home · Measurements · Fountain near the house. Do-it-yourself fountain in the garden - manufacturing technology. DIY decorative fountain in an apartment video

Fountain near the house. Do-it-yourself fountain in the garden - manufacturing technology. DIY decorative fountain in an apartment video

Whether it’s a hot afternoon or a warm summer evening, the play of silver streams of water in the fountain leaves no one indifferent, and their freshness and coolness do not let go for a long time. At the same time, practice shows that implementing the life-giving movement of water in your dacha is easier than it might seem. If you are already the happy owner of a pond in your yard, then the reason to equip a fountain is doubled.

Choosing the design and placement of a homemade fountain

Before you start arranging the fountain, you should think about ensuring that its appearance is in harmony with the design of your summer cottage, and its dimensions correspond to the size of your allotment.

How smaller area plot, the more modest the fountain should be. On the contrary, a large area allows for the implementation of an entire complex with sculptures, a stream and a waterfall.

A fountain with a sculptural composition will fit perfectly into a classic garden with a well-defined layout. ancient gods, animals and amphibians. It is most convenient to make such figures from artificial stone, that is, polymer concrete. The named material can withstand any frost.

Garden modern type will decorate a fountain made of glass and concrete, polymer materials and stone. A design of this type should be laconic, which will be emphasized by thin silver streams of water.

Country style landscape design will be supported by a composition consisting of large stones and wooden elements. In this case, a cart or a mill will serve as a successful addition to the design.

The factory-made floating fountain deserves special attention. It can be fixed in one place or another. In a large body of water, it is appropriate to place several torches of scattering water.

A great idea for creativity is floating fountains. The miracle of levitation is easy to implement with your own hands in your yard, if you pay attention that the supporting element and the supply tube of the structure are hidden in the stream of water. For example, a heavy stone can be imitated using plastic panels for finishing the facade, and support will be provided by a thin stainless steel tube.

An interesting effect can be obtained by directing two jets of water against each other. In this case, high precision and accuracy of the design are required.

If you don't like bathing in a barrel, you can put a dummy head and arms in there, and then release a stream of water from its mouth. People around you will definitely pay attention to such an unusual solution.

The trickles of water flowing down the glass look original. Obviously, such a product is subject to homemade craftsmen, but the holes for the outlet of water jets from the upper distribution tube must be made especially carefully.

You should take the choice of location for the fountain seriously. So, too close proximity of trees and bushes will lead to the appearance of leaves and debris in the water. In this case, the device filter will have to be replaced or cleaned frequently. Moreover, tree roots can destroy the reservoir bowl, leading to water leakage.

It is better if the sun visits the surface of the water half of the daylight hours. This lighting mode promotes optimal activity aquatic plants, which can also contaminate the device filter.

There is no need to take risks and mount the water decoration too close to the wall of the building. Otherwise, moisture can lead to destruction of both the foundation and the walls of the building. Another addition to the pond in the yard could be the arrangement of a stream and waterfall, as discussed in the article

Operating principle and types of fountains

Based on the pattern of movement and use of water, fountains are divided into closed and open type. In a closed system, the same water is used, which is pumped in a circle using a pump, but in an open version, the water is constantly renewed.

If we talk about economy and convenience, then it is better to choose a fountain closed type. Of course, you will still have to add water, but this can already be done as needed, for example, during evaporation or changed when dirty. This choice saves time, effort and money. Moreover, in any design, the essence of the work is that water under pressure is supplied to the nozzle and sprayed.

According to the water outlet scheme, we can distinguish cascade type, geyser, spray and bell options. The cascade fountain consists of several containers placed on different heights. In this case, water is supplied to the topmost of them, and then sequentially poured from the bowl above to the one below. In this design, the role of overflowing elements can be played by stones, pipes, jugs and anything that can withstand exposure to water.

A geyser is a natural source of water gushing out of the ground. Vertical jet fountains have a similar name. During operation, such a device creates a characteristic noise and moisturizes nearby plants and decor.

The sprayer can have many holes of different diameters and directions, which allows you to organize the movement of water in bizarre shapes. There are also nozzles that rotate under the influence of water, as is done in irrigation sprayers.

An elegant hemisphere of water or a bell is formed by attachments in the form of two parallel disks. A small water bell produces a gentle sound of water.

Necessary materials and equipment

Even if you create a small closed-type fountain, you will still need a storage reservoir and a pump. For smooth operation of the system, a filter must be installed, and a nozzle is required to spray water. You will probably want to decorate your own work with special lighting. There may be a need to stabilize the water flow and a receiver will be required.

Fountain pumps

Based on the principle of operation, units are divided into surface and submersible. A submersible pump is installed directly in the bowl, where it takes water and delivers it through a filter to the nozzle. This unit is characterized by ease of installation and small size. It is fixed on a small elevation in the center of the reservoir so that it does not capture sediments at the bottom.

Surface pump lasts longer and is easier to maintain. A similar unit is mounted outside the reservoir. In this case, the water is sucked by the pump through the filter and hose and supplied to the sprayer.

A 70 W pump will provide a jet lift height of up to 1.5 m. A convenient unit with the ability to adjust the water supply pressure is convenient. You can roughly select a pump using the table below.

Fountain pump selection table
Fountain typeMaximum lift of the fountain jet, mPump capacity, m3/hour
Geyser0,2 2
0,3 3
0,5 4
0,7 5
0,8 7
Hemisphere0,3 0,9
0,4 1,2
0,55 3
0,8 4
0,9 6
Cascade0,6 1
1 2
1,5 3
2 5
2,5 6
3 8

The water in a country fountain cannot remain clean by definition, so for normal operation The entire system will require a filter. An important design element is the nozzle, which determines the number, direction and shape of the fountain's jets.

Specialized stores sell pumps with built-in filters, as well as those equipped with replaceable nozzles. All you have to do is secure it in the container and fill it with water - the work has begun! Depending on the model, additional manipulations may be required, so please read the instructions first.

Power is an important factor that you should pay attention to, since it depends on the volume of the reservoir and determines the height of the fountain jet. The pumps operate on AC power.

Factory units are well sealed and safe, so connection is easy and simple.

If you want to save a little money, you should pay attention to conventional irrigation pumps. True, you will have to tinker a little with installation and buy a sand filter. In this design, the pump in electrical diagram its connections should be added circuit breaker and device protective shutdown to ensure proper security. A reliable solution is to use an isolation transformer that provides galvanic isolation of the power and consumption circuits.

Container for fountain bowl

The container for the bowl can be made with your own hands using film, cast from concrete, or purchased ready-made from plastic. In addition, the range of such products in trade is quite wide, and with small sizes their cost is low.

It is also possible to use various available materials. The containers of original and small fountain models can be selected and manufactured according to a variety of options.


Modern technologies make it possible to create stunning lighting for a fountain not only simply, but also safely. LEDs with a supply voltage of 12 - 24 V or lamps with batteries (power - solar energy) will come to the rescue. Suitable for illuminating a fountain LED Strip Light in a water-resistant design, as well as spotlights and special water lamps. They require a power supply with an output voltage of 12 or 24 V. The adapter can be purchased at the same place where the backlight is sold.

Correct lighting will make any fountain magical

Floodlights are attached to mounting brackets that are included in their design. The easiest way to do this is with self-tapping screws. It is better to secure the tape with a stapler, if the material of the fountain design allows it. In this case, the staples must be chosen wider than the tape: the integrity of the backlight and its tightness must not be violated. You can learn more about fountain lighting from the following video.

There are fountains without a pump

In the event that a fountain with a pump is not a suitable device, preference should be given to open view water supply. A water pipe with a tip on will provide a stream of a certain height without any pump. A well with a standard unit can also act as a source.

However, the water must still be discharged somewhere - for example, into a drainage well, river or pond. In this case, it is necessary to think about controlling the overflow of the bowl. The issue of water drainage is solved by using water from a vessel for irrigation. Of course, water heated under the sun is beneficial for plants, only with this option the operation of the fountain will be linked to the irrigation time, which will not suit everyone. The positive thing is that in this way it is possible to create a fountain without a pump.

You can consider the following option: the container, which in this case will play the role of a receiver, is installed at a height of at least 3 meters to ensure an acceptable and constant jet height. If you place the container at an elevation of 0.5-1 m, you will get a fountain-stream with a slow flow of water. However, you will still have to supply water to it.

Otherwise, you will have to collect water from a container located under the fountain using a submersible pump and send it through the hose back to the reservoir. A submersible pump is inexpensive, but a filter will be required in the system. To camouflage the equipment, a pit should be constructed. To prevent the storage bowl from overflowing, you can install a water level control valve at the inlet of the container - the simplest one from a toilet tank will do.

Practical fountain diagrams

When implementing an original idea, it is useful to show imagination, and this applies not only to the functional side of the fountain, but also to its appearance. Below we will look at the decor, design, layout, diagrams and photos of several practical options that will help you create your own unique work.

An original and simple fountain made of stones

A very simple and very interesting fountain can be assembled from stones. To do this you need to stock up on the following:

  • a small submersible fountain pump;
  • a plastic container measuring approximately 30x30x30 cm;
  • pebbles and flat stones;
  • three moisture-resistant bricks;
  • a metal-plastic tube about 70 cm long.

The container for the device must be selected so that it can accommodate three bricks installed on a small edge, and their upper plane should be slightly lower than the edge of the bowl. The diameter of the tube is selected so that it fits well on the protruding pipe of the pump. In this case, the excess gap between it and the tube can be eliminated by wrapping PVC electrical tape. The pump is installed in the center of the tank.

Now you can pour water and test the functionality of the fountain. The next step is to select and prepare the stones. The lowest of them should fit in the bowl and rest on the bricks, the size of the others can be successively reduced. Flat stones should be drilled through the center with a concrete drill, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the water pipe. It is more convenient to perform drilling on a machine, but if it is not available, you will have to use a hammer drill.

We put the first stone on the tube and lay it on the bricks. We will decorate the base of the structure with pebbles, filling all the free space of the reservoir with it. We stack the remaining stones sequentially on top of each other, placing them on the protruding part of the tube. Now you can cut off its protruding part with a hacksaw. All that remains is to choose a place for the craft and turn on the pump.

The fountain in the garden made of larger stones has a slightly more complex design. To arrange it, you first need to dig a hole slightly larger than the selected container. The size of the bowl is selected so that it is guaranteed to collect water from a hill of stones of the planned dimensions. It is more convenient to level the bottom of the hole with sand, which is compacted. After installing the bowl, it is also better to fill the remaining gaps with sand and then compact it.

A pump with a tube attached to it is installed at the bottom of the bowl. For a fountain made of large and heavy stones, it is better to use a copper tube. You can add water and test the pump. The top of the container is covered with a stainless steel mesh with a fine mesh, and then stacked wooden blocks as a support for stones. Perhaps it will be more convenient and reliable to first lay several pieces of reinforcement, and then lay the mesh over them. The grid cells should not allow pebbles of the selected size to pass through.

The stones should be drilled in the center and placed sequentially on the tube. The mesh around the stones is covered with pebbles. The surrounding space can be decorated with plants and LED lights. Turn on the pump and enjoy! Don’t forget to add water to the fountain as it evaporates.

Japanese style bamboo fountain

It’s not difficult to build mini-fountains with your own hands according to the same scheme as all the others. The only difference is the low-power pump. It is quite possible to use even an aquarium pump, and aeration is not needed. A nice feature: the small pump makes virtually no noise.

To assemble the presented model, you need to purchase decorative bamboo shoots and a bamboo stick about 0.7 m long (these are used to support plants) in a store for summer residents. In addition, a small vessel and a number of small stones will be useful. It is better to use a ceramic or plastic container without drainage holes. Next we follow the instructions:

  1. First, cut the bamboo stick into three parts different lengths, the largest of which will be 35 cm. Each segment must have one oblique cut, and the second straight. The lower end of the longest bamboo tube should be 0.5 cm below the “joint”, then it will fit well onto the outlet pipe of the pump. It is most convenient to cut with a hacksaw for metal.
  2. Now we put the longest piece on the pump outlet and install the last one in the container. In another part of the flowerpot we place decorative bamboo shoots and fill the free space with small pebbles.
  3. We secure the two remaining pieces of bamboo stick with twine to the piece protruding from the pebbles. Now you can add water and turn on the pump.

Small pump

Instead of decorative shoots, you can also place a living plant. In this case, you should divide the bowl with a plastic partition into 2 zones. One half needs to be filled with soil and a moisture-loving plant should be planted. Moreover, instead of a partition, it is allowed to use a separate pot of earth, which will be placed in a common container. The second zone will become the reservoir for the pump.

Now it is necessary to properly organize filtration, since the water will initially be very dirty. A multi-stage filter is the solution to the problem. It is necessary to insert sequentially into each other glasses made of filter materials with different permeability: first - wire or plastic mesh, then a fabric filter with a finer structure, and inside this combination there is a small pump.

In Japan, bamboo is used to organize fountains of various designs. Above is a diagram of arranging a fountain in the ground using this material. As you can see, it is quite simple to repeat. Below are several options for fountain designs using bamboo. Obviously, after studying the presented crafts, it will not be difficult to design and implement your own version.

Pebble fountain

It’s easy to create an original “dry” fountain in your own yard if you disguise the container with small pebbles. First you need to purchase a small round plastic bowl and follow the instructions:

Fountain on the wall

The option looks original when water flows out of the wall and flows into the bowl. This is a common version of a fountain, and bringing such a design to life is not so difficult. Of course, a pump is hidden in the lower bowl, from where it supplies water through a hose to the spout point.

To prevent the pump from floating, it is important to secure it well. In this situation, it is convenient to “ground” the device using a heavy stone load. When purchasing a unit, think in advance about possible option pump installation. Since water is constantly near the wall, it is imperative to consider waterproofing. A hydrophobic composition for covering a wall is the right solution, and it is better to choose an option that will not change the color of the surface.

From a design point of view, there is another interesting option: water flows down a perfectly flat horizontal surface. If you can choose a bowl with similar properties, you will get a wonderful decorative effect.

Cascade fountain

When choosing the type of fountain for your home or cottage, be sure to pay attention to the cascade type with iridescent streams of water. The idea is that water will flow sequentially from one container to the next below. Anything can be used as a container. So, for example, it could be a fountain made of watering cans - then there will not even be one trickle, but several. You can also grab a few buckets, teapots with spouts, or even garden carts.

The simplest bottle fountain

Plastic fountain - simplest design, which is easy to handle with your own hands. We thoroughly wash a plastic bottle with a volume of 1-2 liters and remove the label from it. Next, we take a metal wire with a diameter of 1-2 mm and pierce holes in the bottle with a heated end (for example, over a candle or lighter). Keep in mind that water will then spray out of these holes.

To connect to the irrigation hose, the end of the bottle neck is first sawn through with a hacksaw to a depth of 10 mm in several places where there is no thread. The next step: the hose is inserted into the neck of the bottle and secured with a clamp so that it does not come off under the pressure of water.

The fountain at the dacha was made with your own hands, all that remains is to find a suitable place for it. Through the hose, water enters the bottle, fills it and pours out in the form of beautiful streams out through the holes. This is the simplest and cheapest fountain option.

Such fountains in a summer cottage can be used not only for beauty, but also for watering the garden plot. In this case, the holes will need to be made evenly throughout the entire body so that the resulting atomizer is obtained. Another good idea is Summer shower. Hang your homemade fountain on a tree or attach it to a wall. The refreshing design is ready.

You can combine beauty and benefit in your dacha by making a mini-fountain in a flowerbed. Make holes in one place and place plastic bottle between flowers and plants. Additionally, you can hide or decorate it with stones and artificial ornamental plants. Such a fountain at your summer cottage will not only decorate the area, but will also water your flowerbed.

The fountain should be looked after

Let us remember that water evaporates during circulation and must be added periodically. Moreover, over time, dust and debris enter the reservoir, the water loses its transparency and becomes bad smell. Large foreign particles can be easily collected with a net. Natural cleaning of a pond can be ensured by placing shells and algae in it. Spraying water with a fountain nozzle will help enrich the water with oxygen and keep it clean.

You can do the exact opposite and chlorinate the water using special tablets for swimming pools. Covering it with suitable material will help to significantly reduce the flow of garbage into the pond. However, despite the measures taken, the water will still have to be changed periodically. In this case, all surfaces of the fountain are thoroughly washed and the pump filter is cleaned. For more information about cleaning a pond, read the article “How to clean a pond with your own hands from mud, silt and algae - a vacuum cleaner and an aerator.”

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The intense rhythm of our life requires periodic rest, both physical and moral, and there is nothing more pleasant than to sit in silence and enjoy beautiful view and pleasant sounds.

Decorative fountains for apartments that fully meet all these requirements may be suitable for this purpose.

After all, there is nothing more pleasant than listening to the sound of rushing water and looking at a flowing fountain. And build it in an apartment, even if not large sizes, a completely solvable problem.

In addition to those listed beneficial properties of this building, the fountain in the apartment is good moisturizer air.

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Types of mini-fountains by location

Small home fountains can be divided into several types. According to the place of application they are divided into country and indoor fountain. It is clear that a country fountain, in most cases, is installed on the street, and an indoor one in a city apartment. The country fountain is made in large sizes and for its installation it is important to choose right place.

Do-it-yourself decorative fountain in an apartment video:

Place for installing a country fountain

When choosing a location, it is important to observe three important conditions:

  1. It is very undesirable to install near trees. First, growing roots can damage the fountain bowl and its waterproofing. Secondly, falling fruits and leaves can also disrupt the water supply and bowl.
  2. If the fountain is installed in open areas, water blooms may occur due to direct exposure to the sun's rays.
  3. If the fountain is installed in close proximity to the house, then additional dampness may form on the building during windy weather, due to the drift of water drops from the fountain towards the house.

Classification of fountains by type of falling water

Depending on the type of falling water, a decorative fountain can be divided into several types.

  1. Waterfall. This type has a ledge design with falling water. It has a beautiful appearance and is used most often.
  2. Cascade. The installation diagram is the same as the first type, only it consists of several water flows. The liquid flows into them over thresholds or inclined ledges.
  3. An ordinary fountain, made in the form of a jet beating upward and spraying splashes around itself.
  4. Fountains made in the form of streams and lakes. They have an original appearance and are becoming increasingly popular.

DIY indoor fountain

Looking at the decorations of some fountains, it seems that their manufacture and installation are very complicated. Yes, there are designs that are quite bulky, and their installation will require serious professional skills and knowledge from you, but almost anyone with simple skills in construction and installation work can make a small mini-fountain with their own hands. In addition, you will create a design based only on your preferences and taste, which best suits your home interior. In addition, you will save a lot of money.

Materials and tools

So, if you don’t yet know how to make a mini fountain in your apartment, then read our step by step instructions. Before you begin this work, you need to purchase necessary materials and tool.

  • Fountain container. This could be a basin, a flower pot, or something else at your discretion.
  • The hose used to clean the aquarium is about 10 cm long.
  • Polyethylene in dimensions slightly larger than the container.
  • Waterproof glue, expanded clay.
  • Pump used for an aquarium.
  • A medium or large sink, as well as stones or pebbles to strengthen it.
  • Small shells and colored soil used for decoration.

The bowl for the fountain that we choose must be checked for cracks and holes to prevent future leaks.

Materials for the fountain

Pump installation

If you are making a tabletop fountain, then first you need to find a hose to work with, through which a stream of water will come out. To do this, cut 10 cm from a regular aquarium hose and insert it into the pump. Immediately check whether your system is in working condition, so as not to return to this issue later. We install the pump to the bottom of the container and fill it with expanded clay. Do not forget to level the surface after filling.

Final work

After you have filled in the expanded clay, you need to cover it with film, after making a hole for the hose. Then we pour decorative soil onto the film.


For a sea shell, it is advisable to make a base of stones and fix them to the shell using waterproof glue.

The next step is to push the tube through the stones and the sink, having previously made a hole in it. The end of the hose should protrude approximately 1 cm from the sink. The surface of the fountain should be decorated with stones and shells at your discretion. Thus, you have seen that you can make a tabletop fountain with your own hands without spending significant effort and money.

Advantages of a fountain without a pump

If you think that when constructing fountain structures you must use a mini fountain pump, then you are mistaken. You can make a small fountain without using a pump, and it will work solely thanks to the laws of physics.

Yes, in these designs there are some restrictions on the power of the jet, but you do not have to spend money on electricity and deal with the purchase and connections of the pump. You need to know that such a fountain should not be large, otherwise you will not be able to do without a pump.

Decorative fountain

How the fountain works

Such a fountain will work on the principle of communicating vessels, only with some features. They need to be placed at the same level, connected to each other by two tubes. It is better to take plastic containers and preferably of the same volume, and tubes with minimum thickness, for longer uninterrupted operation of the fountain. Tubes are inserted into the bottom of each vessel, preliminarily drilled holes, which then need to be sealed.

Illuminated fountain

Final assembly and installation of the fountain

In order for such floor fountains to work without a pump, you need to use a third vessel, equal in volume to or larger than the previous two. To this vessel, in the walls, closer to the bottom, you make two more holes, where you insert the two ends of tubes from smaller containers.

We also tightly seal the entrances of these tubes, and insert a T-shaped adapter into the bottom of a large vessel. After this, your fountain design is considered complete. All you have to do is decorate it according to your taste, preferences and combination with the interior of the apartment.

Garden fountain

Where can apartment fountains be installed? As you probably already understood from the above, apartment fountains come in the most various types. In addition, they can be installed not only on the floor, but also on a table and even on a wall.


Tabletop structures are usually the smallest in size and can even be placed on bedside tables and windowsills.

Floor fountains depend on the size of your apartment and can have a very impressive appearance. Wall fountains look like real works of art and have the appearance of a panel or painting.

Their installation and manufacture, of course, is more complex and requires much more skills and material, but if you successfully execute your own, you will receive indescribable pleasure contemplating them.

Watch a video on how to make a decorative fountain in an apartment with your own hands:

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Garden fountains in the country- most beautiful water bodies, which help decorate any suburban area. Moving streams of water have always had a fascinating effect on people. The magic of water is so strong that people can spend hours looking at the waves or cascades of water. A fountain for a dacha is not just a win-win decoration for a site. It creates a special microclimate of cleanliness and freshness in the garden, and also brings with it a certain lyrical note to the design of the garden.

Fountains – ancient invention. They decorated the gardens Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt. It is impossible to imagine the palace gardens of Europe without magnificent structures that create cascading water jets. In ancient cities, fountains also had a purely practical significance - they irrigated arid lands, freshened the air and supplied residents with drinking water.

The popularity of fountains has not waned for many centuries. These are amazing engineering structures continue to decorate large and very small cities. The most diverse in power, size, design and technical solutions, fountains are deservedly the main central object parks and squares.

Owners of country plots also dream of decorating their garden with a decorative fountain, even a small one. Fountain at the dacha often becomes a favorite place to relax or sit with guests.

The following types of fountains exist:

  • Dry fountains. Characterized by the absence of an outdoor pool. The water flows into a storage tank, from where it continues its circulation.
  • Submersible fountains. They are characterized by the fact that they use water from the reservoirs where they are installed.
  • Decorative fountain. Using jets of water, it creates various decorative effects.
  • Fountains with special effects. Equipped electronically controlled. They offer their viewers the effect of color music. Quite expensive and complex systems.
  • Interactive fountains. Additionally equipped with a control panel, with which you can adjust the color and height of the jets.

Subject decorative design area using garden fountains is so popular that today there are many companies offering a wide variety of attachments for forming water jets. The stream of water can be vertical, at a certain angle, and also form a hemisphere, “bell”, “fishtail”, “spinner”, “keys”, “tulip” and much more. The imagination of the developers allows us to admire more and more new water patterns, which, in combination with the external design, allow us to transform garden fountain into a real work of art.

Fountain "Bell"

The “bell” shape is created by a special pipe nozzle, on the top of which two discs are attached with a gap to form a water dome. The size of this dome can be changed by adjusting the interdisk space.

Fishtail Fountain

Water comes out of the nozzles in thin, powerful jets without forming a film. The angle of water release is usually 30-50 degrees.

Tiffany Fountain

This is a combination of the Bell and Fishtail fountains. This is, as a rule, a combination of a central powerful jet and several thin symmetrically escaping jets of water. The strongest water pressure should be achieved in the upper node.

Fountain "Sphere"

A stream of water bursts out in a shape that looks like a ball or a dandelion cap. It is achieved by installing hollow tubes coming from the center.

Fountain "Tulip"

The design is similar to a “bell”. However, the water jet is not supplied vertically, but at an angle of 30-50 degrees. This form of water supply gives the output something like a flower.

Fountain "Ring"

The design is made in the form of a ring with separate small holes. Nozzles are inserted into each hole to distribute water evenly. If you install spinner sprayers (rotating base) into the holes, the side jets will spin in a spiral.

Fountain - choosing a location

If you decide install a fountain at the dacha, several requirements must be met.

When choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account both the size of the site and the fountain itself. These proportions must be chosen in such a way that it looks harmonious in combination with the overall landscape.

The larger the fountain (the higher the water jet), the further it should be located from the house. Because fountain in the country- a decorative architectural object, it is desirable that it is clearly visible both from the house and from other important viewing points of the garden. It is better to choose a place for the future fountain away from trees, so that as few falling leaves as possible get into the water. Also, the proximity of the fountain, and, consequently, high humidity, may have a detrimental effect on some. High-quality filtration will help avoid many troubles. To purify the water naturally, you can plant algae. In addition to benefits, they will give the fountain a natural decorative effect.

Small garden fountains less demanding. They can be placed almost anywhere in the garden. In small gardens, wall fountains look good, as well as in the form of animal figurines, in the form of decorative bowls and many others.

DIY fountain installation

Despite the fact that a fountain is a complex engineering structure, with certain skills it is quite possible to build it yourself. Choosing a pump is a very important issue when installing a fountain in a country house. The more powerful it is, the higher the water jet, and the more expensive it is. As a rule, in ready set The pump includes: the pump itself, a water sprayer, a flow regulator and several types of nozzles. The direction and shape of the jet depends on the type of nozzle. To install the pump you will need smooth stones or bricks. It is on them, and not directly on the sludge, that the pump should be installed. The height of this stone base should be approximately twice the thickness of the brick.

The presence of lighting and decor are necessary for external garden fountain design. Colored or halogen lamps, light filters, luminous fiber optics create a magnificent view at night. And underwater lighting creates the illusion of life underwater world. Electrical wiring must be installed in advance at the site where the garden fountain is installed.

After installing the pump and lighting elements, you can install waterproof decor (if planned) and begin filling the pool with water.

Garden fountains - care

Garden fountain care uncomplicated. It consists of periodically cleaning the pump and filters. The frequency of cleaning depends on the intensity of use and technical characteristics each specific model. The pool itself (or bowl) must be periodically cleaned of fallen leaves and other random debris. If moisture-loving plants are planted around a garden fountain, caring for them consists of regular watering, weeding and fertilizing.

Otherwise take care of the fountain not difficult at all. And even the smallest fountain will soon become the pride of your garden and the favorite object of all your household members. If your dacha already has a body of water, be sure to equip it with a fountain! The pleasure of contemplating flowing water is worth the time and money spent.

Singing fountain in the garden

If you want to create a unique holiday atmosphere in your garden, equip singing fountain. Singing, light-musical, dancing - whatever they call such fountains. This is a combination of light music and complex engineering design. The fountain is designed in such a way that water splashes accompanied by the harmonious sounds of music. They are controlled remotely. Any party will turn into a grand show if the water jets fall in accordance with the musical beat.

When a three-dimensional image is also projected onto the water screen, the aesthetic effect reaches its apogee. Similar performances can be found in large and also grandiose celebrations. Such fountains are also called musical, when music combined with a beautiful image causes true delight among the audience.

The idea to combine a fountain with music and ballet first appeared in the 20s of the last century in Germany. Despite the fact that this first show was far from the modern interpretation of the singing fountain, it still caused an unprecedented sensation.

Now Singing Fountains are a real water engineering miracle that makes spectators all over the world gasp.

Video of fountains

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Owners of modern mansions who want to surprise themselves, their family and guests can also make a simplified version of a singing fountain. Firms offering such services are no longer uncommon. Although, of course, for a private home, this is still an expensive pleasure. The cost of a light-musical (singing) fountain depends on the scale of the structure, the mode of operation, the cost of electronics, acoustics, light-bearing nozzles and many other factors. I would like to hope that in the near future this amazing spectacle will become more accessible and will delight not only visitors to grand shows, but also ordinary owners of country houses.

Photos of fountains

We all rejoice at the arrival of summer, but when the sun begins to get very hot, we want coolness. Therefore, many people strive to spend more time near fountains, which will not only freshen the air, but also lift their spirits with the sound of falling water. But you don’t have to go to the square to admire this action. Every person, regardless of whether he lives in an ordinary city apartment or in a private house, can make his own decorative fountain.

Pros and cons of creating

A decorative fountain is primarily an element designed to decorate the surrounding space. It has several key advantages:

But artificial fountains There are also certain disadvantages:

  • Need for special care and periodic monitoring. This structure must be cleaned regularly to prevent debris from clogging the pump. It is also necessary to monitor the serviceability of the equipment and promptly resolve any problems that arise.
  • Given that the pump requires electrical power to operate, the fountain will incur certain costs to operate, which can be particularly high if the installation will be in operation for a long time.

Types of structures

Decorative fountains may differ from each other in various parameters. For example, according to the type of placement, they are usually classified into indoor and outdoor. The former are intended for decorating rooms, and the latter are used in open spaces, where they act as an integral element of landscape design.

Based on the type of design, fountains can be divided into several types:

Depending on the nature of the movement of water flow, fountains can be divided into the following types:

It is also customary to additionally highlight annular a fountain in which a ring-shaped pipe is provided, and holes are located in it at the same distance from each other. When water is supplied through them, a flow appears that resembles a ring.

An interesting variation is installation in the form of a hemisphere or hemisphere. It consists of several parallel disk attachments connected in a special way. When water is supplied under pressure, the stream takes on a spherical shape, which gives the entire structure a very unusual and impressive appearance.

Shapes and sizes

Although the fountain can have any size and shape, when choosing them it is recommended to use common sense and remember that it will be somewhat more difficult to care for an installation with a more intricate shape and large dimensions.

The bowl of the fountain can have a symmetrical or non-standard asymmetrical shape. For example, it can be made in the form of an oval, square, circle, triangle, as well as any other geometric shapes, including those that follow the contours of the silhouette of an animal or person.

Also, fountains can be complex multi-level or made of several interconnected containers. In this case, each of these elements can be equipped with its own nozzle, being integral part more complex installation.

Stylistic design

Used in decorative purposes fountains can be made in a wide variety of styles. Whether a structure belongs to one direction or another depends on various factors- appearance, shape and size, material of manufacture.

There are several design options applicable to decorative fountains:

Installation location

In order for a decorative fountain to successfully cope with its role, it is necessary to correctly approach the location of its placement.

Prepare the area in advance so that you can approach the fountain or sit close to it. Make sure that the structure is not obscured by other landscaping elements.

DIY decorative fountain

It is not necessary to pay money to a craftsman to make an original decorative fountain. Any owner can handle this task independently.

Materials and tools

And first of all, you need to prepare the tools, materials and devices necessary for the work:

  • container that you will use as a bowl. This could be an old barrel or a bathtub. The main thing is that the product is strong enough without damage to withstand the volume of water;
  • a pipe or a sufficiently strong and dense hose for supplying water;
  • pumping unit;
  • materials for waterproofing;
  • filter;
  • nozzle;
  • shovel.

Manufacturing process

Once you have prepared everything you need, you can proceed to making a decorative fountain:

The fountain you make will last longer if you regularly check the condition of the devices and promptly eliminate any malfunctions that arise, as well as clean the bowl of any debris that gets into it.

A decorative fountain can become one of the main elements of your site and better side change its design. You just need to approach its production correctly. With a little imagination and using unnecessary materials, you can certainly create a creation with your own hands that will look no worse than products made by professional craftsmen.

Doing landscaping personal plots, some owners at some point come to the realization that there is not enough fountain on the site. You shouldn’t give up on this idea if you have everything planned out long ago and there is no extra space left. After all, it doesn't have to be large design. Even on small areas you can find a place to arrange a compact decorative fountain, which will give you coolness and become a wonderful relaxation area.

If you decide to create it yourself, then you need to thoroughly prepare for this work. And first of all, you must understand what type of installation this installation should have, what material it should be made of, and how water should flow in it. These and many other factors will determine whether you will be satisfied with the end result.

If this is your first time making your own fountain at your dacha, then you should not build a complex configuration installation. This will not only require more time from you, Money and strength to create it, but it will also create certain difficulties for you in the future during care. It is best to build a small fountain of a standard shape, which can be made from the most common materials and which will not be more difficult to care for than any other object on your site.