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Technical room in the building. Technological premises. Diesel generator room

1. How is it not allowed to use fire distances between buildings?
clause 22. Fire safety distances between buildings and structures, stacks of timber, lumber, other materials and equipment are not allowed to be used for storing materials, equipment and containers, for parking vehicles and for the construction (installation) of buildings and structures.

2. Procedure for closing roads or passages for repairs?
clause 23. Roads, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures, open warehouses, external fire escapes and water sources used for fire extinguishing purposes must always be free for the passage of fire equipment, kept in good condition, and in winter be cleared of snow and ice.
The closure of roads or passages for repairs or for other reasons that impede the passage of fire trucks must be immediately reported to the fire department.
During the period of road closures, detour direction signs should be installed in appropriate places or crossings should be arranged through areas under repair and approaches to water sources.

3.What should be indicated on the doors of production and warehouse premises?
clause 33. For all production and warehouse premises, the explosion and fire category must be determined. fire danger, as well as the zone class according to the rules for electrical installations (hereinafter referred to as PUE), which should be indicated on the doors of the premises.
Standard safety signs should be posted near equipment that has an increased fire hazard.
The use in production processes of materials and substances with unstudied indicators of their fire and explosion hazard or without certificates, as well as their storage together with other materials and substances is not allowed.

4.In which rooms should signs indicating what be posted in visible places?
clause 13. In all production, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary premises, signs indicating the fire department telephone number must be posted in visible places.

5. What materials are prohibited from making mezzanines in production and warehouses?

6. In buildings of what degree of fire resistance and from what materials is it prohibited to install built-in rooms and offices in production and warehouse premises?
paragraph 40 last paragraph. In buildings and structures of organizations (except for individual residential buildings) it is prohibited:
install mezzanines, desks and other built-in premises made of flammable and low-combustible materials and sheet metal in production and warehouse premises of buildings (except for buildings of the V degree of fire resistance).

7. What is prohibited from being installed in staircases and floor corridors?
clause 40 paragraph 12. In buildings and structures of organizations (with the exception of individual residential buildings) it is prohibited: to arrange storerooms (closets) in stairwells and floor corridors, as well as to store under flights of stairs and on staircase landings things, furniture and other flammable materials.
clutter doors, hatches on balconies and loggias, transitions to adjacent sections and exits to external evacuation stairs with furniture, equipment and other items;
install additional doors or change the direction of opening doors (in deviation from the design) from apartments to a common corridor (to the staircase landing), if this interferes with the free evacuation of people or worsens the conditions for evacuation from neighboring apartments;

8. What is allowed to be installed under flights of stairs on the first and ground floors?
(clause 40 paragraph 12). Under flights of stairs on the first and ground floors, only rooms for control units are allowed central heating, water metering units and electrical switchboards, fenced off with partitions made of non-combustible materials;

9. How is it prohibited to use attics, technical floors, ventilation chambers?

clause 40 paragraph 3. In buildings and structures of organizations (except for individual residential buildings) it is prohibited:
use attics, technical floors, ventilation chambers and other technical premises for organizing production areas, workshops, as well as storing products, equipment, furniture and other items;

10. What is prohibited to do in order to prevent the spread of fire hazards along evacuation routes?
(clause 40 paragraph 6). Remove emergency exit doors from floor corridors, halls, foyers, vestibules and stairwells, other doors that prevent the spread of fire hazards along escape routes. Make changes to space-planning solutions, as a result of which the conditions for the safe evacuation of people worsen, access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and other means is limited fire safety or the coverage area decreases automatic systems fire protection(automatic fire alarm, stationary automatic fire extinguishing installation, smoke removal system, warning and evacuation control systems). Reducing the coverage area of ​​an automatic fire alarm or automatic fire extinguishing installation as a result of redevelopment is permitted only if additional protection volumes of premises excluded from the coverage area indicated above automatic installations, individual fire detectors or modular installations fire fighting accordingly;

11. In what way is it prohibited to thaw frozen pipes?
(clause 40 paragraph 8). Warm frozen pipes blowtorches and other methods using open fire;

12. What information should be on the doors attic spaces, technical floors and basements?
clause 44. The doors of attics, as well as technical floors and basements, in which the technology does not require constant presence of people, must be locked. On the doors of these premises there must be information about where keys are stored. Windows in attics, technical floors and basements must be glazed and permanently closed.
Pits near window openings in the basement and ground floors of buildings (structures) must be cleared of debris and other objects. Metal gratings, protecting the indicated pits, must be opening, and the locks on the windows must be opened from the inside without a key.

13. How should the protective clothing of persons working with flammable liquids or flammable liquids be stored?
clause 48. The overalls of persons working with oils, varnishes, paints and other flammable liquids and flammable liquids must be stored suspended in metal cabinets installed in places specially designated for this purpose.

14. Requirements for doors and locks on escape routes?
clause 52. Doors on escape routes must open freely and in the direction of exit from the building, with the exception of doors whose opening is not regulated by the requirements regulatory documents on fire safety.
Locks on the doors of emergency exits must provide people inside the building (structure) with the ability to freely open the locks from the inside without a key.

15. What is the procedure for closing premises at the end of the working day?

clauses 2.9, 2.12, 2.13 Instructions to the responsible person... Every day at the end of the working day, before closing, carefully inspect all serviced premises and check:

turning off electric heating devices, electrical installations, units, machines, equipment, power and electrical lighting networks (with the exception of power supplies and electrical installations, which, according to the conditions of the technological process, must operate around the clock);

  • cleaning premises and workplaces from industrial waste and garbage;
  • removal of flammable and combustible liquids and goods in aerosol packaging from workplaces to a specially designated and equipped place for their storage;
  • the presence of free passages along corridors, stairs to emergency exits, hatches, windows, fire extinguishing and communications equipment;
  • compliance with fire safety requirements set out in instructions for inspection of premises.

When inspecting and checking the premises, you should determine whether there is smoke, a burning smell, an increase in temperature and other signs of fire.

Inspection of premises where fire hazardous work was carried out must be carried out with special care. These premises must be monitored for three hours after the completion of fire hazardous work.

Premises can be closed only after they have been inspected and all fire hazards have been eliminated. About shortcomings that cannot be eliminated by the inspector, the latter must immediately report to a higher official so that appropriate measures can be taken.

After closing the premises, windows (vents) responsible person must hand over the keys against signature to the security or the responsible person on duty at the facility and make an entry in special magazine on the results of the inspection of the premises).

Non-residential premises are offices, shops, salons and cafes that are located in a residential building and occupy its space.

Mainly located on ground floor, and their formation is provided for in advance at the time of construction of a multi-story building.

In addition, this category includes auxiliary and technical premises, utility rooms. Their definition in the designated status is permissible, provided that they are registered as property and registered as non-residential.

Are different intended purpose, which does not provide for their use for housing (see). Participate in commercial activities or are owned management company(UK).

Discrimination of space use in apartment building- an issue on which the payment of utility services for citizens and the right to dispose of them at their own discretion depends.

Non-residential premises are legally designated as a space separated from the rest of the area, registered in a designated capacity and intended for use legal entity.

These types of premises are included in common property a house that residents have the right to use jointly. This is shared ownership relating to places sharing on a par with landings, stairs and attics.

They are actually non-residential, but are assigned to the shared ownership of citizens and act as joint ownership.

Differences in the type of permitted use are identified between them. Auxiliary rooms are allowed to be allocated from among the shared spaces, with the possibility of transfer to a legal entity. Permission to register such a right must be obtained from the residents of a multi-storey building.

Having received permission, it is permissible to register the right of use with a legal consequence - a responsible attitude on the part of the owner and payment of utilities for its maintenance.

Subject to these requirements, the use of the designated space is permitted. If non-compliance occurs, residents have the right to petition for its return to shared ownership.

Sometimes not only cabins, but also basements, as well as ground floors and attics. Such actions are legal to the extent that differentiation of these areas, acting as residential or non-residential, is allowed (see).

Technical buildings This is not allowed. They can only relate to jointly used property, which does not give the right to transfer into the ownership of a legal entity or individual.

Technical areas are intended to service the functioning of a multi-storey building.

Their re-registration as leased or used for commercial needs is not only legally incorrect, but also unacceptable.

They are a necessity for living citizens, as they create the life support of the building.

These include:

  • elevator halls and shafts;
  • lobbies, halls, verandas, porch;
  • stairs and landings;
  • technical floor, etc.

In relation to shared space, which is under the common ownership of apartment owners, the costs are charged cumulatively.

Costs for the provision of water supply, gas, heating and other services are included in receipts for payment to citizens, according to the area of ​​apartments occupied by them. They also deduct funds that cover the costs of operating the building, local area, as well as auxiliary and technical areas.

Ground floor, providing location commercial organizations served in accordance with the form of ownership of the legal entity occupying the non-residential premises. For legal entities that have registered the property they are using, expenses are calculated according to the occupied territory.

They are responsible for the direct execution of contracts with housing departments, independently regulating legal framework relationships. Public utilities are provided to them on the basis of the provisions of the agreement concluded by the parties, in accordance with proportionate payment according to the metering indicators established by the owner of the facility.

During reconstruction non-residential premises expenses are borne by the owner.

But since he is not allowed to violate the rights of his neighbors, this action is regulated jointly (see). Owners of shares participate in resolving issues regarding the reconstruction of premises, since work on the refurbishment of space associated with a violation of functionality load-bearing walls or floors, poses a risk to the stability of the building.

The landlord is the collective of tenants who delegate hiring authority to the board.

Primarily, it is established on the basis of an NPO, but such types of entrepreneurship are considered legal for it.

But the chairman of the HOA and other officials are not allowed to directly make such decisions. The issue is resolved at a meeting, after a positive decision of which, a lease agreement is allowed to be drawn up.

If the developer or other official has not transferred the non-residential space to other owners, they retain the unhindered right to rent the designated space for commercial or other purposes.

This type of right, obtained initially, is retained until its alienation as a result of a property transaction. It does not require approval from third parties and allows decisions to be made at one’s own discretion.

Purchased under commercial activities by a legal entity, the areas can also be re-let to interested parties, without the consent of anyone.

Rented space allows for subletting, but this requires the permission of the landlord (see).

Rent is a paid service. The rent provides for the total maintenance of expenses for housing and communal services, housing and communal services and other types of expenses. The tenant is responsible for the maintenance of the property, providing it for use by the tenant in the proper form, allowing him the benefits of extracting commercial profit. The lease agreement requires registration in the State Property Committee accounts.

Using a similar algorithm, objects participate in property transactions. Among them, the priority is the sale of space for running a business.

For the most part, the sale of this type of real estate occurs simultaneously with the population. That is, in the process of receiving investment by the developer.

After the building is put into operation, the purchased premises are allowed to participate in the auction if their owner has made mutual settlements with the developer and formalized ownership of the objects. Having received the status of ownership, non-residential real estate is allowed for sale without restrictions.

In other cases, when the owner of the areas in multi-storey building is a cooperative, HOA, etc., the right to sell is regulated by a meeting of apartment owners.

After receiving it, the sale of real estate is allowed.

The board, being the organizer of the property transaction, is accountable for financial transactions and raising funds to the cooperative’s account (). The money received is spent on the needs of the cooperative, unless otherwise provided by the charter.

The property transaction is going through. The board draws up documentation authorizing the object’s participation in the transaction and the receipt of financial contributions to the founder’s account.

Laws on non-residential premises

The disposal of space classified as non-residential real estate is regulated by the sixth chapter of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and related legislative sources.

It is advisable to use the following sources:

  • Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2003, No. 152 – Instructions on the procedure for registering auxiliary and technical premises.
  • Current SNiP No. 2.08.01-89 for standards of residential buildings.
  • RF PP dated October 13, 1997, No. 1301 on housing registration. Fonda;
  • Order of the Ministry of Land Policy, Construction and Housing and Communal Services dated 08/04/1998, No. 37.
  • Federal Law dated July 21, 1997, No. 122-FZ “On State. registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it” (Article 1).
  • Article 290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation stipulates the characteristics of non-residential properties.
  • Article 606, paragraph 1 of Article 611, Article 691 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 37, 135 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation authorize the rules for their disposal.
  • Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - on the powers of the residents’ meeting.

In addition to those listed, it is permissible to use numerous other sources, including the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as regional regulations and local acts of constituent documentation.

By electric switchboard.
What is a “functional purpose”? Fire regulations are silent about this, although they use this term. For example, TROTPB mentions this in articles 1, 2, 27, 28, 32, 80 et seq. We are now concerned about this term in Article 27.

1st case - electrical panel in industrial building.
To determine the functional purpose of the electrical switchboard room, it is most logical to use the concepts from the “All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets (OKOF) OK 013-94” and determine that the functional purpose of the electrical switchboard room is to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the production process by performing technical functions, not related to changes in the subject of labor, or for the implementation of various non-productive functions in the building.
a) Electrical switch room in its own way functional purpose is not production.
-GOST 14.004-83 Technological preparation of production. Terms and Definitions.
clause 43. The production process is the totality of all the actions of people and tools necessary for this enterprise for the manufacture and repair of products.
clause 13. A production site is a group of workplaces organized according to the following principles: subject-related technological or subject-technological.
-Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language: Production - production, processing, execution, creation, making, production, release, execution, implementation.
-Glossary of terms: Production is the process of converting resources into finished products. In the production process, means of production are used.
-Glossary of terms: Production is the process of creating products (products and services) regulated by people.
-Ushakov’s Dictionary: Production is the work of directly producing products.
-Construction Dictionary: “Industrial premises are enclosed spaces in specially designed buildings and structures in which people’s labor activities related to participation in various types production, in the organization, control and management of production, as well as with participation in non-productive types of labor at transport, communications enterprises, etc.”
b) In an industrial building, the electrical room is an auxiliary room in relation to the main production.
Rationale: Construction dictionary: In an industrial building, the premises in relation to the main production are divided into:
- production (workshops, main production buildings);
-auxiliary (workshops, warehouses, laboratories, transformer substations, electrical panels);
-servicing (administrative, household, parking lots, boiler rooms);
c) The electrical switchboard room may be classified as a special structure
SP5-13130-2009, Appendix M, table. M1, item 2. Special facilities: 2.1. Premises for laying cables, for transformers and distribution devices, electrical panels.
Conclusion: In an industrial building, the electrical panel room, according to its functional purpose, is an auxiliary room in relation to the main production (special structure).

2nd case - electrical panel in a civil (residential, non-residential, public) building.
d) The electrical switchboard room may refer to the premises for placement engineering equipment building
-SP4, clause 3.16 and SNiP 31-03-2001: “Engineering equipment of a building is a system of instruments, apparatus, machines and communications that ensures the supply and removal of liquids, gases, electricity (plumbing, gas, heating, electrical, sewer, ventilation equipment, etc.)".
e) The electrical switchboard room may refer to the technical rooms of the building
-GOST R 51303-99 "Trade. Terms and definitions": clause 47 - technical room of the store: Part of the store premises intended for housing technical services and/or performing work on maintenance workplaces, trade, technological and mechanical equipment. Note - The technical premises of the store include ventilation chambers, elevator machine rooms and refrigeration units, electrical switchboard, boiler room, heating unit, air conditioning chamber, radio unit, telephone switchboards, automated control system stronghold.
Conclusion: B civil building The electrical switchboard room according to its functional purpose is a technical room for housing the building's engineering equipment.

a) Read the Law - TROTPB.
Article 2. clause 12) FPO class of buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments - classification characteristics of buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments, determined ... by purpose and ..., including the features of implementation in the specified buildings, structures, buildings and fire compartments technological processes production.
Chapter 9 Fire technical classification buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments
Article 32. Classification of buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments according to functional fire hazard
clause 1 Buildings (structures, structures, fire compartments and parts of buildings, structures, structures - premises or groups of premises functionally interconnected) ... according to the class of functional fire hazard, depending on their purpose ... are divided into:
Analysis: it is obvious that in Article 2, in the title of Chapter 9 and the title of Article 32, only buildings, structures and fire compartments are mentioned, and only in paragraph 1 do premises also appear, which, along with functionally interconnected groups of premises, can constitute part of the building, but not necessarily fire compartments. But parts of buildings are not classified by definition. In addition, in a fire compartment the premises are not necessarily functionally strictly connected with each other - this clarification in paragraph 1 is not clear.
Apparently, in order to harmonize clause 1 with article 2, the title of chapter 9 and the title of clause 32, it would be more correct to read this clause as follows:
clause 1 Buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments (rooms or groups of rooms, functionally interconnected and satisfying the concept of a fire compartment), ... according to the class of functional fire hazard, depending on their purpose ... are divided into:
Or even simpler:
clause 1 Buildings, structures, structures and fire compartments (see clause 27 of article 2), ... according to the class of functional fire hazard, depending on their purpose ... are divided into:
b) To clarify this incomprehensibility in the TROTPB, one could have used it earlier current SNiP 01/21/97, but only if its provisions do not contradict TROPPB. But the clauses of the regulations have been completely revised in comparison with SNiP.
Conclusion: separately allocated premises, which independently or as part of a group of functionally interconnected premises do not constitute a fire compartment, are not subject to classification according to FPO!

a) Read the Law - TROTPB.
Article 27. Determination of the category of buildings, structures, structures and premises according to civil and industrial safety
1. By fire and explosion hazard Industrial and warehouse premises, regardless of their functional purpose, are divided into the following categories:
2. Buildings, structures, structures and premises for other purposes are not subject to division into categories.
Analysis: TROTPB requires categorizing production premises regardless of their functional purpose.
Conclusion: the electrical panel room is not a production room, and therefore is not classified according to the Civil and Industrial Institutions!
b) Read SP12..
1.1 This SP... establishes methods for determining the classification criteria for classifying...premises...for industrial and warehouse purposes of class F5 to categories according to VP&PO.
Analysis: SP12, unlike TRoTPB, requires categorizing only production premises that belong to the FPO F.5 class.

THE CONCLUSION IS FINAL: the electrical panel room is not a production room, moreover, it does not have a FPO class, which means it is not categorized according to P&VPO!

Here are my reasons.
Please submit yours.
It can be short and without linguistic analysis.

Technical buildings

Technical buildings

Technical buildings- premises in the building for housing technical and auxiliary equipment: heating units, boiler rooms, electrical panels, ventilation chambers, switchboards, radio units, elevator engine rooms, refrigeration units, etc.

This is interesting:

Foam plastic, properties and qualities

Eat Construction Materials, without which no construction project can be completed. Such materials rightly include the irreplaceable polystyrene foam, or expanded polystyrene. His beneficial features, such as high thermal, hydro and sound insulation plus high environmental friendliness of the material determined the main areas of its application. It is used with great success in construction, both industrial and administrative buildings, and in housing construction.

Using polystyrene foam to insulate apartments and houses, a significant reduction in energy costs required to heat a room is achieved. With its use, the necessary microclimate is created in the room. The thing is that, thanks to manufacturing technology, polystyrene foam is 98% air. Air is a gas. And gas, in turn, has very low thermal conductivity.

Polystyrene foam is obtained by foaming polystyrene, which is found in granules. Foamed polystyrene is subjected to steam treatment. This operation is continued several times, which significantly reduces the density of polystyrene and, accordingly, its weight decreases. Final air drying allows you to saturate the foam with air and remove excess moisture.

As a result, at the final stage of processing we obtain a lightweight, absolutely waterproof, fire-resistant and durable material, which can also be made in any shape and with different sizes granules Minimum granule size 5 mm, maximum size usually does not exceed 15 mm. High quality behind low price- this is how foam plastic can be briefly described.

3.1. The territory of the enterprise and the placement of buildings and structures on it must comply with the requirements of Sanitary Design Standards industrial enterprises and fire safety standards for the design of buildings and structures, taking into account the technological features of production.

3.2. Fire safety on the territory of the organization must be ensured in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation, GOST 12.1.004 and GOST 12.4.009.

3.3. Buildings and structures with technological processes that are sources of emissions environment harmful and unpleasant-smelling substances, as well as sources of increased levels of noise, vibration, ultrasound, electromagnetic waves of radio frequencies, static electricity and ionizing radiation, should be separated from residential buildings by sanitary protection zones and gaps and placed on the territory of the enterprise on the leeward side for winds of the prevailing direction in relation to residential buildings and other industrial buildings.

3.4. Organizations, individual buildings and structures by the nature of the allocated harmful substances and measures to reduce the adverse effects of these harmful substances on people and the environment are divided into five classes:

class I - with a width of the sanitary protection zone of 1000 m, II - 500 m, III-300M, IV-100M, V-50M.

3.5. The placement of organizations with technological processes that do not emit industrial hazards into the atmosphere, and with processes that do not create levels of external noise and other harmful factors that exceed the established standards for residential development and do not require railway access tracks, is allowed within residential areas.

3.6. The territory of the organization must be planned, trenches, underground communications are closed or fenced. Warning notices and signs must be installed on fences, and warning lighting must be installed at night. Places where people pass through trenches should be equipped with crossing bridges that are illuminated at night.

3.7. The territory of the organization must be landscaped, landscaped and kept clean. The selection of green planting species should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89.

3.8. To drain atmospheric precipitation, the organization's territory must be equipped with storm drainage. The installation of drains must ensure the free and safe movement of people and vehicles on the territory of the enterprise.

3.9. On the territory of the organization, sidewalks must be installed to ensure the movement of pedestrians in the shortest directions. The width of the sidewalk must be at least 1.5 m.

3.10. Roads and pedestrian paths on the territory of the organization must meet technological requirements and fire safety standards. The width of the roads must correspond to the vehicles used, the loads being moved and the traffic intensity. It is necessary to take into account counter traffic.

3.11. The carriageway must have a hard surface (asphalt, concrete, cobblestones, etc.).

3.12. The intersection of roads with pedestrian paths must be marked with road signs, as well as markings in accordance with the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.

3.13. Roads and sidewalks must be maintained in good condition; V winter time must be cleared of snow, ice and sprinkled with sand.

3.14. Space planning and Constructive decisions production premises and structures must meet the requirements of building codes and regulations, as well as sanitary standards design of industrial enterprises and other current regulatory documents.

3.15. Volume production premises per worker should be at least 15 m 3, and the area of ​​the premises should be at least 4.5 m 2. The height of the production room must be at least 3.5 m.

3.16. Premises and areas for production facilities with excess sensible heat (more than 20 kcal/m3.h), as well as for production facilities with significant emissions of harmful gases, vapors and dust, should, as a rule, be located near the outer walls of buildings and structures.

3.17. To accommodate industries with excess sensible heat (more than 20 kcal/m3.h) and with significant emissions of harmful gases, vapors and dust, as a rule, one-story buildings should be provided.

3.18. If it is necessary to locate the production facilities specified in clause 3.17 of these Rules in multi-storey buildings, the location of such production facilities should be provided on the upper floors, if this is permissible under the conditions of the technological process and the loads on the floors.

If these industries are located on other floors of multi-story buildings, effective measures should be taken to prevent the spread of harmful substances from one floor to another.

3.19. The location of production premises in basements, ground floors and in areas with insufficient natural light at permanent workplaces (natural light factor less than 0.1%) may be provided if there is a special justification only in cases where this is necessary due to technological conditions.

3.20. Transit pipelines intended for transporting harmful liquids and gases, as well as transit steam pipelines, are not allowed to be laid in pedestrian tunnels and control panels.

3.21. In industrial buildings and structures, regardless of the presence of harmful emissions and ventilation devices, opening sashes and other opening devices in windows with an area of ​​at least 20% of the total area of ​​light openings must be provided for ventilation. The incoming air should be directed upwards towards cold period year and down - during the warm period of the year.

3.22. In buildings and structures with natural ventilation, the area of ​​openings should be determined by calculation. The distance from the floor level to the bottom of casement sashes intended for air flow during the warm season should be no more than 1.8 m, and to the bottom of opening openings intended for air flow during the cold season should be no less than 4 m.

3.23. To open, install in the required position and close sashes of windows and lanterns or other opening devices in the premises, devices must be provided that can be easily controlled from the floor or from working platforms. Safety metal mesh must be installed under glazed skylights.

3.24. When repairing the glazing of windows and skylights, when cleaning glass, as well as when servicing aeration openings and lighting fixtures, passages (platforms, stairs to access the roof, etc.) must be used. special mechanisms, devices and devices that ensure the safe performance of the specified work. These works must be carried out according to the work permit.

3.25. The roofs of buildings along the perimeter must have fences with a height of at least 0.6 m. In winter, the roofs and eaves of buildings must be cleared of snow and ice. Roofs must be equipped with devices for organized precipitation drainage.

3.26. Production premises must be equipped with a sufficient number of exits for quick evacuation of people. Emergency exits and staircases must be provided in accordance with fire safety regulations.

In this case, gates for railway rolling stock are not taken into account when calculating emergency exits.

3.27. Gates, entrance doors and other openings in external walls must be insulated and equipped with devices for mechanized closing (springs, pneumatic valves, etc.), placed taking into account safety requirements.

3.28. External exits must be equipped with vestibules or air-thermal curtains in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations.

3.29. The clear dimensions of gates for normal gauge railway rolling stock (1524 mm) should be at least 5.4 m in height and 4.8 m in width. For other types of ground transport, the clear dimensions of the gates should be taken to exceed the vehicle dimensions by at least 0.2 m in height and 0.6 m in width. On the outside of the gate, ramps with a slope of no more than 10% should be provided.

3.30. Buildings, structures, structures and communications should be painted in colors in accordance with GOST 12.4.026 and standards for color finishing of interiors of industrial buildings of industrial enterprises.

3.31. The floors of production facilities and warehouses must be smooth, durable, and non-slip.

The materials provided for flooring must meet the hygienic and operational requirements for this production. Floors should be made of materials with low thermal conductivity (concrete, ceramic, etc.), and wooden grates or heat-insulating mats should be installed at workplaces.

3.32. In rooms where liquids accumulate due to operating conditions, the floors must be impermeable to liquids, have the necessary slope and drainage channels. In addition, it is recommended to install wooden gratings at workplaces. Channels in the floors for draining liquids or laying pipelines are covered with solid or lattice covers flush with the floor level. Holes in the floors for passing drive belts, conveyors, etc. must be of minimal size and fenced with sides with a height of at least 20 cm, regardless of the presence of a general fence. In cases where, due to the conditions of the technological process, channels, gutters and trenches cannot be closed, they must be fenced with railings 1 m high with lining along the bottom to a height of at least 150 mm from the floor.

3.33. In rooms where aggressive and harmful substances are used, floors must be made of materials that are resistant to the chemical effects of these substances (metlakh tiles, etc.).

3.34. The finishing of walls, ceilings and structural surfaces of premises in which production facilities are located that emit harmful or aggressive substances (mercury, lead, manganese compounds, arsenic, benzene, acids, sulfur dioxide, etc.) must allow wet cleaning.

3.35. Intra-shop rail tracks must be laid flush with the floor level.

3.36. Driveways and passages inside production premises must have clearly marked dimensions, marked on the floor with clearly marked markings using paint, metal recessed checkers and other signs.

3.37. The width of passages must correspond to the dimensions of vehicles or transported goods.

The distance from the boundaries of the roadway to the structural elements of the building and equipment must be at least 0.5 m, and when people are moving - at least 0.8 m.

The width of the passage for two-way traffic must provide a guaranteed safety zone for vehicles and pedestrians: between vehicles- not less than 0.6 m, free passages on both sides of the traffic path - not less than 0.7 m.

In order to ensure the evacuation of workers in emergency situations, the width of passages must be at least 1 m, corridors - at least 1.4 m, doors - at least 0.8 m, flights and landings of stairs - at least 1 m.

3.38. Steps, ramps, and bridges must span the entire width of the passage. Stairs must have railings at least 1 m high, the steps must be level and non-slip. Metal steps must have a corrugated surface.

3.39. Doorways must have no thresholds.

3.40. In production premises, areas must be allocated for storing materials, blanks and finished products.

3.41. Production premises must be equipped with fire-fighting equipment in accordance with the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation and GOST 12.4.009. Free access to fire-fighting inventory and equipment must be ensured. To indicate the location, type of fire equipment and fire extinguishing means, indicator signs in accordance with GOST 12.4.026 must be used. It is prohibited to use fire-fighting equipment for purposes other than their intended purpose.

3.42. The condition and operation of buildings and structures must be systematically monitored. General technical inspections of industrial buildings and structures, as a rule, should be carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn. The results of inspections must be documented. A technical passport must be issued for each building and structure.

3.43. When operating industrial buildings and structures, it is prohibited:

3.43.1. Exceeding the maximum load on floors, ceilings, platforms;

3.43.2. Installation, hanging, fastening of equipment, transport devices, pipelines not provided for by the project, including temporary ones (for example, during repairs);

3.43.3. Making holes in floors, beams, columns, walls without written permission from the persons responsible for the operation of the building.

3.44. Natural and artificial lighting of production, service and auxiliary premises and artificial lighting of work areas outside the building must comply with the requirements of SNiP II-4, Electrical Installation Rules, Operating Rules for Consumer Electrical Installations, Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations. Wherein:

3.44.1. Industrial premises in which workers are constantly located without natural light or with insufficient natural light for biological effects (natural light factor less than 0.1%) must be equipped with artificial ultraviolet radiation installations or it is necessary to provide for the installation of photaria located on the territory of the organization;

3.44.2. Windows facing the sunny side must have devices for protection from direct sunlight (blinds, screens, visors, curtains or whitewashed glazing in the summer);

3.44.3. Glass windows and skylights must be cleaned of dust, soot and dirt at least twice a year, and in rooms with significant industrial emissions of smoke, dust, soot, dirt, etc. - at least four times a year. It is recommended to mechanize the glass cleaning process.

When cleaning glass, measures must be taken to protect workers from injury in cases of falling glass fragments;

3.44.4. Windows and other light openings must not be cluttered with parts, materials, tools and other objects;

3.44.5. Minimum distance from building structures, incl. and from window openings to production equipment must comply with the Technological Design Standards for machine-building plants;

3.44.6. Artificial lighting of industrial premises should be of two systems: general (uniform or localized) and combined (to general lighting local is added). The use of local lighting alone is not allowed;

3.44.7. For room lighting for various purposes and places where work is carried out outside the building, low and low gas discharge lamps should be provided high pressure(usually luminescent). If it is impossible or technically and economically infeasible to use gas-discharge light sources, the use of incandescent lamps is allowed. The choice of light sources should be made taking into account the recommendations of building codes and Electrical Installation Rules;

3.44.8. Incandescent and fluorescent lamps used for general and local lighting must be equipped with reflectors. The use of open lamps without reflectors is prohibited;

3.44.9. The selection of lamps, fittings, electrical wiring, their installation and laying must eliminate the risk of electric shock, fire or explosion;

3.44.10. Lamps with voltages of 127 and 220 V must be suspended at a height of at least 2.5 m from the floor. When hanging luminaires at a lower height, luminaires should be used, the design of which excludes access to incandescent lamps without special devices or ensures inaccessibility to touching the live parts of fluorescent lamps. Otherwise, lamps with a voltage of no more than 42 V should be used;

3.44.11. Changing electric lamps must be carried out by electrical personnel with the voltage removed and using personal protective equipment;

3.44.12. For the safe continuation of work when it is impossible to stop it and for the exit of people from the premises in the event of a sudden shutdown of lighting, emergency and evacuation lighting must be in place;

3.44.13. Emergency lighting must be provided if the shutdown of working lighting and the associated disruption of normal maintenance of equipment and mechanisms may cause:

explosion, fire, poisoning of people;

long-term disruption of the technological process;

disruption of the operation of facilities such as control rooms, pumping units water supply, sewerage and heating;

stopping ventilation or air conditioning for industrial premises in which it is unacceptable to stop work, etc.;

3.44.14. Emergency lighting luminaires must be connected to a network independent of the working lighting network;

3.44.15. Emergency lighting must be turned on for the entire duration of the working lighting or must be turned on automatically when the working lighting is suddenly turned off;

3.45.16. Evacuation lighting must be installed:

in places dangerous for the passage of people;

in passages and staircases used for the evacuation of more than 50 people;

in industrial premises with people constantly working in them, where the exit of people from the premises during an emergency shutdown of working lighting is associated with the risk of injury due to the continued operation of production equipment;

in the premises of public buildings and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises, if more than 100 people can be in the room at the same time;

3.44.17. Security lighting should be provided in the absence of special technical means of security along the borders and territories of the enterprise at night;

3.44.18. General lighting of production premises must be arranged in such a way as to prevent glare of crane operators in crane cabins;

3.44.19. General lighting of the organization's territory is allowed using floodlights and (or) lamps with a voltage of 127 or 220 V.

Electrical wires and lighting fixtures must be located in such a way that there is no possibility of people coming into contact with them, damage to them by lifting and transport equipment, moving loads, etc.;

3.44.20. Lamps for general uniform overhead lighting must have diffused light distribution;

3.44.21. Lamps for general localized (side) lighting should be located on walls or columns oriented towards workplace and have a concentrated or medium light distribution;

3.44.22. Local lighting of work surfaces must be such that the lamps can be installed in the required direction of light.

Local lighting fixtures must be structurally connected to the workplace, eliminating the need to move them during the movement of overhead cranes. To power local lighting fixtures, voltage should be applied in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the SSBT standards for specific types of equipment and taking into account the degree of danger of the production premises;

3.44.23. Hand-held portable lamps in high-risk areas must have a voltage of no higher than 42 V, and in particularly hazardous areas and outdoors - no higher than 12 V;

3.44.24. Power supply of lamps with voltage up to 42 V must be supplied from a transformer with separate windings of primary and secondary voltage, one of the terminals of the secondary winding must be grounded;

3.44.25. Luminaires must be located in such a way that they can be safely maintained. To service lamps in industrial premises, overhead cranes can be used, on the territory of the enterprise - vehicles with a telescopic tower or with a retractable ladder, etc.

When using overhead cranes to service lamps, you should be guided by the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes and the Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations.

When using lifts (towers), you should be guided by the Rules for the design and safe operation of lifts (towers);

3.44.26. In newly commissioned industrial buildings, devices for cleaning and changing lamps must be provided, ensuring the safety and ease of their maintenance;

3.44.27. Cleaning of lamps and lighting fixtures from dust, dirt and soot must be carried out according to a schedule within a time frame determined by those responsible for electrical equipment depending on local conditions, but at least 4 times a year;

3.44.28. Laying (relaying), carrying, repairing and monitoring the good condition of electrical wires, pantographs and lighting system fittings, turning on and off general purpose switches, changing lamps, fittings, fuses, plug sockets and other electrical work must be carried out by a specially trained, certified and instructed electrical engineer staff;

3.44.29. Moving, repositioning, de-energizing wires and electrical receivers of lighting electrical networks must be carried out with the permission of the administration of the workshop or site and in compliance with electrical safety rules;

3.44.30. Burnt out lamps, broken and damaged fittings must be replaced immediately.

In luminaires for general and local lighting, light sources must be used of the power for which the luminaire’s fittings are designed;

3.44.31. Correct operation of lighting installations is ensured by timely replacement of light sources. It is possible to replace light sources in groups at certain intervals depending on their service life or to replace lamps individually as they burn out.

The method of replacing light sources is established at the enterprise depending on the degree of availability of lamps for replacement and the power of lighting installations;

3.44.32. During the operation of lighting installations, it is necessary to periodically check their condition within the time frame determined by the person responsible for electrical equipment in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations;

3.44.33. Periodically, at least once a year, it is necessary to check the level of illumination at control points and the level of general illumination of the premises.

3.45. The production, auxiliary and office premises of the organization must be equipped with heating and ventilation or air conditioning systems. Wherein:

3.45.1. Job ventilation systems must create meteorological conditions and air purity that meet sanitary standards at permanent workplaces, in the working and service areas of the premises;

3.45.2. The location of ventilation systems must ensure safe and convenient installation, operation and repair of process equipment. The placement of ventilation systems should not affect the illumination of rooms, workplaces and passages;

3.45.3. For repair and maintenance of elements of ventilation systems, stationary platforms, passages, stairs and bridges must be provided for crossing them in accordance with building regulations and rules, SSBT standards;

3.45.4. Premises for ventilation equipment must ensure the safe performance of repair, installation and operational work and must be equipped with installation openings and lifting devices in accordance with building codes and regulations;

3.45.5. Ventilation systems should not increase the explosion and fire hazard, and should not contribute to the spread of explosion or combustion products to other rooms.

In the event of a fire, provision must be made for the immediate shutdown of ventilation systems in accordance with the emergency containment and response plan. In case of accidents requiring the simultaneous shutdown of all ventilation systems in premises with production facilities of fire and explosion hazard categories A, B and E, the shutdown must be carried out through devices located outside these premises;

3.45.6. Electrical equipment of ventilation systems, its control and measuring equipment must meet the requirements of the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations, the Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations and the Safety Rules for the Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations;

3.45.7. The equipment of ventilation systems of premises with production categories A, B and E, where the appearance of static electricity is possible, must ensure electrostatic intrinsic safety and have grounding connections marked with a grounding sign;

3.45.8. For heating production, service and auxiliary premises, systems, devices and coolants must be provided that do not emit additional production hazards;

3.45.9. With a central heating system, it must be possible to regulate the heating of the room with the ability to independently turn on and off the heating sections;

3.45.10. Heating devices in industrial premises with significant dust emissions must have smooth surfaces allowing wet cleaning (cleaning);

3.45.11. Heating devices steam heating for conditions according to clause 3.45.10. must be protected by metal casings and regularly cleaned of dust;

3.45.12. For industrial premises in which there is more than 50 m2 of floor area per worker, heating systems should be provided that provide the required air temperature at permanent workplaces and a lower regulated temperature outside these workplaces;

3.45.13. For ventilation of production, service and auxiliary premises, both natural aeration and a forced ventilation system should be used. The choice of ventilation type must be justified by calculations confirming the provision of the required air exchange, metrological and sanitary-hygienic state of the air environment;

3.45.15. The opening of window transoms, lantern sashes, and shaft openings must be mechanized and carried out using devices controlled from the floor;

3.45.16. Window frames, transoms, skylights, doors and vestibules to them, thermal curtain devices must be kept in good condition and must be checked and brought into working condition by the winter period of operation;

3.45.17. The supporting structures for fastening air ducts of ventilation systems must be reliable, made of fireproof materials, and not cause or transmit vibrations.

Local suction units should be attached to non-vibrating or least vibrating elements of process equipment;

3.45.18. The material and design of gaskets for flange connections of air ducts of ventilation systems must be selected taking into account the temperature, chemical and physical-mechanical properties of the transported medium;

3.45.19. The joints of air ducts of ventilation systems should not be located in the body of walls, partitions and ceilings;

3.45.20. Laying pipelines transporting harmful, poisonous, explosive, flammable or with unpleasant odors gases and liquids on air ducts and through ventilation equipment rooms is not permitted;

3.45.21. Elements of ventilation systems transporting air with temperatures above 70° C must be painted with heat-resistant and non-flammable paints;

3.45.22. Commissioning tests and adjustment of ventilation systems after their installation to design parameters must be carried out in accordance with building codes and regulations by the installation organization. The execution of the specified work must be preceded by a pre-start inspection carried out on non-operating systems;

3.45.23. Carrying out pre-launch tests and adjustments until the deficiencies identified during pre-start control inspections of ventilation systems are eliminated is not allowed;

3.45.24. Changes in the design of ventilation systems and their individual elements are not allowed without agreement with the project developer;

3.45.25. Ventilation systems that have passed pre-launch tests and are equipped with operating instructions, a passport, and a repair and operation log are allowed for operation.

The operating instructions for ventilation systems must indicate explosion and fire safety measures;

3.45.26. Scheduled inspections of ventilation systems must be carried out in accordance with the schedule approved by the administration of the organization;

3.45.27. Preventive inspections of the premises of ventilation units, cleaning devices and other elements of ventilation systems serving premises with production categories A, B and E must be carried out at least once per shift with the inspection results recorded in the operation log. Any malfunctions discovered during this process must be corrected immediately;

3.45.28. The premises of ventilation units must be locked, and there must be a sign on the doors with an inscription prohibiting entry to unauthorized persons.

Storage of materials, tools and other materials in these premises foreign objects, the use of these premises for other purposes is prohibited;

3.45.29. Ventilation systems for rooms with aggressive environments must undergo a condition check, control of the strength of the walls and fastening elements of air ducts, ventilation devices and treatment facilities within the time limits established by the administration of the enterprise, but at least once a year. The results are documented and entered into the installation passport;

3.45.30. Lubricating the mechanisms of ventilation units should be carried out only after they have completely stopped. Lubrication points must be provided with safe and convenient access;

3.45.31. When developing plans for the reconstruction of production associated with changes in existing technological schemes, production processes and equipment, issues of suitability or changes to existing ventilation systems must be simultaneously considered;

3.45.32. Ventilation systems that cannot be used due to changes in technology or replacement of equipment must be dismantled;

3.45.33. All types of repairs to ventilation systems must be carried out in accordance with schedules of scheduled preventive maintenance approved by the enterprise in accordance with the established procedure;

3.45.34. It is recommended to carry out repairs of local exhaust ventilation systems simultaneously with scheduled repairs of process equipment serviced by these systems.

If ventilation systems scheduled for repair are connected to other production facilities or premises, their shutdown is allowed only by mutual agreement;

3.45.35. Repair and cleaning of ventilation systems must be carried out in ways that exclude the possibility of explosion or fire;

3.45.36. Repair of electrical equipment of explosion-proof ventilation systems must be carried out by a specialized enterprise or an enterprise that has the appropriate license.

After repair, the equipment must be tested. The test results and the nature of the repair must be included in the passport for this equipment;

3.45.37. Cleaning of ventilation systems must be carried out within a time limit established by instructions manual. A note about cleaning must be recorded in the system repair and operation log;

3.45.38. Air removed by ventilation systems and containing harmful or unpleasant-smelling substances must be purified to acceptable concentrations established by sanitary standards before being released into the atmosphere;

3.45.39. In workshops where particularly toxic substances are used, ventilation systems must be equipped with an alarm that turns on automatically when the fan stops;

3.45.40. Areas of workshops where technological processes are accompanied by the release of dust, gas or steam should, as a rule, be located in isolated rooms equipped with appropriate ventilation.

In places where dust, gas and (or) steam are formed, local suction must be installed. If the specified sections are located in the technological chain and for this reason it is impossible to separate them into separate rooms, the normal state of the air environment in the adjacent areas must be ensured;

3.45.41. Repair, maintenance, monitoring of the good condition and operation of ventilation units must be carried out by trained, certified and instructed personnel;

3.45.42. At workplaces near furnaces, presses, hammers and other equipment with significant heat release, it is necessary to install shower installations of both stationary and portable types with devices that provide heating of air in the cold season and cooling it in the hot season;

3.45.43. The efficiency of ventilation should be checked systematically by control measurements with analysis of the state of the air environment;

3.45.44. Ventilation chambers must be located in special isolated rooms. Access to them should be limited to persons servicing these installations;

3.45.45. Ventilation systems and their installation sites must be easily accessible for inspection, cleaning and repair;

3.45.46. To protect workplaces from drafts in the cold season, it is necessary to provide air or air-thermal curtains.

Gates that open more than five times or for at least 40 minutes per shift must be equipped with curtains. Curtains should be installed in technological openings of heated buildings and structures in the absence of airlock vestibules in areas with an estimated outside air temperature below 15° C;

3.45.47. Air and air-thermal curtains must ensure that, during the opening of gates, doors or technological openings, the air temperature in premises at permanent workplaces is not lower than:

14° C - during light physical work;

12° C - during moderate work;

8° C - during hard work.

If there are no permanent workplaces in the area of ​​gates, doors or technological openings, when they are opened, the air temperature may drop to 5° C;

3.45.48. Emergency ventilation should be provided for production premises in which a sudden entry into the air is possible. working area a large amount of harmful substances (except dust);

3.45.49. Emergency ventilation should, as a rule, be exhaust. Emergency ventilation must remove air to the outside. The air removed by emergency exhaust ventilation must be replenished primarily by the influx of outside air;

3.45.50. Emergency ventilation together with permanent ventilation must provide at least eight air changes per hour.

3.46. The composition of sanitary premises for various types of production, their arrangement and dimensions must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.09.04, while:

3.46.1. The composition of sanitary premises should include:

dressing rooms, showers, pre-showers, washrooms, latrines, smoking rooms, places for drinking water supply devices, heating rooms, rooms for processing, storing and issuing workwear, etc.;

3.46.2. The distance from workplaces in industrial buildings to restrooms, smoking rooms, heating or cooling rooms, drinking water supply devices should be no more than 75 m, and from workplaces on the enterprise site - no more than 150 m;

3.46.3. The production premises must be equipped with sanitary posts equipped with stretchers, first aid kits with medicines and other means for providing first aid to workers. Monitoring the condition and maintenance of sanitary posts must be entrusted to a specially designated person;

3.46.4. To wash workwear, an organization or a group of organizations must have a laundry room with a dry cleaning department. An organization can use the services of city laundries and dry cleaners if they have a special department (process lines) for processing workwear;

3.46.5. In laundries, premises for the repair of workwear should be provided at the rate of 9 m2 per workplace. The number of jobs should be taken at the rate of one job for shoe repair and two jobs for repair of workwear per 1000 people. the payroll number of employees at the enterprise;

3.46.6. In cases where this is required by production conditions, dryers for special clothing and special shoes, dust removal chambers and decontamination units must be installed;

3.46.7. The walls and partitions of dressing rooms for work clothes, showers, pre-shower rooms, washrooms, restrooms, rooms for drying, dust removal and neutralization of work clothes must be made to a height of 2 m from the floor from materials that can be washed with hot water and detergents. The walls and partitions of these premises are above the 2 m mark, the ceilings must have a waterproof coating. The floors of sanitary premises must be moisture-resistant and have a non-slip surface (ceramic tiles, etc.);

3.46.8. Production premises must be equipped with devices drinking water based on one device per 100 workers for groups production processes 2a, 26 and for 200 workers for the remaining groups of production processes (1a, 1b, 1c, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 4). The temperature of drinking water must be in the range from 8 to 20 ° C. All elements of the drinking system must be in good condition, ensuring the good quality of drinking water and the continuity of the system.

To supply drinking water, automatic machines, fountains, locked tanks with gushing nozzles and other devices should be provided;

3.46.9. In hot shops, devices should be provided (saturation units, vending machines, kiosks, etc.) to supply workers with salted carbonated water containing 0.5% table salt based on the consumption of 4-5 liters of water per person per shift;

3.46.10. Installations for dispensing salted carbonated water must be kept clean and have devices for rinsing glasses, drain sinks or special receivers for draining water;

3.46.11. Drinking tanks must be made of materials that are not subject to corrosion and do not emit substances harmful to the human body.

3.46.12. Personnel servicing drinking water supply installations are subject to all sanitary requirements established for catering workers;

3.46.13. The enterprise must develop instructions for servicing drinking tanks, carbonation units, vending machines, kiosks, etc. for storage, distribution, filling, washing, disinfection, etc. drinking water supply devices.

The instructions must be agreed upon with local sanitary and epidemiological authorities;

3.46.14. Outer and special clothing and shoes should be stored separately in dressing rooms, in closed or open (on the front side) type cabinets with compartments equipped with hangers, places for hats, shoes, toiletries and, if necessary, for personal protective equipment. Cabinets can be single or double with partitions;

3.46.15. Showers should be located in rooms adjacent to dressing rooms. Showers should have pre-showers. Shower cabins are separated by partitions made of moisture-resistant materials. Up to 20% of shower stalls may be closed. Showers must be provided with uninterrupted hot and cold water and must be equipped with hot and cold water. Hot water pipes accessible to touch must be insulated to avoid burns;

3.46.16. Washbasins to which is connected hot water, must be equipped with hot and cold water mixers. Washbasins should have sufficient soap and clean, dry towels or replacement devices (electric towels). Washbasins should be located adjacent to dressing rooms or in the area provided for this purpose in the dressing rooms;

3.46.17. The entrance to the toilet must be equipped with a vestibule with a self-closing door. The vestibule should include washbasins, towel racks (or electric towels) and shelves for soap.

Each cabin must have hooks for outerwear;

3.46.18. In departments with more than 75 women workers per shift, it is recommended to arrange rooms for women’s personal hygiene at the rate of 75 people per installation. In these premises there must be places for undressing and a washbasin;

3.46.19. Smoking in industrial premises is permitted in specially designated areas equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and water cans.

Smoking is prohibited in dressing rooms. If, due to production or fire safety conditions, smoking in production premises or on the territory of the enterprise is not allowed, as well as when the volume of production premises per worker is less than 50 m 3, smoking rooms should be provided, equipped with bins with water, fire extinguishing means and exhaust ventilation;

3.46.20. Eating is permitted only in specially designated areas;

3.46.21. Ventilation of sanitary premises must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05.

During the cold season, heated supply air should be supplied to the upper zone of the room to compensate for the volume of air removed from the premises.

In buildings with a total area of ​​​​no more than 100 m2, in which there are no more than two toilets, during the cold season it is allowed to provide a natural flow of outside air through the windows.

During the warm period of the year, the premises should be provided with a natural supply of outside air through opening windows. The supply of outside air by mechanically driven systems should be provided for rooms without windows, as well as if it is necessary to treat outside air;

3.46.22. Air removal should, as a rule, be provided directly from sanitary premises using systems with natural or mechanical impulse. In showers and toilets with three or more places, mechanical ventilation must be used;

3.46.23. Ventilation of dressing rooms should be organized through showers, and if the air exchange of the dressing room exceeds the air exchange of the shower room, air removal should be provided through the shower room in the volume established for it, and the remaining difference should be compensated directly from the dressing room;

3.46.24. Sanitary premises and the devices and equipment located in them must be kept clean and in good condition.