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How to take water from mineral springs. Mineral fertilizers: types, how to use, fertilizing calendar. Urea application rates

We need water like we need air, in the literal sense of the word. It ensures the delivery of nutrients to cells, helps absorb them and convert food into energy, regulates body temperature, frees our body of toxins, strengthens the immune system, and finally, simply restores strength. When our body does not receive enough water, it “withers” like a flower without watering: the skin dries out and peels off, muscle weakness appears, the head often hurts, the pulse and breathing increase, and performance decreases.

In large SPA centers and balneological resorts, the basis of the entire wellness course is mineral water. Of course, we cannot afford the luxury of taking mineral baths at home. But everyone can drink bottled mineral water and use it for some other procedures.

First, let's talk about what types of mineral waters there are, as well as how their healing effects can affect our body.

Each mineral water source is unique in its composition. Even if the chemical composition is the same, water from different sources differs from each other in many other characteristics. The experienced connoisseur sees some difference already on the bottle label. This is the concentration of mineral salts or the total mineralization of water. According to the value of this indicator, waters of low mineralization, medium degree of mineralization, high degree of mineralization, brine and strong brine are distinguished. For internal use during treatment, mineral waters with a mineralization of 2 to 20 g/l are usually prescribed; for drinking, waters of low and medium mineralization are used - from a mineralization of 1 g/l to 2 g/l and from 2 to 5 g/l, over This indicator is already medicinal mineral waters.

The water that we most often buy is considered table water; there is also medicinal table water and medicinal water.

The chemical composition of water is expressed by the ratio of ions in it. Based on their ionic composition, mineral waters are divided into magnesium, calcium, sodium, hydrocarbonate, and chloride. The name of water usually consists of the most important chemical substances contained in the solution, for example, hydrocarbonate, chloride, ferrous, sulfide, etc.

Acidity - the pH of water is determined by its chemical composition; according to this indicator, the following mineral waters are distinguished: alkaline - pH above 8; slightly alkaline – 7.2–8.5; neutral – 6.8–7.2; slightly acidic – 5.5–6.7; sour – 3.5–5.5; strongly acidic - pH less than 3.5.

Based on the presence of gases, waters are divided into non-carbonated, slightly carbonated, medium-carbonated and highly carbonated waters. Mainly present in mineral water carbon dioxide, but there may also be hydrogen sulfide, iodide, nitrogen, bromide, radon, arsenic and other waters.

Universal water that suits everyone is purified drinking water. It is extracted from natural sources - springs, springs, artesian wells. After purification, the water is mineralized to the optimal salt content. Sometimes carbon dioxide is added to it - a natural preservative that prevents the development of bacteria. This is how the water becomes carbonated. The water we buy to quench our thirst is considered table water. This is natural mineral water with a salt content of up to 1 g/l.

The healing properties of mineral water

Undoubtedly, any mineral water has healing properties. But this does not mean that you can buy any available water and drink it in large quantities. Even with a general low mineralization (up to 1 g/l), the water may contain too high a content of one or more biologically active elements (iron, hydrogen sulfide, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc.). Therefore, some people, especially those suffering from certain diseases, should carefully study the chemical composition of the purchased water. There are no less strict contraindications or indications for the use of mineral water than for medications.

For example, those with poor blood clotting should be wary of water with high calcium levels. And those who have hypertension or problems with the kidneys or heart should not drink water with high content sodium Sulfates have a laxative effect, chlorides affect the functioning of the digestive tract. The conclusion is this: water is useful and vital, but under certain factors it can be harmful. We should be careful about what we pour into our glass. This primarily applies to people who are interested in treating or improving their own body. It is advisable to consume mineral water internally only after consultation with a doctor, since despite the apparent simplicity of this method of cleansing the body, complications are possible (usually due to improper use of mineral waters).

Mineral water begins its life-giving effect in the mouth.

For example, in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, tongue, and gums, rinses and oral baths with highly mineralized waters are used. It is recommended to rinse up to 6 times a day using mineral water heated to 38 °C for two weeks.

Already in the mouth, mineral water irritates the receptors of the mucous membrane, affects salivation and motor function stomach and intestines. Even in the stomach, water inhibits gastric secretion, reducing the amount of gastric juice and digestive capacity. This is especially true for water with a high content of carbon dioxide and bicarbonates. That is why it is not recommended to wash down food with mineral water, or drink it immediately after eating.

Mineral water has another feature: it is capable of changing the chemical and acid-base composition of blood, lymph, tissue fluid, which is an important healing property, as it enhances the formation of biologically active substances needed by our body. Water can influence the immune and endocrine systems.

The effect of water depends on the chemical composition:

– mineral waters with a high iodine content stimulate the activation of metabolic processes and can also have a calming effect on our nervous system(which is especially good in stressful situations);

– ferruginous mineral waters have a healing effect on the circulatory system, as they promote the formation of red blood cells and increase hemoglobin in the blood; several times increase the protective mechanisms in the body, helping the formation of vitamin D; Ferrous mineral waters effectively help with anemia;

– mineral waters with a high content of hydrocarbonate ions ( alkaline waters) effectively affect the gastrointestinal tract; increase the production of bile, improving its composition and reducing the formation of uric acid, which most helps with gastritis, colitis and pancreatitis, peptic ulcer and diabetes mellitus;

– magnesium mineral waters reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, have a choleretic effect and have an antispasmodic effect;

– siliceous waters soothe and have an anti-inflammatory effect; especially useful for older people with gastrointestinal diseases;

– chloride waters improve metabolic processes in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, are prescribed to pregnant women, and also help the growth of bones and teeth;

– radon waters have become widespread as drinking water, since it has been found that in small quantities they are useful for kidney diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

List medicinal properties mineral waters can last for a long time, but so that indoor application water did not cause negative reactions from your body, you should consult your doctor before starting balneotherapy.

The use of mineral waters is contraindicated for the following diseases:

– violation of the excretory function of the kidneys of various origins;

– acute gastrointestinal diseases, including narrowing of the esophagus and pylorus;

– cardiovascular diseases, which are accompanied by significant edema.

The most famous brands of mineral waters are: “Baltiyskaya” and “Arzni” (sulfate sodium-magnesium); “Jermuk” and “Mariupol” (ferruginous mineral waters); “Narzan” and “Borjomi” (sodium bicarbonate); Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 (sodium bicarbonate-chloride); as well as “Mirgorod”, “Darasun”, “Azovskaya” and many others.

Mineral waters are not only used internally, but also used for inhalation; for mouth rinsing, oral baths; for gastric lavage; administered directly into the colon in the form of microenemas, enemas, siphon rinses.

The temperature of the mineral water also matters: cold water enhances the motor function of the stomach and intestines, causing spasm of the bile ducts and intestines; Warm water helps relieve spasms and remove mucus. In most cases, mineral water is prescribed heated (up to 42–44 degrees). Cold water prescribed only to enhance intestinal motility in some forms of constipation.

Typically, both therapeutic and health-improving use of mineral waters should be combined with adherence to a daily regimen, diet, and the implementation of complexes physical exercise. Without refusal bad habits, without maintaining the correct and healthy image In life, drinking mineral water will not give any tangible results. It’s not without reason that people have long known the expression “you shouldn’t drink Borjomi if your kidneys have fallen off.” Mineral water is not a panacea, but only a “small brick” in the wall of general health-improving techniques.

– you should drink mineral water slowly, slowly, in small sips;

– if the water has a specific smell or tastes unpleasant, you can drink it quickly, in one gulp;

– usually, moderately and weakly mineralized waters are prescribed 200 ml per dose; but depending on the weight (90-100 kg) the dose is doubled;

– at the beginning of a course of treatment or prevention with mineral waters, you should use small doses - about 1 glass, gradually increasing the amount of water you drink;

- in most cases, mineral water should be consumed before meals (in case of low acidity of gastric juice - 30 minutes before, in case of increased secretion of gastric juice - 1-1.5 hours before);

– frequency of drinking water mainly 3 times a day;

– in some cases – with urinary tract diseases – the number of doses increases up to six times;

– if you have stool disorders or are prone to diarrhea, you should stop taking mineral water until the diarrhea disappears;

– the use of mineral water is prescribed in courses; under no circumstances should you drink water constantly (the course can last from 12 days to three weeks or more, if necessary, the course is repeated after a 2-3 week break).

It is very important to store mineral water bottles correctly: horizontally in a cool, dark place; frozen mineral water loses some of its properties; The storage duration is usually indicated on the label, but almost all types of mineral waters can be stored for about 1 year or more. Water good quality has no color, taste or smell, must be absolutely transparent, although in some cases a small sediment of salts is allowed at the bottom of the bottle.

How to heat mineral water correctly? To do this (at home), mineral water should be heated in a water bath. To do this, place a glass filled with water in a bowl with hot water and leave until the water reaches the required temperature, which is checked using a thermometer. It is worth remembering that in the treatment of certain diseases (gastric ulcer and duodenum, gastritis, pyloric spasms, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis), the use of mineral waters at room temperature or cold can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. For the listed diseases, drinking warm water heated to 40–45 degrees is usually prescribed.

For chronic colitis, hepatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes, diathesis), it is recommended to take moderately heated mineral waters - 25–35 degrees.

Treatment methods using mineral waters

As mentioned above, healing properties mineral water is mainly used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Mineral waters, predominantly of low mineralization and containing calcium ions, have a good diuretic effect and promote the removal of bacteria, mucus, sand and small stones from the renal pelvis, ureters, bladder.

To eliminate constipation, enhance bile formation and excretion, the following regimen for taking mineral water is prescribed: in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 400–500 ml of slightly or moderately mineralized mineral water heated to a temperature of 38–40 degrees; water is taken in two doses of 200–250 ml with an interval of 15–20 minutes. During the day, repeat these techniques two more times: before lunch - 20 minutes before meals, before dinner - also 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment will be 12–14 days. If necessary, repeat the course after two to three weeks.

For chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, for disorders of the bile ducts, for constipation, the following regimen is recommended: before morning appointment mineral water, again on an empty stomach, you first need to drink either magnesium sulfate - 1 teaspoon of a 20 percent solution in 1/2 glass of water, or sorbitol, which has a choleretic and laxative effect - 30-50 g in 1/2 glass of water, or 1–2 tablespoons olive oil. Then the intake of mineral water is carried out according to the same scheme as described above. It is advisable to lie down on a heating pad for a couple of hours after taking mineral water for the first time, applying it to the gallbladder area.

Procedures that increase the activity of the liver and gallbladder should be performed twice a week. Course of 6–8 procedures.

For enhanced flushing of the kidneys and urinary tract, more frequent use of mineral waters is recommended. This also includes severe metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

In addition, additional intakes of mineral waters are prescribed for gastritis (accompanied by pain in the epigastric region and severe heartburn), for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, for difficulty emptying the stomach associated with spasms of the pylorus, etc. The dosage regimen is as follows: total in a day, 4–6 doses of 1/4 cup are recommended at 15-minute intervals. To remove pain syndrome Usually 200 ml of mineral water is enough.

During treatment of gastritis, you should adhere to certain rules. They relate to the regime of water intake and taking into account its chemical composition.

It should be remembered that some types of mineral water have a very pronounced juice effect, that is, they increase the secretion of gastric juice; others, on the contrary, inhibit the effect on gastric secretion.

For anacid and subacid gastritis (with reduced secretion of gastric juice), as well as in the complete absence of secretion of gastric juice, carbon dioxide-rich bicarbonate-chloride-sodium mineral waters of the Essentuki type or sodium chloride mineral waters of the Mirgorodskaya type are recommended.

In case of increased secretion, alkaline varieties of mineral waters are prescribed - “Borjomi”, “Krainka”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanskaya”.

The dosage regimen is as follows: for reduced secretion, either immediately before meals or 20 minutes before meals; with normal secretion, it is recommended to take water 40 minutes before meals; for gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice - an hour and a half before meals.

Wellness techniques using mineral waters

We have already mentioned the effect of rinsing your mouth with mineral water and oral baths. In addition to the tonic effect on the oral mucosa, this procedure helps prevent periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and other unpleasant diseases of the oral cavity.

Hydrocarbonate and chloride mineral waters are considered the most suitable. Such warm rinses are also great for pharyngitis.

A good effect for diseases of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi is given by rinsing, washing and inhalation. For inhalation for diseases of the upper respiratory tract moderately or slightly mineralized waters containing various gases are used. For example, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. The most effective are mineral waters of the “Borjomi” type (hydrocarbonate-sodium), alkaline earth waters of the “Zheleznovodsk” type, and hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium waters of the “Essentuki” type.

At home, inhalation is carried out as follows: water heated to 70 degrees is poured into a container, then, closing your eyes and covering yourself with a towel, inhale the steam evenly and deeply for 5 minutes. Such inhalations are done up to three times a day. The course is carried out over a week. During the period of inhalation, you should not go outside or be in a draft.

To enhance the effect, menthol or eucalyptus oil, pine oils or extracts, and thyme herb are sometimes added.

When you have a runny nose, rinsing your nose with chloride mineral water has a good effect (it is necessary to release the gases first). The water is heated to 30 degrees and in small portions, one nostril at a time is drawn into the nose. After passing through the nasal passage, the water should enter the mouth (in no case into the throat), then it should be spat out.

Enemas using mineral waters have an excellent cleansing effect. In this case, take water with a low or moderate degree of mineralization. You should first perform a regular cleansing enema. Then take about one liter of mineral water, heat it in a water bath to body temperature or higher (36–38 degrees), and inject it into the rectum at low speed. This procedure has an effective cleansing effect on the large and small intestines. The course of health cleansing lasts a week (7-10 procedures).

Mineral enemas are often enhanced with decoctions of mint, chamomile, yarrow, etc. Solutions are prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials per 1 glass of water.

Mineral baths provide a healing effect. To do this, use numerous mineral supplements that have appeared in Lately in the pharmaceutical market. Such baths have a huge overall cleansing effect for the entire body.

Salt baths

For a bath, use sea salt or Dead Sea salts at a rate of up to 2 kg per bath. To enhance the effect, add a 5% alcohol solution of iodine (until a slight odor appears). Temperature is about 35–37 degrees. The duration of the bath is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Iron baths

Used inkstone based on 50-100 grams of the substance. Water temperature 35–36 degrees. It is recommended to take baths once a day, a full course of 12–14 procedures.

Iodide baths

To prepare such a bath, take 30–35 grams of potassium iodine per procedure. The substance should be dissolved in water at a temperature of 35 degrees. The bath should be taken once a day. The general course is up to 14 procedures.

Mineral water is good not only for baths. With its effects it can preserve health and prolong youth. It is not without reason that mineral water is included in many cosmetic preparations.

You can successfully use these qualities of mineral water at home. To better retain moisture in the skin, you need to spray natural, slightly mineralized water several times a day using a spray bottle on your face and body. It is especially effective to do this before bed, after you have blotted off the remaining night cream with a napkin.

In the summer heat or on vacation, such a procedure will only refresh your face, suffering from the scorching rays of the sun.

Let us also cite one funny incident. A group of Americans arrived in one of the cities of the Russian outback to conduct entrepreneurial activity. But, as often happens in our cities, Americans were faced with a lack of water, which was periodically turned off. Businessmen, accustomed to taking a shower every morning, were not ready for this exotic. At first they had a hard time, until someone thought of using mineral water for morning hygiene. It should be said that with ordinary washing of hair with mineral water, their hair was healthy and shiny. So it may be worth taking this recipe, invented due to certain circumstances, into service.

Try rinsing your hair after shampooing with mineral water. For those who are passionate about their health and exercise regularly, we offer the following recipes for health and beauty.

Drinks containing the daily value of many vitamins and minerals:

– Grind 50 g of sour apple into puree, add 80 ml of plum and 50 ml apple juice. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped raisins. Fill with mineral water;

– Grind half a banana into puree, mix with 100 ml of cherry juice, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pear juice with pulp. Fill with mineral water.

Drinks rich in vitamins A, E and C, as well as drinks rich in proteins and carbohydrates:

– 80 ml blackberries mixed with 90 ml juice white grapes. Fill with mineral water;

– Grind 100 g of mango (replace with any other fruit), add 80 ml of grapefruit juice, 50 ml of apricot nectar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon balm or lemon balm. Fill with mineral water;

– Grind half a banana and ripe kiwi into a puree, add 100 ml of multivitamin juice. Fill with mineral water;

– mix 100 ml orange juice, 70 ml grapefruit juice and 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon. Fill with mineral water;

– Grind half a banana into puree, add 150 ml orange juice, 1 tbsp. spoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn syrup. Fill with mineral water.

For many diseases, special mineral water is prescribed, which helps the body recover faster, just like medications. But, unlike them, it does not have negative impact on other organs and systems, does not interfere.

If you decide to independently carry out a course of treatment or prevention, then the recommendations of this article will be useful to you: for what diseases can you take medicinal mineral water, what should be the chemical composition and degree of mineralization, at what time and in what dosages, even - certain temperature, depending on the diagnosis.

After all, the effect of medicinal mineral water on the body is very complex and complex.

Ideally, medicinal mineral water should be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the underlying disease and concomitant diseases.

But most of us try to see doctors as little as possible. In case of relapse or exacerbation, as a rule, we take previously prescribed medications. And in this case, at least once again read the instructions for use of the drug.

The attitude towards taking medicinal mineral water is different, less cautious. For example, until I had the need to learn in more detail about what kind of mineral water, when and how to drink it correctly, I periodically bought Borjomi for health prevention digestive system.

And I was surprised that sometimes the effect in 4-5 days was simply amazing. Minor discomfort in the stomach and liver area quickly disappeared, the whole body felt light and additional energy appeared, the condition of the skin of the face and body improved.

But sometimes it’s the other way around - they started sharp pains in the stomach, weakness and headache appeared.

As it turned out, all this is due to the fact that medicinal mineral water must be taken not only in strictly dosed volumes, but also at a certain time interval before meals, depending on the state of the body and the disease.

The temperature of the water is also of great importance: it can be room temperature or almost hot - up to 50 degrees.

When by chance all the “correct” conditions coincided, I was positive result, when the time of administration and regularity were violated, or the dosage was negative.

But I “prescribed” myself only a preventive intake of mineral water in order to maintain the body’s acid-base balance normal, and periodically replenish the inevitable deficiency of essential minerals.

And for those who have serious diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, kidneys, proper intake of mineral water has even not very great importance, but in the literal sense, vital.

Complex effects of mineral water on the body.

Its action begins in the oral cavity: receptors are irritated and salivation increases. In the stomach cavity, when interacting with the mucous membrane, the digestion process is activated or slowed down. Depending on the composition of the water, synchronous changes occur in the functions of the liver and gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, and other organs.

Absorption of water occurs in the upper intestines, minerals enter the blood and lymph, the formation of biologically active substances is activated, the chemical composition of not only liquids, but also tissues changes. The activity of organs and systems of the body is stimulated.

How to properly use medicinal mineral waters.

Time of receipt.

In most cases, mineral water is taken 15-30 minutes before meals, in small sips. In this case, its impact will be maximum and longer lasting. This technique is recommended for decreased gastric secretion in order to increase the secretion of gastric juice.

With normal secretion of gastric juice Prescribe drinking water 45-60 minutes before meals.

In the event that it is necessary, on the contrary, to reduce the intensity of gastric juice production, with increased acidity, you need to drink mineral water an hour and a half before meals, at one time, “in one gulp.”

Water will quickly pass from the stomach to the intestines, and will have an “inhibiting” effect, reducing the production of gastric juice. You can also quickly drink a glass of medicinal table water for constipation, an hour before meals.

For peptic ulcer It is recommended to take medicinal and medicinal table mineral water after meals, 20-30 minutes later. But it is necessary to take into account concomitant diseases.

The course of treatment is from 3 to 6 weeks. Repeated courses are recommended only after 3-4 months - this will avoid the accumulation of salts in the kidneys. The optimal conduct of such intensive treatment courses is 2 times a year.

Dosage medicinal water.

For chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, optimal temperature– 20-30 degrees.

In order to reduce the secretion of the digestive glands, water with a temperature of 35-45 degrees is prescribed for chronic gastritis with increased acidity, with cholecystitis, peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, chronic hepatitis.

Drinking warm mineral water, with a temperature of 30 to 50 degrees, is prescribed for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and for intestinal diseases.

What mineral water is prescribed for treating the digestive system?

Chronic gastritis with high and normal acidity.

Prescribe hydrocarbonate-sulfate or carbonate medicinal table waters with a mineralization of 3-5 g per liter, non-carbonated or slightly carbonated: “Avadhara”, “Dilijan”, “Sairme”, “Slavyanovskaya”.

Chronic gastritis with decreased secretion.

Hydrocarbonate-chloride, chloride-sulfate, carbon dioxide or hydrocarbonate waters with a mineralization of 5-15 g per litre are prescribed: “Essentuki” No. 4 and No. 17, “Izhevskaya”, “Berezovskaya”.

For chronic pancreatitis without frequent exacerbations.

Chloride-sulfate, hydrocarbonate, sulfate waters with a mineralization of 5-15 g per liter can be prescribed: Slavyanovskaya, Essentuki No. 17, Karmadon, Izhevskaya.

Mineral waters for kidney treatment.

Healing mineral waters, urolithiasis, in the presence of infectious processes. With proper and regular use of mineral water, mucus and pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the kidneys faster, stones are destroyed and removed, and mineral metabolism is restored.

But there will be a positive effect only if mineral water is prescribed correctly, taking into account the chemical composition of the stones and the resulting salts.

The composition of the water should be alkaline for uric acid diuresis and oxalates - pH 7.2 - 8.5.

If stones and salts are formed by phosphates, mineral waters with acidic environment– pH 3.5 – 6.8, containing silicon, fluorine, copper, tungsten or iron – these microelements accelerate the dissolution of phosphate stones.

If there is difficulty in passing urine or if the urinary tract is dilated, if there is a tendency to form edema, or if there are cardiovascular diseases, it is not recommended to take large doses of medicinal mineral water.

In such cases, the doctor may prescribe to take medicinal table waters or table waters with slight mineralization: hydrocarbonate, sulfate-bicarbonate, or containing organic substances. “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, “Naftusya” are recommended.

Mineral fertilizers are inorganic compounds that contain life-giving particles that plants need for full growth.

There are two types of mineral fertilizers:

  1. Simple mineral fertilizers- contain one element (, potassium and many other elements).
  2. Complex mineral fertilizers- consist of two or three or more nutritional elements simultaneously.

In the soil intended for planting, some natural nutrients are sometimes not enough for the stable development of plants. In soil with a high sand content, plants do not have enough magnesium, in soils based on peat there is not enough molybdenum, and even black soil There is often a deficiency of manganese.

The use of mineral fertilizers is main method in active and fruitful farming. Thanks to the action of minerals, productivity increases. It is possible to increase the productivity of existing land instead of developing new areas.

When using fertilizers, one should take into account the characteristics of the land cover, the level of plant fertility and the amount of useful elements present, as well as visually inspect the soil for its composition (sand, humus, clay).

Types of mineral fertilizers

Let's consider all possible types of mineral fertilizers.

Chemical fertilizers are divided into:

  • simple fertilizing(one-part);
  • mixed (using machine mixing);
  • complex (composition of two or more components).

Mineral fertilizers The earth definitely needs them to restore the balance of nutrients. Plants in different time life consume useful elements in varying amounts.

The most important species mineral fertilizers:

  • Nitrogen based. This is ammonia nitrogen with low acidity, absorbed through the root system of plants. Nitrate nitrogen is used in liquid form; it is easily accepted by plants and summer time serves as complementary food. Amide nitrogen is used to acidify the soil.
  • Phosphorus mineral fertilizers. They can be divided according to their degree of solubility in water. There are such types as: superphosphate, phosphate rock and precipitate. The use of phosphorus increases the regenerative functions of plant tissues. With the timely use of phosphorus solution, the speed of appearance of flowers increases and their quality improves.
  • Potassium-based fertilizers. They are a salt concentrate. in clay soils, if the root system is poorly developed and accelerated absorption of useful elements is necessary. Easily soluble potassium salt is used in soils containing grains of quartz or other solids.

Application of mineral fertilizers

The nutritional qualities and taste of agricultural crops directly depend on the use of mineral fertilizers. Owners of garden plots who prefer to grow vegetable and fruit plants use different methods for a more prolific harvest. The most in an important way and there is the introduction of fertilizers to saturate the land and grow crops.

Before using mineral fertilizer, you should thoroughly study the presence of micro and macroelements in the soil of the land plot, the main organic matter of the soil (humus), and the presence of hydrogen particles in the soil solution (acidity). It is necessary to understand what type of mixture the plants need and how much nutrients they will need.

Mineral nutrition includes substances in the form and form necessary for plants, which they quickly absorb. Due to misuse nitrogen compounds, the content of compounds harmful to humans in plants increases, for example, an excess of nitrate.

Plants absorb beneficial elements in the form of simple salts, evenly distributed between water particles or in weak acids. It follows from this that all organic substances used to improve plant nutrition, soil properties and increase yield will be able to supply the plants with the necessary components for nutrition. Recycling occurs thanks to bacteria and other microorganisms that live in upper layers land. This action requires large quantity time, and during the process beneficial features appear over a long period.

Dose calculation

To determine doses of mineral fertilizers, use various calculations. The number of doses is also influenced by weather conditions, the degree of washout during prolonged rains and drying out of the earth's surface during a specific period of application.

The estimated amount of harvest of cucumbers or tomatoes is multiplied by the consumption of useful elements per unit of harvest. Having data on the amount of nutrients in the soil, they calculate how much fertilizer needs to be added. Removal of nutrients (in grams per 10 kg of crop):

  • Tomatoes. Nitrogen substances - 33.4, phosphorus substances - 12.1, potassium substances - 46.9, calcium substances - 45.9, magnesium substances - 7.8.
  • . Nitrogen substances - 22.3, phosphorus - 10.9, potassium - 46.9, calcium - 28.5, magnesium - 6.6.

An example of calculating the required amount of nitrogen for cucumbers in a greenhouse:

The desired result is about 350 tons per hectare of greenhouse. The amount of nitrogen required is 350*22.3=780 kg. For example, if the soil contains 50 mg of nitrogen per 100 g (0.5 g/kg). With a mass of 0.6 g/cm 3 (soil mass in cubic centimeters), 1 m 2 of soil (25 cm layer deep) - 150 kg. We multiply the mass of m 2 of land by 0.5 g of nitrogen already present: 150 * 0.5 = 75 g. The nitrogen application coefficient is 65%. The required amount of applied nitrogen is 75/65*100=115 g. 115 kg of nitrogen is required per hectare of greenhouse. Each element is calculated in the same way.

Basic rules for applying mineral fertilizers

How to properly use minerals so that plants grow efficiently and produce excellent harvests?

  • Nitrogen fertilizers are used in the spring, as they reduce the winter hardiness of the plant. Effectively influence through the root system.
  • Phosphorus fertilizers, on the contrary, increase frost resistance and promote fruit and berry set.
  • Potassium fertilizer is used to increase the protective functions of plants and resistance to weather conditions. When calculating the amount of potassium fertilizer needed, remember that clay soils have enough potassium, unlike peat soils.
  • We competently select fertilizers for garden areas and vegetable gardens
  • When selecting fertilizers for the soil on a plot of land, it is advisable to opt for organic matter: compost, manure, peat or silt, bird droppings and many others. This natural humus is the most beneficial food for the crop.
  • When choosing mineral fertilizers, you should remember two parameters:
  • The fertilizer must be free of dangerous impurities - it is advisable to purchase options famous brands containing rare microelements (cobalt, zinc, boron, molybdenum) - the obtained result exceeds all forecasts.

In addition to the three main nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), gardeners should also remember about macroelements such as sulfur, as well as microelements based on zinc and boron, because the balance of all elements is the main criterion for increased yield of all kinds of crops .

Mineral waters have a very wide application. They are used for evaporation of valuable components, and as refreshing, thirst-quenching table drinks, and at resorts for drinking treatment, baths, swimming in medicinal pools, all kinds of showers, as well as for inhalation and gargling. In non-resort settings, they use bottled water.

The healing effect of mineral water on the human body and its healing properties have been known to people since ancient times. Therapeutic water procedures, according to the written monuments that have reached us, were widely used in medicine Ancient Greece, Rome, India, Egypt, Peru, Georgia. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 370 BC) tried to explain the effect of mineral waters on the human body. The action of healing agents was also of interest to the brilliant scientist of the Middle Ages, Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna). However, at that time, people could not fully appreciate the healing properties of mineral waters, and the clergy cleverly took advantage of this, attributing their properties to divine power.

Currently medicinal The groundwater are used extremely widely. In the Caucasus, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and other regions, glorified healing springs have been known for a long time. The first health resort in Russia was opened on the orders of Peter I in 1718 at the “marcial” (ferruginous) springs in Karelia. The first studies of the country's mineral waters are associated with the name of the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov, who identified “medicinal” waters and “healing” springs. Already in the second half of the 18th century, the “geography” of medicinal waters in Russia was created.

In the territory former USSR more than 7.5 thousand mineral springs, about 500 balneological resorts. They are very diverse in the material and gas composition of waters, and in the nature of their impact on the human body. On the territory of Russia and the former CIS countries there are types of medicinal waters known throughout the world. Mineral carbonic waters of Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Borjomi, Arzni, hydrogen sulfide waters - Sochi - Matsesta, Ust-Kachinsk (Perm region), Talgi (Dagestan), radon waters of Pyatigorsk, Tskhaltubo, ferruginous waters - Marcial, Polyustrovsky, Truskovets and many others enjoy worldwide fame .

Healing mineral waters, depending on their specificity, have a complex effect on the human body - thermal (temperature), chemical, therapeutic and mechanical.

The temperature effect of medicinal water on the body when taking baths is its strongest and most important property. Cold mineral waters with a temperature of up to 20C, due to their good thermal conductivity, in contact with the human body, take away heat from it, quickly relieve fatigue, tiredness, and apathy. Cold medicinal food water enhances intestinal function. Warm waters with a temperature of 20-37C, on the contrary, quickly release heat to the body, having a physically beneficial effect on it.

Chemical irritation is one of the main and long-lasting effects of mineral waters on the body. The intensity of this effect increases when taking baths with high mineralization of water. In mineral waters it should not exceed 12-15 g/l. For example, the mineralization of the Kislovodsk Narzan varies from 1.5 to 6 g/l, the waters of Essentuki does not exceed 9 g/l.

Mineral waters, when used externally (baths, showers, inhalations) and internally (drinking), have a beneficial effect on the nerve endings and the circulatory system, increase the reactivity of the body, improve the metabolic processes of the digestive organs, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs, and accelerate the elimination of harmful components.

The same mineral water, due to the presence of various salts, trace elements and gases in its composition, affects the human body differently, having a beneficial effect on it in various diseases. For example, waters containing table salt, i.e. sodium chlorides (Talitsky, Nalchikovsky, Minsky) have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs; calcium chlorides promote anti-inflammatory processes and have a positive effect on the nervous system; magnesium chlorides promote expansion blood vessels. Sulfate waters are mainly choleretic and laxative. The presence of soda in water (Borjomi) reduces acidity.

However, many mineral waters have a complex composition and have a varied effect on the human body. For example, salt-alkaline waters such as Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Chelkar are a unique combination of two types of waters that have opposite physiological effects. These waters are equally useful for stomach diseases with both high and low acidity.

The therapeutic activity of many mineral waters is associated with the presence of microelements in their composition - Fe, As, Co, I, Br, organic acids, etc. They are part of a number of substances vital for the body, such as hemoglobin (Fe, Co), some hormones (Zn), enzymes (Fe, Mn, Cu, etc.), vitamins (Co). Therefore, for example, ferruginous waters have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes, iodine ones improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and liver, bromine ones normalize the central nervous system.

The gas composition of mineral springs has important balneological significance. Particularly valuable are waters saturated with carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon.

The mechanical effect of mineral waters is associated with the pressure of its mass on the body (baths, showers, swimming). This effect can be enhanced by rubbing and directing water under a certain pressure (Charcot's shower).

Thus, mineral waters are widely used in national economy. They are mainly valuable in balneological terms, because... have a therapeutic effect on the human body with the entire complex of substances dissolved in them. And the presence in them of specific biologically active components (etc.) and special properties often determines the methods of their medicinal use.

have a high concentration of nutrients. The composition of mineral fertilizers can be different, and depending on the required nutrient element, they are divided into complex and simple.

Important! Fertilizers should be applied in small quantities, while monitoring the level of nutrients in the soil. In this case, there will be no harm from their chemical composition.

Today the chemical industry produces the following types of mineral fertilizers:

  • liquid,
  • dry,
  • one-sided,
  • complex.

If you choose the right preparation and adhere to the right proportions, you can not only feed the plants, but also solve problems that arise in their development.

Many gardeners and gardeners know what mineral fertilizers are. These include inorganic compounds containing all the nutrients necessary for plants. Such fertilizing and fertilizers will help achieve soil fertility and grow a good harvest. Liquid mineral fertilizers have become popular today, which are mainly used in small garden plots. There is also a complete mineral fertilizer, which includes three important element plant nutrition is nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. But it is worth remembering that the use of mineral fertilizers requires a careful approach, although organic fertilizers (if the doses for application are incorrectly calculated) can cause a lot of harm to the earth and plants. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the features of mineral fertilizers, their types and characteristics, and also find out how to use them correctly.

Types of mineral fertilizers

As we have already noted, mineral fertilizers are divided into: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. This is due to the fact that these three elements are leading in the field of nutrition and influence the growth and development of plants. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the basis from which mineral fertilizers are made. They are considered the basis for harmonious development flora, and their lack can lead not only to poor growth but also to the death of plants.

In spring, there may be a lack of nitrogen in the soil. This manifests itself in the fact that plants slow down or even stop growing. This problem can be recognized by pale foliage, small leaves and weak shoots. Tomatoes, potatoes, and garden strawberries and apple tree. The most popular nitrogen fertilizers are saltpeter and urea. This group includes: calcium sulfur, ammonium sulfate, sodium nitrate, azofoka, ammophos, nitroammophoska and diammonium phosphate. They have various effects on the crop and soil. Urea acidifies the soil, saltpeter has a good effect on the growth of beets, ammonia - on the growth of cucumbers, onions, lettuce and cauliflower.

Did you know? When using ammonium nitrate, remember that it is explosive. Because of this, it is not sold to private individuals, to prevent accidents.

It should be remembered that nitrogen fertilizers- the most dangerous of all mineral fertilizers. When they are in excess, plants accumulate excessive amounts of nitrates in their tissues. But if you apply nitrogen fertilizers very carefully, depending on the composition of the soil, the crop being fed and the brand of fertilizer, you can easily achieve an increase in yield. Also, do not apply this fertilizer in the fall, since the rains will simply wash it out before spring planting. Fertilizer application rates (urea): vegetables -5-12 g/m² (with direct application of mineral fertilizers), trees and shrubs -10-20 g/m², tomatoes and beets -20 g/m².

Phosphorus fertilizers are mineral supplement for plants, which contains 20% phosphoric anhydride. Superphosphate is considered one of the best mineral fertilizers for all types of soil that need this element. It should be applied as a top dressing during the development and growth of plants at high content moisture in the soil.

Did you know? Often gardeners and gardeners use double superphosphate in which the concentration of nutrients is much higher. It does not contain the useless CaSO4 used in simple superphosphate and is more economical.

Another type of mineral fertilizer in this category is phosphorite flour. It is applied on acidic soils for all fruits and vegetables and cereal crops. Flour helps in the fight against pests and diseases by increasing plant immunity. Fertilizer application rates: superphosphate 0.5 quintals per 1 hectare, 3.5 quintals per 1 hectare.

Apply potassium mineral fertilizers in the fall, during digging. This fertilizer is well suited for potatoes, beets and all cereal crops. Potassium sulfate or potassium sulfate is suitable for feeding plants that are deficient in potassium. It does not contain various impurities such as chlorine, sodium and magnesium. Suitable for melons, especially during fruit formation.

Potassium salt consists of two chloride elements -KCl + NaCl. The substance is used in many agro-industrial complexes. It is applied in the spring to almost all types of berry crops, 20 g per bush. In autumn, fertilizer is distributed over the surface before plowing at 150-200 g/m². Fertilizer application rates: potassium chloride 20-25 g per 1 m²; potassium sulfate -25-30 g/m²


Complex fertilizers are nutrient containing several necessary chemical elements at once. They are obtained through the process of chemical interaction of the initial components, as a result of which they can be double (nitrogen-potassium, nitrogen-phosphate, nitrogen-potassium) and triple (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium). According to the production method, they distinguish: complex mineral fertilizers, complex-mixed or combined and mixed.

  • Ammophos is a phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizer that contains nitrogen and phosphorus (ratio 12:52). This mineral fertilizer is easily absorbed by plants and is suitable for potatoes and all vegetable crops.
  • Diammofom is a phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizer containing 20% ​​nitrogen and 51% phosphorus. It dissolves well in water and does not contain unnecessary ballast elements.
  • Azofoska - granulated effective fertilizer, containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Provides high yields, non-toxic and can be stored for a long period.
  • Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is a complex fertilizer in granules. It is used for all agricultural crops, since it nutritional elements easily absorbed by plants. Suitable as a complex fertilizer for digging in the spring.

Many agricultural complexes use complex mineral fertilizers to achieve better results.

Complex mixed fertilizers include compounds such as nitrophos and nitrophos. They are obtained by processing phosphorite or apatite. By adding various necessary components, carbonate nitrophoska and phosphorus nitrophoska are formed. They are applied as the main fertilizer before sowing, in rows and holes during sowing, and are often used as top dressing. Carboammophoses are fertilizers containing nitrogen in amide and ammonia forms. Crystalin and mortar are used for protected soil. These are crystalline granular fertilizers that dissolve well in water. The most common fertilizer ratio -N:P:K is 20:16:10. Complex mixed complexes are used in large agricultural enterprises, where it is necessary to cover large areas before planting grain crops.

Microfertilizers are fertilizers and complexes containing microelements in a form accessible to plants. Often these substances can be found in the form of: liquid mineral fertilizer, crystals, powder. For convenient use microfertilizers are produced in the form of complexes with various microelements. They have a better effect on cultivated plant, protect against pests and diseases, increase productivity.

The most popular fertilizers are:

  • "Master" is used as a mineral fertilizer for flowers. Contains: Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe.
  • "Sizam" is suitable for growing cabbage. Significantly increases productivity and protects against pests.
  • "Oracle" - for feeding berry bushes, flowers and lawns. Contains etidronic acid, which regulates the movement of fluid in plant cells.

Basically, microfertilizers are used separately, which allows you to accurately calculate the dosage. In this case, the plants will receive the necessary nutrition, without additional and unnecessary chemicals.

You need to understand that mineral fertilizers are used in two main cases: as the main fertilizer (for digging the soil) and as spring-summer feeding Each option has its own nuances, but there are also basic principles that cannot be violated.

Safety regulations:

  • do not use cooking utensils for diluting fertilizers;
  • it is best to store fertilizers in airtight packaging;
  • immediately before use, after long-term storage, a situation may arise in which the fertilizer is caked, so it is necessary to pass it through a sieve with a diameter of 3-5 mm;
  • when fertilizing the soil for a certain crop, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements and recommendations of the manufacturer, since exceeding the amount of mineral fertilizers in the soil can lead to harmful consequences;
  • the best method is to use laboratory research soil, based on the results of which it will be possible to use the appropriate fertilizer in the required quantity;
  • you need to make sure that the mineral fertilizer for plants, which is produced through the soil, does not get on the green part;
  • better soil fertility can be achieved by alternating mineral fertilizers;
  • if mineral fertilizers are applied together with organic ones, the dose of the former should be reduced;
  • The most practical are granular fertilizers, which are applied during autumn digging.

Thus, the correct use of mineral fertilizers and compliance with safety precautions will help saturate the soil with the necessary microelements, which will contribute to the normal growth and development of plants.