home · Other · Stephanotis, Madagascar jasmine. Stephanotis care at home: Madagascar jasmine Madagascar jasmine pruning at home

Stephanotis, Madagascar jasmine. Stephanotis care at home: Madagascar jasmine Madagascar jasmine pruning at home

Madagascar jasmine (stephanotis) is an evergreen vine that blooms with snow-white flowers resembling sea ​​stars. Jasmine stephanotis looks gorgeous and smells nice. But the plant is not so easy to care for. It belongs to rather capricious cultures. To grow Madagascar jasmine, you need to devote time to it.

Description of culture

Stephanotis belong to the family Lastovnevye. These plants are climbing and need support. In nature, they twine around trees. Flowers native to the subtropics and tropics. The variety of stephanotis most often grown in apartments is Madagascar jasmine. He is best suited to life in indoors. Gardeners love this exotic for its unusual snow-white flowers. The peculiarity of the species is the abundance of buds. There can be from 4 to 7 pieces in each inflorescence. During flowering, the apartment is filled with a pleasant aroma, similar to the smell of jasmine. It is because of this feature that this variety of stephanotis got its name. The plant may also be called Stephanotis profusely flowering.

Madagascar jasmine

Flowering is usually long lasting and lasts throughout the summer. By autumn, plum-shaped fruits appear on the crop. There are seeds inside. They resemble parachute-shaped dandelion seeds and can migrate, that is, fly away in different directions.

The stem of the crop is climbing. Jasmine vine wraps around any support. You can use the plant to decorate arched compositions. The leaves are large (about 8-10 cm), glossy, elongated with sharp tips. Color – dark emerald.

Important! The sap of the plant is caustic. When it comes into contact with the skin, it causes mini-burns. It is allowed to work with the plant only with gloves.

Features of cultivation


Vessel for stephanotis

Experienced flower growers advise taking containers big size. Cultivation of exotics should be organized in ceramic pot. This is the kind of container that can support a powerful plant. There must be drainage holes at the bottom. Pebbles or expanded clay are placed on them.

The soil

The soil that is ideal for the plant is a substrate of peat, sand, clay and humus. The pH level should be between 5.5-6.

Top dressing

The luxurious plant is responsive to fertilizers. It is recommended to feed him mineral mixtures, in which potassium must necessarily prevail. You should not apply fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen, since nitrogen will give the plant strength to form greenery, but not flowers. It is permissible to feed jasmine stephanotis with special nutrient solutions for flowering plants. ornamental plants.


A plant that was born in the tropics needs moisture. But overwatering the vine is not beneficial. Watering is organized once every 5-7 days. In this case, after each watering, the water accumulated in the pan is poured out. This is done to prevent the root system from rotting. In summer, the plant is sprayed with a spray bottle. Spraying is carried out carefully so that moisture does not get on the flowers. Otherwise they may turn black. The water is taken to be settled and lukewarm.

IN winter time Watering is carried out no more than once every 14-20 days. The soil should be loosened carefully and not too often.

Note! Climbing jasmine stephanotis can be grown on open space to decorate the garden. However, this is only acceptable for regions with a southern climate. In Siberia, the Urals, and the central part of Russia, this flower is not a garden flower at all.


The plant can be propagated in two ways:

  • Seeds;
  • Cuttings.

Instructions for propagation by seeds

  1. The seeds are placed in warm water for 48 hours.
  2. Placed at the bottom of the container drainage layer. The container is filled with peat substrate with sand.
  3. The soil mixture is watered.
  4. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the substrate and gently pressed into the ground.
  5. The container is covered with glass to create greenhouse effect. Next, she is taken to a room where it is +25 degrees.
  6. Every day the glass is removed for 15 minutes to ventilate the soil.
  7. The soil is moistened every 2-3 days.

Additional Information. Sprouts should be expected after 6 weeks. As soon as they have several leaves, each plant is transplanted into a separate pot. Care consists of timely watering, protection from direct sunlight, maintaining temperature conditions in summer and winter, and spring and summer fertilizing.

Instructions for propagation by cuttings

  1. In the spring, a cutting is cut from the bush, which is one year old and has 4 leaves. The cut is washed with a growth stimulator.
  2. The cuttings are placed in a soil mixture (as for seeds). The leaves should be on the surface.
  3. The container is covered with a bag. The greenhouse is opened and ventilated every day.
  4. The soil is moistened once every 2-3 days.
  5. In order to root planting material, it is kept in a room where it is about +17...+19 degrees for 25 days.
  6. After rooting, the plant is transplanted into a larger pot. You need to care for a new specimen in the same way as an adult plant.


Climbing jasmine needs to be replanted every 2-3 years. This is done in order to place the plant in a more spacious pot. It is recommended to perform the procedure in the spring, until stephanotis is preparing to bloom. Experienced flower growers use the transshipment method. The plant is taken out along with a lump of earth in which the roots are located and placed in a prepared pot with soil mixture.

Planting jasmine

Problems after transplant

If the planting of a flower in a new container was not carried out correctly, the flower will notify you of this by its appearance. During transplantation, the roots should not be injured. If this happens, the plant will look frail, the leaves will begin to wither and fall off.

You can help the plant survive after all the handling manipulations by frequent spraying or creating greenhouse conditions. Greenhouse conditions are created using a package that will act as a greenhouse.

Diseases and pests

Among the pests dangerous to Madagascar jasmine are the following:

Spraying Zolon, Decis, Actellik, Karbofos will help against scale insects. In order to defeat spider mites, the leaves are treated technical alcohol. Experienced gardeners They suggest using hydrogen peroxide or red pepper tincture against aphids.

It is believed that indoor Madagascar jasmine has good immunity against various diseases. However, it can be overcome by powdery mildew. Among effective means Skor, Fundazol are listed against the disease. According to reviews, the disease can be defeated with a solution of manganese. In this case, the plant is treated with water and potassium permanganate once every 3 days. At least three such procedures must be performed.

Madagascar jasmine care at home involves thorough and systematic care. Exotic plant if handled correctly, it will annually delight the owners of the apartment with long-lasting, fragrant flowering.

16 Aug

Stephanotis – indoor flowers

Stephanotis or Madagascar jasmine - beautiful indoor flower for decorating any modern interiors in houses, apartments, offices and shopping centers.

  • Madagascar jasmine or stephanotis flowers are a beautifully flowering genus of perennial evergreen vines.
  • It belongs to the Kurtov family and is one of the most beautiful.
  • On this moment About 12-15 plant species are known.
  • Since its description in 1806, almost everything has been used in culture when it comes to gardens in tropical and subtropical zones.

In Russia, indoor stephanotis flowers are grown as a home crop and there are only two species: Stephanotis Froribunda and Variegate (Abundantly flowering). In the photographs in this issue we will see how beautiful the liana is at home and in its own natural environment a habitat. The rules for planting, propagation and organizing care at home described in the article will make it possible to create the maximum possible for the crop. suitable conditions. As a result, the Madagascar jasmine vine will grow large and beautiful.

Look at stephanotis in the photos illustrating all of it decorative qualities and choose for yourself suitable look for future breeding:

Madagascar jasmine stephanotis allows you to effectively decorate any room. It has exquisite beauty and a magnificent aroma during flowering.

Description of the plant Jasmine stephanotis (with photo)

Starting the description, it is worth noting that in the wild, the tropical beauty has spread widely across the islands of the Indian Ocean and the Malaysian archipelago. In India, Japan, Vietnam and China, perennial Madagascar jasmine is used as garden plant. The island of Madagascar is considered to be the birthplace of the stephanotis plant. Flexible vines that branch well and form a large plant up to 6 meters in length allow you to form various unusual compositions. The vine has opposite oval leaves with a leathery, bright green base. The length of the entire leaf plate reaches 5-8 cm with a width of 4-5 cm. The base of the leaves at the petiole is oval, and the tip is pointed.

Look at the photos of Jasmine stephanotis demonstrating the splendor of the vine in bloom:

The liana is especially picturesque during its flowering. During this period, buds with a waxy texture are formed, similar to a crown of small petals of “ears” fused into a tubular corolla. The flowers are always snow-white with a waxy texture. They consist of 5 petals and look like stars. The stamen tube reaches up to 4 cm in length and up to 5 in diameter together with the petals.

There are varieties of stephanotis with flowers of a soft yellow, cream or greenish hue, but more often you can see white buds or with an almost imperceptible purple tint. Fragrant crowns with ears are collected in loose umbrella inflorescences of 6-8 pieces. Wild specimens can bloom continuously for 10-11 months. Stephanotis flowering at home can only be seen from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, especially in middle lane. This is due to insufficient lighting and heat.

In the wild and in gardens, the fruit sets immediately after flowering. These are seed pods that look like fruit (large plums or avocados) but are not edible. In its natural environment, stephanotis reproduces quickly naturally when the fruit cracks and scatters its seeds with parachutes, like our dandelions. The capsule can ripen for a year. Indoor specimens also tend to bear fruit, but most often produce sterile seeds not intended for further propagation.

Stephanotis floribunda and profuse flowering

Does well at home indoor stephanotis floribunda and profusely flowering. This is a large, fast-growing vine with vines up to 6 meters in length. Distinctive feature is that this species produces a lot of young shoots in one growing season, even without pruning. And the plant’s flowers appear only on fresh shoots. This gives the profusely flowering stephanotis the ability to produce many snow-white buds. All plant varieties have white buds.

In the photo, Stephanotis floribunda and profusely flowering ones are presented in a wide variety of options for forming vines:

Propagation of stephanotis by cuttings at home

At home, gardeners use several methods to purchase a new plant. One of them, the simplest, is to buy a vine in a store as an adult. A difficulty may arise here: if the plant has been adapted to a greenhouse, then in indoor conditions it will not be easy to organize proper care. Another way is to purchase rooted cuttings. Their price starts from 300 rubles, which is half the price of the simplest adult plant.

Even more a budget option- propagation by seeds, their cost starts from 100 rubles. But this method is only suitable for flower growers with extensive experience and an inexhaustible supply of patience. That is why the easiest way is to propagate stephanotis by cuttings, which can be purchased in a store or cut from an adult vine.

For cutting and propagation of stephanotis, young semi-woody shoots, just over 1 year old, are taken. You need to cut healthy parts from early spring to mid-summer. You can take flowering shoots; they also take root easily. Before rooting, the cuttings are treated with a root former and placed in damp, clean sand at an angle. The permissible depth is no more than 2 cm. The top of the plantings is covered with polyethylene or glass and placed in a greenhouse with bottom heating. For rapid root formation, phytoharmones can be used. Rooting, if all conditions are met, will occur within 2-5 weeks.

After the stephanotis cuttings have taken root, you can transplant them with a ball of earth into narrow, shallow pots with nutritious heavy soil. Suitable for growing perennial vines slightly acidic soils. Can be used as a nutritional mixture next lineup: turf (taken from loamy soils), leaf soil, peat and coarse sand with the addition of compost. Florists do not recommend using alkaline soils, since stephanotis does not lay buds on them.

Caring for stephanotis at home

When grown at home, stephanotis can cause many problems, as it is a very finicky plant. It will not be difficult for an experienced gardener to organize care for this plant if he knows some of the nuances.

To begin with, before you organize care for stephanotis, you need to know one of the important points - the choice of location for the plant. The fact is that the juice of a perennial vine is very caustic and poisonous. It leaves burns and irritations on the skin and can cause toxicity to the body if ingested. Therefore, it is best to place the vine away from pets and children. When working with it, especially when pruning in the spring, use gloves. The juice leaves severe irritation on sensitive skin.

Stephanotis loves bright sunlight. Despite the fact that in his homeland he is accustomed to direct sunlight, at home it is better to shade him from them. South-east and south-west windows are suitable for placement in both summer and winter. If you place indoor stephanotis flowers on windowsills with a southern orientation, then shade the plant from direct sunlight. When placing deep into the room and in the north, make up for the lack of lighting with phytolamps. Bright diffused light is the basis for the growth and development of perennial vines. In the winter, provide stephanotis with additional hours of daylight at home (optimally +2...4).

An important point is that as soon as the first buds appear on the stephanotis, you cannot change its position or rotate it. For unknown reasons, even the slightest movement affects the formation of buds. Excess light leads to the fact that the stephanotis flower stops its growth, and its lack provokes falling flowers and lethargy of leaves.

Temperature, watering and humidification

IN summer time optimal temperature regime for Madagascar jasmine is +22…23 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, this provokes rapid evaporation of moisture. In general, as far as heat is concerned, stephanotis does not show itself as a picky plant. In winter, he feels comfortable at temperatures from 11 to 17 degrees. Wintering is a necessary condition for a plant; without it, it will not produce buds. The only thing worth considering is that the perennial does not like sharp changes, so it is not recommended to leave it overnight in the garden or on the balcony. The same applies to gusts of cold winds and drafts, which should be avoided when ventilating, especially in the winter.

In order to form various unusual compositions from stephanotis, supports for vines are used. They can be purchased at flower shops. Only young shoots are tied up. Lignified shoots do not give the desired result. As for pruning, cut off half the growth of the vine every spring. Pinch shoots several times a season. If you do this in the summer, the stephanotis will bloom much longer. Be sure to remove fading buds, as if this is not done, the plant will begin to set fruit and bloom less profusely.

An important part of caring for stephanotis at home is watering and humidifying the air. This tropical beauty prefers heavy, moist soils. This requires abundant, but not frequent watering as the earthen clod dries out. Drought is detrimental to the root system and the entire plant. For watering and spraying, use only melted moisture at room temperature. in winter water procedures reduced to avoid stagnation and waterlogging. Stephanotis should be sprayed regularly several times a day, especially in winter when the central heating is turned on and in summer. Artificial humidification is recommended.

Stephanotis transplantation and feeding

The first transplant of stephanotis is necessary immediately after purchase. They do this using the transshipment method so as not to damage root system. Use a pot a couple of cm wider as a container. 1/5 of the pots should be a drainage layer. Be aware of drainage holes in the bottom! Some gardeners do not replant adult plants at all, replenishing nutritional reserves with the help of fertilizing. In the first years of life, the plant may require replanting, since if the roots become crowded (and in Floribunda, young root shoots form very quickly), the leaves of Stephanotis turn yellow.

Used as fertilizer complex fertilizers provided that the plant has not been replanted for a long time. If the transplant took place this season, then the vine will have enough substances that are in the nutrient substrate. 2-3 hours before applying liquid fertilizers (for example, a solution of cow manure or other organic matter), the perennial is watered abundantly.

What to do if stephanotis leaves turn yellow and fall off

Before you do anything, you need to know that the vine is often attacked, especially in the summer, by aphids, spider mites and mealybugs. The sweet aroma of blooming flowers attracts scale insects. Pests are eliminated with special preparations - insecticides. Stephanotis leaves may indicate that the plant has some kind of problem, for example:

  • if stephanotis leaves turn yellow, if there is insufficient lighting or the root system is damaged;
  • the leaves become dull and lethargic - excessive watering (in this case, you need to remove the plant from the pot, inspect the root system for rot, remove the affected areas, replace the soil and replant);
  • If stephanotis leaves turn yellow and fall off, then you need to check the plant for chlorosis and the presence of pests.

Stephanotis does not bloom if:

  • not enough microelements (soil replacement or fertilizing is required once a week throughout the entire growing season. When replenishing nutritional reserves, focus on fertilizers with high content potassium salts and superphosphate);
  • it is affected by temperature changes or drafts - the plant will need time to recuperate. Usually it takes at least a season.


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Flowering vine: Madagascar jasmine

Little known in Russian indoor floriculture The stephanotis plant (Madagascar jasmine) has long been popular in the West and in the United States. Its white star-shaped flowers, collected in small inflorescences, are considered an essential component of the bride's bouquet, symbolizing the purity and innocence of the girl. The plant is valued for the delicate aroma of the flowers that abundantly cover it. The main feature of this indoor vine is its caustic sap, which can cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes if it comes into contact with them. When caring for a plant involving pruning, replanting, and other activities that may accidentally damage leaves or stems, it is recommended to wear gloves. In a house where there are children, it is better to place stephanotis in places inaccessible to them. Madagascar jasmine is very convenient for growing in winter garden or home greenhouse. At favorable temperatures (+18-25°C) and additional lighting, the evergreen vine is able to continue flowering even in winter period.

Madagascar jasmine is a very beautiful indoor flower, but the main feature of this flower is its caustic juice, which, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause skin irritation.

Features of Madagascar jasmine and rules for caring for it

Jasmine tolerates direct rays of the sun well and is quite thermophilic, so the most the right choice there will be a south window in the apartment. In summer, stephanotis will grow well on eastern or western windows, but on short winter days it needs an additional light source.

The plant is very sensitive to drafts and sudden temperature changes.

When choosing a suitable place for a flowering vine, you need to make sure that the flow of cold air from the street does not touch the delicate jasmine during ventilation. With a gradual decrease in room temperature to +14-18°C in combination with shortening daylight hours, Stephanotis enters a dormant period. At this time, it retains its usual decorative appearance due to the dark green mass of leaves, but stops blooming.

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Watering and fertilizing

At favorable temperatures (+18-25°C) and additional lighting, the evergreen vine is able to continue flowering even in winter.

During the growing season, Madagascar jasmine is demanding of soil and air moisture. A native of Madagascar, it is found in nature in tropical rainforests and is accustomed to a water vapor content in the air of at least 75%. Keeping it indoors cannot provide the plant with enough comfortable conditions, therefore, in the summer it is recommended to spray it daily, and from time to time to take a generous warm shower. Stephanotis should be watered with lukewarm water, which has been left to sit for 24 hours to remove chlorine. The amount of water at one time should be such that its excess begins to flow out of the drainage hole. But the liquid that collects in the pan within 2-3 hours after watering must be removed so as not to cause rotting of the roots. The next watering should be done when the top layer of soil in the container has barely dried out.

Watering in winter should be significantly reduced if the plant is kept in a cool room and has gone dormant. For normal life, a vegetating vine needs the same amount of moisture as on summer days. Fertilizers for feeding can be applied in liquid form during active growth and flowering every 15 days. Preference should be given to special mixtures such as Kemira for flowering plants. The dose of the mixture added must strictly correspond to that specified in the instructions.

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How to replant and propagate stephanotis

Madagascar jasmine can be replanted in the spring, when it is emerging from dormancy, or at a time when it has not yet formed buds for new flowering. If the plant is healthy, then the best way to replant is to transfer it - placing the flower along with a lump of earth in a larger container.

The frequency of transshipment for adult plants is once every 2-3 years, if the root system has filled the weight of the old pot. Young, actively developing roots and green mass of the plant need to be handled every spring to allow them to grow. If you have to remove part of the earthen coma during transplantation, then the suction part of the root system - small thin roots - will be damaged. Stephanotis reacts very painfully to this, and its leaves take on a withered appearance and may turn yellow or partially fall off. In this case, increased watering will only be harmful, creating a risk of water stagnation and waterlogging of the soil.

Frequent spraying and creating conditions with very high air humidity (up to 90-95%) can help the plant survive a traumatic transplant. At the same time, the evaporation of moisture from the leaves of the plant sharply decreases, the load on the root system decreases and the water content in the cells of the above-ground part increases. This can be ensured by placing the transplanted plant under a polyethylene cap. It will be quite difficult to create greenhouse conditions for an adult large vine.

The substrate for transshipment is prepared from equal parts turf and leaf soil, humus and sand. Ready-made soil from the store with an acidity pH of 5.5-6.5 is suitable. It is best to choose massive containers, made of ceramics or similar materials, so that the mass of stems and leaves does not accidentally knock over the pot. Propagation of Madagascar jasmine at home is difficult. Mainly used vegetative method: cuttings of semi-lignified shoots. The length of the cutting should be such as to contain 2-3 leaves with buds. For successful rooting, it is necessary to use root formation stimulants (heteroauxin, Kornevin, etc.). Until signs of growth appear, the planted cuttings should be kept under a glass or polyethylene cap, maintaining the necessary air humidity. Despite all the apparent complexity, caring for stephanotis is nothing special. Following simple rules of watering and lighting are mandatory for growing any plant. This is the only way to get a response from it in the form of abundant flowering and beautiful appearance.

Among the numerous ornamental plants presented on the modern floristic market, Madagascar jasmine stands out for its special exotic plant shape and excellent aesthetic characteristics. This flower is valued for its beauty and elegance, as well as for its ability to decorate any interior. Versatility from an aesthetic point of view makes jasmine attractive for interior decoration.

Madagascar jasmine is widely known by modern gardeners and florist lovers. Moreover, the advantages of this plant have made it known to the majority ordinary people who are not professionals in plant growing. In Latin, the flower is called Stephanotis and, according to the accepted classification, belongs to the large family of swallowtails. At the moment, more than 10 types of jasmine are known, which are common in the Japanese Islands, China, Madagascar and the Malay Islands.

All flowers that belong to this species, are curly. For a long time they were considered difficult to care for, which limited their spread. Now you can easily grow a full-fledged flower if you follow the simplest rules of care. The variety most commonly grown at home is jasmine, which is known to bloom profusely. The foliage of this plant is oval in shape and dark green in color. The main advantage that guarantees the popularity and fame of jasmine is the beautiful flowers, which at the moment of flowering acquire a white tint and a persistent bright aroma.

An interesting fact is that snow-white Madagascar jasmine is a popular component of bridal bouquets around the world.

Of course, jasmine is not only white - depending on the variety, it can also be cream, lavender and yellow. The flowers themselves grow on the branches in peculiar bunches, and there can be 7 flowers in an inflorescence. Important Feature plants are long flowering plants. Under natural conditions, jasmine blooms for up to 10 months, decorative varieties also have a long period.

Jasmine in the form of an evergreen vine, popular for decoration winter gardens. This plant needs a sufficient amount of light, which requires the gardener to make certain placement calculations. If the air temperature on the site during the cold season does not fall below plus 10 degrees Celsius, then growing the plant in open ground is allowed. The plant has a very caustic sap, which, if it comes into contact with exposed skin or mucous membranes, causes quite unpleasant irritation. Therefore, when working with jasmine, it is recommended to use gloves.

Growing conditions

For the harmonious development of jasmine, compliance will be required certain rules in plant care:

  1. Lighting and location. Jasmine is one of the plants that requires sufficient light to grow and bloom. Optimal choice at home is to place a flower on a south window. If in summer there is extreme high temperatures, then you should temporarily move the plant to the east or west side. Growing in tropical latitudes determines the need for long daylight hours. Therefore, in winter the plant experiences the greatest stress. If you place the plant on the north side of your home, you will need to organize additional space.
  2. Jasmine is having a hard time low temperatures. Sudden changes in ambient temperature and drafts should not be allowed. It is also worth remembering for the gardener important point: once buds have formed on the plant, it cannot be moved, moved, or rotated. Such, even the most insignificant movements, limit the development of flowers. Subsequently, the flowers simply do not bloom. Therefore, you should not buy jasmine in florist shops - here they usually sell jasmine already with a bud.
  3. Temperature. When growing stephanotis, you must carefully monitor the ambient temperature. Moreover, the temperature regime in winter and summer should be different: in summer, overheating should not be allowed and should be maintained at 20-24 degrees above zero. In winter, it is allowed to keep the vine in cool conditions - 14-16 degrees Celsius. Such conditions make it possible to guarantee abundant flowering during the period. At home, it is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature, because jasmine suffers greatly from such events.
  4. Humidity. For the growth of jasmine it is important to provide high humidity air. Therefore, the pot should be placed away from the radiators, and an artificial increase in humidity should be provided with the help of auxiliary devices.

Gardeners value jasmine for ample opportunities to create original floral designs. If you perform accurate and competent plants on different stages its development, it is possible to form unusual bushes. Depending on your preferences, you can grow either a compact bush or an elongated vine of great length.

Jasmine can be bred at home in two ways - seeds and. Reproduction is one of the reasons that limits its spread - it is too difficult to do it yourself without sufficient experience. For the development of shoots, special means are used that serve as growth stimulants. As for the seeds, they develop rarely and germinate very poorly.

As for cuttings, they are cut from healthy shoots, which must have 2-3 leaves.

Cuttings should be cut approximately 2 centimeters below the node. The harvested cuttings must be planted in specially prepared soil, which is mixed equally with clean sand.

After this, the cutting is covered with polyethylene or glass to create comfortable conditions of humidity and temperature. If the work is done correctly, the first root shoots should appear after 2 or 3 weeks.

Care: watering, fertilizing and replanting

Tips for caring for a houseplant:

  • To water Madagascar jasmine in the summer, pre-prepared and settled water is used. Water the plant abundantly to saturate the root system with moisture. In winter, watering is suspended and the plant switches to a gentle feeding regime.
  • IN warm time jasmine needs to be fed with fertilizers about 2 times a month. At the same time, choosing the type of fertilizer is especially important: if there is a high concentration of nitrogen in the fertilizing, this leads to the development of the stem and leaves, to the detriment of the growth of flowers. Therefore, when purchasing fertilizer, preference should be given to fertilizers aimed at enhancing flowering. For plant nutrition and growth, it is necessary to use soil made up of a mixture of deciduous, turf and humus soil with the obligatory addition of sand. Optimal indicator acidity is approximately 5.5 - 6.

Madagascar jasmine should be replanted in the spring, even before the first buds form. As the bush develops, it is necessary to replant it so as not to restrict the conditions for the growth of roots, and therefore the bush as a whole. Mature and mature bushes can be replanted once every 3 years.

It is important to choose the right pot for: it should be large and preferably made of ceramic. Such a pot will create a fairly strong support, which is necessary for jasmine. Do not forget about creating high-quality drainage and a well-functioning system for draining excess moisture at the bottom of the pot.

Jasmine is attacked by numerous diseases and pests, but is resistant to such attacks. The greatest danger among pests for jasmine are the following insects: greenhouse aphids, spider mites, scale insects. The plant owner should periodically carry out a visual inspection to identify possible damage and take the necessary measures for protection.

Timely preventive treatment of the bush allows you to prevent the development of such problems and ensure excellent development of jasmine.

In gardening stores you can easily find suitable chemicals that, without harm, will provide reliable protection for jasmine and promote the development of flowers in the proper size and shape.

More information can be found in the video:

Stephanotis – indoor flowering plant, whose name comes from two Greek words, meaning "crown" and "ear". This indicates the ear-shaped arrangement of the stamens of its white, fragrant, five-petaled flower. It also looks like jasmine, hence its other name - Madagascar jasmine. And because this delicate flower often appears at weddings as a decoration for the bride; it is also called the “bride’s flower” or “veil vine.”

Appearance and homeland of stephanotis

Madagascar jasmine is actually found in Madagascar, and it also grows in Japan, China and other subtropical and tropical regions. This small climbing shrub has been known in home gardening for more than two centuries. In nature, a powerful vine is capable of climbing to a height of five meters. Domestic specimens require special supports to support their own weight. The dark emerald oval ten-centimeter leaves of the vine are dense, glossy with pointed ends. They are separated in the middle by a lighter vein.

The main value of the plant is its snow-white,, arranged in clusters, each of which has up to 7 three-centimeter wax stars. It is customary to weave these delicate flowers (along with orange blossom) into brides’ hairstyles. After the fancy stars fade, elliptical seed pods filled with flying seeds similar to dandelion seeds ripen in their place.

The ability of liana-like exotics to bend along guides is used to create bizarre flower arrangements in the form of hoops, balls, hearts and other shapes. They decorate window openings, arches, and walls. But most often it is grown in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Optimal conditions for indoor cultivation of Madagascar jasmine

Stefanotis is best kept in rooms facing the south, east and west. But straight Sun rays cause burns, so you should stick tracing paper on the southern windows or shade them with curtains. In the northern direction, plants do not have enough light; they have to be additionally illuminated with phytolamps. The flower likes bright lighting to last for at least half a day.

An important condition comfort for the vine is permanent place its location. Otherwise, the buds that have not yet blossomed will fall off. To avoid accidentally turning the pot, thereby creating inconvenience for the plant, a light mark is placed on the flowerpot.

The temperature in the room where the Madagascar jasmine is located should be at least 18 degrees in the warm season, but not more than 24, since it does not tolerate heat. In the cool season, this figure should be 4-8 degrees lower. This will lead to the formation of flower buds in the plant. Liana does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

How to care for stephanotis (video)

Description of Stephanotis species

About one and a half dozen varieties of stephanotis are known, but best tolerated room conditions Stephanotis profusely blooms, which is what is often meant when talking about these plants. Brief characteristics species grown at home look like this:

  1. S. profusely flowering or Stephanotis floribunda has snow-white star-shaped flowers, up to 6 cm in size. Its variation (variegata) is distinguished by the fact that its leaves are not plain, but patterned. They have light or golden spots and dashes.
  2. S. acuminata(S. Acuminata) with cream-colored flowers.
  3. S. grandiflora(S. grandiflora) with magnificent large inflorescences, on which up to three dozen greenish flowers bloom.
  4. S. thorsii(S. thouarsii) is famous for its flowers of a delicate lilac-pink hue.

Stephanotis propagation methods

Madagascar jasmine is propagated at home mainly by cuttings and seeds. Both methods are not simple and require careful adherence to technology.

Propagation by cuttings

This method preserves all the species qualities of the mother plant. This procedure is carried out in the spring and consists of the following stages:

  1. A one-year-old petiole with two pairs of leaves is separated from the main plant.
  2. The cut sites are pollinated with stimulating powder.
  3. A hole is made in the earthen mixture filling the pot into which the planting material is firmly placed. The lower leaves should be slightly higher than the ground.
  4. The cutting is covered with a film with a wire frame.
  5. The improvised greenhouse is cleaned daily while watering and ventilating the seedlings.
  6. They should be kept at a temperature of 18 degrees in bright (indirect) light for at least three weeks.
  7. After rooting, the greenhouse is removed, and the plant with root soil is transplanted into another pot.

Propagation by seeds

The sequence of growing new plants is as follows:

  1. The seeds are soaked in water for two days.
  2. Prepare a container filled with a disinfected (soak for a couple of tens of minutes over steam or a couple of minutes in the microwave) and moistened peat-sand mixture. Its bottom is lined with fine expanded clay.
  3. The seeds are pressed into the ground and covered with glass.
  4. For seed germination you need a sunny, warm place with a temperature of 26 degrees.
  5. The soil must be sprayed with a spray bottle, but the moisture should not stagnate in it.
  6. To prevent condensation from falling on the seedlings, it is better to install a container with a slight slope. Then excess moisture will flow to the edges of the vessel.
  7. After a couple of months, seedlings appear, when leaves bloom on them, the seedlings are transplanted into five-centimeter separate pots with an earthen mixture as for adult plants.

Features of stephanotis transplantation

When transplanting floribunda, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is done in the spring, when there are no buds on the plant yet, no more than once every two years. In this case, transshipment is used while preserving the near-root earthen coma.
  2. To stimulate plant flowering new pot should be only a couple of centimeters larger than the old one.
  3. It is important that it is heavy enough. Otherwise, it will tip over under the weight of the massive plant.
  4. Its bottom is filled with expanded clay balls in a layer of 5 cm.
  5. The soil should be heavy, with a slightly acidic reaction. Its composition should be dominated by peat (almost half the volume), a third should consist of sand, and the remaining components - clay and leaf soil - should be contained in equal proportions. And when selecting ready-made soil mixtures, you need to focus on their acidity within 5-6 units with a nitrogen content of no more than 200 mg per liter.
  6. Watering of transplanted plants should be normalized, it is advisable to replace it with frequent spraying as much as possible. It is recommended to dissolve a small amount of growth stimulants in water.

Caring for stephanotis at home

Caring for stephanotis is not easy and the process requires some knowledge and patience. And unskilled care weakens the plant, it gets sick more often and becomes vulnerable to pests.

Watering and spraying

The room should be high humidity, especially at temperatures above optimal. Frequent spraying of leaves is practiced, but moisture should not remain on the buds and flowers. The water should be warm and soft.

It’s good to place air humidifiers and water containers next to flowers. Flowerpots can be placed in other containers filled with wet pebbles, expanded clay, and moss. Leaves need dusting. If there are no buds or flowers on the vines, the leaves can be washed with a warm shower. In this case, the soil in the flowerpot is covered with film.

In warm weather, the bride's flower needs abundant watering with soft water several times a week. In cool weather their frequency decreases. Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot. Watering with rain or snow water is very useful. You can soften the water by placing a fabric bag filled with peat in a bucket of water overnight.

Varieties of indoor jasmines (video)

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Floribunda does not need to be fed frequently. It is advisable to do this twice a month. Potash fertilizers are preferred. A large amount of nitrogen stimulates the growth of the green part of plants to the detriment of flowers. A heavily overgrown crown needs serious pruning. This complicates the wintering of vines. Pruning also slows down their flowering, which may not occur in this year.

The formation of buds and their full blooming is promoted by fertilizing with potassium salts and superphosphates. Organic matter, such as mullein, is also useful. Fertilize twice in the middle and end of spring, combining it with watering the plants.

Plants are fertilized until the end of summer. In winter, vines do not need feeding.

Pruning a houseplant

Stephanotis grows quickly, becoming (if all care rules are followed) a magnificent flowering vine. To adjust its size, direction of growth, and shape, it is necessary to trim the plants. Dry and damaged parts of the floribunda and weakened shoots are completely removed. Before transplanting, the stems are also partially trimmed.

It is known that buds appear only on new shoots, so Madagascar jasmine needs rejuvenating pruning. It should be gentle, but it is done in the depths of winter. In this case, the shoots are cut to half their length. They try not to disturb the central stem, because the plant doesn't like it. To prolong the flowering of the vine in the summer months, shoots are pinched.

Signs and superstitions associated with stephanotis

Madagascar jasmine is considered by some to be a muzhegon. This means that a woman who grows this flower dooms herself to loneliness. In addition, The jealous man drives husbands out of the house, breaking up families. But this is an unsubstantiated superstition.

In some European countries it is believed that blooming stephanotis promises a quick wedding in the house. It is not for nothing that snow-white flowers are an indispensable attribute of many weddings. Blooming vines, according to their lovers, bring happiness and financial stability to the house.

You should know that the caustic sap of a tropical plant, when it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, causes burning and itching. For people with delicate skin, it is better to take care of it with gloves. Flowerpots with flowers should be inaccessible to children and pets.

In addition, these plants should not be placed with strong and persistent odor in the bedrooms. They can cause insomnia and headache.

Difficulties in growing Madagascar jasmine

Madagascar jasmine is a difficult plant to care for, so even experienced gardeners encounter problems and difficulties when growing it. We will talk about fighting them.

What to do if stephanotis does not bloom

Stephanotis blooms in nature most of the year. It is difficult to recreate the conditions familiar to him at home. For stable flowering, the tropical plant needs potassium supplements.

Reached three years old indoor plant usually blooms all summer. To achieve this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not forget about its timely transplantation.
  • Do not place the flower in a draft and do not allow sudden temperature changes in the room where it grows.
  • Provide for its wintering in a cool environment.
  • Ensure constant lighting of the plant.
  • Do not change the position of the flower pot (in relation to the light) during the formation of buds and its flowering.

Why do plant leaves turn yellow and fall off?

Yellowing of leaves occurs for several reasons:

  • From watering with hard water with chlorine. In this case, water first special solutions with absorbed iron and then soft water.
  • Lack of light, when moved to a suitable place, the condition of the flower improves.
  • The influence of the red spider mite. You get rid of it by wiping the leaves with denatured alcohol.
  • Excessive watering of the vine. In this case, you should focus on spraying, reducing watering.

Stephanotis diseases and pests

Flowering vines get sick and even die if not cared for properly. When the roots rot, which results in the plants wilting, they need to be replanted, replacing the soil, removing the affected parts and treating them with a weak solution of foundationazole. From powdery mildew, manifested by the appearance on the leaves white plaque, is saved by spraying 2-3 times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate at intervals of several days. If this does not help, then the vines are treated with Skor, Topaz, and Fundazol.

Stefanotis is also attacked by the following pests:

  • Spider mite, which entwines him with a web.
  • Scale insects and aphids suck the juices out of it, which leads to yellowing of the leaves.
  • A mealybug that envelops plants in a cotton-like coating.

Wedding flower stephanotis (video)

In the fight against them and other insects, washing the plants with a weak solution of soap or vinegar helps. The heavy artillery is the drugs Actellik, Fitoverm, Decis.

To properly care for the rare tropical stephanotis plant, an inexperienced gardener needs to learn a lot. But after considerable effort has been spent on it, Madagascar jasmine will delight household members for many years decorative leaves, which can be given any shape, and fragrant exotic flowers.