home · Measurements · What can you do with tree stumps? MK from Elena Mukhina, how to make a stump from cardboard. Decorating stumps with live plants

What can you do with tree stumps? MK from Elena Mukhina, how to make a stump from cardboard. Decorating stumps with live plants

I found a simply wonderful, in my opinion, idea that makes it very easy to make unusual flower pots in the form of stumps. You can plant a plant in these “stumps”, or you can simply use them as decorative element in the green corner of your room.

To make the stumps, we will need:
- newspapers;
- wallpaper glue;
- glass jars;
- water;
- black and light brown gouache;
- wide hard brush;
- water.

Tear the paper into small pieces. We need the pieces of paper to come out in a variety of shapes with torn edges, so we don’t use scissors.

While the glue is cooling, let's start making “knots”; to do this, cut out a long, wide strip of paper, then bend it several times lengthwise to form a strip consisting of several layers, and twist it. Glue it so it doesn't unwind. Cut one of the ends of the “knot” obliquely and attach this end to the glass jar using tape. The “knot” should “look” up.

When the glue has cooled, you need to mix it with pieces of paper, mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass of medium consistency (not liquid). If you have poured too much glue, try squeezing it out slightly.

Now spread this mixture onto the walls of the jar, spreading it over its entire surface. Using your hands or some other tool, try to outline the bark to make the stump look more natural. The lid of the jar must be decorated in the same way. Next, the jar and lid must be left to dry for several days.

When the papier-mâché is completely dry, cover it with a layer of black gouache. After the black paint has dried, the stump needs to be covered with light brown paint, but do not paint over its entire surface, but treat the stump with short strokes so that some of the black paint remains visible.

That's all, now you can plant a plant in the stump or come up with another use for it.

Often, stumps from cut down trees remain on a summer cottage. They spoil the appearance of the garden, get in the way and do not bring any benefit. Uprooting stumps is a labor-intensive task that not everyone can do. However, if you approach the problem creatively, you can do without radical measures. We are talking about creating a flowerbed stump with your own hands. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone - you decorate the dacha and get rid of the need to do difficult work.

What stumps are suitable for flower beds

Almost any stump is suitable for creating a flower bed. The only exceptions are very rotten rotten stumps, infested with woodworms and other pests. Pine and spruce are of little use for flower gardens, because their wood is very short-lived, and the resin it contains can inhibit plants. The best option would be the remains of oak, maple, elm, and fruit trees. The thicker the stump, the wider and more magnificent the flowerbed will be.

Second life of an old tree

Untreated wood is short-lived. In order for the flower garden to serve for more than one year, the wood should be impregnated with special antiseptics, painted or varnished. The lifespan of a stump is also affected by the method of planting. If the earth is poured directly into the cut-out hole, the tree will inevitably begin to collapse. To prevent rotting, use pots that are inserted into the holes.

Simple miniature for beginners

Technology for creating a flower garden in hemp

Having chosen a suitable stump, you can move on to the next, more interesting stage. It is important to follow all recommendations.

What to plant in an unusual flowerpot

The choice of plants depends on the location and size of the hemp flower bed. The larger the size of the cut tree, the larger the flowers can be planted in it. Small stumps are suitable for making compositions only from miniature plants.

You can create a composition from several stumps

It is very easy to select residents for a stump flower bed located in the sun. These can be any light-loving plants with a not very powerful root system. The ideal option is beautifully flowering annuals. If the stump is in the shade, you need to look for shade-tolerant species. It could be periwinkle, lilies of the valley, violets.

Flowerbed stump in the garden

Step-by-step instructions for creating a flower bed from hemp

Step-by-step instructions will help you figure out how to make a flowerbed in a stump at your summer cottage. This process is quite labor-intensive, but the result will be impressive.

  1. Stump preparation. The main task when creating a flower bed is to remove the wood in the center of the stump. This can be done with a hoe or chisel. However, a neat hole can only be achieved using a chainsaw. If you plan to insert a pot into a flowerbed, you cannot do without a saw.
  2. Drainage installation and wood processing. For outflow excess water Several inclined holes are drilled in the walls of the stump. After this, the wood is treated with an antiseptic primer or painted. To prevent the stump from losing its decorative appearance, you can only treat inner surface, leaving the outer walls in in its original form.
  3. Filling the flowerbed with soil. A layer of gravel is poured into the bottom of the excavation, and a nutritious soil mixture is placed on top and lightly compacted. If you plan to use a pot, skip this step.
  4. Making a flower arrangement. Flowers can be sown directly into the soil. But it is much more convenient to use ready-made seedlings. Tall views placed in the center, and low-growing or ampelous ones along the edges of the flower bed.

Flowerbed stump with cascading flowers

The most interesting ideas and photos of flower beds made from stumps

A stump flowerbed can be decorated in completely different styles. Everything will depend on your imagination, taste and the availability of the necessary plants.

A flower bed made of hemp with cascading plants looks very beautiful in real life and in the photo. Ampelous petunia, nasturtium, morning glory - these are just a few species with which you can create a flower avalanche.

A wide, low stump can be designed as a rocky garden. Saxifraga, succulents, crassula, as well as decor made from pebbles and pebbles will come to the rescue.

Succulents in a stump

An old stump located near the playground will make an unusual fairytale house. To do this, they put together a roof from planks on a stump, decorate a door and windows. Decorate the composition low growing plants.

As you can see, non-standard approach works wonders for things. Even such useless things as pieces of wood and stumps in skillful hands turn into a true decoration of the garden.

Decorative finishing of stumps and tree cuts in a summer cottage. Cutting trees in the garden leads to the appearance of rough and not very attractive stumps. You can solve the issue in two ways - study the uprooting of stumps and get down to business, or decorate the stumps after cutting them down and slightly enliven a quiet garden.

Decorating and decorating stumps is in a great way rid yourself of the worries of uprooting, especially if there is no opportunity for this.

So, we forget about working with an expensive chainsaw, exclude cutting down roots and physical fatigue, and just consider the most that will help transform the stumps of old trees.

Decorating a cut tree with homemade figurines

We have a great idea that absolutely everyone can bring to life. In the photo below you can see an interesting picture - small fairy-tale woodcutters operating above a tree trunk. You can make these babies from plastic or tin, or you can simply buy figurines in a toy and souvenir store.

You can place the figures and their accessories on the barrel using screws, nails, wire or clamps. As a result, you no longer get a bare tree trunk, but a truly soulful picture.

We decorate the stump with pots of plants

Surely, many of us grow flowers not only in the palisade or specially equipped flower beds, but also in pots and vertical beds. Our next proposal will be to decorate the stump with just such flowers, in pots. You can install several nice clay or plastic pots with already grown flowers around the stump, or you can plant them again. In addition, there is always the opportunity to decorate a stump with moss, to play with it in a fairy-tale version, for example, by adding ferns, bright flowers, animal figures nearby, turning a small space into a real forest.

Ready-made stump decorations

Landscape designers, sellers of gardening stores, as well as ordinary entrepreneurs who want to earn a little money, have long come up with garden figures. They are intended for partial or complete decoration of the garden, lawn, and area as a whole. It is these colorful and funny products that are perfect for decorating a stump.

The image below shows a cheerful plaster frog that majestically “conquered” a stump and remained on it forever. In addition, the stump of an old tree is decorated with improvised objects, ordinary country trash, and painted in cheerful colors. To tell the truth, this is only for two hours of free time and for an amount that could be spent on just a few chocolates.

How to make a mushroom from a stump?

The classic form of transforming an old stump in the garden is a mushroom. It could be a white mushroom or a fly agaric - it’s your choice, but we start from a more cheerful mood.

A little lower simplest option, which is great for summer residents who do not want to spend money on such fun. Yes, it is an old and dilapidated basin, which no longer holds water and cannot be used around the house, that becomes a mushroom hat. The stump itself forms the leg.

The inverted basin is secured with a pair of nails to the saw cut, painted in the color of the mushroom that you have chosen, and the stump is tinted in a color corresponding to the name of the mushroom or your mood. You can add decoration, plant flowers or herbaceous plants nearby, but you can leave the mushroom in this form.

DIY stump chair

Here we will take a little break from fun and games, and move on to serious, and even adult things. The example we presented can only be done by real professionals with a certain amount of time and the availability of tools.

Correct cut of the stump

A comfortable sitting height will be between 40 and 60 cm, but do not forget that each chair has a backrest. Therefore, the seat is at a height of, say, 50 cm from the ground, and the back and cut are at a height of 100 cm. It is at this mark that the chainsaw is cut.

Now the chair is subject to decorative finishing, since we have before us only a rough version. Finishing occurs using special tools- chisels, mallets, hammers, hacksaws, grinders, and possibly with the use of professional tools. The result depends on your efforts, desire and time, but we have come up with such an interesting option.

Fairytale castle made from a stump

There is already one of these in our previous article about decorating a dacha area, but today we decided to install the castle a little higher. How to make it, decide for yourself - with your own hands or purchased. But installing a castle (or maybe an ordinary house or a forest hut) is simple. You need to nail or screw the base under the structure with self-tapping screws. This can be a figured board or a piece of chipboard impregnated with protective varnish.

Agree, it is much more pleasant to observe living pictures of plants on the territory of a summer cottage, rather than forms and compositions, which cause more surprise and misunderstanding than joy and delight. That’s why we suggest trying the option of decorating a cut tree with live plants. These may be herbaceous plants, small annual flowers, or even some ornamental plants. These are the ones we will plant in the stump.

On the cut of the stump we make a hole, which according to agricultural technology is sufficient for the root system of the selected plant. This may be a depression the size of a flower pot. Next, pour a little nutrient substrate or garden soil with fertilizer inside and plant the plant inside. See below what it will look like after a while!

Garden figure from a stump

Making garden figures, sculpting or carving is very interesting, but today our task is less creative. We just need to come up with an image for the stump that will match the design of the garden or flower bed. Colorful characters, famous cartoon characters, and so on often come to mind, but doing something like this with your own hands is quite difficult. And this means only one thing - we will simplify everything as much as possible, paint the stump, create an elementary image that will not require investment.

If you don’t have time or money for grandiose ideas, you can do it as shown in the photo below - simply paint the stump in cheerful colors, install flowers made of plastic bottles on the cut plane (we studied products made from plastic bottles not long ago), and plant plants nearby.

This completely non-scary scarecrow can be made from the trunk of an old tree. A stump is not suitable for this, but when cutting down, you can make the cut a little higher, then everything will definitely work out. To create an image we use imagination, old clothes and accessories, perhaps some additions. As a result of pleasant work, we get a wonderful creation that will amuse your guests and relatives.

If you have similar ideas or are ready to surprise us with something more exclusive and even exotic, please leave your thoughts in the comments, for which we will be very grateful.

Flower pots made from wooden saw cuts (video)

Today we looked at another way to have a pleasant and useful time at the dacha, but there are even more ideas, interesting ideas and implementation of plans for decorating the dacha with your own hands!!!

Decorating stumps and saw cuts in the garden (photo)

HomePlot What to do with an old tree in the garden. Design and decoration options

What to do with an old tree in the garden. Design and decoration options | Construction portal

A dry old tree in the garden is always an unpleasant sight.

The first thought that arises when contemplating it is to cut it down, and quickly. But does a tree have to be flowering and fruit-bearing?

Not at all!

It can be an excellent basis for garden crafts and decorative structures. It is enough to show a little imagination, and in your garden, instead of plants disfigured by time and unfavorable factors, there will be real masterpieces, skillfully created with your own hands.

  1. Useful tips from experienced gardeners

The view of experienced gardeners

According to experienced owners of private estates, trees of all ages must be present in the garden. Only then can it be considered holistic and harmonious - like a patriarchal family in which representatives of many generations live.

The famous English gardener and architect of the eighteenth century, W. Kent, practiced planting dried trees in gardens. He revered them as unique decorative qualities and believed that they “emanated” a sense of authenticity of being. According to V. Kent, dead branches with unique bends and cracked bark are not ugliness, but genuine beauty.

Another famous gardener of the eighteenth century, S. Switzer, even said that it was better to burn down your own house than to “raise your hand” on a tree of venerable age. The man was firmly convinced that landscape planning should be carried out taking into account the natural state of the area, and not be subject to human fantasies that are not always appropriate.

Second life of an old tree: ideas for a summer house and garden

An outdated plant in the skillful hands of a nature-loving gardener can easily turn into a fantastic decoration for the site. There are many options for how to update an old tree - and we will be happy to share them with you.

Decorative sculpture tree

You can make a decorative sculptural tree from a dried plant using bright paint - one or several colors. True, the “old man” should be thoroughly prepared beforehand:

  • cut down unnecessary branches;
  • strip the tree bark down to the trunk;
  • sand the barrel;
  • treat the trunk and “significant” branches with a special impregnation to protect the wood.

After these manipulations, you can safely paint the “craft” with the prepared composition and open it with varnish for exterior use. You can choose absolutely any color for an old tree: just take into account the peculiarities of the surrounding “situation” and the appropriateness of experimenting with shades.

Original flowerbed tree

If desired, an old tree can easily be turned into a flowerbed tree - just place hanging baskets with flowers planted in them on its branches. As in the case of sculptural crafts, the processing of old wood before such an important “transformation” must be done - the same trimming of branches, stripping of bark and applying impregnation are very important for a high-quality final result.

What are the advantages of such a solution for the garden? The baskets can be changed periodically - and with them the appearance of the entire tree will change.

"Seat" for garden figurines

Looks great on old wood garden figurines. By placing the figures higher, you can admire them even from afar. Very often, old trees are decorated with nests with storks, as well as seals and bear cubs. This “new life” of an old tree is a joy for the eyes and soul!

You can also use figurines of garden elves for “composition”. Little elves looking out from a hollow or crevices in a tree trunk are an incredibly fabulous sight. If you have children or grandchildren, they will definitely be delighted with such “decorations”.

Garden lamp

An old tree can be successfully used as a “base” for garden lighting. Just purchase special electric lamps and mount them on a tree - and enjoy the evenings with original and attractive “illuminations”.

In winter, the lamps can be replaced with a garland.

Tree-liana: beauty and exclusivity

You can make a dried tree into an exclusive garden decoration using this method: cut off what you think are the unnecessary branches of the “old man” and plant a climbing plant near it. Choose unpretentious small-flowered clematis - they will stretch up to 15 meters in length and cover the entire surface of the tree beautiful flowers and foliage. Also a good option would be morning glory, ampelous nasturtium, and Echinocsitis lobe.

Practical benefits of old wood

Not only aesthetic, but also practical benefits can be obtained from old wood. Use it as a natural support for Amur grapes, climbing beans or even pumpkins. Another plant that will definitely “make friends” with a dried tree is the Far Eastern actinidia. The brightly colored leaves of flowering actinidia will give the tree incredible picturesqueness.

Paintings on wood are masterpieces accessible to everyone

If you have artistic abilities (or at least have paints and a desire for creativity), you can create on the trunk of an old tree amazing drawing- a real work of art.

How to make a picture on wood: work order

  1. “Bare” a section of the trunk - strip the bark. It is best to do this after rain, as the bark becomes wet and separates easily. If there has been no precipitation for a long time and it is not “scheduled”, simply water the trunk generously. The most convenient tool for cleaning a trunk is a special metal scraper for wood.
  2. Brush the surface of the barrel with a wire brush and then sandpaper - this will turn it into a decent canvas.
  3. Large surface defects must be filled with wood putty. It is best to fill large depressions with polyurethane foam, and remove the excess with a knife after drying.
  4. Rinse the barrel to remove small particles.
  5. Leave the surface to dry for some time.
  6. Prime the trunk.
  7. Start drawing. You can choose almost any paint for old wood. The classic solution is oil paints.
  8. After completing the drawing, wait until the paints dry completely.
  9. Cover the “decorated” surface with varnish. external works– preferably in two layers.

What can you draw on a tree?

Whatever! True, images of natural motifs will probably not be particularly relevant for the garden - they will simply merge with the surrounding environment. But animals, fairy-tale characters and all kinds of abstractions will become a worthy decoration of your possessions.

Still doubt your artistic talent? Don't give up on such a great idea. Patterns are definitely something you can do! For example, national patterns from different countries look very interesting in the garden.

You can always make original garden furniture from old trees - tables, benches, benches, armchairs. The easiest to make benches are logs.

And after a little processing, a dilapidated plant is a wonderful creative hanger on which you can store various gardening equipment, tools, and work clothes.

Attach eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands from available materials to the trunk of an old tree - and a mischievous Living being, which will delight everyone passing by with its appearance.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for decorating an old tree in the garden - choose any one you like. Easy creativity!

Which material should you prefer?

Of course, when constructing small architectural forms in a garden or park, natural materials - stone and wood - look advantageous. They harmoniously combine with surrounding plants, flower beds, wooden buildings, dry streams made of stone, pebbles and sand. But buildings made of metal and concrete look no less attractive.

A small bridge over a stream, made of artificial stone and decorated with wrought iron railings, it looks quite natural surrounded by greenery

When classifying structures according to the material they are made of, there are several types.

Wooden bridges

They are perfect for a suburban area with already installed buildings and wooden decor - a bathhouse, gazebos, tables, benches, a well. To make wood last longer, choose one of the most valuable species– larch, cedar or oak. Special antiseptics, impregnations and varnishes increase the service life and give the wood the desired shade.

Wooden bridges are traditionally decorated with carvings: the balusters are given an original shape, a pattern is cut out on the supporting beams, and the railings are covered with ornaments.

Stone bridges

Beautiful, noble and almost eternal structures. When installing a garden bridge with your own hands, do not forget about the weight of natural stone. Installation of structures made of sandstone, marble or granite may require construction equipment, so sometimes a lighter analogue is used - artificial stone.

When building a structure made of stone - natural and artificial - you should select elements that are similar in shape and color and harmonize with the surrounding objects

Metal bridges

Forged structures are exquisitely beautiful, especially surrounded by flowers and greenery. They require special attention and timely processing, as the metal is susceptible to corrosion.

A forged bridge will cost less if you order only a metal base and make the wooden elements (flooring, railing parts) yourself

Concrete bridges

They look monumental, last a long time and, with appropriate decoration, can decorate the garden with big amount stones or plants. Finishing with colored tiles, stone chips or acrylic paints will advantageously hide gray concrete.

It’s hard to guess that this original bridge is made of architectural concrete: its surface is stylized as stone and painted with acrylic paints

Combining several materials will make the garden bridge unique and will help add a little personality. Metal and wood, stone and wood go well together.

The main purpose of bridges is to cross a body of water, but often they are installed on the territory of a personal plot for a completely different purpose - to enrich and diversify the design.

The wooden bridge is part of the garden composition. Stylistically it matches the garden gazebo, built from the same material

The following objects are good places for installing decorative structures:

  • small lakes, artificially created ponds, streams;
  • natural ditches and ravines;
  • flower beds and separately decorated flower beds;
  • paths and trails.

The traditional placement of a building over a body of water is carried out in compliance with certain rules. A crossing over a stream or pond is installed in the narrowest place, since a small structure is much stronger and looks more decorative. Country bridges for a garden with a dry stream are characterized by such qualities as compactness, miniature, and grace. The material for their manufacture must be combined with the surrounding coating: they are, as it were, a continuation of the paths.

A miniature bridge of the simplest design, spanning a dry stream, beneficially enlivens a monotonous composition of stones, greenery and flowers.

This bridge is an example of how different materials can be organically combined: paving slabs, natural stone, wood, mosaic facing tiles

When installing small architectural forms, including bridges, it is necessary to take into account the style chosen for the garden. Suppose wooden structures, simple and slightly rough, ideal for a country-style garden plot.

Choosing the shape and design of the structure

Before drawing up a sketch, you should consider all existing forms and their options, and then decide on your choice. You can conduct the following experiment: take a photograph of the intended installation location decorative bridge for the garden, print photo big size and try it on various designs, cut out of paper. It will be clear what shape the design will fit perfectly into the overall picture.

According to their configuration, bridges can be divided into several types:

  • Straight - they are optimal for self-production;
  • Zigzag - these are guests from the East, where breaking the straight line is protection from evil spirits;
  • Arched - look artistic and suitable for any style;
  • Step-by-step - ideal for dry streams and shallow ponds;
  • Stepped - resemble two staircases with wide steps, united by a common platform;
  • Suspended - complex structures that require compliance with safety rules.

Here is a photo selection of each option:

When building straight bridges from any material, it is necessary to consider a drain for rainwater; in this case these are the spaces between the flooring boards

The ideal material for the construction of a zigzag bridge is wood - both the piles and the decking are made of wooden elements treated with impregnation and antiseptic

The “humpbacked” shape of the arched structure is achieved in different ways. One of the most common is to give the load-bearing beams a certain curved shape

Large flat stones are best suited for creating a step bridge. The distance between them should be comfortable for stepping

The stepped structure can become a kind of observation point: from the upper platform it is convenient to view the surrounding landscape and admire the sunset

If you decide to choose a suspension bridge, then it is better to choose a small structure firmly fixed to piles driven into the ground

Master class: making a wooden bridge

The easiest way to decorate garden territory– create a composition from a pond and a wooden garden bridge, both objects can be made with your own hands. Let's focus on the construction of a crossover structure made of wood.

To install the simplest structure, you will not need a concrete foundation or piles driven into the ground, but if the bridge connects the high banks of a stream, then additional reinforcement will be required.

When installing a wooden bridge across a pond, you should carefully strengthen the parts of the banks that serve as supports. Used for strengthening a natural stone and concrete

According to the method of installation, garden bridges are divided into several types: I - on concrete supports; II - on concrete supports and piles; III - on stilts

The basis of the bridge is two slightly curved beams with a section size of 0.2 m x 0.35 m and a length of 2 m. They can be prepared from straight blanks, using a jigsaw and chisel to remove excess wood. A flooring made of boards (3.5 cm) is attached to the beams, evenly distributed along the length of the beams.

By drawing up a drawing of the bridge indicating the required dimensions, you can make your work much easier. The length of the structure depends on the size of the object over which it will be located

Between the boards it is necessary to leave gaps 1-2 cm wide. All parts are dried before installation and treated on all sides with impregnations and antiseptics.

When drawing up a drawing, you need to take into account every little detail, for example, consider fixing the joints of balusters with beams or railings with balusters

The design of the railings may be different. The simplest one is curved arcs attached to several balusters. The railings are decorated with bamboo inserts, thick hemp rope or carvings.

Decorated railings are a way to add variety to a simple bridge design. It was worth adding rounded elements on the racks - and the bridge acquired a more decorative look

A simple decorative garden bridge, without decorations or frills, can complement a park area stylized as a wild forest.

A few untreated boards, a railing made of crooked poles on one side - and we get an original stylized bridge, as if thrown together hastily

The video shows an example of landscape design, where almost all the structures were made by the hands of the owners of country estates.

How to decorate trees in a garden at the dacha (4 photos)

Decorating garden trees

In order to liven up your garden decor a little, you need desire and a little free time. Garden trees can be decorated using almost any available items, while material costs will be minimal. With a few ideas you can perfectly decorate trees in your garden or garden. Such trees will not go unnoticed and will become a source of pride for the owners of their summer cottage.

Pictures on trees

If you have artistic abilities, a tree trunk can be turned into a kind of canvas, on which a picture painted with your own hands will look good. This type of tree decoration is becoming more and more popular. Some owners of a summer cottage deliberately dig up dry tree trunks in the garden to make similar fakes out of them.

In order to create a picture tree, you must first strip the tree bark. It is best to do this with a metal scraper and preferably after rain. Since wet bark is much easier to peel off. If there has been no rain for a long time, the trunk can be thoroughly watered. Then the barrel must be cleaned with a wire brush, and then also with emery cloth. Small defects in the tree trunk should be filled with putty. If there are significant cracks or depressions in the trunk, you can use polyurethane foam to eliminate them. Then rinse the barrel again and leave it to dry. After the trunk has dried, a layer of primer is applied to it. Now you can start painting the tree. When the finished painting is dry, it needs to be covered with two layers of waterproof, frost-resistant varnish.

Garden tree-picture

Tree – “pots”

You can make a beautiful one from an ordinary garden tree exotic plant. To do this, you just need to hang several pots with flowering plants on its branches. Such a tree can delight the eyes of its owners from early spring to autumn. Pots with petunias are best suited for such purposes.

Old garden tree decorated with pots of petunias

Houses for fairies, elves and gnomes

For those who love fairy tales about gnomes, elves and fairies, houses for these fairy-tale characters will decorate the trees in the garden. Moreover, it is very easy to make such an element of garden decor with your own hands. At the roots of the tree you can make a small door - the entrance to fairytale house, or supplement it with various windows, steps, paths, balconies and even a small garden.

To make a small door located at the roots of a garden tree more noticeable, you can paint it red, orange, yellow, blue or green color. The door will look more magical if you make it not the traditional rectangular shape, but round or oval. If the composition does not seem completely complete, next to the door you can install several small windows made in uniform style with a door. Wooden or stone steps can also lead to the door. You can lay out a narrow path of small pebbles. To make the fairy house more visible, the doors can be installed not at the roots of the tree, but a little higher. In this case, the trunk can be decorated with a small balcony and steps that wrap around the tree. And around you can make a mini-garden from small things and flowers.

The fairy house can be styled as a birdhouse and installed on a stable tree branch. In this case, the fake will look like the real home of fairy-tale characters. A tree decorated in this way will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Fairy house in the garden tree

Wind chimes Feng Shui as an element of garden tree decor

Such a Feng Shui talisman as wind music, which is also called a windmill or wind bells, is perceived by some simply as an element of decor for garden trees or the interior of a house, and some sincerely believe that it can attract good, positive energy into the house. In any case, wind chimes will never be an unnecessary element in the garden. Moreover, you can easily make wind chimes with your own hands from almost any materials that are at hand. If you use your imagination, you can create original elements Feng Shui and decorate the trees in the garden with these fakes.

Wind chimes made from dry leaves and various beads are perfect for decorating an autumn garden. Wind chimes made from shells will look original on garden trees and will remind you of your past holiday at sea. Chinese talismans made from cutlery, flower pots, coins and banknotes, tin cans, various beads and metal sticks. For those who are interested in Chinese philosophy, it is better to decorate a tree in the garden with classic versions of a windmill made of bells or bamboo.

Wind chimes on a garden tree

Idea #1 - “stump on a spring day”

Of course, the old stump will not bloom on its own, but this does not mean that flowers cannot grow on it. This will actually happen if you plant low annual flowers, herbaceous or even ornamental plants on the stump. Their presence will greatly ennoble and enliven the cut of the tree.

All these modest flowers look very impressive in a single bouquet, which, like a vase, is held by the simplest stump

To bring this idea to life, minimal costs are required. We level the surface of the stump, after which we make indentations in the stump. They should be such that the root system of your chosen plant can develop unhindered. A reference point could be, for example, a flower pot.

You can simply make one depression in the stump by removing the core from it. This is not difficult to do when we are dealing with rotten stump. As for the tools, we will need a saw or a chisel with a hammer. If the stump appeared on your site relatively recently, it is better to use the method of burning the core.

Surely such a stump will become a real decoration of your garden at the very beginning of the last spring month and on the eve of summer

In the center of the stump, you need to drill a hole deep enough so that kerosene can be poured into it. Side surface at the same time, it should not be less than 7 cm, so that after removing the core our structure remains intact. Pour kerosene and plug the hole in the hemp with a stopper.

After about half a day, add kerosene and tightly plug the hole again. Leave the stump alone for one to two weeks. Then remove the plug and set fire to the core of the stump. When it burns out, the resulting flowerpot should be treated with an antiseptic so that the flowerbed lasts longer.

Drill holes inside the recess to prevent water from stagnating. Now we place garden soil mixed with nutrients inside, after which we plant seedlings or bulbs. When a lush head of flowers forms on the stump, it will not look old and unsightly at all.

If you are not sure about the strength of the walls of your new stump flowerpot and are afraid that they may begin to crumble, they can be reinforced with mesh

The most different variants You can see what you can make with your own hands from a tree stump in your dacha in this video:

Idea #2 - stump as garden furniture

To make some kind of piece of furniture, for example, from an old stump, you need good tool and some skills for similar work. But tools today are not a problem. And as for skills, we can say this: all great masters were once apprentices. So let's at least try. What are you ultimately risking? Only an old stump.

Option #1 - tree stump as a chair

Let's say you just marked a tree to cut down. It would be nice if it had a thick trunk. We remove branches, moving from the thin upper ones to the stronger lower ones. Now that the trunk is in front of you, you need to mark it.

If we want to make a chair, it is more convenient to place the seat at a height of 40-60 cm from the ground. Let's say it will be 50 cm. We put a chalk mark at this height. But the chair still has a back. We add another 50 cm to it. At a height of 100 cm, we also put a mark with chalk. The cut will follow this mark, which is best done with a chainsaw.

It is difficult to say to what extent the chair depicted in this photo is of natural origin, but it is one that well illustrates the result of the work described in this section

Now we will form the back of the chair. To do this we need to make a horizontal cut at the seat level. That is, where our first chalk mark is located. We make a cut to a depth of 2/3 of the trunk. We saw through from the side in which the chair will later be turned.

To form the back, we will make a vertical cut from the top until we reach the previous, horizontal one. We remove the piece of trunk cut out in this way.

The base has been created, you can begin decorative finishing. For this work we will need various devices from a grinder to a chisel. It all depends on how exactly you decide to decorate the resulting chair. In any case, this will no longer be a stump sticking out in plain sight, but a comfortable chair, sitting on the seat of which you can have a good rest.

Option #2 - original table

When you made the chair, you preferred not to part with the tree bark. Now we have to make a garden table, the leg of which will be the stump itself. And this time it’s better to get rid of the bark. For this we can use a chisel or chisel. We will work as carefully as possible: we don’t want to damage the wood at all.

This photo clearly shows how exactly you need to nail the holders to which the tabletop will be attached in the future.

On the side of the stump we stuff two perpendicular wooden planks. We attach four holders perpendicularly fastened to each other on them in pairs. We make the tabletop from boards, and fasten them together with planks.

The tabletop can be made round. To do this, it is enough to draw a circle, using for this purpose an improvised compass from a pencil, rope and nail. We drive a nail into the center of the tabletop, to which is tied a rope with a pencil at the end. We outline a circle and delete everything that goes beyond its boundaries.

A tabletop attached to a leg that was once a stump requires mandatory treatment with special protective compounds, and it is better to cover such a table for the winter

We nail the finished tabletop to the holders with nails or screw it with self-tapping screws. The finished product must be impregnated with a protective solution, which will prolong its life.

Option #1 - unusual sculpture

Implementing the following idea is not at all difficult. And now the dry frame of your tree is being sawed by little men who look like green grasshoppers. It’s easy to make these babies yourself, using wire, pieces of tin or plastic for this purpose. Similar fairy-tale characters can also be purchased in a store selling souvenirs and toys.

The figures are made very cleverly, and the whole composition leaves an amazing positive impression: the little men must be secured securely so that they are not damaged by bad weather

These funny figures can be screwed to the trunk using self-tapping screws, wire or clamps. Such a comic composition will decorate your garden and attract the attention of your friends and neighbors.

Option #2 - decorative fly agaric

If you think that making a fly agaric from a stump is easy, then you are absolutely right. All you need for this is an old enamel or iron bowl and an aerosol. The bowl needs to be cleaned and painted with red spray paint. After it dries, we draw white circles on the red background, exactly like the spots on the fly agaric cap.

Next to the handsome fly agaric, you can place numerous other objects that help revive the composition and make it complete

The stump also needs to be painted White color. It would be nice to draw a cheerful grinning face on it. But here it’s up to your imagination to tell you. All that remains is to put a smart hat on your leg and boldly declare that the fly agaric is ready! By the way, you don’t have to make a fly agaric. It could also be a white mushroom. The fly agaric just looks more elegant.

To complete the picture, we suggest that you place pebbles, for example green, at the foot of your mushroom. They, like a picture frame, will create an edge to your work. However, you can do without them.

These porcini mushrooms are also made from stumps, only in a completely different way: both the stem and the cap of the mushroom are cut from the wood of the stump itself and painted in the appropriate colors

If a person is not deprived of imagination, then even from a dry stump he is able to make a whole work of art - a fairy-tale castle or mansion inhabited by the most amazing fairy-tale characters. Such a craft can become a source of pride for the owner of the site if you work on it with all your heart.

A nice house made in Japanese style, complemented by a small hut, most likely intended for holding a traditional tea ceremony

The stump itself can serve as the main part of the castle, onto which all additional decor will be attached. In order not to miss anything, we suggest making a sketch of the future structure and subsequently trying to follow it.

Decorating parts can be cut from a piece of fiberboard or plywood. They should be attached to the stump using self-tapping screws. All components must be impregnated to protect them from rotting. In addition, they can be painted in the desired color.

Such a cute house with figures will really appeal to children, who will undoubtedly immediately adapt it for their fun games

Sometimes in the trunk of a dry tree, very low from the surface of the earth, there are hollows and growths. All these details, despite their natural origin, are easily used in the composition. For example, small toy ladders with funny gnomes on them can hang from a hollow. And on the growth you can place a toy piano with a squirrel pianist.

Don't forget to pay attention to the roof of the structure. An old leaky bucket will do just fine for her. By the way, artificial or live plants coming out of a hole in the roof of such a structure will look very attractive.

This video is dedicated to a variety of characters made from tree stumps:

Idea #4 - decorate the stump with flowers in pots

We have already told you how you can decorate a stump with flowers that are grown in it, but there is another option for this decoration. If there are several branches left on the stump, you can hang the same flowers on them, but grown in pots. They can look very impressive.

Even if there are no branches, a flower pot can be placed on or around the stump itself, creating a special aura of flowering and ongoing life. Stumps look great as a decorative stand for flower pots with plants, if they are thoroughly sanded, allowing the wood to show its texture.

Despite the simplicity of this composition, it looks very impressive and distinctly rustic: it is perfect for country style

But we should not forget that a tree located in an open area needs protection - impregnations that will resist rotting.

Anyone can create garden figurines from stumps, but real artists end up with wonderful works of art that amaze with their realism. If you are driven by the desire to simply decorate your area, then you can create a simple image that does not require special skills.

Of course, this magnificent deer, vocalizing in spring forest, skillfully carved from an ordinary stump by a high-level professional

Making a simple figurine from a stump is not at all difficult. Those who made snowmen in childhood can apply their accumulated experience in this case. The role of hands will be played by twigs, instead of the nose and mouth we will attach twigs, Eyes can be made from brown bottoms from plastic bottles. The role of the pupil will be played by the cork from the same bottles.

All this is attached to the stump with self-tapping screws. On horizontal surface When cutting, you can simply lay out pine cones, which will imitate hair. This garden guard, which we whipped up, is ready.

But any schoolchild can make such a funny watchman for his dacha, and that’s why he’s so garden sculpture and appreciated

If it happened that you had to cut down a whole row of country trees, do not be sad. This situation also has its own positive side. But now you have a large number of stumps located close to each other. And this is not bad at all. Make them into a fairyland for your children, putting into practice all the information that you have already received in this article.

It will be just a wonderful place to play. First you have to clear each stump of bark. For this you will need a chisel and a hammer. The chisel must be inserted between the bark and the tree trunk, then gently tap it with a hammer. The bark will move away from the trunk and soon the stump will completely lose it. Now it can be thoroughly sanded using medium-grit sandpaper for this purpose.

Such an owl could easily become the companion of Baba Yaga herself and settle in her hut, flying out from time to time to hunt

Be sure to remove wood dust formed during work with a damp cloth. The wood prepared in this way should be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect it from rotting.

Now you can start decorating the stump. Let's choose a large stump to turn it into Baba Yaga's real house. Let's take chalk and outline the location of the future windows and doors of the grandmother's hut. Recesses in wood for doors and windows can be made using a chisel and hammer.

We will need pieces of boards from which we will make doors and window shutters. These parts of the future structure can be painted right now, while they are not yet nailed into place. Doors and shutters should be nailed to the places marked on the stump using nails whose heads have been bitten off. When finishing decorating the hut, you can collect twigs and driftwood in the area unusual shape to stick them around Baba Yaga's house. Let them portray dense years.

On smaller stumps you can depict heroes of a variety of folk tales or funny cartoon characters. You can decorate these stumps and draw your intended characters on them using paints for outdoor work. The images outside will wonderfully complement the flowers planted directly inside the stumps. How to do this was described in detail at the beginning of the article. You can limit yourself to pots with plants.

Another wonderful composition, made by a professional artist and sculptor, creates great mood, inherent in a small fairy-tale corner of your garden

We'll turn a couple more stumps into children's chairs. To do this, we won’t even cut out the massive back. If you have old chairs, use their backs for this job. They should be carefully freed from varnish, and then, using ordinary nails, nailed to the stump seats. The finished chairs just need to be painted bright colors, which children will definitely like.

Simply turn the small remaining stumps into a flock of fly agarics, using bowls or basins of the appropriate size as their caps. Now you know exactly how such fly agarics can be made. That's it, the improvisation on the theme of the fairy tale is ready.

Idea #6 - “green monster”

Another idea on how to refine a stump may also interest you. For this purpose, you need a hefty stump with a powerful root system, which is hidden in a shady place. If you have one on your site, you can consider yourself lucky.

A large stump covered in moss looks mysterious, as if it came straight into your garden from Twilight or some other saga

Buy a variety of moss suitable for your climate at the store. You need to plant moss on a stump. To get it to work, you will have to spray it with water periodically. Now it is important that the moss grows. When this happens, you will be able to fully appreciate the enormity of the resulting creation.

Summer residents most often begin to think about how to decorate a stump in the garden with their own hands after trying to clear the area of ​​unnecessary trees. Unsightly tree stumps and stumps may remain on the site, which will need to be disposed of.

A flowerbed made from an old stump can become a key decorative element in the landscape design of a dacha.

Typically, getting rid of stumps is done by uprooting them from the ground. If there is no need for a flat area, sometimes a decision is made not to remove the remains of trees, but to turn them into decorative items. Elements made in kindergarten in the form of fairy-tale characters and other funny things can be especially interesting.

Use for decorating hemp flower pots

Decorate saw cuts using original figures, purchased or homemade.

You can grow flowers not only in front gardens and flower beds - vertical beds and pots are also suitable for this.

Try decorating an ugly stump, which you really don’t want to remove from the site, with potted flowering plants. Place a pot of suitable size on the cut, install several around it.

If the stump is very clumsy, with twists and bends, perhaps in some of them it will also be possible to strengthen containers with plants.

Flowers in pots can be already planted or newly grown.

The stump is additionally decorated with moss; it’s a good idea to add a fairy-tale theme to it - bright large flowers, perhaps even artificial ones, ferns, and place animal figures nearby. This will help turn a relatively small space into a fairy forest.

Often on suburban areas old stumps and logs remain, which take up space, bringing absolutely no benefit. Many summer residents use the remains of former mighty trees as seats, but this, firstly, is not convenient, and secondly, it does not look as beautiful as it could. And if the logs can still be disposed of, then uprooting old stumps left from large trees is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

But there is one that will help you solve this problem forever. By making original flower beds from stumps and logs, you will not only get rid of unnecessary landscape design elements, but also decorate your site in an original way. This is exactly the idea that “Dream House” shares with its readers today. You will learn how to make original flower beds from old stumps and logs, and how to harmoniously combine them with other landscape elements.

We create an original flowerbed from a stump with our own hands

An old stump is essentially a ready-made basis for creating a flower bed. You just need to free its core and fill the space with soil or install a pot with soil suitable size. However, in order for a flower bed made from a stump to serve you for a long time and faithfully, you should take into account some nuances:

  • firstly, only a healthy stump is suitable for creating a flower garden. If the wood is damaged dangerous disease, for example, thyrostromosis, it is better to remove it along with the root system, replacing the soil, otherwise the disease may spread to other plants;
  • secondly, due to precipitation, insect pests and other external factors the wood will dry out over time, and the stump-flower bed will lose its decorative properties. To increase the service life of the original flower bed, the stump cuts need to be well sanded and treated with an antiseptic. Oil paint can also be used as an antiseptic, which will also allow you to change appearance stump;
  • thirdly, the most suitable for creation is an old stump, the core of which has already dried out sufficiently. If you want to create a flowerbed from a freshly cut tree, you will have to wait a little, because... It will be very difficult to remove the core from it.

How to make a flower bed from a stump

Beautiful flowers on a stump photo

To make a flower bed from a stump, you need to free its core as much as is necessary for the root system of the plants being planted. The easiest way is to pre-plant the plants in a pot or suitable container, and then simply install it inside the stump.

If you want to grow plants directly in the stump, first add drainage to the bottom of its recess, which will protect the plant roots from rotting.

Beautiful flower bed from an old stump

Flowers on tree stumps photo

As a rule, the depression created in the stump is no different large sizes, so choose plants with a compact root system to decorate it. For example, any bulbous flowers, geranium, sorrel, pansies, petunias, etc. are perfect for this purpose. They also look very beautiful in a flower bed made from an old stump. climbing plants, which during the flowering period will decorate it with a lush crown.

Do-it-yourself flower bed from a stump

Making a beautiful flower bed in a log

If there is no old stump on your site, but you are already excited about the idea of ​​​​making an original flower bed with your own hands, use for this purpose an old log, which you will probably find close to your property. The advantage of creating such a flower bed is that the log can be easily placed in any convenient corner of the garden or plot; it can be moved to wherever you want, and the stump will only have to be uprooted.

The process of creating a flower bed from logs is also quite simple. You just need to clean the core of the log using an electric saw or other tool, and then clean all the cuts well. Since a flower bed in a log is larger than a flower bed in a stump, here you can grow several species at once, combining perennials and annuals. To protect the inhabitants of the flowerbed from decay and disease, cover the resulting space with polyethylene and lay a layer of expanded clay on it.

Do-it-yourself log flowerbed

When making a flower bed from a log with your own hands, play with its natural shape. For example, a neat rectangular recess can be cut out of whole wood, thanks to which the flowerbed will take the shape of an elongated flowerpot and become a laconic architectural product. If the log is so old that its core has completely dried out, cover it with soil and plant absolutely all open holes with flowers, which will make your flowerbed a harmonious and bright object of landscape design.

Beautiful flower beds made of logs photo

When growing flowers in a log, consider how they will look not only during the period of active flowering, but also in the off-season. Ideally, plants should be selected so that they cover the widest flowering period - from early spring to late autumn. If you want a flower bed in a log to please you exclusively warm time year, select the composition of plants depending on their color combinations, leaf shapes, etc.

Flower beds made of stumps and logs in the landscape design of the site

Unusual flower beds made of stumps and logs look very beautiful, catchy and original, but you want each element of the site to correspond to the overall style of landscape design. If you are making a flower bed from a stump or log in the wild part of the garden, then you can leave the material in its original form, because various cracks, chips and abrasions will blend harmoniously with the surrounding nature. If you want such an original flowerbed to decorate the central part of the plot or a recreation area in the garden, the bark of the log and stump can be completely cleaned, and then the wood can be sanded to a flat and smooth surface.

Original flower beds and flower beds photo

Flowerbeds original photos

This object looks beautiful in combination with other architectural forms of the landscape and... For example, a flower bed made of stumps or logs can be placed near a wooden table, a dining table, a rotunda, a play area, etc. To complement the originality of the flowerbed, decorate the area on which it is located with wooden figurines and other garden attributes.

If desired, you can plant flowers around the flowerbed that are similar to those growing in it, so that your decoration will harmoniously fit into any landscape style.

Cutting down trees in the garden leads to the appearance of rough and not very attractive stumps. You can solve the issue in two ways - study the uprooting of stumps and get down to business, or decorate the stumps after cutting them down and liven up the quiet garden a little

We decided that summer residents, who are always busy difficult work, it will be interesting to take a break to tidy up the garden without spending physical effort on it. Today we will look at the problem of stumps in the garden without uprooting and organizing tree stumps, which we have already discussed earlier. We will simply decorate the stumps with improvised objects and means, improve the area and give it an even more interesting and cheerful look.

We propose to convert the stump into a chair that can be used in the garden for relaxation. How to do this, read now!!!

Correct cut of the stump

If there is an old and thick tree in the garden that needs to be cut down, it is perfect for our idea. Immediately you remove the upper branches, then the thicker ones below, and so on, according to all the rules of cutting big trees. But once you reach the main trunk, you should stop and work with the dimensions a little.

A comfortable sitting height will be between 40 and 60 cm, but do not forget that each chair has a backrest. Therefore, the seat is at a height of, say, 50 cm from the ground, and the back and cut are at a height of 100 cm. It is at this mark that the chainsaw is cut.

Now a vertical cut, all the way to a horizontal one, to remove a piece of the trunk from the place where the seat of the chair is formed.

Naturally, all such work takes place with preliminary markings and compliance with all safety regulations.

Decorative finishing, seat formation

Now the chair is subject to decorative finishing, since we have only a rough version in front of us. Finishing occurs with the help of special tools - chisels, mallets, hammers, hacksaws, grinders, and possibly with the use of professional devices. The result depends on your efforts, desire and time, but we have come up with such an interesting option.

Fairytale castle made from a stump

There is already one of these in our previous article about the design of a dacha area, but today we decided to install the castle a little higher. How to make it, decide for yourself - with your own hands or purchased. But installing a castle (or maybe an ordinary house or a forest hut) is simple. You need to nail or screw the base under the structure with self-tapping screws. This can be a figured board or a piece of chipboard impregnated with protective varnish.

Afterwards, using glue or screws, we install all parts of our structure, slowly and confidently moving towards the result. Upon completion of the work, you can get something similar to our example!

Decorating stumps with live plants

Agree, it is much more pleasant to observe living pictures of plants on the territory of a summer cottage, rather than forms and compositions, which cause more surprise and misunderstanding than joy and delight. That’s why we suggest trying the option of decorating a cut tree with live plants. These can be herbaceous plants, small annual flowers or even some ornamental plants. These are the ones we will plant in the stump.

On the cut of the stump we make a hole, which according to agricultural technology is sufficient for the root system of the selected plant. This may be a hole the size of a flower pot. Next, pour a little nutrient substrate or garden soil with fertilizer inside and plant the plant inside. See below what it will look like after a while!

Garden figure from a stump

Making garden figures, sculpting or carving is very interesting, but today our task is less creative. We just need to come up with an image for the stump that will match the design of the garden or flower bed. Colorful characters, famous cartoon characters, and so on often come to mind, but doing something like this with your own hands is quite difficult. And this means only one thing - we will simplify everything as much as possible, paint the stump, create an elementary image that will not require investment.

The result is a wonderful image of a face on one half of the stump, as well as a decoration for the cut.

The simplest decoration of the cut and trunk of a stump

If you don’t have time or money for grandiose ideas, you can do it as shown in the photo below - simply paint the stump in cheerful colors, install flowers made of plastic bottles on the cut plane (we studied products made from plastic bottles not long ago), and plant plants nearby.

Funny figure from a stump, garden scarecrow

This completely non-scary scarecrow can be made from the trunk of an old tree. A stump is not suitable for this, but when cutting down, you can make the cut a little higher, then everything will definitely work out. To create an image we use imagination, old clothes and accessories, perhaps some additions. As a result of pleasant work, we get a wonderful creation that will amuse your guests and relatives.

Easy uprooting of stumps

Any gardener knows that uprooting stumps is a difficult and labor-intensive task. The constant fight against weeds on the site is also difficult and thankless. Today, alternative and rather simple ideas for uprooting stumps are possible.

Of course, if you plan to create a design for a summer cottage using stumps or adapt a stump for growing oyster mushrooms and other mushrooms, then you can leave the stump. However, there are situations when a stump, for example, in a small area, is not at all appropriate. In this case, it will help us out chemical method uprooting stumps.

They have existed in America for a long time special drugs for chemical uprooting of stumps, but we don’t have them yet, so let’s turn to the experience of our ancestors and apply the method that peasants used back in the 18th century

The tree is cut down in the fall near the surface of the earth, a hole 1-1.5 inches in diameter and 10-12 inches deep is made in the central part of the trunk. Fill this hole with finely ground saltpeter in the amount of 10-15 spools, top up with water and, tightly sealing the hole with a wooden sleeve (cork), leave it in this form until spring. In the spring, the bushing is knocked out, the hole is filled with kerosene and lit. The trunk and root burn to the ground, leaving behind no trace except ash.

I remind you that top = 44.5 mm, and spool = 4.3 grams.

Of course, in America this process of chemical burning of horses is faster, but in our situation this method will help us out perfectly.

Things to remember: This method is not suitable for burning on peat soils and where there are a lot of stumps and they are located frequently. In these cases, an underground fire may start.

Weed control on the site

The most effective method fight, there will be the use of... alcohol to control weeds. The thing is that irrigating the soil with a weak 6% solution of ethyl alcohol causes rapid growth of weeds.

This method gives us a certain freedom of action, allowing us to remove weeds mechanically while the cultivated plants have not yet sprouted. After all, in the future, germinating together with garden crops, weeds will take nutrients from them and it will be more difficult to fight them.

So if at least a couple more warm weeks are expected in October for weed germination, then you can apply it this year. In the spring, spraying with alcohol should be carried out a month before germination. cultivated plants so that the weeds have time to grow and be picked. This alcoholic method will ensure the absence of weeds for many years to come.

Another interesting way - weeding tomatoes the Dutch way. The whole point is that... rabbits are released into the beds, which naturally eat the juicy weeds, while leaving the tomatoes untouched.

These “well-forgotten old” ideas will greatly facilitate our not always easy work in the garden and at our summer cottage

If you have a garden plot that is quite many years old, then from time to time you probably have to deal with issues with stumps on the plot that remain from trees.

We suggest that you don’t rack your brains over what can be made from a tree stump in your dacha, but simply plant flowers in it. And you will not only have an original flower bed made from a stump, but also a magnificent unusual decor summer cottage plot.

Don’t rush to uproot stumps on your property, but look at how to decorate a stump in the garden with your own hands. We are sure that you will definitely like one of the ideas.

How to make a flower bed from a stump

To make a stump in your dacha look beautiful, remove the core from it. It will be good if the core is rotten enough. If not, use a drill to make several holes and pour stump remover (potassium or sodium nitrate) into it. They fill it up in the fall and tie it with polyethylene. But here you need to not overdo it with dosages, otherwise you will destroy not only the core of the stump, but its entirety.

After removing the core, cover it with fertile soil and plant flower seeds. It can be either or. Tulips in stumps look great.

Children will be very interested to find out which gnome lives in a stump at their dacha. Such a stump in the garden will make them very happy.

Mushrooms will create excellent site decor and a forest atmosphere.

Any decorative green plants are a great idea for decorating a stump in the garden.

You can decorate the stump of a large tree in different colors.

Any succulents in the country or stone roses will feel great in a flower bed made from a stump.

Spring irises are always welcome.

Petunias, and others wonderful decoration stump

They plant it in a flower bed made from a stump in the fall, and enjoy the beauty in the spring.

If you are lucky and live in your own private house or country house, then take advantage of these ideas! Such a flowerbed made from a stump can even appear in a city yard if there is a stump. Decorate your garden and inspire your friends and neighbors. A little imagination, and even an old stump can bloom!

Garden and summer cottage plots can be called a testing ground for creative people. This is where they can show their design talent to the fullest. Most often, this only benefits the design of the site, and thanks to the designer’s crafts, it stands out from the rest.

What can you use to make garden decorations?

Of course, no one forbids buying decorative elements, but DIY garden crafts make the garden feel more homely and homely than factory-made products. In addition, any homemade craft is guaranteed to be a unique product; you will not find an exact copy anywhere else.

It is also important that creating decorations for the garden will not require significant financial expenses. Original crafts are made from the most common materials, for example, foam or old car tires. When it comes to how to make DIY crafts for the garden, you need to understand that there is no universal guide, and the only limit is a person’s imagination.

To decorate your summer cottage you can use:

  • polystyrene foam - it makes excellent and fabulous creatures;
  • stumps – perhaps, when clearing the garden plot, you had to get rid of several old trees; you can come up with several options for using the remaining stumps;
  • plastic - the durability of this material explains its popularity. An example of a simple DIY plastic craft for the garden is flower beds of old bottles. The options for using plastic will be discussed in more detail below;
  • even ordinary, outdated CD discs, will not disappear and can turn into worthy decoration plot;
  • old car tires can be turned into elegant flower beds;
  • in principle, any thing that can be attributed to unnecessary trash, with the right level of imagination can be used as an element. For example, an old unnecessary piano can be adapted into a flowerbed with a fountain. So you can make DIY crafts for your garden and yard from literally any trash.

Foam crafts

The good thing about polystyrene foam is that it is not afraid of moisture and generally withstands the vagaries of the weather quite well, so it can be used to decorate a garden or cottage. The advantages of this material include the fact that it is easy to paint, and if necessary, it can even be covered with a layer of putty.

If the craft is not located indoors, then it is better not to use gypsum putty, since gypsum absorbs moisture well.

Guide to making foam crafts

Most often made from foam plastic three-dimensional figures animals, insects, birds, plants and then attached to trees or even simply fixed at ground level.

The instructions for making any figurine look approximately the same:

  • First you need to start sketching the future craft. It is enough just to draw it on paper;

  • the rough sketch is transferred to sheets of foam plastic and the outline of the future craft is cut out (with a small tolerance);
  • after this, the gluing stage begins; it is possible to use ordinary nails, silicone-based sealant or even polyurethane foam for gluing;

Within 48 hours, the future craft must be under pressure.
Only under this condition will the strength of the adhesive seam be at the proper level.

  • after the glue has dried, all that remains is to trim the edges of the product and give it the desired shape;
  • then small irregularities are sanded with sandpaper and the surface of the figure is painted.

If the figure needs to be installed at ground level, then at the cutting stage you need to leave about a 15-20 cm protrusion at the bottom of the central sheet.
Then he simply digs into the ground.

Separately, we need to mention DIY garden crafts made from polystyrene foam, which have thin, long elements. This material is not particularly durable and is guaranteed to break even with slight bending.

To avoid this, several tricks are used:

  • it is advisable to cover the surface thin layer cement concrete mortar. In principle, this rule applies to all foam crafts on the site;
  • you can carefully “dismember” the finished product, and then connect the individual parts to each other using long nails or wire;
  • if the solution falls off the surface, then you can stick several nails into the material so that they only protrude slightly from the foam.

About foam cutting

It is impossible to make foam garden crafts with your own hands without cutting the material. If you haven't had any previous experience working with this material, cutting foam can be a bit of a challenge, at least at first.

This problem can be solved in several ways:

  • You can also cut with a regular hacksaw with fine teeth. To prevent the foam from chipping too much, you need to hold the saw at a slight angle to its surface and not press too hard;

  • An ordinary sharp table knife can only cut thin plates;
  • the grinder can only be used for rough processing of a large piece of foam plastic; even with careful work, severe chipping of the material is observed;
  • The ideal option is cutting with a string. The string is heated by a weak current (the heating level is regulated by changing the current strength) due to this, the cut is perfect.

A creative approach to an ordinary stump

Original country crafts You can make your own to decorate the garden from ordinary stumps and snags. Instead of the rather labor-intensive process of uprooting and filling up the resulting hole, you can get a little creative and turn an unsightly stump into a flowerbed, chair, fairy creature etc.

  • Do not use stumps of soft trees, such as birch or linden, for garden decoration. Despite all the tricks and protective compounds, the wood will rot very quickly;
  • preference should be given to “non-standard” stumps; unexpected bends and interweaving of roots are welcome;
  • Regardless of the type of wood, impregnation with protective compounds is necessary.

Stump furniture

There are several options for using stumps in this capacity. If its thickness is relatively small, then you can simply leave it in the ground and use it as a base, for example, for a table. In this case, you will only need to align the cut and attach the tabletop.

If the diameter is significant, you can try to select the core of the stump so that the remaining part looks like a chair with a back and armrests. True, in this case you will need at least minimal carpentry skills.

On the playground, small stumps can be sanded, sanded and painted in bright colors. The bright colors will look great and will appeal to children.

Also from stumps and snags you can minimal costs build a nice bench. In this case, the main task will be to be able to attach a horizontal seat so that it is comfortable to sit, and the natural beauty of the driftwood is not damaged.

Flowerbed and stump sculpture

DIY stump crafts for the garden are not limited to simple benches and tables. By hollowing out the core, for example, you can get an excellent flower bed or stand for garden lights.

In order to make the plants comfortable, it is recommended to first pour a layer of expanded clay into the cavity and only then lay a layer of fertile mixture. Expanded clay will play the role of a drainage layer. This approach can be called universal; it is suitable for both young stumps (20-30 cm in diameter) and old-timers in the garden (with a diameter greater than 1.0 m).

As for sculptures made from stumps, everything depends on the person’s imagination and the shape of the stump. Sometimes nature throws up such interesting shapes that it is enough just to clear the tree of soil and bark and lay it on the lawn in the right place. Such decoration of the site will look much more beautiful than a purchased one, and its price will not be comparable to a factory-made sculpture.

But most often you have to slightly “modify” the source material. Even an ordinary stump can be turned into a funny creature by making just a couple of cuts with a chainsaw that imitate eyes and a grinning mouth. Or you can simply place a garden gnome on a stump like a small pedestal. There are plenty of options.

Plastic crafts

Ordinary plastic bottles are great for simple DIY garden crafts.

Most often, plastic bottles for garden decoration are used as:

  • original borders. Bottles painted in different colors look much more interesting than concrete. Can also be used plastic lids from bottles, they are simply pressed into the uncured solution when constructing a concrete curb;

  • small hanging flower beds, cutting out a through window in the bottle will accommodate a medium-sized plant;

If there is a catastrophic lack of space on the site, bottles can be a real salvation.
With their help, you can organize vertical beds and save a lot of usable space.

  • flowerbed sculptures. In this case, the bottle is placed on the ground, the top part is cut out, the neck is shaped in the form of an animal’s face, for example, a pig or a baby rat;

  • ordinary sculptures - bottles of different sizes and colors are combined;
  • combination of bottles different color can be used to pave free space on the site;

  • as, for example, roofing material. It comes to the point that some of the plastic bottles are used to make not only crafts for the home and garden with their own hands, but also use them in the construction of small structures.

Bottles are not the only type of plastic that gardeners are interested in. Regular CDs are also used. True, only relatively small products are obtained from them.

Directly to decorate the garden, you can make, for example, an owl from disks, ladybug or some kind of bug. In this case, the discs themselves will be used as the body of the animal, and the remaining parts will have to be completed from wire or cardboard. DIY crafts made from disks for the garden must be painted and varnished.

They can also be used as elements of more complex sculptures. For example, in the case of making a peacock, the body can be made of foam plastic, but you will have to tinker with the tail. And the discs will be a good solution to the problem; just attach them to a piece of thin mesh and the tail is ready. You don’t even have to paint them, this will make the sculpture look even more elegant.


Upon closer examination, the task of decorating a garden plot turns out to be quite simple. You can decorate your site with literally anything you want, even homemade crafts. Often, DIY crafts made from trash for the garden end up looking even better than store-bought ones, because the creator puts a piece of his soul into them.

The video in this article shows several original garden crafts.

There comes a time when a tree that has been bearing fruit for many years or simply delighting you with its spreading crown has to be cut down. As a result, an unattractive stump forms in its place, with which something needs to be done. You can, of course, uproot it, but often such work requires serious physical effort. After all, the root system of an old tree remains branched and very strong. If you also don’t want to dig a pit to extract the root, all that remains is to figure out how to decorate the stump in the garden with your own hands.

Of course, the old stump will not bloom on its own, but this does not mean that flowers cannot grow on it. This will actually happen if you plant low annual flowers, herbaceous or even ornamental plants on the stump. Their presence will greatly ennoble and enliven the cut of the tree.

All these modest flowers look very impressive in a single bouquet, which, like a vase, is held by the simplest stump

To bring this idea to life, minimal costs are required. We level the surface of the stump, after which we make indentations in the stump. They should be such that the root system of your chosen plant can develop unhindered. A reference point could be, for example, a flower pot.

You can simply make one depression in the stump by removing the core from it. This is not difficult to do when we are dealing with rotten stump. As for the tools, we will need a saw or a chisel with a hammer. If the stump appeared on your site relatively recently, it is better to use the method of burning the core.

Surely such a stump will become a real decoration of your garden at the very beginning of the last spring month and on the eve of summer

In the center of the stump, you need to drill a hole deep enough so that kerosene can be poured into it. The side surface should not be less than 7 cm, so that after removing the core our structure remains intact. Pour kerosene and plug the hole in the hemp with a stopper.

After about half a day, add kerosene and tightly plug the hole again. Leave the stump alone for one to two weeks. Then remove the plug and set fire to the core of the stump. When it burns out, the resulting flowerpot should be treated with an antiseptic so that the flowerbed lasts longer.

Drill holes inside the recess to prevent water from stagnating. Now we place garden soil mixed with nutrients inside, after which we plant seedlings or bulbs. When a lush head of flowers forms on the stump, it will not look old and unsightly at all.

If you are not sure about the strength of the walls of your new stump flowerpot and are afraid that they may begin to crumble, they can be reinforced with mesh

You can see a variety of options for what you can make with your own hands from a stump in your dacha in this video:

Idea #2 – stump as garden furniture

To make something interesting from an old stump, for example, a piece of furniture, you need a good tool and some skills in such work. But tools today are not a problem. And as for skills, we can say this: all great masters were once apprentices. So let's at least try. What are you ultimately risking? Only an old stump.

Option #1 – tree stump as a chair

Let's say you just marked a tree to cut down. It would be nice if it had a thick trunk. We remove branches, moving from the thin upper ones to the stronger lower ones. Now that the trunk is in front of you, you need to mark it.

If we want to make a chair, it is more convenient to place the seat at a height of 40-60 cm from the ground. Let's say it will be 50 cm. We put a chalk mark at this height. But the chair still has a back. We add another 50 cm to it. At a height of 100 cm, we also put a mark with chalk. The cut will follow this mark, which is best done with a chainsaw.

It is difficult to say to what extent the chair depicted in this photo is of natural origin, but it is one that well illustrates the result of the work described in this section

Now we will form the back of the chair. To do this we need to make a horizontal cut at the seat level. That is, where our first chalk mark is located. We make a cut to a depth of 2/3 of the trunk. We saw through from the side in which the chair will later be turned.

To form the back, we will make a vertical cut from the top until we reach the previous, horizontal one. We remove the piece of trunk cut out in this way.

The base has been created, you can begin decorative finishing. For this work we will need different devices from a grinding machine to a chisel. It all depends on how exactly you decide to decorate the resulting chair. In any case, this will no longer be a stump sticking out in plain sight, but a comfortable chair, sitting on the seat of which you can have a good rest.

Option #2 – original table

When you made the chair, you preferred not to part with the tree bark. Now we have to make a garden table, the leg of which will be the stump itself. And this time it’s better to get rid of the bark. For this we can use a chisel or chisel. We will work as carefully as possible: we don’t want to damage the wood at all.

This photo clearly shows how exactly you need to nail the holders to which the tabletop will be attached in the future.

We place two perpendicular wooden planks on the side of the stump. We attach four holders perpendicularly fastened to each other on them in pairs. We make the tabletop from boards, and fasten them together with planks.

The tabletop can be made round. To do this, it is enough to draw a circle, using for this purpose an improvised compass from a pencil, rope and nail. We drive a nail into the center of the tabletop, to which is tied a rope with a pencil at the end. We outline a circle and delete everything that goes beyond its boundaries.

A tabletop attached to a leg that was once a stump requires mandatory treatment with special protective compounds, and it is better to cover such a table for the winter

We nail the finished tabletop to the holders with nails or screw it with self-tapping screws. The finished product is a must, which will prolong its life.

Idea #3 – funny compositions

Implementing the following idea is not at all difficult. And now the dry frame of your tree is being sawed by little men who look like green grasshoppers. It’s easy to make these babies yourself, using wire, pieces of tin or plastic for this purpose. Similar fairy-tale characters can also be purchased in a store selling souvenirs and toys.

The figures are made very cleverly, and the whole composition leaves an amazingly positive impression: the little men must be secured securely so that they are not damaged by bad weather

These funny figures can be screwed to the trunk using self-tapping screws, wire or clamps. Such a comic composition will decorate your garden and attract the attention of your friends and neighbors.

Option #2 – decorative fly agaric

If you think that making a fly agaric from a stump is easy, then you are absolutely right. All you need for this is an old enamel or iron bowl and an aerosol. The bowl needs to be cleaned and painted with red spray paint. After it dries, we draw white circles on the red background, exactly like the spots on the fly agaric cap.

Next to the handsome fly agaric, you can place numerous other objects that help revive the composition and make it complete

The stump also needs to be painted white. It would be nice to draw a cheerful grinning face on it. But here it’s up to your imagination to tell you. All that remains is to put a smart hat on your leg and boldly declare that the fly agaric is ready! By the way, you don’t have to make a fly agaric. It could also be a white mushroom. The fly agaric just looks more elegant.

To complete the picture, we suggest that you place pebbles, for example green, at the foot of your mushroom. They, like a picture frame, will create an edge to your work. However, you can do without them.

These porcini mushrooms are also made from stumps, only in a completely different way: both the stem and the cap of the mushroom are cut from the wood of the stump itself and painted in the appropriate colors

Option #3 – fairytale tower

If a person is not deprived of imagination, then even from a dry stump he is able to make a whole work of art - a fairy-tale castle or mansion inhabited by the most amazing fairy-tale characters. Such a craft can become a source of pride for the owner of the site if you work on it with all your heart.

A nice house made in Japanese style, complemented by a small hut, most likely intended for holding a traditional tea ceremony

The stump itself can serve as the main part of the castle, onto which all additional decor will be attached. In order not to miss anything, we suggest making a sketch of the future structure and subsequently trying to follow it.

Decorating parts can be cut from a piece of fiberboard or plywood. They should be attached to the stump using self-tapping screws. All components must be impregnated to protect them from rotting. In addition, they can be painted in the desired color.

This material on creating crafts from plywood for garden decoration may also be useful:

Such a cute house with figures will really appeal to children, who will undoubtedly immediately adapt it for their fun games

Sometimes in the trunk of a dry tree, very low from the surface of the earth, there are hollows and growths. All these details, despite their natural origin, are easily used in the composition. For example, small toy ladders with funny gnomes on them can hang from a hollow. And on the growth you can place a toy piano with a squirrel pianist.

Don't forget to pay attention to the roof of the structure. An old leaky bucket will do just fine for her. By the way, artificial or live plants coming out of a hole in the roof of such a structure will look very attractive.

This video is dedicated to a variety of characters made from tree stumps:

Idea #4 – decorate the stump with flowers in pots

We have already told you how you can decorate a stump with flowers that are grown in it, but there is another option for this decoration. If there are several branches left on the stump, you can hang the same flowers on them, but grown in pots. They can look very impressive.

Even if there are no branches, a flower pot can be placed on or around the stump itself, creating a special aura of flowering and ongoing life. Stumps look great as a decorative stand for flower pots with plants, if they are thoroughly sanded, allowing the wood to show its texture.

Despite the simplicity of this composition, it looks very impressive and distinctly rustic: it is perfect for country style

But we should not forget that a tree located in an open area needs protection - impregnations that will resist rotting.

Idea #5 – garden sculptures

Anyone can create garden figurines from stumps, but real artists end up with wonderful works of art that amaze with their realism. If you are driven by the desire to simply decorate your area, then you can create a simple image that does not require special skills.

Of course, this magnificent deer calling out in the spring forest was skillfully carved from an ordinary stump by a high-level professional

Making a simple figurine from a stump is not at all difficult. Those who made snowmen in childhood can apply their accumulated experience in this case. The role of hands will be played by twigs, instead of the nose and mouth we will attach twigs, Eyes can be made from brown bottoms from plastic bottles. The role of the pupil will be played by the cork from the same bottles.

All this is attached to the stump with self-tapping screws. On the horizontal surface of the cut, you can simply lay out pine cones, which will imitate hair. This garden guard, which we whipped up, is ready.

But any schoolchild can make such a funny guard for a dacha, and this is precisely why such a garden sculpture is valued

If it happened that you had to cut down a whole row of country trees, do not be sad. This situation also has its positive side. But you now have a large number of stumps located close to each other. And this is not bad at all. Make them into a fairyland for your children, putting into practice all the information that you have already received in this article.

It will be just a wonderful place to play. First you have to clear each stump of bark. For this you will need a chisel and a hammer. The chisel must be inserted between the bark and the tree trunk, then gently tap it with a hammer. The bark will move away from the trunk and soon the stump will completely lose it. Now it can be thoroughly sanded using medium-grit sandpaper for this purpose.

Such an owl could easily become the companion of Baba Yaga herself and settle in her hut, flying out from time to time to hunt

Be sure to remove wood dust formed during work with a damp cloth. The wood prepared in this way should be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect it from rotting.

Now you can start decorating the stump. Let's choose a large stump to turn it into Baba Yaga's real house. Let's take chalk and outline the location of the future windows and doors of the grandmother's hut. Recesses in wood for doors and windows can be made using a chisel and hammer.

We will need pieces of boards from which we will make doors and window shutters. These parts of the future structure can be painted right now, while they are not yet nailed into place. Doors and shutters should be nailed to the places marked on the stump using nails whose heads have been bitten off. When finishing decorating the hut, you can collect branches and driftwood of unusual shapes from the area to stick them around Baba Yaga’s house. Let them portray dense years.

On smaller stumps you can depict heroes of a variety of folk tales or funny cartoon characters. You can decorate these stumps and draw your intended characters on them using paints for outdoor work. The images outside will wonderfully complement the flowers planted directly inside the stumps. How to do this was described in detail at the beginning of the article. You can limit yourself to pots with plants.

Another wonderful composition, made by a professional artist and sculptor, creates a great mood inherent in a small fairy-tale corner of your garden

We'll turn a couple more stumps into children's chairs. To do this, we won’t even cut out the massive back. If you have old chairs, use their backs for this job. They should be carefully freed from varnish, and then, using ordinary nails, nailed to the stump seats. All that remains is to paint the finished chairs in bright colors that children will definitely like.

Simply turn the small remaining stumps into a flock of fly agarics, using bowls or basins of the appropriate size as their caps. Now you know exactly how such fly agarics can be made. That's it, the improvisation on the theme of the fairy tale is ready.

Idea #6 – “green monster”

Another idea on how to refine a stump may also interest you. For this purpose, you need a hefty stump with a powerful root system, which is hidden in a shady place. If you have one on your site, you can consider yourself lucky.

A large stump covered in moss looks mysterious, as if it came straight into your garden from Twilight or some other saga

Buy a variety of moss suitable for your climate at the store. You need to plant moss on a stump. To get it to work, you will have to spray it with water periodically. Now it is important that the moss grows. When this happens, you will be able to fully appreciate the enormity of the resulting creation.

Even if you don’t have your own dacha, then perhaps you were visiting friends or went out of town to visit relatives. And almost always in their garden you can find simple crafts made from stumps and driftwood. Whether they are complex or not, they all give the garden and country house a special charm and individuality of the owners of this land.

Such crafts delicately draw our attention to ordinary things around us - if you know how to work with wood, you can make wonderful garden furniture for the garden and your home from wood cuts.

All life in the country is centered around nature, so it’s natural that we try to make the most of natural materials and textures, such as saw cuts from old trees or driftwood.

Furniture, figurines made from waste wood - all this will give your garden a special charm and warmth.

Simple crafts made from stumps can decorate your garden not only in summer, but also in winter. We will tell you how to make such a funny deer later in this article.

Like this funny company can greet your guests who come to you to celebrate the New Year

Wood cuts and buttons can be used to make stylish and fashionable eco-toys.

You can make fun crafts from hemp with your children. This snowman is made from birch logs with a colorful addition made from the remains of an old sweater.

An old stump or thick log can become a magical candle if you add to it a “flame” made from a piece of metal and driven into the log with a sharp edge. You will get a completely functional lamp - you can place a thick candle behind the metal flame or, by making a recess in the log, install it behind it small capacity with a small candle.

The combination of natural wood color and bright Christmas decor gives a good result.

So, to make such a cheerful Snow Maiden you will not need a lot of time and large material costs. You can make a whole family of these funny figures with pleasure together with your children.

Beautiful crafts made from stumps in a wooden dacha look like a natural extension of the garden with its natural scents and harmonious colors.

A flowerbed in a stump will create a special atmosphere in the garden, and you will not have to uproot a large stump in your garden plot.

The combination of the beautiful natural structure of wood and its skillful processing can create amazingly beautiful things.

DIY crafts from hemp. Bambi the fawn.

Let your garden crafts tell a story. Choose for yourself what your personal story will be, and with the help of funny wooden figurines give your garden a special mood. You can make this cute little deer with your kids.

For this craft we will need a couple of stumps, thicker branches for the neck and legs, and thin branches for the horns. We took railway crutches for our feet, but not each of you has such “treasures”. Thick branches will completely replace them.

Use a carpentry bit to make a hole for the neck.

We strengthen the neck in the log with glue.

Use a smaller drill to make holes for the legs.