home · Lighting · Electric meters in SNT are placed on a pole. Is it possible to install an electric meter on a pole? Installing an electric meter on a pole in "snt"

Electric meters in SNT are placed on a pole. Is it possible to install an electric meter on a pole? Installing an electric meter on a pole in "snt"

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They are forced to take the electricity meter outside: is this legal?

Placing electricity meters on street poles is the main solution of some energy companies, whose representatives motivate it with more convenient conditions for checking them and taking readings.

Among other things, this is explained by the desire of organizations to make money on the error of meters (sometimes reaching 10 percent), which fail faster at temperatures below 0 degrees than ordinary household ones. This decision also plays into the hands of sales companies, whose services citizens are forced to turn to for repair, installation, resealing and reinstallation of equipment.

Against this background, residents are increasingly asking the question: are actions of this kind on the part of energy supply companies legal?

The answer is no, by law organizations are prohibited from forcing their clients to install meters outside their homes.

Attention! This measure contradicts the contents of the following legal acts:

  • clause 1.5.27 PUE (electrical installation rules). This act contains information that meters must be installed exclusively in areas suitable for Maintenance rooms with extremely low humidity levels and temperatures in winter not lower than zero degrees. Placing the meter outside the house is fraught with detrimental consequences for the device due to the impact of climatic conditions on it;
  • clause 1.5.27 PUE (electrical installation rules). This act establishes a kind of ceiling, above which the meter cannot be installed: the acceptable level varies from 0.4 m to 1.7 m. Advice from energy company employees on placing electricity meters at higher levels high level not only goes against the contents of this legal act, but also causes great harm individuals, unable as a result to normally take readings from the device;
  • clause 1.5.27 PUE (electrical installation rules). Each owner is responsible for the safety and normal functionality of his property, however, in the context of the company’s requirements for placing meters on the street, this responsibility is impossible. Any random passerby can affect performance street meter up to its complete destruction, which is often used by vandals and hooligans.

The company's clients have the right to write an official refusal and demand the right to place an electricity meter at home. However, this right may be revoked if the decision to install the device is outside home premises was adopted at the general meeting of SNT.

Who has the right to install a meter on a street pole?

Installing an electricity meter on a street pole is a task that any competent worker can handle, but must be used to connect the electricity qualified assistance a company representative with appropriate authority and skills.

Even at the planning stage of the procedure, the assistance of a special electric network employee should be assumed exclusively.

Provided that the meter is installed outside the home by employees of the energy company, no claims can be made against the client.

Before this, the relevant documents must be verified, the contents of which indicate the boundary of division of balance sheet ownership, coupled with the conditions for the placement of an individual device.

If the house is private property, the boundary of the balance sheet is not at home, but on the street. In this case, only existing documents can indicate the location of the meter. The procedure is possible only with the consent of the owner of private property.

Where is the best place to install an electric meter on the street?

Installation of an electricity meter on a support, pole and/or facade of a building is appropriate on the territory of a cottage or country property.

Notice! Here is a list of conditional standards for placing the meter on the street and parameters for attaching the suspension line:

  • 25 meters or less - this should be the distance from the mounting post for the introductory module. In places of constant movement Vehicle the lowest attachment point should be located at a height of 6 meters, above pedestrian paths - three meters;
  • 2.75 m or more - this should be the height of the lowest point where the wires are attached to the building.

Without appropriate permission from the energy supply company, the placement of a metering device is strictly prohibited. In this case, the work must be carried out by a specialist with a genuine license.

The connection occurs by attaching wires from the building to the support site. Malware protection external factors provided with external insulation.

Boxes serving as cases for energy reading devices must be made of metal or plastic materials. The pipe through which they must pass electric wires, must also consist of metal. In order to reduce the likelihood of electric shock to a person, a structure made of metal is connected to a grounding circuit.

Please note! The location of the meter should be a pole securely fixed to the location. Installing the counter on front part building provides the same standards for performing the procedure as when attaching to a classic support. A mandatory aspect is the appropriate permission from representatives of the organization.

Which electric meter to choose

On store shelves you can find special Appliances energy metering devices designed for placement on street poles. Due to other work criteria, they are not subject to temperature fluctuations, as a result of which the possibility of any error is excluded.

They are both single- and three-phase, single- and multi-tariff; street meters have different power levels.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

Without calculating the power of all electrical appliances, it is impossible to determine the power of a particular meter. If the total power is less than 10 kW, you need to choose a meter with a power of about 60 A, more - more than 100 A, class not lower than 2.0.

Today, active production of equipment capable of withstanding low temperatures is underway.

When purchasing an installation box, do not forget to pay attention to the degree of its tightness; the presence of heating is not mandatory.

The moisture-resistant box must have a degree of protection of at least IP53-IP54.

We should not forget that there is a connection between the shape of the box and the design of the device.

Normal readings are impossible without a window on the door.

The single-phase meter will become ideal option subject to placement on the street in the territory of a dacha complex or small house, a three-phase meter is more suitable for a building with many luxurious frills.

The last point presupposes proper connection and distribution of electricity to all areas. Electric meters have a great advantage over induction meters due to their higher accuracy. In this case, the meter readings remain at the same level throughout the entire time the device is used.

When selecting the type of device mounting, it is better to give preference to a DIN rail because of its versatility. The presence of the seal and the inspection date should be decisive factors in deciding whether to purchase a meter. If no more than two years have passed since the last inspection of the device for single-phase and one year for three-phase, then the purchase of such equipment does not promise problems in the future.

Watch the video. Residents are forced to take meters outside:

Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE)

If there is no such border (as on SNT lands), it should be located near the garden plot. This measure will help eliminate the possibility of electricity theft by unreliable customers.

Step-by-step instructions for installing an electric meter

First of all, to successfully place a metering device, you need to call a qualified specialist.

Step 1. Submitting an application to the energy company

There's preparation going on necessary documentation, agreement, an account for energy expenses is assigned. After this, the client receives a package of technical documents.

Attention! Their contents should include:

  • counter type;
  • input protection circuit breaker;
  • wire cross-section and footage;
  • name of the installation panel (box).

Step 2. Installation of the meter

After completing the documentation procedure, the consumer can begin installing the equipment. It is recommended to stock up in advance necessary materials and auxiliary tools.

You need to take an external distribution box and secure it to a street pole or other support; in it you can find everything you need for successful installation of the meter.

Notice! Independent mounting of the reading device requires compliance with the following rules:

  • de-energizing before starting the work process;
  • The height of the counter should vary from 0.8 m to 1.7 m;
  • if at a temperature below 5 degrees the meter readings do not correspond to reality, the client is recommended to purchase a special shield to protect against temperature fluctuations;
  • entrance electrical circuit connects to the line circuit breaker and then to the meter;
  • Protective grounding is required for installation. In case of phase imbalance or short circuit electronics in the house are not subject to negative influences;
  • connection is made to the input device;
  • the meter must be located at a distance of at least a meter from the gas pipeline and water supply line;
  • perform a test run.

Step 3. Submitting an application to put the device into operation

The documentation is drawn up with the direct participation of the client at the office of the energy company.
An option is to send registered letter with appropriate notice.

This should include the following information:

  • consumer's passport data;
  • account (agreement) number;
  • consumer contact details;
  • client signature and date of registration.

Step 4. Recording the fact of checking the device and its subsequent sealing

The company agent is responsible for completing the documentation. The contents of the act reflect information about the placement service and technical processing devices to the client. The date entered in the protocol is considered the starting point for subsequent payment.

Please note that when installing the device for the first time, the sealing process is free of charge.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed application form for commissioning an electric meter:

Who pays for installation

In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 “On the functioning of retail markets electrical energy, complete and (or) partial limitation of the mode of consumption of electrical energy” in paragraph 1.8. it is stated that “... actions for putting metering devices into operation, for installing seals and (or) visual control signs upon completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation, for taking and providing readings from metering devices are carried out by them without charging a fee for their commission, unless otherwise not expressly stated herein."

In our SNT, the board forces summer residents to hang on street poles electricity meters. Claims that such a decision was made at a general meeting. But they held this meeting in secret; there were about ten people in it. Now some gardeners have paid for the meters (and a lot!), but some refuse - after all, they are already installed in their houses. For example, we come only a few times a season and pay regularly. Why do we need another counter?

Vladimir, Ryazan region

Yuri Volokhov, lawyer and summer resident, answers:

You write that you are coming to garden plot only a few times per season. And, as you can understand, you pay for electricity no more often than you visit your dacha. And if, for example, you don’t come in winter, then autumn months don't pay right away. This means that you do not pay for electricity regularly.

Meanwhile, SNT is obliged to pay for electricity monthly. The fact is that the energy supply company supplies electricity to the border of SNT, where a common meter is installed, according to which calculations are carried out. The total amount also includes consumption at the facilities common use, and unaccounted for (often stolen) electricity, and technical losses. And if individual gardeners also pay for light from time to time, then SNT falls into difficult situation– we have to find funds to pay for electricity from other sources.

This is one of the reasons prompting the management of the gardening association to oblige gardeners to install additional electricity meters outside the houses. After all, it is much easier to control electricity consumption and timely payment for this public services. And of course, check whether SNT members are stealing electricity. So a similar solution general meeting members of the SNT may be completely justified. And if it is adopted by a majority of votes (if there is a quorum), then all gardeners are obliged to comply with it.

It’s another matter if the general meeting of SNT members was held in violation of legal requirements. But, as can be seen from the letter, the author does not have accurate information about how many members of the association were present at the meeting and, accordingly, whether the decisions taken at it were legal. You can only figure this out on the spot by looking at the minutes of the meeting. And, if violations are discovered, you can appeal the actions of the board in court. The court has the right to recognize the decisions of the general meeting of SNT members as invalid and cancel them.

Is it possible to leave SNT and what are the consequences?

– In accordance with clause 9 of part 1 of article 19 Federal Law dated April 15, 1998 No. 66?FZ “On gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”, a member of a gardening, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association has the right to voluntarily leave such an association. At the same time, the use engineering networks, roads, and other property of SNT and its operation will be carried out on the basis of an agreement on the procedure for using the specified property, which is concluded directly with the dacha association.

Thus, if a member leaves SNT, an agreement is concluded with him on the procedure for using common property, and other members of the SNT will not have the right to prohibit him from using water supply, electricity or other elements of infrastructure.

How to go through the process of leaving a partnership? In accordance with clause 1 of part 1 of Art. 21 of the Federal Law of April 15, 1998 No. 66?FZ “On gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”, issues related to the admission of citizens to membership in the SNT and exclusion from it fall within the exclusive competence of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations (meetings of authorized representatives). The management of the current activities of the partnership is carried out by the board (Article 22 of this law).

Thus, a gardener who wishes to terminate his membership in SNT must submit a corresponding application to the board. Then your question will be considered at the next general meeting of the partnership.

Andrey Yurtin, lawyer.

Any power supply organization is commercial organization, whose main task is to sell electricity to consumers. The stumbling block between consumers and suppliers is always accounting, but the legislation regulates consumer rights quite precisely. We just have to figure it out - installation of an electric meter on a pole and price for this service - is this the “want” of the electricity supplier or his right?

Specialists of 10 Kilovolt LLC are ready to provide any services related to connecting electricity. Professional level our specialists are confirmed by a leader’s license Russian manufacturer electricity meters of LLC NPK Incotex and permits from supervisory authorities.

Price list for installation (replacement) and reprogramming of electricity meters
Job title Unit change Price, rub.)
1 Replacement (installation and dismantling) of a single-phase electric meter (single-tariff, multi-tariff) PC. 2000
2 Replacement (installation and dismantling) of a three-phase electric meter (direct or indirect) PC. 3500
3 Installation and replacement of current transformers in metering and protection circuits (up to 1000 V) PC. 3200
4 Programming a tariff schedule or switching to winter/summer time PC. 1000
5 Mercury 200.02 (single-phase, multi-tariff) PC. 1800
6 Mercury 230 ART-01CN (direct connection) PC. 4700

From the point of view of legislation, there is a zone of delineation of balance sheet ownership. If the meter is installed in an area whose balance sheet is under the control of the consumer, then according to the Civil Code, the burden of maintaining the meter (safety, operability, replacement or repair) remains with the owner.

The supplier has the right to do anything on its balance sheet - without limiting the rights of the consumer, however, in this case, the electricity seller is obliged to be responsible for his property. This means that in the event of theft or breakdown of an electricity meter, it is the supplier who bears the burden of maintaining it and pays for all work to restore the electricity meter.

Installing an electric meter on poles in SNT

But even in this case, the electricity supplier violates the law. The fact is that electric meter must be located in places accessible for its maintenance: the consumer must be able to take readings. Secondly, the electricity meter must be installed in a dry room, where there is no exposure to aggressive environments, and operated at a positive temperature.

Placement of the electric meter in unheated rooms is allowed (for example, in distribution devices power plants or substations, outdoor cabinets, etc.), however, the supplier is obliged to provide permanent insulation of electricity metering devices to ensure their operation in the positive temperature range. Thus, installing the electric meter on a pole at a height at which the consumer is not able to control its readings (often the supplier motivates the high-altitude installation of the meter with protection against theft) is illegal. It’s another matter if the consumer also has a metering device in his house, and he pays the electricity supply organization according to its readings, on the basis of an agreement. In this case, the supplier-consumer relationship is determined solely on the basis of the contract.

Our company carries out different kinds electrical installation work- from design to installation and commissioning works. Installation of wiring, replacement of an electric meter in a private house, installation of an electric meter in the country: multi-tariff or the simplest, single-phase - possible for both organizations and individuals. At the same time, we offer the most competitive prices for installing an electric meter on a pole in SNT. We must not forget that the importance of accurately calculating the electrical wiring load, correct installation and compliance with all rules is the key to safety. Work done unprofessionally can be very expensive.

You can find out how much it costs to install an electric meter in a private home by calling the company. Contact our specialists for help and your electrical equipment will operate in strict accordance with the rules.


The actions are illegal, you can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office. There are rules for installing meters.

“Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE). Sixth edition"
(approved by the Main Technical Directorate, Gosenergonadzor of the USSR Ministry of Energy on 10/05/1979)
(ed. dated June 20, 2003)
1.5.11. Calculated active electricity meters at a substation owned by a consumer must be installed:
1) at the input (receiving end) of the power line to the consumer substation in accordance with 1.5.10 in the absence of electrical connection with another power system substation or another consumer at the supply voltage;
1.5.13. Each installed settlement meter must have seals with the state verifier's mark on the screws securing the meter casing, and on the clamping cover - a seal from the energy supply organization.
On newly installed three-phase meters there must be fillings state verification with a prescription of no more than 12 months, and on single-phase meters - with a prescription of no more than 2 years.
1.5.14. Accounting for active and reactive electricity three-phase current must be done using three-phase meters.
1.5.27. Meters should be located in dry rooms that are easily accessible for maintenance, in a place that is sufficiently free and not cramped for work with a temperature of winter time not lower than 0 degrees. C.
It is allowed to place meters in unheated rooms and corridors of switchgears of power plants and substations, as well as in outdoor cabinets. At the same time, provision should be made for their stationary insulation for the winter through insulating cabinets, hoods with heated air inside them electric lamp or heating element to ensure a positive temperature inside the hood, but not higher than +20 degrees. C.
1.5.29. Meters must be installed in cabinets, chambers of complete switchgears (KRU, KRUN), on panels, switchboards, in niches, on walls with a rigid structure.
It is allowed to mount meters on wooden, plastic or metal panels.
The height from the floor to the meter terminal box must be within 0.8 - 1.7 m. A height of less than 0.8 m is allowed, but not less than 0.4 m.
1.5.30. In places where there is a danger of mechanical damage to meters or their contamination, or in places accessible to unauthorized persons (passages, staircases etc.), a locked cabinet with a window at dial level should be provided for meters. Similar cabinets should also be installed for the joint placement of meters and current transformers when performing metering on the low voltage side (at the consumer input)

Supreme Court Russian Federation supported the position of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Saratov Region in relation to the energy supply organization OJSC Oblkommunenergo. OJSC "Oblkommunenergo" was found guilty of abuse of a dominant position (Part 1 of Article 10 of the Law "On Protection of Competition")

Requirement to move the meter to the façade of a building or to a support in violation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation deprive the consumer of the right and opportunity to bear the burden of maintaining their property, since not only employees of the energy supply organization, but also third parties will have unhindered access to the electricity meter.

Regulatory requirements in the Russian Federation for the installation of low-voltage equipment and specifically electricity consumption meters (electricity meters) are regulated Electrical Installation Rules (PUE) 7th edition from 2002 and GOST R 51321.5-2011 "Complete low-voltage distribution and control devices."

Scheme No. 1 General requirements To outdoor installation electricity meters on poles (supports).

Where and how should electricity meters (metering devices) be placed?

PUE-7 clause 1.5.27. Meters must be located in dry rooms that are easily accessible for maintenance, in a place that is sufficiently free and not cramped for work, with a temperature in winter not lower than 0°C. It is allowed to place meters in unheated rooms and corridors of switchgears of power plants and substations, as well as in outdoor cabinets. In this case, provision should be made for their stationary insulation for the winter through insulating cabinets, hoods with heated air inside them with an electric lamp or heating element to ensure a positive temperature inside the hood, but not higher than +20°C.

PUE-7 clause 1.5.29. Meters must be installed in cabinets, chambers of complete switchgears (KRU, KRUN), on panels, switchboards, in niches, on walls with a rigid structure. It is allowed to mount meters on wooden, plastic or metal panels. The height from the floor to the meter terminal box should be within 0.8-1.7 m. A height of less than 0.8 m is allowed, but not less than 0.4 m.

GOST R 51321.5-2011 Complete low-voltage distribution and control devices. Part 5. Additional requirements for low-voltage complete devices intended for outdoor installation in publicly accessible places (distribution cabinets)
7.2 Enclosure and degree of protection The shell of the ShRKP, fully assembled according to the manufacturer’s instructions, must have a degree of protection of at least IP34D according to GOST 14254. The degree of protection against the penetration of liquids IP X4 (second digit in the index) means that the cabinet, box or panel for installing the meter on a pole must be protected from liquid splashes in all directions.

PUE-7 clause 1.5.30. In places where there is a danger of mechanical damage to meters or their contamination, or in places accessible to unauthorized persons (passages, staircases, etc.), a locked cabinet with a window at dial level should be provided for meters. Similar cabinets should also be installed to co-locate meters and current transformers when performing metering on the low voltage side (at the consumer input).

PUE-7 clause 1.5.36. For safe installation and replacement of meters in networks with voltages up to 380 V, it must be provided possibility to disable the counter installed at a distance of no more than 10 m switching device or fuses. Stress relief must be provided from all phases, connected to the counter.

How should the cables connected to the electricity meter be protected?

PUE-7 clause 2.1.47. In places where possible mechanical damage electrical wiring, openly laid wires and cables must be protected from them by their protective shells, and if such shells are missing or are not sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress, by pipes, ducts, fences or by using hidden electrical wiring.

Who pays for the installation of electricity meters (metering devices)?

In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442“On the functioning of retail electricity markets, full and (or) partial restrictions on the mode of consumption of electrical energy” in paragraph 1. 8. it is stated that "... actions to put metering devices into operation, to install seals and (or) visual control signs upon completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation, to take and provide readings from metering devices are carried out by them without charging a fee for completing them, unless otherwise expressly stated herein."

Usually in gardening, the simplest electricity meters, such as Neva, are installed on poles. The meters are designed for indoor use. Unfortunately, Neva meters have a degree of protection against liquids IPХ0, which means there is no protection against liquid penetration. Meanwhile, electrical equipment, installed on outdoors must have a degree of protection against penetration of liquids of at least IPX4 (clause of GOST R 51321.5-2011).
Example correct installation an electricity consumption metering unit with a meter and an automatic device that ensures its shutdown during maintenance or replacement. All cables are enclosed in protective corrugated channels. Grounding is not required for a plastic cabinet. This is how meters are installed in Novgorod. If the meter is installed on a pole in metal cabinet, then it must be grounded. This is how meters are installed on poles in the Pskov region.
An example of a housing for installing a meter on a pole for 1,300 rubles. Almost correct installation meters on poles: a special dust and moisture-proof housing with IP 54 is used. However, protection is not provided electrical cables There are corrugated channels in the contact areas and there is no crimp sealing of the inputs into the housing, which reduces the degree of protection against liquid penetration.
The counters on poles in backward African third world countries look something like this. What to do: technical illiteracy is also illiteracy in Africa. Requirements for external installation of Neva meters are described in the product data sheet: When installed outdoors, meters must be placed in closed cabinets with degree of protection IP54. Gentlemen (comrades) chairmen of gardening! Can you read?
These are the kind of panels that are used to install counters on poles in our gardening to save money. The degree of protection of such a shield for the meter is IP40. The number “zero” means that there is NO protection against the penetration of liquids in such a shield.
An IP40 shield with a meter installed on a pole: the gaps in the housing are visible, allowing free penetration of precipitation into the interior. There is no sealing of the cable entry into the shield, there is no cable protection with a corrugated channel.
How to temporarily protect such illiterately installed panels with meters on poles from water ingress until the panels, at your request or as prescribed by Rostekhnadzor, are replaced with ones with an adequate degree of protection IP 54? It is necessary to seal the cracks in the shield body using self-adhesive bitumen-polymer tape Onduband. 10 meters of such tape costs 300 rubles. The tape has excellent adhesion and is resistant to UV rays. You can also install a canopy over the shield with a meter on a pole to remove precipitation.
In civilized countries, where everything is thought out in advance at the design stage, meters are located on the outer perimeter of the household for free access by employees of the energy supply company. In this case, electricity meters can be installed in the wall of a building or in the fence of a site in shields protected from the influence of natural factors and vandals, as, for example, is done in Spain.

Electricity supply organizations and all kinds of property owners' associations (SNT, DNT) in Lately As part of the fight against unaccounted consumption of electricity (the qualification “theft” is not applicable to electricity, since electricity does not have such a feature necessary for committing theft as “materiality”), they began to massively impose requirements for the installation of control or settlement electricity meters on poles (electricity poles). networks) or on building facades. The impetus for the decision to install electricity meters on poles was the release of Federal Law N 261-FZ of November 23, 2009. "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation". Article 13.6 FZ-261 "Ensuring accounting of used energy resources and the use of metering devices for used energy resources when making payments for energy resources" reads: Before July 1, 2012, owners of residential buildings put into operation on the day this Federal Law came into force, country houses or garden houses, which are united by organizations (associations) belonging to them or created by them shared networks engineering and technical support connected to electrical networks of centralized power supply, and (or) centralized heat supply systems, and (or) centralized water supply systems, and (or) other systems of centralized supply of energy resources, with the exception of centralized gas supply systems, are required to ensure the installation of collective ( on the border with centralized systems) metering devices used for water, thermal energy, electrical energy, as well as input installed devices accounting into operation. In this case, the location of installation of electricity meters in the PUE 7th edition (Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations) indicates the boundary of the balance sheet ownership of part of the electrical network: clause 1.5.6. It is recommended to install meters for calculating the electricity supply organization with electricity consumers at the boundary between the network (according to balance sheet ownership) of the electricity supply organization and the consumer. In gardening (SNT), most often there are no acts on the delimitation of the balance sheet ownership of individual and collective electrical installations; in most cases, such a boundary is conventionally considered to be one or another section of entry into the house. The boundary can be marked both on a pole (power line support) and along the facade of the building.

In the majority Western countries Electricity meters are installed in closed cabinets on the facade of the building or on the fence of the site. The main requirements for the installation of electricity meters: the ability to visually monitor the readings by both the owner and the controller, and, of course, to prevent the fire of the electricity metering unit and prevent damage electric shock of people.

Adopting foreign experience, domestic installers of electricity meters on poles and facades of buildings often forget or deliberately do not want to look into domestic regulations, where the requirements for the installation of electricity meters (low-voltage - up to 1000V equipment) are prescribed. As a result, home-grown electricity metering units with meters on poles or building facades begin to pose a danger both in terms of electric shock to people and in terms of fire safety. Although, for example, in the Pskov and Novgorod regions, meters on poles are installed in accordance with all norms and rules (with the exception, perhaps, of heating meters in winter. But the energy supplying organization itself suffers more from this, since in cold weather the meters account for 10-15% less electricity than was actually consumed).

Problems with unmetered electricity consumption in gardening partnerships (SNT).

In the majority gardening partnerships installation of electricity meters on poles is used as a measure to prevent unmetered electricity consumption. The practice of “collective farm” power supply to gardening partnerships, which has developed since Soviet-communist times, when gardening pays one at a time general counter electricity supply organization and then charges gardeners a fee for the electricity consumed, often leading to a situation where honest electricity consumers pay for the unaccounted electricity consumed by unscrupulous citizens in SNT. To search for "electricity thieves" in gardening, meters are placed on poles. By the way, yourself additional counters, increased number electrical connections in the gardening network, installation of additional circuit breakers causes losses in the horticulture network to increase.

It must be said that for gardening, a much more effective measure to prevent unmetered electricity consumption is for each gardener to enter into direct contracts with the electricity supply organization. In this case, the problem of non-payments will be dealt with by the ESO itself, and gardeners will not pay for electricity “for that guy.” However, the chairmen of gardening, most often having special interests of a material or non-material nature in controlling the power supply of gardeners and collecting money from them for consumed electricity, actively prevent SNT from switching to direct contracts and deliberately mislead gardeners by talking about the impossibility of concluding direct power supply contracts.

Meanwhile, the right to conclude direct contracts between ANY consumer and the guaranteeing electricity supplier (electricity supply organization) is guaranteed provisions of Chapter III. paragraphs 9 and 32 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442(hereinafter referred to as PP No. 442). The presence of horticulture (SNT) of its own electrical network is not an obstacle to the transfer of electricity to the gardener who has entered into a direct contract with the electricity supply organization for the consumption of electricity, since according to the provisions of Chapter I, paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 N 861 “On approval Rules for non-discriminatory access to services for the transmission of electrical energy and the provision of these services..." any owner of electrical networks (even SNT or a private individual) has no right to interfere with the transmission of electricity to the consumer or charge a fee for the transmission of electricity.

Actually according to points III. 69, 71, 72 Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 Citizens who are consumers of electrical energy can enter into a direct energy supply agreement between a guaranteeing supplier and a citizen by performing actions by this citizen, whose power receiving devices are located in the area of ​​activity of the guaranteeing supplier, indicating the beginning of his actual consumption of electrical energy. Availability of an energy supply agreement with a guaranteeing supplier confirmed by a document confirming payment by this citizen for the electricity consumed by him, which indicates the name and payment details of the supplier of last resort providing energy supply, the period for which the payment was made, and the address of the location of the energy receiving device for which the consumption of electrical energy is paid. In addition, at the request of a citizen, the last name, first name and patronymic of this citizen may be indicated in the document. In this case, the energy supply agreement with the guaranteeing supplier is considered concluded on the terms provided for in this document from the date corresponding to the start date of the period for which the citizen made the first payment for electricity to this guaranteeing supplier.

However, following the lead of the electricity monopolists, in 2015 the Government of the Russian Federation decided not to consider SNT members as independent legal entities in the Russian Federation and significantly complicated the process of concluding direct contracts and obtaining direct connections. From now on, every Russian gardener who wants to receive a direct contract with an electricity supply organization, or an increase in allocated power, must first of all get the board of their SNT to submit a corresponding application to the electricity supply organization. The Government of the Russian Federation has DENIED Russian gardeners from submitting such applications on their own.