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Adam's apple nursery. Adam's apple: reviews. Adam's apple: treatment of joints. Description of Chinese orange

Residents of Crimea and guests of this peninsula cannot help but admire trees with unusual fruits, somewhat reminiscent of oranges, but slightly wrinkled. The most common name for this tree is Adam's apple. Sometimes it is called Chinese orange, false orange, God's gift, Adam's root, Indian orange, Japanese orange. And they very rarely use his official name - Maklyura. This miracle of nature has not only an original appearance, but also unique healing qualities.

By its name it woody plant owes to the world famous geologist Williams McClure. On the territory of Crimea it appeared only in early XIX century. His homeland is considered North America. Indian tribes revered Maclura for its elastic wood, which was used to make bows. The roots were used to extract yellow dye. Processed fruits were consumed as food, and their positive effect on human health was noticed.

The tree belongs to the mulberry family, which includes more than 1,700 representatives distributed throughout to the globe. These can be deciduous and evergreen trees, liana-like, shrubby, herbaceous, which are common in India, Iran, Asia and Europe. All of them have not only medicinal properties, but are also often used in everyday life and eaten. Breadfruit, whose fruits are baked, belongs to this species. A unique representative is the cow tree, so named for their fruit juice, which tastes like cow's milk. Mulberry also belongs to this group, whose fruits have a unique rejuvenating effect. It is advisable to eat mulberries regularly for older people. The leaves of this tree are used as food for silkworms. Orange maclura also serves as food for silkworms.

Adam's apple It mainly grows in the southern regions, but also thrives in the middle latitudes of Russia. True, the lack of heat does not allow the plant to become spreading and massive, but good bush it comes out of it. At the same time, its fruits fully retain their exoticism and beneficial qualities.

Description of Chinese orange

In its natural nature, maklura is a slender tree, very tall (up to 20 meters), with a dense crown and spreading branches. Root system quite developed, branched, penetrates very deeply into the soil. The branches and trunk are covered with dark brown bark, slightly cracked. The branches are almost all geniculate and curved with a large number of slightly curved spines, reaching a length of 2.5 centimeters, located in the leaf axils. The leaves are ovoid, dark green in color, and shiny beautifully. The edges of the leaves are entire, they are arranged alternately. When autumn days arrive, the foliage transforms, becoming an elegant golden yellow. During the first ten years the tree grows very quickly, after which growth slows down.

Orange maclura has small pale green flowers. Males resemble elongated earrings, females resemble small heads round shape. All the beauty of the Chinese orange is revealed during the period when the fruit appears. The fruits look like large oranges, the diameter of which reaches 15 cm, and the weight reaches 600 grams. They hang like orange balls from powerful branches. Their skin is wrinkled.

There is milky juice inside the fruit. The peel of the fruit is covered with an adhesive composition that is quite difficult to wash off. People who harvest crops prefer to do it with gloves. Full ripening of the fruit occurs in October. One inflorescence contains from 300 to 400 seeds. Their shelf life: from six months to 7 months. If the seeds are not planted within a year, then they will not germinate. Therefore, the seed material is placed in the ground immediately after the fruit is harvested.


From the mulberry family, Maclura is separated into a separate genus, which has 11 representatives, including orange Maclura. It is generally accepted that this tree was first discovered in the southeastern United States. Afterwards, its habitat spread to Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Russia (southern regions), the Caucasus, Central Asia. Grows massively in Crimea, Kazakhstan, Krasnodar region and Stavropol region.

Given its frost resistance, the Adam's apple feels good and produces significant yields throughout Russia, right up to Voronezh. The occupation of such vast areas became possible due to such qualities as winter hardiness, wind resistance, drought resistance, and not picky about the composition of the soil (it can also grow on saline soils). The most common of the existing 11 species is considered to be orange maclura (its second name is fruitful maclura).

Plant propagation methods

Due to the fact that this crop has unique medicinal and decorative properties, and is also widely used on the farm, many owners of private plots prefer to grow it in their dacha. The principle of planting and further caring for a tree is not particularly difficult. During the growing season, if there is no rain, you need to regularly water it, loosen the soil around the trunk, and remove weeds. Mature trees do not need fertilizing, although it can be done occasionally. Every year it is worth carrying out sanitary pruning of branches. The crown is formed no more than once every three years.

To propagate maclura, you can use various methods: using seed material, root suckers, cuttings, layering. But the easiest way is to use seeds.

Seed propagation

Disembarkation is carried out at autumn period, since only recently collected material is able to ascend. You can take a ripe fruit and get the seeds from there. Before planting, they must be placed in warm water and left there overnight. It is advisable to choose nutritious soil for planting. The number of seeds must be chosen with the condition that only half of the planted seeds can sprout. seed material, since their germination rate is very low. As soon as the first two leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. With the onset of spring, grown seedlings can be planted in open ground.

If cuttings, shoots or layering were chosen as the method of propagation, then they are planted only in the spring.

If the seeds were purchased in a specialized store, then before planting they must undergo stratification. To do this, they are placed in the refrigerator, and in the spring they are sown directly into the soil in furrows made up to 4 centimeters deep.

You can first sow the seeds in spacious drawers and cover them a little with earth. It is desirable that a distance of 20 cm be maintained between the shoots. The rows are made in such a way that there is a distance of at least 30 cm between them. Shoots will not appear immediately, and you will not have to observe significant density. This way they can develop during the first year until their height reaches from 80 to 100 cm. After that they can be planted on permanent place dislocations. When planting them in open ground, you need to take into account that the distance between young trees should not be less than 65 centimeters.

When sown in autumn, maclura seeds do not undergo stratification. The infructescence is cut into 6-8 lobes. Each slice is placed sideways in a prepared hole in the ground 5 centimeters deep. With the onset of spring, the first shoots appear. They resemble small bushes, so they need to be thinned out. Individual specimens are planted in separate areas.

Adam's apple seedlings stretch upward at high speed, and by the beginning of autumn their length can reach 100 centimeters. The main care for them occurs during the growing season. Then watering is done every three weeks, fertilizing is applied in the form mineral fertilizers(nitroammophoska is well suited for these purposes). 30 g per 1 sq.m. is enough. In a temporary plot, young seedlings grow for 2 years. Then they can be planted in a permanent place. This tree must be replanted with extreme caution, since dried thorns are very poisonous; living ones do not pose any danger to human health.

Choosing a landing site

It is worth noting that Chinese orange loves heat very much and reaches high altitude only in southern latitudes. IN middle lane it may not even grow to 10 meters. How colder climate, the lower the height of the tree and the more it will resemble a spreading bush. But this has no effect on fruiting negative influence. Maclura grows well in climates where the grapes do not need to be covered. The tree is especially unpretentious and unpretentious.

As for the ground, then Any will do. Frosts and drought are not scary, strong winds and the presence of constant dust in the air. The only thing that maclura needs is light. Therefore, a well-lit area is chosen for its permanent place of growth.

Rules of care

IN special care this tree doesn't need it. Once every 3-4 years it needs to be trimmed, dried or broken branches and old growth removed. These actions are necessary in order to maintain good fruiting. It is advisable to protect young animals from severe frosts in winter. This tree is not afraid of insects and diseases. Sometimes young trees need to be fed with fertilizers. Regular watering is not necessary. It is advisable to loosen the soil and free it from weeds.

Despite the uniqueness of the tree, it is rarely used for landscaping settlements. It causes a lot of trouble, since in the spring the ground is covered with catkins, and in the fall with numerous fruits. They are not used as food. But there is no doubt that, thanks to wrinkled fruits, you can get rid of headaches, calm your nerves, lift your mood, and reduce arterial pressure, heal wounds, cure skin diseases, relieve rheumatic pain and cope with cancer, even in the last stages. All this is possible thanks to the milky juice, which contains a large amount of flavonoids and trace elements.

The healing properties of maclura

Official medicine carefully examined the fruits of maclura and revealed the uniqueness of their biological composition. Doctors have concluded that this plant is one of the best natural immunomodulators. In most countries where this miracle tree grows, its fruits are used to make medications, which improve cardiac function, heal wounds, and are used as antibiotics. But this is official medicine. Among the people, the scope of application of this natural medicine is more diverse:

Fresh JuiceIt is used to remove warts, which after treatment first turn black, then dry out and fall off without causing any pain. It is used to stop bleeding from wounds and cuts. If the wounds are not deep, then thanks to the juice they heal quickly.
All kinds of drugsThey are able to stop the development of new formations on the body, as well as resolve tumors. People gave this tree the name “Tree of the Desperate.” And this is not without reason. When official medicine is powerless and cannot cope with cancerous tumors, then maclura gets down to business. Thanks to it, both malignant and benign tumors disappear, regardless of their size and timing of formation. The healing effect of the Adam's apple fruit is aimed at blocking neoplasms due to the supply of nutrients there, followed by encapsulation. Inside the capsule, this formation dies from lack of “food”. It is worth noting that self-medication can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health, therefore, before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to consult with a specialized doctor and carry out therapy under his close attention. In this case, treatment cannot be accompanied by concurrent use of alcohol, antibiotics, or other medications.
Tinctures and decoctionsIf your work involves constant stress and you feel tired and irritable in the evenings, then you should pay attention to tinctures and decoctions of Chinese orange. They have a tonic effect, have an antiviral effect, and stabilize the functioning of the immune system. It has been proven that taking alcohol tincture (in small doses) can restore the elasticity of capillaries and blood vessels. Ideal as an anti-sclerotic agent, it helps strengthen the cardiovascular system.
FruitTinctures and ointments made from them are an effective remedy for radiculitis, polyarthritis, gout, lupus, erysipelas, and heals trophic ulcers and postoperative scars. They are used to prepare a drug, which is subsequently used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
Ointments according to special recipesDoctors recommend its use in detecting skin and rectal cancer, hemorrhoids, dermatitis, mastopathy, and lichen. They perfectly help relieve pain in the presence of vertebral hernias and salt deposits.

It must be remembered that taking drugs based on maclura, especially if they are decoctions and tinctures, is possible only with the recommendation of doctors and under their supervision, since their effectiveness is quite high.

You can use ointments, tinctures and decoctions yourself to external use. This applies to the healing of bruises, wounds and cuts, rubbing the knee joints and back with radiculitis. Ointment is applied to the wounds and tied with a bandage soaked in the tincture. In the presence of inflammatory processes, the tincture is rubbed into the sore spot, a cotton napkin is placed on top, and then tied with a warm (woolen) scarf or blanket.

Landscape design using maclura

Indian orange belongs to the category ornamental plants. It is always beautiful: in spring, when the first pale green flowers appear, in summer, when rich greenery blooms, in autumn, when unique large bright orange fruits adorn the branches. In areas it is planted both as a solo plant and in a group. Basically, they choose a place for it that is intended for shading a nearby area where plants grow that do not tolerate direct sun rays. The edges are decorated with Adam's apple.

Maclura is also used to create a field protective stripes, anti-erosion plantings, reclamation plantings. In summer cottages, it is used as a hedge, which not only defines the boundaries between adjacent land plots, but also does not allow uninvited guests to enter the territory, including hares.

Household use of wood

Maclura is fully used on the farm. The wood has sufficient strength and attractive appearance. In addition, it bends perfectly. Its golden-yellow hue makes it possible to admire crafts made from such wood, as well as pieces of furniture. Its properties are stronger than oak, which is why it is used for engraving work. It is easily polished, but practically cannot be drilled. Even the most experienced carpenter will face certain challenges. It is difficult to saw and plane. But this tree makes excellent clubs and bows, which are superior in quality to similar items made from English yew.

Maclura roots can be used to obtain high-quality yellow dye. Resin is obtained from the fruits, which is a component of high-quality glue. As for the fruits, human consumption of them is strictly prohibited, as symptoms of poisoning appear: vomiting, pain in the stomach, and possible dizziness. But livestock and horses consume these fruits without any harm to their health. Forest squirrels feast on edible seeds.


Maclura is a tree unique in its beauty and properties. It is easy to propagate and easy to grow. All parts of this plant, without a trace, have found their use in different areas human life. The unique healing properties have been confirmed even by medical professionals. It can cure diseases that cannot be treated by official medicine. But it is necessary to use drugs involving maclura with extreme caution and only under the supervision of the attending physician. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to yourself.

And finally, some useful video information:

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Question: Bought it at the market Maclura fruit. How can you grow this exotic from seeds?? The seller said that it is used in folk medicine: make tinctures and ointments. Please tell me about this.

Answer: Maclura, better known as Adam's apple, is a deciduous tree, dioecious, reaching a height of 12-14 m in warm regions.

The leaves, dark green in summer, turn golden yellow in autumn, and light green flowers collected in earrings add a decorative touch.

But the maklura is most beautiful during the ripening of fruits reaching 15 cm in diameter. They are orange and wrinkled, slightly reminiscent of oranges.

Maclura grows quickly, is light-loving, undemanding to the soil and quite winter-hardy. There is reliable information that it grows well in a resident’s private garden Voronezh region. In the middle zone, the maclura will grow as a bush. But this will not stop her from bearing fruit. The advantages of the plant are high drought resistance, salt tolerance and strong trunks that can withstand fairly strong gusts of wind. It grows well in city conditions, withstanding dust and polluted air.


Maclura can be propagated by seeds, root suckers and layering. The easiest way is to find seeds, because the fruits are sold in almost all supermarkets. Having taken them out of the fruit, it is better to sow them immediately, after soaking them in water overnight. Sow in nutritious soil, or store bought soil for flowers.

About half of the seeds germinate. The seedlings are planted in a larger container and kept there all season, and next spring they are planted in open ground.


Further care consists of watering, weeding and loosening the soil. In the first winters, young seedlings need to be covered until winter hardiness increases.

Maclura does not need fertilizing, but it needs to be pruned every three to four years, since the crown thickens quickly. Remove broken, dry branches, old ones, as well as crowns growing inward. Maclura is photophilous, and an unthinned crown can lead to weakened fruiting.

Maclura, aka Adam's apple

Orange maclura or apple maclura (lat. Maclura pomifera) - species fruit trees Mulberry family (Moraceae).

Deciduous dioecious tree up to 20 m high, with a highly branched, dense, spreading crown; with a slender trunk covered with dark brown fissured bark. The branches are geniculate-curved, the shoots are strongly spiny (there is a thornless form, inermis), spines up to 2.5 cm long are located in the axils of the leaves. Leaves 12×7.5cm, alternate, ovoid, with a sharp apex, entire edges, dark green, shiny, with bottom side lighter. In autumn, the leaves turn golden yellow.

The flowers are small, light green: staminate - collected in earrings, pistillate - in compact spherical heads. It is spectacular during the fruiting period, when large, up to 15 cm in diameter, wrinkled orange or yellow-green fruits (called Adam's apples), reminiscent of an orange in shape and color, abundantly decorate the tree. Collected infructescences have a long shelf life (about six months); inedible. Grows quickly.

Homeland - southeastern USA. Common in Central Texas. The wood is extremely durable, stronger than oak. It has a beautiful amber color that becomes luxuriously golden over time. This durable, flexible wood has long been used to make the best bows.

Light-loving, in the south it even tolerates some shading. It is undemanding to the soil and tolerates even saline conditions. Cultivated in Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan), Crimea and the Caucasus. Winter-hardy to the latitude of Voronezh. Very drought-resistant, wind-resistant and salt-tolerant. Withstands city conditions well. Propagated by seeds, layering, cuttings and root suckers, which can clog plantings. Grows in Crimea, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories.

The fruit of the maclura is called an Adam's apple (less commonly, a Chinese or Indian orange). This is a large fruit, up to 15 cm in diameter, with wrinkled orange-green skin, resembling an orange in shape and color. Poisonous. When cut with a knife, a sticky liquid is released - this is a milky sap with which all parts of the plant are literally saturated.

Maclura milky juice contains many cyclic triterpene alcohols in the form of fatty acid esters. This class of biologically active substances, widely distributed in flora, include sterols, bile acids, saponins. The total content of triterpenoids in maclura fruits during the period of milky ripeness reaches 4%. Chemical composition The fruits are very diverse, but there are many substances similar to those from mulberry fruits. However, the fruits of maclura are not edible. The fruits contain a lot of sugars, pectin substances up to 10%, and the leaves contain almost 13% citric acid. Seeds - small nuts located inside the fruit, contain almost 30% fatty acids. But flavonoid compounds can be considered the most valuable substances in maclura. This group of substances is similar in structure to P-vitamin. In fact, these are powerful antioxidants that have anti-sclerotic and anti-cancer properties [source not specified 613 days]. IN the greatest number flavonols contain kaempferol - up to 1.2%. It is these substances that have a yellow-orange (orange) color. IN large quantities(about 6%) is also contained in fruits and isomeric compounds of flavonoids - isoflavones. Of these, the majority is osain. Like many polyphenols with P-vitamin activity, they strengthen blood vessels and capillaries. At the same time, osain is much higher in effectiveness than the well-known rutin. A phytoproduct of flavonoids isolated from maclura fruits is a potential raw material for creating an effective cardiovascular drug.

In folk medicine, the milky juice of maclura is used to treat various skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, wounds and Pendin ulcers, as well as to treat skin cancer, radiculitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, hypertension and hemorrhagic pathologies.

Thanks to high decorative properties orange maclura is one of the economically valuable plants, promising for use in ornamental gardening. Recommended for use in gardens and parks in the form of prickly hedges, edges, group and single landings(tapeworms), as well as for creating protective strips and reclamation plantings.

In ornamental gardening it is valued for its original fruits, which are called« Chinese » or « Indian orange». In the medical industry of many countries, drugs are made from the fruits of orange maclura (to stimulate cardiac activity, antibiotics), and in folk medicine they are used as a means for healing wounds and treating rheumatic diseases, the milky juice removes warts (painlessly), and areas of skin affected by fungus darken like dying warts, stops bleeding (externally). When collecting, you should be wary of being pricked by a dried needle; a live one is harmless. Furniture is made from wood.

One of the best woods for the manufacture of hunting or sports bows.

The leaves are used as food for silkworms, and yellow paint is made from the tree bark and roots.

In its natural conditions it reaches 20 meters in height. With the onset of autumn, its emerald crown acquires a bright yellow color. Decorative look this tree is given unusual flowers light green in earring shape.

The genus Maclure, which includes 15 species of thorny trees, shrubs and vines, has spread throughout all the warm corners of our planet. Both male and female plants produce flowers that are usually greenish in color, most often arranged in groups or in racemes. Female plants after flowering they form wrinkled fruits of pale green color. It is during this period that the tree acquires its most spectacular appearance, when it bears large orange-like fruits up to 15 cm in diameter. Maclura wood is strong and quite flexible, so in ancient times archery bows were made from it.

Growing Maclura

Maclura is pretty unpretentious plant. It grows actively and quickly reaches the fruiting period. An adult plant can withstand short periods of high temperatures air in winter, young shoots are more thermophilic and suffer from severe frosts. There are examples of cultivating maklura in central Russia. In such conditions, the tree, of course, will not reach a height of fourteen meters, but fruiting will be regular. Open areas located in areas with hot summers will be ideal for its growth. Maclura is not picky about the type of soil. Its roots go to the deepest layers, which allows the plant to easily tolerate any drought. This plant is not afraid of strong winds either. It is not afraid of polluted air either.

Maclura care

Further care of the plant is simple. Maclura needs regular watering; the soil around it should be loose and free of weeds. Small seedlings need to be covered for the winter; adult plants are more hardy. Once every three to four years, the tree needs heavy pruning, because... because of his active growth its crown quickly becomes too dense. First of all, you need to cut off the old, dry and inward branches. This is very important, because maclura is a very light-loving plant, and too thick a crown will lead to a decrease in the number of ovaries.

Maclura propagation

There are quite a few ways to propagate maclura. This can be done using seeds, cuttings, root suckers or layering. The easiest way to propagate is by seed propagation. It is advisable to plant them in the fall, because... Only fresh shoots sprout planting material. Before sowing, it is better to soak the seeds extracted from the fruit overnight in warm water. They need to be planted in nutrient soil, with the expectation that seedlings will appear only from half of the planted seeds, because they have poor germination. After two true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate containers. In spring, seedlings are planted in open ground. Propagation by layering, suckers and cuttings is done in the spring.

Few people know that green oranges with pimples are known in alternative medicine as Adam's apple. Reviews from many healers indicate that tinctures from this product have unique healing properties. These fruits treat diseases whose symptoms cannot be eliminated by conventional tablet therapy. Adam's apple - patient reviews literally convince us of this - copes well with radiculitis, various hematomas, bruises and other diseases. In addition, this product is actively used to treat joint diseases.

Adam's apple: photo, brief description

This orange maclura fruit, in addition to the above, has several other names: Indian or Chinese orange, green pimply citrus, false orange, “God’s gift” and others.

Maclura belongs to the mulberry family and grows mainly in southern latitudes; it grows without problems in the Crimea. Its homeland is considered South America. This fruit was first brought to Russia back in 1833.

The leaves of this tree are very similar to the leaves that are different from male and female flowers, which differ from each other. The flowering period lasts up to 10 days.

Maclura fruits ripen somewhere before mid-autumn. This fruit is not edible. Its main purpose is the production of ointments and tinctures for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition of maclura

Adam's apple has a fairly diverse healing composition:

  • fatty acid;
  • lemon acid;
  • pectins;
  • flavonoid compounds;
  • sterols;
  • saponins,
  • bile acids.

Thanks to these components, Chinese orange has an anti-carcinogenic and anti-sclerotic effect, strengthens the immune system and destroys viruses. In addition, this fruit is an excellent way to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

The healing properties of Chinese orange

As you know, Adam's apple is widely used in alternative medicine. Treatment with this fruit involves making medicinal tinctures and ointments from it, because the fruit itself is inedible. Chinese orange has the following effects on the body and its systems:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • restores the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • stops the growth of neoplasms and cancerous tumors;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves joint pain due to gout and arthritis;
  • treats intervertebral hernias;
  • provides prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • is a natural antibiotic.

Adam's apple, patient reviews indicate this, is indicated for use for medicinal purposes for diseases such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • bruises;
  • mastopathy;
  • intoxication;
  • fatigue;
  • hypertension;
  • salt deposits;
  • skin diseases (Pendinsky ulcer, dermatitis, skin cancer, various wounds, eczema);
  • hemorrhagic pathologies;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • cystic inflammation;
  • liver and spleen diseases;
  • hematoma.

This list of diseases is far from complete. There are many more situations where alternative medicine advises the use of Adam's apple. Tincture or ointment from this fruit has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, soothing and analgesic effects.

Recipes for Chinese orange tinctures for internal use

To prepare a tincture of maclura for oral administration, use the following recipes. Adam's apple (half a kilogram) is finely chopped and placed in a jar. Then pour in 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka. The time for which the product must infuse is less than one month.

There is a special scheme according to which this medicine is taken:

  • the first week - three drops of tincture before meals at one time;
  • second week - three drops of medicine twice in 24 hours;
  • third week, three drops of tincture three times a day.

The dose is increased every week; by the thirtieth week it should be 30 drops per day. But not more. 30 drops is the maximum dose for a person thirty years old and older.

Adam's apple, the tincture of which is prescribed for a patient under 30 years of age, is allowed for use in the following ratio: you need to take the same number of drops as the patient is old. For example, for a 20-year-old person, it is recommended to use no more than 20 drops of tincture per day during the thirtieth week of Chinese orange therapy.

This scheme is used for cancer and is designed for 14 months.

False orange: recipe for tincture for external use

The above method of preparing the tincture is actively used for external use. This medication recipe is excellent for arthrosis, gout, arthritis, heel spurs, and salt deposits.

To do this, you need to take a natural cloth and soak it in the above tincture. It is applied to the sore spot at night. Then the treatment area is insulated. To do this, use a warm woolen scarf.

Treatment of joints using maclura rub

To prepare the medicine, take equal amounts of Chinese orange and alcohol. Maclura is grated and placed in a jar, then filled with alcohol. Exposure time is at least two weeks in a dark place.

After this, you can safely use the Adam's apple for therapy. Treatment of joints occurs as follows: this tincture is rubbed into the sore spot. Then it is insulated with a woolen scarf. You can make compresses with this medicine at night.

Maclura: recipe for healing ointment

In alternative medicine, Adam's apple is used not only for preparing tinctures. The ointment from this fruit has no less healing properties. It is prepared as follows:

  1. You need to take fresh lard (pork) and melt it into lard.
  2. Wash the maclura fruits and cut them into cubes about 1 cm in size.
  3. Place lard in a jar. The layer height should be 1.5 cm.
  4. Place the false orange cubes on top of the lard, at the same height.
  5. Then comes lard again, after which comes the above-mentioned fruit. And so on, in layers, until the jar is filled.
  6. The last layer is necessarily lard.
  7. The jar must be tightly closed and sealed. Dough is used for this.
  8. The above container should be kept in a water bath over low heat for 24 hours.
  9. Then the resulting medicine must be strained into another jar. It needs to be filled to the very top so that there is no room left for air.
  10. This ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

The above remedy is used to treat joint diseases and is applied as follows: you need to heat a spoon, then scoop up the ointment with it, which then needs to be evenly distributed over natural fabric. Apply this cloth to the sore spot and leave for 5 hours. It is recommended to insulate the treatment area with a woolen scarf.

For the above ointment, representatives of alternative medicine advise applying it to a leaf of cabbage. Then insulate this compress with a woolen napkin, and then apply it to your chest at night.

Adam's apple: reviews

The benefits of Chinese orange are evidenced by many patients healed with this therapy. Their reviews indicate that maclura very actively helps with the most complex symptoms of various diseases. These are tumors, cancer, problems with joints, heart, skin, nervous system.

Delivery to your apartment or post office. Refund if the Adam's apple is damaged.

In Moscow, maclura can be ordered directly to your apartment, delivery in two to three days - 350 rubles for up to two kilograms!

Read the article to the end and you will know everything about maclure! How to buy it, how to store it, how to prepare preparations from it. And why is it worth buying fruits from us?

The price is per kilogram of Adam's apple!

We are accepting orders for fall 2019.

Don't forget to also order freshly picked chestnuts. Chestnut is necessary for all people after 35 years. We will send it together with maclura

Why you should buy maclura from us:

The cost of delivery is calculated by the operator according to the tariffs of Russian Post and the transport company SDEC.

Adam's apple extract and ointment can be purchased

Read recipes and methods of treating maclura

The fruits of the maclura tree (or Adam's apple) are gaining more and more fans every day as a means of healing that does not require serious financial costs, is effective and accessible to anyone.

Read the text to the end and you will understand why.

Traditional medicine prescribes the use of fruit-based products for cancer and benign formations. There is a “sea” of information about this on the Internet, almost the same and wandering from site to site.

If you want real experience and health benefits of maclura fruits, then you are in the right place.

And all because we have not only been selling maclura fruits for almost 10 years, but we are also constantly faced with the results of its use by our clients (it would be strange if it were different). You write your stories, reviews and we are very grateful to you for this.

First positive reviews(until you try it, you won’t believe it) turned out to be your own experience. We are also living people, we get sick and find ourselves in various unpleasant situations. It goes without saying that any experienced herbalist runs not to the nearest pharmacy for help, but to his personal first aid kit).

So it happened that the tincture of maclura, its oil, and ointments based on it very quickly became the favorite means of first aid for themselves and their loved ones. Any inflammations, bumps, wounds, maclure were solved immediately.

And then the clients “caught up”, the review base was replenished with rave reviews from people different ages. And it became really interesting, what is there in this maclura that it helps so much.

And the period of collecting scientific data and research began.

The juice of the Adam's apple fruit (maclura) contains up to 3-4 percent of saponins, sterols, and fatty acids. The entire maclura fruit is soaked in this juice, so it is used only fresh. You can't dry it!

By taking Adam's apple internally, you can restore the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries. This is due to the huge content of vitamin P, which, when combined with vitamin C in maclure, has a strong anti-sclerotic effect and is an antioxidant that cleanses the body of carcinogens.

The most wonderful property Maclures (Adam's apple) - slowly but surely dissolve various neoplasms, including malignant ones. Application is effective in the form of an alcohol tincture, long-term, about a year or more.

Only such long-term use of Adam's apple allows you to completely get rid of any tumors, including metastases. Usually, courses of body cleansing, therapeutic fasting, and therapeutic raw food diet are carried out.

Maclura is taken daily, without breaks. It strengthens the immune system, relieves fatigue, intoxication, counteracts tumors, kills viruses, strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

And now about medicinal tinctures from maclura

Maclura and joints

Effective rubbing for joints for any problems and diseases

A liter jar requires 2 fruits of 200 grams each (approximately)

Cut the fruit into pieces and place in glass jar to the top. Pour good vodka “under the neck” and leave for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. Shake the jar daily!

Medicinal properties and use of maclura:

  • for violations of water-salt metabolism;
  • joint pain, polyarthritis, radiculitis, gout, osteochondrosis, salt deposits, spurs;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • inflammatory muscle pain;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • eczema, dermatitis, lichen, growths of bones on the feet, burns (externally - for rubbing, applications, lubrication, nose rubs).

Maclura for internal use

For treatment, the tincture is used in “shock” doses using the building method.

The first week starts with 3 drops at a time, 1 time per day before meals. Second week - 2 times a day.Third week - 3 times a day.

Then every week increase in one dose by 1 drop. Usually, by week 30, the dose is increased to 30 drops per dose, 3 times a day.

This is the maximum dose for people 30 years of age and older. For younger people, the maximum number of drops is equal to age.

Then the dose is reduced every week by 1 drop at a time. Thus, go down to 3 drops 3 times a day. This is a full course - 1 year and 2 months.

After this, they take a break for up to 1-2 months, if everything goes away, then they switch to a preventive appointment. If the tumor has not yet completely resolved, then after 1-2 weeks, start a second course. But usually the course is enough.

How to prepare maclura tincture

Preparing the tincture is very simple. Slice the Adam's apple and fill the jar to the top. Quickly pour alcohol at 40 to 50 degrees. Seal tightly so that no air gets in. Infuse for 8 weeks.

In the case of maclura, the longer it infuses, the better. For this reason, it is better to prepare more and use it gradually as it infuses. Ideally, leave for up to 1 year.

Maclura treatment can be combined with any other treatment.

Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, severe liver disease, pregnancy.

Money Back Guarantee

Attention! If you live in a big city, we recommend delivery to you transport company SDEK.

No matter how hard we try to pack your Adam's apples, there is also such a factor as transportation by mail, and the post office does not always deliver packages carefully.

Cases of complaints regarding spoiled fruits are extremely rare. However, understanding the concerns of customers, we decided to protect them from unnecessary spending.

We take a responsible approach to our work and value our reputation. If you received fruits from us that are not suitable for use, you can count on a refund of your money.

How to get a refund:

To return your money, you only need to send 3 photos of the damaged fruits and your order number via any of the communication channels with us indicated in the “header” of the site. Don't forget to also include your card number.

Attention! Superficial stains, bruised areas are not a reason to return! Such fruits are suitable for making tinctures and ointments. Please think before purchasing! You order a “live” fruit, which is stored for several months and then withstands the long journey to you.

We do not cover it with waxes and special solutions as they do with any store-bought fruits and vegetables. This is contrary to our principles and would deprive you of quality care.

We work conscientiously, please treat us humanely. We pay money for the fruits, we spend money on proper storage, high-quality packaging and shipping to you. Therefore, there is no need to demand a refund from us if you see a speck on your maclure.

The guarantee is given for your peace of mind! In practice, such cases are rare!

If you find that the maclura has arrived completely damaged and can no longer be used, then please contact us in the manner described above. Instead of money, you can ask to send you the fruits again.

Tell me where to buy an Adam's apple in Moscow? 01.11.2015 Hello! We send Adam's apple fruits by mail throughout Russia. Delivery cost is 300 rubles, regardless of quantity. 01.11.2015 Hey, the good ones sent apples! Well done, thank you! 11/02/2015 I have been suffering from arthritis for eight months now, I tried everything and nothing helps. So I found out about the Adam’s apple and decided to try it, I was very interested. How can I buy an apple, please tell me. Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely, Victor. 11/19/2015 Hello dear Victor! To place an order, click the red “buy” button next to the product picture on this page, placing an order is very simple and fast. In addition, you can call us by phone (at the top in the header of the site) or write to us by clicking on the red button “Have questions? Write to us” just above this text. 11/19/2015 I received the fruits, thank you, they are very good. 01/07/2016 Thank you very much, the mucklures arrived excellent! Now we can’t order the tincture. To our north only by plane, and it is now forbidden to send liquids by plane. For us, fruits are the only way out, and we’ll make the tincture ourselves. So thank you so much for your work! 01/09/2016 Good maclura, it reached the North and was perfectly preserved. Thank you! 01/18/2016 My great-grandmother was treated with maclura all the time and lived to be 90 years old. I don’t know whether it’s because of the maclura or not, but she always had it. 01/18/2016 Good day ! Would you mind sharing the seeds? 04/30/2016 Please tell me where to buy maclura in Moscow? 08/12/2016 Hello! Unfortunately, we don't know. We send to Moscow the same way as to all cities of Russia - by mail. 08/12/2016 I want to order an Adam's apple. My joints hurt a lot. I haven’t felt light in my legs for a long time. Please tell me the cost of the fruits and how much is needed for the course of treatment. 08/15/2016 From what date will you send out maclura in September? 08/30/2016 We ordered maclura all the way to the Urals. The fruits arrived perfectly, everything was packaged very well. Thank you! 10/09/2016 I placed an order for maclura back in August and they probably forgot about me. She didn't exist then. I really want to buy, write me an email. 10/19/2016 I want it too 12/19/2016 Your maclura arrived in Yekaterinburg in ten days, everything is fine, as promised - I wrote. 02/20/2017 Valery, thanks for the information. Friends, leave your feedback on how the maclura arrived to you, many people ask before ordering whether it will arrive or not. Write the city and information (how many days the parcel was delivered and the condition of the cover). 02/21/2017 Hello. I have heard a lot of grateful reviews about the treatment of maclura fruits. I myself suffer from arthritis. I would like to order some fruits. But I live in Yakutia. The fruits collected in September are considered the most useful. In September we already have frosts, sometimes there is already snow. If I place an order in September, will the fruit arrive? Maybe someone from our place has already ordered? Share your feedback, have you seen the results? Thank you 03/10/2017 Hello! Alla, don’t worry, maklura is frost-resistant. We also sent to Petropavlovsk, and we ship from September to the end of February. If something goes wrong with the fetus, contact us and we will return the money for maclura. You can place an order now, you will receive a confirmation in the form of SMS, and the operators themselves will contact you by the time the sale begins. 03/12/2017 Hello! For some reason I didn’t get through to you this morning. Call me back, I want to place an order for maclura. Best regards, Timofeev. 08/17/2017 Hello! I would like to order 3 kg of maclura, tell me how much it will cost, and what delivery time it will take 08/23/2017 It arrived in Novosibirsk without problems, the parcel took 10 days, I ordered a kilogram, everything is fine. The ointment and oil are also of good quality. 11/08/2017 Thank you! All the mucklures arrived intact, nothing was spoiled. 11/24/2017 Thank you! I received the parcel, everything arrived perfectly. Thank you for your cooperation. 12/15/2017 Hello! I received the fruits thanks. 03/20/2018 Hello! The parcel arrived perfectly, although there were doubts, of course. Thank you! 10/19/2018 Received apples. Everything arrived perfectly, thank you. 10/24/2018 Thank you, we received it. Everything was packed perfectly, it arrived in Belarus. 11/14/2018