home · electrical safety · Wax rolled candles with herbs. DIY candles (10 workshops with photos and videos) Beeswax candles: dipped candles

Wax rolled candles with herbs. DIY candles (10 workshops with photos and videos) Beeswax candles: dipped candles

Handmade is gaining more and more popularity. Extravagant jewelry, paintings, toys, decorative elements, gifts - this is only a small part of what enthusiastic craftsmen and amateurs create with their own hands. Today we will talk about how to make a candle at home.

This process does not require special skills and equipment. After reviewing our recommendations and detailed master classes, even beginners can start this exciting process.


DIY candles are much easier to make than you might think. And the main advantage of such an activity is that the necessary materials are easily accessible. If you look carefully, you will find them even in your home.


Wax, stearin or paraffin are best suited for work. Moreover, it is better for beginners to start acquaintance with the latter, it is the least whimsical to use. You can purchase paraffin wax from the store or use the leftovers of old white candles.


As a wick, it is best to use natural threads, ideally thick cotton threads. Do not try to use synthetics: such a wick will quickly burn out and leave behind bad smell. To test the thread for naturalness, simply set fire to its tip. If it melts, forming a solid ball at the end, you have synthetics in front of you.

If you have conceived an unusual candle and are thinking how to make an original wick for it, then use colored floss threads. This is a great and natural material.

Remember important rule: The thicker the candle, the thicker the wick should be.

It's easy to make your own. To do this, prepare a solution: dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of boric acid in a glass of water. Soak cotton thread or floss in it for 12 hours. Then dry them and twist a tourniquet out of them or braid a pigtail.

If this process seems tedious to you, carefully remove the wick from the finished household candle and use it.


First of all decide on the configuration of the desired candle, and then try to find a hollow object of the same shape. You may find it useful:

Cardboard packages from milk and juices;
. plastic cups from yogurts and desserts;
. egg shell;
. silicone molds for baking;
. glass goblets, wine glasses, glasses and glasses;
. children's pastries;
. figured forms for ice cream;
. tin and glass coffee jars;
. empty cans.

The only requirement is that the mold material must withstand heating up to 100°C.

Another interesting option- pour candles into beautiful transparent glasses. They will not be available, but they will look very stylish and unusual.

Sometimes scented candles are made in tangerine or orange peel. The fruit is pre-cut in half and the pulp is carefully removed. You can also use large shells or coconut shells.


A white candle is elegant but boring. Naturally, the question arises of how to color the paraffin in order to obtain bright decorations interior.

For lovers of candle making, it is best and cheapest to take wax crayons for children's creativity. Would you like to receive a special candle? Look for mother-of-pearl crayons - your creation will be unique.

Do not try to use water-soluble gouache or watercolor - you are in for a fiasco. The dye will inevitably settle to the bottom or fall out in flakes. The finished product will look very unpresentable.


In order to melt the paraffin, you will need a small saucepan for a steam bath and an iron bowl. Experienced craftsmen recommend heating paraffin precisely on steam bath, considering other methods, including a microwave, fire hazardous.

We recommend that you first also use this method, proven over the years: place a bowl of paraffin in a container of boiling water. If the candle is planned to be colored, add the chalk immediately and mix the melted mass several times to obtain a uniform color.


Any materials at hand are suitable for decorating candles. First, decide on the topic of your work. Pebbles and shells will effectively complement the candles in nautical style. For the New Year theme, use beads, small cones, small decorative balls, ribbons and bows. Decorate candles for Valentine's Day with hearts, sequins, bows, dried flowers, coffee beans, etc.

It is best to scent homemade candles with essential oils, which can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy. Another option is to find vanilla cinnamon in your kitchen. It is worth adding flavors to melted paraffin at the very end, after staining.


We bring to your attention a selection of available master classes that will help beginners learn the basic techniques and techniques of work. If you already know how to create candles with your own hands, you can draw interesting ideas from them for implementation in your work.


Do you want to create a romantic mood? Light a coffee candle - its divine aroma will take away all worries, leaving only a good mood and peace. It is especially pleasant in rainy autumn or cold winter. And it is also a great gift for any occasion and even without.

*photo by Valentine

For work you will need:
. paraffin;
. whole coffee beans;
. wick;
. two plastic cups different sizes;
. wick holder - a teaspoon, wooden stick or plastic coffee stirrer.

If you did not find paraffin, take household candles, you can also get a wick from them.

Crush the paraffin into small pieces with a knife to speed up the melting process. If you took store-bought candles, gently crush them with the blunt side of the knife so as not to damage the wick.

Put the paraffin in glass jar and put it in a pot of warm water. Heat the water over low heat until the paraffin is completely melted in the jar - it should become transparent.

At this time, prepare the form for pouring. In a larger plastic cup, place the smaller one, after filling it with water. Between the walls of the cups should be enough wide space. Pour coffee beans up to half the height between the walls.

Pour the melted paraffin into the mold to the level of the grains, wait 10 minutes. Then pour the paraffin up to the edge of the mold and let it harden completely. This will take about an hour.

Carefully pour the water out of the inner beaker and remove it from the paraffin ring. Lower the wick into the workpiece so that it reaches the bottom of the glass. Tie its upper end to the holder and place it on top of the glass, centering the wick.

Pour melted paraffin into the middle of the candle. Place a few grains on top for decoration. Now, until the candle completely solidifies, you will have to wait 4-6 hours.

Carefully remove the frozen candle from the glass. However, it can be cut with scissors to facilitate manipulation.

If you want the grains to be more visible, blow the sides of the product with hot air from a hair dryer. The paraffin will melt and the surface will become embossed.

It turned out to be an excellent aroma candle, isn't it? Do you want to make it even more romantic? We invite you to create heart-shaped candles using the same technology, which will become an unforgettable gift for your soulmate for Valentine's Day or a birthday.

Watch a detailed video of creating a fragrant coffee candle and you will see that everything is even simpler than it seems at first glance.


Do you want to add bright colors to your home? Interior rainbow candles will help you with this. self made.

To make them you will need the following ingredients:
. paraffin;
. stearin;
. wick;
. cylindrical shape;
. dyes corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

More detailed information you will get from the detailed video tutorial. For beginners, it shows all the stages of preparing a candle mass and creating a gradient transition of colors.


Spectacular colorful candles in a transparent glass will be the highlight of your interior. How to make them, see our master class, illustrated with step-by-step photos.


Before you make colored candles with your own hands, prepare:

Clear wax;
wax pencils;
disposable paper cups;
glass cups;
ice cream sticks;
aroma oils;
microwave oven;

Step 1. Grate ordinary transparent wax and fill paper cups with the resulting material. You only need to fill them with this material by a quarter.

Step 2 Microwave the cup for 45 seconds. Get it out. Stir the wax with a wooden stick. It should melt completely, if this does not happen, send the glass to the oven for another 30 seconds.

Step 3. Dip a wick into an empty glass cup. You can attach its other end to an ice cream stick and put it on upper part cup. This will make it easier for you to keep working. Pour some wax into a glass and wait for it to set. Thus, the wick should be fixed in the center of the cup.

Step 4 Remove the paper wrapper from the wax crayons. Grate them and add the desired color of crayons to separate cups with wax. For a third of a glass of wax, add shavings of one pencil to get a sufficiently saturated color.

Step 5. Send a glass of colored wax to the microwave for 2.5 minutes. Take it out and while stirring, add a few drops of the chosen aromatic oil. You don't have to, but with oil, your candles will give off a pleasant aroma.

Step 6. While holding the wick, pour the first layer of colored wax into the cup. To get an interesting pattern, tilt the cup at an angle and hold it in that position until the wax sets.

Step 7. Melt cups with wax of a different color in the same way and also, but at the opposite angle, pour them one by one into a glass cup. Each time, fix the container in different positions until the wax sets.

Step 8. Having formed a multi-colored candle, let the wax cool completely.

Bright and unusual candles are ready. You can use them for their intended purpose or give them to friends as souvenirs.

SOURCE: http://www.rukikryki.ru/

Another one interesting idea- square multi-colored candle. Wax pencils are also used for its coloring. If you are a beginner, be sure to check out the clear video tutorial, with its help you can easily make such cool craft for gifts to friends and family.


Decorative candles can be of the most diverse design, because talented craftsmen never tire of impressing with their imagination and creative experiments. In support of these words, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the method of making an unusual openwork candle.

For work you will need:
. paraffin;
. optional coloring and flavoring;
. wick and holder for it;
. cylindrical shape;
. small ice cubes.

Melt the paraffin in a water bath. If the candle is supposed to be colored, color the candle mass, if you wish, you can also scent it.

Set the wick in the mold so that it reaches the bottom of the mold. Do not forget to fix it on top of an impromptu holder. Pour in crushed ice, not reaching a couple of centimeters from the edges.

Pour the melted candle mass into the mold. Leave the workpiece until the paraffin has completely cooled. In this case, naturally, the ice will melt, and cavities will form inside the candle.

Carefully drain the water and remove the product by pulling on the wick.

Be careful, this beauty is quite fragile and requires careful handling. Such an unusual openwork candle will be a wonderful present for your family and friends. If you use paraffin from old candles for work, get this beauty for free.

You will receive visual instructions for action from detailed videos of creating openwork candles. After viewing them, you can independently make such beauty at home.

Video #1:

Video #2:

Option number 3: And if you are thinking about what to give your friends for the New Year, then surprise them with a handmade red openwork candle. It will be an unforgettable gift and will bring into the house a sense of celebration along with the Christmas mood. See the work of the master and be inspired by your own masterpieces.


The main ingredient for creating a massage candle is soy wax. By adding useful components to it, you can get a product that has healing properties. It no longer acts as a decor, but as a home cosmetic product that makes the skin soft and well-groomed.

Healing properties essential oils:

Lemon essential oil will help rejuvenate the skin and cleanse the pores.
. Orange oil has an anti-cellulite effect.
. Rose oil stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and promotes skin elasticity.
. Rosemary oil can clear the skin of age spots and make it smooth.
. Patchouli oil is great for moisturizing.
. Lavender oil will delight you with its healing effect.

Solid vegetable oils are also added to massage candles. For example, cocoa butter is used to moisturize and tone the skin. And with him regular use cosmetologists promise you smooth and delicate skin.

Exotic shea butter can save dry skin from peeling. Coconut oil, rich in natural antioxidants, can smooth the skin.

The general algorithm for creating a massage candle:

1. melt the wax with hard oils in a water bath;
2. let the mass cool down a little and add liquid oils;
3. cool the mass a little more and add essential oils, extracts and vitamins;
4. pour the resulting candle mass into the mold, after inserting the wick into it;
5. wait for the candle to harden completely and remove it from the mold;
6. The hardened candle is ready for use.

We offer you the most common recipes for effective massage candles.

Recipe #1

Soy wax - 85%;
. avocado and shea butter (aka shea butter) - 5% each;
. patchouli essential oil - 2.8%;
. essential oil of ylang-ylang - 2%;
. vitamin E - 0.2% (a few drops).
Light the finished candle and let it melt a little. Put it out. Dial a little warm wax on your hand and you can arrange a session of rejuvenating massage. Do not be afraid to burn yourself - the melting point of such a candle is much lower than that of paraffin.

Recipe number 2 "Massage candle with a calming effect"

Soy wax - 80g;
. shea butter - 40g;
. almond oil - 40g;
. cocoa butter - 20g;
. essential oils of sage and lavender - 2 g each.
A massage session of such candles is best arranged before going to bed. The calming effect of essential oils will help you relax and fall asleep soundly.

Recipe number 3 "Massage candle with anti-cellulite effect"

Beeswax - 100g;
. cocoa butter - 60g;
. ground chili pepper - 5-10g;
. essential oils of orange and grapefruit - 3 g each.
Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the suppository. After the massage, you may feel a burning or tingling sensation, which is associated with the presence of chili in the composition.

Regular massage will help get rid of the hated “orange peel”, make the skin soft and supple.


If you do not have a dye, but you want to create something bright and memorable, do not be discouraged. The simplest candle made from cinder can be turned into a work of art. To do this, you need to have a little patience and decorate the product to your liking.


Dried leaves, stems and flowers will help you create an exclusive candle, which will be almost impossible to repeat. Usage natural materials limited only by the local flora and your imagination. That's when the ability to collect a herbarium will come in handy in full.

*photo by Lyudmila Klimova

For work you will need:
. any dried flowers;
. 2 candles - for decoration and ordinary;
. tea spoon;
. tweezers;
. nail scissors;
. paraffin for final coverage.

From the dried flowers you have available, compose the composition that you want to bring to life.

Over an ordinary burning candle, heat a teaspoon ( inside over the fire, because the spoon will turn a little black, and in order not to stain the candle, then we will carry out all the manipulations with the other side of the spoon).

Attach a dry flower to the candle to be decorated and gently iron its petals with the outside of the spoon so that they melt to the paraffin and do not stick out. Thick stems may need to be ironed several times while heating the spoon.

Excess stems that extend beyond the candle, carefully cut with scissors.

Glue the rest of the elements in the same way, choosing the desired location for them. Make sure that the edges of the leaves and petals do not stick out.

It remains to fix the result. Melt the paraffin in a water bath, pour it into a container into which you can completely dip the decorated candle.

Holding the candle by the wick, dip it into the melted paraffin, set it on a flat surface and let it cool. If the petals were not smoothed well and protruding tips remained visible, repeat this procedure again.

Such an elegant candle will conquer any heart and will not be left without attention. Complete it beautiful candlestick and it will become a unique decoration of your home.


The desire to decorate a candle could come instantly, but there are no dried flowers at hand. In that case, you can do paper napkins. With their help, you can easily decorate a candle for any holiday.

Choose a napkin with the pattern you want. Cut out necessary elements from a napkin. Carefully remove the two bottom layers of paper from the resulting blanks. Further, the principle of operation is similar to decorating with dried flowers.

Attach the prepared element to the candle and iron it with a hot spoon. Sand the cooled surface with the rough side of a regular kitchen sponge. It is not necessary to immerse the candle in melted paraffin with this method.

Your masterpiece is ready. Make a beautiful arrangement of candles in the New Year's style, spruce branches and colored balls. It will bring good mood and holiday atmosphere to your home.


Want even more ideas for inspiration. Browse our selection decorative candles. You are sure to find one that you want to repeat immediately.

We were able to convince you that it is possible to create unique masterpieces even from improvised materials? That is why candle making has become a favorite pastime for many beginners and not only masters.

Original form templates:

Now you know what candles are made of and how, you can get to work. Do not try to use the photo you like as a template and an unconditional ideal. Get inspired finished works to create your own unique candles. A little diligence and perseverance - and already your masterpieces will be the standard to follow.

For casting candles, rigid molds made of plastic or metal are used, which are bought. All of them are equipped with a device for fixing the wick. You can use metal molds for making cookies, cans with a cut off top, various plastic boxes or cups and glasses made of faience or porcelain that can withstand temperatures up to 100 ° C. It is easy to make a mold yourself from plaster or other material. Before pouring the wax, the molds must be heated, and their cooling must be slow, for this they are wrapped with a towel.

Before installing the wick in the shape of her inner surface do not forget to lubricate with a substance that will ensure the separation of the wax from the walls. For example, dishwashing liquid. In a mixture of this liquid with warm water, the mold is immersed. Having taken it out, make sure that there are no soap bubbles on its surface and wipe it with a damp cloth, but not dry.

Apply vegetable oil I do not recommend it, because it leaves a greasy layer that is difficult to remove on the surface. However, if the form is wooden, then it can be oiled. In this case, it is not necessary to impregnate the wick with wax; its upper end can be processed after casting.

It is important that the wick is located exactly in the middle of the form and is taut. If the shape has a bottom (for example, tin), then it is necessary to make a hole in it and pass the wick through it, tying it with a knot on the outside. Place, for example, a pencil on the upper edge of the mold and tie the other end of the wick to it with tension. If a hole cannot be made in the bottom of the mold, then the wick is glued to the bottom. If the form does not have a bottom, then it is glued with wax to a plastic surface (for example, to cutting board) so that there are no gaps at the bottom. Don't forget to grease the bottom of the mold. The wick is also glued to the bottom, and fixed on top.

Wax melts at 64°C. It is best to pour it into molds at a temperature of 80 ° C in one step to avoid the formation of seams. The scoop is used only when working with small forms. After pouring, the wax cools in the direction from outer surface to the center. At this time, a hole is formed around the wick, which must be filled with wax until it hardens.

When casting thick candles, as the wax cools, it must be pierced several times with a needle along the length of the wick to avoid the formation of air bubbles.

Wax must cool slowly, otherwise the candle may crack.

Thin candles can be carefully removed from the collapsible mold when the wax is half hardened. With the help of a heated knife, the growths formed at the junction of the mold are cut off from the surface of the product. Then the candle is placed on the table for further cooling. At the same time, sharp fluctuations in air temperature and shaking should be avoided. The form is cleaned of wax and washed with dishwashing liquid.

If a non-separable form is used, then it is necessary to wait for the complete cooling and hardening of the wax, which sometimes takes a whole day.

Since the wax shrinks a little, the cooled finished candle is pulled by the wick, not forgetting to untie the knot from below. If the candle does not come out, you can gently tap the mold on the table. If this does not help, then it is briefly dipped in hot water.

It is easier to remove a candle from a mold without a bottom; for this, they use a knife or squeeze it out with some object.

There is also a way to make wax candles by repeatedly dipping the wick in wax and gradually building up the candle. This method is the oldest. In this case, the dishes for melting should be taken high and narrow, which will allow you to get long candles. But the container should not be filled with wax to the very brim, and the water in the second pan should not boil. The work requires patience. The wick is tied to a stick and repeatedly dipped in melted wax. The dipping should be short to avoid melting the previous build-up. Then the workpiece is kept in air until each new wax layer hardens. Thus, a gradual growth of the candle occurs.

You can take a wider pan and dip several wicks tied to a stick into it at once. In this case, however, you will need a stand for hanging sticks with future candles for drying. Candles made in this way have a conical shape, they are kept for one to two years before use.

Candles for ceremonies and rituals

Candles are one of the most effective and, without a doubt, effective magical tools. In esoteric stores today you can buy candles of various colors and purposes, often even first-class performance. The range is so large that the discerning buyer can choose between artificial and natural materials, flavored and with colored flames.

But, like any means of magical operation, it is better to make candles yourself. The difference between a staff or wand, which he cut himself and bought in a store, is obvious. Somewhat less obvious is the difference between a store-bought candle and one you cast yourself. However, she is great.

Domestic and foreign authors give various classifications candles highlighting various classes and views. But, if we consider the nature of candles, there are only three types:
- cast candles
- rolled candles
- "dipped" candles

The remaining features can be combined and used in any of the above types of candles.

In this article, I will not dwell on manufacturing technology - for it I refer you to Practical Tips for Making Candles. We will talk about some applied aspects.

For some reason, rolled candles are closer to me personally. Ideally, a candle is made from a wax sheet in 10-15 minutes maximum. In practice, I spend about an hour. To make a candle, I take lumpy wax, not foundation, in my palms I bring it to the consistency of potter's clay, well, or tough dough, whichever is closer. Next, with a bottle of warm water, like pie dough, I roll the wax into a sheet. Well, then, according to the technology described in " practical advice". After the candle is ready, you can slightly lengthen it with your hands or, conversely, reduce its length.

This technique allows you to create a candle "for yourself", as close as possible to a previously created image.


The wick is the most important thing in a candle. With an ugly wick, even the quality of the material will not save. Rolling wax in your hands, you can cast spells on it, read conspiracies. Wax will absorb the power in full. The wick is what will allow that power to be realized. IN practical application I really liked using knotted wicks. Works like clockwork. Before the candle was made, in my case before the wax sheet was rolled up, three knots were tied on the wick, each with a spell placed on it. Of course, the number of knots can be arbitrary and depend only on the will of the master and the length of the candle, but, for starters, I would not recommend knitting more than three - everything needs practice.

Yes, and more. If you want the ritual to be completed - do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out. And never reuse burnt candle wax, especially for magical purposes.

When using candles with knots, it should be remembered that this magical tool enhances the power of a conspiracy / spell, but at the same time, the spell acquires the property of irreversibility. Getting rid of the consequences of such an action will be much more difficult. And, above all, the magician himself.

Colored and scented candles are a milder means of influence, but by no means more harmless or weak.

Color can be given both to the material itself and to the flame. A small addition of mineral salts will give the flame the desired shade. So, sodium salt, i.e. ordinary table salt, will give a flame yellow, potassium salts - red, copper - greenish. Salt is introduced into the melt in an amount necessary to obtain the desired color saturation. Stir the melt until the salt is completely dissolved. As an option, you can soak the wick with a solution of one or another salt, but it should be taken into account that many crystals form on its surface, which will crackle during combustion.

The material is dyed at the candle manufacturing stage, when the wax is in a molten state. Roots, bark, leaves, petals are used as natural dyes. Moreover, the latter can also serve as a weak flavor, especially if you use the whole flower. The dyeing method is extremely simple - a dye is sewn into a rag bag (muslin, coarse calico), then the bag is lowered into the melt and aged until the desired shade is obtained. It should be borne in mind that when the wax hardens, the colors become more faded. In addition, if you do not use colorless materials - stearin or purified paraffin, then you should make an allowance for the color of the material itself. For obvious reasons, this method of staining is not suitable for rolled candles.


It is better not to use chemical dyes - it is not known how the products of combustion will affect others, and rituals require only natural materials.

The proportions of the coloring matter to the material to obtain an even, saturated color based on a kilogram of wax:

Fresh leaves or buds - 4 tightly packed glasses

Fresh green peel of walnuts, needles, tree bark - 1 cup

Dye colors:
- Pink-beige - unripe ash seeds
- Green - needles, tansy leaves
- Olive green - sage flowers
- Bluish-blue - field cornflower flowers
- Blue - indigo powder
- Copper-gold - green walnut peel
- Golden yellow - calendula officinalis flowers
- Rose-red - rosehip petals

When making "dipped" candles, you can alternate layers and then the candle will come out two-color.

Aromatic additives

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Wax is an amazing substance, it is famous for its healing powers. It is known that wax has healing, softening and bactericidal properties that are not lost even after heating.

Today Birmoms touched the ancient craft - they learned how to make dipped and rolled candles from beeswax . Master class held Plotnikov Kirill, candle manufacturer in Birobidzhan.

beeswax candles: wick

Wick for wax candles must be natural. To make a wick, you can take cotton threads, wet them and weave a braid. Such a wick is considered the best - it provides an even, beautiful flame.

The wick can be woven from other natural threads such as hemp thread or even subcortex lindens. You can enrich the wick with dry herbs by weaving them into a braid. Do not forget that the preparation of candles does not tolerate fuss - the movements should be smooth, the thoughts should be bright.

The finished pigtail must be dried well and dipped in melted wax (this process is called waxing). The waxed wick will not warp (this is especially important for rolled candles) and will not absorb moisture.

beeswax candles: dipped candles

Wax melts at a temperature of 60˚ C, so in order to melt the wax, it is enough to heat it in a water bath. For this, earthenware is best suited. The natural property of clay to accumulate heat makes it possible to maintain the optimum temperature for melted wax for as long as possible.

In the process of melting the wax, the complete absence of contact between the wax and water must be observed. After the wax has melted, you need to remove the dishes from the water bath and wrap them in a towel.

Slowly lower the wick into the melted wax, pull it out to short time and lower again (dip - hence the name "dipped" candles).

There is an optimal ratio between the diameter of the candle and the diameter of the wick: the wick should be about five times narrower than the candle. After a few dozen dunks, you can get these candles:

Candles from beeswax: rolled candles

For the preparation of rolled candles, it is imperative to use a waxed wick. Cut off a strip of foundation and heat it up a little. This can be done by holding a strip of foundation over a heat source. However, the most the best way is heating under direct sunbeams. Lay the foundation on a sunlit windowsill. This will provide the most uniform heating of the plate.

After the wax strip has been heated, place it on the table (the surface of the table must be smooth). Press the wick against the edge of the foundation and begin to wrap the wick tightly into the strip of foundation. This method of making candles from wax requires some skill and strength. Your efforts will pay off with interest, you just have to light beeswax candles, keeping the fragrant smell of the meadow and the warmth of the hands.

Burmama parents portal thanks Razuvaeva Olga for providing photos and Plotnikova Kirill for the masterclass.

We will make honey wax candles. To make each candle unique, special, we will play with shapes, fill candles with essential oils and fragrant herbs, decorate, decorate with dried flowers, ribbons, lace. Original, environmentally friendly, with natural aroma honey - these candles will help you experience great job satisfaction. As a memento of the master class, you will take 2-3 fragrant candles with you, which will fill your home with comfort or become a warm gift for a loved one.

When burned, wax releases phytoncides that are beneficial to health, which are not only antiseptic, but also immune-stimulating substances. With a concentrated blend of meadow flower essential oils wax candles have a relaxing, sedative effect on the human body, relieve fatigue and headaches, relieve insomnia, act as an antidepressant and antiseptic. Our workshop is suitable for corporate events, individual groups, families, children's groups and schools.

Rolled candles. Story

Rolled candles are the oldest, and therefore ecologically the most clean look candles. In their manufacture, ancient traditions and skills coming from beekeepers, beekeepers and beekeepers are carefully preserved. Rolled candles are made entirely from natural materials, without any artificial additives. They are based on thin sheets of natural beeswax, often with honeycombs squeezed out on both sides. Healing herbs are often added to rolled candles - wormwood, St. John's wort, chamomile, lemon balm; and also - lavender flowers, calendula, birch leaf ...

Rolled candles are made only by hand; they keep the warmth of the master's hands and his positive energy (we roll candles only in good mood!). As a result, a rolled candle is a unique phenomenon that affects a person through several channels at once. When it burns, a light, unobtrusive, but quite distinct effect of a mixture of natural smells of honey, beeswax and herbs is added to the cleansing properties of the flame.

The most interesting thing is that the uniqueness of the impact of rolled candles is equally recognized by boring realists, adherents of strict scientific postulates; and romantics, prone to esoteric ideas. The former firmly know that when burned, beeswax releases negative ions that are beneficial to health. The second - unconditionally believe in mystical properties man-made candles-amulets that protect against negative energy and cleansing the aura of the room. In the end, it was not for nothing that the rolled candle was the forerunner and prototype of the church candle.

But be that as it may, many healing herbs- the same ones that are added to rolled candles today - have been used in folk medicine for fumigation.

Thus, fumigation with wormwood was traditionally used in Rus' in the fight against various epidemics; chamomile and St. John's wort - in the treatment of colds and tonsillitis; lavender and sage - to eliminate fears and anxiety.

It is very important that - unlike traditional aromatherapy using essential oils - the smell of a burning katana candle is much lighter, its effect is softer; which means that the risk of allergic reactions is reduced.

We do not buy all herbs and plants for rolled candles, but we collect them ourselves only in ecologically clean areas and at the right time; dry according to traditional rules.

And one more, very important circumstance. Rolled candles burn stronger and more intensely than usual: they ignite not only the wick, but also particles of dried herbs, which can continue to burn in the molten flowing wax. That is why a rolled candle must be lit on a wide tray or placed in a large dish; an ordinary candlestick is out of place here.

It is important for organizers to know:

  • All our workshops and services are offsite. We are located in Kyiv, but we work throughout Ukraine
  • Our audience is both adults and children.
  • The average passability of the master class depends on the format:

for the educator– a group of 7-12 people is formed for a lesson, the duration is up to 120 minutes.
for entertainment- up to 12 people in a group with one master in the Welcome zone format, time per group up to 40 minutes.

If necessary, simultaneous landing can be up to 300 people, and the number of masters in this case depends on the complexity of the master class.

  • We are officially registered and we work both in cash and by bank transfer;
  • Our masters can be dressed in both a standard uniform and the theme of your event;
  • For all our events masters arrive 40-60 minutes before the start of work to comfortably prepare;
  • Getting the perfect interactive is easy - just provide reliable information at your request: what, where, when and for how long, how many participants and what age / gender / status, whether cats are needed;
  • Your logo can be used in the interactive process, we will always tell you how and where;
  • We bring materials with a margin of 10%, prudence is our middle name;
  • The master class can take place on outdoors, and indoors;
  • The event will require free space to set up tables and chairs for the number of simultaneously participating guests (usually tables and chairs for 10 people);
  • At your request, we can rent and bring furniture for organizing the site;
  • We provide participants with all necessary materials and tools, so that the customer and guests will only have to enjoy the process;
  • The master class is held only experienced craftsmen using only proven techniques;
  • The master class program has been tested in advance and absolutely safe;
  • We can develop individual program a master class that will easily continue the idea of ​​​​your event;
  • We getting ready in advance to conduct a master class and adapt the whole process for a specific event;
  • We are engaged not only in visiting master classes, but also organize a turnkey event for you. Holiday script, location selection, catering, sound, light, presenter, photographer, videographer, hostess, animators, show business stars - all this is much easier to order when there is one company responsible for the entire holiday, which has many years of experience and hundreds of responsible contacts contractors.

The element of fire is one of the most powerful elements in this world and candles are directly related to this element.

The use of candles in the life of any person always brings results. One way or another, consciously or not, we use the elements of fire and candles in our lives. We light birthday candles New Year, we enhance our romantic dinner with candles. When we are sad, then intuitively we also resort to the elements of fire and light a candle.

Fire can calm emotions, relieve stress, heal the body, help see a solution to a problem, build relationships, help flare up feelings that have long cooled down, fire has strong cleansing properties. Perhaps no other element has such a huge power of purification. The fire carries powerful energy attraction. And there is not a single area in a person's life where the elements of fire and candles could not help us.

But candles are a special magical tool: made of natural wax and according to all the rules, they can solve many problems and make life much easier for a person. Wax is mysterious and mysterious, it includes all the elements at once (fire, earth, air, water). Our ancestors knew very well about this feature of wax and certainly used it for their own benefit. Healing, cleansing, love, children, holidays - everything passed and passes with candles. Fire has tremendous power, and in combination with wax, this power is multiplied many times over. That is why correctly made candles always bring results, to someone immediately, to someone later. It already depends on many reasons, but, of course, candles are our most faithful helpers and intuitively we all know about it.

Wax has wonderful property to take away low vibrations and programs from the human aura. This happens precisely at the moment when the candle is lit and the wax begins to absorb information, and the fire burns it. Working with a candle, diagnostics is practically safe, unlike other types of diagnostics.

The bee itself, collecting honey, among the Slavs was considered the messenger of the Great Goddess Makosh. They were never harmed.


Candles are made by hand, only from natural wax - under the order, the goals and objectives of the client.

The composition of candles may include certain herbs, incense, slander, mantras, runes, stones - it all depends on the task. Energies are introduced into all candles in agreement with the client - this can be Reiki energy and Reiki symbols, Alive and Alive symbols. This may be the energy of Theta Healing, where the activation of the candle occurs on the 7th plane of being.

Candles are not made to flow, they are made under specific person with observance of lunar energies. The production time depends on the lunar calendar. Therefore, it will not be possible to make and send them immediately the next day. Candles are tied to the phases of the moon. Cleansing - in descending order. Attractive - on the growing. Therefore, the process is not fast.

Candles are rolled, dipped, cast, smoky, channel. Let's take a look at some of the types.


Such a candle can be made of honeycomb or wax. Wax is the same wax, but already made into a thin and convenient sheet. A wax candle is rolled up by hand, making rolling movements and in parallel, the necessary herbs are placed on the surface of the foundation in crushed form and oils are added, the necessary energies and incantations are introduced.

A wax candle is made from melted wax, which is allowed to cool slightly and take on a plasticine-like mass, which is then easy and convenient to attach desired shape. During the cooling of the wax, herbs, oils and conspiracies, prayers, mantras, and energies are added.


This is one of the most energy-intensive and labor-intensive types of candles, but it is in this way that altar candles or candles for rituals are made. By special technology the wick is dipped in tall dishes, time is given for the wax to cool and then a new layer of wax is applied. Such a procedure is carried out 40 to 60 times (40-60 layers of wax), and a conspiracy or a mantra, a prayer is recited for each. Therefore, a dipped candle is inherently very strong. Naturally, it also includes herbs, oils and salt.


These are special candles, but they are also quite difficult to manufacture, and you need to know a lot of nuances to make them work. It is believed that it is liquid wax that is the most effective and that conspiracies and programs are best placed on it. Yes, this is true, however, one should not think that the rolls do not work. They work and how! Melted wax is poured into prepared molds for candles, and it is very effective for cast candles to use incantations, mantras, music with the right energies. And indeed it is.


This is a special kind of candles, which usually contain herbs, and they are most often without a wick and burn due to a large number herbs in them, or a wick from plant fibers is used. And the whole effect is precisely due to the smoke that the smoldering grass emits. Such candles are not made for money or love. Most often they are for cleaning and protecting the apartment. Their smoke is wrapped around a room that needs to be cleaned or fumigated by a person who needs it.


They are used only for witchcraft and for influencing someone else's will, so we will not consider them, but we know that there is such a type of candles, as well as FAT (from fat), which are used to fulfill programs for carnal aspirations, that is, for injection of heavy carnal energies.

Candle Types


As a rule, such candles are made black, but this is not at all necessary. A black cleansing candle is used when you need to quickly and powerfully cleanse the energy of the house. Use the magic of this candle to cleanse the room where you live (after unpleasant guests, after quarrels and scandals, illnesses, any negative situations, before moving into a new room).

The fire of a candle will disperse and cleanse the energy of the house, remove clots of negativity, remove essences and negative impacts any nature. For it to work properly, you need to place it in the room that you want to clean and leave it until it burns out completely.

Such a candle is negotiated and contains a special composition. Some candles for cleansing and protection of the same size and the same composition burn for one person for 40 minutes, and for another for several hours. Why is this happening??? With its burning, a candle just shows the presence or absence of negativity in your home. Most recently, I made two identical candles different people and one of them burned out big amount burning and influxes in 40 minutes, while the other burned for almost 3 hours. When I was not engaged in candles yet, my acquaintance with such a candle was very memorable! I ordered a candle, the Master warned that its burning resource was 18 hours, but it burned for almost 36 hours. The woman who made it for me to order said that it was her first time.

For a quick cleansing, rolled wax candles with a special composition and plot are also suitable.


This candle is designed to attract money energy when you need to strengthen your financial component! It is very favorable to use this candle when you really do not have enough money for something. The fire of this candle will direct cash flow, opportunities and the people you need in your direction. It is very complex in composition and uses magical herbs, aromatic oils and special attributes. It is made specifically for you and your requests, taking into account your needs. It is made for almost 2 days, passing a certain ritual during creation. Rolled and dipped candles with a certain composition are also good for this.


Nominal candle for cleansing the energy of a person and his energy channels. It's no secret that in the process of communicating with other people, there is an exchange of energies, and these energies are not always only positive. Therefore, it is very important to purify your energy in order to avoid various problems in your life. The element of Fire does this quickly and strongly, literally burns all the accumulated negativity in a person. Purifies the energy of a person and fills right energies. The candle is not made to flow, it is prepared specifically for your request.


This is a rolled wax candle. The candle contains aromatic oils, herbs, slander and even prayers. It is one of my favorites because it is not very expensive, but I get a wonderful effect from it. In very difficult periods for me, when there are no physical, moral, or energetic forces, when there is an aggravation according to several plans (especially this happens at critical moments in life), it is this candle that gently removes an excess of emotions, softens reactions, evens out the state and turns on the mind. Gradually, from irrational behavior, you move on to a completely meaningful one and begin to look for and work out the reasons for what happened already in a full-fledged state. The size of the candle with a photo is 30 cm.

Examples of how candles work

Once a woman had to make candles. I decided to make candles as a birthday present. Just this period was not very easy in her life, if not to say that it was the hardest. I wanted to clean her and the house in which she lives, and of course fill her with energy, work out her health and put up protection. I made all the candles in one day, but the cleansing candle behaved simply amazing. Wax already when working with a candle (since I tune in to the energy of a person during work) took over the negative and this candle simply fell apart like dust. The foundation cracked and began to crumble. I realized this, and remade the candle from new materials.

A very recent example of working with a candle for prosperity. I was approached by a girl who needed to resolve some issues with finances, almost all sources of her additional income became inactive and ceased to be profitable. I wanted to make a candle with incantations and herbs using crystals and stones that enhance money energy. And again, already at the first stage, the wax took over the negative. Making a candle, already even reading the plot, I felt that something was interfering, as if preventing. Although shortly before that I made a similar candle, but to another person. The candle was poured into the mold and in the morning I took it out. It turned out that it cracked right in the middle, the candle broke in half. This happens, but rarely. Of course, it became clear that a new one needed to be made, and that the wax, once again, took a large portion of the negative. I had to melt the wax from this candle and make a casting on the water. And the results were just dumbfounded (even me). It was clearly visible on the casting that there was a figure of an entity on the money channel that stuck to it and, of course, that it took money energy. I had to dispose of this wax into the Earth with a conspiracy to cleanse and protect. A couple of days later, the girl reported that she had earned all sources of income. However, she had not yet received her candles, but the wax had already worked. Therefore, with this article I am trying to demonstrate and explain a little to you magical properties wax. I will write about candles, their varieties, properties and applications in the following publications.

You can take the Candle Magic course, where you can learn much more about magic candles and learn how to make them. Also always available for viewing in the recording is a free Introductory lesson to the course "Magic of Candles".