home · Lighting · Why do cherry trees dry out? The reason why cherry branches dry out after flowering. Ringed silkworm on a cherry tree

Why do cherry trees dry out? The reason why cherry branches dry out after flowering. Ringed silkworm on a cherry tree

Moniliosis, or monilial burn, is a dangerous fungal disease of cherries. Moniliosis affects almost every cherry tree in the European part of Russia and Western Siberia. Flowers, ovaries, young leaves, shoot tips dry out, branches seem burned - this is how the onset of the disease manifests itself. How to cure cherries from moniliosis?

Signs of moniliosis

Moniliosis, or monilial burn, is a common and dangerous disease cherries, plums, sweet cherries, cherry plums, apricots and other stone fruits. On cherries and many other stone fruits, moniliosis is caused by a fungus Monilia cinerea. The causative agent of the disease overwinters on mummified fruits and infected branches.

Many people mistake the sudden death and drying out of branches with blossoming leaves as the result of winter freezing, burns from pesticides or fertilizers. But in cherries infected with moniliosis, the flowers suddenly wither, turn brown and dry out, then the leaves and young fruit branches wither and dry out, and annual non-lignified shoots become like burnt ones.

It is during flowering that fungal spores fall on the pistil and germinate, affecting the conducting vessels.

The first signs of moniliosis on cherries

How does moniliosis develop?

Monilial burn can develop in two forms. After warm winter, in the spring, when rainy and cool weather sets in during flowering, the symptoms of the disease resemble the effects of frost or fire, which is why this form of the disease is called “monilial burn.” Flowers, leaves, shoots and branches are affected.

The second form is fruit (gray) rot. First of all, fruits become infected through damage resulting from mechanical stress or caused by insects. Small dark spots appear on mature fruits, which quickly grow and cover most the fetus, and sometimes the entire fetus.

Later, similar sporulation pads form on the affected fruits. They are located in random order, which distinguishes moniliosis fruit rot from fruit rot, in which sporulation is arranged in concentric circles. The sick are mummified.

Moniliosis rot of cherry fruits

Why do you need to cut off dry branches from a cherry tree?

The pathogen is well preserved in winter in affected twigs and shoots, as well as in dry mummified fruits. In spring, sporulation pads form on them. The spores are spread through the air by raindrops or insects, and infect plants through flowers or damage to the bark. Why does cherry dry? The primary infection occurs through the stigmas of the pistils, then the mycelium penetrates the wood of the branch through the peduncle and partially destroys it. As a result, after about a month, the flow of water completely stops, and the part of the branch above the site of infection dries out. With repeated re-infection, severe weakening of plants and their death occur. If there are dark rings on the cut of a cherry branch, this is a symptom of moniliosis.

Dark rings on a cut cherry are a sign of moniliosis

To stop the development of diseases, all drying cherry shoots must be cut out, capturing the healthy part 10-15 cm below the drying area, and burned! The same is then done with the fruits (ash-gray cushions are clearly visible on the affected ones) and with dried ovaries. Trimming branches along the border between the affected area and the healthy one will not bring results, since the transparent threads of the mycelium, invisible to the human eye, have most likely already spread along the branch, but have not yet given obvious signs of damage to the wood.

branches affected by moniliosis, this is visible on the cut

When does moniliosis develop more strongly?

Moniliosis spreads in the spring (during flowering) by spores carried by wind and insects. In humid weather, ash-gray sporulation pads of the pathogen develop on dead areas. At first they are located separately, then they increase in size and merge. Cracks and gum droplets also appear on infected large skeletal branches.

The disease spreads especially strongly in years with prolonged flowering and high humidity air. For the development of moniliosis, damp weather at a temperature of +15...+20 ° C or with prolonged rains in spring and summer is favorable. The development of the disease is facilitated by the density of plants and location in the lowlands.

In the relatively arid steppe zone, cherries are affected by moniliosis much less frequently, although in certain years that are favorable for the development of the pathogen, the disease also becomes widespread here.

Which cherry varieties are unstable and which are resistant to moniliosis

Cherry varieties resistant to moniliosis: Anadolskaya, Shpanka Krasnokutskaya.

  • Prevention of moniliosis

  • Choose cherry varieties that are most resistant to moniliosis and other diseases and pests for planting.
  • Plant plants sparsely (every 2-3 m) in elevated, well-lit and ventilated areas, where groundwater are located no closer than 1.5 m from the soil surface. It is better to plant near fences or buildings, where the microclimate is warmer and more snow accumulates in winter.
  • Thin out the crowns in a timely manner and rejuvenate old trees.
  • Avoid mechanical damage to plants.
  • Remove all plant debris and growth from the site, loosen the row spacing.
  • Water in a timely manner.
  • In winter or early spring, trim and destroy dried branches affected by pests and diseases, clean off old dead bark on trunks and skeletal branches, remove and burn pest nests.
  • Immediately cut out (taking healthy wood 10-15 cm below the drying area) and burn branches damaged by moniliosis.

removal of cherry branches affected by moniliosis

  • Harvest carefully to avoid damaging the fruit. Store only fruits without mechanical damage. At the first signs of disease, damaged fruits should be immediately removed from storage.
  • In the fall, collect and destroy all mummified fruits hanging on the tree, rake and burn old leaves, since some of the infectious agents can overwinter on fallen leaves, especially in the southern regions.
  • Dig up tree trunk circles around trees after the leaves have completely fallen.
  • After the leaves have completely fallen in autumn or spring, immediately after the snow has melted, plants and tree trunks can be treated with 1-3% Bordeaux mixture against overwintered pathogens.
  • Destroy maggots, cherry flies and other pests of fruit trees.
  • Use biological drugs.

During the growing season, spray cherries with the following preparations:

  • Fitosporin-M (20 ml/10 l of water) in the phases: coloring of buds, beginning of flowering, after flowering, formation of ovaries up to 1.5 cm in size, formation of fruits the size of a hazelnut (hazelnut);
  • Fitolavin (20 ml/10 l of water) in the phases: bud formation, flowering, ovary formation, fruit formation with a diameter of up to 2 cm, fruit formation with a diameter of up to 4-5 cm.

Measures to combat moniliosis and treatment of the disease

To curb the spread of moniliosis, it is very important that the treatment of cherries with fungicides is carried out simultaneously not only in yours, but also in all neighboring areas. To cure cherries from moniliosis, it is advisable to choose dry days for treatments. After spraying, there should be no rain for at least two to three hours so that the preparations have time to be absorbed into the plant tissue, and especially the pistils of the flowers. The current “List of Pesticides and Agrochemicals” recommends the use of several drugs against moniliosis.

Abiga Peak (40-50 g/10 l of water). Spraying during the growing season.

(100 g copper sulfate+ 100 g lime/10 l water). Spraying during the growing season with a 1% working solution.

Bordeaux mixture "Extra" (300-400 g of copper sulfate + 400 g of calcium hydroxide/10 l of water). Early spring “blue” spraying before buds open.

But . Use only in combination with other fungicides. Spraying during the growing season with a 0.014% working solution before and after flowering: with a fruit diameter of 4 cm with an interval of 9-10 days; with a fetal diameter of more than 4 cm - 12-14 days. Before and after treatments with this drug, it is necessary to use fungicides with a different mechanism of action. The total number of treatments with the drug But should not exceed two.

Cupid - spraying during the growing season. Phases: green cone, pink bud, subsequent ones - after flowering with an interval of 7-14 days.

Cuproxat . The first spraying is in the phase of blossoming of fruit buds, subsequent sprayings are carried out at intervals of 7-10 days.

Topsin-M . Spraying during the growing season with a 0.1% working solution.

Horus (2 g/10 l water). Spraying: first - before flowering, subsequent - at intervals of 7-10 days.

Be careful when using plant protection products. Always read the label and product information before use. Carry out processing in compliance with all safety rules. Remember: you can harvest the crops and consume the products only 20, or even better, 30 days after the last chemical treatment.

Why do cherry tree branches dry out?

Cherry blossoms in full bloom are pleasing and touching. Fabulous white caps, alluring aroma. But a little time has passed, the beautiful picture gives way to a gloomy one - the leaves and branches wither and dry. It's worth figuring out why this happens. How to help a tree? What to do? After all, ensuring a healthy future for your garden is simply necessary.

Why can cherry branches dry out?

It is impossible to definitively answer the question “Why do cherries dry out after flowering?” There may be several reasons. First of all, you need to pay attention to weather conditions - damp, warm weather contributes to the spread of fungal diseases. Excessive moisture can be detrimental to any stone fruit tree.

They don't like:

  • deep landing;
  • frequent watering;
  • compaction of the top layer of soil with compost or.

The flowering period is especially significant. This is not only a continuation of life, but also an indicator of the health of the tree.

Advice. It is important to pay attention to the intensity of flowering. Perhaps this is a “self-destruction program” launched.

A stormy set of buds, an unnaturally fluffy white veil pleases beginners, but is alarming experienced gardeners. A tree can give such a reaction to damage hidden from view: wounds or rot on the roots, decay.

Cherry blossoms

Often the drying of cherries immediately after flowering is associated with fungal diseases. Pathogenic organisms are able to penetrate the plant bypassing visible to the eye damage through an open gate - a flower. The sources of the disease can be affected trees in the neighborhood. When the garden is large-scale, infection can spread at lightning speed.

How to save a cherry orchard

Preventive treatment in combination with measures to combat insect pests and timely care can save trees. When the likelihood of disease occurrence is high, spraying should be done more often. Timely treatment will not allow infection to pass through and will not allow the disease to develop if it already exists. The following activities must be carried out:

  • as soon as the snow melts, treat the trees and tree trunks with a solution of Bordeaux mixture (3%);
  • before flowering and during the growing season, spray with Horus;
  • spray weak solution copper sulfate (1%) on the dome of the tree.

Advice. Favorable weather combined with prolonged flowering, any damage to the trunk or roots is a reason to urgently take action.

In addition to prevention, the tree requires timely care:

  • any damage that occurs is carefully examined, disinfected, treated, and sealed;
  • the trunk and skeleton of the tree must be whitewashed;
  • branches are thinned out;
  • fallen leaves are removed and the tree trunk area is kept clean.

Affected tree branches must be removed

How to treat a sick tree

The color flew away, and along with it the leaves withered and the branches began to dry out? This sure sign. If a black ring is visible on the cut of a branch, there can be no doubt. The fungus, having penetrated the trunk, spreads at lightning speed. The tree needs urgent help.

Cutting off dried branches, capturing a nearby area of ​​healthy tissue (5–15 cm), and then burning them will stop the growth of the outbreak. Next, you should take a closer look at the tree and remove newly drying areas.

In the spring, according to the schedule of preventive measures, treatment must be carried out. If there are other trees in the neighborhood, you need to carefully monitor their condition.

Advice. Prevention is carried out not only for the “doubtful” garden resident, but also for all nearby trees. It is advisable to come to an agreement with your neighbors and act in concert.

Drying of cherry tree branches after flowering is not a reason to despair. There is an urgent need to mobilize and act. Timely assistance to the tree and further adherence to care and prevention measures can protect the garden from disaster.

How to treat cherries: video

Health fruit tree can be determined by its appearance. When the leaves begin to dry out, this is the first sign of a serious problem in the development of the plant. What to do when cherries dry out? A gardener thinks about this when looking at a cherry tree that has lost its yellowed leaves in the middle of summer. And here the main thing is to identify the reason for the drying of the tree and fruits. And pre-thought-out preventive measures will help avoid problems.

When the leaves on a cherry tree are bright green, without spots or dots, then the plant is healthy and will bear fruit abundantly. But often during the flowering period the leaves and branches begin to dry out. The reason for this is that:

  • the seedling is planted at great depth, and the roots begin to rot;
  • too much moisture in the soil;
  • insufficiency or excess of mineral and organic substances on the site;
  • the tree was exposed severe frosts in winter.

In mid-summer, when the fruits appear, the process of drying out may begin. The berries turn red, but their flesh wrinkles and dries out. Instead of juicy cherries What remains are bones covered with brown skin. Typically, the phenomenon is typical for cool and humid summers, when trees in the garden are affected by pathogenic fungi or pests.

There is a spread of pathological processes in neglected gardens, where agricultural technology for cultivating stone fruit crops is not used. On the trunk of a diseased cherry, the presence of gum leaking from the trunk is noted. Then the plant stops developing, dries out and dies.

Pest Control

The main pests of cherries feed on juices, sucking them from leaves and fruits. Hence the loss of the berry harvest and the drying out of the tree. The danger comes not only from adult insects, but also from their larvae. After pupation, the insects spend the winter under the snow, in the ground, and in the spring, adult individuals emerge from them, causing damage to the future harvest and destroying cherries.

Conduct pest control:

  • cherry fly;
  • aphids;
  • sawfly;
  • cherry shoot moth;
  • hawthorn

It is necessary in advance, spraying bushes and trees with insecticidal preparations in the spring, before the buds open. It is better to choose systemic agents. Among them are “Iskra”, “Kinmiks”. Sawflies look like a fly, but they cause harm at the pseudo-caterpillar stage, which leads to skeletonization of the leaves. When winter comes, the larvae in cocoons survive frosts in top layer soil.

After pupation in the summer, adult insects emerge and begin laying eggs. In one season, a sawfly can turn a cherry tree into a leafless tree. You can scare away the sawfly with sulfur smoke. And by digging up the tree trunk circle, you can destroy colonies of larvae in the ground.

Winter nests of hawthorn caterpillars are collected and destroyed in the fall. If left untouched, the caterpillars will damage the plants during the growing season.

You can fight aphids folk remedies And chemicals. It is necessary to destroy colonies of ants that attract aphids to cherries.

But it is necessary to carry out such work in the fall as:

  • pruning;
  • treating cracks on a tree trunk and cuts on branches with garden varnish;
  • cleaning leaves, fallen fruits, branches, burning them;
  • digging the trunk circle;
  • spraying the soil under a tree with a urea solution before the onset of winter.

If work is carried out regularly, then the cherry tree will not be attacked by pests. But many of the insects contribute to the weakening of the tree. Hence the appearance of fungal infections.

Fungal diseases

A favorable period for the activation of pathogenic fungi is summer with heavy rainfall and air temperature no higher than 15-17 degrees Celsius. Moniliosis fungus retains its viability well during periods mild winter and affects stone fruit crops very quickly. When in July the tree begins to dry out, losing half of its foliage, this indicates the onset of a disease.

The disease manifests itself as a burn when the fungus gets inside the wood. The spores also act on the berries, forming islands of gray rot on them. The juicy pulp of the fruit leaves only dried seeds on the branches.

To save the cherry, immediately treat the crown with the “Horus” preparation, after pruning the affected part of the bush. After 2 weeks, spray with “Skor”.

Symptoms of coccomycosis are visible to the naked eye. In summer, yellowed leaves begin to fall from the tree, although the harvest is still hanging on the branches. It is necessary to fight the infection after the berries are picked. The leaves are raked into heaps and burned, and the tree trunk is spilled with a solution prepared from 400 grams of urea per bucket of water. Spring treatment Bordeaux mixture is carried out in April, while the kidneys are dormant. Spraying should be repeated after the cherry tree blooms.

To prevent the disease from returning, in the fall they are treated with drugs containing copper: “Ridomil”, “Oxychom”.

The anthracnose fungus has a detrimental effect on the cherry bush. In addition to the appearance of spots on the leaves, rotting of the fruits is noted. At the first signs of the disease, you need to spray with a solution of copper sulfate, taking 50 grams per 10 liters of water. Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of 1% is also effective.

A stone fruit plant infected with clusterosporiasis loses its leaves, which turn brown and dry out. The fruits also become small, drying out to the stone. Gum leaks are visible on the shoots. Cherries are cured by spraying with Bordeaux mixture three times. The first time in the budding stage, then immediately after flowering. The last treatment is carried out after 10-15 days. And the entire infected part of the tree must be destroyed.

Spores of the false tinder fungus, appearing on the cherry, lead to complete drying out of the tree. In July, it is necessary to remove fungal growths, since at this time spores have not yet formed. And the wounds that appear after cutting the mushroom are lubricated with garden varnish. Diseases overtake the tree when improper care for culture.

If cherry drying is detected, immediate action must be taken. You don't want to lose the whole tree.

For this:

  1. Treatment against diseases is carried out in several stages in spring and autumn. Among the drugs, the result will be from the means “Skor”, “Horus”, Bordeaux mixture. A few days before the flowers appear and after harvesting, it is necessary to carry out treatment. And in the spring you need to whitewash the trunk with copper sulfate added to the lime.
  2. Dry shoots are trimmed. Dried branches are sawed off or cut off with pruning shears, including the healthy part by 12-15 centimeters.
  3. If the berries are dry, they are collected and destroyed as carriers of fungal spores.
  4. The seedling is transferred to another place. But first they dig it up and examine the roots. Underground part The plants are lightly trimmed and the cuttings are dipped in a solution of camphor alcohol (15 drops per half liter of water) for 4 hours.
  5. Shoots covered with resin and gum are cut out.

When the cherry dries out due to the fact that the root collar begins to rot, it is necessary to remove the layer of mulch, adjusting the moisture content of the crop.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent cherries from drying out than to return them to normal condition later.

Preventive measures include:

  • treating damaged parts of the cherry tree with garden varnish;
  • cleaning and burning dry, diseased shoots, berries, leaves;
  • digging up soil in cherry plantings in autumn and spring;
  • whitewashing the trunk in April and October with lime milk;
  • fertilizing with potassium sulphide, dissolving 1 tablespoon in 3 liters of water;
  • feeding with peat before wintering.

Regular watering of the tree will save the cherry from drying out. You should not moisten the soil too much, but you need to keep it moist at a depth of 5-10 centimeters. Feed the plant as needed, but loosen the soil in root circle it is necessary constantly, especially after rains. Before winter, dig up the area to destroy pest larvae and fungal spores overwintering in the soil.

Spraying with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate prevents the occurrence of diseases. Better processing carry out before flowering and after harvesting. To prevent gum formation, it is necessary to dig grooves in the garden and water the cherries without stagnant water. Cherries will not dry out if you follow the rules of agricultural technology, carry out disease prevention, and protect from pests.

Cherries can be found in almost every summer cottage. It pleases us with its flowering and gives us the opportunity to feast on its juicy, tasty and healthy fruits. Imagine our disappointment when we notice that a recently green tree has suddenly turned yellow, its leaves dry out and fall off, its berries dry up and fall off.

The question immediately arises - what to do? Let's try to analyze the current situation and think - what mistake did we make in leaving?

Cherries are drying out - what is the reason?

If you are an attentive person, you have probably established that this phenomenon is most often observed when the summer did not favor us with warmth, but was cold and damp.

According to experts, the reason may be as follows:

  1. During flowering there were no conditions for sufficient pollination. The fruit, which began to develop without a seed, stopped growing and dried up.
  2. Damage to the maternal branch. Cut such a branch and you will see that the wood has turned brown instead of white. It is difficult to determine externally - the young leaves grow as if nothing had happened, the cherry blossoms, the fruits set, but it turns out that there is no opportunity for normal growth, and the still unripe berries dry out.
  3. The cause may be coccomycosis, but its manifestations can also be seen on the leaves. Clusterosporiasis is another reason, and if the cherries first became covered with brown spots and then dried out, then this terrible disease is the cause of everything.

Any infection can spread over a large area in a short time. Fungi do not feel comfortable in any environment, but damp and cool weather is just what they need. Berries can dry out on trees affected by moniliosis or cytosporosis.

But there are other reasons - drought, improper feeding, mechanical damage wood, etc.

Saving the cherry

Most likely, you are to blame, or rather your inattention, because we must admit that a plant with a strong immune system would not get sick, it would find the strength to resist the formidable disease. But, as they say, in this situation you only need to think about how to save the tree or trees.

Saving cherries from monniliosis or cytosporosis

If the reason is that the tree is sick, then it needs pruning and treatment. Damaged branches must be ruthlessly removed, do not worry, next year New shoots will appear and give a rich harvest.

Cherries that have dropped their leaves can be sprayed with a 5% urea solution; in the spring, it is recommended to treat the tree with a 1% nitrophen solution.

Treatment of coccomycosis

If you do not follow the care recommendations, forget about the subcortex, and do not prune the cherry tree in the spring, your plant will probably be weakened. Cherries with weak immunity often develop coccomycosis. It is quite easy to recognize - brown dots appear on the leaf blades, their sizes increase, and they turn into spots of quite impressive size. Dark dots first appear on the berries, the shape of the fruit changes, they seem to “twist”, such cherries cannot be eaten.

Diseased branches are removed, cut areas are treated with a 3% solution iron sulfate, after which they are lubricated with garden varnish. Leaves, fruits and shoots are burned, the place where they were is dug up. Even if the entire tree was affected, spraying with 3% Bordeaux mixture gives a good result (two treatments can be performed).

Hole spot

The disease develops and progresses under certain weather conditions. This is facilitated by heat and frequent rains. The pathogen can get onto the tree with precipitation, or it can be carried by the wind or insects.

In the spring, if you look closely at the leaves, you will notice small black red dots on them. Over time, their color turns brown and their diameter increases to 5 mm. The affected leaves will quickly crumble, the fruits will dry out and also fall off. Control methods are the same as for coccomycosis.

Anthracnose and its control

Here the berries bear the brunt. First, small light spots appear on them. They can be so subtle that it is very difficult to recognize them immediately. Over time, the spots become more noticeable and turn into small pink bumps. If the summer is hot, the fruits can dry out instantly. Wet weather will prolong this process, but in any case up to 80% of the crop will suffer.

Among other drugs, Polyram is considered the most effective.” But spraying must be timely - before flowering begins, after it ends, the third treatment is carried out after 14-15 days.


One cannot underestimate the whole range of preventive measures aimed at preventing the appearance of mycelium in your garden. Insects can be carriers of the infection; having visited an unkempt, abandoned garden, in which most of the trees are sick, they will transfer it to healthy plants. Spray the cherries special drugs, this will avoid the appearance of uninvited guests, and your trees will delight you with their flowering and rich harvest.

  • Proper care of cherries will eliminate the possibility of drying out of the fruit.
  • Diseased branches, leaves and fruits must be removed from the site and burned.
  • In the fall, while the weather is dry, it is recommended to inspect the tree to identify diseased branches; if there are any, cut them off.
  • Avoid injury. If it was not possible to save the cherry, damaged and broken branches must be removed in a timely manner.
  • The gum needs to be cleaned off in a timely manner; timely treatment with vitriol helps to cope with gum deposition.
  • A good prophylactic agent is 1% Bordeaux mixture. First, the cherries are sprayed with it before the buds begin to bloom, then after flowering ends, the treatment is repeated after 10-14 days. In autumn, spray after the end of leaf fall.

Remember that if there are diseased cherries on the site, other trees may also become diseased. This is why disease control must be timely and effective. And let us remind you again - proper care, regular watering, proper pruning and timely fertilizing are a guarantee that your trees will remain healthy for many years.

The question of why cherries dry out after flowering does not have a clear answer. It is believed that wild bloom weakens the tree, reduces its resistance to disease. On the other hand, it is noticed that abundant flowering one copy compared to the rest is a signal of illness, and the last effort to prolong life by creating many seeds. Often, incorrect agricultural practices are the root cause of the disease.

Prerequisites for the disease

Where cherry orchards are cultivated over large areas, any infection spreads rapidly. Therefore, gardeners should be wary of weather conditions favorable for the propagation of spores and moniliosis. In spring it is cool and damp, which affects the duration of flowering. During the berry-filling period it is warm and rainy, again a favorable environment for mushrooms. Only prevention and ridding the garden of insects will save the tree from the introduction of mycelium.

The cherry is drying out, what should I do? Any incomprehensible yellowing or drying out does not occur spontaneously; this is a sign of a disease, most likely fungal. An old, unkempt garden becomes a breeding ground for many diseases. Gradually they spread by insects and wind to neighboring plantings.

If there are prerequisites, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures more often. But any treatments should be stopped 20 days before harvesting the berries.

Disease prevention

healthy cultivated plants can only happen if agricultural practices are followed. Timely treatment of cherry trees and shrubs against pests and diseases will nip the infection in the bud.

A tree that receives adequate nutrition will be strong, its health reserves will be sufficient to flower and bear berries without harm to the crown. Any damage to the bark must be immediately examined, disinfected and repaired. It is easier to prevent an infection than to treat it with far from harmless methods. Why doesn’t my neighbor’s cherry tree dry after flowering?

The answers are simple:

  1. The tree is planted on a hill or slope, well ventilated.
  2. The seedling was purchased from a breeding station for a variety resistant to moniliosis.
  3. The trees are whitened every year, not only the trunks, but the skeletal branches. Every crack in the bark is disinfected and covered with garden varnish so that there is nowhere for spores to enter.
  4. The leaves are collected, the tree trunks are well-groomed.
  5. The branches are thinned out according to the principle that a sparrow will fly by.

Despite the cramped conditions summer cottage, the cherry must have sufficient feeding area.

In order for the cherry to delight with color and an abundance of healthy berries, the tree should be provided with correct landing and timely watering. Cherry does not like waterlogging and deep planting; the roots can rot.

Spraying in certain deadlines carried out as prophylaxis against fungal diseases that are introduced:

  • into the open tubule of the flower;
  • into a fresh wound on a broken branch;
  • crack in the bark.

The disease has penetrated into the flowers and twigs, which is why the cherry tree dries out after flowering.

Spores, bacteria, insect pests develop according to a natural cycle. Therefore, you cannot treat plants with drugs, as it turns out, there is a schedule:

  • immediately after the snow melts, treat tree trunks and trees with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture or Bordeaux mixture “Extra”;
  • spraying a 1% solution of copper sulfate on a green cone;
  • Before flowering, cherries should be treated with Horus from;
  • do during the growing season preventative treatments drugs Abiga-pik, Zato, Topsin, Horus.

Fungal diseases invade damp and cold period, with prolonged flowering. Accept preventive measures it is necessary, guided by the weather, without missing a favorable time.

Signs of disease when cherries dry after flowering

The disease moniliosis, imported from America, has become a threat to modern cherry orchards. This fungal disease on flowers in spring and on fruits before harvest. A sign of spring infection is that cherry leaves dry out after flowering and necrosis of the branches occurs. At this time, the mycelium quickly penetrates inside and infects the entire tree. Moniliosis can be identified by finding a dark ring on a cut branch.

Only the right decision will be cutting off all branches 5-15 cm beyond the place of visible drying and burning all plant residues. During the summer, you should monitor the tree and continue to remove dried branches. Having destroyed the outbreak, prevention should be carried out according to the schedule for the next year.

The fruits remaining on the branches at the sites of insect bites form gray spore-bearing pads. They are located chaotically, and this differs from gray fruit rot. Mummified fruits and fallen leaves will become a source of infection next year. If the disease is advanced, gray growths will appear on the bark.

It is important that neighboring plantations also pay close attention to eradicating the infection. The disease itself will not go away; it will destroy the tree completely. Systemic fungicides do not affect spores of the fungus Monilia cinerea.

Clusterosporiasis or spotting is also the reason why cherry leaves dry out. The disease manifests itself throughout the tree, including the roots. At the same time, the buds of flowers and leaves turn black, fall off, and the leaves become like a sieve. The cherries remaining on the branches become mummified and become carriers of spores. The mycelium is destroyed by copper oxychloride and Bordeaux mixture.

Coccomycosis - the fungus actively multiplies after the tree blooms, which is why the cherry dries. Signs of infection are red dots on the leaves on top, on back side pink spores can be detected. The leaves turn yellow, fall off, and the berry flow stops. If signs of coccomycosis are detected in the crop current year I'll have to say goodbye. A tree in bloom must be treated with a 3.5% solution of copper sulfate. If the harvest persists, after harvesting the berries, treatment with Horus should be carried out. Sprinkle the soil with urea solution at the rate of 40 grams per 1 liter.

Only by carrying out a set of measures to maintain a healthy garden can losses from fungal diseases be reduced.