home · Installation · Euonymus indoor care. An unpretentious evergreen shrub for your garden - "European Fortune": planting and care at home. Use in design

Euonymus indoor care. An unpretentious evergreen shrub for your garden - "European Fortune": planting and care at home. Use in design

Euonymus is a low, graceful tree widely used in landscape design. It owes its popularity among gardeners to its stunning variety of bright colors. Dimensions do not allow most varieties of euonymus to be grown at home. modern apartments, but some varieties are an exception, quite suitable for indoor floriculture, and besides, planting and care are quite within the capabilities of an amateur. Compact breeding hybrids were developed on their basis.

Appearance and other characteristic features of euonymus

Euonymus (Euonymus), also known as “pseudo-laurel”, is a genus of short, evergreen and leafless trees belonging to the Euonymus family (Celastraceae). On this moment About 220 of its representatives are known, found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The first scientifically described euonymus was discovered in Spain. Selected varieties grow in Australia and South America.

The official name of the plant is translated from Greek roughly as “a tree with a glorious (or good) name.” "Euonymus" is one of the many nicknames by which it is known in Slavic languages. Some of them are quite unattractive - “witch’s earrings”, “wolf’s bast”, “privet”, “blind hen”. This is probably due to the fact that the juice and seeds of the euonymus are poisonous. Eating the latter may well cause death. The substances they contain negatively affect the performance of the heart.

A beautiful legend is told about the origin of the euonymus. According to her, the tree was created evil witch, who wanted to punish people who, in her opinion, deserved it. At the last moment, the sorceress relented, leaving the possibility of using the plant as a medicine. And she herself became a robin, to which eating the fruits of the euonymus does not bring any harm. Since then, this bird has been spreading euonymus around the world, dropping its seeds to the ground.

In nature, euonymus grows up to 3–10 m in height. At home, mainly evergreen varieties are cultivated, not exceeding 1–1.5 m. Creeping and creeping species are also very popular. Any euonymus lives for about 60 years, so it will please the gardener for a long time.

Euonymus blooms and bears fruit “in captivity” extremely rarely. Besides, it's not the most attractive sight. Natural varieties have small greenish-yellow or whitish flowers collected in inflorescences in the form of a brush or umbrella of 10–15 pieces. They are almost invisible on the tree. The flowers of selection hybrids - snow-white, pinkish, purple - are more noticeable. In nature, flowering occurs in the summer; at home, it can begin even in early spring.

Euonymus fruits look very decorative. They are often even mistaken for flowers. These four-leaf, leathery “boxes” with spines or wings change color to bright scarlet, crimson or purple when fully ripe.

The main decorative value of the plant lies in the leaves, which are about 7 cm long. They are smooth, rather dense, and ovoid in shape. The color is very beautiful - soft light green, there are types with yellowish, cream or almost white inclusions. The edge is cut with small teeth. The leaves are located oppositely on smooth or tetrahedral shoots covered with small growths.

Varieties grown at home

Of the “natural” euonymuses, the ones that have most successfully adapted to home conditions are:

  • Japanese (japonica). A small, intensively branching shrub, no more than 0.5–0.7 m high, densely covered with leaves. They are narrower than those of most euonymuses, shaped like a lancet or an elongated oval. The color of the leaf blade is rich green, sometimes with a lighter border or area along the central vein. The flowers are small, no more than 1 cm in diameter. The fruits are pinkish or pale orange boxes. It is demanding on soil nutrition and requires regular fertilizing. Moderate watering is important. The tree is sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and has difficulty recovering from pest attacks. In extreme heat it drops its leaves.
  • Rooting (radicans) or Fortune (fortunei). Low (1–1.2 m) creeping evergreen plant with long shoots. It branches rather weakly, but the existing shoots are tightly covered with leaves. They are small (4–5 cm long), smooth and shiny. The general background is yellow or yellow-white, with a green tint. At home you can grow in hanging planters. The fruits are bright pink, the seeds are dark orange.
  • Dwarf (compactus). Height - no more than 1 m. Leaves are small, up to 4 cm long, leathery. The tip of the leaf sharply sharpens, the edges bend slightly downwards. The color of the leaf blade is light green, with a slight yellowish tint. The leaves below are bluish-green or olive. The trunk is practically absent, the shoots are thin. Suitable for bonsai shaping. Unlike other varieties, it is more shade-loving and demanding of watering, and more often suffers from pests. Does not tolerate heat well.
  • Winged (alatus). Deciduous shrub approximately 1.5–2 m high. It grows quite slowly. The ribs on the shoots look like wings, hence the name. The dark green leaves turn into bright scarlet and crimson in the fall. The fruits are deep purple. The plant is light-loving. It will survive in the shade, but will lose color saturation.

Photo gallery: euonymus found in nature

Japanese euonymus is very sensitive to excessively high temperatures. Rooting euonymus is the basis for most experiments by breeders. Dwarf euonymus is, for some reason, especially highlighted by pests. Winged euonymus is rare at home due to its size, but its growth can be restrained by regular pruning.

Video: Japanese euonymus

Selective hybrids are mainly bred on the basis of Fortune's euonymus. Their leaves are usually variegated.

  • Evergreen creeping shrub. It grows quite slowly. Height - about 0.5 m, width - 0.8–1 m. In autumn, the leaves turn red.
  • Ground cover plant. In the absence of pruning, it is more suitable for greenhouses and winter gardens than for home use. Height - 0.5 m, width - 1.5 m. Leaves are about 5 cm long. In autumn, a reddish or chocolate undertone appears.
  • Low (0.6–0.8 m) shrub. In the center of the dark green leaf there is a large sunny yellow spot. Very picky about the presence of natural color. In the shade, the variegated coloring of the leaves quickly disappears.
  • An intensively branching shrub about 0.8 m high. In winter, a slight pink tint may appear.
  • Variegatus (Gracilis). Creeping shrub no more than 30 cm high, rapidly growing in width up to 0.8–1 m.
  • An evergreen shrub that grows quickly to the sides, no more than 15–20 cm high. It suffers little from cold weather. The plant is very shade tolerant.
  • A compact bush with a height and width of about 30–40 cm. It suffers greatly from cold weather and sharp changes temperatures
  • The smallest hybrid. The leaf length is no more than 1 cm. The plant itself is no more than 5–10 cm high.

Photo gallery: breeding hybrids

The hybrid Emerald Gaiety has round, bright green leaves with a white border. The Emerald Gold euonymus has variegated leaves, green with bright yellow stripes and spots along the edges. The bright yellow spot in the center of the leaf gives the hybrid the name Sunspot ( sunny bunny) In young plants of the Silver Queen variety, the leaves are pale yellow, then they change color to silvery-green. The leaves of the Euonymus Variegatus are bright green, with a yellowish-white or creamy center The Vegetus hybrid has dark green leaves, the veins are highlighted in white. The Sheridan Gold euonymus has lemon-yellow leaves, then acquire a lime tint. The Minimus variety in a pot forms something similar to “pads” or a continuous carpet

Optimal microclimate for the plant

Euonymus is relatively unpretentious. It will survive in different conditions. But for the plant to look the best way, it is advisable to listen to its “requirements” and create a microclimate close to the optimal one.

Table: how to create suitable conditions for euonymus

LocationThe sill of a window facing southeast or southwest. The room must be regularly ventilated, while protecting the plant from drafts. In the summer, it is useful to send the pot to the balcony (indoor or outdoor), terrace, veranda, or garden.
LightingMost types of euonymus prefer bright light, without even suffering from direct sunlight. Variegated hybrids are more light-loving, but under direct rays they quickly “fade”, so it is advisable to shade them.
TemperatureThe optimal temperature in summer is 22–25ºС, in winter 12–15ºС. In winter, hybrids will tolerate lower (3–5ºС), but not negative temperatures. “Natural” euonymus is not afraid of frosts down to -20ºС. If the room is too warm in winter (20ºC or more), even an evergreen euonymus will most likely lose most of its leaves.
Air humidityEuonymus grows better when high humidity(60–70%), but does not suffer particularly from dry air. In extreme heat, you can spray the flower or periodically give it a warm shower. The last procedure is also useful for cleaning the flower from dust (once a week is enough).

Euonymuses are mostly shade-tolerant, but not shade-loving. A compact, even crown of the bush is formed only in bright light or at least in light partial shade.

How to transplant euonymus correctly?

Young euonymuses are replanted annually, adults - once every 2-3 years or even less often. It depends on the growth rate and how much old soil in a pot. The procedure is carried out in early spring. For large specimens grown in tubs, which cannot be replanted purely physically, the top 5–7 cm of soil is removed and replaced with fresh substrate.

The size of the pot is selected so that it is 3–5 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. For slow-growing varieties, the old pot is suitable if it is sterilized and the soil is completely changed. To limit the growth of euonymus, especially in height, a container almost identical in diameter to the previous one, rather flat than deep, is suitable.

Euonymus needs slightly alkaline soil, so add dolomite flour or crushed chalk (5 g per 10 l).

Dolomite flour is a useful additive for neutralizing excessive soil acidity

The soil should be light, nutritious, air and water permeable:

Euonymus transplant:

  1. Place expanded clay or other clay at the bottom of the pot. drainage material layer about 1–1.5 cm.
  2. Fill about a third of the container with fresh substrate. Water the soil thoroughly. When the water is absorbed, make a depression in it.
  3. Remove the plant from the pot, keeping the soil ball intact if possible. You can make the process easier by watering the plant well about half an hour before.
  4. Transfer the flower to new pot. Fill the voids around the edges with soil. Gently compact the soil and water the flower well again.

Since the euonymus is quite unpretentious, in special care After the transplant he does not need it. The flower can be immediately returned to its original place. A plant purchased in a store is replanted as quickly as possible - the heavy universal substrate does not allow water to pass through well, provoking the development of rot.

Video: how to transplant euonymus

Important nuances of plant care

Caring for euonymus is simple. Even a novice florist can handle it.


Euonymus is not a very moisture-loving plant; moderate watering is sufficient. Naturally, in hot weather the flower needs to be watered more often than in cloudy weather. Do not let the soil dry out completely. You can check this with a wooden stick stuck into the ground. Usually it is enough to water the plant a little once every 3-4 days.

The flower, like almost all indoor plants, responds gratefully to spraying. A weekly warm shower is also helpful. In addition to the fact that it washes away dust, it is an effective prevention against many pests.

Spray the flower only with soft clean water. Otherwise, unsightly whitish spots will appear on the leaves. It is advisable to use the same water, heated to room temperature, for irrigation.

Euonymus tolerates drought much better than waterlogged soil. Regular heavy watering is one of the few reliable ways to kill a plant.

Fertilizer application

The plant does not need abundant feeding. If the soil is selected correctly, it is quite enough to water it once a month from March to October with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for decorative leafy indoor plants.

Euonymus can be fed with complex mineral and organic fertilizers.

You can also enter organic fertilizers. An infusion of fresh cow manure or bird droppings, nettle greens, and dandelion leaves is quite suitable. Rest period

The most important thing is to keep the euonymus cool enough from mid-autumn to the end of winter so that it does not lose its leaves. Place the flower on a glassed-in loggia, in an unheated greenhouse. At this time, the plant is watered more moderately than usual (once every 6–8 days), and feeding is stopped completely. The requirements for the lighting regime do not change. Since the sun is less active in winter, you can move the pot closer to south-facing windows.


Initially, euonymus is a shrub or even a small tree. Therefore, it needs at least regular sanitary pruning. All weak, dried out shoots damaged by diseases and pests are removed from the plant. This stimulates the formation of new branches and more intensive branching.

It is also possible decorative pruning. The crown of the euonymus can be shaped like a ball, a pyramid, a cone, or even create something more original, reminiscent garden sculptures. For greater lushness and bushiness, it is enough to simply pinch the shoots at the top 2-3 buds each in the spring.

Since euonymus sap is poisonous, any pruning should be done only with rubber gloves. To minimize damage to the plant, use only sharp, disinfected tools.

Video: how to care for a plant

How does a flower react to the grower’s mistakes?

The main decorative value of euonymus is its leaves. They are the reliable “indicator” of the plant’s condition. The plant reacts to any errors in care by deteriorating its appearance.

Table: how errors in caring for euonymus manifest themselves

What does the plant look like?What is the reason?
The leaves become dull, the variegated color disappears, and the tips dry out.The room is too dry or there is insufficient watering. Other possible reason- prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
The plant sheds its leaves.If this occurs during the active growing season, is associated with an almost complete stop of growth and affects only the lower leaves, the flower is watered too often and/or abundantly. IN winter time"to blame" is too high a temperature and low humidity air.
Brown spots spread on the leaves, the bases of the petioles and shoots turn black.Rot develops due to regular waterlogging of the soil, and the situation is aggravated by low indoor temperatures.
The leaves turn yellow, gradually dry out and fall off.The plant lacks nutrients. Or the fertilizer used is not suitable for it.

Common diseases and pests

Euonymus is quite resistant to most fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. The exception is rot. But it is often attacked by sucking insects, which are attracted to dense, succulent leaves. But there are simple ones preventive measures, compliance with which minimizes the risk of infection:

  • Place newly purchased indoor plants in quarantine for at least 10–12 days.
  • Avoid crowding of flowers on the windowsill and place bouquets (especially roses and chrysanthemums as far away from them as possible).
  • Regular inspection (preferably with a magnifying glass) for the presence of characteristic features and damage.
  • Immediate isolation of flowers at the slightest suspicion of infection, disinfection of the corresponding area of ​​the window sill.
  • Minimizing damage during pruning, replanting, immediate processing of all cuts
  • Using only clean, sharp tools, sterile soil and pots.
  • Maintaining air humidity at a level comfortable for the flower, regular ventilation premises.
  • Weekly warm shower.
  • Proper care, especially watering.

Table: what diseases or pests does euonymus suffer from?

Disease or pestExternal manifestationsControl measures
Gray rotGray-brown spots on shoots and leaves, covered with a layer of ashen “lint” with small black inclusions.Trimming all at least minimally damaged parts of the plant and immediately replanting them in a new pot and soil; treating the soil before planting with Trichodermin, Glyokladin or adding Barrier or Barrier granules; weekly watering with a 1% solution of any fungicide; spraying and watering with Fundazol, Topsin-M, Alirin-B, Baikal-EM.
Spider miteThin cobwebs on the bases of shoots and petioles; leaves covered with black dots and yellowish-white thin stripes.Apply a soap-alcohol solution to the leaves and shower after 40–45 minutes; water abundantly and place the plant in a tightly tied plastic bag for 2–3 days; spraying and watering with acaricide solution - Vermitek, Neoron, Apollo, Marshall, Agravertin, Floromite, Oberon (2-3 treatments with different preparations every 7-12 days).
MealybugSmall lumps, similar to dirty cotton wool, at the petioles and bases of shoots; soil extending from the edges of the pot and a border of a whitish wax-like substance underneath it.Destruction of visible traces with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or any alcohol tincture and shower after 15–20 minutes; applying onion, garlic paste, and essential oil of any citrus fruits to areas where the pest accumulates; treatment with Tanrek, Confidor, Biotlin, Aktara, Actellik, Mospilan, Rogor, Phosfamide.
AphidTops of shoots and young leaves covered with small yellow-green or brown-black insects; multiple small beige dots on them.Pruning the most severely affected parts of the plant; spraying 2-3 times a day with infusions of any sharp-smelling herbs, pine needles, orange peel, tobacco crumbs; spraying foam with green potassium soap; use of Aktara, Mospilan, Inta-Vira, Calypso, Confidor, Fitoverm, Fury.
Oval dull brown or gray-brown growths on the leaves; yellow-red fabrics around them; almost black substrate in a pot.Destruction of visible individuals (apply alcohol, kerosene, vinegar, turpentine to the shell with a cotton swab, wait 2-3 hours); washing the leaves with a soap-alcohol solution; use of Actellik, Fosbecid, Metaphos, Aktara.

What diseases and pests will a gardener growing euonymus have to fight - photo

Aphids are one of the most common pests of indoor plants; euonymus will not be ignored either. The durable shell of the scale insect protects it from most folk remedies

Methods for propagating euonymus

Rooting cuttings

Rooting cuttings is the most common method vegetative propagation Euonymus. You can also divide it during transplantation big bush 2–3 smaller or transplant the “offshoots” that appear at the roots into separate containers. Best time for rooting cuttings - late spring or early summer.

  1. Cut a few healthy, young, non-woody shoots from the plant. Cut cuttings from them 5–8 cm long so that each has at least one internode. Make all cuts with a sharp, clean knife and sprinkle with crushed chalk, activated carbon, colloidal sulfur or at least cinnamon.
  2. Fill small cups with fertile soil, pouring a 5–7 cm thick layer of coarse sand on top.
  3. Plant the cuttings in the ground, sprinkling the lower cut with any powdered root formation stimulator.
  4. Place the containers in transparent plastic bags, tie it. Or cover with glass jars.
  5. Provide bright light, a temperature of about 22ºC, and moderate watering as the soil dries. If you alternate water and biostimulator solution and turn on the bottom heating, the rooting process will go faster. In less comfortable conditions roots will appear in 1.5–2 months.
  6. Wait the same amount of time and transplant the cuttings into soil for adult plants. After 2-3 months, pinch the plants to make the bushes more luxuriant.

Video: propagation of indoor plants by apical cuttings

Germination of seeds

Growing euonymus from seeds is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming procedure. It is not recommended to propagate selection hybrids in this way - seedlings rarely retain the variegated coloring of leaves.

Before planting, euonymus seeds must be stratified.

Planting process:

  1. Clean the seeds from their buds and immerse them in a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per liter of water) for 2–3 hours.
  2. Mix the dried seeds with coarse river sand or peat chips, calcined in the oven. They take approximately twice as much substrate as seeds.
  3. Keep them for 3–4 months at a temperature of 10–12ºС in a bright place with air humidity of 50–60% and good ventilation. When the shell of most of the seeds cracks, put them in the refrigerator or other place where a constant temperature of 1–3ºC is maintained for 4–5 months.
  4. After the specified time has passed, allow the seeds to warm up to room temperature, covering the container with glass to prevent moisture from evaporating. It is advisable to choose a brightly lit place for them.
  5. Mix soil suitable for adult plants, fill shallow flat containers. Spread the seeds over the surface and sprinkle thin layer sand. Moisten well with a spray bottle.
  6. Cover the containers with glass or film, or put them in a mini-greenhouse. Provide bright light, temperature 24–27ºС, bottom heating. Once every 3-4 days, ventilate the greenhouse and moisten the soil. Individual shoots appear after 6–8 weeks, mass shoots after 3–4 months.
  7. After the first true leaf appears, plant the seedlings in separate containers and care for them as usual.

Euonymus is an unusual, rather unpretentious decorative foliage indoor plant. Even a novice gardener can cope with its cultivation. Of course, in open ground The shrub looks more impressive, but even in a pot its bright variegated greenery looks decent, delighting the owner all year round.

Euonymus – evergreen, whose leaves are falling. Most of the species of this representative of the flora are grown in open ground on the street. Of the 120 representatives of the euonymus genus, only two species are grown indoors: Japanese euonymus and rooting euonymus.

Euonymus and its characteristics

Euonymus can grow either in the form of a low, erect tree or as a climbing tree. Its leaves can be either green or variegated with yellow or milky spots. The flowers of this plant are inconspicuous, small, white, collected in an umbellate inflorescence. They ripen in autumn period and are distinguished by the presence of a fleshy appendage, which can be red, orange or pink-brown. But at home, such flowering is extremely rare.

Japanese euonymus is distinguished by the presence of dark green leathery leaves that have a narrow elliptical shape and finely toothed edges. Their length is from 3 cm to 8 cm. Flowers are 1 cm in size, in each inflorescence from 10 to 30 pieces. Color – yellow-green. The fruits are orange or pink boxes.

Rooting euonymus (Fortuna) is a spreading shrub that reaches a height of 30 cm to 60 cm. The branches can reach 3 meters in length. Branches can take root at nodes. The leaves of this species are leathery and dark green. They are small, pointed, and egg-shaped. Their size ranges from 2 cm to 6 cm.

Conditions for growing euonymus

  • Plant location.

The indoor euonymus feels great if you provide it with a well-lit place; you can even put it on a windowsill under direct Sun rays. Japanese euonymus feels quite comfortable in partial shade.

In the summer months, the plant will feel better if it is taken out into the open air, onto a balcony, loggia or outside into the garden. In winter, if the euonymus begins to leaf out, move it to a cooler room.

  • Temperature.

TO temperature conditions Euonymus is not too whimsical; it can grow at +5-10 degrees. But very warm rooms may begin to shed its leaves during the winter months. In summer, it tolerates heat up to +25 degrees.

  • Watering.

The plant requires moderate watering, and since it overwinters in relatively cool conditions, it should be watered at this time in such a way as to prevent the earthen clod from completely drying out. In summer it can be made more plentiful. Spraying with water is very favorable for growing euonymus.

  • The soil.

Most good option there will be a mixture of turf, humus and leaf soil in a ratio of 2:1:1. For planting, also add river sand. A mixture of turf soil (3 parts) and peat (0.5 parts) is also suitable. Sand is also added.

  • Transfer.

Young euonymus plants are replanted annually, and older plants - once every 3-4 years in the spring.

  • Fertilizer.

From spring to autumn it needs organic and mineral fertilizers once a month. During the winter season, the plant does not need feeding.

  • Trimming.

Euonymus needs regular pruning in order for its crown to have beautiful shape. Also, weak shoots must be removed in time. This pruning will stimulate the formation of new shoots from previously dormant buds. For more intensive branching, shoots are pinched.

This plant has the necessary properties to form a bonsai tree. It also allows you to create a variety of plant crown shapes, for example, a ball, an ellipse or a cone.

  • Fighting diseases.

Among the diseases, gray rot is typical for euonymus, which appears on the leaves of plants with a grayish coating and brown spots. The reason for this may be excessive air humidity. When scale insects or spider mites appear, actellik solution (0.15%) is used.

Reproduction of indoor euonymus

Indoor euonymus can be propagated by seeds, which are formed in fruit boxes after flowering. To do this, the seeds are stratified for 3 months at a temperature of about +3 degrees. During this period, the seed coat of most seeds should burst. Afterwards, the seeds must be cleared of their arils and neutralized in a solution of potassium permanganate (0.5%).

The seeds are sown in shallow grooves (about 2 cm). After 2 or 3 weeks, shoots should appear. Euonymus is also propagated by dividing the bush and by layering.

But it is much easier to propagate euonymus. Cut (about 5 cm long), they take root very well in leaf ground with the addition of sand. This is best done in June or July. After 1.5 months the plant will take root.

So, indoor euonymus is not an overly demanding plant, but still needs some attention. With a little effort, you can find beautiful and original decoration for your home.

Euonymus japonica is a representative ornamental shrubs. Beautiful green bushes in the wild grow up to 5 meters in height, produce white-green flowers and produce reddish fruits.

Domestic euonymus plants are much smaller in size and bloom extremely rarely. The bush is covered with beautiful smooth leaves, they are slightly elongated and seem to be cut at the edges. Due to the varied color and shape of the leaves, Japanese euonymus is divided into subspecies.

The most famous varieties include euonymus with monochrome green leaves. Variegated shrubs are also particularly attractive:

  • golden euonymus (the middle of the leaf is yellow);
  • silver euonymus (leaves are white-green).

When learning Japanese at home, the main concern will be its safety. decorative painting. It does not need special conditions, since it is absolutely unpretentious, but you still need to follow some recommendations for caring for Japanese euonymus at home.


One of important points Caring for a plant involves providing it with sufficient lighting. For simple green euonymuses, a little sun is enough; they grow well even in the shade. But variegated bushes need more lighting, otherwise their color will disappear over time and they will become monochromatic.

Air temperature

The plant does not respond well to elevated room temperatures. It feels most comfortable at 23 degrees Celsius in the summer. In winter, it is advisable to place the pot in a room with a temperature of no more than 12 degrees. In a warmer room, the leaves of the euonymus may fall.

Watering and spraying

Euonymus is a rather moisture-loving plant. In summer it needs regular watering. It is important not to allow the soil to dry out completely so that the leaves do not wilt. With the onset of autumn, the breaks between waterings increase, and in winter they rarely water with warm water.

The bush will be very grateful for regular spraying, and even a shower, especially on hot summer days. To prevent residual impurities from appearing on the leaves after this procedure, you need to take settled, or preferably filtered, water.

Feeding and replanting

Once a month, the plant is fertilized with mineral fertilizers, starting in spring and ending in autumn. During the growing season, complex organic fertilizers are applied once a week. Young shrubs are given nitrogen fertilizing to stimulate the growth of foliage.

Young plantings of euonymus need annual replanting, while adults need only once every 3 years. If an adult euonymus is of impressive size, you can simply update upper layer soil.

To give the bush the desired shape and stimulate the growth of side shoots, it is pruned (it is better to do this in the spring). Since the bush itself branches very weakly, such pruning is done regularly. It is better to remove weak shoots too, so that they do not take away the strength of the bush

Young cuttings cut from the tops are used for propagating new plants. It is worth noting that cuttings that have at least 3 internodes after mature buds will be suitable for propagation. Euonymus also reproduces using seeds.

Caring for euonymus at home - video

Euonymus (Euonymus) are shrubs or low trees of the Euonymus family, classified as deciduous or evergreen. They can grow on all continents in the tropics, subtropics or temperate latitudes. In the natural environment they reach a maximum height of up to 4 meters.

Foliage small size, oval green or variegated in color (there are spots and stripes of light and yellow shades on the leaf blades). Blossoms are dim small flowers, collected in inflorescences. The color of the flowers ranges from pale green to yellowish. The fruits are capsules containing white, black or red seeds covered with a leathery shell.

When, closer to autumn, the fruits ripen, they can acquire a color from pink to burgundy or crimson, which makes the shrub especially decorative. When the fruits are fully ripe, they burst and look like open umbrellas or parachutes.

At home, plants are grown in open street soil. Only two species of this shrub are suitable for indoor cultivation - these are Japanese euonymus and taking root.

Almost all types of plants are poisonous, the fruits are extremely inedible, and such types of euonymus as warty and European euonymus contain latex-like gutta-percha juice in their roots and stems.

This plant also has practical value in medicine. Due to the poisonous content, seeds, bark, resin and leaves are used. Their extract has extensive antimicrobial, diuretic, anthelmintic and laxative effects, and is used in the manufacture of many antiseptics.

Location and lighting

Most types of euonymus are unpretentious to lighting conditions. They can grow equally successfully both in highly lit places and on the shady side. Variegated varieties are especially photophilous.


Euonymus does not tolerate intense heat and dry summers. The most comfortable temperature for him is +18-20 degrees. If the summer temperature at the planting site is above normal, then it is better to plant it in partial shade. A comfortable winter temperature is not lower than -6 degrees, otherwise it will shed its leaves.

Air humidity

Because of its leathery leaves, euonymus retains moisture well and can be kept in dry climates of apartments or in latitudes with low humidity. The plant can be watered and “bathed” along with the leaves.


IN summer time Euonymus loves to drink plenty of water, but you just need to make sure that the water does not stagnate at the roots and does not form puddles. In autumn, watering should be reduced, and during frosty winters it is better to avoid it altogether.

Feeding and fertilizers

In terms of feeding, this plant will need complex mineral fertilizers applied once a month. It is better to feed the plant from March to September.


Like any cultivated shrub, euonymus should be pruned to maintain and regulate growth rates. The procedure is carried out in the spring, young shoots are cut to form a lush crown. In the fall, you can prune dried branches.

By cutting euonymus, you can form a decorative crown pattern in the form of balls, cones, or create small bonsai trees from low-growing species, due to the fact that the branches and trunk are very elastic. Timely and regular trimming of the bush promotes the good formation of new useful branches in the crown.


Young euonymus needs to be replanted annually. Older plants - once every three years. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container in which the plant will later be planted, and a nutrient mixture is prepared from turf, soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1 parts.

The plant can be propagated by layering, cuttings, seeds and dividing the bush.

At seed propagation seeds are germinated in not very ventilated areas at room temperature for 3-4 months. After the seed capsule bursts, they are cleaned and kept in a light solution of potassium permanganate, which gets rid of possible bacteria and disinfects. Seeds should be germinated in warm sand or moist peat. They should be sown in soil mixed with sand, fertilized with peat, to a depth of about 2 cm. The first shoots appear after 3 weeks.

When propagating from cuttings, the cutting is cut and planted in a pot with nutritious soil, covered with film. The roots form in about two months, then the plants are planted, one rooted cutting per pot.

Euonymus bears fruit in 4-5 years, from this moment the plant is considered an adult.

Diseases and pests

If the euonymus sheds its leaves at once, it means it is not suitable temperature regime or humidity. If it only drops leaves from the lower layer of branches, then it is worth reducing watering the plant; perhaps the soil is too waterlogged.

If the foliage becomes dull or dry, the lighting is too bright.

When scale insects appear, growths form in the form of dry plaques on the leaves and bark. They are able to suck the sap of the plant and dry it out. You can fight it with an Actellik solution, spraying the plant once a week. Do the procedure three times.

Spider mites manifest themselves in the form of entwining branches with a thin layer of cobwebs. In this case, the foliage may completely fall off. It is easy to combat it if you “bathe” the plant under a warm shower and wipe it with a sponge and foamed laundry soap.

Flat plier. The foliage suffers first, it becomes deformed, and white dots form on its surface. Remove damaged leaves and spray the plant with insecticide.

Euonymus - growing in an apartment (video)

China is considered to be the birthplace of this small shrub. It has a dense openwork crown with small leathery leaves of variegated or green color.

Important! With sufficient heat, it can bloom with inconspicuous yellow-green flowers, after which poisonous fruits are formed.

The branches are very long, capable of climbing on a support, but the height of the bush itself does not exceed 60 cm. The plant has varieties of different frost resistance, some of them can withstand not very severe winters.

Due to the properties of Euonymus branches to grow on the sides, it is used as a ground cover shrub. They try to plant in large dense groups and in ribbons of different widths.

It goes well with spruce trees, thujas, junipers, and acts as a background for them. In the home garden it looks great among groups of plants and mixed compositions, stripes of various shrubs, landscapes with stones and alpine roller coaster.


The photo shows “Euponus Fortune”:

Home care

The shrub is considered resistant to external factors environment, but to reveal its capabilities, it needs proper care.

Due to its slow growth and year-round decorativeness, it can be kept in both open and protected ground conditions.

At the same time, the methods of care differ in no way from each other, and consist of several techniques and rules.

Actions after purchase

"Euponymus Fortune" is purchased in a pot. When purchasing it, you must carefully consider it for the presence of pests and diseases.


The growth of the bush is very fast. To form the required shape, it is periodically pruned. As such, formative pruning is not necessary, but aesthetic shape is achieved by removing dead and protruding branches.


“Euonymus” is characterized by drought resistance and does not tolerate stagnant moisture. You need to water the plant according to the principle - it is better to water less than to fill it “in reserve”.

But you need to monitor watering of young plants, and do this more often due to the weaker root system.

Reference! Summer bush high humidity not required, but in the greenhouse it needs periodic spraying.

In winter, in closed ground conditions and low temperatures, watering is reduced., and in the summer they make sure that the soil in the container does not dry out.


Shrubs are replanted in spring or autumn. To do this, prepare a hole that is twice as large as the earthen ball located on the roots.

The soil removed from the hole is mixed with well-rotted compost.

Removing the seedling from the pot or previous location is done carefully, and planting is done at the same depth as before.

After planting, the soil is compacted.


Mature shrubs are watered up to four times during the season, young ones are often more abundant, especially during periods of drought. The compacted soil is loosened and regularly mulched with peat soil mixture to a depth of 6 cm.

For the winter, young plants (up to 2 years old) are covered with dry leaves, but older plants do not need to be covered. In the fall, digging is done, under which slaked lime is added.


The easiest way to propagate Euonymus is by rooted shoots. If you press a branch to the ground, it produces roots at this point.

After a certain time, it is cut off and transplanted to a new place. To make the process faster, the pressed shoot is sprinkled with a little soil.

Another method of vegetative propagation is cuttings. To do this, non-young shoots are selected and cut with pruning shears at an angle of 45° to a length of up to 12 cm. The cuttings are planted in a moist soil mixture, and a rooting agent is used for better survival.

Euonymus can be propagated by seeds. To do this, in the first half of spring, the beds are sown to a depth of 2 cm in a special substrate.

It is prepared by mixing one part turf soil, two parts humus and one part sand. The emergence of seedlings occurs on average after 20 days.

In closed ground, sowing is done at the end of January, and by the end of summer you can get strong seedlings that produce natural growth.


The plant prefers moderate temperatures, up to 25°C in summer, and about 8°C in winter, but not higher than 12. It tolerates mild frosts well, but too much heat has a negative effect on the plant.

Important! In winter, the temperature inside the room where the euonymus is located should not be higher than 16°C. If it rises above +20°C, the bush sheds its leaves.


The plant loves direct sunlight, under the influence of which the leaves acquire a bright spotted pattern.

But it's better to direct impact the sun occurred in the morning or evening.

Guided by this rule, you need to choose a suitable place to place the euonymus.

The lack of light is very noticeable in winter in closed ground conditions.

At the same time, the leaves turn yellow and growth stops. During this period, additional lighting with special lamps is required.

Benefits and harms

"Euonymus" as an ornamental plant grows well both on open balconies and terraces, private areas, as well as in parks, squares, near monuments, office buildings, and other urban landscaping objects, without requiring special care.

The only downside is that it is easily damaged by pests., in which the bush will act as a nursery harmful insects. This can be easily prevented by conducting regular plant inspections and timely application of pesticides.

Diseases and pests

Euonymus Fortune, like the rest garden plants, is affected by certain pests and diseases.

To combat them they use chemicals fighting and gardening techniques:

  1. When powdery mildew appears, which looks like a white or brown-gray coating on the leaves, is treated with a fungicide. Traditionally this is done most safe means- Bordeaux mixture. But it is also possible to use specialized means that are more effective. In case of focal damage, diseased branches are removed.
    In case of defeat spider mite, which is determined by the appearance of silvery dots on the upper side of the leaf and traces of cobwebs underneath, is treated with an acaricide. Colloidal sulfur is considered the most environmentally friendly product;
  2. When affected by other pests– aphids, mealybugs or caterpillars use standard garden pest control products. Inspection of plantings should be carried out regularly, since damage to shrubs by insects occurs more intensively in comparison with other garden plants.

Important! Infection of Fortune's euonymus with fungal microorganisms is provoked by increased humidity, which results from frequent overhead watering of the plant.

The likelihood of powdery mildew occurring can be reduced by spring preventive treatment with a fungicide and placing the shrub in a sunny place.

Euonymus Fortune is a growing plant for landscape design, but so far undeservedly rarely used when arranging landscape design on personal plots.

Resistance to cold winter and the ability to tolerate drought, together with the lack of need for special care, put it in a more advantageous position with other shrub crops used to create all kinds of floral installations and ensembles.

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