home · Tool · Decorative panels from scrap materials. We create it with our own hands: an original wall panel. Panel for a children's room

Decorative panels from scrap materials. We create it with our own hands: an original wall panel. Panel for a children's room

A modern wall panel is often the work of the whole family, when bright decoration All household members work. Today, such options are in fashion, when beautiful works created by collective work. But you can start not with such a large-scale event; try making a panel with your own hands in an artistic style close to you.

A panel is a decorative element that serves as a wall decoration. In any interior wall panel will be appropriate. Sometimes it decorates not only the wall, but also, for example, the ceiling or facades. A wall panel differs from a painting in that it can either be a work of sculptural genre or belong to a technique such as mosaic, appliqué, etc.

Panels on the wall - types:

  • Fabric. Embroideries, appliqués, tapestries - everything that can be done on fabric belongs to this type of panel.
  • Stone. Making panels from stone is a labor-intensive process, it is usually used a natural stone, for example, basalt or marble.
  • Wooden. This type of wall panel is usually characterized by an abstract plot. This wall panel is often complemented by inlaid stones.
  • Sculptural. A three-dimensional panel, a kind of mini-sculpture on a plane.
  • Ceramic. These are mosaic paintings made of ceramic tiles.
  • Graphic. Are used modern views printing, photo printing is increasingly being used, which looks organic in today’s interior.
  • Other. And here is a huge layer of other techniques that use, for example, puff pastry, grains and cereals, seashells, pebbles, etc.

You can add a panel to the bedroom, the living room, and other rooms; it never goes out of fashion, and can become the brightest element of the interior.

Panels from paintings (video master class)

DIY panel for mom

For Mother's Day and other holidays, when you want to congratulate your mother, one of best gifts You can make just the same wall panel.

Panel options for Mother's Day:

  • Panel made of cotton pads. The simplest option is one that the youngest children can do for their mother, although they will, of course, need help.
  • Paper panel. Popular options for Mother's Day are sakura sprigs or quilting-style crafts.
  • Salt dough panel. Children love to tinker with dough, and seeing how it turns into interesting colorful crafts, they are delighted. For Mother's Day, you can make a composition with flowers or even an image of the mother, stylized and simplified.
  • Panel applique. A floral bouquet made from bright scraps of fabric, such as cheerful sunflowers.

You can also do this for Mother's Day beautiful crafts as unusual panel, for example, with interlacing techniques. Applique + embroidery, origami + quilting, patchwork + beadwork. Such a panel can be hung in both the bedroom and the living room, so that intended for Mother’s Day, it will delight you for a long time.

More than one master class tells how to make a panel for Mother's Day, the idea can be yours, and you can learn various tricks from the instructions of other masters.

Pool wall panel

You don’t have to wait for a holiday, like Mother’s Day, for the interior of your home to have original panel. Crafts for the pool, or for the bathroom for those who don’t yet have a pool, are popular today. As an option for a bath.

All these crafts actually have one thing in common – the theme of water. You can use a master class on marine-themed panels. This will also be true for the pool and the bathroom.

Panel in the sea style will suit and for the bathhouse, if you use another one there nautical decor. For the bathhouse, you can also make a panel applique in the form of kind grandfathers with brooms, in the naive art genre. It's fashionable today and similar style can also be used to decorate the walls of the pool, not only for the bathhouse.

A pool panel is also:

  • Playing on the theme of the seabed - with all sorts of beautiful inhabitants of the deep sea;
  • Sports theme;
  • The element of water - mosaic best conveys this idea.

Materials that are not afraid of water are used for the pool and bathroom. You can take a master class in making crafts from shells as the basis for a pool panel. Or, to decorate the walls of the pool, you can take a master class on salt dough panels.

Panel of toilet tubes in the interior (video)

DIY panel: sunflowers

Often, it is sunflowers that become the theme that you definitely want to use in your decor. Almost all types of panels can be used, except that forged and metal panels will look rough.

The sunflower panel can be different:

  • Sunflowers made of satin ribbons;
  • Felt sunflowers;
  • Sunflowers made from buttons.

Even such a technique as steampunk can be used

DIY panels: steampunk

This is a special technique, the essence of which is to assemble waste unnecessary trifles in the form of a craft. Sometimes steampunk is mistaken for wrought iron panels, but these are completely different things.

A small master class on working in steampunk technique:

  • You need a base for the future panel, for example plywood;
  • Most often, some kind of textured background is made, but this is not necessary;
  • Everything you use - buttons, nuts, pins, zippers - needs to be glued to the base;
  • You can paint everything with one color, for example gold spray paint, or use a combination of several layers;
  • Frame decor.

This, of course, is not a full-fledged master class, but only short stroke work. Maybe not every steampunk panel can be hung in a bedroom or living room, but in apartments with loft or fusion interiors, these crafts will be appropriate.

DIY New Year's panel

Even a month before the New Year holidays, or even earlier, you can watch more than one master class that talks about making a New Year's panel. It could be a voluminous Christmas tree or a snowman, a large panel for the living room or a miniature one.

New Year's panel options:

  • Snowman made of cotton pads;
  • Snowman made of foam chips;
  • Snowman made of buttons;
  • Snowman made of lace and bugles;
  • Snowman made of napkins;
  • Snow Maiden made of beads;
  • Snow Maiden made from salt dough;
  • Snow Maiden made from scraps of thread;
  • Christmas tree made of crepe paper;
  • Christmas tree made of sequins;
  • Christmas tree made of twine;
  • Christmas tree made of tulle;
  • Eggshell Christmas tree;
  • Christmas tree made of pistachios.

All of the above is an application from different materials, which can become the basis for a DIY wall panel.

also in New Year You can give an unusual educational panel to your baby. It is educational because it combines objects of different textures, such as felt, silk, cereal, etc. Such crafts are of great benefit for the development of the child.

You can find a master class on panels for combs. This is a functional panel that will serve as a clever storage for combs. It can be made for the living room, or for the nursery - like original place for the little princess's combs.

How to make a panel (video)

DIY panels - good gift, elegant decor, large creative work. You can follow certain instructions, use more than one master class, or adhere to your own author’s methodology. There are no strict boundaries in this genre, so for those who like creative experiments, panels are the best option.

DIY wall panel (photo)

Panels on the wall, their types and placement, preparing the basis of the composition, techniques for making it from various materials.

The main types of wall panels

Wall panels can vary in many ways:
  • Any material can be used: plastic and fabric, wood and cardboard, paper, wire and fur, postcards and photographs, buttons and yarn, mirror fragments and mosaics, branches, dry leaves, etc.
  • Execution techniques using knitting, embossing, embroidery, wood carving, gluing and inlay. In this case, the decorative element can be an interweaving of lines and geometric shapes, an abstract image, or have a specific plot.
  • A shape that can be of any size and geometry. Decorative panels on the wall are made in the form of ovals, polygons, curvilinear figures and often consist of several individual elements. Depending on the size, paintings can serve as the main accent of the interior or its decoration.
  • The 3D effect, which is a new trend of the times in creating such compositions. It is difficult to make such a panel, but it is quite possible. The three-dimensional effect in this case is achieved using voluminous paper applications, various protrusions, etc. Applications can imitate bas-relief, high relief and unique carvings. “Soft” ones look beautiful volumetric panels with a pattern created using small wallpaper nails equipped with decorative heads.
  • Lighting, which makes the panel not only a decorative element, but also gives it practical properties. LED lights allows, for example, to use the panel as a night light. The lighting level can be adjusted by the number of LED elements.
Before you make a wall panel with your own hands, you should think about its location. Depends on color scheme, size and shape of the future canvas. The distance from the floor surface to the panel is usually 170 cm.

If you plan to make a mirror panel, it should be installed so that artificial or natural light falls on the surface of the picture. At the same time, reflected and diffused light will create visual harmony in the room.

Wall panels made of cardboard, cork and other available materials look great on free space. Therefore, placing such decor near other interior items, such as shelves, photographs and paintings, is not recommended.

Preparatory work before making a wall panel

There are many options for making decorative panels on the walls of any room. Photos of finished products can be found in catalogs or you can develop your own project. To begin with, you can try to apply the planned panel design on a sheet of paper. Having such a sketch, it will be easier to determine the future dimensions of the painting and the materials needed to create it.

If fabric is used as decoration, you can use a piece of plastic, a board or any material with a hard surface as a base. You need to stretch the fabric over the base, and secure its allowances with back side blanks. The finished craft is installed in a frame and then on the wall.

The fabric can also be stretched directly onto the frame, and the surface can be decorated with glued pieces of cork, coins or decorative paper elements.

The panel can be made without a frame. This will require a piece plasterboard sheet or plywood. The front part of the workpiece must be covered with foam rubber or padding polyester, and then the resulting “pillow” must be covered with fabric. After this, the product can be decorated.

How to make a wall panel with your own hands

Below we will look at the manufacturing process of the most popular panels from various materials.

Wall panel made of colored buttons

Every home probably has a jar or box in which buttons of different colors have been placed for several years: small and large, with holes or bows. If there are too many of them, a panel of such elements can easily decorate a wall that is familiar to the eye.

To make it you will need a base, which can be a board, cardboard or fabric stretched over a frame, glue, copy paper, buttons, a pencil, a selected drawing or your own imagination.

An original solution could be to create a panel on the wall with your own hands " Money Tree": it is believed that it should bring prosperity to the house. Of course, it is better to make it from coins, but they are not green. Therefore, colored buttons for such a panel would be quite appropriate, especially since no one forbids arranging them in the same picture with coins.

You can make such a panel like this:

  1. The base should be painted with a drawing of a tree with a powerful trunk and a lush crown.
  2. Choose brown and green buttons of various sizes and shades.
  3. The necessary places of the base need to be coated with glue and buttons should be glued to them one by one. Pasting should begin from the tree trunk, since it will be partially hidden under the crown. Buttons imitating leaves need to be glued by placing them on the trunk - the green “foliage” should hang down.
In the autumn version of the “money tree” you can use additional red and yellow buttons. In this case, their arrangement with coins would be appropriate: their silver color can create a background of fallen frost, and their yellow color can decorate the crown.

Dough wall panel

A suitable material for making panels is salt dough. It kneads well and lends itself to sculpting. Unlike plasticine, the dough can be dried to a hard and durable state. And if after this the stucco molding is varnished, it can be stored for centuries.

To prepare salt dough you will need two glasses of flour, a glass of fine salt, 125 ml of water and a tablespoon of dry wallpaper glue or skin care cream. Instead of the last two components, unrefined oil is often used plant origin.

High-quality dough should be elastic and dense, knead well and not stick to your hands. Its viscosity is adjusted by adding flour, and its stickiness by adding oil. The dough can be given color using food coloring, and flavor can be added with turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices.

The panel is made in the following order:

  • From the prepared dough you should make a picture or make separate fragments for it in the form of figures, which can then be assembled into a single composition. Its theme and detail depend only on the imagination of the performer and his artistic taste.
  • After completing the sculpting, the panel should be sent to dry for an hour in the oven, the temperature of which should not exceed 80 degrees. Instead of an oven, you can use the heat of heating radiators, but in this case the process will take five days or more.
  • The dried panel can be painted with watercolor, gouache or acrylic enamel. An additional layer of varnish applied to the surface of the painting will make it durable.

Wall panel made of nails and threads

Using ordinary threads and nails allows you to create truly amazing pictures for wall panels. To work, you will need a board that will serve as the basis of the composition, a lot of small nails, scissors and a hammer, tape, multi-colored threads and a stencil of a design that can be printed by finding it on the Internet.

The production of panels from nails and threads is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you should cut out the stencil and secure it firmly on the board with tape.
  2. Then, along the contour of the drawing and its parts, you need to stuff nails, duplicating them with the location of the stencil parts. At the same time, the meaning of the drawing should be clear even if, after printing, the stencil is completely removed from the board. Detailing it with nails will help you avoid getting confused in the future when highlighting fragments of the picture by covering it with threads of a certain color.
  3. After driving in the last nail, the stencil can be removed and you can begin working with yarn. To do this, you need to secure the end of the thread to one of the nails and wind the yarn on a specific area: for example, on a flower petal. The specific order in this work is not important. The main thing is to maintain uniform winding of the threads everywhere.
  4. In a similar way, each individual fragment of the pattern should be “painted over” with yarn.

Tile wall panel

Wall decor can be made from fragments of any tile: tiles, mosaics, mirror products and others. To work on the panel you will need: a base for gluing the material, pieces of different tiles, glue and decorative additional elements- corks, pebbles, beads, etc.

Further actions are performed in this order:

  • It is necessary to select whole tiles of different types and additional decor. The tiles can be cut into the required fragments with a grinder or tile cutter.
  • The surface of the base of the future panel should be cleaned. This could be plywood, board or part of a plasterboard sheet.
  • After cleaning or washing, the base surface should dry.
  • Using transparent glue, the main fragments of the panel should be fixed to the base. For the main layer of coating, you need to use neutral shades of tiles to highlight the sophistication of the remaining fragments of the tile panel.
  • Making a preliminary sketch can simplify the work. To do this you need to decompose everything decorative elements and tag them. After this, you will be able to understand where and in what order each piece of tile should be glued.
  • The composition can be further diversified small details: shells, beads, pebbles, which you can find at home or buy.
  • After laying the tiles, grout the joints. The space between the panel elements must be filled with special mastic using a rubber spatula. After this, excess mastic must be carefully removed with a damp sponge and allowed to dry.

Wall photo panel

You can get unique designer decor on the wall using photographs from your personal archive. When choosing them, you must remember that the photo panel should evoke only positive emotions. Therefore, it is not recommended to use photos depicting deceased people or lost pets, which will cause a constant feeling of depression in the future. Materials from vacation spots you’ve visited, or photographs of beautiful landscapes would look much more appropriate in a panel.

It is not difficult to make panels from photographs. To do this, you need to buy a large glass frame and fill it with memorable fragments from life. However, creating a unique photo panel with an openwork pattern will be even better. For this, a special quilling technique is used (from the word quill “bird feather” in English), which does not require any special expenses.

To work using this method you will need: cardboard, scissors, five wooden slats, a can of white paint, PVA glue and four photo frames.

Using wooden slats, you need to make a frame and then stick frames on it. After this, between the frames you should lay out a pattern consisting of strips of paper twisted using the quilling technique. After completing the design of the panel it load-bearing structure worth spray painting.

Mirror panel on the wall

To make a mirror panel, you need to go through several stages of work:
  1. Create a sketch indicating the required dimensions.
  2. Cut out the elements of the future panel from a sheet of mirror and number them.
  3. The edges of the parts should be processed and laid in the required order on a plywood sheet.
  4. When creating a composition from fragments, its parts should be glued on “liquid” nails.
  5. The mirror panel can be decorated with small mosaics laid in the form of a rectangle or diamond.
When installing panels, you should follow some rules:
  • The surface for attaching the mirror composition to it must be perfectly smooth, otherwise the images may be distorted.
  • The side edges of the picture should not coincide with the lines of the outer corners - a baguette or border should be provided.
  • The boundary lines of the panel can be anything: straight, inclined, vertical, horizontal and round.

Bamboo wall panel

To make a bamboo panel, you simply need to stick the plant on the wall in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. In this way you can decorate the head of the bed, allocate space for household appliances or post winter Garden in the living room. In addition, bamboo trunks often divide rooms, forming decorative columns, bar counters or partitions.

When making a bamboo panel in a wall niche, a number of requirements must be met:

  1. The composition should not be placed near heating appliances.
  2. The room must maintain a certain humidity.
  3. To ventilate the plant from the inside, you need to make a small two-millimeter hole in each vertebra of its trunk.
  4. Bamboo needs to be varnished in several layers.

Stone wall panel

To make your own wall panels, you can use natural stone. It can be granite or marble, although this mineral is fragile. Elements for panels are usually cut out according to a template. They are glued to a prepared polymer base or installed directly on the wall. The stone mosaic looks great.

Suitable for wall panels ceramic granite. The composition is made using small tiles with smooth surface and a side size of 1-2 cm. Rough tiles are usually used when installing floor panels.

Newspaper wall panel

This panel looks quite creative, especially since everyone has the material to make it. To work you will need newspapers or magazines, paint, scissors, glue and a stationery knife.

Further instructions are as follows:

  • Newspapers need to be cut into sheets.
  • The resulting paper blanks should be rolled into tubes, fastening each of them with glue.
  • The tubes must be painted in different colors.
  • Alternating multi-colored elements of the future panel, they need to be laid in a circle.
  • Kroogov different sizes there must be a lot.
  • Then it is worth sewing the made circles together with durable twine.
  • The finished panels can be used to decorate walls.
In this way it is possible to produce very different panels, which look unusual, and it is almost impossible to guess that they are made from ordinary newspaper.

Watch the video about the wall panel:

We hope you have figured out how to make a panel on the wall. This kind of work gives incredible scope for creativity. You can create any designer decor and decorate the room with your masterpiece. For many, this activity has become not only a pleasure, but also a permanent hobby. Good luck!

Making a wall panel with your own hands is a great opportunity not only to make a beautiful, original decoration for your apartment, but also to add an element of homely warmth and individuality to the decor. This decorative element is also used by designers to mask defects and uneven surfaces, protect the coating from dirt, and also to visually increase space. In order to make a panel from scrap materials with your own hands, you can use fabrics, leather, paper, photographs, threads, beads, bottle caps, mosaics, glass fragments, cereals, shells, stones and much more. In this article we will look at some original ideas production of similar decor with the provision of their photos. Get inspired with us and feel free to take on the decor of your home.

DIY shell panel

When relaxing on the seashore, children love to collect various shells scattered on the coast. But when they come home, they often simply don’t know what to do with them and how to use them. Placed in little bags, shells and beautiful stones only replenish the contents of cabinets and shelves, where they remain on long years. But they can become excellent material to create a wall panel with your own hands. A wide variety of their shapes and colors will help you create excellent compositions that will decorate any room, especially if the interior is decorated in a marine style.

Preparing to create a wall panel with your own hands from shells

A panel of shells will require the following details: shells, a frame (you can use a photo frame, board or plywood), glue, acrylic paints (stain, nail polish). You will also need background material - fabric, burlap, mesh or sand. Depending on the sketch, additional elements may be present - beads, buttons, stones, rhinestones, etc.

First of all, the shells must be processed - washed, dried and sorted by type and size. In order to give them brightness, while maintaining the same color, they can be covered with stain or clear nail polish. Some DIY panel drawings will require different colors. In this case, the shells can be painted acrylic paints, or use a solution of potassium permanganate as such. The frame can also be treated, for example, painted blue or white.

Various types of shells can be randomly arranged on a plane, which will look quite attractive, as shown in the photo. Or you can create various panel designs with your own hands, for example, a seascape, a ship, a doll, flowers, etc. In this case, you will need to make a preliminary sketch, onto which you will then apply the prepared material.

Do-it-yourself shell wall panel for beginners: photos and basic manufacturing processes

Let's start with the most simple models that even a child can do. For example, a chaotic drawing. To do this, you must first apply background fabric or sand to the base using glue and assemble the frame. The background can be painted in any suitable color before gluing the materials. Some paintings suggest monotony. In this case, the entire finished composition is painted. Now we begin to glue a variety of shells. Additionally, you can decorate empty spaces with beads, threads and other available materials.

The panel of shells in the form of a seascape looks quite beautiful (and we can see it in the photo). It’s not difficult to create such a picture, and it for a long time will remind you of a good holiday by the sea.

Sophisticated options for do-it-yourself wall panels made from shells

Panels, like art paintings, can have a variety of subjects. For example, a panel of shells can depict a lush bouquet, which, as can be seen in the photo, will look very realistic and voluminous. To do this, it is better to give the shells different shades using paints. Initially, shells of suitable size are selected, from which the buds are formed, and then the centers. You can use thick thread or rows of beads as stems.

Sea pebbles can transform such a picture in the most successful way. In the photo we see how elegant the panel made of shells and stones looks.
If you want to depict any animal in a picture or create a portrait, you need to take care of a sufficient number of shells of the same size. Below are examples of such work.

DIY wall panel made from coffee beans

A panel made of coffee beans will perfectly decorate the kitchen interior, adding an appropriate decorative element. Such paintings can be decorated for other rooms by choosing the appropriate design. These can be images of various cute animals for a children's room, beautiful hearts for bedrooms, etc. In order to make a panel from coffee beans with your own hands, you will naturally need the coffee beans themselves, glue (PVA, "Moment" or, most conveniently, glue -gun), a base in the form of plywood, a board or a photo frame, as well as additional elements: fabric for the background, felt rope, burlap, scissors and a pencil for creating a sketch.

Some craftsmen manage to create entire portraits and paintings from coffee beans, but such work requires some skills, so you should start with simpler pictures.

DIY panel made from buttons

Many housewives probably have entire boxes with various buttons left over from worn items. They can lie there for years without finding a use, like unnecessary trash that is a pity to throw away. But with a little imagination and creativity, you can make a beautiful wall panel out of them with your own hands. For example, using the least popular green and brown buttons of various shades, you can create a wonderful “money” tree, as shown in the photo. At the same time, from available materials, only a board, glue and a pencil are needed to sketch the sketch. All this is available in any household, so decorating such a panel with your own hands will not entail material costs.

DIY wall panel made of wood

One of the modern trends in interior design is the use of eco-materials, in particular wood. In such conditions the best option You can decorate an empty wall with a do-it-yourself decorative panel made of wood. Let's look at how to make a panel with your own hands using tree branches.

All that will be needed is: a sheet of thick cardboard or chipboard, glue (it is better to use hot glue, which hardens very quickly), a hacksaw, varnish and brushes and, of course, branches of different tree species that differ in thickness. To decorate the frame, you can use wooden slats or baguette.

The dimensions of the canvas depend only on personal preference. Before making a panel, you need to think about what shape it will have, dimensions and possible shades.

Initially, the frame is made. Here you will need an additional tool - a miter box, which allows you to cut workpieces at an angle of 45 degrees. The finished frame is attached to the base using small nails or a stapler. Then we cut nickels from the branches, and the thickness can be different.

Ready-made blanks are laid out on the canvas in a chaotic order, starting from the largest and ending with the smallest, which will fill the resulting voids. When everything is ready and the canvas is completely filled, we proceed to gluing all the fragments. After this, you need to wait for the glue to dry and apply a layer of varnish. It will serve as an additional decoration, making the picture glossy and, moreover, creating protective layer from moisture and harmful insects. At this point, making panels with your own hands can be considered complete. The only thing left to do is install it.

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen - cooking, family meals and intimate gatherings with friends. How to make your favorite place in the house even more comfortable without spending extra money, and even give new life stray wine corks, buttons, yellowed books? Decorate your wall by hanging a handmade mural on it! Moreover, such wall decoration does not require decorator skills.

Main themes of kitchen panels

A kitchen wall panel is a thematic decoration that allows you to create an accent in the interior or divide the space into functional zones.

The theme of the decoration should match the style of the room. For country style, and these can be paintings depicting village life, still lifes of fruits, vegetables, panels using spices, cereals, dried fruits, flowers, herbarium.

However, for classic cuisine These panels are also suitable, which are not difficult to make with your own hands.

Stylish graphic panels in a chic, strict or minimalist frame will fit in.

And homemade paintings in bright or contrasting frames with letters, words, sparkles, bows, images of butterflies and animals are suitable. You can make such panels using nails, threads, metal buttons, sparkles, rhinestones, buttons, shells, stones, newspapers and magazine pages.

– stylish retro-style panels made from newspapers, chalk wallpaper, old posters, yellowed book pages, old boards and wine corks.

Interior letters in the loft style can be ordered on the Internet, or you can make them yourself.

Three-dimensional images that match the theme of the ceramic tiles, used for cladding.

Kitchen panels using decoupage technique

A do-it-yourself panel using the decoupage technique is a real original work; it will decorate your kitchen for as long as you want.

To make this wall decoration you will need:

  • Glue – PVA and for decoupage;
  • Rice paper (napkins);
  • Egg shells;
  • Primer, brushes;
  • Sponges;
  • File;
  • Acrylic paints - to create contours.

As for the work, it is carried out in several stages with breaks. A primer is applied to the fiberboard with a sponge - thin layer so that it dries faster. Then you need to make egg crackle, that is, an imitation of a voluminous vintage texture. To do this, the shell is crushed into small pieces and applied to the surface of the fiberboard.

Important! The shell should be cleared of the inner film before use. It is also undesirable to use those parts where there is a factory stamp.

The entire surface of the base is covered with pieces of shell, so that there are small gaps between them. After the glue has dried, you will need to prime the surface. To apply the image, paper with a selected fragment (still life, for example) is used. The secret to creating a picture is simple - the paper is placed face down on the file, watered with water, and applied to the primed workpiece. The paper is leveled, the file is removed, after which the dried image is covered with decoupage glue.

Using special napkins or rice paper, you can make a wide variety of panels - and they will look on the wall like amazing original paintings.

Kitchen panels made from scrap materials - applications and installations

A Provence style kitchen can easily be decorated with a textile panel created using the patchwork technique. By the way, such decoration can also be practical - for example, a “picture” made of fabric can be supplemented with spacious pockets that can accommodate a variety of kitchen items.

If you like using improvised means, then you can easily make a picture with your own hands from what is stored in your kitchen cabinet:

  • Fragrant oriental spices;
  • Coffee beans;
  • Beans;
  • Tea leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Cinnamon sticks;
  • Orange peel;
  • Cereals (by the way, you can use any cereal – from semolina to peas);
  • Orekhov;
  • Even from bagels and bagels!

Such improvised (and even old) materials as:

  • Origami paper figures;
  • Nails;
  • Old boards (as a base);
  • Pieces of fabric, buttons, yarn, rhinestones;
  • Bottle caps;
  • Wine corks;
  • Maps of your home country or region;
  • Magazines and newspapers, yellowed books and atlases;
  • And many many others.

Such a panel will fully demonstrate your creative imagination in kitchen design and will become original decoration kitchen apron. As for the manufacturing process, everything is very simple:

  1. Thick cardboard is covered with lightened high-quality burlap.
  2. The base material sheet is tightly stretched onto the cardboard using decorative nails.
  3. Compositional elements, for example, cereals, are laid out on the front side.
  4. All materials are firmly fixed with glue.
  5. To hang a picture on the wall, you will need a strong cord, but you can also use a magnet if you plan to place the decoration on a metal surface.

You can also make luxurious installations for the kitchen - for example, from unnecessary cutlery. It is better if such panels are in harmony with the design of the apron - original stickers are suitable for this. Or you can make several paintings of the same type at once.

Such a DIY painting will look extraordinary in any room - the main thing is to choose the right arrangement of fixtures and colors. A bright, dense fabric is most often chosen as the basis for the plot, and a painted fabric is used as a frame. wooden frame. Unneeded knives, forks, spoons are placed on top of the fabric - they need to be cleaned, degreased and painted to create a striking contrast with the background.

Experienced needlewomen have long known that wine corks no need to throw them away, because you can use them to make stylish and functional wall decorations.

Have you accumulated a lot of magazines and newspapers? Is your library overflowing with old books with yellowed pages? Then you will love the ideas for making paper panels.

A panel using flowers and plants is simple and beautiful! Such an accessory can decorate a kitchen in a classic, Provence, or country style.

Using lace, paint and canvas you can create an elegant picture.

Other techniques for creating panels - mosaic and embroidery

If you don't want to use cereals or decorate the wall with spoons, you can use traditional techniques– especially since bringing them to life with your own hands requires a minimum of skills and tools.

The most beautiful kitchen wall paintings are made using embroidery - cross stitch, ribbons, beads. There are many “kitchen” motifs - from still lifes to ethnic ornaments, including flowers, dishes, and food. Doing embroidery with your own hands will take a little more time than painting from paper, but the result will be amazing.

There is only one thing - it is not advisable to use embroidery to decorate a kitchen apron; it is better to hang it on the wall near the dining table. And don’t forget to cover the picture with glass, otherwise the canvas will get dirty very quickly.

Many ideas can be realized with your own hands using mosaics. The resulting paintings can duplicate images on the kitchen backsplash tiles, or can decorate the wall as a self-contained work of art. The materials for this creativity can be rhinestones, glass, broken tiles, eggshell or , sequins and so on. The mosaic is laid out on thick paper or cardboard with glue applied on top. Then all laid out elements are varnished for strength.

Such button panels will greatly enliven a modern kitchen. They are very easy to make, and single buttons that you would hate to throw away will find their rightful place on the wall.

Manufacturing kitchen panels– this is a pleasant and exciting process that allows us to look at familiar things from a non-standard perspective. We wish you creative success!

For many, a fabric panel is an unremarkable decor. But often simple craft in the hands of a talented craftsman it can turn into a work of art. It is impossible to give specific templates here, since everything is built on one’s own imagination and idea. The main factor remains mastering the technique; various master classes will help with this. In the future, everything depends only on the flight of fancy.

Choosing a theme to create a panel

Before you start work, you should understand that the panel must be designed in a certain style. It should resonate with the decor of the room in which it will be located. Otherwise, the product may stand out from the general theme and amaze everyone present with its tastelessness.

Many ideas and stylistic solutions can be gleaned from various articles that are accompanied by big amount photo. All that remains is to choose the idea that you like best and that fits the existing interior.

Classic, country, Provence

The ideal theme for panels for rooms decorated in classic, country, and Provence styles are various still lifes or floral motifs. Compositions in the form of landscapes also look good. Try to avoid pretentiousness; it is better to give the appearance of the product maximum simplicity and cheerfulness. The composition should bring an atmosphere of relaxation to the interior and evoke only positive emotions.

Abstraction is also appropriate in the interior of the appropriate style. It can be noted that it is a universal option, as it suits, in principle, any style.


Modernism is distinguished by the presence of strict geometric lines. That is why panels in the Art Nouveau style should contain compositions with different clear patterns. The design of the product should also be moderate. The frames used to frame the panels are quite simple, almost invisible.

Scandinavian style

One of the rare topics in the Slavic expanses - Scandinavian style. It implies brightness and practicality, and is distinguished by the presence of appropriate ornaments and motifs. Even a novice craftsman can create such a fabric panel for the wall using various available materials, such as beads, shells, and ribbons.

Also on fabric panel There may be images of deer, Christmas trees, letters, lines, cages and other things.

Loft style

In design modern interior are quite popular design solutions in loft style. There are also certain requirements here. The subject matter is quite varied, but the panel should be done only in two or three colors.

Despite the strict and laconic lines, the loft-style panel attracts the eye and looks perfect in the interior.

Fabric on fabric (basics of work)

Paintings on fabric began to come into fashion relatively recently. But, in Lately, the panel is increasingly beginning to occupy a leading niche in the interior of the room. There are many admirers of such art. Some needlewomen try to make compositions with their own hands.

You can often find versions of paintings that are obtained by painting on fabric enclosed in a frame. But such compositions cannot be called panels. It’s a completely different matter when a pattern is created on a fabric using another fabric. This is a real panel. The composition looks gorgeous if the fabric creates a voluminous effect.

Main rules

Full compliance of the panel with the style of the room is the main requirement. But there are no rules without exceptions. If the product is made in a different theme, but the color accents are respected and do not in any way disturb the overall impression, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure of placing the composition on the wall.

When working on creating a decorative panel, there should be:

  • knowing of limits;
  • compliance with the design of the room;
  • full interaction of components with each other.

Techniques for creating fabric panels

You can perform the composition using different techniques:

  • applications;
  • kanzashi;
  • patchwork;
  • 3D modeling.

Base manufacturing options

When starting work for the first time, you should understand that you are unlikely to get a work of art the first time. To do this, you need to get at least a little bit skilled. Constant training, perseverance and following the advice of experienced masters will yield results.

It is better to make a panel for the first time from materials that you don’t mind spoiling. And the second and further, having acquired skills, you can aim at expensive workpieces.

There are several options for preparing the basis for creation:

  • A base is prepared from very thick cardboard, fiberboard or plywood. On front part the blanks stretch the fabric, the edges of which are folded to the wrong side. To prevent the canvas from moving, its edges are fixed with glue. In this way, a base is obtained on which the applique elements begin to be attached.

  • They take wooden slats and form a frame from them, then they cover it with fabric. To do this, cut out the canvas rectangular shape according to the dimensions of the frame, adding 2-3 cm so that you can wrap it on the wrong side. After the fabric is stretched, the edges are fixed to the frame using a stapler or small nails.

  • Styrofoam is also perfect as a base. On such a blank, a drawing or diagram is drawn with a pencil, then scraps of fabric are selected different colors and textures. Along the marked lines, the edges of the patches are deepened into the foam using a sharp tool.

After the base is ready, they begin to select the elements from which the drawing will be created. To do this, you can use both multi-colored textiles and any other accessories that are appropriate in the composition and combined with the main elements. The applique is complemented with all kinds of beads, buttons, rhinestones, etc.

New Year themed fabric panel

Even adults expect miracles from the New Year holidays. And for kids, New Year is the most long-awaited holiday. Therefore, they try to decorate the room in an original and truly festive way to create New Year’s comfort. One of the successful decorative elements is a New Year's style panel, with the help of which you can easily achieve your goal.

To perform the composition with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • frame for framing the panel;
  • fabric in a blue shade for the background;
  • felt scraps, fabric cuts of different colors;
  • thick cardboard as a base.

To begin with, the cardboard is covered with blue fabric, firmly securing the edges of the textile on the back side. Then the elements of Santa Claus are cut out of cardboard to form his three-dimensional figure. An outfit is prepared: clothes and a hat are cut out of red material, a mustache, beard, and cap lapel are prepared from white fabric or a piece of fur. For the sleigh, fabric of silver or gold color is used.

Having prepared all the preparations, they begin general assembly compositions on cardboard. You can glue parts using silicone glue, which is heated and applied with a special gun. You can see options for New Year's themed panels in the photo below.

Composition with fabric flowers

Before you start making a more complex picture on a panel, you need to be thoroughly familiar with the technology of its creation. You need to prepare everything first necessary materials and select or draw the appropriate diagram. This will take you no more than an hour, but then it will significantly help in your work.

We will provide step-by-step instructions on how to do flower panel from fabric with your own hands:

1. First, select pieces of fabric with which you can create flowers. Circles of different diameters are cut out of them.

2. If you want to give the flower petals a beautiful wavy shape, then you must first burn the edges of the circles over a candle.

3. Collect each flower in this way: fold the circles in descending order of diameter.

4. To prevent future flowers from falling apart, sew them with thread in the center.

5. As a finishing touch, sew a bead in the middle.

6. After all the elements are ready, all that remains is to attach them correctly to the base. Silicone glue is used to attach very small objects. Larger parts should be sewn on.

Flowers don't have to be round shape. Turn on your imagination, creativity and experiment. Panels made of different fabrics, photos of which are presented below, can help with this.

On the video: a panel with roses made from ribbons with your own hands.

Creative panel made from patches

Any housewife will have colorful scraps of fabric in her house that don’t have to be thrown away. You can create a chic panel from multi-colored textiles, especially if we are talking about fans of abstraction. By tinkering a little with the flaps, you can get original composition, which will later become the pride of the mistress of the house.

For the process of making a patchwork panel you will need:

  • several scraps of fabric in contrasting shades;
  • thick cardboard for the base;
  • wooden frame (you can make it yourself from slats);
  • threads and sewing machine;
  • fabric glue.

All the work will not take much of your time and consists of the following steps:

1. Initially, a schematic picture is formed, then blanks are selected. To avoid confusion, it is better to number them according to the diagram. The resulting composition can be transferred directly to cardboard.

2. Blanks are cut out from the scraps and begin to be placed according to the diagram. To do this, each piece of fabric must be folded in half so that the cut part is not visible on the other side of the future picture, and placed on top of the previous ones.

3. To achieve the required brightness and realization interesting solution, it is necessary to approach the selection responsibly color range. The shade of the base must be in full accordance with the theme and style of the interior.

4. To fix the flaps, you can use it as standard way- stitch on a machine, or use glue designed for working with textiles.

5. The finished composition just needs to be inserted into the frame. You can make several such decorations from scraps, then you will get a modular panel on the wall.

As you can see, making a panel with your own hands is quite simple. This entertainment can also be done for families. This is especially true for children. When working with children, do not forget to control their actions, since scissors are used in the process, and the child may get hurt.

Different techniques for creating paintings from scraps (3 videos)