home · On a note · What primer is suitable for decorative plaster? Preparing walls for decorative plaster. Features of working with the material

What primer is suitable for decorative plaster? Preparing walls for decorative plaster. Features of working with the material

Decorative plastering of surfaces is a very responsible way of finishing walls. The quality of application of such plaster will depend not only appearance walls, but also the consumption per 1 m² of surface and the durability of the composition applied to it. To ensure the required quality of adhesion of the working solution to the coating base, before starting work, you need to use different kinds primers for decorative plaster, as well as the correct technologies for their practical application.

For high-quality coating walls with decorative plaster you need:

  1. Carefully level the surfaces in both vertical and horizontal directions.
  2. Use finishing putty to seal all irregularities.
  3. Ensure good adhesion of the decorative plaster to the base.
  4. Ensure the strength of the original surface on which further work will be carried out.

To solve these problems, you need to know what material the walls are made of and what its technical condition is at the time of priming. For example, for solid porous coatings (concrete, brick, wood) internal surfaces primers must be used deep penetration. They ensure vapor permeability of the treated areas and good adhesion of the plaster to the base.

In addition, deep penetration primers often contain anti-rot components that prevent the formation of fungi and mold, which are almost impossible to remove from interior walls finished with decorative plaster.

In the case of loose surfaces, primers with a strengthening effect are used. They help increase the density of walls and, like deep penetration primers, improve adhesive properties. It is recommended to use such primers on lime plaster, since after several years of use it begins to destroy the original surface of the wall.

Leveling the surface before work is done by several methods, but the hanging method is considered the most practical and gives stable results. The part of the wall to be decoratively plastered is marked diagonally with dowels, after which a measuring cord is pulled between them using a plumb line. The sag of the cord determines where and how to level the wall.

The size of the gap before plastering can be partially eliminated with putty, after which the surface is primed. Excess can be knocked off using a chisel or scraper. Primer consumption per 1 m² will increase, but the need for a more expensive one will decrease. decorative plaster.

It happens that the gap is too large and exceeds 40-50 mm. In such cases, leveling and subsequent priming of the wall will not give the desired result. There are two options - before processing:

  • cover the surface with shingles;
  • arrange a metal frame.

The latter, although it increases bearing capacity decorative plaster, in practice it is used much less frequently. The reason is considered to be increased costs, as well as the need to use steel with anti-corrosion coating or aluminum strip.

Primer compositions for decorative plaster are classified:

  • according to acidity pH: acidic, alkaline and neutral;
  • by the degree of increase in the adhesive properties of the primed surface;
  • by viscosity of the composition;
  • if possible, work with certain types of decorative plaster.

The first indicator is important for the ability of the primer to hide or, conversely, highlight characteristic surface defects on the wall. These include rust stains and salt deposits, which are especially common after lime treatment of external walls.

If there are a significant number of such surface defects, it is necessary to use only primers with an alkaline composition, the pH of which is the highest (from 8 units or more), and, moreover, deep penetration compositions. In this case, when priming, the salts are neutralized, as a result of which even deep stains disappear.

The same goes for surface rust. It has the most negative effect on adhesion, since it destroys not only the surface of the wall, but also the primer itself, if it is chosen incorrectly.

A primer with reduced pH values ​​is suitable for treating internal wall surfaces in rooms with normal or even slightly reduced pH levels. relative humidity. For such premises specific consumption primer per 1m² is reduced.

After plastering, any internal and external surfaces are puttied. The composition of the putty is also selected according to the degree of its affinity with the plaster material.

An important parameter that determines the durability of decorative plaster is the compliance of the selected primer with it. Otherwise, partial or complete peeling may occur after priming. plaster composition. In order not to run into such trouble, you need to avoid using putties that contain highly viscous substances that have little absorption (for example, oil putties, alabaster-based putties, adhesives).

Features of priming walls for applying decorative plaster are as follows:

  1. Only deep, two-layer priming is used, and the thickness of each layer must be at least 10 mm. A thinner layer will not provide retention. heavy material on the wall. The consumption of the composition per 1 m² will increase.
  2. As a working tool, you need to use a wide paint brush or roller: the use of thin brushes will not provide the necessary uniformity and thickness to the primer layer. You should not use a vacuum cleaner, spray gun or spray gun to supposedly speed up work: the primer consumption per m² will increase, but the quality of the coating will deteriorate. This is due to the fact that for a deep penetration primer it will not be possible for the components to penetrate deep into the surface being treated. As a result, decorative plaster after application will begin to peel off from the treated surface.
  3. After priming, the treated surface is immediately grouted. This operation is performed for both internal and external walls. As a result, the layer is compacted, providing further good foundation for decorative plaster.
  4. To prevent the primed surface from drying out, it must be moistened throughout the entire time before plastering. A regular flower trimmer or spray bottle will do. The reason is that decorative plaster is easier and better placed on a slightly damp surface. This is especially important for interior surfaces in residential areas.

The primer for work before applying decorative plaster provides finishing surface required durability. Its consumption per 1 m² is about 200 ml and depends on the wall material and the condition of the original coating.

July 5, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Why prime the surface before plastering and what primer should I use for this? Once upon a time I was often interested in these questions, but now, having gained rich experience, I will answer them myself. In addition, I will tell you how to properly perform priming, which will certainly help beginners avoid many mistakes.

A few words about materials

Many people who are faced with renovating their home for the first time are confused about the materials. Therefore, first of all, I’ll briefly tell you how plaster differs from putty and primer. All these materials are used for finishing walls and ceilings, however, they have different purposes:

  • Plaster. It is a solution for leveling walls and ceilings. Using this material, you can level out unevenness with a difference of up to 5-7 centimeters.
    As a rule, the binder for plastering is cement or gypsum, sometimes lime is added;

Decorative (structural) plaster. Is the finish line finishing coating, which is applied over a putty or plastered base. main feature of this coating is that it forms a certain texture and texture on the surface;

  • Putty. Used to eliminate small irregularities, cracks and chips. Usually maximum thickness layer is 1 cm, and the minimum can be less than one millimeter;
  • Primer. A liquid that improves adhesion between materials, strengthens the base, and reduces consumption liquid materials, and also prevents the formation of mold on walls and ceilings.

As you can see, although primer is not a leveling material, its use is highly desirable. I will say even more - plastering surfaces without a primer is a violation of technology, so it is impossible to guarantee the durability of such a finish.

What soil to use

IN Lately water-based polymer primers are used for plaster and other finishing materials. They cope well with the tasks assigned to them, and also have several important positive qualities A:

  • No odor and harmless to health;
  • High drying speed;
  • Versatility - can be used for any type of coating, including lime plaster.

Depending on the effect that the primer has on the surface, it is divided into three types:

You can often hear the misconception that only silicone primer should be used under silicone plaster. In fact, you can use absolutely any acrylic primer.

Deep penetrating

Deep penetrating or deep penetration primer is designed for loose and porous surfaces. It has the following properties:

  • Strengthens the base due to the ability to penetrate into the structure of the base and glue pores;
  • Forms a film on the surface, resulting in reduced material consumption.

In addition, deep-penetrating soils, like all others, usually contain antifungal components that prevent the formation of mold.

As a rule, this composition is used in the following:

  • For foam blocks and other porous blocks;
  • For treating old plastered substrates, the surface of which is prone to crumbling;
  • Old wooden surfaces.

Price. Below are well-proven brands of primers and their prices:

The prices in the article are current in the summer of 2017.


Adhesive primers improve the adhesion of materials to each other. Accordingly, they are used for bases that themselves have poor adhesion, which include:

  • Concrete walls and floor slabs;
  • Ceramic tile;
  • Painted surfaces.

Primers differ not only in purpose, but also in area of ​​application. They can be intended for outdoor or interior work. In addition, there are universal compositions that can be used both externally and internally.



Universal primers are used for any normal surfaces, which include:

  • Brickwork;
  • Plasters and putties;
  • Drywall, etc.

In other words, if the surface you are going to plaster is not too smooth or very porous, you can use a universal primer. It is also used for interlayer priming, as well as for putty, under structural plaster etc.

These compositions are called universal because they perform several functions at once:

  • Improve adhesion;
  • Strengthen the base;
  • They form a film on the surface, which reduces the consumption of materials.

Beginners who are faced with wall insulation are often interested in whether it is necessary to prime the foam before reinforcing it? Since reinforcement is carried out special glue for foam plastic, adhesion is very good even without a primer, so the surface does not need to be primed. But extruded polystyrene foam must be primed.


Application technology

Now let's look at how to properly prime the surface before plastering. The sequence of actions is as follows:

The work is carried out as follows:

Illustrations Description of actions
Preparing the base. Before priming, remove dirt and dust from the surface.

Soil preparation:
  • First of all, calculate required amount primers. To do this, you need to know the area of ​​the base and the consumption per 1 m2 of soil. Consumption depends on the type of surface, however, you can take the average value -1.5 l ev 1m2;
  • Then the liquid must be shaken thoroughly;
  • Pour the prepared soil into flat container, into which it will be convenient to dip the roller.

Construction store websites often have a primer consumption calculator per 1 m2 for plaster and many other surfaces. Using it, you can quite accurately calculate the required amount of material.

Application of primer:
  • Dip the roller into the liquid and squeeze it lightly, rolling it out on a dry surface;
  • Treat the base with soil;
  • Treat hard-to-reach places with a brush;
  • Wait for the surface to dry and repeat the procedure.

The same scheme is used for interlayer priming, as well as priming for putty and decorative plaster.

Beginners are often interested in whether it is necessary to prime the plaster before applying putty? According to technology, soil must be used not only between different materials, but even between different layers of the same material. Accordingly, be sure to prime the surface before filling.

Here, in fact, are all the nuances of priming for plaster.


So we found out what to prime the surface with before applying plaster, and how to do it correctly. If any of your questions on the topic raised remain unanswered, ask it in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

July 5, 2017

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Decorative plastering of surfaces is a very responsible way of finishing walls. Not only the appearance of the wall, but also the consumption per 1 m² of surface and the durability of the composition applied to it will depend on the quality of application of such plaster. To ensure the required quality of adhesion of the working solution to the base coating, before starting work, you need to use various types of primers for decorative plaster, as well as the correct technologies for their practical application.

Conditions for long-term coating service

To properly cover walls with decorative plaster you need:

  1. Carefully level the surfaces in both vertical and horizontal directions.
  2. Use finishing putty to fill all uneven areas.
  3. Ensure good adhesion of the decorative plaster to the base.
  4. Ensure the strength of the original surface on which further work will be carried out.

To solve these problems, you need to know what material the walls are made of and what its technical condition is at the time of priming. For example, for solid porous coatings (concrete, brick, wood) of internal surfaces, deep penetration primers must be used. They ensure vapor permeability of the treated areas and good adhesion of the plaster to the base.

In addition, deep penetration primers often contain anti-rot components that prevent the formation of fungi and mold, which are almost impossible to remove from interior walls finished with decorative plaster.

In the case of loose surfaces, primers with a strengthening effect are used. They help increase the density of walls and, like deep penetration primers, improve adhesive properties. It is recommended to use such primers on lime plaster, since after several years of use it begins to destroy the original surface of the wall.

Pre-leveling is an important point

Leveling the surface before work is done by several methods, but the hanging method is considered the most practical and gives stable results. The part of the wall to be decoratively plastered is marked diagonally with dowels, after which a measuring cord is pulled between them using a plumb line. The sag of the cord determines where and how to level the wall.

The size of the gap before plastering can be partially eliminated with putty, after which the surface is primed. Excess can be knocked off using a chisel or scraper. At the same time, primer consumption per 1 m² will increase, but the need for more expensive decorative plaster will decrease.

It happens that the gap is too large and exceeds 40-50 mm. In such cases, leveling and subsequent priming of the wall will not give the desired result. There are two options - before processing:

  • cover the surface with shingles;
  • arrange a metal frame.

The latter, although it increases the load-bearing capacity of decorative plaster, is used much less frequently in practice. The reason is considered to be increased costs, as well as the need to use steel with anti-corrosion coating or aluminum strip.

Features of choosing a primer

Primer compositions for decorative plaster are classified:

  • according to acidity pH: acidic, alkaline and neutral;
  • by the degree of increase in the adhesive properties of the primed surface;
  • by viscosity of the composition;
  • if possible, work with certain types of decorative plaster.

The first indicator is important for the ability of the primer to hide or, conversely, highlight characteristic surface defects on the wall. These include rust stains and salt deposits, which are especially common after lime treatment of external walls.

If there are a significant number of such surface defects, it is necessary to use only primers with an alkaline composition, the pH of which is the highest (from 8 units or more), and, moreover, deep penetration compositions. In this case, when priming, the salts are neutralized, as a result of which even deep stains disappear.

The same goes for surface rust. It has the most negative effect on adhesion, since it destroys not only the surface of the wall, but also the primer itself, if it is chosen incorrectly.

A primer with a reduced pH value is suitable for treating internal wall surfaces in rooms with normal or even slightly reduced relative humidity. For such premises, the specific primer consumption per 1 m² is reduced.

Requirements for puttying

After plastering, any internal and external surfaces are puttied. The composition of the putty is also selected according to the degree of its affinity with the plaster material.

An important parameter that determines the durability of decorative plaster is the compliance of the selected primer with it. Otherwise, after priming, partial or complete peeling of the plaster composition may occur. In order not to run into such trouble, you need to avoid using putties that contain highly viscous substances that have little absorption (for example, oil putties, alabaster-based putties, adhesives).

Priming technology

Features of priming walls for applying decorative plaster are as follows:

  1. Only deep, two-layer priming is used, and the thickness of each layer must be at least 10 mm. A thinner layer will not ensure the retention of heavy material on the wall. The consumption of the composition per 1 m² will increase.
  2. As a working tool, you need to use a wide paint brush or roller: the use of thin brushes will not provide the necessary uniformity and thickness to the primer layer. You should not use a vacuum cleaner, spray gun or spray gun to supposedly speed up work: the primer consumption per m² will increase, but the quality of the coating will deteriorate. This is due to the fact that for a deep penetration primer it will not be possible for the components to penetrate deep into the surface being treated. As a result, decorative plaster after application will begin to peel off from the treated surface.
  3. After priming, the treated surface is immediately grouted. This operation is performed for both internal and external walls. As a result, the layer is compacted, subsequently providing a good basis for decorative plaster.
  4. To prevent the primed surface from drying out, it must be moistened throughout the entire time before plastering. A regular flower trimmer or spray bottle will do. The reason is that decorative plaster is easier and better placed on a slightly damp surface. This is especially important for interior surfaces in residential areas.

A primer for work before applying decorative plaster provides the finishing surface with the required durability. Its consumption per 1 m² is about 200 ml and depends on the wall material and the condition of the original coating.

Decorative plaster is a truly unique finishing material that allows you to create interiors that are unique in their beauty.

It is no wonder that the popularity of such compositions is growing year after year. However, decorative mixtures can fully reveal all their aesthetic advantages only if the load-bearing base is properly prepared, so the preparation of walls for decorative plaster must be done with special care.

Types and features of material

Decorative plaster must have aesthetic qualities and be sufficiently durable

Decorative plaster coatings in their composition, technical specifications and the method of application are radically different from conventional plaster solutions.

The main purpose of base or finishing compositions is to level load-bearing surfaces, eliminate various technical defects, and prepare them for further finishing.

In contrast, decorative plaster is designed for use in interiors as a final wall covering. Due to the operational and technical features of this material, preparing walls for decorative plaster has its own nuances.

First of all, we should take a closer look at this coating from the technical side: its characteristics, pros and cons, varieties, application, etc.


All decorative plaster mixtures are divided into two main categories:

  1. Natural ingredients.
  2. Polymer.

The first group includes mixtures prepared on the basis natural ingredients. These are the following compositions:

  • mineral. Their basis consists of mineral fillers large fraction, often painted in different colors. The connecting link in such mixtures is cement. The treated surface has a grainy texture that shimmers in different shades;
  • calcareous. This solution is based on slaked lime with the addition of fine sand and cement;
  • plaster. Gypsum solutions are easy to use and flexible. They have a number of operational restrictions - they can only be applied to interior walls premises with natural level humidity.

Special texture rollers will help create an original surface

Polymer compositions can be silicone or acrylic. Based on the technology for creating an aesthetic effect, mixtures are divided into textured and textured.

Texture mixtures have a three-dimensional pattern, applied using a trowel, texture roller, or stencils.

In textured mixtures, the external effect is achieved thanks to color scheme simulating expensive coatings- first of all, polished marble and granite slabs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The wide popularity of such finishing mixtures is explained by a whole set of positive qualities that distinguish them favorably from most other wall coverings. Among the main advantages are:

Only a professional can create a particularly complex texture

Exclusive plaster coatings are not without some disadvantages. Of course, they are not so critical, otherwise these mixtures would not be so in demand among buyers. There are only two main disadvantages that may influence the choice:

  • high price. The price of the material is quite comparable to the high aesthetic effect that can be achieved with its help. Usually it is several times higher than the cost of conventional base or finishing compositions;
  • difficult application. Applying the mixture to the wall has a number of features, sometimes very difficult from a technical point of view.

Therefore, before choosing this material, you need to soberly assess your skills in the finishing craft. Otherwise, you can waste expensive plaster mixture, or, as an option, spend extra money on the services of professional finishers.

If, after all, the choice is made in favor of this expensive exclusive coating, you should consider in more detail how to prepare the walls for decorative plaster so that it can last as long as possible.

Preparation stages

Clean the wall from debris and dust and cover it with primer.

The entire procedure for preparing walls for decorative plaster can be divided into several stages.

  1. Surface cleaning.
  2. Leveling plastering.
  3. Primer.
  4. Putty.

Proper surface preparation implies stage-by-stage and high-quality completion of all the listed works. At the same time, walls can be prepared in a special way for each type of plaster.

Application decorative composition on walls in a new building they always require pre-leveling basic and (or) finishing plaster. The fact is that new walls, whether they are made of brick, cast concrete or made of wood, always have some flaws.

It could just be small chips and cavities, or seams that are too deep. And there may be more serious defects in the form of crooked walls. Moreover, at first glance, the curvature of the walls may not be noticeable. But finishing in some cases, it can emphasize this drawback, making it so noticeable that it will cancel out the entire effect of expensive repairs.

It is not possible to correct wall defects using decorative mixtures for the reason that they are designed to be applied thin layer. No more than 1.5 - 2 mm. And this is clearly not enough to correct more or less significant defects in the load-bearing foundation.

Therefore, all walls in a new home should be carefully inspected using a construction or laser level. In case of significant deviation in the vertical or horizontal direction, a leveling plaster layer should be applied.

Alternatively, preparing walls for decorative plaster may involve covering them plasterboard sheets- the so-called “dry plaster” technology. This method of leveling walls is simpler than “ wet technologies", and requires less effort and time. To learn how to apply the leveling mixture, watch this video:

However, it should be taken into account that gypsum board sheets together with the frame eat up a significant amount of room space - at least 50 mm for each wall.

Wall cleaning

Thorough cleaning should be done before applying any type of plaster mixture to previously treated walls. During the work, you need to clean the surface from old wallpaper, paint and varnish compounds, putty, right down to the layer of leveling plaster. For cleaning you can use any suitable tools- spatulas, trowels, picks, grinders.

To remove wallpaper faster, you should moisten it with soapy water or a special wallpaper remover. You can buy it in the same stores that sell wallpaper and wallpaper glue. Regular paper wallpaper simply moisten with the composition using a roller or brush.

Treatment soapy water will help remove old wallpaper

Waterproof vinyl sheets should first be perforated with a needle roller, a “wallpaper tiger” or a regular knife so that the liquid has access to the back of the wallpaper and the surface of the wall.

You can try to remove the paint with a spatula, starting from the bubbling and peeling fragments. If it holds too tightly, you should move on to more radical measures - resort to using a grinder or hammer drill. Lime whitewash You can simply wash it off with a damp cloth, passing it over the entire surface of the wall several times.

Removing the putty can take quite a lot of time, since it is applied in a thin layer, but at the same time it has good adhesion with the underlying base. To facilitate its removal, it is recommended to prepare a special composition from a mixture of starch and water in a ratio of 1 to 20 or 1 to 15, especially difficult cases. For more information on cleaning the base, watch this video:

The putty walls are moistened with this solution and left to soak for 15 - 20 minutes. After this, simply scrape off the layer of putty using a spatula.


The soil will improve the adhesion of the wall with the mixture

The primer allows you to create a strong adhesion between different finishing layers.

Primer compositions increase adhesion, significantly extending the service life of the coating, therefore the preparation of walls for decorative plaster necessarily includes treating their surface with primer mixtures.

For greater effectiveness, primers are applied in at least two layers. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

On modern market finishing materials There are a huge number of primer compositions that differ in their purpose and scope. If the walls are in a room with increased level humidity, they must be treated with antiseptic primers. These protect surfaces from the formation of mold and fungal infections.

A special primer for decorative plaster is also available for sale. It is used mainly under textured “Venetian plaster”, applied in a thin layer of less than 1 mm. The wall is first treated with a regular primer, after which it dries, a tinted acrylic primer is applied to the wall.

In some cases, instead of a special primer composition, a regular one is used as the underlying layer under the “Venetian” acrylic paint the desired shade. It allows you to give Venetian plaster depth of color, which enhances the “marble” effect and gives the wall a more natural shade.


Keep in mind that texture compositions are applied in a thicker layer than textured ones.

Preliminary puttying of surfaces is carried out before applying textured and colored compounds. If you are going to treat the wall surface with textured plaster, then the puttying process can be omitted.

The fact is that textured compositions - “fur coat”, “rain”, “Leonardo” - are applied in a thicker layer than textured ones. After application, they are further processed with figured rollers or rubber stamps to give them a textured relief. Therefore, their layer can reach up to 3 - 5 mm, which is quite enough to mask minor wall imperfections.

If you plan to treat the walls with thin-layer “Venetian” mortars, it is simply necessary to improve their surface with putty. To do this, you need to carefully examine the wall for cracks and crevices, which must be carefully sealed. Over time, any, even minor cracks tend to expand and increase, so defects left unattended can soon transfer to the decorative layer.

To seal cracks, they must be carefully expanded and cleared using a knife or thin spatula. After this, the gap is cleaned of dust and covered with putty along its entire length. Also, before applying the “Venetian”, the entire surface of the walls is puttied to give it a perfectly smooth appearance. After finishing the work and the putty layer has completely dried, the entire surface of the wall is primed again. For more information on how to prepare walls for the bark beetle, watch this video:

If the apartment owner has some experience finishing works, he may well independently prepare the walls for finishing with exclusive and expensive plaster mixtures. But if the slightest doubt arises about your competence, then it is best to entrust the work of preparing the surface and applying expensive decorative covering finishing professionals.

Primer before plastering walls - mandatory stage finishing the premises both inside and outside. This procedure has a positive effect on the condition construction basis, and also improves adhesion. When doing the work yourself, it is important not to forget about this stage of construction.

For ordinary people who have not been involved in construction, but have decided to make repairs on their own, a logical question arises - is it necessary to prime the walls before and after plastering? Professional craftsmen believe that the use of a primer is justified in both cases.

Before plastering

To understand whether it is necessary to prime the walls before plastering, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the properties of the primer:

  • fills small cracks on the surface of the building base;
  • strengthens the surface;
  • binds dust and other contaminants that could not be eliminated;
  • improves the adhesion of plaster to the surface;
  • helps save plaster by reducing material consumption;
  • makes the material resistant to moisture, without impairing air circulation;
  • prevents the formation of fungus and mold under the plaster;
  • extends the life of the finish.

After plastering

Non-professionals who decide to carry out repairs themselves do not always understand whether it is necessary to prime the walls after plastering if the primer has already been applied to the wall. Here, too, it is not recommended to abandon this finishing stage. The primer will strengthen the plaster, help avoid cracks and improve adhesion to the decorating material. In addition, the primer will also protect the plaster from the formation of aggressive biological substances.

Types of primer

To understand how to prime walls before plastering, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the types of primer.

By functionality

Depending on the method of exposure, the primer is classified as follows:

  • deep penetration - recommended for use on fresh plaster;
  • anti-corrosion – used for metal base to prevent the appearance of rust;
  • strengthening - used on surfaces prone to peeling, for example, on brickwork;
  • anti-stain agent – ​​recommended for stained substrates;
  • antiseptic – used in rooms with increased dampness to prevent the occurrence of mold and mildew.

By composition

The primer is also classified according to its composition:

  • alkyd – made on the basis of alkyd resins, used only for building bases made of wood and metal;
  • acrylic – made on the basis of acrylic and latex, used for any surface (this primer has the most affordable price);
  • mineral - made on the basis of gypsum or cement, used for concrete and gypsum bases.

How does primer affect the finish?

The effect of the primer on the building base depends on the type of primer:

  • The strengthening composition penetrates the surface along with water. When the liquid evaporates, the primer mixture remains in the pores of the base. There it hardens, which helps strengthen the surface.
  • The adhesive primer contains film-forming substances, which, accordingly, form a film on the building base that improves the adhesion of the surface and the material. Such a primer can also make the surface rough, which also improves its adhesion to the material.

When is primer not needed?

Running primer can be used on the following surfaces:

  • from shell rock, since the uneven layer itself combines well with the material;
  • brick, which is made with partially empty seams;
  • from cinder blocks, since their porosity is suitable for applying the material.

Primer for decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a means for finishing surface decoration, which is used both indoors and outdoors (as shown in the photo). To ensure that the material lays flat and lasts for a long time without the need for restoration, it is also recommended to prime the surface before applying it.

The primer for decorative plaster is selected depending on where the finishing will take place - inside or outside the room. The primer packaging is marked accordingly - for external or internal use.

The primer for decorative plaster is also selected depending on the surface to which it will be applied. For concrete, wood and brick substrates, it is best to use a deep penetration primer. This composition will fill all microdamages and ensure high-quality adhesion of the plaster and the surface. It is recommended to take a deep penetration primer that contains antibacterial additives. They will protect the surface from mold and mildew.

To treat loose building substrates, it is recommended to use a strengthening primer. This composition will increase the surface density and improve the adhesion of materials. In particular, the strengthening primer is applied to lime plaster. If such a primer is not used, the material will soon begin to destroy the surface of the building base.

Priming rules

The primer for plaster is applied without any problems if the instructions are followed.

Priming Tools

To prime the surface you will need:

  • paint roller, brush or spray gun;
  • container for a paint roller;
  • directly the primer itself.

Surface preparation

The work begins with cleaning the surface. Deleted old material, dirt and dust. Next, the surface is left to dry. After this, the primer is prepared. If this ready-made composition, then it is thoroughly mixed. The concentrated mixture is diluted with water. The ratios are indicated on the packaging.

Applying primer

The primer is applied to the base with a roller, brush or punch. The primer is evenly distributed over the surface without smudges. When the entire surface has been treated, the product is left to dry. Permissible temperature indoors from +5 to +20 0 C. When the first layer has dried, the primer is reapplied on top of it. After drying, plaster is applied.

You can learn the rules for applying primer from the video tutorial given in this article.

If the surface priming algorithm is carefully studied, no problems arise during the work, and the result will satisfy even the most demanding craftsman.