home · Tool · How to make an owl from bottles. Autumn craft: owl made from plastic bottles. How to make your own decorative owl from a plastic bottle

How to make an owl from bottles. Autumn craft: owl made from plastic bottles. How to make your own decorative owl from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles are one of the most affordable and popular materials for creativity. Their possibilities are almost inexhaustible, because if you want, you can make anything out of plastic. Especially in demand empty container for making the currently incredibly popular three-dimensional figures For landscape decor. DIY owl made from an already used one plastic bottle will be a real decoration for your personal plot. Making a bird will take a little time and a few unnecessary bottles of different volumes, and a master class with step-by-step photos will help you with this.

How to make your own decorative owl from a plastic bottle

Required materials and equipment:
  • plastic canister with a volume of 5 l;
  • 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • several 1.5 liter plastic bottles;
  • a piece of metal-plastic tube with a diameter of 2 cm (length approximately 90 cm);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • thick wire;
  • corrugated plastic tubes;
  • a thick piece of foam;
  • fabric-based electrical tape;
  • a piece of chain-link mesh with cells 25*25 mm;
  • construction putty;
  • spray paint;
  • sandpaper;
  • sharp scissors, a stationery knife and an awl;
  • additional accessories as desired (for example, plastic eyes, beads, decorative feathers).
Operating procedure.

Using a utility knife, cut off the neck and handle of a plastic canister and make holes in the lower corners. We bend the metal-plastic tube into an arc and pass it through the holes to form the future legs of the owl, securing it on both sides with self-tapping screws. We make the neck from the neck of a five-liter plastic bottle cut at an angle, and the legs from the upper parts of 1.5-liter bottles. All parts will later be attached to the canister using self-tapping screws, as shown in the photo below.

After preparing the base of the figure, we begin to cut out convex feathers from 1.5 liter bottles. For convenience, we cut off the necks of the containers in advance. We cut the plastic so that the tip of each feather falls on the center of the convex part of the bottom of the bottle. Each bottle will make four long feathers for the future owl. We will only use the lower curly part of the blanks, so they need to be cut with scissors.

Having cut several dozen feathers, we begin to decorate the bird’s legs. To do this, use an awl to pierce holes in the feathers and plastic base into which the workpieces will be attached using wire. We start work from the bottom of each leg, each subsequent row of feathers should slightly overlap the previous one.

We put on and secure the leg parts to the base and proceed to decorating the body of the bird. We move in a circle from bottom to top, starting from the back and gradually moving to the stomach and neck of the figure. Upper part We leave the neck smooth and do not touch the back for now.

Let's do bottom part legs To do this, we cut small pieces of corrugated tube, and from the wire we roll the base of the legs with the toes. We put the tubes on a wire base, make curved claws from scraps of bottles, insert them into the holes in the tubes and secure them. We attach the legs to the body all the way so that the upper piece of wire fits between metal-plastic pipe and the neck of the bottle, for strength we wrap each connection with fabric-based electrical tape.

We cut out a blank for the future head from a piece of polystyrene foam. We draw the main contours with a simple pencil, cut them out with a sharp stationery knife. Gradually we give the head volume and shape, highlighting the sharp curved beak, ears, eyebrows and eyes.

We cut out the back of the head from a convex piece of a plastic bottle and attach it to the foam blank. We treat the foam with putty and lightly sand it after drying. We cover the head with feathers from scraps of plastic bottles, and attach large convex feathers to the back and sides of the head, and small and flat ones around the eyes. Small feathers are best mounted on liquid nails (Moment Installation glue or its equivalent). We color the feathers around the eyes spray paint golden color, and on top of them we attach a second row of smaller feathers to add volume.

Using long self-tapping screws and the neck of a 5-liter bottle, we attach the head to the body. We determine the position of the head in advance: it can stand straight, be slightly tilted or turned to the side. We make a shape for future wings from a chain-link mesh. To do this, cut out a semicircle from it and bend it in the form of an arc, trying it on the back of the owl figurine.

Using wire, we trim the part with feathers. First we attach the long and flat tail feathers, then the smaller and convex feathers on the wings. For greater naturalness, the upper part can be sheathed with corrugated plastic blanks. We paint the resulting part with several layers of spray paint.

We attach the wings with the tail to the back of the body. We make the tail more magnificent by attaching a few additional feathers with self-tapping screws. We paint the owl figure with paint to your taste, making smooth color transitions to give more volume. We decorate the eyes: you can paint them, glue black beads, or use ready-made blanks for toy eyes.

The garden decoration is ready! The owl can be placed on the ground or mounted on a tree.

Video on the topic of the article

There are many options for making an owl from plastic bottles. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them by watching the video materials below.

How to make various crafts from plastic bottles for your garden and home?

For most people, a plastic bottle is just ordinary garbage that litters the house. But in in capable hands This, at first glance, worthless thing can turn into a very beautiful, and most importantly, unique decoration for a personal plot.

The big advantage of such man-made decorative objects is their low cost, and that is why a family with the smallest income can afford to decorate their living space with such decor. If you are interested in this idea, then let’s figure out together what can be made from empty plastic bottles.

What can you make from plastic bottles with your own hands?

Simple swans made from plastic bottles

Flower made from plastic bottles

Lake made of plastic bottles Decoration made from plastic bottles Chandelier made from plastic bottles

Flowers from plastic bottles Plastic bottle toy

Toy made from plastic bottles

Fence made of plastic bottles

Until recently, plastic bottles were used to contour flower beds, beds and garden paths. But over time, craftsmen realized that plastic is a very malleable material from which many beautiful things can be made. Therefore, people began to experiment and from unnecessary garbage they began to make beautiful voluminous flowers, garden lanterns and chandeliers, various kinds of stands, vases, candy bowls and even full-fledged fences.

To create all these masterpieces, craftsmen used bottles different sizes and shapes, cutting out blanks from them, carefully connecting all the parts together, and then painting them with paints in the desired color. Yes, and remember that plastic can not only be cut, if you take the workpiece and hold it a little over heat (an electric stove or a lit candle), you can make very beautiful three-dimensional compositions with perfectly rounded parts.

Swan made from plastic bottles

Making plumage

You can find a lot on the Internet different ways manufacturing plastic swans for garden decoration. But unfortunately, they are all quite complex and therefore, in most cases, they are not entirely clear to people who have never done needlework. That is why we decided to introduce you to a method for making a swan that absolutely everyone can handle.

Materials for making a swan:

  1. One five liter bottle
  2. Up to fifteen bottles of milk or kefir (needed for making plumage)
  3. Wire and scissors
  4. Piece of hose
  5. Paint for coloring the finished product

Making a swan:

  • So, first, take a black marker and draw lines on the bottle along which an opening will later be cut (you can insert flower pots into it). You can see how to do this correctly in the figure above.
  • Next, take a piece of hose required length, insert a thick wire into it, and then use your hands to give the workpiece a shape that visually resembles the neck of a swan. Insert the finished product into the neck of a five-liter bottle.
  • At the next stage, start making the feathers of our swan. To do this, cut out blanks simulating feathers from milk bottles. To make it look as natural as possible, cut it along the edge with sharp scissors, and then heat the resulting fringe over a lit candle (this will help fluff up the feathers).
  • After this, we cut off the neck and butt of several milk bottles and put them on a hose (we make an imitation of a swan’s neck). In the outermost bottle we cut off only the bottom, leave the neck in place, and form the head of our decorative bird from it.
  • At the final stage, we take the previously prepared feathers and carefully glue them to the resulting body. We do this in such a way that there is not even the slightest gap between them.

Pigeons from plastic bottles

I would like to say right away that if you want to reduce the time it takes to make pigeons, then use white milk or kefir bottles to create such decorative objects. In this case, you will not need to paint absolutely the entire workpiece; it will be enough to paint its head.


  • Prepare a standard milk bottle and cut the neck as shown in the master class
  • After the body of the dove is formed, we proceed to making its head
  • To do this, take a piece of thick foam plastic and as much as possible sharp knife cut out a blank that visually resembles a bird’s head
  • At the next stage we move on to making the pigeon plumage
  • This can also be done as shown in the master class or using the method that was used to make the swan's plumage
  • After the feathers are ready, make a small hole in their lower part and secure the wire in it
  • At the last stage, connect all the blanks together and correctly paint the dove’s head with paints

Peacock made from plastic bottles

Peacock body

Making plumage for a peacock

Attachment of empennage

Making the tail

Making the head

Making peacock legs

Final assembly of the bird

If you want to make a beautiful peacock, then you will have to be patient. Unlike a swan and a dove, this one requires its characteristic plumage. This means that in this case it will not be enough to cut the correct feathers. They will still need to be properly connected to each other and only then attached to the body of the future peacock.

Making a peacock:

  • So, first, make the body of the bird. To do this you will need to use one five liter bottle, two half-liter and two plastic sticks
  • Next, proceed to cutting out the feathers and shaping large pieces plumage
  • When the plumage is ready, start making the tail. Be sure to take into account the size of the torso and make sure that it is not too large
  • When the tail is ready, start making a foam head (immediately paint it with paints)
  • Connect all the parts of the peacock together and, if desired, place it on a heavy stand

Butterflies made of plastic

Butterflies from plastic bottles

Cutting template No. 1

Cutting template No. 2

Cutting template No. 3

Plastic bottles are an ideal material for making beautiful and colorful butterflies. Depending on what size bottle you use for this, you can get either very cute little butterflies or very large ones that can be an independent object decoration of the garden or yard of a private house.

The best part is that making these insects does not require any special skills from people. All you have to do is stock up on bottles the right size, scissors, paints and, of course, imagination.

  • To begin, cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle (you should still have the most pliable middle part in your hands)
  • Draw a butterfly on a leaf or find a suitable template on the Internet
  • Using a black marker, trace the outline of the butterfly onto the bottle.
  • Cut out the design with sharp scissors and decorate it as you see it.
  • Ready-made butterflies can be attached to a wire and then placed on flower beds or just on the lawn

Yes, and if you have stained glass paints, then you can use them to paint the transferred outline on the bottle, and after they have completely dried, cut out a completely finished butterfly. Since in this case you will get rather convex lines, you will have the opportunity to fill them with small rhinestones or sequins.

Ladybugs made from plastic bottles

Ladybugs from the bottom of a bottle

If you want to make a ladybug as quickly as possible, then stock up on bottles of red (1 pc.) and black (2 pcs.), as well as an ordinary stapler. One bottle will imitate the body of a bug, and from the other you will make characteristic points.


  • Cut a blank simulating wings from a red bottle
  • Next, take a black bottle and cut out circles from it
  • Draw beautiful eyes on one of them and attach it to the bottle cap
  • Use a stapler to secure the remaining black circles onto the ladybug's wings.
  • At the last stage, attach the wings to the bottle and the craft will be ready

If you wish, you can make a similar insect from plastic caps. To do this, you just need to take paints and paint them correctly. So small ladybugs will become wonderful decoration plants that grow in pots.

Owls made from plastic bottles

Owls made from plastic bottles

An owl made from a plastic bottle, made using the method we will now introduce you to, can be as full-fledged flower pot, as well as an original flowerpot, which can either be placed on the floor or hung on the summer veranda.

  • First, cut off the top of the bottle.
  • Using paints, give the workpiece the desired color
  • Next, take a simple pencil and draw a picture on it that will imitate the face and plumage of an owl
  • Using a plastic cutting knife, give the craft the desired shape
  • Add dimension to the owl using contrasting color lines

Yes, and if in the future you want to use such a craft exclusively as a flower pot, then do not cut holes that imitate plumage. You can achieve a similar visual effect with paints, simply by correctly drawing the feathers. This pot can be used for growing indoor flowers or for growing spices.

Pig made from plastic bottles

As you already understand, crafts made from plastic bottles can have several purposes at once. Plastic pig is also no exception, therefore it can be a flower pot, flower bed or a full-fledged decorative object.

If you want to make a pig solely for decoration, then proceed as shown in the master class. If in the future you plan to plant plants in it, then carefully cut out an opening of the required size in the upper part of the workpiece and additionally reinforce it with a plastic rim.


  • Cut off at four liter bottles neck (these will be the legs of our pig)
  • We attach them to a wire and then attach them to a five-liter bottle
  • Next, cut out rounded pieces from the middle part of the plastic bottle (these will be the pig’s ears)
  • We attach the ears on the top of the bottle closer to the neck
  • At the next stage, cut out two small circles and fix them on the pig’s face
  • At the very end, we paint the entire workpiece in a gentle pink color and using white and black paint we draw the eyes of our pig

Chamomiles from plastic bottles

If you want to decorate your home or garden with flowers that will delight you all year round, then try making them from plastic bottles. Now we will teach you how to make very beautiful and, most importantly, as realistic daisies as possible, which will become the most beautiful decorative object in your home. It is best to make them from white milk bottles. Since they are more pliable, it will be much easier for you to form thin chamomile petals from them.

Simple tips:

  • First of all, cut out circles of the same diameter from the middle part of the plastic bottles
  • Next, start forming the flower itself from them.
  • To do this, first divide the circle into four parts
  • Next, we again divide each of the four segments into four parts
  • If you do everything right, you will get 16 perfect petals.
  • In the next step, take nail scissors and carefully round the edges of the petals
  • After this, cut out a small circle from plastic and cut it along the edge
  • Hold this blank over the candle until the edges begin to fluff.
  • Paint the resulting blank yellow
  • Cut from a green bottle correct form star (it will imitate the sepals of a flower)
  • Cut out characteristic leaves from the same green plastic
  • Take the wire and wrap it around satin ribbon or corrugated paper
  • Connect all the parts together and the chamomile will be ready

Roses from plastic bottles

Roses from plastic bottles

Roses can also be made in a similar way. The petals and stem can be made in the same way as for a chamomile, but the bud itself will need to be made a little differently. In this case, you will need to cut a rectangular blank from plastic and divide it exclusively into four parts. Another nuance in making a bud is curling the ends of the petals. In this case, you will need to heat the workpieces more than usual, and then use a round wooden stick to give them the desired shape.

If you refuse to carry out this stage, you will end up not with a rose, but with a poor flower that can hardly be used to decorate your home or garden. Yes, and remember, if you need to paint the plastic, you need to do this even before you start connecting the petals into a bud. Since the finished workpiece will turn out to be quite voluminous, you simply will not be able to paint it as well as possible and, as a result, your rose will have unsightly gaps.

Palm tree made from plastic bottles

Making the top

If you want your garden to show off, then you don’t have to buy expensive seedlings and wait years for them to grow to the desired size. If you wish, you can make such a tree from brown and green plastic bottles:


  • At the initial stage, make a barrel out of bottles
  • To do this, cut off the bottom and neck, and then start inserting the bottle into the bottle
  • When the hollow piece is ready, strengthen it wooden stick or an iron rod
  • Next, we begin to make the top of the palm tree
  • To do this, cut off the bottoms of the bottles, and then cut them into thin strips
  • Flexible rods or a plastic hose will also need to be inserted inside these blanks.
  • At the very end, all you have to do is secure the top to the trunk and securely fix the palm tree in the flowerbed

Plastic vases for fresh or artificial flowers

Plastic vase in decoupage style

Vase with a pattern

Vase with wickerwork

The easiest way to make a vase from a plastic bottle is to simply cut off the neck and then paint the entire surface of the resulting blank in the desired color. And to make such a craft look more impressive, it can be additionally painted with floral designs or covered with rhinestones and sequins.

Plastic vase in decoupage style:

  • Take a two-liter bottle and cut off the top
  • Coat it well outer part blanks with PVA glue, and then apply the selected napkin to this layer
  • Gently level everything using a soft brush dipped in glue and wait until the top layer is completely dry.
  • Next, take one that matches the color and style. decorative tape and use glue to attach it along the edge of the neck of the vase
  • If desired, you can additionally decorate the vase with beads and ribbons

Ottoman made from plastic bottles

Ottoman made from plastic bottles

A little higher, we already told you how you can make various things from empty plastic bottles. decorative ornaments for home and garden. And now we will teach you how to make a soft pouf from plastic that will decorate any interior.

But remember, if you want the perfect product in the end, then use bottles of the same size to make it. If you make a pouf from one and two liter bottles at the same time, then you will definitely not be able to create something of truly high quality.


  • To begin, prepare 16-20 bottles of the same size
  • Using tape, secure the bottles together in pairs.
  • When you have completed this task, form a circle from the blanks and also secure everything with tape
  • Measure the diameter of the workpiece and, based on this data, cut from thick cardboard two circles
  • Place the bottles between them and wrap everything with tape again
  • At the next stage, cover the workpiece with foam rubber and carefully sew everything together with small stitches
  • From suitable material sew a removable cover and put it on the ottoman

Broom made from plastic bottles

Broom made from plastic bottles

To make a broom, it is best to take two-liter bottles. Their sizes allow you to create a fairly voluminous fringe, which fights garden debris quite effectively.

  • First, find a smooth stick that will imitate the top of a broom.
  • It will be better if its diameter allows you to put a plastic blank on it
  • Next, take the bottle and cut off the bottom
  • Then, with sharp scissors, cut the workpiece into strips, without reaching the neck
  • Make several blanks in this way and insert them one by one into each other.
  • Secure everything with wire and place it on a smooth wooden stick

Mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle

As you probably already understood, a plastic bottle in skillful hands can turn into quite beautiful and original item. But besides decorative elements This material can be used to make a mosquito repellent, which can be placed both inside the house and on summer terraces. You can see how to make this miracle device in the picture located a little higher.

Remember, if you want the trap to do its job as well as possible, the liquid in it must be changed every day. It is advisable to do this in the late afternoon, after draining the old one and rinsing the container. clean water. If you follow all these nuances, you will be able to forget what mosquitoes are and enjoy peaceful nights even in the wettest period of summer.

Video: What can be made from plastic bottles for the garden and country house?

Today Dear friends, I will show you master class on making an eagle owl from plastic bottles Oksana Abramova. Oksana has a lot interesting works made from plastic bottles which you will soon become familiar with.
Now let's start making the Owl.

To make an Owl from plastic bottles we will need:
1 - 1.5 l. plastic bottles.
2 - 5 l. canister
3 - metal-plastic tubes DM 20 mm - 90 cm.
4 - self-tapping screws.
5 - spray paint.

Preparation method:
For the base of the neck we need the top 5 liters. plastic bottle.

The most important thing in the work is to cut out the feather details correctly.
To do this you will need a small knife and scissors.
Now we start cutting out the feathers, cut off the neck of the bottle with a knife, then start cutting from the neck to the middle. Focusing on the middle between the convex parts of the bottom of the bottle. The photo shows with a marker how to cut.

To make our Eagle Owl more voluminous, when cutting the feathers, you need to grab 0.4 - 0.5 mm along the bottom of the bottle. If you come across bottles with a hard bottom, then a knife will help you deal with this problem.

To make the “Owl” we will use only the lower part of our feathers. But don’t rush to throw away the top part, you may need it to create other shapes!

First, we start by finishing the legs, screw the feathers to the finished form (the photo is shown above) and attach them with wire (we pierce the holes with an awl).

To make the legs, we need wire and corrugated tubes.
When you start bending your fingers, be sure to leave a distance between the first and middle fingers (as if going around a pipe) so that the metal-plastic pipe can pass right through between them. This is necessary for the “Filin” to stand well.

This is what should happen.

We attach the legs to the body: make a slot in the corrugated joint where all the fingers connect;
We insert the upper piece of wire between the metal-plastic pipe and the neck of the bottle, then insert the metal-plastic tube inside, between the fingers of the wire frame until it stops at the bottom. We wrap it with electrical tape for strength; if it is on a rag base, it will be even better.

Let's start cutting out the head. For this we need a piece of foam plastic 100 mm high.

Use a utility knife, it is very sharp and cuts foam easily.

Top from 5 l. We will need bottles to cover the back of the head.

After joining, it is necessary to treat the foam with any putty and, after drying, be sure to sand it so that the surface becomes smooth.

Now we will cover the head with pieces of plastic bottles.

We frame the eyes with small feathers. Oksana glued them with Moment - Installation glue (liquid nails).

You definitely need to make a second row.

Now we attach the head to the body:

First, find a comfortable position that you like (your head can be raised, lowered, or facing any direction).
Then cut off the neck of 5 liters with a knife. bottles and secure them with long screws, preferably on three sides, for strength.
If you have any free spaces when joining, coat them with glue.

Now let's start making the shape of the wings from the chain-link mesh (cell 25x25).

Attach feathers to the mesh using wire
1) Attach the tail feathers;
2) Two rows of long feathers;
3) We cover the back with the same feathers as the entire body;
4) For the beauty of the wing we use feathers from corrugated bottles.

We also paint the entire body of the eagle owl, making sure to highlight the eyes with a different color. Before painting, use self-tapping screws to attach 5 more tail feathers directly to the canister. This will make the ponytail look more voluminous.

Eyes can be made from beads or bought ready-made for dolls.

We fasten the finished wings to the body.

That's all, Oksana Filin turned out this cute one from ordinary plastic bottles.

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Plastic bottles are one of the most affordable and popular materials for creativity. Their possibilities are almost inexhaustible, because if you want, you can make anything out of plastic. Empty containers are especially in demand for making the currently incredibly popular three-dimensional figurines for landscape decoration. A home-made owl from an already used plastic bottle will become a real decoration for your garden plot. Making a bird will require a little time and several unnecessary bottles of different sizes, but a master class with step-by-step photos will help you with this.

How to make your own decorative owl from a plastic bottle

Required materials and equipment:
  • plastic canister with a volume of 5 l;
  • 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • several 1.5 liter plastic bottles;
  • a piece of metal-plastic tube with a diameter of 2 cm (length approximately 90 cm);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • thick wire;
  • corrugated plastic tubes;
  • a thick piece of foam;
  • fabric-based electrical tape;
  • a piece of chain-link mesh with cells 25*25 mm;
  • construction putty;
  • spray paint;
  • sandpaper;
  • sharp scissors, a stationery knife and an awl;
  • additional accessories as desired (for example, plastic eyes, beads, decorative feathers).
Operating procedure.

Using a utility knife, cut off the neck and handle of a plastic canister and make holes in the lower corners. We bend the metal-plastic tube into an arc and pass it through the holes to form the future legs of the owl, securing it on both sides with self-tapping screws. We make the neck from the neck of a five-liter plastic bottle cut at an angle, and the legs from the upper parts of 1.5-liter bottles. All parts will later be attached to the canister using self-tapping screws, as shown in the photo below.

After preparing the base of the figure, we begin to cut out convex feathers from 1.5 liter bottles. For convenience, we cut off the necks of the containers in advance. We cut the plastic so that the tip of each feather falls on the center of the convex part of the bottom of the bottle. Each bottle will make four long feathers for the future owl. We will only use the lower curly part of the blanks, so they need to be cut with scissors.

Having cut several dozen feathers, we begin to decorate the bird’s legs. To do this, use an awl to pierce holes in the feathers and plastic base into which the workpieces will be attached using wire. We start work from the bottom of each leg, each subsequent row of feathers should slightly overlap the previous one.

We put on and secure the leg parts to the base and proceed to decorating the body of the bird. We move in a circle from bottom to top, starting from the back and gradually moving to the stomach and neck of the figure. We leave the upper part of the neck smooth and do not touch the back for now.

Making the lower part of the legs. To do this, we cut small pieces of corrugated tube, and from the wire we roll the base of the legs with the toes. We put the tubes on a wire base, make curved claws from scraps of bottles, insert them into the holes in the tubes and secure them. We attach the legs to the body all the way so that the upper piece of wire fits between the metal-plastic pipe and the neck of the bottle; for strength, we wrap each connection with fabric-based electrical tape.

We cut out a blank for the future head from a piece of polystyrene foam. We draw the main contours with a simple pencil and cut them out with a sharp stationery knife. Gradually we give the head volume and shape, highlighting the sharp curved beak, ears, eyebrows and eyes.

We cut out the back of the head from a convex piece of a plastic bottle and attach it to the foam blank. We treat the foam with putty and lightly sand it after drying. We cover the head with feathers from scraps of plastic bottles, and attach large convex feathers to the back and sides of the head, and small and flat ones around the eyes. Small feathers are best mounted on liquid nails (Moment Installation glue or its equivalent). We paint the feathers around the eyes with gold-colored spray paint, and on top of them we attach a second row of smaller feathers to add volume.

Using long self-tapping screws and the neck of a 5-liter bottle, we attach the head to the body. We determine the position of the head in advance: it can stand straight, be slightly tilted or turned to the side. We make a shape for future wings from a chain-link mesh. To do this, cut out a semicircle from it and bend it in the form of an arc, trying it on the back of the owl figurine.

Using wire, we trim the part with feathers. First we attach the long and flat tail feathers, then the smaller and convex feathers on the wings. For greater naturalness, the upper part can be sheathed with corrugated plastic blanks. We paint the resulting part with several layers of spray paint.

We attach the wings with the tail to the back of the body. We make the tail more magnificent by attaching a few additional feathers with self-tapping screws. We paint the owl figure with paint to your taste, making smooth color transitions to give more volume. We decorate the eyes: you can paint them, glue black beads, or use ready-made blanks for toy eyes.

The garden decoration is ready! The owl can be placed on the ground or mounted on a tree.

Video on the topic of the article

There are many options for making an owl from plastic bottles. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them by watching the video materials below.

A child at any age is interested in creating crafts with his own hands. different topic: the world, nature, animals, etc. In addition to the usual materials for crafts (plasticine, colored paper, puff pastry) you can use those that we are used to throwing away after use. For example, parents can make a variety of children's toys for the child. Making crafts from plastic bottles, such as the “owl”, is not just easy, but very easy. Therefore, even a child can create such an owl with his own hands.

How to make an owl from a plastic bottle: master class

In order to make an owl craft from a plastic bottle, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Styrofoam;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • magnet packaging;
  • beads - 2 pieces;
  • plastic bottles Brown(from beer, kvass);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • acrylic paints;
  • tassels;
  • scissors.

Stages of work:

  1. We take a piece of foam plastic and cut out the head of the future owl from it.
  2. We make the eyes from epoxy glue, pouring it into the magnet packaging. We insert eye beads inside the resulting mixture.
  3. We cut out a small piece for the beak from a plastic bottle and glue it.
  4. Let's start making the owl's face. From the bottle we cut out small oblong plates with rounded edges so that they look like feathers. We start gluing them around the eyes.
  5. We cover the edges of the feathers with strips of plastic.
  6. We cut feathers for the wings from the middle of a plastic bottle.
  7. We take a five-liter bottle and screw the resulting feathers onto it so that they look like folded wings.
  8. The finished owl wings should look like this.
  9. The last row the feathers must be folded over the edge.
  10. Next, each subsequent feather should cover the junction of the previous one.
  11. We take another five-liter bottle and begin to make an owl’s body out of it. Using a hot knife, cut off the neck. From the side of the back we cut off a small part and bend it upward - this will be the back of the owl’s head.
  12. We cut the bottoms of two-liter bottles into small pieces - these will be feathers. We screw them around a large plastic bottle.
  13. We cover the back of the head with feathers. Using self-tapping screws, screw the owl's head to the bottle.
  14. We begin to attach feathers in a circle at the junction of the body and head.
  15. Further acrylic paints We color the owl at our own discretion.

You can make an owl simpler, using just one two-liter plastic bottle. A soda bottle that has a "waist" at the bottom of the bottle works best. The procedure for creating an owl is as follows: