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Finishing floor leveler. How to choose the best self-leveling self-leveling floor. Determining floor level

Which self-leveling floor leveler is better? A question asked by many property owners planning renovation or major construction of a house or cottage.

A perfectly level base of the floor guarantees stability and long service life of the finishing floor covering. The need to obtain a level floor arises at the time of removing the old floor, planning to eliminate all the shortcomings of previous unevenness. The modern construction market offers many screed technologies, filled with mixtures that differ in cost and purpose.

Flooring mixtures are divided into 2 groups:

  • For rough filling;
  • Final pouring of the main coating;

Basic types of self-leveling floor levelers

The floor leveling procedure is divided into several stages, depending on the initial condition of the floor.

  • Rough leveler

It is a mixture with large particles in the composition. When mixed with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer, it takes the form of a thick solution, which is applied to the surface of the subfloor, reliably fastening the base. After drying, it acquires an even coating that can withstand force loads. It is used to eliminate significant defects. Massive potholes, cracks and chips. Indispensable when you have to level a large difference between slabs. The possible thickness of the leveler depends on the basic composition of the material. Base layer cement acts, which ensures a tight fit and tenacity to the main surface. When applying the mixture, it is important to read the manufacturer’s instructions and determine the ability to withstand a layer thicker than 5-10 mm. Applying a thicker level will cause cracks to appear over the entire surface and will not provide a smooth finish. If there are deep holes, it is necessary to use a gradual screed. The first layer is to fill the areas of the holes, wait for complete drying and then fill the entire surface. Each layer level must be checked for complete drying and tight fit to the surface.

  • Finishing coating for thoroughly leveling the floor surface.

It is used when it is necessary to obtain a perfectly smooth, thin coating. The mixtures have a finer porous surface and, when combined with water, form a homogeneous composition. For cosmetic repairs apartments or houses, it will be enough to use a homogeneous finishing fill.The main advantage of using finishing fill is the ease of application and uniformity of the material. Filling does not require knowledge of subtleties construction technologies. Polymers and minerals included in all finishing mixtures provide an aesthetically beautiful and “correct” floor. Resistance to physical and external influences is achieved due to the fine-porous structure in the filler compositions. When using a self-leveling floor leveler, you can determine which one is better based on the composition and rating of the product manufacturer. The compositions of levelers most often include cement and gypsum as the main component. Gypsum has a denser, more plastic structure. Each manufacturer of flooring mixtures has developed its own composition, which determines the quality and appearance finished surface.

Types of self-leveling floor levelers They differ not only in the composition of the components, but also in their combination with the water base and the density of the connection. Some levelers create a dense waterproofing layer that does not allow water to pass through. Such compositions are ideal for damp areas in contact with moisture. The flooring of bathrooms, swimming pool areas, and restrooms must have a high degree of waterproofing protection.

Main rules for technological leveling of floor surfaces

Applyingself-leveling floor leveler, which one is better must be determined based on:

  • Surface base type;
  • Purpose of the premises;
  • The existing condition of the floor.

Let us pay attention to important rule use of all filler mixtures! The composition and development affects concrete and stone foundations. For wooden floor home or cottage, it is necessary to use mixtures intended for this type of surface.

A perfectly flat floor can be achieved by considering:

  • Finish coating. If the finishing coating is linoleum, then the resulting defects will not cause any special problems. However, after replacing the floor covering, it will be necessary to replace the existing screed.
  • Installation of beacons is necessary step obtaining a smooth surface. If the floor height varies significantly and the beacons are not installed correctly, the desired surface may not be achieved. The work will be done incorrectly and the costs will be wasted.
  • Key and main stage proper preparation leveler mixtures. Following the instructions will allow you to obtain the required volume and correct dilution of the composition. Coarse levelers are a denser mass, while finishing levelers require more water to obtain liquid foundation. Which self-leveling floor leveler is better depends on the type of application and the fineness of the formation of the coating.
  • The final stage is the level of surface waterproofing. It is necessary to understand that the main task of liquid floor levelers is to completely fill existing defects on the surface. The ability to penetrate small chips, cracks and formations can lead to water seeping into deeper layers. Before you start pouring the floor, you need to take care of tight waterproofing.

We suggest considering the advantages of self-leveling floor levelers depending on the composition:

  • Gypsum leveler is used in rooms with low humidity levels.


  1. Allows the use of a filler layer of up to 10 mm. Eliminates significant surface defects.
  2. Affordable price.


  1. Long surface drying time.
  2. Do not use with humidity levels above 80%.
  • Cement floor leveler is suitable for most surfaces.

Advantages of cement leveler:

  1. Surface drying speed. Cement absorbs remaining water well and allows you to obtain a dry layer within a few hours after application.
  2. Good wear resistance and long service life. Due to the density of the surface, the maximum load level is achieved.
  3. High level of waterproofing due to the properties of cement.

Disadvantages of cement pouring:

  1. High price;
  2. Maximum thickness layer reaches 50 mm. If a denser layer is required, re-filling is necessary, which involves additional costs.

Which self-leveling floor leveler is better? must be determined taking into account the type of floor surface and the level of damage. For heated floors, InnovaStroy specialists recommend using a leveler on gypsum base.

The benefits of self-leveling floor levelers are obvious when first making changes to the surface. Regardless of the type, the rough coating will be improved several times.

Depending on the need for the main type of the resulting surface, several types of mixtures can be distinguished:

  • Rough mixed mortars are used as the initial coating of the slab. In a room with significant defects and chips. Dries quickly, but requires a reinforced coating to obtain a thin layer.
  • Finishing levelers are expensive and form a perfectly smooth coating. The layer reaches no more than 5 mm. The surface dries almost immediately after application, however, the depth of the layer remains damp for a long time.
  • Special types of solutions for eliminating chips and cracks. They have a high degree of adhesion and are suitable for partial treatment of areas.
  • Mortar for insulated floor covering. It is developed on the basis of gypsum. Has unique thermal insulation characteristics surfaces.

Differences between self-leveling floor levelers are achieved by the main component and the possibility of its use in the specified conditions. The InnovaStroy company offers clients development of individual design of houses and cottages with high-quality flooring of any type.

Features of using flooring with a two-component composition

An innovative coating on the construction market is polymer floors. High quality strength and wear resistance allows the use of this coating without an additional finishing layer.

Composition of the polymer coating:

  • Epoxy resin is more often used in non-residential premises; it is easy to use, pours quickly and produces a floor surface without additional costs.
  • Polyurethane is used in private individual construction.

Two-component solutions have a smooth surface and can be used without additional labor costs. Let's consider the advantages:

  • The speed of complete drying of the solution is achieved within 2 hours.
  • The coating looks impressive and allows you to get decorative base desired look.
  • Allows you to apply decorative designs, photo wallpapers for the floor and achieve 3D images.
  • Due to the high strength and waterproofing properties of the material, it is superior to standard flooring mixtures.

Minor disadvantages of two-component mixtures include:

  • Not used for significant surface differences;
  • The cost of the resulting surface is quite expensive;
  • High consumption level of about 1.5 kg per sq.m.

Two-component solutions are often used by InnovaStroy specialists when creating decorative floors with graphic images. With full catalog of finished projects can be found on the website pages. Effectiveness of receiving mirror surface in combination with color patterns and high waterproofing properties, it allows you to increase the frequency of use of the mixture. Many clients, wanting to get a unique, unusual surface, prefer modern 2-component fills.

7 basic tips for choosing a flooring leveler mixture:

  1. Before purchasing a mixture, you need to accurately determine the purpose of the room.
  2. If you want to get a warm floor, give preference to gypsum mixtures. Such compositions have higher heat retention rates.
  3. Before using the mixture, it is important to read the instructions, taking into account all the manufacturer’s recommendations and dilute the composition correctly.
  4. remember, that gypsum mixtures do not have waterproofing and are not used in places where moisture accumulates (bathroom, kitchen, swimming pool).
  5. Practical 2-component polyurethane mixtures are ideal for residential cottages, apartments and houses.
  6. Install the beacons correctly to obtain a perfectly flat surface.
  7. Don't try to achieve a perfect surface with a thick layer. It is better to use the technology of gradual filling with two different mixtures.

Knowing the basics, applications and technology of pouring flooring, you can get a high-quality floor yourself. The quality of work can only be assessed under conditions of constant use of the floor.

Specialists of the InnovaStroy company develop unique sketches of the floor surface in cottages and private houses. It’s quite easy to get a colorful, impressive floor using 3D images. At the same time, the warm surface of the floor covering makes it possible not to use additional electrical systems floor heating, which significantly saves further maintenance of the house. We recommend contacting professional craftsmen who know the basics, technology and application of all types of floor mixtures. A pleasant and warm floor in the daily living room is the key to health and comfort for the whole family.

Bulk mixtures are divided into two large groups:

Rough, with the help of which the base is prepared for laying finishing floor coverings (linoleum, parquet, parquet board, laminate, vinyl tiles, carpet and others);

Ready self-leveling floor for laying finishing coatings.

Decorative, creating a thin polymer film with a pattern on the surface. They are also called floors with a 3D effect or liquid linoleum.

Decorative self-leveling floors with a 3D effect.

Both categories are often confused or tried to be combined. However, this is a big mistake, since they differ not only in purpose, but also in composition. The first ones are dry mineral mixtures based on a binder with various fillers and additives. The second ones are liquid ready-made compositions based on epoxy, polyurethane, methyl methacrylate and other polymer resins. In this review, we will consider compositions of the first type, as the most popular.

Self-leveling mixtures are multi-component compositions that are designed to level various types bases (concrete, wood, cement-sand, anhydrite, gypsum screed) for laying coatings. Perfect for repairing defects such as unevenness, differences, cracks. When mixed with water, plastic solutions are formed with a short pot life - no more than 1 hour. Because of this, you need to work with the material quickly and as carefully as possible.

Leveling base defects using a self-leveling floor.

Self-leveling floors are classified according to the following criteria:

By area of ​​application, are produced:

  • Compositions for interior work;
  • Compositions for external use;
  • Universal, used indoors and outdoors.

By composition exist:

  • High-strength cement. Can be used to form a full screed. The permissible layer thickness is from 2 to 10 cm;
  • Cement-gypsum, combining the strength of cement and the speed of setting of gypsum. As a rule, a layer of 4-6 cm is formed from them;
  • Thin-layer gypsum (up to 4 cm).

By application method. The degree of plasticity of the solution depends on this factor. There are:

Thus, before purchasing, you need to decide on three questions:

Where will the self-leveling mixture be used?

Preference should be given to a highly specialized product, since its composition is better suited to temperature and humidity conditions. For example, self-leveling compositions for exterior use contain special frost-resistant additives that prevent cracking of the finished coating.

What results are required from self-leveling floors?

If the goal is to hide defects, then it is enough to purchase budget thin-layer mixtures. To form a new durable layer, it is worth choosing more expensive compositions based on a cement binder.

How will the solution be applied?

It is more convenient to work with liquid compositions manually, whereas machine application requires fixed viscosity and spreadability.

Once you have decided on the answers, you will easily understand which product you should choose.

Best or worst: rating of self-leveling floors

Self-leveling compositions are available in the range of almost all manufacturers of ready-made dry mixes. We analyzed the characteristics declared by the factories, customer reviews, and compiled our top 5 materials for leveling bases.

Knauf Tribon

The first, but as practice shows, not the most best product. This is a universal gypsum-cement mixture for interior work, the advantages of which are:

  • High level of adhesion to mineral and wooden substrates;
  • Technological passage – 6 hours after application;
  • Laying of coatings is possible after 7 days;
  • Improves the soundproofing properties of floors;
  • Can be used on heated screeds;
  • Layer thickness – 10-60 mm;
  • Price – on average 280 rubles. per bag 30 kg.

What exactly is the disadvantage that most buyers note? Low mobility. The bulk solution is extremely thick, so it is very difficult to work manually. After curing, a fairly smooth coating is obtained; it is better to choose it for minor leveling of floor defects. Suitable for laying such capricious coatings as laminate, linoleum, LVT and others.

Volma Level Express

Non-shrinking gypsum mixture universal type for indoor use. Works on all types mineral bases(concrete, cement, anhydrite and other types of screeds). The manufacturer declares the following characteristics of the self-leveling self-leveling floor:

  • High level of mobility of the solution, due to which it is better leveled;
  • Technological passage is allowed after 4-6 hours;
  • Laying of coatings - no earlier than after 7-10 days;
  • Allowed for use with the “warm floors” system;
  • Layer thickness – 10-100 mm;
  • Price – 250 rub. per bag 20 kg.

All gypsum mixtures take longer to dry than cement mixtures, so it is advisable to give the base more time to gain strength - at least 14 days.

The self-leveling floor from the Russian Volma plant is suitable for almost all types of decorative coatings, from ceramics to parquet. It is not advisable to use in wet areas and places with high level mechanical loads (production workshops, garages, etc.).

Bergauf series "Boden"

German- Russian company offers a whole range of floor leveling products. These are cement, cement-gypsum and gypsum compositions for external and internal use.

To choose just one, you need to be a professional. Particularly interesting is the material that was developed specifically for inexperienced craftsmen - Bergauf Easy Boden. This is a universal self-leveling floor based on a complex binder to eliminate differences and other base defects. Basic parameters:

  • Non-shrinking crack-resistant composition;
  • Technological passage – after 4-8 hours;
  • Laying of coatings - no earlier than after 7 days;
  • Can be used for heated screeds;
  • Layer thickness – 6-50 mm;
  • Price – 370 rub. per bag 25 kg.

It is used in rooms with a normal level of humidity under any floor covering: linoleum, carpet, parquet, laminate, vinyl tiles, etc. According to reviews from craftsmen, the mixture is very demanding on the amount of water. If the instructions are not followed, the finished solution may separate.

Ceresit series "CN"

Henkel Bautechnik also offers an impressive range of products for leveling substrates. At the same time, it cannot be said that any material is better or worse; the areas and methods of their use are different. For example, consider Ceresit CN175, declared by the manufacturer as a 2 in 1 - self-leveling floor and finishing leveler.

Ceresit 175 is a universal cement-gypsum composition that can be used both for leveling and for forming a “floating” type screed (that is, independent of the base). A particular advantage is the possibility of use on weak, crumbling concrete. Pros of the mixture:

  • Shrink-resistant, crack-resistant;
  • Technological passage – after 6-8 hours;
  • Laying decorative coverings – after 7-10 days;
  • Layer thickness – 3-60 mm;
  • Price – 400 rubles per 20 kg bag.

With such an impressive number of advantages, potential buyers are scared off by what many consider to be an inflated price. In addition, the packaging is reduced compared to others, which accordingly increases the final cost of the material.

Bolars SV-210

The Russian company BOLARS® also offers a wide selection of materials for floor leveling. The assortment includes gypsum and cement mixtures. A separate segment presents compositions for screeds.

Beginners and professionals will undoubtedly be interested in self-leveling quick-hardening gypsum flooring SV-210. The product can be used for preliminary and final leveling. Another important plus is that the material is ideal for residential and public premises with a high level of mechanical loads (up to 200 kg/cm2). The manufacturer does not recommend using the material in damp basements or garages; there are special cement mixtures for this.

Main characteristics of self-leveling floor:

  • Non-shrinkage and crack resistance;
  • High mobility;
  • Technological passage – after 3 hours;
  • Can be used with the “warm floors” system;
  • Laying of finishing coatings – after 7 days;
  • Layer thickness – 2-100 mm;
  • Price – 470 rubles per 25 kg bag.

Compared to other products, the cost of SV-120 is much higher. But the material’s properties are noticeably superior. According to reviews from craftsmen, the solution has good spreadability and is easy to use. On the downside - mandatory use a large number of beacons.

To summarize, we note that if the instructions are strictly followed, any self-leveling floor will show remarkable results. The main thing is not to try to save on quality by purchasing cheap fakes or analogues.

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The appearance and service life of the finished floor covering depends on how smooth the surface underneath is. When starting restoration work, it is imperative to repair the slab and properly level the floor; a new generation self-leveling floor leveler will help with this.

Filling the base with a quick-drying solution is carried out not only at the stage of capital construction, but also during the process of cosmetic repairs. In this article we will look at how to choose the right mixture for leveling the floor and the technology for its application.

Functions of levelers

Self-leveling self-leveling floors are used to eliminate defects in slabs and screeds. In addition, they perform the following functions:

  • elimination of defects and differences in height;
  • installation of the top layer of the subfloor;
  • creating a flat, smooth surface;
  • restoration of the old floor.

Self-leveling mixtures are easily distributed over the entire base area and are characterized by fast time hardening. You can walk on this floor after 5-6 hours.

Types of mixtures depending on composition

Floor levelers are produced in dry form and packaged in bags. The mixtures differ in composition: cement and gypsum, and in purpose: starting, corrective and finishing.

Screeds from 20 to 50 mm are ideal for installation cement compositions, which can be used in any type of premises and functional purpose. Sometimes microfibers are added to the mixture, which strengthen the concrete base and replace metal reinforcement.

Use gypsum leveler only in dry rooms

Gypsum mixtures are suitable for use only in dry rooms. This material tends to absorb moisture and swell when there is too much of it.

Increasing the volume of the base will lead to damage to the finishing flooring and over time may cause deformation of the walls. The advantage is the high strength and ductility of screeds up to 10 mm thick.

To obtain a stronger and more durable base, plasticizers are added to the leveling agent.

Types of mixtures depending on purpose

Starting mixtures are applied in a thick layer

Depending on the purpose, self-leveling mixtures are divided into:

  1. The starting coarse floor leveler is produced in the form of a dry cement-based mixture. Coarse particles are added to their composition, which enhance the strength of the base when applied in a thick layer. They are used to eliminate significant defects, are suitable for leveling bases with large differences in height, and replace screeds. Compositions are produced that are designed to accommodate a certain screed thickness. The starting layer forms a rough surface that requires coating with a finishing solution.
  2. Corrective compounds are used when it is necessary to level a slab or finished screed with minor defects.
  3. Application of the finishing composition to the base is the main condition for the durability and beauty of the floor covering. It consists of cement or gypsum with the addition of mineral components and polymers, which are capable of forming a homogeneous mass when dissolved in water.

For use indoors high humidity special moisture-resistant compounds are used, to which polymer components are added.

Advantages of levelers

Self-leveling floors can be a good basis for finishing with finishing materials

Self-leveling floors are more expensive than cement mortars, but they have many advantages:

  • used as a starting and finishing coating;
  • dry quickly without cracking;
  • service life more than 20 years;
  • ease of installation;
  • form a solid base, suitable for pouring floors with a 3D effect;
  • resistant to sub-zero temperatures, plastic;
  • Special formulations are produced for use in wet areas.

If you need to quickly level the floor and immediately begin using it, then ideal option is the use of mixtures for the installation of self-leveling floors. If the label indicates a particle size of 1.5 mm, this indicates that this composition is intended for installation of a conventional screed.

The mixture is considered self-leveling if it contains a fraction of less than 0.8 mm in size.

What to look for when choosing a mixture

To save on purchasing material, before going to the store, you need to clearly determine:

  • the required thickness of the screed, the difference in height and the presence of base defects;
  • wet or dry room;
  • will it be cosmetic leveling of the floor up to 1 cm or will it require elimination of defects and installation of screed;
  • what finishing coat will be used upon completion of the work.

The final leveler for the floor has a higher cost, so to perform rough repair work you need to purchase a mixture for the initial leveling of the base.

Comparative characteristics of mixtures

To decide which floor leveler is best to purchase, consider the characteristics of the mixtures:

Options Types of mixtures Description
Components included in the composition Cement Have a longer hardening time; suitable for use in damp areas
Plaster Dries quickly; not suitable for use in rooms with high humidity
Polyurethane The base is plastic and does not crack under temperature changes, shock loads, or vibrations; used as a finishing layer, requires high-quality surface preparation
Cement-polyurethane When applying such a solution, we obtain a durable base that is resistant to loads and abrasion.
Cement-acrylic Manufactured on the basis of acrylates, polymers, cement require experience during installation, you can pour a high screed without the risk of cracking, form a smooth, durable, frost-resistant surface
Methyl methacrylate MMA mixtures are produced on the basis of methacrylic acid and methyl ester. It has a fast drying time, significantly increases strength and resistance to moisture, and is used in high-traffic areas and on industrial facilities. The liquid solution is toxic, flammable, and when it hardens, it loses these negative properties.
Epoxy Produced on the basis epoxy resin with the addition of hardeners and plasticizers, a transparent, smooth, durable surface is obtained. Used to create a 3D effect and topcoat flooring; compositions with anti-slip additives are available
Cover height Self-leveling For installation of the base layer
Contains many fillers Used to level the base and create a decorative layer
Finishing Used for the top layer

When choosing a mixture that is used for self-leveling floors in an unheated room, you need to purchase frost-resistant compounds. Material consumption per 1 mm layer ranges from 0.8 to 2 kg.

Installation of self-leveling floors

Filling the floor with leveler requires careful preparation of the surface. Depending on the type of finishing coating and the condition of the base, we select the starting and finishing mixture.

Surface preparation

The durability and appearance of the floor depend on the quality of preparation of the base, so the first stage of leveling must be approached very responsibly. About the secrets of the self-leveling coating device, watch this video:

Sequence of preparatory work:

Floor marking

Find the lowest and highest point on the base

If you plan to level with a thickness of more than 10 mm or in several layers, you need to mark the height of the screed so that the floor surface is strictly in the horizontal plane.

How to mark up correctly:

  1. Find the lowest and highest points on the base. At a distance from the lower level, draw a mark on the wall. We mark the perimeter of the walls using a laser or water level.
  2. We connect the marks on the walls with a horizontal line, we get a projection of the floor.
  3. We install the guide beacons so that they top part located in the same plane at the height of the planned screed thickness. We fix the guides on cement mortar. About how to make markup under self-leveling surfaces watch in this video:

We install the beacons in increments slightly smaller than the length of the tool for distributing the mixture.

Preparation of the solution

The dry mixture is gradually poured into water

We fill the base with the starting mixture no less than 5 hours after applying the primer.

To obtain a high-quality, homogeneous solution, you need to gradually pour the dry mixture into water at room temperature.

For 6 liters of water you will need a bag of mixture weighing 25 kg.

It will not be possible to mix the solution properly by hand, so you need to prepare a construction mixer or drill with an attachment in advance.

Mix the components in two stages:

  • stir for 5-7 minutes;
  • then let it sit for 5 minutes and stir for another 3 minutes.

We prepare such a volume of solution that is consumed within 30-50 minutes, if prepared a large number of, it will quickly harden and become unsuitable for pouring.

Filling with coarse leveler

One layer dries within a day

We start pouring the floor from the far corner in strips between the beacons and distribute it over the surface as a rule. If we see that voids have formed, we add more mortar to these places and smooth them out again, running the rule along the guides, as if on rails.

If it is necessary to apply several layers, each layer of solution must dry for at least 24 hours.

After the solution has set, we take out the beacons, and fill the space with the mixture and level it. You can fill the strips through one, when we take out the beacons, the outer strips of the screed will serve as guides.

To prevent uneven drying of the surface and the formation of cracks, it is necessary to protect the premises from drafts, sunlight and artificial heating.

Filling with finishing leveler

The finishing mixture is used to obtain a perfectly smooth floor surface. You need to walk on the floor while pouring the polymer composition in paint shoes with spikes.

The surface on which the solution will be applied must be perfectly flat, covered with 2-3 layers of primer. To protect neighbors below from leakage of the solution, it is recommended to lay a layer of waterproofing material.

The solution is prepared quite liquid, so it does not require the installation of beacons; it is applied in one layer and spreads well over the surface. For more information on how to apply the finishing coat, watch this video:

We divide the area of ​​the room into zones, each area must be filled within 15 minutes. Pour the solution from the far corner and level it using the rule. We fill each section to the required height in one go, and go over it with a needle roller to remove air bubbles. The polymer solution hardens within 30 minutes.

We protect the final coating from drafts, sudden drying and mechanical damage, drying strictly according to the instructions.

The finishing polymer composition is suitable not only for creating high-quality durable coating, but you can also use it to create an image with a 3D effect. When installing a base with three-dimensional picture the solution is applied in a layer of at least 3-4 mm. Thanks to this unique development, it is possible to create a unique three-dimensional pattern on the floor.

Have you decided to lay the floor with laminate or tiles? But are you faced with the problem that the base surface is far from ideal? This is where floor levelers come to the rescue.

Types of levelers

All leveling mixtures are divided into two types:

  • cement,
  • plaster.

This type is used for leveling floors in any premises: public, residential, industrial, and is also suitable for outdoor work. The thickness of the material layer can be from 2 to 50 millimeters. Dries out cement leveler quite quickly, so subsequent installation of the flooring will not take long. It is worth noting that the composition becomes stronger when it takes moisture from the air, so the cement leveler is ideal for rooms with high humidity.

Gypsum mixtures

Such compositions are used in rooms with low or medium humidity levels. Gypsum does not tolerate water well - it absorbs it, thereby increasing its volume and losing its shape. This type of leveler can be laid in a layer of 20 to 100 millimeters. True, the drying of a composition of such thickness will be quite slow. Since gypsum is environmentally friendly pure material, mixtures from it are used in the renovation of residential premises. The composition also has good thermal insulation properties.

How to choose the right leveler

A universal composition is suitable for a concrete base. But, if the surface has cracks or bumps, then it is better to treat it first. To do this, you can use different strengthening compounds.

For parquet, laminate, ceramic tiles It is better to use levelers for complex bases. These compounds have a higher level of adhesion and are resistant to changes in humidity.

For heated floors, there are mixtures for heated floors. These compounds are specially made elastic so that they do not deform or deteriorate due to temperature changes. Gypsum levelers initially have good flexibility.

Prices for cement compositions are slightly higher than for gypsum compositions. But the first ones are more universal.

Manufacturers of floor levelers

On domestic market There are many brands of leveling agents, but the most high-quality and popular are the following compositions: “Vetonit”, “Yunis”, Bergauf, “Ivsil”, “Volma”, “Horizon”, “Nivelirom”, “Osnovit”, Knauf, Ceresit, “Starateli” .

The Russian company produces high-quality floor mixtures. They can be used without preparing the base. The compositions are used for both residential and office premises. Advantages of the "Prospector" levelers:

  • harden quickly - hardening time from 4 to 48 hours;
  • economical - 15 kg of solution is needed per 1 m2;
  • durable and strong.

Another important advantage of this company’s products is the price - it is very low.

The compositions of this company not only level the floor surface, but also give it high strength. All levelers from this company have a viscous consistency, so they can be used without pre-treatment of the base, which significantly saves both time and financial costs for repairs. Ceresit products are quite expensive.

Famous all over the world German company manufactures high quality products. Its floor levelers provide a truly flat and smooth surface that is resistant to cracking and shrinkage. The hardening time of the mixture is about 1.5-2 hours. True, the price Knauf products higher than levelers from Russian manufacturers.

The company produces compounds based on cement based. They are used to level floors in both residential and office premises. The company also produces a leveler for heated floors, which has good elasticity. "Scorline" produces its mixtures for manual and mechanized method application. Product prices are affordable.

It's time overhaul floors, and a new coating requires Smooth surface. New generation mixtures will help prepare the base. These are special quick-hardening compounds. They fill all the cracks in the concrete and fill the entire floor area evenly and smoothly. They are called self-leveling mixtures or floor levelers. Such mixtures are an ideal solution when you need to fill a floor of minimal thickness.

Floor leveler - what is it?

The task of leveling the floor has to be solved when repair work when the old floor covering is removed and all the unevenness of the concrete base is revealed. What is a floor leveler? Modern flooring looks very attractive and durable, but one of the conditions for its installation is a level base. A tie-down device will help you get out of this situation with minimal loss of time. concrete base. And new special mixtures are used for this - self-leveling floor leveler.

The main advantage is that liquid formulations for the floor they harden quickly, literally in 2-5 hours and you can already walk on them.

There is also a second name for the mixture, which the manufacturer calls based on the composition of the materials - self-leveling floor. Essentially, these are floor leveling compounds that have good fluidity, depending on the composition of the fractions. Therefore, there are many names and purposes. For example, when pouring heated floors, it is important to choose a special self-leveling floor.

When the question is whether it is better to choose a floor leveler or a self-leveling floor, it is important to pay attention to the minimum thickness of the screed indicated on the bag. When on big construction markets or in the store Leroy Merlin When buying a leveler or self-leveling floor, it is important to know in advance what the minimum and maximum floor level differences are. This will help you save a lot and buy a rough and finishing self-leveling floor.

Use of levelers or self-leveling floors

Once the concrete subfloor is freely accessible, many problems are discovered. Each of them has its own type of leveler. Actually, based on this, all levelers are divided into two main groups:

  • for roughing;
  • for final finishing.

Based on the task, you need to choose a leveler for the floor. They are different both in composition and properties. The main difference is minimum thickness floor filling.

Rough leveler

To eliminate significant defects - deep pits, rough chips and height differences with the main floor surface, coarse levelers are used. Such dry mixtures have a larger fraction. After the dry mixture has been diluted with water, the floor leveler is ready to be applied in a thick layer.

With the help of such a floor leveler it will not be possible to reduce the level of the floor drop to<0>

The base component in starting levelers is most often cement. It provides the necessary strength and grip. Recommended for alignment with the main surface. A coarse leveler is not able to lay down evenly and smoothly if used as a base layer.

Before applying the main layer of leveler, the starting layer must be completely dry.

Finishing leveler

Due to the fact that the starting leveler has a larger filler, it will not provide an even and smooth base. For this purpose, there is a finishing leveler with a finer fraction of materials.

The main advantage of finishing mixtures is that after mixing with water they are more homogeneous in composition. After on concrete surface After laying this mixture, the floor surface turns out even and smooth. What cannot be achieved with starting mixtures.

The composition of the “finishing” floor leveler is more complex than the starting one, using mineral and polymer additives and has a number of advantages:

  • more elastic;
  • perfectly smooth floor;
  • has increased strength;
  • increased resistance to physical influences.

In practice, most often, they are used immediately finishing levelers for the floor. They perfectly fill minor defects and level differences. After leveling the floor in this way, you can safely do it.

It is necessary to mention that when choosing a leveler, you need to know that it differs in its properties. For the residential premises of the apartment, ordinary mixtures are used, and in the premises of bathrooms, showers and kitchens it is planned to use special levelers. They contain special polymer components that are not capable of allowing water to pass through. Therefore, when pouring floors in wet rooms, this factor must be taken into account.


In addition to the fact that the levelers are easy to prepare and use, the floor leveler has a number of advantages:

  1. Dries in a few hours.
  2. You can move on the fresh coating immediately after drying.
  3. Easy to use.
  4. Virtually no shrinkage combined with high wear resistance.
  5. The minimum thickness is only 2 mm.
  6. The solution can be poured over an insulating film.


  1. Before pouring, the floor surface should be free of cracks and dust and have slight differences.
  2. Improper preparation of the floor for pouring may require dismantling the entire coating.
  3. The responsibility and sufficient skills of the invited workers cause a high cost.

For installation of coatings on wooden floor or on plywood, a self-leveling solution is not used, in such cases it is better to use.

What is the best floor leveler to choose?

For different tasks When leveling the floor, there are also different floor levelers on sale. The price depends on the manufacturer and the composition of the mixture.

The line of compounds from the Knauf plant in Krasnogorsk is represented by the “Knauf Boden” series

Knauf Boden

If the room has a deviation from the plane from 2 mm to 15 mm, Knauf Boden 15 in packs of 25 kg at a price of 500 rubles is suitable. If the differences are more than 22 mm to 80 mm, then a Knauf Boden 30 bag weighing 40 kg costs 420 rubles.

The Knauf company is a leader in the production of leveling mixtures. Their composition is dominated by high-strength gypsum with modifiers. And to improve adhesion to the surface, quartz sand of the smallest fraction is added. This is a self-leveling floor plaster Knauf Boden 25 layer thickness from 10 mm to 35 mm bag 25 - 40 kg cost from 400 rub.

Gypsum screed "Knauf Boden 25" is intended for high-quality leveling of floor surfaces and the installation of thin-layer heated screeds up to 35 mm thick.

As you know, gypsum is a natural product and has long been used in construction as a heat-insulating material. Self-leveling mixtures based on gypsum are used for fairly thick screeds when installing heated floors. Floor levelers “Finish” on a gypsum basis, despite their advantages, quick drying anyway, it must be laid on a prepared and dry base.

Advice! For areas filled with the mixture exceeding 20 m², provide expansion joints.

The Vetonit mixture is good, but it costs a lot more and is slightly inferior to Knauf Boden in quality. The price of one bag depends on the composition of the materials used, but on average from 500 rubles. per bag.

They already contain the necessary additives for screed, with high performance. Thanks to special additives, the base is smooth and quickly ready for use. The only negative is that it is impossible to give the desired color to the composition.

The main advantages of Vetonit cement-acrylic compositions:

  • minimal shrinkage during installation;
  • possibility of use for screeding;
  • can be used on any basis – dry or wet;
  • there are no cracks in the frost when the coating is used;
  • compatibility with underfloor heating systems;
  • possibility of walking after 4 hours;
  • minimum period from installation to operation.

But there are also disadvantages: it is the most expensive in its line.

The top three are mixtures from the Horizon company. The products are packaged in 25 kg bags from 180 rubles per bag.

Types of mixtures for floor screed Horizon

Composition mainly from cement-sand mixture. It is used for installation of “warm floor” structures, with maximum permissible thickness 10 cm. Fit well on the surface paints and varnishes. Also suitable for finishing floors.

Almost all manufacturers sell polymer mixtures based on:

  • epoxy resins;
  • polyurethane.

Main advantages of polymers:

  • have increased strength;
  • able to withstand vibration and heavy loads, such as in industrial and warehouse environments;
  • easily tolerated sharp changes temperatures;
  • the texture of the leveler is smooth, like glass;
  • If done correctly, long service life.

Leveler consumption for the floor for each manufacturer is calculated based on the mixture per 1 m² with a layer height of 10 mm - 20 kg.

Basic options to choose from

Before going to the store to buy, you need to make a choice of a floor leveler in advance. To do this, you need to answer several questions:

  1. What will be the humidity in the room?
  2. For what rooms are future floors being made - for the bedroom or for the bathroom or kitchen?
  3. For what type of work – leveling or finishing?
  4. Nature of the foundation?
  5. What should the floor be like in the end: with anti-slip, noise-absorbing or thermal insulation effects?
  6. Is it planned decorative finishing gender?

We use a self-leveling mixture

After all the necessary materials have been purchased, you need to take care of additional accessories:

  • notched spatula;
  • needle roller with a long handle;
  • mixer;
  • container;
  • bucket.

Before installing the screed, it is necessary to prepare the base. Delete old paint, dust and oil stains. Prepare the solution correctly and apply it to the prepared base by hand or machine. Before filling the floors with leveler, be sure to prime the base of the floor well! The result should be a dust-free base ready for pouring. Clean and dry, without wide cracks.

Before filling the floor with leveler, the mixture is kept indoors at a temperature of 10-30°C.

It is not difficult to prepare a self-leveling floor leveler. Simply add water to the mixture, following the included instructions, and carefully mix with a construction mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Let the mixture sit for 5-7 minutes and you can start working.

  • the mixture is poured from the container onto the finished base;
  • air bubbles on the surface are removed with a needle roller;
  • waiting for the mixture to dry.

If you prepare a large amount of the mixture at once, it is likely that the entire mixture will not be used immediately, but will dry out in the container. This is due to the fact that literally after 1-2 hours the solution hardens.