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Country news to help gardeners and vegetable gardeners. We decorate the dacha with our own hands: we make decorations from scrap materials Rustic furniture from plank pallets

Country news

Spring has come. Summer residents, gardeners, and market gardeners have already awakened from hibernation. We visited exhibitions, shops, etc. establishments in search of high-quality seedlings, and other absolutely necessary for homestead farming of things. Dacha chores, which take a lot of effort, can long ago be transferred to the “shoulders” of modern technical inventions, which are both pleasant to use and speed up the processes of caring for the dacha.

Check out what's new this season

Plastic containers and peat tablets

New garden products have appeared, some of which can already be found on the shelves of city gardening stores. For this season, gardeners are offered convenient and economical plastic containers. The diameter of containers includes special pressed peat mixtures in the form of tablets.

Such a tablet is placed in a container for seedlings, filled with water, after which it increases slightly in volume. After this simple procedure, you can immerse the seedlings in the container and cover them with soil.


This spring, gardeners will be pleased with new garden items prepared by collectors and producers, such as: seedlings of dwarf and semi-dwarf cherries, cherries and microcherries, plums, peaches, apricots, sweet viburnum and rowan, mulberries, hawthorns and cherry plums, black, red and white currants, gooseberries resistant to powdery mildew, small-fruited strawberry, honeysuckle, actinidia, blackberry, dogwood, climbing rose, unique varieties lilac, buldenezh, clematis, ornamental willow, thuja, juniper, water lilies, honeysuckle, all kinds of seeds and vegetable bulbs, .

Shower in the country

A shower in the country is a daily necessity. Especially for country houses An antibacterial shower hose coated with sanitary silver has been developed. Water passing through it becomes clean and safe.

Trimmer with bag

For trimming bushes, a trimmer with a bag is available for sale. He cuts and at the same time collects the cut ends. Moreover, the scraps are crushed so that they are reduced in volume by almost ten times.

New products such as heating mats for seedlings have appeared in the world. They are designed to maintain a constant temperature of the earth and accelerate the growth of plants from seeds. The rubber mat contains a heating element that is embedded in a silicic acid gel. It is installed under the box with seedlings so that heat reaches them.

Handle-sprinkler waterer

A new “handle-sprinkler” waterer has also appeared in “country” stores -
80-jet handheld sprayer. It has the shape of a short stick, so it is ideal for watering seedlings.

I would like to remind you once again about vermicompost - a product of processing the red Californian worm. You should not burn leaves and organic waste, but make them using vermicompost.

Vermicompost is also offered as a substrate along with lowland peat and river sand. Manufacturers claim that in such a soil mixture, even lightweight seeds receive germination energy. The versatility of this mixture is that it is suitable for growing plants planted in open ground.


There are also so-called hydrogels on sale. We are offered to use them instead of the usual one for indoor plants. Hydrogels are granules of a special polymer that absorb water and water-soluble fertilizers. Then the granules gradually, as needed, release the previously absorbed water and fertilizer to the plants placed in them. There are 8 hydrogel colors available for sale. This composition looks extremely aesthetically pleasing. In addition, bacteria do not multiply in the rainbow hydrogel. Colored ones now available for sale plastic mesh with different patterns, which can be used to protect the soil from erosion, prevent the washing out of the fertile layer, and prevent the appearance of moles. On slopes and complex terrain, such a mesh secures the soil well, preventing it from crumbling. In addition, special varieties of such mesh are capable of supporting heavy plants; with their help, you can build gazebos and decorative fences.

Quickly assembled structures of greenhouses and greenhouses

This spring, manufacturers are offering quick-installed greenhouse structures and... The frame is made from profile pipe and can be covered plastic film or cellular polycarbonate. The advantage of such modular greenhouses is that installation can be done in a short time without welding or bolts; the frame does not require maintenance or repair. Glass used for the manufacture of greenhouses, conservatories, greenhouses is already a thing of the past. Instead of glass, today in the greenhouse industry the already mentioned cellular polycarbonatepolymer material, which is a hollow panel with a cellular structure. The advantages of a greenhouse with polycarbonate are light weight of the structure (16 times lighter than glass!), protection of plants from direct sun rays, high strength (200 times stronger than glass!), low thermal conductivity, which allows you to save on heating, high degree of light transmittance.

New science for gardeners

And now new items from the field of “science fiction”. Scientists have come up with solar panels, whose work is based on the use of mowed grass and fallen leaves. According to the developers, such power generation will become the leading method of green energy production in the future, as it is based on a cheaper, more efficient and at the same time cleaner mechanism. And, of course, our summer cottages are unthinkable without a trimmer, brush cutter, brush cutter, chain saw, lawn mower, backpack motor sprayer, motor cultivator, ripper, etc. After all, all this simple equipment is a real assistant in arranging and maintaining the beauty of our family estate. In general, it’s time to take a closer look and ask the price of new products. After all, spring is a time of renewal of nature, and ours is an integral part of it and also fully deserves new things!

All dacha owners one day think about decorating it, adding something special to the atmosphere. Of course, you can go to specialized stores and buy whatever your heart desires. But if summer residents want their vacation spot to be unique and inimitable, then it will be much more interesting to make the decorations with your own hands. Jewelry made independently will give the owners both a creative mood and aesthetic pleasure.

Choosing original ideas for a summer residence

Each dacha owner, if desired, can find a lot of the most different ideas to decorate your site. To make most of the decorations, only improvised means and minimum costs. And old, unnecessary furniture and interior items will inspire creativity even more. Often seemingly completely useless and forgotten things can come in handy. Country designers use in their work everything that comes to hand: broken old furniture, unnecessary toys, various bottles and dishes, car tires, remaining building materials and much more.

No dacha decoration is complete without intricate interesting flower beds. Uniqueness flower arrangements you can add them by planting them in old containers. These can be barrels, pots, and even carts. Many summer residents build various picket fences for flower beds.

They will always add comfort original tracks on a summer cottage. They are made from timber or stone. And leftover materials can always be used to build another composition.

Bottles and plastic jars are especially popular among country designers. It is easy and simple to build many of them interesting sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders. There are no limits for imagination here.

You should definitely place a bird feeder in your dacha. Children usually love to watch birds. And with a feeder, birds will be a frequent visitor to your summer cottage. It can be made from a plastic bottle, from an unnecessary block of wood, or from twigs.

Without much difficulty, you can make a variety of figures that will bring comfort and individuality to the countryside atmosphere. To make them, you can use a variety of design solutions and materials. For example, polymer clay, leftovers polyurethane foam, gypsum and other building materials. You just have to start creative work and it will immediately become clear that nothing is impossible.

Crafts from improvised materials

The most popular among available materials for crafts are bottles, various plastic jars and boxes. Before starting work, you should definitely think through the details so that the result is truly beautiful and does not resemble a pile of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut and it is easy to shape them the required form. And if you cover the result of the work suitable paints, then you get bright, unique decorations for your dacha. For example, you can make animal figures (pigs, cows, bees) or fairy-tale heroes. By making such decorations, you can unleash your creative potential, and each time the crafts will become more and more perfect. At large quantities unnecessary plastic, it is used to make not only crafts, but also pieces of furniture.

If you have a glass cutter among your tools, you can make original pots from glass bottles. Such crafts look very stylish and easily fit into any design. Candle stands can be made in the same way.

Bottle caps can also be useful for decorating furniture, decorative fences, creating compositions and even curtains. You can also use containers from chocolate egg toys.

Leftovers natural stone Perfect for decorating a pond in your country house. A small pond will add unique comfort to the atmosphere of the dacha. Flower beds, crafts or a recreation area will look good around. If the pond turns out to be large enough, then it can be decorated with an interesting bridge.

Every motorist always has old tires. You can simply paint them and make bright bases for a flower bed, or you can show your imagination and cut out various shapes.

Arrangement of a play area at the dacha

Doing landscaping and decoration summer cottage, don't forget about the children. They need their own territory for games and entertainment. Children of any age love swings. They can be made from ordinary boards and ropes, or use metal chains and old tires painted in bright colors. It’s easy to build slides and swings from scrap materials. The main thing is that everything is strong and reliable.

For kids, you will definitely need a sandbox. Its borders will look interesting from colorful bottles or wooden log houses. A sandbox in the form of a ship or car will look original. It is recommended to make an awning over the sand to protect from the bright sun.

Children will certainly love having their own playhouse in their summer cottage. Benches, a table or other furniture can be placed inside. It all depends on your imagination. The house can be decorated with a bright flower bed or homemade decorations. Usually the children themselves are happy to take part in decorating their territory.

Ideas for decorating a fence at the dacha

The uniqueness of the dacha plot is best emphasized by its fencing. A fence is not only the protection of territory, but also the so-called business card owners.

A simple wooden or iron fence is trivial. It definitely needs to be decorated. You can decorate the fence in the most different materials: flower pots, crafts in the form of animals, painted landscapes and everything your imagination allows for. For example, unnecessary brightly colored rubber boots will look original as pots.

You can decorate the fence with old discs. They reflect sunlight and look interesting in any lighting. You can also apply different patterns to the discs.

A fence made of round timber, painted to look like colored pencils, looks impressive. This fence can also be used to fence off a children’s area in a dacha.

Any fence will look more comfortable if some climbing plants. Eat different kinds, which grow very quickly. For example, decorative beans or morning glory. You can plant vines. They grow much slower, but also look more expensive. There is no comparison in this case with wild grapes. Grape leaves gradually change their color and retain their beauty until frost. It looks original when the “grape fence” turns into a canopy. This design gives the fence an antique look.

Beautiful decorations for a low fence will be flowering shrubs, planted along it. You can combine plants with different colors and flowering time.

IN evening time The different lanterns on the fence look beautiful. It’s also possible to make them yourself from scrap materials. Or you can just paint them glass jars attached to the fence, place candles. The main thing is that the flame does not reach the fence.

Lovers of drawing will have a lot of room for imagination. You can draw anything on the surface of the fence: nature, scenes, cartoon characters, ornaments, small patterns in the form of flowers, butterflies, ladybugs. It’s easy to draw on any fence, but it’s easier on a fence made of corrugated board.

Compositions made from lids, shells, stones, and dishes look original. It’s easy to make plastic flowers from the bottoms of bottles and paint them in rich colors - they will look beautiful on a wooden fence.

We design flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds will help transform your dacha plot and add color to its atmosphere. When choosing plants, you should definitely take them into account individual characteristics. First of all, you should decide on the “soloist” flowers, that is, the main plants in the flowerbed. The choice can be made of three or four types.

The flower arrangement looks beautiful ornamental grasses and leaves of interesting shape. With them, the flowerbed will be original, even when the flowers are not blooming. But you shouldn’t try to place a lot of different plants. The territory of the site should look holistic and harmonious.

Of course, it’s not enough just to plant flowers beautifully. Flowerbeds also look more original if they are decorated around them. The composition must be complete.

Flower beds can be decorated using any unnecessary items. The article already mentioned that it is not difficult to make small flower beds from old tires painted in bright colors. You can use a wheelbarrow, cart, an unwanted beehive, or even an old car. The main thing is that everything is done carefully and aesthetically. If desired, you can add decorations to the flower garden in the form of homemade bees, butterflies, and interesting stuffed animals.

You can make a small fence around the flowerbed. For its manufacture it is possible to use plastic bottles or cups, fences made of tine, stones. The flower bed looks beautiful and smoothly turns into a lawn.

Setting up a relaxation area

The dacha must be equipped comfortable place for outdoor recreation. This issue must be approached very responsibly. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the owners. This could be simply a laid out area with a table and comfortable chairs or hammocks placed in the shade.

A gazebo, which can be made from the remaining building materials. Gazebos whose walls are decorated with climbing plants look beautiful. Bright colors look cozy as decorations. soft pillows or blankets.

Swings can be not only for children, but also for adults. It will not be difficult to build wide wooden swing for relaxation or make canopies somewhere in the shade of trees. For convenience, they can be decorated with soft pillows.

You will definitely need a barbecue in the recreation area. It can be made, for example, from an old barrel. For evening and night time, flashlights can be provided.

When designing and decorating a dacha plot, it is worth remembering that a dacha is a place of rest from the everyday life and bustle of the city. It should be comfortable and calm, and the environment should be pleasing to the eye. It is important not to overload the area with crafts or other design solutions, everything should be in moderation. Imagine, create, surprise!

Every owner own plot the land wants not only to grow a rich harvest there, but also to create a cozy atmosphere on it. After all, where, if not at the dacha or garden territory It's so nice to have picnics and parties in the open air.

To improve the land area and make your site attractive and unique, you can decorate it with handmade garden crafts and chic flower beds and flower beds.

Main types of flower beds

To create the most luxurious and unique flower bed on your site, you should first become familiar with the types of such plantings.

1. Regularly flowering flower bed - such a planting, as a rule, has clear shapes and geometry; plants are planted periodically, flowering occurs constantly. On local areas Such flower beds are not common. Basically, such flower beds decorate the city limits, and utility organizations look after them.

2. A flowerbed of all-season flowering - in such a flower garden there are adjacent plants that have different flowering periods. The shape of a flower bed can be very different. By planting frost-resistant plants on it, you will be able to create a flowerbed that will be able to please the eyes of guests before the snow falls.

3. A flowerbed with several levels is a rather complicated design, so before building a tall composition, you should try your capabilities on small areas. This flower garden looks very impressive and unusual.

4. Flower garden-carpet - here each plant is planted in a certain order, resulting in a play of colors and shades of greenery. Caring for it is very labor-intensive, but the result is worth it.

5. Vertical flower beds are unique compositions that require certain skills. Before designing complex compositions, you should practice decorating the fence. To do this, you can hang cut bottles, pots, pipes, etc. on it.

6. Mono-flower garden - plants of one type are grown here.

Sculptural decoration of the land plot

In addition to flowering and fragrant flower beds, the area can also be decorated with garden crafts made from plastic bottles, wood, stones, plaster figurines, etc. Materials for the construction of garden decorative elements can be different. Even old unnecessary gizmos and remnants of construction materials are suitable here.

Quite often, gnomes are found on the plots, since these characters are considered the patrons of plants. You can cut such a man out of a stump yourself by painting it with acrylic paints.

Or it can be sculpted from a mixture of clay and gypsum, but such a design will require a reinforcing installation. To create figures of animals and birds, you should make a base from polystyrene foam or hardened construction foam. Next, such a workpiece is covered with putty, sanded and painted.

In addition to the attractive appearance, everything garden figurines must be correctly located on the site. Thus, it is advisable to place frogs, ducks and other aquatic animals near an artificial pond. Birds and squirrels should be on the trees, but gnomes can guard the flower garden or paths.

Compositions for a garden made of stones

Looks very organic and original various compositions in the garden, made of stones. Photos of crafts for the garden show that from stone elements it is possible to construct frames for paths or artificial reservoirs, and insects, and even playgrounds for kids.

To be able to decorate pebbles with painting, it is better to choose smooth specimens in the form of pebbles. But porous stones, covered with yellow paint and placed near a decorative figurine of a mouse, will perfectly resemble tasty pieces of cheese.

Pebbles made by yourself can be considered new crafts for garden decoration. To do this, it is enough to fill a hole in the ground with cement or plaster, which is covered with polyethylene sheeting. After the composition hardens, you will get even, smooth specimens that are ready for use.

If you plan to paint the stones with paints, then it is better to use acrylic, as it has a number of advantages:

  • quick-drying;
  • safe;
  • moisture resistant;
  • does not fade in sunlight.

Before applying acrylic to stone, the surface must be prepared. To do this, PVA glue is applied as the first layer. It acts as a primer. When the layer dries, apply background paint and let it dry.

The third layer is the actual drawing. To make the image clear and beautiful, you should prepare a sketch on paper, which is transferred to the stone with a pencil.

For beginners, you can design the pebbles in the form of emoticons or ladybugs. And if you draw a grid on them for playing tic-tac-toe, then the kids will always find something to do in the garden.

In addition to the quite familiar descriptions of garden crafts, there are also quite non-standard ones:

  • - the body of the old piano will become an unusual flower garden,
  • - structures woven from branches will decorate any garden plot,
  • - a mirror placed in a dark corner of the fence will visually expand the boundaries of the territory and add light to the plants,
  • - fountains and ponds can change the climate in the area; if desired, it is possible to place several fish in them,
  • - birdhouses made with your own hands will become a home for starlings, which will help get rid of pests.

Photos of crafts for the garden

Psychologists say that a person’s well-being, his psyche and mood are strongly influenced by the smell and color that he perceives through the appropriate analyzers. In this regard, to solve the problem color design dacha plot, you can be guided by your individual psycho-emotional sphere. But we should not forget that there is also artistic and design taste. Beautiful design of a summer cottage 45 photo ideas.

Almost all colors are characterized by saturation, hue and lightness. The exceptions are gray, black and white colors. They are devoid of color tone and are characterized exclusively by lightness. The most difficult task when choosing color scheme plot is to maintain harmony when choosing options for combining different colors.

There is a scientifically based system for combining colors. It was developed by the French physiologist E. Delacroix. The main supporting colors are blue, yellow and red. Additional (secondary) colors here are purple, green and orange. There are three types color combinations: characteristic, contrasting and disharmonious, landscape design of a summer cottage photo:

Beautiful design of a summer cottage

Let's consider the color wheel formed by the primary colors of the optical spectrum. In such a circle, contrasting colors are opposite each other in diametrically opposed positions. Based on this combination, the effect of maximum color saturation is achieved. Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands - for combinations characteristic type colors that are located in the color wheel through one zone are included.

A disharmonious type is formed by combining colors of an adjacent type. It must be remembered that if you place colors that are tonally similar next to each other, their saturation is lost.
By choosing a color you can adjust the degree of perspective visualization. The space visually appears closer and wider if light colors are used. On the contrary, dark tones narrow and lengthen the space. Beautiful design of a summer cottage from scrap materials photo:

If we are forming a flower garden, then the choice of shape and color is crucial. Of the entire variety of plants, the basis should be formed by plants of black, gray and white shades (for example, basil, wormwood, edelweiss). The use of a dark background improves the color perception of light and warm tones - it is easy to choose a beautiful design for a summer cottage. A light background emphasizes dark and cool colors. It should be noted that from the point of view of color psychology, an excessive number of plants painted in bright colors cause irritation. If the flower garden has a small area, it should be planted with brightly colored plants.

Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

When there is a small area in the yard that is not used at all, you want to find a use for it and, at a minimum, make it “pleasant to the eye,” but at the same time you don’t want to spend a lot of effort and time - you can make a front garden. Either these are flower beds with paths between them, or install a gazebo, decorating it with fresh flowers or climbing plants; decorating a summer cottage with your own hands is within the power of everyone.

Planting and caring for flowers takes a lot of time, but not always and not for all flowers. In this case, the most labor-intensive task will be to prepare the soil by removing weeds and loosening the soil. Next, you can choose perennial flowers: lilies, dahlias. Roses are very beautiful, but also whimsical. If they are not handled properly, they will begin to fade, produce little joy with flowers, and eventually either die completely or transform into rose hips, which is not very good. Whereas lilies and dahlias, reproducing by tubers, will gradually grow and are not picky about growing conditions. Decoration of a summer cottage photo:

The only thing that is mandatory for them, as for all plants, is watering. Under normal circumstances, they need to be dug up after they have flowered and withered, but for those who cannot afford to devote so much free time this is not a problem. This procedure can be done once every few years, despite the fact that they grow so much that there is practically no room left for weeds, and this issue does not arise throughout the entire warm season. Decorating a summer cottage from scrap materials photo:

Watch the video: Decorating a summer cottage from scrap materials

You can also plant other perennial or annual self-sown plants. Among the perennials, the most suitable are aquilegia, aster, periwinkle, speedwell, kupena, lily of the valley, mountain cornflower, daylily, dicentra, hosta, goldenrod, monarda, sedum, meadowsweet, polypetal, lupine, etc. Landscaping See the photo of the summer cottage below. Among the annuals: marigolds, calendula, eschscholzia, snapdragon Iberis, anhuza, cosmos, poppy, verbena, etc. They are extremely beautiful and easy to care for. In the fall, you need to remove the wilted remains, but this can be done over many days and even done in the winter, which does not oblige you to allocate time for urgent cleaning.

Much the best option, if possible, install a gazebo and plant climbing plants within it. They will provide shelter from the sun during the hot season and will delight you with flowers. The only thing you should do when growing them is to set the direction of their growth. Among such plants: clematis, hydrangea, nasturtium, sweet peas, wood pliers, honeysuckle, ivy, actinidia, wisteria, etc. These plants will decorate the yard throughout the season and will be happy with a small amount of fertilizer, thanking for this with greater splendor. Beautiful design of a summer cottage photo:

Nowadays, a modern summer cottage is not only a place of spiritual unity with the surrounding nature, but also an environment for maximum physical and emotional comfort. Your complete rest depends on harmonious combination objects located in the country.

Long gone are the days when a country house was a place for growing vegetables and fruits. Back then, people didn’t even think about the special exterior of the site, its improvement and decoration.

Look here how to decorate your yard with your own hands with photo and video instructions from a pro!

Remember, just some 10-15 years ago the most vivid impression of visiting a dacha was several flower beds or weaving branches of grapes along the fence. But today this place is becoming truly a piece of paradise, where designers and builders are attracted to work.

In our article we will tell you some of the best and amazing design ideas landscape plot with your own hands from available materials, without spending fabulous amounts of money.

Advice from experts on designing summer cottages

Firstly, you should immediately understand your taste preferences by style. Secondly, you need to take into account your time and financial capabilities.

And most importantly, it is important to create the most comfortable nest for complete relaxation of soul and body, without resorting to too elaborate and complex designs.

In the works creative design For your dacha, you may need the following simple and practically free things:

  • used car tires;
  • plastic bottles different sizes and colors, bowls, buckets;
  • ropes or ropes, wire, mesh;
  • ownerless polypropylene pipes;
  • old unnecessary shoes;
  • all kinds of wooden boxes;
  • different-sized containers, tanks;
  • dishes: mugs, teapots, beautiful plates;
  • non-working old bicycles;
  • unused building materials.

Ideas for site design

You will be surprised, but many hand-made figures or figurines are not only unique and one of a kind, but also extremely attractive. One example is frogs made from foam or swans made from plaster.

You may have noticed the abundance of figures made from old car tires. They made a lot of things out of them: from ordinary fences to exquisite firebirds!

The main brightness is added to the transformation of tires by the use of special paints, which turn strange black rubber statues into real masterpieces.

There are a lot of photos on the Internet today. beautiful design plot: these include rubber parrots or pigs, palm trees from bottles, etc.

DIY artificial pond

At your dacha, you can build a fountain or an artificial pond with your own hands, and this will be an excellent solution for the attractive exterior of the site. The container itself for the fountain can easily be made from an unnecessary boat or a large tank, and the bottom of the pond is lined with gravel and sand, on top of which a tarpaulin is placed in several layers.

At the end you simply fill it with water, and all that remains is to decorate it according to your wishes and tastes. Along the perimeter of the reservoir, flowerpots or simply planted flower beds will look harmonious.

Country paths

Let's think about whether we need paths or paths at our dacha? Definitely needed! When it's raining, you're unlikely to enjoy running through muddy puddles of mud into your house. To do this, we recommend making aesthetic passages that are installed near the objects you need (toilet, garage, veranda).

To implement this idea, you won’t need much: marine large stones, unnecessary bricks, small pebbles, soft bottle glass.

Imagine how wonderful such a country path will look, along which small flower beds of all kinds of flowers are planted.

We strongly recommend that you place it on your summer cottage a simple feeder for birds, which will not only be useful for singing birds, but also a joy for children. A “refectory” place for birds can be made from the simplest plastic bottles or wooden boxes.


Modern landscape design- this is not only an opportunity to decorate our summer cottages, but also allows us to develop our imagination in order to achieve the goal of getting comfortable stay for body and soul. Many ideas can help you create a piece of paradise that you will want to return to again and again.

Photo of the process of decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

