home · Measurements · Cyclamen when the dormant period begins. Caring for cyclamen during the dormant period. Proper transplantation of cyclamen

Cyclamen when the dormant period begins. Caring for cyclamen during the dormant period. Proper transplantation of cyclamen

During the dormant period, cyclamen stops blooming and sheds its leaves, vital processes stop and freeze. Your pet must have a good rest in order to enjoy abundant and beautiful flowering (read about the characteristics of cyclamen flowering, as well as the rules for caring for it before and after it has bloomed).

There are two broad subgroups into which the entire large family of cyclamen can be divided:

  1. European cyclamen: it is larger and its “hibernation” occurs more smoothly. It doesn't bloom, but it doesn't shed its leaves. European cyclamen has a larger number of fans in Russia than Persian cyclamen.
  2. Persian cyclamen: smaller than its brother and it enters a state of complete dormancy in the summer months (we talked about the features of caring for Persian cyclamen at home).

When does he fall asleep?

After abundant flowering the plant enters the dormant phase. This usually occurs between May and July. Cyclamen completely sheds its leaves; they will begin to grow again only at the end of July.

We must not forget that For the flower to function well, it is necessary to select the correct temperature. The most optimal is 16-18 degrees.

As the temperature increases, the plant may think that summer has come and stop flowering and go into a dormant state.

Helping you prepare for hibernation

When going to rest, the “sleeping flower” stops forming flower buds, but young leaves can still grow for some time. This is due to the fact that the tuber needs to store nutrients for the next waking period.

Important! It is very important not to allow the earthen ball to dry out completely!

The tuber actively stores “food” for future flowers and therefore cracks may appear on it. If you allow the soil to dry out, especially more than once, their appearance increases greatly.

Such cracks will not bring great harm cyclamen, if you do not immediately fill them with plenty of water. Getting into the cracks, water contributes to the rotting of the tuber, and the plant will tolerate dormancy much worse.

It is possible to fight the decay of cracks. It is enough just to cover them with ash or crushed coal. After this treatment, the wounds will crust over within a few days.

Dying, yellowing leaves and drying flowers are carefully removed. This should be done by removing them along with the peduncles and leaf petioles, all the way to the surface of the tuber. Cyclamen rarely shed their leaves completely. Gradually reduce watering and move the plant to its place.

There is a false opinion that if, due to the time of year, it is time for the cyclamen to rest, but it does not want to and continues to bloom, it is necessary to force it to do so. By trimming leaves and twisting flower buds, you can’t do anything better for your pet. Cyclamens that are forcibly retired get sick and may even die.

If the plant itself is not yet ready to retire, you cannot force it to go to sleep! Cyclamen should be helped and protected from direct sun rays. Place it in the shade for now, and the plant will gradually go to rest on its own.

An interesting fact is that young cyclamen may not “hibernate” at all. They continue to “wake” and bloom all year round. Over time, their regime will return to normal.

Advice! If your handsome flower is still young and blooms all year round, don’t forget about. Otherwise, your still “unsleeping” friend will become very exhausted, and you risk losing him.

Preparing a place to rest

If possible, it is better to take your plant to the balcony or terrace. A loggia is also suitable. Direct sunlight should never fall on a pot of cyclamens. Can't stand the "sleeping" flower and tobacco smoke, this also needs to be taken into account when choosing a location.

If you don’t have a separate terrace or loggia, don’t worry. In summer, cyclamen tolerates elevated temperatures well.

What kind of home care does the flower need at this time?

Some novice gardeners think that since cyclamen is dormant, there is no need to water it. How many gorgeous handsome men were destroyed thanks to such advice!

Cyclamen spends several months at rest and during this time not only the earthen ball will dry out greatly, but also the tuber itself. It will lose not only the nutrients accumulated during preparation for dormancy - the tuber may dry out completely.

In the best case, the plant expects long-term resuscitation; in the worst case, it cannot be saved and the cyclamen dies. During rest, it is better to reduce watering, but not stop completely. Watering should be very moderate so that the tuber does not rot(you can find out how to properly water cyclamen).

When at rest, cyclamens are not fed, but to prevent rot, a little Fitosporin will not hurt. Add just a few drops, and the flower will not rot.

When and how to “wake up”?

Around September, the period of complete rest in cyclamens gradually ceases. The end of “hibernation”, when the plant wakes up, can be seen by the growth of new leaves and buds on the tuber.

Many novice lovers of this a bright representative Primrose families are afraid to acquire it. They think that there is a lot of fuss with such a luxurious flower. But this is far from true.

Observe all the conditions, and the flower will be able to show everything it is capable of., that is, it will delight you all winter with lush, chic flowering.

There are not many important conditions for the excellent well-being of a “sleeping pet”: a cool room, wet air and properly sending the pet to a state of rest!

Useful video

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24.12.2017 4 152

Cyclamen, care at home or how to make friends with a capricious flower

Cyclamen, home care for which requires knowledge certain rules growing, is a capricious and finicky flower, and in order to make it bloom, you need to know the timing when the plant wakes up, how long the dormant period lasts, how to store during the dormant period, what to do after flowering, what fertilizers to use, what kind of soil is needed, what to do if cyclamen has dropped its leaves and much more...

Cyclamen - home care before and after flowering, replanting

It’s not for nothing that cyclamen is considered one of the most capricious indoor plants, - this guest from Western Asia needs special conditions of detention and at the slightest violation, sheds its leaves and refuses to bloom. To get healthy and beautiful blooming cyclamen, caring for it at home should include periods of rest - Persian cyclamen goes into rest in the summer, which is not an easy task, because the flower needs coolness, and other species fall asleep closer to spring and awaken by the beginning of summer.

Tips from experienced flower growers. After purchase, it is advisable to begin caring for the cyclamen plant with adaptation - place it on the windowsill and carefully water it into a tray, while there should be no bright light, as well as temperature changes. It is advisable to place it on western and eastern window sills, but south-facing windows are absolutely not suitable - cyclamen does not like direct sun.

It is highly advisable to replant it in fresh soil consisting of leaf humus, peat and sand with the addition of complex fertilizers for cyclamens. The soil for cyclamen should be as light and nutritious as possible. The recommended soil acidity for cyclamen should be 5.5-6 points; it is important not to bury the bulb - it should rise half its height above the ground.

Before cyclamen blooms, home care involves abundant soil moisture. Since you need to water cyclamen generously, a tray filled with wet moss will help to avoid rotting of the bulbs - it will absorb excess water and will gradually release it into the soil. After flowering, when the flower is going to rest, watering is reduced to once a week, and when the cyclamen wakes up, it is increased again.

During active growth and flowering will benefit from fertilizing. Advice from flower growers on what fertilizers are needed for cyclamen varies - some say that it is enough to feed it twice a month complex fertilizers for flowers, while others prefer to use an infusion of fermented mullein with the addition of superphosphate.

Cyclamen transplant - in the photo

Before and during flowering, the temperature in the room where the flower pot is located is maintained at +18 °C...+24 °C, and since cyclamen can be preserved after flowering only by observing a special rest regime, it must be reduced to +12 °С…+14 °С. Under such conditions, the bulb goes dormant and accumulates nutrients for the next flowering, and during this period the cyclamen sheds all its leaves.

How to revive cyclamen after a period of dormancy

Dormant cyclamen care at home requires simple care - periodic watering and keeping it in a bright, cool place will be enough to preserve it, but gardeners face a not an easy task how to wake up cyclamen. This should be done no earlier than 45 days after the bulb goes into hibernation, and to properly remove cyclamen from sleep, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Gradual increase in temperature– sudden warming can lead to drying out of the bulb;
  2. Increase watering– it is advisable to water it more generously at intervals of 3-4 days; you cannot spray the bulb, it may rot. You can irrigate the plant after the leaves appear, but it is important to ensure that drops of liquid do not fall into the center of the bulb;
  3. Organization of lighting(if awakening is carried out in early spring) – the length of the day to revive cyclamen should be 10-12 hours, but if it’s summer or autumn, backlighting is not required.

You should not apply fertilizer to plants immediately after waking up, optimal time the beginning of fertilizing - the appearance of flower buds, and before this time it is allowed to add half the dose of standard complex mixtures for indoor flowers. The beginning of flowering should be a signal for regular and complete maintenance of the plant with nutrient mixtures.

Cyclamen at home

Unfortunately, during the dormant period, cyclamen can suffer from disease or unfavorable living conditions. You can suspect something is wrong by such signs as the absence of leaves against the background of an increase in temperature and humidity, drying out of the bulb (it looks too small, wrinkles, and is easily pulled out of the soil). It is almost impossible to revive such specimens at home, especially if, upon examination of the bulb, rot was discovered on the bottom, but it is worth a try - to do this, it is cleaned of damage with a sterile sharp knife, treated with charcoal or brilliant green and germinated in calcined, slightly damp sand. The method does not work if the rot has completely affected the bottom.

Cyclamen has dropped its leaves - what to do, and other growing problems

When growing capricious flower who wears proudly and beautiful name cyclamen, home care sooner or later involves fighting various problems, most of which are associated with infections:

  • Fusarium wilt (fungal infection), which is accompanied by yellowing of the tips of the leaves and their wilting - sometimes only one side of the flower withers, but over time the tuber rots and dries out;
  • Wet rot ( bacterial disease bulbous), expressed in the sudden withering of leaves and peduncles - the pot smells of rot, weeping lesions appear on the bulb, which over time cover the entire tuber;
  • Botrytis (gray rot, fungal disease), in which an ashy coating appears on the shoots and peduncles, after which they turn yellow and dry out;
  • Root fungal rot, in which cyclamen leaves turn yellow and wither, and flower stalks do not form or die.

To combat fungal infections, fungicides are used (, Topsin-M) - they spill the soil and treat the above-ground part of the cyclamen, but when signs of wet rot appear, there are no control measures other than destroying the plant. Thorough soil preparation (steaming) and adherence to temperature regime, and to prevent cyclamen from getting sick, care at home is needed systematically, without deviations from the recommendations described in this article.

Perennial herbaceous plant, whose flowers resemble a flock of bright butterflies in beauty, is cyclamen. Another name for cyclamen is alpine violet. It is native to the Mediterranean and is also common in northeast Africa and Spain.

In cyclamen original flowers and a very wide range of colors. There are white and purple cyclamens, the whole range pink shades, red and burgundy. And what’s especially nice is that flowering lasts up to 3.5 months.

Alpine violet blooms from the second half of October to the end of March. Cyclamen is not a very picky plant, but some have the opposite impression. In fact, if you follow certain recommendations, there will be no difficulties with the flower.

How to choose the right cyclamen in the store

When you see a scattering of colorful beautiful flowers in a flower shop, it’s hard to resist buying. According to the rules, the choice of a flowerpot depends not only on the color of the inflorescences; you should also pay attention to other parameters of the plant. The selection procedure includes examining the condition of the roots, which are visible in the drainage hole of the pot. It is important that the roots are in good condition and that there is no rot on them.

The flowerpot should not have yellow leaves and it’s good when there are a lot of unblown buds on it. The larger the tuber, the better. The leaves of the plant should be elastic, and there should be no rotten flower stalks or their remains on the flowerpot.

Caring for cyclamen during the flowering period

Caring for cyclamen at home requires care in choosing a place for the flowerpot, organizing the temperature regime, proper watering, timely fertilizing and maintaining the required air humidity for the plant.

Choosing a location and lighting

Cyclamen loves light. It should be placed on window sills that do not receive direct sunlight, but at the same time there is a lot of daylight. Usually the optimal place for cyclamen is a window on the north side of the house.

Air temperature and humidity

Cyclamen should be kept cool during the flowering period. He will be comfortable at a temperature of +12-15°C. It is bad if the temperature drops below 10 degrees or rises above 20 degrees.

For better growth and the well-being of the flower, the air around it must be moistened. A regular spray bottle will help with this. But at the same time, care must be taken that the sprayed moisture does not fall directly on the plant itself.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

In order for the plant to be comfortable during the flowering period, it needs to be watered regularly. When watering, water should not fall on the growth zone of the corm, on the leaves and flowers of the plant. Good ways watering - closer to the edge of the pot, or pour water into the pan. At any stage of the plant’s life, it is important not to over-moisten the soil.

Feeding cyclamen during the flowering period is done once every 2 weeks. For this purpose they are used mineral fertilizers. For feeding, you can prepare a phosphorus-potassium fertilizer: take 1 g of superphosphate and 0.5 g of potassium sulfate per 1 liter of water.

Caring for cyclamen during the dormant period

Many plants actively grow and develop in the summer, producing flowers and fruits. But as for cyclamen, this plant blooms in the cold season. Caring for cyclamen in summer is no less important than caring for it during the flowering period. How the flower will bloom during its active period depends on proper care during the dormant period.

Important! There is an opinion that if during the calendar dormant period the plant continues to actively bloom, then it must be artificially put to rest - that is, the buds and leaves must be unscrewed. But such an experience does not lead to anything good; such flowerpots get sick and often die.

In preparation for the dormant period, cyclamen can continue to form new leaves, while the old ones turn yellow and die. Dead leaves must be removed. At the same time, the tuber stores nutrients that will be consumed during the next flowering.

It is important to follow the rules on how to water cyclamen at home during dormancy. It is a misconception that cyclamen does not need to be watered during this period. If you allow the soil to dry out and then water the plant abundantly, cracks may appear on the tuber. These cracks are not dangerous, but only if water does not get into them. If you fill them with crushed coal, the cracks will be covered with a dense crust in a few days.

During the dormant period, moderate watering is required to prevent rotting of the tuber. Fertilizers for cyclamen are not used during this period. To prevent rot, a few drops of phytosporin can be added to the water when watering.

In terms of lighting in summer, the plant should be protected from bright direct sunlight. Coolness is not necessary, but if it is possible to place the flower in a cool shade, then it will be comfortable there.

The dormant period lasts 2-3 months, after which new leaves and buds begin to appear.

Proper transplantation of cyclamen

When purchasing, you need to be prepared for the fact that a cyclamen transplant will be required. Dutch plants are usually supplied in a peat substrate, which is intended for transporting flowers, but is not suitable for long-term growth of the plant.

Replanting can be done once a year, until the flowerpot blooms. The most suitable time is considered to be the end of August and September, when decreased air temperatures have a beneficial effect on growth.

For replanting you will need regular purchased soil. It can be prepared from the following ingredients: peat, humus, sand and leaf soil. Leaf earth there should be more in the mixture than other ingredients. The plant must be removed from the pot and the roots must be carefully cleaned of any excess peat remaining on them. If rotten cuttings appear during the process, they must be removed.

Before transplanting, you need to determine which pot is needed for the cyclamen. The size of the pot depends on the age of the flower. For cyclamen aged 1-1.5 years, select a pot with a diameter of up to 8 cm. For a three-year-old cyclamen, a pot with a diameter of up to 15 cm is suitable.

There should be drainage holes at the bottom of the pot; if there are none initially, you can make them yourself. After this, drainage is laid on the bottom - expanded clay or pebbles. With the help of drainage, you can avoid overwatering the plant.

Before planting cyclamen in new soil, it is recommended to bake it in the oven for one hour. Or you can do this in a frying pan or treat the soil with potassium permanganate. Such measures are necessary in order to protect the plant from possible infection fungal diseases.

During the process of replanting, the soil mixture in the pot does not need to be compacted. You need to remove some of the old leaves from the plant, which helps promote the health of the plant.

Important! You need to remove old leaves using the twisting method, and not just tear them off.

The flower itself must be carefully placed in the middle of the new pot, holding it suspended so as not to damage it. root system. The roots must be straightened and carefully covered with soil. The tuber itself does not need to be completely covered with soil; it should stick out a little on the surface.

After transplanting, water the soil and allow the water to soak in. Then watering is repeated and soil is added to the pot. But even after this stage, the tuber should partially remain above the ground.

Important! After transplantation, you should not fertilize cyclamen for two to three weeks.

Two ways to propagate cyclamen

There are two most common ways to propagate cyclamen:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the tuber.
When propagated by seeds, you will have to wait longer for flowering than when propagated by tubers. The optimal period for sowing seeds is August.

Before sowing, the seeds are poured with a 5% sugar solution. Only seeds that have sunk to the bottom are taken; those that float are not suitable. The seeds are soaked in a zircon solution for another day.

Seeds are sown in a mixture of soil and peat - they are laid out on the surface and lightly sprinkled on top thin layer land. The optimal temperature for germination should be 20°C. The crop area is covered from above transparent film, which is sometimes removed for watering and aerating the soil. Seedlings should sprout in 30-40 days.

After germination, the shading is removed, young plants are placed in an environment without direct sunlight and at a temperature of 15-17°C. After two or three leaves appear and a small tuber forms, the plants dive. This happens around December. After picking, a week later the plants can be fed with flower fertilizer in a diluted dose.

Cyclamen from seeds is planted in individual pots in April - May. They bloom 13-15 months after sowing.

In addition to propagation by seeds, cyclamen can be propagated by dividing the tuber. Such propagation can only be carried out during the plant's dormant period. The bulb is taken out of the ground and dried a little. After this, it is cut into several parts. Each part must have strong living roots and buds. All parts of the root are treated with crushed coal and dried again. On about the third day, parts of the tuber can be planted in the ground, each in its own pot.

Reproduction by dividing the tuber is not always successful; there is a risk of losing the plant forever.

Medicinal properties of cyclamen

Cyclamen contains substances that have medicinal properties. Among them are cyclamine, saponin, bitter substances.

Did you know? Cyclamine has specific toxicity. But in a humid environment, it undergoes hydrolysis and turns into cyclamiretin, which has a therapeutic effect.

Cyclamen juice has the following effects:

  • destroys viruses;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • inhibits pathogenic flora, causing disease gastrointestinal tract;
  • stops painful sensations for rheumatism, gout, diseases of the joints and bones.

Fresh cyclamen juice cleanses the maxillary sinuses. It is prepared from fresh tuber, which is ground to a mushy state. Add 10 parts of water to the cyclamen pulp and let it all through cheesecloth. The resulting medicine can be instilled into the nose, 1-2 drops. The same mixture in the form of douching is used for gynecological diseases.

1. Please explain the difference between cyclamens, Persian, European and Neapolitan.

Answer: Nepolitan cyclamen is a species, it can be grown in open ground. Blooms in autumn pink flowers, and the flowers appear first, and after flowering the leaves grow. The tuber is flat with a corky surface, the leaves are oblong-heart-shaped, with a silvery pattern on top. The roots are located on the top of the tuber, so it should be buried in the soil.

Persian cyclamen- most common in indoor culture. Blooms from autumn to spring. The tuber is spherical, tuberous on top, up to 15 cm in diameter, roots extend from the bottom of the tuber. The leaves are heart-shaped (up to 15 cm in diameter), with a silver-gray pattern on top. Flowers mostly pink color.

Answer: Nepolitan cyclamen can be grown in gardens. Blooms in autumn. The flowers are pink, the tuber is flat with a corky surface, the leaves are oblong-heart-shaped, with a silver pattern on top. In nature, Neapolitan cyclamen (Cyclamen ivy, or Neapolitan - C. hederifolium = C. neapolitanum Ten. = C. linearifolium Dc) bloom in September-October, and the flowers appear first, and after flowering the leaves grow. The roots are located on the top of the tuber, so it should be buried in the soil.
Persian cyclamen is the most common in indoor culture. Blooms from autumn to spring. The tuber is spherical, tuberous on top, up to 15 cm in diameter, roots extend from the bottom of the tuber. The leaves are heart-shaped (up to 15 cm in diameter), with a silver-gray pattern on top and green underneath. Flowers vary in color from pink to lavender and white with purple spots at the base. It has a dormant period and requires a cool temperature. Propagated by seeds.

European cyclamen - evergreen, does not shed leaves, without a dormant period. The leaves are much smaller than those of Persian cyclamen (diameter about 2-4 cm). The flowers are also smaller, mostly pink in color and with a pleasant aroma. Tubers are about 10 cm in diameter, spherical or irregular shape– elongated, elongated, flattened, with roots located over the entire surface. Unlike Persian cyclamen, it grows well throughout the year on windowsills at a temperature of 18-20 ° C and an air humidity of 30-35%. Propagated by seeds and daughter tubers.

2. Is it necessary to retire cyclamen?

Answer: Hibernation occurs in May-June. If by this time the flower does not fall asleep, then there is no need to forcefully put it down. You just need to protect them from hot rays by placing them in the shade. Young cyclamens may not go into a dormant period at all, continuing to bloom and bloom. The main thing is to provide them optimal conditions and don’t forget about feeding, so as not to deplete it. Over the years, they will “get into a routine.”

3. Is it true that during the dormant period cyclamen drops all its leaves?

Answer: Not always. It is better to preserve the old leaves, as well as the roots. It is necessary to distinguish: do the leaves die off on their own, or do they simply burn in the spring-summer sun? In the first case, this process is gradual, in the second, the leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow at the same time, even the youngest ones.

4. Is it necessary to put cyclamen in a dark place after flowering?

Answer: After flowering, the tuber gains strength and nutrients for future flowering and continues to grow. Therefore, after flowering, watering is not reduced, but fertilizing is reduced. Lighting conditions don't change either. You can remove the flower from the windowsill if the cyclamen has dropped all its leaves, but not in a dark place, but in a less lit place.

5. Is it necessary to water cyclamen during the dormant period?

Answer: The roots of cyclamen do not die off during dormancy, so at this time the tubers need moderate soil moisture, that is, in other words, do not let the soil dry out completely. In this way, the roots will be preserved and the flower will quickly grow. And, of course, water only into the pan.

6. When should cyclamen “wake up”?

Answer: In summer. Tiny buds should appear by August and bloom by November.

7. When the temperature rises above 12 degrees, the leaves turn yellow and the small buds dry out. How to accustom cyclamen to higher temperatures?

Answer: Cyclamen just needs to get used to the new conditions. In winter, it’s not so much the temperature itself that frightens him, but the dryness. hot air. The Dutch have a particularly hard time with changing conditions. Now regular “wet wipes”, an air humidifier or a saucer of water placed nearby, and regular watering can help. In the summer, cyclamen will begin a new growing season, and by then, as a rule, it will successfully adapt. At this time, it needs to be protected from direct sunlight and taken care of timely watering and fertilizing.

8. They gave me cyclamen - it’s big and beautiful. When is it better to replant it and is it necessary to do it at all?

Answer: Cyclamens are transplanted after a period of dormancy, at the first signs of awakening. The soil should be loose, ideally based on high-moor peat. I add a little perlite to loosen it. 1/3 of the tuber should remain above the ground.

9. I have cyclamen grown from seeds ( landing - February) was transplanted in the summer. At first he released small buds, in November they dried up, but he went to throw away the leaves, which he continues to do to this day... The conditions of detention have not changed. With what it can be connected?

Answer: This is due to lack of watering. It is necessary to water more often and preferably from below into the pan, so the flower will not take up excess water.

10. I also have a small cyclamen grown from seeds. Sowed in August. It now has 4 leaves. Does it need to be replanted? It’s clearly not crowded in the pot; it’s growing slowly. And are there any “special” recommendations for caring for such babies?

Answer: If it is not crowded and everything is in order with the soil, there is no need to replant. They are so tender when they are little! Make sure that the tuber is not buried.

11. My 4 chickweeds sprouted 3 months ago, but they still have one leaf on a long stalk (about 5cm), and no more leaves appear. Is there something wrong?

Answer: The growth of cyclamen is strongly influenced by the acidity of the environment. Her optimal value ranges from 6.0 to 7.0; A pH below 5.5 greatly slows down the growth of seedlings. If the seedlings grow poorly, you need to add chalk or dolomite flour to the pots.

12. How do you know that the cyclamen has become crowded in the pot and it’s time to replant it, and what size pot should you choose?

Answer: Cyclamens do not need large pots. You need to look at how much the tuber has grown. On average, for young plants a pot 1-2 cm wider than the previous one is suitable. The height and width of the pot should be approximately the same, or the width should be slightly larger. In any case, replanting with partial renewal of the soil should be done every year at the first signs of awakening.

13. Do you always water from a tray? Or can you carefully water the soil from above...?

Answer: I think watering into a tray is optimal. You'll never flood like that. Thus, the flower will be freely saturated with water from the pan.

14. How does cyclamen begin to grow? My cyclamen, grown from seeds and blooming for three years in a row without rest, has now finally gone to sleep. So, although the tuber is small, the “stump” on it is already tall (this is where the old leaves gradually fell off). All the leaves gradually fell off recently, and the cyclamen fell asleep. I examined it carefully and found many potential growth points on the tuber, but I didn’t notice the main one. On this stump everything is dry on top, no living leaf embryos are visible... Is this how it should be? Will they then become active??? Or maybe this stump should already be cut off?

Answer: Don't touch the stumps. Perhaps leaves will appear on it again, otherwise it will dry out on its own. There is no main point on an adult tuber. Several are always formed.

15. About a month and a half ago I sowed cyclamen plants, 7 seeds, 2 sprouted. What should I do next, how to water, when to replant. In general, please describe the further complete cultivation technology.

Answer: The main thing now is that the growth point does not rot. This is why the seeds should not be buried when sowing: so that the growing point of the seedlings with the top of the tuber is immediately above the ground, then it will definitely not rot. Water, like all cyclamens, in a tray (by the way, drainage is not needed), maintaining moderate soil moisture. The later you replant, the better. Small cyclamen are very delicate, so they should be disturbed only if necessary - when they are crowded. In the first year of cultivation, they usually grow to a 10-12 cm pot. Big pot not needed. Well, in general, the most difficult period is before the appearance of 2-3 true leaves. Then it’s easier. Very often it turns out like this: a cotyledon leaf comes out, which bends after a month or two. It's not scary. After some time, a new leaf will appear.

16. I have some kind of strange cyclamen growing: at first it bloomed, without leaves, with tiny lilac flowers. It began to bloom in early summer and finished blooming in August. Then it began to grow leaves. What kind of variety is this?

Answer: This is Cyclamen Neapolitan. Species cyclamen. In Europe it is planted in gardens, where it becomes naturalized, i.e. lives on its own and reproduces.

17. Cyclamen buds dry out and leaves turn yellow. Why?

Answer: This can happen for two reasons: 1. It is hot (cyclamen prefers a temperature of no higher than +15 degrees); 2. Insufficient watering.

18. When is the best time to sow cyclamens? What kind of soil should it be - oily or not very oily? How long should I wait for germination?

Answer: Indoor cyclamens can be sown at any time of the year.
It is best to use a mixture of peat and sand (1:1) as a substrate. Seed germination is also greatly affected by the acidity of the environment. Its optimal value is from 6.0 to 7.0; A pH below 5.5 greatly slows down the growth of seedlings.
On average, cyclamens germinate in 30-40 days, but some seeds can germinate up to 5 months. First, a small nodule forms, and then the first leaf appears above the ground; its petiole is first bent in the shape of a question mark.

Each plant has amazing ability survive unfavorable growing/keeping conditions. But the dormant period of cyclamen is accompanied by the complete shedding of leaves from the bush. In this case, the tuber remains naked with dormant growth points. This is how the classic stage of flower inactivity appears to the gardener.

However, there are several other ways to relax. One of them is that certain part the foliage remains on the stems. It has the same dense structure and green color. At the same time, the embryos dry out completely and wait for the temperature to drop.

The third option is called combined. Several buds with foliage remain dormant, while the rest have not yet fallen asleep. However, they no longer grow, and therefore do not develop.

The dormant period of cyclamen and all its delights

A sign of the beginning of such a natural regression is yellow foliage, which later begins to gradually fall off. The entire process of “balding” of a flower takes from 35 to 45 days. Now that the tuber has entered the resting stage, you need to properly care for it. The following three points of care are determined:

  1. Storage. It is not recommended to move the pot to a cool/dark room, because the frosty freshness serves as a signal for it to wake up. Therefore, it is better to remove the container from the window and place it in a visible place in the room.
  2. Irrigation technology. Since their roots remain alive and elastic, and do not die, they will need moderate moisture. Plain water without, it is applied in portions every 5-7 days, while you can use a 25 ml bulb. Water the soil from above so that the lump is completely saturated, and wait until the liquid drains.
  3. Transplanting cyclamen during the dormant period. Many people replant the plant in new pot and send him away longer from the heat. Still, such manipulation is risky. Otherwise, they will wake up before the appointed time.

As soon as the crop begins to emerge from its dormant state, it is recommended to replant it and increase the number of waterings. The procedure should be carried out when the leaves reach 2-3 cm in diameter.

Monitor the tuber extremely carefully when small sprouts appear. After all, old growth points can dry out and simply break off.

Flower growers often claim that cyclamen has a dormant period during the summer season. However, specimens grown from seeds, in most cases, adapt to local conditions. At the same time, selection also does not stand still. In Holland, scientists are developing new varieties with unique characteristics. Therefore, such hybrid cultures will go on vacation whenever they want.