home · On a note · How to sew a pillow: useful tips and instructions. We make decorative pillows with our own hands Interesting pillows for children

How to sew a pillow: useful tips and instructions. We make decorative pillows with our own hands Interesting pillows for children

Toy pillows will undoubtedly transform your interior, making it more joyful and bright. When creating a toy pillow with your own hands, Special attention pay attention to choosing an idea. Textiles generally play an important role in creating a certain home atmosphere. And with the help of decorative pillows you can enhance the emphasis on a certain mood that reigns in the house.

To make it happen, you only need a little creativity, creativity and imagination.

Soft pillows that can be placed in all rooms can have a completely unexpected appearance. In addition to boring and monotonous square and round products, you can completely unexpectedly sew a new and intricate thing.

It will play the role not only of textiles, but also of soft toys for the little ones in the house. Such products provide an element of play, and you can easily take them not only to bed with you, but also play with them on the floor.

DIY pillow toys - looking for inspiration

Specialty stores and children's supermarkets have long offered a wide range of pillows in play format. Most often they are presented in the form of large soft toys with 4 legs, which can be fixed with Velcro, thus creating an ideal quadrangular shape.

With such creative pillows the child is much easier and in game form put them in bed or simply decorate your bed or sofa in the living room with them. A large number of such pillows in the same style help create a certain coziness, helping you to sit comfortably and enjoy your vacation.

However, toy pillows can also be made independently with your own hands, just armed with necessary materials, patterns and patience. Most often they are made in the form of soft animal toys, which have a wide body-base with soft and pleasant padding.

The main advantage of such products is that you can use leftover fabric and scraps on them, harmoniously and correctly stitching them into a single composition. With the help of such pillows, a child can learn colors, as well as develop the sensitivity and motor skills of his hands by playing with bows, ribbons, buttons or other decorative elements on it.

DIY pillows for children can also be in the form of letters. This is quite a fashionable and widespread trend in Lately among young parents. At first, the letters of the name simply decorate the baby’s bed, and in the future they serve as toys and pillows for him while playing on the floor. They may have different heights and padding thickness. The main thing is to decorate them correctly and harmoniously, combining them with a common fabric element or other accessory.

Another type of modern and fun pillow-toy is draft cushions. Most often they are performed in the form of funny little animals doing the splits or animals with a long body. Such colorful rollers will not only protect you from blowing on the windowsill, near the door or balcony block.

Important! If the pillow is used purely for sleeping, then you should avoid using hard materials– buttons, thick fabric, plastic bets. They can injure your skin while resting.

A special place is occupied by pillows for traveling in transport. They often resemble standard products for adults, only they are made in the shape of the letter “C”, where the shape is repeated by a curled animal or its long and fluffy tail.

Such pillows will help little travelers gain strength with pleasure at any time of the day, in an unusual body position.

DIY pillow toys - how to choose the right fabric for sewing?

Embodying interesting ideas DIY toy pillows, it is important to understand what materials to work with. The durability and strength of the finished product depends on the tools and quality of the fabric used.

Concerning color range, – then any solution and variety can reign here. The main thing is to initially decide for yourself what functions the pad will perform.

If she is decorating a room or upholstered furniture, – it must be combined with the general tones of the interior. If it’s just a funny and bright children’s toy, then it can have the most unexpected embodiment.

Quite often, the funniest and cutest DIY pillow toy ideas come from regular old scraps of fabric.

They can remain from old sewing crafts, cuttings, worn out but bright things. These are the ones that can be cheaply and cheerfully turned into a new fun thing.

As for the filler, it is necessary to foresee the functionality and direct purpose of the finished product in advance.

If you want to fill it with down or feathers, it will not hold the desired shape that you want to give it.

To DIY pillow toy ideas were implemented strictly according to the planned plan, then they should be stuffed with silicone, thick cotton fabric, or foam rubber.

If the design of the finished pillow toy may allow for a cover or removable elements, then it is better to think about this in advance and calculate it when sewing.

This will help you clean the item from dirt and dust more often, preserving its original appearance for as long as possible.

Most often, pillowcases or covers are made from thick and quality fabric- fleece, denim, drape or linen, which with frequent washing will not lose their shape and original appearance.

If you want to create a “cool” pillow for hot summer nights, then take silk fabrics as a basis.

They will keep you feeling very cool. for a long time. Brocade products should not be made for children. They are better suited for the usual decoration of furniture in certain classic interiors.

We use pillow fillings

In addition to using standard fillers (feathers, down, foam rubber, etc.), you also need to know certain rules and the secrets of filling a toy pillow with your own hands.

The basic requirements and criteria for the work performed look something like this:

  • First of all, the material used for padding the product must have hypoallergenic properties. This will avoid unnecessary problems and will not endanger the health of your household;
  • The filling should have medium hardness. A base that is too firm will not be comfortable or orthopedic. Soft padding - over time, the sewn item will completely lose its shape;
  • An ideal filler should not lose its original shape and volume even after washing or dry cleaning;
  • The interior should be easy to clean a large number of once.

These criteria can be met by materials made from polyester of different processing - padding polyester, foam rubber or padding polyester.

Very often, many needlewomen, when making a pillow for the home with their own hands, allow one serious mistake– for stuffing they use cotton wool. However, products with such a “filling” will not last very long, in particular if they play the role of a children’s toy. Over time, the cotton wool begins to roll and bunch up in one specific corner. A product with it will lose its shape and become dense and unpleasant to the touch.

A little less often, old fabric flaps or fur are used instead of stuffing, but they also do not tend to retain the shape of the pad for a very long time with frequent use. An alternative could be silicone balls, which have different size and diameter. They promote the development of motor skills in children and quite easily give the product the desired shape.

Ideas for decorative pillow toys

It’s hard to imagine a toy pillow for children that is monochromatic and inexpressive. Needlewomen often try to give them brightness and similarity to various cartoon characters or animals.

To do this, quite a lot can be used different materials and tools, the main thing is to determine the direct purpose of the product.

The basis for decoration can be bows, colorful ribbons, laces, buttons, zippers, lace, beads or seed beads. It is better to deprive products for very small children of small accessories in order to protect the baby from swallowing small particles.

And for older kids, everything is best additional elements It is good to fix - sew or glue to extend the life of a funny animal. You can use these craft items to make facial features, clothes, bows, flowers and other cute appliqués.

What do you need for sewing?

Don't worry if you don't have the proper sewing experience or a wide range of tools. Sew funny pillow toy You can do it quickly and easily with your own hands, even if you don’t have special sewing equipment nearby.

This is especially easy to do if you sew a toy from different scraps of fabric. The main thing is to iron all the seams and carefully sew everything together with thick threads. Separately, the seams can be decorated and reinforced with tape. All that remains is to fill the product with filler and start decorating the appearance.

If the pad is in finished form must have absolutely simple form- a long roller, square or rectangle with the animal’s legs sewn separately, then it is quite appropriate to use a zipper or buttons for fixation.

These things are right geometric shapes provide only the correct packing, which must have its own clear radius and length. More complex pillow toys should be sewn according to certain sketches or tips.

Ideas for creativity can be taken from specialized literature, magazines for needlewomen, or simply on the Internet. To do this, there are a huge number of sites and forums where you will be offered diagrams and patterns for every taste.

Decorating your home or giving your child a real soft friend made by yourself is very easy and simple. Create and realize your imagination in creativity and handicrafts. This will give you a lot of positive emotions and a great mood!

Every woman is a craftswoman at heart, striving to create comfort and beauty in family nest with his own hand. A good way to refresh the interior and give it originality is to make sofa cushions with your own hands, which will not only serve as decoration, but also make your stay in the living room more comfortable. Or maybe they will even become the subject of fun pillow fights? In any case, creating a sofa cushion will not take much effort from you, but it will give you joy from final result and the admiration that your household and guests will reward you with. In this article you will learn best ways, how you can make decorative pillows for a sofa with your own hands, and see photos that inspire creativity.

How to make sofa cushions with your own hands

You can spend hours shopping, but still cannot find pillows of the right color, shape and size. But handmade sofa cushions are guaranteed to fit into the interior and will only emphasize the individuality and style inherent in your home. Handicraft allows us to experiment with design as much as we like, using independently selected and available materials. Among the ways to do beautiful pillows on the sofa, the following are especially interesting:

  • Painting old pillowcases and hand painting with various effects;
  • Sewing sofa cushions (from new fabric, from old clothes, creating appliqués, etc.);
  • Knitting a pillow for a sofa using a hook or knitting needles;
  • Decorating pillows using embroidery, buttons, pieces of fabric, etc.

We tried to collect for you here photos of the most stylish ideas which were brought to life with their own hands. Take note of the best ones!

We create decorative pillows for the sofa with painting

We sew pillowcases for sofa cushions with our own hands

The last part of the photos in this article will clearly show you how you can sew pillows on a sofa. Make sure that if available sewing machine, rich imagination or a ready-made pattern, you can also create stunning decorative sofa pillows that cannot be found in regular store. This method is also suitable for those who do not want to spend money on new pillows, but only want to replace old pillowcases or disguise a stain. Look at the photo!

Also read:

Also read: Finally, useful patterns to sew beautiful pillowcases for sofa cushions:

We hope that our article gave you at least a little inspiration for creativity. Create something beautiful with your own hands, it’s very interesting and exciting!

35 ideas to make your own sofa cushions updated: November 25, 2016 by: Evgenia Elkina

There are things in our lives that are seemingly insignificant at first glance, but have a significant impact on it. Our mood, sometimes even our well-being, depends on them, and with some of them we spend a significant part of our time, often more than with family and friends. One of these things is an ordinary pillow. Just think, we hug this object every day for at least eight hours! Perhaps this is the longest hug in our lives, so how to sew a pillow so that it is not only comfortable, but pleasing to the eye and evokes positive emotions?

In fact, sewing a pillow is a fairly simple task, and anyone can do it in literally five minutes, even someone who has never held a needle in their hands, if only they wanted to! Let's look at how to sew a pillow using the example of a regular rectangular or square pillow.

1. You need to take two identical pieces of any fabric of the size you need and add one and a half centimeters to each side for the seams.

2. Fold the parts right sides inward, fasten with needles and sew, leaving a hole of about ten centimeters on one side.

3. Turn the cover inside out and stuff the pillow through the hole with padding polyester or other stuff you have on hand. suitable material. Sew up the hole. The pillow is ready.

Decorating pillows

You now know how to sew a pillow, and it's time to move on to more exciting activity- decoration. Any person, even with a complete lack of tailoring skills, is able to turn regular pillow into a real interior decoration. So, let's begin.

Classic pillowcase

If the question of how to sew a pillow is not relevant to you, and you know how to sew at least a little, making such a pillowcase will not be a problem for you. The easiest way is to sew it from a single piece of fabric. rectangular shape, but in our case, the pillowcase consists of several parts: the front one, its size coincides with the size of the pillow and is sewn from bright fabric, and the back one, consisting of two parts, overlapped. A plain fabric was chosen for her. Don't forget to add one and a half centimeters to the seams on all cuts.

First, we hem the sections that will form a hole in the pillowcase on both pieces of plain fabric, and fold all parts of the pillowcase front side inward, chipping the edges with pins.

At a distance of one and a half centimeters from the edge, we lay a line along the entire perimeter of the pillowcase. Trim the corners and turn the pillowcase inside out front side. We put a pillow in it

For those who don't know how to sew

Try to choose a fairly thin fabric, otherwise the product will look rough. The size of the piece should be 3.5 - 4 times the width of the pillow and 2.5 - 3 times the height. If the fabric is fraying, treat the edges using the method available to you; you can simply apply PVA glue to them.

Place the fabric wrong side up and place the pillow in the center.

Tuck bottom part fabric to the center of the pillow.

We do the same with the upper part.

Fold both ends of the fabric as shown in the photo.

A toy pillow will be a cute and cozy piece of furniture for a nursery. With their own hands, mothers can sew surprisingly functional things that will delight their little ones. There are no limits to creativity and imagination in creativity. Get acquainted with the master classes from this article, and you will understand that there is nothing difficult in sewing a toy pillow. With your own hands original patterns Even a novice seamstress can draw.

Donut pillow

Want to surprise your little sweet tooth? Sew him a huge donut! He may not immediately understand that this is a toy pillow. You can sew a sweet donut with glaze with your own hands and decorate it as your imagination dictates.

For sewing you will need:

  • Base fabric beige colour. Fleece or felt will do.
  • Fleece for glaze. Choose your own color (pink, mint, chocolate)
  • Holofiber or synthetic fluff for stuffing.

Think about the size of the future toy pillow. Draw a circle with your own hands or using a compass. You can use available materials as a shape for the circle: a bowl, a bucket. To depict the hole of a donut, outline, for example, a plate.

Take the glaze fabric and cut out the same blank from it. Using a pencil, draw a wave along the edge. Cut off any excess.

From felt different colors cut out thin strips - this is the donut topping. Machine stitch them. Sew the icing onto the donut base using a zigzag stitch.

Place the two donut pieces together, leaving holes for stuffing. Fill the pillow with holofiber. Close the hole with a decorative seam. So the toy pillow is ready. You can decorate it with your own hands to your taste.

Shirt pillow

A rather boring, but not yet completely worn out thing can be turned into stylish accessory- pillow case. On men's shirts, the first places to wear are the cuffs and collar, but the front and back look pretty good.

Fasten the item with all the buttons. Cut off top part with sleeves and collar. Turn the shirt inside out. Sew along the cutting line.

Attach to the middle of the fabric sofa cushion and outline it with chalk. Sew the pillowcase along the line. Unfasten the buttons and turn them inside out. Insert the pillow into the pillowcase and fasten it.

Anti-stress pillow

It is also called a cushion pillow. Due to the filler, the item is pleasant to hold in your hands, wrinkle and lie on it. During manipulation, a light massage occurs due to the granules with which it is filled, which stimulates the nerve endings. Pillows are made from bright fabrics that will lift your spirits.

Such products can be purchased in the form:

  • geometric figure;
  • toys;
  • semicircle under the neck.

There is nothing difficult in sewing such a toy pillow. It’s not at all difficult to draw patterns with your own hands. This could be, for example, an image of the beloved cat Simon from the cartoon of the same name.

If your artistic abilities are difficult, then you can simply cut out two ovals, sew cat ears, paws and eyes onto it, and draw whiskers with a permanent marker. They can also write a funny phrase on the product that will improve your mood.

What to stuff the toy with?

Most often, such accessories are filled with synthetic material - polystyrene balls. The material does not crumble and is pleasant to the touch. It does not absorb moisture and does not breed dust mites. That is why it is considered the safest for children. The big advantage is the low price.

When sewing with your own hands, you can fill the pillow with wool, buckwheat, peas or buckwheat husks.

DIY pillow toys: original patterns

Not enough in the nursery or living room bright accents? Want to do unusual gift little birthday boy? Then think about sewing a toy pillow with your own hands. Original products you can see in the photo below. Perhaps they will inspire you to create exclusive things.

Is your child a dreamer who likes to retreat to his room with a book? Do it to him wide window sill a corner where you can sit and look at the stars. Decorative pillows will help you create a special atmosphere different forms and sizes.

Pillows with appliqués

Little princesses will be delighted with a pillow with an appliqué in the shape of a ball gown.

You can give a boy something with a picture as a gift. wise owl. It’s not at all difficult to draw templates according to which you can sew products by hand!

A couple of cute birds will decorate not only the nursery, but also the living room or bedroom.

Get creative and come up with your own designs. There are a huge number of bright fabrics and accessories on sale - it’s so easy to get creative! You will definitely end up with more than one designer pillow toy.

With your own hands you will create a small fairy-tale Universe in the nursery - an island of comfort and peace for the child, which will belong exclusively to him.

Knowledge about how to sew a pillow you will need it not only to make new sleeping places for yourself. In fact, the scope of use of such products is very wide and we often don’t even think about how much we need them. After all, these are decorative ones of all colors, with the most beautiful decor, and children's, soft, in the form of animals, on which you can sleep and play with them, pillows in the form of letters can be given as a souvenir, curly arches can be placed under your head while traveling, and large arches are very useful for pregnant women, as well as for nursing mothers. Simple squares are useful for laying chairs, stools, and with the help of a square big size you can make a cozy corner for your beloved cat or dog. In today's article we will see examples of such crafts, as well as tips for making them yourself.

How to sew a pillow with your own hands

The stitching process itself in all master classes on how to sew a pillow with your own hands, not much. The usual product, which is used for comfortable sleep, is not equipped with side parts, but simply consists of two rectangles connected to each other. The inside of this bag is filled with filling, which can be placed in an additional pillowcase. Once upon a time she was mandatory element when natural feathers and down were used as filler. If you did not use an additional layer of fabric, then the feathers could simply crawl out to the surface of the fabric, which is very unpleasant.

To determine the size of the finished product, it is best to use standard values which are sold on the market. Firstly, it will make it easier for you to buy bed linen in the future, since it is produced based on certain standards. And secondly, such sizes are, by definition, ergonomic, and it’s not for nothing that they have been used for many years.

In, how to sew a pillow, pattern will depend on the form you choose. It can be a classic rectangle, a circle of several colored sectors in oriental style, a roller that is perfect for decorating sofas or forming the sides. You can easily find the entire range of such patterns online; they are quite standard.

The accessories greatly facilitate the sewing process, as in the task. Most often, a zipper is used so that the product can be easily and quickly removed for cleaning or washing. But if you want to make something in a vintage style, you can use small buttons with hidden loops. Then the seam junction will be completely invisible. The selection of a zipper should be done when the pillow is already finished, so that its size matches the width of the rectangle, since if it is long, you will not be able to trim it, and a short zipper will look ugly.

How to sew a pillowcase for a pillow

Most often we are faced with the question, how to sew a pillowcase for a pillow, because with this simple technique we can absolutely transform an item that has been in the house for many years. It would be very appropriate to do this every season, finding new occasions and sources of inspiration. For example, you can decorate a pillowcase with a Christmas tree or a snowflake, in the spring you can depict various flowers on it, and before Halloween you can make crafts with a pumpkin image.

The pillowcase itself is sewn from a fairly dense fabric that will not suffer from wear and tear. In addition, in appearance it should also be quite attractive, bright, with beautiful design, be it a graphic pattern, a floral pattern or a plain fabric. It looks very impressive when fabric coupons overlap with other home textiles. Look beautiful when combined with decor for kitchen corner or cushions that cover the tops of kitchen stools. Remember that in rooms where fabric can get dirty more quickly, you will need to make several identical sets of pillowcases so that you have something to replace them with during cleaning or washing.

For outdoor surfaces such as benches, sun loungers, Garden swing, you can use pillowcases made of very dense, waterproof materials, but they look very beautiful in things made from natural fabrics, such as coarse homespun fabric, linen, chintz, even burlap. In the photo you see an example of how completely unspectacular can be bright craft, but decorated with an unusual appliqué, also in eco-style.

How to sew a decorative pillow

The most common recommendations, master classes and patterns relate specifically to the topic how to sew a decorative pillow. After all, it is precisely these crafts that will be the most creative, they can be of any form, including in the form of cartoon characters, letters, numbers, as well as in the form of flowers, fruits, animals, in a word, anything that your imagination can create.

In the first example you see a craft in the form of a hydrangea flower, which is perfect for Provence or other style similar style. The base can be any round pillow, but you can simply sew a round pillowcase, put a small product inside and it will take shape inside round shape. The most difficult thing is to make an appliqué on the surface of the fabric to imitate a complex hydrangea inflorescence. An ideal material for many small flowers It will become felt, which does not need to be processed and hemmed along the edges - just cut out many identical elements in the form of a four-petal flower. Using threads, you can attach the first layer, and the second and subsequent ones, which will be visible on the surface, can be secured with glue, slightly pressing each element in the middle.

Very popular not only with children, but also with adults are images of funny animals that look more like Stuffed Toys, however, they are fully functional and can not only be placed under your head or back, but also placed inside what you have made. Of course, the most inspiring animal is the cat, and you can find a huge number of ideas for cat pillows on the Internet. We recommend that you make cats from soft material, so they will look most impressive.

But lately, owls have seriously set their sights on the cat palm. So if you are not a cat lover or simply do not want to succumb to general hysteria, then make a few owls for yourself, according to our advice, how to sew a pillow with your own hands. Patterns For the character you like, you can not only download it, but also compose it yourself.

For example, the pattern may be the same as shown in the photo above. You decorate the front part with a multi-colored appliqué, and you can leave the rear part one-color or even sew a tail on it. In this case, you will not need the side parts at all, and this is good, since they significantly complicate the work.

How to sew a pillow step by step

Next time we'll look at how to sew a pillow step by step, which on the one hand is very decorative, looks very elegant and funny, and on the other hand it is useful thing, which will come in handy more than once. This is a bent product designed to be worn around the neck on the road, be it a car or a bus. In this position, your neck will not get tired, which means you will spend time much more comfortably.

The shape of the donut must be strictly observed, regardless of what kind of animal you want to make the craft in. Moreover, if you are still planning to make such a roller yourself, it will be useful to measure the neck circumference to determine the internal radius of the arc, so that the owner of such a desired “animal” feels perfectly comfortable.

Very useful for the home, as we have already said, classic rollers, which are filled quite hard. After all, they are sometimes assigned the functions of being part of a sofa or armchair, if they are absent in the original. Pillowcases can be either fabric, quite dense and rigid, or knitted fabric, as in the example shown in the photo above.

The method of sewing rollers has common features co, because the fabric is first sewn on a larger scale than the finished size, and then gathered using a special seam. This is how the required cylindrical shape is obtained.

Unusual shape It also boasts a round craft that is reminiscent of patchwork style products, because it consists of scraps of different fabrics that are connected to each other. The beauty of this model is that it is very easy to create a pattern for it, despite the fact that the finished product looks complicated. You will need to draw a circle, the diameter of which will be equal to the size of the finished pillow, and then divide this circle into sectors of the same size. You cut out each sector and transfer it to the fabric different colors, making a seam allowance for each element on all sides of about 1.5 centimeters. Then you connect all the parts together, and in the center you sew large furniture buttons on each surface and pull the fabric towards the center with thread to create a concave shape. You can wash and clean this craft in a washing machine, just like an ordinary soft toy.

How to sew pillow letters

Special mention should be made of the recommendations how to sew pillow letters. This is a fairly fashionable and popular trend today, when words made up of three-dimensional letters are used as a gift, decoration for a child’s room or decor for a sofa.

The stages of how to sew a letter pillow with your own hands, are standard, but cannot be called completely simple, because each letter will consist of three parts - front and back, which represent the very outlines of the letter, as well as the side part and elements for round internal holes. These are strips of fabric of a given width, which are first sewn along the perimeter of the first letter part (the sides are slightly trimmed at the folds and curves so that the fabric lies more evenly), and then the second letter part is sewn to the second edge. This leaves a small space through which the pillow is turned inside out and then stuffed with padding polyester or other filler. At the last stage, this hole is closed manually with a needle and thread using a blind stitch.