home · Measurements · When is the best time to plant seedlings? What can be planted in open ground in early spring? Consider the information on the seed packet

When is the best time to plant seedlings? What can be planted in open ground in early spring? Consider the information on the seed packet

Seedlings are young plants specially grown in greenhouse conditions and then planted in open ground. It is often used in vegetable growing, ornamental gardening and growing various plants. Thanks to the seedlings, it is possible to obtain high yield ahead of schedule up to one and a half months. This is how popular vegetables are grown: cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and many others.

As soon as the snow falls and spring comes, summer residents are already preoccupied with starting to plant seedlings for a rich harvest in the future.

When to plant seedlings

This is done weeks or months in advance before planting in the ground. summer cottage. Planting time depends on the plant crop. Common in last years became moon calendar for seedlings, according to which seedlings are grown. Some summer residents are confident in the effectiveness of the method. Others are skeptical about him.

Seedlings are received different ways. Pots, egg trays or cups made of paper or plastic are used. The time for seed growth depends on the plant crop and its variety. Therefore, before you start growing, you need to know exactly when to plant seedlings correctly and how to do it so that everything works out in the required time.

Usually it begins to be grown from April to May. At the same time, in May you can move to dacha soil by building a film shelter there. This is acceptable, of course, if the year is not cold. A month before starting to transplant plants from insulated areas, the seedlings are gradually hardened. It is taken out into open areas, prolonging the duration on the street.

Let's consider right time seedlings individual species vegetables

Planting pepper

This warm-loving culture is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for human body. It contains a large number of vitamin C and no less - vitamin A. Pepper is added to a variety of summer salads or separately for meat dishes. That's why summer residents love it so much and often grow it in their garden beds.

Unlike other crops that may be suitable alternative method, pepper will not work without seedlings, it needs for a long time before fruit ripening: approximately one hundred twenty to one hundred thirty days. To understand when to plant pepper seedlings, you need to take into account that they are planted in the third month, when the period is already from sixty to eighty days. During this period, the bush begins to bloom.

The first shoots will appear well when the daytime temperature is from twelve to fifteen degrees, and the night temperature is from six to ten. It is planted in the ground approximately at the very beginning of summer. At this time frosts are unlikely to occur. When ripening in greenhouses, seedlings periodically need to be hardened with the sun. Otherwise, after landing, it runs the risk of immediately burning.

Tomato time

A favorite tomato, this round, orange or red vegetable is easy to grow. However, it absolutely needs to maintain a certain temperature.

Shoots can appear within three days after planting. The maximum waiting period is only seven days to a week. For development to proceed normally, the temperature must be constantly maintained from twenty to twenty-five degrees. With more high temperature, growth slows down, and then the plants completely stop developing.

Seedlings are organized approximately two or a little over a month before planting. Late varieties have a shorter period: from forty-five to fifty days. Thus, the seeds are sown between the tenth of March and the first of April. Replanting begins after the last frost.

In the northern regions this is the period of the second ten days of June, and in the central regions - the first half of May. After hardening the seedlings, which occurs within two to three weeks, they are moved to open ground.

Time for cucumbers

The cucumber, beloved by many, is considered the most capricious vegetable to transplant. The seeds must germinate before planting. From late March - early April, seedlings are prepared.

Before planting the seeds, they are soaked in a potassium permanganate solution (two grams per glass of water). Then place it on a damp cloth. In this case, the temperature should be between twenty and twenty-five degrees. After the seedlings develop, they are planted in pots with a width of six to ten centimeters.

The transplant should take place when the plant is no more than twenty-five to thirty days old. The plant should arrive in the greenhouse in mid-May, and on the site in a month.

Time for zucchini and eggplant

These cultures are as capricious as the previous ones. Normal growth and development occurs at twenty-five to thirty degrees, and they sprout at the age of ten to fifteen days.

If the temperature is too low, the seedlings will emerge much later. Zucchini is received only three months after transplantation. Therefore, it is necessary to grow seedlings in advance.

Sprouts are planted in the ground two months after planting the seeds for seedlings. It cannot withstand frosts, so eggplants are transplanted from the end of May, and seedlings are planted in the middle of the first spring month.

Time for cabbage

For cabbage, planting and replanting can vary greatly depending on different varieties. But usually cabbage seedlings need to be planted two months before the planned transplant. Early varieties begin to grow in mid-March, and late varieties - a month later.

The first cabbage harvest is harvested after three to four months, the middle ones after four to five months, and for the late ones, the first fruits should be expected only five to six months after transplanting into the ground.

The plant loves light and tolerates cold, but has rather high soil requirements. Seedlings are able to grow and develop well already at temperatures from six to ten degrees, but over time the temperature must be increased to fourteen to eighteen degrees.

All dates must be carefully studied before starting seedlings. Then the harvest will be really good.

Planting seedlings for the greenhouse in February

Most crops begin to be planted in February. But early varieties are only being prepared for planting at the end of winter. Before sowing, all seeds must be sorted and left warm for some time. There is no point in sowing damaged grains. They are usually thrown away.

At the end of winter, root celery and early cabbage are usually planted. You can also plant eggplant because the seeds will take longer to germinate than other common crops. It will take longer for them to force seedlings. Therefore, in order to get fruits before August, all eggplant seeds must be planted in the first half of February.

It is not easy to get black onions either. The seedlings will take a long time to germinate, so there is no need to talk about an early harvest. The seeds have a shell, due to which pecking occurs slowly. To speed up the process, they are dipped in water with potassium permanganate and left for about twenty minutes, after which they are washed with cold water.

Then the treated seeds are covered with a light cloth, such as gauze, and left in a warm place, and after the seedlings appear, they are planted. To strengthen them, a solution for microfertilizers is sometimes used.

At the same time, seedlings for pepper are prepared. As already mentioned, once in the ground, the seeds simply will not have a chance to germinate.

At this time, basil and lettuce, as well as parsley and dill, are grown from greens. Even if you change your mind about planting it, you can always use ready-made plants in cooking, simply by trimming them again and again.

Any seedlings should be kept in a lighted place where there are no drafts. For February seeds, it is better to use, in addition to natural, solar, artificial lighting from one or more lamps.

The process starts from the moment the seeds are purchased. The bag should be taken seriously and carefully examined, examining the expiration date, manufacturer, and more. This directly determines whether the harvest will be successful or whether the seeds will remain lying in the soil or other seedlings.

To grow seedlings you will need:

  • Decide where the container will be located, preference should be given to the light area;
  • flat sticks for notes;
  • transparencies;
  • fertilizer soluble in water;
  • small containers.

Experts advise not to grow seedlings in a single container; you may not notice the seedlings. Seedlings produced separately will save time if everything needs to be repeated. At home, it is better to use a container with forty cells, the length and width of which are five centimeters each, and the depth is seven. It is convenient to place it on the windowsill, and the plants will receive the necessary area.

Step-by-step instructions for growing seedlings include:

  1. Filling the container with wet soil.
  2. Leveling the soil using a ruler or similar device until a smooth, horizontal surface is obtained.
  3. Carefully sowing seeds - if cells are provided, then put two seeds in each (the weak ones can then be removed).
  4. Using dry cardboard, press the seeds into the soil until they make full contact, then germination will be better.
  5. Sprinkle soil on top - it should be four times the diameter of the seed, this is the main rule when planting.
  6. Putting the date and variety on the prepared stick, this is especially necessary if different varieties are grown in the same container.
  7. Capacity coating plastic film, not watered until germination.
  8. When placing the container in a dark, warm place without drafts, there should be no light because an excessive amount of moisture will be released under the film, which will cause the seeds to rot.
  9. Removing the film after germination.
  10. Seedlings begin to appear after about two or even three weeks, but if the container is stored in right place, then they usually appear on the tenth to fourteenth day.
  11. After germination, they are placed in the sun (but not in direct rays); If the room is cold, you will have to add a heater and make sure that the temperature is maintained constant.

Plants are watered when moisture is no longer felt on the soil. It is more convenient to do this with a spray bottle.

Fertilizer is used once or twice.

Seedlings are kept indoors for six to eight weeks. Within another two weeks it is prepared for transplantation, periodically transferring it to open air and increasing the time each time.

When planting seedlings in the ground, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to plant plants at sunset, then they will not dry out;
  • you need to check that both the plants and the soil are well watered;
  • you need to try not to spoil the root ball;
  • after planting, water the hole;
  • you can add snail bait;
  • the soil must remain moist at all times.

Landless growing of seedlings: sawdust

Most often, the technology is used to grow flowers. For example, growing petunia in this way is very simple and effective. However, it also applies to vegetables. This method will require less time and resources, and it is easy to grow even in a small apartment.

The technique is often used to grow cucumbers, tomatoes, and fruits of the pumpkin family. Ripening here occurs faster. To achieve a similar result on earth, the use of chemistry will be required. The root in the sawdust is stimulated well, and there is no point in interfering with the process.

Sawdust for seedlings must be treated with an antiseptic. Seeds are most vulnerable to various infections, which can reduce the chances of seedling germination to zero. The sawdust is first doused with boiling water, and only then processed. Usually, water with potassium permanganate acts as an antiseptic, where sawdust is placed for a quarter of an hour or a little more. They are then dried in an open room. If moisture remains, it can provoke the appearance of mold, and the latter will cause the emergence of harmful microorganisms.

The container for seedlings must be sufficient for the root to develop freely. It is recommended to choose ordinary wooden boxes with high sides. One is enough for a whole bed of tomatoes or cucumbers, and the greater depth will allow you to pour a lot of sawdust, which is what the technology requires. When growing, the layer height should be between eight and ten centimeters.

The bottom must be covered with cellophane. Then the first layer of sawdust is poured, followed by the second, up to one and a half centimeters thick. It must be moistened, as it plays the role of the main soil. Next, the seeds are planted, making a small depression in the sawdust. The box is covered with the same film as on the bottom and put away in a dark, dry and warm place.

After germination, the film is removed and the box is transferred to a bright room. The seedlings are sprayed every day. A week later, the first feeding is done. In total - no more than three, since procedures are carried out twice a month. Used for them weak solution mullein, introduced by spraying.

Growing seedlings: toilet paper

The method is often used when there is little free space for containers. Here you will need plastic bottles, cellophane film and toilet paper. Oddly enough, the method proved to be effective. However, in this case, the seedlings must be fed with a liquid product.

So, plastic bottles are cut in half and the hole is screwed in. The film is cut into long strips of ten to fifteen centimeters. Toilet paper is also cut, placed on top of the film and moisturized well.

The seeds are poured onto paper and carefully spread out evenly. Then cover with the same moistened paper tape. All this is wrapped in a roll and loosely tied to fix it in this position.

All rolls are placed in bottle halves, filled with water to four to five centimeters. They need light right away. Therefore, the bottles are placed on the windowsill. Every other day the water should be changed, and after five days a root stimulator should be added.

Sprouts will appear in about two to two and a half weeks. It is impossible not to notice, the roll will turn green. Then the plants are transplanted either into separate containers or into open ground. From toilet paper There is no need to get rid of it; it will decompose safely in the ground.

As you can see, growing seedlings is easy. Material resources practically not required. All you have to do is arm yourself simple rules, and then use everything at hand. Hurry, 2016 seating starts soon!

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Folk signs planting a vegetable garden suggested what to plant and when. We have been using them for many years and they have never let us down.

Folk signs have always helped gardeners in planting seeds and seedlings. IN lately The weather has become unpredictable, so it is better to check the sowing dates according to nature. So today, we invite you to familiarize yourself with these signs in order to get a rich harvest.

Folk signs of planting a vegetable garden - what and when

You cannot plant potatoes - on Palm Week, on Wednesday and Saturday - they will be spoiled. And when the elderberry or bird cherry blossoms, they plant it. Inquire.

As soon as the coltsfoot begins to bloom, this is the beginning of spring for the gardener. It is from this day in the old days that you need to count 11 days and whitewash the trees, rake leaves, loosen the soil, plant tree seedlings. On day 14, they plowed the ground and marked out the beds. And on the 23rd day you can already plant early vegetables:

  • turnips and beets;
  • radishes and radishes;
  • carrots and peas;
  • parsley and onion.

In early spring, onions and cabbage are sown in the fourth and fifth weeks of Lent. In late spring - last days Holy Week, best on Saturday.

Planting vegetable crops according to folk signs

When sunflowers are planted, they are silent and do not bite the seeds. This must be done on Saturday before the sun rises. Better after sunset.

You cannot sow beets during Palm Week.

Peas are sown at dawn. It is possible both on Holy Thursday and on Saturday. Best time– late April or early May, when the oak develops.

Soak carrots early in the morning. Sow seeds without outsiders.

The pumpkin is planted on Tuesday or market day.

You need to sow bread when the birch catkins burst.

For radishes, red cabbage, early radishes, lettuce, kohlrabi, the time is when the daffodils begin to bloom or fluffy “lambs” appear on the willow.

Corn, dill - for cherry blossoms.

When to plant seeds and seedlings according to folk signs

Nature gives every seed the opportunity to express itself in the harvest.

  1. Onion seedlings are sown when the frogs begin to croak.
  2. Carrots and parsley - when violets and hazels are blooming.
  3. The head lettuce is sown as soon as the lilac begins to bloom and the meadow bathing suit turns yellow.
  4. It is better to sow oats as soon as the frogs start croaking. Late deadline- at the blossom of apple trees.
  5. Barley - when oak trees have leaves the size of a penny.
  6. Cucumbers and tomatoes - in the color of rowan or viburnum. At the same time, squash and pumpkin are planted.

The hazel is covered with inflorescences - time for planting in open ground:

  • spinach;
  • radish;
  • poppy;
  • calendula.

Folk signs of planting a vegetable garden will help seeds, seedlings and seedlings take root.

When not to plant and sow. Video

If you don't know when and what to plant in your garden, contact folk wisdom gardeners. From Pro100garden in the “All about seedlings” section.


Seedlings are brought into the greenhouse around May 10-20, and open beds planted no earlier than June 10, since frosts on the soil are possible at the beginning of summer.

Expect that seedlings will appear after your sowing in 3-15 days. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the seedlings, which they must reach before planting. permanent place. The plant needs 2-3 days to take root.

Here is an example of such a calculation: a celery seedling is planted in a garden bed around May 25th. Subtract the optimal age of the plant from this date, it is 70-80 days, subtract another 15 days that will take for germination, and a few more days for adaptation. It turns out that you need to subtract about 95 days from May 25th. It turns out that you need to sow celery seedlings after February 25th.

If you need to get your first harvest by certain period, take into account the duration of the plant’s growing season from planting to the appearance of fruit. This time is indicated on the seed package.

The early growing season is approximately 100 days. The best age for seedlings to move to a permanent place is 45-50 days. Sprouts sprout in 7-8 days. The seedlings are planted in the greenhouse around June 1. Goes out to get a tomato harvest for fresh salad by July 20, you need to sow the seeds 100 days before this day, plus a week for germination and several days for adaptation. It turns out the date is April 1-8.

Cucumbers, zucchini, melons are faster-ripening crops, but do not tolerate transplantation into the ground more easily. Start growing them in separate peat pots. These are very light-loving plants, so there is no point in sowing them earlier than April 10-20.

If you have heated greenhouses, sow tomatoes and peppers in February or early March. Then you will start replanting the plants in late April or early May. There is no need to rush; there is nothing good in overgrown seedlings.

To make it easier for you to navigate the timing, the following are the planting dates for the most popular plants in summer cottages: Celery. Ground – May 25. Seedling growth – 70-80 days. Germination – 15 days. Sowing seeds - after February 25. Bell pepper. Ground – June 5. Seedling growth – 70 days. Germination – 12-14 days. Sowing seeds - after March 10. Early white cabbage. Soil - after May 20. Seedling growth – 50 days. Germination – 5 days. Sowing seeds - March 15. Eggplant. Ground – June 5. Seedling growth – 50 days. Germination – 12 days. Sowing seeds - April 1. Tomato. Seedling growth – 45-50 days. Germination – 7-8 days. Sowing seeds - April 1-8. Cucumber. Soil - after May 25. Seedling growth – 25-27 days. Germination – 3 days. Sowing seeds - no earlier than April 25. Head lettuce. Ground – June 10. Seedling growth – up to 40 days. Germination – 4 days. Sowing seeds - after April 25. Mid-season cabbage. Soil - after early cabbage. Seedling growth – up to 40 days. Sowing seeds - end of April. Pumpkin, squash, zucchini. Ground – June 10. Seedling growth – 25-27 days. Germination – 4 days. Sowing seeds - after May 10.

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Tip 2: When to sow seeds for seedlings in April and May 2018 according to the lunar calendar

April and May are the busiest time for summer residents, gardeners and gardeners. It is during these spring months that there is so much to do and nothing to forget. The lunar calendar can be a good clue gardening work during this stressful time.

Optimal days for working with seeds, planting and replanting seedlings of flowers, vegetables and others garden plants in April and May 2018:

Plant care work:

To speed up the appearance of a good and high-quality harvest, most vegetable crops Today they are grown by seedlings.

They begin to grow it several weeks or months before planting it in a permanent place where the crop grows.

In this material, we would like to discuss in more detail when is the best time to plant seedlings of the most popular vegetables today, grown in almost every summer cottage - this tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants and zucchini.

In recent years, it has become popular to plant seedlings according to the archery calendar or various folk signs.

It is believed that plants planted on the waning moon will be lifeless and weak. But we will consider more rational planting dates, based on the characteristics of each plant.

Modern gardeners grow seedlings with the most different ways. Special pots are used for this, egg trays and even paper cups. The timing of planting seeds depends entirely on the species and individual characteristics growing vegetables. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is the approximate timing of planting the cuttings in open ground in a permanent place.

They begin to grow seedlings, often in April, early May. Moreover, in May it can be grown directly in open ground under shelters made of special film, of course, if the year is warm. A few weeks before transplanting plants from insulated places, they are often hardened, that is, they are taken out little by little. open space streets, each time increasing the duration of stay in cooler conditions.

Planting pepper seedlings

Pepper is a very heat-loving crop, which is considered one of the most beneficial for the human body. It contains a huge amount of vitamin C and multivitamin A. Sweet pepper perfectly complements many meat dishes on our table, so summer residents grow it in their gardens.

Photo of pepper seedlings

Suits pepper exclusively seedling method growing, since the time from germination to the appearance of the first fruits is quite long - 120-150 days. Peppers are transplanted into open ground at the age of 60-80 days, when the first buds appear on the bush. The approximate planting time is determined by the ambient temperature.

Having sprouted the first shoots, the plant grows well at temperatures from 12 to 15 degrees during the day, and from 6 to 10 at night. Therefore, the approximate planting time is the first ten days of June, when the risk of frost is minimal. During the period of seedling maturation in greenhouses, it requires periodic solar hardening, since plants that do not see the sun will immediately burn.

Tomato seedlings

Tomatoes are a round, red vegetable with a sweet or sweet and sour flavor. Of all vegetable crops, tomatoes are the least demanding in growing conditions. But they are quite demanding on temperature conditions.

Photo of tomato seedlings

The first shoots appear in the ground already 3-7 days after sowing. Optimal temperature For normal development of tomatoes, 20-25 degrees is considered. If the temperature rises above 30, their growth slows down significantly or stops altogether.

Tomato seedlings should be planted approximately 60-70 days before transplanting to a permanent location. Late varieties are planted in 45-50 days. The time for sowing seeds is March 10 - April 1. As a rule, replanting of young plants begins after spring frosts have ended.

For the central regions of the country - this is May 1-15, more northern regions - June 10-20. If the seedlings have been previously hardened, then transplantation can be done 15-20 days earlier than the generally accepted dates.

Cucumber seedlings

Cucumbers are the most capricious vegetable in terms of transplanting. Before planting the plant seeds, they need to be germinated. In the twentieth of March - early April, you can begin to prepare seedlings.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 250 g of water). Then they are transferred to a damp cloth, in which the temperature is maintained at 20-25 degrees. When the first sprouts appear, they begin to plant the plants in pots 6-10 cm wide.

Maximum age young plant before transplantation – 25-30 days. Transplantation into the greenhouse begins in mid-May, and in open ground - in mid-June.

Zucchini and eggplant seedlings

These crops, like cucumbers, are very difficult to grow. The temperature of their normal development is 20-25 degrees. The first plant shoots appear 10-15 days after sowing.

The photo shows eggplant seedlings

If the temperature drops, seedlings may appear much later. Early ripening varieties of zucchini produce fruit only 100 days after planting, which is why they are grown through seedlings.

Plants are usually transplanted into the ground 60-65 days after sowing the seeds. The plant does not tolerate frosts, so it is better to plant eggplant seedlings in mid-March and transfer them to the ground at the end of May.

Cabbage sowing dates

Cabbage seeds are sown in the most different terms, it all depends on the type of crop. But usually this happens 60-65 days before transplanting into open ground. Cabbage seedlings more early varieties you can start as early as mid-March, middle and late ones - from mid-April.

The first harvest of early varieties occurs after 90-110 days, for middle ones - 130-150 days, while late varieties bear fruit 150-170 days after planting.

This plant is cold-resistant and light-loving, and has special requirements for soil fertility. Seedlings develop normally at a temperature of 6 to 10 degrees before the first shoots appear, then the temperature needs to be increased to 14-18 degrees.

The timing of planting seedlings is different for each plant. Therefore, before starting it, study the growing characteristics of the crop in order to get a rich and healthy harvest on time.

So, seeds have already been purchased from most gardeners. Eternal question: what can be planted in early spring in the beds, which plants are not afraid of light frost. What to plant in February or March in open ground. What needs and can be planted first, and what crops can wait for better times. In early spring in February-March, even when the soil has not yet warmed up, you can plant quite a few crops - celery, carrots, radishes, parsley, parsnips, peas, chives. All these crops tolerate light frosts well. But in order for your efforts not to be in vain, you still need certain knowledge.


Carrot seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 3-4°C, and the most best temperature– 18-20°C. This makes it possible to plant it in March, and in the Kuban even in February (February windows), making maximum use of the accumulated moisture in the soil. The seeding depth is 3-4 cm.

Carrots develop underground, therefore, to form a smooth, beautiful root crop, loose, fertile soil is needed. Before sowing, it is necessary to add 1 sq. m 2-3 kg of humus, 20-25 g of superphosphate, 10-15 g of potassium salt.

Carrots are a cold-resistant plant. It grows and develops well in cool weather, so early harvest can be received as early as May. But this, of course, will be young carrots, which are usually sold in bunches at the market and which children love so much.


Parsley seeds germinate at a temperature of 1-5°C. Shoots appear in 12-15 days. Parsley also grows well in cool weather. Its seedlings are not afraid of frost, and with good snow cover, parsley remains green even in winter under the snow.

Parsley is sown to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and mulched with humus. After the true leaves appear, they are fed with diammophos, ammophos, and potassium fertilizer.


This unpretentious plant. It is cold-resistant, the seeds germinate slowly, germinating in 20-24 days. The seedlings are not afraid of frost. Drought is also not a problem for parsnips. It can be planted in any soil - it is not particularly picky about it. After 2-3 true leaves appear, fertilizing is carried out.


Radishes are sown when the soil warms up to 2-3°C. Typically this temperature occurs in February or March. For best use bed area and good plant development, sow 5 × 5 cm seeds using egg racks. The grids are used to mark the bed like a marker and the seeds are placed in the depressions made in the ground. It turns out to be a fairly wide bed of 6 rows. You choose the length of the bed yourself. Then make a passage 20-30 cm wide (foot length) and repeat the sowing procedure. You fill the holes with radish seeds either with sand, or (I do this) with a mixture of damp soil and vermiculite. Vermiculite loosens the soil well and retains moisture in the ground longer, which means the fruits will not crack with irregular watering.

Radish seedlings tolerate frosts well down to -3°C, and mature plants tolerate frosts down to -5°C.


Peas tolerate frosts down to minus 4°C. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 1-2°C, and brain varieties at - 4-8°C. This plant loves moisture, but does not tolerate high standing. groundwater. It is a good precursor for all crops. Entering the full mineral fertilizer When sowing, it increases the sugar content.


Onion seeds (nigella) germinate at a temperature of 2-4°C and tolerate light frosts. Root system Onions are even better formed during the cool period. And for the formation of bulbs, a temperature of 20-25°C is needed. At higher temperatures, onion growth slows down.

It is better to soak onion seeds in a solution before sowing boric acid(5 g per 1 liter of water). Then they are dried until they flow and sown. The depth of planting of nigella is 2-3 cm. Fertilizing is carried out in the phase of 2 leaves, and during the period when the bulb begins to form - with nitroammophos, diammophos.


It is better to start growing celery with pre-sowing preparation seeds For faster germination, they are soaked in water for 2-3 days at room temperature. The water is changed 2-3 times a day.

For celery, from sowing to obtaining seedlings suitable for planting in the ground, it usually takes 70-80 days.

If the weather is favorable, you can begin planting seedlings in the second half of March. Before this, it is watered abundantly to reduce damage to the root system.

And one more warning: the application of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides to green plantings in early spring is unacceptable