc.

Standards SNiP "Floors" SP 29.13330.2011 Floors. Updated version of SNiP 2.03.13-88

The floor
Updated version of SNiP 2.03.13-88

5.1. Screeds should be used in cases where it is necessary: ​​leveling the surface of the underlying layer; covering pipelines; distribution of loads across heat and sound insulating layers; ensuring standardized heat absorption; creating a slope in floors on ceilings.
5.2. The minimum thickness of the pie for the slope in the places adjacent to the drains, channels and ladders should be: when laying it on floor slabs - 20, on a heat- or sound-insulating layer - 40 mm. The thickness of the layer for covering pipelines should be 10-15 mm greater than the diameter of the pipelines.
5.3. Screeds should be used: to level the surface of the underlying layer and cover pipelines - from concrete with a compressive strength class of at least B12.5 or cement-sand mortar with a compressive strength of at least 15 MPa (150 kgf/cm2); to create a slope on the floor - from concrete of compressive strength class B7.5 or cement-sand mortar with a compressive strength of at least 10 MPa (100 kgf/cm2); for self-leveling polymer coatings - from concrete with a compressive strength class of at least B15 or cement-sand mortar with a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa (200 kgf/cm2).

5.4. Lightweight concrete, made to ensure normal heat absorption, must correspond to class B5 in terms of compressive strength.
5.5. The bending strength of lightweight concrete for screeds laid over a layer of compressible heat or sound insulating materials must be at least 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2).
5.6. When concentrated loads on the base exceed 2 kN (200 kgf), a concrete layer should be placed over the heat or sound insulation layer, the thickness of which is determined by calculation.
5.7. The strength of gypsum (in a dried to constant weight state) should be, MPa (kgf/cm2), not less than:
for self-leveling polymer coatings - 20 (200)
“rest” - 10 (100)

5.8. Structures made from wood-shaving, cement-bonded and gypsum fiber boards, from rolled gypsum concrete panels based on gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binder, as well as from porous cement mortars should be used in accordance with albums of standard parts and working drawings approved in in the prescribed manner.
5.9. Structures made of wood-fiber boards may be used in structures to ensure standardized heat absorption by the surface of the first floors of residential premises.
5.10. Asphalt concrete screeds may only be used under coverings made of piece tongue-and-groove parquet.



DEVELOPED by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Buildings of the USSR State Construction Committee (candidate of technical sciences) I. P. Kim - topic leader, E. IN. Grigoriev) with the participation of TsNIIEP housing of the State Committee for Architecture ( D. K. Baulin - theme leader, Ph.D. tech. sciences M. A. Khromov).

INTRODUCED by the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings of the USSR State Construction Committee.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Standardization and technical standards in the construction of the USSR State Construction Committee ( V. M. Skubko).

With the entry into force of SNiP 2.03.13-88 “Floors” from January 1, 1989, chapter SNiP II-B.8-71 “Floors. Design Standards” becomes invalid.

When using a regulatory document, you should take into account approved changes to building codes and state standards published V magazine "Bulletin" construction equipment", "Collection changes to the building codes and regulations" of the USSR State Construction Committee And information index “State Standards of the USSR” of the USSR State Standard.

These standards apply to the design of floors in industrial, residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings.

Floors with a standardized rate of heat absorption from the floor surface should be designed taking into account the requirements of SNiP II-3-79.

The design of floors of livestock, poultry and fur farming buildings and premises should be carried out taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.10.03-84.

Construction polymer materials and flooring products should be used in accordance with the List polymer materials and structures approved for use in construction, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health in agreement with the USSR State Construction Committee.

When designing floors, it is necessary to comply with additional requirements established by the design standards of specific buildings and structures, fire safety and sanitary standards, as well as technological design standards.

These standards do not apply to the design of removable floors; floors located on permafrost soils, and heated floors.

Accepted names of floor elements are given in reference Appendix 3.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Choice constructive solution flooring should be carried out based on technical and economic feasibility decision taken in specific construction conditions, taking into account the provision of:

reliability and durability of the adopted design;

economical use of cement, metal, wood and other building materials;

the most complete use of the physical and mechanical properties of the materials used;

minimum labor costs for installation and operation;

maximum mechanization of the device process;

widespread use of local construction materials and industrial waste;

absence of influence of harmful factors of materials used in the construction of floors;

optimal hygienic conditions for people;

fire and explosion safety.

1.2. The design of floors should be carried out depending on the specified impacts on the floors and special requirements to them, taking into account climatic conditions construction.

1.3. The intensity of mechanical impacts on floors should be taken according to the table. 1.

1.4. The intensity of exposure to liquids on the floor should be considered:

small - minor exposure to liquids on the floor; the floor surface is dry or slightly damp; the floor covering is not saturated with liquids; Cleaning of premises where water is spilled from hoses is not carried out;

average - periodic moistening of the floor, causing the coating to become saturated with liquids; the floor surface is usually damp or wet; liquids periodically flow over the floor surface;

big - constant or frequently repeated swelling of liquids on the floor surface.

The zone of influence of liquids due to their transfer on the soles of shoes and vehicle tires extends in all directions (including adjacent rooms) from the place where the floor is wetted: with water and aqueous solutions for 20 m, with mineral oils and emulsions - for 100 m.

Washing the floor (without spilling water) and occasional occasional splashes, drops, etc. are not considered to be exposed to liquids.

1.5. In rooms with medium and high intensity of exposure to liquids on the floor, floor slopes should be provided. The magnitude of the floor slopes should be taken:

0.5-1% - for seamless coatings and slab coatings (except for concrete coatings of all types);

1-2% - for coatings made of paving stones, bricks and concrete of all types.

The slopes of the trays and channels, depending on the materials used, must be no less than those specified. The direction of the slopes should be such that wastewater flows into trays, channels and ladders without crossing driveways and passages.

1.6. Clone floors on floors should be created using screeds of variable thickness, and floors on the ground should be created by appropriate planning of the soil base.

1.7. In premises for storing and processing food products, it is necessary to use floors without voids (air space under the covering).

Table 1


Intensity of mechanical influences


very significant



Pedestrian movement per 1 m of passage width, number of people per day

500 or more

Traffic on caterpillar tracks per lane, units/day

10 or more

Not allowed

Not allowed

Traffic on rubber wheels per lane, units/day

Handcart movement only

Movement of carts on metal tires, rolling of round, metal objects onto one lane, units/day

Not allowed

Shocks when falling from a height of 1 m of solid objects weighing, kg, no more

Drawing solid objects with sharp corners and ribs



Not allowed

Not allowed

Working with sharp tools on the floor (shovels, etc.)

1.8. Materials for chemically resistant floor coverings in rooms with aggressive environments should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11-85.

1.9. Skirting boards should be installed where floors meet walls, partitions, columns, equipment foundations, pipelines and other structures protruding above the floor.

1.10. For lining trays, channels and drains in chemically resistant floors, it is necessary to use materials intended for covering these floors.

Floor screed SNiP. Structure building regulations, which include SNiP for floor screed, is currently formed as follows: the basis is the federal law “On Technical Regulation” (No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002). The following is a federal law: Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" (No. 384-FZ dated December 30, 2009)

In most cases, during apartment renovation, it is used cement strainer . On May 20, 2011, the updated set of rules SP 29.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.03.13-88 Floors” was put into effect (see order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 785 dated December 27, 2010). It replaced the previous rules, which were published back in 1988 (see SNiP 2.03.13-88).

Purpose and properties of the screed

1. Screeds should be used in cases where it is necessary:

  • leveling the surface of the underlying layer;
  • covering pipelines;
  • distribution of loads across heat and sound insulating layers;
  • ensuring standardized heat absorption of the floor;
  • creating a slope in the floors on the ceiling iyah.

2. The minimum thickness of the screed for slopes in places adjacent to drains, channels and drains should be: when laying it on floor slabs - 20, on a heat- or sound-insulating layer - 40 mm. The thickness of the screed for covering pipelines should be 10-15 mm greater than the diameter of the pipelines.

3. Screeds should be prescribed:

  • for leveling the surface of the underlying layer and covering pipelines - from concrete with a compressive strength class of at least B12.5 or cement-sand mortar with a compressive strength of at least 15 MPa (150 kgf/cm 2);
  • to create a slope on the floor - from concrete of compressive strength class B7.5 or cement-sand mortar with a compressive strength of at least 10 MPa (100 kgf/cm2);
  • for self-leveling polymer coatings - from concrete with a compressive strength class of at least B15 or cement-sand mortar with a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa (200 kgf/cm2).

4. Lightweight concrete screeds made to ensure normal heat absorption of the floor must correspond to class B5 in terms of compressive strength.

5. The bending strength of lightweight concrete for screeds laid over a layer of compressible heat or sound insulating materials must be at least 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2).

6. For concentrated loads on the floor of more than 2 kN (200 kgf), a concrete layer should be laid over the heat or sound insulation layer, the thickness of which is determined by calculation.

7. The strength of gypsum screeds (in a dried to constant weight state) must be, MPa (kgf/cm2), not less than:

for self-leveling polymer coatings - 20 (200)

the rest - 10 (100)

Floor screed SNiP Permissible deviations

  1. Deviation of screed thickness from the design - no more than 10%
  2. Screed under parquet, laminate, linoleum (and also according to SP 29.13330.2011 “Floors” - under coverings with a cement-based adhesive layer): clearance when checked with a 2-meter lath - no more than 2mm
  3. Screed for waterproofing, clearance when checked with a 2-meter strip - no more than 4mm
  4. Screed for other surfaces: clearance when checked with a 2-meter strip - no more than 6mm
  5. Screed: deviation from the specified horizontal level no more than the size of the room (in total no more than 50 mm) - 0.20%
  6. The screed should not have potholes, bulges or cracks. Hairline cracks are acceptable.

When installing screeds, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Screeds laid over soundproofing pads or backfills, in places adjacent to walls and partitions and other structures, must be laid with a gap of 20-25 mm wide over the entire thickness of the screed and filled with the same soundproofing material: monolithic screeds must be insulated from walls and partitions with strips of waterproofing materials.
  2. The end surfaces of the laid section of monolithic screeds, after removing the beacon or limiting slats, before laying the mixture in the adjacent section of the screed, must be primed (see clause 4.11) or moistened (see clause 4.12), and the working seam should be smoothed so that it is invisible.
  3. Smoothing the surface of monolithic screeds should be carried out under coatings on mastics and adhesive layers and under continuous (seamless) polymer coatings before the mixtures set.
  4. Sealing the joints of prefabricated screeds made of fibreboards should be done along the entire length of the joints with strips of thick paper or adhesive tape 40-60 mm wide
  5. Laying of additional elements between prefabricated screeds on cement and gypsum binders should be done with a gap of 10-15 mm wide, filled with a mixture similar to the screed material. If the width of the gaps between the prefabricated screed slabs and walls or partitions is less than 0.4 m, the mixture must be laid over a continuous soundproofing layer

Read more about the types of screeds in the article




The floor

SP 29.13330.2011


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”, and the development rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 858 “On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules ".

Rulebook Details

1. Executors - Central Research and Design Experimental Institute industrial buildings and structures (JSC TsNIIPromzdaniy) and LLC PSK Concrete Engineering.
2. Introduced Technical Committee on standardization TC 465 "Construction".
3. Prepared for approval by the Department of Architecture, Construction and Urban Development Policy.
4. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 27 N 785 and put into effect on May 20, 2011.
5. Registered Federal agency By technical regulation and metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 29.13330.2010.

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index " National standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notification will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". The relevant information, notification and texts are posted also in the information system common use- on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet.


This document sets out requirements consistent with the purposes of Articles 7, 8, 10, 12, 22 and 30 Federal Law dated December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures."
The work was carried out by OJSC "TsNIIPromzdanii" (Prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences V.V. Grachev, Prof., Candidate of Technical Sciences S.M. Glikin, Candidate of Technical Sciences A.P. Chekulaev) and LLC " PSK Concrete Engineering" (A.M. Gorb).

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This set of rules applies to the design of floors in industrial, warehouse, residential, public, administrative, sports and domestic buildings.
1.2. The design of floors should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" and taking into account the requirements established for:
floors in residential and public buildings - SP 54.13330, SP 55.13330 and SNiP 31-06;
floors in production premises with fire and explosive technological processes - in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Requirements fire safety" and provisions;
floors with a standardized indicator of heat absorption of the floor surface - SP 50.13330 and provisions;
floors made on floors, subject to the latter requirements for noise protection - SP 51.13330 and provisions;
floors in livestock, poultry and fur farming buildings and premises - SNiP 2.10.03;
floors exposed to acids, alkalis, oils and other aggressive liquids - SNiP 2.03.11;
floors in sports facilities- SNiP 31-05 and recommendations, ,;
floors in refrigerated rooms - SNiP 2.11.02;
floors in warehouse buildings - SP 56.13330.
1.3. When designing floors, it is necessary to comply with additional requirements established by design standards for specific buildings and structures, fire safety and sanitary standards, as well as technological design standards.
1.4. Construction and installation work on the manufacture of floors and their acceptance into operation must be carried out taking into account the requirements set out in SNiP 3.04.01.
1.5. These standards do not apply to the design of removable floors (raised floors) and floors located on structures on permafrost soils.

Regulatory documents referred to in the text of these standards are given in Appendix A.
Note. When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in this year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3. Terms and definitions

This set of rules adopts the terms and definitions given in Appendix B.

4. General requirements

4.1. The choice of a constructive floor solution should be made based on the requirements of operating conditions, taking into account the technical and economic feasibility of the decision made in specific construction conditions, which ensures:
operational reliability and durability of the floor;
saving building materials;
the most complete use of strength and deformation characteristics
soils and physical and mechanical properties materials used for flooring;
minimum labor costs for installation and operation;
maximum mechanization of device processes;
environmental Safety;
safety of people's movement;
optimal hygienic conditions for people;
fire and explosion safety.
4.2. The design of floors should be carried out taking into account the operational impacts on them, special requirements (non-sparking, antistatic, dust-free, even, wear-resistant, heat absorption, sound insulating ability, slipperiness) and climatic conditions of the construction site.
4.3. The intensity of mechanical impacts on floors should be taken according to Table 1.

Table 1

│Mechanical impacts │ Intensity of mechanical impacts │
│ ├─────────────┬──────────┬───────────┬──────────┤
│ │ very │significant-│ moderate │ weak │
│ │significant │significant │ │ │
│Pedestrian movement per 1 m│ - │ - │500 or more│Less than 500 │
│passage width, number │ │ │ │ │
│people per day │ │ │ │ │
│Traffic movement of │ 10 or more │ Less than 10 │ - │ - │
│tracked for one │ │ │ │ │
│traffic lane, units/day │ │ │ │ │
│Traffic traffic on │ More than 200 │100 - 200 │ Less than 100 │ Traffic │
│rubber run on one │ │ │ │ manual │
│traffic lane, units/day │ │ │ │ trolleys │
│Movement of trolleys by │ More than 50 │ 30 - 50 │ Less than 30 │ - │
│metal tires, │ │ │ │ │
│rolling round │ │ │ │ │
metal objects │ │ │ │ │
│per lane, │ │ │ │ │
│units/day │ │ │ │ │
│Traffic traffic on │ More than 100 │ 50 - 100 │ Less than 50 │ - │
│metal wheels with │ │ │ │ │
│polymer rims │ │ │ │ │
│materials, units/day │ │ │ │ │
│Shocks when falling from a height-│ 10 - 20 │ 5 - 10 │ 2 - 5 │ Less than 2 │
│you are 1 m of solid objects │ │ │ │ │
│weight, kg, no more than │ │ │ │ │
│Drawing of solids │Complies with│ - │ - │ - │
│objects with sharp │ │ │ │ │
│corners and edges │ │ │ │ │
│Work sharp │Compliant│ - │ - │ - │
│tool on the floor │ │ │ │ │
│(shovels, etc.) │ │ │ │ │

4.4. The intensity of exposure to liquids on the floor should be considered:
small - insignificant impact of liquids on the floor, in which the surface of the floor covering is dry or slightly damp; the floor covering is not saturated with liquids; Rooms with water spills are not cleaned;
medium - periodic moistening of the floor, in which the surface of the floor covering is damp or wet; the floor covering is saturated with liquids; liquids periodically flow over the floor surface;
large - constant or frequently repeated flow of liquids over the floor surface.
The area of ​​influence of liquids due to their transfer on the soles of shoes and vehicle tires extends in all directions (including adjacent rooms) from the place where the floor is wetted: with water and aqueous solutions - 20 m, with mineral oils and emulsions - 100 m. Washing the floor (without pouring water and when applying detergents and care products that comply with the recommendations of manufacturers of materials for the manufacture of floor coverings) and occasional rare exposure to splashes, drops, etc. does not count as exposure to liquids on the floor.
4.5. In rooms with medium and high intensity of exposure to liquids on the floor, floor slopes should be provided. The magnitude of the floor slopes should be taken:
0.5 - 1% - for seamless coatings and slab coatings (except for concrete coatings of all types);
1 - 2% - for coverings made of brick and concrete of all types.
The slopes of the trays and channels, depending on the materials used, must be no less than those specified. The direction of the slopes must ensure drainage Wastewater into trays, channels and ladders without crossing driveways and passages.
4.6. In livestock buildings, the slope of the floors towards the manure collection channel should be equal to:
0% - in rooms with slatted floors and in channels with mechanical manure removal;
not less than 0.5% - in rooms for keeping poultry in cages and in trays along the aisles in all rooms;
at least 1.5% - in the technological parts of the premises (stalls, stalls, machines, etc.);
no more than 6% - in premises for walking animals and poultry and in transitional galleries between buildings.
4.7. The slope of floors on floors should be created using a screed or concrete covering of variable thickness, and floors on the ground should be created by appropriate planning of the soil base.
4.8. The floor level in toilets and bathrooms should be 15 - 20 mm below the floor level in adjacent rooms, or the floors in these rooms should be separated by a threshold.
4.9. Skirting boards should be installed where floors meet walls, partitions, columns, equipment foundations, pipelines and other structures protruding above the floor. If liquids get on the walls, they should be covered to the full height of the soaking. In the absence of expansion joints along the walls, aesthetic requirements and special requirements for technological processes flowing in rooms with low intensity of exposure to liquids, in places where floors adjoin walls, the installation of baseboards can be excluded.
4.10. There should be no voids in the design of the floors of premises for storing and processing products, as well as premises for keeping animals.
4.11. Floors in buildings must have the necessary bearing capacity and not be "shaky". Deflections under a concentrated load equal to 2 kN in residential buildings, 5 kN in public and administrative buildings and corresponding to the loads in the technical specifications for the design of industrial and warehouse buildings, should not exceed 2 mm.
4.12. Floors in flat sports facilities exposed to medium to high intensity liquids (rain and melt water in open stadiums and playgrounds) must be equipped with a surface water and drainage system. To drain water from the territory of flat structures, it must be given the necessary slopes, and devices must be provided for collecting and draining surface water in the form open system trays, closed system pipes and wells or a combination of open trays and closed drainage systems.
4.13. The slope of the floor covering in a flat open structure should be 0.5 - 1%.
4.14. The direction of the slopes should be:
- from the transverse axis (A) of the tennis court, volleyball and badminton court;
- from the longitudinal axis (B) or hip (C) - in courts for basketball, football, handball, etc.

4.15. In order to prevent injuries, trays and channels in the floors of open sports facilities must be equipped with lattice covers.
4.16. Floors in halls for team sports (football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, etc.) must meet the following requirements:
shock absorption - no less than 53%;
standard deformation (a parameter characterizing the amount of deflection of the floor covering under impact loads at a point with a force equal to 1500 N) - no less than 2.3 mm;
factor W 500 (a parameter characterizing the deformation at a distance of 500 mm from the point of impact of the load) - no more than 15% of the standard deformation;
ball bounce - at least 90%;
rolling pressure - not less than 1500 N.
4.17. Requirements for dust-free, even, anti-static and (or) spark-free floors are established by the customer at the stage terms of reference for design taking into account the features of the technological process.
4.18. Heated floors covered with ceramic tiles should be provided in areas where people walk with bare feet - bypass paths around the perimeter of pool baths (except outdoor pools), in locker rooms, showers. The average floor surface temperature should be maintained between 21 - 23 °C.
4.19. Floors in refrigerated rooms with negative temperatures must be designed taking into account the need to prevent freezing of the soils that serve as the basis for the floors. For this purpose, artificial heating systems, a ventilated underground and other protection systems should be used in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.11.02.

5. Floor coverings

5.1. The type of floor covering for industrial premises should be assigned depending on the type and intensity of mechanical, liquid and thermal influences, taking into account special requirements for floors in accordance with the mandatory Appendix B.
The type of layer in the floors is indicated in Appendix D.
Type of floor covering in residential, public, administrative and domestic buildings should be assigned depending on the type of premises in accordance with the recommended Appendix D.
5.2. The thickness and strength of solid covering materials and floor slabs should be assigned according to Table 2.

table 2

│ Material │ Intensity of mechanical impacts on the floor │
│ floor coverings ├──────────────────┬─────────────────┬─ ──────── ────────┬──────────────────┤
│ │ very │ significant │ moderate │ weak │
│ │ significant │ │ │ │
│ ├───────┬──────────┼───────┬─────────┼───────┬─────────┼───────┬──────────┤
│ │thickness│ class │thickness│ class │thickness│ class │thickness│ class │
│ │covered- │concrete or│covered- │ concrete │covered- │ concrete │covered- │concrete or│
│ │tia, mm│strength │tia, mm│ or │tia, mm│ or │tia, mm│strength │
│ │ │material │ │strength│ │strength│ │material │
│ │ │coatings, │ │materials│ │materials│ │coatings, │
│ │ │ MPa │ │coatings,│ │coatings,│ │ MPa │
│ │ │ │ │ MPa │ │ MPa │ │ │
│1. Concrete │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│cement │50<*>B40<**>│ 30 │ B30 │ 25 │ B22.5 │ 20 │ B15 │
│mosaic │ Not allowed │ 30 │ 40 │ 25 │ 30 │ 20 │ 20 │
│polyvinyl acetate-│ The same │ 30 │ 40 │ 20 │ 30 │ 20 │ 20 │
│ny or │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│latex │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│acid-resistant │ " │ 40 │ 25 │ 30 │ 20 │ 20 │ 20 │
│asphalt concrete │ " │ 50 │ - │ 40 │ - │ 25 │ - │
│steel fiber concrete │40<*>B35<****>│ 30 │ В25 │ 25 │ В20 │ 20 │ В15 │
│2. Cement- │ Not allowed │ Not allowed │ 30 │ 30 │ 20 │ 20 │
sand mortar│ │ │ │ │ │ │

│3. Polyvinyl- │ Same │ Same │ 20 │ - │ 15 │ - │
│acetate-cement- │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│sawdust composition│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│4. Bulk │ " │ " │4<***>│ - │ 2 - 4 │ - │
│composition based on│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│synthetic │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│resins │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│5. Xylolite │ " │ " │ 20 │ - │ 15 │ - │
│6. Cement-│ "│ 40 │ B30 │ 30 │ B22.5 │ 30 │ B15 │

│7. Mosaic- │ "│ 40 │ 40 │ 30 │ 30 │ 20 │ 20 │
concrete plates │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

│8. Ceramic │ " │ Not allowed │ Not allowed │9 - 13 │ - │
│tiles │ │ │ │ │ │
│9. Ceramic │ "│ 50 │ - │30 - 35│ - │15 - 20│ - │
│acid-resistant │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│slabs │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│10. Porcelain tiles│ "│ Not allowed │ Not allowed │More than 8│ - │
│ <*>For concrete floors with reinforced top layer 70 mm and not less │
│120 mm when using concrete covering and as an underlying │
│layer on the ground. │
│ <**>For concrete floors with a reinforced top layer B22.5. │
│ <***>Carts on metal tires are not allowed. │
│ <****>With a fiber reinforcement coefficient by volume mu > 0.003 │
│ fv │
│(above 23.5 kg/m3). │

When placing pipelines in concrete coverings and laying them directly on the concrete base (without an intermediate screed to cover the pipelines), the thickness of the floor covering must be at least the diameter of the pipeline plus 45 mm.
5.3. Strength of adhesion (adhesion) of coatings based on cement binder to peel off concrete base at the age of 28 days it should be at least 0.75 MPa. The adhesion strength of the hardened mortar (concrete) to the concrete base after 7 days should be at least 50% of the design value.
5.4. The total thickness of floors with a concrete coating and with a coating of heat-resistant concrete must be taken by calculation, taking into account the loads acting on the floor, the materials used and the properties of the base soil, but taking into account the thickness of the concrete base of at least 120 mm.
5.5. In livestock buildings, the calculated concentrated loads from the weight of animals acting on the floor must be taken according to technological design standards, taking into account an overload coefficient of 1.2 and a dynamic coefficient of 1.2.
5.6. Floors in feed and manure passages of livestock buildings must be designed for the impact of moving loads from pneumatic transport at a pressure on the wheel of 14.5 kN.
5.7. Monolithic floors made of lightweight concrete with latex cement coating and limestone-expanded clay floors used to ensure normal heat absorption of the floor in livestock buildings when animals are kept without bedding, must be made of a heat-insulating layer made of expanded clay gravel and have a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa.
5.8. The thickness and reinforcement of heat-resistant concrete slabs should be taken according to the calculation of structures lying on a deformable base under the action of the most unfavorable combination of floor loads.
5.9. The thickness of boards, parquet, parquet and solid boards, as well as parquet panels should be accepted according to current product standards.
5.10. The air space under floor coverings made of boards, slats, parquet boards and panels should not communicate with ventilation and smoke channels, and in rooms with an area of ​​more than 25 m2 it should be additionally divided by partitions made of boards into closed compartments measuring (4 - 5) (5 - 6) m.
5.11. To provide comfortable conditions for humans in terms of antistatic and protection electronic equipment from electrical discharges with a voltage of more than 5 kV, floors in residential and public buildings must be coated with polymer antistatic materials with a specific surface electrical resistance within - .
5.12. In the premises of industrial buildings with the requirement of "electronic hygiene", in which it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for humans in terms of antistatics, as well as to protect electronic equipment from electrical discharges with a voltage of more than 2 kV, floors must be made with an electrically dissipative coating, characterized by the amount of electrical resistance between the surface floor coverings and the building's grounding system ranging from to.
5.13. Floors in rooms where the formation of explosive mixtures of gases, dust, liquids and other substances in concentrations at which sparks generated when objects hit the floor or discharges of static electricity can cause an explosion or fire, must be made with an electrically dissipative coating made of materials that do not generating sparks during impact impacts, characterized by the magnitude of electrical resistance between the surface of the floor covering and the building's grounding system ranging from to.
5.14. In “clean” and “extremely clean” rooms, classified by cleanliness classes, floors must be made with an electrically dissipative polymer coating, characterized by the electrical resistance value between the floor surface and the building’s grounding system ranging from to.
5.15. To remove static electricity from the surface of the floor covering, an electrical discharge circuit connected to the building grounding system must be placed under the electrically dissipative floor covering.
5.16. If increased dust separation requirements are imposed on floors, “low-dust” (abrasion rate no more than 0.4 g/cm2) and “dust-free” (abrasion rate no more than 0.2 g/cm2) floor coverings should be used. It is possible to finish the surface of the floor covering in accordance with the recommended Appendix G.
5.17. The abrasion of the floor covering should not exceed monolithic coatings floors in rooms of dust-free class 1000 - 0.06 g/cm2, class 10000 - 0.09 g/cm2 and class 100000 - 0.12 g/cm, and for linoleum floor coverings - 50 microns, 90 microns and 100 microns, respectively .
The edges of joined linoleum panels in rooms of classes 1000 and 10000 must be welded.
5.18. The surface of the floor covering must be flat. The clearances between the two-meter control rod and the surface being tested should not exceed for coatings:
polymer mastic, plank, parquet, laminated parquet, linoleum, roll materials based synthetic fibers- 2 mm;
from concrete (all types), xylolite, cement-sand mortar, polyvinyl acetate-cement-sawdust composition, from concrete slabs (all types), ceramic, porcelain stoneware, stone, rubber, cast iron and steel, as well as from brick (all types) on mortar - 4 mm;
from cast iron plates and brick over a layer of sand - 6 mm.
5.19. The deviation of the floor surface from the specified slope should not exceed 0.2% of the corresponding size of the premises, but not more than 20 mm.
5.20. The height of the ledge between adjacent products of coatings made of piece materials should not exceed in floors:
from brick, concrete, cast iron and steel slabs - 2 mm;
from ceramic, mosaic-concrete, stone slabs - 1 mm.
5.21. In plank, parquet, linoleum and laminated parquet floors, ledges between adjacent products are not allowed.
5.22. The deviation of seams in floor coverings between rows of piece materials from a straight line should not exceed 10 mm over a row length of 10 m. The width of the seams between tiles and blocks should not exceed 6 mm when tiles and blocks are sunk into the layer manually and 3 mm when vibrated.
5.23. The gaps between the boards of the plank covering should not exceed 1 mm, between parquet boards- 0.5 mm and between adjacent strips piece parquet- 0.3 mm.
5.24. Gaps between adjacent edges of carpet panels are not allowed.
5.25. The surface of floor coverings should not be slippery. The permissible coefficient of friction should be when moving in shoes in residential, public and industrial premises:
for dry floor coverings - not less than 0.35;
the same, for wet ones - not less than 0.4;
the same for oily ones - no less than 0.5.
When walking barefoot:
for wet floor coverings in changing rooms - no less than 0.2;
for wet floor coverings in shower rooms and swimming pools - not less than 0.3;
on underwater stairs in the pool - not less than 0.5.
When walking on an inclined plane (along a straight line of slope) at an angle, the permissible friction coefficients are determined by the formula

When walking on horizontal plane with additional horizontal force (carrying heavy loads, moving carts), the permissible friction coefficients are determined by the formula

where is the force to move loads, N;
G is the average mass of a person, equal to 75 kg.
When walking on an inclined plane with additional force applied parallel to the surface of the plane, the permissible friction coefficients are determined by the formula

5.26. The coefficient of friction of the surface of floor coverings in sports facilities should not be less than 0.4 and more than 0.6.
5.27. In rooms, during operation of which temperature changes in floor coverings are possible, expansion joints must be provided, which must coincide with expansion joints in the screed and in the underlying layer. The seams must be embroidered with a polymer elastic composition.
5.28. Expansion joints in prefabricated screeds made of particle boards must be repeated in the floor covering and protected with elastic elements or embroidered with a polymer elastic composition.
5.29. When joining coatings made of dissimilar materials, it is recommended to install copper, aluminum or steel elements that protect the edges of these coatings from mechanical damage, water getting into the seam and peeling off. For parquet and tile coverings floors, such elements, in addition, make it possible to compensate for deformations from temperature and humidity influences.

6. Interlayer

6.1. The choice of the type of interlayer should be made depending on the type of impact on the floors according to Appendix D.
6.2. Adhesive compositions must correspond to the materials of the floor covering and ensure the adhesion strength of the coatings when laid on concrete, cement-sand or gypsum bases of at least MPa:
parquet flooring and linoleum,
stacked on polymer adhesives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,3;
stones laid on cement adhesives. . . . . . . . . . . 0,5;
ceramic tile, porcelain stoneware, natural slabs
stones laid with polymer adhesives. . . . . . . . . . . 2.0.
(more than tensile strength
bases under tension -
cohesive separation,
by base)
6.3. The thickness of the layer should be, mm:
from cement-sand mortar and mortar
on liquid glass with a sealing additive. . . . . . . . . 10 - 15
from polymer putties for piece coatings
materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 4
from hot bitumen mastic and adhesive composition
cement-based for gluing tiles. . . . . . . . . 2 - 3
parquet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no more than 1.0
from an adhesive composition for gluing
roll materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no more than 0.8
made of fine-grained concrete
not lower than B30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 35
from sand and thermal insulation materials. . . . . . . not less than 60
6.4. For floors exposed to liquids, it is not allowed to use layers of sand and heat-insulating materials.

7. Waterproofing

7.1. Waterproofing against the penetration of sewage and other liquids should be provided for medium and high intensity exposure to the floor (4.4):
water and neutral solutions - in floors on ceilings, on subsiding and swelling soils, as well as in floors on heaving foundation soils in unheated rooms and open areas;
organic solvents, mineral oils and emulsions from them - in floors on ceilings;
acids, alkalis and their solutions, as well as substances of animal origin - in floors on the ground and on the ceiling.
7.2. Waterproofing against the penetration of wastewater and other liquids must be continuous in the floor structure, walls and bottoms of trays and channels, above equipment foundations, as well as in places where the floor transitions to these structures. In places where the floor adjoins walls, foundations for equipment, pipelines and other structures protruding above the floor, waterproofing must be provided continuously to a height of at least 200 mm from the level of the floor covering, and if a stream of water can hit the walls - to the entire soaking height.
7.3. For medium and high intensity exposure to liquids on the floor, as well as under drains, channels and drains, adhesive waterproofing should be used.
For medium and high intensity exposure of the floor to mineral oils, emulsions from them or organic solvents, use adhesive waterproofing from bitumen-based materials is not allowed.
In rooms where floors are exposed to acids, alkalis, oils and other aggressive liquids, the choice of waterproofing materials should be made taking into account the recommendations of SNiP 2.03.11.
7.4. With an average intensity of exposure to sewage and other liquids on the floor, the number of waterproofing layers is taken based on the type of material:
waterproofing from bitumen roll materials glued to mastics, bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics and cement-based waterproofing solutions - in at least two layers;
waterproofing from bitumen rolls of fused and self-adhesive materials and polymer rolls - at least in one layer.
If the impact of liquid on the floor is high, as well as under drains, channels, trawls and within a radius of 1 m from them, the number of waterproofing layers should be increased:
when waterproofing from bitumen roll materials glued to mastics, bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics and cement-based waterproofing solutions - at least two layers;
when waterproofing from bitumen rolls of fused and self-adhesive materials and polymer roll materials - at least one layer.
7.5. On the surface of waterproofing made from bitumen-based materials, before laying coatings, interlayer materials or screeds containing cement on it, it is necessary to apply bitumen mastic and sprinkle it with sand of a fraction of 1.5 - 5 mm. It is allowed not to apply bitumen mastic with sanding if used waterproofing material with coating applied to it in the factory.
7.6. With medium and high intensity of exposure to water on the floor (open stadiums and grounds) and the use of permeable coatings on concrete bases, drainage should be installed between the coating and the base, using expansion and working joints as drains. Drains must be filled with elastic materials with a porous structure.
7.7. Waterproofing under the concrete underlying layer must be provided: when located in an area of ​​dangerous capillary rise groundwater bottom of the underlying layer. When designing waterproofing, the height, m, of the dangerous rise of groundwater from their horizon should be taken equal to 0.25 for a base of crushed stone, gravel and coarse soils, and 0.3 for coarse sand; sand medium size and small - 0.5; silty sand, sandy loam and silty sandy loam - 1.5; loam, silty loam and sandy loam, clay - 2.0;
when the underlying layer is located below the level of the building blind area;
with medium and high intensity exposure to solutions of sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, acetic, phosphoric, hypochlorous and chromic acids on the floor.
The waterproofing design must be the same as the waterproofing of foundations and walls of underground structures, basements, garages, etc.
As a waterproofing under a concrete base, along with bitumen roll materials glued to mastic, bitumen roll surfaced and self-adhesive materials, polymer roll materials, bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics and cement-based waterproofing solutions applied to a screed layer previously made on the ground, self-leveling waterproofing from bitumen-impregnated crushed stone or gravel, asphalt waterproofing from asphalt concrete, as well as from rolled profiled polyethylene can be used membranes laid directly on the base soil.
7.8. With medium and high intensity of exposure to water on the floor (outdoor stadiums and grounds) and laying permeable coatings directly on a flexible underlying layer (gravel or crushed stone), drainage must be provided in the soil base to ensure the removal of surface water and lowering the groundwater level.

8. Screed (base for floor covering)

8.1. A screed should be provided when necessary:
leveling the surface of the underlying layer;
pipeline cover;
distribution of loads across heat and sound insulating layers;
ensuring standardized heat absorption of floors;
creating slopes on the floors along the floors.
8.2. The minimum thickness of a cement-sand or concrete screed to create a slope in places adjacent to drains, channels and drains should be: when laying it on floor slabs - 20 mm, on a heat- and sound-insulating layer - 40 mm. The thickness of the screed for covering pipelines (including in heated floors) must be at least 45 mm greater than the diameter of the pipelines.
8.3. To level the surface of the underlying layer and cover pipelines, as well as to create a slope on the ceiling, monolithic screeds must be provided from concrete of class not lower than B12.5 or from cement-sand mortars based on mixtures of dry construction floors on a cement binder with a compressive strength of at least 15 MPa.
8.4. For self-leveling polymer coatings, monolithic screeds must be made of concrete of class not lower than B15 or from cement-sand mortars from mixtures of dry building floors on a cement binder with a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa.
8.5. Screeds laid over an elastic heat and sound insulating layer must be made of concrete of class not lower than B15 or from cement-sand mortars from mixtures of dry building floors on a cement binder with a compressive strength of at least 20 MPa.
8.6. Thickness of the screed with cooling tubes in the roller plate with artificial ice should be 140 mm.
8.7. The thickness of monolithic screeds made from dispersed self-compacting mortars based on dry mixtures of building floors with cement binders, used to level the surface of the underlying layer, must be at least 1.5 times the diameter of the maximum filler contained in the composition.
8.8. The adhesion strength of screeds based on cement binder to a concrete base at the age of 28 days must be at least 0.6 MPa. The adhesion strength of the hardened mortar (concrete) to the concrete base after 7 days should be at least 50% of the design value.
8.9. For concentrated loads on the floor of more than 20 kN, the thickness of the screed along the heat or sound insulating layer should be established based on local compression and punching according to the calculation method set out in SP 52-101.
8.10. At the junctions of screeds made over soundproofing pads or backfills with other structures (walls, partitions, pipelines passing through floors, etc.), gaps 25 - 30 mm wide should be provided for the entire thickness of the screed, filled with soundproofing material.
8.11. In order to eliminate wet processes, speed up work, and also ensure normal heat absorption of the floor, prefabricated screeds made of gypsum fiber, wood-shaving and cement-bonded sheets or plywood should be used.
8.12. Lightweight concrete screeds made to ensure normal heat absorption of the floor must be of class no lower than B5, and a porous cement-sand mortar with a compressive strength of at least 5 MPa.
8.13. Deviations of the screed surface from the horizontal plane (clearances between the control two-meter strip and the surface being tested) should not exceed for coatings made of piece materials along the interlayer, mm:
from cement-sand mortar, xylolite,
polyvinyl acetate cement-sawdust composition,
as well as for laying adhesive waterproofing. . . . . . . . . . 4
based on synthetic resins and adhesives
compositions based on cement, as well as from
linoleum, parquet, laminated parquet,
roll materials based on synthetic
fibers and polymer self-leveling coatings. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
8.14. In rooms during operation of which changes in air temperature are possible (positive and negative), in cement-sand or concrete screed it is necessary to provide expansion joints that must coincide with the axes of the columns, the seams of the floor slabs, and expansion joints in the underlying layer. Expansion seams must be embroidered with a polymer elastic composition.
8.15. In screeds of heated floors it is necessary to provide expansion joints cut in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The seams are cut through the entire thickness of the screed and embroidered with a polymer elastic composition. The spacing of expansion joints should be no more than 6 m.

9. Underlying layer

9.1. Non-rigid underlying layers (made of asphalt concrete; stone materials selected composition, slag materials, crushed stone and gravel materials, including those treated with organic binders; soils and local materials treated with inorganic or organic binders) can be used subject to their mandatory mechanical compaction.
9.2. The rigid underlying layer (concrete, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) and steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC)) must be made of concrete of a class not lower than B22.5.
If, according to calculations, the tensile stress in the underlying layer of concrete of class B22.5 is lower than the calculated one, it is allowed to use concrete of class not lower than B7.5 with a leveling screed applied before applying the floor covering, not lower than B 12.5 - when applying all types of coatings, except polymer ones mastic liquids directly on the concrete base, and not lower than B15 - when applying polymer mastic liquids directly on the concrete base.
9.3. In floors that, during operation, may be exposed to aggressive liquids, substances of animal origin and organic solvents of any intensity, or water, neutral solutions, oils and emulsions of medium and high intensity, a rigid underlying layer must be provided.
9.4. The thickness of the underlying layer is determined by calculating the strength from effective loads and must be at least, mm:
sandy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
slag, gravel and crushed stone. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
concrete in residential and public buildings. . . . . . . . . . . 80
concrete in industrial premises. . . . . . . . . . . 100
9.5. When using a concrete underlying layer as a covering or base for a covering without a leveling screed, its thickness should be increased by 20 - 30 mm compared to the calculated one.
9.6. The underlying layer of asphalt concrete should be made in two layers, each 40 mm thick - the lower one from coarse-grained asphalt concrete (binder) and the upper one from cast asphalt concrete.
9.7. Deviations (clearances between the control, two-meter strip and the tested surface of the underlying layer) should not exceed for layers, mm:
sand, gravel, slag, crushed stone. . . . . . . . . . . 15
concrete under concrete coatings, interlayer coatings
from cement-sand mortar and under leveling screeds. . . 10
concrete under coverings on a layer of hot
bitumen mastic and when laying adhesive waterproofing. . . . 5
concrete under tile coverings with interlayer
based on synthetic resins and adhesive composition
cement-based, under linoleum coverings,
parquet, laminate, roll materials based on
synthetic fibers, as well as polymer
self-leveling coatings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
9.8. When using a rigid underlying layer to prevent deformation of the floor during possible settlement of the building, it must be cut off from columns and walls through gaskets made of rolled waterproofing materials.
9.9. In rigid underlying layers, temperature-shrinkage joints must be provided, located in mutually perpendicular directions. The dimensions of the areas limited by the axes of the expansion joints should be set depending on the temperature and humidity conditions of the floors, taking into account the production technology construction work and constructive decisions taken.
The distance between expansion joints should not exceed 30 times the thickness of the underlying layer slab, and the depth of the expansion joint should be at least 40 mm and not less than 1/3 of the thickness of the underlying layer. An increase in the distance between expansion joints should be justified by calculating the temperature effects, taking into account the design features of the underlying layer.
The maximum ratio of the length of sections limited by the axes of expansion joints to their width should not exceed 1.5.
After completion of the shrinkage process, expansion joints must be sealed with a putty composition based on Portland cement of a grade not lower than M400.
9.10. In rooms during operation of which changes in air temperature (positive and negative) are possible, expansion joints must be embroidered with a polymer elastic composition. Elastic insulating tapes can be used to protect expansion joints.
9.11. In open areas with permeable floor coverings, expansion joints should be used as a turf drainage system. Their jointing should be carried out with a polymer elastic composition of a porous structure.
9.12. Expansion joints of the building must be repeated in the concrete underlying layer and carried out over its entire thickness.
9.13. In rooms with standardized internal air temperature, when the bottom of the concrete base is located above or below the blind area of ​​the building by no more than 0.5 m, under the concrete base along the outer walls separating heated rooms from unheated ones, a layer 0.8 m wide should be laid on the ground made of inorganic moisture-resistant insulation with a thickness determined from the conditions of ensuring thermal resistance This layer of insulation is not less than the thermal resistance of the outer wall.

According to clause 3.8. SaNPiN2.1.2.2645-10 and clause 9.22 SNiP 03/31/2003 | Bathroom remodel

One of the most common options for remodeling a bathroom and toilet is most often the redevelopment of separate bathrooms and toilets, that is, redevelopment by combining them into one room. Remodeling a bathroom and toilet can present some difficulties, since this type of redevelopment is usually considered individually and has many difficulties; in order to resolve these issues, it is necessary to correctly select the rules and regulations specifically for such premises, provided for by SNiPs and the norms of the Russian Federation.

In order to understand what is needed for this, let’s consider SNiPs and the norms of the Russian Federation to it:

“In apartments, bathrooms and toilets are not allowed to be located directly above living rooms and kitchens, with the exception of two-level apartments, in which it is allowed to place a toilet and a bath (or shower) directly above the kitchen.”

If you want, for example, to enlarge or expand a bathroom, bathroom, toilet and other rooms with high humidity, wet areas, then such redevelopment can only be done at the expense of non-residential premises (corridor, storage room, utility rooms etc.). Expand such premises by living rooms and kitchens are prohibited. Even if you do good waterproofing, according to the law, you do not have the right to carry out such redevelopment, since you are worsening the living conditions of the neighbors below, and therefore, in the event of detection of those already carried out repair work in case of illegal redevelopment, you will probably be notified with an order to return everything to initial position, which was before the renovation.

The ban on enlarging and expanding the bathroom, toilet, toilet and other wet areas at the expense of living rooms is lifted if there is a non-residential premises (first or second floor) under your apartment, because then they do not end up above the living rooms of your neighbors.

- “It is not allowed to arrange an entrance to a room equipped with a toilet directly from the kitchen and living rooms, with the exception of the entrance from the bedroom to the combined bathroom, provided that there is a second room in the apartment, equipped with a toilet, with an entrance to it from the corridor or hall.”

Thus, if you have only one room in your apartment equipped with a toilet (bathroom, restroom), then you cannot carry out such a redevelopment in which the entrance to it will be from the kitchen or room.

If your apartment has two rooms equipped with a toilet, then the entrance to one of them can be made from the living room (in the context of SanPiN “bedroom”).

The entrance to a room not equipped with a toilet (shower, bath, washroom, etc.) can be made from any room.