home · Networks · Beeswax candles: wick. Rolled beeswax candles. Cast candles Examples of candle operation

Beeswax candles: wick. Rolled beeswax candles. Cast candles Examples of candle operation

Wax is an amazing substance, it is famous for its healing powers. It is known that wax has healing, softening and bactericidal properties that are not lost even after heating.

Today Birmammies touched upon an ancient craft - they learned how to make dipped and rolled candles from beeswax . Master class conducted Plotnikov Kirill, candle manufacturer in Birobidzhan.

Beeswax candles: wick

Wick for wax candles must be natural. To make a wick you can take cotton threads, wet them and braid them. This wick is considered the best - it provides an even, beautiful flame.

The wick can be woven from other natural threads such as hemp thread or even subcortex linden trees You can enrich the wick with dry herbs by weaving them into a braid. Do not forget that preparing candles does not tolerate fuss - movements should be smooth, thoughts should be bright.

The finished braid must be dried well and dipped in melted wax (this process is called waxing). A waxed wick will not be subject to deformation (this is especially important for rolled candles) and will not absorb moisture.

Beeswax Candles: Dipped Candles

Wax melts at a temperature of 60˚ C, so in order to melt the wax, it is enough to heat it in a water bath. Earthenware is best suited for this. The natural property of clay to accumulate heat allows you to maintain the optimal temperature for melted wax for as long as possible.

During the wax melting process, there must be complete absence of contact between the wax and water. After the wax melts, you need to remove the dish from the water bath and wrap it in a towel.

Slowly lower the wick into the melted wax, pull it out for a short time and lower again (dip – hence the name “dipped” candles).

There is an optimal ratio between the diameter of the candle and the diameter of the wick: the wick should be approximately five times narrower than the candle. After several dozen dippings, you may end up with candles like this:

Beeswax candles: rolled candles

To make rolled candles, you must use a waxed wick. Cut a strip of foundation and heat it up a little. This can be done by holding a strip of foundation over a heat source. However, the most the best way is heating under direct lines sun rays. Place the foundation on a sunny windowsill. This will ensure the most uniform heating of the plate.

After the wax strip has been heated, place it on the table (the surface of the table should be smooth). Press the wick against the edge of the foundation and begin to tightly wrap the wick into the strip of foundation. This method of making wax candles requires some skill and strength. Your efforts will pay off with interest, once you light it up beeswax candles, keeping the fragrant smell of meadows and the warmth of hands.

Birmama parents portal thanks Razuvaeva Olga for providing photographs and Plotnikova Kirill for conducting the master class.

You'll need:
- beeswax or 5-6 wax candles.

As a wick, you can take a wick from a wax candle.

Thin cellophane bag. Container for melting wax.
-Working surface.

At the seminar, we will make candles of your choice for:

Black - cleaning
-Green -money
-Yellow - power, success
-Red - love
-Blue - protection

Now to filling the candle:

You have decided on the direction - accordingly, add a wax pencil to the wax of the appropriate color.

In addition to color, there is also a main ingredient - herbs!

Love - roses (you can take flavored oil)
-money - clove
-success - bay leaf
-protection, cleaning - salt

All ingredients for filling the candle must be crushed into powder.
By the way, let’s discuss everything before the start of the master class technical issues related to preparation for making a candle, so as not to be distracted)
Wick. Cotton thread or linen. Soak it in wax and let it harden.
To the money candle, add only cloves or basil.
But its effect is milder than that of cloves. Cloves can give a sharp tug.

I made candles on cellophane and on foil... It’s more convenient on cellophane.

Patchouli works with sexual energies. Cinnamon - also used in financial matters However, its spectrum of action is quite wide. It's more of a "cooling" agent. Therefore, if we are talking about making a candle for financial matters, then you yourself must decide what you need - a jerk or a “warm up”.

A candle, regardless of shape, size and color, is, first of all, a source of energy, active and strong energy, regardless of its size and shape. However, there is a division of rituals using fire into Greater and Lesser Fire Rituals.

This is the power that is present in the ritual and with the help of which certain goals can be achieved.

Big Fire rituals are rituals that are performed using a campfire as a source of fire. These are, first of all, seasonal rituals, as well as rituals whose purpose is to interact with spirits to achieve large significant tasks. A larger source of energy can have a greater impact.

Small fire rituals - in them the fire comes from a candle, an oil lamp. These rituals can have no less impact on a person’s life and help in achieving certain goals. And you control this power by lighting a candle to achieve your goal.

For example, the teachings of Feng Shui constantly emphasize the fact that daylight in the house - this is very important! The whole point is that light carries the vital energy of Qi, and also has the ability to destroy stagnant negative energies. The best light source is natural sunlight.
However, if you think that there is not enough light in your home, candles can not only serve as an additional source of light, but also fill the house with comfort, attracting peace and well-being with their energy. In addition, a candle flame perfectly cleanses space from various negative energies and unfavorable accumulations.
The characteristics of fire that exist in elemental magic are burning, warming, melting, purification, transformation.

In addition to general phrases describing working with candles, there are also more specific ones that reveal the very essence of the techniques.

Divination work is one in which candles (both fire and wax) are used in predictive techniques. The purpose of these techniques is not only to find out the future or understand the present, but also to achieve understanding for the use of magical rituals and various conspiracies, to understand the need and purpose of their use.

As for the fortune-telling rituals themselves, they are different for each magician. Usually a certain topic or question is asked, to which fire then provides an answer. Agree with fire on the signs that will mean one answer or another to your question. For reference, you can select the direction of the flame, smoke, intensity of candle combustion, crackling and smoking.
Conspiracies and slander are techniques that use several material components in their structure, where a candle can be used both as a reinforcing element, and as a destructive one, and as a means of protection.

Unlike other charmed objects (salt, food, drink, matches, etc.), the candles on which the spell is read are most often not taken out of the house after the ritual and are not subject to any ritual actions at all: and after they are charmed, they are simply burned in order conditioned in the ritual. It is important to remember only one thing: the candles that you use in your magical practice should not be used for any other purposes!
The most optimal time for “reading” incantations and spells on candles, the time is from 21.00 to 03.00 your local time, unless otherwise indicated in the descriptive part of the ritual you have chosen.

Most often, working with candles is combined with reading prayers or spells. In some cases (when using bioenergy methods) - with work with fire energy, mental images, visualization, flows own energy.

In this case, the candle performs certain actions and movements. “Imposition of crosses” - when the patient or certain parts of the body are baptized, circular movements with a candle COUNTERclockwise, vertical movements up and down along the spine.

Techniques of protection and purification - when fire itself, under the control of a magician, can serve as an excellent protection against various kinds of influences. It, in its essence, not only prevents influence by simply burning it, but is also able to cleanse influence, if it already exists.

For example, in Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova (from the notes of O. V. Mostovshchikova) proposes and describes the following technique for creating a helper candle - “Good Candle”. The candle is made independently from natural ingredients: beeswax and cotton or linen wick. The time for making such a candle is the full moon after midnight. The author advises placing in a candle a few of your hairs that have fallen from the comb while combing, imagining that all the evil that has been next to you in one way or another throughout your life is leaving you, making way for good light. The options for using such a candle are varied: from daily lighting, to helping with illnesses, in complex life situations, for love problems.

Candles are also often used in protection rituals, in a variety of traditions: from Christian to pagan, shamanism, Kabbalah and many others. The main core of such rituals is the "rolling" or burying of candle wax on your biological attachments to protect you from any kind of magical attack. As a rule, such rituals require sacrifice or serious ransom, and their ritual part is quite complex. At the same time, their striking feature of such rituals is precisely the moment that “forgery” of such protection is done with the help of a candle, which simply digs up another layer on the wax medallion, or buries cracks in it.

Destruction techniques - when fire is able to destroy most magical actions, influences and programs directed against a person. Usually, for this purpose, they either burn something on candles, using the correct spell prayers, or the candle itself plays the role of an object that should be destroyed.

For example, voltaging, working with a phantom display of an object.
Volt is a derivative of Lat. invader - “to attack, take possession.”
First, let's say a few words about what exactly the danger to humans is.

Since a phantom is an energetic copy of a person, animal, object, place, etc., then, accordingly, any violation of the phantom’s energy causes certain harm to a person’s energy.

The formation of a phantom is associated with such types and directions of magic as voltation - making a doll (volt), mental magic, psychoenergetics and other types of energetic and occult attacks.
Directly when voltaging the doll (volt, in our case, it will be a volt made of wax church candles) is a completely materialized object in which the phantom is practically “fixed” and the actions themselves are subsequently performed. Most often, the attacker, in addition to the negative thought form of attacking a person using a phantom, uses a ritual with substances and objects, herbs; makes direct physical impacts on the phantom, etc.

The main essence of the work comes down to the following things:

The intention to carry out clearly defined actions - to cause a certain type of damage, dryness, etc. Already at this stage, you should clearly understand all the equipment needed for this: blood, bindings, types of herbs and the order of their use.
- knowledge of ritual, work execution scheme.

I would like to make a small but important digression at this stage. The fact is that already at the stage of intention, the ritual performer already has the negative program that he will send to the victim. And this program, one way or another, must be sent to the recipient. Therefore, if you are not sure that you will bring what you started to its logical conclusion, it is better to abandon this type of magic like voltaging!...

To help the performer transfer his negative program, a negative state in relation to the victim (and a love spell can in the same way be safely attributed to a negative desire, no matter how much you argue now and what arguments you give!)))) just the volt arrives, to which this program is transferred by performing certain actions.

The key point in using the volt is its correlation with the victim. One such method is the method of connecting the volt to the victim's phantom, transferring the phantom to the volt.
The technique itself consists of creating a phantom of the victim, for example from a photo, the phantom that the performer of the ritual sees. This is important, since such a phantom already comes from the subconscious of the ritual performer, which means it is most effective. It is better to use photographs where the subject is looking directly at you. If the photo of the object is waist-high, then you can paste it on a piece of paper and complete the drawing of the missing part of the body.
Desire techniques - when the candle itself, as the main element of rituals, is used to achieve a specific goal, becoming a candle of desire.

As for the techniques designed to fulfill desires, they are so diverse that it is unlikely to be possible to talk about them in a nutshell. Candles are used for these purposes in the classical Wiccan tradition, and in the tradition of Christianity and in many others.

Many points are important here: from choosing the shape and color of the candle, herbs, incense and crystals, runic and other formulas, to creating the shape we need from the candle, for example, a spiral or a screw.

Visualization techniques (associative techniques) use candles, and in particular, wax from candles in order to use it to create a figurine model of a person, thing, or simply simulate a situation. By creating a connection between these wax dolls- Volts and reality, you can have different influences on situations and people. Recreating a phantom image of a person and transferring it to a candle for further influence and many other examples of similar techniques.
And this is far from full list techniques and techniques in which candles can be used
Working with magic candles can always be divided into main categories.

First, when you need a candle magical ritual only as a source of fire, and nothing more. Then the requirements for the magic candles used are lower; you can take a completely ordinary candle. In such rituals, paramount importance is given to ensuring that the candle’s burning time is sufficient for the ritual being performed, that it does not go out during the process of magical work, and that it produces an even flame.

The second category includes candles - talismans, program candles and candles aimed at achieving the goal of the ritual itself. Such candles undergo serious testing before being used in a ritual. preliminary preparation, including hand made. Such candles are already strong in themselves. magic items, when using which it is no longer necessary to use any additional attributes. When making such candles, you can use spells, you can cast spells from components, etc....

For more complex rituals, requirements also apply to the shape, color and filling of the candle, as well as to the material from which they are made (for example, candles can be intertwined with each other or around any object in the ritual, which actually indicates that they should be made of elastic material). Also, such candles must be previously unused (not lit), it is likely that they must be stored in some way or require special moments to purchase components for them.
Considering the materials from which candles are made, we can divide them into two types - chemical (paraffin, stearin and helium) and natural (wax).
Wax candles are considered better than chemical candles, since wax is able to “absorb” and hold greatest number information. And as a consequence, wax candle has greater strength and gives better quality compared to paraffin.
Separately, I would like to say a few words about coloring candles. In my opinion, incomplete (superficial) coloring is a big mistake and a manifestation of negligence towards such a type of magic as candle magic. A candle that is not completely painted will never give you the desired effect from the ritual.
You can talk about candles, possible variations in their production, shapes, colors, fillings for a very long time, especially since all this information is collected on the forum.
And today we will talk about the manufacture and use of rolled candles. Let's get started...

The process of making a rolled candle itself is the most complex and labor-intensive, compared, for example, with cast or dipped candles. This requires speed and at the same time patience and accuracy.

However, the rolled candle is one of the most powerful candles used for magical purposes. As a rule, such candles are made for natural ingredients filling the candle - such as herbs. The fact is that adding herbs to a candle has many subtleties. You understand what, for example, to add dried grass melting it into wax will most likely mean that the herb will lose its properties and qualities necessary for the ritual. Therefore, it is a rolled candle that comes to our aid, in which the emphasis is placed not only on color, but also on its content.
Some practitioners also offer methods of infusing pre-made candles with herbs. For example, using spirals: clockwise (for constructive rituals) and counterclockwise (when applying negativity) with a hot knife, depressions are made in the candle, which are filled with the necessary herbs. By means of “ringing”: similarly, with a hot knife it is done required amount rings on the candle and filled with herbs (more often used in rituals when the candle is lit and extinguished in several stages). Well, and more... sophisticated methods, such as applying signs and symbols in a similar way and then filling them.

They also describe the method of “coating” a candle with grass, dipping it. Although, in my opinion, this method is better used with dipped candles or candles made from sheets of foundation.

Also, various types of seals, pentacles and other graphic symbols applied, for example, on paper, can be accurately placed in a rolled candle. All you need to do is place the unfolded paper with the symbol under the wick and roll up the candle.

Most clearly in magic, and even in needlework, a rolled candle is represented as made from wax
BUT! We are not looking for easy ways!)))))))))))))))))))))))
And today we want to tell you how to make a rolled candle yourself from wax, and in order for this process to be not only educational, but also useful, we have prepared for you ready-made versions of rolled candles, depending on the goals of your intentions and needs.
Let me repeat a little about the colors and necessary ingredients:

Black - cleaning
Green - money
Yellow - power, success
Red - love
Blue - protection

In addition to color, there is also a main ingredient - herbs!

Love - roses (you can take flavored oil)
money - clove
success - bay leaf
protection, cleaning – salt (it is advisable to take coarse salt and grind it into powder)

All ingredients for filling the candle must be crushed into powder. If you add oil, it will need to be added to the wax when melting.
So, to make a rolled candle we will need:

Usually a cellophane bag (or a sheet of foil), a wick, melted wax (a sufficient amount). I will provide photographs both on cellophane and on foil. For me personally, it’s more convenient with a bag.

I melt the wax in a water bath in a glass jar.

We spread the bag on the table and carefully pour the melted wax onto it (I made the usual one without dye)
You can also paint it; for this we add, for example, a wax crayon of the desired color.

Place the wick on the edge of the wax (exactly on the edge, not in the center), as shown in the photo. Then
The wick will be exactly in the center of the finished candle. Please note that when rolling the candle, the wick must be constantly held by the ends with your fingers so that it does not move in different directions.

Rolled beeswax candles

These candles are the easiest to make. You can buy beeswax in the form of sheets of honeycombs. different color. All you have to do is place the wick on the edge of the sheet and roll the sheet tightly into a cylinder. Having spread out the wick, wrap it in the edge of the sheet and press firmly so that the wick does not move from its place. Roll the sheet as tightly as possible. Typically, one candle requires three sheets, the edges of which should slightly overlap each other. If you are making astral candles, the inner and outer sheets should be the primary color of the particular sign, and the middle sheet should be the secondary color. When rolling such candles, again mentally focus on their purpose.

Cast candles

Mold casting, or casting, is a manufacturing method suitable for gift and day candles. You can buy ready-made molds or make them yourself from tin, tin, glass, plaster, rubber or plastic; in fact, almost any material that does not melt and will allow you to remove the candle after the wax has cooled will do. Cardboard tubes can also be used as forms (from toilet paper or paper towels), milk cartons, containers made of wood, sandstone and clay, tin cans.

Looking for suitable form for a candle, think about what it is for. For daylight candles, the shapes can be either fairly small (eg eggshells or plastic-lined paper cups) or large and reusable (eg milk cartons). Candles - gifts should be special; you can show your creative imagination when making them. When casting them, you can use, for example, a cone-shaped or pyramidal shape.

It's easiest to use open-top molds. You will need a stand (such as a board with a small hole in the center) to place the mold on, and a crossbar to hold the wick. In addition, the crossbar should be securely attached to the wooden stand for the mold. The shape itself can be cylindrical, corrugated, hexagonal, octagonal or any other. Its sides can be parallel or inclined, forming a cone or a pyramid. Important stage making a cast candle ~ removing it from the mold. Please remember that some mold materials, such as paper or cardboard, can only be used once.

Pre-wax the wick to the required length by dipping it in hot wax for a minute. Then take it out, dry it with a paper towel and let it cool in an extended position. Tie a knot at one end of the thin candle. Pass the wick through the hole in the stand, through the rubber gasket and aluminum foil, and then through the mold (the most convenient way to do this is to turn the entire structure over so that the end of the thin candle falls out of the mold on the open side. Then pass the end of the thin candle through the hole in the wooden crossbar, which is fixed on top of the mold. The knot at the end of the thin candle, located under stand will prevent the wick from changing position.

Make sure the pan is centered on a sheet of aluminum foil. Attach two bolts to hold the crossbar in place, which presses the pan against the aluminum foil and rubber gasket to ensure a seal. Finally, tie the wick tightly to the crossbar. The form is now ready to be filled.

Warm up the wax until enough high temperature, facilitating uniform filling of the mold and release of air bubbles. First pour a small amount of wax into the mold, let it set, then gradually pour the mold. Let the wax sit in the mold for about half an hour, then add a little more wax to the mold if the level drops as it cools. After about four hours, you can check if there are cavities around the thin candle. Pierce the top of the candle with a match or pencil to get rid of air bubbles. Add hot wax to the mold again. Let the candle sit in the mold for another eight hours. Do not attempt to remove the candle from the mold until the wax has cooled completely (the cooling process may take at least twenty-four hours).

To remove the candle from the mold, unscrew the bolts holding the crossbar and untie the wick. Remove the cross member. Cut off the knot underneath the stand and remove the stand, aluminum foil, and rubber gasket. What's underneath will be the top of the finished candle. The candle should be released from the mold by sharply tapping it on a hard surface. wooden surface. If you cannot get a candle, place it in the form in the refrigerator for about an hour. In this case, the candle will decrease in volume so much that it will be quite easy to remove it from the mold. Cut off the end of the thin candle that was tied to the crossbar. This side of the candle will be its base. You can use the finished candle only after 4-5 days.

Molds made from some materials can be pre-coated on the inside with vegetable oil or silicone to make it easier to remove the finished candle from the mold. Apply oil to inner surface very shaped thin layer, since its excess leads to the formation of air bubbles in the thickness of the wax.

Handmade is gaining more and more popularity. Extravagant jewelry, paintings, toys, decorative elements, gifts - this is just a small part of what passionate craftsmen and amateurs create with their own hands. Today we will talk about how to make a candle at home.

This process does not require special skills or equipment. After reading our recommendations and detailed master classes, even beginners can begin this exciting process.


Making your own candles is much easier than you might think. And the main advantage of such an activity is necessary materials easy to get. If you look hard enough, you can even find them in your home.


Wax, stearin or paraffin are best suited for the job. Moreover, it is better for beginners to start getting acquainted with the latter; it is the least demanding to use. You can buy paraffin at the store or use leftover old white candles.


It is best to use natural threads as a wick, ideally thick cotton ones. Do not try to use synthetics: such a wick will quickly burn and leave behind bad smell. To check if the thread is natural, simply set fire to its tip. If it melts, forming a hard ball at the end, you have synthetics.

If you have an unusual candle in mind and are thinking about how to make an original wick for it, then use colored floss threads. This is an excellent and natural material.

Remember important rule: the thicker the candle, the thicker the wick should be.

It's easy to make it yourself. To do this, prepare a solution: in a glass of water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons boric acid. Soak cotton thread or floss in it for 12 hours. Then dry them and twist them into a rope or braid them.

If you find this process tedious, carefully remove the wick from your finished household candle and use it.


First of all, decide on the configuration of the desired candle, and then try to find a hollow object of the same shape. You may find it useful:

Cardboard bags for milk and juices;
. plastic cups for yoghurts and desserts;
. egg shells;
. silicone baking molds;
. glass goblets, wine glasses, glasses and glasses;
. baby beads;
. shaped ice cream molds;
. tin and glass jars from coffee;
. empty tin cans.

The only requirement is that the mold material must withstand heating up to 100°C.

Another interesting option- pour candles into beautiful transparent glasses. You won’t be able to get them, but they will look very stylish and unusual.

Sometimes scented candles are made in tangerine or orange peel. The fruit is first cut in half and the pulp is carefully removed. You can also use large shells or coconut shells.


A white candle is elegant but boring. Naturally, the question arises of how to color paraffin in order to obtain bright decorations interior

For lovers of candle making, the best and cheapest option is to take wax crayons for children's creativity. Want to get a special candle? Look for pearlescent crayons - your creation will be unique.

Do not try to use water-soluble gouache or watercolor - you will fail. The dye will inevitably settle to the bottom or fall out in flakes. The finished product will look very unpresentable.

Utensils for melting paraffin

In order to melt the paraffin, you will need a small saucepan for a steam bath and an iron bowl. Experienced craftsmen recommend heating paraffin on steam bath, considering other methods, including the microwave, to be fire hazardous.

To begin with, we recommend that you also use this method, proven over the years: place a bowl of paraffin in a container of boiling water. If you plan to have a colored candle, add the chalk immediately and stir the melted mass several times to obtain a uniform color.


Any available materials are suitable for decorating candles. First, decide on the topic of your work. Pebbles and shells will effectively complement candles in nautical style. For a New Year's theme, use beads, small cones, small decorative balls, ribbons and bows. Decorate Valentine's Day candles with hearts, sparkles, bows, dried flowers, coffee beans, etc.

It is best to scent homemade candles with essential oils, which can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. Another option is to find vanilla cinnamon in your kitchen. You should add flavors to the melted paraffin at the very end, after coloring.


We bring to your attention a selection of accessible master classes that will help beginners learn basic techniques and techniques. If you already know how to create candles with your own hands, you can draw interesting ideas from them to implement in your creativity.


Do you want to create romantic mood? Light a coffee candle - its divine aroma will take away all worries, leaving only good mood and peace. This is especially pleasant in rainy autumn or cold winter. This is also a great gift for any occasion or even no occasion.

*photo by Valentin

To work you will need:
. paraffin;
. whole coffee beans;
. wick;
. two plastic cups different sizes;
. wick holder - a teaspoon, a wooden stick or a plastic coffee stirrer.

If you don’t find paraffin, take household candles, you can also get a wick from them.

Crush the paraffin into small pieces with a knife to speed up the melting process. If you took store-bought candles, carefully crush them with the blunt side of a knife so as not to damage the wick.

Place paraffin in glass jar and place it in a pan of warm water. Heat the water over low heat until the paraffin is completely melted in the jar - it should become transparent.

At this time, prepare the mold for pouring. Place the smaller one in a larger plastic cup, after filling it with water. There should be a fairly wide space between the walls of the cups. Pour coffee beans up to half the height between the walls.

Pour the melted paraffin into the mold to the level of the grains, wait about 10 minutes. Then pour the paraffin to the edge of the mold and let it harden completely. This will take about an hour.

Carefully pour the water out of the inner glass and remove it from the paraffin ring. Lower the wick into the workpiece so that it reaches the bottom of the glass. Tie its upper end to the holder and place it on top of the glass, centering the wick.

Pour melted paraffin into the middle of the candle. Place a few grains on top for decoration. Now you will have to wait 4-6 hours until the candle hardens completely.

Carefully remove the frozen candle from the glass. At the same time, it can be cut with scissors to facilitate manipulation.

If you want the grain to be better visible, blow the sides of the product with hot air from a hairdryer. The paraffin will melt and the surface will become embossed.

It turned out to be an excellent aroma candle, isn’t it? Do you want to make it even more romantic? We invite you to use the same technology to create heart-shaped candles that will become an unforgettable gift for your significant other for Valentine's Day or a birthday.

Watch a detailed video of creating a fragrant coffee candle and you will see that everything is even simpler than it seems at first glance.


Want to add a pop of color to your home? Interior rainbow candles will help you with this self made.

To make them you will need the following ingredients:
. paraffin;
. stearin;
. wick;
. cylindrical shape;
. dyes corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

More detailed information you will receive from a detailed video tutorial. For beginning craftsmen, it shows all the stages of preparing candle mass and creating a gradient transition of colors.


Spectacular colorful candles in a transparent glass will become the highlight of your interior. How to make them, see our master class, illustrated with step-by-step photos.


Before you make colored candles with your own hands, prepare:

Transparent wax;
wax pencils;
disposable paper cups;
glass cups;
ice cream sticks;
aroma oils;
microwave oven;

Step 1. Grate regular transparent wax and fill paper cups with the resulting material. They only need to be filled a quarter full with this material.

Step 2: Microwave the cup for 45 seconds. Get it out. Mix the wax with a wooden stick. It should melt completely; if this does not happen, place the glass in the oven for another 30 seconds.

Step 3. Place the wick in an empty glass cup. You can attach the other end to an ice cream stick and place it on the top of the cup. This will make it easier for you to continue working. Pour some wax into the glass and wait until it sets. Thus, the wick should be fixed in the center of the cup.

Step 4: Remove the paper wrapping from the wax crayons. Grate them and add the desired color of crayons into separate cups with wax. Add shavings of one pencil to a third of a glass of wax to get a fairly rich color.

Step 5. Place the glass of colored wax in the microwave for 2.5 minutes. Take it out and, stirring, add a few drops of your chosen aromatic oil. You don't have to do this, but with oil your candles will emit a pleasant aroma.

Step 6. While holding the wick, pour the first layer of colored wax into the glass. To get an interesting pattern, tilt the glass at an angle and hold it in this position until the wax sets.

Step 7. In the same way, melt cups with wax of a different color and also, but at the opposite angle, pour them one by one into a glass cup. Fix the container in different positions each time until the wax sets.

Step 8. After forming a multi-colored candle, let the wax cool completely.

Bright and unusual candles are ready. You can use them for their intended purpose or give them to friends as souvenirs.

SOURCE: http://www.rukikryki.ru/

Another one interesting idea- square multicolor candle. Wax pencils are also used to color it. If you are a beginner, be sure to check out the clear video tutorial, with its help you can easily make such a cool craft as a gift for friends and family.


Decorative candles can be of the most varied designs, because talented craftsmen never tire of amaze with their imagination and creative experiments. To confirm these words, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the method of making an unusual openwork candle.

To work you will need:
. paraffin;
. optional coloring and flavoring;
. wick and holder for it;
. cylindrical shape;
. small ice cubes.

Melt the paraffin in a water bath. If the candle is supposed to be colored, color the candle mass; if desired, you can also scent it.

Place the wick in the mold so that it reaches the bottom. Don't forget to secure it on top with an improvised holder. Fill with crushed ice, not reaching a couple of centimeters from the edges.

Pour the melted candle mixture into the mold. Leave the workpiece until the paraffin has cooled completely. In this case, naturally, the ice will melt, and cavities will form inside the candle.

Carefully drain the water and remove the product by pulling the wick.

Be careful, this beauty is quite fragile and requires careful handling. This unusual openwork candle will be a wonderful gift for your family and friends. If you use paraffin from old candles for your work, you will get this beauty completely free.

You will receive visual instructions for action from detailed videos creating openwork candles. After viewing them, you can make such beauty yourself at home.

Video #1:

Video #2:

Option No. 3: And if you are wondering what to give to your friends on New Year, then surprise them with a handmade red openwork candle. It will be an unforgettable gift and will bring a holiday feeling and Christmas mood to your home. Watch the master's work and be inspired by your own masterpieces.


The main ingredient for creating a massage candle is soy wax. By adding useful components to it, you can get a product that has healing properties. It is no longer a decoration, but a homemade cosmetic product that makes the skin soft and well-groomed.

Healing properties of essential oils:

Lemon essential oil will help rejuvenate your skin and cleanse your pores.
. Orange oil has an anti-cellulite effect.
. Rose oil stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and promotes skin elasticity.
. Rosemary oil can clear the skin of pigment spots and make it smooth.
. Patchouli oil does a great job of moisturizing.
. Lavender oil will delight you with its healing effect.

Solid vegetable oils are also added to massage candles. For example, cocoa butter is used to moisturize and tone the skin. And with him regular use cosmetologists promise you smooth and soft skin.

Exotic shea butter can save dry skin from flaking. Coconut oil, rich in natural antioxidants, can smooth the skin.

General algorithm for creating a massage candle:

1. melt the wax with solid oils in a water bath;
2. let the mixture cool slightly and add liquid oils;
3. Cool the mass a little more and add essential oils, extracts and vitamins;
4. pour the resulting candle mass into the mold, after inserting the wick into it;
5. Wait for the candle to completely harden and remove it from the mold;
6. The hardened candle is ready for use.

We offer you the most common recipes for effective massage candles.

Recipe No. 1

Soy wax - 85%;
. avocado and shea butter (aka shea butter) - 5% each;
. patchouli essential oil - 2.8%;
. ylang-ylang essential oil - 2%;
. vitamin E - 0.2% (a few drops).
Light the finished candle and let it melt a little. Put it out. Dial some warm wax on your hand and you can arrange a rejuvenating massage session for yourself. Don't be afraid to get burned - the melting point of such a candle is much lower than a paraffin candle.

Recipe No. 2 “Massage candle with a calming effect”

Soy wax - 80g;
. shea butter - 40g;
. almond oil - 40g;
. cocoa butter - 20g;
. essential oils of sage and lavender - 2 g each.
A massage session with such candles is best done before bed. The calming effect of essential oils will help you relax and sleep soundly.

Recipe No. 3 “Massage candle with anti-cellulite effect”

Beeswax - 100g;
. cocoa butter - 60g;
. ground chili pepper - 5-10g;
. essential oils of orange and grapefruit - 3 g each.
Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the candle. After the massage, you may feel a burning or tingling sensation, which is due to the presence of chili in the composition.

Regular massage will help get rid of the hated “orange peel” and make the skin soft and elastic.


If you don’t have dye, but want to create something bright and memorable, don’t worry. The simplest candle made from cinders can be turned into a work of art. To do this, you need to have a little patience and decorate the product to your liking.


Dried leaves, stems and flowers will help you create an exclusive candle that will be almost impossible to repeat. Usage natural materials limited only by the local flora and your imagination. This is when the ability to collect a herbarium will come in handy.

*photo by Lyudmila Klimova

To work you will need:
. any dried flowers;
. 2 candles - for decoration and a regular one;
. tea spoon;
. tweezers;
. nail scissors;
. paraffin for final coating.

From the dried flowers you have available, create a composition that you want to bring to life.

Heat a teaspoon over a regular burning candle ( inside over the fire, because the spoon will turn a little black, and in order not to stain the candle, we will then carry out all manipulations with the other side of the spoon).

Place a dry flower on the candle to be decorated and gently stroke its petals outside spoons so that they melt to the paraffin and do not stick out. Thick stems may need to be ironed several times while heating the spoon.

Carefully trim off any excess stems that extend beyond the candle with scissors.

Glue the remaining elements in the same way, choosing the desired location for them. Make sure that the edges of the leaves and petals do not stick out.

All that remains is to consolidate the result. Melt the paraffin in a water bath and pour it into a container into which you can completely dip the decorated candle.

Holding the candle by the wick, immerse it in melted paraffin and place it on flat surface and let cool. If the petals were not smoothed well and protruding ends remain visible, repeat this procedure again.

Such an elegant candle will conquer any heart and will not go unnoticed. Complete it beautiful candlestick and it will become a unique decoration of your home.


The desire to decorate a candle could come instantly, but there are no dried flowers at hand. In this case, you can get by with paper napkins. With their help you can easily decorate a candle for any holiday.

Choose a napkin with the pattern you want. Cut out the necessary elements from a napkin. Carefully remove the bottom two layers of paper from the resulting blanks. Further, the principle of operation is similar to decorating with dried flowers.

Place the prepared element on the candle and iron it with a hot spoon. Sand the cooled surface with the rough side of a regular kitchen sponge. There is no need to immerse the candle in melted paraffin with this method.

Your masterpiece is ready. Make a beautiful composition of candles in New Year's style, spruce branches and colored balls. It will bring a good mood and a festive atmosphere to your home.


Want even more inspiration? Browse our selection decorative candles. You will definitely find one that you want to repeat immediately.

We were able to convince you that it is possible to create unique masterpieces even from scrap materials? That is why candle making has become a favorite pastime for many, beginners and not only masters.

Original form templates:

Now you know what and how candles are made from, you can get to work. Don't try to use the photo you like as a template and an unconditional ideal. Get inspired finished works to create your own unique candles. A little effort and perseverance - and your masterpieces will become a standard to follow.

The easiest type of magic candle to make is a candle made from wax and herbs. Such candles are called “rolled candles”. The simple production of a rolled candle allows you to make magic candles for any purpose, quickly, investing in the desired qualities. To make a candle we will need: a sheet of foundation, a wick, herbs.


Foundation is a special corrugated sheet of wax that beekeepers use as a base on which bees will build honeycombs in the future.

You can buy foundation at a store like “Everything for Beekeepers.” One sheet will cost you about 15-20 rubles. It is recommended to buy at least 5 sheets so as not to run around looking for foundation every time you want to make a candle. The foundation can be stored wrapped in newspaper on the cabinet; it does not disappear or deteriorate.


As a wick for a candle, it is best to use a woven thin cotton cord, which you can make yourself from floss threads. To make a wick from floss, take 1 queen of any color. Unwind it and fold the thread in two. Next, you need to secure one end, pull the thread over the other end and start twisting. You will have to twist for a long time until the thread becomes tight and begins to curl when loosened. When the thread is twisted, stop and, without letting go of the other end, take the future lace by the middle and fold it in half. Let go of the middle and the lace will come on its own. Formally, the wick is ready.

But to improve the quality of the wick and the ease of working with it, we recommend soaking it in a solution of table salt with baking soda and dry. At this stage, the wick should become a little harder, and if you look closely, you will see small sparkling salt crystals on it. The wick should also be waxed. To do this, dip it in melted wax for 20-40 seconds and then hang it vertically by one end. When the wax hardens, the wick will become hard.

Cut the length 1 centimeter longer than your future candle.


You can use different herbal compositions to create candles. It all depends on the goal you are pursuing. For example, if you are making candles for protection, then you can use wormwood and thistle, and if your candle is to bring peace to your home, then use St. John's wort and mint. To add herbs to a candle, the herbs must be dry and ground to a powder, as unground herbs turn into additional wicks during combustion. As a result, the candle begins to blaze, and the wax begins to spread, and the candle burns out in a matter of seconds.

To chop herbs, start by using scissors and finely chop the condensed herb, discarding the thick stems. Then load the resulting mass into a coffee grinder and grind it to a powder.

Apply crushed herbs to the foundation using an artist's brush.

Proven compositions of herbs for candles:

  • Peace and restful sleep- St. John's wort + mint.
  • Protection from negativity- wormwood + thistle.
  • Good luck in business- clover + horse chestnut color.
  • Donation to Spirits and Gods- basil + oak leaves.
  • Love- lily color + orange zest.
  • Prophetic dream - calendula + wormwood.
  • Money- clover + mint.
  • Protection from enemies and thieves- caraway + aspen leaves.
  • Health- thyme + St. John's wort.
  • Fulfillment of desires- sage + dandelion color.
  • Acquisition of knowledge- sunflower color + sage.

Making a candle

Take a rectangular sheet of foundation. The smaller side will be equal to the height of the future candle. With a sheet length of 40 centimeters, the diameter of the candle will be approximately 3-3.5 centimeters.

Place the wax sheet with the smaller side facing you and press the wick into the edge of the sheet. Then start rolling up the sheet little by little. After making 2-3 turns around the wick, take the crushed herbs and brush. Dip the brush into the herbs and then spread them with the brush over the entire leaf. Continue rolling the candle until you run out of sheets. When rolling the candle, do not make too much effort, but also do not forget that the candle will burn well if it is dense enough.

After rolling up the candle, place it on the table and press down a little. This is necessary so that the “heel” of the candle, that is, its bottom base became smooth.

To increase the effect, clean the candle and consecrate it for the purpose for which it was made.

That's it, the magic candle is ready.

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