home · Tool · How to make a staircase to a cellar out of wood. How to make a staircase to the basement - simple construction technologies. Calculation of staircase structure

How to make a staircase to a cellar out of wood. How to make a staircase to the basement - simple construction technologies. Calculation of staircase structure

Stairs that are built between floors usually have a lightweight design and structure. But this rule will not work for the stairs to the basement. They are most often assembled from prefabricated parts (metal or wood) or constructed from concrete. Before making a staircase to the basement, you need to familiarize yourself with the stages of its construction and carry out necessary calculations. And then construction works It will be easy to organize.

To install a wooden staircase, you must use boards at least 8 cm wide.

Choosing a step design

The construction of wooden, metal or concrete stairs to the basement requires consideration of many factors that affect its structural elements and safety of use. Before you start making stairs, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. The location of this building.
  2. Money issues in production.
  3. Safety and ease of movement.
  4. Possibility of transferring and transporting large items.
  5. Frequency of basement use.
  6. The area of ​​the room in which it will be placed.
  7. Compliance general design and interior design.
  8. Influence external factors on the material.
  9. Calculation of steps for a building.

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Requirements for the stairs that are being built in the cellar

The cellar is also a kind of floor. Therefore, if you are making a basement with your own hands, you can provide communication between several levels using a staircase.

Very important factor is convenience and safety in operation and at the same time compactness, because sometimes basements are not very large, so the stairs in it should not take up much space. Before actual construction, it must be properly designed, during which all its parameters must be carefully calculated.

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Width of basement stairs

The transition to the basement should be comfortable. That is why the width of the steps should not be less than 80 cm. This indicator largely depends on the width of the room (in this case, the basement) into which it leads. Calculating a staircase involves calculating all of it structural elements. These structures consist of steps and railings. Marches and steps between steps depend on the distance between ground floor and basement.

Each flight should not have more than 18 steps, so if the distance between the above rooms is too large, the flights may change their direction. This is necessary in order to save empty space in the basement. Marches can be rotated relative to each other by 90 or 180°. However, they must have the same width. For wooden structure it is necessary to use boards that are from 8 to 25 cm wide.

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Rotation, height and length of the stairs to the basement

So, first you will need to measure the height difference between the floor on the first floor and the bottom of the basement. For example, this figure is 300 cm. It is necessary to divide this value by 15-18 cm (the height of each step, and as a result you will get the approximate number of steps.

It turns out that in order to go down to the basement, you will need to go up a maximum of 20 steps. IN this process You can also do the opposite. As already mentioned, the number of steps in one flight should not exceed 18 pieces. Therefore, if you cannot decide what step height is best for a single-flight staircase, you will need to divide total length future staircase at 18.

Since the human foot length is about 27 - 30 cm, and the step length is 60-70 inches, the most suitable height a step is considered to be one that has an average of 15 cm, respectively, and the width of the step should be at least 30 cm.

It is these dimensions that are universal and most convenient for constructing a staircase, and it does not matter at all whether the staircase is wooden, metal or concrete.

When constructing a staircase to the basement, a strong monolithic coating floor. This means that the height of the lower step will be less, since the thickness of this floor will be subtracted from this indicator.

They often make a spiral staircase - the most compact one. Moving from one level to another, a staircase of this type makes 1 turn. But this is a rather steep staircase, since when turning 360° you need to go down or up 2 seconds extra meter. The height and width of the steps should ideally be standard, but in most cases they turn out to be higher and narrower.

You may want to look at the previously mentioned structures that rotate 90° or 180°, which is done by creating and connecting steps that are shaped like a trapezoid. The staircase to the basement from a horizontal platform is easy to construct, it is quite simple to use, because all its components are straight.

If you do not have enough area or space, you can use a screw structure. As a result, you will have the opportunity to make this staircase anywhere. The steps here should also change their shape and turn from a rectangle into a trapezoid, gradually forming a rotation from 15 to 30° at each next step.

A basement, or subfloor, in a private home is a convenient space for storing ingredients, vegetables, fruits and much more. Therefore, if possible, the owners do everything possible to arrange it. But since the basement is always below the floor level of the first floor, a descent in the form of a reliable and convenient staircase is required.

The staircase to the basement of a garage or house should be of a simple and strong design, since an adult with a load of groceries or other heavy objects can climb it. When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account the size of the basement or cellar, the level of humidity in it and some other conditions.

Types of structures and their features

Marching stairs

The best and affordable option- single-flight staircase made of wood, metal, brick or concrete. It is easy to install, has a high level of safety, and is convenient to use. But such a staircase has one important drawback - it takes up a lot of space, which can become a serious problem for a small basement.

A two-flight staircase with a turning platform or winder steps allows you to reduce the amount of space occupied. However, it is more difficult to manufacture and not so convenient due to the need to make a turn while ascending or descending to the basement. It is also possible to position two flights at right angles to each other.

The main advantages of marching descents are a gentle, comfortable slope, large width of steps and ease of installation.

Options for staircases.


For small cellars, it is recommended to use an attached structure installed with a slight slope, almost vertically. One edge of such a staircase rests on the floor, and the other on the top of the wall near the manhole. Its reliability is ensured by securing the supporting posts at the top and bottom.

Such a structure can be made of wood, steel, or a combination of both materials.

Spiral escapements

If there is a large shortage of space for stairs, screw structures are installed. They are a vertically mounted pole on which steps are attached along a circle with a given lifting step.

The most convenient location for such a staircase is in the middle of the cellar, when all the walls have shelves for storing supplies. In this case, you can remove it from the shelf without going down to the very bottom. necessary item and lift it up. Below, under the last turn of the stairs, boxes are installed for storing root vegetables and other products.

Screw structures are made of wood, metal, or a combination of these materials in the form of a metal pole and wooden steps. This type of stairs must have railings along the entire length of the descent to ensure safety and facilitate ascent.

The main disadvantage is the awkwardly narrow climb with constant turning. This is felt well when you have to rise with a load in your hands or place prepared supplies.

Materials used and their features

Products for assembling stairs must have the necessary strength, durability, resistance to moisture, be affordable and allow for simple installation. These conditions are met by 4 types of materials. These are brick, concrete, metal and wood.


A brick staircase can only be built in a large cellar, since providing its support requires significant space. To reduce material consumption, the structure is built on brick pillars, between which jumpers are laid.

Then monolithic concrete platforms are poured, gradually rising upward. The staircase constructed in this way looks like a kind of monumental structure, in the lower part of which there are niches.

A brick staircase is very easy to use, durable and reliable, but is absolutely not suitable for small and medium-sized rooms. In addition, it requires a significant amount of materials.

Reinforced concrete monolithic structures

Reinforced concrete is highly durable and resistant to moisture. A staircase built from it will last a long time. However, the use of such structures for a small cellar is impossible.

Concrete slopes are well suited for basements made around the entire perimeter of the building or separately standing on the street underground structure. When deciding to build a concrete staircase, you must clearly understand that this is a very labor-intensive and technologically complex process.

Stationary wooden stairs

Installation of a wooden staircase is the most common option for arranging the entrance to the cellar. To make it, you need to use wood species that are weakly exposed to moisture.

The most accessible wood that meets this requirement is larch. The increased density of its structure does not allow moisture to pass inside, the material is not susceptible to rotting and mold. As a result, such a ladder can last for a very long time.

But no matter what type of wood you take, it still needs to be treated with an antiseptic and, after drying, covered with a layer of oil paint or waterproof varnish. Craftsmen make all types of the above structures from wood, from attached and marching ones to screw ones.

Steel escapement

Metal is no less popular as a material for building stairs than wood. For installation, channels, angles, smooth rods, fittings, profile pipes, sheet materials and other types of rolled metal.

The main advantage of such systems is that they can be installed in a cellar of any size, changing the angles of inclination, the configuration of steps and the fundamental structure of the structure.

The main difficulty in the manufacture of metal stairs is the need to perform a large amount of welding work. And if you do not have this skill, you will either have to hire a welder or refuse to use this material.

Besides, current prices prices for rolled metal products can hardly be called low. Therefore, a metal staircase to the cellar can cost you a decent amount.

Combined use of materials

The most common combination various options for the manufacture of a staircase descent - installation of a supporting structure made of metal and installation of wooden steps and railings on it.

The result is a beautiful and durable design, the cost of which is lower than that of an all-metal one, its strength is higher than that of wood, and it is much easier to install than concrete. There are options for fully or partially covering concrete steps with wood, as well as using ceramic tiles.

Which option should a novice builder choose?

A home craftsman who has no experience in installing stairs can be recommended as the most optimal option how to make a staircase to the basement, installation of a combined type marching structure. If a large flight of stairs is difficult to place in your cellar, turn your attention to a two-flight staircase with an intermediate flat platform.

Metal requires a significant investment in construction and welding skills. The construction of a concrete monolith is very labor-intensive and it will be very difficult to do it alone.

Calculation of staircase structure

The following generally accepted indicators are taken as initial data for calculation and drawing:

  • convenient staircase width is about 900 mm;
  • riser height approximately 200 mm;
  • optimal tread width 300 mm;
  • the clearance height on the descent is at least 2000 mm.

The usual slope for descending into underground rooms is assumed to be 45˚, but given that sometimes it will be necessary to lift a heavy hydraulic control unit from the cellar, the slope can be made smaller. However, keep in mind that in this case the stairs will take up more space.

After measuring the distance from floor to ceiling, you can calculate the number of steps. To do this, the value obtained during measurement must be divided by the size of the riser (200 mm) and rounded to the nearest whole number. Then, dividing the height of the basement by the number of steps, you will get the adjusted working height of the riser. It will be a little less or more than generally accepted.

In order to find out the length of the base and the width of the tread, 300 mm is multiplied by the number of steps. The resulting value should be no more than the length of the basement minus 0.9-1.0 m. If this condition is not met, a decision should be made to build a two-flight staircase with a flat intermediate platform between flights of at least 1200 mm in length.

Production of monolithic reinforced concrete stairs with lower formwork

The primary conditions for the construction of a concrete descent into the basement is the presence of a solid foundation. This can be a poured reinforced floor or a specially prepared small foundation.

There are two options for how to make a staircase to the basement with your own hands from concrete. The first is carried out in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete descent resting on the floor over the entire area. The second one provides for installation of lower formwork during installation for pouring concrete and the presence of free space under the flight of stairs.

In each of the options, the structure can be installed tightly against the wall or in the middle of the room.

Reinforcement and installation of formwork

The procedure for constructing a concrete staircase differs from monolithic foundation work. In this case, the formwork fences are assembled in two stages. Initially, only the lower formwork is installed, a reinforcing frame is assembled, which is then sheathed with side sheets and riser partitions. The formwork material can be multilayer plywood or 30 mm thick boards.

During the assembly of the frame, the individual reinforcement elements are connected to each other using soft knitting wire. First, the lower longitudinal row of reinforcement is laid along the entire length of the flight. The number of rods with a diameter of 12 mm is at least 4, 10 mm is at least 6.

In order to raise the laid strings by 3-5 cm above the lower formwork, it is recommended to use polymer fasteners of the “star” or “stand” type. The laid longitudinal rods must be connected with transverse reinforcing inserts with a diameter of 8-10 mm every 250-300 mm. If the staircase is adjacent to the wall, it is recommended to hammer the edges of the transverse bandage into the building structure.

On a horizontal platform, reinforcement is carried out in the form of flat meshes 8x100x100 laid in 2 rows in height. The finished frame should exactly follow the outline of the staircase with all the steps and the landing, but be 3-5 mm smaller than it.

Basements and cellars are used completely differently in each house. But at the same time, they have one thing in common - for their normal operation it is necessary to ensure basement convenient entrance, which implies the presence of stairs. This seems like a fairly easy task, but it’s not that simple. It must be borne in mind that any staircase must be built taking into account certain requirements, as well as compliance with safety standards.

When installing a staircase, you must remember that it must, first of all, be safe, comfortable, fit harmoniously into the interior and not take up much space.

In order to correctly select the material for the future design, make all the calculations correctly, and ultimately be satisfied with the result, you need to answer the following questions:

  • How often will the basement, and therefore the staircase, be used?
  • Will large, heavy objects be carried?
  • How much the staircase will be exposed to external factors and where is the main entrance to it - inside the house or outside;
  • What is the area of ​​the basement relative to the location of the structure being built;
  • Under what parameters will it be comfortable to use it?
  • What should the staircase look like if it leads to the first and then to the second floor, so as not to disturb the stylistic design of the home;
  • How much finance will be required for such work?

As for the size of the structure, its width should be about 90 cm. This is necessary so that it is comfortable to go down and, if necessary, two people can pass each other.

The opening should be free, but the clearance should be such that the foot does not have the “desire” to fall through there.

The size of the width of the steps can be 25-35 cm. If they are larger, there will be inconvenience when climbing, and if they are smaller, then it will be dangerous to go down. The height of the step can be from 12 to 22 cm.

The slope for the road to the basement should be selected within 25-75 degrees. But this factor is influenced by the length of the ladder itself.

It is necessary to understand that the free area of ​​the room depends on the degree of inclination of the stairs. The smaller the slope, the more free space and vice versa.

Stairs to the basement from the house: types of design

There are not so many options for what kind of staircase leading to a basement or cellar there might be. This is explained by the fact that such a structure must be subject to strict requirements that are associated with the structural features of the premises.

What kind of stairs can there be? Let's consider three main types of these structures:

  • Marching– most simple stairs. They are easy to make with your own hands, since this design does not contain any turns and is a straight line. True, it requires a lot of space.
  • With platform– as a rule, used with a “P” or “G”-shaped design. Its advantage is the ability to take a short break during the ascent. But at the same time it takes up quite a lot of space, so it is not suitable for small rooms. And a large width due to another span is sometimes unnecessary.
  • Screw design– the most compact option, but not as convenient as the previous ones. The steps of such stairs are usually narrow and steep, which can make it very difficult to carry large objects.

In order to minimize the size of the basement stairs, you can use winder steps.

As for the material from which the stairs are made, they can be:

  • Wooden- an extremely undesirable option. Basement rooms, as a rule, are not heated, and therefore the air humidity is constantly high. This is what can cause the appearance of fungus or mold on the structure and subsequently render it unusable.
  • Metal– an excellent option for a basement staircase. Such a structure is quite simple to install, is not afraid of moisture, lasts a long time, and does not require large financial costs.
  • Concrete- calmly withstand any atmospheric phenomena, so such a staircase can be safely placed even from the street. But at the same time, the structure will be bulky and will put additional load on the walls. Most often used in technical rooms or garages.

Do-it-yourself staircase to the basement: drawings and what is included in them

Regardless of what type and what the structure will be made of, before starting work you need to make a drawing of the flight of stairs. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the dimensions of the future ladder.

Such a drawing usually reflects:

  • Height of stairs and steps;
  • The width of the steps and the entire staircase;
  • The size of the flight of stairs;
  • Clearance height.

Using the drawing, you can calculate the length of the stairs if it is unknown.

In order to do this, you need to draw a right angle on graph paper, taking into account the scale. Next, use a protractor to mark the slope of the ladder and draw a line. Use a ruler to calculate the resulting length.

Metal staircase to the basement from the house: installation features

Staircase made from metal structures, has proven itself to be the most durable, comfortable and durable. But at the same time, it is more difficult to install than wood, and metal is subject to corrosion.

If rusty spots are visible on the material before starting work, they must be removed by processing by special means. Moreover, after installing the metal staircase, it will not be superfluous to apply several layers of enamel or paint to the structure.

You can build a staircase to a metal basement using channels. For this you will need:

  • Metal channels;
  • Metal sheets with a thickness of 1 ml;
  • Mortar of cement with crushed stone for concreting the base;
  • Corners of 5 cm for steps;
  • Anti-corrosion agent or paint.

After all the calculations have been made, the channels and the necessary pieces of metal are cut. Then, using a welding machine, you need to connect the resulting pieces with the corners to form a frame. Excess sagging and irregularities are removed with a grinder. Everything is treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Next, the resulting staircase is attached to the cellar. In the place where the ladder will be located, a small concrete foundation with a depth of about 15-20 cm is made. Bottom edge the stairs are installed in a pre-dug hole, filled with crushed stone and filled with concrete.

At the end, all that remains is to cut the steps and solder them to the frame. Then remove all excess scars and swellings. Reapply anti-corrosion compound. The metal staircase to the basement is ready.

A concrete staircase leading to the basement is the most reliable option. This design will withstand any load and ensure safe movement. Such a ladder is not afraid of corrosion and has an extremely long service life.

Its disadvantages include rather expensive cash costs for materials and a large number of the time required to build such a structure.

Due to concrete staircase is an integral structure, it will be almost impossible to change anything after its installation. That is why it is necessary to make all calculations as accurately as possible and double-check everything several times.

The entire process of constructing a concrete staircase to the basement consists of the following actions:

  • Wooden formwork is being erected. To do this, you can use a small sheet of plywood about 2 cm thick. The lower part is reinforced with boards or beams to withstand the load. Sides are erected that will prevent the concrete from “escaping” and boards are placed across it to mark the steps. For structural strength, metal corners are used.
  • Reinforcement. It is also used for the strength of future stairs. Particular attention should be paid to the edges of the steps to extend their service life.
  • Pouring concrete. It’s better to start from the bottom and make sure that no unnecessary voids arise during the work.

After the concrete hardens (this takes about 7 days), all unnecessary elements are dismantled into the section. After which the ladder is sanded, plastered and puttied.

Do-it-yourself staircase to the garage basement: what you need to consider

Installing a staircase to a cellar or garage basement is no fundamentally different from erecting a staircase from a home basement to the ground floor.

You still need to take into account:

  • How much area will the future structure occupy?
  • How safe it will be and how much weight it can withstand;
  • What level of humidity will she have to “fight” with?
  • Her appearance.

It is especially worth paying attention to the calculation of the strength of the stairs, on which its safety depends. To do this you need to take average weight adult (approximately 80 kg) and add a small burden (25-30 kg).

Construction of stairs to the basement (video)

Taking into account all the tips and recommendations, we can conclude that you cannot save on a basement staircase in a private house or other building. It is necessary to take this issue seriously and install the structure taking into account all fire and construction safety standards. In this case, we can hope that the staircase will serve for a long time and delight the owners of a residential building or building.

Convenient staircase to the basement (photo options)

A basement in a private house or cellar cannot exist without a staircase. It is extremely necessary, since it is through this structure that you need to go down and up in order to take everything you need from the natural refrigerator. Of course, such a staircase can be bought ready-made with the possibility quick installation. But we suggest making such a design yourself. In our article we will look in detail at how to make a staircase to the basement with your own hands, drawings for it in several versions, suitable materials. So, let's try to make a beautiful, and most importantly, comfortable staircase with our own hands.


There are two main types of basement stairs:

  • Standard (attached). This structure is made of wood or metal.
  • Marching. It is advisable to install it ready-made before starting construction of the storage facility, but installing the stairs marching type is also possible.

Material of manufacture

Let's take a closer look at what materials can be made from. this building into the basement with your own hands.


Wooden stairs in the basement need additional processing by special means due to external and internal influences. This will protect the wood from the effects of bacterial rot, damage by rodents and insects, and from overgrowing with moss and lichen.

It is advisable to consolidate the result with a glazing agent, which will create wooden surface protective film.

Important! When processing stairs made from such raw materials, pay Special attention processing of ends and bevels to extend the service life of the basement attribute.


If you make a structure from non-new raw materials, then first you will need to process everything metal elements abrasive material, then wipe detergent and rinse well with water.


A structure made from such material is considered the most durable of all existing ones, but this material also needs protection. It is advisable to cover the concrete structure with several layers of paint or lay tiles on the steps so that when exposed to large and frequent loads concrete product did not crack.

Important! For these purposes, you can use linoleum or special self-adhesive mats.

Basic parameters of the basement stairs

Before you make a staircase to the cellar with your own hands, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the standard parameters that you must adhere to when constructing this structure. So, the main parameters for staircase construction include:

  • Width. The permissible width of the stairs for the basement is 70-90 cm. This parameter directly depends on the layout of the basement in the house. So, for example, if the area of ​​the room allows, then you can design a wider staircase.
  • Clearance. This parameter is calculated from the beginning of the lowest step and ending with the floor beam (upper barrier). If you are setting up a completely new basement, then try to make the staircase clearance at least 2 meters. In any case, one simple truth is clear: the higher the ceiling, the more convenient it will be to go up and down.
  • Slope. This parameter varies between 22-75°. In a word, the smaller the degree of inclination of the structure, the more usable area she will pick it up from your cellar. For example, the attached structure has a steep slope (50-75°), and is therefore intended for larger basement spaces.
  • Width degree. Stepping elements should be built with a width ranging from 25 to 30 cm. Wider boards may create discomfort when climbing the structure. But in the case of narrow steps, you risk falling from the stairs and injuring yourself.
  • Step height. You should adhere to a parameter in the range from 12 to 22 cm, but no more, to ensure convenience when using this structure.

DIY wooden staircase to the basement

Let's look at several ways to create such a design.

First option

To make a wooden structure for a cellar (240 cm long, 60 cm wide and with 30 cm step boards), we need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • 2 wooden boards measuring 10x15x240 cm.
  • 7 parts for crossbars measuring 5x10x80 cm.
  • 28 wood screws measuring 5x100 mm.
  • Screwdriver with replaceable attachments.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Posting support boards on level ground horizontal surface(floor or table). Having retreated 30 cm from the edge of the wooden raw material, we set the first transverse crossbar, aligning the end connection.
  2. Using two screws, we fasten the stringer (supporting structure flight of stairs). We will use 4 self-tapping screws for one crossbar.
  3. Using the above steps, we install all other steps, taking into account the distance from the previous step.

Second option

In order to produce a 2-meter wooden structure in a basement with a flight width of 80 cm and a step height of 22 cm, you need to stock up on the following:

  • 2 boards measuring 10x15x200.
  • 6 boards measuring 6x20x80.
  • 12 bars measuring 5x5x15.
  • 60 nails 4x100 or screws 5x100.

Important! We install this structure with a slope of 30°. Don't forget to take into account this parameter when assembling a wooden staircase.

Step-by-step master class:

  • We fasten the bars to the supports of our future staircase, on which a little later we will mount the steps. We measure 26 cm from the top and attach the support at an angle of 60°.

Important! We have now chosen just such a steep slope, since when installing the stairs on its permanent place a slope of 30° will be maintained and the steps will take their convenient horizontal position.

  • We fasten the bars with screws or nails, using 2-3 elements in each wooden board. We measure a distance of 26 cm and make the next support. We perform similar manipulations with the rest of the bars.
  • Let's start installing the steps. We align the ends at the back to create a protrusion on the front side of the structure. We fasten with self-tapping screws at three points (right, left and center).

DIY metal staircase to the basement

This type of staircase is made from profile pipes that attach quickly and easily welding machine or an inverter for home use. Let's look at two options for making such a metal structure.

First option

We will make a structure 2.2 meters long with a step width of 70 cm with a step parameter of 25 cm. For work we will need the following material:

  • Metal pipes with a diameter of 50 cm.
  • 7 rolled metal elements measuring 70 cm with a circumference of 25 mm.
  • Welding machine.
  • Protective construction helmet for welding work.


  1. We measure 25 cm from the top of the pipes and attach the first step with a special butt seam.
  2. Using the above steps, we install all other crossbars.
  3. We connect all the steps one by one with the metal railings using a welding machine.

Important! Before welding, be sure to wear a welding mask to protect your eyes from negative impact flying sparks

Second option

Now we will make an iron structure for the basement with a frame. Therefore, steps can be made not only from metal, but also from wood. To work we need to take:

  • Metal channel measuring 50x100 mm.
  • Corner size 50x50 mm.

Stages of work:

  1. First of all, we prepare the support for the step. One side will serve as the width of the tread, and the second will serve as the height under the step. The angle between these sides must correspond to the angle of inclination of the structure relative to the floor. For example, if the angle of inclination of the stairs is 45°, then we make exactly the same angle between the width of the degree and the height below it. Do not forget that the number of metal parts depends on the number of steps. For example, to complete 7 steps you need to take 14 fragments.
  2. We install the channel on the edge and make a mark where we will attach our first degree. We weld the workpiece. We take into account that between each subsequent metal channel the angle should be no less and no more than 90°.
  3. We strengthen the support posts. We weld the steel corner to the most protruding fragments metal supports so that we have a frame. At this stage, the frame for the construction of the basement is ready.
  4. We carry out finishing of the march. We use a corrugated sheet as a lining, but lumber also works well. Tall wooden flights can well camouflage the space under the steps.

DIY concrete staircase to the cellar

Concrete stairs for a basement or cellar - perfect option. It is not afraid of corrosion, does not sag over time and does not begin to creak. But do not forget that this structure must be installed at the construction stage of the basement. If you have the means and great patience, then in the next master class we will help you build a concrete staircase with your own hands.

Important! When building a concrete structure for a basement, you need to make correct calculations of all purchased materials: cement, sand, lumber. Do not forget to pay special attention to the parameters of the concrete structure - the shape and length of the steps, the height of the structure, its slope. Such a staircase is made monolithic; it will simply be impossible to make changes after all the work has been completed.


  1. Now we will make the so-called “deck” - the lowest part of the stairs. For these purposes, we recommend using a single sheet of waterproof plywood with a thickness of 18 mm or more. We strengthen the lower part of the formwork with supports that can support all installed elements and a large number of concrete mortar. For these purposes we use bars measuring 100x100 mm or wooden boards size 50x50 mm.
  2. Now we install a flange that will prevent the pouring from flowing out and will serve as an attachment point for future steps. We reinforce the sides of the structure with boards, giving it even greater strength.
  3. We fasten the lumber to the stringers, passing through the end parts of the stairs. In this case, you can use strong metal corners. We strengthen the lowest step especially carefully, since it is on it that the heaviest load of the entire erected structure will be placed.

Important! Use only reliable self-tapping screws as fastenings for formwork, so that during all the process further work the entire concrete structure did not shift.


  1. We fasten the reinforcement together with wire. Similar metal rods will add strength concrete structure. To work, you need to take rods with a thickness of 10x12 mm and adhere to the size of 100x120 mm when connecting them.
  2. We strengthen the edges of the steps with transverse reinforcement.


  1. We cover all joints of the concrete structure with thick cement mortar with the addition of sand to prevent pressure drops in the further manufacture of the structure. The solution is made according to the following recipe: take 5 parts sand for 1 part Portland cement or 3 parts sand for 1 part ordinary cement.
  2. We fill and form the first 2 steps, filling all the voids of the previously erected frame. To perform such work, it is advisable to use a handy object that can walk over the applied concrete composition and remove all air formations.
  3. We intentionally expose concrete mixture vibrations. By using wide spatula or a trowel, we give the steps a completed appearance. We carry out similar manipulations (pouring, laying and vibrating) for all other steps of the concrete structure.

Finished staircase:

  1. A few days after the concrete pouring, we dismantle the previously installed frame.
  2. Carefully remove the formwork from all steps.
  3. Release the sides.
  4. After two weeks, we remove the “deck” from the structure.
  5. We sand, plaster and putty a monolithic staircase.
  • While studying self-production When installing a staircase, it is important to remember that the design must, first of all, be safe, comfortable, fit well into the interior of the room and not take up much space.
  • Before choosing material for the construction of such a structure, think about the following questions: how often will you go down to the basement, will heavy objects be carried, what is the climate in the room, what should the staircase look like and how much money can you spend on its construction.
  • Before you start purchasing everything required material, make a plan according to which you will draw a drawing with all the ensuing parameters for the construction of stairs for the basement of your house.
  • The opening at the stairs should be free, and the clearance should be such that your feet cannot accidentally fall through there.
  • Now you know how to make a basement staircase with your own hands. We told you about the most common methods, and the choice is yours. Easy, fast and successful repair to you!

Stairs to the basement are among the main structures of a private house; their type and size are selected at the design stage. The criteria taken into account in the calculation are area, location of the entrance hatch or door, intensity and safety of cellar operation, aesthetics, need for carrying heavy objects, work budget and the level of influence of external factors on the steps and supports. The construction time is affected by the material and varies from one shift to a month.

Types of basement stairs

Depending on the installation method, they are divided into stationary and attached; the second type has a smaller width and can be prefabricated. This option is suitable for rarely visited or limited space spaces, including garages. Stationary ones are installed in the basements of private houses; given the heavy loads, serious requirements are placed on them in terms of moisture and bioresistance, strength and safety. Aesthetics do not play a special role, an exception is made only for structures connecting wine cellars with the first floor.


1. Single-flight (straight) stairs with a slope of up to 75°, without turning platforms or with a bend. The advantages include the ease of calculation and construction on your own, the disadvantages are the need for a large area for placement: the less space it takes, the steeper the descent into the basement will be.

2. Multi-flight, with platforms, used in houses with large area or when arranging the entrance to industrial premises.

3. With winder steps, visually increasing the width of the cellar and occupying less space in comparison with rotary marching ones, but inferior to other types in convenience. When calculating them, complex requirements for steps are taken into account: the dimensions of the internal and external edges are limited to 10 and 40 cm, respectively, the height varies from 12 to 22, the protrusion of the edge should not exceed 4, for all their aesthetics they are rarely used in private houses, especially with limited width.

4. Spiral staircases, relevant for small size entrance. This design includes a reliable support rod and comfortable steps with the same width; the safety of their operation is achieved by installing them along the edge of the railing opposite the central axis. The calculations are trusted to specialists; if you use the correct drawing or factory blanks, installation can be done by yourself. This variety is mainly represented by wooden or metal types, pouring concrete is extremely difficult.

A separate classification concerns the location; they can be adjacent to the walls or standing remotely. Depending on the method of fastening the steps, there are options on bolts, stringers, screwed to the central rod or poured into a single monolith with fixation to the base of the floor and the upper ceiling or to them with the addition of an adjacent vertical cellar wall. Marching stairs, leading to the basement, can be through, monolithic, with usable space underneath or without storage rooms and niches.

Depending on the material of the steps and supports, wooden, reinforced concrete, metal and combined types are distinguished. Pure wood systems are rarely installed due to high level humidity, which is typical even for a well-ventilated underground, they quickly become unusable. Dense materials have properties suitable for cellars. valuable species, used for finishing railings or laying steps.

In order to extend their service life, they must be treated with antiseptic compounds and moisture-resistant coatings and periodically inspected. TO important nuances Dry such parts outside, in a well-ventilated area.

Metal stairs are valued for their reliability and durability, when applied multi-layer anti-corrosion protection they will last more than one year. The minimum cross-section of the profile beams, pipes and angles used is 50 mm, the metal thickness should be above 0.7 mm, but in general they can be called economical. Another argument in their favor is the ease of installation: with minimal experience in welding, installation by hand takes 1-3 days, and when purchasing ready-made factory structures, it takes several hours. To ensure safety, their steps are made of corrugated (rather than smooth) strips of metal or wood; long marks are equipped with railings.

What to consider when drawing up a staircase drawing?

Severe demands are made in terms of safety and convenient movement; whenever possible, the systems are made wider and protected by railings. When calculating the most popular varieties (straight single-flight or L-shaped turning) and selecting a scheme, the following recommendations are taken into account:

  • The slope does not exceed the range from 22 to 75°, for stationary structures the optimal upper limit is 45°: the lower it is, the safer.
  • The amount of clearance is determined based on the distance from the floor beams (floor of the house) to the foundation: the higher this indicator is, the better, it directly affects the comfort of use.
  • If the number of steps is more than 5, it is recommended to secure the stairs with railings.
  • The width of the march depends on the availability of free space, the permissible minimum is 70 cm.
  • The dimensions of the steps vary from 12 to 22 cm in height and from 25 to 35 in width. Their ratio is calculated based on the average human step of 60-62 cm.

Step-by-step construction of a monolithic concrete staircase with your own hands

It can be monolithic with a fully supported base in the floor or poured into a special formwork with a slope. The advantages of the first option include absolute reliability, the disadvantages include excessive load on bearing structures. Standard scheme action includes the following steps:

1. Drawing up a drawing taking into account the area and features of the basement, calculating the amount of materials, preparing tools.

2. Screwing the side slots to the walls (for adjacent systems) in order to subsequently secure the reinforced frame.

3. Check and, if necessary, strengthen the base. With sufficiently reliable concrete screed there is no need for a special foundation; the site is simply cleared of debris, checked for horizontal level deviations and for the presence of minor defects. When a future concrete staircase rests on a soil, clay or weak floor, it is weak upper layer is removed by half a meter, the resulting depression is filled with crushed stone and sand, compacted and filled with mortar.

4. Assembling formwork from moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 20 mm or even boards with the construction of reliable supports. In areas adjacent to the walls, they are additionally fixed - using self-tapping screws or incompletely driven nails. Bottom side The future concrete staircase is supported by racks made of timber, installed in increments of 50 cm with an appropriate slope. The flange is attached last, the assembled formwork is carefully checked for deviations from the level and lightly lubricated with oil to simplify removal. The joints are sealed with DSP in a ratio of 1:3; if there is a high risk of concrete leakage, it is recommended to cover the inside with film.

5. Assembling the reinforced frame from the bottom layer of the base to the upper elements, connecting the joints with wire and fixing them to the walls in the case of building an adjacent structure. The assembled frame must be securely tied to the load-bearing systems (floor, vertical walls and underground floor slab) and not reach the inner edges of the formwork and the upper level by 3-5 cm. Whole sections are used for tying, with large step widths and on straight turns. staircases are laid ready metal grid. In order to enhance the reliability of anchoring, the corners of the reinforcement are bent.

6. Preparation and pouring of mortar with a strength grade of at least M200, leveling the surfaces of the steps with a trowel, providing standard care. If there is a risk of the temperature in the cellar of private houses dropping below +5°, the room should be heated with cannons. In systems with provided railings, the necessary points are closed with wooden plugs, removed after 48-60 hours, the edges of the steps are reinforced with corners.

7. Careful removal of the formwork frame - after 60-72 hours (less if concrete with hardening accelerators is used). After dismantling is completed, leave it alone for 2-3 weeks.

8. Grinding to harden and remove minor irregularities.

9. Installation of railings (if available).

10. Finishing and strengthening. Taking into account the risk of condensation accumulation in the underground concrete structures are considered the most reliable, but even they need protection. To extend the service life of stairs in a private house, it is recommended to tile, iron or treat them with modern compounds.

11. Arranging the understory space: covering walls, installing partitions with doors or vertical shelving, connecting lighting and sockets.

All open metal parts are treated with anti-corrosion mixtures, protruding or unnecessary elements are trimmed. Self-installed concrete structures can be tied to the base; this design is chosen when arranging the entrance to the cellar from the street. At this option It is worth adding a small flat area to the scheme, located next to the door, as a kind of buffer.

Wooden and metal varieties are installed faster, most often in the form of attachments. If the size of the house's underground is limited, it is recommended to make the support posts yourself from new pipes with a cross-section of 5 cm and above, the steps - from corners or channels. Minimum board thickness in combined types– 24 mm, individual elements are connected to each other using welding or stainless steel hardware, all surfaces and joints are processed protective compounds. Unlike concrete into wooden or metal stairs It’s easier to make changes, but it’s advisable to eliminate any errors at the drawing creation stage.