home · electrical safety · Tree pruning in March. When to prune fruit trees? Pruning dates in spring and autumn. Pruning ornamental shrubs

Tree pruning in March. When to prune fruit trees? Pruning dates in spring and autumn. Pruning ornamental shrubs

Planting a garden is only the first step towards reaping a harvest. In order for it to bear fruit well and not get sick, pruning is needed fruit trees. They do it in spring and autumn. Let's talk about spring.

ABOUT By cutting a plant, you injure it. Therefore, it is very important to choose the type and quality of the tool that you use. It depends on them whether the tree will recover quickly.

You will need:

  • garden knife;
  • hacksaw.

It is recommended to trim the branches with a knife. Secateurs are easier, but they cause more damage: they compress the wood strongly, and then the wound takes longer to heal. In order for the garden to recover faster, the cut must be even. This can only be achieved with a garden knife.

Amateur gardeners often have a question: when to prune fruit trees in the spring, is it possible after the sap begins to flow? It all depends on the condition of your garden. Did the trunk split, did the branches break under the weight of the snow? Of course, pruning is inevitable. When there is nothing like this, then there is no point in injuring the trees. After all, pruning is not an end in itself. If you form trees according to the rules, you will only need a minimal corrective operation, which you can do without.

Pruning fruit trees is an important factor for a healthy and fruit-bearing garden. And you need to do it skillfully. First of all, shoots should be removed:

  • which extend from the trunk at an acute angle;
  • directed to the center of the crown;
  • which do not bear fruit (wolfberry).

There are several rules that professional gardeners always adhere to:

  1. Pruning should begin as soon as the severe frosts have subsided (most often this is the end of January, beginning of March). This way, the wounds will not freeze, and when sap flow begins, they will heal quickly. The cuts should be even and smooth. They need to be lubricated with garden varnish.
  2. You need to trim the shoots above the eyes, which grow outward from the crown. The cut is made from the inside out.
  3. Branches that are a continuation of the trunk should be longer than the others.
  4. On weak trees, short pruning is done. Trim above the second or third eyes.
  5. With strong growth, medium pruning is done. The branches are cut above the fifth eye.
  6. For vigorous trees, long pruning is carried out, leaving eight or more eyes.

Crown formation

Forming the crown of a young tree can begin in the second year of its life and continue for several years. Fruits on apple and pear trees appear on perennial shoots, while plums and cherries bear fruit already on next year after landing. Knowing this, spring pruning of fruit trees can be done without much damage to the future harvest. Non-tiered and sparsely-tiered crown formation systems are common. The latter is ideal for cherries, plums, and cherry plums. The basis of such a crown is a trunk and up to a dozen side branches that grow from the trunk in tiers at a distance of up to twenty centimeters from each other.

So, how to properly prune fruit trees in the spring and form a crown? Proceed as follows:

  1. The conductor is the central shoot; cut it at approximately 80 cm from the base. The main thing: there should be up to a dozen buds left on the guide. New shoots and side branches will come out of them. This is the first tier.
  2. Next year, remove branches damaged over the winter, select three or four strong ones. Delete the rest. This is the second tier.
  3. Therefore, according to the same principle, form the third tier already in the fourth year.
  4. The tree has reached a height of four meters (short fruit trees - maximum), remove the conductor above the upper branch. Thus, stop the growth and completely form the crown of the tree.

Trees need to be pruned regularly: once a year or in spring and autumn. At any time, as necessary, sanitary or corrective pruning is performed.

When pruning fruit trees in spring, the timing is late winter or early spring. This is especially important for apricots, cherries, peaches, and cherry plums. In the summer, pruning is done only to remove tops, branches that contribute to unnecessary density of the crown.

Description: a - shortening of shoots in the first year; b, c - formative pruning of crown shoots along a given contour; d - sanitary pruning (removal of dry branches); d - pruning and thinning in order to improve aeration (before and after); e - rejuvenation of old trees.

Pruning mature fruit trees

Your garden is already bearing fruit. But it, like young trees, requires care and removal of dried or diseased branches. How to properly prune fruit trees in spring?

The thickened crown of a fruit tree needs to be thinned out. After five years, the conductor is removed. This will limit upward growth. Remove the branch completely or partially. Partial removal promote the growth of the branch that is located nearby. It is also necessary to cut off diseased, dried branches - the illumination of the crown improves, the fruits are distributed evenly.

Pruning is best done when the tree is dormant, before sap flow begins.

If the crown is pyramidal (pear - branches grow upward), the growing branches need to be lowered down: those that are directed downward are left, and those that are directed upward are cut off. In other fruit trees, the branches are directed downwards - they need to be lifted: remove the ones pointing downwards.

To rejuvenate a tree, you will need to cut top part trunk and thin out the crown. To do this, you should remove the old branches going inside the crowns that are intertwined. A very dense crown should not be thinned out overnight, so as not to seriously injure the plant; spread out the operation over two to three years.

Schemes for pruning pear, cherry, apple trees

Pruning fruit trees in spring: scheme for pears:

  1. In winter, the branches freeze and tops appear. They are completely removed or trimmed.
  2. If you prune too much, it will weaken the tree and the fruit will appear much later than expected. It is better to do moderate pruning.
  3. It is useful to slightly shorten annual branches. This will only strengthen them.

For cherries, sweet cherries:

  1. Five to seven strong branches are left in young trees, “looking” in different directions. The distance between them is up to 10 centimeters.
  2. All weak branches are removed.
  3. The conductor should be 20 centimeters longer than the others.
  4. Cherries are pruned only in the spring.

For apple trees:

  1. Before you start pruning, you need to clear the trunk and main branches of shoots.
  2. Removing a third of the branches and shoots will rejuvenate the old plant and increase productivity - the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. Pruning needs to be done over several years.

When working in your garden, consider the experience of other gardeners and do not forget:

  1. When removing branches, do not leave stumps, cut close to the trunk.
  2. A correctly made cut leaves a trace of a neatly overgrown “ring”.
  3. When removing thick branches, first make a cut from the bottom and then from the top. This way, the bark will remain intact if the branch falls.
  4. If the shoot was removed incorrectly, there is damage - clean it, treat the cut with varnish.
  5. It is better to wait until next spring to trim frozen trees.
  6. You cannot fill hollows or drill drainage holes.
  7. If there is a danger of branches breaking under the weight of the fruit, do not place supports. It is better to partially pick off the fruits. Otherwise, the plant will get used to it and will not be able to hold the branches on its own.

You will learn how to properly prune a plant without damaging it by watching the video at the end of the article.

  1. When pruning, the pruning shears should be held with the narrow part towards the branch.
  2. If you want to form a lush crown of a young tree, shorten the conductor by ¼.
  3. There should be only one conductor. If there are competitors, eliminate them.

A year after planting the plant, shorten its trunk by 20 centimeters and its branches to 7 centimeters. Please note: the branches at the bottom should be longer.

Spring pruning of fruit trees video

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This summer pruning technique is somewhat similar to tweezing. Its purpose is that it allows you to obtain flower buds at the base of the shoots in the year they grow.​

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​garden treatments against pests and diseases:​

​If the vine is broken or you have to prune it, cover the cut with red lead paint on natural drying oil by adding chalk and boric acid to stop the “crying” of the vine. Varieties in the north release juice from the cuts less intensively than in the southern regions, but this measure in any case will save your harvest and the grapes strength.​

Summer tree treatment

​In summer, only a well-developed tree can be rejuvenated. For young seedlings, such a procedure is not only not useful, but also harmful. In the fall, remove old, dry, diseased branches. In this way, you can help the tree get rid of excess weight and prepare it for winter.​

​Beginner gardeners are often interested in how trees are pruned and why this is done. This is necessary for their normal development and growth. At proper care garden crops develop well, bear more fruit, thereby bringing joy to the owner.​

Garden care in spring

Autumn work in the garden

​The essence of the technique: we select branches on the tree that are not needed to form branches. These can even be vertically growing shoots. We cut them short almost to the base, but leaving two well-formed leaves. After 1.5-2 weeks, a new shoot sprouts from the upper bud on this stump with two leaves. We also cut it short. And after a month, a flower bud forms in the leaf axil at the base of the shoot - this is the key to the future harvest.​

Pruning fruit trees: apple tree


​- any day except 10-11 and 19-21;​

Processing cherries

Sweet pepper: growing seedlings before planting in the garden

​8-9, 12-13;​

​1, 6, 8-9, 14-16, 24-28.​

​At the end of April, you can plant bare-root trees and shrubs from local nurseries. This best time for planting hydrangeas, deutzia, rhododendrons.​

Tree pruning: pear

​Many people plant this tree on their plot. Sweet, juicy and aromatic fruits are loved by adults and children. True, novice gardeners often forget that it also needs regular formative pruning. This procedure stimulates the active growth of shoots. This work should be done in early spring, about fifteen days before the start of the growing season. Don't take risks, don't prune branches at other times. Young annual trees are shortened by one-fifth of the length of the branches. More severe pruning will damage the young pear and can significantly reduce its yield.​

​Young trees are subjected to this procedure in order to form a crown. If you leave things to chance, then many seedlings may have problems - there will be loafing, significant weakening, and possibly death of the central conductor, excess height and, as a result, instability of the tree, sagging branches.​

Shrub care


​The method of summer pruning - pruning - is interesting and quite effective, but in case rainy summer it will not bring the expected result. Frequent rains will lead to the fact that when pruning, not only the upper, but also the second lower bud will sprout. In this case, the flower bud may not form. That is, we will not achieve the goal.​


Pruning according to the lunar calendar

​for caring for indoor plants according to Lunnoy sowing calendar:​

Money Tree


​Work in the flower garden in April according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener 2016​

​parsley, dill and other greens:​

​Work in the garden in April according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener 2016​

Favorable days for gardening according to the gardener's Lunar sowing calendar

​Mature trees (over five years old) need thinning because they begin to branch too actively. Often, some shoots occupy the wrong position (growing inside the crown). In addition, it is necessary to get rid of dry and diseased branches. Do not forget to treat the cut areas with garden varnish.​


Lunar sowing calendar for April 2016

​Depending on the goal, there are several types of pruning. The very first is post-planting, necessary in order to restore the balance between the root system damaged during transplantation and a healthy one. aboveground part. This helps the tree to take root more easily in a new place.​

​By the way, this year (2015) due to the prolonged warm autumn and sharp drops in air temperature to -20ºC, fruit buds on stone fruit trees (peach, apricot, cherry plum, plum) were severely damaged. In the spring we received a lot of frozen dry branches that had to be cut down to living tissue. Then there were heavy rains in April-May. This provoked abundant growth of young shoots. If you do not prune green shoots or shoots that are starting to become lignified in summer, then by the end of summer you will end up with a crown that is too thick, which will be more difficult to thin out in the fall. In addition, such abundant growth of branches will further weaken our trees, which have survived such a difficult winter.​


​transplanting indoor plants:​

​1-3, 6, 24-30;​

​As soon as the snow melts, the coverings are completely removed from the flower beds, and after the soil thaws, the plants are unearthed. Leaves and plant debris that have not been collected since autumn are collected and burned. Dry stems of perennials are cut off and last year's leaves are removed, heucheras are buried and mulched, primroses are divided and planted. When the soil dries well, it is loosened, fertilizers are applied high content nitrogen.​

​1, 23, 27-28;​

The main work in April is caring for seedlings. When the plants sown in March and February each have a pair of true leaves, they need to be replanted to increase the feeding area for the roots. After picking, the roots branch better and the plants become stronger. Young seedlings require careful care: watering with warm water, fertilizing. When warm weather arrives sunny days Start hardening the seedlings approximately 10-14 days before planting. Start for a few hours, then increase the time by outdoors, it can be placed on the balcony, protected from direct sunlight.​

​in April​ Pruning of a raspberry tree (as gardeners sometimes call a shrub) is usually carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn. Stronger young shoots coming from the roots give a bountiful harvest the next year. Sanitary pruning of (fruit) trees involves the removal of damaged and diseased branches. In this case, a little wood is usually removed so that the disease does not go further. We must remember that all cut branches must be burned.

  • ​spring pruning​​You may be interested in the following information:​
  • ​You can’t take cuttings​​1, 8-11, 17-21, 27-28;​
  • ​can be fed with dry fertilizer:​ From the end of April to mid-May, grafted roses can be planted in the flower garden. If the spring is warm, at the end of April you can divide rhizomatous perennials: phlox, astilbe, daylilies, chrysanthemums, delphiniums, hosts and others.​
  • ​salad:​ Throughout the month, sow cold-resistant green crops and radishes in greenhouses and under film. First of all, start planting in polycarbonate greenhouses. They are warmer than film and glazed ones, in addition, they are often not dismantled for the winter, and they remain covered throughout the winter. At the end of March - beginning of April, greenhouses can be filled with snow and the beds can be covered with film or black non-woven material.​
  • ​2016:​​In the second year, the ovary appears on the branches growing from below. The top is usually sterile. In spring these branches are cut off. In the first year, the four strongest shoots are selected, and the rest are removed, cutting off at the very base. It makes no sense to leave a lot of shoots: there may be more berries, but they will be small and not so tasty. Besides, a large number of shoots can lead to the proliferation of pests.​
  • ​Shortening pruning is necessary to prevent excessive branch growth. Thanks to it, the tree becomes more bushy. Usually young plants undergo this procedure. Maintenance pruning involves removing branches that are growing downward, sideways, or that have become too long. As a result, the crown becomes more ventilated, and the tree “breathes” better.​​remove all the shoots, leaving only 1-2 buds on each. But let the central shoot be 2-3 buds longer, so that it can later form a pyramid-shaped crown.​
  • Pruning fruit trees in the garden in spring ​- 22 and 23.​​planting corms, tubers and bulbs at home​
  • ​10-11;​ ​In greenhouses you can sow heat-loving annuals for seedlings: zinnias, annual asters, tagetes (marigolds), purslane, ageratum, cleome, coleus and others.​

​8-9, 12-13;​

​At the beginning of the month, sow early seedlings white cabbage, pick up tomatoes and other seedlings sown in March. In the middle - end of the month, you can sow cucumbers and zucchini for planting in a greenhouse for early consumption.​

​planting a hedge:​

In summer, raspberries are also pruned, removing young shoots at the base. On next year leaving only six main stems.​

​Properly done pruning garden trees accelerates the appearance of fruits. However, excessive enthusiasm for this event can delay fruiting for a long time. How to prune trees correctly? Let's try to understand this issue. After all, it is very important to approach the matter competently, to study all the intricacies of this procedure, so as not to harm your garden with inept actions.

​The main crop of currant and gooseberry bushes is formed on the shoots of last year. These shoots are easy to recognize: they have a greenish color. And older branches are brownish. In the future (put yourself in ​Pruning trees and shrubs according to the lunar calendar​​Photo in article: Shutterstock/TASS​

  • ​(Achimenes, tuberous begonia, gloxinia, caladium, hippeastrum and amaryllis): 8-9;​​treatments against pests and diseases:​
  • ​Cannas, gladioli, dahlias, and begonias are taken out of storage, inspected, and placed for germination. Damaged bulbs and the tubers are processed.​​you cannot sow seedlings: 2-7, 22-23, 29-30.​
  • ​At the end of April - beginning of May in the beds garden strawberries remove old and diseased leaves, loosen the soil. If the strawberry root system is exposed, transplant the bush to a new place or add soil.​​8-9;​
  • ​Man has known for a long time that the Moon is one of the the most important factors, actively influencing the life and development of plants. The best period for pruning plants is a few days before the new moon. The waning moon is favorable. It is strictly forbidden to trim trees during the full moon.​​Sometimes on summer cottage you can see rather neglected walnut, maple, birch or mulberry. But caring for them is quite simple - you only need to cut out dry and interfering shoots once a year. Weeping willows require a special approach - after flowering they are pruned horizontally. Coniferous crops tolerate such an “operation” very hard, so intervention of this kind must be kept to a minimum. It is better to remove annual growths annually. This makes it easier to grow a strong, well-formed crown. Shoots should be shortened moderately.
  • ​gardener's planting calendar​Published​
  • ​WOLF-Garten saws​​planting, replanting, dividing climbing crops:​
  • ​1, 6, 8-9, 14-16, 24-28.​ Favorable days for working in a flower garden in April
  • Favorable days for caring for seedlings according to the 2016 Lunar Sowing Calendar: Favorable days for sowing seedlings
  • ​planting trees and shrubs:​

​Despite the fact that today we are talking mainly about fruit crops, in conclusion I would like to talk about how to process Money Tree. Pruning it interests many gardeners. This is a very popular indoor plant, completely unpretentious. It takes root easily and sprouts quickly. Even a beginner can take care of it.​

  • ​Usually young trees do not require heavy pruning. It is recommended to resort to such measures only in cases of extreme necessity. For example, when it is necessary to weaken some branches that stand out from others due to their strength. Intermediate processes that are less than 25 cm in length should not be shortened (unless they are competitors of skeletal branches). Quite often gardeners manage to fix irregular structure crowns by tying up grown branches. After this they take the desired position. But pruning in this case can significantly delay fruiting.​​) we will form a bush with branches of different ages, annually leaving 3-4 of the strongest basal shoots. They will become the new skeletal branches of the bush. We will remove the remaining branches to the base, thus rejuvenating the bush. At the same time
  • ​marina​​Caring for a garden cannot be done without using tools such as saws. They are especially needed when removing thick branches that the lopper can no longer handle. All WOLF-Garten saws have excellent quality and sharpening methods, which ensure a perfectly smooth cut. Plant areas cut with such a tool are less likely to become infected than others and, as a result, heal faster. Plants will thank you repeatedly for using such a tool. Made in Germany. 10 year warranty.​
  • ​cissus, epipremnum, scindapsus: 19-20;​​Lawn care in April​
  • ​2016​​pinching, pinching​
  • ​in April​10-11, 19-21;​

Despite the fact that this plant is not capricious, it still needs some care. It requires pruning and pinching - primarily in order to give it a beautiful rounded shape. Thanks to this, the growth of new shoots is activated.

There are situations when it is necessary to urgently remove broken branches. Sanitary pruning of trees in winter is most often caused by the accumulation of wet snow and ice. Unable to withstand much weight, the branches break off, sometimes not completely, forming crevices and tears in the bark and wood. How to help the plant?​

​spring pruning​

​- April 12th, 2012 Tweet​

Until I began to get closely involved in the garden that my parents were planting, I knew nothing about the need for summer pruning of fruit trees. I was even sure that trees are pruned only in early spring or late autumn. But it turns out that fruit trees need pruning almost all year round. By the way, crown formation - creative process, so creative that once I got so carried away that my favorite apricot turned out to be some kind of slingshot. So correct pruning This is a beautiful appearance of the garden, but not only... The harvest also depends on it.​

​replacement of the top layer of soil for large tub crops:​


​according to the florist's Lunar sowing calendar:​

​tomato bushes, eggplants, peppers: 2-3, 14-16, 29-30;​

​about the gardener's lunar sowing calendar for 2016:​ ​pruning of trees and shrubs:​ The young tree is not pruned - it is pinched. This slows down the growth of branches in height. If the plant has several strong lateral shoots, and you want to create a rounded crown, then they will also need to be pinched.​

  • ​First of all, carefully free the branches from adhering snow. After this, you can cut out the damaged areas, and then be sure to treat the cut areas with garden varnish. When removing a damaged branch, leave a protective link 20-30 cm long. This measure will protect the wood and bark from frost.​​we remove branches affected by the fungus, as well as those that grow incorrectly deep into the bush, interfering with others.​
  • ​On the waning moon​ Of course, the main pruning operations are carried out in the garden in spring and autumn. And summer pruning of fruit trees is “work” with green, non-lignified or young shoots that have just begun to become covered with thin bark. Its purpose: firstly, it is necessary to thin out the crown so that it becomes evenly illuminated and sufficiently ventilated, and, secondly, to ensure access to each branch when spraying trees against pests and diseases.​
  • ​6, 8-11, 17-21, 27-29;​ ​according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener​
  • ​sowing flowers for seedlings:​​watering seedlings​
  • ​legumes:​​6-7, 22-24;​
  • A mature tree requires full pruning. It is better to do this with pruning shears or a sharp knife. Take a good look at your plant and imagine what it should look like, determine which branches are completely unnecessary. Start cutting from the top ones, gradually moving to the sides. This way you can give the plant a ball shape. Cut the branch two centimeters above the dormant bud.​​In the summer, the procedure we are considering is resorted to much less frequently. This is easy to explain. IN warm time Over the years, the leaves accumulate glucose and other useful substances. Pruning trees in summer deprives them of essential vitamins. However, in rare cases this event Maybe. For example, when the branches grow inside the tree, and also if they are located outside the tier, i.e., out of place.​
  • ​At the same time, in weakly branching varieties with​When all the juices of the plant “flow” down to the roots, and the crown is resting, it’s time to perform
  • ​In the summer, mainly in June and early July, gardeners often use easy-to-perform tree pruning operations - pinching, pinching, breaking, breaking, pruning. Let's consider each technique separately.​​planting succulents and cacti:​
  • ​In the spring, after the snow melts and before the top layer of soil dries, it is worth limiting the load on the lawn. At this time, you should not play on the lawn, especially if the soil on your site is clayey, this can significantly damage grass cover. But the removal of leaves and other debris from the lawn should be done as soon as the snow melts.​​1, 10-11, 17-18;​

​tomatoes, eggplants. peppers on any day except 10-11 and 19-21;​ ​12-13, 19-20;​ ​cannot be cut​

​Pruning fruit trees is one of the most important procedures that guarantees the gardener good harvests. The extent to which the plant will receive sunlight, necessary for all living things, depends on how correctly it is produced and how the crown is formed.

Summer pruning is a very serious procedure. It must be produced by a person who is well versed in all the processes that occur in the plant. Otherwise, you can remove healthy branches and thereby cause irreparable harm to the tree.​

​spring pruning​

  • ​apple tree pruning​This technique allows you to stop the growth of shoots current year. At summer pruning we remove (pinch) the top of a green twig with three to five leaves. We usually do this when it’s difficult to decide in the summer whether we will leave this branch in the fall or spring or not, whether it will be appropriate here or not. After pinching, branch growth stops for 1.5-2 weeks. The process can be repeated when growth processes are resumed. We pinch vertically growing shoots or branches growing deep into the crown.
  • ​14-16;​ ​When the soil warms up a little, at the end of April - in May, the lawn needs to be fed. IN southern regions Already in April, restoration of damaged areas can be carried out; in the middle zone, it will be possible to sow grass in May.​

​sowing flower climbing crops:​

​applying complex fertilizing for seedlings:​

​watermelons:​ ​- 12 and 13;​ Today we talked about how trees are pruned. We hope that you learned something new and useful for yourself.​

  • ​It is impossible to name the exact start date of work. It is advisable to be in time before the sap flow begins, but you should not rush too much either. Start gardening when frost is definitely not expected. First of all, it is necessary to remove damaged shoots and branches, then those that began to grow inside the crown. They shade it, contribute to the development of diseases and insufficient ripening of fruits. Stumps should not be left.​​We shorten the basal shoots by one third for their branching. In well-branching varieties, we cut off only immature tops with underdeveloped buds. Ideally, a well-formed currant or gooseberry bush should have 3-4 branches of different ages, from one to five years.​
  • ​and other fruit trees and berry gardens.​​It is difficult to accurately determine the timing of summer pinching; it depends on the vigor of growth, the age of the tree, and conditions of maintenance. For example, in fruit trees such as peach, apricot, and cherry plum, pinching is carried out in the first half of June (in early spring - at the end of May), when young shoots begin to actively grow.​
  • ​watering and fertilizing​ Favorable days in April for lawn care according to the 2016 Lunar Sowing Calendar:
  • ​ornamental beans, sweet peas, nasturtium: 19-21;​​1-3, 6, 24-30;​
  • ​19-21;​ ​watering the garden in April​
  • ​The most favorable days of April for working with plants according to the 2016 Lunar Sowing Calendar: 1, 8-11, 12-15, 17-21, 27-28.​​During this period, pruning is necessary to prepare the tree for winter. However, it is important for novice gardeners to know that fruit trees have their own characteristics. What is useful to one may harm another. Therefore, we will give you some tips regarding different cultures.​
  • ​Spring pruning​​Gardener's planting calendar​
  • ​What results should you expect from summer pinching? This is the growth of shoots from newly awakened buds, their timely ripening for winter.​- any day except 10-11 and 19-21;​
  • ​sowing the lawn:​​planting bulbous and corm crops​
  • ​seedlings can be fed with dry fertilizer:​zucchini:​
  • ​- any day except 10-11 and 19-21;​​...​
  • ​This event solves two main problems that gardeners always face. Firstly, the crown is formed, which greatly facilitates harvesting. And secondly, it is thinned out, thereby increasing the air flow to all young branches. Exists special technology along which the tree is trimmed. The apple tree is pruned from large branches. This allows you to immediately assess the illumination of the crown. This method will prevent unnecessary deletions. By the way, any fruit tree tolerates one or two large wounds much easier than 7-10 small ones.​bush​
  • ​for April exactly on these days​

By the way

​This pruning technique differs from pinching only in that we do not pinch off 3-5 leaves from the top of the branch, but, on the contrary, leave 3-5 leaves on the bottom of the branch. On this branch, a new shoot begins to grow from the upper leaf sinus, which we also pinch (cut), leaving 2-3 leaves. We carry out this operation on young branches that grow from large (uterine) branches.​

​feeding with dry fertilizer:​


Pruning fruit trees in the garden in summer - why is it needed?

​(begonias, cannas, gladioli): 8-9;​


​feeding for fruit and ornamental crops:​

​April is already real spring. Small bulbous plants, anemones, primroses, and lumbago bloom. The buds are swelling, the birds are chirping, and the sowing crop is smoothly moving from the house to the street. This time special care for seedlings, because by mid-May most of the sown plants should be ready for planting in open ground.​


​Then you can begin to thin out the thickened area. We need to make sure that there are no stumps left. This will keep the garden in perfect condition in the future.​

​white currant​


​lunar calendar​

​What is achieved by summer pinching? Complete formation of wood near the uterine branch is achieved, which in turn accelerates, increases and improves fruit formation.​


​lawn care:​



​treatments against pests and diseases of seedlings:​


​1, 6, 24-30;​

​Work in the garden according to the gardener's Lunar sowing calendar in April 2016​
  • ​The apple tree can be pruned at any time of the year, but certain deadlines. In winter - from late November to early March, at a temperature of about -5 degrees. At this time, it is better to process winter-hardy varieties. Autumn pruning of the apple tree should be carried out annually, after the foliage has completely fallen. In the spring they do this before the leaves appear.
  • ​slightly different from blackcurrant pruning. We do not cut off the tops of the branches of white and red currants, because this is where the main crop is formed. Their skeletal branches can be cut to the base of the bush only after seven years of age: they are more durable.​


Spring pruning of currants | Garden, flower garden, dacha

On the waning moon: spring pruning of currants and gooseberries

​, s, advises doing spring pruning ​Vertical grassy shoots on cherry plum thicken the tree crown​​spraying against diseases and pests:​

​1-2, 6-8, 27, 29.​ ​17-18;​​1, 6, 8-9, 14-16, 24-28.​ ​8-9, 12-13, 19-21;​​April 10-11​​In April, before the buds begin to bloom, you need to finish pruning the garden, treat frost holes, cracks and other winter damage on the trees, and remove dry branches. As soon as the snow melts, put things in order in the garden: remove old compacted leaves and branches broken in winter, traces of animals on the lawn and flower beds, rake away the mulch.​​This garden culture very common in the areas of our compatriots. Cherries are tasty and healthy. In order for it to bear fruit well, proper processing of the tree is necessary. Cherries need this kind of care. Thanks to pruning, it is formed correctly, the berries acquire a rich color, become larger and tastier. The tree is rejuvenated after each procedure and does not age for a long time, it always looks healthy and well-groomed.​ ​Successful​ ​raspberries, currants, gooseberries​This is a very simple technique. Most often used on stone fruit trees. With its help, better illumination of the crown is achieved, since grassy vertically growing shoots are broken off, which are of no value for the formation of the crown. By the way, the tree easily tolerates summer cutting, since the resulting wounds heal much faster than cuts that need treatment after spring-autumn pruning.​

Spring pruning

Trim black currants and gooseberries

​1, 6, 8-9, 14-16, 24-28;​​Caring for indoor plants in April according to the 2016 Lunar Sowing Calendar​pinching, pinching the tops:​ ​Read more:​​cabbage:​ ​can be fed with dry fertilizer​ To prevent fungal diseases, treat with copper-containing preparations (Horus, 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture). During the extension of flower stalks, you need to treat black currants against bud mites with acaricides: “Fufanon”, “Neoron”, “Kinmiks”.

​Please note: you should not cut off the ends of the cherry branches. Unlike other fruit varieties, its buds are located exactly there. The cuts are not treated with anything - this will only harm the plant, and it will hurt longer. The procedure can be carried out after the end of severe winter frosts.​ ​spring pruning​​and other berry growers. It is better not to put off this work: spring pruning is done before the buds open, and in the middle zone it is just around the corner. A technique rarely used by gardeners, but it is very effective when you need to give the shoots, which will later become branches, the desired direction of growth - downward or horizontally. By the way, the more horizontally a branch grows, the greater the harvest on it, the better it ripens. Keep this in mind when giving the branch a certain direction when breaking. To do this, press on the branch at the fracture site with your thumbnail and flatten it, pointing bottom part in the right direction. At the site of the break, wound tissue forms, which heals and fixes the shoot in the future.​ ​pruning large ficus, oleander, hibiscus and other flowers:

​At home we continue to care for indoor flowers. Most the collections can already be taken out onto a glassed-in terrace or balcony, protected from direct sunlight in the first days. At this time many houseplants buds begin to form, so it is advisable to replant and trim them in advance, somewhere in February-March. But it’s not too late to prune elongated shoots (oleander, pelargonium, dracaena).​ ​2-3, 14-16, 29-30;​ ​What to plant in April​

Trimming white and red currants

​1, 8-9, 12-13;​ ​;​​After warm, sunny weather has established, it is necessary to tie the raspberry shoots to the trellis, remove all coverings from heat-loving crops: grapes, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, clematis, tree peonies, carry out sanitary pruning. Apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers to lawns, feed fruit and ornamental plants, perennials.​​Most often this is done in early spring, before the active circulation of sap in the trunk begins. As a rule, this is the end of April for central Russia.​

​currants and gooseberries on the waning moon!​ ​In young bushes (1-2 year old seedlings)​​By the way, you can break not only green shoots. 2-3 year old branches are suitable for this operation. If you notice that a branch is too long and it will be difficult to get fruit from it, you can direct its growth horizontally or downwards by breaking it. But you can’t get by with a fingernail here. You will have to carefully bend the branch so that the bark on the top of the branch bursts, and the central part only bends and breaks slightly. In the future, the break will heal, and the position of the branch will be fixed as it should. Honestly, I broke more than one branch before I received it desired result. Still, the technique of breaking woody branches requires practical skills.

Fruit tree pruning- a complex event that takes place in the garden in November. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand, especially for a beginner, how to prune fruit trees correctly and when to prune.

Let's consider in detail: how to properly prune fruit trees for beginners, where to start, when and how to prune trees, step by step description with photos and videos.

At the end of October - beginning of November, all work in the garden should already be completed: perennial flowers and shrubs should be pruned and covered for the winter, the water should be turned off, the equipment should be put away for storage - you can calmly wait for the next season.

But this is not so, because autumn is the time for pruning fruit trees and shrubs, and is usually carried out before the first night frosts, when the foliage begins to turn yellow.

Firstly, the growing season is over, and pruning will not provoke the growth of new shoots; juice will not leak through the wounds, since sap flow has ended. Compared to winter pruning of trees, the wounds left from autumn pruning will not freeze, and the bark will not peel off at the cut sites.

Properly pruned trees After winter they begin to bear fruit very well. In the spring, you simply may not have time to prune before the sap begins to flow; it happens that spring comes quickly.

Attention: pruning of fruit trees in autumn (late October - November) is carried out in regions with moderate climatic conditions. It is not recommended to do this in the northern regions; the plants will not have time to recover before the onset of cold weather, and the bark at the cut site may freeze. From such damage, the bark dries out and cracks, which leads to the death of plants.
In the northern regions, it is better to prune trees and shrubs in September - early October.

Tree pruning– it’s not a simple matter, it has many nuances. Let's look at some simple tips for pruning trees that anyone can do.

Pruning is necessary to form a balanced, beautiful tree, each branch of which will have the strength to bear fruit.

Crown thinning- this is the creation of the best conditions for the formation of not only fruits, but the largest, healthiest and most beautiful ones.

Sanitary pruningpreventative measure aimed at promoting good plant health. By systematically pruning, you give your tree the opportunity to become long-lived.

In the pruning in the pictures, everything seems to be clear, but when you approach the tree, you are simply lost in the sight of a huge number of branches sticking out in all directions in front of you.

For pruning we need the following tools: a hacksaw, regular and long-handled pruning shears, a sharp garden knife, oil paint - if pruning in the fall, and garden varnish - if pruning in the spring.

Attention: Make any cuts strictly to the ring; the health and even life of the tree depends on this.

If you cut a branch with a hole– the layers of the trunk through which the juice flows are damaged. If you leave the stump, the bark will peel off and the wood will begin to rot. Over time, such a cut will turn into a hollow with a bunch of diseases that can spread to the entire tree.

Proper pruning It is carried out in an annular flow; it promotes rapid healing of the wound and healthy bark around the cut. Only the part of the cut branch located near the trunk is scarred.

Slice definitely need to be treated with oil paint - in the autumn. This treatment is carried out annually.

Large branches are cut in 3 stages.

They start sawing a thick branch from below, making an undercut, otherwise under own weight the branch may break and the bark will tear.
Then the branch is cut down above the bottom cut.

And the final stage, when the branch is removed and nothing is in the way, a leveling cut is made onto the ring. With a sharp knife clean out all the uneven surfaces and paint.

After autumn pruning of young seedlings, it is recommended to water them immediately after completion of the procedure. You can also fertilize mineral fertilizers who will help young plant cope better with stress.

Correct tree crown shaping it is necessary to start from the moment the seedling is planted. The very first thing to do is to form the correct standard (the lower branches must grow at a certain height from the ground). All branches and buds at a height from the ground to 40 cm are removed.

If on young seedling If there are no branches yet, it is recommended to trim the crown; in the spring, young branches will begin to grow from all the buds, from which you will need to choose the strongest ones.

Video – Master class on pruning fruit trees

At this stage of pruning, the crown of the tree is formed. Basic Rule– skeletal branches should diverge in different directions and form a large angle with the trunk.

The more horizontal the branch is, the better it bears fruit and holds the weight of the fruit. Vertical branches bear fruit poorly and often break.

Trim off all unnecessary and weak branches, leaving 3-4 skeletal. If another tier of branches is formed on the tree, then we do the same.

Now let's take care of getting a quick harvest, for this we need shorten long branches on the kidney. The weaker the branch, the shorter we cut it, this will encourage stronger growth next year.

If the frame branches grow incorrectly, they should not be pruned, otherwise you will not get a harvest. It is better to stretch them, giving them the desired direction of growth.

In spring, all nature undergoes a natural renewal process. During this season, all plants, trees and flowers begin to new circle life and are most susceptible to transplanting, pruning and dividing. As for fruit tree crops, it is at this time of year that they tolerate interference in the integrity of the structure of the trunk and branches quite well. However, spring pruning is a labor-intensive and painstaking task. Therefore, summer residents who have a large number of such trees on their site should stock up on diligence and patience. Although, work on fresh air should always bring pleasure and good results later.

Like the other three seasons, spring has its own specific characteristics that must be taken into account when processing the garden and preparing it for future fruit production. The most important thing to remember when pruning apple trees in the spring is the active circulation of sap along the trunk of the individual. Therefore, maximum care must be taken so as not to harm the tree or destroy it.

Crown formation

You should immediately decide what your ultimate goal is before you begin removing some of the branches and shoots. If in the future you want to see a healthy apple tree at your dacha, producing good harvests and a well-groomed, beautiful tree, then, first of all, you need to form the crown of the individual.

Before pruning, you need to identify branches that have suffered over the winter. This will be done without any problems, since you can easily distinguish dead parts from healthy ones by the swollen buds. This is the first step in the formation of the crown of the apple tree and in the healing of the entire individual. For such crops, experts recommend a bush-like form, with several main, skeletal branches and additional branches. This option, firstly, will make the tree itself more stable and will not allow it to deform under the weight of the fruit, and secondly, it will allow you to harvest this crop without the slightest effort. In addition, proper pruning and care of the individual will extend its life for many years.

Fast recovery

The earlier in the spring you start cutting off excess on your apple tree, the faster it will recover from stress and prepare for fruit bearing. The main thing is to remove dead, old or excess branches at an angle from the trunk or skeletal branch. This statement is also true for columnar varieties. It is recommended to cover the cut with mastic intended for gardening work or oil paint, in the absence of special tools. This is the right approach because it will prevent tree sap from flowing out of the cut areas and will leave it in the trunk itself. This way the apple tree will recover faster and, perhaps, by the same autumn it will bear fruit.

Video “Spring pruning of apple trees”

After watching the videos, you will understand all the principles of spring in detail.

Differences in pruning old and young apple trees

It is not surprising that the scheme for eliminating excess shoots on the trunks and skeletal branches of young and old trees during spring pruning of apple trees is significantly different, but, at the same time, has common roots. Trees that have not yet bear fruit or have produced one or two crops are pruned in special ways and more often than more mature trees.

Young trees

In spring, newly planted seedlings need basic crown formation. If you miss this point from the very beginning, then later it will be more difficult to achieve the optimal shape and height of the trunk. The optimal look is a sparse crown and branches in several tiers. In the future, the procedure will need to be repeated every three to four years. After that - once every two years. This procedure, carried out in the spring, will allow the apple tree to fully develop and improve the yield several times. There will be no need for additional support, since the structure of the seedling will be self-sufficient and will not need support. In general, gardeners recommend pruning and forming a base of several large branches (5 or 6). The height of the standard should reach 40 or 50 centimeters in height. The central trunk branch must be shortened so as not to spoil the crown.

Old trees

When fruit crop has been living on the plot for several years and is not producing a proper harvest, then the owner of this plot should think about whether it’s time for the tree to “die out.” There may be several reasons for this withering: many extra shoots that clog the development of fruit bearings, lack of sufficient sunlight, improperly formed crown or excess dead branches. All these factors affect the life of apple trees, especially when some of them complement each other.

Before pruning, it is first recommended to clear the main branches and trunk of shoots growing inside. It is they who take the life force from the individual.

Through thinning, the upper part of the branches should be given the opportunity for ventilation and access to sunlight. In this way, you can also save those apple trees that have been growing on the site for more than twenty, or even thirty years. Moreover, you can make them bear fruit for many more years. To do this, you need to cut off a little less than a third of the total mass of branches and shoots. Be prepared that you will need to do this for two or three years, until the result appears and the “patient” begins to bear fruit or actively bloom.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. If the liquidated mass is more than the recommended one third, this is fraught with consequences. In this case, it will be impossible to save the tree; the only thing left is to cut it down at the root or take it away decorative role in the country.


Experts and amateurs unanimously declare: when eliminating dry, excess or diseased branches, you should use only sharp hacksaws, pruners or saws. One of the main requirements is a clean blade, free of rust and foreign substances. Otherwise, any cut or stump on a trunk or branch can “fester” and infect the entire tree with disease, thereby destroying it.

A “living” cut needs insulation (if it is a small stump) or a substance to prevent the outflow of tree sap. In addition to garden mastic and oil paint For these purposes you can use a regular children's plasticine. It is better, of course, to choose the least bright color– it is less stuffed with chemicals and will cause less harm to the “patient”.

With the arrival of autumn or the onset of spring, garden owners begin a period of active care for plants. Today we will look at how fruit trees are pruned according to the lunar calendar in 2019.

Moon cycles affect everything biological processes happening on Earth. Fruit trees are also influenced by the moon and stars: sap flow is more active during the waning moon, as well as under all zodiac signs except Pisces, Aquarius and Cancer.

Nevertheless, pruning trees according to the lunar calendar in 2019 should also take into account climatic features period of year and region of residence. For example, in some latitudes with a southern climate you can start pruning even in February, while in others the procedure often has to be postponed until last decade April.
in spring

In spring, careful preparation of fruit trees for flowering and fruiting begins. Spring pruning according to the weather calendar should begin after the last snow has melted, when all shelters have already been removed, and the air temperature has risen to above-zero temperatures, and sap flow has not begun.

A procedure is carried out to remove excess stems with three main goals:

  • sanitary treatment includes pruning all dry, spoiled or damaged branches;
  • formative processing is aimed at shaping by trimming correct form wood;
  • Restoration treatment is done with the intention of rejuvenating the tree by removing all old branches.

The 2019 lunar tree pruning calendar recommends starting the procedure for removing branches from apple trees. It is this tree that begins to form the earliest - in January. In addition to formative and sanitary treatment, apple trees are additionally hilled.

Restoration work with plums is reminiscent of apple trees, however, plum wood is more fragile and requires extremely careful shortening by one bud.

When work with the apple and plum trees is completed, you can begin processing stone fruit trees (cherries, sweet cherries, etc.). Typically, this type of pruning begins in March, when the temperature rises to -5 °C. Around the same time, gardeners tend to pear trees, cutting off their main branches by ¼.

After trees, it is customary to work on berry bushes, such as gooseberries, rose hips, raspberries, etc. For berry bushes in the spring, only sanitization, the goal of which is to get as many branches with buds as possible.

This treatment is carried out in two stages: before the buds appear and after the buds produce leaves. During the first stage, all broken, frozen, damaged or weak branches are removed from the bushes. During the second, they do the same, but now they go through the bush more carefully, cutting out all the damaged stems.

Gooseberries and raspberries are processed according to similar principles. First of all, remove all frozen branches, after which they proceed to shortening the lower branches and the weakest shoots.

Lunar calendar for tree pruning in 2019 as auspicious days highlights:

  • March: 3, 4, 11, 18, 19, 22, 23, 28, 29;
  • April: 1, 4, 5, 14, 15.

in autumn

Pruning fruit trees in the fall is a rather rare procedure, since the trees run the risk of freezing, and worse, dying in the event of sudden early frosts. For example, this applies to the pear, which has rather weak protective properties and the cut points on its branches freeze very quickly.

Nevertheless autumn pruning can be very useful for trees from which it is necessary to remove “used” branches. It is better to finish pruning by the end of the sowing season (end of October) - the moment when the long period of precipitation begins.

Since you will have to walk around the tree while processing it, you risk trampling down the wet soil at the base of the trunk, which will greatly limit the access of oxygen to the root system. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to use a stepladder or lay the ground around the tree with a board.

As for fruit trees, they are formed in the fall only if strongly shading branches have grown over the summer, which interfere with the growth of fruits. It’s really better to cut off such branches immediately, after which you can start processing the grapes.

It is for grapes that autumn pruning is considered the most effective, allowing you to concentrate all plant components inside healthy branches. After removing broken, heavily shading and diseased shoots, the grapes are covered with thick polyethylene for the winter.

Concerning berry bushes, then all non-fruit-bearing shoots are removed from them, and they also try to remove weak or old branches. This must be done after fruiting has ended. rare varieties this period may extend until November.

Favorable autumn days according to the lunar calendar 2019 will be:

  • September: 1, 6, 7, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28;
  • October: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 25, 29, 30, 31;
  • November: 4, 5, 9, 10, 25, 26, 27, 28.

Unfavorable days

Unfavorable days for anyone gardening work(including trimmings) days are considered when the Earth's satellite changes its cycle - full moon and new moon. Also, the days of the rising moon are not recommended, since it is during this period that the sap flow is directed upward, making the cutting areas too sensitive.

in spring

The climate calendar recommends postponing spring pruning until the snow cover melts and the air temperature increases to at least -5 °C. It is recommended not to touch weaker crops (for example, grapes) at all until the moment when the cover can be finally removed. However moon calendar supplements these recommendations by highlighting unfavorable days.