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Taurus and Aquarius - is a harmonious union of representatives of two different elements possible? Compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius

As for such a strange union as the union of Taurus and Aquarius, astrologers and stars have a very ambivalent attitude towards this. Why did we call this couple strange?

And because Taurus is the pet of such a wonderful and romantic goddess Venus, while the patron of Aquarius is the formidable and harsh Uranus.

It doesn’t require much explanation that Venus and Uranus are so different that their pets are unlikely to be compatible in many things... However, do not be discouraged, because there is an opinion that with special joint efforts, such a couple can become happy together.

As you yourself know, a person born under the sign of Taurus is an incredibly strong-willed person. Which is understandable, because this is an earth sign.

Aquarius is an air sign of the zodiac, which usually remains calm, but at certain moments it can show the full strength of its character. So, if there is any disagreement between these two partners, it will not be enough for anyone.

What are the main character traits of Taurus and Aquarius? Taurus are stubborn people who love to work and get their way. Their main advantage can be called unearthly calmness and patience towards others.

But if you were the “lucky one” who still managed to piss off Taurus, then you will understand what the anger of Venus’s horned pet is. Aquarians, on the other hand, control themselves very well, they are reasonable and have a high opinion of themselves.

Their intellectual qualities can amaze everyone, and their ideas are distinguished by their originality. It is almost impossible to piss off this air sign precisely because Aquarians prefer peaceful resolution of conflict situations.

These seemingly completely different personalities have one thing in common. They are both ready to help anyone who needs it. Their friends come to them at the slightest trouble because they know that they will be supported.

Aquarians are usually very active and energetic people, so the slowness of Taurus can irritate them. However, the tenacity of Venus’s pet amazes and delights the airy Aquarius, so he is able to become interested in him for an indefinite period.

The stars say that such a union is possible, however, the main problem for them will be to find each other.

The sweet lady born under the sign of Taurus is a real male heartbreaker. And she does this unconsciously! She has a very gentle and sensitive nature, but at the same time, the Taurus girl will not tolerate the enslavement of her independence.

Whatever she starts to do, she does it perfectly, so people around the Taurus lady think that she is incredibly lucky. This is wrong.

In fact, the fair sex knows very well what she is doing, since from a very early age she has a clear plan on how to achieve her goal in this life.

After several short novels in her youth, the Taurus girl compiled a list of requirements for the ideal man and now we will stop at nothing to find it.

Her future husband will be very lucky, because his wife is not only a delightful hostess, but also a very ardent lover in bed. Her only downside is her possessiveness and jealousy towards everyone around her.

And if the Taurus lady seems to have calmed down and is not throwing hysterics, this does not mean that she has gotten rid of this negative trait. If you are the husband of a Taurus, then say “goodbye” to calm male gatherings in a bar or bathhouse.

In any place, wherever you are, your lady’s faithful friend or inquisitive neighbor is guarding, who are ready to report on your every step.

The Aquarius man is distinguished by his honesty and loyalty. This is a very reliable and constant partner who does not like sudden changes in life.

A man born under this zodiac sign always differs from his peers in his intellectual abilities and interesting ideas.

If you ever noticed a boy who tried right hand write and draw some patterns with your left at the same time, have no doubt - Aquarius was in front of you.

This zodiac sign is distinguished by its sweet romanticism in its actions, however, it does not like to fly in the clouds. A man of this zodiac sign has a plan according to which he chooses the woman of his dreams, so he spends a long time searching for his companion.

Also, he does not suffer from a deficit of female attention, since the fair sex is drawn to him. In married life, Aquarians are very economical and practical individuals.

He is always very hospitable, so the house is always full of people. All neighbors and acquaintances of Aquarius are very interested in communicating with such a witty and funny person.

The story of the first meeting of a Taurus woman with an Aquarius man

Since the Aquarius man is a very active person, his range of interests and hobbies is constantly replenished and expanded. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day he will miraculously end up in the same place as the beautiful Taurus girl.

Most likely, it will be an interesting exhibition of paintings or photographs, or maybe a concert of a new rising musician. And, of course, the Aquarius man will immediately notice a beautiful girl who has an incredibly interesting bracelet on her hand.

And an air sign man knows a lot about jewelry, so he will immediately understand that this product was made by the girl herself and with special diligence.

Their conversation will begin very easily and naturally; the Taurus girl really likes to have small talk with smart and cultured men, so Aquarius will immediately interest her.

And he, in turn, will tell her about the places and countries he has visited and show her photographs of the most incredible sights and landscapes. The Taurus lady values ​​art very highly, so she will really like such a conversation. Last step to success - exchange phone numbers.

Yes, great love did not immediately arise between Taurus and Aquarius, because they have too many differences, however, a man will dial a girl’s number because he is very interested in her.

First date between Taurus woman and Aquarius man

The Aquarius man has an excellent imagination, which, combined with his romanticism, is an ideal union for surprising the ladies. And for the girl who interests him, he will try even more diligently.

The Aquarius man loves to surprise, so it is very likely that one day when she comes to work, the Taurus girl will find on her desk a huge bouquet of gorgeous flowers with a sweet note inside, where the man will beg her to meet her.

And when the lady notices a teddy bear nearby, she will completely melt and run to beg her boss to let her go home a little early. After that, she will go on a marathon to impress her companion this evening.

And for good reason. The Aquarius man is a great connoisseur of female beauty, so he will be delighted and greatly shocked when he sees his gorgeous companion. Well, of course, because the Taurus girl dresses in such a way that even a fashion critic cannot find fault - her outfits are all very feminine and expensive.

You won’t be able to find anything similar, because there is definitely no such dress anymore. The ideal first date between a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man will take place at his home, where the owner will show the rest of his travel photographs and surprise his guest with stories of adventures.

Today it is better not to rush into passionate confessions and passionate kisses, not to mention intimacy. Let the pets of Venus and Uranus get to know each other better and wait for Cupid's arrows, which are about to pierce their hearts.

Love between a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man

At first, this union may seem impossible to exist. These two personalities are too different to be a harmonious couple. However, feelings will arise, and then Taurus and Aquarius will not care what astrologers and stars say.

The Aquarius man, thanks to his romanticism, is able to conquer any woman’s heart, so doing this with an earth sign lady will not be difficult for him either. And the Taurus girl will not resist - this guy is very charming and smart.

But she must be ready for anything - yes, now her lover is ready to shower her with gifts and courtship from dawn to dusk, sing love songs and draw cute inscriptions under her window.

But all this will last as long as the Aquarius man is actually interested in you. As soon as the feeling of first love fades a little, he can immediately forget about all his vows and promises.

In order to avoid this, the Taurus girl must try - she won’t be able to surprise you with her culinary abilities, but a daily change of image and new clothes can keep your partner interested in you for a long time.

Concerning negative consequences from a Taurus girl in love, so this. If an Aquarius man pays attention and gives compliments to his beautiful girlfriends, then there will be scandals and quarrels in this couple.

Relationship between Taurus woman and Aquarius man

This will be a very passionate and stormy period in life for both partners. They definitely won’t be bored together, because now the Taurus girl has understood how to maintain the interest of her chosen one, and now she entertains him in every possible way.

But sometimes she begins to forget herself, so her usual jealousy begins to take over her thoughts. The poor guy is already going crazy, because he has already explained to his jealous woman a hundred times that he loves her and while he is in a relationship with her, he will not go to any other woman.

But these reasons and arguments help only for a short time, and then everything starts all over again. Aquarius can no longer sit with friends, so they begin to incite young Romeo to break up with such an “abnormal girlfriend” as soon as possible, however, faithful Aquarius is too afraid of hurting his soul mate, so he constantly puts it off until later in the hope of some changes.

Constant quarrels and scandals will occur against the background of jealousy, since Aquarius wants to at least sometimes feel a free man, which he cannot do with a Taurus girl.

Such an alliance will not last long if the partners do not understand that something needs to change. In moments of intimacy, they, of course, forget all quarrels and misunderstandings, because in this regard they are ideal for each other.

Perhaps this fact will be the most important pushing factor to submit an application to the registry office, although none of their friends believed that this would happen. Young people will do this with the thought that if it doesn’t work out, then divorce in the 21st century is no longer a problem.

Marriage of a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man

All the acquaintances, friends and relatives of this couple will be shocked when they receive an invitation to such an unexpected celebration - a wedding! Who would have thought that such stubborn and different personalities are capable of such a responsible step!

But it is precisely thanks to their stubbornness and ability not to listen to others that Taurus and Aquarius will play the best wedding in the world, because they are very determined to see the matter through to the end.

Since these two zodiac signs are distinguished by their special thriftiness and affection for the home, this will be the bonding element during quarrels, which, frankly, will not be uncommon in this marriage.

For the first few years, the couple will enjoy each other’s company and feel complete peace, however, then the first quarrels will begin for petty reasons, which will fuel larger conflicts.

One thing will help to avoid this process - the arrival of a stork. Aquarius will be a wonderful father, because spending time with his children is his greatest joy on this planet.

And at this time, Taurus will think about how to please his household in terms of culinary delights. Children from such a union will take only the best traits from their parents, so you can be proud of the little geniuses. Such a marriage is capable of a long and happy existence if both spouses are ready to work hard for it.

Friendship between a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man

But friendship between such dissimilar people is very possible, and from the very beginning early age. And their parents will only rejoice at such a union, because it is clear that a smart Taurus girl will help her airy friend avoid the company of bad guys, and Aquarius, in turn, will be an excellent advisor for her friend in the most difficult situations.

Sometimes there are moments when a Taurus girl has to blush for her unearthly friend, because he so loves to amaze people with his effective antics. But in reality, a cute girl will want to be like her friend, because with him there is never a dull moment.

These two people will not know what quarrels are, because the Aquarius boy and the Taurus girl trusted each other and revealed all their secrets. Even after they grow up and have families of their own, they will remain good friends.

Although the husband of Taurus and the wife of Aquarius will not be delighted with such a friendship, they will quickly be convinced that there is no reason to worry. The friendly relationship between Taurus and Aquarius is indestructible, so you shouldn’t interfere with it.

Partnership between a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man

A man born under the air sign of Aquarius is particularly bubbly and energetic. And adding his ingenuity and dreaminess to this, he is able to come up with simply brilliant ideas that can lead to enormous success in business.

As for the Taurus girl as his partner, she will make an ideal administrator, since she can solve all questions and difficulties easily. She is a born leader. A partnership between these people is quite possible if the lady does not set limits for her partner’s imagination.

As for finances, in this regard everything is quiet and calm. A Taurus girl and an Aquarius man can very quickly find a way out even in the most critical situations.

Aquarius is very trusting in this matter, so he can either not notice, or pretend not to notice, if suddenly his partner wants to write off most of the profit for herself. However, she will not allow herself this, since honesty is the main trait of the Taurus businesswoman.

Her downside is that she adheres to conservative views, so her Aquarius partner will sometimes have to try hard to bring something new into their common cause.

A male representative born under the sign of Taurus has a very sensitive nature and is particularly sentimental, however, at the same time, he shows extraordinary calm and practicality in difficult times.

The Taurus man tries to avoid conflicts. He also has very developed intuition, so he always trusts his inner voice. This young man enjoys success among beautiful ladies thanks to his innate charisma, however, he will choose only the best of the best for himself.

Since this is a very stubborn sign of the Zodiac, with age this benefits him: it helps him achieve success in life. His future wife you will be very lucky, because your Taurus husband is an excellent owner who is ready to do anything to make his family happy.

The Aquarius lady is a person who never stands still. Her goal is constant self-improvement, she is looking for new interests and activities, so no one can be bored around her.

She has her own point of view on everything. This is how the Aquarius girl attracts the stronger sex. However, few people can be lucky, because such a lady will not tolerate a man next to her who is lower than her in status or intellectual abilities.

True, having fallen head over heels in love, she may forget about all her rules, which will be a mistake, because she may come across a young man unworthy of her. This charming girl will become an excellent wife and housewife, but her husband will have to constantly develop in order not to fall behind and not get bored with his other half.

The story of how a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman met

For such sociable guys as Taurus and Aquarius, in order to become interested in each other, you just need to meet.

And this will most likely happen at a party, where ideally both of their favorite singers will be present. The stars will seat them at neighboring tables, and a mutual friend will become a pimp and introduce them.

The Taurus man, of course, will immediately discern in the beautiful unknown girl one with which you can build something serious. Remember, his intuition is at its best.

The girl will at first not give in to stormy and persistent courtship young man, because she was not used to such impudence. But after the smart Taurus asks the singer to perform her favorite song, she will melt and agree to communicate with the stubborn young man.

But at this party you won’t be able to talk much, because loud music and a lot of people will really interfere with this, so the cunning young man will try to take the girl out “to get some fresh air.”

After they retire, it is better for the Taurus man not to rush into action, because the lady will not appreciate such an approach. But if he starts some kind of intellectual conversation, the Aquarius girl will quickly lose ground and will gladly dictate her number to him and schedule the next meeting.

First date of a Taurus man with an Aquarius woman

The guy will have to immediately realize that this meeting should not be ordinary, because his companion needs to be constantly surprised with something. Therefore, making an appointment at a cafe would be a huge mistake!

In order to interest an Aquarius lady, you will have to try and come up with something completely unusual. Since the Taurus man’s imagination is at the proper level, he can arrange a magical evening for his girlfriend.

There is no doubt that the meeting will take place somewhere outdoors, in a secluded place. The path to your destination will be strewn with beautiful flowers and beautiful lanterns will hang on the trees.

Magical music will play, which will immediately fade away when Taurus sees the Aquarius lady. She will look so beautiful that he will immediately come up with poems for her, which he will immediately read while on his knees.

As for the girl herself, she will go on a date completely calm and confident, however, her mood will immediately change, since such a romantic guy as Taurus is very difficult to resist.

Passion will immediately arise between them, so on a date two people will have absolutely no time for talking, and the stars who brought Taurus and Aquarius together will be proud of their work.

Love between a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman

If you decided to read this article first rather than others, then great! And if not, then forget everything you already know. All sources say that love between such different people it can not be!

And then we congratulate you, because you have broken all the stereotypes in this regard. You don't care about the opinions of others, you are simply happy to be with your soul mate.

The Taurus man and the Aquarius girl do not believe any stupid omens of the stars, they simply enjoy the feelings and emotions that engulf them.

And such euphoria and idyll can last quite a long time, it depends on how the dates of the two lovers go.

But it’s still better not to rush to move in together, as all the romance will immediately fade against the backdrop of everyday problems. And also, troubles will begin without this.

The main reason for all quarrels will be the jealous nature of the Taurus man, which he carefully hid before. His girlfriend’s constant suitors will irritate the young man, and the Aquarius girl values ​​her freedom too much to exchange it because of her boyfriend’s hysterics.

All attempts of the Taurus man to keep the airy lady at home will end in failure, and if he decides to do such an act as deleting all the numbers of male acquaintances from his girlfriend’s phone, then let him be afraid of her anger, she will not forgive this.

And now one would think that the couple is about to break up, but this is not so. The Taurus man and the Aquarius woman will understand what needs to be done to maintain the relationship, so there is no smell of a breakup here.

Relationship between Taurus man and Aquarius woman

This relationship certainly cannot be called calm, because their temperaments are too different. However, there is also positive side- the Taurus man and the Aquarius woman are definitely not threatened by routine.

Also, another advantage of such dissimilarity is the fact that lovers will constantly discover something new about themselves, so they definitely won’t be bored.

Due to the fact that the Aquarius girl likes to argue on intellectual topics, her partner will have a hard time, since he values ​​calm in relationships.

Therefore, the airy lady should understand once and for all that if she wants to maintain this relationship, then such disputes need to be held with her friends, but not with the guy.

Taurus will irritate his active lover with his slowness in everything. She will consider him a bore, so the man should explain to his Aquarius lady that he has a certain plan, so he is calm and slow in his decisions.

Sometimes pseudo-friends will test the strength of the relationship with their lovers until they send them to hell. They are happy together and don't want anyone to interfere with that.

Their intimate life will be excellent, so the couple will stay together for quite a long time - for some this becomes a reason to go and get married.

Marriage of a Taurus man with an Aquarius woman

This celebration will not be called ordinary, that’s for sure. The restless Aquarius will try to make sure that everything is different from others. Even the dress and veil may not be white, but some bright color.

She will also dress her Taurus groom in something original, so all photographers and journalists will be happy to go to such a wedding to capture the happy moment of an unusual couple.

The most important rule for a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman if they want to save their marriage for a long time is that silence is golden. Every time they want to shout at each other or sort things out, let them simply remind each other of this rule and peacefully go to their corners.

Quarrels won't lead to anything good anyway. Stubborn Taurus and capricious Aquarius will not come to a common compromise, so it is better to avoid unnecessary scandals. If it fails, then the children will become the conciliatory link.

A Taurus dad will be the best - he dotes on his children and is ready to spend hours with them. And in general, he will take the arrangement of the nursery very seriously, even the neighbors will walk around and envy.

His Aquarius wife will also be a good mother - her children will always be clean and well-fed. After seven years of married life, there will be much less quarrels. Be patient a little.

Friendship between a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman

This will be a very strong friendly union that everyone will envy. The Taurus boy has always been and will be the most reliable and faithful comrade who will help his girlfriend out of any trouble.

And the Aquarius girl has an incredibly sensitive and kind nature. She wants to help all the people who need it, that's why she positive traits two personalities will be attracted to each other.

It doesn’t matter at all that their characters are completely different - friends will be happy to have each other, and everyone around them will be surprised at the sincerity and depth of this friendship between the two children.

Thanks to her creativity, the Aquarius girl is ready to decorate the life of her calm friend with different colors.

Until her old age, she will encourage her Taurus friend to do various adventures, so everyone around them of different ages will adore this couple, because they are always doing something interesting!

Partnership between a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman

In business, the Taurus man is a whole fortress that any competitor is afraid of.

If his partner in business is an Aquarius girl, then such an alliance can only lead to success, since she is an excellent speaker who is able to convince any person to act in a way that is beneficial to her.

An active businesswoman who was born under the sign of Aquarius follows any changes in the business world, therefore she is an excellent player on the stock exchanges, which is sometimes not very good, because she loses her head.

But then the practical Taurus, who always thinks prudently, will come to her aid.

Such a union will succeed in everything, but the partners themselves will not make an effort, which cannot but arouse the envy of others.

Bottom line: the union of Aquarius and Taurus in terms of a love couple is very rare, but possible, and for this, lovers will have to try to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

Taurus should moderate his jealousy, and Aquarius should think more often about whether all his parties with friends are worth such strong love that a faithful and reliable Taurus can offer.

Depends more on themselves than on anything else. They can expect total mutual misunderstanding, but with equal success they are able to build harmonious relationships, although for this they will have to try harder than representatives of many other zodiac signs. They are very different, but at the same time, by some unknown force they are attracted to each other, complement, inspire and... constantly fight for leadership, being predisposed to this by nature.

Taurus and Aquarius - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Taurus man - Aquarius woman

Such pairs are more common than one would expect based on the characteristics of these signs. The beginning of their relationship, as a rule, is characterized by romance and originality; often one of the partners is not free before it. Both are so different from each other that it is very difficult to find what they have in common. Famous for conservatism, moderation and stability, Taurus does not at all understand the adventuress of Aquarius, who is often passive in terms of setting certain life goals, preferring to go with the flow. She loves to communicate outside the home, and the Taurus man, who is quite happy with a one-on-one holiday, is annoyed by this.

Since these people decided to start a family, then it would be reasonable for the Taurus man to leave his partner certain part freedom so that she can realize herself in a profession or in public life. Feeling happy and successful, his companion will be more attentive to the home and family members, giving Taurus himself love and attention. In a pair of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman, the husband’s mission is to provide material comfort, while Aquarius brings optimism, dynamics, and flexibility to this relationship.

Despite different views in life, both zodiac signs are characterized by warmth and love of pleasure, and it is in this plane that they should look for mutual language, making compromises on issues of disagreement, because this is the only way they can live together happily ever after. From time to time, crises occur in relationships - most often when the Taurus man goes too far in perseverance, and the Aquarius woman in frivolity, but both are wise, and therefore are able to overcome the conflict wisely. They are advised to be as open as possible to each other, to adopt new qualities from their partner, to learn to live according to a different model - everyone will benefit from this.

Compatibility Aquarius man - Taurus woman

Despite the unimportant compatibility, unions of this kind also appear quite often. Partners value in each other those traits that they themselves do not have. Aquarius appreciates the hard work, thriftiness, practicality of a partner, and her determination in the sphere of winning material wealth. The Taurus woman sometimes lacks sociability and ease, and she will draw energy and inspiration from this relationship thanks to the worldview and life position of her Aquarius companion.

Despite mutual sympathy, it will be difficult for them to build a relationship. Dissatisfaction with each other can manifest itself in the form of either almost complete indifference, or violent accusations, attacks of anger, jealousy. Such partners will have to start their relationship more than once from the same starting point, being thrown back to it as a result of the next conflict and subsequent reconciliation. And yet such a life can last long years: partners each time live in the hope that after some time their relationship will become warmer and calmer.

It is difficult to predict the development of relations between an Aquarius man and a Taurus woman, because they do not fit into the logical mainstream of the philistine worldview. Each of them is unpredictable in its own way. The Taurus woman will be given many unpleasant moments by the constant innovations of her Aquarius spouse, his desire to change and improve everything around him. She will not allow even close people to destroy her small world, which I created with such love. In turn, Aquarius will be unpleasantly surprised by the down-to-earth nature of his Taurus girlfriend; her thriftiness, which he liked so much at first, would later seem excessive to him. But their close communication can be mutually beneficial if you look at it from a different point of view. The interest in new things and the optimism of Aquarius can help the partner discover new perspectives for herself, and her man will receive strong support in life. Together they can move towards a common goal, although each in their own ways. The compatibility horoscope pays attention to important point: This relationship is destined to last as long as mutual interest continues. This is not a union that can continue to exist by inertia. Having buried love, the partners will each go their separate ways.

Aquarius and Taurus - sexual compatibility

The temperament of Aquarius cannot be called fiery, but it is more liberated and more committed to diversity and everything new, which may bother Taurus, who is focused mainly on standards even in this delicate area. In addition, in contrast to this complexity, another, opposite one may arise. Taurus loves to extract pleasure from everything, therefore, having tasted fresh sensations, he can get a taste for it and, as a result, go “outside” in search of new sensations. And if a minor affair is forgiven, then more serious attempts will lead to the destruction of this interesting connection. This is not the best combination for a long-term relationship.

Compatibility horoscope for Aquarius and Taurus in work and business

Representatives of both zodiac signs are characterized by stubbornness, and final results their work is largely due to this quality. If Taurus and Aquarius are aimed at something in common, their strength increases many times over, and if everyone, as in the fable, pulls the cart in their own direction, nothing good will come of it. Taurus may not make contact, refusing to cooperate and acting alone using usual methods. Aquarius will fuss around, try to introduce some innovations, while poorly understanding the current situation. At the same time, they are able to help each other a lot if they set goals and look for the optimal means of achieving them

Compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in love and marriage is 60%. Aquarius is distinguished by a carefree attitude towards love, which will initially confuse the serious Taurus, and in the future can create a barrier between them. Taurus will not be happy with a partner who views love as a game. Aquarius tends to analyze everything and is not very interested in receiving sensual pleasures. He prefers the intellectual side of relationships, but the earthly nature of Taurus will not be satisfied with this type of love. Because of this, Taurus may seem too demanding to their partner.

These two are very stubborn, but each in different ways: Aquarius refuses to be ordinary, while Taurus rigidly adheres to traditional values. Aquarius is interested in the universal ideals of humanism; Taurus cares mainly about himself and his possessions. Aquarius does not put emphasis on the intimate side of relationships, but this feature can cause dissatisfaction in the partner, creating problems in the relationship. Their connection may initially bring many pleasant moments, but their stability in the future is questionable. Only if each of them is a mature personality are they able to create a long-term union.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Aquarius man

If these two met and fell in love, their relationship would be an example of how opposites attract. There may be many difficult moments in the love of a Taurus woman and an Aquarius man, but they will never be bored together. The Taurus woman is practical and, as a rule, interested in material success and a strong family. She will not want to waste her energy on changing the world, which an Aquarius man may be inclined to do. They have such different values ​​and priorities in life, they seem to see the world in different colors. Taurus is the zodiac sign that symbolizes stability and tradition, while Aquarius is associated with innovation and transformation. Everyone will have something to teach their partner.

Their love may develop inconsistently, compatibility is not easy, so alternation of ups and downs, meetings and partings is possible. The Taurus woman, slower by nature, will not rush to express her feelings; she is also cautious and will want to make sure of the seriousness of the Aquarius man’s intentions. It will not be easy for him to find the keys to her heart and express his feelings, since he is not very emotional. In love relationships and marriages, disagreements may arise due to the difference in their life attitudes. The Taurus woman is home and family oriented; it is difficult for her to accept the desire of her other half to spend a lot of time with friends. In turn, the Aquarius man may feel constrained by this relationship due to the jealousy of his chosen one and her desire to control him.

However, both of them have strong energy and this attracts each other. If a couple has a common goal, then there will be mutual understanding between them, which will strengthen the relationship. The combination of the persistence of a Taurus woman and the creative mind of an Aquarius man will bring good results. Although it is possible that everyone will look at their partner as a competitor. Provided that each can accept the differences in the other's character traits, their relationship can be stable and the marriage can be long-lasting. They will become responsible parents who devote a lot of effort to raising their children.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Taurus man

The pairing of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman may seem strange, and it really is. But when there is love and they are both willing to compromise, a relationship can give a lot to each of them. Although their lifestyles are different, they have enough in common to make the romance a lot of fun.

It's easier for partners to get along if both take into account each other's characteristics. The Taurus man is sensual, he loves physical signs attention - caresses, touches. The more tenderness she gives him, the more he wants. An Aquarius woman should take into account that her chosen one values ​​comfort; he will not tolerate her quirks if they create physical inconvenience for him. Also, he is unlikely to like the idea of ​​​​having many unusual friends and girlfriends around, as Aquarians love. And, of course, he is not attracted to surprises and surprises, since he prefers stability and predictability. For example, if she decides to change her hairstyle, it makes sense to hint him once or twice in advance. In addition, men of the zodiac sign Taurus are often jealous, so an Aquarius woman should under no circumstances give him reasons for suspicion. For his part, he must understand that his life partner needs freedom; he should not control her too tightly, as Taurus sometimes do.

The Taurus man has such excellent qualities as reliability, practicality, responsibility and hard work. He knows how to earn money, knows how to distribute it rationally, so that his beloved will always feel financially confident. With this man, the Aquarius woman can build a solid foundation for the future, create a strong family and raise beautiful children. They are both representatives of the fixed signs of the Zodiac, their love relationship and marriages often last longer than many others.

Compatibility of Taurus in love with other zodiac signs

Compatibility of Aquarius in love with other zodiac signs

Gender relations are often a complete puzzle. If the goal is not flirting, but creating a family, it is important to listen not only to your heart, but also to find out what the stars say about your compatibility. Perhaps such information will help you not to take a rash step in life.

Taurus and Aquarius - who is stronger?

Sometimes the relevant question is what is the compatibility of the constellations Taurus and Aquarius. If we talk about them as a couple, then the story of how these two personalities met is special and even exciting. They probably met at a time when one of them had a lover, or was even married. This situation is unlikely to serve as a good basis for a trusting relationship in the future, because each of them will want to know where the other is at any time.

Winter people are much more sociable than those born in spring. If the latter prefers kisses and hugs when behind closed doors, then the first one likes to demonstrate manifestations of his feelings to the whole world. Such people love to have fun, but parties in their own home are more acceptable for them. It is not so easy to answer the question of who is stronger, Taurus or Aquarius. Each of them has weaknesses and strengths. The question is whether such people are suitable for each other in different areas of life.

Are Aquarius and Taurus suitable for each other?

People born in winter and spring may be interested in whether Taurus and Aquarius are suitable for each other, or they have absolutely nothing in common. Astrologers assure that such people cannot be called a successful couple. Spring and winter birthday people are complete opposites of each other and therefore different areas life is hard for them to find common points contact.

Those born in winter are accustomed to living one day at a time and not thinking about what will happen tomorrow. Representatives of this constellation often doubt that the future can come for them. For those born in spring, such logic is very difficult to understand, since they are practical people who love clarity in everything. Uncertainty and dubious searches for happiness are definitely not for them. Because of this, conflicts often arise between them.

Taurus woman Aquarius man - compatibility

In a couple where he is an Aquarius and she is a Taurus, the compatibility is not very good. Such a lady always treats her partner lightly. He often finds her too difficult to communicate with. However, there is a chance that the relationship between these very different personalities at first glance will develop harmoniously, but on the condition that he is dependent on his chosen one.

The lady does not consult with her partner because she does not consider it necessary. But he is a strong and independent person. If neither of the two parties has any calculations in the relationship, then conflicts often arise between them, which can ultimately lead to a breakup or, alternatively, endless confrontations, from which nothing favorable should be expected either.

Taurus man Aquarius woman - compatibility

Good or bad compatibility with an Aquarius woman is not so easy to say. For a representative of the stronger sex, she is a fickle and even flighty person. If these people have a common job, then he will try to do everything so that they have little in common with such a lady. Simply put, he will not want to have any work-related affairs with her at all.

If we talk about their compatibility in love, then it is much more optimistic. However, for a spring person such a connection will become serious after a while and, moreover, imperceptibly. At the very beginning, he will not have specific plans for such a lady. Whether such a union will be happy or unhappy largely depends on the desires of the partners themselves, their wisdom and even patience.

Aquarius and Taurus - compatibility in love

It is definitely impossible to say whether the constellations Taurus and Aquarius are suitable for each other in love. According to classical astrology, this couple has little chance of creating a strong happy family because they are very different. However, in life there are exceptions to the rules. The horoscope assures that such individuals may have a love affair and even a strong family, if they can find a language that both understand and accept their partner’s dissimilarity.

People born in January and February are far from conventions and do not accept restrictions in their lives. They live in their own special world, where they are comfortable, into which it is impossible for others to enter. Internally, such individuals are closed to others. People who came into the world in the spring and want to unite their fate with winter man, you will have to come to terms with this fact. Such people have good compatibility in love if they manage to interact on the same territory for both.

Aquarius and Taurus - Marriage Compatibility

Before getting married, it is important to seriously think about whether such a union is possible if a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman. Those born in April and May can often withdraw into themselves and have their own secrets. Such people love the comfort of home more than winter personalities. The latter can leave everything at any time and go on the road if they receive interesting offer. While those born in January and February dream of adventures, a spring person thinks about everyday things. Therefore, for such constellations Taurus and Aquarius, compatibility in marriage is not very favorable.

The union of people born in winter and spring can hardly be called successful. However, if two people have made a serious decision to connect their lives, their union may have a chance of being happy. Moreover, spring birthday people have special feature make almost every place cozy warm home, and therefore, with such a special person, everyone, if desired, will find their own happiness.

Aquarius and Taurus - sexual compatibility

The constellations Taurus and Aquarius in bed have their own developed approach to sexual life. Often the latter had sexual intercourse before marriage, unlike the former, who may long time remain virgins. For people born in January and February, diversity in different areas life, including in bed. For others, intimacy is not so important, and consistency is fine. The compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in bed is cold, because they have different approaches to sex.

Aquarius and Taurus - compatibility in friendship

If an Aquarius woman is a Taurus man, they will have a strong friendship. The only drawback of such connections is the small number of interesting topics for both. Among the virtues of friendship between them is loyalty to each other. There is no doubt about such people; they will never reveal the secrets of another. Friendship can last long if they are always open with each other on all topics.

Taurus and Aquarius - compatibility at work

They believe that it is important for them to work very hard to get what they want. These people will be able to achieve what they dream of if they interact. However, due to their stubborn characters, insisting on their own, they can sometimes conflict. The difficult character of the spring birthday boy often prevents him from moving up the career ladder. People born in January and February always set goals for themselves and, despite everything, go towards them. The relationship between the constellations Aquarius and Taurus at work can be very tense.

Taurus and Aquarius show ambiguous compatibility. They are too different both in behavior and character. However, there are couples who have been married for many years and continue to admire their other half. The same can be said about bosom friends who spend hours chatting on the phone and going on trips together.

Astrologers are convinced that the signs of the elements of Earth and Air attract each other. Each complements the other in some way, which is important for a long-lasting relationship. It happens that some of a partner’s decisions cause dissatisfaction, because stable and reasonable Earth signs cannot tolerate surprises and illogical actions for which representatives of the Air sign are famous. The latter, in turn, are disappointed by the stubbornness and inflexibility of their companion.

Only serious feelings and the ability to forgive minor shortcomings help to overcome disagreements.

The pair Taurus and Aquarius are interesting precisely because of their differences. They have different worldviews and disagreement on almost any issue. The only similarity is observed in the attitude towards children and their upbringing. Both love them unconditionally and give everything to them. free time.

Homebodies Taurus are ready to break loose at the call of their other half and fly to the ends of the Earth or at least their hometown only at the beginning of acquaintance. In the future, they will not go anywhere themselves and will not allow Aquarius to do this. Unjustified impulses will be nipped in the bud.

The air sign will have to use cunning to lure Taurus out of its cozy nest. A worthy occasion would be a visit to a restaurant or exhibition jewelry and luxury goods. Knowing the weak points of Taurus, Aquarius will easily trick him around his finger and force him to participate in his plans.

Good-natured and loyal conservatives, capable of strong emotions in case of anger - this is the most accurate description of Taurus. Representatives of this sign adore beautiful things and appreciate good cuisine, they are not alien to a subtle taste in music and poetry. They spend a lot of effort on creating a home and consider relatives and loved ones an important part of the team. Taurus treats those around them who are not part of their close circle kindly, but completely indifferently. Empathy is not their strong suit.

Main traits of a Taurus man:

  • ability and desire to manage financial affairs;
  • incredible hard work;
  • desire for comfort and stability.

As a rule, men of this sign are attractive and stylishly dressed, although their suit rather reveals a love of convenience and natural fabrics than to the latest fashion trends. They make wonderful family men, bringing home earnings and expensive gifts. Most often they choose the professions of a banker, literary critic or lawyer.

Main features of a Taurus woman:

  • ardor and amorousness;
  • an irresistible thirst for shopping;
  • need for worship and recognition.

The zodiac sign is patronized by Venus, and Taurus girls are characterized by the features of this goddess. Sensuality, a sexy voice, elegant clothes attract men and make them lose their heads.

Taurus also forget about everything in a fit of passion, but only for a short time. Soon practical reason forces them to return to weighing and evaluating the actions of their beloved. If he fails to pass the test, he risks being erased from the life of a Taurus woman forever.

Receptive, curious and eager to learn new things, Aquarius will never let anyone get bored in their company. They spout witticisms and ask their interlocutor a lot of questions about his life, sincerely trying to learn as much as possible about him.

Friends appreciate Aquarius's ability to smooth out sharp corners and not bring controversial situations into conflict. Once you offend them or put pressure on them, representatives of the Air sign will disappear without a trace, and you will not be able to reach them by phone.

Main traits of an Aquarius man:

  • diplomacy and respect for others;
  • research of any interesting facts;
  • passion for wandering and frequent changes of residence.

Charming men easily charm women, regardless of their age, and immediately find another object to flirt with. Aquarians strive to be the main and unique in the team. If a woman makes it clear that in her eyes he is exactly like that, his heart will be immediately won.

Aquarius men make wonderful social workers who put their hearts into their work, doctors and photographers.

Main features of an Aquarius woman:

  • coquetry and charm;
  • sober mind and stubbornness;
  • sociability and willingness to support other people's endeavors.

Aquarians will never pass by when they notice that a stranger is in need of a favor. Moreover, the girl will forget about urgent matters and rush to help. It is responsiveness and sincerity that are most valued by friends, of whom Aquarius has hundreds. Many would like to become the chosen one of a sweet and cheerful representative of the Air sign, but she perfectly knows how to upset annoying gentlemen with an ironic joke.

Compatibility if the man is Taurus, the woman is Aquarius

If he is able to fall in love with a girl at first sight, then often her zodiac sign is Aquarius. There is a magical connection between these two signs. They surprise each other, irritate, delight, but invariably attract.

In love

Admired by his smart and cheerful girlfriend, the Taurus man will give her a gift and take her on an exotic trip to single-handedly enjoy the company of an incorrigible coquette. The Aquarius woman will take the signs of his attention for granted, but will not tolerate restrictions on her freedom. He will have to keep his possessive instinct in check, otherwise a quarrel cannot be avoided.


A lover of analyzing everything and making predictions, Taurus will team up with an even more intelligent and active friend, as a result of which the union of like-minded people will become invincible.

The Aquarius woman will study the life of her husband from the moment of birth and give unexpected advice on developing a career and relationships with others. Such simple but important truths did not occur to Taurus himself.

The Aquarius woman will be glad to lean on a strong man’s shoulder, which her husband will offer her. With mutual concessions, the marriage will be happy and prosperous.

In friendship

The zodiac sign, when the woman is Aquarius and the man is Taurus, is also observed in friendship. Although both are quite stubborn, the friends find a compromise without difficulty. Aquarius serves interesting ideas, and Taurus is engaged in translating them into reality. Such relationships suit both.

In addition, the Aquarius woman makes Taurus softer and more tolerant of the shortcomings of others.

Compatibility if the man is Aquarius, the woman is Taurus

Taurus pay attention to irresistible representatives of the stronger sex, and Aquarians are just one of them. They themselves are not averse to being carried away by a feminine and pretty Taurus girl. A love union will work out successfully if the powerful representative of the Earth sign moderates her ambitions and at least pretends that Aquarius makes the decisions in the couple.

In love

A Taurus woman and an Aquarius man have excellent compatibility in love. They have a lot of common interests, including visiting theaters and fashion shows. The man will comment so wittily on what he sees that he will make his companion laugh.

A Taurus girl must pay a lot of attention to her partner so that he does not lose interest in her and does not go off to win new fans.


The air sign will not allow the Taurus woman to get bogged down in routine and household chores. Together they will make forays into newly opened cafes with dishes different cuisines peace and walk in Gym. In such joint projects they will find something exciting for everyone. Aquarius will appreciate the calm family atmosphere in the house, cleanliness and comfort. Games and activities with children will bring the couple closer together.

In friendship

Both signs know how to be friends. Aquarius will always appear at the moment when he is really needed, and Taurus will fight for a friend with the whole world. These zodiacs attach importance to public opinion, but do not follow its lead. Rather, they listen to others in order to subsequently convincingly convince them of their point of view.

Astrologers have thoroughly studied the features of the union of Taurus and Aquarius and made the following conclusions.

  1. Taurus cannot stand criticism of himself, especially in public, which should be taken into account by an enthusiastic Aquarius.
  2. Aquarius is independent and freedom-loving; he does not tolerate someone else's opinion being imposed on him. If something happens, he is capable of stubbornness no worse than Taurus, only less loudly.
  3. Representatives of both signs should find more common interests and activities. This will allow the relationship to develop.

Psychologists also give advice to couples consisting of representatives of the Earth and Air signs.

  1. Taurus should not isolate themselves and boycott their other half. Aquarians must constantly communicate, otherwise they will begin to feel discomfort.
  2. Both Taurus and Aquarius love compliments. We need to do them to each other more often.
  3. Patience and trying to understand your partner works wonders. A friendship or marriage will benefit if Taurus and Aquarius keep this in mind.


An explosive couple will bring their own rules into any society and will enjoy life while others begin to discuss the compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius. If they feel good together, the world around them sparkles; in case of a disagreement, it will be filled with electric discharges. There are usually no indifferent witnesses left, because Taurus and Aquarius attract everyone's attention.

They need to leave room for the other to maneuver, because yielding does not mean losing. Rather, it demonstrates friendship or love.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!