home · On a note · Connecting electricity to the st. Organization of power supply for a garden, country house or garden house Three-phase electricity in SNT

Connecting electricity to the st. Organization of power supply for a garden, country house or garden house Three-phase electricity in SNT

Good day!
I turn to the collective wisdom for help.
Input data:
SNT, new transformer (replaced the old one 3 years ago), distributed along the poles with SIP.
Last year I tore down the old one panel house, installed a change house at the entrance, which became a building for equipment and will remain in this place forever. Since the previous chairman saved on poles and installed them every 2 sections (the distance between the poles is 45-50 m), it was extremely inconvenient for me to connect, at my own expense I installed an additional pole outside my site, from which I had already connected temporarily for the duration of the demolition old and construction of a new house 3 phases, metering board in the change house. From the change house underground, underground cables were laid (VVGng to HDPE) to 2 more buildings in which we now live.
SIP arrives by air into a plastic box on external wall change houses -> 3-pole circuit breaker 25A. -> VVG-ng 5x10 through a metal sleeve in the wall inside the change house into the input metering and distribution board.
In the input switchboard VA 25A -> 3-phase meter -> RCD 40A 100mA (fire), then automatic circuit breakers: 1st phase for consumers in the cabin, 2nd and 3rd for two buildings on the site. The buildings have their own local input panels with differential. machine guns, machine guns and more.
Grounding has not been done and this is a separate upcoming headache, it remains to be seen which system is better to use: TN-C-S or TT.
Judging by who pulled the lines and how, they had not heard of re-grounding on poles. I found only 1 pole out of 6 on our street with a rod from top to bottom, but I’m not at all sure that it is somewhere connected to the PEN at the top. Therefore, I have no confidence at all that if a zero burns out somewhere along the way to me, everything will not go through my local grounding.

A new one was built over the winter. frame house, planned for permanent residence. Now the question of connection has arisen, I have already racked my brains about how best to do it. On the one hand, there are PUE, in compliance with the requirements of which it is better not to supply electricity to the house (wooden), on the other hand, the PUE is physical. there is no decree for individuals, but security must be ensured at a sufficient level.

There are 2 options:
1. (I really don’t want to do it) Transfer overhead line(SIP) with external box (with automatic machine) on the facade of the house, hole in the wall (wall thickness 35 cm), entry through steel pipe the room on the 2nd floor is already VVG-ng 10 sq. m. m, laying it inextricably from the second floor to the boiler room to the first (again in metal pipe?). In this case, where should the re-grounding wire be inserted and where should the PEN be divided into PE and N (in the case of a TN-C-S system)?

2. Leave air entry to the change house as it is now, insert the SIP into the machine in the external panel on the wall, introduce re-grounding there, separate into PE and N and then underground copper cable 5x10 via mortgage plastic pipe under strip foundation enter into the boiler room. The back-up pipe is already coming out of the boiler room, although it is a 50 mm sewer pipe, but after some trouble, you can replace it with some other one. Move the existing metering panel with a meter to the same boiler room. The distance between the change house and the house is 10 m. Can the incoming wire (PE) be considered normal grounding or do another re-grounding near the house?

I want to do option 2 so as not to drill a difficult pie frame house, do not distort the facade and ceilings. Does this have a right to life? And if not, then why? By common sense or by PUE?

Transfer input panel with counter on street pole I don’t consider it OUTSIDE of my site at all, I don’t want to and that’s it. And he proved that he is not obliged to do this at the general meeting of SNT. Yes, they steal from us too, but installing a meter on a pole does not solve the problem of theft in any way, but it adds a wonderful opportunity for marginal elements to do whatever they want with my expensive equipment.

Thanks in advance to everyone who responded!

SOLUTION In the name of the Russian Federation

Stavropol district court Samara region composed of: judge Bolokhova O.V., with the participation of the representative of the plaintiff Almushev R.M. by proxy, representatives of the defendant - Verstova S.V. by proxy, Isaeva S.V. ex officio, under the secretary V.I. Gasimov, having considered in open court civil case No. 2-1880/13 on the claim of Yuri Mikhailovich Sachko against SNT “UYUT” to recognize the actions of persons as illegal, to eliminate obstacles in the use of electrical networks,


Sachko Yu.M. filed a lawsuit against SNT "Uyut" to declare illegal the actions of SNT "Uyut" to limit the amount of electricity consumed, to impose obligations not to limit the amount of electricity consumed, to restore the connection of three-phase power supply with the installation of a 35 ampere circuit breaker, the installation of metering devices and automatic switch at a height of 08 to 1.7 meters.

In support of his demands, he indicated that he is the owner of a plot of land for collective gardening at the address: On his summer cottage a house was built in which he permanently resides. By a court decision dated DD.MM.YYYY, the court ordered SNT "UYUT" to connect its site to the power supply, but the site was connected by single-phase circuit, and previously it had a three-phase circuit. He believes that the defendant is violating his rights by illegally limiting the amount of electricity. Also, the illegality of the actions lies in the fact that when connecting his house to electricity, a circuit breaker with a current of 4 amperes was installed, and the distribution box was installed with a meter at a height of 8 meters from the ground, instead of the 0.8 - 1.7 meters required by law . At the time of the illegal shutdown, he had a 35-amp circuit breaker and three-phase power installed. His house has electrical appliances that require a three-phase power supply to operate. He believes that the defendant’s illegal actions do not allow him to use electricity in the amount that he used before the illegal shutdown.

At the court hearing, the plaintiff's representative supported the claim.

The representative of the defendant did not admit the claim, pointing out that the KTP substation belongs to SNT “UYUT” and was built through contributions from members of SNT, to which Sachko Yu.M. not applicable. This substation is designed for a power of 400 kW, for 410 sections, that is, less than 1 kW of power per consumer. The plaintiff’s site is supplied with power according to the technical capabilities of the substation owned by SNT “UYUT”. All consumers of SNT "UYUT" are connected according to a single-phase circuit. Currently, the issue of connecting a three-phase power supply is being resolved with the energy supply organization. Technical capabilities there is no provision for connecting the plaintiff’s site to a three-phase power supply. This will violate the rights of members of the SNT, to which the plaintiff does not belong and at whose expense the KTP was acquired. Also, such a connection can create an emergency situation due to network overvoltage. SNT "UYUT" has the right to install electricity meters on the pole and limit the supply of electricity to the building to 0.8 kW. This decision was adopted by the general meeting of members of SNT “UYUT” and was the subject of proceedings by the Stavropol District Court.

Indicate that the counter that controls the supply electrical energy V garden house Sachko Yu.M., was installed on a support located opposite his house in accordance with by decision members of the partnership. This meter is the property of the partnership. With an application to install his own meter, Sachko Yu.M. I did not contact the board of SNT “UYUT”. There are no laws regulating the installation height of the control meter.

There are no violations of the legislation on the electric power industry in the actions of the electricity transmission partnership, which was established by the decision of the Stavropol District Court dated DD.MM.YYYY on the application of SNT “UYUT” to recognize the prosecutor’s submission dated DD.MM.YYYY as illegal.

It is believed that the plaintiff’s stated demand to connect a three-phase power supply with the installation of a circuit breaker with a current of 35 amperes infringes on the rights and interests of the members of the partnership, at whose expense the electrical networks were created.

The plaintiff's house is connected to electrical networks owned by the partnership. Energy supply to SNT is carried out in accordance with the terms of the agreement concluded with OJSC Samaraenergo, which established the volume of energy supplied. Evidence presented by the plaintiff to justify the circumstances, connections garden house to the power supply are inadequate. So, inspection report No. and technical check electrical energy, signed as chairman of SNT FULL NAME7 DD.MM.YYYY, while by the decision of the Stavropol District Court dated DD.MM.YYYY the election of FULL NAME8 chairman of SNT was declared illegal. The act dated DD.MM.YYYY was drawn up and signed by members of the commission who are not members of SNT.

It is believed that there are no grounds for connecting a garden house to a three-phase power supply. They ask that the claims be dismissed.

The representative of Samaraenergo OJSC, which was involved in the case as a third party, requests that the case be considered in his absence.

From the review of Samaraenergo OJSC it follows that between Samaraenergo OJSC and SNT "UYUT" an energy supply agreement No. dated DD.MM.YYYY was concluded (type of agreement - equivalent to the population). Contractual relations with Sachko Yu.M. OJSC Samaraenergo does not have.

Having heard the parties and examined the case materials, the court finds no grounds to satisfy the claims.

The court established and the case materials confirm that Sachko owns land plot, intended for collective gardening at:

Member of SNT "COMFORT" Sachko Yu.M. is not, is a member of another SNT - “Russian Field”.

By court decision dated DD.MM.YYYY SNT "UYUT" was obliged to connect to garden plot the plaintiff's electricity supply is provided by the partnership.

The court decision has been implemented. Decisions of the general meeting on connecting the plaintiff’s site to three-phase circuit was not accepted.

Based on this decision, the bailiff of the Vsevolozhsk OSSP initiated enforcement proceedings.

The ruling of the Stavropol District Court dated DD.MM.YYYY SNT "UYUT" refused to clarify the court's decision.

The act of carrying out enforcement actions from DD.MM.YYYY confirms that on the specified day, in the presence of witnesses and parties to the enforcement proceedings, the supply of electricity from the SNT switchboard to the equipment of the plaintiff’s house was restored.

DD.MM.YYYY The bailiff issued a resolution to terminate the enforcement proceedings.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 8 Federal Law dated April 15, 1998 N 66-FZ “On gardening, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”, citizens conducting gardening, vegetable gardening or dacha farming individually on the territory of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association have the right to use infrastructure facilities and other property common use horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association for a fee under the terms of agreements concluded with such association in writing in the manner specified general meeting members of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association.


In satisfying the claims of Yuri Mikhailovich Sachko to SNT "UYUT" to recognize as illegal the actions of SNT "UYUT" to limit the amount of electricity consumed, to impose obligations not to limit the amount of electricity consumed, to restore the connection of three-phase power supply with the installation of a circuit breaker with a current of 35 amperes, to install metering devices and an automatic switch at a height of 08 to 1.7 meters - refuse.

The decision can be appealed within a month from the date of production of the decision in final form to the Samara Regional Court through the Stavropol District Court.

The reasoned decision was made on October 28, 2013.


Stavropol District Court (Samara Region)

Nowadays, we cannot do without a high-quality and well-thought-out power supply system. If, when buying an apartment, this problem is solved not by the owner of the property, but construction company, then there is a choice to supply electricity to a private home. The apartment has already been supplied with single-phase power, and this voltage is quite sufficient there. However, in the private sector, a three-phase network may be quite relevant. In this article we will tell you which electrical network is better: three-phase or single-phase, as well as how to conduct 380 Volts in a private house according to the law and what documents are needed for this.

Advantages and disadvantages of a three-phase power supply system

It's no secret that three-phase power supply in a private home is becoming more and more relevant, and this is connected not only with the amount of voltage. Let's look at all the advantages of 380 Volts and here is a list of them:

  1. Connecting the most common ones in everyday life and in production with a squirrel-cage rotor. When connected to a single-phase circuit, their power, torque, and efficiency are lost. After all, they were originally designed for three phases. The use of such electric machines in a private home may be necessary when installing a grinding, drilling or woodworking machine and other types of equipment. An owner who has the skills to operate such equipment will always find a use for it. Always useful at the dacha powerful pump, so running 380 Volts won’t hurt here either.
  2. By connecting three phases, the owner of a private house receives by and large, three independent single-phase networks at once, which he can dispose of at his own discretion. To do this, in order to obtain a single-phase voltage of 220 Volts, you need to connect one wire to the phase and the other to zero. It will be called phase. The voltage between two phases is 380 Volts and is called linear. You can read more about phase and line voltage in the article:.
  3. In case of breakdown or emergency situation on distribution substation One or even two phases may burn out. At the same time, the owner of a private house with three phases will at least have lighting and a refrigerator working. It must be remembered, however, that for three-phase motors operation in two phases will entail its inevitable failure.

Keep in mind that there are pitfalls here too. A three-phase network is needed if the power of a single-phase network is not enough. And even if single-phase is not enough, there is no need to rush to connect three phases, it is better to clarify the possibility of a single-phase network - this procedure is much simpler than matching and connecting three phases.

Three phases must be connected if it is necessary to power three-phase ones that cannot operate in single-phase mode, or in case of simultaneous use large quantity electrical appliances, equipment, for example, if the house has a large household, some small-scale production has been established.

There are also a few other disadvantages to note three phase system electricity supply One of the disadvantages is the need for each of the phases. The second drawback is the great difficulty in connecting, purchasing another shield, protective devices etc. The third drawback is a great danger from the point of view of electric shock, since the house will have not only a single-phase voltage of 220 V, but also a linear voltage of 380 V

As you can see, the advantages of powering the consumer from a 380 Volt network are not always obvious. Now you need to figure out what documents are needed to connect three-phase network. This is what we will talk about now.

How to connect three phases

Of course, before moving on to the technical side of the issue and directly to the connection, you need to contact the company that is the electricity supplier in this particular region. To do this, the customer must clearly understand and agree on the following points:

  • Network power.
  • Meter type and tariff. This can be a multi-tariff meter or a single-tariff one.
  • Number of phases (in this case 3).
  • Connection diagram.
  • An organization that is urgently needed to protect people from electric current in case of breakdown or deterioration of insulation resistance.

Important! Self-connection access to power grids is prohibited by law! The procedure for connecting and organizing power supply must be performed by highly qualified personnel. In order to connect a private house to a three-phase network, it must be completely de-energized, and doing this without an energy service is also prohibited.

Suppliers adhere to clear requirements and rules. Therefore, if the distance from a private house to 380 Volt networks, most often passing through poles, is more than 300 meters within the city (500 outside the city), then in order to install electricity you will have to pay also.

It is also important to note that it is often necessary to provide status information before connecting home wiring. If the house has old electrical wiring, then there is a high probability that representatives of the electrical networks will not only not give permission to connect three phases, but will also reduce the limit on a single-phase network to the minimum for safety reasons, since the wiring cannot withstand a heavy load.

The next key issue in connecting a home to a 380 Volt network will be the power that the consumer will take from the network.

There are three degrees:

  • first - no more than 16 kW;
  • the second - from 16 to 50 kW.
  • the third - from 50 to 160 kW.

Of course, it is better to organize power supply with a power reserve, especially since the increase in the number of devices that operate on this type of energy is still obvious. However, the cost of this system will be higher.

It is also important to note about the power limit - most often up to 15 kW is allocated for the average consumer. And in this case, everything depends on the state of the electrical networks, the power of the transformer in the transformer substation or transformer substation. If the power is small, then the supplying organization distributes approximately the power to houses and above this power it is impossible to connect, especially three phases. In this case, to connect three phases of the required power limit, a separate transformer is needed - this is a more complicated procedure, since you need to purchase a package transformer substation and connect it to a high-voltage network of 6 (10) kV. Therefore, the average consumer has to be content with a certain power limit of a single-phase network.

The list of documents required to connect 380 Volts (in addition to the application itself) includes:

  1. Identification.
  2. Law-abiding taxpayer identification number.
  3. Title documentation for residential or non-residential premises(in case of connecting a garage).
  4. Approved complete residential plan (if available).

A copy is made of these documents and submitted to the company's electricity supplier. However, verification with the originals is also required.

Some suppliers may also request additional documents, just in case, you should also take them with you:

  • Information about power and a list of all available electrical equipment in a private home, garage or country house. Depending on where you need to spend three phase electricity. If the connection is made to an area that does not have electrical equipment, then you will have to indicate its estimated types and power.
  • Information about their maximum power.
  • Approximate time of commissioning of housing, if it is not yet a residential property.

Installing multi-tariff meters is very profitable, since if you do not use powerful devices during peak hours, you can save significantly. For example, at night the cost of electricity is several times cheaper than during the day.

Procedure for registering a multi-tariff meter:

  1. Preparation of an application requesting the installation of an electric meter.
  2. Receipt technical specifications For of this counter, which must be purchased if the electricity supply company does not have of this equipment. Often they themselves provide services not only for connection, but also for the sale of metering devices.
  3. Acquisition, as well.
  4. Calling a representative of the energy supply company to check that the meter is connected correctly, as well as its sealing.
  5. Making changes to the agreement or drawing up a new one, when organizing a new connection of three phases.
  6. Obtaining permission to connect 380 Volts.

By the way, there is also such an option as converting single phase voltage in three-phase. You can find out more by following the link.

Ratings circuit breakers must fully match the load connected to them. There is no indicated power on the machines; only the voltage and current for which it is designed are indicated on the case. We talked about this in a separate article.

As for the technical part, namely the connection three-phase voltage to a private home, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists, because... In the absence of experience and skills, it will be almost impossible to carry out the three phases on your own.

Electricity connection and removal of electricity meters in SNT, ONT (DNT, DNP) in the Moscow region +7 495 922-17-70, 8 903 685-55-36

Dacha associations and cottage villages, when contacting us, we are ready to offer:

>>> Special prices for equipment - Electricity meters Mercury, Matrix. Routers (USPD). Automation (switches, RCD, DIF). Shields for streets (IP54).

>>> Special conditions for work - Electricity connection. Removal of electricity meters. Installation of ASKUE. Street device LED lighting(LED).

We work according to Federal Law 217 - non-cash form of payments with SNT and ONT

For getting detailed information, click on the picture you are interested in

Services for removal of metering devices to dacha partnerships:
>> removal of electricity meters to the border of the balance sheet in SNT , DNT, DNP
>> removal of electricity meters to the street in SNT , DNT, DNP
>> removal of electricity meters to poles in SNT , DNT, DNP

Applications are accepted daily for email: [email protected]
Delivery of equipment throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. Shipping to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Direct agreement with Mosenergosbyt in SNT, consultation tel.: +7 495 922-17-70(SNT direct contract for electricity supply, consultation and paid assistance in registration. Preparation of initial permitting documentation for concluding an electricity supply contract).

Electrical installation work in SNT in the Moscow region.

We connect electricity to SNT (DNP, DNT), single-phase and three-phase subscribers under an agreement with a guarantee for all work carried out electric installation work. A collective order for such work significantly reduces their cost, which is why our organization operates for SNT special prices, first of all, you can find out prices by phone. The customer receives the final payment in the form of a specification after a pre-project inspection of the facility by our specialists. It is possible to purchase only electricity meters with prompt delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. SNT can also order and buy a meter from us at special wholesale prices.

You can order from us removal of electricity meters to poles in SNT(power line supports or pipe stand), this event, at correct execution technical part, makes it possible to significantly reduce unaccounted for electricity consumption (electricity theft), which is ubiquitous in SNT and other dacha associations in which there is no proper control over metering devices within the partnership itself. Accordingly, payments for electricity are collected in smaller amounts than actually paid. The result is that all SNT pays for electricity stolen by individuals, because network organization(CO) only the “calculated” electricity meter for transformer substation, from which this SNT is powered, and not the electrical equipment inside it. The reason for the discrepancy in the CO readings is not of interest. Putting things in order this issue, is the interest of the SNT members themselves.

SNT meters installation. Meter on SNT pole and meter on pipe stand +7 495 922-17-70

How to bring order to payments for electricity in SNT? Options in terms of technical solution This problem is currently sufficient. From the simplest and cheapest, when in compliance with PUE standards, only the installation of simple modifications on electricity meter poles is carried out, without the possibility of telemetry (remote control and data transmission), before the installation of automated automated control systems for automated accounting of electricity consumption (ASKUE) in SNT ( automated system commercial electricity metering). Including, on the most technically modern radio options, in a very interesting price sector, allowing you to organize such energy accounting in SNT for electric meters with radio module, described in more detail on our website for these systems in the ASKUE radio section, below conditional diagram With brief description structures of such technology (click on the picture to enlarge).

We organize accounting of SNT for electricity. You can get a preliminary consultation by contacting +7 495 922-17-70, +7 903 685-55-36.

The act of checking the condition of the sites and the correct connection of buildings and power lines (case file No. and case file No.) established that on site No. (V.V. Safonov) there is a 380 V connection; at site No. (Ionova L.A.) -390 V and 220 V; on site No. (Kharutsa K.I.) - 380V. Thus, the court found that Kharutsa K.I., Ionova L.A., Safonov V.V. in Southern Electric Networks - a branch of OJSC "MOESK" with an application for permission to connect a three-phase electrical supply from two-phase they did not contact, as follows from the information of OJSC MOESK Moscow United Electric Grid Company Southern Electricity of the net, however, they made an unauthorized connection of three-phase electrical power. Kharutsa K.I., Ionova L.A., Safonov V.V. did not agree with SNT on the allocation of consumed electricity capacity to them, and did not enter into a corresponding agreement with the energy supply organization.

380v in st.

Based on the above and guided by Article 195, 198 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court decided: To oblige the members of SNT “Rest”: Kharutsa FULL NAME47, DD.MM.YYYYr.r., to carry out work at their own expense to disconnect from house No. No. in SNT "Rest", located at:<адрес, электрического напряжения 380 В, и подключению электрического напряжения 220 В, в соответствии с Проектом ВЛ-0.4 кв. Ионову ФИО48, ДД.ММ.ГГГГг.р., место рождения <адрес, произвести работы за счет своих средств, по отключению от дома № № в СНТ «Отдых», расположенного по адресу: <адрес, электрического напряжения 380 В, и подключению электрического напряжения 220 В, в соответствии с Проектом ВЛ-0.4 кв.

Three phases of disputes in SNT

maximum June 2018 14:10 Criticize the Full Film.... (1 | 2 | 3) vic1965 63 5660 June 01, 2018 09:50 Residential complex Navigator on Shcherbakova (1 | 2) f@s@b@@@@ 35 6388 May 30, 2018 23:32 SEVERNAYA SLOBODA Olga-best 2 168 30 May 2018 22:29 Registration Chamber and MFC today (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | .... | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88) BiT 2192 304443 May 30, 2018 18:35 Construction sk_elbrus66 0 169 May 30, 2018 15 :15 I don’t use land records. and already sold it, but DNP.. (1 | 2) olga-ural66 31 1452 May 28, 2018 23:41 Company Turnkey relocation Tkomsomolskaya 46a vasco777 1,179 May 28, 2018 10:01 house 105 square meters - 48,000 tax.

Connection of a power of 15 kW to the SNT by an individual gardener

Moscow region Consisting of: presiding judge N.N. Gracheva Under secretary M.I. Anokhina Having considered in open court civil case No. 2-125/12 on the claim of SNT "Rest" against Kharutsa, Full Name17, Ionova, Full Name18, Safonov, Full Name19, regarding the imposition of the obligation to disconnect the electrical voltage of 380 V and the imposition of the obligation to connect the electrical voltage of 220 V, the claim of Kharutsa, Full Name20 , Ionova FULL NAME21, Safonova FULL NAME22 to SNT "Rest" to invalidate the decisions of the general meeting from DD.MM.YYYY and from DD.MM.YYYY, established: SNT "Rest" filed a lawsuit against Kharutsa FULL NAME23, Ionova FULL NAME24, Safonov FULL NAME25 about imposing the obligation to disconnect the electrical voltage 380 V and imposing the obligation to connect the electrical voltage 220 V, referring to the fact that the Defendants, being members of the CIS "Otdykh" and the owners of garden land plots: Kharutsa K.I. - plot no.

How to connect 380V to SNT?

SNT carried out the construction of a transformer substation and power lines, everyone invested the same amount, including the defendants. All four partnerships operate the power line and transformer substation, and all bear the costs of necessary transformer repair costs (burnout, short circuit). The project took into account the number of sections and the norm for each section (about 200V), it is necessary to order a new project, a new transformer or install an additional one and find funds for this.
To the new DD.MM.YYYY. in SNT “Otdykh” the lights went out because the wires in the transformer were burning.

New rules for connecting to electrical networks in SNT

SNT "Rest" represented by its representative by proxy - Dyachuk E.D., does not agree with the said claim. OJSC MOESK Moscow United Electric Grid Company Southern Electric Networks was notified of the time and place of the trial, provided written information on the case, from which, in particular, it follows that the distribution of power between gardeners, including the establishment of power consumption limiters, changes in the power supply project for garden houses , technological connection of power receiving devices of SNT members are within the competence of the general meeting of SNT... The district branch of Southern Electric Networks Stupinsky Distribution Zone, the time and place of the trial has been notified. SNT "Poddubki" represented by the chairman of the board L.P. Maslennikova.

SNT “Rest” supports the claim, explaining that in DD.MM.YYYY.

Connecting electricity to SNT

All work on the construction of SNT power lines on SNT land (purchase of poles, wires, laying wires across SNT areas, supply lines to SNT houses) is carried out not by electricity supply organizations, but at the expense of SNT members, under the leadership of SNT, with SNT staff forces and resources electricians. Control over the compliance of power lines with the Project, control over the connection of wires from the pole to the house is carried out not by the electricity supply organization, but by SNT with its electricians; control over the consumption, leakage, and theft of electricity is also carried out not by the electricity supply organization, but by SNT with the help of its electricians. By decision of the general meeting dated DD.MM.YYYGt. a commission was created to check the correct connection of the power lines, from poles to houses No., No., No.

The acts of the commission confirmed the presence of arbitrary connection of wires from i to houses no., no. No.

Case No. not determined

In accordance with the Federal Law “On horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”, issues of organizing the construction, repair and maintenance of buildings, structures, structures, utility networks, roads and other public facilities fall within the competence of the SNT board, on the basis of which decision the chairman of the board SNT makes deals. The court found that DD.MM.YYYY between Mosenergosbyt OJSC and Otdykh SNT concluded an energy supply agreement N No., (ld.no.) under the terms of which Mosenergosbyt OJSC supplies and the defendant buys electrical energy for domestic consumption on the terms stipulated by the contract.
Who is responsible for coordinating the route of power lines? The consumer purchases a plot of land, applies for a technical connection, and it is the network organization that must regulate the construction of its network passages to the consumer’s connected land plot, without shifting its problems to the consumer. How do owners of plots in SNT who are not members of the partnership get involved? If a person is a member of a gardening partnership, then the rules determine that the application for technical connection must be made by a legal entity - that is, the partnership itself. In this case, the connection will be made at the border of the partnership’s land mass: the electric grid company extends the line only to the border of the gardening partnership. And then the latter must build an extensive network through contributions from members of the association.
Project VL-0.4kv. at its own expense, up to DD.MM.YYYY. Oblige Safonov FULL NAME28 to carry out work but disconnect from<адрес, электрическое напряжение 380 В. и подключить электрическое напряжение 220В.. в соответствии с Проектом BЛ -0.4 кв. за счет своих средств, до ДД.ММ.ГГГГ. Харуца К.И., Ионова Л.А., Сафонов В.В. в лице своего представителя по доверенности- Берлад Н.А.
the claim was not recognized and they filed a claim against SNT “Otdykh”, in which they ask the court: To invalidate the decision of the general meeting of the horticultural non-profit partnership “Otdykh” OGRN No., drawn up by protocol No. dated DD.MM.YYYY, regarding the assignment of responsibilities to the owner of plot No. Kharutsa, Full Name29, owner of plot No. Ionov, Full Name30, owner of plot No. Safonov, Full Name31, within the period before DD.MM.YYYY, reconnect their plots according to the design documentation of the horticultural non-profit partnership "Otdykh" from 380 Volts to 220 Volts.

Is it possible to connect 380 through a neighbor's plot in SNT

The power transmission line project of SNT "Otdykh" without the appropriate permission and without the knowledge of SNT "Otdykh" The actions of the defendants caused significant harm to the team of SNT "Otdykh", which was expressed in depriving SNT "Otdykh" of the opportunity to install an electronic system for monitoring electricity consumption in the absence of proper control over consumption, leakage, theft and large losses of electricity. The defendants submitted an application to SNT "Rest" with a request to allow them to connect the voltage from the pole to the house, instead of 220 volts. 380 volts, however, by the decision of the general meeting dated DD.MM.YYYY they were refused and it was explained that the meeting does not have the authority to resolve such issues and cannot make changes to the SNT “Otdykh” Power Line Project. By the decision of the general meeting of SNT dated DD.MM.YYYY, the defendants were asked to voluntarily carry out work to switch the voltage from the poles to their homes from 380 V until DD.MM.YYYY.
at 220 V..