home · Tool · Train schedule mine - well. Wells. Shaft and tube well Shaft well made of stone

Train schedule mine - well. Wells. Shaft and tube well Shaft well made of stone

What to build on the site? Mine well or a well? It depends on how the aquifer lies beneath your site. Usually, when the depth is up to 10 m, a well is dug. The deeper the aquifer, the more preferable is a pipe water intake (well). But this is if upper layers few stones. If there are a lot of stone inclusions, the complexity of drilling increases so much that sometimes it is easier to dig a regular mine well even at a depth of 20 m.

In addition, the well depends on the pump - in any situation, you can get water from a well with a bucket.

Water is considered fit for drinking if it has the following conditions:

  • transparency on a standard pin - at least 30 cm;
  • color - no more than 30;
  • tastes and smells - no more than 2-3 points;
  • nitrate content - no more than 10 mg/l;
  • titer for bacteria content - no less than 100 (that is, no more than 10 E. coli per liter).

To find out all these parameters, you need to submit a water sample for analysis to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES). Naturally, water for irrigation and other household needs should not be so strictly regulated - spring water, water from a ditch, river, or pond are suitable.

Today, if a well or borehole on your property produces water that is slightly below standard, this is not such a problem - most likely modern systems cleaning will handle it.

Mine well

What is a mine well as an engineering structure? It consists of a shaft lined from the inside with a wooden frame or a brick or concrete shaft, a head with a lifting gate and a roof or cover. Sometimes a crane lift is installed instead of a gate.

The depth of the well, as already mentioned, depends on the depth of the aquifer. At the same time, due to different lengths of the well trunk, the water receiving part (which is immersed in the aquifer) can reach the bottom of the water layer, or it can end above or below this level.

If the aquifer is free-flowing, then the water surface in the well will remain at the level of the water horizon surface, and when the water backs up, it will, on the contrary, rise higher (Fig. 26).

An imperfect well, in which water enters through the bottom of the water intake part, is called a key well. When water enters both through the bottom and through the side walls, this is a prefabricated well.

In prefabricated wells, the walls of the frame or a concrete ring in the water receiving part (below the surface of the aquifer) are provided with holes. This is not done in key wells.

Rice. 26. Schemes of wells with different depths into the aquifer: a - imperfect; b - perfect; c - perfect with sump; g - perfect with water pressure.

Shown in Fig. 26 options for constructing a well with different depths immersion in the aquifer is precisely intended to ensure the required (not excessive) daily supply of water in a particular case.

With small daily requirement a key well is arranged, and the deeper the water receiving part is buried in the aquifer, the greater the flow rate (inflow) of water. When the lower section of the trunk reaches the bottom of the aquifer, it is already a perfect well (its walls below the water surface must be permeable). If such a well produces little water, a grenade launcher (sump) is installed, buried in a water-resistant layer. This additional reservoir allows water to be collected faster into the receiving part of the well.

It is worth noting that the transverse dimensions of the well shaft (as well as the log trunk or rings) have little effect on its performance. They are chosen based on convenience earthworks(usually 0.8-1.5 m). On the other hand, the conclusion follows that you can not dig a mine at all, but limit yourself to drilling a well - no less water will flow into it. But we'll talk about this later.

In this case, what we will build is called a tube well. Its structure will become clear if you look at Fig. 38.

The water in the well will begin to stagnate and rot if you do not select almost everything that comes in. Therefore, when constructing a well, it is necessary to take into account the expected need for water (of course, with a reserve) and, based on this, arrange a water intake part of the well shaft with the required depth of immersion into the aquifer.

An approximate structure of a wooden well is shown in Fig. 27.

The taste of water, and sometimes its physical and chemical properties, depend on the type of wood from which the log house is made.

Best for underwater oak will do, hornbeam, elm, larch, alder. The most durable species are oak and hornbeam; they last under water for 20-25 years, and above water - 50-60 years.

Pine is also suitable for the surface part.

It is desirable that the logs for the log house should not have a very large uniform diameter (for example, 150 mm) and should be pre-seasoned. Workpieces 2 m long must be sanded before curing and stored (drying) in a barn. Logs stored outdoors, where they are exposed to sun, rain and wind, will almost certainly crack to a significant depth and become unsuitable for well logs.

Oak blanks are dried for 2-3 months, then a frame is made and carefully assembled, the parts are numbered with indelible paint, then completely disassembled and placed in running water for 1-2 years to obtain bog oak. You only need to stain those crowns that end up in the well under water (about 10-12 crowns).

Rice. 27. (dimensions in cm): 1 - collar; 2 - piles on which the gate is attached; 3 - drainage groove; 4 - wood cladding well (log house); 5 - gravel at the bottom of the shaft; 6 - clay castle around the head.

The stained parts are put back to dry and then used for the log house.

The easiest way to build a wooden well square section- that’s what they usually do. First, a log house about a meter by meter in size is assembled on the ground from sanded logs. The ends are chopped “into the paw”, without leaving a trace (see Fig. 28). Instead of logs, you can use 150 x 150 mm timber, which is much easier to tie in the corners. And finally, you can assemble a frame from plates (spread along logs with a diameter of 20 cm) with the flat side facing the well.

The crowns of the log house are carefully adjusted and assembled on dowels, ensuring that the log house is airtight and does not allow contaminants into the well trunk. Each crown is marked for subsequent assembly. Adjacent crowns are connected with staples, the corners are sewn together with bars, and the middles are sewn together with vertical boards (from the outside), thereby ensuring the rigidity of the log house during distortions during installation in the shaft.

Rice. 28.

A wooden well, of course, pleases the eye and larynx (with a special taste of water), but these days it has practically been replaced by a well made of reinforced concrete, which is both more durable and does not require scarce water-resistant wood (for example, oak). In addition, a concrete well does not become overgrown with mold.

Assembling a log house from bottom to top. The installation technique depends on the depth of the shaft. If the soil allows and water infiltration is not too great, a shaft up to 6 m is immediately torn to its entire depth, arranging temporary fastening. A base frame is placed on the bottom, and a floor can be laid for ease of work. Then the prepared frame is assembled from the bottom up (Fig. 29).

Rice. 29.

Rice. thirty.

Rice. 31. .

Assembling a log house from top to bottom. If the depth of the mine and (or) the condition of the soil do not allow the use of the technology described above, you have to do differently (Fig. 30):

  • they dig out the shaft to the maximum possible depth (3-4 or 5-6 m) in the way described above, and assemble the frame in it, again in the described way, from bottom to top, bringing it to a height of about half a meter (2-3 crowns) above the surface of the earth;
  • they undermine the soil in the middle of each wall of the log house to a depth of 20-25 cm and drive wedges into the open part;
  • tear off the soil in the corners of the log house;
  • release the wedges and set the frame down to the open depth;
  • repeat the three previous steps.

Rice. 32. .

When lowered, the frame may become jammed in the shaft. To settle it, a weight is used, sometimes weighing several tens of tons. Building up the crown from below, so as not to upset the frame, is even more difficult. Therefore, it is better to open a mine with a reserve in diameter, lower crown provide the log house with a wide shoe with cutting edge along the outer contour (Fig. 31). The above-ground part of a wooden well with a square frame and a gate, with a roof, is shown in Fig. 32.

The surface of logs, beams or plates facing the inside of the well must be carefully processed with a jointer or electric planer and not have chips, burrs, roughness, or flakes.

Concrete well

No special qualifications are required when constructing a concrete well shaft; the materials are quite accessible: sand, crushed stone, cement. And water, of course. The sand must be taken coarse, it must be cleaned of dirt, sifted metal mesh. Cement purchased a long time ago is no good, even if it is not damp: over time, the grade of cement deteriorates and it loses its astringent properties.

Since we are generally talking about reinforced concrete, you will also need a reinforcing bar.

Rice. 33. .

The shaft of a concrete well can be made in one of two ways:

  • monolithic in formwork;
  • from ready-made rings.

The design of the above-ground part of a concrete well is shown in Fig. 33.

Well shaft made of concrete rings. Such rings can be cast manually, with a wall thickness of 100 mm (with a smaller thickness, the reinforcing mesh does not allow the mixture to fill the gap between the outer and inner formwork). But usually they use ready-made rings produced for assembly inspection wells in sewerage, water supply and other systems. They have a diameter of 100 cm; their ends are either smooth or with a step: a quarter or a cone (Fig. 34).

Rice. 34.: a - with a smooth end; b - with a quarter step; c - with a conical step.

If you use rings with smooth ends, you need to ensure their adhesion to prevent shifting relative to each other during installation (Fig. 35).

Rice. 35. (dimensions in mm): a - staples; b - bolts; c - pins; 1 - overlay; 2 - sealing rubber or hemp tarred tourniquet; 3 - bracket; 4 - M20 bolt; 5 - M20 nut; 6 - pin.

  • You can drill 6 sockets with a diameter of 20 mm and a depth of 100 mm at the ends of the rings with a hammer drill. The markings must be made according to the template so that the sockets of the upper and lower rings coincide during assembly. Pins of the appropriate diameter are driven into the sockets of the upper cut, the ends of which must be turned into a cone 20 mm long with a blunt top. This will make it easier to align the holes in the lower end of the upper ring, which should each sit on their own pin, with the catcher cone.
  • You can connect the rings using steel plates fastened with staples or bolts. This connection not only prevents the lateral displacement of the rings, but also provides a longitudinal tie. This is necessary when a pre-assembled trunk is lowered into an open shaft.

If you make concrete rings yourself, you can provide in advance any other embedded elements that will allow you to connect the rings to each other.

When lowering a pre-assembled trunk into a shaft, it is advisable to equip it, like a wooden frame, with a shoe with a cutting edge. The water intake part of a concrete trunk, like a wooden frame, must have holes in the side walls of the rings for the influx of water (if the well is not a key well, where water enters only from below, but a prefabricated one). To prevent sand from penetrating into the well through the holes, they are filled with coarse gravel from the inside and fine gravel from the outside.

But it is best to make the water intake part yourself in the form of a ring made of large-porous concrete or ordinary concrete with inserts made of porous concrete.

Large-porous concrete is prepared without sand, using only crushed stone as a filler with a grain size 10 times larger than the sand grains of the aquifer. Crushed stone is enveloped in a creamy cement solution, placed in a mold (formwork) and lightly compacted.

The assembly of a reinforced concrete well is carried out using the same technology as the assembly of a wooden frame.

Under the lower ring, dig 4 recesses, insert bricks or wooden blocks into them, then tear off the rest of the soil so that the ring sits on the supports. Then they undermine the ground little by little under the opposite supports until the ring sits on the ground.

This method is used for well depths of up to 6 m. Deeper shafts are dug directly to the aquifer, then the rings are lowered one by one. With this technology, it is necessary to install spacers to avoid the collapse of the shaft walls.

Shaft wells are very efficiently constructed by continuous concreting, which avoids butt joints. To do this, place a shoe on a flat surface, and formwork is mounted on it. The outer formwork rises by 100 cm, and the inner formwork is arranged in the form of belts 25-30 cm high from strips of plywood or metal sheet. Each subsequent strip is installed after filling the space with concrete to the upper level of the previous strip. Upon reaching a height of 100 cm, the ring is lowered to the bottom of an open shaft 100-150 cm deep.

The reinforcement protruding from the concrete ring is increased, the outer formwork is installed and the inner formwork is installed in strips of 30 cm, filling the space with concrete. Having concreted the second ring to its full height, they begin to deepen the shaft and lower the concreted shaft to the zero ground level. This cycle is repeated until the design depth. The trunk extends above the ground to a height of 0.75-0.8 m.

Building a well is labor-intensive, serious and dangerous. What are the main sources of trouble?

  • A random object falling into a well when the digger in the mine has nowhere to jump. To exclude this, a barrier should be built from boards placed on edge at a distance of 0.4-0.7 m from the edge of the shaft, and the working area should be cleared 2-3 m from the mouth of the shaft.
  • A break in the rope used to lift a bucket or bucket of soil. The reliability of the rope must be checked outside the well with a load exceeding three times the maximum mass of soil removed from the well.
  • Spontaneous unraveling of the rope when lifting the container. The rope should be tied tightly.
  • Poisoning from accumulated gas. Before each start of work, before a person descends into the well, check the air quality in it using a burning candle. If the candle goes out, it’s dangerous: don’t go down! Ventilate and recheck until the required results are obtained - stable burning of the candle. To avoid accidental misunderstandings, all lifting equipment should be inspected after each break in work, including lunch breaks. Notify workers in the mine about the lifting up and lowering of various objects. The part of the shaft not protected by fastening should not be more than one meter high. When using various lifting mechanisms factory-made, you must carefully follow the instructions and comply with the prescribed conditions for safe work.

When making concrete rings, do not forget about the embedded parts:

  • for fastening the cable when lowering the ring with a winch or truck crane;
  • for connecting rings to each other;
  • for servicing the well during its operation (that is, for attaching steps).

In the first case, we are talking about wire loops (wire diameter 6 mm) with long whiskers, and after casting the loops themselves should be outside the ring. To connect the rings, it is enough to provide holes through which the connecting brackets will pass. To construct a staircase, step-brackets made of rods with a diameter of 16-20 mm are laid in concrete.

Brick well

Rice. 36.: 1 - main (concrete) ring; 2 - vertical rods; 3 - middle ring (wooden); 4 - upper ring (wooden); 5 - steel shoe-knife.

The shaft for the brick well is dug round, with a diameter of at least a meter. The thickness of the masonry for wells up to 6 m deep is a brick (25 cm), for deeper ones - one and a half bricks (37 cm).

The masonry is carried out using a frame (Fig. 36), which increases the rigidity of the brick riser. The frame consists of three horizontal rings connected by six vertical rods. The lower ring is massive, reinforced concrete, equipped with an iron-bound knife along the outer edge. The outer diameter of the lower ring is 50 mm larger than that of the other rings, the height is at least 100 mm.

Rice. 37. Laying bricks according to a template: a - position of the template; b, c - dressing of even and odd rows; 1 - template; 2 - pin; 3 - lower ring; 4 - butt bricks with a mortar seam that widens outwards; 5 - bricks on the surface.

The other two rings, intermediate and upper, are made of wood, their height is 80 mm, outside diameter coincides with the outer diameter of the masonry, and the inner one is 20 mm larger, a centimeter on each side. (The resulting groove is then sealed cement mortar.)

In each ring, 6 holes with a diameter of 32 mm are drilled evenly around the circumference.

The rods must have a diameter of at least 15 mm. You can use reinforcing rods for the rods with sections of rod with M16 thread 200 mm long welded at the ends.

The rods are attached to the lower ring, clamping it between two nuts and washers, then the middle ring is put on and the structure is lowered into the shaft, after which the upper part of the frame is assembled.

You can take rods half the depth of the well, then in the middle ring you need to provide not 6, but 12 holes: 6 for the lower pins, and 6 in the spaces between them for the upper ones, which will connect the middle ring with the upper one. If the rods are long, reaching the entire depth of the well (for example, butt welded), then they are wedged in the holes of the middle ring, securely fixing it.

It is most convenient to use commercially available M16 studs of three meters in length for the rods. They can be increased using tall nuts (such a nut is a hexagonal rod 100 mm long for a 27 key with an M16 thread drilled through). In this case, the middle ring is conveniently attached between two nuts at the desired height.

Then they begin bricklaying in a circle. For control, a ring template is used (Fig. 37).

Every 3-5 rows in the masonry, 2 rings of thin iron wire are laid, tying them to the rods with soft wire.

If water must flow not only through the bottom, but also through lateral surface brick joint, in the first row of masonry between the bricks, 6 porous concrete inserts are installed evenly around the circumference, as for concrete wells.

You can add liquid glass (1:10 by volume) to the prepared mortar for laying the well wall and mix thoroughly - this will increase the tightness of the seams.

When the wall is laid to the middle of the shaft height and the middle ring begins to interfere with the masonry, it is either moved higher and then lowered tightly onto the last laid row of bricks, or bricks of the required height are pressed in order to fit them tightly under the middle ring. Then next row lay on top of the ring.

The same is done with the last row of masonry under the top ring, which is then firmly seated on the masonry, tightening the nuts evenly. Subsequently, the upper ring is used to secure the roof or well cover.

Well made of stone

Maybe instead brickwork line the well shaft with stone. Masonry is also carried out using the frame shown in Fig. 36. Stones need to be selected according to size, laid with bandaging, filling the voids between large stones with smaller stones. The most large stones should be used for the bottom rows. Every 12-20 cm, to increase strength, you need to lay wire - like for a brick well.

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Mine wells are used to lift non-pressure water to the surface from a depth of about 30 meters. This is a rectangular or round shape with strong and reliable fastening of the walls. Wells mine type consist of above-ground (head), middle (trunk) and lower water intake parts. They are built from the material at hand, that is, concrete, stone, brick or wood. Coarse sand, gravel, and crushed stone are poured onto the bottom.

Construction of a shaft well for water

Unfortunately, there are no standards or regulatory documents, which determine the method of sinking wells.
A workforce of 2-3 people, a shovel, a crowbar, a sledgehammer and a bucket remain the key to successful well construction.

To obtain a strictly vertical excavation, the shaft is passed without the use of casing. Work is carried out until sand, sandy loam or aquifer appears. The diameter of the trunk is determined by the external size of the concrete rings or the external parameters of the log house, if one is assumed.

So, the trunk goes out onto the water. But before entering the formation, the lower two seams between the rings are sealed from the inside with cement mortar. The face itself is filled with gravel, 20 centimeters thick, which acts as a filter.

Advantages of mine wells

The diameter of the rings greatly facilitates the maintenance of the well, changing the pump and other technical services.
Possibility of raising water in the absence of a pump.

Disadvantages of shaft wells

The water is not clean, especially in the spring.

Do-it-yourself construction of mine wells

Constructing a well shaft with your own hands is possible for any person who has the skills of simple construction. Having prepared the necessary entrenching tools and having, for example, reinforced concrete rings available, you can begin excavation work. Following the basic sanitary conditions, the location of the well should be at a distance of 25-30 meters from outbuildings, toilets, and other similar structures.

So, for the construction of a shallow well, concrete rings are preferable, internal diameter 0.5 meters.

They need to be lowered one at a time sequentially as the soil is removed. This will allow the rings to lower under their own weight. The seams between the ends of the rings are carefully sealed cement composition. The solution is placed in a molded groove at the end of the ring, the weight of which creates a sealed joint. Distortion of the rings during their descent can be avoided if beams of equal thickness are placed under them at an angle of 90°. In this case, you need to dig up the soil opposite the opposite beam.

If the diameter of the concrete rings is one or more meters, then you will have to use a winch with a tripod. After laying the rings, the bottom of the structure is covered with a layer of sand and river gravel. The upper ring should extend to the surface of the earth at least half a meter. When operating a mine, you should not leave it open to avoid debris and living creatures getting into it. For these purposes, the lid is equipped with a strong lock.

Around the upper ring, the installation of slopes is also mandatory work.

The installation of the gate, handles and, in general, the design of the canopy or canopy depends on the owner’s flight of fancy.

Solving the problem of water supply in suburban area, their owners try to use all options, while taking into account the quality of the water that will be supplied to the house, plus the costs spent on the construction of the hydraulic structure. It’s good if there is a natural reservoir near the house, but if there is none, then there are two options: dig a well or drill a well. The second option is more expensive than the first, although the water from the well is cleaner and of better quality. But, as practice shows, many summer residents give their preference to wells, of which there are two types, differing from each other in design features. This is a shaft well and a tube well.

Construction of a shaft well

In principle, shaft-type wells are ordinary structures in the form of a shaft of different sections, usually round, which are dug in the ground and lined around the perimeter durable material. The latter will prevent the soil from falling inside the well shaft and restrain penetration upper layers aquifers and precipitation. Therefore, it is very important that the materials used are durable and can cope with long-term use. negative impact water and humidity, plus they themselves did not affect the quality of water in the well.

Construction of a shaft well

Most often, mine wells are lined with brick or stone; in the old days they used logs; today preference is given to plastic structures and reinforced concrete rings. Most important point in the construction of a well of this type, this is the tightness between the joints of the parts of the shaft of the general well structure, because it is the joints that are vulnerable places that are susceptible to leaks.

As for the structure of the shaft well, the structure is divided into three parts:

  • At the very bottom there is a water inlet or catch basin. Its height from the bottom of the structure can vary from 1.5 to 4 m. The main function of this part of the well is to collect and filter water, so it is laid at the very bottom bottom filter, consisting of several layers of crushed stone or gravel. Typically, layers are laid depending on the fraction of the material according to the degree of coarsening: the bottom layer, 20-30 cm thick, is crushed stone of a small fraction, the middle layer, 30 cm thick, is of a medium fraction, and the top (30 cm) is large stones.
  • The middle part, located above the catchment area, is the well shaft, which protects the structure itself from the collapse of the walls and the entry of contaminants. Essentially this is underground part devices.
  • AND top part– head. This aboveground part well, which protects it from debris, dust, and natural precipitation entering the trunk, while the head prevents the water in the well from freezing. The upper part is equipped with a roof and a door.

Mine wells of round and rectangular cross-section

Advantages and disadvantages of mine wells

It is impossible to say that mine wells have many advantages over other hydraulic structures. And although this type occurs quite often today, it is just ease of construction. This is precisely the main positive point. The following can be added to the advantages.

  • If you choose correctly facing material for the trunk, then we can talk about the long-term operation of the well, which sometimes exceeds 50 years.
  • If you use the well constantly, you can forget about such activities as cleaning and repair. Although experts recommend in any case cleaning the structure at least once a year.
  • Since the diameter of the shaft is significant, optimally 1 m, almost any pumps can be lowered into it in terms of their size and modifications, which simplifies the selection of pumping equipment.
  • But the most important thing is that there is no need to obtain permission to dig a well. The only thing that needs to be done is to register the hydraulic structure, so to speak, to put it on record.

Well from reinforced concrete rings will last 50 years

Now about the disadvantages.

  • Digging a well is both difficult and time-consuming. True, you can use special equipment that will do it all on its own in just a couple of hours. But you'll have to pay for it.
  • There is always the possibility that you may encounter an aquifer that turns out to be unfit for drinking.
  • If you use the well irregularly, it begins to silt.
  • It is very important to carry out the construction process itself correctly, because both the quality of the water inside the catchment basin and the impossibility of penetration of contaminants into the mine will depend on this.

Construction of a mine well

There are two technologies for constructing a mine well, which depend on the soil in which the construction is carried out. If the soil is clayey and strong, that is, there are guarantees that the walls of the shaft will not crumble during excavation work, then the process is carried out directly: the shaft is completely excavated, and then its walls are lined, that is, a shaft is formed. The cladding starts from the bottom.

The second technology is called casing, for which already prepared or finished sections of the trunk are usually used. For example, parts of a trunk assembled from logs or beams, or finished products in the form of reinforced concrete rings. This construction option is used if the soil on the site is unstable and mobile.

Construction of a well shaft

The essence of this technology is that the prepared part of the trunk is installed at the site where the soil is being excavated, and the soil itself is excavated from inside the product. Thus, it goes down gradually. At the same time, the trunk is also gradually expanded by installing the next element on top.

Attention! A very important point regarding the long-term operation of a mine well. Construction with outside need to be waterproofed, what can it be used for? various materials and technology. For example, bitumen mastic and roofing material, which is laid in several layers.

Tube well construction

Tube wells used to be found in all villages; they were even simply installed on the streets and called columns. Experts gave them a different name - Abyssinian well or needle-hole. From the name itself it becomes clear that the main element of this structure is a pipe, which was driven into the ground with a sledgehammer to the required depth. The water supply was provided hand pump installed on top of the pipe.

Tube well construction

Today, of course, many people refuse this technology. That is, they do not drive the pipe into the ground, but first drill a well into which the pipe water is lowered. This is probably why this structure is called a needle well, because the structure itself is built according to the principle of constructing a well. Yes and by design tube well not much different from a well. The only difference is the shallow drilling depth.

Attention! If a tube well is being constructed in unstable soils or the drilling depth is significant, then a casing pipe must be installed in the well.

There are two types of tube wells.

  1. Shallow laying. Their depth does not exceed 40 m. If the aquifer is located at least 12-15 m, then the pipe can be plugged, taking into account the condition of the soil - it must be soft.
  2. Deep laying. Accordingly, the depth should be more than 40 m.

Advantages and disadvantages of a tube well

The advantages include:

  • Always pure water due to complete sealing of pipes;
  • such a hydraulic structure can be installed right next to the house, but away from sewerage structures;
  • The water flow of such a well is very large.

About the cons:

  • if the drilling time is chosen incorrectly, then there is a possibility that the well will become shallow in the summer season;
  • if it is rarely used, the well will become silted;
  • It is important to carry out the installation correctly; even minor violations can lead to depressurization of the pipeline.


Construction technology

It is not difficult to build a tube well with your own hands, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations from experts. If the soil at the dacha is soft and the depth does not exceed 15 m, then the pipe can be driven into the ground with an ordinary sledgehammer. Here is the sequence of operations performed.

  • First of all, you need to dig a hole 1-2 m deep, rectangular or round section 1.5 m wide.
  • The first pipe is installed in the hole in the center, the lower end of which is a point. Almost half the length of this pipe is perforated. In fact, this will be a water collector with a filter.
  • The hole is filled with soil. That is, it turns out that the first pipe is already located inside the earth. And it is precisely located at the drilling site.
  • Using a sledgehammer, the pipe is driven into the ground until only the threaded connection remains on the surface.
  • The second pipe is screwed into the first. And they start hitting it with a sledgehammer, driving it into the ground. In this way, the entire pipe structure is assembled.

Driving the pipe into the ground

Conclusion on the topic

Two types of wells that are still being built today summer cottages. Most often, shaft structures are erected because they are convenient to operate and carry out preventive measures. True, in terms of the construction method they are more complex and costly.

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Not all dachas and country houses are located near centralized water supply networks. But for comfortable living you need water. In such a situation, underground horizons may become the only source of water for drinking and domestic needs. To ensure the extraction of such water, it is necessary to build a shaft well, drill a well or make a tube well. Any hydraulic structure can provide uninterrupted water supply to a residential building. However, their design and operating features are slightly different. In our article we will compare mine and pipe water intakes.

There are two types of well-type water intake structures:

  • mine hydraulic structures.

Tubular structure

This type of structure is very common in small villages and is called a column. Another name for this structure is the Abyssinian well, needle well. Sometimes they are located right on the streets. So that water from the depths of such a well can rise to the top, a hand pump is used. A tube well can only be installed in a place where groundwater lies at a shallow depth. The construction of this hydraulic structure takes 1-2 days. However, the construction of such a water intake is carried out not by digging a hole, but by drilling a well.

Essentially, this is the same borehole, equipped with a filter, lifting and pumping equipment. If drilling of such penetration will be carried out in unstable soils or to a significant depth, then a casing string must be used. This will prevent soil from collapsing from the walls of the well both during drilling and during operation. Thanks to threaded connection pipes, it is possible to achieve high tightness of the structure.

Such a structure can be of two types:

  • shallow (up to 40 m), structures up to 9 m deep are made by hammering a pipe, this is only possible in soft soils;
  • deep (more than 40 m), for drilling wells up to 50 m deep, the shock-rope method is used, and for structures more than 50 m deep, the core or rotary method is suitable.


A tube well is usually constructed after studying the characteristics of the soil. The choice of drilling method (drill, chisel or crown) depends on this. The construction of such a well begins with drilling a well according to the size of the casing pipe to the aquifer. Then the casing is installed. The downhole part of the column has perforation and a filter.

Important: backfilling is required - the annulus space behind the casing pipes is filled with clay. This is the only way to protect the structure from surface water.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such hydraulic structures include the following:

  • the water in such a well almost always remains clean, since they cannot get into the well foreign objects and garbage;
  • a tube well can be placed near the house;
  • water can be extracted from a previously planned horizon;
  • the well provides a good supply of clean drinking water.

Among the disadvantages of these structures it is worth mentioning:

  • impossibility of extracting groundwater located in shallow horizons (above 7 m);
  • if the time for drilling is chosen incorrectly, the hydraulic structure may become shallow;
  • if the structure is not used regularly, there is a high probability of silting of the well;
  • If there are violations and inaccuracies during the installation process, the seams between the casing pipes may become depressurized.

Construction of a tube well

The easiest way is to independently make a shallow tubular water intake (up to 9 m) in soft soil. To do this, pipes are driven into the ground. To make the work easier, the soil can be periodically moistened. The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. First, a hole is made at the location where the shaft is made, 1.5-2 m deep and 1.5 x 1.5 m in size.
  2. A clamp is attached to the first pipe bolted connection, a filter is installed, and a weight belt is put on.
  3. The second clamp is attached 200 cm above the filter.
  4. The pipe is placed in the center of the pit. The pit is filled up and compacted.
  5. The pipe is plugged using a woman on a rope.
  6. In this way, work continues until they reach the aquifer.

Mine water intake

This water intake structure is ideal for DIY projects. Typically, the construction of a mine well is done in the process of digging a hole and strengthening its walls. Mine wells can be divided into several types depending on the material from which their walls are made:

  • wooden;
  • stone or brick;
  • plastic;
  • reinforced concrete.

Most often done reinforced concrete wells. This design can last up to half a century. The depth of a mine well can reach 15-20 m. However, the process of digging a hole itself is quite lengthy and labor-intensive. Depending on the dimensions of the concrete rings, lifting equipment may be required for installation. Quite often, a filter up to 50 cm high is equipped at the bottom of the structure.

Attention: the mine well must be protected from the ingress of surface water and high water. To do this, the outside is coated with bitumen and wrapped in two layers of waterproofing; all joints between the rings are carefully sealed.

Rapidly gaining popularity plastic wells. High tightness of all seams and joints is achieved due to the integrity of the structure. The service life of such structures is no less than that of reinforced concrete products. But the main advantage is the low weight of plastic rings, which provides quick installation without the use of construction equipment.

Brick and wooden shaft wells are not as popular as they were several decades ago, due to the complexity of their implementation, low tightness, rapid contamination and difficulties in maintenance.

Attention: to protect the contents of the well from contamination surface waters, sediment and debris, the structure must have a roof, and its top must be raised above ground level to a height of at least 50 cm.


The shaft well consists of three parts:

  1. The water inlet is located below. This part is needed to collect and filter water.
  2. Above the water intake there is a well shaft. This is an underground part of the structure that protects water from pollution and the walls of the mine from collapse.
  3. The well head is located above the ground surface. It protects the structure from debris, precipitation, dust and dirt, and also prevents water from freezing in winter. The roof and gate are installed on the head.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of mine wells include the following:

  • An impressive service life of up to 50 years.
  • Cleaning such a hydraulic structure is easy.
  • Due to the significant diameter of the shaft, any deep-well pumps can be used to ensure automatic water supply to the house.
  • To make such a well, you do not need to obtain any permits. After constructing the structure, the well simply needs to be registered.

However, shaft wells also have disadvantages:

  • It takes a lot of time and labor to dig a deep hole.
  • While digging, you may come across perched water or contaminated groundwater which will be undrinkable.
  • The structure must be cleaned and disinfected once a year.
  • If used irregularly, the contents of the well become silted.
  • To obtain high-quality drinking water, you will need a good filter.
  • Poor sealing of the structure can lead to water contamination.

Well construction

It is better to dig the water intake in late autumn or winter. The thing is that at this time the groundwater drops by maximum depth, so you won’t come across perched water, and the structure itself can be dug to considerable depth. This will provide you with a stable large debit of the hydraulic structure in any season.

To construct a water intake shaft, it is better to take reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1 m and a height of 50-100 cm. They are easy to lift with a winch, and you do not need a crane. A tripod is installed above the digging site, to which a winch is attached.

The excavation and installation of the structure is carried out in the following order:

  1. For digging, use a shovel with a short handle. First, they dig a hole 50-100 cm deep and a little more than a meter in diameter.
  2. After this, the first concrete ring is installed in the pit. It is lifted using a winch and lowered into the pit.
  3. After this, digging continues under the ring downwards. As the hole deepens, the ring will sag under its own weight.
  4. After the first ring sinks to a height of 50-100 cm, install the second ring on top of it. In this case, the elements are fastened together using metal brackets. During the installation process, the seams between the rings are sealed using a special cord.
  5. Further digging and installation of subsequent rings are also carried out. When the bottom of the hole begins to fill with water, stop digging.
  6. At the bottom of the well, a filter is made from layer-by-layer washed stones of different fractions. Usually its height should be at least 50 cm.
  7. Then carry out external waterproofing by coating the top three rings on the outside bitumen mastic and wrapping the well with roofing felt.
  8. A gravel-sand backfill or a clay castle is placed around the well. The top is done concrete blind area with a slope from the walls of the structure.
  9. A roof with an overhang and a gate is installed on the head.

At burial level groundwater up to 10 m, mine wells are built, which use groundwater. If the level of these waters is closer than 5 m from the surface, the construction of a well is easier, but the water may not be clean enough.

Depending on the material used, wooden, concrete, brick and stone wells are distinguished. The shafts can be round with a diameter of 1-1.5 m or square. An increase in these dimensions has virtually no effect on the amount of water flowing into the well from the aquifer per unit time. This quantity determines the flow rate of the well.

A shaft well consists of a head, a shaft and a water intake part (Fig. 1-5-1). The head is a part of the well trunk, located 0.7-0.8 m above ground level. It must have a lid, a canopy and a device for extracting water (a bucket with a chain or rope connected to a collar, a pump, a “crane”, etc. . P.). To prevent contaminated water from seeping into the well from the surface, a clay castle 1-1.5 m deep and 0.5 m wide is made around it. Above the clay castle, a blind area is made of stone, crushed stone, concrete, etc. with a slope from the perimeter of the well . A closed hole is left in the well cover that is too tight to remove harmful gases.

Below the head, down to the water level, there is a shaft of the mine, which passes into the water intake part. Depending on the need for water and the thickness of the aquifer, this part may vary. When installing a well, you should proceed from the principle: the influx of water is equal to consumption, otherwise the water will either rot or there will not be enough of it. Water intake part in wells personal use usually immersed in the aquifer to no more than 0.7 m of its height. The depth from the water surface to the bottom of the well is maintained within 1-1.5 m. This is the minimum that ensures clear water during intake.

A well, the water receiving part of which does not reach the end of the aquifer, is called imperfect (Fig. 1-5-2). Water enters it through the bottom and walls of the water intake part. To increase the water supply, the water intake part is expanded to the outline of the tent. When water flow is higher, the well is built to be perfect. Its water intake part ends at the border with the water-resistant layer, so water enters only through the side walls of the water intake part. The water supply increases if you go deeper into the impermeable layer. A grenade launcher or sump appears. Recesses into the waterproof layer are not required if the water intake part is made in the form of a tent.

For water entering through the bottom of the water intake, a filter is required, which consists of a layer of sand and a layer of crushed stone or gravel.

The aquifer at the bottom of the inlet may be too liquid. In this case, the bottom is lined with boards with holes or gaps are left between the boards and sand and gravel (crushed stone) are poured on top.

It is more difficult to install a filter near the side walls. Therefore, homemade wells, as a rule, are imperfect with water flowing only through the bottom.

Wooden wells. The most suitable tree species for making a well frame are oak, larch, elm, and alder. The cross-section of the log house is chosen from 0.7x0.7 m to 1.5x1.5 m. The log house is made from solid logs with a diameter of 0.15-0.20 m. Logs of larger diameter are sawn into plates. The crowns of the log house in the corners are connected “into a paw” and fastened with wooden spikes. The crowns are motionless between themselves thanks to steel brackets and dowels. Sometimes the log house is covered with boards.

With a well depth of 5-6 m and relatively strong soil, they immediately reach the bottom, temporarily strengthening the walls against collapse. The frame is laid on the bottom and a log house is erected on it. If the aquifer is very liquid, logs are placed at the bottom of the shaft and boards are sewn to them with a gap for the passage of water. The crowns of the log house are mounted on this floor.

It is better to make a three-layer filter. Incoming components are washed well before installation. The bottom layer is prepared from medium-grained sand with a diameter of 0.2-0.5 mm, the middle layer from grains of sand with a diameter of 1-2 mm, the top layer from crushed stone or gravel with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Minimum thickness filter - 0.3-0.5 m. Another combination of layers is possible, but the particles of the overlying layer should always be larger.
Wells with a depth of more than 6 m are built in two ways: by building up the frame from above and by building up from below. In the first method, they dig a shaft several meters deep. Pre-prepared crowns of the log house are installed in it so that three or four of them, counting vertically, protrude above ground level. All crowns are mounted strictly plumb and fastened with staples and dowels. Then select 0.2-0.3 m of soil just under the middle of each log of the lower crown of the log house. Instead of the removed soil, wedge-shaped supports are installed. Then they undermine the soil at the corners of the lower crown, remove it from the shaft and gradually knock out the wedges so that the frame gradually lowers until 1-2 protruding crowns disappear in the shaft. New crowns are grown above the ground, and the process is repeated. Cases cannot be ruled out when the frame tilts when lowered. In this case, it is set at raised corners. Sometimes, for this purpose, a platform is built on the upper crown and a weight is placed on the protruding corners, which makes it easier to level the frame. Often, in order to lower the frame evenly, its lower crown is slightly expanded and edged around the perimeter with a steel angle, which cuts off the walls of the shaft as it moves.

If a log house is stuck tightly even under the influence of a load of hundreds of kilograms, then this log house is built up from below. This method is also suitable for constructing deep wells. In this case, part of the log house is lowered into the shaft in the manner described above. After the upper half of the frame is installed, work continues under the frame. Under the log house, they undermine the soil to the thickness of the crown, which is lowered to the bottom in disassembled form. In order for the crowns to fit tightly to each other and during the process of assembling the log house from below there are no distortions and slips, the ends of two parallel logs of the first crown should protrude beyond the dimensions of the crown by 0.4-0.5 m. For elongated ends in the walls of the shaft, they are pulled out in the horizontal direction special nests - stoves. For each log, one of the nests should have a beveled top and a depth of approximately 0.8-1 m. Then the log will fit into the opposite nest with a depth of 0.4-0.5 m without additional demolition.

These logs must have cuttings for connecting short transverse logs “to the paw”. The original crown will be carried as if on a stretcher by the above-located log house. The next crown can now be completely assembled at the bottom, lifted and secured with staples and dowels to the original one. The more friable the soil, the more often there should be original crowns, which will ensure the durability of the log house. If the soil is too loose, a different well design is chosen.

The aquifer may be a slurry consisting of sand and water, quicksand that can only be overcome with the help of a sheet piling box. This box is made from boards 50 mm thick (fifty). The boards are placed vertically and joined in quarters (Fig. 1-5-3). Bottom edges the boards are sharpened. The dimensions of the box should allow it to slide along the internal walls of the log house. In order for the box to crash into the quicksand, pressure must be applied to it using a wedge or a load, a jack, etc. The soil that accumulates inside the box is removed by lifting it up.

On highly liquefied quicksand, use a bottom box (Fig. 1-5-4), at the bottom of which there is a hole with a lid. The base of the box along the contour is equipped with a cutting edge, upholstered with a corner or a steel strip. The bottom box is buried in the same way as a tongue and groove box. After filling, move the lid, lower the tub on top and transfer the contents of the box into it. As the box is lowered, the frame is laid down behind it. The service life of the log house (and therefore the well) is 10-15 years.

Concrete wells more durable and hygienic than wooden ones. Their service life is about 25 years. The walls of the concrete well shaft are made monolithic or assembled from rings. Reinforced concrete - concrete reinforced with steel reinforcement further increases the durability of the well. Concrete wells are made from rings with a diameter of 0.8-1.0 m, a height of 0.5-1 m, with a thickness of concrete rings of 0.09-0.12 m, reinforced concrete - 0.05-0.08 m. In this case, a crane is used or a tripod. In some cases, rings are prepared directly above the well shaft using formwork, which is two split rings coaxially installed in each other. The gap between the rings is filled concrete mixture. If before this you place steel wire rings in the gap, separated vertically by scraps of wire, you can get reinforced concrete.

The concrete mixture is prepared from cement, crushed stone or gravel, sand and water. Considering that the rings will be constantly in water, only Portland cement of at least grade 400 should be used for the mixture. To ensure that the concrete is dense and has as few pores as possible, materials of different grain sizes are used as filler in such a ratio that after mixing the sand fills all the voids between crushed stone or gravel. For almost one volumetric part of cement, take 2-3 parts of sand and four parts of fine gravel. The water-cement ratio, that is, the ratio of the mass of water to the mass of cement, should be in the range of 0.5-0.7. Large quantity water will reduce the strength of concrete. To check the quality of concrete, you should squeeze it a little in your palm. ready-made composition. There should be a lump on the palm without swelling and a little bit of cement milk.

Mix the dry composition manually with a shovel in a shallow and wide container until a homogeneous mass is achieved. For this purpose, troughs made of galvanized steel sheet or special containers are used. It is important that the container is raised approximately to the height home desk and slightly tilted. Then it is easier to pour the mixture into the formwork.

Before pouring into a mixing container, all elements of the mixture are cleaned of clay, grass, earth, etc. Anything foreign reduces the strength of concrete. Cement intended for long-term storage is placed in plastic bags and sealed. Concrete is placed in formwork in layers 9-12 cm thick and compacted until laitance is released. After filling the formwork, the concrete is protected from the sun and, in hot weather, watered daily with cold water for a week.

The construction of a well from concrete and reinforced concrete rings is carried out using the lowering method. The lower ring at the base is made with an extension and a circular steel knife. It can be bent from a steel strip 3-6 mm thick and the ends riveted. At the upper annular edge of the knife, several holes are drilled around the circumference in diametric directions. Wire scraps are threaded through them. Place the knife into the formwork before pouring so that finished ring it protruded by 4-8 cm. The wire should get into the fill and fix the knife on the ring. The walls of the well are built up in the same sequence as in wooden ones. The correct placement of the first ring is checked with a level (spirit level), the rest - with a plumb line. To lower the rings evenly, use a technique similar to that described above for wooden wells. Take four supports (jacks are better, bricks are worse), dig up the soil under the lower ring from four diametrically opposite sides and place supports of the same height there. Remove the soil between the supports. The rings are lowered behind the jacks that are lowered evenly. Under solid supports, soil is repeatedly dug and removed. There are many ways to attach rings to each other. To secure them using steel brackets, rods are inserted into the formwork before pouring concrete. The rods of the finished ring are knocked out. The result is holes for staples. The rings can also be cast so that the edges of each upper row fall into the grooves of the underlying one. The seams between the rings are sealed with cement mortar containing one part cement and three parts sand. When the brand of cement is unknown, take one part of cement and two parts of sand. The water intake part of the well is fundamentally the same as that of a wooden well. For individual use, it is preferable to build an imperfect well with water entering through a bottom filter. However, with significant water consumption, side holes are also made. In this case, use as a filter porous concrete. To make it, take 5-7 parts of gravel with a particle diameter of 15-20 mm per one part of cement. Water-cement ratio 0.3-0.4. The absence of fine-grained sand in the mixture makes the concrete porous and low-strength. Therefore, windows are left in rings made of dense concrete, which are later filled with porous concrete. Sometimes narrow segments 10-15 cm high are made from it. Special filters can also be inserted into the windows of rings made of dense concrete.

Reinforced concrete rings with a diameter and height of 1 m, a thickness of 5 cm, weigh about 380 kg. Concrete rings of the same diameter and height have greater thickness and mass. Therefore, in order to cope with the rings without lifting means, they should be made of a smaller height.

This difficulty disappears when building a well from monolithic concrete. To do this, two formworks are built concentrically, between which concrete is poured. If the well is deep, the already hardened walls are laid down, the formwork is built up and concrete is poured again. Each section of the shaft hardens for no more than seventy days.

Stone and brick wells have a long service life, but their construction is very labor-intensive. For the walls, dense natural stone or red, well-burnt brick without cracks is used. Wells most often have a cylindrical shape with an internal diameter of 0.75-1 m, the thickness of the walls is 1-2 bricks, that is, at least 0.25 m, from rubble - at least 0.35 m. In shallow wells, the walls are laid starting from the bottom. At significant depths, the lowering method is used. In this case, a knife made of steel strip is attached to the lower ring of wood (preferably oak) along the contour, which will make lowering the masonry easier. For the same purpose, the ring is made several centimeters in diameter wider than the outer size of the masonry. It is carried out using cement mortar 1:3. The inside of the masonry is plastered with cement mortar 1:2. The outside walls of the masonry are also plastered or coated with clay.

The masonry is protected from cracking by steel rods bent at the ends. 4-6 rods are evenly distributed around the circumference of the masonry; in height they should overlap the above and underlying rows of rods by 15-25 cm. During the laying process they are completely sealed.

Wells are usually built imperfectly with water flowing through a bottom filter.

When constructing wells, safety regulations are observed. The walls of a shaft with a depth of more than 1.5 m must be reinforced with boards that fit tightly to the ground. An area with a diameter of at least 3 m around the well is cleared of objects that could fall into the shaft. Details lifting devices check before starting work. Lowered objects are firmly secured. It is advisable to wear a helmet in the mine.

Before people descend into the mine, they check for the presence of gases in it. To do this, a candle is lowered into the shaft in a bucket on a rope. If it goes out, the mine must be ventilated by raising and lowering the bucket several times. If the candle goes out again, use a fan.