home · Installation · Which room hygrometer to buy: types and functions of devices. How to use a hygrometer: step-by-step instructions Hygrometer where

Which room hygrometer to buy: types and functions of devices. How to use a hygrometer: step-by-step instructions Hygrometer where

A hygrometer is a device that determines the level of air humidity in the surrounding space and thus plays a fairly important role, since the well-being of people largely depends on this indicator.

Weather-dependent people, asthmatics and heart patients are especially susceptible to the influence of air humidity. It is necessary to maintain a normal level of the indicator, and in order to monitor its changes, a hygrometer is used.

The first hygrometers appeared in the 18th century. Until today, they have come a long way in development: from the simplest mechanical to electronic and psychrometric.

Hygrometers come in the following types:

  • hairline;
  • weight;
  • ceramic;
  • condensation;
  • electronic;
  • psychrometric (psychrometer).

Let us consider in more detail the technology of operation of each type of device.

Hair hygrometer

Hair hygrometers work on the basis of ordinary hair and its properties. Hair can change its length at different air humidity. It is pulled onto a board or frame and, lengthening or shortening, moves the arrow, which in turn moves along the scale of the device.

Hair hygrometer is good for home use, if it is not necessary to obtain extremely accurate data.

Also, they should not be moved or otherwise mechanically influenced. At the slightest impact, the hygrometer can fail, since its entire structure is quite fragile and delicate.

Weight hygrometer

An absolute weighing hygrometer consists of several tubes connected to a system. They contain a hygroscopic substance that can absorb moisture from the air.

A certain portion of air, taken at one point in space, is drawn through the entire system.

Thus, a person determines the mass of the tube system before and after passing air through it, as well as the direct volume of air passed through, and with simple mathematical manipulations can calculate the indicator being studied in absolute value.

Mechanical (ceramic) hygrometer

Porous or solid ceramic mass, which also includes metal elements has electrical resistance. Its level directly depends on humidity.

For it to function correctly, the ceramic mass must consist of some metal oxides. Kaolin, silicon and clay are used as a base.

Condensation hygrometer

This hygrometer is quite easy to use. The principle of its operation is based on the use of a built-in mirror. The temperature of this mirror changes along with the air temperature in the surrounding space.

Its temperature is determined at the initial moment of measurement. Then drops of moisture or small ice crystals appear on the surface of the mirror. The temperature is measured again.

Using the temperature difference determined condensation hygrometer, and air humidity is determined.

Electronic hygrometer

A layer of lithium chloride is applied to a plate of glass or other similar electrical insulating substance.

Humidity changes - the concentration and resistance of lithium chloride increases or decreases.

It is worth noting that the readings of an electronic (electrolytic) hygrometer may be slightly affected by air temperature, so it is often equipped with a built-in thermometer.

This hygrometer is extremely accurate and gives readings with minimal error.

Psychrometric hygrometer (psychrometer)

The psychrometer is a system of two conventional alcohol thermometers. One of them is dry, and the second is wet (this state is regularly maintained).

The faster moisture evaporates, the lower the relative humidity. The condensed liquid begins to cool. Thus, the difference between the temperatures of two thermometers and the rate of evaporation are determined, and on their basis the air humidity is found.

A psychrometer is not a hygrometer in the literal sense, but it measures the same indicator, so they are often identified.

In fact, the operating principle of any hygrometer is quite simple and is based on physical or chemical properties ah materials and substances.

Almost any hygrometer will be suitable for your use. living conditions, but the most accurate data is still provided by electronic hygrometers.

Everyone knows what a thermometer is, some of you have heard the word “hygrometer,” but probably many have no idea what kind of object it is or what its purpose is. Let's try to figure it out.

Hygrometer: definition, types and purpose

A hygrometer is a various types and types, designs and functional purpose. We are interested in a room hygrometer, which can be used separately or as part of home weather station. Common brands of devices: Testo, Tefal and others.

Based on the principle of the device, they distinguish the following types hygrometers:

Weight. Determines the quantitative content of water vapor in grams per cubic meter air.

Based on measuring the difference between wet and dry thermometer readings.

Hair. It uses the property of human hair, which shortens and lengthens as it decreases and increases. relative humidity air accordingly.

Condenser. This room hygrometer is based on the technology of cooling the air to the so-called “dew point” with condensation of water vapor.

To measure air in laboratory conditions, they mainly use weights and hair hygrometers are effective in low temperatures ah - the psychrometer, say, stops working at -10 degrees.

To measure humidity in apartments, psychrometric hygrometers are usually used. They are easy to use, reliable and optimal for measurements at positive temperatures. Hair machines also have a certain popularity.

It's up to you to decide whether to buy an electronic (digital) or mechanical, wall-mounted or tabletop hygrometer. Our goal is to show all the benefits of such an acquisition.

What benefits does this device bring?

Hygrometers are not very popular now, but in vain. Most people can't even imagine how useful this amazing parting can be.

First of all, it is indispensable for forecasting weather conditions. Ideal for these purposes room hygrometer, which can be installed in a forest house or cottage, at a recreation center, etc. By placing it indoors so that the hygrometer comes into contact with the air from the street.

A hygrometer is also very useful in determining the humidity in your home or apartment, especially if there are small children in it. So, if there is no temperature, you need to maintain a little high humidity. If the apartment is cold for some reason, the humidity should be lowered. Inexpensive indoor hygrometer indispensable assistant in effective regulation of living room humidity.

There are other benefits from this amazing device. You can use it to control humidity in the cellar, while maintaining beneficial features valuable food products.

Design and principle of operation using the example of the Vit 1 thermohygrometer

This device is made of polystyrene or materials with similar properties. Hygrometer Vit 1 is a psychrometric device. Its operation is based on the relationship between air humidity and the difference in the readings of the wet and dry thermometers, which are in thermodynamic equilibrium with the environment.

Attached to the base of Vit 1 are two thermometers with scales, a glass feeder filled with distilled water and a psychrometric table. A wet thermometer draws moisture from the feeder via a wick.

We take readings from both thermometers, determine the difference in readings and, based on the readings of the dry thermometer and the difference between the dry and wet thermometers, determine the humidity according to the psychrometric table.

This indoor hygrometer is simply irreplaceable at home.

Modern conditions for the production, storage and transportation of products of absolutely any type in any industry are regulated by a large number of international and national documents.

These documents describe the requirements put forward in the field of quality to the conditions of circulation of products during production, including climatic conditions product release.

The main condition is maintaining stable temperature and humidity conditions , that is, maintaining the values ​​of temperature and relative humidity throughout the entire volume of the operated production premises within certain, rather narrow limits (for example, for pharmaceutical warehouses these are temperature ranges of +2...+8 C, +8...+15 C, +15...+25 C and humidity ranges of 0...35%, 35...65%, more than 65% ).

The main means of ensuring such regimes is the system artificial ventilation, and the means of control are mechanical and digital thermohygrometers.

And if with temperature control everything is more or less clear - the change in the volume of the coolant with a change in temperature for mechanical devices and the change in the conductivity of the thermocouple with a change in temperature for electronic devices - then with the control of relative humidity it is not so simple.

Let's look at the main types of measuring instruments designed to control relative humidity environment, the most widespread in our country.

or mechanical hygrometer.

The simplest and most common means of controlling relative humidity. It cannot always be certified and verified by metrological services, especially some types with low sensitivity.

It cannot always be used to control humidity according to international standardization documents. There are several main types.

An absolute (weight) mechanical hygrometer consists of a branched system of U-shaped tubes filled with a hygroscopic substance that absorbs moisture from the air.

Through such complex system using a pump to draw a certain amount atmospheric air, the humidity of which is determined using the device.

Knowing the exact mass of such a system before and after the measurement, as well as exact volume of tested air passed through, can be calculated and determined absolute humidity this air.

An indispensable device such as an air conditioner is used to change the level of humidity and air temperature in the apartment. If you want to know what types of these devices there are, read this article.

In the event that you are faced with the question of choosing a refrigerator and you do not know which refrigerator to choose, this article will help you make your choice.

The principle of operation of a hair mechanical hygrometer is based on the property of degreased hair, such as the ability to change length with a significant change in the relative humidity of the external air.

This allows you to fairly accurately measure relative air humidity in the range from 30% to 100%. The hair is pulled onto a sensitive frame that is subject to deformation. The change in the length of such fat-free hair is mechanically transmitted to the arrow, which moves along the measuring scale.

A film hygrometer is a hygrometer that has a sensitive element made of an organic film that stretches when the relative humidity increases and contracts when it decreases.

The resulting change in the position of the fixed center of the film membrane is mechanically transmitted to the index arrow.

IN winter time or in conditions of low temperatures, hair and film hygrometers are the main means of measuring air humidity.

The readings of such mechanical hygrometers should be periodically compared with the readings of another more accurate liquid instrument - a psychrometer, which can also be used - and is used - to measure relative air humidity.

The main and, perhaps, the only advantages mechanical room hygrometers - low cost and ease of use. Basic disadvantage - low accuracy of indicators, which, in some cases, can be fatal.

The workhorse of relative humidity control in industry. Simple to set up and operate, with high accuracy when correct use, cheap in price - these are positive sides this device.

Such a device is a psychrometer consisting of two alcohol thermometers, one of which is a regular dry alcohol device, and the second is a special one with a humidification device.

These thermometers are calibrated with the main at the price of division 0.1 degrees Celsius. The temperature sensor of the second, wet thermometer is wrapped in matter immersed in a vessel with liquid (water). Under the influence of moisture evaporation, the moistened sensor, wrapped in cloth, cools.

When determining relative humidity, the readings given by dry and wet thermometers are taken, and then, using the psychrometric table located on the body of the device, the value of the current relative air humidity is calculated from the difference in these readings.

The key point in working with psychrometer readings is also the fact that The operation of the device is largely influenced by the current atmospheric pressure, therefore, to obtain accurate readings, in case of significant deviation of the value atmospheric pressure from normal, the results calculated using the psychrometric table are adjusted in one direction or another.

The VIT-1 hygrometer can be easily re-verified by any domestic service metrological verification. The standard calibration interval for it is 2 years.

During production, the device is verified by the manufacturer, and therefore the device does not need to be re-verified before use.

It is the same VIT-1 device, but with increased division value - 0.2 degrees Celsius. Designed to measure relative humidity over a wider range of air temperatures.

There is also a difference in the size of the verification interval, which for the VIT-2 device is already 3 years.

The most modern and accurate type of hygrometer. Recommended for use by most international regulatory documents on quality assurance.

Possesses important feature, characteristic of all electronic measuring instruments- can record the fact that the value of the measured parameter goes beyond the established limits of its maintenance and, if equipped with a timer and sufficient volume internal memory, in principle, the entire history of changes in the measured parameter over a certain period.

There are the following main types of electronic hygrometers:

Electrolytic- contains as a sensitive element a plate made of insulating material, covered with a hygroscopic layer of electrolyte, and on top - a binding material.

When the relative humidity of the air changes, the concentration of the electrolyte used changes, and therefore its electrical resistance; it is the change that changes.

Disadvantage such a hygrometer is dependence of its readings on external temperature.

To treat pulmonary diseases at home, a device such as a nebulizer is widely used. All the information about what types of devices exist, how to choose the right device for you.

What is aromatherapy? Read about it, the most interesting, complete, important and relevant information. Let's preserve our health and the health of our loved ones!

What is a compressor? You can find out more about this in the following article:
, learn something new!

Ceramic, whose action is determined by the dependence electrical resistance solid ceramic mass from the relative humidity of atmospheric air.

condensation - determines the dew point by the set temperature of the metal mirror at the moment the slightest traces of water appear on it, which condenses from the surrounding air.

Such a hygrometer consists of a special device designed to cool the mirror, a sensitive device that records the moment of condensation, and a sensitive thermometer that measures the current temperature of the mirror.

Basically, to cool the mirror, semiconductor elements are used, the operating principle of which is based on the Peltier effect, and the current temperature of the mirror can be measured by a wire resistor or semiconductor thermometer mounted in its body.

Heated electrolytic hygrometer- hygrometers, the principle of operation of which is based on the method of measuring the dew point over a saturated salt solution (usually lithium chloride), which for a given salt and temperature is in a known dependence on the relative humidity.

The sensitive element of such a device consists of a thermal resistance, on the outer casing of which a fiberglass cover impregnated with saline solution, and two platinum wire electrodes wound over the surface of the cover, which are then supplied with alternating voltage.

In addition to air humidity, air density is very important for health. How to calculate it? It will help you, find out what the air density in your home is!

Continuing the topic of health. It happens that it becomes difficult for us to breathe. What symptoms accompany this, what do they mean, what should I do? If you are concerned about this issue, read, take care of your health, you can’t buy it for any money!

The prices of hygrometers usually fluctuate depending on the principle of its operation, the presence/absence of pre-operational metrological verification, the place of their production, as well as the number of devices purchased.

Wholesale purchase of Chinese appliances. for example - an incredibly economical solution, which, however, comes with possible problems related to low quality such devices.

There are many online stores selling measuring instruments. Such stores provide largest selection measuring instruments you are interested in.

Another option is to purchase hygrometers from metrological verification services, which are also very often engaged in the sale of measuring instruments, and these devices, which is important, are already passed verification in advance Tina

My younger brother I was recently diagnosed with asthma. Our pediatrician recommended purchasing a device that will measure the humidity in the room. Therefore, today, the topic of devices that measure air humidity is very relevant to me. We bought a hygrometer and so far everything is fine with it. But in any case, the article turned out to be useful and relevant for me. Thank you.

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Few people know about the existence of such a device as a hygrometer. And, of course, not everyone knows the benefits that can be obtained from its use. First of all, it is health, which depends on living conditions and a comfortable microclimate. It's not just indicators temperature regime and air pollution, but also humidity parameters. Deviations from optimal values may contribute to serious illnesses. This is the main reason why it is worth buying an indoor hygrometer for every house or apartment, with the help of which you will be able to create ideal conditions for accommodation of all family members.

Electronic device

Before choosing the optimal moisture measuring device, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of its operation. The main classification can be distinguished:

  • hygrometers;
  • psychrometers.

Despite the common end goals, the operating principles of a psychrometer and a hygrometer are different.

You can use primitive grandma’s methods - a glass filled with liquid using or fir cone, the scales of which open if the air is too dry.

Hygrometer: what is it?

A humidity measuring device is used to determine the comfortable microclimate in a room. Before deciding which hygrometer to buy for your apartment, it is important to know the basic classification and operating principle of each model.

Devices can be divided into 4 types.

  • Psychrometer;
  • hair device;
  • electronic;
  • condensation

The simplest devices use special tables with relative humidity parameters. Modern electronic models work using microcircuits; they independently take data and display it on the display.

Why should you buy a room hygrometer?

People's health depends on many factors. The condition of the air, in particular its humidity, plays an important role. Both high and low humidity are harmful. When elevated, viruses and microbes begin to multiply. Decreased levels lead to difficulty breathing and drying out of the mucous membranes.

Modern meters are additionally equipped with:

Operating principle of a hygrometer-psychrometer

Psychrometer translated from Greek means “cold yardstick (measurement). This is the basic answer to the question of what a hygrometer measures. In other words, it can be used to measure air temperature and humidity.Its operating principle is based on change physical properties liquids. During this process, water evaporates. It loses energy, therefore the temperature drops. This decrease is recorded with a wet thermometer.

Its main difference from a hygrometer is the principle of operation, the operation of which is based on changes in the physical and chemical properties of substances when air humidity fluctuates.

Types of hygrometer designs

A device for measuring humidity must be purchased if there are small children in the house. And even more so if air conditioners are installed. Manufacturers offer models equipped with various functions. Each device has its own positive and negative properties, which are best known in advance.


Indoor electronic thermometer-hygrometer Quickly measures indoor humidity readings. Inside the device, an electrolyte (lithium chloride) is applied to the plate. thin layer. Voltage passes through it and goes to the indicator panel.


To measure the humidity in a room, many people choose a mechanical model. It is easy to use and its price is lower than that of an electronic one. However, his readings may also have errors. The simplest instruments are not certified and are not verified by meteorological services. Therefore, in this case we cannot talk about the accuracy of the readings.For room mechanical hygrometers-thermometers, the location of their installation is important. Most often offered wall models, which does not always fit into the interior.

Basic rules for choosing a room hygrometer

In order to get the maximum benefit from the device, before choosing, you need to know how the hygrometer works, what measurements will be made with it, and determine the conditions of its operation. In addition, the external data of the hygrometer play an important role.

Measuring range

The devices can be supplemented with a built-in thermometer, which is used to measure air temperature. Before choosing a model, it is important to determine where it will be installed. Not always an acquisition expensive device, with which you can obtain boundary parameters, will be justified.

It is important that the selected device is designed for parameters close to the upper limit of the range. For example, heating temperature is important for a bath. You should choose a model that will withstand temperatures up to +120°C. This will prolong its functioning.


Measurement accuracy is also important in certain cases. For example, in hospitals, warehouses. The psychrometer provides more accurate humidity data. Deviations of an electronic device can fluctuate within 5÷10%, of a condensation device – 1÷5%.

Humidity detection time

Many low-quality products from unknown manufacturers have been released onto the market. In the production of such devices, outdated techniques and methods for measuring humidity could have been used. Therefore, it is important to decide where to buy a room hygrometer, availability in point of sale relevant certificates for this product and especially important - guarantees.The device, which displays data after 1 minute, shows information and humidity a minute ago. – these are invalid parameters.

Choice additional functions in the device increases the cost of the hygrometer. Therefore, deciding on the feasibility of such a device for home use needed in each case separately. Let us present for your acquaintance the main functions of digital models.

Review of the main models of room hygrometers

Manufacturers have launched a variety of models on the market, both in terms of function and cost. You can buy a completely budget mechanical hygrometer, or choose a weather station with additional functions.

We offer an overview of the most popular hygrometers.

Model VIT-2

The VIT-2 device can be called the most popular.

  • The operating temperature range varies from -15° to +40°C;
  • thanks to the division value of 0.2°, you can obtain fairly accurate information about humidity;
  • filled with toluene, which is safe for household use.

Model PB-08

This model is equipped with a thermometer and barometer. The stylish wooden case reliably protects the mechanism from external influences. A hygrometer has a number of advantages:

  • high measurement accuracy;
  • presence of a barometer;
  • stylish design.

The device is a bestseller in the budget category, which does not affect the accuracy of its measurements. The advantages include:

  • the hygrometer is equipped with a high-resolution display;
  • additionally built-in thermometer;
  • small error;
  • compact size.

How to use a hygrometer

The hygrometer is quite easy to use. The operating principle is based on monitoring changes in the parameters of dry and humidified thermometers. They constantly measure the environment. Based on the temperature difference, the air humidity parameter is calculated.

  • In the simplest hygrometer, humidity is determined from a table on which the corresponding temperature data is plotted;
  • modern electronic devices calculate these parameters independently and display the final values ​​on the display.

User reviews of room hygrometers

Before choosing optimal model You should familiarize yourself with the opinions of device users. They will reliably tell you about all the nuances that arise during operation.

Hygrometer Boneco 7057

Neo Russia: Advantages: helps you understand whether you need a humidifier or not, durable, lightweight, attaches to any surface

Disadvantages: there are doubts about high accuracy

We purchased this hygrometer when our daughter was just born, in order to somehow determine whether the house was dry or not. IN winter period this is especially true, since the air in the apartment is especially dry due to heating...

More details on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4637786.html

Digital thermo-hygrometer with clock T-07

zaripova Russia, Perm: Advantages: compact, accurate.

Disadvantages: no

We bought an air humidifier. Works. And immediately disputes arose - one thinks that the humidity in the room is already high, and the other thinks that it is insufficient. The purchased humidifier does not have a built-in hygrometer, that’s the problem. I had to buy a hygrometer separately.

We bought a digital thermo-hygrometer with a T-07 clock at the Medtekhnika store. A small device that does not take up much space on the table...

More details on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4093216.html

How to make a hygrometer with your own hands

There are several options for making the device yourself. We invite you to get to know the most in a simple way measuring humidity using a napkin. The principle of its operation is based on the absorption of moisture. The movement of the wire arrow will indicate a change in the humidity in the room. You can use a store-bought device to apply a scale of values ​​on a napkin.

A mechanical hygrometer is most often used to monitor humidity in residential areas. It is cheap, simple in design, but not always highly sensitive to changes in humidity. The most simple hygrometers mechanical type are not tested meteorological services, and therefore cannot be certified. For this reason, the measurement results are far from the actual parameters of the environment. Hygrometers of this type are very sensitive to mechanical influences, and therefore require the most careful handling.

For a mechanical type hygrometer, the location of its installation matters. Most often, devices of this type need to be hung on the wall. Such placement is not always convenient, as it can introduce dissonance into the interior. In addition, the wall-mounted hygrometer is not portable, so it is difficult to move it from one room to another.

Wall hygrometer mechanical type without any additional configuration can only be used in stationary mode.

Electronic hygrometer: measurement accuracy and versatility

An electronic humidity meter has significant advantages when compared with a mechanical hygrometer. He is able to work in a wider temperature range, while recording minimal deviations in air humidity. The highest quality models can be used in the temperature range from -30 to +60°C.

E-filling ensures a higher accuracy of measurement, which mechanical devices are not always able to provide.

Another advantage of the electronic device is the clarity of data presentation. Typically, such a hygrometer has a convenient digital indicator that displays the level of humidity in the room. Very often the device is universal and makes it possible to take temperature readings, show the time and give some other information. useful information about the environment.

Household hygrometers electronic type have modern design, which fits perfectly into the interior of a living space. These devices are compact and, if desired, can be installed anywhere in space. Even the color of the hygrometer body can be selected taking into account the design of the room.

There are also more complex electronic devices for measuring humidity, which include several radio-controlled sensors. They can be mounted in in the right places apartments or country house, as well as outside the premises. Smart device collects information about humidity from several points at once, and an automatic control system based on this data makes changes to the climate regime even in the absence of the owners.

Humidity measurements are necessary for both physicists and weather forecasters. Yes, we ourselves should also be interested in this question, especially if we sit in the same room for a long time. After all, air humidity has an impact on the human body, which is why it needs to be controlled. There are two main types of devices that measure air humidity. They differ in structure and operating principle. These are hygrometers and psychrometers.


The principle of operation of hygrometers is to analyze the influence of humidity fluctuations on certain bodies and matter. For example, hair hygrometers are based on the ability of degreased human hair to change its length in response to changes in air humidity. With such hygrometers, air humidity is 30-100%. In film hygrometers, the moisture-sensitive element is an organic film.

Although both film and hair hygrometers are not able to provide the same measurement accuracy as a psychrometer. But the main means of measuring relative air humidity are still hygrometers, which are also gravimetric, electrolytic, condensation and ceramic. Each of these types of hygrometers has its own characteristics. But the base is the same for everyone: the hygrometric measurement method or determination of the dew point.

The psychrometric method of measuring relative air humidity is also very popular. Hygrometers can have an error of up to 5%, but psychrometers are much more accurate. The simplest standard psychrometer consists of two thermometers. One is dry and the other is wet. The second is wrapped in cotton cloth moistened with water. The evaporating water cools the thermometer, and at this time the second (dry) thermometer records the temperature of the surrounding air. The readings are ultimately transmitted to a recording device, which determines the relative humidity in the room based on the temperature difference between the dry and wet thermometers.

If you do not have a psychrometer or a hygrometer, air humidity can be measured without them. Take a cold shot glass tap water and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Make sure the water temperature does not drop below 5°C. Place the stack in the room so that it is away from heating devices. Now observe the stack for a few minutes.

If the walls of the stack begin to fog up and dry out after just five minutes, it means that the air humidity is very low, that is, the air is dry;
The walls of the stack, which remain fogged, will “tell you” about the average humidity;
If small streams of water form on the surface of the glass within five minutes, it means that the air humidity in the room is high.


If you have a special device for measuring air humidity - a hygrometer, then determining what humidity in the room is not difficult. But what to do if you don’t have such a device at hand. You can find out the approximate values ​​of air humidity in the apartment on your own. How to measure air humidity without a hygrometer. There is a fairly simple way.

Helpful advice

In winter, the air is dried out due to central heating; in summer, the humidity is often increased. How to measure air humidity in an apartment and bring it to normal? The humidity level depends on the moisture concentration outside the room. In winter, this difference is significant due to the heating operation. To measure humidity, use a good old hygrometer (personally, I still have one from my grandparents - 3 in 1: thermometer, hygrometer and barometer).


  • measuring air humidity in an apartment

Air humidity is measured using special device- hygrometer. But what to do if you don’t have such a device, and you need to determine the humidity, at least approximately? Take advantage simple advice determination of relative air humidity.


After the water has cooled, you should remove the glass from the refrigerator and place it in the room where you want to determine the humidity. Now you need to observe for several minutes. If the walls of the glass become dry after 3-5 minutes, then the humidity level in the room is low. If the walls of the glass remain wet after 3-5 minutes of observation, then the humidity level is average. If after 3-5 minutes Water flows down the walls of the glass for 5 minutes, which means the humidity level in the room is high.

Video on the topic

The issue of determining air humidity should concern not only physicists or weather forecasters, but also ordinary people, especially if the person most spends the day indoors. After all, too high humidity negatively affects health. This is why humidity must be constantly measured and controlled.


HygrometerThe principle of operation of this device is to determine the degree of influence of humidity on special matter. For example, hair hygrometer uses the property of hair to change length under the influence of humidity. There is also another type of hygrometer that uses organic. However, it is worth remembering that these devices are less accurate compared to psychrometers. But in the winter season, a hygrometer is the main device with which you can obtain accurate data on air humidity. In addition, there are several other types of such devices: condensation, weighing, electrolytic.

Psychrometer Using this device, you will get the most accurate result (hygrometer deviation is approximately 5%). A two-part psychrometer – a dry and a wet temperature sensor. The humidity of one of the sensors is achieved by placing it in wet cotton. Over time, the moisture evaporates and thus the thermometer. At the same time, another sensor measures the exact temperature in the room. As a result, the data obtained is transferred to a special microprocessor, which determines the exact air humidity.

However, it happens that such devices are simply not at hand. In this case, you can only get an approximate value of humidity using next method. Pouring cold water in a small glass, put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (the water should cool to 3-5 degrees). Then place the glass in the room in which you want to measure the humidity (remember that it should be as far away from heating devices as possible). Next, carefully observe the glass surface for 5 minutes:
- if streams have formed on the walls of the glass, then this indicates high humidity in room;
- if the surface remains foggy, then the humidity in the room is normal;
- if the walls are dry after 5 minutes, this means that the air in the room is too dry.


A full cycle of one-time measurements of temperature and air humidity and air velocity in one room should be carried out, if possible, simultaneously at different levels of the building, at least three times per work time, at time intervals of 7-8, 11-13 and 16-17 hours. 3.2.5. Indoor microclimate indicators should be measured with instruments that meet the requirements state standards, registered and certified by Rosstandart.

Helpful advice

Measuring humidity in rooms. The peculiarity of the task is to track changes in relative humidity when using climate control devices: air conditioners, humidifiers, etc. in order to assess the effectiveness of their use and installation optimal modes their operation. Solution: To solve this problem, you will need a device that can not only measure humidity and related parameters (air temperature, dew point, wet bulb temperature)...


  • measurement of indoor air humidity

In order to maintain a healthy microclimate in your apartment or house, it is necessary to monitor not only the air temperature in the room, but also its humidity. Dry air can reduce a person's immunity and make him vulnerable to various types of colds. Therefore, determining the humidity of indoor air is a fairly important task.

You will need

  • - psychrometer;
  • - hygrometer;
  • - thermometer;
  • - gauze;
  • - psychometric table;
  • - candle;
  • - matches;
  • - birch or pine chips.


Perhaps the simplest and most reliable way to determine air humidity is to use special measuring instruments - either. According to the principle of operation, hygrometers are divided into several types - film, hair, weight and others. The device can be used both in residential and warehouses, as well as in greenhouses, livestock and poultry farms.

When choosing a hygrometer, first decide what humidity it should measure. There are models on sale that can measure absolute air humidity, as well as those that work only with relative humidity.

Determine the measurement range, as there is a possibility of purchasing a model with which you will not be able to determine the humidity high enough for it. Decide for yourself how important the accuracy of the hygrometer readings is to you. If she has fundamentally important– purchase an optical device.

Decide on the conditions under which the measurements will be carried out. It is necessary to understand whether there is a possibility of moisture or dust entering the device. An IP protection scale for hygrometers has been developed - 0-6 for dust and 0-8 for water. Based on the possibility of these substances getting in, give preference to a model with the required scale.

It should also be taken into account that some hygrometers, measuring humidity under non-standard temperature conditions, may produce distorted readings.