home · Measurements · When everything starts to bloom. What year does lilac bloom? Allergenic plants: when do they bloom?

When everything starts to bloom. What year does lilac bloom? Allergenic plants: when do they bloom?

While many plants generously display abundant flowering throughout the season, while others wait a long time before showing their bloom. Some do not bloom for many years or even centuries, and only release color once in a lifetime.

10. Chilean puya (Puya chilensis).

This giant plant is considered a sheep killer. It fires a huge 3-meter arrow with a flower-like end. Puya lures animals into a trap, and when they die, it sucks their nutrients. Some believe that this plant developed this habit in order to use the rotting corpses to obtain nutrients. This unusual flower can serve in a great way to keep dogs off your lawn. If you decide to plant it, then know that it grows slowly and blooms only once every 15-20 years.

9. Madagascar palm (Tahina spectabilis).

This plant reaches enormous sizes, dies after the fruits appear and blooms only once, after 100 years. What makes this tree especially unique is that it was only found in 2008. Because it blooms so rarely, probably no one noticed that it was different from other palms. The tree has amazing similar characteristics with palms found in Asia, leading some scientists to believe that these palms existed in Madagascar before it split from India 80 million years ago.

While thousands of seeds from this palm were collected and planted in botanical gardens, less than 100 of these plants grow in Madagascar.

8. Night-blooming cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus).

Compared to other plants noted in our article, its flowering stage occurs quite quickly, only after one year after planting. But it is quite difficult to see this representative of the cactus family in bloom. It grows primarily in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts and blooms only at night.

Despite their attractive white and yellow flowers, these cacti have a rather intimidating appearance due to their tentacle-like long stems that wrap around everything nearby. And given that it can grow up to 12 meters (39 feet) in length, there probably won't be many objects that will escape its annoying attention.

7. Narrow-leaved lychnis (Silene stenophylla).

The presence of Lychnis angustifolia on this list may seem strange at first because it blooms annually, usually throughout the summer. However, more than 30 years must pass before its flowering period begins.

So what's the problem? The plant was found as a seed on ice-age Siberian permafrost. Biologists discovered the seed of this plant in a fossilized squirrel burrow. The seed was revived using growth hormone. A plant growing in glacial period, is surprisingly similar to its modern relative. There are only minor differences in the seeds, roots and buds.

Scientists have discovered hundreds of thousands of other well-preserved seeds and nuts in the burrow and are eagerly awaiting how they will grow in more temperate climates. These amazing finds are a constant reminder of climate change on Earth.

6. Kurinji plant.

When the kurinji bush blooms, it produces many purple and blue flowers.

It graces the mountains of southern India and is such a spectacular sight that the mountains of the Nilgiri range (which translates to “blue mountains”) were named after these beautiful flowers. Unfortunately, kurinji only blooms once every 12 years. However, their flowering period is so precise that it is said that local ancient tribes used this plant to keep track of their age.

Unfortunately, kurinji is endangered, although several organizations are working to protect this unique plant.

5. American Agave (Agave americana).

Although this plant is sometimes called an “agave,” agave actually blooms once every 10 years or so. This common ornamental plant is grown all over the world, and chances are you've seen it growing in a garden or someone's yard. In fact, you must have mistaken it for aloe because, except when the agave is in flower, the two plants are very similar. However, when it blooms, you will not confuse it with any other plant. It shoots a tall, eight-meter arrow with yellow flowers.

Besides what it is beautiful plant Agave is also grown for consumption and juice, and as an antiseptic.

4. Queen of the Andes (Puya raimondii).

This plant always dwarfs other vegetation growing in the area, but when it finally blooms (after 80 -150 years), it shoots out flowers up to 12 m (39 ft) high and truly looks like something extraordinary. It is surprising that the Andean queen grows to such lengths in regions with harsh conditions and at very high altitudes where other plants have a very difficult time surviving.

When it blooms, it shoots out an arrow with numerous white, green and purple flowers. After the queen of the Andes drops millions of her seeds, the plant dies.

Due to grazing, burning and other factors, the population of this plant is declining throughout Peru and Bolivia.

3. Melocanna baciffera.

This is a type of bamboo that can be found throughout India. It blooms every 44 - 48 years and, undoubtedly, local residents want its flowering interval to be even longer. Why are they so afraid of this plant blooming? Attached to the flowers of this bamboo are large fruits containing a large number of seeds that attract rodents. Thus, the magnificent spectacle is the cause of the invasion of black rats. In addition to the fact that rats are carriers various diseases, they are the cause of another serious problem - hunger.

2. Talipot palm.

This is another type of giant palm that reaches 25 meters in height and has a one-meter trunk. In addition, its branched inflorescence reaches a size of 6 by 8 meters. You need to be patient to see this tree in bloom, because... they shed color only once every 30–80 years. However, seeing this huge plant in bloom, one becomes sad, because... this means that it will die soon. It expends all its energy reserves producing golf-ball-sized fruits, which quickly crumble before the plant dies.

The Talipot palm is the national tree of Sri Lanka. It is made from various goods, get wood and straw.

1. Giant Himalayan lily Cardiocrinum giganteum).

The Himalayas seem to be a magical place where unique plants grow and the fact that a giant lily grows here once again confirms this fact. For most of its life, this plant appears as a modest tuft of glossy leaves, but after 5-7 years it sprouts up to three meters (9.8 feet) in length and produces funnel-shaped flowers with a subtle, enchanting scent.

The plant is the largest of all lily species and typically grows at altitudes ranging from northern India to Japan. Researchers discovered this flower in the mid-1800s, and since then, diligent and patient gardeners have successfully grown it in a variety of climates.

Bird cherry is a fairly common plant in our country, which belongs to the plum family. It is found in bushes and wooded areas. It can be seen in Asia, Western Europe and many other places. And in Russia it is planted as an ornamental plant. The tree likes to grow where there are more humid places, that is, on the banks of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water or in nearby forests.

Bird cherry and its description

By appearance bird cherry is tree or tall bush. It can reach a height of up to ten meters and have a dense crown. Belongs to the Rosaceae family and has black-gray bark. It is matte with white splashes. The branches can be olive or cherry in color.

Bird cherry foliage looks quite simple. The leaves have an oblong lanceolate or elliptical shape. They can be from 3 to 10 centimeters in length.

The flowers of this plant are especially interesting. They have a white tint, but sometimes there are specimens that have a slightly pinkish tint. The inflorescences are collected in flowing thick racemes, the length of which can reach up to ten or twelve centimeters.

The flowers have a rather pungent aroma, which is hard to miss when passing nearby. There are five petals on a flower. There are the same number of sepals on the peduncle. And there are 20 stamens.

After flowering, berries are formed on the tassels; they are similar in size to currants. As they ripen, they turn black and have a sweetish-astringent taste. They are very healthy and contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. They contain a lot of iron, manganese, zinc, cobalt, vitamins P, C, etc.

When the bird cherry blossoms

At the beginning of spring, the buds are just beginning to swell, but from late April to early May There is rapid growth of herbaceous plants. Just at this time you can see the bird cherry blossom. Sometimes she is called the queen of spring. Perhaps this is one of the earliest spring flowering trees.

The flowering of this representative of the rose family is always associated with the threshold of agricultural work. It is generally accepted that at this time it is time to sow wheat, plant potatoes, etc. And this indicates that there will be good harvest. That is, the beginning of flowering has long meant for rural residents the time when they could start sowing.

It should be noted that bird cherry usually blooms in the first week of May, however, due to the weather, its flowering can be seen ten days earlier or later. That's why certain number It is not easy to tell when this plant will bloom. Also, the flowering time depends on the region in which the tree grows. For example, in Siberia, its flowering can shift right up to the very end of May.

Thus , bird cherry flowering depends on:

  • region of growth;
  • spring climate.

How does a plant bloom?

The bird cherry blossoms very beautifully and looks special. During this period, all plants are just beginning to wake up after winter, and buds are already beginning to form, which will soon open and enchant passers-by with their delicious aroma. Soon, a swarm of bees will hover around the falling flowers, collecting the first nectar.

However, despite all this magnificence, you should not abuse them. The aroma of bird cherry, although pleasant, is quite pungent, and if you stay near it for a long time, it can cause headache and even slight malaise. Therefore, it is better to enjoy this fragrance in the fresh air, rather than cut fragrant bouquets for the home.

Bird cherry flowers are very valuable and have great benefits:

Bird cherry varieties

Currently, about twenty varieties of this tree belonging to the rose family are known. For Russian areas, the most common plant is the bird cherry, which has white flowers and black astringent fruits. However, the following types can be noted:

The topic of today's article is the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers, relevant for 2019. Calendar showing flowering dates various plants, which can provoke an allergy, will help you take the necessary measures in advance in order to successfully fight the disease.

Allergy, despite its prevalence, has acquired a huge number of myths. In particular, many blame poplar fluff for seasonal allergies. In fact, down does not cause allergies, but it does carry pollen over long distances. flowering herbs- for example, fescue or timothy. And pollen may well cause an allergic reaction.

Among all types of allergies, hay fever (hay fever, seasonal allergies) is especially common. If you have hay fever, a flowering calendar will help you take steps to ease the symptoms of the disease.

Current news for 2019

Birch trees are actively dusting.

In addition, the following flowers bloom: willow, maple, elm, alder,

Seasonal allergies manifest themselves:

  • conjunctivitis (inflammation, itching, pain in the eyes), lacrimation,
  • runny nose (allergic rhinitis),
  • coughing and sneezing.

Sometimes there is a pain in the throat and (or in the ears).

A more severe manifestation of hay fever is pollen asthma. Allergy manifestations such as urticaria and Quincke's edema are possible.

Manifestations of hay fever can affect both children and adults. It is important to know what plants bloom in your region to avoid allergies if possible.

In children, a symptom such as ear congestion (up to complete temporary hearing loss) is quite common. Sometimes childhood hay fever takes on the character of severe bronchial asthma.

It will be useful to know about the probability - after all, a reaction can occur not only to pollen, but also to similar proteins in food products.

Allergenic plants: when do they bloom?

There are three main types of seasonal allergies.

  • Spring(trees blooming). Falls in April - May.
  • Summer(flowering of cereals and meadow grasses). Falls between June and August.
  • Summer-autumn(weed bloom). Falls between August and October.

You can view the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in the table below, after selecting your region.

  • South of Russia
  • Volga region
  • Central Russia
  • Siberia
  • North-West Russia

Another interesting calendar for the central regions from the Scientific and Clinical Center for Allergology, Immunology and Dermatology:

In addition, there is from the PollenClub project. (It is not recommended to watch from smartphones, it is poorly displayed)

in spring herbaceous plants almost don't bloom.

Willow is the first to bloom in March, willow and cherry are the first to bloom in April, and “catkins” appear on birch. In May, hawthorn, cornflower, chestnut, oak, ash and rose hips begin to bloom, and among herbaceous plants - clover. Herbaceous plants such as cinquefoil, chamomile and lily of the valley bloom in May. Flowers appear on bird cherry and lilac.

In summer, most of the plants that can cause allergies bloom. The allergy sufferer's calendar at this time is distinguished by a large number of herbs.

In June, cornflower, hawthorn, datura, elecampane and carnation bloom. Chestnut, clover, viburnum, St. John's wort, celandine and thistle continue to bloom.

In July, ragweed (in the southern regions), hemp, cloves, datura, and elecampane bloom. Herbs such as motherwort, wheatgrass and thistle are blooming.

August - ragweed, carnation and cornflower bloom. This month is when foxgloves, quinoa, nettles and sunflowers begin to bloom. Chamomile and thistle are blooming.

In September, allergy sufferers continue to be bothered by ragweed, as well as weeds (sow thistle, quinoa and nettle).

Around the end of September, a period of relative calm begins for a person suffering from allergies. Until next spring.

But sometimes allergies remind you even in late autumn, after a romantic walk in a park strewn with fallen leaves. The fact is that plant pollen can also survive on fallen leaves.

We have listed the main flowering plants, in fact, there are much more of them: in the table below you can see the full composition of the families of wind-pollinated plants that cause hay fever.

Table: Related wind-pollinated plants within major families

Useful video: which plants cause allergies

How is the flowering calendar useful for allergy sufferers?

Having information about the flowering of various plants in a particular area, and having carefully studied the allergy calendar, an allergy sufferer will be able to take preventive measures in a timely manner. For example, take a vacation, go for a “dangerous” period to another area where there are no allergic plants and their flowering has ended.

Before the dangerous period begins, you can start taking antihistamines, purchase nasal and eye drops, antiallergic sprays.

If you are a supporter traditional medicine, then it’s time to take mumiyo (a good preventative against allergies). Mumiyo solution, as a rule, begins to be drunk for prophylactic purposes about a month before the start of the flowering period.

There is time to check the operation of the air conditioner and the condition of its filters (if necessary, clean them).

If you carefully analyze the data, it will become clear: the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers differs quite significantly by region. For residents southern regions the duration of the “dangerous” period is longer than for northerners. Let's take, for example, one of the strongest allergens - ragweed. In central Russia, this plant blooms for 1.5 - 2 months: from approximately the beginning of August to mid-September. At the same time, for residents of the southern regions (Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region), ragweed blooms from July to October.

Flowering time and plants in Crimea differ from Moscow or St. Petersburg. This is why it is so important that the calendar is tailored to the specific climatic zone. Today, the Internet helps allergy sufferers. It is possible to view the flowering calendar online.

Important! Not all cities have pollen monitoring stations! You can find approximate information on the distribution of pollen on Yandex maps - https://yandex.ru/pogoda/maps/pollen.

Below you can see flowering calendars for some Russian cities.

What's blooming in Moscow

Forecast of the danger level for allergens in the air from PollenClub

In central Russia, dusting begins with alder and hazel.

  • Alder, hazel - late March - April.
  • Birch - from the end of April.
  • Apricot, oak, ash, elm, maple, lilac, apple tree- May.
  • Willow, poplar, linden, conifers- May June.


  • Cereals - from the end of May - June.
  • Plantain, nettle, sorrel- from the end of June.
  • Chenopodiaceae - from the end of June.
  • Wormwood - from July.

*Data are based on E.E. Severova

What and when blooms in Krasnodar and the region. Kuban

The south of Russia is a special territory where flowering plants “torment” allergy sufferers for almost 8 months a year. Due to the warm climate, there are a large number of plants growing here that can cause an allergic reaction.

Almost every third resident of the Krasnodar Territory suffers from allergies.

The start of allergy season depends on weather conditions.

End of winter-spring

Blooming trees:

  • Hazel, alder - from mid-February to late March.
  • Willow, hornbeam, pine- March.
  • Poplar, maple, oak, ash, elm, birch- April - early May.
  • Willow - April - May.
  • Bird cherry, plane tree, Walnut, cherry plum- end of April - May.
  • Lilac, plum, currant- May

From herbs and shrubs:

  • Foxtail, wheatgrass, rapeseed- end of April - May to early July.
  • Acacia, ryegrass, fescue, hedgehog, feather grass, lily of the valley- from mid-May.
  • - from the end of May.

Poplar fluff actively helps spread the pollen of other plants.


This season most of The trees have already faded and are being replaced by weeds and grasses.

  • Chestnut, linden - from the beginning of June.
  • Corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rye- June.
  • Sunflower - from the end of June.
  • Wormwood - all July.
  • Quinoa - end of July - end of August.
  • Ambrosia - early August - early October.


The end of the flowering season usually occurs in mid-October.

  • Ambrosia - flowering ends in late September - early October.
  • Rice - until the end of September.
  • Artemisia annual- mid-September - end of October.

When ragweed blooms, people feel best in high mountain areas.

Data on A.I. Ostroumov

Dust calendar for Stavropol

Saint Petersburg

*Data are based on L.G. Nikolskoy, G.T. Fedosov, N.I. Ivanova, E.F. Redhead

When allergenic plants bloom in Siberia

One of the reasons large quantity Allergy sufferers in Siberia - poor ecology. Because of this, hay fever is much worse tolerated.

  • April - May - trees (birch and others),
  • May - August - dandelions,
  • summer - cereals (fescue and ryegrass),
  • late summer - September - weeds (wormwood).

Altai region

April May. A common allergen is birch, which is used for city landscaping.

Tomsk region

April May. In addition to birch - maple, linden and willow.


April May. Alder and birch.

June July. Meadow grasses (bluegrass, timothy, ryegrass). Cultivated cereals (rye, oats).

The Republic of Buryatia

The main allergen of the steppe is wormwood and other weeds. In spring - trees. There are almost no meadow grasses.

What and when blooms in Krasnoyarsk

In the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory 3 periods of dusting of allergenic plants have been established. Wind-pollinated plants are widespread. Their pollen is small in size and highly volatile, so it is easily carried over vast distances.

April May

Characterized by the maximum pollen content in the air. The trees that bloom first are birch, alder and poplar.

Most often, this period begins in May, but if spring is early, in the southern regions of the region - at the end of April.

Not a very long period, but a difficult period to bear.

End of May - mid July

Lowest concentration of pollen in the air. During these months, pine and meadow cereals bloom.

Pollen coniferous trees heavy, heavily blown by the wind. But those who have them growing near their homes should be careful.

Mid July - end of August

A wide variety of weeds and ornamental plants. First of all - goosefoot, hemp and wormwood (found on roadsides, in courtyards, wastelands). Decorative - marigolds, asters, chrysanthemums.

Air temperature and humidity are the main factors influencing the dynamics of plant dusting in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Data on B.A. Chernyak, N.S. Korotkov


Data on K.A. Cancerous


*Data according to N.S. Gurina and N.G. Astafieva

Vladivostok (Primorsky Krai)

Seasonal allergies plague residents of the region from late April to mid-September. Also influenced by the proximity to China, from whose cultivated areas the winds easily carry pollen.

  • April May . Trees in bloom: oak, ash, birch, alder, hazel, poplar, maple, willow.
  • June August . The flowering period of cereals and some weeds: wheatgrass, bluegrass, rye, corn, fescue, quinoa, sunflower and others.

    In June, pollen allergens are widely transported by poplar fluff.

  • Aug. Sept. Weeds are blooming: ragweed, wormwood, dandelion, quinoa and others.

What blooms in Volgograd and the region

The flowering season of herbs in the Volgograd region lasts more than 8 months. This is one of the longest periods in Russia.

The wind carries pollen tens of kilometers away.

A huge number of weeds grow in the region.

The editors of Argumenty i Fakty have prepared an entertaining infographic - a flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in Volgograd and the Volgograd region. You can find it below:

Infographics: What and when blooms in the Volgograd region. Risk zones for allergy sufferers during the flowering season in Volgograd

What blooms in Crimea

A large number of allergenic plants bloom in Crimea from May to August.

Main allergens:

  • Poplar (city streets are densely planted with it) - May - June,
  • Cypress - April - May,
  • Ambrosia (everywhere, especially in Simferopol, Dzhankoy, Saki, Kirov and Leninsky regions) - July - October.

What else could the reaction be:

  • May – dandelion, walnut, chestnut, linden, mulberry, birch
  • June – sunflower, rye, castor beans
  • July – elderberry, wormwood

Timing of plant dusting in Ukraine and the structure of hay fever

How to identify an allergen and treat allergies

Recognizing an allergen is not an easy task. For example, the flowering time of lily of the valley is only 10 - 15 days. Manifestations of allergies (sneezing, coughing, runny nose) can be disguised as a common cold; often a person is not aware of the presence of an allergy. You need to think about this if such symptoms appear with a certain frequency (the pollen allergy calendar helps to analyze the situation in more detail).

Another warning sign

Allergy sufferers feel unwell in windy, dry weather, but all symptoms disappear without a trace after rain. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, you should consult an experienced allergist.

The most common method currently used is skin testing. Its essence lies in the subcutaneous injection of a small amount of allergen. After the allergen is introduced, you need to monitor how the body reacts to it. This is a fairly informative method for identifying the allergen, but at the height of the flowering of allergic plants, when the allergic person is taking antihistamines, it should not be used.

Allergy treatments include:

  • taking antihistamines;
  • use of nasal and eye drops;
  • for skin manifestations of allergies - ointments, creams with anti-inflammatory, wound healing and (or) antihistamine effect.
  • ASIT.

What will help with hay fever: some useful tips

  1. Helps alleviate allergy symptoms dietary adjustments. For example, you will have to abstain from honey (of any kind). The reason is simple: honey may contain exactly the type of pollen that provokes allergies. If you are hypersensitive to tree and shrub pollen, reduce your intake of fruits, nuts and berries. If you have a reaction to herbs such as fescue or timothy, you will have to temporarily give up porridge (with the exception of buckwheat), sunflower oil, seeds, halva and bread kvass.
  2. Keep your house clean. Try to do wet cleaning as often as possible. This will create an obstacle to the spread of pollen throughout the house. You need to leave the house as little as possible; preferably after rain.
  3. Buy good antihistamines. But only those prescribed by the doctor. Many of the antihistamines are far from harmless, and diphenhydramine and suprastin significantly reduce attention.
  4. In no case Do not combine antiallergic medications with alcohol. This can significantly worsen the patient's condition.
  5. Visit an allergist in the fall, during the “calm” period. This is the best time to start allergen treatment (ASIT). Remember that self-medication is unacceptable here. The type and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

By observing these simple rules, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Hydrangea is one of the most beautiful garden plants, whose flowers can be of many shades. There are different varieties of hydrangeas, but they all have rather large inflorescences, consisting of many small fruiting and several large sterile flowers. Hydrangea begins to bloom at the age of five, but sometimes mature plant does not bloom. There may be several reasons why hydrangea does not bloom in the garden.

    Show all

    Reasons for the lack of flowers

    The main thing when buying hydrangea is to choose the right variety, which will be able to take root in the climate of the region and survive the winter cold. If the variety is chosen correctly, the lack of flowers may be caused by one of the following factors:

    • Unsuitable climate - hydrangea is enough heat-loving plant, transplanting to new conditions can be stressful. In an unusual climate, generative buds will not develop. Before buying a flower, you need to find out in what conditions it grew.
    • Insufficiency of the root system: young hydrangeas have rather fragile and weak roots; after transplantation, such plants may not bloom for two to five years.
    • Young plants do not produce flowers; for flowering, the age of hydrangea should begin at 5 years.
    • Incorrect pruning - if you prune incorrectly every year, there will be no flowers, or very few of them.
    • Cold - the plant must be covered for the winter, acting carefully and carefully. If you do not cover the hydrangea enough, the shoots will freeze; if you do it too tightly, there is a risk of damaging the branches.
    • Inappropriate feeding may be one of the reasons why flowers do not bloom.
    • Poor soil - the plant is quite demanding on the quality of fertilizers and the soil in which it grows.
    • Artificial stimulation of flowering - if before sale the flower was drip-fed with fertilizers to simulate lush blooming species, V next year There may be no flowers at all. In order for the bush to begin to bear flowers, it needs proper care.

    How to help a plant bloom?

    Before purchasing, you need to ask the seller in what conditions the hydrangea was grown - in a greenhouse or on open ground. A greenhouse flower will need long time for acclimatization, so you shouldn’t expect flowers right away.

    In order to speed up the process of the flower getting used to the new soil, when replanting it is recommended to leave a lump of the soil in which the hydrangea originally grew on the roots.

    In the first two months, fertilizers are applied on average once every two weeks. It is better to choose a fertilizer specialized for hydrangeas, but fertilizer for azaleas and heather is suitable. A plant that has been drip-watered with the addition of fertilizers will not be able to feed on its own in the open ground - such a flower is weaned off an excess of complementary foods gradually, over the course of a year or two.

    Landing rules

    You need to plant hydrangea in early spring, after the snow has melted, but before buds appear on garden trees.

    It is best to make holes for the bush about half a meter in diameter and about the same depth. When planting, the roots are trimmed a little; this is not necessary for young plants.

    In the center of the planting hole, you need to make a small earthen mound and evenly distribute the root system along the slopes. The soil is compacted tightly and then watered abundantly.

    Mulching the soil is done in the spring before flowering and in the fall, before hiding the plant for the winter. The layer of mulched soil should be about 8 cm thick. For broadleaf and paniculata hydrangeas It is better to choose loamy soil with the addition of peat.

    Pruning branches

    In hydrangea, flowers are located on the shoots of the previous year, which is why, if pruned annually, hydrangea does not bloom. Although hydrangea grows quickly, inflorescences form only on healthy and strong shoots. In spring, you can prune dried and frozen branches, but you should not do this in early spring.

    The best time for hygienic pruning is mid-April and early May.

    Only dried and non-viable shoots need to be removed. You can also thin out the bush by removing weakened zero shoots. When pruning more than two or three mature buds from one branch, flowering may not occur.

    Before the onset of cold weather, it is better to cut off all the inflorescences, but all viable buds should be left.

    Correct bait

    Do not overfeed hydrangea flowers nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise it will freeze in winter and die. For hydrangea, fertilizers should be applied in the following sequence:

    • At the beginning of spring - nitrogen fertilizers for more luxuriant flowering;
    • In summer - potassium, so that the plant does not dry out and preserves flowers and shoots;
    • In autumn - phosphates, to develop frost resistance and successful wintering.

    Young hydrangea may also need aluminum salts. Ammonium sulfate, fertilizers with super-phosphate, as well as specially developed fertilizers with all the microelements necessary for the flower are well suited for hydrangeas.

    Shelter from the cold

    Starting from the end of September, you will need to wrap the hydrangea with greenhouse film or lutrasil in two layers.

    You can hide the plant for the winter starting in mid-October. Before covering the plant, you need to cut off all the inflorescences, leaving the buds. Plants under five years old are immediately covered with earth or peat, but old thick bushes can be broken in this way.

    In order for the hydrangea not to be damaged, it is necessary to build a bedding of stones, branches, leaves and coniferous branches, and carefully lay the plant on it so that the stem and shoots are not damaged, secure it with ropes, and make an earthen mound on top. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the embankment, but until the end of May, in case of night frosts, it is necessary to cover the hydrangea with lutrasil or film. This is especially important for young plants - it will help preserve more shoots and viable buds.

    Watering requirements

    Hydrangeas are moisture-loving, but different varieties different requirements to lighting: some species need to be planted in shaded areas, while others, on the contrary, in the sun. One of the most capricious species are broad-leaved varieties - they require a lot of moisture and grow mainly in places with good lighting. It is necessary to maintain a balance between lighting and hydration of plants.

    For irrigation, you need water with a slightly acidic environment; tap water is not suitable, as it will shift the balance to the alkaline side, which will harm the plants. You can water it with rainwater, or let it sit with tap water for several days. If watering is urgently needed, you can boil the required volume of liquid in an open container - this will help evaporate impurities harmful to plants and eliminate excess water hardness.

    To maintain soil acidity, you can add a small amount of citric acid, kefir or a weak vinegar solution to the liquid during watering.

    In the hot season, you need to water the plant quite often and abundantly, about 20 liters per adult plant, but you must not create excess moisture - otherwise it will rot root system. IN rainy summer the frequency of watering is reduced several times.

    You can judge the acidity of the soil by the change in color of hydrangeas: acidic soil the flowers have a bluish tint, neutral soils white or orange, and when leached the soil turns pink or lilac.

    Reproduction methods

    It is best to propagate hydrangea by cuttings in early July and until mid-July; it is best to take cuttings from young plants. You need to choose shoots without visible diseases, not withered, with large buds. Cuttings need to be cut in the morning to protect them from drying out; it is better to do this from the sides of the plant.

    The tops with buds must be trimmed, the lower leaves cut off and kept for several days in a solution that stimulates growth. You can make the solution yourself by adding a small amount of honey to the water.

    After callus has formed, the shoots are planted in a richly moistened mixture of sand and peat, made in a ratio of one part sand to two parts peat. It is advisable to water the cuttings daily and also spray the leaves. IN suitable conditions The shoots will take root within a month.

    It is impossible to propagate hydrangea by seeds in open ground - it is necessary to grow the plant in a pot for the first two years, and then replant it in garden soil with all precautions. Experienced gardeners can try to plant offspring, propagate by layering, or divide the bush into several parts.

    Variety selection

    In order for the plant to show itself in all its glory, you need to choose a frost-resistant variety that will not die after wintering:

    • One of these frost-resistant flowers is paniculata hydrangea; in the middle zone this shrub grows up to two meters. Its inflorescences are shaped like lilac inflorescences. The variety prefers slightly acidic or clay soils.
    • Tree hydrangea is a plant with a height of one and a half to two and a half meters, one of the most cold-resistant species. IN warm winter it will not require covering and generally requires less care than other hydrangeas.
    • Large-leaved hydrangea requires a lot of attention and does not tolerate cold weather. It can bloom both on last year's shoots and on those that grew this year.
    • In addition to its flowers, oakleaf hydrangea is distinguished by its very beautiful curly leaves. It does not tolerate cold weather and can only grow in greenhouses or in the southern part of the country.

    Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the presence of buds: if there are any, the plant has been artificially fed, and it will be more difficult for it to take root. If you properly care for the plant and provide it with the necessary amount of moisture and fertilizer, it will delight you with lush inflorescences and a variety of colors.

    When can I expect adenium to bloom at home, grown from seed? How similar will it be to the variety? Perhaps these are the main questions we ask ourselves when our adeniums grow. Of course, I want it faster. And you know, I have two news for you, and both are good. There is a high probability that many plants will bloom before two years - and if you sowed in autumn-winter, then there is a chance that they will bloom in the coming summer.

    At good conditions life and proper care!!! Maybe you have already read a lot on the Internet that adenium at home blooms in the 3rd-4th-5th year. Apparently, this is true for most indoor adeniums. However, in Izhevsk (note, this is on the 57th parallel northern latitude) there are other facts. At 7 months, in 2010, my friend’s seedling bloomed. And in 2011, as many as 2 seedlings at the age of 6.5 and 8.5 months bloomed for me. And plus to this, 13 more of mine and 2 of my friends’ seedlings bloomed at the age of 1 year 4 months to 1 year 10 months.
    They say they wait three years for what was promised? Or maybe try not to make mistakes in care? Eh, if I hadn’t made them, then perhaps there would have been more flowering flowers from seeds this year!

    So, it’s time to present the adeniums from seeds that pleased me in the conditions of a sunless spring and late summer. I’ll start with those who especially distinguished themselves, or rather blossomed in a very early age. In August 2011, at the age of 6.5 months, a seedling of the variety opened its first bud Yellow Earth.

    As one of the forum members put it: “And I haven’t grown my butt yet, but let’s bloom!” Yes, with a caudex width of 2.5 cm and a “height” of 14 cm, adenium already has flowers! Flower diameter 6 cm, color pale yellow. Up to the grade, i.e. bright yellow color, he didn’t make it, but I think it’s forgivable for the cub. The main thing is that it is not pink, not white, not bordered - it is still yellow! And it didn’t bloom in a greenhouse, but in ordinary conditions in a city apartment.
    However, this is not all: his brother is not far behind - a seedling of the same variety, sown in the same bowl. It bloomed the very last of the season -. already under the lamps, when no one expected it from him. Age - 8.5 months, several millimeters thicker than its brother, flower 5.5 cm with a pink streak in the middle of the petal. Gag, however.
    But who can say that he is not good? This flower is more yellow than the previous one, and the combination with pink looks great.
    So, what is the southernmost city in Russia? So the adeniums will confuse the whole map for us. After all, in Izhevsk there are already 3 flowering plants under the age of one year, and this is without any greenhouses. (There is a separate article about the first one.)

    And then the firstborn, i.e. adenium, which was the very first to bloom for me in April. Of course, there was no limit to my joy when I discovered buds on it. There were no special hopes or expectations for him because... I don’t know the name of the variety, so I didn’t expect anything special. I got the seeds by accident; at that time I had no idea how fascinated I would be with the crops.

    Agree, it’s a very unusual sight when a flower is 3 times larger than a caudex and at the same time has a very pleasant aroma! The nameless one did not disappoint. The handsome one bloomed at the age of 1 year 10 months.
    Plant height is about 22 cm, flower diameter is 8-9 cm.

    The following 4 plants are grown from seeds sent to me by a Russian seller. During the period when I was choosing worthy nurseries to buy seeds for my growing needs, I could not resist and made an order in Russia in order to plant it faster. I don’t know about others, but in my case with this seller the saying was confirmed - haste is needed when catching fleas. What they sent me as Adenium Arabikum Desert Night Fork bloomed as a simple non-varietal Obesum (Adenium obesum). Bloomed at the age of 1 year 5 months.
    Variety Star of Luck showed beautiful flower, but it is not similar to the declared variety, it is closer to the Star in Stile variety. Age 1 year 4 months. Caudex 3.5 cm, plant height about 22 cm.
    And then it’s really interesting: what was sown as a semi-double Doxon variety bloomed according to the variety…. otherwise: 100% match Love Affairs of Star. Age 1 year 8 months, height only 14 cm and a very small “butt” - only about 2 cm.
    I was really looking forward to the variety blooming Polaris, called on one Russian website the variety of the year (though which year is not specified, and can be understood in any way). And then the long-awaited buds appeared. But the flower again turned out to be completely different from that opera. There were quite a lot of flowers on one peduncle; they lasted for a long time and were pleasing to the eye. You can admire them for a long time, but this is not what I expected. Age 1 year 8 months.

    And the last variety in this series: expected Super Moonlight Fairy and it bloomed Bosom Jade, or rather very, very close to this variety. In the manufacturer's photo, the veins near the throat of the flower are somewhat brighter. This plant, although it was not what we were expecting, greatly pleased us and even exceeded our expectations. In total, more than 40 buds were formed on 2 growths. It was in October, and several buds withered, but in total 33 flowers opened!!! In the photo: 16 flowers are open at the same time. Age 1 year 10 months, height 26 cm, caudex 3.5 cm.

    Variety Star Studded Sky immediately became my favorite. Age 1 year 9 months, height about 28 cm, caudex 7 cm correct round shape and fragrant flowers with a greenish throat. Flower diameter 8-9cm. Full compliance with the declared variety, as far as one can judge from the manufacturer’s photo.

    ABOUT yellow flowers Yellow Earth which bloomed at 6 and 8 months, I already wrote above.

    And now let’s pay attention to those plants that bloomed inappropriately. Seeds of varieties and Triple Love Roses were received from Thailand. Both are declared double, but in reality the flowers turned out to be quite ordinary, five-petaled. The advantage of the first is unusual shape a flower petal, and the second has an amazing and delicious aroma. Both of them are beautiful. With a small "growth" they have a good caudex - a little more than 4 cm, and the apical inflorescence looks very harmonious on a plant of this size.

    Variety Cellona I decided to show myself as a different kind. In full accordance with the picture of another manufacturer, which in general is not so surprising - they all have a common foremother. In late autumn, only 2 6-centimeter flowers opened under the lamps.

    And the next plant from the seeds of the same Thai manufacturer shocked us with its unusual shape and great desire to flower. Adenium arabica "dwarf" white giant» (the Thais will come up with a name!) at a height of 13 cm, the caudex “grew up” 4 cm and produced 3 flowerings in a row, starting at the age of 1 year and 5 months. Young again, and early!!! Theoretically, “Arabs” should bloom later, but the facts are different. Arabicum flowers, as expected, are only 4 cm in diameter, but they readily appear again and again, almost in the same place. And we enjoy almost continuous flowering within a few months.
    It is worth noting that in Izhevsk, many adeniums at home under the age of 2 years have already bloomed. The girl who bought one single seedling from me showed it blooming a year later. (1 year 5 months).

    And here is the flower of my friend, who took a seedling from me in 2010. She has north-east windows, and she loves flowers very much, so she kept suffering, “Why aren’t they blooming? Come and see what’s wrong?” It was in October, there wasn’t much to expect at that time, but I went. Before detailed analysis it didn't work out, because... buds were immediately discovered on one of the plants. So, on the north-eastern window in October, under the lamps, another adenium bloomed at 1 year 10 months. The label is missing, but it appears to be Noble Concubine.

    Let's summarize some results:

    • Flowering adenium at home in the 1st and 2nd year is very achievable for lovers of indoor flowers.
    • All plants bloomed at usual care– no special techniques, stimulants or other dances with tambourines.
    • South orientation of windows, regular watering and fertilizing are sufficient conditions for mass flowering of adeniums.

    To be fair, it is worth noting that not all adeniums from seeds of this age bloomed. For some reason, the largest specimens refused to bloom. Plants that had some problems at an early age were also not included in the list of leaders. But they branch well, and the hope for flowering is now, of course, next summer.

    So, they bloom, bloom willingly and in different ways! And often even by variety! And sometimes even together!

    But just for the sake of this, you need to plant a lot and care for it correctly, and then you are guaranteed a decent collection of adeniums.