home · Measurements · Beeswax candles: wick. Rolled wax candles with herbs Original shape templates

Beeswax candles: wick. Rolled wax candles with herbs Original shape templates

For casting candles, rigid molds made of plastic or metal are used, which are purchased. All of them are equipped with a device for fixing the wick. You can use metal molds to make cookies, cans with the top cut off, various plastic boxes or cups and glasses made of earthenware or porcelain that can withstand temperatures up to 100 °C. It’s easy to make your own mold from plaster or other material. Before pouring the wax, the molds must be heated, and their cooling must occur slowly; for this, they are wrapped in a towel.

Before installing the wick into the mold, inner surface do not forget to lubricate with a substance that will ensure the wax separates from the walls. For example, dishwashing liquid. The mold is immersed in a mixture of this liquid and warm water. Having taken it out, make sure there are no soap bubbles on its surface and wipe it with a damp cloth, but not dry.

I do not recommend using vegetable oil, as it leaves a greasy layer on the surface that is difficult to remove. However, if the mold is wooden, then it can be greased with oil. In this case, it is not necessary to impregnate the wick with wax; its upper end can be processed after casting.

It is important that the wick is located exactly in the middle of the mold and is taut. If the shape has a bottom (for example, a tin can), then you need to make a hole in it and pass the wick through it, tying it with a knot on the outside. Place, for example, a pencil on the upper edge of the form and tie the other end of the wick to it with tension. If a hole cannot be made in the bottom of the mold, then the wick is glued to the bottom. If the mold does not have a bottom, then it is glued with wax to a plastic surface (for example, to cutting board) so that there are no gaps at the bottom. At the same time, do not forget to grease the bottom of the mold. The wick is also glued to the bottom and secured on top.

Wax melts at a temperature of 64 °C. It is best to pour it into molds at a temperature of 80 ° C in one step to avoid the formation of seams. The scoop is used only when working with small shapes. After pouring, the wax cools in the direction from outer surface to the center. At this time, a hole is formed around the wick, which must be filled with wax before it hardens.

When casting thick candles, as the wax cools, it must be pierced several times with a knitting needle along the length of the wick to avoid the formation of air bubbles.

The wax must cool slowly, otherwise the candle may crack.

Thin candles can be carefully removed from the collapsible mold when the wax has hardened halfway. Using a heated knife, the growths formed at the junction of the mold are cut off from the surface of the product. Then the candle is placed on the table to cool further. In this case, sharp fluctuations in air temperature and shocks should be avoided. The mold is cleaned of wax and washed with dishwashing liquid.

If a non-separable mold is used, you should wait until the wax has completely cooled and hardened, which sometimes takes a whole day.

Since the wax shrinks slightly, the cooled finished candle is pulled out by the wick, not forgetting to untie the knot from below. If the candle does not come out, you can gently tap the mold on the table. If this does not help, then immerse it in hot water for a short time.

It is easier to remove a candle from a mold without a bottom; to do this, use a knife or squeeze it out with some object.

There is also a method of making wax candles by repeatedly dipping the wick into wax and gradually building up the candle. This method is the oldest. In this case, the container for melting should be high and narrow, which will allow you to get long candles. But the container should not be filled with wax to the very brim, and the water in the second pan should not boil. The work requires patience. The wick is tied to a stick and repeatedly dipped into melted wax. Dipping should be short to avoid melting the previous growth. Then the workpiece is kept in air until each new wax layer hardens. Thus, the candle gradually grows.

You can take a wider pan and dip several wicks tied to a stick into it at once. In this case, however, you will need a stand for hanging the sticks with future candles to dry. Candles made in this way have a cone shape and are aged for one to two years before use.

Candles for ceremonies and rituals

One of the most effective, and, without a doubt, spectacular, magical tools are candles. In esoteric stores you can now buy candles of various colors and purposes, often even of first-class design. The assortment is so large that the discerning buyer can choose between artificial and artificial candles. natural materials, flavored and with colored flames.

But, like any means of magical operation, it is better to make candles yourself. The difference between a staff or wand that you cut yourself and one you bought in a store is obvious. Somewhat less obvious is the difference between a candle bought in a store and one you cast yourself. However, it is great.

Domestic and foreign authors cite various classifications candles, highlighting various classes and types. But, if we consider the nature of candles, there are only three types:
- cast candles
- rolled candles
- “dipped” candles

The remaining features can be combined and used in any of the above types of candles.

In this article I will not dwell in detail on the manufacturing technology - for that I refer you to Practical Advice on Making Candles. We will talk about some applied aspects.

For some reasons, I personally prefer rolled candles. Ideally, a candle is made from a sheet of foundation in 10-15 minutes maximum. In practice, I spend about an hour. To make a candle, I take lump wax, not foundation, and in my palms I bring it to the consistency of pottery clay, or stiff dough, whichever is closer. Next, using a bottle of warm water, like pie dough, I roll out the wax into a sheet. Well, then, using the technology described in “ Practical advice" After the candle is ready, you can slightly lengthen it with your hands or, conversely, reduce its length.

This technique allows you to create a candle “for yourself”, as close as possible to the previously created image.


The wick is the most important thing in a candle. Even the quality of the material will not save you with an ugly wick. By rolling out the wax in your hands, you can cast spells on it and read incantations. The wax will absorb the full force. The wick is what will allow this power to be realized. IN practical application I really enjoyed using knotted wicks. Works like a clock. Before making a candle, in my case - before rolling a sheet of wax, three knots were tied on the wick, each of which had a spell placed on it. Of course, the number of knots can be arbitrary and depend only on the will of the master and the length of the candle, but, to begin with, I would not recommend knitting more than three - everything requires practice.

Yes, and more. If you want the ritual to be completed, do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out. And never reuse wax from burnt candles, especially for magical purposes.

When using candles with knots, you should remember that this magical tool enhances the power of the spell/spell, but, at the same time, the spell acquires the property of irreversibility. It will be much more difficult to get rid of the consequences of such an action. And, above all, to the magician himself.

Colored and scented candles are a milder means of influence, but by no means more harmless or weaker.

You can add color to both the material itself and the flame. A small addition of mineral salts will give the flame the desired shade. So, sodium salt, i.e. regular table salt will add flame yellow, potassium salts - red, copper - greenish. Salt is added to the melt in the amount necessary to obtain the desired color saturation. Stir the melt until the salt is completely dissolved. As an option, you can soak the wick with a solution of one or another salt, but it should be taken into account that many crystals will form on its surface, which will crackle when burning.

The coloring of the material is done at the candle manufacturing stage, when the wax is in a molten state. Roots, bark, leaves, and petals are used as natural dyes. Moreover, the latter can also serve as a weak flavoring agent, especially if the whole flower is used. The dyeing method is extremely simple - dye is sewn into a rag bag (muslin, calico), then the bag is dipped into the melt and kept until the required shade is obtained. Please note that as the wax hardens, the colors become more faded. In addition, if you do not use colorless materials - stearin or purified paraffin, then an allowance should be made for the color of the material itself. For obvious reasons, this dyeing method is not suitable for rolled candles.


It is better not to use chemical dyes - it is not known how combustion products will affect others, and rituals require only natural materials.

Proportions of dye to material to obtain an even, rich color per kilogram of wax:

Fresh leaves or buds - 4 cups tightly packed

Fresh green walnut peels, pine needles, tree bark - 1 cup

Dye colors:
- Pink-beige - unripe ash seeds
- Green - needles, tansy leaves
- Olive green - sage flowers
- Bluish-blue - cornflower flowers
- Blue - indigo powder
- Copper-gold - green walnut peel
- Golden yellow - flowers of calendula officinalis
- Rose-red - rosehip petals

When making “dipped” candles, you can alternate layers and then the candle will come out two-colored.

Flavoring additives

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The easiest type of magic candle to make is a candle made from wax and herbs. Such candles are called “rolled candles”. The simple production of a rolled candle allows you to make magic candles for any purpose, quickly, investing in the desired qualities. To make a candle we will need: a sheet of foundation, a wick, herbs.


Foundation is a special corrugated sheet of wax that beekeepers use as a base on which bees will build honeycombs in the future.

You can buy foundation at a store like “Everything for Beekeepers.” One sheet will cost you about 15-20 rubles. It is recommended to buy at least 5 sheets so as not to run around looking for foundation every time you want to make a candle. The foundation can be stored wrapped in newspaper on the cabinet; it does not disappear or deteriorate.


As a wick for a candle, it is best to use a woven thin cotton cord, which you can make yourself from floss threads. To make a wick from floss, take 1 queen of any color. Unwind it and fold the thread in two. Next, you need to secure one end, pull the thread over the other end and start twisting. You will have to twist for a long time until the thread becomes tight and begins to curl when loosened. When the thread is twisted, stop and, without letting go of the other end, take the future lace by the middle and fold it in half. Let go of the middle and the lace will come on its own. Formally, the wick is ready.

But to improve the quality of the wick and the ease of working with it, we recommend soaking it in a solution of table salt with baking soda and dry. At this stage, the wick should become a little harder, and if you look closely, you will see small sparkling salt crystals on it. The wick should also be waxed. To do this, dip it in melted wax for 20-40 seconds and then hang it vertically by one end. When the wax hardens, the wick will become hard.

Cut the length 1 centimeter longer than your future candle.


You can use different herbal compositions to create candles. It all depends on the goal you are pursuing. For example, if you are making candles for protection, then you can use wormwood and thistle, and if your candle is to bring peace to your home, then use St. John's wort and mint. To add herbs to a candle, the herbs must be dry and ground to a powder, as unground herbs turn into additional wicks during combustion. As a result, the candle begins to blaze, and the wax begins to spread, and the candle burns out in a matter of seconds.

To chop herbs, start by using scissors and finely chop the condensed herb, discarding the thick stems. Then load the resulting mass into a coffee grinder and grind it to a powder.

Apply crushed herbs to the foundation using an artist's brush.

Proven compositions of herbs for candles:

  • Peace and restful sleep- St. John's wort + mint.
  • Protection from negativity- wormwood + thistle.
  • Good luck in business- clover + horse chestnut color.
  • Donation to Spirits and Gods- basil + oak leaves.
  • Love- lily color + orange zest.
  • Prophetic dream - calendula + wormwood.
  • Money- clover + mint.
  • Protection from enemies and thieves- caraway + aspen leaves.
  • Health- thyme + St. John's wort.
  • Fulfillment of desires- sage + dandelion color.
  • Acquisition of knowledge- sunflower color + sage.

Making a candle

Take a rectangular sheet of foundation. The smaller side will be equal to the height of the future candle. With a sheet length of 40 centimeters, the diameter of the candle will be approximately 3-3.5 centimeters.

Place the wax sheet with the smaller side facing you and press the wick into the edge of the sheet. Then start rolling up the sheet little by little. After making 2-3 turns around the wick, take the crushed herbs and brush. Dip the brush into the herbs and then spread them with the brush over the entire leaf. Continue rolling the candle until you run out of sheets. When rolling the candle, do not make too much effort, but also do not forget that the candle will burn well if it is dense enough.

After rolling up the candle, place it on the table and press down a little. This is necessary so that the “heel” of the candle, that is, its bottom base became smooth.

To increase the effect, clean the candle and consecrate it for the purpose for which it was made.

All, magic candle ready.

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Wax rolled candles with herbs.
Their cleansing and healing properties

Rolled wax candles with added herbs.

They are made entirely by hand and retain the warmth of the master’s hands. These candles are incredibly beautiful and combine the cleansing properties of fire with the pleasant, aromatherapy effects of scent. beeswax, honey and field herbs. Beeswax is an environmentally friendly healing substance that, when burned, can release negative ions, good for health. Various herbs, wormwood, chamomile, St. John's wort, as well as lavender flowers, heather, calendula and birch leaves are added to rolled candles.

Since ancient times, in Rus' it was believed that wormwood smoke was capable of defeating any infection, which is why it was used in the fight against epidemics. They fumigated houses with wormwood smoke, and swept the floor with wormwood brooms. IN folk medicine Wormwood is considered a cure for rheumatism, an appetite stimulant and a digestive improver.

If your lower back hurt after a hard day, a bouquet of wormwood was thrown into the fire. Ancient doctors attributed it to bitter wormwood miraculous power, calling “the mother of numerous herbs.” For many peoples, wormwood was a talisman against intrigues evil spirits.
Wormwood will cleanse and protect from negative energies, disinfect and purify the air in the room. You can cleanse your home with a candle. A candle with the addition of wormwood is used as additional tool and an assistant in the treatment of the thyroid gland, rheumatism, this suppository improves digestion.

Suppositories with the addition of St. John's wort and chamomile improve immunity, stimulate vitality, regulate metabolism and are recommended for ailments, sore throats and ARVI.

Lavender candles are suitable for magical rituals. Lavender, like other members of the sage family, has been known throughout the world since ancient times for its ability to expel evil spirits and negative entities and cleanse a person of negative energies. And that is why they are even more suitable for the ritual described above than simple wax candles.

But also take precautions, because rolled candles burn hotter than usual, since in them, in addition to the wick, small pieces of dried herbs also ignite, which makes them burn more intensely. When burning, such candles also shed burning particles of herbs along with the melted wax, so they should be kept on a wide tray or in a large bowl.

The cinder and wax deposits remaining after the candle burns can be used for fortune telling and to analyze the current situation in your life... If the cinder is not planned to be used, dispose of it in the usual way in the trash.

The healing properties of rolled candles with herbs

Rolled herbal candles are made entirely by hand. Natural beeswax, herbs and flowers are used for production. They do not contain artificial additives and are an environmentally friendly product. Therefore, cleansing with a herbal candle is the purest. Rolled wax candles have no contraindications. Rolled candles are burned only in a straight line. Repeating cycles of working with candles is allowed if necessary, but not earlier than 40 days after burning the last candle from the first cycle. The optimal course for each candle is prescribed in the methods of use. The smell that is released when a candle burns will fill the room with an aroma that has an aromatherapy, analgesic effect on the body and activates the human immune system. Cleansing is done with a candle. Herbal candles are harmoniously combined with drug treatment and in no case are they used INSTEAD of treatment prescribed by doctors, but only TOGETHER, as an additional tool.

Burning a magical wax candle with wormwood

has a purifying effect on both the indoor air and the energy situation. A rolled wax candle with the addition of wormwood is also recommended for use during treatment of the thyroid gland. Burning this candle optimizes connection with your inner self. Used in cleansing and protective rituals. Directions for use: To normalize the thyroid gland, light a candle during the day in the room where you are for 5 days in a row with the intention of helping the body. Then take a break for 7 days. Repeat such cycles for 3 months. As a ritual cleansing candle - in a cheerful state of Spirit, with a lit candle, walk around the entire room clockwise. Leave the candle to burn out.

Mode of application:

Create an intention to help the body recover, ask the candle to help cope with ailments. At night, while in a semi-meditative state, light a candle in the bedroom, the distance from the place where you sleep should be at least 1.5 m. The candle should burn out completely on its own; you cannot extinguish it. Use candles for five nights in a row, take a break for 7 days, and continue to work for one and a half to two months. The cycles can be repeated if desired. It is not advisable to move away from the candle. The result appears within the first two weeks.

Cleansing the house with candles, or the body, should be done while in an alert state. Light a candle and walk around the entire room clockwise.

Burning a wax candle with chamomile and St. John's wort

It will cleanse you of negativity, restore your strength, improve your immunity and vitality, and help you cope with chronic fatigue. They are used as an additional tool in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, throat diseases (sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis) and diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

Mode of application:

Create an intention to help the body recover, ask the candle to help cope with ailments. At night, while in a semi-meditative state, light a candle in the bedroom, the distance from the place where you sleep should be at least 1.5 m. The candle should burn out completely on its own; you cannot extinguish it. Use candles for five nights in a row, take a break for 7 days, and continue to work for one and a half to two months. The cycles can be repeated if desired. It is not advisable to move away from the candle. The result appears within the first two weeks.

Take a good look at the remaining sludge from the candle; it will tell you a lot about the causes of the disease.

Throw the candle stub into the trash.

Burning a rolled candle with calendula

Used as an additional tool for diseases of the upper sections respiratory tract, helps to cope with problems in women's health, including in gynecology. Protection from evil spirits.

In combination with a healing candle of chamomile and St. John's wort, it enhances its effect.

Mode of application:

Create an intention to help the body recover, ask the candle to help cope with ailments. At night, while in a semi-meditative state, light a candle in the bedroom, the distance from the place where you sleep should be at least 1.5 m. Let the candle burn out completely by itself, do not put it out. At the same time, you and your consciousness will be protected from evil spirits. Use candles for three nights in a row, then take a break for seven days, then continue working for 40 days. The maximum effect is achieved after two or three months of use. The cycles can be repeated if desired. The result appears within the first two weeks.

Burning a rolled candle with lavender

It will help relieve tension, create a feeling of balance and security in case of excessive anxiety, relieve feelings of loneliness, and help to find " Inner Light".
Also, cleansing with a candle from stagnant negative energies will attract good and bright forces into your home.

Mode of application:

Create an intention to help the body recover, ask the candle to help cope with ailments and illness. At night, light a candle in the bedroom, the distance from the place where you sleep should be at least 1.5 m. The candle should completely burn out on its own; you cannot extinguish it. At the same time, cleansing with a candle occurs. Burn one candle daily, course for five days in a row, take a break for 7 days, and continue working for three months. The cycles can be repeated if desired. It is not advisable to move away from the candle. The result usually appears from the first application.

Throw the candle stub into the trash.

Burning a rolled candle with cornflowers

Promotes rejuvenation of the body and regeneration of skin cells. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin acquires a healthy color, and its elasticity is restored. The aura is cleansed with a candle. Burns through in a half-asleep, relaxed state.

Mode of application:

Create an intention to help the body recover, ask the candle to help cope with ailments. At night, while in a semi-meditative state, light a candle in the bedroom, the distance from the place where you sleep should be at least 1.5 m. The candle should burn out completely on its own; you cannot extinguish it. Use candles for five nights in a row, take a break for 7 days, and continue to work for one and a half to two months. Cleansing the aura with a candle can be repeated. It is not advisable to move away from the candle. The result appears within the first two weeks.

Throw the candle stub into the trash.

Burning a candle with heather

Cleansing with a candle Peace-heather. Normalizes mental condition, will lift your spirits and set you up for positive thinking. It is used in cases of nervousness and anxiety, helps cope with negative thoughts and fear, and neutralizes depressive and depressed states.

Cleansing with a candle. Mode of application:

Create an intention to help the body recover, ask the candle to help cope with ailments. At night, while in a semi-meditative state, light a candle in the bedroom, the distance from the place where you sleep should be at least 1.5 m. Burn one candle daily, a course of 9 days, it is not advisable to leave the candle. The result usually appears from the first application.

Throw the candle stub in the trash

Burning a rolled candle with sage

The candle helps remove negativity and protects against evil tongues and unwanted negative impacts.
Sage has many beneficial and medicinal properties, contains female phytohormones, is useful for women - rejuvenates the body, promotes conception.

Mode of application:

Create an intention to help the body recover, ask the candle to help cope with ailments. At night, while in a semi-meditative state, light a candle in the bedroom, the distance from the place where you sleep should be at least 1.5 m. Burn one candle daily, course 9 days. It is not advisable to move away from the candle. The result usually appears from the first application.

The candle should burn out completely on its own, do not extinguish it.

Using a rolled candle with birch leaves

Rolled candles with birch leaves should be used by sick, weakened, and convalescent people. It will ease suffering, help restore lost strength, make it easier to endure the disease, and speed up the healing process. Communication with this candle is useful for people with upset nerves and depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes Negative consequences everyday stress, helps restore mental harmony.

In addition, birch has strong antiseptic properties. Smoldering birch leaves can kill microbes in the indoor air in 2-3 hours.


Light a candle with the intention of helping the body, soul and body, at any time convenient for you in the room where you spend the most time.

Let the candle burn out.

Rolled candle with wormwood and sage

Herbal rolled candle with wormwood and sage “burns” negative emotions, restores vital energy, eliminates lethargy and depression. It has a cleansing effect on a person’s energy state, as well as a disinfecting effect on indoor air.

Talk to the candle, ask it to help you with a question of interest. Write it down on a piece of paper. Light a candle and, looking at the flame, ask to direct your mind in the right direction, ask what you can do to change the situation for the better. For 10 minutes, watch the candle burn, leaving your heart and mind open to answers. Write down on a piece of paper what you understand during the meditation process. Leave the candle to burn out until the end. If you need to leave, you can extinguish the candle with a spoon or your fingers (it is better not to blow out helper candles; blowing off the fire weakens the effect of the candle). Then repeat the meditation while lighting the candle.

Rolled candle with lavender, juniper and sage

Herbal rolled natural wax candle “Amulets” with lavender flowers, juniper and sage protects against negative impacts. Gives strength to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts and intentions, to concentrate on what is good and peaceful. Eliminates fears and anxiety, dispels feelings of loneliness. Cleanses and returns the “inner light”. Juniper has a strong cleansing and protective effect. Affects the surrounding space and objects. Lavender gives protection and purification, happiness and peace of mind. Improves sleep, helps to relax and calm down, promotes balance, attracts good forces. This plant has the ability to concentrate forces human body to fight negativity. Sage cleanses, gives wisdom, protects, removes negative energy from the environment.

Before you light a candle, formulate your intention of what you want to change and improve in your life.

When the candle burns out completely, the remaining wax should be thrown into the trash.

Candle with Linden tree

A hand-rolled natural wax candle with linden inflorescences literally fills the home and family space with positive energy. This candle brings protection, peace, and a welcoming attitude. It is also used in rituals for peace and well-being in the home, attracting children and preparing the female body for motherhood. Additionally: To help your child develop and realize his creative abilities, take a candle with linden and light it at night in the room where the child sleeps.

Before you light a candle, formulate your intention of what you want to change and improve in your life. Write it down on a piece of paper. Light a candle and, looking at the flame, ask to direct your mind in the right direction, ask what you can do to change the situation for the better. For 10 minutes, watch the candle burn, leaving your heart and mind open to answers. Write down on a piece of paper what you understand during the meditation process. Leave the candle to burn out until the end. If you need to leave, you can extinguish the candle with a spoon or your fingers (it is better not to blow out helper candles; blowing off the fire weakens the effect of the candle). Then repeat the meditation while lighting the candle.
When the candle burns out completely, the remaining wax should be thrown into the trash.

Rolled candle with birch, sage, chamomile and St. John's wort

A hand-rolled herbal candle with chamomile, birch, sage and St. John's wort has a healing effect. Used for healing and curing diseases.
Birch has healing and protective properties. In the mystical rituals of shamans of many nations, it is a cosmic tree that connects the earthly and spiritual worlds. In Asia, birch is a symbol of life, the spiritual ascent of man, and cosmic energy. In Russia, birch trees are planted near houses to summon good spirits. Birch, as a symbol of purity, is credited with the ability to drive out evil spirits. Chamomile is a sunny herb with healing and protective properties. Our ancestors believed that if you wear chamomile on your chest as a talisman, you will not be afraid of colds or viruses, so keeping a bag of chamomile in your room is very useful. Magic properties The essence of daisies is that it protects against evil spirits and evil spirits. If you put a bag of chamomile under your pillow, you will have a sound and restful sleep. Chamomile is especially good for children who sleep restlessly, as it relieves night visions. St. John's wort is one of the most powerful herbs middle zone Russia. Absorbs sunlight, immediately affects the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort helps well with depression, fatigue, and the first signs of colds. It opens a person’s heart, allowing his soul, mind and body to unite into a single whole. Heals, gives happiness, courage, love, protection.

Before lighting the candle, formulate your intention and write it down on a piece of paper. Take the candle in your hands, bring it to your forehead and concentrate on the desire to get well. Next, write “I am healthy” on the candle with a sharp object, such as a toothpick. Place the candle on the candlestick and place your photo under it. Light a candle and, looking at the flame, ask to direct your mind in the right direction. What is the cause of my illness? What can I change about my thoughts or actions? For 10 minutes, watch the candle burn, leaving your heart and mind open to answers. Write down on a piece of paper what you understand during the meditation process. Leave the candle to burn out until the end.
If you need to leave, you can extinguish the candle with a spoon or your fingers (it is better not to blow out helper candles; blowing off the fire weakens the effect of the candle). Then repeat the meditation while lighting the candle.
When the candle burns out completely, the remaining wax should be thrown into the trash.

Rolled candle with rose petals and composition essential oils

A rolled wax candle with rose petals and a composition of essential oils reveals the feminine principle, enhances female attractiveness, charm and charm. This candle reminds a woman of her deep sacred power, her tenderness and attractiveness. The candle contains rose petals and pomegranate flowers, incense and natural essential oils: rose, ylang-ylang, jasmine.

Before you light a candle, formulate your intention of what you want to change and improve in your life.
Talk to the candle, ask her to help you with a question of interest. Write it down on a piece of paper. Light a candle and, looking at the flame, ask to direct your mind in the right direction, ask what you can do to change the situation for the better. For 10 minutes, watch the candle burn, leaving your heart and mind open to answers. Write down on a piece of paper what you understand during the meditation process. Leave the candle to burn out until the end. If you need to leave, you can extinguish the candle with a spoon or your fingers (it is better not to blow out helper candles; blowing off the fire weakens the effect of the candle). Then repeat the meditation while lighting the candle.
When the candle burns out completely, the remaining wax should be thrown into the trash.

We will make honey candles from foundation. To make each candle unique and special, we will play with shapes, fill the candles with essential oils and fragrant herbs, decorate them with dried flowers, ribbons, and lace. Original, environmentally friendly, with natural aroma honey - these candles will help you experience great satisfaction from your work. As a souvenir of the master class, you will take with you 2-3 fragrant candles that will fill your home with comfort or become a warm gift for a loved one.

When burned, wax releases healthy phytoncides, which are not only antiseptic, but also immune-stimulating substances. Thanks to a concentrated mixture of essential oils of meadow flowers, wax candles have a relaxing, sedative effect on the human body, relieve fatigue and headaches, relieve insomnia, and act as an antidepressant and antiseptic. Our workshop is suitable for corporate events, individual groups, families, children's groups and schools.

Rolled candles. Story

Rolled candles are the oldest, and therefore the most environmentally friendly clean look candles. In their production, ancient traditions and skills coming from beekeepers, beekeepers and beekeepers are carefully preserved. Rolled candles are made entirely from natural materials, without any artificial additives. They are based on thin sheets of natural beeswax, often with the beginnings of a honeycomb embossed on both sides. Healing herbs are often added to rolled candles - wormwood, St. John's wort, chamomile, lemon balm; and also – lavender flowers, calendula, birch leaf...

Rolled candles are made only by hand; they keep the warmth of the master’s hands and his positive energy (we only roll candles in good mood!). As a result, a rolled candle is a unique phenomenon that affects a person through several channels at once. When it burns, a light, unobtrusive, but quite distinct effect of a mixture of natural odors of honey, beeswax and herbs is added to the cleansing properties of the flame.

The most interesting thing is that the uniqueness of the effect of rolled candles is equally recognized by boring realists, adherents of strict scientific postulates; and romantics, prone to esoteric ideas. The former firmly know that beeswax, when burned, releases negative ions that are beneficial to health. The latter unconditionally believe in mystical properties man-made candles-amulets that protect against negative energy and cleansing the aura of the room. In the end, it was not without reason that the rolled candle was the forerunner and prototype of the church candle.

But be that as it may, many healing herbs- the same ones that are added to rolled candles today - have been used in folk medicine for fumigation since ancient times.

Thus, fumigation with wormwood was traditionally used in Rus' in the fight against various epidemics; chamomile and St. John's wort - in the treatment of colds and sore throats; lavender and sage - to eliminate fears and anxiety.

It is very important that - unlike traditional aromatherapy using essential oils - the smell of a burning rolled candle is much lighter, its effect is softer; which means the risk of allergic reactions is reduced.

We do not buy all the herbs and plants for rolled candles, but we collect them ourselves only in ecologically clean areas and in required deadlines; dry according to traditional rules.

And one more, very important circumstance. Rolled candles burn stronger and more intensely than ordinary ones: they ignite not only the wick, but also particles of dried herbs, which can continue to burn in the molten pouring wax. That is why a rolled candle needs to be lit on a wide tray or placed in a large bowl; an ordinary candlestick is inappropriate here.

It is important for organizers to know:

  • All our master classes and services are offsite. We are located in Kyiv, but we work throughout Ukraine
  • Our audience is both adults and children
  • The average pass rate of a master class depends on the format:

for teaching– a group of 7-12 people is formed for a lesson, duration up to 120 minutes.
for entertainment– up to 12 people in a group with one master in the Welcome zone format, time per group up to 40 minutes.

If necessary, simultaneous seating can be up to 300 people, and the number of masters in this case depends on the complexity of the master class.

  • We are officially registered and we work both in cash and by bank transfer;
  • Our masters can be dressed either in a standard uniform or in the theme of your event;
  • For all our events technicians arrive 40-60 minutes before work starts to prepare comfortably;
  • It’s easy to get the perfect interactive experience - just provide reliable information on your request: what, where, when and for how long, how many participants and what age/gender/status, are cats needed;
  • Your logo can be used during the interactive process, we will always tell you how and where;
  • We bring materials with a 10% reserve; forethought is our second name;
  • The master class can take place either on outdoors, and indoors;
  • The event will require free space to install tables and chairs for the number of simultaneously participating guests (usually tables and chairs for 10 people);
  • At your request, we can rent and bring furniture to organize the site;
  • We provide participants with everything necessary materials and tools, so that the customer and guests will only have to enjoy the process;
  • The master class is held only experienced craftsmen using only proven techniques;
  • The master class program has been tested in advance and absolutely safe;
  • We can develop individual program a master class that will easily continue the idea of ​​your event;
  • We getting ready in advance to conduct a master class and adapt the entire process to a specific event;
  • We not only provide on-site master classes, but also organize a turnkey event for you. Holiday script, location selection, catering, sound, lighting, host, photographer, videographer, hostess, animators, show business stars - all this is much easier to order when there is one company responsible for the entire holiday, which has many years of experience and hundreds of contacts of those responsible. contractors.

Rolled beeswax candles

These candles are the easiest to make. You can buy beeswax in the form of sheets of honeycombs. different color. All you have to do is place the wick on the edge of the sheet and roll the sheet tightly into a cylinder. Having spread out the wick, wrap it in the edge of the sheet and press firmly so that the wick does not move from its place. Roll the sheet as tightly as possible. Typically, one candle requires three sheets, the edges of which should slightly overlap each other. If you are making astral candles, the inner and outer sheets should be the primary color of the particular sign, and the middle sheet should be the secondary color. When rolling such candles, again mentally focus on their purpose.

Cast candles

Mold casting, or casting, is a manufacturing method suitable for gift and day candles. You can buy ready-made molds or make them yourself from tin, tin, glass, plaster, rubber or plastic; in fact, almost any material that does not melt and will allow you to remove the candle after the wax has cooled will do. Cardboard tubes can also be used as forms (from toilet paper or paper towels), milk cartons, containers made of wood, sandstone and clay, tin cans.

Looking for suitable shape for a candle, think about what it is for. For daily candles, the shapes can be either quite small (for example, eggshell or polyethylene-coated paper cups), or large ones that can be used over and over again (such as cardboard milk cartons). Candles - gifts should be special; you can show your creative imagination when making them. When casting them, you can use, for example, a cone-shaped or pyramidal shape.

It's easiest to use open-top molds. You will need a stand (such as a board with a small hole in the center) to place the mold on, and a crossbar to hold the wick. In addition, it is necessary to ensure reliable fastening of the cross member to wooden stand for the form. The shape itself can be cylindrical, corrugated, hexagonal, octagonal or any other. Its sides can be parallel or inclined, forming a cone or a pyramid. Important stage making a cast candle ~ removing it from the mold. Please remember that some mold materials, such as paper or cardboard, can only be used once.

Pre-wax the wick to the required length by dipping it in hot wax for a minute. Then take it out, wipe it off paper napkin and let cool in an extended position. Tie a knot at one end of the thin candle. Pass the wick through the hole in the stand, through the rubber gasket and aluminum foil, and then through the mold (the easiest way to do this is to turn the whole structure over so that the end of the thin candle falls out of the mold on the open side. Then pass the end of the thin candle through the hole in the wooden crossbar, which is fixed on top of the mold. The knot at the end of the thin candle, located under stand will prevent the wick from changing position.

Make sure the pan is centered on a sheet of aluminum foil. Attach two bolts to hold the crossbar in place, which presses the pan against the aluminum foil and rubber gasket, ensuring a seal. Finally, tie the wick tightly to the crossbar. The form is now ready to be filled.

Warm up the wax until enough high temperature, facilitating uniform filling of the mold and release of air bubbles. First pour a small amount of wax into the mold, let it set, then gradually pour the mold. Let the wax sit in the mold for about half an hour, then add a little more wax to the mold if the level drops as it cools. After about four hours, you can check if there are cavities around the thin candle. Pierce the top of the candle with a match or pencil to get rid of air bubbles. Add hot wax to the mold again. Let the candle sit in the mold for another eight hours. Do not attempt to remove the candle from the mold until the wax has cooled completely (the cooling process may take at least twenty-four hours).

To remove the candle from the mold, unscrew the bolts holding the crossbar and untie the wick. Remove the cross member. Cut off the knot underneath the stand and remove the stand, aluminum foil, and rubber gasket. What is underneath will be top part finished candle. The candle should be released from the mold by sharply tapping it on a hard surface. wooden surface. If you cannot get a candle, place it in the form in the refrigerator for about an hour. In this case, the candle will decrease in volume so much that it will be quite easy to remove it from the mold. Cut off the end of the thin candle that was tied to the crossbar. This side of the candle will be its base. You can use the finished candle only after 4-5 days.

Molds made from some materials can be pre-coated on the inside vegetable oil or silicone to facilitate the process of removing the finished candle from the mold. Apply the oil to the inner surface of the mold very thin layer, since its excess leads to the formation of air bubbles in the thickness of the wax.