home · Measurements · Roof boiler room: advantages and installation rules in an apartment building. Installation and operation of a gas roof boiler house in an apartment building Maintenance of a boiler house on the roof of a high-rise building

Roof boiler room: advantages and installation rules in an apartment building. Installation and operation of a gas roof boiler house in an apartment building Maintenance of a boiler house on the roof of a high-rise building

January, and with it winter, has passed the halfway mark. But houses in our climate have to be heated both in spring and autumn, and hot water is generally needed all year round. And I would like to receive heat and hot water at minimal cost. It is desirable to reduce losses on heating mains to zero. We talked about individual boilers in the material “”. Now we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of another option for reconstructing the heating system - rooftop boiler rooms.

A roof boiler room is an autonomous heating source designed to heat and provide hot water supply to residential buildings. As the name suggests, it is erected on the roof of a building, in a specially equipped room. We will not consider stationary roof boiler rooms here. They are constructed at the construction stage of the building, linked with it design and infrastructure, therefore, regarding them, local and regional authorities no questions arise. However, it can be recommended to build stationary rooftop boiler houses if there is a shortage of thermal power in the microdistrict under development.

But block-modular roof boiler rooms are purchased for an already completed building. A block-modular boiler house is manufactured to the required parameters, assembled by the supplier company, transported to the installation and commissioning site in an already finished form, is provided with a company guarantee. Its connection to heating networks takes an extremely short time. Another very interesting and useful property block-modular roof boiler houses: their heating point can be located not only in the boiler room itself, but also in the basement of the consumer building, on the ground floor or on the first floor.

A heating point consists of elements of thermal power plants that ensure the connection of these plants to the heating network, their operability, control of heat consumption modes, conversion, regulation of coolant parameters and distribution of coolant by type of consumer. It transfers hot water to heating systems, to the hot water supply system. It also supplies the ventilation system of a residential building with heat (without which, say, the elementary pipes of garbage chutes would turn into a source of extremely unpleasant odor, and icy winds would whistle along the risers in the bathrooms).

But why is it so important that in the case of a block-modular boiler room it can be placed in the basement of the consumer building, as well as on the ground or first floor? Yes, because this makes it possible to link a block-modular roof boiler room with the existing heating, hot water supply and ventilation systems in the house. Risers, wiring, heating devices- all this will remain in place. Noisy pumps will remain in the basement or basement, driving water upward. At the same time, the fact that a block-modular roof boiler house operating on gas is essentially a huge individual heating boiler, this gives us the opportunity to formulate its advantages.

First of all, it eliminates losses on the heating main, which will reduce current heating costs due to resource savings; eliminates the risk of being left without heat and hot water in case of a breakdown in communications. If the capacity of centralized boiler houses in the microdistrict is not enough to ensure the proper parameters of the coolant in cold weather, it will provide the house with heat in any conditions. These are its advantages, common to individual heating boilers.

The second group of advantages distinguishes it in better side from individual boilers. Well, the most important thing is the ability to preserve the same wiring that was originally laid by the builders of the house. After all, having hung a heating boiler in the kitchen or hallway, we will be forced to lead pipes to it from batteries located throughout the apartment (previously, batteries were powered from vertical risers, and horizontal connections to them ran through attics and basements). So the house switches to individual boilers - each apartment will inevitably undergo significant repairs, which may not be at all in the plans and financial capabilities of the residents). And in the case of a roof boiler room, these unpleasant hassles can be avoided.

The third group of advantages is related to operation. Unlike a gas water heater, which operated in short-term mode, an individual heating boiler burns constantly during the heating period, about seven months in our latitudes. It is, of course, automated. But it’s still good if a large family lives in the apartment and someone is keeping an eye on it so that the younger ones don’t get to the boiler with a set of screwdrivers.

On the other hand, the flexibility of an individual heating boiler is, of course, higher than in the case of a centralized block-modular roof boiler room. You can run it in heating mode and simply on a too cool and wet summer day - in the case of a roof boiler room, you will need a decision from the house council or a similar body.

So when does it make sense to install individual heating boilers, and when to take an interest in rooftop boiler houses?

Economics will give you the answer to this question. First of all, we must keep in mind that switching a house to individual boilers and installing roof-top boiler houses, although it increases living comfort and provides long-term savings on heating and hot water bills, is associated with the need for capital investments. If residents of a house who want to improve the situation with heat supply do not have free funds, then it is better to forget about this option and limit themselves to standard heat-saving measures.

If there is a financial opportunity, and especially if it coincides with the holding overhaul regional operator or by accumulating some significant funds in a special account at home, you can think about installing a roof boiler room. Their prices start from 1.5 million rubles for a boiler room with a productivity of 200 kW and from 3.5 million rubles for a boiler room with a productivity of 1000 kW. Considering that on square meter you need an average of 100 W, this makes it possible to heat houses with a total area of ​​2000 sq.m. and 10000 sq.m. respectively. As you can see, the power is growing faster prices.

These are not the only costs. A roof boiler room cannot be mounted on floor slabs under which there is a living space - that is, if there is no technical floor, it will have to be built on part of the roof. Under the roof boiler room there must be waterproofing with a layer thickness of at least 100 mm, and reliable drainage. If the building height is higher than 26.5 m (above a standard nine-story building), additional approvals from the fire services will be required. But guidelines can be given approximately as follows.

For houses with 36 apartments or less, it will most likely be cheaper to install individual heating boilers. But with a hundred apartments and above, the economy will lean very strongly towards the roof boiler house (the effect of capacity growth is faster than the price!). In intermediate cases, calculations are necessary various options- is responsible and skilled work estimators of the construction industry, but the most general guidelines and the most general ideas We tried to give information about roof boiler houses.

If you liked the article, recommend it to your friends, acquaintances or colleagues related to municipal or public service. It seems to us that it will be both useful and pleasant for them.
When reprinting materials, reference to the original source is required.

IN Lately You can increasingly hear about the desire to save energy resources and the rise in fuel prices.

The amount of savings in fuel and energy resources and material resources spent on providing heat to consumers will directly depend on the method of heat supply.

How can heat supply be provided to multi-apartment residential buildings?

There are two options - to power the heat pipes from the main heating networks or to install an autonomous heating point.

Both options are good, but having an individual heating point for several apartment buildings and autonomous heating using energy-saving means will please you more. Why?

Because the distance between the “heating point - consumer” pair is minimized, thereby reducing heat losses along the heating network line. This type of heating is called decentralized or autonomous.

Lower percentage of heating and hot water costs apartment building– and all because the costs of transportation and delivery of coolant to the end consumer are reduced.

Simply put, the heat supply source is practically nearby, which reduces both the time it takes to supply heat to residential buildings and the percentage of heat losses. This results in a reduction in maintenance costs, service maintenance and repair of heating networks.

The efficiency of heat supply systems – as a consequence, follows from the previous factor. Since the heat supply source is nearby, the payment amount is also utilities for hot water supply and heating is slightly lower.

Independence from the citywide heating schedule. In other words, while heating has not yet been provided in the city (“because it has not yet arrived”) heating season according to schedule"), and on the street already low temperature, apartment-by-apartment heat supply from an autonomous heat source will come in very handy.

In addition, each consumer will be able to choose the optimal temperature conditions– turn off/on the heating system only for your apartment, adjusting the level of heat supply.

In this case, there are no connection problems due to “technical” or seasonal reasons.

More low cost and higher return on investment for new buildings with an autonomous heat supply source.

A separate boiler room in each house will increase the free space in the yard. Click to enlarge.

This is more likely to benefit developers, because in the case of “traditional” construction of an apartment building, one has to spend quite a lot of time on obtaining permission to connect a new building to a centralized heating network and install a meter (which is mandatory for any new building today).

The presence of “additional free space” within the entire microdistrict. This also contributes to the implementation of housing programs, the construction of new buildings and the development of microdistricts not for heating mains, but for the infrastructure of the districts.

In addition, providing apartment buildings with an autonomous source of heat supply is also possible if the construction area already has an established gas supply system.


However, along with the advantages that consumers of decentralized heating and hot water have, there are a number of disadvantages:

  1. The need for additional space allocated for the construction of an autonomous boiler house.
  2. Unecological operation of the boiler room. For a gas boiler house operating autonomously, it will be necessary to additionally equip an exhaust gas removal system in order to reduce smoke emissions into the atmosphere as much as possible, obtaining the MPC (maximum permissible concentration) value required by SNiP.
  3. Price. Since autonomous heating today is not yet as popular and in demand as centralized heating systems, the production of boiler equipment for it has not been put on the conveyor belt. Consequently, prices for decentralized heating and hot water systems are still high.

Is it possible to eliminate the above disadvantages completely or at least reduce them to a minimum? Can. Additional area under an autonomous boiler room can be “found” on the roof multi-storey building which will be heated.

The “salt” is that the so-called roof boiler houses require flat roofs for your installation.

An increasing number of new buildings are already equipped with a roof boiler room with equipment installed on top and overhead piping.

Of course, installation will cost additional equipment, and the decentralized heat supply of one apartment building itself is not cheap, but it will all pay off faster than if the house was simply connected to a centralized heat supply system.

Types of decentralized heat supply

Another example of autonomous heating of a multi-storey residential building is a block boiler room, consisting of a separate module. Block or modular boiler rooms can be transported because they are delivered in the form of containers.

The use of modular boiler rooms in apartment building. Click to enlarge.

Their implementation does not require the construction of a new building specifically for boiler equipment– the entire installation is already “enclosed” in a container, moreover, the module is thermally insulated, and assembly is carried out directly at the manufacturer.

Previously, such blocks were used as heating systems for temporary structures (cabins), but now they are offered (after a number of modifications) as an alternative to centralized heating.

But most the best option autonomous heating is an apartment heating system powered by main gas pipeline or through the power supply network (depending on the type of boiler), the “core” of which is a wall-mounted boiler (gas or electric).

Why wall-mounted? Because wall-mounted boilers have a number of advantages:

  1. Easy to install, easy to hang on the wall using a set of fasteners (fasteners must be supplied with the boiler equipment)
  2. They are light in weight and small in size, do not take up much space in the room
  3. Given their size, they have good power (10-25 kW) and are able to heat a room up to 100 m2 - and this is quite enough for one four-room apartment
  4. Available in both single- and double-circuit

If the apartment owner plans to install as heating equipment wall-mounted gas boiler, then he should check the completeness of the equipment, namely:

  1. Boiler with two circuits (working for both space heating and domestic hot water)
  2. Combustion chamber – closed type
  3. Availability of a fan to ensure forced draft(fence fresh air from the street) and removal of combustion products through the chimney
  4. Pump for forced circulation coolant
  5. Electronic ignition and full automation – for rational use fuel

An additional advantage in autonomous heat supply It can be considered possible to install a “warm floor” system - provided that the insertion of an additional pipe for coolant intake does not affect the pressure level in the system.

In the case of an electric boiler, which also operates according to a dual-circuit circuit (heating + supply to the consumer hot water), there will be much fewer difficulties: you will only have to obtain permission to allocate an additional power supply line plus agree on the insertion of a direct and return pipes into the general water supply system.

The only exception will be electrode boilers without heating elements that heat running water.

Possible complications

If everything is so simple and easy, why are apartment owners in no hurry to re-equip their heating systems? The answer is simple: there is no permission to re-equip the heating supply.

No housing company will give the apartment owner permission to refurbish heating system"just". And all because, as mentioned above, the costs of maintaining and repairing the heating system will be reduced.

It follows that the owner of an apartment with converted heating will pay less, and this is no longer profitable for the management company.

Another question is if there are several families in several apartments who want to re-equip the heating of the house, making it autonomous, and even better - residents in several nearby houses.

But in this case, the transition to autonomous heating may be associated with such difficulties as obtaining permission to carry out all construction and installation work - and all this at the expense of the willing initiating owners.

Finally, I would like to note that it is advisable to entrust all work on installing autonomous heating in an apartment building to professionals who have the appropriate licenses to carry out work of this kind. Even if you just want to install a regular wall-mounted boiler at home.

Traditional schemes for organizing heating infrastructure are not without alternative. New technological approaches are characterized by energy efficiency and the ability to provide autonomy. According to these principles, in particular, a roof boiler room is implemented. In an apartment building, it allows you to optimize heat losses, increasing energy savings by 25-30%. Of course, there are also disadvantages this decision, which are expressed both in the difficulties of technical execution and in the strict requirements of regulatory rules.

Concept of an autonomous roof boiler house

The roof heating system is organized in the appropriate technical room, located on the top or one of the top floors. Often, for such purposes, special rooms and utility blocks are built, designed specifically for the needs of placing heating equipment. From the boiler room, communication circuits are distributed throughout the house to heat the apartments. These can be the same pipelines as in the case of traditional hot water supply. Another thing is that the length of these lines will be shorter. Since the autonomous roof boiler house is not connected to the main supply network, its control is completely concentrated in the building itself, which facilitates maintenance. But this does not at all exclude the need to connect to centralized sources of fuel or electricity. The nature of the execution of this part will depend on the type of equipment, performance and other operational characteristics.

Types of roof boiler houses

There are several classifications of roof-top boiler houses, determined both by the principle of operation and technical and structural features. First of all, it is worth emphasizing the popularity gas equipment, the alternative to which is only electric models boilers The use of gas is economical and easy to maintain. As for electric units, they, on the contrary, are characterized by high costs, but at the same time eliminate the need for a gas pipeline. There is also a security aspect. The fact is that a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building must be carefully protected by security systems, usually automatic and allowing for self-diagnosis using sensors. Solid fuel boilers it is irrational to use on the upper floors due to technical difficulties in organizing the delivery of coal and firewood. Another sign of division involves classification into integrated and block-modular boiler houses. These two types should be considered separately.

Built-in boiler rooms

Main hallmark built-in or stationary boiler room - this is technical and structural compliance with the building itself. That is, the room with its constituent components is similar building structures, forming the house itself. If the building is made of panels or bricks, then the boiler room is made in the same way. In a sense, this is the same technical room, only oriented specifically towards heating needs. Another sign may be the fact that the design of the house itself, in which an autonomous roof boiler room is installed, provided for such a possibility. This could also manifest itself in calculations bearing capacity walls, and in the choice of insulating materials, and in creating circuits for the same gasification. Not to mention the fact that the designers could have consciously refused to introduce the pipeline into the walls for one reason or another and relied on strengthening the upper floor.

Block-modular boiler rooms

This is a type of lightweight boiler houses that do not belong to capital technical structures. The block-modular design consists of thin metal panels, which are additionally reinforced with profile elements, technological ribs and corners. The inside of the modular roof boiler room is carefully finished with steam, heat and waterproofing materials with a fireproof layer. To remove combustion products, a chimney is integrated, which also has a lightweight design.

The advantages of block-modular facilities include ease of construction, versatility in operation and the ability quick dismantling. Initially, materials for such premises are supplied in the form of kits containing everything necessary for the functioning of the heating system. If a roof boiler room is required in an apartment building, the design of which was not designed for construction on top floor, modular option will be optimal.

SNiP regulatory requirements for design

Regardless of the choice of type of boiler house design, the developers of its project must rely on the requirements of SNiP. For this purpose, there is an entire section of rules II-35-76, which applies to general norms design of boiler houses, as well as addition P 1-03, dedicated specifically to roof structures. Technical solution must, in particular, comply with the following rules:

  • Walls and engineering structures should not be directly connected to the walls of residential premises.
  • The construction of roof boiler houses should not be carried out on the floors of residential premises.
  • The control system must provide for an autonomous alarm system.
  • The height of the chimney pipes is at least 50 cm relative to the highest point of the building.

It is also mandatory Technical buildings, allocated for boiler rooms, must initially have ventilation. This already applies to measures fire safety, when it comes to the operation of gas equipment.

SNiP requirements for equipment power

The operation of thermal units in residential buildings as such requires compliance with strict restrictions. And this is especially true for objects placed on roofs. In particular, a roof boiler house in an apartment building cannot contain heating stations total capacity about 3 mW. In addition, even if the productivity is less than the above value, another limit should be taken into account regarding general need buildings in heat supply. The equipment should not operate at capacities that are 15% higher than the demands of all consumers at home in total.

There are also limitations determined by the design of the room itself. Inside the process unit, the equipment must be located at a point that provides easy operator access to all functional parts. At the same time, the construction of roof boiler houses should not affect the structure of the house itself. That is, the project should not involve changing the structure roofing pie. IN as a last resort It is allowed to lay additional technological layers of insulator.

Gas supply requirements

Separately, there is a set of rules (SP) aimed at ensuring safety rules for the operation of gas communications. In operating mode, the gas supply circuit should not experience a pressure load of more than 5 kPa. As noted in the same joint venture, roof boiler houses should be supplied with gas only from a circuit running along external wall and does not have additional inserts. That is, the gas pipeline for the heating system is purposefully oriented only to the needs of the boiler equipment.

In some cases, it is allowed on the roof; it is sold only in open form without protection by gratings and other structures that prevent access to the pipe. Also, a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building is supplied with a full set of technological fittings. This and shut-off valves, and purge channels, and leak sensors.

Requirements for electrification of boiler houses

Electrical infrastructure applies not only to electric boilers, but also to gas units. In the first case, developers must provide a second level energy protection class. Heating equipment, supply elements and adjacent communications must comply with it. Regardless of the type of fuel used, the roof boiler room of a residential building must be provided with lightning protection and provide grounding. Lighting is provided by sealed lamps, the body of which has a metal mesh.

Positive reviews about the roof boiler room

Most of the positive feedback about boiler houses of this type is based on optimization. The absence of additional communication channels, reduced construction costs for individual buildings and, ultimately, simplified maintenance - all this undoubtedly creates only a positive impression. In addition, the roof boiler room of a residential building provides significant savings in energy costs already during operation. In most cases, it is this aspect that becomes the decisive factor in favor of such a choice.

Negative reviews

Organizations that have experience working with rooftop boiler houses note the complexity of design due to strict restrictions. First of all, this is due to the structural and power framework within which a rooftop boiler room in an apartment building should be installed. Reviews point to the fact that traditional ground-based facilities can be constructed using equipment of almost any capacity. Roof heating units, in turn, do not allow the use of even traditional solid fuel units.

Another group of shortcomings is associated with high requirements for ensuring protective measures. For example, a roof boiler room in an apartment building must have modern system automatic control and a wide range of devices that are activated when emergency operating conditions are detected.


For a number of parameters and operational features we can conclude that the roof method of placing heating equipment is the most promising. Moreover, the shortcomings of this solution are now being resolved modern technologies- this applies to both compact sizes and the introduction of automation. The only significant obstacle for organizations that cannot afford a rooftop gas boiler room in an apartment building is the price, which averages 2-3 million rubles. This is the cost of a modular unit with a standard boiler. To this it is worth adding the payment for the services of designers, installers and adjusters, as a result of which the price tag will rise by about 1 million.

A roof boiler room is a boiler room located directly on the roof of a building or on a specially made base above the roof.

Such boiler houses are used for buildings under construction or renovation, in which it is not possible to provide centralized heat supply or it is not economically and technically justified.

Roof boiler houses are frequent “companions” of industrial and administrative buildings, less often - residential buildings.

Boiler rooms with roof spaces can be equipped in buildings with a height of no more than 10 floors (26.5 m). It is prohibited to locate roof boiler rooms:

  • in schools and preschool institutions;
  • on the buildings of rest homes, hospitals and other treatment and preventive facilities;
  • above production workshops and warehouses with fire hazard categories A and B;
  • above the premises in public buildings, where 50 or more people can be present at the same time;
  • on the floors of residential premises.

The installation of a roof boiler house must be coordinated with the administration of the locality, and the decision made by the authorities is valid for no more than 2 years.

Main characteristics of roof boiler houses

Roof boilers have become very popular since their first use. Their wide distribution is due to the fact that they work on gas fuel and are equipped with fully automated equipment, which reduces the cost of their operation. Besides. Roof boiler rooms have a number of other advantages:

  • due to the absence of heating mains and energy losses in them, they have high energy efficiency;
  • environmentally friendly - combustion products simply dissipate;
  • economical – the price of 1 Gcal of heat from a rooftop boiler house is approximately 1.4 times lower than the cost of thermal energy from centralized systems;
  • do not require construction separate building for boiler room;
  • provide the best thermal conditions.

Along with the advantages, installing rooftop boiler rooms also has a number of disadvantages and limitations that should be taken into account:

  • the placement of rooftop boiler houses does not extend beyond the limits of a 10-story building and 5 MW of generated power for industrial facilities and 3 MW for residential ones;
  • inlet gas pressure should not exceed 0.5 MPa for residential buildings and 0.6 for industrial buildings;
  • in the case of installing a boiler whose service life is shorter than that of the building being serviced, its replacement will lead to quite high costs and technical difficulties;
  • the roof on which the boiler room is mounted must meet certain requirements: have an area not less than the established size, the required angle of inclination, protective fences (if the inclination is greater than required) and a waterproofing layer of at least 10 cm.

Roof boiler rooms are optimal solution For settlements with a large number of inhabitants and buildings. With their help, you can free up courtyards and other areas for more necessary objects.

Stages of designing rooftop boiler houses

It is impossible to draw up a correct and correctly designed project for such an important facility as a boiler room without the involvement of specialists. In addition, you cannot do without knowledge of the basic sets of rules and laws in this matter.

Before starting design, professionals carry out a thorough examination of the object, find out its purpose, structural features and layout, operating conditions, etc.

The first stage in project development is pre-design work. Experts calculate the amount of heat required this object, determine the type of fuel and the main parameters of the boiler room.

Based on the collected information, all further design is carried out, thermal-mechanical and gas calculations are performed.

At the second stage it is necessary to obtain technical specifications from certain organizations on engineering support future boiler room. Next, after performing basic calculations and research (environmental engineering, geological, geodetic, etc.), an urban development plan is created land plot, which establishes the urban planning parameters of the object. After this is compiled technical task, where equipment and materials for the future boiler room are indicated.

The final stage of design is the actual drawing up and execution of the project in accordance with the rules and regulations.

The completed project must be coordinated with certain authorities and obtain permission to construct the facility.

January, and with it winter, has passed the halfway mark. But in our climate, houses have to be heated both in spring and autumn, and hot water is generally needed all year round. And I would like to receive heat and hot water at minimal cost. It is desirable to reduce losses on heating mains to zero. We talked about individual boilers in the material “”. Now we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of another option for reconstructing the heating system - rooftop boiler rooms.

A roof boiler room is an autonomous heating source designed to heat and provide hot water supply to residential buildings. As the name suggests, it is erected on the roof of a building, in a specially equipped room. We will not consider stationary roof boiler rooms here. They are constructed at the construction stage of the building, linked with it in terms of design and infrastructure, so local and regional authorities do not have questions regarding them. However, it can be recommended to build stationary rooftop boiler houses if there is a shortage of thermal power in the microdistrict under development.

But block-modular roof boiler rooms are purchased for an already completed building. A block-modular boiler room is manufactured to the required parameters, assembled by the supplier company, transported to the installation and commissioning site in a ready-made form, and is provided with a company guarantee. Its connection to heating networks takes an extremely short time. Another very interesting and useful property of block-modular roof boiler houses: their heating point can be located not only in the boiler room itself, but also in the basement of the consumer building, on the ground floor or on the first floor.

A heating point consists of elements of thermal power plants that ensure the connection of these plants to the heating network, their operability, control of heat consumption modes, conversion, regulation of coolant parameters and distribution of coolant by type of consumer. It transfers hot water to heating systems, to the hot water supply system. It also supplies the ventilation system of a residential building with heat (without which, say, the elementary pipes of garbage chutes would turn into a source of extremely unpleasant odor, and icy winds would whistle along the risers in the bathrooms).

But why is it so important that in the case of a block-modular boiler room it can be placed in the basement of the consumer building, as well as on the ground or first floor? Yes, because this makes it possible to link a block-modular roof boiler room with the existing heating, hot water supply and ventilation systems in the house. Risers, wiring, heating devices - all this will remain in place. Noisy pumps will remain in the basement or basement, driving water upward. At the same time, the fact that a block-modular roof boiler house operating on gas is essentially a huge individual heating boiler, this gives us the opportunity to formulate its advantages.

First of all, it eliminates losses on the heating main, which will reduce current heating costs due to resource savings; eliminates the risk of being left without heat and hot water in the event of a communications breakdown. If the capacity of centralized boiler houses in the microdistrict is not enough to ensure the proper parameters of the coolant in cold weather, it will provide the house with heat in any conditions. These are its advantages, common to individual heating boilers.

The second group of advantages distinguishes it for the better from individual boilers. Well, the most important thing is the ability to preserve the same wiring that was originally laid by the builders of the house. After all, having hung a heating boiler in the kitchen or hallway, we will be forced to lead pipes to it from batteries located throughout the apartment (previously, batteries were powered from vertical risers, and horizontal connections to them ran through attics and basements). So the house switches to individual boilers - each apartment will inevitably undergo significant repairs, which may not be at all in the plans and financial capabilities of the residents). And in the case of a roof boiler room, these unpleasant hassles can be avoided.

The third group of advantages is related to operation. Unlike a gas water heater, which operated in short-term mode, an individual heating boiler burns constantly during the heating period, about seven months in our latitudes. It is, of course, automated. But it’s still good if a large family lives in the apartment and someone is keeping an eye on it so that the younger ones don’t get to the boiler with a set of screwdrivers.

On the other hand, the flexibility of an individual heating boiler is, of course, higher than in the case of a centralized block-modular roof boiler room. You can run it in heating mode and simply on a too cool and wet summer day - in the case of a roof boiler room, you will need a decision from the house council or a similar body.

So when does it make sense to install individual heating boilers, and when to take an interest in rooftop boiler houses?

Economics will give you the answer to this question. First of all, we must keep in mind that switching a house to individual boilers and installing roof-top boiler houses, although it increases living comfort and provides long-term savings on heating and hot water bills, is associated with the need for capital investments. If residents of a house who want to improve the situation with heat supply do not have free funds, then it is better to forget about this option and limit themselves to standard heat-saving measures.

If there is a financial opportunity, and especially if it coincides with a major overhaul by a regional operator or the accumulation of some significant funds in a special account at home, you can think about installing a roof boiler room. Their prices start from 1.5 million rubles for a boiler room with a productivity of 200 kW and from 3.5 million rubles for a boiler room with a productivity of 1000 kW. Considering that an average of 100 W per square meter is needed, this makes it possible to heat houses with a total area of ​​2000 sq.m. and 10000 sq.m. respectively. As we can see, power is growing faster than prices.

These are not the only costs. A roof boiler room cannot be mounted on floor slabs under which there is a living space - that is, if there is no technical floor, it will have to be built on part of the roof. Under the roof boiler room there must be waterproofing with a layer thickness of at least 100 mm, and reliable drainage. If the building height is higher than 26.5 m (above a standard nine-story building), additional approvals from the fire services will be required. But guidelines can be given approximately as follows.

For houses with 36 apartments or less, it will most likely be cheaper to install individual heating boilers during reconstruction. But with a hundred apartments and above, the economy will lean very strongly towards the roof boiler house (the effect of capacity growth is faster than the price!). In intermediate cases, calculations of various options are necessary - this is the responsible and qualified work of estimators in the construction industry, but we tried to give the most general guidelines and the most general ideas about roof boiler houses.

If you liked the article, recommend it to your friends, acquaintances or colleagues related to municipal or public service. It seems to us that it will be both useful and pleasant for them.
When reprinting materials, reference to the original source is required.