home · Appliances · Dark gray laminate in the interior. Gray laminate in the interior: will not make you bored. Red, gold, yellow

Dark gray laminate in the interior. Gray laminate in the interior: will not make you bored. Red, gold, yellow

At the end of the renovation, the owner dreams of getting a stylish and cozy home. But, unfortunately, not everyone gets the desired result. Common cause This is due to the incorrect color design of the room. First of all, this concerns color combinations finishing materials. It is especially important to know how to choose a laminate to match the color of the wallpaper. Of course, sometimes it is better to entrust such work to professionals. The selected laminate and walls should blend organically.

Features of color selection

Before choosing a laminate, you should decide on its functionality. The fact is that with the help of color you can enlarge or reduce a room, create a warm or cool atmosphere. How to choose wallpaper for laminate flooring, taking into account the characteristics of the room?

To visually enlarge a room, you should use light wallpaper and dark laminate. Thus, the floor will have a noble and solid appearance, which will give the walls lightness. In such a room it is better to use light furniture. Its contours will stand out clearly on the dark floor.

To visually make a room smaller, use a combination of dark walls and a light floor. Often this combination finishing coatings allows you to adjust forms long room. If, on the contrary, it needs to be pulled out, then optimal solution the floor and walls will become light.

It is worth considering that the tone of the wallpaper and flooring should be slightly different, otherwise a box effect will be created.

Practicality of finishing

When choosing flooring and wallpaper, it is worth considering the practicality of finishing coatings. If the windows face the sunny side, the floor illumination will be maximum. In such cases, you should avoid using dark-colored laminate. Otherwise, the floor covering will look dusty. This will make cleaning the room much more difficult.

Also, dark floors should not be used in rooms where there is very little natural light. Here, installing such a laminate will create a gloomy and boring atmosphere.

White laminate is especially popular among consumers. With its help, they create a luxurious floor that will color the entire room. But, there are cases when it is better to refuse such finishing. If there are animals or small children in the house, then a white floor is not the best solution. The fact is that in such conditions the risk of contamination of the floor covering is very high. As a result, the floor will quickly lose its original shine. It is better to opt for beige flooring material.

When choosing a floor, it is worth considering the cardinal directions to which the room’s windows face. If the windows face north, then it is better to choose light and warm colors for the floor. You should not use a gray shade here, as it will create a feeling of eternal cold. The warm wood texture will create a cozy homely atmosphere.

On the southern sunny side, it is better to use a cool palette for decoration. This will create a feeling of lightness and coolness.

On video: combination of laminate in the interior.

Features of a white floor

When combining finishing materials, it is worth considering that the atmosphere of the room and the style of the interior will depend on this. The main role here is played by the floor and walls. Therefore, you need to approach their finishing very carefully. This is especially true when using white laminate.

This material will fit perfectly into a modern and minimalist style. It is also used to decorate a room in a high-tech style. When laying such a floor covering, it is worth considering that it is very demanding on the design of the surrounding interior. So, the walls should not be finished in white. Otherwise, light laminate and wallpaper - the combination is quite easy to understand.

Among the main combinations are the following:

  • Combined with green wallpaper white laminate will be an ideal solution for decorating a relaxation room. This combination will create a feeling of freshness and peace.

  • Combination of white and purple can be used in almost any style.

  • Combination of white and crimson colors also have some features. So, if a white laminate is used for finishing, then its effect can be enhanced furniture set the same color. It is also appropriate to use light stucco molding and figurines here. Otherwise, the design will look unfinished.

  • IN small room best to use combination of white floor and blue wallpaper. This will create a feeling of weightlessness and lightness.

  • White flooring and red wallpaper create a game of contrasts. Therefore, this combination must be used carefully. It is better to carry out such finishing in the kitchen and living room. White and red design allows you to visually enlarge the room.

  • The classic option is yellow and white design. Such rooms will create a feeling of spaciousness and lightness. This style uses a combination of white floors and brown walls.

Do not forget that in houses where there are animals and children, such material will not be the most suitable option. A heavy load will cause the light laminate to quickly lose its original appearance.

What to combine with a gray floor

One of the most common options is gray laminate. This neutral and unpretentious material can be combined with any shade.

Of course, we should not forget that this option has some features:

  • Combine gray floor with green walls need to be careful . This combination can destroy even the most interesting design idea. As a result, the interior can become simple and discreet.

  • The combination of gray and red looks fashionable and modern. But despite this, you need to approach the interior design very carefully. To make it easier to perceive color contrast, it is worth installing elements in the room with white or neutral shades.

  • Beige wallpaper under gray laminate is often used in a classic style. Also, this combination can be used to decorate a room in modern style.

  • Gray laminate can also be combined with orange and purple wallpaper. This design of the room will look unusual and impressive.

Despite the fact that gray laminate is very popular among designers, it must be used very carefully.

Wood laminate

The texture of light wood species is neutral and universal. It can be combined with various colors and used in any interior. The most successful combinations:

  • The combination of wood floors with black or light walls will add rigor to the interior.
  • Woody yellow decoration will make the room lighter and more radiant.
  • Wood laminate and brown wallpaper will give the interior rigor and nobility.
  • Mahogany laminate looks harmonious with green, blue and yellow wallpaper.

In fact, combination options color design There are quite a lot of floors and walls. Therefore, you need to select a laminate based on personal preferences, and carefully. So, for example, if in each room you use different combination, then this will visually reduce the area of ​​the house.

Color combinations (40 photos)

Smoky and luxurious

Wood has many faces: it can be not only light and dark, plain and striped. Wood has many colors, patterns and shades. For example, some types of wood have pink color. Others have an unusual wavy pattern. Whatever the wood, it always retains its main property - it warms the interior and makes it cozy. We were lucky: modern market finishing materials allows you to choose the color and pattern of wood to your liking. And this is not only expensive parquet and solid board, but also cheap laminate. IN Lately The range of wood and laminate flooring has expanded to include gray samples. Of course, this product aroused consumer interest. And the buyer had questions: How do gray floors look in the interior and what to combine them with? You have questions - we have answers ready.

Gray floors in the interior: basic properties

Dark gray laminate or parquet can visually make a room smaller. Light, on the contrary, can add volume. Light gray and medium gray floors create an airy atmosphere. A room with such a coating is fresh and cool.

The environment with gray floors is calming. A state of balance and self-control arises. You may feel relaxed, making it difficult to concentrate. This is mainly relevant for gray-beige coatings. Consequently, such a floor is not very suitable for work areas, but for bedrooms and living rooms it is just right.

With a cold gray coating, the room can turn out “icy” and as if lifeless. If you don’t like this atmosphere, add color to the interior warm wood and accents of “sultry” shades (orange, terracotta, etc.), and paint the walls beige.

Gray laminate and parquet for stylish interiors

Let's talk about styles. Which ones would look best with gray wood and wood-look floors? This primarily applies to modern styles such as hi-tech, urban minimalism, loft . Here grey colour associated with metal, concrete, asphalt, therefore used in large quantities: both in decoration, and in furniture, and in household appliances, and in accessories.

Combinations of words gray and boring for a long time were considered synonyms. The use of gray laminate with the right approach to interior design and color combinations gives the designer almost limitless possibilities. This is due to the fact that such a shade most advantageously emphasizes unexpected color combinations. main feature Gray laminate, which is most often used to cover the floors of rooms, is that it focuses attention on vertical surfaces, on furniture facades and on textiles. On gray background All accessories that define comfort and emphasize the sophistication of a residential or office space will look great.

The gray shade is not as strict and not as easily soiled as black or white; it can give the room laconicism and nobility. It “works” as the main color background.

Please note that laminated surfaces are good not only for arranging floors. They are used to decorate walls, and models of tinted entrance or interior doors are made from them.

Gray laminate for living room or bedroom

By installing gray laminate floors in light, bleached shades in the living room and skillfully combining it with black, dark blue or dark chocolate, used in upholstery and textiles, you can create a sophisticated aristocratic style. This interior is complemented by strict sconces, floor lamps and reproductions of great artists (it is advisable that replicas of paintings be made in black and white).

Delightfully gray laminate will be combined in the interior of a living room decorated in warm colors: red, burgundy, lilac, pink.
Modern designers use this flooring material for installing floors in bedrooms. But here it is important to know some secrets.
It’s nice to wake up in a room with neutral tones, so that bright colors don’t hurt your eyes or create additional tension. Gray floors will perfectly complement pale yellow, beige, beige-pink, light lilac or soft green walls and blackout curtains in tone Numerous accessories with a touch of touch won’t hurt here. gold leaf or silver.

Gray laminate in the kitchen

When decorating a kitchen, it is worth remembering that gray color can visually change the volume of the room to a significant extent. Dark gray color makes the kitchen feel intimate and reduces space. Light gray, on the contrary, expands it.

With gray laminate in a variety of shades, you can easily The total usable area is zoned. Light gray flooring suitable for working area: it is not easily soiled and dirt is less noticeable on it. Dark gray color is suitable for dining area: he gives it a certain solemnity.

Speaking of contrasts, I would like to note: when decorating rooms with gray laminate of one shade or another, you need to use a similar color in other interior details (wallpaper, textiles, accessories). Bright decorative elements will complete the picture. Remember to use a sense of proportion so as not to make the interior too colorful.

Negative qualities of gray laminate

Despite all the positive properties of the designated color, there are also some features that do not work in the best possible way. It is important to know that gray laminate does not tolerate uniformity in color scheme. Gray floors, walls and furniture facades will have a depressing effect on the psyche. The negative will be especially evident in the autumn-winter period, when prolonged bad weather and annoying precipitation prevail.

Decorating a room with a lot of gray colors is quite difficult. This requires a special approach. It is enough to decorate the room with only one contrasting thing, for example, a large bright lampshade or floor lamp, a set of bright dishes or designer suspended ceiling, floor covering with long pile that imitates fur, and the interior will take on a completely different sound.

Holders living rooms , whose windows face north or northwest, you should know that gray laminate on the floor and furniture facades will create a feeling of piercing cold and icy space. You can soften such an interior with the help of bright bedspreads, vases with flowers, and wood-like wall decoration. Thick curtains with large graphic or floral prints will also look good.

Let us venture to give advice: with When planning to decorate the interior of your home with gray laminate, feel like an artist. The covering will be a canvas on which you will paint the interior of your dreams. Thoughtful color ideas will look organic on a gray background, bring harmony to the house and help balance the riotous play of colors. It is only important to take precautions so that your home does not look tasteless.

Gray laminate - photo

Gray laminate in the interior is becoming increasingly popular. Designers use it in various projects, repeatedly expanding the boundaries of their capabilities. Gray color, which is difficult to identify with wood covering, is an excellent background that allows you to concentrate on the details. Floors in wenge, bleached oak, and cherry colors are quite beautiful and chic, but so traditional that they are unlikely to capture the imagination or surprise. Therefore, a laminate with gray shades will become original and fresh decision in the design of any apartment. Gray color is constantly criticized and is rarely used in residential interiors, as it is considered complex and ambiguous. But right choice shade will give any apartment a cozy and aristocratic look.

Psychological influence of gray color

At first glance, it seems that gray color is dull and boring. Some people believe that it has a negative effect on the human psyche, having a suppressive effect. This is wrong. Firstly, gray shades calm, relieve tension and stress. Secondly, purchasing a floor covering of this color can be considered the beginning of an amazing and bright apartment design. Gray laminate will serve as an excellent basis for creating any interior. It will effectively highlight the color of furniture and walls. Each decorative element will seem unique and bright against a discreet background.

Gray flooring has a calming effect, bringing a person into a state of balance and complete composure. But abuse gray in decoration can lead to the fact that it will be impossible to concentrate in such a room. It is this property that makes gray laminate an ideal covering for bedrooms, kitchen areas and living rooms. It is not recommended to use this shade in the design of offices and children's rooms where the student lives.

Properties of gray laminate

The severity of black and simplicity are completely absent here. white. Nobility, grace, aristocracy, conciseness and space for imagination are conveyed by the gray color, which is the basis for the design of a room.

The dark gray laminate visually makes the room smaller. A light gray shade visually increases the area of ​​the room, blurring the boundaries, and gives a feeling of airiness, freshness and coolness.

A gray interior sometimes seems icy or lifeless; to add warmth, bright sultry inclusions are used in the form of details of yellow, orange, beige colour. But the best solution There will be beige walls combined with a gray floor.

Using shades of gray in the interior:

  1. Light gray, pearl laminate will create a feeling of coolness and freshness in the room. It will fill it with light and give the interior a slightly strict and aristocratic look.
  2. The color of wet asphalt, dark gray or graphite shade are used to give the room the desired dynamics or contrast.
  3. To make the room warmer and softer, you should lay laminate in a gray-brown or gray-beige shade.

How to use in the interior

Designers often use a variety of shades of gray laminate when creating optical illusions, giving the room a certain style.

Imitation of gray wooden floors is perfect for interiors in the style of hi-tech, urban minimalism, loft. In such rooms, gray color is used everywhere: decoration, furniture, appliances, accessories.

Some examples of using gray laminate:

  1. The basis for the loft style is urban decoration against the backdrop of a bright, spacious, airy room. Therefore, you can’t do without a gray floor, associated with metal, asphalt or concrete.
  2. Glass, metal, chrome surfaces and the glossy whiteness of a room decorated in hi-tech style will be perfectly offset by gray laminate.
  3. A gray floor, reminiscent of time-darkened wood, will look harmonious in vintage or rustic interiors. Provence, shabby, country, retro, classic styles, which are created using stone and brickwork, stucco molding, antique elements or aged furniture look especially bright against a gray background.
  4. The gray base slightly restrains the chaotic decorations and the confusion of the kitsch style. Therefore, gray laminate is simply ideal in such an interior.
  5. When using gray flooring to create a Scandinavian style, you need to make bright color accents to give the room dynamism and uniqueness.
  6. Even in classic interiors those who cannot do without luxury and gilding (baroque, art deco, rococo) can use gray laminate. Expensive wood, velvet and silk fabrics, exquisite silver or its imitation will look chic against a smoky gray background.

Combination with other interior elements

When choosing wallpaper for laminate flooring, you should remember that warm shades gray coating, require the same wall finishing. Conversely, a floor covering that has a cool color suggests decorating the walls in cool colors. Having design skills, you can play on the contrast of warm and cold tones.

Being an intermediate color, gray goes well with black and white interior details, while reducing the antagonism of opposite shades. Furniture in wenge, vanilla, and zebrawood colors will look great in combination with a gray floor. Textiles can be blue, yellow, purple, cream, white, black.

White doors are perfect solution with gray floors. You can also pay attention to the gray doors, which are a different tone from the floor.

What combinations are unacceptable

Gray laminate does not accept uniformity of shades and textures in the interior. This color needs bright elements, original patterns and a metallic sheen. If a designer is designing an apartment in gray, then he will definitely mix many textures (velvet, fur, silk, metal, gloss), as well as shades, in the decoration. Otherwise, the room will look cold and lifeless.


When choosing flooring for your apartment, you want to find something unusual that will look beautiful and at the same time remain practical. The traditional colors of bleached oak and cherry are already boring and many are abandoning them. If you choose laminate flooring, beige and gray are now considered the most popular colors.

Many perceive gray laminate in the interior very critically, but in fact it can fit very organically into overall design your apartment, make it more comfortable, visually expand and fill it with the strict restraint of aristocracy.

If you wish to move away from traditional solutions and add some zest to your home, then the gray laminate will be excellent choice. It is not very popular yet, but manufacturers offer various color variations and shades. So you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Gray color is quite ambiguous. Some consider it rather dull and boring, some say that it has a negative effect on the human psyche. Other scientists have proven that, on the contrary, it helps relieve stress, calms a person’s condition and has a beneficial effect on his mood. In addition, very recently, in the course of research, scientists have found that shades of gray do not tire a person.

If you think that gray laminate in the interior is boring, you are wrong! Usage of this color and gives all its shades ample opportunities for creating interesting design premises. A gray floor covering will create contrast and accentuate furniture or walls, as well as small details and accessories.

Gray is not as severe as black, not as simple as white, and not too rich and bright like other colors. Flooring made in gray colors will give your apartment nobility, laconic restraint and elegance. In addition, gray laminate in the interior will allow you to implement very interesting design solutions.

Which shade is best to use for flooring?

Many people know that dark color visually narrows the boundaries and makes the room small and strict, light shades, on the contrary, they expand it and make it spacious. Designers are guided by these principles when creating room decor, choosing the necessary colors and shades of laminate flooring.

When choosing a floor color, this factor is very important to take into account, since it will set the necessary accents in the interior design. So light gray laminate will add light, coolness and severity to the room. To add contrast and create some dynamics, it is better to choose a dark gray laminate. If you want something warmer, you can use gray oak laminate in the interior or a brownish shade.

Using gray laminate of various shades it is convenient to zone the room small size. And by choosing a material that has a transition from light tone to dark, you can add some charm to the design of the room. An apartment in which the gray shade of the laminate continues in wallpaper, panels or accessories will look great. So light flying curtains of this color, enveloping the windows like a cobweb, will create an antique style and fill the apartment with air.

In which styles does gray laminate look most organic?

Despite the fact that gray is a universal color, when using it in the interior you need to take into account some nuances. This mainly concerns the style of room decoration, because despite all the harmony of color, it will not look organic in some solutions.

Gray laminate looks best in an interior designed in classic style, Scandinavian style or hi tech. In such a design you need to add rich color accents; you can organically incorporate chrome elements, the number of which should be moderate. This decision will give the room dynamics and personality.

This floor design is also appropriate in the kitsch style, which many consider to be a mixture of various design solutions when creating interiors. Gray color will perfectly connect disparate decorative elements characteristic of kitsch and smooth out the stormy designer's imagination.

It is more difficult to combine a gray floor with the Rococo, Baroque and Art Deco styles. They personify the luxury of the Middle Ages. However, if you plan your room's decor correctly, using rich wood, silk, velvet, gold and silver can complement gray laminate flooring perfectly. By combining silver shades with a floor in this color, you can create a very exquisite interior that will surprise your guests.

Selecting wall decoration

If you have finally decided to use gray laminate in the interior of your apartment, you need to decide correct design walls This is not too difficult, since gray color is universal and can be combined with almost any color scheme. So you can choose the wallpaper to match the gray laminate or the shade of paint for the walls yourself.

However, to do right choice, you still need to adhere to a few rules. If you want to decorate the walls in warm colors, then the floor should be within the same range. color range.

For example, you can use gray oak in the interior. If you initially chose a dark gray laminate, choose a “cool” color for the walls, and to dilute these tones you can use beautiful furniture rich colors, paintings, flowers and other accessories.

But if you are creative and creative person– you don’t have to blindly follow these designers’ recommendations. Using your imagination and creativity, you can choose any wallpaper to go with the gray laminate, the main thing is that you and your guests like what you get in the end.

Precautions and details

There are elements that are in no way compatible with this color scheme floor covering. For example, it is better to avoid uniformity, both in texture and color shades. If you choose a gray floor, be sure to dilute it with a metallic sheen, complement the interior with wallpaper with bold patterns and bright colors. Such elements do not create a boring and gloomy atmosphere, which many are afraid of. Rich shades will enliven the interior, making it surprising and unique.

IN gray interior must be used various textures

Gray laminate in the interior is a very bold decision. This color is both universal and quite complex. It all depends on the overall design of the room and the chosen color scheme. If you manage to choose everything correctly, then your apartment will be very modern, fashionable and stylish. This way you will show your courage and individuality. Surprise your guests, be bold when choosing your interior design!
One example of using light gray laminate in the interior is in the following video. Specialists of the “Get in trouble” project create a contrasting living room interior in a modern style. You may find the design ideas used by the designers useful. Enjoy!

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